State Papers, 1656: April (7 of 7)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1656: April (7 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1656: April (7 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1656: April (7 of 7)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

April (7 of 7)

Luigi Malo to the Venetian agent.

Antwerp, the 6th of May, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvii. p. 693.

My lord,
With this week's post I received none from you, which I much wonder at.

We have here certain news of the arrival of de Ruyter in Zealand from Cadiz, from whence he brought good store of plate, most belonging to this city. He was met withal at sea by some English frigats, but finding themselves too weak, they let them go. I am of opinion, that the peace between those two nations hath no good foundation; and therefore it will break again. The Hollanders will have all the trade, and England by reason of the war with Spain will destroy it's own trade.

King Charles is still at Bruges, and will be here 5 or 6 days hence, to negotiate with don John, who is expected here four days hence. The arch-duke parts to morrow or the next day.

Extract of a letter from Dantzick, the 6th of May, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvii. p. 697.

The king of Sweden is alive, and is arrived at Thorn with an army of 6000 men in Poland. He left garrisons but in four places, as Posen, Cracow, Warsaw and the castle at Lowyton. The whole power of the Poles pursues him close in Prussia. The Tartars and Cossacks follow him; so that the whole country will be mightily ruined. The duke of Brandenburgh is still fix'd to the Swedes; he is gone to the Pilauw to the queen of Sweden.

Enclosed in a letter to the lord Nieuport.

Commissary Pels to the states general.

Dantzick, May 6, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvii. p. 701.

High and mighty lords,
There is come at last certain advice, that the king of Sweden is arrived alive and safe at Thorn, and that he will be at Elbing in a short time, to which place their high and mighty lordships embassaders send their goods this day, and will follow the same themselves two days hence. We do not hear here any thing certain of the Swedes, who without doubt have suffered great losses in regard of the general revolts of the countries against them.

The duke of Brandenburgh is gone from Koningsberg to receive the queen of Sweden at the Pillauw, where she is said to be arrived. The Muscovite embassador's audience was deferred till he returned back. It is believed, the great duke will have war with the Swedes; yet by the last post from Riga several ships with merchandizes out of Russia were arrived, and more expected from thence.

An intercepted letter.

Antverpe, this 6th of May, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvii. p. 657.

Mr. Baxter,
I Have writt twice to you, but you have not beene so kinde as to afforde me one line in answer. I have now sent you one inclosed, which I shall intreat you, if you knowe him, to deliver it with what conveniencie you may; if not, to inquire him out if possible, for it concearnes monyes, without wich theare is noe preservinge a man's reputation. All our freinds are well and prosper; and if it weare not for the warre with the protector, we should be rich. I cannot yet invite you into these parts, but you will heare more at large before the post shall passe. My kinde respects to your wife and to all our freinds. I am, sir,
Your reall freinde to commaunde,
W. Williams.

The superscription,
To mr. Robert Baxter a barber, neere the Maypole in the Strand, London.

An intercepted letter.

Antwerpe, May 6, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvii. p. 659.

In my last from Flushinge I writt my earnest desires, that you would assist me with moneys, for at present I am wholly destitute; and if I had any freinds, that did thinke, that I mought be at any time capable of servinge them, to assist me at this time, for my master's whole bussinesse at this time will take place; and all such, as will be marchants adventurers, must make the best stocke thay maie to assist the trade. Wee have shipps come into Holland and Zeland, that doth much incourage our marchants, which have brought much monyes; for without that we could not have held up our heads. I would intreate you to sende it to me by the first. The old way will be best; because I have allwaies found them good men, and to pay without troubl. The times are so dangerous, that I dare not meddl with newes. My prayers shall never be wantinge to the Almighty for you, and in his good time for our good meetinge. I pray be not unmindefull of, sir,
Your most affectionate kinsman,
W. Williams.

I pray assist my freinde in what you cann, for he is so greived at the neglect of his freindes, that hee is groen very mellecolly. He is best of that house, and is likely to be the best, that ever was of that name.

The superscription,
These for mr. Tho. Williams in London.

A letter of intelligence.

Brussels, May 6, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvii. p. 661.

Part of the silver fleet is arrived in Holland. They say there are two millions for the king of Spain for the service of Flanders. The archduke parts next monday, and don John and the marquis make their entrance on friday next. They are much joyed at his coming. The archduke dined with the prince of Condé this day. Many officers here have put off their commands, saying they cannot serve for want of means. As soon as we have money, all will be in the field very shortly; the want whereof thus long hath very much prejudiced the affairs here.

An intercepted letter.

Paris, May 6, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvii. p. 649.

Yours of the 14th April I received this morning in answer to myne of the 12th of Aprill. Yours has been a pretty while by the way.

My cozen Attkins has rettourned hither any tyme this ten dayes, having been to vissitt mr. Knapper and mr. Knollton's store of wines, and withall to render them some accounts of some parcells he has formerly received from them. He sayes their wines and other commodityes are very extraordinary good, and fitt to be putt into the hands of the most curious merchant you have. And truly being rightly considered, there's good reason for it, for mr. Knapper and mr. Yellton have followed there bussines themselves this last season, and trusted not to their factors, as they were wont. In fine, mr. Attkins sayes it is such brisck wines, as will make you merry both at the hart and purse. He desires your pardon, that he writes not to you hymselfe, he being at present not well disposed in relation to his health. He hath sent you a tast of the wine, which will come safe to your hands, though not soe soone as this. Your frind Francke Warforth will have it first and soe convey it you.

Mr. Yellton will soe quickly cleare his account with mr. Knollton, that he will be able to satisfy you and all the rest, that are desirous to know his condition. Mr. Attkins desires to be remembred to the ladyes of his acquaintance at mr. Toper's, and desires to heare from yourselfe by the next how they doe; and desires you to lett them know their frinds here are well. Pray doe me the favour to present my humble service to mr. Nelping. Though I am not soe happy as to be acquainted with hym; yett you may assure hym I have a great desire to serve hym. Pray fayle not to lett me heare from you in answere to this. Had yours come, but last night, I should have given you a lardger account, which now till the next you must have the patience to stay for, which then you shall not fayle of from, deare sir,
Your entire lover,
Jo. Lathrope.

Direct all your letters hereafter thus, A mons. mons. Lathrope chez mons. Platt a la croix rouge rue de Boucherie aux fauxbourge St. Germain.

The superscription,
For mr. Wm. Martinson, to be left with mr. Grosvenor in the Temple.

Col. Lockhart, resident in France, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 395.

Right honourable,
Upon thursday the 24th instant about seaven of the clock in the morning I am embarqued myselfe and company for Diepe, and came about 8 at night within a league and an half of that town, but could not enter itt till friday between 7 and 8 in the morning, att which tyme I was mett by the governor of the towne, monsieur Montaignée (who was on foote) att a considerable distance, allmost att my discent from my boate. Hee saluted mee with great kindnesse, telling mee, that I was heartily wellcome; that hee had commands from the duke of Longueville to receive mee with as much respect as possibly hee could; that all English men were likewise wellcome to this port, but more especially a person coming from his highnes my lord protector qualified with a publique character; and that hee did very much rejoyce it was his good fortune to bee the first, that had an oportunity to testify unto mee the readines of the French nation to expresse a good correspondency and amity they desired to hold with England.

With these and severall other the like discourses hee did entertaine mee, till I came to my lodgeing to which there had binn a great difficulty of accesse (through the multitude of people, who flock'd out to see mee land with greate acclamations in theyr mouths of wellcome, and desires, that God might preserve mee and mine from all dangers) had not the governor's servants made way for my passage. Before I could come to my lodgeings I had severall great guns from a fort, which lookes towards the sea att the entrance of the towne; and nigh the key were discharged three guns out of a private French merchant's ship to salute me. The governor conducting mee to a protestant burger's house, (handsome and convenient enough to entertain mee during my intended short abode here) alwaies gave me the compliment of the upperhand, till hee brought mee to my chamber, and there (having invited mee to dine with him in the castle) hee tooke his leave. Hee was noe sooner gone, but the magistracy of the towne came to complement mee, and the chiefest speaker amongst them made a long and studied harangue in his own language, full of respect towards his highnes, then whom, they acknowledged in theyr speech, none was more worthy to protect and rule over three soe great nations, as were England, Scotland, and Ireland. They said further, that they were much honoured, that I was pleased to land in theyr towne before any other in the kingdom of France. That they had formerly much benefit through theyr commerce with England. That they did hope the late peace would produce a mutual profit and satisfaction to both nations. And that whatsoever lay in them for an assurance of theyr good will to my lord protector, they were ready to performe in their service to mee. I returned them allmost the same answer I did the governor, (theyr compliments being not much different) which was, that I would acquaint my master (as speedily as I could) how affectionate I was received by them; and that in the mean tyme I did give them thankes for theyr readines to wittnes their respect towards his highnes in the honor they did mee; and that I was consident my lord protector would rejoice att the advantage soe good neighbours as they should receive from the peace lately concluded betweene England and France. When I ended what I thought fitt to say unto them, they departed, and immediately after made a present by theyr officers of some bottles of wine, according to the custome of the country. Within two hours after I went to the castle to visit the governor; and had several greate guns discharged att my entrance, whilst I was at dinner there, and at my return thence. I had a free and affectionate entertainment from him.

Amongst other things hee informed me, that the duke of Longueville had an intention to have mett mee here, but that some unexpected occasions had diverted him. I was therefore desired to visit the duke att Rouan in my journey to Paris; but because my followers have not put themselves as yett in a convenient equipage, I shall make some excuse by letter unto him, and goe the nighest and privatest way I can to Paris.

If I should finde an equall high reception in other places as I have in this, the honour they doe mee would be very chargeable to the state, or bee very burthensom to mee.

This is all (sir) att present as to the reception of (right honourable)
Diepe, Aprill 26, 1656.

Your most humble servant,
Will. Lockhart.

The same to the same.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 397.

Right honorable,
From Ry I made bold by a confused lyn to give your honour an account of my being then about to embark for Diep. The inclosed will make knowen, what good reception I mett with heare from the governor, the magistracie, and the bodie of the people. It was very extraordinarie, especiallie on the people's part. I am assured by a verie honest protestant, with whom I lodge, that the lyk respect hath not been payed to anie publick person heartofore.

The governor hath given me the honor of a private visit this evening: he is a creature of the duk of Longovill's, who is a prince of the blood, and governor of this province, In his discourse he did insinuat, that the duk did verie much desyer to be esteemed a well wisher to his highnesse person, and to the peace with England; and that not onlie upon the account of his own inclinations to honor a prince of his highnesse vertews and meritts, but also because of the interest of his government, that reaps great advantages by a peace, and would suffer exceedinglie by a warr with England. I told him his highnesse wowld think himself verie much honored by the esteem of a person of the duk's woorth and qwalitie, and that he might expect from his highnesse all the good offices, that cowld be desyer'd. My ignorance of the governor's humor and aims made me draw the close of the discowrse into a compliment, though hee seemed to be willing to insist in it with som seriusnesse.

The distance of this place from the court may excuse me from offering your honor anie thing of newes; onlie I hear, that the differences betwixt the king and his parliament at Paris doe yett continue; and that his majestie's preparations for this campagnee are not verie farr advanced.

When I have consithered the way of my addresse to the court, I begin to be apprehensive, that the coppies of my credentialls may be called for before audience be given me. If your honor think such a conjecture rationall, I beseech yow order their being sent to me by the first post.

I shall pray for the continuance of his highnesse health and happinesse, and shall not presume to give him needlesse trobles, and shall continue this I give you no longer then to beg the honor of your commands, and the charitie of your cownsell, to one, who will verie much need it, and shall indeavor a verie obsequious obedience to it. I am,
Diepe, April 26, 1656.

May it please your honor,
Your most faithfull and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.

I humblie begg pardon for my boldnesse in sending myn to my poor wyf in your packett.

Nieupoort, the Dutch embassador in England, to the states general.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 625.

High and mighty lords,
In the beginning of this week, news came here, that 6 frigats of this state, that are cruising in the channel, had met with vice admiral de Ruyter with seven men of war and 5 merchant-men under him, and that, after having fired mutually some guns of honour, they had parted with the greatest demonstrations of friendship. We have letters here since from Dover, that the said vice admiral with the said ships under his command was arrived in the road there, and that they had heard of them, that but two galleons of the silver fleet were arrived at Cadiz, and that two others, which went out with them at the same time, had not yet appeared. I am informed also, that on last wednesday, they had received further advice at Whitehall, and that they believe for certain, that all at once and in company from the Spanish West Indies were sail'd four galleons and two pataches, that they had met, about Bermudas, with a violent storm, whereby the two largest galleons the admiral and vice admiral run soul on one another, so that the others lost fight of them, who with the two pataches are safely arrived at Cadiz, without having heard or understood any thing of the others since the said storm. There is as yet no certain news of the fleet of this state, which sail'd under the admirals Blake and Montagu. Some are of opinion, that they stay upon the coast of Portugal, being inform'd of what has happened to mr. Meadowe the envoy of this state to the king of Portugal, concerning the ratification and exchanging of the treaty lately sign'd and concluded in the year 1656, and whereof they will have on this side here nothing altered nor moderated, to take their measures the better. Mr. Lockhart set out the beginning of this week for France, and, as I am inform'd, has no other character but only that of a nephew of the lord protector, one of the council of Scotland, and high bailiff of the province of Fyse. Before his departure he paid me a visit, and assured me with many civil expressions of a mutual friendship, and that he had the greatest esteem for the state of the United Netherlands, and was ready to contribute every thing for the preservation of a reciprocal good understanding. The masters of the ships the young Tobias of Vlissingen, and the Monk of Schiedam, acquainted me last tuesday, that sundry goods were missing out of them, and that they were ready to sail, one of them to St. Valery and the other for Ostend. Yesterday two French merchants, commissaries of the owners of the cargo of the ship the young Tobias, came to tell me, that they came over by the post with letters of intercession of the king to desire the discharge of the cargo, which they assured me did amount to above two hundred and fifty thousand guilders; but having heard, that I had reclaimed the same already, that every thing was safe, and the captain ready to proceed in his voyage, they would return home again, being glad to have recovered their own, and be freed from further troubles.

Westminster, May 5, 1656. [N. S.]

Wherewith, &c.
High and mighty lords, &c. sign'd
W. Nieupoort.

Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 655.

Honored sir,
I Wrote unto you som time since, that we had imployed one col. Plackater to reside neere C. S. and particulorly about Middleton, who is the likeliest man we know to foment thinges heere, and to head a rebellion, if once raised. Plackater after many misadventures is arived at Rotterdom, from whence we had this morninge this inclosed in cypher from him. He is one the royalists doe much trust in, and can, and, I hope, will doe good service. That col. Bortwick, whom he mentions as accused by the highlanders concerninge the earle of Glancarne, is now heere, and is brother to our intelligencer major Bortwick. We have declyned committing col. Bortwick, that he might be the more certainely ruin'd in the opinion of his owne party. Any rigour of ours to him would have wrought a contrary effect; besides we were engaged to this by his brother, who would not have given us intelligence of any thinge, if we had not admitted the colonel to have continued free in thes parts; wherby we have acted both our designes, that is, discover'd Glencarne's treachery, and ruin'd col. Bortwick. Mr. Newton mentioned in the inclosed is as verry a roge as any in Scotland. We have had this good while intelligent spyes about him, who we hope will er longe bringe us somthinge to the purpose. This night the earle of Atholl has bin with the generall and me, and freely engaged, not only to live peaceably under his highnesse's governement, but also to give us intelligence of any thinge prejudiciall to the publike, that comes to his knowledge, and if any riseinge should be, to serve us with all his clan. I say noethinge to this, but if he does play trickes, he wil be the more wicked and inexcusable.

Our busines of justices of the peace does begin to take som life, many considerable persons for interest and power haveing taken the oth. Som ther are, who scruple, others ther are, who deny; thes we strike out: those we give a monthe's time longer to advise; and then if they mend not, we shall serve them soe too.

I hope in my next, with the scandalous booke I mentioned, I shall give a good account of what I have been doeinge amongst the ministers, with whom to morrow I shall com to a conclusion. Indeed, sir, it is a sad thinge, that all Scotland should be without one man of warr to guarde the cost, when our next neighbors are our open ennemies, and take our ships dayley, and within thes ten dayse a rich vessell of Aberdeane, which has almost broake that towne, which began to trade. 'Tis not heere as in England, wher a loss does at most ruin a person: heere it does the whole trade. We have often complayned of this. I beseech you, sir, get us som speedy redress. I have noe more paper left, but to subscribe my self, as I am unchangably,
Eden. Aprii 26, 1656.

Your most affectionat and most faithfull humble servant,

Lord Broghill to the protector.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 651.

May it please your highnes,
There being lately a difference arisen betweene some of the gentlemen of the shire of Berwick, and some gentlemen of the borders of England neere adjacent to the said shire, and in speciall certaine persons within the towne of Berwick, concerning the salmon-fishing in the river of Tweede, the said gentlemen of the shire of Berwick have made complaynte to your highnes councill heere, and therein desire, that for redresse thereof a commission may bee directed to certaine persons resideing in the borders of both nations for regulating the fishing, according to former commissions and practises in the like cases. But your highnes's councill heere not sindeing themselves impowered to take order therein, those of the English borders, and of the towne of Berwick, not being under their jurisdiction; they have thought requisite humbly to lay the same before your highnes, to the end (that if your highnes thinke fitt) certaine uninteressed persons resideing in the borders of both nations may by your highnes be commissionated, not onely to heare and determine the said present difference, but any other in the future, which may arise concerneing the fishing in the said river, for such time as your highnes shall think fit. And the present difference they humbly conceive the more needefull to bee dispatched, because the season of the salmon-fishing is now begun, and the injur'd party will receive much damage, if not speedily righted. All which by appointment of your highnes councill heere is humbly presented to you by
Edinburgh, April 26, 1656.

Your highnese's most humble and most faithfull servant,

Major general Berry to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 673.

I Have received an order from my lord president to reduce the militia troopes to fourscore, which I have accordingly taken course for. I am sorry, if want of money have occasioned breach. I could rather have wished cavalliers of 50 l. per ann. had been made liable to the taxe: but we shall endeavour to make a vertue of a necessity, and purge the troopes by this potion; but considering, that the yeare is almost expired, and that it is some disparagement for a servant to be turned away, before he have served one yeare, and that they had need of a little notice to put of their horses, I have adventured to allow them, that are to be reduced, the residue of theire yeares pay due to them, and given order to the treasurers to pay it accordingly. If it give any offence, let it be abated to me. I am now goeing my circuite once more, and hope in it to perfect an account fitt to be sent you. I shal be the next weeke at Hereford, and thence to Sallop and North Wales. If you please to direct your orders to Hereford to capt. Crooke, they wil be sent me. I pray you present my humble service to his highnes, and desire him to repaire me a lodging in Ludlow-castle, or pull it downe, and give me the ground to build on. It putts you to charge, and will one of those dayes (I feare) fall downe, and knocke some body on the head. It goes to racke most miserably; but enough of that. Excuse this from
Worcester, April 26, 1656.

Your affectionate friend and servant,
Ja. Berry.

I heare there is one capt. Sheldon of Broadway in the county of Worcester gone to London to be on a jury betwixt the earle of Lindsey and Foster. The heareing is to be on wednesday next. This man hath not given security according to my lord's orders. If you would give order to secure him for goeing out of these counties, before he had given security to the major generall, you would doe me knight's service, and much further my busines.

Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major general of the forces in Ireland.

In the possession of Joseph Jekyll esq;.

My lord,
I Received your lordships of the 18th by doctor Harrison, and that of the 23d instant by the post. Doctor Harrison sent his good newes before from Chester, viz. that God had given your lordship a sonne, which I assure your lordship was greatly welcome to your friends and servants here, who rejoice for this good hand of God towards your lordship, as they doe upon all other occasions, wherein you finde favour in his eyes; and I trust the Lord will still continue his goodnes to you in the recovery of my lady, and in the life of your little one.

I have had noe tyme to speake at large with doctor Harrison; and besides I was not willinge to doe it before his highnes had received an account of hym. This afternoone was appointed for that; but wheither the appointment held, I am not able to say, in respect I was ymployed otherwhere. His highnes hath not yet spoke at large with col. Hewson; and therefore what will be sayd on that hand, I cannot yet give your lordship any account. Wee are here pretty well used to discourses of that nature, and are not wholly ignorant of mens spirits. And when all is done, I thinke patience, moderation, yea love towards discontented angrye men, is of most use, best pleasinge to God, likliest to doe them good, and the next way to preserve peace, and keepe thinges in a consistencye.

For Eyres, if he were sent beyond sea, wheither he would not againe returne, I thinke it were a very good riddance of hym; and that sure is the best course, that can be taken with hym.

My lord deputy was desired to write expressly to your lordship for drawinge 600 men for Jamaica out of the regiments under good officers; and I am sure his highnes judges, that they will be ready to go on board within this month at furthest, or rather within 3 weekes. In what manner they are to have their advance money and other encouridgment, my lord deputy undertooke to write; and therefore I shall not trouble your lordship therewith. For the termes of their goeinge, the pay will be the same as here; and if the Lord blesse them, and give them health, they will have a goodly country aboundinge with all thinges to possesse. The last letters made it hopefull, that those there already will recover their health againe.

Wee have noe newes of our fleet yet. It is certeyne but 2 of the kinge of Spayne's plate fleet is come from the Indyes, and those not very rich. The two richest are founder'd in the sea, as they came homeward. I beleeve his condition for money is not much better than ours. He keeps all his fleet in the harbour at Cadiz, and is not able to prepare them sitt to goe forth, haveinge neither men nor money; and yet there are all the ships he hath in Europe now blockt up by our fleet; and what our fleet will be able to doe upon them in their harbour is hard to say, but are in dayly expectations to heare from our generals concerninge the same.

Charles Stewart is in Flanders, and hath beene treatinge with the archduke; but the full conclusion of the treatye is deferred untill don John d'Austria comes to Brussells to take the government of those provinces insteed of the archduke, who is to goe into Germany, he haveinge more of the moncke in hym then of the souldier.

The royall partie by the countenance of Spayne make no doubt of giveinge us trouble in these 3 nations this summer, and perticulerly here, haveinge an eye alsoe to Ireland; but their designes are not yet formed. When they are, I promise my selfe soe much good fortune (as they call it) as to have some light into them. The kinge of Spayne hath but a little money, and yet he found in his heart to spare some of it to the levellers here to give us some trouble, (for that the levellers are already arrived at,) and it hath pleased God to bringe a considerable summe thereof into our hands. The letters this weeke from Sweden afford us very little or noe newes. There hath beene noe such defeat given to that kinge as was pretended; for there was noe sight. Some skirmishes have beene, wherein, I feare, the kinge was worsted, and forced to retreate with his armye; and it is doubted, that his difficultie wil be more then he expected, much more to keepe his conquest then to wyn it. The generall peace amongst the popish princes and states, and espetially betweene France and Spayne, wherein the pope labours soe much, is not much advanced, rather cooled. The pope writt a very patheticall letter to the clergy of France, to interpose with that kinge about it; who received, read, and consulted upon it, without acquaintinge their kinge, untill they came in a very peremptory manner to demaund the kinge's resolution about the peace with Spayne. This the kinge tooke soe ill, that he declared the pope noe competent mediator betweene the 2 crownes, seeinge he had medled with his subjects, and alsoe shewed hymselfe partiall on the side of Spayne. I begg your lordship's pardon for this trouble, and crave leave to signe me, as I am in truth,
April 28, 1656.

Your lordship's most humble and faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.

Instructions to captain Lloyd upon his going to the fleet upon the coast of Spain.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 715.; In the hand-writing of secretary Thurloe.

You shall forthwith upon the receipt of our letter to the generals repair on board the ship Constant Warwick, now at Plymouth, and in her, with the first opportunity of wind and weather, set sail for the fleet under the command of general Blake and general Mountagu upon the coast of Spain.

And being arrived with them you shall let them know, that we have thought it convenient to send unto them at this time, to let them understand the condition and state of affairs here at home; and likewise that we by you might the more certainly and particularly be informed, how it fares with them and the fleet; as also safely convey to them what our present apprehensions of things are in reference to the posture of the enemy, which we have exprest in our said letter, which you are to deliver to their hands.

You are to let them know, that we are sending to them 60 dozen of hand-baskets and 3000 tools, with pickaxes, shovels, and spades, which will be with them as wind and weather will permit; but mention it so, that it may not retard any design they may be upon.

If you shall find them willing to form any design, that may need 2 or 3000 foot, and the coming of the 4 great ships George, James, Victory, Triumph, here, which are in readiness, we shall endeavour to send them, but we are unwilling to encrease our charge, unless it be upon some formed design, cr that we see they otherwise need them: but let this also be mentioned so, as that thereby no present design, that they intend, be hindered, nor any design delayed, which happily may be agreed upon there without them.

You are to take care, so soon as you arrive, that immediately one of the lesser vessels be sent to give us the present state of all affairs and intelligences, to which you are to move the generals; as also that fortnight or 3 weeks they do the like during their being abroad, and to let them know, that vessels shall be also frequently sent from thence with such intelligence as shall occur here.

You shall let them know, we have had some thoughts of their procuring some galleys from Portugal and addition of fire-ships for any service, which they may undertake; but whether any thing of that be practicable, we must leave that to them.

After they have taken full consideration of the matter of our letter, and finished their thoughts thereupon, and shall have understood their condition, and received the general's dispatches in answer to ours, you shall forthwith return, and give us an account thereof.

Whitehall, April 28, 1656.

The protector's letter to generals Blake and Mountagu, carried by capt. Lloyd.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 719.; In the hand-writing of secretary Thurloe.

My loveinge freinds,
You have, as I verily beleeve, and am persuaded, a plentiful stocke of prayers goeinge for you daylye, sent up by the soberest and most approved ministers, and Christians in this nation; and notwithstandinge some discouradgments very much wrestlinge of faith for you, which are to us, and I trust wil be to you, matter of great encouradgment. But notwithstandinge all this, it will be good for you and us to deliver up our selves and all our affaires to the disposition of our all-wise father, who not only out of prerogative, but because of his wisdome, goodnes, and truth ought to be resigned unto by his creatures, and most espetially by those, who are children of his begittinge through the spirit. Wee have beene lately taught, that it is not in man to direct his way. Indeed all the dispensation of God, wheither adverse or prosperous, doe fully read that lesson. Wee cann noe more turne away the evill, as wee call it, then attayne the good; and therefore Solomon's counsell of doeinge what wee have to doe with all our might, gettinge our hearts wholly submitted, if not to rejoyceinge, at least to contentation, with whatsoever shal be dispensed by hym, to whom alone the issues of all thinges doe belonge, is worthy to be received by us. Wherefore wee have thought sit to send this honest man, capt. Lloyd, who is knowne to us to be a person of intigretie, to convey to you some thoughts, wherein wee doe only offer to you such things, as doe arise to us, partly upon intelligence, and partly upon such a measure, as at such a distance wee take of that great affaire, wherein you are engaged; desireinge to give no rule to you, but buildinge much more under God upon your judgments on the place then our owne, for as much as our intelligences comeinge much upon the examinations of merchants ships and such wayes may not be true oftentymes in matter of fact. And therefore wee doe offer what wee have to say, rather as queries, then as resolutions.

Wee are informed, that not many of the plate fleet are come home, viz. 2 gallions, and 2 pattachoes, and wee heare they are not soe rich as they give out. Wee are informed alsoe, that the Spanyards fleet in Cadiz is in noe preparation to come out; and some thinke they will not come forth, but delay you upon the coast, untill your victualls are spent, and you forced to come home. Wee apprehend, that when generall Blake was there last yeare, they could not have told how to have manned out a fleet, if the merchants there and gentlemen interessed had not principally for their owne interest in the returne of their fleet done it.

Wee are informed, that they sent what men they could well spare by those 6 or 7 ships, which they sent to the West Indies in March last. We knowe alsoe, that it hath ever beene accounted, that the Spanyards great want is men as well as money at this time. What numbers are in and about Cadiz, you best knowe. Wee only discourse probabilitie; wheither now it might not be worthy to be weighed by you and your councill of warr, wheither this fleet of theirs now in Cadiz might not be burnt, or otherwise destroyed; wheither Pontall and the forts are soe considerablye stronger as to discourage from such an attempt; wheither Cadiz it self be unattemptable, or the island, on which it stands, be noe wayes to be seperated from releivinge the towne by the bridge, the island being soe narrow in some parts of it; wheither any other place be attemptable, espetially that of the towne and castle of Gibralter, which if possest and made tenable by us, would it not be both an advantage to our trade, and an annoyance to the Spanyard, and enable us without keepinge soe great a fleet on that coast with 6 nimble friggotts lodged there, to doe the Spanyard more harme then by a fleet, and ease our owne charge. You may discourse freely with the bearer concerninge any thinge conteyned in this letter, to whom the whole was communicated, that soe he might be able to bringe backe to us a more particular account of thinges. The Lord guide you to doe that, which may be pleasinge in his fight. I remeyne

Whitehall, April 28, 1656.

Your very loveinge freind,
O. P.

The examination of Nicholas Cantiro of Sevill in the kingdom of Spain, aged twenty-four years or thereabouts, taken upon oath before the judges of the high court of admiralty of Scotland, the 29th of April 1656.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 723.

The said Nicholas Cantiro saith, that he came from the Texell in the ship the Amsterdam about the latter end of March last, the said ship carrying one and twenty guns and thirty-nine men. Remembreth not the captain's name, but believes he is a Hollander. Saith, he the said deponent being coming from Porto Rico, and bound for Spain, was taken by an English man of war off the Canary islands, and was now a going passenger in this ship the Amsterdam for Cadiz in Spain. Saith, the said ship came out of the Texell but four days before she was cast away, being the latter end of March; and that the said ship was bound for Cadiz in Spain, this deponent being present at the loading of all the goods. Saith, there was loaden on board the said ship about one hundred great cables for the Spanish galleons, some of them as thick as a man's thigh, and containing from one hundred and twenty to one hundred and fifty fathoms in length. And saith farther, that there was also loaden aboard the said ship about one hundred barrels of powder, several barrels of shot; that the rest of the loading consisted of tammies, sustians, taffaty, bays, hats, linnen, and woollen cloth. Saith, the said goods were loaden at Amsterdam by one Juan Tullien, who speaks divers languages, but believes he is a Hollander. This deponent further says, he heard many people in Amsterdam say, that the cables and ropes were for the use of the Spanish armado, but knows not to whom the goods were consigned. Saith, there was but four passengers in the ship, one whereof hath been a pilot at Amsterdam. Saith, they came out of the Texell with near two hundred sail of ships with several convoys bound for several places, but saith, they went about the north of Scotland with this ship for fear of English men of war. Saith, the captain of the ship and divers others told this deponent, that the cables were sit for the use of the armado of Spain. And saith, the said Juan Tullien is now freighting another ship at Amsterdam with the like commodities to go for Spain. Saith, the said ship was cast away upon tuesday the first day of April about four of the clock in the afternoon near unto a castle. That most of the upper goods were cast on shore the next morning, and that several of the said goods were taken up by the governour of the said castle, four cart loads whereof he sent to a marquis's house hard by the castle. Saith further, that he heard it reported, that the said ship, after the delivery of her loading at Cales, was to have been employed in the Venetian service.

Examined Wm. Welch.

Nicoulus Quintero, Thomas Fleetwood,

A letter of intelligence.

Stettin, May 9, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvii. p. 741.

The 30th of the last month the king of Sweden was arrived at Thorn with his army, which some say to be ten, others 7, but the most speak him to be but 3000 strong, which seems to be most true, in regard the earl of Wittenbergh is left behind near Warsaw with the gross of the army against the Masures. It is said he was left with 16000 men; but I do not believe he hath half so many, and I much doubt, whether the Swedes are able to make so many, when they are all joyned.

The 5th current was writ from Elbing, that the king of Sweden was then at Grandents, and had sent his generalissimo prince Adolph with the earl Wrangel to pursue and to fight, if they could, Scharnitzky and Lubormirsky, who endeavour all that they can to get with their forces into Pomeren. Whether the Swedes will prevent this, time will declare. It is to be believed, that the king's happy escape will make some alteration, and cause the courage of the Poles to fall; for unless they do unite more then they do, they will hardly be able to recover, finish, and maintain the fabrick of their welfare.

The letters from Koningsberg of the 3d current do mention the arrival of the queen of Sweden at the Pillauw, and that the duke of Brandenburg was gone thither to receive her majesty, who will stay some time at Elbing, till that the castle at Grandents or Marienburgh be made fit for her residence.

The 2d current was arrived in Koningsberg, and nobly received, an embassador from the duke of Muscovy. What his message is, was not known.

Major general Worsley to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 727.

Right honorable,
Wee had a meetinge att Preston the last weeke for the county of Lancaster, where wee were from tewsday till saterday: wee aded some litle to the exterordinary tax, and att the same time had mr. Midleton upon his triall, and had passed sentance upon hime, only hee pleaded much to have his witnesses examined upon oathe against the commonwelth, and to have counsell, but it was thought not fitt by many of your commissioners; but in the end it begate a longe debate, and the sentance was put of, till wee had sent to know his highnese and counsells oppinion concerninge the same; and the occasion of this debate did arise from the word sequestration and banishment in the first instruction, which some did conceive did hould out somethinge betwixt high treson (where there is no witnesses to be examined against the commonwelth) and there proceedinge at Haberdashers hall upon sequestration. Soe that the qestion is, whether a person, that chardged with things clearely fallinge within the first perticuler, may be admitted ether counsell or witnesses upon oth. Wee were most of us of mind, hee could not; but that wee might be unanimouse in our sentance, and condescend to satisfy others in this scruple, therefore bege your opinion with what conveniency you can, for the next meetinge is not longe two.

Wee ejected some more ministers for scandall the last meetinge.

Sir Richard Houghton is now willinge to act as justis of peace in the county, if hee be in the present commission. I humbly bege a dedimus to some to give hime his othe. Wee have extreame want of justices, and the list I sent yow up I humbly conceive noe exception can be made against one of them.

As to that bussinese of sairgant Bradshaw, yow shall have an account shortly. There is one in London, capt. Griffith, one off your commissioners for the county of Cheshire, that if yow speake two, he is able to give yow some account about hime. Indeed hee is one, that doth yow spetiall good servis in that county; hee is now sent up by the gentlemen of the country about the souldiers arears and about some other bussinese. I could wish hee might not long be kept out of the country. Wee meete this day at Staford for this county, and one the 6th of May, tuesday next, for the county of Chester, and the weeke followinge for the county and cittie of Cheshire. I am now disbandinge twenty in a troope accordinge to the order of the counsell. All things here are in a very good posture, and I doubt not but by the blessinge of God to make it apeare yet more and more. I have bene two tediouse. Noe more, but that I am
Newcastle under Line, Aprill 29, 56.

Your honor's faithfull servant whilst
Cha. Worsley.

Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburg, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 729.

Right honorable,
This post hath brought me your letter of the 18th instant, with the inclosed for mr. Townley, which was presently delivered to his owne hands, as by the attestation heere sent you doth appeare, which yow may be pleased to lay up by yow in readynes, in case hereafter it should be required. Sir, I find by the councel's order, that I am commanded to send over the charge against mr. Townley, together with the prooffes for makinge good thereof, which I should quickly have done, if there had come a speciall commission alonge therewith for the examininge of wittnesses upon othe, which cannot otherwise be done heere, there beinge noe court at present, in which onely resides the power of the company for administringe an othe; and for me to examine wittnesses in a cause, wherein I am concerned, you knowe, sir, that I cannot doe it without expresse order for it. It resteth therefore onely, that I should desire the magistrates of the towne to give the wittnesses their othes, which yett cannot well be done, because the examinations must be taken in English, the language in which the affront was given, which theise magistrates understand not; neither doe the witnesses soe well understand the Dutch, at least some of them, as to be examined, and to give proper answers in that language. And the truth is, I allready find, that mr. Townley and his party both of Dutch and English have soe wrought with the senate, as that they will be glad of any tollerable excuse, if I should demand their assistance, beinge the busines is not to be tryed before them. And if I should only send the bare proofes unattested upon oathe, mr. Townley might probably except against them, and perhaps prevayle with some of his party to doe as much for him.

The premisses considered, (to which I may ad how inconvenyent it would be to require the witnesses to leave their employments heere, beinge men of ample trust, to goe over to take their othes) I doubt not but your hounor will be pleased to move the counsell for a commission to be speedely sent over to the persons hereafter named. And in regard they were all of them present, as were most of the company, when the affront was given, and are my cheefest witnesses, that power may be given to any two or more of the commissioners to take the testimony of the rest of their colleagues upon othe; and if it be required, that I prove the former charges given in soe longe since against mr. Townley upon othe, which are in some things very considerable, one commission will serve for all, which I beseech yow, sir, to hasten over to me, puttinge mee into the commission, if you thinke good; and then the worke will be sooner and more effectually done. I heare mr. Townley makes but sleight of the busines; and whether he will goe over, or onely thincke it enough for him to answer with his pen, I cannot yet learne. Some thincke, he will not goe over, if he can avoyd it; and others say, hee hath allready bespoake his passage in one of the companie's shipps, which may be ready in a fortnight or three weekes. I am sorry, it falls off soe, that I cannot have the charge and prooffes ready in your hands agaynst his comminge on, which yet may be done, if the commission be but sent, and by the returne of the same post, that brings theise to your hands.

Sir, it remaynes onely, that I returne yow humble thancks for your tender resentment of this busines, which soe evidently appeares in your speedy sending over of the commands of the councel. I am sorry to heare by some of the seamen now come over, that some powder men have lately abused the state very much; but it's well they are found out, and that all the powder in the fleetes was tryed ere they went out, as the seamen allsoe tell mee. Begginge your pardone for this trouble, I professe as I shall ever manyfest myself to bee
Hamb. April 29, 1656.

Your hounor's most humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.

Richard Bradshaw, merchants.
Robert Palmer, sen.
David Hechstetter,
Isaack Blackwell,
Sam. Richardson,
Will. Strange,
John Bancks,
James Baber,

A letter of intelligence to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 745.

Right Honorable,
Last saterdaye don John of Ostenrick and the ducke Caresena arrived in Brussells, and since which tyme don John hath given the kinge of Scotts a vissit in Bridges. It is saide, that the kinge of Spaine hath promised the kinge of Scots yearly 30000 pounds, besides the English marchants confiscated goodes, which that party doth thinke will bringe into them a great sum of money. The Scots kinge hath sent for his brothers and many others of his party. They speake of raisine an army in Flanders, which I belive you will shortly be better informed of. De Rutter brought in his owen ship, and others in his fleete, the sum of 20000000 millions of gould and silver, the greatest parte for the kinge of Spaine's use, and the marchants of Brabant and Flanders. The Hollands fleete is not - - - nor I belive shall not, untell they understand wheare your fleet is, and scertainly how it is with the king of Sweede. Sum letters signifie, that he, his queene, and duck Brandenburge, are in Elvin. Others, that he is at Thorne arrived with 5000 of his army; the rest cut of by the Pcale, which is thought to be trueth. Doubtles shortly the truth will open it selfe to the veue of the world. Commendinge you in God's protextion, and my selfe in your favor, I rest
Stenes, May 9, 1656. [N. S.]

Your humbell servant,
Garret Jansen.

The marquis de Barriere, the prince of Condé's agent, to the protector.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 554.

J'Aurois obei plustost aux ordres de V. A. si j'eusse eu mes passeports, lesquels je n'ay eu qu'aujourd'huy, & mesme defecteuse. Mr. Pickeren m'avoit aussi fait esperer, que je pourrois avoir l'honneur de baiser les mains a V. Alt. devant que partir d'Angleterre, ce que je souhaite passionnement, tant pour asseurer V. A. des tres humbles services de S. A. Mr. le prince, qui m'avoit donné ordre de cela, que pour ma satisfaction particuliere, ayant beaucoup de regret d'estre apres quatre ans de sejour, que j'ay fait en ce pais icy, d'en sortir sans pouvoir avoir l'honneur d'asseurer V. A. de mes tres humbles services & obeissances, & pour la suplier de croire, que durant tout le temps, que n'ay esté, je n'ay rien fait ni mesme pensé, qui fust contre le service particuliere de V. A. ni de l'estat, ce que je l'a suplie tres humblement de croire; car si je l'avois fait j'aurois directement agi contre les ordres, que j'avois de mr. le prince, le quel je scay n'avoit pas de plus grand desir que de pouvoir tesmoigner a V. A. par ces services l'estime, qu'il a pour elle, & je scay bien que cela le touchera sensiblement, lors qu'il scaura, que je n'ay pas peu avoir l'honneur de prendre congé de V. A. & je crains, qu'il ne m'accuse d'avoir commis quelque faute envers V. A. qui m'empeche de recevoir cest honneur, laquelle je supplieray encore tres humblement de croire, que je n'ay seulement jamais eu la pensée de faire aucune chose, qui la peust chocquer, ayant toujours eu pour V. A. tout le respect, que je deves, & que je veux conserver toute ma vie pour V. A. laquelle je supplie me pardonner la liberté, que je prens de luy escrire pour prendre conge d'elle, ne le pouvant autrement, & pour l'asseurer, que je suis & seray toujours de V. A. monseigneur,
Ce mardy, Avril 29, [56.]

Tres humble & tres obeissant serviteur,

Major general Sedgwicke to secretary Thurloe.

Jamaica, April 30, 1656.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 751.

My last was by the Grantham frigat, a duplicate whereof I make bold to send herewith inclosed; and though wee have had noe occurrances of importance since, yet give mee leave to use my accustomed boldnes and plainenes with you, in informeing you how matters stand with us.

Admirall Goodson with eleaven of our best frigats and a brigantine and a galliott hoye, went from hence to sea the 5th instant, it being ordered and agreed, that hee should stay out 2 months before he returned to harbor. Possibly it may bee woundred at, why noe more of the fleete went out with him. One reason thereof was the condition of the shipps lest behind, which are generally heavy sailers, and therefore not so apt for turning to windward, which is a great part of our practice heere. Besides it is ordered, that one shipp lye alwaies to windward of this island, one more for New England, and another home with these letters, as also one to surround the island with another for Chiemanas for turtle; so that there remaine but 8 or 9 shipps heere, and those, except it bee two or three, that came last in, Flemish shipps, very ill manned.

Our seamen are indifferently well in health; yet some few are sick, and God is dayly shortening them, so that our fleete will want a recruite of men.

As for the state of the army, I know not well what to say thereof more then I have written formerly, little haveing happened since, but that in two daies (presently after the Grantham's departure) more then forty of our souldiers were cutt off by the Negros, as they were carelessly going about theire quarters, such a sordid neglectfull speritt doth still possess them as 'tis to admiration; since which time wee have cut off 7 or 8 of them, the first worke of that nature done by us since my arrivall heere; but a day or 2 before about 30 of our souldiers in a discontent forsooke theire quarters and coullers, with an intent either to joyne with the enemie, or to doe as great mischeife, or otherwise it was a conspiracy of many, but God in mercy timely prevented it, for they were soone reduced, and I hope the rest wil be quiet, three of the chiefest of them being executed. I know collonell Doyley hath at larg informed you of theis perticulars. Concerning our fortifications wee proceed as fast as wee can; our grand fort is almost finished, and wee are building a tower in it, which is begun, and about 5 foote high at this instant. Our great want is lyme, otherwise I think it had bin already neere finished; but wee are now in a way to procure plenty of that. Publique busines goeth on very slowly with us, to my greefe and trouble at hart; were it not for some forwardnes in the seamen, wee could doe little or nothing.

Since the comeing in of the shipps Lyon and Success, which arrived heere the 27th of February, we have no news or intelligence from any part: the Mathias, Convertine, and Beare wee hourly expect, and something wonder they stay so long.

As for planters from other plantations, none come to us; but since I begann to write there came a small barque of Nevis into this harbour, which was lately at the Barmudas, and informes us of a great readynes amongst many people in most of the islands to come hether, and that the people of Nevis generally being in a readynes, are in expectation of shipps from England to transport them to this island, with old governor Stokes, a man desireable. Wee have some time since sent letters to all the English collonies of our health and wellfaire, being unwilling to omitt any thing, that might encourage this worke.

Sir, suffer mee without greeving you to lett you know my thoughts. I must againe say wee are here generally a most unworthy people, altogether unsuitable to the settlement of a plantation; and I am confidently bold to affirme, that little wil be done by them, and I cannot but thinck, his highnes is either sending down to us a sufficient supply of forces to attacque some considerable place in the Indies, or else people to settle the island in a civill way of government, thereby to withdrawe this excessive charge, which by the way wee are yett in, will effect nothing but an exhausting of treasure from you. Our best friggats and ships are much defective with the worme, so that if they are not sent for home this sommer, I beleive some of them will never returne. Our victualls expend apace, and all the materialls are wasted much to great charge.

By these rued lines you may somewhat see and know our present condition. I desire I may with faithfullnes attend my worke, and shall so farr as God enables mee. Wee have rumors of a great fleete comeing to us, which gives life to some. God will, I many times hope, carry on some worke for Christ in theis parts; and I should be much encouraged, if I could see God humbling our soules, as hee layes us lowe otherwise. But God is the God of the speritts of all flesh. I could willingly imbrace this mercy in cutting of those fue Negroes, and in subduing those discontented spiritts of our owne, as a singular mercy from heaven. Whoe can tell but God may at length smile uppon us ?

I must againe crave your pardon for troubling of you with my tedious, and it may bee impertinent lines; they are such as our condition afords, though not soe well pollished or artificiall as others, yet I hope acceptable from him, that sincearly and truely loves you, and doth and shall still improve what interest hee hath in heaven to the God of mercy, to keepe and counsill you, that you may bee yett a blessing in that great imployment God disposeth you to, and rest, sir,
Your most faithfull humble servant,
Ro. S.

Considering our provisions, wee were forced to shorten the souldiers of theire allowance of bread to halfe a pound a day, which caused some little grumbling among them, but there was no remedy.

The shipps gon out with admirall Goodson are the (viz.)

Maston Moore,
Armes of Holland,
Hunter brigantine,
Galliott hoy.

A letter to Nieuport, the Dutch embassador in England.

Dantzick May 10/April 30 1656.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 763.

My lord,
The lords embassadors departed hence yesterday for Elbing, where they will have the good fortune to meet the king, being come there to meet the queen, who is arrived at the Pillauw, and intends to reside at Marienburgh. It is certain, that in all the provinces in Poland and Littauw there is a general revolt of the inhabitants, who do very much prejudice to the Swedes. His majesty of Poland is believed to be past Warsaw with a great army, and doth make this way, so that we shall have the seat of war in Prussia. Whether the six men of war, that brought the queen out of Sweden, will attempt any thing about the tolls upon this coast, time will demonstrate.

[This came in a letter to the lord Nieuport.]

A letter of intelligence.

Dantzick, May 10, 1656. Stilo Novo.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 761.

The Hollanders embassadors departed hence yesterday towards Elbing, where it is reported the king will be suddenly. Between the embassadors and this town hath been little intimacy. This town hopes now the Poles are up to stand in little need of their mediation, and think their own interest will cause them to have a respect unto them. Reports are various; some say that the Poles have beaten the Swedes out of the field in Poland, and that they have taken in Lublin, and marching for Warsaw; and that the great Polanders are revolted, and that the Cossacks and Tartars will assist the Poles. On the other side they say, the Swedes have beat the Poles in Poland, and came down after this flying army under Charnitsey, to bring them to a stand with 10000 horse and dragoons; and general Wrangell follows with the infantry and 8000 men, and Steinbock is to join with 6000 besides. The Swedes are collecting together in great Pole to impede their retreat, and good hopes of peace with the Muscovites. By this day's post from Elbing they write the king of Sweden came in there the 7th instant about two of the clock in the afternoon, and the queen the day following about 5 of the clock towards the evening; and that the king read a letter openly, that his forces had totally routed the forces under the command of Charnitsky. The prince elector returned to Koningsburg, having received the queen of Sweden in the Pillauw, and would give the Muscovites embassadors audience as yesterday.

Letters of intelligence.

Dantisco, Maii 10, [1656. N. S.]

Vol. xxxvii. p. 754.

Rex Suecorum octavo hujus, & sequente die regina Elbingam pervenit. Tormenta explosa in omnibus Prussiæ munimentis præ gaudio. Rex 36 turmas equitum secum adduxit Toronium, cum quibus copias suas conjunxit gen. Wrangel, & jam Polonos Havium Notel, deserere coegit, multis trucidatis. Reliqui paleæ instar dispersi in majoris Poloniis viscera raptim sese contulere. Legati Hollandici hinc heri profecti sunt Elbingam. Elector Brandenburgensis reginam Sueciæ in portu Pilavo recepit; hodie audientiam dabit legato Moschico. Rex Casimirus exercitum colligit in albâ Russia. Aiunt eum centum millia armatorum sub signis habere, & expectare Tartaros cum Cossacis Zaporowiensibus. Cracowia ab agrestibus quasi obsidetur, & jam fames urget præsidiarios Suecicos. Exercitus Suecicus, duce Wittenberg, juxta Warsowiam castra posuit, tenuis valde & accisus. Sunt, qui nullum in rerum natura esse affirmant audacter: Sueci e contra brevi adfore phalangem cum tormentis vociferantur, nisi ratio belli apud consilium postulaverit. De Moscho, quod Livoniam sit bello petiturus multa narrantur; hactenus nihil actum.

Stettino, Maii 3/13

Ob adventum regis nostri reginæque tormenta per totam Pomeraniam personuere. Magnus hic apparatus bellicus: classis regia Balthicum mare navigatura brevi prodibit ex hybernis. In Polonia nemini jam parcitur. Cosaciæ Camenicium Podoliæ obsident, quod tamen non creditur. Cæsareani in Silesia vigilant.

To col. Bamfylde.

Paris, May 10, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvii. p. 757.

Dear sir,
I Believe the suspension of your treaty for the men will render your negotiation therein ineffectual, the court being resolved to be gone hence for Chantilly very suddenly; so that you will lose the assistance of your friends, and it will be impossible to have your men here for the service of this campaign; and God knows what will happen before the next. Here is still the continuance of the disputes between the court and parliament. The latter have remonstrated by word of mouth and in writing, but neither availeth for the restoration of the captivated and exiled presidents and counsellors; but 'tis believed the accommodation will be perfected before the court removeth hence. This court hath all the dissatisfaction imaginable towards the pope for his incessant pursuit of the peace, at which he seems not to be discouraged, though he hath been repulsed again and again. The embassador is hastily recalled. The princes of Italy are making an association for the peace, which the Spaniard promotes, and the French as much obstruct. All the braves march for Flanders to see the metal of don John of Austria, who is arrived, and his predecessor departed.

The English embassador is come to Roan.