A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1656: September (1 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp368-383 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1656: September (1 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp368-383.
"State Papers, 1656: September (1 of 7)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp368-383.
In this section
September (1 of 7)
Lockhart, ambassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlii. p. 1.
Right honorable,
I Hope I shall obtaine your pardon for wryting but once a week, when you know, that
from the place, where I now am, I can have the opportunity of the post no oftner, except I send my packett by an expresse to Rowan, by which town the post that parts from
Paris on wedensdays passeth, which I would not faile to doe, if I had bussinesse of that importance, as might meritt the expense.
This last week I received two very civill messages from the cardinall, and was by both of them desyred to come to court, being unable to goe sooner by reason of a violent collick I had received by drinking watters, which have the reputation of doing great matters for the cure of the gravell. I went yesterday, and was received with very greatt caresse. His eminence enquyred, if I had received any answer to the letters I had writt since my last audience; by which I had opportunity affoorded me of obeying your commands, in letting him know (as fully as I was able) how good receptione his kyndnesse had mett with, which he received with great demonstratione of satisfaction, and renewed his accostomed professions of zeall for his highness interests, and aversione to Cha. Stewart, upon the account of his ingratitude to France, and to himself in particular. In his enlarging himself upon this subject, he had this expression, that his master had better suffer the Spanyard to conquer Ing land for himself, than to re-establish Charles Stewart their; for if conquered for himself, the government of strangers, especially that of the Spanyards, would be so burthensome to English spiritts, that all the force of Spaine would be little enough to keep them in order; but if Charles Stewart were restored, he thought England would in a little time reunite under him, and forgett their late differences; and he being a weak prince, obliged to the Spaniard for his restauration, and charmed into a implicite belief of their councells, might be acted by them into very dangerous enterprizes against France; so that if his highness did doubt of the reality of his kindnesse upon the account of his affection, he might assure himself of it upon that of his interest.
Cha. Stewart hath renewed his commands to his brother for his comming to him. He is much put to it for mony; and tho' he give it out, that the king hath not been generous in assisting him with mony, yet his eminence told me, they were necessitated to give him some; did not tell me how much; but said, it was no considerable sume; and withall promised me, this should be the last. He parts from Paris upon tuesday or wednsday next. His mother and my lord Jermin are in treaty with his creditors, and engadge for his debts.
All I have learned further concerning England is, that their can be no account had of the name of particular persons engadged in the intrigue their, but 403 480 hath this in generall, that they are managed in part by some merchants, who had great traffique with Spayn, and its 122 advyse, that all under that caracter be narrowly looked after. It's most certain, that the king of Spayn, notwithstanding the present pinch he is in for mony, hath deposited a hundred thousand crowns, to be issued forth by the joint order of Cha. Stewart and don Alonzo de Cardenas, who is the person trusted with their affairs relating to England.
I told his eminence, that I had acquainted his highness with what he mentioned at last meeting, and had received his highness orders to enter into a treaty with him; and offered him, it should be so managed with secresy sutable to his own desyers, of which he seemed to be gladd, and said he would trust no commissioner in it, but would take powers from the king to himself: and that so soon as the queen of Sweden (who is to be at court upon wedensday next) is gone, he will proceed in that treaty, and endeavor its speedy close. In his discourse upon this he opened himself a little more then he did at his first mentioning it; and told me, he was convinced it would conduce much to his highness reputation to be master of some considerable place in the continent; and therefore had resolved to serve his interest in that; and added, that he had something else to propose, which was not only relative to the mutuall good of both nations, but did respect his highness and himself very particularly; and seemed as if he would have proceeded to give me a hint of what he intended by that, but pawsed, and having been some tyme sylent, said, he would choose another tyme to speak to it at greater length then his leisure would then permitt.
I told him, I esteemed myself happy of the occasione to let his highness know, that he might have a opertunity of serving him in a bussinesse, wherein his eminence would be particularly interessed: I knew I could not send him more acceptable news; and was perswaded, his highness would not much mind his own interests in any affairs, where his eminencie's were nearly concerned.
The Spanish army is marched towards Doway. Marshall Turenne is near Arras; he did very dexterously disengage himself from the enemy, who marched up close to him, and hath gott a great deall of reputatione by it.
The queen of Sweden hath earnestly desyerd to see the cardinall before she come to court;
tells him, she hath matters of great importance to discourse with him. He meets her at
Chantilly upon tuesday next, and stays there with her that night. Her stay at court is expected not to exceed four or fyve days, though I doubt much if they shall gett ridd of her
so soon. Sir, I humbly begg, that the promised letters for my recall may be dispatched to
me. You know I dare not make use of them, but by your direction: and really my stay
here shall not be a burthen to me so long as I have any hops it may be servisable to his
highnesse; but if they recurre to their delayes and subtersuges, it will not be amiss to lett
them know I have them, and that you are resolved not to be dallied with. I hope you
will grant this favor at the humble request of,
Right honorable, &c,
Your most faithfull and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
Clermont, Sept. 11/1, 1656.
P. S.
I have made bold to enclose a note to remember you of the passe of count Brienn's horses,
which he desyers may be sent in my packett. He hath pressed me so much in it, that
I know not what to say to him any longer for my excuse.
Right honorable,
I humbly begg, that you may be pleased to remember the pass for fifteen or twenty
horses to count Brienne, and that it may come in my packett, if you think fit to grant
it; and I blush to tell you, that if I stay a very little longer here, I shall be both
without mony and credit, if your goodnesse do not incite you to supply
Your most humble and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
Major J. Balleston to major general Haynes.
Vol. xlii. p. 7.
Deare sir,
The conveniency of major Woolmer his sendinge hath occasioned me to put upon
yow the trouble of these, whoe hath desired me to hynt Mr. Woodhouse his speeches
before the election; which weare, and weare occasioned thus: I waiteing upon sir Thomas
Woodhouse, and partly by your direction, when speakeing about the intended choyse, I
gave my reasons, why I thought some unfitting for ther intended imployment; when sir Thomas replyed, that he feared some people comeing to his sonne would perswade him to it,
and desired me to use all arguments I could to diswade him from it. When I immediatly
speaking with Mr. Woodhouse amongst other, perceiving by his speeches his purpose, I told
him I feared his unfittingness for that service, I fearing his judgement would not suit with
the government, and that I had heard, that the last parliament he either acted or sayd something, which rendred him suspitious; his answer was very modest, that he did not remember
he spake at all in the house only once: he confessed being in the company of collonell Cromwell and the lord Henry Cromwell; they then together speaking of prelacy, coll. Cromwell
said, if any other would second him, he would vote for prelacy; and my lord Hen. said to
him, if he would second, he would be the third, whereupon he consented; but my lord
Henry told him, he did it but to try him, and refused; whereupon I told him, if that was
still his opinion, he would doe himself hurt to appear, for it was the main cause of the
great quarrell at first; who sayd he was but one, and must speak freely his thought, and
would discharge his conscience in speaking, but did not desire any such employment, and
did much entreat me to use all my endeavours to keep him from being elected: and since the
election, I accidentally mett with Mr. Hobart of Norwich, with my lord Richardson, and
some other gentlemen about their private occasiones, when falling into discourse with the
said Mr. Hobart, I perceived him extreame heightned, expressing himself thus; That we
were ruled by an arbitrary power, and not by any known law; and that he had suffered
himself to be distrayned for taxes; and that major generalls, and such new raised forces,
were needless people, the army being to great before; and others to that purpose: when I
told him, that if his judgment was such, he had better forbear the house then to act, saying,
that he could not expect the power of the sword would be putt into his or such hands: who
answered, it mattered not, the more long it was, the greater expectation of roving; intimating the Danes, and others who tyrannically acted. (I confess, what was sayd was in a
private discourse, both from him and Mr. Woodhouse) and therfor ***** ould things
again as prelats and others. One mor notable, which I hope, with the assistance of major
Woolmer, to unbottom, whoe sayd, that the parliament will offerr tearmes to his highness,
and if he will not except therof, they will doe as was done in the late king's dayes, rayse a
warr, and that they wear able to doe it, having the assurance of the people to this purpose.
I hope my frend will not lessen his power; if he give an inch, an ell will be taken; and if
they gitt power, his fall will be greater then his ryse, and soe all ours. We may perceive
by the apparence at the elections the affections of the people, and I much greve to see what
a poor number appered hartilie for our freinds. If extraordinary ingagements had not bin,
I know of my own knowledg, both my lord Fletwood and col. Wood had lost it. Maney
of our seeming frends proved very faynt, that a many very much heightened agaynst you
in particular, sayeing, you expreste yourselfe at Lynn, and in the castle-yard at several
tymes with much bitternes. For my part I shall add my indeavours to take you of all your
callumniators, and that at your meeting (wher I am glad you shall be one) that ther may be
soe sayer a carridge amongst you, as may cheifly tend to the advancement of God's glory
and the good of the nation, shall ever be the prayer of, sir,
Your most humble and faythfull servant,
Jo. Balleston.
Sept, 1, 1656.
These for the hon. major general Haynes at Bury St. Edmunds.
Mr. R. Woolmer to major general Haynes.
Vol. xlii. p. 16.
Honourable sir,
In observan e to the comands you layd on me at Feltwell, I have treated coll. Woode,
who I finde not unwillinge to the worke. He made some allegations, as to his beinge
chosen, and hs age, &c. but uppon the whole he teld me, if any such service should be
required of him, he shall doe the best he can in it. Mr. Bulwere I have not treated, nor
any other as yett, neyther shall, untill I receive further from you therein, supposeinge that
his highnes thoughts of rayseinge a regement may be altered uppon yours to him, which offered rather the dublinge of the companyes allready raysed, which surely wil be the best
way; for it wil be the least charge, and most inoffencive to reduce. Sir, as to getting informations concerninge the affections or lives of our members chosen to serve in parliament,
I finde noe man willinge to it. When I aske them thereof, they saye, it was to soe little
purpose the last parliament, that they resolve not meddle any more therein; sayeinge allsoe,
it may prove theire utter undoeing, if they should. I have here inclosed sent you what was
the last parliament offered agaynst sir William Doyle and others; and would then have bine
fully proved; but whither it wil be of any use or noe nowe, I know not. I have allsoe
here inclosed sent you a letter left for you at Norwich; and allsoe a paper you left at
Mr. King's, that was given me lieut. coll. Balleston. I have chose rather to putt him uppon wrightinge to you concerninge Mr. Woodhouse, then to take any information from
him, knoweinge he cann keepe nothinge pryvate. I intended to have done the like with
major Harvey; but he is at Ipswich, where if you passe that way, you may speake with him
at the excise-office. Sir, as to the 1000 l. or 2000 l. you spake of, I desyre you would
cause it to be as speedily payd in at Guildhall, as you possibly cann. As I remember you
have on warrant of 1000 l. allready to be payd by the tresurers there. If you please take a
receit for me for that 1000 l. I have it here ready at your comand. Sir, I pray *****
Sir, 'tis like coll. Willson will speake to you of one major Neave to be my lieut. He is an
honest man, and fitt for such a service. Major Neave spake to me (and I told you of him)
which I pray lett coll. know soe much, for I promised him I would mention him to you.
But as to the thinge, you knowe my minde. I desire to be alltogether passive in that busines, because if I should be otherwise, I should offend some freinds; and I am sure capt.
Garrett would be offended to purpose, who doeth expect that place, as he acquaynted me,
after we parted from you. Good sir, doe not forgett the Suff. and Norff. busines, that we
were about at Yarmouth. I shall troble you noe further, only many thankes for your manyfould respects and kindnesses to
Your very humble and thankefull servant,
Ralph Woolmer.
Wymondham, the 1st of Sept. 1656.
An information.
Vol. xlii. p. 11.
Whereas ten persons are elected to serve in parlament the county of Norff. there be exceptions agaynst some of them.
Sir Wm Doyle was once sequestred for not returninge into England at the beginninge of the late warrs, accordinge to an ordinance in parliament in that behalf made and provided.
He at a time discoursinge about Independents and Presbiterians sayd, for his part, he could wish they were all fightinge on Porland heath, and he should say, fight dogg fight bear, and the Devill take the spoyle.
He have suffered a rascall in his house to imitate (as they call them) Puritan preachers, by holdinge upp his hands, and liftinge up his eyes in disdayne of them; and to make mirth at a great feast.
His servante refused a month together to paye this present monthly pay, and told the collectors, his master gave him order not to pay, but to lett them distrayne for it; but the satterday before the election it was payd.
Sir Raph Hare a swearer, and hath payd for the same.
M. Woodhouse, major Harvye's information, and lieut. coll. Balleston's.
Mr. Sotherton contrived the petition for a personall treaty with the late king, and caused the same to be on foot in this county at a sessions. He allsoe with Goreinge was at Coulchester, discouraged volunteers from listinge and ingageinge, tellinge them, he knew it was to late to stirr; all was lost; he knew that the county was ingaged.
Sir Harris Towensend a comon swearer.
Mr. Buxton hath refused to act any thinge since the late king's death, and therefore was put out of all imployment.
Sir, all theise things are certainly true; but to perswade those that know them to assert them, I know not. The last time there were things against coll. Wilton, of his unhandsome useinge Mr. Pooly; but Mr. Pooly hath so carryed himself since, that nothing of that is to be named.
Colonel Barkstead, lieutenant of the tower, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlii. p. 19.
I Received yours of yesterday, and shall not be wanting (the Lord assisting) in the performance of my duty therein. Sir, if with the order for recruites I receive not alsoe an
order for the muster-master to muster such recruits, I shall be at a loss, for I doubt not but
in two dayes to fill mine up with good men. Sir, I am by some persons earnestly sollicited
to give them their bonds up: the reason they give is, for that they are appointed to raise
forces for the king of Sweden, as they tell me, to the number of 3 or 4000; and enquiring of them, who the officers are, that are to command them, they assure me, that there is
none that they know of, but such as have formerly served the late king. Sir, I have soe
much to say as to the danger of his highness permitting such officers at such a tyme as this
to raise, entertaine, quarter, and conduct men, that should I say all I could, I fear I should
give you too much trouble. I only let you know, that I shall never forgett 1647 and 1648,
at which tyme leave was given for some regiments to be raised for Venice and the king of
Spaine. The danger that I conceived then of them I often represented to the councell of
state, but could not be heard till it was too late; for though the then collonell that commanded them did stay here in town, and made as many and as high protestations, that they
were assured of their officers, of whome they had taken good security, as they sayd, yet
when they were broke out, the officers and soldiers soe raised by them, were the worst and
stoutest enemy wee mett with, both in Kent, Essex, and at Colchester, of whome wee tooke
very many prisoners: and I say out of the severall officers, that were killed, as alsoe of
these taken there, commissions for the service of Spaine, and commissions for the then king
were found in their pocketts; and in others, commissions for Venice, and in the same pocketts commissions from the king that then was. Sir, I must beg your pardon for being soe
troubleous: my former experience, in which I smarted, inforces it from,
Sir, your affectionate friend and servant,
Jo. Barkstead.
Tower Lond. Sept. 1, 1656.
I have engaged to looke after Venner on the terms you mentioned.
Sir, very many of those officers and men were those, that gott aboard the shipps, that revolted.
A letter of the Dutch ambassadors at Elbing.
Vol. xlii. p. 45.
My lord,
We advised your lordship in our last of the 3d current, how far we were advanced in our
negotiation. Since we have been forced to lye still for a few days, in regard of the absence of the lord ryx-chancellor, who returned to this place from his majesty of Sweden on
the 10th current; and the next day, according to the resolution of their high and mighty lordships of the 29th of the last month, we sealed and signed the agreement on both sides, as, and
in the same manner as the inclosed copy thereof will demonstrate. We hope and trust, that in
their high and mighty lordships will find, that we have negotiated all things in conformity
of their resolutions; and consequently punctually performed all that hath been commanded
us by their high and mighty lordships.
Elbing, 12/2 Sept. [1656.]
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlii. p. 23.
Right honorable,
Accordinge to the hopes given me in your honor's last letter, I did with much
confidence expect by this post the councell's finall resolution in that longsome business;
but I am sorrie to finde it otherwise. I shall yet hope, that it will please his highness upon
my last address, either to command my speedy vindication or revocation, that an end may
be put to the truble, which I am forst to give yourselfe and others aboute it.
I am desyred by an Italian gentleman, servinge under the king of Sweden, to remit the
inclosed to those honorable gent. Haveinge nothing to ad to the weekly intelligence, but my
humble request, that yow will be pleased to hasten the councell's pleasure in that busines,
and to enjoyne Mr. Frost to effect the payment of the 400 l. in the want of which my servant was forced to recharge the money, to my great prejudice; I shall ever remaine
Your honor's most humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.
Hamb. 2 Sept. 1656.
Whilst I am sealinge comes this inclosed to his highness: the person recomending it, intends speedily for England, to waite on his highness, as he tells me, for the impartinge of some things not to be communicated to paper.
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. xlii. p. 37.
Right honorabel sir,
I am verie sorry, that I must send this letter so naket, having at present no newes at all
worthy to impart to your honour; yet for testimony of my duetie, I thought fitt not to
neglect this post, for feare of loosing your honour's favor. The king of Sweden is with his
queene removed from Stum to Frauenburg; there hee is at present: from his army there is
not lately comme any post. This time of infection hindreth the course of the messengers verie
much. The last currier brought the former newes, that the Swedish army continues yet at
Lovitz, whereof a part is gone downe into Moscovie for to seeke the flying army of the
Moscovites, which cannot nor cease to bee quiet, but they are commonly in action, and
tumbel themselves up and downe, and that to little purpose. Hier at Elbing is arrived a
patriarch sent from Chmielniczky, generall of the Cossakes, to the king of Sweden, for to
treat with his majesty a liga and conjunction of armes against the Muscoviter. He goes to
morrow from hence to Frauenburg to the king; and the report goes, that the king will send
with this patriarch two of his gentelmen to the above named generall Chmielniczky for to
conclude and confirme the treatie, whereof I shall impart more particulars of with the next
post, for some few dayes agoe, and yet I am by the custome of the countrey not to stirre
abroad, because of a mourning of a neere kindsman; but please God I shall goe abroad
againe to morrow. Of my friend from the army I had these two weeks no letters. Before
I conclude I send herewith inclosed to your honour the paper, which I promised the last post
to send it over: it is the last piece of the treatie betwixt the king of Sweden and the duke
of Brandenbourgh. From the Polish army all is silent, nor is it knowne, where she is at
present, only it is thought, that shee is about Sendomirs. From the Muscoviter, that it
continues, that hee hath taken in by storme Dunenburg. There is great flying from thence
heither, and some at Lubeck, because of the Muscoviters forces, whereof more I shall impart to your honour next post. Thus I remaine
From Elbing, 12th Sept. 1656. [N. S.]
Yours to command.
The Sweds and Holl. ambass. are fynally agreed, as credably reported, and the Dantzickers excluded, as we allways tould them, they were a people only for their owne interest, and advancement of their owne traffique. I wish we could learne of them.
The superscription,
A mons. mons. le resident Bradshaw presentement
à Hamburg.
Mr. J. Aldworth, consul at Marseilles, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlii. p. 35.
Right honorable,
Since my last unto you, being of the 29th past, nothing hath heare offered worth your
notice; only I have the confirmation from Barcelona of the burning of seven ships and
two gallyes in the road of Mallaga, and the beatinge downe of the cathedrall church of
Mallaga by five of our state's friggotts. From Allecant have alsoe the confirmation of three
of our state's ships being there, who shot against the towne, but have done little prejudice.
The three Spanish gallyes they found in the road escaped from them by night. Two
dayes past, I received advice from Smirna, that since the defeate of the grand signor's fleete
by the Venetians, the Turkes fortifyes all their sea-ports all that possible they can. Noe
advice as yet of the undertakings of the twelves gallyes and eight ships of Genoa. Many
supose, they are gone to surprise a small place neare Argiers. So for present I humbly
take leave, and remayne
Your honnor's servant,
Jo. Aldworth.
Marseille, 12th September, 1656. [N. S.]
A letter from Jamaica.
Beare, the 2d of September, 1656.
Vol. xlii. p. 25.
The last intelligence was by the Great Charity, a copy whereof I have here sent you;
since when it hath pleased God to afflict us in the death of Mr. Wm Aylesbury, late
secretary, who departed this life on the 24th of August last; a man very well versed in the
weighty affairs of state, who in his counsels and advice both to army and fleet was very useful; for the want of which we shall have more and more cause to gieve. We need not
trouble you with any thing concerning the affairs of the army, which of late, through the
blessing of God upon their endeavours, have been very successful in the discovery and routing the enemy; the particulars thereof I question but col. D'oyley hath given you a very
large account of. The most of our disturbers are negroes, and that not many, by the last
intelligence we have by a Spaniard, that came into us, who hath discovered the place of
their rendezvous.
As concerning the admirall and the fleet with him, we have no news of since their departure; we hope God will do something by them in the design they are upon. And in reference to the seven sail left here by the admiral to guard this place, we are, blessed be God, in a reasonable good condition at present in matter of health. Our present employ is altogether about building the tower and fort upon the careening point, where indeed we find work enough for those few hands here remaining; but we hope to give a very good demonstration in the forwardness of that work, by that time the admiral arrives here. We expect within this month the governor of Nevis with those families, that are to come down with him, we having intelligence by a ship of Bristol, that was driven from all her anchors out of the said road by a hurricane, and forced for this harbour, he having but four men aboard his ship, who arrived here upon the 20th of August. He told us, the governor and people were in a readiness for transportation, and every day in expectation of the ships, which we hope by this time are not only arrived, but ready to sail. The Hope arrived here the 17th of August last with masts, deals, tarr, &c. We have answered commissioner Gookin's letter, who sent down three New England men, who came by the Hope; and they have taken a view of the land, and two of them are sent back again in a New England ketch, with all the encouragement that may be; who, if they make the same report there as they make here, we question not but by the first opportunity to have a thousand persons from them.
Sir, we thought good to send you a copy of Mr. William Aylesbury's letter to colonel Doyley, which was occasioned by major Throckmorton's address to us, when he was sentenced to death by a court martial, and the next day executed; wherein you may take notice of those transactions, and also take a view of their proceedings therein.
The admiral, with the fleet that are with him, were victualled at their departure for four
months; the Nevis ships the same; since whose departure we have bought about 52,000
weight of turtles, at 2 d. per pound, as also as much bread-flower, pease, brandy, and oyl,
&c. out of a New England vessel, as amounts to 400l. sterl. the which we have satisfied
out of the effects of the state, viz. prize-goods. The Church, of which capt. Evans is commander, departed from this place the 9th of April for New England for provisions, but was
not arrived there at the Hope's departure, which makes us fear her safety. Thus having not
else, we commit you to the protection of the Almighty, the guider and director of all
hearts, and remain,
Sir, Your most faithful and most humble servant.
Agreement between Mr. Thomas Maynard, the consul of Lisbon, and the merchants there.
Vol. xlii. p. 41.
Whereas his highness Oliver, lord protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the dominions thereunto belonging, being pleased to approve of Thomas Maynard of Plymouth esq. as fitly qualified to be employed as a consul, hath by his letters patents, bearing date the seven and twentieth day of August last past, constituted and deputed him the said Thomas Maynard to be consul for the English nation in the kingdom of Portugal, and the dominions thereunto belonging; and (amongst other things in the said patent contained) hath thereby granted unto him the said Thomas Maynard for his salary, one half per cent. on all goods and merchandize imported and brought into Portugal aforesaid, by the subjects of the commonwealth of England, according to their valuation in the respective custom-houses of Portugal, and the dominions thereunto belonging, notwithstanding by the ancient patents consuls were allowed but one fourth per cent. now it is agreed by and between the said Thomas Maynard, and the under subscribed merchants trading for Portugal, in manner following, viz.
That he the said Thomas Maynard shall, as he doth hereby oblige and promise, notwithstanding any thing in the said recited letters patent contained to the contrary, have, pretend, or claim the said salary of one half per cent. of and from their factors for the space of three years only and no longer, to commence from the first day of October next ensuing the date hereof; but shall thenceforth receive and take of and from their said factors no more than one fourth per cent. unless his highness the lord protector shall by credential letters depute and settle him the said Thomas Maynard as his agent in Portugal aforesaid, and continue him consul; for then he shall, during his agency and consulship, have and receive the said one half per cent.
And further, that their said factors shall not only during the said space of three years to come as aforesaid, pay or cause to be paid unto the said Thomas Maynard, or his assigns, for his said salary, the said one half per cent. for and upon all goods, which they the said merchants shall during that time import and send unto the said kingdom of Portugal and the dominions thereof, at the rate and value aforesaid, and after the expiration of the said three years during his being consul, pay unto him or his assigns for and as his salary, one fourth per cent. and no more, for and upon the said goods; but also that their said factors shall, in case he the said Thomas Maynard continuing consul shall as aforesaid be deputed by his highness as his agent, then pay unto the said Thomas Maynard or his assigns the said salary of one half per cent. upon their goods, for and during the time that he shall continue consul and agent as aforesaid.
Lastly it is agreed, that the said Thomas Maynard doth hereby undertake and oblige himself, that during the time that he shall receive the said salary of one half per cent. he shall and will provide and allow unto the minister; which shall be sent over as preacher for the English, competent and sufficient diet; and likewise shall pay or cause to be paid unto the said preacher four hundred millrees per annum; provided that what shall be voluntarily contributed by the merchants and factors residing in Portugal for and towards the maintenance of the said preacher, shall be defalked and allowed to the said Thomas Maynard by the said preacher out of his salary of four hundred millrees. In witness whereof the parties aforesaid have to two writings of this tenor interchangeably put their hands the second day of September, one thousand six hundred fifty and six.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.
Honoured sir,
I Received yours of the 26th of August. Some five dayes before I wrote my last letter,
there were 15 or 16 sayle of the enemies shippes at Ila. I am certaine of itt, for I had
notice of itt from some of my intelligencers, and from severall gentlemen of the country,
that were there att that time. They tooke two gentlemen of that island, and would nott
lett them goe till they had sent some sheepe and cattell on board, which they were enforced
to doe. Likewise they sent a letter on shoare, which letter I sent a copy of to his highnesse; and they were there at that time. I have employed three men to bring me intelligence of them, and expect daily to heare of itt. In the meane time orders have bin given
already to those shippes to bee carefull to joyne together; and I shall second it with other
orders, according to the intelligence I gett, and the directions I received in your letter; butt
I beleive winter coming on (which will make the seas dangerous) the neerest and safest
course will bee through St. George's channell, and nott round about by the backside of Ireland, in case the shippes lie there for that purpose, and accordingly I shall give orders: butt
I could have wisht, that the men in Ireland had bin shippt from Kinglale, and ours att
Leith. I beleive the shippes would have mett together with more safety then they will now;
butt itt is now too late; butt however I doubt nott, through the blessing of God (if there
bee any enemy attends uppon that designe) it will bee prevented. Since my last I have
heard nothing of those shippes, butt I expect hourelie to have notice, whether they are removed or noe, or what they doe. I beleive with the three shippes of warre, that come
alonge with the shippes before the men are shippt, they will bee able to incounter with
them, the shippes being well manned; soe that I thinke there will be little danger now
concerning that businesse, being I hope there will bee some men of warre appointed by
my lord Henry Cromwell to attend uppon the Jamaica shippes out of Ireland. I remayne
Your affectionate freind and servant,
George Monck.
Edenburgh, 2 Sept. 1656,
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. xlii. p. 55.
My last to you was of the 4th current, which I hoap will come to your hands, for it
concernis: allsoe I writ to you the 27th of July, which imported much, and advise/ax how
you may come by 8 ships/start, that comes to Bilbo/Borania with fish/hluk. I wounder I have not heard/ax from
you/yx of the reseapt of any of myne written in July. I/Ix gave you/yx timly advise/ax, how the French/Fruxe was
treating/tarteing of peace/palme with Spain/Sligo, and that privately, and this advise/ax I/Ix gave you/yx timly, and that when
noe man/mapp but 3 or 4 heere knew of it; and since I/Ix advised/axd of what past since. Now you/yx must
understand, that France/Fruxe his king's agent/aux, that is heere, has taken his leave, and effected nothing, after all the hoaps wee had. This is the second time they broke of: whether they will return
againe, is not as yet known; but upon the agent/aux his taking leave was a councel of state k. of Spain's/crowde in Sparters
own house, where don Lewis de Haro/Mr. Livier assisted in person, a thing very seldome seen, but upon great
matters. Four or five days more will tell much of this bussinesse. If any further alteration
be but this, you/yx shall have it. Haro/Liver absolutely believes the card. Mazarin/Creame had no real intention.
Many suppose it to be done a purpose by card. Mazarin/Creame to desire this treaty/tarte of peace/palme, to better his
conditions with you/yx, and to get money/max from Portugal/Pantba to please papists/perry and all the people of
France/Fratford. C. Mazarin/Creame is a good warent to doe this, but I beleeve you/yx know him full well, that
he may not get any advantage of you/yx. What French king's agent/Frux his aux said, when he was taking his
leave, that it was not convenient for his master to be treating/tarting of peace/palme, having such ill succeses
as he has this yeare. Sp. king/Sparter is resolved to send out the fleet/fish at Cadiz/Clyrr, unless your number of
ships/stares encrease before Cadiz/Clyrr; but as yet they have not begun to prepare. As for the news/nosegays
of all other parts, you have/yx them there sooner than wee heere, soe that I need not trouble you
with them. I/Ix advised/axd you timly, how don John of Austria/Inrade his servants and men of note were going from
Bilboa/Borama and St. Sebastian/Smote in Holland ships/Huply stakes. It is great discomfort for me, that I cannot heere from
you, and of the reseapt of my letters. You may direct that address I left you for Mr. Walter Power to Mr. Edward Roche in Burdeaux, and I shall be sure to receive them. I expect your answer to myne of the 30th Aug. and 4th current. As for newes, general Blake
is before Cadiz with his fleet; and there are thereabouts and about Jabarantall about 30
Turkes men of warr. What they intend, it is not knowen; but in all those parts and all
along the cost, they are heere very well provided for them. This is all at present, expecting to heare from you.
Yours to command,
George Pawly.
Madrid, 13 of Sept. 1656. [N. S.]
Great many men deyes heere of a suddayne death.
To Mr. Matthew Bonell, at the signe of the Harrow in Tems-street these at London.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlii. p. 77.
Right honorable,
The bearer, Elias Stransius, a Bohemian by nation, haveinge lived severall yeares in my
house as my servant, hath a desire to present his humble service to your honour, if you
have occasion for such a one. Hee commands perfectly the English, French, and High
Dutch tongues, and writes them all very well, and understands Latin allsoe. I have had
soe much experience of his good affection to the common-wealth of England and the present government thereof, as that I dare presume to assure your honor he will be faithfull to
his trust. The onely reason of his leaveinge my service is truly to seeke out some more certaine
and better mantenance then myne will affourd him, which he doth with my free consent.
Hee is willinge to embrace any employment your honour shall judge him capable of, either
with his pen or person. He hath to my knowledge lately had a very faire invitation to serve
prince Adulse, the kinge of Sweden's brother; but his desire is rather to setle himselfe in
England, if he can obtayne it. His father was banished, with many thousands more, for
their religion, and now lives in this cittie, officiating the place of a publick notarie for his
mantainance. I shall say noe more of this man, but that I presume, if you please to make
tryall of him, you will find him serviceable and trustie. Craveinge pardon for this trouble,
I shall affectionately remayne
Your honour's most humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.
Hamb. 3 Sept. 1656.
A letter of intelligence from col. Bampfylde.
Vol. xlii. p. 347.
It has pleased God at length to deliver mee from the violence of my feaver, but as yet I
have not recovered so much health, as to write longe, or to be very intent; which will
constrayne mee to omitt many of the moste important particulars, which I am to give you
an accounte of, for 3 or 4 days longer. I have received, intercepted, and seen 5 or 6 letters
within theise twelve days from Madrid, written by White, who appears a very
knave, as you shall finde by his letters; some of which deciphered I will send you by the
next: however great use is in my oppinion to be made of him, as you will finde upon the
whole matter. D. L. de Haro seemes very apt to make some overtures tending to accommodation with
protector rather then to interest themselves to far in the affayres of the Scot s 55 kinge, whose
personall capacity they finde not great, nor his influence very much to exceed it. This may
be a project to amuse, but if it be wisely managed, they may be caught in theyr owne nett.
The full naration of this, and all the circumstances relating unto it, you shall have very
shortly. The business of Mr. De 65 Leon is carryed with as great secrecy 39 at Madrid
as at the French court: none are treated with but the k. of Scots; and don Lewis de Haro sayd about ten days since to an
acquaintance of mine, that protector had sent for Bordeaux, and in very high and collerique language
blamed the employment of 90 D e L e on n s as an injustice done to him; but
Maz. sayd, if it were not the fault of Spain, things shoulde succeed soe, as the displeasure of
protector would not be much minded. 'Tis strongely believed, that there will be a truce betwixt
the two crownes, but I have as much reason as I am capable of to assure myselfe, that England
may yet prevent it, with great prejudice to France o r 55 k. of Scots, or els may bee included.
58. 'Tis beleived by some of the chief of the Irish, that there will 'ere long bee a connivance at theire troopes retyring to their king, many of the principall officers being out of
hand upon theyre repayre to Flanders. They have their agents in this armye, in Ittally, and
Cattalognia, to deboshe the common soldiers to the Spaniard, and I think that they will
goe neer to doe it. I showld thinke, there ought to bee a care had, howe any more are
permitted as yet to come abroade. There is a further secret in this, then I shall be able by
this to communicate, but you shall have it very shortly. The queen of Swede goes hence
to Chantillie upon friday next, where she will be met by the cardinall, and conducted the
next day to the court. Hir witt is as much cryed up here, as hir extravagant comportment
is decryed. You are like (as I am informed from a very good hand) to have a visit from
hir. She tolde q. of E. upon sunday laste, that peradventure she would goe into Scotland, but
was not certayne of hir passing through England. She appears very devout, and confers alltogether with men, moste and moste privately with the clergye. Here are many animadversions upon her carriage and designes, some believing them of great concernment, others not
soe; and a third think them not of any weight at all, but to be meere fancye and pageantrye. The French and Spanish armyes have layne very neer each other, and pretend both
an inclination to fight; but if either had been very fierce that way, I cannot comprehend in
reason or solderye, howe the other cowld have avoyded it, having both dislodged twice
within theise 8 dayes in each other's sight, at a very near distance, and noe river betwixt
them; soe that even from theyr proceedings 'tis not unreasonable to beleeve, they have orders to attend the issue of the present treaty. The princes of Germany seem much dissatisfyed
at the emperour's sending forces into Flanders and Italye against the French; they say 'tis a
breach of the treaty at Munster, and they not being consulted with in it, holde not themselves obliged to justifye his procedure therein. If the French, or any els included in that
league showld question it, if this present treaty were h i n d e r e d 55, there wowld
in humane probabillity be [more] worke cutt out then would be made up in some years.
Protector and Holland, if upon a perfect understanding, may obstruct it yet, and certaynly it appears both theyr interests; all the vigoure imaginable were to bee wished for in it. I will
be able (God willing) to performe more than he has undertaken to you. I must referr the
business of d. of Y. I am not able to write more, and am in fear of a relapse, if I bend myselfe
too much. I have not heard one sillable from you, yet I am moste entyrely, sir,
Your moste humble and moste obedient servant,
De Chausse.
Paris, Sept. 13, [1656. N. S.]
Resolution of the States General.
Mercurii, the 13th Sept. 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlii. p. 49.
Received a letter from the lord Nieuport, their high and mighty lordships ambassador in England, writ at Westminster the 8th current; as also a letter of the said ambassador writ to the griffier Ruysch, and there inclosed a paper, containing some passages of a Netherland fleet, consisting of about 50 ships, and two men of war for their convoy, which came and anchored lately in Torbay. Whereupon being debated, it is thought fit and resolved, that of the said inclosed paper copies shall be taken and sent to the colleges of the admiralties of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and in Zealand, with request and desire, that their lordships will exactly inform themselves about the contents of the said paper, and the lading of the said fleet; and in case their lordships find, that the captains mentioned in that paper have transgressed the articles of that treaty of peace made with England, that they cause them to be punished accordingly, and advertise their high and mighty lordships thereof so soon as possible, what is effected by them in the one and the other. And likewise, that there be writ to the lord Nieuport, and that he be made acquainted with what is ordered upon it here, with request, that his lordship will so manage the business, that in the behalf of the lord protector the like information may be taken, whether his captains and officers at sea have not likewise transgressed against the said treaty of peace upon the subject happened in Torbay; and in case they have, that they may be also punished accordingly.
Major general Goffe to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlii. p. 59.
Many honest people being very much troubled att the choyse of Mr. John Curtopp,
have sent this bearer on purpose with this letter; and I doe earnestly desire you on
there behalfe, that you would be pleased to consider, whether the matter contained in the
inclosed paper be sufficient (if proved) to keepe him out of the parliament, and to signifye
your opinion to the bearer, who is an honest fellow, that you may trust; for according to
the incouradgement they shall receive from you, soe they intend to proceed, being ready to
come up with a petition against him. Pray let the bearer speake with you, and receive as
speedy a dispatch as you cann, because the tyme is very short, wherein they must doe
this busines. I am, sir,
Chichester, 3 Aug. 1656.
Your most affectionate freind and humble servant, W. Goffe.
Inclosed in the preceding.
Vol. xlii. p. 61.
It is offered to be proved against George Courtup, of Ticehurst in the county of Sussex esq. that he was a principal promoter of the dangerous petition for a personal treaty with the late king, which was attended with many threatnings against all, that should oppose or discourage a general subscription.
That the said petition was carried on by the malignant party of the said county; and that the said Mr. Courtup took upon him to be one of the persons, that should deliver the said petition to the parliament, which he did accordingly.
That the said Mr. Courtup, in his passage from his own house to London with the said petition, lodged at East Grinstead, where he appointed other persons of the same party to meet him; and that there was a guard set by them in that town, to the terror of the honest party of that county, who apprehended themselves in a very ill condition, by reason that the adjacent county of Kent had made an insurrection against the parliament about that time, and under the same pretence of petitioning for a personal treaty.
And therefore the honest party of the county are generally very much unsatisfied in the choice of the said Mr. Courtup to be a parliament man, being never looked upon as a friend to the public interest, or any way qualified, so as may render him under the character of a person of known integrity, which is so well provided for and required by the instrument of the government.
Col. Howard to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlii. p. 65.
I Have receaved yours, and am prepareing for my journey towards London. I shall onely
desire two words of advise from you by the first post, whether you thinke I might not
bee excused for not appeareing the first day of the parliament, for I have some extraordnary
occasions of my owne to dispatch, but should hasten to be upp within a weeke after. However, if you thinke it fitt I should appeare the first day, I shall laye asyde all other thinges,
and not fayle (God willing) to bee there. In the meane time I am,
Sir, Your very humble servant,
Cha. Howard.
Naward, Sept. 3, 1656.
Major general Haynes to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xlii. p. 73.
Right honorable,
The inclosed came to my hands synce my last to your honour, and not being able
to extract out of them what might be proper for your cognisance, I presume to give
you the trouble of the whole. I am yet the Lord's prisoner, but in expectation in
what way he will please to visit mee, the physitians (into whose hands, next under God, I
comit my selfe) not being yet resolved, whether it will prove a quarterne or a fever. His
will be done, from whom I mostly expect reliefe, and that he would give a sanctifyed use
thereoff. Your interest at the throne of grace is petitioned for by, sir,
Bury Edmunds, wedensday night,
Sept. 3, 1656.
Your honour's weake but willing servant,
He. Haynes.
The Dutch ambassadors in Prussia to the States General.
Vol. xlii. p. 85.
High and mighty lords,
My lords, our last to your high and mighty lordships was of the 12th current, under cover of the lord griffier Ruysch. Since we have left Elbing, and betaken ourselves into
the country to a house formerly belonging to the lord Gulderstern, to avoid the plague
which of late hath begun to rage here very much, and especially in that part where we were
lodged. We are resolved after some few days abode here to remove to Frawenburgh, to
speak further with his majesty of Sweden, and especially to endeavour an accommodation
between the two fighting crowns, and for re-establishing of peace and former tranquility in
these parts; the success whereof we shall not fail to give your high and mighty lordships
particular notice of from time to time.
From the house called Grunefeldt, the 14th Sept. 1656. [N. S.]
An intercepted letter.
Flushing, this 14th Sept. 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlii. p. 353.
These lines are to lett you understand, that I hope ere longe to see you, but positively
when, I may not as yett tell you. In the meane time be in what readdinesse you possibly
can bee. My master tells mee I shall that way bee sent. I would not have you onely ready
your selves, but to putt others in the same posture, yet not to let them knowe any thing untill you have order from me. Pray signifie to mee by the first, how things are, what armes
and other necessarys will bee requisite for those parts, as alsoe the whole county, for I shall
be imployed to all. Lett not your bosome frends partake of any thing more then your owne
knowledg assure you they can be secrett in. I will not writt you any particular, untill I
heare from you; but be confident all things goe well. Of this assurance be pleased to
receave from
Your faithfull friend to serve you,
Ric. Pearce.
The superscription,
For my friends Mr. Simpson, Shakerly, John Perow, &c.
An advertisement from Mr. Walsh, &c.
Vol. xlii. p. 91.
One Mr. Faye, an Irish soldier, who served always the states, and is now married to an English woman, and now dwelling in Dirty-lane in Bloomsbury, departed Bruges the 6th of August, and came to London in seven days: he is a near kinsman to secretary Lane and to the lords Taffe and Dillon, &c.
In his company from Flushing to Gravesend came the lady Taffe and her two daughters, and a grave gentleman in black. They lodge and may be found according to the former note.
One Galbrett, a Scots captain, came two days before them, who had three commissions in blank from the king of Scots, and more are to follow upon the like employment.
A minister, by name Donnagh Bane O Sherridan, otherways called Mr. Jurdane, and a footman called Brine Bane, went for Ireland three months ago, to seduce the people. The said footman is come back to the Scots king, and the minister stayed in Ireland for the said footman's return to him, which will be very soon.
Daniel O Neale being lately come from Madrid, went with Ormond to the Spanish court, and upon their return a regiment of 1000 men is to be made up as a guard to the said Scots king, whereof 3 or 400 cavaliers are already entertained privately. It is thought the said regiment is intended for some sudden surprizal or other plot to be done in England.
A brother to the laird Grant, and major Gordon, both Scotsmen, and another gentleman, are sent by the king of Scots to Scotland for to prepare for an insurrection and invasion there, and more are to follow for to do the like in England, Ireland, and Scotland.
One father Fitz Simons, a friar, and the old confessor of don Alonso de Cardenas, late Spanish ambassador, is very active privately between the king of Scots and the said don Alonso, and is to be sent very soon for Ireland, for to seduce the people. He comes first to London, and with him one Mr. Nottingham.
A Scots lord living with Argyle, who governs him; he dwells within two miles of the lord Glencarne's house, this side of Dunbarton water, is a great friend to the said Scots king, and sends to him and receives from him very often.
One Mr. Lyons, one of the said don Alonso's chaplains, stayed after him in London a long time, and is gone to the said don Alonso three months agone, and is to be back in London very soon, and will lodge at one La Dore a French merchant in Little More-fields.
One Mr. White, who lately belonged to mons. de Barriere, the prince of Condé's agent, and stayed behind him in London, is a most dangerous and perfidious person, and well known to keep yet a correspondency with the said prince of Condé, and with don Alonso de Cardenas, who upon his departure from London left 300 l. sterling with the said White for to stay in England, and serve the king of Spain with intelligence and other tricks.
One Mr. Carter, an Englishman, is lately come from Bruges to London: he lodged next door to the lord Newport's house in Newport-street. He was seen with the king of Scots at his coming from Bruges, and did not doffe his cloths, and departed in great hast back for Bruges.
The said Mr. Walsh hath formerly given in a note of the names of such persons as are now in London, and send and receive intelligence to and from Flanders, Rome, France, and other parts, and the manner how the said persons do receive and distribute all their news, and other pranks in England, &c.
By his highness the lord protector, &c.
The bearer Mr. Henry alias Anthony Walshe being about to transport himself to Ireland about his occasions there; these are therefore to require you, to permit and suffer him with his necessaries freely to pass thither, and there to travel and live in any part of that country with his horse, and man, and necessaries, freely and peaceably, as his occasions shall require from time to time, without any of your letts, hindrances, or molestations, eitheir in his body or goods, we being sufficiently satisfied of his honesty and good affection towards the present government.
Whitehall, the 4th of Sept. 1656.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
The 9th of September, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlii. p. 127.
The admiralty of Amsterdam hath already writ to the States General, that the biggest ships of the fleet of Opdam being before Dantzick, are not able to continue much longer in that place; and that therefore it will be fitting to recall them. I am told that this is also in the points of the convocation of Holland, and that the means of the last money and convoy money is not able to maintain that fleet, and that there must be other means advised. About this is referred to the commissioners for maritime affairs.
There hath been also spoken or advised by those of Zealand about the project of a defensive alliance to be made with England and France, upon which nothing is resolved.
There is a complaint, that near to Ysendy is building a church for those of the Roman catholic religion.
11th September.
Upon that which the ambassador of Spain hath offered to cause certain Holland ships to be restored, taken by the Spaniards, upon condition that this state give a declaration, that in the like case this state will also restore such ships with the merchandizes (altho' already plundered) there hath been a conference, and it hath been reported and resolved to write about it to the college of the admiralty of Amsterdam.
They are willing to declare that by way of compliment, but to give a declarative act, they have some considerations, why they will not declare themselves so precisely.
In what manner those of Zealand have advised upon the project of the league guarantee with France and England, is to be seen in the inclosed copy. I do verily believe, that that will come to nothing.
Upon the revocation of the fleet before Dantzick nothing is yet done. It is likely, that the same will be proposed and debated in the assembly of Holland.
The commissioner Spronsen having recommended to the ambassador of Spain the restitution of a certain ship, his excellency told him, that formerly upon his recommendation two ships had been restored, and that the States General, as my lord Huygens had informed him, did not think themselves much beholden to him for it.
12th September.
The ambassador of Spain hath caused a memorandum to be presented to cause a superarbitrator to be admitted into the chambre mipartie, the arbitrators on both sides being equal; upon which is resolved to cause the retroacta to be look'd over.
The lord envoy Reede being at Madrid, hath caused his declaration to be presented, amounting to the sum of four or five thousand guilders, who is referred to those of the treasury.
The letters of Prussia do advise, that the elector was returned in person to Koningsberg. The earl of Waldeck was gone with 2000 horse towards Posen, where he would meet the general Dorslin with new troops, and to put a garrison into Posen, and other places in those parts, which the Swedes are to leave.
The Muscovite is said to be about Mitaw in Koerland.
The earl Magnus hath writ to the Swedish minister at Koninsberg, that he hoped to maintain himself well; and that the taking of Dunenburgh was not certain; but this is Swedish news.
14th September.
Yesterday they resolved to have the Spanish ambassador spoken unto concerning the resident Sasburg, who is at Brussels; but by reason of the absence of don John he is not admitted to act in the affairs of state.
The agent de Heyde is commanded to go and speak with the resident of Poland, and to the lord commissioner of Dantzick; and to know of them, whether they be ready to exchange the ratifications of their principals upon and concerning the treaty of 13 July.
By the letters from the ambassadors in Denmark it is seen, that they will not give over endeavouring to separate the elector of Brandenburgh from Sweden; and that Denmark doth begin to grow hot, proportionably as this state doth grow cold. But this state (or to speak better, Holland) is not of one opinion.
This day there was much of contention against those of Holland, by reason that contrary to the order made in the great assembly in the year 1651, those of Zealand have caused 100 men of the garrisons of Axell, Neuse, and Bieroliet to come to Veer. They maintained, that it did belong to them from an ancient custom; but they conclude, that it was ill done, with orders to proceed against the commanders and officers that did permit them.
There being come complaints from the protector, how that 50 ships of this state had committed some disorder in Torbay near to Portsmouth, they resolved to write to the admiralties here, to inform themselves about it, and cause them to be punished.
15th September.
There was this day again a great debate concerning the militia, which Zealand upon their own authority caused to be removed out of Flanders, and put into Veer; and Zealand being in this ancient possession will not part with it; and Holland pretends the same right in Breda and elsewhere, where the most part are their garrisons. In short there was much contention, and in the end nothing done. To morrow this business is to be debated again.
The admiralty of Amsterdam hath met concerning the ship, upon which the ambassador of Spain demanded a declaration.
The lord Ruysch, secretary of the chamber of accounts, being dead, the said chamber hath been in a body to recommend the lord Vander Pol, one of the masters of the accounts, for the said office.
Those of Bois-le-duc do oppose the farming, which the council of state will make there; upon which a conference is to be.
Courtin to Bordeaux, the French ambassador in England.
Hague, 15 Sept. 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xlii. p. 103.
My lord,
It is true, that the reports, which are spread in England of a new division of these provinces, are little grounded, as your excellency doth believe by that letter, which you writ
to me of the 8th current. They are amongst themselves in a deep peace; and it is probable,
that those, that vented that news, took one province for the whole state; and because that in
Zealand the peasant doth rebel against his magistrate, they have concluded from thence, that
the rest were infected with the same disease.
That people doth demand an account of all the money, that hath been raised for the maintenance of the dikes, upon suspicion that those, who have had the management thereof, have ill employed it, by reason that four of the chiefest of those men in a feast at Middleburgh had to the value of 800 guilders in sweetmeats: wherefore they fell upon him, and beat him till he was almost dead, and chose another in his place, whom they will maintain in his place by force, 4 or 5000 of them getting together in a body to defend what they had done; but there are some troops ordered to quell those peasants, and to punish the chief of the rebellion.
The envoy of the lord protector bringing letters to the lords states is not yet arrived: he is much spoken of, and they prepare to receive him without complacency.
The commissioners, who have examined the act of guarantee, which the ambassadors of this state have concluded with the king of Denmark, have made report, that it is conformable to the instructions, which have been sent them; and that is also necessary for the preservation of the liberty of commerce upon the Baltic sea; so that nothing remaineth now, but the consent of the provinces to dispatch the ratification thereof for the end of October next. The king of Denmark is sending ten good ships into the Baltic sea to maintain the commerce there, which will cause this state to recall a good part of their fleet to be employed upon the Mediterranean sea.
Some one having answered the memorandum presented by the ambassador of Spain to the lords states against France and England, I take the liberty to send one in print to your excellency, whereupon the said ambassador hath put forth his memorandum in print for his justification.
An intercepted letter of Mr. Ja. Fraysier to Mr. Timothy Staply.
Vol. xlii. p. 89.
This is my third letter. I am in good hopes the next post to receive a letter from you;
as yet I have received none. If you have a mind to come over, now it is good time,
and you will bee cared for. It seemes the passages are open enough, for our frinds are daylye comeing over heer. Our king's soldiers are marched from Bruges (being 300 of them)
to there quarters at Fonen, three miles from Dunkerck. I hope wee shall be stronger shortlye, for they come from severall kingdoms to us. Cornell Borthwick is still in prison; and
if his friend bring not that hee whent for with him, it may goe hard enough with the cornell. My lord of Bristow is retourned from the Spainish armye. The duck of Yorck is
expected daylye from France. There will be a quarter given for all reformed officers and
gentlemen or the inquivalent in mony; soe you need to feare any want. When you write
to mee, I pray write noe news, for times are dangerous. I did give you an address by the
last post, where you should write unto mee. I pray you write by noe other waye. If you
come over, furnish yourself as well as you can in monye, for I have not much for the present. Soe rests
Your loving frind and servant,
Jeams Fraysier.
In Vlishing, the 15th Sept. 1656, [N. S.]
If you write not once, I can write noe more to you; that I may however, if the addresse of my letters goes right to your hands; and thereafter I shall not faile to write weeklye to you.
For Mr. Timothye Staply, at the King's head in
Fridaye-street at London.
Lord chief justice St. John to secretary Thurloe.
In the possession of the right hon. Philip l. Hardwicke, l. high chancellor of Great Britain.
Mr. secretarie,
I Intreate you to reade the inclosed, by which you will perceive, that (uppon the late resorting of the companie to their old trustees) in what condition we are like to be in the
middle levell for wante of mony. I have withall written to Mr. Latch to hasten mony.
The middle levell contributes to both the other; and they are payd all old sesses, and new
advanced for them. Our works must stay, because the old taxes are not payd. The cause
of this trowble to you is, that you would be pleased to take notice heareof to Mr. Latch by
letter. I know yours to him will quicken him. Myselfe and others advanced and lent
mony for this presente service, and this is not sente downe to pay the workmen. Pray bee
pleased to take the trowble of sending your owne and mine unto him. Pardon this trowble
and uncivillitie. I know of none of the adventurers living in towne but yourselfe.
Sir, I am
Your most affectionate and humble servant,
Ol. St. John.
Thorpe, 5 Sept. 1656.