A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1656: May (1 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp1-9 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1656: May (1 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp1-9.
"State Papers, 1656: May (1 of 6)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 5, May 1656 - January 1657. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol5/pp1-9.
In this section
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
This 13th of May 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxviii. p. 203.
Yesterday, already, in consequence of the last conference was something mentioned of the dismission of the lord Bonyn; upon which, those of Holland having shewn themselves unwilling, causing the absence of their principals, the lord Bonyn thought fit to make it short, having demanded audience, and in that said, that the elector had writ to him, that he wanted his service and presence near him; therefore took his leave, and in particular he doth not dissemble that he came hither to make only a compliment, which he had performed. Item, that in Pomerania, his native country and habitation, he is also required for his own private affairs; so that he took leave in few words, and answer was made him after the same manner. And here they cannot nor will not keep him against his will; yet Holland hath desired to speak with him once more at a conference. They will give him re-credentials; but as yet there hath been nothing said of that.
The president hath proposed to send back two or three troops of horse, which came from other places to lye in garrison at Maestricht, to their old garrisons: this is referred to the counsel of state.
The letter of the prince of East Friesland of the 5 May/25 April concerning 2400 rix-dollars per annum, which Embden oweth to him, is referred to the lord Capelle, Ryssel, and others.
Prince William hath caused thanks to be given to the States for the intercessions, which the ambassadors have made for him to the king of Denmark, for his hereditary share; and in regard that that king hath assign'd him upon the three dukes of Brunswick, and will send an express to solicit the said dukes, the said prince will likewise send thither his counsellor Wegelin, and doth demand as well new letters of recommendation to the said princes, as letters of safe conduct, or an act ad omnes populos.
15th May.
From the ambassador at Dunkirk, for this second time, are come no letters, although they have advice here, that undoubtedly they did write.
Now it is assured, that the king of Sweden is arrived at Thorn; some say with 5 or 6000 men, others say without any train but 3 or 6 horsemen.
On Saturday the 13th, very late, was a conference with the lord Bonyn about the satisfaction of the 16th article of the treaty of the 27th July 1655; and yesterday, altho' Sunday, was made report thereof, without that Holland could be quiet, nor that they could resolve for his dismission. But the States of Holland will meet precisely on Wednesday the 17th current; so that he will have patience till then. In what manner they return an answer to the king of Poland, is to be seen by the inclosed copy.
All the assembly doth begin to believe at present, that the king of Sweden is not dead; yea likewise, that some of his army is saved and come with him to Thorn.
The president did this day again propose the dismission of the lord Bonyn, which yesterday, after a strange manner, was deferred till the assembly of Holland; but at the instance of the lord Bonyn being again prest, was this day fully resolved and agreed upon; so that without doubt he will go away, and will begin to take his leave in particular. To the lord president is communicated a letter of the bishop of Munster, containing, that the duke of Brunswick, landgrave William of Hesse, and the bishop of Paderborn, do also desire to enter into the alliance, which the commissioners of the elector of Cologne do affirm and propose here, which is taken for a notification. The same commissioners having reiterated their griefs concerning Rhynberck, they have required the commissioners of state, who depart to morrow, to stay here, till such time that something is resolved upon that business.
16th May.
This morning was debated the business of retorsion upon the country of Limburg; the most part having an impression or imagination, that Spain would let fall their pretences, in case they saw that this state went seriously about it.
They have resolved, that the head-officer of Maaslant shall proceed against the two dominican friars of Malines, according to the placarts, who were taken in the Meyen, and whereof formerly deliberation hath been had several times.
They have resolved to write to those of Bois-le-duc to the receiver Swerins, to be here against Monday, to be heard in their great difference; as also that they are very ill pleased with those of Bois-le-duc, speaking of their privileges, wherein they believe, that the generality hath encroached upon them.
They have made report in the business of the duke of East Friesland against the town of Embden without concluding.
The chief point, for which the states of Holland are summoned together, is the case of Prussia; namely, whether it will not be fit to commissionate and order the ambassadors, some of them, to go to the elector; item, employ the elector, to interpose himself to make a good agreement with Sweden, or otherwise to require the said elector to be neutral, if he will not altogether forsake and quit Sweden.
17th May.
There was this morning a great conference between some of the states General, and the two commissioners of the council of state about the troubles of Rynberck, about the complaints which the magistrate hath against the governor. They would have ordered the commissioners, the lords Schaege, and his collegue, to have decided them; but they declined it, as being a business of too great importance for them to undertake; but they only received charge to do what they can, and afterwards to report the same.
They have again debated the retorsions of Limburg; and there are some, that do all that they can to cause them to resolve upon these retorsions; but Holland hath yet suspended it.
The lord Bonyn, for his dismission, is only to have a single re-credential without any other, as in effect he did not demand any thing else, being not willing to stay, that the state should examine his business more ripely.
The resident of Poland having received the answer of the state to the letter of the king of Poland, hath represented by the president to the States General, that it is strange, that the state hath answered the letter of the king, and doth not return an answer to his several propositions and memorandums; but as yet they will do nothing more.
The ambassadors at Dantzick write, that they are going to Elbing, having done no more at Dantzick than inform themselves of the rights, privileges, and strength of the city, and have writ this from thence; a thing, which doth as much please the said city, as if one should ask one, that is starved, if he be hungry, without giving him any thing. It is also to be admired, that 6 Swedish ships of war, with the queen of Sweden, are arrived at the Pillauw with divers troops, and other requisite things for the king; and in the mean time the fleet of admiral Opdam is here in harbour, without going out; yea, it is said, that they are not to go to sea, till the states of Holland are met. Yea, one of the admiralty told me himself, that the ships of the Meuse have not yet one third of their mariners.
18th May.
Although that the president did endeavour to conclude the retortion against the county of Limburg for the releasing of some certain prisoners; yet however the resolution of the other provinces, was not big enough to conclude the retorsion, in so much, that it is referred to a conference for commissioners to debate upon it.
Of the deputy of Dantzick hath been read a memorandum, referring himself to the letter of the king of Poland, and to his several memorandums, and he doth demand a resolution and final expedition. That, and a letter of the ambassadors of Dantzick, speaking of some complaints of the Holland nation at Dantzick, is referred to the lords Schook and others to be conferred upon; to which conference is to be called the commissioner of Dantzick.
I understand, that the chief point of this next assembly of Holland is the offer of the alliance of the elector of Cologne. Concerning and upon the letter of the duke of East Friesland, it is at last resolved to write a serious letter to the town of Embden. There is come a particular letter from the lord of Nieuport to the griffier, which I could not get; which saith that the protector did still make some difficulty of agreeing to the necessary articles for the maritime treaty; namely, to suffer all ships to pass freely upon exhibiting of their passes; and that the said lord Nieuport had prest to have at least an answer and categorical resolution to report the same to his principal.
19th May.
This morning there was held a conference with a commissioner of Dantzick, partly upon the letter of the ambassadors of this state concerning the complaints of the Holland Nation, who do still maintain, that they are not equally used with the English, and will be held for a corporation or free nation; partly likewise they demanded of the deputy, what it was, that he understood by the subsidy. He answered to the first in general, that the Holland nation was not worse used than the English, but both alike. Concerning the rest of the privileges of the city, he said, he could not prescribe any thing; but as for the subsidy, he said, that for provision half a million of guilders would accommodate the city. They asked him what security they would give; he made answer sides publica, as is usual amongst good neighbours reciprocally interested. The commissioners of the States General have made report in the assembly, that they have resolved to make report thereof each to theirs. This morning came news, I know not from whence, that the Swedes would give all the country of Bremen, for a pawn and caution to the English against a million or two.
Captain Amana is made commander in the fort of Bourtangne.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol. xxxviiil. p. 247.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
As formerly men durst not doubt of the death of the king, so now they do assure him to
be alive, although that many do still affirm him to be dead, defeated, and brought to
despair. And I have heretofore seen the Exchange at London very fruitful in these fabulous novels; yea the most part against the protector himself. It is not strange, that the exchange
at Dantzick doth produce much like stories against the Swede for Dantzick are as a mouse, that hath but
one hole; those of Sweden do stop up the only hole of those of Dantzick that is, they deprive
them of the means of subsisting, living, and defending themselves; for not having the
river free behind them, they have no commerce and having no commerce they have no finances, revenue, nor sinews.
It is seen how much those of Amsterdam are engaged against Sweden notwithstanding that those of Amsterdam have many other holes, many places for their commerce and if those of Dantzick were provoked against Sweden according to the said proportion, they would be much more fruitful in fables and inventions against Sweden. This then is the cause, why there hath been so much uncertainty concerning the death or life of the king; yea, that they have so much assured, not only the death of the king, but of all his chief officers. But there is only the earl of Woldomar, that is dead; and not one of the rest, and there hath been no encounter but that of the marquis of Baden. But the truth is, that almost all the nobility and others of Poland are revolted, who for the most part being without arms, will make more noise than effect.
The ambassador on this state went on the 8th currant to Elbing, to find the king, who came there to receive the queen in the presence also of the elector. We shall see what the said ambassadors will do in Dantzick. They did not profit much; instead of bringing thither money or foot they did inform themselves of the forces, finances, rights and privileges of Dantzick. Item, whether those of England, are better used than those of the states of Holland. The truth is, that the one and the other are equally used there; but those of Holland say, that they do not execute so rigorously that, which is imposed upon those of the protector as they do upon those of the states of Holland. Those of Dantzick do deny it, but those of Holland being ten times more numerous than those of the protector are envious, and will not suffer any body near them, and would not have any body of the protector there.
I hope, that you received a letter of Dantzick to the protector and I should be glad to know, whether you received it, hoping that all mine came safe to you.
I am assured, that this sudden assembly of the states of Holland is chiefly concerning alliance which the d. of Brandenburg offer of the religion of the Emperor to which the states of Holland hath some inclination, but the most part of the rest little or none, unless that the Swede became formidable.
The ambassadors of the States General hath writ that the protector or his will not agree to the States General the article, free ship,
free goods, that is, that the goods of an enemy shall pass freely in the ships of the States General item
that the protector will not suffer all ships to pass freely upon the certificates of the States General. The the States General and
chiefly the states of Holland do shew themselves very angry at that, which is ridiculous. For they have had
like maritime treaties with the Swede and with Spain and did observe them, as the birds observe
the sabbath; yea swore, if the war with England had continued a while longer (for fear that
the commerce would have been diverted) they would not have suffered one ship to have past
the sea, but would have taken, and confiscated all they could meet with,
Is it possible, that these men can have forgot so soon; unless they have memories as
short as the birds?
This 19th of May, 1656. [N. S.]
Your most humble servant.
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. xxxviii. p. 231.
Right honoble sir,
Thoe I receaved non from you with this last post, yeet wold not I fayle to let you
know, that the king of Sweden is still alyve, and has broght a good pairt of his armie to Toren. It is faired heer be thoes of best knoledg, that it will goe harde this soemer
with the king of Polland, if he be not assisted be the Moscovitter. The lord Odam, admiral for the estats of Holand, is returned heer from the fleet, having put all in redines
to goe to sea wit aught and fourtie seall. Lieutenant general Midelton is this day at Rotterdam on his jorney for Brabant. He is to meet the king at Antwerp, wher don Jhon of
Austria is to salut the king, and mack him welcome to that countrie in the king of Spain's
name. Yet the confirmation of the artickels agried on with the dons at Brussels is not expected, a currier expres being sent for that porpos to Madrid. The duck of Gloster is sent
for, but ther is no monies sent to relive thes lords, who ar deeplie ingaged to ther landlords. If I receave the litle bill of exchang I expect, I intend to goe immediatelie for
Flanders, and then I shall know what hops wee may have, for things as yeet ar in the bude.
Wee have newes hier from Paris, that Lockart of Lee is arrived at St. Denis as agent from
your protector. This is so hardlie tacken be the Scots, that they wold willinglie find out some
hansome way to cutt him off; and I doe belive you will heare moer of it. If you wil let
me but know whow busines goes in England, you shall weeklie have what is heer current
Hage the 19th of May
1656. Stilo novo.
Honble sir,
Your faithfull humble servent
J. Jhonson.
To Petkum.
Hague 19 May 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxviii. p. 235.
There are still letters from Dantzick, which confirm the death of the king of Sweden, but the most tell us, that he arrived at Thorn the 30th of April. Monsieur Appelboom saith, that he was already gone from thence towards Grandentz, and that the queen
is arrived at Elbing. It is variously reported of the troops, which the king brought with
him. There are some say them to be six thousand; others again very few. The Swedish
ministers on the other side say, his army is 15000 strong, and that after conjunction of
Steinbock and Muller it will be 30000. It is also variously reported of the Muscovites.
The Polish party saith, that they have a great army upon the frontiers of Livonia to make
an invasion. The Swedish party saith, there is nothing to be feared from thence; that the
envoy in Muscow will not depart thence without satisfaction.
The king of Poland is believed to be at Sandomir, or in those parts, to draw on the Tartars and Cossacks. It is not yet known here, what they will do with the fleet. It will be resolved on in this next assembly of the States of Holland, which is one of the points they meet about.
The other point is, whether it is not fit to send new instructions to the ambassadors, who are in Prussia.
The Dutch ambassadors in Sweden to the States General.
Vol. xxxviii. p. 225.
High and mighty lords,
A few days since here arrived an officer of the army of the prince Adolph, and the
field marshal Wrangell sent to his majesty, bringing advice, that the Polish army,
commanded by Charnitzky, upon the 6th current, about a mile behind Guysen, towards the
frontiers of Silesia, had furiously attacked the Swedish army for three hours, believing that
the same was very weak by the departure of his majesty, and fought the same till nine at
night, at which time the Poles were routed by the Swedes, and made to fly, and in the pursuit they were wholly defeated, leaving behind them 21 standards, and 600 killed upon
the place, and more in the pursuit, in all some 2000 men; and amongst the rest the Waywode Sapia had lost an arm; and of the Swedes few were killed and wounded. The earl
Tot hath forced the town Wienmarck in Masuren to be surrendered unto him upon mercy,
and no mercy, and hath mastered two more besides, and hath destroyed about 6000 Poles.
His Majesty hath caused signs of joy to be shewn for this victory on Sunday last after the sermon, by causing all the ordnance upon the walls to be discharged twice.
The 6 Swedish men of war, that brought the queen out of Sweden, lye still upon the road; upon what design they will employ them, is yet uncertain.
The officers here do speak much of Dantzick, and his Majesty's designs against that city.
The Muscovite ambassador, with the duke of Brandenburg, is said to speak very high against Sweden; among the rest, demanding the head of count Magnus de la Gardie to be sent into Muscovy to the great duke; adding withal, thereunto, several terrible threatnings.
19 May 1656. [N. S.]
Nieuport, the Dutch ambassador in England, to Ruysch.
Westminster, 19 May 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxviii. p. 227.
My lord,
Upon the 7th April last I informed their high and mighty lordships, that I upon the
5th ditto had had a conference with the lords Wolsely, Strickland, Jones, and the secretary of state, about the maritime treaty, and that those lords had delivered a letter to me,
containing 9 articles, but so far differing from the charge and good intention of their high
and mighty lordships, that I did declare outright to the said lords, that I durst in no wise
send them over in that manner to their high and mighty lordships; desiring further conse
rences, to be able to explain more clearly the reasons and motives for the justifying of those
articles upon the same subject, which were delivered unto them in the behalf of their high
and mighty lordships. Which being agreed on, I did formerly write their high and mighty lordships word, that I have had two conferences since with the said lords upon the same
subject; and from time to time earnestly had insisted and spoken about them to the lord
protector, and the secretary of state. Just now his honour delivered to me the inclosed articles, declaring that the lord protector is sincerely inclined to shew to the state of the united
Netherlands all good amity and affection; and speaking afterwards of what had happened
to de Ruyter upon the 29th of April last, he said, that the lord protector, since my last audience, had received certain advice, that the said vice admiral de Ruyter had assured the
Spaniards, that he would transport their silver in salvo; and that it was highly prejudicial,
as well for France as this state, that the king of Spain should get his money carried over
safe, without which he would not have brought any army into the field; and that it was
strange, that I would expostulate with so much eagerness about a business, wherein the Netherlands had suffered no damage, but whereby the state was so much prejudiced. I answered
him, that the consequences of such proceedings might be apprehended; and related to him
fully all that the two English private men of war had discoursed in regard of the commander
Cornelis Evertsen. Whereupon his honour replied, that we are not to take notice of words
but deeds; that the English captains in their letters to the lord protector had made no mention thereof; and that they, on their parts, would give no occasion of offence and distaste,
in case the inhabitants of their high and mighty lordships did not too much exceed and
assist their enemy, contrary to the articles of the last treaty; and he particularly assured
me, that he was very much troubled to hear, as if the inhabitants of their high and mighty lordships were not well used; and said in conclusion, that he hoped, assoon as the said
maritime treaty should be concluded, all discontents and distasts would be remedied and
cease; asking me, if I would not sign the said articles as a common project. Whereupon
I thought fit to answer, that the two chiefest points concerning the sea-passes and the maxim
of free ship, free goods, not being therein formerly agreed upon, according to the good
intent of their high and mighty lordships, that there could be no more desired of me, than
to send over the articles to their high and mighty lordships; whereof their high and mighty
lordships were best able to judge. Wherefore I send the same, and desire most earnestly,
that I may receive an answer, together with their high and mighty lordships further considerations upon the same, that so I may know how to govern my self in this affair.
Mr. Thomas Scott to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxviii. p. 219.
I understand, that his highnes has beene pleased by the favour of your freindship and entermise, to order major Lawrence the salary due, and to bee due, till the company shall
recall him.
It is now further (and I thinke with an equall title of reason) desired humbly by his relations, that because he has contracted many debts during his stay there so long without any
the entertainement promist (save for the first yeare only) the company may bee ordered to
cause payment of the arreare to be made to him by assignations upon the place, which is
but a reasonable, and the least recompence they can make him for their delay (which
might perhaps be not unjustly rather styled a denyall) of his just demands hitherto; and
without which he cannot returne with that honour, which a publique minister ought in right
of the state he serves to be sensible of, and furnisht for. Sir, this additionall accommodation
periodates your trouble, and compleates the obligation upon the major, who cannot but
bring home a grateful resentment of your favour, and upon his score also upon
Westminster, 9 May 1656.
Your humble servant,
Tho. Scot.
Captain Gookin to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxviii. p. 277.
Right honorable,
Since my arrival in New England, which was the 20th of January last, I wrote
two letters, by way of Barbadoes, and this 3d also the same way, being destitute of a
direct conveyance from hence. The sum of the 2 first were to inform your honour of my
arrivall here, and of a little motion, that I had then made in his highnesse's affayres; but
the sharpness of the winter prevented my travill into other colonies. But I procured a
meeting of the council of this colony March the 7th being the soonest they mett, although
the governour called them a month before; but in the interval between my arival and the
counsel's meeting, I endeavoured to make knowne, as far as I could, the sum of his highness desires; but their was litle done during that season, for the forementioned reson, but
after the counsell of this colony mett, and I had delivered his highness letters, and declared
the cause of my coming, they thankfully accepted, and readily made an order for the promotion thereof, requiring their officers to attend my motions in the publishing the same.
Whereupon, 'I did forthwith cause a short declaration to be printed and published unto all
the towns and plantations of the English, not only in this, but other colonys, (the copie of
which printed paper and order I have inclosed) and together therewith I procured and imployed persons of trust in severall parts (where I could not be in person) to promote the
business, and take subscriptions. Shortly after this was done in mid Aprill (as soone as the
waies were well passable) I tooke my journey to the colonies of Conecticut and New Haven
(about 150 miles, for the most part through the woods) and unto the magistrates of those
colonies declared my busines, delivering his highnes letters to Mr. Eaton, &c. They all
thankfully accepted his great love, manefesting themselves very ready to further the worke
in the West Indies, which they trust is of God. But as for this place of Jamiaca now tendred, the minds of most were averse at present, for as much as at that very season their
came divers letters from thence, singnifieing the sore afflicting hand of God in the mortalitie
of the English upon the Island, in so much that of 8000 and upward, that landed there,
there was not living above one halfe; and those very weake, and lowe, and many of them
Hieing daily, wherein also was related the death of major general Fortescue, Mr. Gage, and
divers others. These tydings are a very great discouragement unto the most and best persons, which otherwise would have ingaged to remove; only some few families have subscribed, but not considerable. If the Lord please to give the state either Hispaniola, Cuba,
or any other hesthful place, I have good reason to beeleve, that sundry persons of worth,
yea and some whole Churches would remove from hence into those parts. But as for this
Island (though through God's mercy late intelligence of 7th of March from the commissioners give great hope, that the good lord is returneing to visit the remnant, that is lest,
with health and cure; and also they give great incouradgment of the fertilite of the said
island, all which tidings I have endevored to publish with my best skill, and what the esfects may be towards the drawing in of more persons, I canot yet determine; but this
island, through many bad reports of it, is not of such esteme here, as in several respects I
conccive it deserves. For the present their are some few godly discrett persons, that intend
to pass theither in a ship of the states called the Hope, whereof one Martin is comander,
which is now here ladeing masts for the fleet. These persons leave there familie here; and
if it shall please God to cary them safe, and that the island be liked by them (as I hope it
may) then upon their returne and inteligence, 'tis probable, that many will remove. And
in the interim if the Lord's purposes be to plant the said island with any people from hence,
'tis possible upon this last newes I may heare of greater motion then formerly among the
people. There is one thing, that I desire to mention to your honour, that is, an objection
I mett with from some principal persons, that incline to transplant, and indeed the motions of such will draw or hinder many. If his highness see cause to remove it, 'tis probable it may further the work. They say, there is no incouradgment in the propositions
for ministers or men of place, but what is equall with other men. Now if a minister and
people remove, the people wil not be in a capacity, untill they are setled, to maintayne their
ministers, for as much as they cannot cary their estates from hence, being it principally consists in land and cattle. Now if there were some annual allowance made unto such persons
for a few yeares, untill the people recruite, or other waies be contrived, it would then take
of that hinderance.
Thus I have, as breefly as I may, perticulerly signified unto your honour, the sume of what is hetherto done. I am hartily sorry, that my service hath beene hetherunto so unprositable to his highness and the state, whome I desire, through the strength of God, to serve with a faithfull hart and diligent hand. But I trust your wisdomes wil consider the providences of God, that have occurred; and also remember some litle mention I made of my feares this way, before I undertooke the service; but yet I am not out of hope, that his highness pious intentions and motions in this great worke, both in the West Indies, and elsewhere, shal be owned and crowned with the Lord's blessing in his best season.
Thus with my most humble service presented, and earnest prairs to him, on whose shoulders the government is, to give his gracious presence and assistance to his highness and your
honer in all emergencies, I remaine desirous to be,
Cambridge in New England,
May 10th, 1656.
his highnes and your honer's
most humble and faithful servant
Daniel Gookin.
To the Venetian agent.
Antwerpe 20th May 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxviii. p. 283.
In my last I told you of the arrival of John of Austria at Brussels, where his first sight hath given very great content to all those, that visited him, and doth shew a warlike and generous heart: we shall see shortly how the effects will answer his aspect, being ready to take the field with the new government of the army.
King Charles is not yet come hither, but here are seen in this city great numbers of English and Irish.
It is certainly believed, that the Duke of York will come away assoon as he is sent for, and with him will come good store of Irish; and if Spain hath but wherewithal to furnish King Charles with a good sum of money, he will not fail to act very much to the prejudice of the present government of England.
An intercepted letter of Sir George Ratcliffe to one Trapps.
Paris 20th May 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxviii. p. 275.
Ormond wrote to his wife on the 12th May, and sent it by one, that went thither. I hope she hath it 'ere now. Ch. St. hath a Don John of Austria come to him; but there is yet nothing applied to him, save only, that they may be acquainted one with another, and understand the nature of his disease, and consider the way of the cure. There appear no accidents yet but hopefull.
All the talk of Paris is about the English embassador or agent; he is well attended with gentlemen, pages, and 8 lacquies.
I hear say, that the queen of England, and her son the duke of York, have given orders to their servants and friends, to beware to do any thing against him; but the French people are not very civil towards him; I mean the papists, for those of the religion are well affected; and so is the court. On Wednesday last the watermen, and porters, and rascalia of the street fell upon the Savoy embassador, as he was going to take the air in his coach, thinking that he had been the English; and as the Savoyan told an acquaintance of mine, he thought he should have been kill'd, had not the error been speedily discovered. It is incredible, what base language and curses the people used towards him; but the French are hot at hand. A little time will bring them to their wits again.
The king and parliament are agreed; for it had not been safe for the king to have left any discontent in Paris, when he leaves the town, for he is going into the field the next week.
To colonel Bamylde.
Paris, May 20th 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxviii. p. 279.
The court hath deferred their remove till the end of next week. The finances cannot
furnish an expence proportionable to the necessity; yet monsieur Turenne is gone.
The regiments of Swiss and guards are marched, and the whole troops of this side advance
towards Laon and Merne, where is the first rendevouz.
The English agent hath been civilly received on Monday. On Thursday he had audience by the king, queen, and cardinal; but those, that frequent the court, say it was not so full at that time as usual; whether true or no, I cannot tell. I was not present.
Sir John Berkeley hath inquired for you again and again since his arrival here for Calais. No resolution yet concerning his master.
H. V. Rhelde van Rhenswoude to the States General.
Madrid, 20th May 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxviii. p. 288.
High and mighty lords,
My lords, your high and mighty lordships of the 12 April last I received this morning
with all due respect, and thought it my duty, as soon as it came to hand, to give your
lordships notice of it, and to thank you for it. And although this commission doth fall
something difficult upon me, in regard of the little ability I find in myself, I make no
doubt but my great desire to serve your lordships with all faithfulness will be a means to
help me here, and that your high and mighty lordships will find content according to your
wonted goodness; for I am resolved to serve your lordships to the utmost of my power.
Major general Goffe to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxviii. p. 255.
I have received yours in answer to mine concerning my desire of being spared a few
dayes, which you say cannot be dispenced with; I suppose you meane for soe longe a
time, as I then mentioned. I shall therefore now only begg for 3 or 4 dayes. Whereas
I am appoynted to be att Whitehall on Satturday the 17th instant, I intend, if the Lord
please, to begin my journey on the Monday or Teusday following. And if his highnes doe
not speake with the major generalls before Wendsday in the afternoone, I hope (if the Lord
please) to appeare amongst them att the first meeting. I hope, sir, you may obtaine this
favour for mee; and indeede, if I did not finde a greate necessity for it, I should not be
thus troublesome to you. Pray favour mee with two lines by the next post, that I may stay
without feare of incurring his highnes displeasure. I thanke you for your newes, and doe
blesse the Lord, that our friends att Jamica have soe well recovered there health. The Lord
prosper them with other our forces and fleetes, that wee may find his presence with us, as in
former times, least the proud enemie insult over us, and say, where is now there God? Sir,
I am ashamed to trouble you thus with my private affaires; but your freindlines to mee
upon all occasions gives mee bouldnes; hoping that if in any thing I may be servicable to
you, you will freely comand
Winchester, the 10th
May 1656
Your most affectionate freind and faithfull servant
W. Goffe.
The poore counstables, that disbursed the money for the seamem, doe complaine for want of there money they laied out. I can take up 30 l. heere, if you will in your next tell me, upon whom I may charge my Bill to have it repaide.
Major general Worsley to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxviii. p. 257.
Right honoble,
Wee have had a meetinge this weeke at Midlwich for the county off Chester, where
wee found much businese, and have done many things, that I hope will much tend
to the good of the county. It will be two hardy to tell you the perticulars, but in my
next I shal be more perticular. Yesterday, and this day, wee have had our meetinge for
the cittie and county of Chester, where wee are cherefully actinge for the good thereof, and
through the goodnese off God, I doubt not but the worke of reformation will apeare more
every day then other. I have one thinge to acquaint you with, and that is concerninge the
many refferences, that is sent to us by his highnese in behalfe of those, that are desimated.
I find much redinese amongst the gentlemen of this county to answer the desires of the malignat upon those accounts; soe that if you give much countenance to such certificats as
comes from us, it will indanger the wholl businese. And some crasty subtill persons upon
one account or other, have gotten certificats from the gentlemen, takeinge them one by
one, which would not have bene done, after wee advised togather about it. But for the suture wee have taken course to prevent it; but I beseech you remember this, when those come
before you, that are gotten allredy. I shall give your honour an account of both our meetings by the next. I am in hast: I must take leave to subscribe my selfe
Chester, this 10th of May 1656.
Your honour's faithfull servant
Cha. Worsley.