State Papers, 1656: March (7 of 8)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1656: March (7 of 8)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1656: March (7 of 8)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1656: March (7 of 8)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

March (7 of 8)

Major general Gosse to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 610.

Right honorable,
Yours dated the 15th instant I received this day, and cannot but exceedingly rejoyce to heare, how it pleaseth the Lord to own this worke in the hands of them imployed in every county. I am in hopes the Lord will make use of the present instruments, whereby to bring glory to his name, and matter of rejoyceing to his people. It's true wee are not without some earnest of this at this day, which may be matter of incouragement to us to goe on and not flag in our worke. As to those examinations against sir Robert Shirley that wee have taken, they are very few, but I shall observe your order. We have taken course about jurors: I hope the effect will speake out much advantage to the countrey: that one thinge very much rejoyceth the people, for indeed wee had much neede of it. Wee have a generall meetinge at this towne on wednesday next the 26th instant, and shall shortly have presentments in Cheshire and Lancashire upon our generall order, of which I doubt not but to give you a very good account. Wee have had mr. Warburton upon his triall, as one that was contained in the third qualification, and he is found guilty within the same, and is taxed in one hundred pounds per annum. It would do well wee had the examinations against him and the rest, for wee can doe nothing till wee have them as to the first instruction. As to the moneys collected, you shall have an account shortly; but wee have not finished that business, and therefore can give noe certainty, but you shall have it as it is fodainly. I doe believe it will amount in the three counties to very near 5000 l. per annum. Wee have been carefull to carry on our business with as little charge to the state as may bee. In my last but one I desired your directions about the castle of Liverpoole, that some course may be taken with it, that it may neither bee a temptation to the willfull, nor discouragement to your friends. Wee have ejected 5 or 6 ministers at Preston the last meetinge. Truly your commissioners for Lancashire act very cheerfully, and mr. Haworth the lawyer is a very good and serviceable instrument to this commonwealth. I could much rejoyce hee might have some encouragement. I must presse you to a remembrance of the names to be added to the ordinance for ejectinge of scandalous ministers and schoolemasters, and the list for justices of the peace. I sent them both upp, and indeed I had taken some paines about them. I doubt not but through the blessinge of the Lord to bee in a good posture for any thing, that may be invented or contrived by that restless enemy, and shall bee strict to have an eye upon all persons that may in the least be suspected. We have things in that posture already, that there is hardly a meetinge of three caveleirs together upon any account, but I am sodainly acquainted with it; and hee that hath begun this good worke, I hope will bring it to some good and blessed issue. There's diverse persons, that have come of upon their justification by their good friends, or one way or other, which wee conceive will fall within the thirde heade; but the commissioners in one or two of the counties desire your opinion in the case, whether to proceede against them or not. But in Cheshire wee doe not scruple it, for upon that account Warburton is already taxed. I was desired by the commissioners of the county of Chester to let you understand, that most of them were indited by the king's party for high-treason, which now remaines upon recorde; they earnestly pray your order for the cancellinge thereof, and taking them of the file. As to that of the lord Byron, I humbly desire to know, whether you have any thinge, that will bringe him within the compasse of the first instruction relateing to the last plott: if not wee must proceed against him upon the third instruction for that estate hee hath within the county of Lancaster. Noe more, but that I am
Stafford, March 21, 1655.

Your assured faithfull servant,
W. Goffe.

If it might stand with your likinge to order mee a small partie out of the regiment to the castle of Liverpoole, or take course it may bee demolished, it would doe well.

Commissioner Pels to the states general.

Dantzick, April 1, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvi. p. 622.

High and mighty lords,
In continuation of my former, bearing date the 29th of March, is now little to advise. What hath happened in Poland, cannot be advised from hence with any certainty. The letters of Breslau and Thorn were found to have been opened, and some taken out. The rest make little mention, only that the king of Sweden could not carry the fort of Samosch. I hope your high and mighty lordships have received certain advice from other parts of all that hath happened between Sweden and Poland. At Pantsky the commissioner is imprisoned, and is to be brought hither; he thought to have betrayed the place to the Swedes. This city hath already sent some men thither, they are sending more and another governor.

Extract out of the resolutions of the lords states general.

Sabbathi, April 1, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvi. p. 619.

Received a letter from the council of state writ here in the Hague, upon the 29th of March last, containing advice concerning the taking out of musketteers out of the companies to be employed upon the men of war of this state. Whereupon being debated it is resolved, that out of the 198 companies consisting of 65 men shall be taken out of each five; more out of 28 companies of 100 men, and one of 135 men shall be taken out of each 8 men; out of the 4 companies of 165 men, out of each 9 men, and out of the companies of 200 men, out of each ten men.

An extract out of the register of the secret resolutions of the high and mighty lordships states general.

Sabbathi, April 1, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvi. p. 613.

After deliberation had, it was resolved and thought fit, that a letter shall be sent to the college of the admiralty at Amsterdam, that they do send forthwith to sea all such men of war relating to the 48 men of war ordered by their high and mighty lordships to be equipt for the service of this state, as are quite ready at present, by troops or squadrons, without staying of those that are yet unready and unprovided, and to cause and order them to sail towards the Sound. And likewise it is ordered, that a letter shall be writ by the very first post to the lords embassadors of this state in Denmark, full of demonstrations of the sincere affection and inclination of their high and mighty lordships to his majesty, and also adding such further expressions as are applicable upon the like subject: and the lords of Ghent and others their high and mighty lordships commissioners appointed for the affairs of Denmark, are desired to communicate the same in the like manner to the lord Rosenwinge, extraordinary commissioner of his said majesty, residing here at present; and the other colleges of the admiralty are likewise ordered to signify to their high and mighty lordships, how many ships of war belonging to the 48 men of war are ready in their several jurisdictions, and against what time precisely the last will be ready.

Minard to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Paris, April 1, 2656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvi. p. 625.

My lord,
Here hath not past any thing considerable since you went from hence, only here is more trouble at present about the species of money than ever. I could hardly get two or three bills of exchange for you, by reason they would not willingly receive any money at present.

The parliament met this day to reduce the golden louis to ten livres. Your father, I hear, is very much troubled at the exceeding greatness of your debts, and hath no mind to part with any of his money.

My lord, I shall observe all your commands, and endeavour to approve myself, &c.

To monsieur Petkum.

Paris, April 1, 1656, [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvi. p. 626.

The embassador of Holland hath demanded audience to propose a new alliance of the states general with the crown of France.

On saturday last the young duke of Brunswick departed from hence for his own country, after he had visited the whole court.

They write from Brussels, that the king of England is there incognito, expecting prince Palatine, who is to come to him out of Germany with 6000 men, to embark them upon those ships, that are equipping in Ostend and Dunkirk under the banner of his said majesty, to whom the king of Spain hath given his share of all the prizes, that have been taken of late from the English, and brought into the said ports. The arch-duke is hastening his departure, now he hears that don Jean of Austria is gone from Barcelona, and his baggage arrived in Milan; but Fuensaldagna faith, he hath received a contrary order, and that he is to stay in Flanders during this campaign.

The difference about the money it is hoped will be soon ended, since it is resolved by the king, that some considerable merchants and other persons shall consider together, and make some general regulation about the species now in dispute.

An intercepted letter of sir G. Ratcliffe to mrs. Trap.

Paris, April 1, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvi. p. 615.

D. N.

D. York K Charlwes II.

Francis shewed me a letter, which he received this week from K. Charles II. which I thought was a special favour, and more than hath been done to me heretofore. I see by it, that Peter is put in good hopes of recovery of his health, but his physician, which he hath lately used, is not yet perfectly agreed with his former doctors, in the way of his cure: but I hope they will all go one way. I shall know more very shortly. It's probable that Francis may go from hence, which if he do, it will be much against the desires of a great many here, but that will not stay him, if Peter send for him: for my part I mean not to stir except I be invited; yet I will put Francis to it; and remember him both of his father's desire and his brother's, that your friend should be with him.

An intercepted letter of Napier to Crosby.

Paris, April 1, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvi. p. 623.

Dear brother,
The monies are raised, every pistole being at eleven livres, so that I cannot make over any money at present, in regard the exchange is so much fallen, for the merchants give but 60 l. in England for a hundred pistoles here, which is great loss. Here is happened (as there doth every year) a business, that will bring the displeasure of the court upon us all, for col. Cusack is gone away to the Spaniard again, and hath taken 800 pistoles with him, which was to pay his regiment. Our regiment wears away apace, but I make no doubt, if I can keep my garrison this summer, but to recover them.

The prince of Condé to Barriere.

Brussels, April 1, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvi. p. 624.

I received your letter of the 24th of March; if the news be true, which you write me of the arrival of the fleet, as there is likelihood, according to the advice, which we have from all parts, I hope we shall be able to help you out of your misery; but if it be not come, I believe it will require a little longer time before it can be done, for as yet there is no money to be had. I do assure you, I will do all that lieth in me to assist you in your business, which is my own, wherein you suffer.

I pray let me know continually all that passeth as much as you are able; it doth very much concern us.

Conful Oorschot to the states general.

St. Sebastian's, April 1, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvi. p. 620.

High And Mighty Lords,
My lords, upon the 25th of March I gave your lordships advice of what they advised from Andalusia concerning the silver flota: since here arrived yesterday two expresses, the one from the king at Madrid, and the other sent from particular merchants at Cadiz, with advice, that all the galleons with the whole fleet were safely arrived in the bay of Cadiz. There is great rejoicing for this good news throughout all Spain, and is to be further solemnized with bonefires and fire-works.

In answer to your high and mighty lordships of the 11th of November, I shall humbly offer to your high and mighty lordships, that at Garganes, four miles from St. Sebastian's, there is cast, by Paulus Van Houten a Hollander, a good quantity of iron guns every year, where there is good store of iron and the metal much better than that of Sweden; as I have often heard from our skippers, that the guns of Garganes do far excel the Swedish in strength and cleanness, I am also told, that in shooting they will hold out against brass arms. Your high and mighty lordships commissioners of the admiralty at Amsterdam did write to me, in December last, to cause 24 of them to be cast, which are now ready to be shipt, but without express leave of the king cannot be exported, especially at this time, when such strict notice is taken of such things in regard of England. Wheresore your high and mighty lordships may take some further resolution what you will have done further in it.

Major general Goffe to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 630.

I am just now returned out of Sussex, and the truth is, soe much tyred, that I cann scarse give you an accoumpt of my doings there: yet thought it necessary not altogether to loose the opportunity of this post. I reduced coll. Busbridge his troop at Lewis on wednsday last, and paide him 500 l. which is sixe mounthes pay: he was pleased to tell mee, that he tooke nothing ill from mee, he knew I did but as I was comanded, and as he was more willing to be comanded by mee then any other that he knew, soe he was very well satisfied, that the reducement was by my hand; but he was very much troubled at the thinge itselfe, and suspected some ill dealing from some of his countrymen; and faith, he is now soe much disobliged, that he will never appeare in publicke business more. But I found the most difficulty to satisfie there demand of the other three mounthes pay, upon which the coll. did insist most earnestly, and saide he could not hire servants att such a rate, to hire them for a yeere, and putt them off at 3 quarters end with 1/2 yeeres pay; and I beleeve by his meanes the souldiers were heightened, in soe much that the cornett told mee they refused there money, and saide they would have all or none: but I tould them those were words not to be endured in an army att any time, but in them att this time would be most unreasonable, for another quarter was not yett due, and they could not demand it as there due till the quarter day. Whereupon they were quiett, and I heard noe more of them, save that I was desired by the officers to use my best endeavours to procure 3 mounthes pay more for them, for that many of them have expended much more then they demand in furnishing themselves with horse and armes, which I doe verily beleeve; and besides they have been informed, that in Kent there were 20 out of a troop disbanded the last weeke, receiving 9 mounthes pay apiece, soe that I was necessitated to promise to doe what I could for them. And truly, sir, I doe earnestly recomend it to you, that they may within some short time receive what is desired, especially if it be paide in Kent. Wee parted very faire, and all is quiett, (through God's mercy) and the truth is, the country is very well pleased with the reducement, and all honest men that I speake with are glad that this troop was pitched upon. The other two troopes are mustered, and I hope will be serviceable. I have made bould to discharge 3 or 4 quakers, who were of the gang, with one Lacocke now in Horsham gaille, concerning whom the grand jury and justices have petitioned his highness, of which you will heere more, when the judges returne. This inclosed booke, with severall hundreds of the same and others of the like nature, were brought on horse-backe in a sacke to Lacocke att Horsham since the assizes; there are many desperate words in it. I have ordered captain Freeman to apprehend the person that brought them, and to keepe the people from flocking in multitudes to him as they were wount to doe, and to examine all those that come to him. If any thing be discovered worth your knowledge, I shall, God willing, communicate it to you. Capt. Jenner's lieutenant doth entertaine the quakers meeting at his house, and is judged by all to be a favourer of that way, and we have besides this advantage against him, that he did not appeare at the muster. The capt. is very desirous to be ridd of him, and desires that capt. Walter Everenden may be commissioned in his room, which I doe heartily concurr with; he is an honest understanding man, and hath good repute with the most sober fort of Christians. I doe therefore desire you will be pleased to present his name to his highnes; and if his highnes please to give him a commission, I desire you by the first opportunity to send it unto mee. I keepe the roules inclosed till I heere from you.

I have borrowed 500 l. (according to his highnes order) of capt. Jermee, and have given him my hand and seale to repay it at Lewis att or before the 8th of April next. I beseech you lett mee not saile, to make punctuall payment, the capt. being upon a purchase. If you cann pay the money to the treasurers at war at Guild-hall, they will give a receipt, whereby wee may receive it of the receiver generall at Lewis, who hath the money by him, and would faine returne it. I do againe begg it of you, that you will be tender of my creddit in this matter. And I must yett begg for more money. I am come now to muster the troopes in Hampshire, and shall want something of the six mounthes pay, besides all that is due to the officers, and other incident charges belonging to the commissioners in the 3 counties. I am sorry to be thus scrapping for money, knowing your other necessityes, but your affaires cannot goe on without it, and therefore wee cannot but wonder that soe many of the delinquents are released. There is one mr. Carryll in Suffex, lately a papist, whom wee have taxed for 1600 l. per ann. that brought us a reference from his highnes, and wee have cortefied, but it is earnestly desired he may not gett off; and indeed if hee doe, the commissioners will be utterly discouraged. I beleeve sir Edward Ford is his sollissitor: butt I shall quite tyre both you and myselfe, and therefore shall heere comend you to the grace of our Lord, and remaine, sir,

Your most affectionate and humble servant,
W. Goffe
Winchester, March 22, 1655..

Major general Lilburne to the protector.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 633.

May it please your highness,
According to your highnes instructions I send your highnes here inclosed accounts from the commissioners for ejecting of scandalous ministers. I formerly gave your highnes an account from the commissioners of the East Ryding, together with the list of such names, which they desired might be added to the commission for ejection. There is also a want of commissioners in the West Riding and North Riding of this county, and for the county of Durham, and except your highnes please to add some more commissioners in all the 3 Ridings, or joyne the 3 Ridings in one commission, the present commissioners in some places are not enow to make a quorum: the like want is in the county of Durham. I therefore humbly intreat your highnes to give some order in this, that the worke of purging corrupt ministers may not sticke for the want of commissioners for the more effectuall carrying on of that affaire I remaine

Your highnes most humble servant,
R. Lilburne.

York, March 22, 55.

The Dutch embassadors in Denmark to Ruysch.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 628.

My lord,
Since our last of the 26th of the last month here hath happened no alteration; we spoke this week again with the lord chancellor about sending of embassadors to the king of Sweden, but we understood by him, that his majesty continued in his resolution, as formerly concerning the same, and to expect what his resident in the Swedish court would be able to effect. The advice, which we received from Stockholm from a good hand, is, that the equipage there for the sea is of less likelihood, than was given out formerly. We have the news here, that a considerable squadron of men of war of their high and mighty lordships was to come for the Sound, and remain there, which we used in our discourse with the said lord chancellor, to sound him what considerations he would have upon it, and we could not find, but that the same would be look'd upon here with a good eye: if in case they should formalize themselves here against their comeing and abode, the 4th article of recision will give their high and mighty lordships right thereunto.

Copenhagen, April 2, 1656. [N. S.]

Mr. N. Manton to secretary Thurloe.

From St. Sebastian's, April 2, 1656. S. N.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 627.

The galleones are arrived at Cadiz very rich: this is certaine, and you may freely impart it; our fleete by appearance have been unfortunate, that they could not give them a falutation.

All the English merchants are banished this kingdom, and they are to depart within 30 days from the 20th of March last upon payne of death, except the Roman catholikes, who may abide here, but not within 30 leagues of anny port.

There are letters from Cales of above 5 weeks date, which speake of the advizo, and there dayly expectation of them, beeing 5 galleones and 2 patachoes: also they advize, that there fleet of 27 sayle (of most merchant men) were then set sayle for the West-Indias.

Your most obliged servant,
Nath. Manton.

Resolution of the states general.

Monday, April 3, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvi. p. 634.

Was read in the assembly a certain further memorandum of the lord embassador of Spain, desiring once more, in pursuance of his memorandum of the 28th of February last, presented to their high and mighty lordships, that some commissioners might be appointed to treat with the commissioners of the earl of Egmont, about the restitution by him pretended of some lands situated in this country; and that there might also be granted to the said earl a safe conduct to remain with safety in this country till the said affairs be dispatch'd.

Whereupon being debated, the said memorandum was received by the lords commissioners of the province of Holland, to be communicated to their assembly more at large.

Resolution of the states general.

Monday, April 3, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvi. p. 635.

Was read in the assembly a certain memorandum of the lord ambassador of Spain, containing complaint, that the supreme governor of the country of Valkenberg did cause several intolerable penalties to be paid by those, who did acknowledge the judicature of the king of Spain, desiring that sufficient order might be given against such proceedings.

Whereupon being debated it is resolved, that the said memorandum shall be sent to the governor Pesters, to receive information from him of the truth of this business.

Sir Wm. Masham to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 636.

Honorable sir, and my deare frend,
I being in some distemper of body, I cannot wayte on you myselfe, but this must speak for me. Our petition hath lyen 10 weekes with the right honourable the committe for Irish affaires, and about six weeks since they gave us a faire hearing, and required us to state our cases to them, which wee did within few days after. We were informed, that they would only report the cases barely without any oppinion to the right honourable counsell. Whether that be best for us you can judge best. I pray move therin as you see cause. I have sollicited divers of the committe and of the counsell to give a dispatch, which is the life of our busines; for the spring being advanced, it is the season for our plantation, and letting; and if wee loose this opportunitye, we shall loose a year's profit, which is a considerable summe. I feare we shall not have a quicke dispatch without your favourable assistance, especially now that I cannot follow it myselfe. If you please therfore to move the committe and councell effectually to give us expedition within 2 or 3 days, you shall doe us a great favor, and you will add much by your presence at the determination therof, for you understand the busines well. Yet to help your memory in some things, that I have mentioned to you, I have sent you hear inclosed a copye of our case delivered to the committe without the reasons added, becaus they desired only matter of fact. I have also sent you some short memorandums in another paper inclosed, which I have not communicated to others, which may be made use of, if you se cause in case of difficulty, which will require your presence, if it be possible. Soe cravinge pardon for this great trouble to you, I can add no more, then to assure you, that I am,
Sir, your most faithfull and obliged frend to serve you,
Wm. Masham.

West. March 24, 1655.

Mr. Ed. Rolt to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 637.

Right Honorable,
A midst these various apprehensions, which I have beene possest withall, ever since my arrivall at Hamburg, about the friggatt your honour hath long since ordered for my transportation into England, uppon satterday last I received notice by a letter (dated Elsenour, March 18th) from the capt. of the shipp, to an English merchant in this towne, of his present riding in that place. It was noe small joy to mee to heare of his safety; yett could I have heartily wished shee had not gone soe lowe as the Sund, but it seemes shee was before his comeing to this place designed to convoy some north countery merchants towards those partes, in which action meeting with much stresse of weather, the capt. was necessitated for his owne security to make for that harbour. I am now in dayly expectation of hir, the capt. promising in that letter uppon the first opportunity of faire weather to make all expedition possible for Hamburg; notwithstanding I feare my abode in this place will still be longer, then may probably bee imagined, since (as I am informed) a voyage from the Sund to this place doth require diverse crosse and contrary windes, for which he may wayte a long tyme. I have now remained more then a month in this towne, which (pardon my boldnesse) hath been very sensibly tedious to mee; for ever since the execution of what was given mee in charge, I have had an earnest longing desire to bee neere those many freinds I have att court and elsewhere in England, but cheefely to tender in person my service and thankes to soe good a friend, as I am for ever bound to acknowledge your honour, for your many undeserved favours expressed towards mee, and especiall care over mee during my longe absence from my native soyle. The newes concerning the last action between the Swede and the Pole is still variously reported, as you may perceive by these two inclosed extracts of letters concerning the same, which I have taken the boldnesse to send you, notwithstanding most certaine it is there hath been a very smart rancounter between them; what to beleeve concerning it I dare not determine, but referr it to your honour's better judgment. This is all at present I am able to give you an account of, therefore I most humbly take leave, and rest

Your honour's most faithfull and most obedient servant,
E. Rolt.
Hamburg, March 25, 1656.

From mr. Petit.

Paris April 4/March 25 1656.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 639.

Sunday last the deputies of the assembly of this clergy were led by cardinal Mazarin to their audience, and made, in the first place, their remonstrances unto the king against our churches, saying, that we had taken advantage of the troubles of the kingdom to make several establishments, which his master ought not to suffer. His majesty answered, that he was at present much taken up with war against his enemies the Spaniards, in hopes to put them to reason; which done, he would well handle those, that had attempted any thing against the church, whereof he was the eldest son. I hear we shall have the said remonstrances in print.

The last letters from Rome tell us, that mr. de Lyonne, embassador of France, purposed his return here sometime after Easter holidays, and that the pope seemed to be much satisfied with the assurances given him by the said embassador, that a general peace was much desired by this court. They likewise inform us, that the pope (having reviewed the process of the Jansenists and Molinists) did intend to authorize the condemnation, which has been given by those of Sorbonne against the partisans of Jansenius; whereupon the king has prohibited their assembly, which was held in St. James street, at a house called port royal, from whence they are gone to hold their congregation out of this city.

Yesterday, tuesday, the enquests of this parliament (who had already much pressed for a general assembly of all the chambers to revoke the decree of the king's council, which doth raise the golden louises at 11 francks) sent again to the first president to demand the said assembly. But he returned this answer, that there was no necessity of it, by reason the said decree was only provisional, and that they should receive satisfaction within 3 or 4 days.

Prince of Conti is gone to Montargis to meet his lady, who is coming to Paris. The dutchess of Mercoeur and other ladies of this court intend to go and welcome her at Fontainbleau at her arrival there. The said prince having been made great steward of the king, (as you may have seen by our last gazette) has at the same time given unto the cardinal the 10 thousand livres per mens. which he had reserved upon his church revenues when he married.

I am told for certain, that the duke of Mercoeur shall command the army of Italy this campaign instead of late prince Thomas.

The French embassador at Turin makes great complaints, that the scholars pursuing one of their comrades, (who had refuged himself in his house) they had broke open the gates, and killed 3 or 4 of his servants. The court of Savoy has given good orders for punishing of the guilty, if they can be taken.

Mr. Drummond to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 641.

Right honorable,
May it pleas your ho. be all informationnes fra the best off our intelligence we hear, that ther ar frequentt meitings in Argyll and Lorne, givine outt as for taking order with my lord Argyll's debts, butt ane agentt fro C. S. wes with Maknauchton, quho is returned, and as I did wreatt last, I have him, and have moved it unto the generall to imploy him to furnish us with intelligence fra beyond sea, which he is able to doe, he having so long caust off that parrtie; but I must labor upon him, so as we may trust him, wharroff be the next your ho. fall hear more fullie. The dissaffected partie hear ther houpes ar begining againe to aryse outt off the dust, upon houpes off the breatch off our peace with France, and making the generall betwixt Spaine and France, and off C. S. coming fra Cullen to West Flanders in commissione fra the king of Spaine. Thes things coald not have failed er this to have beine att the pulpitt by our ministers, butt this beynne stopped that, butt your ho. spoyles all, thatt you doe not returne his highnes answer to ther desyres sent be Broghill, that worthie man, which now I humblie intreat your honor to mynd, and send hither with all speid; for I am houpfull er long to see the ministers heir als earnest upon the interest off his highnes, as ever they wer for C. S. I wreatt last, thatt ther severall concealed church rents and others intrometted with be privatt personns, which being call'd for be the exchekker into and tresurie be itt self, and disposed unto sutch most eminent among the ministre as culd best deserve off his highnes and councell in ane verie short tyme, itt suld cume - - all, and having the pulpitts in Scotland for your ho. may not - - be outt off all fear off Scotland, butt it suld be ane greatt - - - for Ingland as in tymes of neid either att parliamentts, or otherwayes your honor will think most usfull, and on change this fall nott be unto the estaitt. Ther came unto my knowledge since my last unto your ho. that there being some sex shippes going fra Kente unto Holland, five wharroff no doubt your ho.

wer taking be the Dunkerkers, the sext wes mour in value and goods, noe off the rest and wes takine als well as the rest, and all the passengers and saylers wer brought abord. Ther wer on in the habitt of ane Scoth hilander who had sutch letter being seine be the Dunkirker, that the shippe and all in itt was dischearged; and the maisters and this same hilander takenn into the Dunkirkers shipp and noblie feasted, and the king's health drunken. Justice Smith upon sume informationne fra my selfe hes fallne upon ane motionne, howe to gett the hilands planted with ministers, the onlie way to bring them unto civilitie. Intreatts your ho. hold hand to the motionne, when itt cumes unto your ho. hands, and gett his highnes to passe itt, which fall not be ane charrge att all unto Your honor knows I never had anie thing as yett, except that grant which his highnes gave unto me off whatt belonged unto the chappell royall, as itt wes be your honor speciall favor to obteine his highnes letter, but generall, which among the rest of your ho. favors I humblie intreatt may be sentt downe unto me either with collonell Bryen our governor off Inwerlocha in Lochabber, whom with all speid I intreatt yow to dispatch, seing in his absence thes things above mentioned may doe prejudice, iff he fall nott be hastened by other I intreatt your ho. to take speciall considerationne. The last thing which suld have beine the first thing, is thatt which I wreatt last concerninge the signature off the island off Ila, which I sent unto your ho. inclosed in my last. Generall Monck after long intreatic is moved to accept off itt, which is the first and onlye thing fall bring the Inglish to take incouradgment to have an interest in the hilands, quho is - - - - thinges being - - the power of the great ones ther, and make that - - acknowledge the governementt doe take this, butt on off the greatest expedients for the - - - be ane thing objected. Sir John Clotwerthie's ladie, quho is imployed be - - - - thatt which his highnes granted unto me of the chappell. Lorne he fall kno - - - and hes ane great stipend by and att over, and that upon such services - - - - - - Mr. Blair nether - - - for, the most part to his hous begott the humors. I leave the rest; onlie let collonell Bridges delyverer off this, but know he have order to waytt on hym fra zour ho. Seing zour ho. is so takene upp with bussines, and having no further butt that I am,

Right honorable, your ho. most humble - - -

Indors'd by secretary Thurloe, Mr. Drumond.

March 25, 1656.

The Dutch embassadors in Sweden to the states general.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 642.

High and Mighty Lords,
My lords, our last was to your high and mighty lordships of the last month from Hamburgh; since we departed from thence for Lubeck, Wismar, Rostock, and this night arrived here at Stetin, with an intention to pursue our journey with all speed. At Lubeck presently after our arrival, we had the honour to be saluted by the syndick in the name of the honourable council, and made to your high and mighty lordships the offers of the usual presents, which we with much civility did refuse. At Wismar we were received with the same honour, as also in all the other towns belonging to the king of Sweden. Upon our journey we also received advice of the battle between the kings of Sweden and Poland, whereos we make no doubt but your high and mighty lordships will have heard with more certainty; wherefore we will, with your high and mighty lordships leave, sorbear to particularize, in regard the news is so various; certain it is, that many are kill'd upon the place on both sides.

Stetin, the 4th of April, 1656. [N. S.]

Monsieur Petkum to the king of Denmark.

April 4, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xlviii. p. 315.

Here is now no doubt made of the arrival of the fleet and galleons from the Indies at Cadiz, and yet notwithstanding the fleet of this state is sail'd towards the Mediterranean, as if his highness had an intention to join his maritime forces with the king of France to go upon some remarkable design in the Mediterranean parts against the king of Spain, who will not sail to engage the pope and most of the princes of Italy in his quarrel. The embassador of France hath had private audience since his arrival, and it is said, that he hath brought over good store of money for his highness.

The embassador of Sweden had audience of his highness not many days since, to communicate unto him the total defeat of the Poland forces by the king his master, although that from all parts we have contrary news, and that the said king of Sweden was beaten, his generals Douglas, Wittenbergh and the earl of Woldemar slain upon the place, and some 6 or 7000 of his men. Col. Lockhart, who goes envoy to his highness for France, takes his journey next week.

The resident of the prince of Condé hath received command to withdraw from hence.

The secretary of state is in the country about his own private affairs, and will be here again to morrow: then I will begin to solicit an answer to the letter of your majesty to the lord protector.

The letters from the Hague, which came by this last post, speak, that the lords states will have their fleet of 48 men of war to be ready to set fail for the Sound towards the latter end of this month at the furthest. I have had no time to learn how his highness will relish this resolution; what I shall understand about it shall be signified to your majesty without fail by the next post. We are assured, that king Charles is still at Brussels, and that he is treating with the earl of Fuensaldagna, in order to some employment, whereby to prejudice this estate: and in regard it is assured, that a good party of the forces which the emperor hath raised in the empire is to be sent into Flanders, it may be the French will find work enough, as well in Flanders as in Italy, and that therefore they may not be in a condition to give much assistance to the king of Sweden; and in regard likewise it doth concern the lord protector, I believe he will also find employment for his forces, although he had a good inclination and resolution to assist the king of Sweden, which I do very much doubt, since he cannot do it without offending the lords states.

So that, sir, your neighbours having enough to do to look to themselves: they will have no cause nor hope to be able to prejudice your majesty, nor molest the commerce and navigation in the Baltick.

Commissioners for securing the peace in the county of Stafford to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxiv. p. 435.

Right honourable,
Having had knowledge of capt. Peter Backhouse from the beginning of these late troubles, the searcher and discoverer of the spirits of men and a sense of his present condition (as it is rumoured here) we are enabled by the former, and moved by the latter, to give your honour, and by your mediation humbly to present to his highness, this ensuing account thereof.

When the popish and malignant party held the garrisons in this county, of which they were the first possessors, capt. Backhouse held a farm of 200 l. per ann. under a papist then in arms, which was situate within two miles of one of them garrisons where his landlord had power, so that his family and estate were under their command; notwithstanding which relations and respects, which might have proved engagements had they met with either liking or fear of that cause or party, he took the most convenient opportunity to enter himself and raise a troop of horse, for which he had only the publick faith, unto the parliament service, by whom he was commissioned a captain of a troop and governor of a garrison in these commands; besides many particular actions of note, wherein he had as great share as the routing and taking prisoner sir Thomas Aston, sir Thomas Tilsley, lieut. general Middleton of duke Hamilton's army (who acknowledged, after he was taken, that capt. Backhouse dismounted him) and the raising a troop to secure the ammunition from Stafford to Namptwich, where the king of Scots was on his march towards Worcester. His service in general was valiant, faithful and successful, and his command over his soldiers such as procured esteem from the religious and well-affected, and acceptance from the people within his quarters, from whom we never heard the least complaint of plundering, disorder, or of his raising private profit by the power of his command for the publick.

Since the eminent characters of his highness's favour placed upon him by his employments there, and the command of that troop here, these have raised him higher in the esteem of his country, but not in his demeanour towards it, his carriage having been such, as the soldiers who came readily unto him at the first, when the occasion was sudden, have continued gladly under his command, the country as they have cause, for any thing any of us know, approving thereof; we are confident he hath been faithful to his trust, and careful to manage his proceedings answerable to what he understood was his highness's pleasure, and those marks of favour that he received from him; which testimony being truly given by us, according to our observation of his behaviour, that hath been open and visible, we are the most hopeful that he hath done nothing secretly by which he may incur his highness's displeasure. All which we most humbly submit to your tender consideration, and ourselves to be,
Your honour's most humble servants,
Thomas Thompson,
John Wyrley,
Daniel Watson,
Edward Mainwaring,
George Bellot,
George Bowes,
Robert Smith,
Henry Stone,
John Chetwode,
Thomas Pudsey,
Thomas Adshed,
Thomas Warwicke,
Zach. Babington,
John Simcox.
Stafford, March 26, 1656.

A letter of information.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 643.

May it please your honour,
Wee have dayly information given us from good hands, that divers parcells of armes and amunition are dayly brought from beyond the seas in truncks, hampers, and facks, 3 severall parcells was seen in Southwarke at the inn within this 14 dayes, pretended to bee houshold goods brought out of the country, wherefore, wee humbly desire a warrantt under the hand of his highnes to search for such things in all suspicious places as well by water as upon the land; and this wee thought our duty to aquaynt your honour with, it being our duty soe to doe, beeing

Your honour's most humble servants,
Hugh Barcock,
Edward Rice.
March 26, 1656.

For the right honourable col. Mountagu.

Resolution of the states general.

Jovis, the 6th of April, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvi. p. 644.

Was heard the report of the lords of Gent and other their high and mighty lordships commissioners appointed for the affairs of the Vaudois, in pursuance of the resolution of their high and mighty lordships of the 30th of March last, having perused and examined the letter of the lord Ommeren, their high and mighty lordships extraordinary commissioner in Switzerland, writ at Geneva the 15th of the last month, wherein he desireth permission to return home; whereupon being debated it is resolved, that an answer be returned to the said lord, that he may return home to make report to their high and mighty lordships of all what hath been acted and negotiated by him in those parts during his abode there, provided he take his journey through Paris, and there pertinently inform the lord embassador Boreel of the true condition and constitution of the said Vaudois, as also of the articles of the treaty of Pignerol, upon which moderation is to be desired. And likewise the said lord Ommeren, before he departs from Geneva, is to settle some able correspondent there, to be employed for the time to come by their high and mighty lordships, and a copy of this their high and mighty lordships resolution is to be sent to the lord Boreel, as also to the lord embassador Nieuport.

Resolution of the states general.

Jovis, the 6th of April, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvi. p. 646.

The lords of Merode and Renswoude, their high and mighty lordships commissioners, have reported according to their resolution of the 27th of March last, that they had proposed to the lord embassador of Spain the contents of the letter of the consul Oorschott writ from St. Sebastian's of the 4th of the said month, as first, that several goods of the inhabitants of these countries being brought into those parts were seized upon by the council of war and confiscated, under pretence that the attestations sent over with them were false; secondly, that the private men of war of St. Sebastian's and of Fontarabia did daily continue their insolencies at sea, in plundering and taking of the ships of the said inhabitants of these countries. Upon the first point the said lord embassador replied, that the attestations mentioned, for the assuring of the validity thereof, and the preventing of all frauds and abuses, which might be used by other nations, enemies of king of Spain, ought to be signed by the Spanish consul residing at Amsterdam, or by his deputies in other places of this state, as he had urged five months since without receiving any answer: upon the second point he replied, that he had writ to the king about it several times, but he perceived his letters took no effect, in regard there was no body at the court of Madrid in the behalf of the state to pursue the business of the inhabitants thereof; that therefore his lordship had often moved and desired, at several other conferences, that the designed embassy might take effect, that the same would be acceptable there, and that the delaying of the same any longer could only tend to the disrespect of the said king; since it is known to the whole world, that their high and mighty lordships, since the peace hath been concluded, had sent to all or most of their friends and neighbours. Likewise his lordship desired them to consider, whether it would not be convenient for them, whilst the embassy is making ready, to send a body in the mean time to Madrid, to give notice thereof, and to pursue the affairs of the inhabitants of this state in that court. Whereupon being debated, their high and mighty lordships gave thanks to their commissioners for the trouble, and the respective provinces are desired to declare themselves upon what is here mentioned, as soon as may be.

Resolution of the states general.

Jovis, the 6th of April, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvi. p. 649.

Was heard the report of the lord Beverning and others their high and mighty lordships commissioners appointed for the affairs of Sweden, in pursuance of their resolution of the 5th current, having been in conference with the lord Schroder, commissioner of the city of Dantzick, about the business of the 100 penny as other things, wherewith the Netherland nation in the said city is charged more than the English. Whereupon being deliberated, their high and mighty lordships gave the commissioners thanks for their trouble taken in this business, and desired that they would put themselves to some further trouble, to set down their report in writing, and to deliver it to their high and mighty lordships.

A letter of the states general to the Dutch embassador in England, delivered to secretary Thurloe by the said embassador, April 7, 1656.

Vol. xxxvii. p. 191.

My lord,
We have thought it necessary to communicate to your lordship our considerations and deliberations concerning a defensive alliance to establish between the lord pro tector of the commonwealth of England, &c. his kingly majesty of France and the states of the United Provinces, with a special authorisation, and order to give notice and to propound with reasons in confidence to the high renowned lord protector, that it hath been in our thoughts, and that we should be well inclining to the establishing of a vigorous and a strong mutual defensive alliance between the high renowned lord protector, the above mentioned king of France, and the said state, to such an effect, that in case, that any of the said three states should be hereafter aggressed, and that a war should be made against it, or should be troubled in their rights and liberties, and commerce against the laws of nations, charged or wronged, whether the same be done by a fourth, or by any of the said allied, that in such a case the said three allied jointly, or the two others should be obliged to break openly or publickly against such an aggressor or aggressors, turbator or turbators, to hinder or withstand, and to seek reparation of such an aggression, wrong or turbation, and to bring them to reason with all their power and means. Yet so that we have thought it good to desire in confidence to know the intention and inclination of the high renowned lord protector before to determine any thing positively concerning the premises, or to communicate this our concept elsewhere, intimating that we would willingly be satisfied on the said matters of his good meaning and liking in few days, that so in pursuance we might rule and direct our further deliberations to the mutual common good as should be fit. And forasmuch as we hold this business to be of great importance, we require and charge your lordship very expresly to keep close and absolutely secret all which shall be done there, only letting us have a pertinent cause by the fittest ways and means of your occurrence concerning the same, and we trust and rely wholly on your lordship's discreet and wise carriage. The 6th of April, 1656. [N. S.]

Middlesex ss. The information of Launcelott Coelson of the Tower of London gent. taken upon oath the 26th day of March 1656, before sir John Blackstead knight, lieutenant of his highness's Tower of London, and one of the justices of the peace for the county aforesaid.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 650.

This informant saith, that he hearing, that divers young men apprentices and others did usually resort unto Swan-alley in Coleman-street London, pretending unto the exercise of holy duties there, whereupon this informant in the morning on the 23d day of March 1655, being sabbath day, did go unto the said place, where he saw present a great number of persons there met, and one John Jones, after two others had spoken to the auditory there, went, and stood upon the table, and spoke unto the people about him from the last clause of the last verse of the Xth chapter of Daniel, which words were these, there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince; out of which he did observe, that the prince there mentioned was Christ, who is that stone hewn out of the rock without hands, which will devour all princes, protectors and powers under him, which profess they know him, and are enemies against him. That he had no thought to have pitched upon that scripture at present, or indeed to speak any more, but being not long since imprisoned, was moved by the spirit to meditate upon the scripture, what this Michael our prince was, which he said he had already affirmed; and further much encouraged his auditors to labour to beat down all powers, but that of Michael their prince, who holdeth with them, saying our present power was an oppressive power, oppressing the saints of God, endeavouring to destroy them by imprisonment, out of which bondage he was lately delivered, many worthy saints therein still remaining, as major general Overton at the Tower, who is not allowed so much freedom as their dogs, who have their liberty more to enjoy one another, than he hath to enjoy any friend, for he is not suffered to have any friend to come to him but by the admittance of one along with him to hear what they speak together; and also major general Harrison with others in the like bondage. He did also much encourage youth, that they should be firm in the faith, and to endeavour what in them lay to pluck down such a power, as did seek to devour the same, which powers are set up as idols amongst us, and are of the fourth monarchy, who will be destroyed by that of the 5th monarchy. The time he said he could not well tell, neither believes he what astrologers said as to that, who say it will be at the latter end of this year, or the beginning of the next. But this observe, that it is no murder to destroy such as are enemies against Michael your prince; and did thereupon define, what murder was, and said Cain was guilty of a murder by destroying his brother Abel, who was a righteous man. It was also murder to break open houses, and destroy the persons therein. Then may it as well be called murder to destroy a whole nation, and in sending many poor souls away beyond the seas to gain riches, to set up such a Babylonish power, and to make themselves great, as appeareth by the great endeavour there, when embassadors come, by setting open their gates to receive them, and to make peace, if possible, and have nations bound for it, rather than fail their own engagements to live peaceably and quietly. In the like case it is with the particular persons; they must have engagements of persons, that they shall not act any thing against the peace of this power; but poor saints may come, and cry at their gates daily, and cannot be heard; but when Michael our prince comes, instead of destruction, he could bring peace to his people, and so continued his discourse solely to encourage his auditors to stand firm, and to endeavour to beat down this power, for that Michael their prince was with them. The particulars whereof this informant cannot at present remember, further than he hath already. And further saith not.

Lau. Coelson.

The assembly at Barbados to the protector.

Barbados, March 27, 1656.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 680.

May it please your highness,
Out of the deep sense we have had of your highness's regard and tender care of this place (ever since the submission of it to your highness's authority) we have formerly been emboldned to demonstrate to your highness, both what might chiefly consist with the security and good of this place and people, and likewise what might effect a prejudice thereto; to the intent that your highness might know to dispense your favours suitable and seasonable both to the confirming the one and preventing the other; of which we having largely for the time past been sharers in, we have the more reason to hope the like, both for the present and future time.

We cannot doubt but some late desires are presented already from us before your highness, which we are forward to believe will be reasonably adjudged by your highness much for the island's good, and no diminution to your highness's greatness and power; and therefore thought ourselves obliged to embrace this present opportunity of address to your highness, to beseech the continuation of your gracious aspect and the favourable consideration of them, wherein (although no greater obligations of obedience and duty can lye upon this people, than your highness's already past dispensations hath contracted) yet will it much more proclaim and illustrate to the world the abundant goodness and grace God hath added to (and crowned) your power with.

And that your highness may be assured how chearfully this people live under your highness's power and government (being fully resolved of your highness's ready inclination at all times for the good of this place) we the council and representative body of this island met together, do hereby out of our duties to your highness declare and signify, that the people of this island have for time past, and do at this present enjoy themselves under your highness's government in all setled peace, quiet, and tranquillity, equally (if not beyond) the happiness of times heretofore. And that we have no cause to fear but the same may and will (by your highness's favour) continue with and amongst us, there being at present no visible obstruction of the present or future peace hereof. And if otherwise hath been or suggested to your highness by any, we humbly beseech your highness not to give credit thereto, before resolved therein from your authority established in this place. This in duty we find ourselves obliged to, whose hearts and hands are at all times ready to approve themselves,
Your highness's most faithful, and most humble servants,
The council,
Hen. Hawley,
Edward Thompson,
Richard Hawkyns,
Edward Pye,
Henry Sweete,
Lewis Morris,
Thomas Noell, pr. secret.
the assembly,
Nicho. Edwards,
John Wadso,
William Bulkeley,
Thomas Maycock,
James Thorpe,
John Jennings,
George Stanfast,
Ben. Keysar.
George Marten, speaker.
Richard Peers,
Edmund Read,
Ja. Browne,
Hump. Hooke,
Will. Kirton,
Phillip Bett,
Hump. Waterman.

Barbados. At a meeting of the governour with the gentlemen of the council and assembly the27th of March, 1656.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 682.

The council and general assembly of this island, this day having taken into consideration the unsettledness of the militia of this place, lately constituted by general Venables by reason of his person being withdrawn from the Indies, and his power by general report, private advice, and his own intimation by letters to some officers in this island, importing the dissolution of his authority as general, and the unwillingness of many of the persons so by him commissionated in the militia of this island, by vertue of that authority to act any longer by the said general's authority, as conceiving it not safe so to do, and tending to deliver up their commissions to the governor for the reasons aforesaid; the council and assembly having taken the same into consideration, do humbly move the right honourable the governor (as judging it most safe, for the continuing of the present peace, safety, and well-being of this place and people, and his highness's interest here) that he would be pleased to take the military power of this island into his hands again as formerly, by vertue of his power by patent from his highness, and so by some publick act upon the afore-mentioned consideration, to establish the militia with the advice of his council, as they shall think fit.

March 27. 1656.

Tho. Noell, prin. secr. to the gover. and council of Barbados, Richard Osler, clerk of the assembly.