State Papers, 1656: November (6 of 7)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1656: November (6 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1656: November (6 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1656: November (6 of 7)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

November (6 of 7)

The Dutch ambassadors in Dantzick to Ruysch.

Vol. xliv. p. 268.

My Lord,
We are advised by a certain hand, that the ambas. of the lord duke of Brandenburgh is return'd back from the great duke of Muscovy, having concluded a firm and full agreement; whereupon followed an ambassador from the said duke of Muscovy to the said duke of Brandenburgh, to confirm the good and sincere intention of his master, and presented the duke with a great quantity of sables. The duke of Brandenburgh, at his request, hath undertaken mediationem pro tractanda pace perpetua with the king of Sweden, whereunto he is also inclined, and he hath already sent his resolution both to the duke of Brandenburgh and to the great duke of Muscovy, whereby a good success of the treaty of peace is expected.

Also, that the treaties between the king of Sweden and the duke of Brandenburgh were reassumed and renewed, and that the king of Sweden had given the duke good content about some difficulties, which he made in the same.

Yesterday the three members of the government of this city had audience of the king. Their proposition consisted of three parts; namely, to induce his majesty to peace. 2dly, That his majesty would be pleased to admit of them, as states of Prussia, to the deliberation upon the affairs of peace. And, thirdly, that the Polish army may be removed out of their city and territories, in regard they are thereby brought to great inconveniencies, by reason that the country round about is spoiled and ruined by them.

Dantzick, Dec. 2, 1656. [N. S.]

Dorp, Huybert,

To the lord viscount Comway, and Killulta.

Paris, Dec. 2, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xliv. p. 273.

My Lord,
On saturday last the Dominican father of Rosaire, archbishop of Goa, resident of the king of Portugal in this court, visited the cardinal, with whom he had a conference, which lasted above two hours. Here is very much spoken of the marriage of our king with the daughter of the king of Portugal.

The duke of Arpajou is provided by his majesty with the charge of one of the lieutenants of the king in the province of Languedoc, being vacant by the death of the earl of Aubijoux, and the government of Montpellier, which he also possessed, is given to the earl of Roure by the duke of Orleans; but upon this condition however, that he should give ten thousand escus to the widow of mons. de la Freté, for a recompence.

On monday last, the speeches were not made in the parliament, in regard the lord president was ill of the gout; they were deferred till monday next.

Robberies were never more frequent in Paris than they are at present, the thieves sparing neither sex nor quality; as for an example, the countess of Brienne, who was robbed lately near her own palace, coming in a sedan out of the city, about seven of the clock at night, from whom they took a gold watch, her muff, and prayer book; but the rogues were taken and are to be hanged.

The prince of Condé was at Rocroy on the 23d of the last month, where the marshal of la Ferté was to treat with him about his ransom, for which he must pay fifty thousand escus, if he will be at liberty.

On tuesday last, monsieur the prince of Conti gave a visit and took leave of the pope's nuncio.

To the Venetian agent.

Antwerp, Dec. 2, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xliv. p. 276.

There is great likelihood of an agreement between the court of Brussels and the states of these provinces, about the maintenance of a good number of soldiers; by which means the soldiers will be kept alive, and the country preserved from ruin. From Spain is come some provision of money, which is remitting to the emperor for the maintenance of his troops in Italy.

In Madrid they are consulting for the defence of Milan, in regard they perceive the chiefest design of their enemy is bent against that state.

A letter of intelligence from Mr. J. Butler.

Vol. xliv. p. 278.

My last was of the 14/24 Nov. wherein I intimated that Charles Stuart's levies are encreased to above 6000 men. They flock to him out of England, Scotland, and France; but finding slight entertainment in their quarters, they began to run away again. Many of the Scottish highlanders are come to Bruges in their right native highland apparel, which is no small subject of admiration to the people of Bruges. Charles Stuart's court groweth very numerous. The Irish lords are almost all come out of France. Lord Muskerry and Ormond's brother arrived at Bruges on sunday last. Mackarty son to lord Muskerry, is gone to Brussels, with a recommendation from Charles Stuart, to don Jean of Austria, to procure quarters for a regiment which he intends to levy. This last week, one of the richest churches at Bruges was plundered in the night; the people of Bruges are fully persuaded that Charles Stuart's followers had done it; they spare no charges to find out the guilty, and if it happen to light upon any of Charles Stuart's train, it will certainly mightily incense that people against them. Charles Stuart hath received here in Flanders, two hundred and sixty thousand guilders. George Waites and an English merchant hath brought to him from Germany two and thirty thousand rix-dollars, of the residue of that supply, which was consented unto by the emperor; he hath likewise received from his mother ten thousand pistols; twenty thousand more are promised, which, its said, the princess of Orange bringeth along with her. Ormond parted from Bruges on wednesday last, to go and meet her. Charles Stuart hath prepared great entertainments for her at Bruges. There is now a company of French comedians at Bruges, who are very punctually attended by Charles Stuart and his court, and all the ladies there: their most solemn day of acting is on the Lord's day. I think I may truly say, that greater abominations were never practised among people, than at this day, at Charles Stuart's court. Fornication, drunkenness, and adultery, are esteemed no sins amongst them; so that I persuade myself God will never prosper any of their attempts. He, who was bishop of Londonderry in Ireland, is now at Bruges; when he preacheth, which is but seldom, he thunders out cruel execrations against the lord protector, and the state of England.

The father confessor to don Alonzo de Cardenas, is now in England, and at London; he is an Irishman of Scottish parents; he is somewhat corpulent, of a round plump face, and clear of complexion. The lord of Bristol hath orders to be ready to go ambassador into Spain from Charles Stuart; he apprehends a treaty between Spain and England. Indeed I would think it worth your consideration, if a treaty of Spain might not be seasonable at this conjuncture, seeing it is very probable the Spaniard might be easily disposed to deliver into your hands Charles Stuart with his brethren, which I suppose would conduce very much to the security of your tranquility. In my former I sent you a direction how to write to me, and how you may make over some money to me, without which your service cannot be fully effected.

Flushing, Dec. 2, 1656. [N. S.]

An intercepted letter to White.

Brussels, Dec. 2, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xliv. p. 282.

As for news, the Scots king hath many men coming to him daily, but the French hinder it the best they can, for they give now 5 d. and their bread per diem to the Irish. The king hath in Bruges near 700 Irish, 300 Scots and English. My lord Digby was denied of a pass to go for Spain, as his ambassador, which is much admired. The peace was treated between France and Spain, but is broken off; for the French agent is come away, and the chiefest reason for the breaking of it off, is said to be the article for the prince of Condé. R. writes that D. Louis de Haro hath good hopes of it; but all is but an amusement. The states of this country treat to pay the soldiers here: there is great likelihood they will agree; but yet there are some difficulties: if they agree, men they will have from all parts; the soldiers are to have five pence a day, and some bread: they are not yet gone to their winter quarters, until the treaty be ended.

Since my coming hither, I met a man of great quality and power, a Venetian, who moved if I would undertake a levy of 1000 or 1500 Irishmen for Candy; he will bring shipping for the men, which he hath already in Holland: the conditions are very advantageous. Speak not of this to any soul breathing. He hath written unto the states of Venice about it, and within this month I shall have my conditions granted from thence; if I accomplish, I shall have for myself a yearly pension during life; nay, I am promised and assured to make all my family: all the difficulty is to get my lord protector's licence, and then our fortunes are obtained. Send me your answer, if it can be obtained.

Mr. Vinc. Gookin to the protector.

Vol. xliv. p. 271.

May it please your highness,
The just difficulty of accesse to your person, and that obtained, my owne sence of my want of memory and pertinency of expression to speake all and noe more to your highness, whose time is soe incomparably precious, by the many and great things only proper for your cognizance, gives mee the presumption by these lines to lay before your highness what hath passed undir my observation touching your highness interest in Ireland, as it now stands enlarged and strengthened in the person, and by the prudence of my lord Henry there.

My lord, the affayres of Ireland are, through God's blessing upon the cause of his people, now brought to that state and issue, that there remaynes noe indisposition to as glorious a settlement as ever nation enjoyed, but what lyes in the minds of a few busy cholericke people, who unjustly thinke themselves as fit to build and setle, as they were to breake and pull down; and in this erraticke considence doe not only fill many places of publique trust and administration, which would better become wiser and more sober men, but doe impetuously baule and clamour against the preferment of all such, as will not be as mad and tumultuarie as they.

My lord, the successe of the army against the Irish did accidentally put into many of the conquerours hands such an extravagancie of power, that such, who by the advantage and civillity of their education, custome to rule, or at least good-nature, were not defended from the danger of it, grew therby soe high-minded and unruly, that it scarce lyes in the power or witt of man to prescribe such civile rules, which they will ever willingly submitt unto.

These, my lord, are the persons who only stand between the quiet and orderly people of that nation, and the settlement soe much desired, who repine to see you or any of yours, or indeed any else, to be greater than themselves, who glory in their dissatisfactions; and if reports be true, endeavour to make themselves considerable by the meanes have bin used to quiet them; as namely, that they can remoove from my lord Henry whome they please, and detaine them heere as long as they please, &c. And if places of power and trust, have during the heat and distraction of the warrs, bin conferred on men, with respect, as well to what they would be contented with, as what they deserved, it is noe marvayle, that my lord deputy (whom for the excellency of his parts and spirit, you have just reason to number amongst your choycest blessings) should, when hee arrived in Ireland, find such places filled with that kind of men, and they impudent enough, not only to clayme of his excellency a greater respect then others, as their due, but (which in such cases ever followes) mischievously subtile and industrious to hinder all others from obtaining the like, who would not be their creatures. And if his excellency's better knowledge of these men gave him desires to receive alsoe the address and services of others, I beseech your highness to consider, how hard it was for his excellency soe to make his pleasure knowne, that those, who had bin long thus accidentally discountenanced, should understand it, and the others, who are notoriously knowne to be more jealous and savagely covetous of his excellency's favour than himselfe could possibly desire, not mutiny against it, as now upon less ground they doe against my lord Henry; who, when hee arrived in Ireland, had those advantages to know men, which his excellency was wholly destitute of. For first these people I speake of had ruled, and did it scurvily. 2dly. The reviving of the courts of judicature brought the current of civill and martiall administrations into distinct chanells; and consequently all officers of the army, as such, ceased to be any longer civile justiciaries, and dispencers of fines and death at their discretions: till then, all went as they would have it, and therefore they had no opportunity to be angry. 3dly. Their rage at your highnesse accesse to the goverment discovered their designes to be as high and great as the commonwealth should have bin low and miserable, could they have had their wills. 4thly. The antient protestant inhabitants of Ireland, who during the heate of the warres were dispersed into severall places and employments in the three nations, are now upon the hopes of setlement and security, and the two late disbandings in Ireland retourned to their former habitations and course of husbandry, and are become a considerable interest of men, who that they are unanimous in their obedience to your government and affection to your person, and may be usefull in the defence of both, I humbly conceive it will be noe unnecessary digression thus to argue.

1st. They have, since the beginning of these warres, bin enured to a profound reverence and submission to the power for the time being ruling over them, as the story of their actings and sufferings, during the revolutions their, can aboundantly witness.

2dly. The warr, in England was too farre from them, and a bloudy enemy to neere them, to give them will or leisure to concerne themselves in the contests heere, farther than to sollicite for releife from that party, who for the time being, they thought most able to relieve them. The parliament's necessity for moneyes to carry on their warre against the king's party heere hindred them from giving such supplyes as were expected; the late king in all their addresses to him shewed more favour to the Irish than them, which is soe highly resented by them, that it is almost in every child's mouth to this day. Your highness undertaking their reliefe, they all judge, tooke first rise from your own inclination to the worke, and your tenderness of them, during your being there, and provision for their security, since your access to the government puts it out of their dispute, and makes your name and memory soe precious to them, that a man cannot speake that against your highness amongst them, which is ordinarily vented here, without danger to his life or limbs. But this may be urged to be only the result of their gratitude, and therefore will not stand against a temptation of interest. To which I humbly answer, 1st, that the hundredth part of them had noe reall estates before the warres. All that the rest doe now hold, is for the most part given them for service as souldiers, or purchased or rented, from your highness and the comonwealth, or from adventurers or souldiers, and the confiscation of lands in Ireland is soe generall, the setters and sellers soe many, the buyers and takers soe few, except them, that it is certain, within a year or two, all these men will have too great interests in forfeited lands to give them up to Charles Stuart, or any from him, or to abett any power that shall desire that, by which they are like to be suddenly as wel settled and secured, as their harts can wish. From all which I beseech your highness to consider:

1st. Wheather my lord Henry, in dispencing a respect and countenance to all ministers of state and officers of the army, in a due proportion to their respective merites, in the trusts they now beare in the commonwealth, is not necessitated to give to some more, to others less, than they formerly enjoyed.

2dly. Wheather this just dispensation can at all reflect on my lord deputy.

3dly. Wheather the sonneought to take into his councells or to make powerfull by his favour such, who, might they have their wills, would ruin his father. For, my lord, to diminish your authority is litle lesse.

4thly. Wheather the persons thus neglected or lessened will not probably thinke themselves injured, wheather they have cause or not.

5thly. Wheather the disobliging of these persons is not only an act just in itselfe, but prudent in its consequence, by oblidging all the quiet and sober of the land, in whom meerly on this account your highness interest in that of your sonne is more amplyfied than the power of these irregular people is infringed.

6thly. Wheather your highness favouring the complaints and persons of those, who are notoriously knowne to be disatisfied with my lord Henry's power in Ireland, and yours here, will not weaken your interest there, which is now soe manifestly bound up in that of your sonne, by discouraging many from adneering to that son, whom they judge to be not loved enough by his owne father.

7thly. Wheather the desire of a few dissatisfied persons, that my lord Henry may be lessened or removed, that they might opress, or the cry of many thousands, that he may be strengthered and setled there, that they might not be oppressed, is most just to be heard and answered.

8thly. Wheather the ballancing of interests in that country is an expedient to peace and setlement, or a possible thing, when the sober and orderly party have thousands to the others tens, and those many more firmly knit to your highness, as well by the bonds of interest as affection, than those few are, or I thinke ever will be.

9thly. Wheather any one man, of knowne integrity sobriety, or interest, in Ireland, did ever speake any thing to your highnesse touching my lord Henrye's actings in Ireland, which was not to his honour and advantage.

10thly. Wheather it will be in the power of my lord deputy, if his excellency should againe take upon him the government of that island in his owne person, to prevent the persons soe dissatisfied (who will therby thrust themselves into their former greatness) from dayly offering my lord Henry such affronts, as will not only be very grievous to the meekness of my lord deputye's spirit; but alsoe more deeply wound your highness through his lordship's sides, than is consistent with the honour, if not security of your interest there. And this is not to be doubted, for they have lately rayled at him openly to the meanest of his household servants, and put such impudent affronts upon him at his owne table, as would have engaged those, that had less fire in their natures, to have done that, which his patience, to the wonder of the standers by, passed over.

My lord, some submit to your highness, because they are forc't to it; others pay their obedience, as wages for their protection; but that which makes mee with a more full assent and joy of hart then I can expresse, to acknowledge and reverence your person and government, as good and just, is my abounding sence and sight of the manifest presence of God with you in all your undertakings for the good people of this commonwealth, his pressing, and as it were thrusting you forward from one step to another without giving you a resting place, till hee had brought you to the place where now you are; and all this beyond, nay, contrary to your own expectation or contrivements, giving you therby the occasion and oppertunity to smile at the false and ridiculous measures, which the polititians of this and other states have taken of your temper and designings. And if since the times of anoynting, their remains noe other title to the rule and goverment of nations, which is possibly transferrible, than the providence of God manifested in outward power, what greater evidence was ever given to a people of the Lord's giving them a governour and protectour for a blessing to them, than apeared in your establishment? And if the Lord's bringing forth, and imploying in difficult matters of state a person soe neere you without your designing it, nay (as your highness knowes) somewhat against your mind, and making him strong in councel and action, in the greenness and tenderness of his yeares, throwing into his bosome the harts of many thousands, who love him as the aples of their eyes, and making him the subject of very many godly peoples meetings in all parts of the nation, to seeke and speake to the Lord for a blessing upon him and his worke, can convince you, that hee is sent thither and thus endowed by that God, that hath wrought such wonders by you, surely you would judge the taking his worke out of his hands or discouraging him in it to be a sinn against the shining light of God's good providence.

But if it shall soe fall out (which God forbid) that the subtile and restless insinuations and endeavours of a few discontented people (who is judged by the noise they make, may be thought ten times as many as they are, order being quiet) shall prevayle with your highnesse to put any such discouragement upon your owne child, as may deprive him of the oportunity of doing that good, which a whole nation deservedly expects from him, or to withdraw those helpes and comforts from him, which may assist him in the difficulty of his business, and support his hart and spirites against the affronts dayly put on him by unreasonable men; I dare boldly say, that when trueth and time shall lay before your highness the nature and consequences of the action, the sence of it shall wound your hart, and embitter your comforts, to the longest day of your life.

My lord, it is not the expectation of preferment from my lord Henry, which makes mee thus importunate and saucy, for I never mediately or imediately sought any, but on the contrary, desire noe greater outward content, than, with the leave of my governours, to confine myself to the business and comforts of my family and fortune; nor is it because I have had a greater measure of familiarity or freedome with his lordship, than others of like quallity; for during my residence at Dublin about the management of the publique revenue, my seldome waiting on his lordship hath often bin laid to my charge by indifferent persons, as my fault and want of ducty. There is a gentleman, late a member of the long parliament (whom your highness knowes to be a wise and honest man) who cannot forgett his wonder at the earliness of my admirings of you and expectations of great things from you for these nations; and although I am as oposite as any to enthusiastical doctrine, yet I cannot deny, but that the event of many things have soe strangly answered my groundless thoughts about you, as makes me. naturally prove to be more bold and free in my addresses to your highness, than I can be to others, as much your inferiours, as a subject is to his prince. This, my lord, with my earning affection to your highness and my lord Henry, is the only cause of this presumption, which upon my knees I humbly beg your highness to pardon in,
My lord,
Your highnes most humble and most obedient servant,
From my lodgings in Westm.

Nov. 22, 1656.

Vin. Gookin.

The Dutch ambassadors in Denmark to Ruysch.

Vol. xliv. p. 290.

My lord,
By our last of the 25th of the last month to your lordship, their high and mighty lordships will have seen, upon what occasion, and in what manner was spoken to us in the behalf of the king concerning the amplifying of the alliance between this crown and their high and mighty lordships. Since, as we understand, the business hath been further debated, and yesterday the lords Rixhoffmaster, chancellor, and the lord Peter Reets came to visit us, and proposed to us, that his majesty, from the very beginning of his government, having preferred and affected the amity and alliance with their high and mighty lordships before all others, and intending as much as ever to continue in the same, did incline, if so be their high and mighty lordships were of the same inclination, to make as near and strict a defensive alliance between this kingdom and the state of the United Netherlands, as was ever made between princes and states, or can be; and that the same be made so full, that this crown and the United Netherlands may be sufficiently considered and looked upon as one state; and that the king would thereby so unite his interests with those of their high and mighty lordships, that his majesty should not need to hearken to any engagements with other princes or states, moving to that end, by way of project, that the league guaranty concerning what was agreed about the city of Dantzick might be made more general, and directed against all those; that shall attack with arms either sides kingdom or states. And the said lords desired to know of us, whether we were authorized by their high and mighty lordships to enter into negotiation with their lordships about this business; declaring, that it would be very pleasing to his majesty, that the same might be done very suddenly. We (after we had given them thanks for the said overture) made answer to the said lords, with the good liking of their high and mighty lordships, that we had by the last post but one given an account to their high and mighty lordships concerning that, which had been moved ex occasione, about the amplifying of the said alliance, and that we hoped to be instructed with their high and mighty lordships further commands upon the same; and yet nevertheless we did not find ourselves altogether unqualified to enter into discourses about it with their lordships; and to bring the business to some kind of concept; but that we considered, that if so be the same should be carried so high, as the same is proposed by their lordships in the behalf of his majesty, the intention might be thought to be, that to make a defensive alliance in that manner would oblige to a common rupture against one that assaults; and that therefore the same would not be so much an amplication of former alliances, whereof was spoken lately, but altogether a new alliance, in regard the treaty between his majesty and their high and mighty lordships doth only bind to a limited assistance; and that therefore it were worthy of consideration, whether it were not better, and a more speedy way, that there should be negotiated about the augmenting of the assistance, and what else is to be done, if so be the same is not sufficient, and that about the same some proposition might be made in the behalf of his majesty; of which the said lords not seeming strange, as they took their leaves of us, we desired that they would frame some concept, by which the intention of his majesty might be more fully expressed. We believe (unless their high and mighty lordships should find some taste in the said proposition of the said lords) that their high and mighty lordships will in some sort endeavour to satisfy his majesty's desire thereby; further confirming and corroborating of the treaty of alliance with this crown, whereby we shall be able to effect that, which is comprehended in their high and mighty lordships resolution of the 11th of April, and the business of the salt-company, which we have recommended again, and hope to give their high and mighty lordships a good account thereof. We hope that their high and mighty lordships will consider of what we have writ, that so we may be able to answer in some sort the expectation of his majesty, for the securing of his kingdoms; which we did in part incline unto, upon the orders and instruction of their high and mighty lordships, whom we know to bear a good inclination to the crown; and by this means all ways of attempt will be frustrated, for the drawing away of his majesty to forsake the interests of their high and mighty lordships: and this made us not very scrupulous in embracing the propositions of the said lords, that so we might not give them any cause of jealousy.

Copenhagen, Dec. 3, 1656. [N. S.]


A letter of Intelligence.

Vol. xliv. p. 286.

All our affairs are at a stand: the lord Bristol is not yet come from Brussels: his stay will be there, till the country and don John be agreed about the quartering of the army. I do not find, but they hold him hard to it, but Charles can do nothing with them, till they have settled their own businesses; then he goes himself to Brussels, and hopes to get all things he shall demand; but for him, doubt not any sudden thing, but have a care of Sexby and his party, for if there be truth in man, I am assured they will do something. I gave you what I could of it in my last letters sent by the direction to your factor, and for the present I am not with the man that follows that affair; but it will not be many days before I shall say more of that. They now think of entertaining the princess royal, whose stay is not known, but it is thought they will all go to Brussels together. Ned Villiers is expected here, who, it is thought, bringeth much business out of England: he is not yet come. The Spaniards send over many priests: not any passage, but there goes six or seven. One must not write to me in cypher, but if I commit any faults, chide me in fatherly language; but pray send me some money, for I have not spent the last so, but that one may profit by it. You may send it to the same man you used to do. I have written to you not in character by what name you shall send it. Just now is come, that the country and don John are agreed, so so that we shall see what they will do for him suddenly. Middleton is gone for Dantzick. They say a good number of Scots are come from the king of Sweden, and have made their conditions with that town, to stay there, till they know whether Charles will have them: we think Middleton is gone about them. Sir, your's of the 24th of October was near a month coming to me: since I have written that way, but because I cannot direct to Paris, where many times letters are kept, because no body payeth the postage, and so sends them not forward, therefore if those I sent that way, are not come to your hands, let me know it, and give me an address to Paris. You must pardon me, sir, sometimes, when there is nothing of consequence; but you shall not sail when I can serve you.

Flushing, Dec. 3, 1656. [N. S.]

A letter from Mr. Blanck Marshal.

Flushing, Dec. 3, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xliv. p. 288.

Yesterday I came from Bruges, thinking to have received that commodity, you writ to me I should have received by the ensuing post, which hath failed me. I hope it will mend. I cannot go from hence until I hear from you. I have nothing at all to add to my last, only Bristol is not returned from don John, who is at now at Brussels; neither have we any more comfort than I writ to you in my last, neither do I yet see any great hopes; we are only beholding to the prentices of London, who come here by every occasion. There came two about ten days since, the one son to sir Thomas Bendyshe, now agent in Constantinople, the other's name is Deanend; they served both one master, who, as I take it, was son in law to alderman Adams. There is none of them yet returned hither, neither is Middleton nor the lord of Newburgh yet returned: neither do we yet know much of their proceedings. A short time will produce the knowledge of all. Sir,
Your most faithful servant,
Blanck Marshal.

Major R. Creed to H. Hatsell, esq; at Plymouth.

Swiftsure, in the bay of Wiers, Dec. 3, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xliv. p. 296.

Honoured sir,
Having the oppertunity of this ship bound for Plymouth, I thought my selfe obliged to give you an accompt (such as I can) of our affaires. The Jerzey with two victualers is arrived five or six dayes since. The Taunton with the other we expect houerly, a merchant ship being come in, who lest them off the Burlings, but the winde hath been since easterly. They come not sooner by at least two months then we needed them, haveing been all that time hardly able to attend any businesse, as we would, for want of victualls, which was the reason that we were all come and coming into port, as the first arrived. Our time since hath been improved in cleaning the fourth rate frigott. The enemy, according to our best intelligence and reason, intends speedily to engage us with all the force he can make. Whereby you may judge what need we have of prayers, and that in the second place friends at home should be a little more vigorous in sending necessary supplyes.

Your servant,
R. Creed.

Intercepted letters.

Ghent. Dec. 3, 1656. [N. S.]

To Mr. John Chase, apothecary in Covent-Garden.

Vol. xliv. p. 284.

By advice of a friend I must trust to your favour, that the enclosed may be speeded safely to the hands directed, and serve you I will ever at all opportunities in the power of my capacity.

Sir, your unknown and unfeigned friend to serve you,
D. Harlinger,

To my loving friend Mr. Edward Blawswidgen, speed these in London.

Your last received was of the 5th of July, since when I have sent you divers letters, but to admiration have not had the kindness of a word from you. Such slight regard have I not merited; but it's my fortune to find no man a friend, other than feigned such; yet could you vouchsafe to write to Mr. Gross, let me yet have an answer to this letter, in relation to my cozen Skelton's advice, from whom I understand in October last, that my cousin Hampson would be found my friend, and that by you I should understand thereof, of which not a word since appearing. Delay not my sad expectations in unexpressible sufferings. Beside only for want of money and clothes convenient to be seen, my great process is retarded, which else would have been gained absolutely, and so can be now speedily, had the fees due been paid, I know, if understood by you; but its a sad truth, that my daughter hath been carried to a prison in the Hague for her debts, shortly after her return thither, where ever since she is detained, and not remediable by me any way, such friends have I, some of which keep from me my own money.

I am ignorant of news to advise you concerning the king in Bruges, for there have not I been since he came there, nor have I seen him since I came into this country, and know not of a friend about him; and keeping my chamber by necessity, have little knowledge of the affairs of the world seeing none to converse with. If such friendship may be afforded, your letters directed to Henry le Guardy, at the five rings in the Schepenhus-street in Ghent, will be brought to me if alive. And so I rest your sad friend,
[I believe this is Sexby.]

D. H.

Resident Van Sasburgh to the States General.

Brussels, Dec. 4, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xliv. p. 300.

High and mighty lords.

My lords, the regulation for the provinces of Guelderland and Luxemburgh, according to which the soldiers are to be paid and maintained by them, is indeed printed, but the lord chancellor of Brabant, assisted with another lord of the council, came to the house of the king's printer here, and forbid the dispersing of them to any one whatsoever. It is believed, that those provinces are necessitated to raise some money, though their commissioners have declared, that they are not able to do it, and have no hopes to be able to get any. The agreement adjusted with the four members of Flanders is not yet printed, and the business of the lords states of Brabant is still in the same condition: in the mean time the disorders amongst the militia are such, that the highways are not to be used with safety.

High and mighty lords,
T. Van Sasburgh.

The governour of Barbados to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xliv. 302.

Right honourable,
Some twenty days since I writ your honour a former letter by capt. Geo. Pasfield, and therein advised you of the receipt of his highness's packet unto me, bearing date the 15th of July, with an inclosed therein for his said highness's commissioners at Jamaica; which coming to my hands the 8th of Octob. was the day following by an express sent for Jamaica; but the vessel, which carried the same, meeting with admiral Goodson's fleet at Mevis, the said admiral and commissioner Stoakes being then ready to sail with some of the inhabitants of Mevis and Christophers, to the number of about 1400, to Jamaica, received his highness's letter, and have returned an answer thereto, which your honour will herewith receive. I have likewise received a copy of an order passed by his highness and council, bearing date the 29th of May 1656, which yesterday came to my hands from the said commissioners; his highness being therein pleased to grant, that all goods of the growth of Jamaica, and all manufactures made thereof, which shall be brought from the said island into any part of the commonwealth, shall be free of custom and excise for the space of seven years. For the encouragement of such here, as shall desire to transplant themselves to Jamaica, I caused the same to be published throughout this island, there having already passed from this island near 4000 on the service, in the first and second fleet, most of which, by the relation of some that come from Jamaica hither, being dead, hath very much discouraged the inhabitants of this place from removing hence thither; and indeed the parting from so considerable number abovementioned hath much weakened the strength of this place, for that most of them were freemen, which is the safety of the island, next under the divine providence, that protecteth us amongst so many slaves and servants we here have. I have not else at present, but take leave and remain

Your honour's most humble and faithful servant Daniel Searle.

Barbados, Nov. 24, 1656.

From the same to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xliv. p. 304.

Right honorable,
This day I writ your honour a former by the ship Gilbert of London, since which is arrived the Chesnut catch, commanded by Mr. Henry Clarke, bound for Jamaica, who parted from Portsmouth the 8th of the last month; who cannot inform us, whether lieut. general Bryon be passed down with his fleet or not; but that he expected to have found him here. His stay will be only to wood and water, and so to proceed forward in his voyage. I have not else, but remain

Your honour's most humble servant Daniel Searle.

Barbadoes, Nov. 24, 1656.