A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1656: July (1 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp173-186 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1656: July (1 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp173-186.
"State Papers, 1656: July (1 of 6)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp173-186.
In this section
July (1 of 6)
Mr. Aldworth, consul at Marseilles, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xl. p. 5.
Right honourable,
My last unto you was of the 4th currant. Att present I have only to advise your honnor,
that order is given att Thollon for the arming of 6 ships of warr, but may not bee
ready this two months, not any gallyes are preparing. Five dayes past heare arrived advise
from Valentia, that att Seregose in Spayne they have slayne 800 Castillians, who would have
incroached on theire libertyes by order of the king; so that the whole province was in a rebellion, as the letters mention. I cannot yet heare otherwise of our fleete, then by letters
from Legorne of the primo currant, which imports, there was newly a ship arrived from
England, that brought advice had mett with some frigotts of our fleete att the Streights
mouth, who told them the peace was concluded with Portugall, and that the Spaniards
durst not stirr out of port; which will cause the generalls to send home and for the West Indies, at leaste halfe the fleete, and that they would come with the rest into their Streights.
I have other letters from Legorne of the same date, that another ship, that was there arrived,
brought advice, that they mett with the fleete off Cape St Vincents, wheare had advice from
them, that the king of Portugall not signing the peace in the time limitted, some chollericke
words passed, and the agent retiring was shot in the body, but however had escaped to the
fleete. I expect the certainty of this advice per first. Holworthy still continews his malacious languadge against our states, and would willingly rayse the people here against me.
If he should, I wish I had an order to force him to obedience; I should soon doe it; and in
regard to cover his malice, that he will not acknowledge the present government, hee hath
sent home a false attestation signed by severall people of this citty of verry small repute. I
have thought fitt to send your honor the inclosed attestation, whearby to discover the untruth of the other, which att any tyme wil bee attested by the magistrates of this place, if
needfull. The barque I have expedited to our fleete, I hope, will in few dayes be returned,
when shall give you notice. In the mean tyme remayne
Your honnor's servant,
Jo. Aldworth.
In Marseille 11th July, 1656. N. S.
Romer to Nieuport.
Hamburgh, 11 July, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xl. p. 9.
My lord,
The Swedish levies do still continue in these adjacent dukedoms.
The king of Poland hath writ to the magistrates of Dantzick, that he had besieged Warsaw with 40,000 men. Those of Dantzick do firmly believe, that their high and mighty lordships will assist them.
The Dantzick letters being newly arrived, advise no other than the conjunction of the Brandenburgh forces with those of Sweden; and that those of Dantzick had signified to the English nation, that they were to pay the same taxes and duties with other nations, or that they were to quit the town within fifteen days. This, without doubt, will not please the protector.
Generals Blake and Mountagu to the protector.
Vol. xl. p. 17.
May it please your highnesse,
Presently after the dispatch of captain Lloyd backe unto your highnesse, we sent
the vice-admiral with some shipps before for Cadiz, and two or three dayes after ourselves followed with the rest, and came to an anchor here on the 28th of June, where we
find all things in the same posture we left them, and, as we gave your highness an accompt
by captain Lloyd, the enemy making no preparation at all to come forth to sea, nor expecting any returne from the West Indies (that we can learn) these twelve months. Yesterday
we received your highnesse's commands, bearing date the 9th of June; and in obedience
thereunto have ordered the shipps and frigotts undermentioned forthwith to sayle away for
the Downes; and being arrived there, to dispatch notice of it to Mr. secretary; and have
pitched upon the Unicorne for one, in regard she hath an able commander, and such a ship
we conceive may be usefull on the service your highnesse designes them to. As to the rest
of your fleet, we have had some thoughts to leave the bigger ships with the vice-admiral
before Cadiz, and if the wind should serve (which is at present out of the way) to go ourselves with the others into the Streights to seeke out some men of warre of Tripoli, who
(we heare) have of late gott into considerable parties, and verry much annoyed the English
merchants; and we conceived it would be the best improvement of our time to endeavour
the suppressing of them, which we intend accordingly to prosecute, if the wind do in any
short time favour us; and purpose likewise to send some for Sallee, to see what composition these people may be brought unto. We presume your highness will be thinking of
timely calling home the great shippes, which (if we may humbly offer our opinion) besides
the charge, cannot with any safety be kept out the winter time on this coast; and an indisferrent good squadron of frigotts will in our judgment better answer any opportunity of
service, that may present in that season: concerning which we have fully discoursed with
captain Lloyd, and therefore shall not say more of it here, but craving your highnesse's
pardon for this boldnesse, remaine
Your highnesse's very faithfull
and obedient servants,
Rob. Blake. E. Mountagu.
Naseby, at anchor before Cadiz,
this 1st of July, 1656.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xl. p. 21.
Right honourable,
By your letter this post I understand Mr. Townley had beene before the committee of the
councell, where he had the confidence to deny his whole charge. It will make him the
better knowne. He sent a copie of the charge to his abettors heere, whoe report amonge
their party and to the Dutch, that they are onely ridiculous things, that are charged against
him, and that the counsel told him, that beinge he was a merchant, hee should not be held
up; soe as he would be over heere agayne within a month or two. This is the use he made
of the councell's favour in grantinge him a copie of the charge. In the meane tyme his faction heere are heightned, and have chosen their quondam treasurer, one Watson, a martly
deputie. They were advised by myselfe and the whole well affected partie heere to forbeare,
till his highnesse pleasure were knowne; but they havinge their encouragement from the
company at London in a dubious letter lately writ to them of the 13th June, they proceeded
to the election, and I believe it will shortly appear by their owninge of what they have
done, that they had this underhand order for their proceedinge. I shall not truble your
honour with a character of the man they have chosen; he is sufficiently knowne to be onely
fitt for the carrying on of their designe; and truly if it be an indifferent matter to the state,
whoe they have for their deputie heere, this man may doe as little hurt as any other that faction will choose, beinge resolved (as some of them have declared) not to have any man,
whoe hath any relation to the state; soe ingenious they are in speaking out the ground of
the quarrell.
They have excluded severall of the well affected heere from the government, and would
have outed them all, but that some more crafty than others told them, that would make the
business too gross; yet they might as well have left them all out, for they are resolved not
to owne them before his highnesse pleasure be knowne. However the other will proceede as a
court to fine and imprison them, if they can get this towne to stand by them, as no doubt
but they will. They declared at the election, that they had his highness sufficient warrant
for it in that clause of his letter, which saith, that he would never abridge them of their
libertie to choose whom they would for their deputies. For my owne part, I professe am only
sorrie for the well affected, to see them have such a reward for their faithfullness; but I presume his highnesse and the councell will order better for them. As soon as they had resolved
to elect a deputie, Townley's servant Cambridge went hastily out of the assembly to Dr. Elborrow, to have his further advice, how they should proceed, who hurries them on here
in these courses in the absence of his sonne Townley, as he did before. In my last I writ,
that I had settled a correspondence as your honour desired, and expect this night or per
next post to have letters from him. I affectionately remayne
Hamb. primo Julii, 1656.
Your honour's verry humble servant,
Rich. Bradshaw.
Cambridge read Townley's charge openly in the English house before the company, every man discantinge upon it at his pleasure, and some sayinge they were slight things, others laughinge at them. I beleive it will not like the councell, that he should make such use of their favours.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
In the possession of the right hon. Philip l. Hardwick, l. high chancellor of Great Britain.
Honourable sir,
I Received your letter, and thanke you for your newes. I am very glad to heare, that
there is like to bee a parliament; and truly I thinke his highnesse my lord protector
hath done very discreetlie in itt, for in case at their meeting they should nott minde more
the publique good then their owne ends, the fault will be theirs; and if by divisions amonge
themselves they should constraine his highnesse with his councill to settle the businesse without their helpe, hee cannot bee blamed in itt, in regard those, whome they chose, neglected
to doe itt. Butt I hope they will bee more discreete now, seeing the errors of the former
parliament. I hope they will minde the publique good soe, as thinges may be carried on
with honour and safety, and that there may bee a sufficient supply of money to doe itt; in
which I hope God will give a blessing to their endeavours; and then it will give a great
deale of contentment to the whole nation, and make our enemies to feare us abroad. I am
sorry to heare, that the Dutch should soe farre mistake their owne interest, as to be fully resolved to assist a popish prince against a protestant; but I hope time will teach them more
witt. For newes heere is none; all things are quiet and peaceable, and I hope will continue
soe, though Charles Stuart doth not neglect to keepe uppe his interest in the hearts of the
people heare as much as hee can. I remayne
Edenburgh, 1° July, 1656.
Your very affectionate freind and servant,
George Monck.
Mr. J. Walters to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xl. p. 13.
The inclosed letter was to his lady. She is myty temerous, in so much that she woulde
not se me, but will doe his businesse by Mr. Rose the next post, and Mr. Rose intends to doe his businesse by me; soe that you shall be sure to know it. I desire you would
be pleased to lett me know what you resolve consarning the busenesse I spooke to your honor
before the next post, or else you may lowse an opportunyty. Mr. Firbank knowes how to
convay your letters to me with safety. The sowner I here from your honor consarning that
busenesse, it will be the better. Ther is many gentellmen now a going over.
July 1st, 1656.
Your honor's most humble servant,
Jno. Walters.
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland.
In the possession of the right honourable the earl of Shelburn.
My lord,
I Perceive, that your lordship beleeves, that you have not beene understood in all that you
have sayd hitherto, but are under apprehensions here, accordinge as discontented and dissatisfied men doe represent thinges to your disadvantage. It's possible some perticuler actions and letters may give ground for some such construction, espetially as some persons may
give your lordship the account. But however I cannot alter the oppinion I have heretofore
had, and have by many letters signified to your lordship, whereto I hope you will give credit, beinge certeyne the issue will make it evident, that I am not mistaken herein. His highnes and the counsell have some tyme since agreed to call a parliament, but it beinge put under strikt secresie, I could not communicate it. Upon thursday last the secresie was taken
of, and this day the tyme for the parliament meetinge is declared to be the 17th of September next, and writts are to issue forth with what speed may be. The election is to be,
as it was the last parliament; only all possible care is to be used, that the qualifications in the
government be observed, and the recognition is to be first taken, before they fit in the
house. The cheife end of callinge this parliament is to have their advice in the warre with
Spayne, and to settle such other thinges, as may be for the peace and good of the nation.
Wee have noe newes of the fleet, nor out of the West Indies; nor have I any thinge considerable from beyond sea by the last post. The great expectations are, what the Swede will
be about to doe against Dantzick, and the French against Valencienne. There is a rumour
upon the exchange, that the latter is releived by the Spanyard with a great losse to the French;
but yesterday's post from France bringeinge nothinge of it, we give no creditt thereto. I
begg leave to sign me
Your lordship's most humble and faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
Whitehall, 1° July, 1656.
A letter of intelligence.
Dantzick, 12 July, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xl. p. 45.
Since my last unto you we have given over our remonstrance to the three orders of this
city, and shewed our reasons, why we could not submit to oaths, military contributions,
or duty in persons, which availed nothing, but we must depart by the 15th instant. It is
short warning, and we are uncivilly dealt withal so to expulse us, before we can order our
affairs, or get a return out of England, how the business might be accommodated; but
the Polander being in the field, and the Hollander pursuing to take their part, and assist
them monthly with rixdollars 12000, 3000 men, and their fleet, if occasion requires, having
also their ambassador here to mediate, they depend much upon them; on the contrary we
doing nothing, but sending men to the Swedes aid, they look upon us as false enemies, and
deal with us accordingly, which I believe his highness and council will ill resent; but they
hope, if trade come once to be open, our trade being devoid of government, they shall be
supplied with all things by the Dutch and interlopers, if not prevented; and we at another
place have nothing to do: for indeed this place is best for sales, &c. which returns sooner and
later, and lying so near to the sea for dispatching of ships hence to all other ports to these
Baltick seas. Sir, we that are here, are the representatives of the nation in this place, and
what is done to us concerns the whole; and therefore if things come once to be accommodated, we shall be introduced again here upon better terms than ever, as well as others of
our nation are in other parts. The loss of Warsaw holds with abundance of treasure, and
the Polish army is as brave men and horses as have ever been seen.
Para despachos de oficio de ministros.
Sello quarto año de mil y seiscientos y cinq veinte y seis.
Vol. xxxvi. p. 370.
A My governador y capitan general de la ciudad de Sto Domingo de la isla Española y pressidente de mi real audiencia della en despecho de veinte y uno de Febrero passado deste año os mandè embiassedes abissos al de la Havana de las noticias que tubiessedes de enemigos en essas costas para que por medio de embarcaciones pequeñas las participassedes a don Diego de Egues, mi general de la flota de Nueva España al qual en despacho de la mesma fha le mande deçir que siendo necessario se le despacharian abissos desde aca dandole noticia de todo lo que pareciesse cembeniente segun las que se fuesen manifestando de los designios de la armada Inglessa, y de sus aliados y haviendose tratado aora desto en mi consejo de guerra de Indias, a parecido despacharle dos abissos dirigidos a la Havana donde se cree estarà quando lleguen a aquel puerto o que llegarà, a el con brevedad dandole noticia de que a mediado Abril se dejò ber en las costas de Andalucia una armada Inglessa en numero de treinta y cinco vajeles mayores y menores donde a permanecido asta aora que se a apartado de aquellas costas no saviendosse aun a donde ahido a parar ni los designios que el enimigo tiene dandole aora esta noticia como se la mandarè dar de otra novedad o cossa particular que se ofresiere de todo lo qual me a parecido daros abisso para que lo tengais entendido y os halleis con estas noticias. Fha en Madrid a doze de Julio de mil y seiscientos y cinquentas y seis.
Yo el rey.
Por mandado del rey nuestro señor,
Gregorio de Lezmá,
Idem al pressidente de Sto Domingo de la isla Española assda.
Vol. xxxvi. p. 372.
Con esta ymbio a V. M. la cedula de su mag. sobre las noticias que se tienen de la armada Inglesa y del numero de vageles con que se a mostrado en las cotas de Andaluçia como mas particularmente se contiene en la dha cedula de cuyo recivo se servira V. M. de avisarme en la primera ocassion que se osrezca. Garde Dios a V. M. como deseo de Madrid a 12 de Julio de 1656.
Gregorio de Lezma.
Sr pressde de la auda de Sto Domo.
H. Cromwell to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xl. p. 23.
I Have by this poste seconded the request, which in my laste letter I desired you to make
to his highnes for my retirement, by letter to his highnes himselfe, whoe, I hope, will
have a due consideration thereof. I desire the Lord to direct his highnesse to such a course
herein, as may moste conduce to the glory of God, and the peace and settlement of this poore
Truly, sir, accordinge to the apprehension I have of the present state of thinges, I cannot judge it good either for the publique or myselfe to be longer here. I knowe not howe
thinges are managed, but sure I am, my enemyes (whoe have bin hetherto designinge to
supplante me, and to caste their reproaches uppon me) insult; my freinds droope, myself thereby rendered contemptible, and altogether uncapable of doeinge further service. I will not
venter to give my opinion of your keepinge Reynolds and Harrison, your sendeinge for Morgan. Could there be any thinge more done to gratifie these, that have bin all this while
contriveinge against me? The Lord help me to bare these thinges with patience, and enable
me to submitt to his good pleasure. I ame
Your moste affectionate freind
and humble servant,
H. Cromwell.
July 2d, 1656.
The further information of Anne Hill, late servant to the lady Lucy Walter, otherwise Barlow, taken upon oath the 2d day of July, 1656.
Vol. xl. p. 37.
Who saith, that in August last she came first into the service of the said lady Lucy Walter, and went over with one of her children into Holland to the Hague, where the
lady then lived; and saith, that Mr. Thomas Howard, gentleman of the horse to the princess royal, did much frequent her company there; and saith she continued there seven months,
and then came over into England. And saith, that this informant never heard, that the
said lady had any husband in Holland, or any other place, but that those children she had
were begotten by Charles Stewart; and saith that Justus Walter, her said lady's brother, told
her this informant, that the said lady, together with the said Thomas Howard, went from the
Hague to Flanders, and then immediately they came from thence to Flushing, and so for
England, as she hath heard them say. And this informant further saith, that the said lady
told her this informant, that the very same night, in which she came to Antwerp or Brussells,
Charles Stewart came thither; whereupon this informant asked her in these words, Did your
honour see him? to which she answered, Yes, and he saw your master too (meaning one of
her children, which is usually called master.) And this informant saith, she knows not who
came with the said lady into England, besides Thomas Howard and Justus Walter aforesaid,
neither any thing further of their actings beyond seas; and saith, she heard the said lady and
her said brother confer together about a necklace of pearl, which the said lady intimated
to him she had bought; and that they discoursed it must cost about 1500 l. And the informant saith, she heard the said lady say, she had bespoke a coach, and that she would have it
lined with red velvet, and have gold fringe on it within three weeks; and said, although they
lived but closely in their lodgings, yet very plentifully in clothes and dyet, and had a coach
to attend them continually from week to week. And this informant saith, while she lived
with the said lady, she this informant was kept up so privately, that she had not scarce liberty to come down for a cup of beer, which she really believes was, that this informant
might not have opportunity to discover them. And saith, the said lady gave her a charge,
not to tell who she was, but to say she was a Dutch captain's wise, whose husband is dead;
which she this informant observeth.
The mark of Ann [] Hill.
Generals Blake and Mountagu to the protector.
Vol. xl. p. 49.
May it please your highness,
While we were writing the letter, that comes herewith to your highness, there rose a
very great storme of wind from the East and S. E. which hindered the captains, who
were divers of them on board to receive their orders for England, from returning to their
owne shipps till this morning, and putt most of the fleete from their anchors, and those that
were not (all but seven or eight) drove a great way. Divers merchant men in the harbour
of Cadiz were likewise forced out to sea. About one of the clock the followinge night the
Taunton came driving in that stresse of wind directly upon us, and we had begun to cutt
two of our best cables to get off her way; but it pleased God in very much mercy, that she
lett slip, and getting a sayle open with much adoe steered cleere off us, else one or both of
us in all likelyhood had imediately gone to the bottom. We have lost many of our boats, as
also cables and anchors, but hope to recover a good part of them. Some of those putt to
sea begin to appeare again, though we doubt it will be some tyme before all come together,
and that we shall find divers of them in a shattered condition. Thus providence hath occasioned our laying aside all thoughts of Tripoli for this summer. We remaine
Your highness's most humble
and faithfull servants,
Rob. Blake
E. Mountagu.
Naseby, at anchor before Cadis,
3 July, 1656.
General Mountagu to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxii. p. 47.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]
Since I wrott my other letter, the Levant hath encreased upon us, untill it rose to such
a storme, as hath not beene seene these seaven yeares in these parts, and hath much
damnified our fleete in ground tackle and boates (if none shipps be lost, for yett we are not
gott together againe) and wee received a singular mercy in the preservation of our owne
shipp, the Taunton drivinge upon us in the dead of the night, it beinge verry darke, and
so right with us, that our officers concluded it impossible to escape her but by cuttinge,
which they forthwith did, and cutt two or three chopps in both our cables, soe that one
chopp more had sett us loose; but it pleased God in that very act, that the Taunton gott
up her foresaile, and lett slipp her cable, and mist her not a shipp's length, when the sea
ran mountains high. Judge you what this sea is to ride in in the winter tyme. Give me
leave to make this use of one peece of newes you sent me, that you would take the best care
you can, that c a p t a i n L l o y d b e e c h o z e n to
p a r l i a m e n t 61 10 15 for H u n t i n g t o n s h i r e
M r. 32 61 B u r r e l e for one another b e e c o n f i d e n t
he will b e e through r i g h t. I hope the meanes to effect what I desire is not to
seeke (if other concurr in judgment with mee) and if soe, the i n t e r e s t of
the other s and mine may further obedience to c o m m a n d s from a b o v e.
The uncertainty of my waitinge upon you (which must depend upon the winds at least)
makes mee give you this trouble againe. I earnestly begg your favor in this as in any
thinge, wherein you will much oblidge
Your verry humble servant,
E. Mountagu.
July 3, 1656.
Though the storme is over, yet the Levant blows still fresh.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]
If you concurr with me in opinion, as one meanes, lett me desyre you b e t y m e s to cause it to b 10 e e w r i t t e n t o 32 M r. 10 B u r r e l l and my f r e i n d s 32 61 i n 99 the c o w n t r y as my d e s i r e.
Rosenwinge to Petkum.
Amsterdam, 13 July, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xl. p. 53.
I Have received yours of the 27th of the last month. With a ship that arrived here this
morning, we have news, that the Holland fleet was come within sight of Dantzick
with 28 ships; but since it is mariners news, we do not give credit to it. The letters, which
come to morrow, will bring us some certainty of it. That which may be advised with certainty is, that the Muscovite doth overrun Lifland with a very great army, and that the king
of Poland doth all that he can to gain Warsaw. In the mean time the elector hath joined
his forces with the king of Sweden. Pray God direct all things for the peace of our
Your servant,
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
9th July, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxix. p. 518.
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I Consider of what you writ to me a while since that you had an opinion, that in the end
of all these grimaces between States Gen. and Sweden Brandenburg will end in a treaty. Certainly if I consider
the sending of ships of war, and the other ways of proceeding, and of severity, I dare not imagine
any thing else then enmity. And in the mean time however I see likewise, that Sweden doth all
what he can to divert this blow, offering to States General all possible advantages, although that to a
mediation he will not hearken.
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All the question is, if States Gen. ought likewise to hearken to the offers of Sweden Stat. Gen. ought to fear, that Sweden doth all that to separate the States Gen. from Dantzick and that afterwards he will not keep his word. The same lesson the Orange party were wont to sing here of Protector. I decide this question again, as I did at the beginning; if Sweden cannot maintain himself in royal Prussia of himself, but submit as well to king of Poland as others, the grimaces of States Generall will succeed very well. But without that, I esteem as nothing all these demonstrations of States of Holland for in States Gen. and elsewhere there are some, that do improve the heat of States of Holland and Zealand, demonstrating almost generally, that that doth displease them, so that some delay is still feared: States of Holland endeavour to cause the ships of war to pass into East sea for two ends, to keep open the Dantzick and to defend the ships of States General against all that shall molest them. Now this word molest doth give severall considerations and interpretations. If those of Sweden do nothing of that, all these ships of war are a superfluous and unnecessary expence.
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But it is said, that States General will also, that Sweden shall not raise the tolls in his own harbours with inequality. If Sweden do also consent to that, the enmity will cease. The question then remaineth, if for enmity will be taken the money which States General will give to Dantzick, it must be said not; for also already the States general have given thereof to Brandenburg and notwithstanding the States general and Sweden are left out of the enmity.
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It is certain, that the ambassadors of States general are in a very great deal of trouble together. Those ambassadors write, that Sweden doth shew them a very great deal of civility, and that he doth offer almost all but with equality, for those of States general themselves dare not attempt of an inequality, at least not in regard of protector.
3 July.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]
That which states of Holland have been so long labouring about is already done, and order sent the 11th current to the ambassadors in Denmark, to cause the ambassadors to go towards Dantzick for the ends above mentioned, which ends have the name to protect the free navigation; but in regard that all manner of trade doth cease there, the protection is to be understood, not so much of the commerce, as of Dantzick itself. The same day that the said order was sent, was also made some agreement on with the king of Poland and of Dantzick, containing, that those of Dantzick should not use the subjects of States general worse than any other nation. Secondly that Dantzick should not raise their toll. Thirdly, that the subjects of States general being willing to remove from Dantzick, shall not be exacted upon wrongfully; reciprocally the States general have promised not to aban don the Dantzick, but hinder, that it fall not into the hands of Sweden. Without doubt Sweden hath foreseen this a good while since, and not being able to do otherwise, he will dissemble it, as he hath begun already; and these ambassadors will be of little effect, in case that Sweden do maintain himself against king of Poland, and in case that king of Poland do beat and drive the Swedes out of royal Prussia, the business will redress itself. Likewise the States general do proceed by degrees, having regard to what protector will do; and in the end seeing that protector doth not do any thing, or doth not send some ambassador, they have sent the said order, and that by plurality, not unanimously.
And as to the money subsidy, they still expect the advice of the other provinces.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]
As to Brandenburg, they are very ill satisfied with him for joining with Sweden.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]
It is said that Sweden had promised him a share of Poland, which is very suitable to his frontiers; but I cannot apprehend how Sweden himself can keep any thing of the Poland, except royal Prussia; so that that may very well be the distribution mentioned in the sables of the skin and the bear.
Yesterday the baron of Langerac on the behalf of the mons. de Alone, a reformed French captain, carried a duel to the Swedish baron Sparr, who took for his second mons. Treuleben a Livonian gentleman, and this morning they fought in the wood, where baron Sparr kill'd d'Alone, and Treuleben wounded Langerac in the arm, and likewise disarmed him. Sparr and Treuleben, though victorious, are gone away. Langerac is gone to Vyane, so that the French had the worst of it.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]
I have not yet been able to make the journy to Brussels, in regard the affairs now in hand
here concerning king of Poland are of more concernment. I am,
Your most humble servant.
13 July, 1656. [N. S.]
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
9 July, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xl. p. 57.
The chiefest business, that past yesterday, was, that those of Holland pressed very much, that it might be resolved to write to the lord lieut. admiral Opdam to pass farther into the Baltic sea, as well to lay himself before the port of Dantzick, and to keep it open, as to defend in general all the ships of this state against all such as will molest them in their free course and navigation; and the commissioner of Dantzick hath done his utmost endeavour for that end, assuring, that it would be a great encouragement to those of the said city, yea to all Poland; but the president made a scruple to conclude it, having yet no order from his principals, and from thence it is seen, that it is false, when it was assured, that the said admiral had already such order. There were some, that alledged the shortness of the time which remaineth of the summer for the fleet to be in the Baltic sea, there being but two months more to come; for it will be the 20th of July before this order can come to the admiral, and it will be at the end of this month before he can come to an anchor before Dantzick. In October begin the storms and ice, which will not permit great ships to remain in the Baltic sea. It is said, that those of Zealand cannot agree among themselves, and that they are to come in a body hither. From the ambassadors at Marienburgh are come no letters. Those of Denmark write, that the fleet was upon the Lubeck road.
10th July.
This afternoon is to be a conference with the commissioner of Dantzick, to hear him concerning the subsidy and relief, to know what reciprocal advantage the said city will give to those of this state, as well in that, which concerneth religion, as in that which concerneth the commerce; and likewise concerning the port or harbour of the said city, and the preservation of it; and how the ships may be secured near and in the river; after which it may be Holland will endeavour to cause them to resolve to let the fleet pass into the Baltic sea.
Those of Overyssel have writ, that their provincial disputes have hitherto hindered them from resolving upon the Baltic affairs; yea that they have not been yet met together; but notwithstanding Overyssel they will not forbear to resolve. Those of Zealand will send their commissioners hither to confer about the whole business with the other provinces; and that province commonly is a little singular against Holland, and have some reflection upon the religion, which they think will suffer, in case that Sweden be too much oppressed. Utrecht hearkeneth to what the rest will do. From Groningen the resolution is expected; it is hoped that it will be conformable to that of Friesland. In the end the admiralty of Amsterdam hath given sufficient information to write in what manner is to be writ to don John and the admiralty of Dunkirk for the restitution of the frigot, which those of Dunkirk took lately.
11 July.
It is found, that there were only those of Guelderland, Holland, and Friesland, that were present at the conference with the commissioner of Dantzick. Those of Zealand, Utrecht, Overyssel, wholly absent, and Groningen, as having no power, absented themselves; so that in effect nothing is yet done or concluded. It is also seen, that the four members of Overyssel will not resolve any thing, at least not any thing according to the fancy of Holland, as being displeased, that those of Holland do favour Deventer; and Twent exposed to the frontiers hath also no great inclination to attempt any thing against Sweden; but I have it from a very good hand since, that the king of Sweden hath caused to be prohibited the navigation to Dantzick; that the admiral Opdam hath sent a ship of war and a galliot to learn, how near it is to Dantzick; and notwithstanding the above mentioned, they have resolved to write to the said admiral, to cause the fleet to pass into the Baltic for the two ends above mentioned.
12 July.
It is very certain, that yesterday was sent a letter from the States General to the admiral and the ambassadors in Denmark, to cause the fleet to pass to the river of Dantzick, as well to keep the said port and city open, as also to hinder all such, as shall molest the navigation of this state; as also yesterday was signed a certain paper, as well by the resident of Poland, as by the commissioner of Dantzick, whereby they promise:
1. That at Dantzick and in Poland the subjects of this state shall not be used worse than any other nation.
2. That the tolls shall not be raised more than is usual.
3. That when the merchants of this nation will remove from Dantzick or out of Poland, that they shall not be charged with new exactions contrary to right.
In exchange of which this state doth promise to assist the town of Dantzick, and not to abandon it.
And as to the money subsidies, the advice of the other provinces is to be expected. Here is advice from Marienburgh, that the ambassadors of the elector of Brandenburgh have signified to those of this state the treaty of conjunction of the elector's forces with the Swedes, with protestation however, that he will observe punctually the treaty made on the 27 July 1655, with this state; and that he would rather supply and make it good out of his own purse, then suffer the toll to be raised. The news of Warsaw do vary, as well as the news of the Muscovites; every one writes them to their own advantage; but it is assured, that the king of Sweden hath promised to the elector the provinces of great Poland, Calais, &c.
Now are come the first letters from mons. van Reede from Madrid, having yet only spoke with don Lewis Haro, not being yet in an equipage to ask audience of the king.
14 July.
Those of Zealand are come here in a body about the affairs of Prussia and Poland; and hearing, that the assembly of the States General have taken a resolution in the business, as well to cause the fleet to act, as to the real assistance of Dantzick, though in effect there were only Holland and Friesland present; those of Zealand do take it ill. The other members of Utrecht do also not comprehend it, that and how the lord Vander Holck alone hath connived or past that; and so likewise those of Groningen and Guelderland do admire at it.
In short Zealand doth shew to be angry, but that will not be regarded; and yet it is to be hearkened unto, and to be feared, that it will hinder the speedy payment of the subsidy, and this will cause some disturbance; but yet it will not hinder the progress of the chief business.
Those of Groning-Omlanden have already confirmed themselves in the resolution of Holland, which being past the assembly of the said province, broke up with great contention of the Omlandes, where a new league is made to exclude 6 certain gentlemen, who at present are the strongest; whereupon they are to meet again six weeks hence.
The memorandum of the lord ambassador of Spain concerning a Dunkirker brought in formerly to Rotterdam, is referred to the hands of some commissioners.
Courtin to Bordeaux, the French ambassador in England.
Hague, 14 July, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xl. p. 73.
My lord,
Of all the provinces, there is but that of Overyssel, that hath not sent their resolution
and consent, which Holland hath taken to relieve Dantzick. Zealand hath declared
some repugnancy to follow the example of others, but at last that yielded. The relief then
is resolved upon by plurality of voices; and at the same time orders were sent to the ambassadors in Denmark on the behalf of the lords States General, to cause mons. Opdam to pass
speedily into the Baltic sea with all his fleet, to maintain there the freedom of the commerce,
to hinder that the ports and harbours be not locked up; and to keep open, if he can, the
Vistula, as far as Thorn, and defend Dantzick against its enemies. The said city is to be
advertised of this resolution, to the end it may the better defend itself against the Swedes.
An intercepted letter to sir Edward Hyde.
This 4th July, 1656.
Vol. xxxix. p. 436.
The last week I answered yours of the 2d instant, and at present have little to add;
only conceived myself obliged to acquaint you, that by that time this can come to your
hands I propound to leave this place, and to take a little country air. Mrs. Susan shall always know where I am; and therefore if you have any commands, she will deliver them to
me. I know not, whether I can be serviceable to you, whilst in the country; but I hope
you will be so kind as to believe me both ready and desirous to endeavour any thing that
may contribute to your service. Dego is your humble servant, and bids me say, he will be
ready to follow any orders of yours, and hopes you will send directions in what you hold
expedient for yourself and him. I can say no more in Mr. Lort's business, but what differences arise are to be composed (if possible) by arbitrators in Sept. next. Mr. Colt labours hard
to support his dying credit. I am afraid his creditors will hardly yield to a composition, although
he eagerly desires it. Mr. Kerie is very well beloved, and his friends patiently long for his
company here.
Mr. Denton's horseman and Mr. Vimont's mistress were seiz'd on both together, and sent to that place that Pauely declin'd.
I presume Mrs. Frances in a travelling condition, and therefore guess her to be with you by this time. Please to present my humble service to her.
Your most humble servant to be commanded,
John Heamour.
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. xl. p. 69.
Since my last of the 11th current, there is come from the Swedish army no other news, but that king Casimire hath taken Warsaw by accord, of which I send you here inclosed a true copy of the articles or conditions agreed upon in giving over that city to the king of Poland. The regaining of Warsaw made king Casimire get to the number of one hundred great ordnance, and great store of ammunition; but the most of all is the loss of the great treasure in the castle of Warsaw, which king Casimire now hath got, and sent from thence for more safety to a strong place in Poland called Samoscie. The soldiers of general Charnetzky were not well pleased, that they could not have a share of that treasure, and threatened to break the articles of agreement, if they could not have a part of it. They began to be so vehement, that they shot the general Charnetzky's horse under him. Upon this king Casimire, to give them content, promised to give them 40,000 guilders, and thereupon they were all quiet. If the king of Sweden can possibly get this city once more from the Poles, he will utterly destroy it. There is a report come to day, that Cracow the metropolitan city of Poland, is in great danger, being beleaguer'd of the Polander. It is feared, that they would take it, because the king of Sweden cannot well send them relief, by reason he is too far from them; and that the king of Poland hath stopped the passages to come thither. I shall by the next post send you the certainty. It was also reported here, that the Muscovites were up in readiness to come with 300,000 men against the king of Sweden; and the duke of Brandenburgh only expecting the return of his ambassador from that king and duke.
Elbing, the 14th July, 1656. N. S.
To Bordeaux, the French ambassador in England.
Calais, 14th July, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xl. p. 77.
My lord,
The siege of Valenciennes doth proceed well, but it doth cost us the lives of many
brave men, as you will have heard without doubt; and it is supposed, that the enemy
must attack our lines, lying very close unto them, if they will relieve it.
This was all the merchants had in their letters from Calais about the siege of Valenciennes.
Lockhart, ambassador at France, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xl. p. 79.
Right honorable,
I Have nothing to add to what I said in my last, and doe not expect anie opportunitie of
waiting upon the cardinall, till he see the issue of the seidge. They have now given the
last push in that businesse, by cawsing a convoy march from la Ferre upon thursday last,
escorted with 2000 fresh horse and 4000 foot. They have almost ungarison'd all their
frontiers to make up this last recruit, and tho' men's fears heare are generallie verie great,
that the event of this businesse will not be verie happie, yett I am confident, that my next
will give you an account of that businesse verie advantageous for the French.
Count Broglio.
The losse of ane Italian counta before Valence in Italie is much regrated at court, especrally by the cardinall. He was one of the chiefe favorits, and they say a man of excellent
meritts. He was governor of la Basse, which government is now conferred on his sonn,
tho' a chyld. You see, sir, with what trash I have stuffed up this paper, and may judge
how great my confidence in yowr goodnesse is, by my presuming to offer yow this needlesse
troble, which yow now receave from,
Right honorable,
Your most fathfull and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.
Chaulni, 14/4 July, 1656.
Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xl. p. 83.
Right honorable,
Having sent to court this morning for news, I have retorned me, that the issue of the
seidge is yett doubtfull. The French have lost some twelve or forteen hundred men
since the seidge begunn, wherof four captains and one lieutennant of the king's guards. One
of them boght his place some three months agoe, and paid 100,000 livres for it. The cheviller de Creekie, one of the mareshalls de camp, is wounded in the head: he is trepanned,
but there is little hops of his lyse. Their are severall other officers killed; the citizens have
formed two regiments, amounting to 2000 a peece. These are putt under the governor's
command, and joyn with the garrison in all their sallies, and other hard dewties. The Spanish armie doe still threaten to attacque the lines. The French have made two lodgings upon the counterscarp.
I have just now receaved a civill message from his eminence, who desyers I may waite
upon him to morrow. I am,
Right honorable,
Your most humble servant,
Will. Lockhart.
The commissioners for Yorkshire to the protector.
Vol. xl. p. 85.
May it please your highness,
Understanding a protection is granted by your highness unto the lady Malleverer to repair to her husband's house at Allerton Malleverer, and to dwell there without molestation; and forasmuch as we conceive she may have made some pretences of her innocency, and that she is not guilty of any design against your highness or the commonwealth,
upon which she has obtained this favour; we thought it our duty to acquaint your highness,
that the said lady appears to us to be a very dangerous spirit, and to have been active in
the late plot, and a promoter of it; and that she is found to come within the first article of
our instructions; and that it will be of evil consequence to restore her to the liberty of that
habitation, and tend to the discouragement both of the honest tenants, and many well-affected people thereabout. The consequences of which, and her correspondence with other
dangerous people, we humbly lay before your highness, as
Your highness's most humble servants,
J. Dickinson
Wm Goodwick
Ra. Rymere
Rob. Lilburne
Luke Robinson
Geo. Payler.
York, 4th July, 1656.
A letter of intelligence.
Madrid, 15th July, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xl. p. 89.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image 185]
My last to you from St. Sebastian, advising of my arrival soe far, and how owne that was employed from thence for Cadiz, was dragged, and is lyke to suffer. I would give you an
account more particularly of it, but that I beleeve you have it from several other hands.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image 185]
In St. Sebastian they can put out 20 ships of warre, littel and great; three of them of 20 guns,
and the rest from 6 to 12 more or les. This betweene Spain and Irish, and they have
verry wel betweene 6 or 700 all 600 are 11 ships. At my arrival heere I was wel receaved
by Liver, but many informations against me for goeing hether. Allex has noe small hand
in itt. I hope in God to overcom them all. They informe against me alsoe, that I was
often in that house, with many other informations. You may take notis, that Creame is
treatinge of Palme Pruitby with Sparker, and the parties are here these tenn days privatly,
noe man knowinge them, but severall reports, that it is the Starme or his brother, with many
other ragles. But I know it for certaine, and be confident of it, it is soe privately carried,
that when they came to Lever at night verry laet, he sends his servants and Starke out of
the house. For the good success of the desynes now in hand heer, there are prayers commanded to be in all the churches in towne. In Candia there will be noe great progress this
yeare; there is not above five . . . Mapps Huggs and 26 19 12 8 17. You would not beleeve what dilligence and pains I have taken for to know this of the Palme, and besyds som
charges. I will referr other particularities till next, and I pray advices of the resaipt heere,
and of that of Smoak, becaes I may be confident of myne to come to your hands. I will
make much ues henceforward of the secret. I left you to wander, and doe you the same.
I dare lay noe man heere but Ix could feind out this of the Palme, but Ix
Yours to command,
George Pawly.
You may putt a cover upon that I left you, for a mons. Walter Power, a mons. Benjamin Barro a Bayona, for Mr. Power is come to Smoake. To avoid suspicion, I writ in such short peeces of paper.
The superscription,
To Mr. Matthew Bonnell, at the signe of the Harrow
in Tems-street at London.
The same decypher'd.
Madrid, the 15 July, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xl. p. 107.
My last to you was from St. Sebastian, advising of my arriving so far, and how one, that
was employed from thence to Cadiz, was dragged, and is like to suffer. I would give
you an account more particularly of it, but that I believe you have it from several other hands.
In St. Sebastian they can put out 20 men of war little and great; three of them 20 guns, and
the rest from 6 to 12 more or less. At my arrival here I was well received by don Lewis
de Haro, but many informations were given against me, but I hope in God to overcome them
all. You may take notice, that the cardinal Mazarin is treating of peace with the king of
Spain; and the parties have been here these ten days privately, no man knowing them;
but several reports, that it is the Scotch king or his brother, with many other railleries; but
I know it of a certain, and be confident of it; it is privately carried, that when they came to
don Lewis de Haro at night very late, he sendeth his servants and secretaries out of the house.
For the good success of the design now in hand here prayers are commanded to be in all the
churches of this town. You would hardly believe, what diligence and pains I have taken
for to know this of the treaty of peace, and besides some charges. I pray advise of the receipt hereof.
Admiral Opdam to the States General.
In the ship Unity lying before Elseneur, the 15th July, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xl. p. 91.
High and mighty lords.
My lords, in my last I sent your high and mighty lordships a list of the ships in the
fleet of your high and mighty lordships; since there hath not happened any thing considerable, which deserveth your high and mighty lordships knowledge; neither would I have
interrupted your high and mighty lordships affairs at present, but that I thought it my duty
to acquaint you, that the captains de Boer and Stellingwert of the college of the admiralty
of Friesland coming this morning upon the Lubeck road to an anchor, the first hath lost
foremast and bowsprit, and the other also his foremast. If so be we had the three ships from
Goree, we had all we were to expect. The ships that came from the East sea speak very
variously. Some say, that they met five Swedish men of war steering their course from
Dantzick; others say they have none.
The galliot, which I sent to your high and mighty lordships ambassadors at Copenhagen, according to your order, is not yet returned.
Commissioner Pels to the States General.
Dantzick, 15 July, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xl. p. 95.
High and mighty lords,
Just now is arrived here an express from his majesty in Poland, with letters advising
the surrender of Warsaw upon the first current, which happened upon articles, whereby
his majesty would shew his favour. His army grows stronger and stronger from day to
day, and will cause the same to march in three bodies against Thorn, Prussia, and Pomerania. The Tartars and Cossacks are agreed with his majesty. The Muscovite Czar hath
signified to the king of Poland, that he should not treat with Sweden; and doth offer to
shew, how much the Swedes have endeavoured on all hands to ruin Poland. These are the
contents of the letter, which one of the magistrates of this city told me in haste. The Swedes
do shew thimselves willing to enter into a treaty, which the duke of Brandenburg is said to
endeavour very much.
Your high and mighty lordships ambassadors have been at Elbing to bury one of their gentlemen, George Dickinga. They have sent me a letter to his majesty of Poland, which I shall cause to be safely sent to his majesty.