State Papers, 1656: September (3 of 7)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1656: September (3 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1656: September (3 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1656: September (3 of 7)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

September (3 of 7)

C. Davison to secretary Thurloe.

Tusday, the 9th of Sept. 1656.

Vol. xlii. p. 241.

May it please your honnor,
This is once more to meind your honnor of my present condition, and howe I am compelled to leave the lodging, wherein I am these seven weekes past, it being tacken up by another, whoe comes to leye in it to morrow. I protest I cannot tell howe to remove nor doe any thinge else for want of money, which is much occationed, for that I dare not be seen be any of my aquintance, nor stirre out of doores for to procure any money.

Wherefore I doe most humbly and earnestly praye your honnor to send mee this daye what money you intend for mee, or to appointe mee an houre this evening to come to receive itt, and to communicatt to your honnor severall perticulers of importance latelye come to my knowledge. If I have not this money this night, I am fearfull of receaving an affront from the landlorde, which I humbly offer to your honnor's consideration, and rest, &c.


Capt. Richard Stayner to the generals of the fleet.

Vol. xlii. p. 251.

Right honorable,
After my service presented to your honours, these are to acquaint you, that upon the 8th instant at night it blew hard westwardly, by means whereof we with our squadron (only the Providence, she being gone to water) weighed out of the bay of Cadiz, and plyed to sea. In the evening we espied eight sail, some five or six leagues to the westward of Cadiz, we using the best means, that we could, to meet with them the next day, which we did, it being little wind at N. E. It was nine of the clock before we came up with them, but having a fresh gale in the night, all but we and the Bridgewater were to the leward, and could not come up to us. But when we came to the fleet, it proved to be the Spanish fleet come from the West Indies, which were four of the king of Spain's, three merchant men, and one prize, which they had taken by way of the Western islands, being a Portuguese, which were eight in all. We engaged the fleet, but being within four leagues of Cadiz, could not stay for our ships; but we, the Bridgewater, and Plymouth engaged them, and had a sharp dispute some of us; but the admiral being the smallest ship, we slighted her, for we conceived there was some policy used in the flag, by which means the admiral and the Portugal prize got into Cadiz. The vice-admiral and one more we sunk, and burnt two. We took one. The captain of her, which we have on board, saith, she hath in her two millions of silver. The vice-admiral had as much I do believe. The Plymouth chased another, who came ashoar between St. Peter's and cape Degar, but it seems, by the prisoners information, they had no silver in her. The ship we took is as good as all the fleet besides. The other, that captain Harman hath taken, is very rich; but little silver in her. Both the prize and our ship are sorely wounded both in masts and hull. The commanders advise me not to take the silver out of her. I do intend to take further advice about it. There is no news, only I believe the fleet will follow us: the galleys came out. Because of the riches and disability of our ship, we will come towards you, except your honours send further orders, for we are in no capacity to stay here. I shall leave two or three of the best sailing ships off the cape, and I and the rest will come to Lisbon, where I hope to find your honours. There is the Nova Spaniola fleet at the Havanna, but when they will come home is not knowne. This is all, only there is loss of men in some ships, the number I know not. I am
Your honours humble servant,
Ric. Stayner.

From on board the Speaker, in haste,
this 9th of Sept. 1656.

The names of the chiefest commanders and persons that I have been informed were taken in the two ships, and other two sunk and burnt by some six sail of frigots, under the command of general Blake, the 10th of Sept. 1656.

Vol. xlii. p. 255.

Six Spanish ships, that came from the Havanna, laden with gold, silver, pearls, and precious stones, hides, indico, sugar, cochinello, little varinas, and tobacco, came from the West Indies in 58 days, made no land, nor touched at any place. They took by the way one little Frenchman, laden with hides; another small ship, that came from Portugal for the Eastern islands, laden with wheat; both which prizes they brought along with them to the place, where they were taken. When they took the Portugal ship, they asked them, where the English fleet was. Their answer was, that their countrymen the Spaniard did beat them off the coast a month before; so they came for Cadiz, not doubting any thing, where they saw our six frigots, which seemed to them as fisher boats; so they bore up to them, thinking to have put the plate out, which was not registred. Some of our frigots engaged with them, burnt one presently. The vice-admiral fought six hours; the Spaniards say our men set her on fire, so they sunk her; but our men took out of her much gold and silver before she sunk. There was killed one hundred and ten men, whereof the chiefest was a marquis, called in Spanish El marquis de Vaydes y conde de Pederozo, governor of Lima in New Spain for many years. He brought with him 800,000 pieces of eight. He and his wise were burnt, also one son and one daughter of fifteen years of age. Our men took up three sons and two daughters, whereof his eldest son was a marquis. They are all prisoners. The eldest daughter was to be married to the duke of Medina Celi's son; the other daughter was to be married to don Juan de Joyas, commander of the galleon, that we have taken.

The galleon that is taken, whereof don Juan de Joyas was commander, was about 500 tuns, had in her 350 men, which are prisoners. Their general was a small frigot of about 200 tons, who being to windward of our ships got into Cales with one of their small prizes, which they had taken. The other two, our men say, are run ashore and lost: no certainty of this, until our ships come from Lagos. As concerning the true value of their ships taken is not justly known, but by the calculation of the Spaniards there is taken and lost some nine millions of pieces of eight; so they conceive may be taken some five millions of pieces of eight.

Also there is a relation, according as we have received it from the young marquis we have taken, that by an earthquake almost the whole city of Lima in the South sea, with 12,000 men, and one hundred millions of plate in pigs were all destroyed within six months, a little before they came out; and that the mines there failed, and the natives most destroyed by working in them, and are ready to revolt upon an unheard of cruelty the Spaniard hath lately exercised amongst them.

An information.

Vol. xli. p. 850.

Be it known and made manifest unto all people, that on the ninth of this instant month of September before me Robert Wickenden, notary and tabellion public, dwelling in the town and port of Dover, in the county of Kent, by lawful authority admitted and sworn, there personally appeared Andrew Symons of Ameland in Holland, steerman of a certain hoy called the Sheepsold of Amsterdam (whereof Francis Symons is master) and John Gores of Ameland aforesaid mariner, one of the company of the said hoy, where upon their faith and honesty, by the interpretation of Andrew Yarsley of Dover aforesaid merchant, have declared, and for truth affirmed and witnessed, that above since the said hoy came from Lubeck, being loaden with peas and oats, and bound therewith to Roan in France, and that on the 23d of August last past, the said hoy being in the proceed of the intended voyage, was seized and taken off Dunkirk about a league from the shore by a man of war then in the service of the commonwealth of England, called the Red-horse pink; and that at the first taking of the said hoy, some of the company of the man of war laid her aboard with their long-boat, and took out the master of the said hoy, and carried him on board of the man of war, and then some of the company of the said man of war came afterwards with their long-boat on board again of the said hoy, and there put light matches between the fingers of one John Yelches, cook of the said hoy, and did beat him, and put a rope about his neck, and afterwards put the rope through the ring of the boat belonging to the said hoy, and drew his neck up close to the boat, and did threaten to hang the said John Yelches, if he would not confess of some other goods to be on board of the said hoy, besides peas and oats, although he absolutely told them there were no other goods in the same vessel. In witness whereof I the said notary have hereunder written my name (they the said attestants and also the said Andrew Yarley having signed in the registry of me the said notary, this 9th day of Sept. anno Domini 1656, stylo Angliæ.

Quod attestor Ro. Wickenden notarius pub.

We hereunder written, merchants residing in the town and port of Dover aforesaid, do certify by these presents, that Rob. Wickenden, who hath subscribed this instrument, is notary, and tabellion public in this port of Dover, and that unto the acts and other things by him subscribed there is given good faith and credit. Dated under our hands the tenth day of Sept. anno Dom. 1656.

Jaecques Jongeries
James Paul
Da. Skymer
Lu. Cullen
Daniel Porten.

A letter of the Dutch ambassadors in Denmark.

Vol. xlii. p. 291.

My lord,
Since our last to your lordship of the 16th current, the ambassador of Brandenburgh hath complained to us, in regard there is writ to his lordship from the Hague, that we in our letters to the government had advised them, that his lordship endeavoured to dispose the king and lords of his council to give no heed to the counsels of their high and mighty lordships, and used several general protestations and requests, that we would communicate to his lordship the particulars, wherewith we found ourselves offended in his regard. We answered thereunto in such a manner, that we did not altogether dissemble the information, which was given us about his transactions and intention in this court; but also on the other side we observed the secrecy, which we owe to those, who with much confidence, and we believe with no less sincerity, imparted to us the said information; speaking therefore only in general terms, and upon our excuse, that we could not proceed to particulars. We doubt not but they will endeavour to cause that, which we have written about it, to pass for an abuse with their high and mighty lordships. But we are informed by one of the chiefest ministers of this kingdom, that since the departure of the last post, the said lord ambassador did attempt and desire in express terms, whether the king of Denmark would not think fit to adjust privately the treaties with the king of Sweden, and not to communicate the same to their high and mighty lordships before that they be advanced too far. We would not willingly give offence with our advice, much less make ourselves criminal to make diffidence with ungrounded reports between their high and mighty lordships and a prince, that is allied to them; but we thought we should not have performed our duty upon such an occasion, if we had not advertised their high and mighty lordships of these particulars. It doth seem to many here in the mean time, that the progress of the Muscovite with the conjuncture of other circumstances might well make a total alteration in the counsels of the duke of Brandenburgh. And therefore the ministers of his majesty do make good use of this conjuncture, and do roundly propose to the said lord ambassador, that the duke ought to agree separately with Poland, if it cannot be otherwise; and this court doth shew all manner of inclination to assist the duke therein, in regard it is held for a common firm interest, that the said duke ought of necessity to be preserved; and as one of the lords told us, vel invitus. The lord ambassador of Brandenburgh saith, that the duke his master was assured by the king of Sweden before last engagement, that he stood upon good terms with the Muscovite.


Copenhagen, 20 Sept. 1656. [N. S.]

Another letter from the same.

Vol. xlii. p. 263.

My lord,
The lord major general Goes, who was sent from hence in the quality of an envoy to the great duke of Muscovy, and as we advised your lordships in our last of the 16th current, is returned back to this place with the present ambassador of Muscovy. As his lordship reports, he was extraordinarily well received by the great duke of Muscovy, with more demonstration of favour than is usually shewn in the court of Muscovy to any foreign ministers or ambassadors themselves. And his lordship was not only admitted to have the honour of eating at the great duke's table, which for a minister of his quality is an unusual favour, but also was allowed to have a particular conference and conversation with the great duke, and this in so obliging a way, that the said duke, after the ceremony of the public audience, descended from his throne, and made to the envoy, and did entertain him in discourse very familiarly, he having been formerly at the duke's court, where he had learned the language. His departure was a most significative overture of the said duke's affection to live with this king his brother in near amity and unity, and to advance his interest against the king of Sweden. There was observed in the great duke's discourse a very great bitterness; and amongst the rest there was this spoken by him, that he could not suffer him to be his neighbour, but the king of Denmark his brother, who he thought would meet him upon the way. There is this further in the discourse and relation of the said envoy, that the duke is for his person a prince of understanding and great vigilance, and who is used to manage his affairs himself. Of the power and forces of the Muscovites the report is almost incredible. The great duke should have told the envoy himself, that he hath at present seven hundred thousand men in arms, which make several powerful armies, whereof one is sent to attend the actions of the Tartars, another to observe the affairs of the Poles, and the rest under several generals, who are already appointed to march for Finland against the Swedes, as also in Ingermanlant and Lysland. The army, which the great duke commandeth himself, and is before Riga, doth consist of 200,000 men. The number of ships, wherewith he supplieth his army with provision and ammunition from Duna, is very great. The envoy reports it for a wonderful thing, and saith, that they are no less than one hundred thousand. The horse, or cavalry, are very few in number to the foot, being not well accoutred; neither doth the great duke make any great account of them, but the foot are able men, and armed after the manner of Europe, and well disciplined: for a tryal thereof, the said envoy doth relate, that in his presence after the taking of Kockenhausen, they wholly consisting of 70,000 men, made a discharge, and their muskets went off all at one time, as if it had been but one blow. The governor of the said place, having under him a garrison of 500 men, was consumed, and all put to the sword, that had a soul in it. This is said was displeasing to the great duke, though the place was taken by storm. When the said envoy parted from the duke, he saith, that he was upon his march towards Riga, and had given orders to his generals in Ingermanlant to join with him with his forces, that so they may assault together the places of any consequence in Lysland. The general, who is in Finland, writes to the great duke, that if he had ships, he would transport his men, and march for Stockholm, and fire the chief city of the Swedish empire. With the duke of Brandenburgh the great duke shewed himself no ways pleased; saith, that he had caused his amity to be presented to him, but withal to separate himself from Sweden; and if so be, that he did not do it, he would fall upon his country with fire and sword. We write this upon the report of the said envoy, without adding or taking from it.


Copenhagen, 20th Sept. 1656. [N. S.]

An intercepted letter of sir G. Ratcliffe.

Paris, 13th Sept. 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xlii. p. 259.

D. N.
This day I leave this place. You will be like to hear from me by the way I go. I hear say the duke of York leaves Paris to morrow or friday: he goes post the first day, sending his servants and coach before him a day or two. I am told, that he will be in Calais on tuesday next, and then they have but two days more to Bruges. His followers complain, that he hath been ill used for money, for which he hath had many great promises; but he gets not one third part of what he did expect and was due to him. I heard it a secret, that monsieur de Beleau helped him at a dead list to as much as will bear the charges of his journey. This to me was a wonder.

Miles Petit desires you, if you get any money, that you would return it for him to Antwerp. There is Mr. Shaw a merchant, that will pay it him; for it will come seasonably, and there will be need of it. He hath been wonderfully supplied both for his own necessities and his friends. The story is remarkable.

A letter of intelligence from col. Bampfylde.

Vol. xlii. p. 273.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

I Was sent for abroade three howers since by a person of quality about important business, juste as I was beginning to write, and by him detayned till nowe, so as I shall not have tyme to say what I intended at present. Here is a dispatch come, which advertises, that the cardinal de Retz certaynly embarqued himselfe privately at Genoa for a private port in Provance, the name of which I have forgotten: his designe certaynly is for this place, and if he be not intercepted before he gets into his church of Notre Dame, he is resolved to take sanctuary there, to execute his function, and declare that he desires noe more then to live quietly in the discharge of his office, withoute medling with any other affayres. If the court can, they will prevent his getting into the church; and if otherwise, they resolve to fetch him out, and dispose of him, according to the accusations they have already exhibited agaynest him. Here is this morning early an express come to the chancellor, which brings newes, that the guarrison of Valence hath capitulated to render within two dayes after his departure; the capitulation was signed on both sides, and hostages given. The queen of Swede was at Chantillie, first by the cardinall, and aboute 3 howres after the king and duke of Anjou arived there incognito; but the queen discovered them, and after the ordnary complements passed, the king and she had some private discource. The same night the king rode back to Compiegne, and met her publiquely the next day at a house of marescall de la Moth's, in the midway betwixt that and Chantillie. The queen and cardinall rode alone in the coach, till they met the king. They have had great privacie, and her majesty expresses the greatest satisfaction imaginable. She at firste appeared resolved to goe for Pomerania, aboute the settlement of what she had reserved for herselfe, upon the resignation of her crowne; but nowe pretends to have received advertisement from thence, that it is done allready by the king's commands, and soe departs for Ittaly immediately. She sets forth from Compiegne to morrowe morning, goes by the way of Orleance, and soe through Piedmont. 'Tis thought, that she has taken this resolution since her first meeting with the cardinall. By the next you shall hear more of this from mee, then I can nowe put in cipher, or then is fitt to venture out of it. The officers of three of the Irish regiments have leave to goe with the duke of Yorke, and they say the same will be connived at to followe; but I can hardly believe that; but whither it be true or not, I am confident they will not be longe behind. All the Irish in the army of Flanders will be aboute 4000 men. I believe upon good and reasonable grounds, that they will make of all sorts an army of 10,000 men, and assure themselves of a powerfull conjunction in England. Of this you shall knowe more by the next. I have advised Mr. 90 W h i t e 53 99 to put himselfe into the t r a i n o f the queene of Sweden to observe all motions, to goe through to Rome, where his unkle is in great power. I have furnished what money I cowld, as holding this voyage of great concernment. I can say noe more for the present, but that I am with perfect truth, sir,
Your moste humble and moste faithfull servant,
De Beauple.

The Turke has cutt off the heads of the two Venetian embassadors at Constantinople. The plague spreads extreamly at Rome. The Venetian embassadour dyed of it, and was buryed privately, and his family shut up. Card. Barberini's family is infected, who is chancellour of Rome; whereupon the chancery is shutt up, and his pallace, he only having liberty to retyre to another palace. Moste of the villages about Rome are infected, from whence they use to have theyr provisions, which will probably ad the famine to the pestilence. God of his infinite mercy bless, direct, and preserve you, and all your designes, and from theise judgments.

Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1656. [N. S.]

Mr. Anthony Hinton to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xlii. p. 253.

May this begg my pardon, if my ignorance in this kinde shall make mee wright any thing unbeseeming me. My humble request is, that you please to consider, that I am of a temper very unable to undergoe this strickt restreint, without much hazard of my life. I will not mention the many pressing necessityes in my calling, by profession an apothecary, which I cannot but beleive you are sensible off; wherefore my humble suit is, that you will be pleased to give a speedy dispatch to my further examination; by it I shall hope to receive your more favourable opinion, which may ad much to my release. Your high employments beggs my pardon for this brevity, and assures me this will with lesse difficulty passe your favourable vew. May it please you to returne your answeare. I humbly subscribe myselfe, sir,
Your humble, though imprisoned, servant,
Anthony Hinton.

Lambeth-house, Sept. 10th, 1656.

Courtin to Bordeaux, the French ambassador in England.

Hague, 21 Sept. 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xlii. p. 311.

My lord,
It is not certainly known, whether the messenger of the lord protector sent to the lords states be yet arrived; but here is a letter come to the effect, whereof your excellency maketh mention. The provinces have not yet declared themselves upon the act of guaranty, which their ambassadors have concluded in Denmark; but it's said they will approve of it; and that they will dispatch the ratification against the time agreed on. The states of Holland now met, will decide that business. The ambassadors of that state at Elbing write, that they are agreed in all points according to the intention of this state, and the treaty had been signed, had not the Swedish commissioners raised a new scruple about the form to be used for the inclusion of Dantzick; but it is not of so great consequence, as to cause the rupture of the said treaty. This day orders are to be sent to the lord of Opdam, to return with the fleet. The recalling of their ships doth seem to argue a confidence of this state of the conclusion of the treaty with Sweden.

The Dutch resident at Brussels to the States General.

Vol. xlii. p. 315.

High and mighty lords,
It seemeth as if the affairs about the Spanish army do begin to change. It is said of a certain, that their men run away in a great number, and do hide themselves; and the same cannot be prevented by gallows or rack. There are at least four thousand missing. The non-payment is the cause thereof. Here is now news on the other side, that the French army is refreshed, and recruited with some thousands, and is marching directly towards the Spanish, with a full intention to fight, if so be they do not alter. It is to be believed, that they will be rather upon the defensive part. Don John hath also mustered his army together, and both armies are said to be quartered within two miles of each other. If they fight, it will cause some very great alteration. The besieging of St. Ghilain is now declined, the place being victualled for six months, and the approaching of the winter doth cause their courage to fail.

I do hear of several designs and projects spoken of; but in regard they are very uncertain and without ground, as far as I understand yet, I shall forbear to mention them.

Brussells, 21 Sept. 1656. [N. S.]

Steele, lord chancellor of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xlii. p. 321.

Not being able to wayte upon you this morning, and not willing any opportunity might bee omitted to hasten mee hence, caused me to give you this trouble, and to intreate you, that what orders or letters neede to passe by his highnes or the councell, may bee transacted this day, if possible. I suppose it may bee thought requisite to make mention of the accomodation his highnes is pleased to afford mee this winter in the castle. I intend this afternoone to attend upon his highnes, for the surrendring my old and receiving the new commission. I rest, sir,
Your most affectionate and humble servant,
Wm. Steele.

Sept. 11th, 1656.

Bee pleased to procure for mee a warrant either for post-horses or transporting what shal be necessary; the number, if to bee mentioned, not exceeding 20.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

Ce 16 Septembre, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xlii. p. 367.

Il y a tres grande brigue pour la charge de secretaire de la chambre de contes; mais on en a differé la collation jusques a mecredy.

Il y aura eu nouvelle instance pour un superarbitre dans la chambre mypartie, surquoy il me semble, qu'on viendra en conference avec l'ambassadeur d'Espagne.

Touchant les 100 hommes à Veere on viendra en communication avec le conseil d'estat; l'on dit, que la ville de Veer courroit risque d'estre surprisé & occupée par les tumultuants paisans.

L'on est tres mal satisfait du magistrat de Bois-le-duc; qui aura resolu de ne plus permettre la verpachtinch de leurs moyens par le conseil d'estat; & autre chose au prejudice de la generalité. La Hollande a maintenant cela sur le tapis: & l'on parle de descharger tout ce magistrat de leur serment.

Tel Spanheim, professeur a Geneva, ayant icy sollicité & obtenu 30,000 l. pour les fortifications de Geneva, a bien la resolution; mais l'on ne sait pas d'ou viendra l'argent.

17 Septemb.

De Stetin du 30 Aug./9 Sept. on escrit l'arrivement du roy de Swede à Stum. Que l'ambassadeur d'Avangour estoit allé trouver le roy de Poloigne à Lublin. Que les Tartares estoient retournes vers leur patrie avec leur butin. Les Cosacques estants a la disposition de la Swede auroient ordre d'attaquer le Moscovite, &c. mais cecy vient de Stetin d'une main Swedois.

18 Septembre.

Le principal & plus notable d'aujourdhuy est, que l'on a resolu de rescrire aux ambassadeurs à Elbing, qu'on les authorise à signer & parachever le traité, entendant que par l'inclusion on ay satisfait à la ville de Danzig. Et on m'a dit, que dans l'assemblée sera rapporté, que le sieur deputé de Dantzigk aura declaré, qu'il jugeoit que la dite ville accepteroit l'inclusion.

Ceux de Brandeborch icy ne font nulle difficulté dans les affaires de l'electeur, & nient la prinse de Riga. Toutefois d'Amsterdam on l'escrit; & si cela est, la prinse de Riga & la non-prinse de Dantsigk sont de coups mortels.

19 Septemb.

A Koningsberg estoit arrivé le vice-chancelier de Moscovie, ayant audience taschera de separer l'electeur de la Swede. De la prinse de Riga nulle certitude.

Aujourdhuy l'assemblée fust separée desja à onze heures, si que la Hollande voulant proposer touchant la flotte, vint trop tard. Ce sera demain; & alors aussi on fera un secretaire de la chambre de contes.

Un moine Chartreux sorty du cloistre qui cy devant a esté a Vucht offre de prouver que les biens de Vucht appartiennent à la mayerie; mais il n'a point de documents.

20 Septemb.

Quant à la charge de secretaire de la chambre de conte, la Geldre & Hollande ont donné leurs voix au beaufrere du Sr Bevering: tout le reste l'a donné an Sr Vander Pol, maistre de conte à present dans la dite chambre, sans aucune controverse le plus habile de tous les pretendents.

La Hollande aujourdhuy a proposé de revoquer la flotte de devant Dantzigk, laissant au Sont dix navires d'icelle flotte sous le capitaine Tromp, avec quoy les autres provinces se sont conformées.

Le roy de Dennemarck à present desire, que le traité à Elbinge ne s'acheve point. Et il semble, qu'il a dessein de remuer.

21 Septemb.

L'ambassadeur d'Espagne aura fait presenter memoire pour le passage & transport libre du bagage du conte Garcia, & D. Tal par Zeelande vers & d'Espaigne. L'on s'estonne, pourquoy le dit ambassadeur requiert cela: 1. Parce que cela sera aussitost sceu des Anglois, qui quitteront pour cela les navires de Zelande. 2. L'on n'est pas accoustumé de donner libre passage à des contes, si que cette disposition est encore sursise.

21 Septemb.

L'on a aujourdhuy resolu d'escrire au Sr d'Opdam, qu'il aye a retourner à veue de lettre avec trente les plus grosses navires de sa flotte; & que Tromp y demeurera avec les 12 restants les plus petits; sur lesquels il partagera les 1300 soldats, tant qu'il en pourra tenir; & ce jusques à ulterieur ordre & aux ambassadeurs en Dennemarck sera escrit, que le roy sera prié de vouloir adjouster à ces navires aussy aucuns des siennes.

22 Septemb.

L'on a encore aujourdhuy aucunement changé la resolution touchant Dantsigk; d'autant qu'elle donne fort à connoistre, qu'elle prend nul contentement avec l'inclusion, car elle dedesire l'expulsion des Swedois de Prussie.

Pour donc complaire à Dansigk, on taschera de mettre une partie des soldats, qui sont sur la flotte, sur de navires de louage; & ne trouvant point de navires de louage, on les mettra à terre.

Mais quant à ce que le Dennemarck desire de repeter les terres, que la Swede luy a osté l'an 1645, de cela cest estat ne se veut point mesler, ny pour cela suspendre la signature du traité à Elbing.

Et d'autant que Dantsigk se pleint tant, que par l'inclusion elle ne sauroit pas estre asseurée, on fera requerir tant le protecteur, que le Dennemarck, d'estre garand de l'inclusion. On a resolu de requerir l'ambassadeur d'Espaigne pour l'assumption du traite de composition du pais d'Outremeuse.

La lettre du protecteur estant leüe, on a resolu de luy respondre sort civilement.

Mr. Francis Prince to Mr. Wm. Kissen.

Laus Deo. In Amsterdam, the 22d of September, 1656. [N. S.]

In the possession of the right hon. Philip l. Hardwicke, l. high chancellor of Great Britain.

Mr. William Kiffen, and my honered frind,
Sir, yours of the 5th present I have well received, and doe take notes, that yow weare in hand to sell my tarr, which is not sould. I pray you will not sell under 13 l. starlinge, for the commoditey doth rise heare much. Here are 5 or 6 shippes, which went for tarr, which are com whome without aney tarr. The Muscovite hath burnt most of the tarr in the cuntrey. Per the next post I shall give you farther notes, how it wel rule with tarr. I feare much dearer, as allsoe pich. Sir, this weeke I saw a letter, which was wright by order of a great commander of K. C. which was wright to one currenell Staple or Stapleton, att the king's head in Freydayes street, in which the commander did say, that hee had received command from C. St. to have command of 4000 soulders, which hee did hope to compleat in a short time. Hee gave orders to wright to one in great plase in England; but of that I cannot wright at present, but it may bee shall per first. I did give you notes to inquire about the comminge in of Sweathes tarr, that a ship com from Stochollme with a parsell of a 100 last or opward, if you can bey it at 10 l. per last, 19 barrells per last of the largest, markt with a o: if it should bee somthinge more, I would goe my part with you. I doe thinck it may prouse a conceddrable bussenes. Soe not elce att present, I doe rest
Yours to command,
Francis Prince.

To Mr. Wm. Kiffen, marchant in London.

Mr. Ch. Baines to Mr. Abr. Smith.

London, this 12th of September, 1656.

Vol. xlii. p. 261.

Mr. Abraham Smyth,
Yours I received eight days since, but had not any advice worth the sendinge by the last poast. Our sales hitherunto have gon off reasonable well, and I doubt not but the ende of the markett will prove the best. This next weeke (allmost as soone as this comes to your handes) the last packe will be sould; and therefore if by any accidentall messenger or shippinge you heare of it, before I can give you advice by this day eight days poast, pray be ready to send away the three packes. I could wishe, that upon the receipt of this, they were sent to Zealand to be shipped by the first, but not absolutly to goe to sea till you heare somethinge as before mentioned. Robine came out of Yorkeshire three dayes since, and thinckes little will be don towards the puttinge off the finest packe till it comes over. The customers for it will not be in towne till some dayes after Mickellmas, so that doubtles it may be here tyme enough for its markett. I shall say noe more at present, but wishing you to be very carefull of sendinge the three packes, when they doe come, in good condition, that there may be noe damadge. All your freinds here are, blessed be God, in good health, and remember themselves to you. Wee have not much newes, all our expectations being from this presant approachinge parliament. Much good is expected from them, for the unitinge and settlinge of our nation; yett the ould disturbers of its peace have bene lately contriveinge of some mischiefe, for which many of them, to the number (as I heare) of 30, was yeasterday carryed to the tower; besides all cavalliers from this day for six moneths are banished 20 miles from the citty. Some of the prisoners are, the lord Tuston, lord Willeby of Parham, Mr. Nuport, coll. Ashburneham, Mr. Russell, lord Bedford's brother, and a collonell with won eye, beinge a taule slender man, of near 40 yeares, &c. Mr. Harry Seymore searched for, but not founde. These, with others, were to sease upon Loevingland, or some garrison, for Charles Stuart. His highnes allso tould his officers, that 4000 Spanyards, 4000 Dutch, and 4000 of his owne subjects were in a reddines to invade us, and that one coll. Saxston (or such like name) had the chiefe command under the Spannyard, whoe had given 800 l. to an officer of one of our fortes to give him entrance; but the vigillancy and wisdome of his highnes has put an end to theyre villanies. We have divers new malignants, whereof sir Henry Vayne is one, and sent prisoner to the isle of Weight, and I heare this day Harrison to Pendennis. Coll. Rich has bine prisoner some weekes at Winsor. By this you may guesse at our trouble, but I hope the omnipotent God will give us, in his good tyme, a happy exit; which with my kind love to you, I rest
Your loveinge freind,
Charles Banes.

The examination of Mr. Anthony Hinton, taken at Lambeth-house this 12th of September, 1656.

Vol. xlii. p. 329.

This examinant saith, that Dr. Hammond went under the name of Westenbergh, and not Reveer; and that he gave in the name of the bishop of Salisbury to be Westenbergh, which was his mistake; for the bishop of Salisbury he doth remember to be Andrews, but who monsieur Reveer is, he doth not know.

He further saith, that the letters superscribed on the cover to him, and with the inclosed having the letters S. H. Mrs. St. Barbe, and Mrs. Edwards, were all delivered to Mrs. Susan Hyde. He also saith, that the letters, that came to him without superscriptions, and inclosed by him to Mr. Lovell, were always left upon the account to be sent to Mr. Lovell. Who they came from, he doth profess he doth not know. As for the money, he really confesseth he never sent but 125 l. to Mr. Lovell, and never any more as to him, and 125 l. to Mrs. Earles, which was all indeed that was ever delivered to Mr. Nevill.

What sums of money he hath received from Mrs. Hyde, he cannot positively tell, because it hath been paid at several times these three or four years, sometimes 40 l. sometimes 50 l. and 60 l. at a time; all which sums he returned by bills of exchange to Dr. Morley, payable by Mr. John Shawe.

Anthony Hinton.

To his highness Oliver Cromwell, lord protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland.

The humble petition of Anthony Hinton, prisoner in Lambeth-house,

Vol. xlii. p. 361.

Humbly sheweth,
That upon some surmises, that your petitioner had done some ill offices in relation to the safety and good of the commonwealth of England, your petitioner was first examined on friday September the 5th, and after it committed close prisoner to Lambeth-house, where he hath continued since; and being conscious to himself of his own innocency in that behalf, as also being a person of a sickly constitution, who never had his health without freedome of ayre and dayly exercise, and alsoe being an apothecary to many families and persons of worth and quality, whose health may alsoe be much concerned by his further restraint at this seasonable time for physick:

He humbly therefore prayeth, that in consideration of the premisses he may be forthwith admitted to a further examination, where he doubteth not but to give a full satisfaction, that soe he may be comfortably restored to his former liberty and employments.

And your petitioner shall (as in duty bound) pray for your highness.

Dr. Tho. Horton to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xlii. p. 335.

Right honorable,
I Cannot be ignorant of the variety of your weighty occasions, and yet withall I cannot forbeare still to putt interruptions to them, although there be some kind of difference betwixt my present application and my former; for that was made from selfe-love, and upon the account of private interest; this is rather out of duty, and from the sense of my manifold obligations. That, sir, needed your patience and favourable interpretation; this it entreates your acceptance and friendly admission, being no other than a reall acknowledgement of your infinite and exceeding civilityes, which I have continually received from you in the whole course and series of my severall addresses to you, and more particularly in this late undertaking for my establishment in Gresham-colledge.

Sir, when I came out of London, and left that affaire with you, I rather hoped then expected any suddaine accomplishment of it; not that I had cause in the least to doubt of the reality of your affection, which I had so much experience of from the first motion of the thing itself to you; but because I saw you so strangely overwhelm'd with a ocean of buisinesses upon you of farr greater importance, which I conceived would leave you no roome for such a petty matter as this to take your thoughts. But I plainely discerne by the event, that I needed no other solliciter then the propensity of your owne inclynations, for even in my absence the buisiness is settled to my fullest contentment and satisfaction.

And though, sir, I wanted not the interposings of a very honorable person in my behalf, betwixt whom and yourself there is a mutuall reciprocation of respect; yet comparing the date of my order (which is since come to my hands) with the time, when his letters came to yours, I perceive, that your forwardnes had prevented his suggestions; so that it was more your owne goodness, then any regard to forraine persuasion, which was of force to to prevayle with you.

Sir, I have no other shaddow of requitall of so much favour, then as I have hitherto hindred your occasions by my importunityes with you, so henceforth to endeavor to further and promote them by my importunitys for you, that God would delight still to carry you through those mighty workes, which are undertaken by you, with assistance, chearfullnes, and success, to the honour of his great name, the advantage of the publique, and the comfort of yourself; which is, sir, and shall be the hearty and continued prayer of,
Right honorable,
Your most thankfully and sincerely devoted,
in all faithfull observance,
Thomas Horton.

Cambr. Queene's coll. Sept. 12th, 1656.

Major general Packer to the protector.

Vol. xlii. p. 341.

May it please your highnes,
I Had yesterday a meeting with coll. Cox and coll. Marsh, in order to what you wer pleased to propound of raysing a regiment in this county, and I find since my last speakeing with coll. Marsh, hee is in his resolutions wholy altered as to the acceptance of the imployment as collonell, yet professeth it is upon noe other ground but the indisposition of his body, hee beeing old and much weakned by severall distempers; and hee doth assure your highnes, that he will further the worke in the hands of others, what he is able; to the uttermost, hee haveing his heart much engaged therein; and I am confident he will. It is likewise judged by them, that coll. Washington will not in many respects bee fitt for that worke, although a very honest hearted man; soe that for a coll. I think your highnes must pitch either upon coil. Cox, or sir Richard Combes. Coll. Cox desires, that sir Richard Combes may have the command, and hee resolves to rayse a company under him; yet I have thought, that coll. Cox will be more fitt, with respect to his haveing been in service formerly; the other, although otherwise fitt, yet young and unexperienced, he never yet being called out in the condition of a soldier; and if you shall please to give coll. Cox the command, I am confident he will rayse a good company under him; but I doe humbly submitt the choyse to your highnes. I have here inclosed a list of tenn names, that, if they will engage, are by us judged persons very fitt; and if your highnes shall be pleased to appoint one of them collonell, wee shall then consider of such persons of them as are fitt for field officers; but at present I dare not desire your highnes to put these names into commissions, the busines not having been yet communicated unto them; but I have taken order for several meetings in the countrey in order thereunto; but if your highnes will please by the bearer to send down a commission to one of the two forenamed persons to be collonell, and a commission to the other to rayse a company, these two companys will be quickly raysed, and I shall take care for armes for them. And if it be not too great a trust, if your highnes will please to sende downe blanke commissions, I shall fill them with the advise of the persons, with whom I have thus far advised about this work, and shall be as faithfull to you therein as to my owne life. I have ordered coll. Cox to take into his custody the armes and amunition, that shall be found in the magazines of this county; by which I hope wee shall furnish most of the men to bee raysed. I doe humbly begg your highnes leave to stay in the country untill tuesday next, in order to this and other publique busines already appointed. The Lord of heaven bless your highnes, relieve you in all your strayts, shew you your way, deliver you from evill, and preserve you to his heavenly kingdom. This is and shall bee the hearty prayer of him, that is
Your highnes most faithfull, humble, and thankfull servant,
Will. Packer.

Sept. 12, 1656.

If your highnes please, you may rayse a good regiment in Buckinghamshire, and I believe there are armes almost enough to arm them. Coll. Fletcher, and major Browne, and major Theed are persons of good * *.

A letter of intelligence.

Vol. xlii. p. 79.

I Receved yours of the 15th of August, and thank you for it, and the kindnesses you expresse in it. I shall endevor to deserve them, and study to serve you punctually, when I know your mind, which that you may expresse at will, I have sent you the inclosed cypher. I cannot tell you how acceptable our newes may be to yow, but beeing I have nothing else to entertayne you withall, yow may please to accept of it, and assure yourselfe, that I will omit nothing, wherein I can imagine your interest and advantage may be concerned. Poland is the stage, whereupon the sad tragedie of this north-east part of the world is acted: the persons are the Swedes, Poles, Muscoes, Tartars, Cossacs, Brandenburgers, Danes, and Hollanders. The Swedes have bin very successfull through the falsehood and faynt-heartednesse of the Poles, who were beaten nere Warshaw, as I mentioned in my last. They are since retired every one into his owne, insomuch that the Swedes and Brandenburgers made a cavalcade as far as Cracow and the confines of Silesia, without any considerable encounter. The Swedish king is at present at Elbing, and the elector at Coninsberg. Wee were alarmed last weeke with the apprehension of a siege, but being the Muscoviter hath so notably attacked the Swedes in Livonia, and so suddenly, our feare is over for the winter. Dinenburg and Cokenhuyssen, the first betwixt Riga (the best place the Swede hath in the world) and the sea, are alreadie taken, and the city straightly beseiged by 80,000 Russians. What the event will be, time will learn; onely wee hope so vigorous a diversion cannot but prove advantageous for our gracious king (for whom wee are resolved to hold out to the last) and us, now that the Hollander and Dane have espoused our quarrell, the first for interest of commerce, and the second for recovery of what he lost in the last war. The Holland fleet, consisting in 42 lustie men of warr, are still here; and though they have orders to victual til the first of November, yet it wil be impossible they should stay here soe long, for feare of tempests, which are frequent in these quarters towards winter: besides the daungerous straights betwixt Copenhagen and the poynt of Jutland, especially betwixt the Sound and the North sea. The later of this moneth wil be the longest of their stay. On monday last the 11th of this present, nine Danish men of war, the 10th being the vice-admirall, being stranded nere Copenhagen, anchored in our rode. Their admirall is one Lindeno, a brave man: wee have no neede of them at present, yet wee are glad they are entred the daunce, and doubt not but by our league guarantee with such powerfull allies to be secure from the intollerable yoake of the usurping Swede. The Poles make head about Lublin, and their nobles ar againe summoned. The Cham promises in person to come to their succors, and they have some hopes to out of Germanie. The great duke hath sent the Brandenburgher word, that if he will not retire from the Swedes and their interest, he will fall into his countreys with fire and sword, and all what an enraged and powerfull enemy can doe. The plague rages very much in the Swedish quarters, as Elbing, Thorn, &c. Trading is here quite dead for the present; otherwise this place is in a very good posture. Our militia is at least 800 horse and 3000 foote, besides our brave traine band; and indeed wee want nothing for our defence. This is the true state of these partes, which may as little concerne you, as they are far removed from you. As for they moneys you have of myne in your hands, you will oblige mee in remitting of it by bill to Holland, or paying of it to our frind Jack, who will dispose of it as I shall give him directions. I shall take the commoditie of the Holland's fleet to transport mee to that countrey, to see what may be done there, trading being here quite dead. You shall heare from mee upon my removall, or if there occurr any thing worth your knowledge. I know not what is become of Jack, beeing I heare nothing from him. Adieu.

Pray lett not this newes be published in the prints.

Yours ever,
Roger Manley.

Dantzick, Sept. 13th, 1656.

Commissioner Pels to the States General.

Dantzick, the 23d Sept. 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xlii. p. 351.

High and mighty lords,
The magistrates of this city have yesterday in a letter written to your high and mighty lordships their minds concerning the inclusion of the city of Dantzick in the treaty made with Sweden, being partly an excuse, and a deduction, why they cannot resolve to a neutrality with Sweden, and desire to have a further declaration in this business, in regard there be many odd terms in it. Also they will first consult with their king about it; also desiring, that an agreement between the two kings may be first made. Item, last night was ratisfied by this government here the instrumentum stipulatorium, formerly projected by the lord Schroder by your high and mighty lordships, whereof to day the exchange of the one and the other is to be sent to your high and mighty lordships, and the secretary Wustenhof is to go from hence within two or three days for the Hague, where he is to reside for the service of this city.

For news, Riga is not yet taken: they have beaten the Muscovites off thrice; and that the king of Poland is in a good condition, being reinforced with a fresh supply of Tartars. The duke of Brandenburgh hath no mind to engage against the Muscovite, pretending that he did agree the same expresly in the agreement with Sweden. The duke of Courland hath accepted of protection from the Muscovite. The French ambassador doth still endeavour to reconcile the two crowns.