A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1656: August (6 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp333-350 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1656: August (6 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp333-350.
"State Papers, 1656: August (6 of 7)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp333-350.
In this section
August (6 of 7)
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol. xli. p. 634.
Since that they have sent the fleet before Dantzick, it seemeth, that they will be contented therewith, believing that is no act of hostility yet. However it is a contravention
against the seventh article of the treaty of Stockholm, contrary to the right of nations or
of war (for to succour a place besieged, or block it up, cannot be called any thing else but
hostility) and contrary to the practice of the state used by them for these many years past
towards the towns of Flanders, which were not always besieged or blockt up by land, and
not always by sea. All Swedish ships (as also of other nations) intending to sail towards
those towns of Flanders, which if they were taken, were confiscated, yea though they were
taken at sea upon the least suspicion; and if the Swede would have sent a fleet to succour such a
place, they would have taken it for a manifest act of hostility. In the mean time the city
of Dantzick doth not greatly esteem this fleet, which bringeth them in no money by way of
subsidy, nor doth not open the Weysel by the expulsion of the Swedes out of Prussia; and
without those two medicines (the subsidy and the expulsion) Dantzick doth believe, that they
cannot be cured.
But the states of Holland doth consider, that already the fleet doth cost them very much, and that Dantzick is out of danger of being taken; and for to secure them I think that the states of Holland doth not much care; for that is a maxim, which the states of Holland hath, that they do not desire the flourishing greatness and wealth of the hanse towns, as I see and know by long experience, and especially Amsterdam doth always grumble, and the states of Holland are still distasted with these good hanse towns, and are presently jealous, as soon as they conceive, that they flourish a little; and he of Amsterdam, who is ambassador in Denmark, did speak it openly me audiente, that the States General and the states of Holland ought to leave the hanse towns to be opprest by the Dane. If instead of this fleet, which will cost 3 or 4 millions, they had given one tonn of gold or two to Dantzick, and that they had sav'd much, whereof employing a small portion upon the the Swede they might have done all in love, which they had a mind to, for in the end they must make a treaty, which is the way of amity.
As to the expulsion of the Swede out of Royal Prussia, it would cost the States General great sums of money and great hazard. And it is clearly seen, that Dantzick doth not desire to cure altogether Dantzick, for when Dantzick hath flourished, those of the states of Holland in Dantzick have made continual complaint to the St. Gen. and the St. Gen. have continually fiscalized the Dantzicker to Poland, and threatned it by letters; for to speak the truth, the nation of Holland doth pretend in all places the cream and grease of the profit and gain; insomuch that Dantzick will be obliged to agree to an inclusion, so as the States General hath proposed it, or else they will leave them to shift for themselves; for to espouse the general and open war against Sweden there is no likelihood. And in regard that Dantzick itself doth not desire the inclusion so as it hath been proposed to them, it doth seem, that Sweden hath great reason to make some difficulty about the said inclusion.
And as to the equality, which those of the States General demand in Sweden, it is a pure novelty, yea as much as if they in the same manner should demand the equality in England with the subjects of Cromwell. Item, that it be also permitted to the subjects of the States General to traffick and sail to the Barbadoes. Every one ought to rule the roast at home, after his own mind. The States General will not permit, that any other nations should trade to their Indies. They charge several commodities belonging to strangers twice as much more than their own subjects, as beer, and many manufactures; and as in England, so likewise in Sweden, they must build the ships after such a fashion, that they may be serviceable in the war, which costs much; on the contrary the states of Holland have slight ships costing little.
To that of yours of the 25th of August, which I have newly received, I will say, that the lord you is ill informed by those, who writ to him, that the ships of war of the States General do pretend of Dantzick any fort or the rights in Dantzick equal with the burghers: they pretend nothing but the contents in the treaty of the 13th July, which I sent formerly, whereof the abridgment is, that the subjects of the States General shall be held in Dantzick the least charged foreigners, or as the burghers, as to the tolls; but of the right of burghership nothing was spoken.
As to correspondence in Brussels and Madrid I cannot find a way how to furnish it better, nor to give
the satisfaction desired, as he hath formerly writ: for to procure there an intelligence as that of in the St. Gen.
that is altogether impossible for him, and therefore I sent word of it heretofore; and of correspondence
common, I know you would not be satisfied. I remain
This 1 Sept. 1656. [N. S.]
Your most humble servant.
Courtin to Bordeaux, the French ambassador in England.
Hague, 1 Sept. 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xli. p. 630.
My lord,
Here was report, that the king of Poland was taken prisoner, but that news is now
dead. The ambassadors of this state at Marienburgh write, that in a long conference
they had with the lord chancellor Oxenstern, he did not only promise them the freedom of
commerce without raising the tolls, but also that the subjects of this state shall be used with
the same equality with those of Sweden, and enjoy the same rights and privileges; and said
they should not admire, that some of their ships were visited in the Pillauw, for these differences would be determined by the conclusion of the treaty of commerce, and of that of
the alliance. It is thought Dantzick will not be comprehended in the treaty for several
A letter of intelligence.
Flushing, this 22 August,/1 September, 1656.
Vol. xli. p. 671.
On thursday last I came from Brugges: the wensday before went m y l o r d
B r i s t o to the S p a n i s a r m y to seike for q u a r
t e r s for four r e g i m e n t s, two of I r i s h, d u k e
o f G l o c e s t e r c o l o n e l of the one, and O r m o n d
of the other; R o c h e s t e r o f the other E n g l i s h,
M i d d e l t o n for the S c o t s. We exspect a settlement of this next
wick without sayel. I doe exspect a p l a c e myselfe. On monday last went s i r
E d w a r d H y d to B r u s h e l s for m o n y for k. of Spain. Wee
have great c o u r t, and many flocks out of all p a rt s, which I writ to you in
my former. The d u k e of Y o r k is expected here this wick in Brugges.
The French army are forced to take the retreate into France, not beeing in condition to
harme the Spaniard this yeere. A great report heer the Poels are beaten, which I informed
you in my last, for it still houlds. Wee are certainely informed, that the French have sent
to the king of Spaine for a peace, and the king of Spaine hes assured k. Charles that hee will
not, unless his i n t e r e s t be o u n e d: by the next more of this.
This is my 11 leter without any returne of answer, which indeed maks mee think, I am
slighted; if I am, I should gladly know it, but in my opinion I have not deserved it. If
I have, I wish I knew it, wherby I might stryve to make ameands for my fault. It seems
to mee very strange, I should bee two months heere without receiving one lyne of satisfaction, whether myne came safe to your hands or no. I writ twice to Mr. Row, as it wear
at the desire of Mr. Marshall by the name of John Harrison, to satisfy mee, but never received a word from him, which makes me almost in despare of wryteing, since I know not
whether myne goe safe or be acceptable. I directed him to send his to George Leth's house
at Flushing in Zealand, wher it could not miss mee wherver I am, for there is no safety in
sending leters into Flaunders, for thy are broke up both goeing and coming. It wold save
me much truble and charge, if the other wear safe. I am resolved to trouble him no farther, unless to send your leters according to your command layde upon me. Wee ar informed of your comeing to London. Then I should exspect to receive satisfaction. If you
please to honour mee with a lyne of satisfaction by the next, direct to Leslie's howse neer
the sea port, and direct upon the back either Frence or Dutch. I wold gladly receive at
large your commands, if it weare possible to fynd a truste messenger, which might easily
bee don from London, for here is shiping from thence every weke, for I am not perfect in
that s i p h e r. I had it not long beefore I was necessitated to d e s t r o y
it, for which I could give you satisfaction; if I wear with you. I wryt to alter the
n a m e s, and direct myne by the name of John Harisson or William Wyar, but wryt
to me but as litle b u s i n e s as you can, l e a s t i t s h o u l d
m i s c a r i. I thank God all is well, for I am welcome wherever I goe. I wryt
according to your desire, wher I should hav sum money returned to mee. I desyred in my
letters to have it upon Andrew Skene or Richard Wyar factors Terrevere in Zealand, or
upon one Mr. Gill elder in this towne. I beleive he can bee steadle to me otherwise. Truely
most of that money I received from you I was necessitated to lay it out upon necessaries,
which I could not want, which makes mee so urgent at present.
Truely I have not had one peny this month, but what I borrowed; and now the clothes
must to the lumber, which will serve but a little while. However I shall stryve to omitt
nothing of my duety for a month or twenty dayes, in which tyme I desire the answer of
this; and if not usefull, or otherwise cared for, then shift for myselfe. So craveing pardon
for this tediousness I rest, and am
Sir, Your asured till death,
Blancke Marshall.
An intercepted letter of the marquis of Ormond to his lady, inclosed in sir G. Ratcliffe's letter.
Bruges, 1 Sept. 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xli. p. 632.
I Have yours of the 7th of Aug. and I hope you have two of mine, which I writ to you since my return to my place of residence, with very good satisfaction to all the particulars I had in charge. In those letters I told you, that Mr. Austin would engage for four thousand pounds a year towards the maintenance of the youths; and I have prevailed with him to add one thousand more to it for the gentleman, that is to bear them company; and this shall be quarterly paid them and punctually, the first payment to begin with the month of November.
I doubt not, but the merchant is long since at London, and hath delivered you the direction how you may write to me hereafter.
Col. Tho. Cooper to H. Cromwell, major general of the forces in Ireland.
In the possession of the right honourable the earl of Shelburn.
My lord,
I Receaved your lordship's of the 19th instant, since which tyme I have spake with colonell
Moore, whoe hath orders for more provisions then this store will afforde. Hee is, hee
saith, to have his regiment compleated with fire armes, and to that end would have 200
and heer is but 80 in the store. Ther is alsoe wantinge 450 collers of bandelires, and this
store will not afford above 60, and they must be new stringed all of them. There is a necessety of haveing the things sent downe with all speed, for I hope the shippinge will not
bee longe before wee see it by what I have from England as well as what your lordshipp affirmes in yours. Another thinge that is an inconvenyence to them and all others is the denyall
of royalls, which except some order bee given in the matter, both countery and souldyers
will be undone; and I beseech your lordship to signefye your pleasure in this by the next
poste, and it will, I doubt, bee more then I shall bee able to doe to keep all quiet till then.
This precinct proceeded to election for parliament men yesterday, and did choose myselfe and
lieut. colonell Trayle for the countyes, and Mr. John Davis for the burroughes. By my
letters out of England I hear that the choyce there in many places hath been veary bad, at
which I am not a litle troubled. If your lordship think meet to let mee goe for England,
I hope my lieut. colonell will veary well supply my place; the man is a godly man, a veary
diligent and carefull officer, and one that is throughly affected and truly affected to his highnesse's person and present government. I am glad of the landinge of sir John Reynolds
with that good newse from England; and Vernon's seinge and sayeing what hee doth, may
bee a mean, I hope, to put a stopp to that evill spirit of slander, that hath been soe busie.
I hope the Lord will turne all unto your proffit and advantage in the end. Patience would
not bee soe much comended and comanded to Christians, if our good and wise God did not
know the excellencys of it; and therefore hee sets forth Job out as a patterne, and bids
us let it have its perfect worke, and sayth wee have need of patience. The Lord, that hath
given your lordship your part in this, give you of every other grace, and make you to abound in every good word and worke is the desire and prayer of him who is,
My lord,
Your lordship's veary faithfull servant,
Tho. Cooper.
Carrickfergus, August 22, 1656.
There is in the comission for justices lately added in the county of Armagh, Mr. Tho. Chambers and Mr. Walter Coape, that have been enemyes in armes, and are vicious in their lives for drunckenes and swearinge; but ther is one sir George Atchison there that is a man competent in abiletyes, and of a veary blameles conversation, as I am informed by honest men. Ther is a great mutteringe in these parts of divers veary bad men added, but I never saw the liste, and soe cannot tell any thinge of my owne knowledg, but I heartely wish noe men of vicious lives may bee in, for they will incourage wickedness, and not suppress it, and weaken the hands of honest men, that are joyned with them. I beg your lordship's pardon for this digression.
Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xli. p. 660.
Honored sir,
This enclosed to his highness I leave open for your perusal, it beinge an account of
that which I hope wil be for his service. I know som will be very pressinge to have
that way alter'd of giving assurances voluntaryly under every minister's hand to be admitted,
that he will live peaceably and inoffensively under the present government; but if once that
cable be cutt, which has bin neere a yeare a weavinge, som turbulent spirits will get their
ends, and the hopeful settlement of that church, I feare, instantly vanish. I beg you, sir,
if you see any need for it, prevayle with his highness to heere what I can say, ere any alteration be made, for thos, who sollicit it, are the bitterest enemyes against the government in
all Scotland, as theyr writeinges will shew, which I bringe up alonge with me. Mr. Gilespy and the sober sort of remonstraters are free to signe. 'Tis Mr. Guttery and thos
fierce men are against it, who in their writinges call his highness's government usurped and
unlawfull. I intend this day to begin my journey, and shall stay four or five dayse at my
brother Suffolke's at Audeley-end, and at my lord Warwick's at Lees, both places in Essex,
and wher, if you have any commands to lay upon me, or that his highness command my
attendance ere the parliament does begin, I desyer in one of thos two places to receive
them, and they shal be speedely obey'd by,
Edinb. 22 Aug. 1656.
Sir, Your truly affectionate,
and obliged humble servant,
An intercepted letter.
The 22d of August, 1656.
Vol. xli. p. 642.
I Rite constantly to you, but I have no assurance, that you reseave them. I have reseaved
but one from you since I lest you. This day the Swead's imbassador is gone away:
George Lis— went a littell before him. Our burgises for the parlament were chosen on
weddensday last in the sety. We have chosen vere good religious men, such as major
generall Browne, alderman Addams, alderman Foout, and Mr. Jones, six for the sety:
but at Westminster ther was a very sad dispute, two men slane, and many wounded.
It arose betwext one colonall Gravenar and one Mr. Latham. The solgers came in to cry
for Gravenar, the setisans cried no sword men, no marsonary men; whereupon they fell together by the eares: the were like at Branford, where the Anabaptests tooke away the justises swords, and beate them meserablely, insomuch that a regement of horse was sent to part
them. Theare is 7 74 30 54 29 50 of 39 46 48 sent to lie nere 43 27 11 38 40 50 14
and six 17 38 63 60 11 48 of 243 226 are 79 29 50 to strengthen 14 53 37 and 43 37 11
56 50 14 86 38 is so fare out of favour now, that 50 14 15 46 51 towlde me, he had a
greattar mind to 33 39 13 him then 33 37 48 11. Pray let me here from you, when I
shall wate on you.
Your most faithfull servant,
Jo. Waddall.
The superscription,
A mons. mons. Vanyeare marchant demeurant au
logis de M. Robinson en Bruges, Flandres.
An intercepted letter.
London, this 22d of August, 1656.
Vol. xli. p. 668.
Mr. Smyth and loveing friend,
I Received yours of the 9th/19, and am glad to heare of your wellfare. Mr. Busshie, I
hope, is allso well, and longe before this with you. All your freinds here are well, and
in particular my partner remembers him to you. You may be consident of havinge the bennefit of the first markett, and noe sooner shall it be convenient, but the goodes shall be sent
by a safe conveyance; and pray assure Mr. Longman so much, for until a fitt markett, my
partner will be noe meanes have the packe 59 shipped. Many thankes is returned you for
the visitts to his neece at scoole. The continuance of it he desires. All our newes is about
the choyce of members for parliament. What is done in the counties we shall not know till
next poast, only in London is choesen Adams, Foote, Browne, Packe, capt. Jones, and
Biddolph; Westminster, quarter master general Gravenor, and Mr. Cary; Middlesex,
Chute the lawyer, and his sonn, Chiffine, Audelye, and sir Roberts; Surry, sir Richard Oneslow and sonn, and treashurer Blackwell; so that you may see, where our honest soldiers can
appeare, a reasonable good choyce is made, but the farther off from London the worse;
for even here amongst us under our noeses the ill affected are so bould and ingratefull, as at
the elections to cry out, noe soldiers, noe courtiers; but curst cowes have short hornes, and
the prudence of our governors by the sendinge for up of the rest of the army will doubtles
secure us against the new and old malignants boath. I shall trouble you no further, but rest
Your loveing freind,
E. Barnes.
Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorn, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xli. p. 644.
Right honorable,
Tis long since I heard from you, nether can I now be so punctual in wryting as my obligations cal for, by reson the sicknes has invyrond this state on every syd, so that as we
receiv no letters from Ingland, so we se but litle hopes, that what we wryt get ever thither;
wherfor I adventure this by sea to Marsillia, wher we hear the Dyamond frigat had latly bin
sent thither by the generals, from whom your honour will have punctual advys of al passages. The fyring of the ships at Malaga in the moald, and nailing up the gons under the
town wals was a very gallant action, and is so esteemed by al that hear it. I hav seen letters
here from Sivil and other parts of Spain full of ***** ports being besieged, that a boat
cannot get in or out. 'Tis advysed hether from Argier, that general Blake was intended to
besiege Oran, which is a port and town of the Spanyards on the coast of Barbary, not far
from Argier. Indeed that place or Mamora would be very convenient ports for the fleet to
refresh and carine in during thes wars with Spayn. I nothing doubt, but as al things ar ordered at home with much wisdom and consideration, so God wil be pleased to give an answerable succes and issue thereunto, that a happy peace may succeed, to his glory and our
countrey's good. The sicknes is now as hot in the kingdom and country about Naples as formerly it was in the citty. It takes place lykwys in Rom and Genoa, althoh in the last they
stryv much to conceal it. The Genowes fleet consisting of ten gallyes and seven ships hav
bin seen within 20 leagues of Argier, insomuch that som report they hav som desyn upon
that place by intelligence they hold with som renegades of that place. A litle tym will declare the truth. The siege of Valensa is stil continued by the French, and 'tis reported they
have made theyr approaches clos to the wals, so that now they only attend to spring theyr
mynes. In few dayes we shall hear of their succes. You will hav heard of the manifest or
remonstrance published by the emperor to the princes of Itally, of his intents to send an
army hether to chastyz the duk of Modena for disturbing the peace therof. I suppos, if the
Swede prevails in Polland, the emperor wil hav other employment for his soldiers then to
send them into Itally. The generall peace, for so they cal the peace twixt France and Spain,
***** here now much talked of, insomuch that prince Leopoldus the great duk's brother has layd wagers it is fully concluded in all August last. Indeed that cardinal Mazzarin
should send mons. de Leone into Spayn portends litle les then som such business. I hav
heard from the great duk's court, that the king of Spayn has proffer'd the states of Holland, Donkirk, and two other ports to join with him against Ingland, and hopes to obtayn
his purpos. Thes Dutch are lyk to embrace the proffer, for they desyre any occasion to
shew their teeth against Ingland, as latly at Smirna they made an uproar: a dronken skipper with 15 of his men cam armed ashore against some of our nation, in which tumult was
killed a Greek or two. If any thing I may serv you, command,
2 Sept. 56. [N. S.]
Right honourable,
Your faithful servant,
Charles Longland.
Commissioner Pels to the States General.
Dantzick, 2d Sept. 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xli. p. 654.
High and mighty lords,
Since my last of the 30th of last month here hath happen'd nothing worthy to advise
you of; and we cannot but admire, that for these four weeks now no news is come from
the king of Poland or his army. The duke of Brandenburgh is returned to Koningsberg.
His army is quartered upon the frontiers of Prussia. The Swedish army is not far from
thence, to be assisting to each other, and at hand in time of need. The flux doth reign
very much amongst the common soldiers, as also the sickness, which doth begin to increase
more and more. In this city we have, thanks be to God, but little or no sign of it. The
king of Sweden is daily expected at Elbing. General Douglass is to go from the Pillauw
with 4000 men for Lyfland, to oppose the Muscovites, who have plundered and destroyed
Dunenberg, and are not above three or four miles from Riga. The Muscovite hath promised the duke of Courland to observe the neutrality, and that no prejudice shall be done
him. Now on the other hand it is said, that the Tartars have declared for the king of
Sweden, and that they expect his orders to march with 40 or 50,000 men. It is said likewise, that the Swedes have demolished Warsaw, and that the like is to be done to Cracow
to keep the men together.
An intercepted letter of coll. Ogle to Mrs. Ogle, directed to Mr. Simon Fincham in White-fryars.
Brussels, 2 Sept. 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xli. p. 652.
Dearest on earth,
I Have sent thee a bill of 20 l. I shall never rest till I see you and your children; of the
time and place you shall know next week, when I hope I shall have ended my whole business. The chancellor, sir Edward Hyde, coming to Brussels designed my ruin, and caused
my apprehension and seizure of my papers; but it was not three hours but old don Alonso
the Spanish ambassador caused my discharge, and public satisfaction to be procured me by
the officers at my own lodging, by kissing my sword, and delivering it me; a ceremony
they use here in token of submission. So if you hear any thing of my disgrace, believe it
not, for I am in as good health and esteem, and my business in as good a forwardness as I
can desire.
Lockhart, ambassador in France, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xli. p. 664.
May it please your honor,
I Have received yours of August 14th, wherein you are pleas'd to give me a new demonstration of your kyndnesse, and tho' I ame not capable of thankfullnesse eqwall to that
goodnesse yow have alwayes been pleas'd to expresse towards me, yett I must begg your
beleef of my being sensible of your favors in the highest measure my best resentments are
able to reach; and that their is not one amongst the many, that have had the happinesse to
be oblydged by you, who have laid vows of gratitude upon themselvs with more zeale or
greater devotione.
Sir, my last gave account of the great change I found 27 403 480. What I told you was trewth, but least it may have influence upon his highnesse so as to induce him to alter his resolutione concerning me, I must begg leave to tell you, that their is not a more in con s ta nt person living, that with greater confidence can say and un say. His deportment is alwayes aggreeable to his hope or fear; and as they encrease or abate, you will find his k ind nes to my lord protector will keep the same measure; and tho he is somtymes pleas'd to own particular respects to me and confidence in me: you know he is both a courtier and a It a li an and will not be wanting in the same expressions to any ld prot. shall im pl oy.
The good news of the Swedd's successe came very seasonably, and were most acceptable to the court heare. They did not a little want some consolation from that hand, for the emperor's invading the duke of Modena, the insolent caryadge of the prince's party, and all the other malcontents in France had highly allarmed them.
The pretended duke of York hath been at court this week. The day he parted, the king went a hunting, and took the occasion to bring him to his coach en passant, where he took leave, and embraced him with great demonstration of affectione. I was informed, that when he had taken leave at court, he was to have gone to Flanders, and shall endeavour to learn the cause of his return to Paris, so as I may acquaint you with it by the next. So soon as the said duke's departure from court was signified to me, I sent for audience, but am delayed till next week. If that for my recall comes to my hands before my audience, according to the hops you gave me, that I should receve it by the next, I shall propound it with all the advantadge I can; and in the mean tyme am preparing for retorne, but without any noyse, to the end the cardinall may receive the first advertisement of it from myself.
Charles Stewart's frinds at Paris give out, that they expect great matters from the ensuing parliament. My lord Jermyn told Mr. de Servient, that he hop'd my lord Bradshaw would doe as bad an office to his highnesse as he had don to the late king; but I hope you have so pre-ordered things, as your enemies expectation in this shall meet with their usuall discouragements.
Mr. de Turrein keeps his ground near * *. The Spaniard lay encamp'd within foure leagues of him, and yesterday morning discamped, and marched directly towards him. It is not probable, they will attacque his lyne (except it be upon intelligence, that he hath numerous parties abroad) he having posted himself their one purpose to torment the contrie of Flanders by incursions from his camp; but it's more to be feared, that the enemie will post themselvs so advantagously, as it will be difficult to secure the French camp, either with the recruits of men or provisions, and will be so near him, as when he marcheth off from the strong ground he is now encamped, or they may oblydge him to fight in disadvantagious grounds. These are conjectors: a day or two will discover their intentions.
It concerns Mr. de Turein to play his game at this tyme very warily, for the losse of a battle now would putt France in as bad a posture (if not worse) as it was when Paris was last besieg'd.
There are great preparations at Paris for the reception of the queen of Sweden in her
way to Compeigne. She is to lye a night or two at a house called Lian court, within two
leagues of this. I beseech you pardon the troble you receive by this, and continue your
goodnesse towards,
Clermont, Sept. 2, 1656. N. S.
May it please your honour,
Your most humble and faithfull servant,
Will. Lockhart.
Vice-admiral Goodsonn to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xli. p. 686.
I Must be excused of sending a duplicate of my last general letter, the copy remaining in the
hands of the commissary Clerk at Jamaica, but hope the original in the Charity will be
come safe to your hands before this, in which I intimated the sending out of ships to lie
upon this coast so soon as they could be made ready; and accordingly the 19th June the
Lion, Dover, and Selby departed, and the 25th the Charity departed for England in company
with the Marmaduke, Adam and Eve, and Mary fly-boat for Mevis; the 27th the Indian Arms
of Holland, Martin, and Success; the 3d July the Cloister and Lawrel; the 11th myself with
the Convertin and Portland, the Marston-moore and Matthias to follow, having work to do
with all the foregoing ships, that could not then be accomplished. The 13th off cape Antonio
encountred with all the foregoing ships, from whom received news of that sad dispensation of
the blowing up of the Arms of Holland, only four men and the captain saved, as per my last
to the commissioners of the admiralty the 14th July: also the Laurel having by a clap of
thunder her main-top-mast shiver'd to pieces, and her mainmast so floade, that its feared
notwithstanding we have used what means we can, it will scarce carry her home. The
3d August chased and took a small bark belonging to the Havanna, having nothing in
but ballast, bound, as he saith, to windward on the north side of this island to lade hides
for the Havanna; being, as he saith, chased off shore by a French man of war. The
news we have from them is, that what ships from Carthagena bound for Spain arrived here
the 15th May, and set sail from hence the 13th June, four days before our arrival; the ships
were one galleon, which last year lost her rudder coming through the gulph, and returned
again for Carthagena; two great Flemish ships, which had brought negroes from Angola; and
a small frigot, vice-admiral to Carthagena; two ships from the Honduras, and two other small
vessels bound for the coast; in all for Spain eight; and that upon their arrival in the Havanna
they sent advice for Old Spain, having then a resolution to stay for them, but upon further
consideration of the king's necessities resolved to sail alone. If the advice had come timely
to my hands, I should have sent away a frigot to general Blake, but being 21 days after
their departure, conceived it too late; since which we have lain here waiting for the Nova
Spain fleet, and as yet no appearance or advice of them. We had the 5th, 6th, and 7th days
of this instant calms, insomuch that we were afraid of driving through the gulf; but the
8th and 9th God was pleased to afford a little wind, so we attained the bay of Matancas,
where we recruited our expence of water. There hath been formerly divers complaints sent
home as per those papers sent to the commissioners of the admiralty by my last, signifying
the deficiency and inability of some ships to remain in this country, especially the first ships.
On the 19th instant the aforesaid desects with some addition being communicated before a
council of war, also the time of the year being far spent, it was concluded not safe to lye
longer upon this coast; so it was resolved that the Torrington, Cloister, Portland, Laurel,
and Dover, being not in a capacity to remain longer in these parts, be sent for England,
myself at present embarqued aboard the Marston-moore with capt. Wings.
It being resolved by all knowing men, that it is not safe to stay longer upon this coast than the latter end of this month, towards the expiration of which shall endeavour our repair for our station, either by beating it up to windward, or to go through the gulf, which of the two is accounted by most men the speedier passage, in regard we be for the major part heavy ships. As to the victualling of the ships remaining in this country, if no recruit comes to us before the arrival of these, I fear we shall be straiten'd, being victualled for no longer time than they are; and as to the small victual of bread and peas we may expect from New England, I do believe the soldiery, if its arrived before us, will lay hands of it if possible.
If it be his highness's pleasure the endeavouring to carry on this design in the Indies, I humbly conceive it's necessary, that whereas there is an order for the landing of seamen for the surprizal of towns, castles, forts, &c. that there also might be an established rule, what encouragement they should receive and expect upon the taking any town, castle, or fort by storming; as also what part of any plunder, that they might obtain upon their further approaches into the country; also that it might be declared, that the persons, which shall go ashore for the attempting such enterprizes, that they must be subordinate to the laws martial of your army by land, and that those, which are deputed to command them, be impower'd to put it in execution.
By all I can gather from those we have lately taken, the strength of the Havanna in men doth consist of soldiery, paid by the king and townsmen, with some people in plantations near the town, who have voluntarily listed themselves to withstand an enemy upon any alarm, of near two thousand. Upon a river, four miles to the westward of the town, they have re-edified an old fort to prevent landing in the place, in which they say is fourteen guns. To the eastward of their great strength, the moore, four miles in a bay where there is landing, they have another fort of eight guns in the way to a river there. If there be any thoughts of attempting any thing upon the Havanna, there is no safety for ships to lye upon the coast from September until February; no harbour for ships to lye upon that coast from September, a great draught of water except Matancas, twenty leagues to the eastward of the Havanna.
Certain Spanish prisoners seamen detained by us, with those taken in the last small vessel,
in all to the number of forty, have been sent home, by reason they having been some time
with us, and understanding the state of our affairs, it was not thought convenient to put
them ashore in these parts. Thus craving excuse for my not enlarging myself at present,
not being well, remaining
Marston-moore, the 23d Aug. 1656,
upon the coast of Cuba.
Your honour's humble servant,
Will. Goodsonn.
Major general Goffe to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xli. p. 698.
In my last I gave you some accompt of the elections for this county, since which time I
received an account from Berks and Suffex, according to the inclosed paper. I perceive
that in Suffex C. M. (fn. 1) ruled the rost, by the help of a disaffected party, much to the griefe
of the honest party; and that it was theire designe to have noe soldier, decemator, or any
man that hath sallary.
Old Mr. Hayes is chosen for Rye, and its designed by col. Morley, that sir John Trevor be chosen for Arundell, which as soone as I heard of, I wrote to the mayor of that towne, who assured mee, that if Mr. Shirley were chosen in the county, they would choose capt. Freeman for Arundell. Some honest men will article against Courthop, if they may be heard at the counsell. They say he was formerly putt out of the commission for the peace for malignancy and drunkennes.
Sir, Although I am chosen for this county, yett I shall not dispose my affaires to goe up, till I understand his highnes pleasure therein. Where his highnes shall think mee most serviceable, there I desire to bee. Pray lett mee heere a word or two from you as to this, that I may dispose my thoughts accordingly. If I must come up, I should be gladd (having lest my house) to heere of some good lodging att Somerset-house, or elsewhere, of which you were pleased in one letter to give me some hope.
Sir, I cannot but reckon myselfe very unhappy in the employment I have had in this country, that whilst some of my brethren have enough and to spare, wee and our busines are ready to starve for want of necessary supplyes of money, the committe for the army having as yett taken noe course at all for us. Pray be pleased to present our condition to his highnes, of whose equal care of us I cannot doubt; but his highnes being pleased to speak with colonel Clarke may very much further our busines.
I perceive our turbulent spirrited men doe give out, that wee are greately devided in the
army. If wee could handsomely before the sitting of the parliament declare the contrary by
signing some paper to his highnes, in my humble opinion it might be of great use, which
may take its rise from these reports tending to begett more hopes in our old adversaryes. I
conceive if it be done before the parliament meete, it would be done with more ease and less
exception then afterwards; and if you could agree upon some sit draught, I suppose the major general may easily get the hands both of the army and militia, that is within there association. But I submitt these poor thoughts to better judgment, and remaine, sir,
Winton, 23 Aug. 1656.
Your most affectionate freind
and humble servant,
W. Goffe.
I shall be att Reading on wensday next, if the Lord please.
The examination of Andrew Thornton minister, taken before captain Finch, Nehemiah Rauson, and Theophilus Hart, August 23, 1656.
Vol. xli. p. 702.
This examinant saith, that being at Horncastle on the friday, being the 13th of August last, as he was coming out of town, one Francis Fidling of Barkway came and asked to him, asking if he would have a book; this examinant replied, what it related to; he said about the electing of parliament men. The said Fidling going away, returned presently with above twenty of the said books, which he delivered to this examinant upon Barkway fair-day last, Mr. Rigeley of Barkway, or his brother, Mr. Stone, Mr. Whiting, and Mr. Yerburgh being at the aforesaid Mr. Rigeley's house. This examinant asked Mr. Whiting or Mr. Yerburgh, whether they had seen the aforesaid book; and replyed, they had of them at Boston. One other of the said books was delivered to Mr. Cartwright of Kirkby Lanc. another to Wenard Greeier of Scribesby; another to Mr. Fitch of Market-rason, to the best of this examinant's remembrance; one other to Mihill Bend of Daluderby, as also another to John Smith of Hamringham; one other of the said books to Mr. How or Mr. Trivillion, and the residue of the said books this examinant burnt. He further saith, that he heard Mr. Cock the younger of Bullingbrooke has some of the aforesaid books, and also Wr. Chapman of Horncastle. He further saith, that morning he asked Mr. Fidling from whence these books came, who replied, he thought they came from sir Henry Vane.
Andrew Thornton.
The examination of Francis Fidling of Reursby, taken before the persons above written, the 22d of August, 1656.
This examinant saith, that the day before Horncastle fair last, he received a letter from one Peregrine Goodrick, living at London, which he produced, the contents of which are to request this examinant to disperse some books relating to the choice of parliament men in the next adjacent market towns to him, as also to intrust them with such friends as he judged would be faithful in the dispersing of them, promising to repay the charge of bringing them from London, as also in dispersing of them upon Horncastle fair-day last. This examinant returned the aforesaid books, the certain number of which he knows not, but believes about three or four dozen, a dozen of which, or thereabouts, he delivered to Mr. Andrew Thornton minister of Ecrelesby. The aforesaid books are intituled, England's remembrancers, or a word in season to all Englishmen, about the electing members for the approaching parliament. He further saith, that he gave not any of the aforesaid books to Mr. Cock of Bullingbrook, nor to Mr. Chapman of Horncastle, or his wise, other than to lay them up in his shop; but being asked whether he delivered of them to others, he confessed he did, but is not willing to discover them, lest they be brought into trouble.
Fra. Fidling.
The examination of John Cock the younger, of Bullingbrook, taken Aug. 23, 1656.
Vol. xli. p. 703.
This examinant saith, that upon the Sabbath day was sev'night last he procured a bundle of books, intituled England's remembrancer, from John Semper's maid of Bullingbrook, which books this examinant hath ever since kept by him, and hath not dispersed them; but that Mr. Neve of Bullingbrook had one of them in his hands, but returned it again to this examinant's best remembrance.
J. Cock jun.
The examination of John Chapman of Horncastle, taken Aug. 23, 1656.
This examinant says, that the 10th of August last one Francis Fidling of Kranesby brought a bundle of books into his shop, and lest them with this examinat's servant to lay by for him, and several times that day the said Fidling came, and took away part of them, which this examinant believes he disposed of to his friends, and took away the remainder of the said books at night when he returned home; and further saith not.
John Chapman.
Major general Whalley to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xli. p. 706.
Having written so fully to his highnesse, I have little more to you then to returne
you many thankes for your intelligence, as also to send you a particular of the members of parliament in these partes chosen. I am full of considence, that there is a general
resolution to settle the present government in this county. The base pamphlet of England's
remembrancers hath donne little hurt. I remayne
Your most affectionate and humble servant,
Edw. Whalley.
Nottingham, 23 Aug. 1656.
Col. Tho. Cooper to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xli. p. 710.
Dear sir,
Wendsday last was the day of election for these partes, at which the country heer
were please to choose myselfe and lieut. colonell Trayle for the shires. I have been
wholly passive in the busines, and had not friends, whoe I esteem, over ruled mee, should
not have suffered my name to have been mentioned. Lieut. colonel Trayle is a Scotchman,
but I hope godly, and purely upon the English interest, and noe wayes intangled in the
snares of his countrymen. Hee is a man of partes as well as honesty. Mr. John Davis is
chose for the burroughes, who is as well knowne to yourselfe as mee. These parts are veary
quiet; and if his highnesse pleases, I hope I may leave without any dainger. My lord
Henry, though my wife and family have been at the water side five weekes, would not let,
me send for them till this overture was over. The shipps I hear nothinge of, to take in
these men for Jamaica. It were well they were clear of these narrow seas before the nights
grow longer, and wee have had good wynds lately to bringe them, which makes mee woonder they are not heer. I have not further to trouble you at present, but remaine, sir,
Your affectionate and very faithful servant,
Tho. Cooper.
Carrickfergus, Aug. 23, 1656.
Secretary Thurloe to Nieupoort the Dutch ambassador.
Vol. xli. p. 684.
My lord,
I Had commaunds from his highnes to have wayted on your excellence this morninge; and
to have acquainted you, that his highnes is sendinge an expresse to the lords the States
General with a letter, and to have delivered a coppy therof to your excellencye; but am prevented in executinge those commands, by reason of your beinge out of towne, as I understood this morneinge by a messenger, whom I sent to desire the favour of wayting upon you
at your house for the purpose aforesaid; and therefore have sent the bearer hereof to your
excellencye with the enclosed, which is a coppy of his highnes letter abovementioned to the
said lords the states; and if your excellency please to write any thinge into Holland upon
the occasion, this bearer hath direction to attend for your dispatches, and the gentleman,
who is to goe to wayte here, until we returne, and afterwards to begin his journey immediately, stayeinge upon nothing else, havinge received his whole dispatch from his highnes.
If I had the opportunitie of waytinge upon your excellencye, I should then let you knowe
more particularly the grounds and reasons of his highnes sendinge this letter at this tyme,
but must deferre that until that honour be affoarded me. In the meane time I hope your
lordship will have pleasure and content in your journey, and a happy and safe returne, which
is most heartily wished by
23 Aug. 56.
Your excellencye's most humble servant.
Nieuport, the Dutch ambassador, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xli. p. 694.
Right honorable,
I Am sorry that it is fallen out, that the fyrst time in three yeares I have missed the opportunitie to attend your honor, especially upon an occasion of so great a concernment, as
I have found in the inclosed copy of his highnes letter; and I intend, God willing, to bee
at home again on monday, or at the furthest on teusday night, beseechinge your honour, for
several very considerabel reasons, that the gentleman, who is to be sent to the lords my superiors, may defer his journey 'till I have had the happiness to confer with your honor.
and the states of Holland not being assembled, it will be much conducing to his most serene
highness intentions, that I may receive some particular elucidations; assuring your honour,
that I have no greater pleasure or contentment than when I have occasion to cooperate in any
thing to the advancement of the true Christian reformed religion, and establishing a perfect
confidence and amity betwixt his most serene highness and the lords my superiors; and I
hope your honour will excuse this writing, coming from a better heart then pen, remaininge,
At Bygots near Dunmow, this
23d of August, 1656.
Right honorable,
Your honor's most humble servant,
Will. Nieupoorte.
Richard Cromwell to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xli. p. 696.
This night I received a letter from his highnesse by one of his footemen; the postscript required speedy answer, which I have made by the expeditious returne of the
flying poste; and because most letters are inclossed to you, and that this may arrive by the
conveyance of a good hand, I have therefore given you the trouble, and myselfe the oppertunity to assure you, that I am, sir,
Your most affectionate freind and servant,
R. Cromwell.
Hursley, Aug. 23, 1656.
Copy of a letter of intelligence, in the hand-writing of secretary Thurloe.
Brussells, 3 Sept. [1656.] N. S.
In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.
The agreement is made betweene the k. of Spayne and C. S. which consisteth cheifly in this, that there shall be a league offensive and defensive betweene Spayne and England. 2. That Spayne shall assist C. S. with men and money to restore hym to his kingdomes; for which end C. S. shall governe hymselfe solely by the councell of Spayne. That there shall be liberty of religion given unto all Papists, both laick and ecclesiastick, and mentenances allowed to the ecclesiastick in Ireland. That untill the restitution of C. S. he shall have his residence in the dominons of Spayne, and have the liberty of the ports to bringe in all the prizes he shall take, and a weekely assignment for his maintenance. That the k. of S. shall assist him with men this winter to invade England and Scotland; and good quarters for all those who shall be gathered and leavyd by him.
And they beleive, that the five Irish regiments now in the service of Spayne, and one that is leavyinge by colo. Talbott, shall be assigned for this service.
C. Stuart is raysinge some regiments of the English, Irish, and Scotch; but gives noe comissions but by the consent of Spayne.
That which they may endeavour is to assassinate his highnes, which is extreamely prest by don Alonso de Cardenas. Major Armorer did offer hymself to that service; but they thought him not soe fitt for that service; soe they propounded it to colo. Rogers, who seemed not willinge to undertake it: however he is newly come over into England. The doinge of this they will deferr untill they are all ready to make their attempt, expectinge all manner of confusion, when that falls out.
As I was in company with sir H. de Vic, sir Marmaduke Langdale, and don Alonso's secretary, who discoursed of their affaires, the secretary sayd, that things would never doe well, till Cromwell was dead; but de Vick answered, that seeinge he had beene foiled in the West Indies and in the Streights, his creditt was not soe great, and that the whole nation would rise upon hym, if an attempt were made by the kinge. Neither, sayd he, had they any considerable forces in England and Scotland; 10,000 were the most. But sir Marm. Langdale sayd, he was of another minde; that he beleeved that if ever they appeared in England, they should finde a gallant army in England, and another in Scotland. But, sayd the secretary, if Cromwell were out of the way, all would be in confusion. But how shall this be effected, sayd sir Marmaduke; for he is a wary man, well guarded, resolute of himself, and comes not much abroad? Saith the secretary, he may be watched, as he walkes in the garden, and keyes may bee easily had to the gates.
I have had often discourses with de Vick, who hath a great oppinion of their present affaires, and doubts not but to see a turne in England within lesse then 6 months, and they in the possession thereof.
J. Arden to Mr. R. Bostock.
Laus Deo in Dunkerke, le 4 Sept. [1656. N. S.]
Vol. xli. p. 742.
Mr. R. Bostocke, and noble friend,
I have not this two packets heard any newes from you. For newes, here layeth before our
towne in the road six parlement men of warre, and before Mardrick four parlement men
of war. This morninge here are three expresses come to the marquis de Leda with newes, that
the Spaniards hath quite routed the marshal Turen's forces, and that the marshal himself is
sied to St. Paul's. Don Juan d'Austria and the prince of Condé followeth him close. I
wonder, that you take no course in England for releasing of the pooer prisoners here, which
are in great necessity; ever resting
Your friend at command,
John Arden.
A letter of intelligence.
Elbing, the 5th of September, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xli. p. 762.
The prince elector of Brandenburgh is returned to Koningsberg. His power in these countries is held more considerable than the Swedes, who have demolished Warsaw, and, as some say, burned the city. There is some speech about a treaty, wherein the French mediate, because the Muscovite is fallen into Leisland, and hath taken Dunenberg by storm, and beleagured another place between Riga and Narva, whereby all intercourse is stopped, and his army drawing near to Riga with great power. The Russ boors, so long under the Swede, revolted, the burghery at Riga discontented, which are the fruits of a suppressing power. Things, as they write from thence, are in great combustion; here, and at Thorn, with some other places, the Lord hath visited us with the judgment of pestilence; and it is very contagious. The king of Sweden is come hither too, and will for Leifland in person. It is said he will deliver Cracow to Ragotski; and as the Swedes here credibly report, 6000 Cossacks are fallen into Poland, destroy the gentry, and are at the Swedes service. A miserable condition these countries are brought unto.
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. xli. p. 756.
Right honorabel sir,
Since my last of the 29th of Aug. there is nor hath been any action passed betwixt the
two armies since the last battle near Warshaw. The king of Sweden is comme down
into Prussia, and arrived yesterday at Stum, a castle four miles from Elbing, where his
queen is at present residing, having lest Marienburg for fear of the plague. His army
stands yet at Lovitz beyond Warshaw. The generalissimus and the king's brother, prince
Adolf, is gone from hence by sea to Stetin into Pomerania; from thence he goes to the baths
in Germany for to cure himself. It is reported here, that the Cossakes have made a league
or liga with the king of Sweden to serve him against his enemies, and they are to come
down into Prussia so far as Thorn. There they are to stay so long till further orders comes
from the king. It is said the king intends to employ his forces together with the Cossacks
against the city of Dantsick. General major Douglas is ready to go for Livonia. His
3000 horses are gone away before thither. He is to command the Swedish in Livonie, as
general lieutenant. There are also arrived hier in the Pillau some of Koningsmarcks his
truppes, 5000 footmen, for to be gone also into Livonia, because divers letters from Riga
mentionate, that the Muscovites hath taken by storm a place called Dunenburg, a place or
pass of importance; and that he is gone to besiege Revel. There is great fear at Riga of
the said army, because there is great want of forces to resist him. I fear the Muscovite will
put the king of Sweden hard to it. I would willingly write more large of the passages of
the Muscovite and Pole, but the posts from these places do not come nor go so often as
before, because of the plague as well in Poland as in Prussia. At Thorn there dies daily
above 600 men. The garrisons in the towns rove about as Strasburg, Bromberg, &c. died
almost all of the plague in our city of Elbing. It is pretty hard, where many houses are
insected of the plague, and every day it doth much increase. God in his mercy make us
ready for to acknowledge our sins, and that we may repent in time. The duke of Brandenburgh is returned also from the army to Coningsberg. The Dutch ambassadors intend to
retire from Elbing into the country, because the plague; also doth the chancellor to retire
to Frawenburg 3 miles from hence for the same reason. Thus I conclude, remayning
From Elbing, 5 Septemb. 1656. [N. S.]
Yours to command.
I shall send your honour with the next post, please God, another paper concerning the king of Swed and the duk of Brandenburg. I have received from your honour a letter of the 13th of August, last wednesday, under couvert by Mr. Acton.
The superscription,
A mons. mons. le resident Bradshaw, presentement à Hamburg.
A letter of intelligence from Madrid.
Vol. xli. p. 760.
I Admire I have not heard from you since the 23d of July, soe that I feare that something
has happened you, and that I cannot heere one word from Jackson. This troubles me
much. Rowland has written to you at large by the person of Russia, which will come before this, or immediately to your hands: have a care to get it, for it concernes, and I writ
by the same to Mr. Connell with one to be sent Tom. King, which I hope he will forward.
I know not what Tomkins will do. I assure you he has that which concerned him much, no
matter to be had from Tong till pitch with comfort. This he told me clearly. I refer you
to that of the 4 by the pan of Russia. Many particularities be sure to get, only inquire in
the pan house general. I meane the gent. that has it, and any of the servants will tell, if
that of Russia be arrived. This is all I rest. Sad is the conditione of Rowland; and his
father is in a sadd condision, and if his life were upon it, he cannot remedy it.
Madrid, 5 Sept. 56. [N. S.]
Yours, Wescomb.
A mons. mons. de Witterd Anglois, au coledge de Clermont rue St. Jaques à Paris.
The admiralty at Amsterdam to the States General.
Vol. xli. p. 774.
High and mighty lords,
In pursuance of your high and mighty lordship's letter of the 2d of the last month, we
have given order to victual till the first of Novemb. next the men of war of this
admiralty riding before Dantzick, and also we have received orders from the lord lieutenant
admiral Opdam and de Ruyter, that the same is already effected. But in regard the season
of the year is far advanced, that the said ships ought to be speedily recalled, and in all cases
not to continue there after the 15th current, in regard they cannot stay there without remarkable damage, yea the loss of some of them, especially the heavy ones, which will be in most
danger, which must be expected home, for the passing of the Sound and Cattegat in the
month of October is very troublesome and dangerous for such great ships, whereof the fleet
doth most consist; wherefore we could not omit to give to understand to your high and
mighty lordships in due time the great importance of this business to the end by giving
orders, all difficulties for want thereof may be prevented. High and mighty lords, &c.
By order of the admiralty,
D. de Wildt.
Amsterdam, 6 Sept. 1656. [N. S.]
To mons. de Bordeaux, the French ambassador in England.
Paris, 6 Sept. 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xli. p. 772.
My lord,
The most certain advice, which I can send you to day, is, that Valence is taken by
mons. de Modena, and mons. de Barradas was dangerously wounded in setting the
mines on fire, which took before he was quite out of it; he was presently wrapt up in a
sheep's skin, and there is some hopes of his life.
The army of mons. de Turenne is still near that of the enemy, who endeavour to get some advantageous place, with an intention to fight us, but we hold our general an able man, and who will look likewise to his advantage. The queen of Sweden is at Fontainbleau, and will make her entrance into this city to morrow. I am to advertise you of one thing which doth concern yourself, and not the state: there are two considerable persons, who go expresly into England, if not gone already, under pretence to see the country, and to bring horses, who are most dextrous gamesters at all games; and in regard they know you love gaming, have a care of yourself, and use some good preservatives: the one is the baron of Crully, and the other mons. de Secouile, Pray let no body know of this, for one that goeth along with them told me of it.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xli. p. 800.
Right honorable,
I Gladly received your honour's letter of the 15th instant, beinge all I have from you since
the 20th of June last, which I mention, least any have miscarried, beinge you write,
that you intermitted but a post or two. I hope ere these come, that long and troublesome
businesse will be over by a suitable vindication, without which its impossible for me to continue heere, my condition beinge truely such, as I have formerly represented to your honour, and partly set forth in my last week's humble addresse to his highness, who, I hope, together with his council, will so resent the same, as either to state me againe in a condition
to serve them here with more comfort and security, or to repaire my reputatione, that I may
returne without being made a reproach for my faithfulnesse. Truely, sir, I am sorry to have
given you so much trouble, and to finde that it's soe hard a matter to get the businesse issued;
but I hope you will excuse what necessity hath enforced, and be pleased to continue your savour for the obtaininge of the council's finall resolution upon the whole businesse (the state
of which I am glad you have been pleased to draw up) if to doe when these come on.
Though Townley pretends he's undone by the delay, confidently petitioning, as I hear, to
be discharged without more adoe, yet sure I am, he brags of his good successe to his partie,
and speakes very slightingly of the businesse, as if he little regarded the issue; in the meane
tyme loadinge me, wherever he comes, with most base aspersions, for which I shall find a
tyme to call him to an accompt. His great comrade Waites, for whom he stickled soe hard,
is now at Madrid, agent for Ch. St. and Ball acts his part heere with much countenance
and encouragement. I perceive Townley hath put in his answer, which is judged frivilous
by such of the councel as had seene it. I pray a copie of it, not doubtinge but his reward
will be suitable, whom truly I pity, and could heartily forgive the personal injuries he hath
done me, were he sensible of them; but the state must be repaid whatever I suffer; and
truly if I may take the boldnesse to say it, that can never be suitably done heere, if his partie smart not as well as he: I meane, if they be suffered to wrest the government into their
hand in such an indirect way, with so much reflection upon his highness in his minister,
whom they have soe notoriously excluded in revenge for doinge noe more then what was his
duty; and how I can live heere amongst strangers, and in the eye of that faction, if they
must so carry it, I submit it to your judgment.
I am glad you approve of the correspondence I have setled, wherein I have and shall use
my utmost endeavour, that it may answer your expectation; nor shall I communicate it, save
to yourself. I presume the Swedish ambassador will passe here in his returne. I thanke
your honour for the promise of those articles. I should not trouble you in that kind, were
it not to enable me the better to serve his highness. Referinge to the inclosed intelligence,
I affectionately remaine
Your honor's very humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.
Hamb. 26th Aug. 1656.
Col. Tho. Cooper to H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland.
In the possession of the right honourable the earl of Shelburn.
My lord,
Haveinge the opertunety of this messenger, I am bould to remynde you of what
I formerly offerd concerninge colonell Mervin, whoe, as I tould your lordship, is about
takeinge the lord Chichester's howse at Belsaste, and about 40 acres of land. Hee gives it
out, it's to save charge, which scarce any man in reason can believe, that a man should
come from his owne estate, whear he hath built a good house, and hear hee must buye every
thinge by the penny, which at home hee hath for litle or nothinge, and therfore it doth looke
as if ther wear more in the bottome; the man your lordship knoweth hath a great interest
amongst the Ireish, and by his partes will easely make my lord Chichester's interest his owne,
by his dayly convening with him, the lord being a veary weak man, and the other much to
wise for him; and to live in one of the principlest quarters in the north, and haveinge the
dayly sight of our guards and forces, that lye in that towne. I humbly conceave its better
hee should abyde whear hee is, whear I thinck hee is not much to be feared. Its above 14
dayes since I acquainted your lordship with it, and never haveing your answer makes mee
thinck my lettre might miscary. The shippinge is not come to take in these men, and wee
have had veary faire wynds. I could wish I might see them shipp'd before I leave this
place; for the officers beinge, I fear, for the moste part raw, and haveinge been a litle to
indulgent to them as to their radness, if they should upon their shipinge fall into distemper,
they would fynde it out of their power to bringe them into order without assistance; all
which I leave to your lordship's consideration, and remaine,
My lord,
Your lordship's veary faithfull servant,
Tho. Cooper.
Carrickfergus, August 26th, 1656.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
In the possession of the right hon. Philip 1. Hardwicke, 1. high chancellor of Great Britain.
Honoured sir,
I Humblie thanke you for the warrant I have received for the thousand pounds. When I
give uppe this to the councill (which I shall doe to morrow) the former warrant shall bee
vacated. I thanke you for the good newes you sent mee concerning our fleete. I have noe
newes to send you from hence, onelie that wee heare the kinge of Spaine doth intend to furnish Charles Stuart with some monie for the transportation of three or fower thousand men
to land somewhere in the hills in Scotland, which I have from an indifferent good hand,
and suppose itt may bee true; butt by God's blessing wee may bee able to make them weary
of that worke very soone after their landing. Wee heare nothing as yet of our Jamaica
shippes, butt I hope speedily wee may, being the wind is faire for them. I remayne
Your very affecconate freind and humble servant,
George Monck.
Edenburgh, 26 August, 1656.
The protector to Henry Cromwell, major general of the forces in Ireland.
In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.; In the handwriting of secretary Thurloe.
Sonne Harry,
Wee are informed from severall hands, that the old enemye are formeinge designes to
invade Ireland, as well as other parts of the comonwealth; and that he and Spayne
have very great correspondencies with some cheife men in that nation for raiseinge a suddeine rebellion there. Wherefore wee judge it very necessary, that you take all possible care
to put the forces into such a condition as may answere any thinge, which may fall out of
this kinde; and to that end, that you contract the garrisons in Ireland as much as may be,
and get a considerable marchinge armye into the feild in two or three bodyes to be layd in
the most proper and advantagious places for service, as occasion shall require; takeinge alsoe
in all other thinges the best care you can to breake and prevent the designes and combinations of the enemye; and a very perticuler reguard is to be had to the north, where without
question buissie and discontented persons are workeinge towards new disturbances. I doe not
doubt but you will communicate these things to colonel Cowper, to the end he may be the
more watchfull and diligent in lookeinge to his charge. I rest
26 Aug. 1646.
Your loveing father.
Additional instruction to the council in Ireland.
Vol. xli. p. 802.
Whereas we have daily intelligence, that the old malignant practice by confederacy with Spain are forming a design to invade this commonwealth with foreign forces, and at the same time to raise up a rebellion within our own bowels, and that herein they hold correspondence with the Irish, as to what concerns that nation, from whom they receive very great encouragement: amongst some other things, which we have judged fit to be done at this time for preventing these designs and preserving the peace of the commonwealth, we have thought it necessary, that the chief persons of the Irish be secured; and to that purpose you are to give your immediate orders for the apprehending and securing in some safe places as to you shall seem fit, such of the heads of clans and other considerable persons in Ireland as you shall judge to be dangerous and likely to be made use of in the aforesaid designs; and likewise that you consider, how such persons may be for the future disposed of, either by sending them beyond the sea or otherwise, with regard had to any conditions or articles as have formerly been granted to them, whereby Ireland may be secured in some measure from those dangers and attempts, which it is continually subjected to from these men and their correspondencies; and we desire you to signify to us what you shall do in pursuance thereof.
26 Aug. 1656.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland.
In the possession of Joseph Jeky ll, esq.
My lord,
Your lordship will receive by this post a letter from his highnes to yourself, and another to the councell concerninge the present designes of the enemie upon Ireland, of
which I shall give your lordship a more perticuler account then is conteyned in those
letters: the designe, which is formed, is in conjunction with the Spanyard, and indeed he is
to have the manadgment thereof, C. S. haveinge put hymselfe and his affaires into the hands
of Spayne, to be governed by hym as to his intended restitution. They are now, in order
to this buissines, gatheringe together the scattered English and Irish into Flanders, and to
forme them into regiments there. Ormond about 14 dayes since writt a letter to Muskerry,
who hath a regiment in the French service, requireinge hym in the kinges name to march
with his regiment into Flanders to such place as he should by his next appoint, to be imployed in his master's service, and this was under peyne of high treason. C. Stewart hath
likewise writt to his brother the pretended duke of York to come forthwith to hym, haveinge (as he writt) thinges of infinit consequence to communicate to hym concerninge the restitution of their familye. There are alsoe 7 or 8000 men leavyed in Germany in the name
of Char. S. under the conduct of mons. Lamboy, and are upon their march, and will be
made use of hether, if the Spanyard makes not use of them against the French, which he
will not, for ought I see, have need to doe, his affaires beinge already very prosperous in those
parts: add to this sir Geo. Carteret's designe upon Galloway, besides what your lordship
did observe by the papers, that you were pleased to send me from Ireland; soe that there is
noe question to be made, but there is a designe upon Ireland, as there is alsoe upon England and Scotland. Colo. Sexby is now in Flanders, and hath assured don Alonso; the late
ambassador here, that he hath contracted for a garrison in England to be surrendred to them
at their landinge, and hath assured them alsoe, that a great part of our fleet will revolt upon
their comeinge in, soe that it is certeyne they have many irons in the fire at this tyme. I
trust, through the goodnes of God, wee shall prevent some of them from takeinge, if not
all. As I can learne what their perticuler designes are, and which way they will begin their
attempts, your lordship shall be sure to have an accompt thereof. Much adoe there hath
beene about the elections here; every faction hath bestirred themselves with all their might:
who they are who at last are chosen your lordship will see by the enclosed papers; those in
Wales are not returned hither yet, nor doe I heare certeinlye who is for Suff. or Wilts; in
the latter they say sir Anthony Asley Cowper is chosen for one. Serjeant Bradshaw hath
missed it in Cheshire, and is chosen noe where else. Sir H. Vane poled for it in three
places, and mist it in all. Every body gives out that they will be for peace and settlement,
and are great freinds to the government. Sir H. Vane was before the councell upon thursday last, where he was charged with writeinge the booke called The healing question, which
strikes at the foundation of this government, and offers another to the people: he owned
the writeinge of it, as alsoe the publishinge, though in termes darke and misterious enough
(as his manner is:) he was hereupon ordered to give in securitie not to disturbe the peace of
the nation, or else to stand committed, and he was to doe it by this day. I heare he will
not give in securitie.
My lord Broghill and general Moncke's letters by the last post signifie, that there are 14
or 15 of the enemies ships plyeinge about the island of Ila, which lyes somwhat northward
of Karicksergus and Point Patricke, and beleive they waite for our ships and men bound for
Jamaica. And truly if the matter of fact be soe, it is certeyne they can have noe other designe; and therefore your lordship will doe exceedinge well to send all the ships of warr,
which are upon the coast of Ireland, to attend that service of secureinge the Jamaica ships:
if the enemy should take them, or soe spoile them, that they could not proceed upon their
voyage, it will hazard the totall ruine of our West India buissines. I am glad to heare,
that Vernon hath changed his bias; I perswade myself, that the late election hath convinced
them, that if they be lest to the people, woe be to them. It is certeyne that Mr. Kissin,
who stood and carryed it in Middlesex, with all his company had beene cut in pieces, if the
souldiers had not beene at hand to rescue them; the country people fell upon them pel mel,
cryeinge out, Noe Anabaptist: very many were wounded. Wee have very little forreine
newes. The victory of the Swede upon the Pole is confirmed, soe that noe doubt is made
thereof: I wish it were as certeyne that the Swede and Dutch would agree: they are now
upon a treatie; and to the end that his highnes may omitt noe opportunitie of manifestinge
his desire to unite the protestant partie, he hath writt a letter to the States Generall to incite them to peace, and hath sent it away by an expresse. The Swedish ambassador went
from hence upon saterday last, beinge very well content with the civilities he hath received
here. I have nothinge else to trouble your lordship with, save to assure you, that I am
Whitehall, 26 Aug. 1656.
Your lordship's most humble, most faithfull,
and most obedient servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
His highnes hath taken into consideration this afternoone the buissines of Jamaica ships, and doth desire, that your lordship will give direction to all ships of warre at Dublyn, or elsewhere upon the coast of Ireland, to goe to Port Patrick and those seas, for the protection of those ships; and whereas the sayd ships intended to goe about Ireland, it is thought best here that they come backe through St. George his chanel, and soe to the West Indyes, in case the information hold true, that the enemyes ships are wayteinge for them; but that is left to generall Monck and those upon the place, to give such directions therein as shall be necessary.
The Dutch ambassadors in Denmark to Ruysch.
Vol. xli. p. 778.
My lord,
Our last to your lordship was of the 8th current. As far as we can perceive by the
ryx-hossmaster they do intend to manage all the negotiation with the ambassador of the
duke of Brandenburgh solely to this end, to separate the duke from the king of Sweden, and
to this purpose they not only continue to speak roundly concerning his majesty's opinion in
order to Dantzick and Prussia, but also make no difficulty to offer, that Denmark in such a
case will undertake the preservation of the countries of the duke of Brandenburgh in Prussia
against all persons whatsoever. They seem here to hope, that it will be a powerful means
to dispose the duke to a separation, in case the like offers and endeavours were made by their
high and mighty lordships on their side, especially in regard it is clearly perceived, that the
duke of Brandenburgh doth fear the emperor; and here are letters come from very good
hands at Weenen, which mention, that ten thousand men of the emperor's shall march out
of Silesia and Poland as soon as there is news come of the entrance of the Muscovites; and
it is conceived by this, that there is some correspondence between the emperor, Poles, and
Muscovites. We advised your lordship in our last, that we had made overture of the condition of the negotiation of their high and mighty lordships in the court of Sweden to the lords
ryx-hoffmaster and chancellor, and that the lord ryx-hoffmaster had undertaken to tell us his
majesty's opinion upon it, which he hath not yet done; but we have since understood by the
said lord ryx-hoffmaster, that the intention of his majesty is to expect the arrival of the lords
of the council, who will be here to morrow to consult and take some resolution upon some
considerations juxta modum inclusionis of this crown in the treaties with Sweden, and about
the means which may serve to satisfy the other, and to speak with us about the said overture; and it is to be supposed, that this is the reason, why they have not desired of us a
more solemn overture. It is certain that Denmark would be very loth to see at this time,
that their high and mighty lordships should make any engagement with Sweden to assist
them against their enemies, especially in regard that there is news and a confirmation come
a few days ago from Riga, how that not only Dunenberg, Dorpt, and Kakenhowsen, which
is a reasonable strong place between Dunenberg and Riga, are said to be taken by the Muscovites, but that his troops are come before Riga, and the garrison of men, which is in it, is
said not to be without great danger of falling into their enemies hands; and in such a case your
high and mighty lordships might sooner agree about the tolls with the Muscovites than
the Swedes.
The ships which are designed from hence for Dantzick have since yesterday laid waiting for a wind, and as soon as that is favourable they intend to set sail. The affairs of the envoys of Dantzick must wait the arrival of the lords of the council.
Beuningen Viersen
Copenhagen, 6th Sept. 1656. [N. S.]
P. S. This morning the men of war of this crown set sail for Dantzick.