A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1656: December (1 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp668-683 [accessed 15 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1656: December (1 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 15, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp668-683.
"State Papers, 1656: December (1 of 6)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 15 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp668-683.
In this section
December (1 of 6)
Col. Brayne to the protector.
Vol. xlv. p. 1.
May it please your highness,
It pleased God after our setting foorth from Kinsale to give us much contrary winds, and
upon the 23d of Oct. over against the bay of Byskey the wind blew high, soe that in the
night wee lost the company and sight of the rest of the fleet, and upon the 24th of the same
about noone a very great storme arose, which continued untill noone the next daye. Wee
spent our missen, cutt downe our sprit-sale, topsale, and did heave over-board our boat;
we were also about to heave over-board our guns, but through God's mercy, the
storme did then mitigate, and wee came safe hither the 27th of November. The reason of our touching heere was great want of watter, and this she next place; neither
doe I as yett know, how God hath bin pleased to dispose of those soldiers aboard the
merchantmen, though I hope they are safe. Therefore I thought it convenient to endeavour
to supply of men hence, who (in truth) are fitter for plantation, and of easiest charge to
transport. At my first arrivall, I found the generalty of the island exceedingly prejudiced
against the designe of Jamayca, and many preparing to bee transported to Cerenam; but now
I hope theire minds are changed, and many considerable persons have engaged to follow
speedily to Jamaica. I heare the vice-admiral Goodsone hath bin at Mieves and Christophers, and hath taken away with him thence for Jamaica above twelve hundred persons:
therfore I shall spare touching at that place, but shall saile directly for Jamaica. I mett
heere also with capt. Clerke, with one of the ketches, who lost the sight of the other in the
same storme. I shall take him along with me, and suddenly after my arrivall in Jamayca shall
dispatch him backe hither, with a full accompt to your highnes of the present state of affaires their. And hence the governor hath promised speedily to dispatch them awaie to your
highness; and in all things I shall endeavour, as farr as God shall enable me, faithfully and
diligently to promote your highnesse designes in these parts, and to aprove myselfe
Your highnes most obedient servant,
W. Brayne.
Barbados, Dec. 1, 1656.
Col. Brayne to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlv. p. 3.
Right honourable,
In the inclosed I have given his highenes the reason why I touched heere. I found heere
a generall disaffection to our present designe; but I hope I have given satisfaction to all
parties, and many have engaged to follow. I shall humbly begg, that nothing bee done in
relation to the revenue and debts of Barbadoes, untill you have a further accompt from me,
I haveing taken some paynes to understand the estate of affaires there, of which I shall give
your honour an accompt presently after my arrivall at Jamayca. Since I came hither, it
hath pleased God to visitt me with a violent feaver, but through God's mercie the takeing
awaie of twelve ounces of blood hath given me ease; yet it hath made mee undisposed for
busines, and uncapable at present to give your honour soe full accompt as I desired; and
shall begg you will bee pleased to present my most humble service to my lord Lambert, and
excuse my not writeing to him at present. I am
Your honour's most humble servant,
W. Brayne.
Barbados, Dec. 1, 1656.
Capt. Strangwayes to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlv. p. 5.
Right honourable,
Haveing secured this wicked woman, called the lady Hall, it appeares by her actions, as
alsoe by a letter, which I send inclosed with her relations to mee, and a carractor hir
husband, that is with hir, gave mee, that her intentions was to make an escape. Soe soon as
she found her dissignes discovered, and that she was a prissoner, she pretended herselfe very sick,
and soe she continues with her doctor and midwife, who informes mee, she is in a verie
weake condition, as the bearers will informe your honour more at large. She lies in Gateside neare Newcastle, where I am forste to keepe a guarde to secure hir; for I am confident, notwithstanding her pretended weaknesse, if she could finde an opertunitie, she
would endeavour to be gon. I have imprisoned hir father and one of hir husbands in Durham. The ould man pretends altogeather ignorance of what she pretended he would make
appeare; and truly I think he is not a person, that the adverse partie would att all conside in,
in respect he is a verie begger and a deboysteed ejected prieste. But I think hir husband is
not the man I tooke him to bee, and now finde him a dissembling fellow. Sir, as soone as
possible may be, I shall send the slutt to Tinemouth-castle, where I hope she wil be secured
until your honour's further order. Sir, the two officers belonging to sir John Barkesteade
had retorned before this, but that they expected a supplie of money from your honour to
defray their charges, and to beare their expences upon their journey; and seeing it to noe
purpose for them to remaine in their chargeable quarters, att their request I lett them have
ten pounds, which sum they promise to returne to major generall Lilburne, when they gett
to London. What further orders you please to communicate to mee concerning these people,
shal be diligently observed by
Your honour's moste faithfull servant,
Tho. Strangwayes.
Durham, Dec. 1, 1656.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlv. p. 16.
Right honourable,
In observance of the order I received for returninge of Mr. Towneley, I required him to
goe on board the Dragon frigot, capt. Haddocke, which accidentally entered this river
the very same day the order came to my handes, to looke after a hemp ship, laden heere
by Mr. Townley for the state's use, as it is given out, to the great admiration of all men to
see him graced with a commission for the state, whoe was soe lately sent for over to answer
his misdemeanours against the state: but he, after many delaies and most unworthie falsifyinge of his word and faythfull promise to come unto me, after hee had settled his business,
which, at his and his sureties requests, I gave him leave to doe, from tuesday to fryday last,
that he might go down with the lieut. of the ship, who stayed at my house for him, doth now
pretend sickness, and sends me word, that he cannot come, till God enable him. I believe
he intends to continue this pretext on foote, till the frigott be gone, or els that he proposeth
to go downe to her of his owne accord privately, that it may not be said here, that I sent
him, which I believe stickes much with him; otherwise he presumes, that notwithstandinge
the order I have, what contempt soever he runnes into for the evadinge of it, that he shall
be excused in all; which yet I suppose he flattereth himself in, and that if he doe not goe
over in this friggatt, and at my sendinge alsoe (which noe doubt was intended by his highness and the councell to be a parte of his punishment, and to testifie unto this people theire
approbation of my secureinge him for his contempt) that it will then please his highness
and the councell to command me to send him by land, with one of my servants (if it shall
not be thought fitt to send a messenger for him) as soone as he shall be recovered, if he
prove to be really sick, which most men believe he is not; and that the company heere be
specially required to assist me therein, that he may be compelled to render himself unto me,
which otherwise they will not doe. And your honour knowes, that though in such cases I
may restraine a subject of the state in any house for a time, yett I cannot send him out of
this cittie, without the consent and assistance of the magistrate, if he refuse otherwise to goe,
and say that the company may obtaine by articles of concordance with the said senate, when
they please to require it. I have demanded assistance from the senate to bring in Mr. Townley, and to send him to the ship; but they excuse themselves, and will doe in all such cases,
whilst they see, that the company takes libertie so highly to dispute his highnesse's express
commands, in favor of offendinge persons. Should Townley be suffered to carry it thus, the
sendinge of this order (which noe doubt was intended alsoe for some kinde of vindication to
me heere) would then turne to the greater dishonour of his highness's commands in me,
which I hope your honour will take into your consideration. Before the next post I suppose
the wynd, which hath hitherto been contrary since this frigat came in, may come faire to
carry him out; and then if Mr. Townley will not obey commands to goe over in her, I
shall give you an account of it, and apply to his highness and the councell for an order to
send him by land; for truly it would be a great dishonour of his highness, should he be suffered heere till spring, because he hath thus eluded the order of sendinge him by sea with
a pretence of sickness. I am sorry to give your honour yet further trouble in this business,
but I hope shall not detaine you longe. Noe letters this week from Elbinge, soe have only
the Latin paper. I am
Your honour's very humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.
Hamb. Dec. 2 1656.
The inclosed from Elbinge comes whilst I am sealinge my letter. Here's a cuple of Quakers come from the north of England. I wonder they suffer such people to come over. They are not yet come to this citty. If can get them returned, I will, before the scandall spread.
The Spanish ambassador to the States General.
Read Dec. 12, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlv. p. 14.
The underwritten ambassador of Spain is extremely surprized to understand, that the prelate of Cloosteralt had been cited to appear on the 7th of this present month by capt. Itersom, pretended dressard of Boisleduc, and afterwards committed prisoner to the castle of the same place, under pretence, that he favoured and maintained the party of the king his master, as he is obliged to do, as he is his legitimate and sovereign lord and master, in regard that the difference of the country of Outre-meuse is not yet decided; and consequently the said prelate, who is the first commissioner of the states in the dukedom of Limburg, is not discharged of the oath of sidelity made to his majesty; and all this by order and upon the letters of their high and mighty lordships, as appears by the authentic copies thereof here inclosed; which causeth me to complain to their high and mighty lordships of such a strange attempt and novelty, desiring them most earnestly, that they will order the said capt. to release the said prelate without delay; and that he will forbear the like proceedings of force and violence for the future, being very much differing from the good correspondence observed hitherto on the behalf of his majesty. Upon this he expected a sudden answer, that so he may be to inform his serene highness the prince don John of Austria.
Hague, Dec. 12, 1656. [N. S.]
H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlv. p. 22.
I Have noethinge worthy of your trouble to imparte to you hence, and therefore shall by
this give you a most perticular account of the business I sent the laste weeke to his highness by capt. Cleypoole.
Upon thursday the 28th of Nov. major Jones and one Mr. Doyley, two busie anabaptists, came to me in the morninge, and told me they were sent from quarter-master generall Vernon, adjutant Allen, col. Barrowe, and col. Axtell, to desire, that I would appoint a time, when those persons might come to speake to me. And though I thought it was not usuall for officers of the army to send such a message after such a manner to their cheif officer, yet being willing to understand what they hade to say, I appointed to meet them forthwith. Soe soone as they came to me, Barrowe premiseing his and their acknowledgment of many personall respects received from me, told me, findeinge themselves of late not to have bin made use of, that they could not with satisfaction to their consciences receiv pay from the publique without doeing service for it; and that therefore they came to acquaint me, that they had uppon solemn seekinge of God, and serious deliberation with themselves, represented to his highness and my lord deputye their resolutions to quitt their commands, and had therewith sent their reasons for their doeinge of it; and had likewise signifyed, that they had reserved the rendring up their comissions to myself, as a perticular respect. Wherefore he did in his own, and in the name of them declare, that they were from thenceforward discharged frome any publique imployment in the army. Soe soone as he had done speakeinge, Vernon draws forth his commission, and offers it to me. I desired him to hold his hand, and told them all; that this motion of theirs was verry sudden, and altogether unexpected by me; and since that col. Barrowe hade declared, that they hade represented the matter to his highness and my lord deputye, with the reasons induceing them thereto, and that I being a servant to them both in the place I stand in here, I thought it my duty to receiv their pleasure before I determined any thinge thereon. Whereuppon Vernon bid me remember, what was declared and delivered by col. Barrowe, to witt, that they were frome henceforward free from any publique imployments. And that that declaration of theirs, since I would not receive their commissions, was as authentick for their discharge, as if I had it; which was repeated by them all one after another. And though I soone apprehended, that the manner of their address was directly contrary to all discipline of warr, for officers, whoe have once submitted, and putt themselves under millitary disciplin and gouvernment, to quitt at their pleasure; yet being rather desireous to consider the matter, then dispute the manner, and findinge them in that ful len moode, I desired, that since they had soe well deliberated uppon the business (as I did perceive they had) and that they had soe firmely resolved it, as that they would not wait for his highness's or my lord deputy's pleasure, that I might have some time likewise to consider, before I gave any answer to so unexpected a proposeall. But notwithstanding all I could say to the contrary, they still prest for an answere with all expedition, and soe we parted. I went home, and considering the business and their peremptoriness in their resolutions, forthwith sent an express to his highness, to give him an account thereof. Nowe though I resolved to have detained them, till I hade heard from his highness, before I mett them again, yet findeing it was to noe purpose to goe aboute to reason them out of this their resolution, and that they had not that moderation, as to refrain the divulgeing it in the streets, and that not in soe decent a manner, as could have bin wished; I thought it neither safe or convenient, especially at that juncture of time, the towne being then soe full of officers, to suffer a business of that nature to be much blowne uppon; for which reason, and recollecting their peremptoriness in declareing themselves the day before, that they were thenceforward discharged, I apprehended myself under a necessitie forthwith to declare my opinion: whereuppon the next morning, I appointed them to come to me that afternoone, at twoe of the clocke. When wee mett, I told them, I was sorry to find, that they were soe resolute in what they proposed to me the day before, in giveing up their comissions; and that it was noe pleaseing matter for me to receive them from persons, whoe hade soe long served the publique as they hade done. If they quitted uppon a conscientious dissatisfaction, I knew not well what to reply; but I did hope, when I parted from them the day before, that they would have given me time to have reasoned the matter with them, and not have putt me on soe suddain an answere. But since considereinge how positive they had bin, and that they had, contrary to my expectation, and that not in soe decent a manner, as I could have wisht, made it the talke of the towne, I thought myself concerned forthwith to declare my acceptance of their proposall; and that I should take care, since they insisted soe earnestly upon it, without any provocation of mine, and much contrary to my desires, that they should be fairely discharged the army, and satisfied what was due to each of them; and since that they were resolved to retire, I should wish them well in their private conditions, and shew them all respect besittinge the place I stood in here; and hop't that they will minde the promise they made the day before of serveing God, and being allwayes readie to serve the publique in order thereunto. Hereuppon they seemed to express their thankfullness, which when they hade done, they all one after the other, with a great deale of freeness (to say noe worse) declared the troubles, which were uppon each of their spiritts, and were too tædious to give you the full of it, and less worthe your paines to reade. Vernon began, and as formerly, expressinge severall favours and personall respects, which he hade received from me, revived the old clamour, and that only in generalls, to witt, that the godly were discouraged, and wicked men countenanced. Axtell followed, and sayd, that he beinge nowe uppon noe terms with me, might speake his mind freely; but the substance of what he said, was much to the same purpose with the former, only enumerateing some perticular injuries, which he said he hade received from me in relation to his command. Barrowe spoke next with as much venome as the rest, but to as little purpose. Subtile and grave Mr. Allen brought up the reare, and was more ingenuous then the rest in declareing, that the ground of his dissatisfaction tooke its rise from the first change of the gouvernment, foreseeing that they should be noe way able to answer the end, for which they first engaged; and being nowe more fully convinced of it, and lookinge uppon himself as formerly discharged by his highness, he thought it best for him to drawe to a more retired condition. All which I patiently heard, and when they had ended this belching forth their discontents, I was not willinge, findeing them in a temper noe way capable of haveing things calmely and farely discussed, and doubting, beinge to contend with them myself alone, that they should then, as formerly, ly at in catch for advantages against my words, to make any reply to the things they charged me with, being but the same, which others of their partye have formerly vented in England, when they were discussed before his highness; and considering they were but generalls, of which my conscience did noe way accuse me, I tooke leave of them, only tellinge them, that they were sad and heavie charges, and if true, I had just cause to be deeply humbled for them; and invited them, that if any of them could convince me by any perticular instance of the truthe of this their generall charge, I should gladly at another time receive it from them. Nowe although they pretended, that what they had thus generally charged me with, was the ground of their dissatisfaction, yet amongst all the venom they spitt against me, and in all the planeness and freedome they were pleased to use towards me, as lookeinge on themselves to be uppon even ground with me, they would neither nowe nor hereafter instance any one perticular, whereon to bottom their generall calumnies, although myself and others have bin ever urginge them thereunto. I cannot deny, but my actions, and the way I have taken for the management of things here, haveing thwarted and checkt that exorbitant power, which they formerly exercised, may probably have added to their other discontents; yet it's notoriously knowne, howe these gentlemen did with more than an ordinary insolence manifest their dis contents, and that in as publick manner, as they could, against his highness and the government, when his highness first assumed it; and howe they have persisted and growne therein, is as well knowne; and that they have not acquiesced in their owne dissatisfactions, but have likewise endeavoured to corrupt and seduce all others, whome they thought capable of receiveinge the impressions of their factious and troublesome principle. It has bin since observed by others, and since said by some and of their owne partye, that whatever they might pretend to me as the grounde and cause of this their withdraweing, yet that the apprehension, which twoe of them, namely Allen and Vernon, had of their being under his highness's pleasure, and the mean esteem the other twoe had of their commands, with their generall dissatisfaction to the gouvernment, was the true and principall cause, which induced them to it. And though they have said, that the godly are discouraged, I doe yet finde a generall rejoyceing in those, that are godly, sober, and well-affected, that these gentlemen have thus quitted their imployments, and none troubled but a few of their owne partye, whoe are more afflicted, that these gentlemen have thus befooled themselves in this their action, rather than feare any danger imminent to themselves. I have noe more to add, but that (the Lord be praised) affaires here are in a good condition both in the army and elswhere, and remaine
Your most affectionate freind and humble servant,
H. Cromwell.
Dublin, Dec. 3, 1656.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland.
In the possession of Joseph Jekyll esq.
My lord,
I was necessitated to omitt writeinge by the last post, because of my indisposition, which
is yet scarce removed, soe that I can now write but very breiflye, Wee still jogge on in
the parlament without doeinge any thinge very extraordinary. Upon thursday last his highnes gave his consent to ten lawes in the painted chamber, where there seemed to be a mutuall satisfaction. The publique bills, which are but four, will be printed before the next
post, which shal be then sent to your lordship; and therefore I shall not trouble you with
any repetition of the substance of them, haveinge given your lordship some account thereof
heretofore. I am glad to heare, that your affaires in Ireland are in soe good a posture. I
wish ours here were soe too. That they are not, the reasons are playne enough, some
whereof I shall acquaint your lordship with by the next, beinge not able now to doe it.
The affaires of C. S. doe not much advance: he hath still about 1000 men in Flanders,
which he threatens to transport into some parts of these dominions; but he hath yet procured noe ships. Nothinge is come from France. Wee expect col. Lockart here every
houre, beinge come from Paris some dayes since. The affaires of Sweden remeyned by the
last letters much as they did by those before. A battle was expected betweene hym and the
Pole. The kinge of Poland is in Dantzicke.
For the patent to sir Charles Coote, I have moved his highnes therein, but finde some hesitation therein, as I doe in all matters of this nature; which yet I doe not send as his highnes's answere, but shall endeavor, as I finde my opportunitie, to get one more agreable to your lordship's desire. For the militia, I writt at large to your lordship upon it formerly, whereunto I have yet received noe answere; and the truth is, I could say somethinge from what wee finde here in that bussiness; but I shall not now enlarge thereupon, and noe further enlarge at this tyme, more then to subscribe me
Your lordship's most humble and faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
Whitehall, Dec. 3. 1656.
Mr. Walter Gostelowe to Mr. Huet, servant to the protector at Whitehall.
Vol. xliv. p. 321.
Good Mr. Huet,
The inclosed is what hath passed heare at court betwixt the kinge and my so unworthy
selfe. It is most fit for your lord's observe, into whoes hands praye defer not to
present it speedely from
Your's faythfully to serve,
Walter Gostelowe.
To your father, mother, and wife, all due respects and good affection, with hartey prayers for theire happynes. —God keepe you.
Brugge, Dec. 3, [1656]
By the next I shall adres a letter to you for Mr. Tho. Goodwyn: pray be carefull in the sendinge it to him.
Mr. W. Gostelowe to the protector.
Vol. xliv. p. 322.
I may not doubt, but my last sent from the Hague by the post, and dyrected, as this, to
Mr. Huet, came to your observe. By this your lordship maye knowe, that God hath in
his mercey brought me to stand before the king's safe, and to kis my kinge's hand. To his
majesty I have imparted the same manyscript I gave to your highnes, and after least in the
unyversyty lybrary; but this of his hathe one addition more; in pertycular,
God since sheawed me the stars fallinge from heaven, carryed away before me, with a
most myghty stronge and sudden winde; so contynued they fallinge, and so suddenly carryed away by that myghty winde for some very consyderable time, in the end they melted
as they fell, even as snow so they melted away. The vision ended, I looked up into heaven, from whence they fell, allso besought God for the understanding of it. And then did
I see a most sereane sky, the most sublimed heaveans, the clearest stars in those heavens (in
all did appeare) the most trassendent beauty, that ever my eyes beheld; indeed the hol heavens appeared unto me so clearly celestyall, as altogether a neaw heaven, or at least so beautyfull, as if they had then certainly received a most gloryous change.
Sir, this signifyes no other thinge, then the falle and for ever carryinge away of all the corrupt powers, unwarrantabell rulle, and misgoverment of the wicked in the world, whether at home or abrode. To the 6th chapter of the Revelations, 13th verse, and on, I was referred for the understandinge of it. And the starrs of heaven fell unto the earth, eaven as a figge-tree casteth her untimely leaves, when she is shaken of a myghtey wynde. The heavenes departed as a scrolle, when it is rouled together; mountaynes, greatte men, chife captaynes, the mighty men bid themselves in dens and rocks, and sayd unto the mountayns, Fall on us, and hide us from the wrath of the lambe, and safe of him that sits on the throne, whoes indignation will throwe downe theire hosts and theire armys; for the greate daye of God's wrath is come, and who shall be abell to stand, as in the 34th of Isaiah, verse the 45th.
This visyon I tould Mr. Thomas Goodwyn of, for I had it in the chamber I was borne in, but not untill my manyscript was delyvered unto you. Had it ben before, I should not have fayled to have observed it unto you, allthough I know certenly it demonstrates to me, and I will so demonstrate it to the world, that your pouer shall be tacken from you, if you resinge it not the sooner into his hands, whom God hath in mercy resolved it on (for his viceroye on earth) Charls Stuart, Charls the greatte, and Charls the good.
Theare is yet a most extraordinary vysion since sheawed unto me: it is a very extraordinary on: I may not doubt it, for I receaved this testimony by voyce with it: This is as greatte a visyon, as was ever yet sheawed thee. It referrs to the Jews and the parts out of Christiandome, as I now feirmely believe, for I have much labored and often prayed for the understandinge of it. God hath given it me, and by the next post I doe intend to send it to Mr. Thomas Goodwin. I will dyrect that letter to Mr. Huet, to be sent to him, for I knowe not wheare he is. Pray command him to receave it, and to be carefull in the spedye and safe conveiance of it to his owne hand.
My lord, I come now to let you truly know, what I have observed in the kinge, and what in the princes his brothers, betwixt whom theare is nothinge but harmonye and good affection, as allso what in his majesty's court and chappell.
Truly, my lorde, at publicke devotions, which are twice every daye; the last teawsday in every mounth, if not oftner, is set apart for a daye of humylyation, God having so dyrected his majesty's chaplines for the choise of such select psalmes, and shutabell prayers well composed, with other offered up acceptabell sacryfyses, that I dare warrentably tell you, they are such, as with which he is well pleased, proceadinge from contrite and brocken harts, which he asshures us he will not dispise. Nay I must not omit to let you knowe, that the kinge with others consyderabell allso, by a holy violence (which the Almighty most delyghts in) will not leave him without a blessinge, which blessinge shall ever goe along with him and them, for the subduinge of all his enemys, and I doubt not but his corruptions allso.
I see throw him: theire is grase in his majesty's hart. It is true, I see him ripe for teares at his devotions, which he performes with holly reverence, and the best intentions; but those godly sorrowes are as well the overfloweings of joye, hee feallinge the asshurances of the love of God, as they are the dislickes of once ville and unwarrentabell affections. If your devotions are not of that nature (for I have inquiered into your famyly governments, when at London, and I have hard, that when you seeke dyrection of God Allmyghty in thes greatte affayres, you weape) they are abomynabell prayers, and crokadells teares (both which God hates) if they proceed not from a hart desyerous to subdue every corruption, and thinges, that God myght rayne and rule over you, and be gloryfyed by you. If your repentance be of this nature, which my kinge is of, he will then macke your enymys to be at peace with you, and this would asshure you, that whom God forgives, man cannott but be well pleased with, or not hurt him.
Som foolish men tell me, that you will never submitt to your kinge, nor ever be so mad as to trust him, if he should of grase forgive you. Allas thes men knowe not, that he, which truly feares God, cannot be affrayd of himselfe or man; let but your repentance be sinseare, and I dare warrent you, the love of God will cast out all base feare. God hath given us a kinge for his vice-roye, licke Jesus his kinge, and his glorifyed father, both prayinge for and injoyninge forgivenes to all their enymyes, eaven to the worst of them, for of ould they kneawe not what they did.
Sir Gilbert Pickering was pleased in his garden pryvately (when he disowned to me at all his consent to the kinge's death) to give me to understand, with how much unwillingnes you weare at last drawne to head that violent and rashe zealous part of the army at Tryploheath, when they would not disband. He did tell me, you rod it out untill the thyrd letter cam to you from them, whearein they perremptoryly tould you, that if you would not forthwith, nay presently, come and heed them, they would goe their owne way without you. They weare resolved to do soe, for they did see presbyttery, London, and the Scotts goe in such wayes, as would begett a neaw war and very fatall allso. Truly, I replyed to him, I kneaw not this formerly; but this however I did beleve, that God, who kneawe the secret of all mens harts, had to me bin pleased in this his prophecey to declare you hyghly blest, and of his goodnes designed for the kingdom of Jesus Christ, yea in the company of kinges and princes; so that for my part I did conclud you myght waclke wisely, stand in the darcke, not yet be understood of the multytude, who certeinly hated you, and saw not the worcke God had to carry on by that hand, which himselfe would impower, let the person be of never so low a degree, it mackes the ways of God but the more past fyndinge out. Indeed I doe now see Sion is to be built, Rome must fall, the Jews and Heathen now coming to the knowledge of the Soun of God; and such shall be our greatte mutations, that the nations round about us must clearly defearne it to be the Lord's owne doings, digitus Dei, who will now bring myghtye things to pass, and because so, they shall become very marveilous in our eyes.
Well, Sir, I leave your lordship to God's dyrection and most mercifull and only safe guidances, who can teach you soe to governe, that mackeinge your lyttell finger heavyer then our late king's loynes, your government may set most, if not all mens harts to feare and seecke God, allso to desyer and obey ther king: you may wisely keape the corrupt and ill-advised from imbroylinge the kingedome a second time: you maye give expectances, and yet head a parttey violent, factious, and covetious, and unwarrentably interessed in the undoubted lands and just rights of God and the kinge, untill you render them in a incapassyty of doeinge more hurt, and so at once disarme them from a power further to offend, and then also strip and denude them of what they have so unwarrentably stollen from others, coveringe and mackinge themselves rich, by usurpinge other men's estattes and just interests, which to continue and macke theirs, they will hazard life and soule, rather then repent or restore.
My lord, doe not thinke, that any man in the whole world hath put me upon this observe or councell to your highnes. No, as I shall answare to God Allmyghty, in whoes presence I stand, and of whoes Allmyghty goodnes I feirmly beleave, I am deputed for this his worcke, and shall be guided and carryed on to the discharge of my duty, and to the accomplishment of it, no man alive hath or ever dictated one worde of this letter to mee, or seeane it before I gave it to the post to be sent unto you; which letter I beseech may have God's favor and blesinge to accompany it too and with you, to God's glory, your king's and good men's just interest, allso your perpetuall honor, securytye, and to be beloved from all that are good for any thinge, whoever kneaw you or hard of you. Doe this, and live, blessed and established of God and man.
His majesty was pleased to tell me the last teawsday, when pryvatly with him (for God hath disposed him to heare me to the full, as, I prays him for it, he did your lordship allsoe) that he did not at all doubt, but God would restore him to his right of inherytance. If this be not the way, by submision, then doe you firmely beleave as I doe, that his enemyes shall not prosper, nay God will plauge them, that hate him, and scatter them to dust before the wynde.
Sir, I doe beleiave I shall heareaster sheaw the kinge this letter; for I must deale truly with you, as I labor you to your duty of servinge the kinge to your utmost, so I have and ever shall, that his majesty sheaw you kindnes, seeing God hath put you into this prophecy of his, which will sertenly come to pas, for his word cannot goe unaccomplished.
Sir, could you thinke, that the so good, so valyent, so deservedly, and so of all beloved the heroyacall ducke of Yorcke should pleasingly aske me how you did, and how you loocked, and wheather you weare, as he had hard, much more comly and a gentleman then formerly. Allso if I beleaved you to be in good health, and lickly to contynu so; and after all this, hee declared to me and others, eaven in the king's presence, well sayde that prince; This I observed and toocke notis of, when so many of their army, Fairfaxe allso, cam to see me, non kneeled downe, when they kised my hand, but hee. Doe but doe your duty, and God will cause the best of princes to observe it as heare to your honor.
I know I shall live to see that day, that you shall bowe before your kinge, and then, I hope, posses him of his milytya, which I have ever and early allso advised you to hold fast for his use: part not from any thing else, that may enabell them to hurt his interest or the church of God, both which it is your duty to assist, strengthen, and defend to your utmost. You know how theye have turned it to the destruction of a good kinge and the most deplorabell rendinge to peeaces of the other, to the scandell of the protestant relygyon. They will not spare you, nor the church, weare the power in their hands; nay, I doe firmly beleave you have som such rouges and villaynes about you, that the worst here would not sooner destroye you, nor be better pleased in soe doeinge, then som of them would, could they doe it.
Since I was commanded to speacke no more to your counsell, I beleave you to be in the midest of bryors and thornes, yea the greatest dangers; God and your kinge must delyver you; such is the happy nessessyty you will fall into. If you yet thinke fitt to wright unto me, good, doe so; I will most faythfully serve you; or to send Mr. Huet your servant with what instruction you please, I will faythfully serve him and affectiontly allso. So helpe me, O God, as I doe this, to God's glory, my king's good, and your happynes. I pray for you, and rest
faythfully your lordship's,
Walter Gostelowe.
Brugge, Dec. 3, 1656.
A letter of intelligence.
Dec. 13, 56 [N. S.]
Vol. xlv. p. 82.
D. A.
I have your's of the 14th of Nov. it has bin a month within two dayes by the way. Antwerp's post may happily hold up the letters longer then they should, for wee used to have them in fourteen dayes, when they come well. I have but little to entertayne you with at present, the fowlnesse of the season admittinge of noe action at present. The Swedes indeed were a bodying last weeke, but the sudden thaw hath rendred the wayes too dirty to march, and we pray it may continue so, for if the armyes should joyne, the gayning party would bee so hard to please, that it might destroy the hopes wee have of accomodation. One of the French ambassadors is with the Swede, and two of the Holland's prepare to follow, and all to mediate a peace, which all sides seem to desire. No body is come yet from the elector, which makes us beleive, that his interest is too much entangled with the Swedes, to seperate, though the bishop of Armland, the king of Poland's agent with him, give hopes to the contrarie. His highness would no doubt be glad to secure himself by a peace. The prince of Darmstat hath, as 'tis affirmed, 3000 men together in Pomerania, and the Swedes levy in all countries. Besides though it's wondred, where he getts money, the four, some say eight tuns, which he had from France, may doe much; but if he had onely one of the millions the English took from the Spanish, he would doe wonders, for he is active, vigillant, and valliant. Radzieuski, the vice-chancellor of Poland, who hath bin soe long in the Swedes court, and had done them such signall service by debauching the greatest part of his countrymen in this warr, beeing now more burthensome then usefull, was last weeke, upon pretence of tampring with his old master, clapped up a close prisoner by this new in the castle of Marienburgh, all his coffers and cabinetts being sealed up and secured for the king's use, which is very craving. When any thing worth your knowledge happens, you may be very sure to heare from mee.
The king of Sweden hath complayned to the states of the Netherlands of the violence they use against him, and how they crossed his mayne designes, by sending of their fleet into the eastern sea; and also enabled his enemies and Dantzick, not only to a stiff defence, but also to a great prejudiceing of his troopes by their incurtions and sallies, which they durst not have done, if they had not been backed by new choyce Holland souldiers in pay of the states, and by their order in the towne.
The king of Poland was monday last at Wyselmunde, to see the place and its fair fortifications. Koningsmarke had the honour to kisse his hand, and dine with him. They had likewise some private discourse together, but it was short. His majesty returned the same day to Dantzick. This is all, save my beeing, sir,
Your's ever,
Jos. Tompson.
It seemes my frends have forgott mee.
The superscription,
For Mr. Antonie Rogers, att Mr. Johnes his house in Old
Fish-streete, London.
The Dutch ambassadors at Dantzick to the States General.
Vol. lvi. p. 8, 9.
High and mighty lords.
My lords, we were yesterday with his majesty, and signified to him, that we were resolved, that two of us should make a journey to the king of Sweden at Marienburgh, with an intention to do all that was possible for the advancing of a good negotiation of peace, which commission the lords Huybert and Isbrants have taken upon them, for some reasons mentioned in our last, that it was requisite somebody should remain here. We have nothing of importance to advise your high and mighty lordships concerning the state of affairs here. Yesterday schipper Broer Jansen of Enchuysen, master of the ship called the Buy'sman of 120 lasts, laden at Amsterdam with three hundred barrels of gunpowder, and other commodities designed for Koningsburgh, came and complained to us, that he lying at an anchor under the highland, was assaulted by a galliot of Dantzick, and was forced to deliver up his letters, and his ship to be brought into the river Weyssell; desiring by our means to have his liberty to further his voyage, in regard wind and weather served for it; otherwise that by the frost he might come to suffer great prejudice, if he should be stayed here. We presently sent our secretary to the chief burgomaster, to let him know, what prejudice the schipper would suffer by his being brought in, if he should be delayed; and how ill the same would be resented by their high and mighty lordships, that our marchantmen should be subject to searches; and that therefore the ship might be that day released and discharged; and that in the mean time no letters should be opened, since it was of concernment; that oftentimes a merchant's credit, yea his wellfare depended upon it; and that for the future the like might be prevented, that so the ships of the subjects of their high and mighty lordships might not be hindered in their voyages upon the like pretences. The said burgomaster undertook to relate the same in the council, and to get it dispatched.
Dantzick, Dec. 13, 1656. [N. S.]
P. S. Just now one of the king's secretaries came to us from his majesty, to salute us from his majesty, and to wish us a good journey to the court of Sweden; and told us, that his majesty had been acquainted with the bringing in of a certain Holland ship (whereof we made mention in our foregoing letters) that the business should be examined speedily and determined. Presently after, a certain person came to speak with us from the council of this city, excusing the bringing in of the said ship, upon the information, that the government had received here, that the same was laden with a great quantity of powder for the service of the king of Sweden; for otherwise they would not have gone about to molest any of their high and mighty lordships subjects in their commerce and navigation; but that they had found now the said powder to go consigned to merchants at Koninsburg. That thereupon the council had resolved to cause their magazines to be visited; and if so be they shall find to want the same, they intend to furnish their magazines therewith, being ready to satisfy the owner in all reasonableness. We made answer, that such a distinction was not to be admitted of, in regard their high and mighty lordships would not think fit, that any ammunition of war, laden aboard of ships belonging to the subjects of their high and mighty lordships, should be taken out of the same, although it was directed to the king of Sweden, or the duke of Brandenburgh himself: so likewise your high and mighty lordships would not suffer, that any ammunition directed to his majesty of Poland or this city should be hindered by the said king or duke. Wherefore we desired, that the ship might be forthwith released.
Just now the said council sends us word, that the said ship and lading is released.
A letter of intelligence from col. Bamfylde.
Vol. xlv. p. 31.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
Since yours of the 27th of Nov. (which I received laste night) and the effects of mine
to you (your anger) have convinced mee of haveing given you some cause of distaste,
which naturally I am unapt to doe, even to my inferiours, I shall neither trouble you with
justification or excuse, being I finde the beste way to obtayne your pardon is not to aske it.
I sent your former letter, as 'twas directed, and shall doe this you have nowe inclosed in
mine with the firste occasion. The pope's nuncio is expected here the next weeke: one parte
both of his and his collegue's instructions is to endeavoure the peace betwixt the twoe crownes
by all means possible, and to assure C. Maz. of a firme and stable interest in the courte of Rome,
and that the pope will join with Fr. in the removall of Rets to serve the other d i o
c e s s instead of that of Paris, or in any other expedient, that shall be thought on by Fr.
for the removeing of jealosies of Maz., which is considered as the greatest impediment to the
peace. This has been advertised hither by letters from the cardinall de E s t e and
B i e t i, and that theise nuntios shall discover (if the peace cannot be accomplished
by theyr negotiations) on whose side the obstruction lyes, agaynest whome the pope and courte
of Rome declare they will endeavour to unite the whole Romane catholique interest. 'Tis beleived, the difficulty will be found here, where the discontents are soe high already amongst
the nobility, clergye, and commonallity, that if the pope shall ever declare openly against
this courte, it will at least produce a civill warr; and what the consequencyes of that may
prove, is hard even to cunjecture. The great master of the artillerye, the eldest son of the
marescal de Melliory (whoe to prevent his marrying the cardinall's neice, put himselfe into a
monastery, pretending devotion) upon conclusion of the marriage of prince Eugenio to that
lady, has given himselfe more air, and is very speedily to marry the duke de Retz his daughter and heire, which gives great dissatisfaction, as making a contrary alliance to the interest
of the courte, and a very powerfull one, the one being governor of Brittagnie and of Nantes,
annexed to a vaste estate, and the other one of the richest and considerablest persons in this
kingdome. The counte de Harcourte seemes satisfyed at present with the courte, but appears much otherwise in his private correspondencies with his intimate friends. He has wrote
ten dayes since a letter to m a r s h a l l d' E s t a m p e, whoe is one
of his greatest confidants, and of 930 his retinue; wherein he complaynes extreamly of Maz.,
and of the slavery the ancient nobillity are under; and has sent him the coppy of
his letter to Orleans, which is really a very excellent and a wise one, but a little satericall agaynest
937. I have seen them bothe, being very well knowne to the person he wrote to, whoe
lodges close by mee. I had this as a great secret upon some imaginations of his, which you
shall knowe hereafter. Upon saturday laste here was arested and sent to the basteell one mons.
de Tenaille, a councillour of parliament, of the relidgion, and mons. Preds, a captayne
belonging to the guarrison of St. Quintin, for corresponding with the prince of Condy, and
plotting to betray that guarrison into his hands for 4000 crownes, which was deposited at
Amsterdam. They have likewise intercepted divers from this mons. de Tenuaille to the president Violle, amongest which there is one written imediately upon raysing the seidge of Vallentienne, where he expresses much joye at the defeat of the king's troopes, and says all Paris does the like; but that they forbear bonfiers till the prince comes neerer them, which he
writes may be with all speed. Divers other very ugly things are discovered in his letters.
'Tis verily believed, he will dye, and I doe not find any of the relidgeon inclined to intercede for him. They are calling divers officers and farmers of the treasurie in question,
whoe are growne excessively rich, and intend to squeese them. Amongest the rest, one mons.
de Rambouilet, a protestant, is proceeded with my thinkes a little severely, whoe having
gott a great estate, they accuse him of having farmed some fondes (as they call them) of the
finance at an under rate; and that he had bribed for divers years the seiure-intendants not
to rayse the rent theireof, for which they demande such vast sumes, as will ruine him,
whereas the intendants should rather be punished for takeing the bribes, 'then he for giveing
them. The cardinall has longe had a designe to take the government of the treasurie into
his owne hands, and to put the administration thereof into one mons. Tibeufe's and mons.
Colbert's hands, the one being comptroller of the finance at present, and the other in the
nature of his steward. If he coulde have gotten the premiere president's place for mons. Fouquet, whoe he is unwilling to disobleidge, he would certainly have done it; and whenever
he can dispose of him to his satisfaction, he will yet doe it, withoute considering much the interests of mons. Servient, whoe has disobleidged sufficiently, by takeing the better halfe of
the profitts from him, and conferring it on the other, and giveing him allsoe the precedencye
in poynt of power. He spake lately to mons. Servient to fell him the marquisite of Sablis,
and of Bois Dauphiné, which he had bought, and were dependent formerly on the dutchy of
Mayence, which the cardinall has bought. The other was stagger'd at his desires, and declares great unwillingness; but however tolde him, if he pleased, all his estate was at his
service. The cardinall desired him to bring him the particulars of what they were worth, and
what they coste him; and that then they woulde treat further; which the other accordinglye
did, and putt downe four hundred thousand crownes, that he had payd for them, and two
hundred thousand crownes, that he had layd oute for other things, that lay convenient to be
annexed to that estate. The cardinall asked him what he gave for a place called Mewdon,
which he has here within three leagues of this citty; to which he replyed neer two hundred
thousand crowns more. The cardinall tolde him, he had gayned well by the sur-intendance,
and that the marquisite was to dear for him to purchase, and withall tolde him betwixt jest
and ernest, that he had made his owne process, by giving him that accounte under his owne
hand, which he keeps by him, and will not returne to mons. Servient, but intends to awe
him thereby. The count de Tott is expected here in quality of extraordinarye ambassadoure
from the king of Swede. Here are troubles in Poictou about the collection of new taxes,
whither the king was sending four regiments, but the marescall de Clerambaut has undertaken to compose the differences, and prevented the marching of the troopes. I cannot
finde, that above one letter of your's has ever miscarried, and another by a mistake was opened
by 952, whoe is the person trusted by 937 to discover all correspondencyes and such things
of that nature; but 'twas sealed up agayne, and sent to your poste. I am sure, he knew not
whoe it was from, neither was there any thing of importance in it; and I am certayne he
will not medle with any more. I hope you have caused the money I writt for to be payd to
Mr. Lacye, which is the same thing as to have drawne a bill upon Mr. Nowell. I can say
noe more for the present, but that I am, sir,
Your moste humble and moste faithfull servant,
Dec. 13, [1656. N. S.]
Minard to Bordeaux the French ambassador in England.
Paris, Dec. 13, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlv. p. 40.
My lord,
I Received your packet yesterday, and at the same time delivered your letter to my lord
your father time enough to write to you by this post; but he bid me tell you, that he is
very glad, that mons. de Brienne had writ to you as well as himself, that the intention of his
majesty was to reduce the embassy of England into an ordinary. And your father therefore
desireth you to consider, that besides the honour and reduction of your allowance being ordinary, that it would be a just pretence to take from you your intendancy of Picardy, which is
judged to be more solid than an embassy with small allowance and ill paid. They write from
Genoa, that the plague doth still rage there very much. The queen Christina intends to winter at Boulogne. The pope's nuncios are already arrived at Ville-Franche; and he, that goeth
for Spain, is to be conducted as far as the frontiers. The marshal de la Ferté is expected
here to-morrow. It is said here, that the king of Spain hath recalled don John, who hath
desired leave to pass through France: this is only a report. On saturday last the king caused
to be apprehended mons. de Vallée Chenaille, and mons. chev. de Prez, officer of the garrison of St. Quintin. Mons. the first president was on sunday at the Louvre, where he had a
long conference with his eminence, and yesterday he informed the court of parliament of
this imprisonment for some attempts against the service of the king and his state, and that
his eminence desired they might be proceeded against by the ordinary course of justice. So it
was concluded, that commissioners should be named, who are messrs. Ferrand and Champrout
with mons. Magdalaine, who is of the pretended reformed religion, who are to examine them.
Several letters are intercepted, which will serve to accuse and convict them of their enterprise upon St. Quintin.
A letter of intelligence from Spain.
Vol. xlv. p. 34.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
My last of the 29th ultimo and 6th currant. This to lett you know K. of Spain/K. of Spain is very
bussy about Pantha/Portugal and Tar. The crowde/council has resolved to engadge that way, and they
have sent to the buckler/brother in law of the kainfer of Draye, to see if hee would ingage that way
with his offers, and hee answered, as for foure wkszucht mapps and twantie four Stakes/ships he
would ingadge and Tar in wkt gg asxbwa they have not returned them as yet a resolution.
They expect much in Pantha/Portugal itself, and rest assured, that onlie wkgm were sure of the
Palme/peace with Fruxe/France, they will never ingadge against Pantha/Portugal; and the delayment that they
have in not determining absolute out of hand is Fruxs resolusion about the Palme/peace; for they
have strong hoaps of it; for there is nothing soe sure, as that they will make a dishonourable Palme/peace with hem, if protrax will not consent to Palme/peace, and that out of hand; so that yx
are to loose no time; and doe not thinke, that this I say for any consideration of my owne;
no, lett me never live, if it be but to deall really with yx in that, which I know it to be
threw; for if it weare a wkxtn that 58 in month, Ix would deal really with hem. Turne
condision is such, that wxgm must make Palme/peace with yx or with Fruxe. It is not very difficult to make a substantial Palme/peace between protestor/protector and Sparker/k. of Spain. This is all that offers at
present, expecting to hear from yx/you. An aux/ambassador is expected from Perry about the Palme/peace. This,
I believe, you have long agoe from Prant. The buckler/brother in law of the kainfer of Draye is
very much maed of by all the croude/council.
Yours to command,
George Pawley.
13 of Dec. 56. [N. S.]
The above is a copy of my last; sence which time is noe altherasion; but that the gunner against Pantha/Portugal is sent for, and till it comes, there will be nothing determined against Pantha. The 217 of Pantha is sicke. I pray forget not what I desired in mine of the 8 of ultimo.
Mr. Tho. White to Mr. R. Bostock.
Dover, 3 of Decembre, 1656.
Vol. xliv. p. 28.
Mr. Rich. Bostock and loveing frind,
My love to you, desiering you all happines. The paket arived here at Gartoke this
morning. All the nuse I can wright from Flanders is, they have taken a small
Dartmouth vessell of 50 tunes never gonn, and caried to Dunqurke on wendsday this day
senet. Theay lickewise toke a Dover galiote, and riding at anker nere Rye. The Dover
noes to of them being one bord gave the Dunqurkers a bottle of strong-waters, and got
them into the fore rene, and bard the scuttell uppon them, and cut their cable, and went
into Rye, and saved the vessell and themselves from prisen. Yesternight cam a great boyer
to Mardike fort with Scotch colles, and 120 Scotes for Charles Stwerd. This is all. 12
Yarmouth were clered out of prison for exchang, but not one passenger that paid for their
passage. The Lord be with you.
Your loveing frind,
Tho. White.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xliv. p. 35.
Right honorable,
Accordinge to the orders your honor sent me for the returninge of Mr. Townley
back for England, I required him to come to me, that he might goe on board the
Dragon frigat with the lieft. whoe was come up heere to enquire after a hemp ship, which
Townley loaded off heere for the state. But he refuseinge to come to me, contrary to his
and his security's faithfull promise and engagement before witness, I then required him under my hand, of which the inclosed is a copy, by virtue of that order to put himselfe on
board the said friggatt, in order to his attendinge the councell; but he sent me word, that
he was not well, and could not undertake a voyage by sea this winter-season without endangering his health; his wife railing upon me unto the lieft. and my servant, charging me to
thirst after her husband's blood, and seek his life, because I soe required him to goe to the
ship. It should seeme it so much stomackt him to be sent back by me, as that he resolves
against it, whatever it may cost him; which yet I beleive was intended as a part of his punishment, and to vindicate my reputation here. It may be, that though his great spirit
cannot submitt to be sent over by me, that yett he will go over in the friggatt of his own
accord; which if he doe, I have given the capt. a warrant to keep him himselfe, untill he
hear your honor's order to dispose off him. But if he will not goe at all, I then doubt not,
but that his highness and the councell will judge it meet and necessary to send a messenger
for him, or to order me to send him over land with my servants, and that the company
here be specially commanded to assist me therein, which otherwise they will not doe. And
tho' your honor knows, that though I can, by the authority of my present character, restrayne a person in my owne house for a tyme, yet without the assistance of the magestrates
of the citty (which the company may have by their concurrences, when they please) I cannot send any man out of the city, that opposeth it. If Mr. Townley should be suffered thus
to stand it out, contemning of one command after another, it would turn to the great dishonour of his highness; and this order being thus eluded and evaded would settle this
people in a beleife, that his highness hath no such powers over his subjects here, as to compell them to obedience. If Mr. Townley go over in this friggatt, which I beleive he will
not, or otherwise render himself at Whitehall, then I desire your honor, that at the time,
when he appears before the councell, those addresses to his highness and the councill of the
4th of the last month, which I formerly sent your honor, together with his letter here inclosed to the councell, may be presented and read; and that you will be pleased to favour
my desires therein for the putting an end to this tedious and troublesom business, that being
sensibly vindicated and repaired, I may be enabled to serve his highness in a befitting manner, whilst it shall please him to continue me. Had not Mr. Townley's stomackness stood
in his way, he had many fair overtures and invitations of recovering himself in the good
opinion of his highness and love of the honest party in the company. I call God to record,
that I press not for any vindication from any desire of revenge or particular grudge of my
owne, but only from a deep sense, that otherwise I cannot longer preserve my publick character from contempt, or be serviceable to his highness here. If that could be without his
punishment, I should not only request, but be glad of it. Now that he sees some more
probabillity of smarting, if he persist, it may be (especially if his friends perswade him to
it) he will submitt himself. For my own part I profess, I should rejoice to hear, that God
had made him see his error, and sett his failing again upon his spiritt, as at his first engageing
in this contest he remarkably did, to the enforceing of him to confess to some persons, that
he was not sooner returned to his house from the court, wherein he publickley affronted me,
but his heart smote him for what he had done against me, protesting, that he had not rested
of two or three nights, desireing one of his freinds to find a way to be reconciled to me
again; and for the place of deputy, he would resigne it, and be for the future tenn times
more my freind than ere he had been; with many other expressions denoteing his compunction, even to tears at that time, as I can prove it, if he denie it, by the same persons, to
whom he so expressed himself, who presently acquainted me with it, adding, that
Mr. Townley said, he knew he had to deal with a Christian, and to whom I gave such
answer, as did become a Christian, had Mr. Townley closed with it, which the party he had
then espoused would not suffer him to doe. I begg your pardon for the troubleing you
with this letter, hopeing that it will not be long, that I shall be necessitated to divert you
about business so unsuitable for a person of your great employment. I affectionately remaine
Your honour's most humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.
Hamb. 4 Dec. 1656.
I heare, that for certayne Mr. Townley intends to goe over in the ship called the Hope of Hamb. John Mayne master, and not in the frigat, that it may be sayd he went of his owne accord, and not my sendinge; but if the captain observe his warrant, he will take him thence into his custody, that ship goeinge alonge with the friggat.
Inclosed in the preceding. By Richard Bradshaw esq. resident for his highness the lord protector of the commonwealth of England, &c. in Hamburgh.
Vol. xlv. p. 36.
In observance of an order lately received from his highness and the right honorable council of state, dated at Whitehall the 13th of the last month, authorizing and requiring me to send you Francis Townley, merchant, back for England in the first ship, to attend the said council to answer a charge against you, as likewise your contempt in coming away without leave of his highness and the council; and whereas you have falsified your word and promise given to me on thursday night last to render yourself to me at my house the next morning, where the lieutenant of the Dragon frigot was ready to have gone on board the said frigot with you, in order for your return for England, according to the said orders from his highness and the council, and that you continue in your obstinacy, pretending sickness, and refusing to suffer my servant to speak with you:
These are therefore, in the name of his said highness and the council, to require and command you forthwith, upon the receipt hereof, to go down and put yourself on board the said frigot, now riding in the river Elbe, and to sail with captain Richard Haddock, the commander thereof, for England, in order to your attending the council at Whitehall; whereof you are not to fail, as you will answer the contrary. Given under my hand and seal the 2d day of December, 1656.
To Francis Townley, merchant, these.
Copia vera.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Saturday, the 9th of Dec. 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlv. p. 45.
In regard, that yesterday the business of the lord Beverning would not succeed, those of Holland would not insist this morning upon it, only the letter of the council of state was received by the provinces of Zealand, Friesland, and Overyssel. Groningen would have done the same, if Overyssel had been good. In the mean time it is probable the business will be done the next week, or that following; yea they believe to induce the princess dowager and prince William to recommend the business of the provinces, who have undertaken it.
Concerning the letter, which his highness don John writ, some resolution hath been taken upon it, how they desire to be used by his said highness. There is a difference between the city of Enchuysen and the East India company.
Sunday, 10th December.
This week the post of Dantzick hath failed again of coming: that is a sign, that there is nothing of the defeat of the Polanders, whereof here hath been a strong report; for if it had been true, it would have opened the passages, and made the Swedes masters of the field; but the king of Denmark doth shew himself more and more tickled to come into play, and lord of Beuningen doth declare him to be very earnest; for it is believed, that the same is chiefly done to retard the ratification of the treaty of Elbing.
Monday, the 11th Dec.
There being some points resulting from relations of the lord Ommeren, which concern the affairs of Geneva, of the cantons, and the Vallies, &c. which being this day debated, they will be concluded to-morrow.
The commissioners of the admiralty of Amsterdam are come to advise upon the point of instruction to be given to the ships going to the west through the channel, how they are to behave themselves in point of visitation and searches to be made by the English.
They have resolved to write to the king of France, that this state is very glad, that his majesty desireth to send hither an ambassador; and that the person of mons. Thou will be very welcome here. Proposition hath been made how to be revenged of the king of Portugal, and that there ought to be sent a powerful fleet to the river of Lisbon.
The difference between the city of Enchuysen and the company of the East Indies about the place of a commissioner hath been in debate, being referred to the council of state.
The ratification of the treaty of the 10th of July, made with the commissioners of the city of Dantzick, hath been likewise had in debate.
Tuesday, December 12.
The commissioners of the admiralty of Amsterdam have had audience upon the form of visitation at sea against the English; and although that formerly Holland was of another opinion, the said commissioners have given such good reasons, that Holland and the States General do now begin to hearken to it; namely, that all manner of submissions and possible civilities shall be shown to the English; but if the English be not contented therewith, but will visit and carry away their ships into their harbours, they shall then make use of that right, which nature doth declare unto them, vim vi repellendo.
They have resolved to come into conference with the commissioners of Dantzick, and to induce them to ratify the act of the 10th of July, prout jacet; if not, that they will write to the city of Dantzick. Item they will desire the ambassador at Dantzick to speak likewise to the king of Poland. The ambassador of Spain hath seriously complained, how that the drossard of Boisleduc hath imprisoned the abbot of Closterraet.
Wednesday, December 13.
There was read a long letter from the ambassador Nieuport, containing the debate, which he hath had with the commissioners of the protector and of the council, concerning the maritime treaty. The English will in no wise promise the not visiting of the ships coming near their coasts, saying, that would give too much opportunity to surprizes and transportations of arms to the ill-affected in England; so that the lord Nieuport, by his long abode and cajoling, hath not yet very much advanced that treaty, endeavouring to teach the English a doctrine, which he and his countrymen never observed.
The complaint of the ambassadors of Spain for the abbot of Cloosteraet hath so little availed, that one said, that at present Spain having so many affairs upon its shoulders, it is now the right time to rid themselves of all the priests, which are yet left.
The charge of treasurer general will undoubtedly come into debate again, for the lord Beverning hath some enemies, who will not have him to continue any longer in the States General; so that he must either get that office, or live a private life.
Thursday, December 14.
Mons. Courtin, secretary of the lord Chanut, late ambassador here, hath had audience upon a letter of the king of France: he was met at the bottom of the stairs by mons. Bort (mons. de Heyde being absent) and conducted to the table in the assembly, where being sat, he spoke of the affection of the king towards this state, and that in witness thereof his majesty had resolved to send hither very suddenly an ambassador, and that he return into France. Upon which, being recomplimented by the lord resident, he was reconducted by the said Bort to the bottom of the stairs, where he made his complaint, how he had not been so worthily treated as the commissioners of Dantzick, to whom they had sent the agent de Heyde with a coach, causing them to be so conducted and reconducted.
Holland is now busy about the order to be given to de Ruyter, designed with a squadron of six ships to the mediterranean sea, concerning the manner he is to behave himself, in case the English will visit his ships; and in all likelihood, it will be according to the project of the 3d of Nov. 1656.
From Boreel, the Dutch ambassador in France.
Vol. xliv. p. 51.
My lord,
The business of the exemptions of all the other allies from the rule, which saith, that
the goods of an enemy doth confiscate those of a friend, and that the subjects of their
high and mighty lordships should be only subject thereunto, is now grown so public here,
and known every where, that I could do no less but make mention thereof in the public
letter to their high and mighty lordships, that so all the provinces, their merchants and seamen, should be the better able to defend themselves against it.
In my duty I am obliged to write in secret, if it can be, that the business is begun here with consent of the lord protector: for I am informed by a very good hand, whereof no doubt is to be made, that the lord protector hath assured this court, that as soon as France hath begun this work, that his highness will then follow; adding withall, that he will not suffer (for so they say) a Holland ship to pass through the sea, but he will visit it; and if in any ship he finds but a peice of Spanish goods, that his highness will cause ship and goods to be confiscated.
Paris, Dec. 14, 1656. [N. S.]
Sir Robert Walsh to secretary Thurloe.
December 4, 1656.
Vol. xlv. p. 24.
Honourable sir,
Yow see I am no sooner out of one prison, but that I gett into another. I think its
soe decreed from above; otherwyse I could never bee thus tormented, and for nothing
uppon the matter; and though noe action bee heer against mee worth a shilling, heer I must
lye. The warden's fees for six monthes chamber rent, out-going, and his demaunds for my imprisonment since my last, amounting unto 40 l. and noe security to bee accepted for this 40 l. nothing but ready money must sarve: he hath received of mee in ready money above ten pound,
and of the six monthes, for which hee demaunds the overplus, I lay three in the towre, and
my thinks, it weare law and reason I should pay but in one. Yett in the towre I have payed,
and heer I must ly by it, untill I doe pay. Sir, all this doth not troble mee soe much as
the cross it gives to my undertaking, which, had not this unjust imprisonment (for soe may
justly call it) given interruption, yow had eare this found the effects of my indevours and
sarvice. Nay, as I am, wear I but at liberty, I could intimatt to his heighnes some thing cume
within the reach of my knowledge and very considerable, and that since my comming into
this place, which I shall more particularly satisfy as soone as ever I gett hence. I pray God
the occasion may not bee lost, as that of sumbodyes I would have tould the livetenant of the
towre of, but that his faling sick prevented mee. And if it may bee soe lost, I bear you to witnes, its not my fault. Had this warden been but indifferent civell towards mee, I had beene
out eare this; but that hee never will bee, till I have payed him his demaunds, as to his owne
particular. I have indeavoured as much as in mee lies to doe it, but yitt I cannot: but as
soone as I may, I shall immediatly wayte uppon you. Many things are a bruing, of which
yow had had eare this a particuler accoumpt, had I been hence; but God's will bee don,
and to him I referr all. Your humble servant,
R. W.
Truly did you know as much as I doe, how usefull my beeing of the other syde the water may proove to his heighnes, I am sartaine some coorse had beene taken by you underhand, which have retarded my journy. As soone as I gett hence, if you will give mee leave to wayte uppon yow, I shall further satisfy you, soe I remain
Your most humble servant,
R. Walsh.
To Petkum.
Hamburg, Dec. 15, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlv. p. 56.
There is no doubt to be made, but you have heard e'er now of the peace made between the Muscovite and the Poles. The French ambassadors do all that they can
to make a peace between the Poles and the Swedes; but as yet there is no likelihood of any.
The Swedes are very low; they want men, money, and credit; and if they be not assisted
by England or France, I cannot see how they will be able to better their condition, unless
the duke of Brandenburgh will * * with them, who hath made a new and strict alliance
with the said king of Sweden.
The Polish general before Cracow hath raised his siege, and burnt his camp. It is said also, that Ragotsky is to march against the Poles with an army of 30,000 men; and that the emperor hath refused to engadge Sweden for some reasons of state.
The emperor is sending an ambassador for France, to accommodate the affairs of Italy.
According to the reports of those, that are affected to Sweden, Dantzick is like to be ruined by stiking to it's king, through the waste and spoil of the Polanders.