State Papers, 1656: March (1 of 8)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1656: March (1 of 8)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1656: March (1 of 8)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1656: March (1 of 8)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

March (1 of 8)

A letter of intelligence from mr. Petit.

Paris, March 11/1, 1655/6.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 5.

My last will have informed you of the news this king has received of the agreement of the Switzers, and of the renewing of his alliance with the protestant cantons. We do not yet know the particulars.

Notice was given here wednesday last, that the Spaniards had shewed themselves towards Conde, whereupon cardinal Mazarin, fearing some treason, sent troops very suddenly towards that place, and the king seemed very desirous to go there in person; but having been informed, that the enemies design was only to savour the passage of their convoys in several wanting places, and that they had since withdrawn themselves, his majesty will only go to Fontainbleau, as soon as prince of Conti be arrived here, which will be on monday next, several courtiers being gone to meet him. His lady is something better.

It's said here, that the duke of Candale shall command the Catalonian army this campaign.

The Spaniards make great brags, that the emperor will give them a supply of ten thousand men, whereof one half is destinated for the Milanese, &c. the other for Flanders. It's written from Marseilles of the first of March, that the Spanish king had ordered the sale of the English goods seized upon our merchants, who expected but an occasion to withdraw themselves for fear of imprisonment.

This parliament's chamber of inquests doth still oppose the edict of coin; and it was yesterday agreed in full assembly, that their most humble remonstrances should be made to his majesty as soon as possible, to hinder this new coin.

President Viole to Barriere.

Brussels, March 11, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvi. p. 9.

I Writ not to you by the last post, in regard I receiv'd no letters from you. I receiv'd your last of the 3d current, for which I returned you thanks. This is to advise you, that the archduke hath declar'd, that he hath receiv'd orders to go for Germany, and to leave this country; and that don John of Austria was to come and act in his place. This is a business, which we were not ignorant of, but it was not publick till now. His highness the prince hath visited him since his publishing of it; and he found him resolved to depart as soon as his successor shall approach. If the marquis of Caracena comes with him, there will be a general alteration.

Intercepted letters between Halsall and his sister.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 1.

The lieutenant by no means must know of your making use of serjeant Dendy; for if he do, I am confident he will hinder it. He would permit me to write to him, which I much desired, let the serjeant know as much. Mr. Powell is very honest, and doth repent him of telling the lieutenant of the 10 l. you may do well to send his wife 10 s. in gold by him, when he comes to you of a token. I am daily beholden to her. My service to my friends.

I have a great cold.

March 1, 1655.

Dear heart,
I Pray you, when mr. Powell doth come to you, to pay him for what extraordinaries he hath laid out for me, and to send me by him 40 s. in silver; but let him not know of this bearer coming to you, for some reason I have, though I am confident of his honesty. You need not doubt of this at all. I pray you, send me word, whether you did not shew the letters I sent you to any; for I am confident they were not betrayed from hence. Burn this, when read. (fn. 1) Will. 3 dayes ago was here, and did enquire for me, to have seen me, at which I wonder. Let me know, if you have seen him, and what he saith. I am confident, he will repent him. I am much obliged to serjeant Dendy and his wife. If you make use of him, get another petition drawn, and let it be expressed, how that I have neither fire nor candle, and but 1 s. a day allowed me; that I have nothing of my own to maintain me. And let serjeant Dendy know, how the lieutenant made me pay 20 s. which you were forced to borrow, and of the hard usage I have, and how much you heard me say I was obliged to him. Simpkin knows his house. At dinner-time he is constantly within. I am sorry you saw mrs. Abbot before I had said something to you. She is one of the best persons in the world. I am very much obliged to her. Let me know what is become of H. B. I am more troubled for him than for myself. Send for some wine to drink with the bearer, and tell him, you hope I may be in a condition to requite him for his kindness to me. Adieu.

The answer returned this morning.

Dear heart,
I am so overjoyed, that I have gotten my petition granted this morning, that I can scarce contain myself; and upon monday I will see you. I did not go to see mrs. Abbot, for she came to my lodging. Mrs. Powell hath had from me since I came 4 l. and I shall satisfy him further for what extraordinaries he hath been at; and you shall have 10 l. in gold, as you desire, for you shall not want for any thing, that I can procure, though I have not received one penny from any friend. Will. hath been in Lancashire, I hear; and since mr. Will. Skip is a prisoner, and I hear my brother is to be examined before the major general the 4th of this month at Preston. Mr. W. hath been prisoner this month; but for what I know not. But Will. is a very rogue. Do not tell your keepers of my order till I come, for I would not have the lieutenant know till it be signed, which will be upon monday morning. Mr. Steers never comes, but I give him money. I have more to say, but have not time.

Adieu, dear heart.

General Mountagu to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 17.; The answer to this letter is in Carte's collection of original letters, vol. II. p. 87.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]

Since our comeinge hither, wee have mett with some disatisfaction amonge some of the captaines. One of them havinge had discourse with Blake at Portsmouth on friday last, and persistinge in his aversnesse to this employment, yesterday sent his commission on board this shipp, whereupon we judged it necessarye to send for him also, and to day after dinner c a p t a i n e L y o n s beinge come, wee spent halfe an houre in discoursinge with him about the grounds of his disatisfaction, which he said in the first place was the neglect of due care for both commanders, and seamen, and their families, in case of death or longe absence at sea. I urged to him, that that could not be a sufficient ground, for there was a very plentifull provision in that kind, more then I beleeved was formerly in this nation (by much) and more then in any other state; and that our superiors did make as much conscience of takinge care in that way, as any of us could doe; and that wee had noe reason to distrust it. Yet he insisted upon his experience of greate sufferinges in that kinde. And being pressed for further grounds, he said, that he was not satisfied in the designe wee were about; neither against whom he should goe, nor where; which was easily replied to, that the sole enemye in view was the Spaniard, and to infest him was our worke; but in what place concerned not him, who was to obey commands, and not to weigh designes, whereof he was not properly cognisable. Being urged, why he did not sooner declare this, but held on to this point of tyme, he said, that Lawson. did first engage him to goe to the commissioners of the admiraltye, and told him, that care should be taken for the first forementioned evill; and if it were not done, a man might at any tyme fairely lay downe his commission. Wee did both urge him much upon the point of unworthinesse and basenesse to his freind, who you know did soe deeply engage for him; but he was setled upon some other account. When wee found his resolution, wee presently sent our capt. on board c a p t a i n H i l l (who also had declared, as before, in the same place) to know his resolution; and if he found him resolved to give off, to bringe him on board hither; which accordingly he did; and upon discourse with him, he exprest his greate ground to be want of due provision for commanders and seamen. And further, that he was not satisfied to fight with the Spaniard either in the West Indies or to the southerly. He thought, that wee had received noe injury from him there, but contrarily had done it to him. That he suffered the English peaceably to inhabite the isle of Providence, untill they gott unto them shipps of warr, and disturbed his trade, and soe putt him upon his own defence to roote them out. I urged other injuries of the Spaniard, and asked him, if he had read the declaration against them, which he said he had very often with consideration, yet thereby found noe satisfaction. But for the Channell he said he could fight against him, in order to the defence of the nation; and knowinge that those shipps, that must come into the Channell, came with an intention to injure us. He took greate exceptions against the orders they had last voyage to the Streights to fight such of the king of Spaine's subjects, as weir either bound for the West Indies, and cominge from thence, and none other. He also said, his body was not able to bear the service in hott countryes. But when I urged him, that these grounds he had given us were soe weake, as I concluded some greater matter must moove him to this proceedinge; and told him I feared disliks of the authoritys at home must be at the bottome; he said, that it was not; that he was very well satisfied as to that; and thought they endeavored to doe good. When we had done discourseinge, wee required them to remaine on board heir untill further order; and we intend to confine one of them aboard the reare admirall, and the other aboard capt. Clarke, untill we heare his highnesse further pleasure. I have writt you a large discourse, that you may consider and compare these thinges. Wee hear of noe other discontent or inconvenience, but wee are in some want of the v. admirall whose leist I should have expected, for I heare he hath expressed discontent, and justified Lawson and said, that if he had beene in his case, he would have done as he did. I have heard, that it is beleeved, that H a r r i s o n hath had some influence upon these men; and its conceived, that the place which he is in is not fit in regard of the fleet I have noe more to add at present, but with many thankes unto you for all the favors and friendshipp, subscribe, sir,
March 2, 1655, from on board the Nasebye in Stokes-bay

Your very humble and faithfull servant,
E. Mountagu.

The information or report of Richard Owen of the city of London merchant, factor on the good ship called the William and Elizabeth of London, now in the port of Dartmouth, whereof Simon Tranckmor is master or chief commander, taken before captain John Pley deputy vice-admiral at Dartmouth in the county of Devon, on the second of March 1655, as followeth, (viz.)

Vol. xxxvi. p. 19.

The informer or reporter saith, that on the seventeenth day of January last past (English stile) he with and in the said shipp came out of the isle of Teneriffe, being one of the Canary islands, loaden with wines and hides, bound for the city of London; and that about three weeks next before his comeing out from thence this reporter beinge in company with one Richard Ellis in the port of Oratava there, which Ellis is an English merchant and consul there for the Dutch nation, the said Richard Ellis informed him, that about twenty days before that time there passed in view of the said isle of Teneriffe a fleet of ships from Spain, consisting of thirty-seven sail, which was conceived to be the same fleet of ships, which they had notice (by a vessel, which brought from St. Sebastians for imbargoeing of Englishmen's estates in the Canary islands the king of Spain's order) was preparing to take in soldiers, and to carry them to Sancto Domingo in Hispaniola. And this reporter surther saith, that about three weeks next before his said putting forth from the said isle of Teneriffe, the said Richard Ellis and divers other English merchants there told this informer, that there was another vessel then come into the isle of Grand Canary from Spain, forced in by foul weather, which was an adviso from the king of Spain bound for Sancto Domingo, who reported, that the fleet of thirty-seven sail was gone towards Sancto Domingo before the said adviso came from Spain; and that the said fleet of thirty-seven sail had in them about ten thousand soldiers, and some brass guns; which brass guns and part of the soldiers were to be left at Sancto Domingo in Hispaniola, and the rest were to go in the said fleet for Jamaica, to beat out the English thence.

John Pley deputy vice-admiral.

Richard Owen.

Simon Tranckmor, master of the said ship the William and Elizabeth, testifies, that he heard the said Richard Ellis report what the said Richard Owen hath before related; and likewise heard, that there was a fleet of thirty-seven sail of Spanish ships gone from Spain to Sancto Domingo and Jamaica, to relieve and strengthen the one, and beat out the English from the other.

John Pley deputy vice-admiral.

Simon Tranckmor.

The aforenamed Richard Owen and Simon Tranckmor for confirmation of the truth of their several reports before written, the day and year aforesaid, took their voluntary oaths on the holy Evangelists at Dartmouth before me,
William Spurway, mayor.

Consul Oorschot to the states general.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 31.

High and mighty lords,
My lords, in my last I advised your lordships at large, about the proceedings of the council of war. Since here is arrived an express from Cadiz, sent from thence the second current with news, that in Port St. Mary a vessel, which had left the silver fleet, brought news, that he left the said fleet some three hundred miles from the coast of Spain, so that the same was expected every hour at Cadiz. At Madrid they rung the bells and made bonefires for joy of this news. It is held for certain, that in a week there will come news of the arrival.

One capt. Adriaen Swart of Ostend brought in here this week an English vessel, coming from the Levant laden with oil and wines.

St. Sebastian, March 12, 1656. [N. S.]

P. V. Oorschot.

The Dutch embassadors in Sweden to the states general.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 41.

High and mighty lords,
My lords, after we had received the honour of your high and mighty lordship's last commands, and obtained our necessary dispatches, we did keep ourselves ready without any loss of time to respect your high and mighty lordships commands, and consequently did betake ourselves to our journey over Amsterdam, and pursued the same in a pleasureboat of the East-India company, which was prepared for us against we came there, through the good care of the college of the admiralty in Amsterdam, and wherewith we arrived this day with a prosperous wind before the Vlie, and presently went aboard the ship of war designed for our transportation, with an intention to further our voyage without any intermission, God sending wind and weather favourable for us. We cannot omit to let your high and mighty lordships know, that we were saluted, received, and defrayed by the lords burgomasters of Amsterdam with much civility,
In the ship Overyssel, March 13, 1656. [N. S.]

Van Dorp,
J. Isbrants.

Commissioners for Hertfordshire to the protector.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 117.

May it please your highness,
To accept this humble earnest of affection and duty from us, who by virtue of particuler letters received from major Packer, intimateing your highness pleasure, that wee meete at convenient tyme and place, for the putting in execution certaine your orders and instructions for secureing the peace of the commonwealth, and particulerly of this county; wherein wee have (amongst others) the honor by you to bee nominated commissioners: that in order thereto wee have now twice mett, and heard read the severall commissions of your highness, therein constituteing and appoynting the lord Fleetwood (deputy of Ireland) major generall of this county, a person so acceptable and well pleaseing to and amongst us, that wee do unfainedly profess there could none have beene nominated more welcome, or received with greater affection and good will. And upon the readeing of the severall commissions, with the instructions and directions thereunto apperteyning, (from your highness to him and us directed) we must needs acknowledge (and bless God for) your highness greate zeale and unfailing care, very eminently tending to the support of godlines: and indeed the onely meanes (that wee can discerne) left for the secureing the (much maligned) peace of this commonwealth; and doe in all sincerity profess, that in our stations and places wee may looke uppon it as a duty much incumbent uppon us to bee assisting to your highness, that you neither saint, or wax weary (in your very greate and important undertakings) but may continue steady and strong, even to the discomsiture of all God's enemyes, who either abroade, or within this commonwealth shall oppose the power of godlines, or designe the breach of our present peace. And further at present wee dare not bee troublesome, onely wee beseech God, that his mercy and kindnes may still environ you, and wee continue to bee,
Hertford this 3d of March, 1655.

Your highness most humble servants,
John King,
Alexander Weld,
Anthony Spinage,
John Kensey,
Thomas Empson,
John Brograve,
William Disher,
Joen Haiman,
William Turner,
John Marsh,
Francis White,
William Coxe,
William Hickman,
John Edlyn,
John Reade,
Ad. Washington,
Richard Combe,
Daniell Nicoll.

William Packer,
Henry Blount,
William Marsh,
William Reeve,
R. Gladman,
J. Gladman.

Col. Morley to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 121.

Honorable sir,
I Found my last soe fairely received and soe friendly answered, that I am emboldened thereby to offer you this second trouble, to acquaint you, that few seamen were apprehended in the search of this rape. Those that were, we sent to Hastinge, where I understand since were neither orders nor officers to receive them; so that I suppose they are againe at liberty. These coasts beginne to be infested with Flemish pirats; two Dunkirke sloopes of 4 gunnes each upon friday last surprized 4 vessels, 2 of Weymouth, one of Brighthelmston, and the other of Hastinge. The last beinge laden with sea-coale they presently sent away for Dunkirke; with the other three they came neare this shoare, and lay close under the east side of the Beachy, whence espying an English saile they immediately made out and left the 3 barques at anchor. Comeinge nearer they found it to be the Weymouth Pinke, a ship employed in his highnesse service; whereupon they made all the saile they could to shift away, and the Waymouth gave chase after them; but being a slow sailor, and they very swift, it is supposed they escaped. However the three barques were left behind, and, as I am informed, weighed, and went upon thair severall voyages. Some seamen passinge these coasts, whose vessals have bin taken and carryed to Dunkirke, themselves comeinge thence report, that 40 saile of pickaroones are fittinge out of those parts; which if true, these coasts wil be sufficiently insasted; and though I doe not doubt, but all possible care wil be taken to secure all parts as shal be requisite, yet the passage betweene the isle of Weight and London is of more then ordinary concernment, not only in respect to the particular trade of these parts, but of trade in generall; and I observed in the Dutch warre more mischeife was done neare the Nesse and Beachy points then in any other parts of England, these places haveinge deepe roades close up to them, where the pirats may skulke undiscerned till a shippe comes upon them: and if some greate gunns were planted in convenient places upon the coasts, as they were in the tyme of the late kinge, I suppose severall vessels might be therby preserved, that will otherwise be in danger to be taken. A small charge would doe it, and I believe it would give greate satisfaction to the country. If any thinge of that nature be thought necessary to be done in this country, I shall willingly contribute my best assistance thereunto. The charge of this rape may be paid out of the money I acquainted you to be in mr. Akehurst's hands, beinge 270 l. or thereabouts, if his highnesse shall soe think fitt; but the present order must be given, for since my last mr. Akehurst acquainted the commissioners of this rape, that the mony was to be paid into the committee at Worcester-house. I hope you will not thinke me erronious to intermeddle in these busnesses, that are soe farre above my capacity; but to accept of the intentions of him, who will ever wish well to the publique service, and is ambitious to be esteemed, as he wil be ever found,
Glinde, March 3d, 1655.

Your most faithfull servant,
H. Morley.

Sir Robert Walsh to the protector.

Marche the thirde, 55.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 123.

May it please your heighnes,
I Am soly come into this country, with an absolute beleefe, my indeavours may appeer condusing unto your highnes interests, and so consequently may hope, that my owne may be therein involved. My intentions shall beare noe maske in sheowing their cleernes unto your heighnes. I shall not at all dissemble. I most humbly beg the grace to be admitted the honour of waiting upon your heighnes, having some things of consequence, which I hope your heighnes will fiend soe to bee, two offer onto your heighnes. God Almighty hath blessed and invested your highnes in the place you are inn; and had not his holy will soe decreed, doubtlessly you had not beene. This is my beleefe, as allsoe that I may proove instrumentall unto your heighnes continuance and interests.

If that uppon good grounds you may please to admit mee the honor of your commands, their shall be a reall obbeysance given by
For his Highnes.

Your heighnes his most humble and most obedient servant,
Rob. Walsh.

To secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 131.

Honored sir,
I Have this daye received these enclosed from mr. Jackson, the person I lately enformed you woulde be in that place; by which you will perceive I am not like to see him; hee (as I understand his want of healthe) not dareing to adventure into the country, and I, beinge nowe (besides the trouble and charge of a journy thether) enter'd into bonds not to stirre out of it. The true names of the persons the enclosed conteyne I have enterlyned in them; and a place in the Temple, where 'tis probable mr. Jackson maye be fownde, or mr. Gravenor, the owener of the Temple chamber, by a good observance traced to the place of his own concealement. If this prove a servis to you, I shall bee very happy, for I covett nothing so much as to be demonstrated
Marche 3d, 1655.

Indors'd by secretary Thurloe, Worden's letter of the 3d of March, 1655. concerninge Lloyd.

Your faithfull and moste obedient servant,

Mr. Ed. Rolt to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 135.

Right honorable,
You are pleased by yours of the 22d February to signifie the reason, why the friggat his highnesse had ordered hither for my returne is not yet arrived, which I was glad to heare, fearing hir miscarriag. When mr. Swift wrote to your honor of the danger there might be to come into this river, the frost indeed was very riggorus for 2 or 3 days, but since that time (as I am informed) it hath been good weather, and winds fitt for this port, which hath kept me ever since my comeinge to this place in dayly hopes to heere of hir. There is now noe feare of farther frost, it being to late in the yeare; wherefore I doubt not, if it please the Lord to continue the weather as it is at present, to have the shipp heere very suddenly, unlesse your first commands have been since superseded.

I am bold to send your honor this inclosed relation of his majestie of Sweden's successe against a considerable party of Poles in behalf of their king under the command of Chernetzkie, a person of the most able conduct the Polish king hath of his party, notwithstanding his ill successe in this action; as alsoe in that of surrendring up the towne and castell of Cracow the last summer into the power of the king of Swede. This seasonable successe of the Swede will much facilitate his busines with the rivolted Quartzans, with whom (it is confidently supposed) he hath fought already, with what successe I cannot yet learne; but noe doubt, if that businesse be once well over, his majestie will prisently turne his forces uppon the Muscovite. Grave Magnus having beene returned into Lituania with the force he brought out thence to the king into Prussia, to the end, as I was credibly informed before I left the court, with commands from his majestie to endeavour to reinvest those places again; out of which the Muscovite hath forced the Swedish garrisons; soe that it is very probable the greatest storme will be in those parts this yeare, the emperor and Hollander (as it is said) beinge the maine drivers on of that designe. As for the Cossacks desertion of the king's party, which you pleased to mention in your letter, I heare nothing of it; and therefore am bold to concurre with your honor, counting it an imagination. Thus leaving further to trouble your honor at this time, with praiers to God for the continuance of his highnesse health and happynesse, the prosperity of his fleet and armies, the peace of the commonwealth under his command, I taking leave, subscribing, what I truly am,
Hamburg, March 4, 1655.

Your honor's most faithfull and most obliged servant,
E. Rolt.

Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 139.

Honourable sir,
I Am glad to understand of his highnes health, the peaceable state of affaires in the 3 nations, with the readiness and good condition of the fleet. The Lord continue those grand mercies at home, and prosper your undertakeings abroad.

Mr. Rolt is heere expectinge the ship, which yet appeares not. Had shee gone for Rotterdam, as I writ that I thought it best, he might have beene on ship-board ere this.

I understand, that the committee of the councel met, but thought not good then to signe the report, though it was drawne up with your approbation. I knowe not what to thinke of it, beinge I heare nothinge from you thereof. I should be sorry to have deserved ill from those honorable gentlemen. I hope your next will satisfie me, why it was refused. The factious party here are high upon it, and say the business is ended at Whitehall, his highnes haveinge declared his pleasure to the committee of the company to their full satisfaction, which they expect to heare of per next post. If soe, I presume I shall likewise have notice of it.

To the inclosed paper I have onely to ad, that - - - - a resident from the king of Denmarke goeing towards the king of Sweden, he tells me, the embassadors from the states generall have not yet begun their treaty with his master; they expect further instructions; but I beleeve that kinge forbeares to enter upon that affair till he heare againe from the king of Sweden. Both sides hope, that his highnes will interpose twixt the king of Sweden and the states generall; and be a meanes to unite the harts and forces of all protestant princes for the advance of that interrest. I remayne,
Hamburg, March 4, 1655.

Your honour's humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.

The advice of the commissioners upon the letters of the Dutch embassadors in Denmark.

High and mighty lords,

Vol. xxxvi. p. 149.

Upon the 1st and 2d Article.

Upon these 2 first articles having perused the 2, 3, 6, 19 and 26 articles of the instruction of the 6th of Nov. 1655, and having observed, that your high and mighty lordships embassadors are ordered to declare by the 2d article, that their high and mighty lordships will contest and assist in all what may concern the service and glory of the king of Denmark, and the preservation and prosperity of his kingdoms and subjects, with all manner of offices of faithful friends and allies; and by the 3d article, that their high and mighty lordships, for the security and preservation of his majesty's kingdoms and countries, will contribute with no less vigour against all assaults, than they are obliged to do for the preservation and defence of their own state; and by the 6th, that their high and mighty lordships are resolved to all what may tend or be required for the preservation of the common interest upon the East sea and thereabouts; and by the 19th, that there should be confirmed by a treaty, that by the common allies, upon occasions and accidents to be expressed in the treaty, a considerable strength be equipt by sea, and that the same should be strengthened, encreased, and diminished, according to time and opportunity; also with assistance by land, such as the necessity should require, and as should be afterwards agreed upon; and by the 26th, in case the fleet of their high and mighty lordships should be necessitated to act upon the East, that the king of Denmark should be sollicited with all earnest endeavours to assist their high and mighty lordships with his fleet, or a party thereof, with authorisation to promise, upon such an occasion, that their high and mighty lordships, with all their might and power, shall help protect him from all force and assaults, which might be made upon his majesty, and his countries and subjects by reason thereof: wherefore the commissioners of your high and mighty lordships do conceive, that for the full satisfaction of the king of Denmark, and to keep and confirm his majesty in this good disposition and affection, which he hath for the state of your high and mighty lordships, all the said general expressions and promises ought to be drawn and directed into a formal assurance, to be given to his majesty by a new alliance, or the enlarging of former treaties; and to that end, there being notice likewise taken, by your high and mighty lordships commissioners, of the contents of the fourth article of the defensive alliance concluded the 9th of October with the king of Denmark, whereby their high and mighty lordships do promise his majesty an assistance of 4000 men, in case he should be disturbed in any of his places, trade, or commerce, to be given to him within the space of 3 months, after that the same hath been signified unto them. And in the contents of the 11th article of the same alliance there is said, when that there should be perceived, that the promised assistance, according to the opportunity of affairs, is not sufficient, the same then is to be encreased, and there being likewise conferred by the said commissioners about the 7th article of the defensive alliance concluded with the duke of Brandenburgh upon the 17th July 1655, by which the reciprocal assistance to be given (enlarged in the 9th following article) notwithstanding that on both sides the space of 3 months is agreed, for the accommodating of the differences, yet it is so agreed, in case that for such an agreement there was no likelihood, or that the condition of time and affairs would not permit to delay the said promised assistance without great danger of the assaulted, presently after expiration of the said 3 months or sooner, or presently in case the assaulted do stand in need, that then the assistance is to be sent and given according to the constitution of time and affairs without any delay according to the 10th article of the same alliance, where it is said, in case the expressed assistance is not thought enough or sufficient for the entire securing of the party oppressed and assaulted, that in such a case the party not assaulted is to assist the other party with such forces and power, as shall be sufficient for his defense.

Commissioners of their high and mighty lordships will hereby signify, that they are of opinion, that the contents of the said 4th and 11th articles of the defensive alliance with Denmark ought to be enlarged and set down in such ample terms in the 7th and 10th articles of the defensive alliance with Brandenburgh: moreover, that the assistance mentioned in the 4th article of 4000 men ought to be augmented to 6000, and in case the king of Denmark should be necessitated to any extremity to double the number of 4000 men. And in case that the seas should be frozen, to give him the equivalent of the said assistance of men in money.

[In pursuance of your high and mighty lordships resolution of the 13th of March 1656, your commissioners have drawn out of the letters of your high and mighty lordships embassadors of the 26th and 27th of February of this year the following heads of deliberation, and thereupon thought fit to present to your high and mighty lordships such considerations as are set down in the margent of each article.]

[And first considered in the letter of the 27th of February, 1656.]

[That they do fear in Denmark, if occasion be, and the necessity doth require it, that the resolutions of their high and mighty lordships, and their executions, will not be so speedy as they ought; whether it be at such time that the sea is frozen or otherwise.]


[That the alliance with their high and mighty lordships doth allow but 4000 men, and that the same are not thought sufficient to give peace to Denmark; wherefore the lords embassadors do desire it may be taken into consideration, whether they may make the 11th article of the treaty more full and stronger in case Denmark doth desire it, as was done in the treaty with Brandenbuugh, or otherwise to enlarge the treaty for the satisfaction of Denmark, or by provision, if need be, to give some hope of it as in some sort comprehended in the 4th article of the instruction; and in regard of the high interest that their high and mighty lordships have in that crown, it doth not seem strange; and we shall expect in the mean time their high and mighty lordships opinion hereupon.]

[Considerations had upon the letter of the 26 of Feb. 1656.]


Upon this article the commissioners of your high and mighty lordships do suppose, that in conformity to the resolution of the 5th of Feb. 1656, sent to the lord Nieuport in England, the lords embassadors at Copenhagen ought likewise to be ordered to give the king thanks for this his declaration, and to make a reciprocal declaration to his majesty, yet in such terms, in case of any further negotiation and promises of assistance as abovementioned, their high and mighty lordships may be no further engaged than is expressed in the 12th article of the defensive alliance made in the year 1649, and in the latter alliance made in the year 1653, namely, that their high and mighty lordships shall not oblige themselves any further than to a mutual communication and comprehension.


[That the king of Denmark had signified by one of the lords of his council, that he did not intend to conclude any thing with the king of Sweden, but with foregoing communication, good liking, and consent of their high and mighty lordships.]


This article the commissioners do conceive to be answered by the resolution of your high and mighty lordships of the 4th of March 1656, being resolved, that they shall have advice sent them of all what is transacted here concerning Sweden, or others having any reflection upon their negotiation.

These three articles being drawn up by the king of Denmark, and persisted in with vigour, that the interests of their high and mighty lordships are thereby advanced, the commissioners of their high and mighty lordships do conceive, that the lords embassadors ought to manage the same with much wisdom, as well to delay the negotiation of the resident of Sweden, as also to get thereby an occasion to dispose the king to send an embassy to the king of Sweden; to act jointly in that court with those of their high and mighty lordships.


[The lords embassadors desire, that they may be supplied with informations of all what passeth, that so they may communicate the same there.]

[And in the letter of the 26th of February were inclosed the projected articles between Sweden and Denmark.]

[The commissioners do judge to be of special consideration the ingredients of the 3d, 7th and 8th articles.]

[Speaking the said 3d article of a prohibition not to maintain any men of war upon the East sea.]

[The 7th of disturbance or freedom of the commerce there.]

[And the 8th of inviting England and Holland into the said alliance.]

[And lastly, moreover out of the said letter of the 27th of Feb. 1656.]


Upon which the commissioners of their high and mighty lorships do conceive, that a more precise order ought to be sent to the lord Nieuport, to sound the intention of the lord protector so far, according to their high and mighty lordships resolution of the 5th of Feb. 1656, that something may be resolved on; yea he may signify with a civil declaration, that their high and mighty lordships do foresee the season of the year, and the inconveniences already happened upon the East sea, and can no longer forbear taking of their measures, and therefore he is to insist, that the lord protector would design some embassadors to the king of Sweden to act jointly with those of their high and mighty lordships (who are already upon their way) for the common interests, keeping continually a correspondence with the lords embassadors now in Denmark.


[That the king of Denmark had declared by the said lord of the council to the lords embassadors, that his majesty was writing to the lord protector of England, to have his advice about this alliance offered by the king of Sweden.]


This point the commissioners have judged to be so pregnant and evident of itself, that it is needless to stir up the known diligence and vigilance of your high and mighty lordships with any reasons or arguments, leaving to their wise directions to keep by sufficient means the respective colleges of the admiralties to their duty; for to bring the equipage in a short time to perfection.


[That great regard is had upon the equipage of their high and mighty lordships, and without the same there is no good to be done any where.]


About this the commissioners will only mind your high and mighty lordships, that the same is observed with all possible circumspection, and such care hath been taken, that no copies of the letters have been given out, and that the like care is to be taken for the time to come, and therein the lords embassadors may rest satisfied.


[And lastly, that the lords embassadors do highly recommend the secresy of these letters, to give no distast in Denmark, and to exclude and deprive themselves of all further communication.]

Extracts out of the resolutions of the lords states of Holland.

Tuesday the 14th of March, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvi. p. 167.

After deliberation had it is thought fit and resolved, that there shall be furthered at the generality in the behalf of their noble great lordships, to the end that by their high and mighty lordships the lords embassadors of this state sent to the king of Sweden and Poland may be ordered, that they jointly, in case the same can be done without any great hindrance to their journey, or otherwise by some one or more to be chosen amongst themselves, to go and salute, as they pass by, in the name of their high and mighty lordships, the elector of Brandenburgh, and to use such compliments to him, as they shall judge to be most fitting and applicable, according to the exigency of affairs; and likewise underhand, as occasion shall serve, and where it is most necessary, they shall signify, that their high and mighty lordships did expect, that the elector would have given unto them a pertinent declaration and confident communication of the treaty between the king of Sweden and himself, as was to be expected from an ally of this state, which being performed the said lords embassadors are to give a pertinent communication of the success thereof to their high and mighty lordships, for them to take such further resolution thereupon as they shall think fit.

Mynheer Juchem to the states general.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 171.

High and mighty lodls,
These are to advise your high and mighty lordships, how that since my last the troops of the spiritual dukes and the duke of Newburgh along the Rhine do not diminish, but encrease daily; as also yesterday and to day several officers of the duke of Brandenburgh arrived here from Prussia, going for Cleve, and that there are others coming; and who informed me, that the land-drost of Cleve had a commission to raise in the country of Cleve 3000 horse and 6000 foot for the service of the said duke. Now in regard in all likelihood we shall have all the levies of the one party or the other round about us, and by reason that our garrison is somewhat lessened of the company we have used to have, and that our walls are unprovided of ordnance, and the fortifications out of repair, we thought fit to give your high and mighty lordships advice thereof, that so these things may be provided and redrest, as shall be thought fit for the service of the country concerned therein.

Weesel, March 14, 1656. [N. S.]

V. Juchem.

A true copy of the letter sent by mr. Halsall, close prisoner in the Tower of London, to bis sister mrs. Halsall, the 4th of March, 1655.

Tuesday night.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 175.

Dear heart,
If you did know, how I am troubled with sore eyes by reason of a great cold I have, you would very willingly pardon me for not coming to you the last night; nor (if I were well) have I any great desire to meet any more at his house. I am sorry, that after all your trouble, which hath been so great to have saved ten such lives as mine, you cannot be permitted to speak to me. I am confident serjant Dendy would have done your business; and unless it be expressed in your order to come as your occasions require, you will but be permitted to come one time. If you see serjant Dendy, acquaint him with all my condition, and the 20 s. Though I am satisfied, that Will is a rogue, yet if you chance to see him, take no notice, but speak kindly to him. I wish I could see him. I have got a water for my eyes, that I hope they will speedily be well. My service to all.


The information of Daniel Steere of the Tower of London, taken the 5th of March, 1655.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 176.

Saith, that he delivered a letter to mrs. Halsall this morning from her brother mr. Halsall close prisoner in the Tower, to which she sent no answer in writing, saying, she was in great hast, but bid this informant tell her said brother, that she yesterday spoke with serjant Dendy about the procuring an order for her to visit her brother; and that serjant Dendy drew up her petition himself, and had therein mentioned the 20 s. and seemed to stand her friend in that business so much beyond her expectation, that she did not doubt, but to have his highness hand this day to an order for that purpose; and that although the lieutenant of the Tower were a great enemy against it, yet he might assure himself, she should procure that order by serjeant Dendy's means; and further said, she would have sent her said brother money, but that she feared mr. Powell his keeper might observe by his making use of more money than what she gave before to the said mr. Powell for him, that he had money brought unto him by some other; and further bid this informant charge her brother, that he should by no means write to her again, but that he would throw away his pen and paper, and make no shew of writing, for that the lieutenant was so cunning and subtle, that he might search his chamber of a sudden, and discover it, which would spoil all their business: and further saith not.

Daniel Steere.

Commissary Pels to the states general.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 161.

High and mighty lords,
Since my last of the 11th of March there is no post come out of Poland, so that there is no advice to be given at present from those parts.

The castle of Marienburgh is at last surrendered upon condition, and the relief, which this city thought to have given, consisting in 2 or 3000 men with some pieces of ordnance and a good store of ammunition came too late, and is returned back to this city without any damage; those of Marienburgh complaining why the Dantzickers retarded so long their assistance, and those of Dantzick, that they did hold out no longer, the sudden surrender being occasioned through want of lead and powder: otherwise the fort was reasonably well provided.

Here is much talk of the levies of the Muscovites, and the great preparations they make; but nothing of their design or intentions.

There passed lately through this town in all hast a Brandenburgh envoy by name monsieur Bonyn, who is said to be sent to your high and mighty lordships from the duke.

We have certain news, that the Swedish capers have taken two Holland ships, and carried them to Straelsund. I have writ about them to have them releas'd.

Dantzick, March 15, 1656. [N. S.]

Resolution of the states general.

Mercury, March 15, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxvi. p. 193.

Received a letter of the admiralty in Zealand writ at Middleburgh the 11th of this month, and there enclosed a paper containing in effect, that order was sent by the governor of Calais from Paris to his deputy governor of the castle of Calais, to arrest and detain all Holland and Zealand ships now in the port of Calais, till such time that the persons guilty of the misdemeanors committed agains capt. Ram shall be releas'd and sent home. Whereupon being debated, it is thought fit and resolved, that an extract of the said letter concerning the French sloops of Calais sailing with commission of the duke of Vendosme, and being oftentimes in the harbour of Flushing taking notice of the ships, that are laden and intend for the Flemish harbours, shall be sent to the respective colleges, to be advised upon. And now what concerneth the said persons guilty of the misdemeanor done to capt. Ram, answer shall be returned to the college of the admiralty in Zealand, that their lordships, in case the same is not yet done in pursuance of their high and mighty lordships order of the 6th of September will administer right and justice towards the said persons without delay. In the mean time a copy likewise of the letter shall be sent to the lord embassador Boreel to inform himself, whether the said arresting and detaining of all Holland ships is given by or in the behalf of the king or no; that so the same may be recalled.

An intercepted letter of sir G. Ratcliffe to mrs. Traps.

Paris, March 15, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxv. p. 201.

Here is no news at all at this time, so far as I know. My master saith, he doth not forget me; but it signifies nothing as yet, for he hath not wherewithal. It will be better, I hope; and in the mean time patience. He may stay here, if he pleaseth.

K. Charles

I hear nothing of his removing. Peter is still in his old place, from whence dr. Frasier came hither lately, leaving of him in good health, and upon thoughts of removing nearer to these parts. The French and Spanish forces are both hastening to the field; and it seems they will be earlier abroad this year than they have been a long time.

Monsieur de Bordeaux is said to be gone from hence again for England. I am now labouring to get credit for a suit of clothes, which is more then I have made these five years; and now my old frippery grows thin, so that if so much cloth comes, as will make me a suit and cloak, I shall be overstored.

A paper of Nieupoort, the Dutch embassador in England.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 205.

The subscribed extraordinary embassador of the lords the states general of the united provinces desireth, that the ships hereunder specified belonging to subjects of the said united provinces may be suffered to return home under the protection of a ship of war under the command of captain John Branckaert in the immediate service of the said lords the states generall (to wit)

The ship the Concord, Jacob Lanier master.

The ship Abraham Offering, Francois Roys master.

The ship the Fortune, Jacob de Keyser master.

The ship the Angel, Christiaen Janszen master.

The ship the Hope, Pieter Houck master.

The ship the Hope, Casen Janssen master, all of Flushing in Zealand bound hither, with

The ships the Justice of Dort, Jacob Corthalls master; and

The Adriaen of Dort, Jan Joppen van Hey master, both bound for Rotterdam in Holland under protection of the said convoy.

Given this 6/16th of March, 1655/6.

Wm. Nieupoort.

Mr. N. Brewster to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 187.

May it please your honour,
According to my humble duty and late promise, I thought it seasonable to acquaint your honour, that the much bruited controversy sprung at N. Walsham touching the present government and 5th monarchy hath of late so much affected the ministers and people of other churches in Norfolk (most of which are yet free of this distemper) as they have appointed a generall meeting to be at Norwich the next weeke, in order to a discussion of those matters, of which I must needs say both the notion and mannagement too much observed doe already make the more sober and able men in church way ashamed of these friends, so farre as concernes this case; and therefore litle question is made, but by the blessing of God on this intended interview, as many as yet are unforestalled, may be preserved, and the reputation of the churches vindicated (if suspected by any) from the guilt of such things. I shall be so bold as to give your honour a further account hereof, after that meeting (if God permittes) which, I hold, will be acceptable to you, the rather for that some of the most eminent for piety and wisdome in these parts are to deale about it. I am not determined as yet when to set forth towards Dublyn, meeting with too much dispute about it with relations here; but stand free thereto; and will doe, till his highnesse advise be had, hoping to dispatch the whole by may next at the utmost. Right honourable, I take leave and rest
Alby in Nors. March 5, 55.

Your honour's most humble servant for Christ,
Nath. Brewster.

Major general Disbrowe to the protector.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 209.

May it please your highnesse,
We came the last night to this place, though our journey was very bad by reason of much raines. This day we went one board, upon an accompt of a vissitt. We found the generalls well, and much satisfied, that the bussines wreches no further then those two captains, Lions and Hill; and I hope it doth not. Upon consideration together it was not judged convenient, that I should take notice of the bussines at all; and though Hill did by a freind of his desire to speake with me, yet forbore it, because I understood, that his dissatisfaction was much upon his wife's accompt. The generalls intend to send them both up to your highnesse. Their is not, as I can perceive or heare, the least dissatisfaction in any others of the fleet; therefore we was resolved to come towards London to morrow morninge; only this evening since we came ashore I heard that vice admiral Bodyloo hath bine tamper'd with at London, and a littell stumbled; and that he will be here to morrowe, which made me desirous to stay till he come, that I may understand what temper he is in. The generalls both present ther humble service to your highnesse. I shall not add further troble to your highnesse at this time, only to subscribe myselfe
Porchmouth, the 6th of March, 1655.

Your highnesse humble servant,
John Disbrowe.

Major general Berry to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 217.

I Have now through the blessing of God set your friends to work in South Wales, and I doe not doubt, but they will approve themselves to be good workmen. I had a very good appearance of the gentlemen in these partes, and they act very cordially; and I am perswaded, that not onely the taxe, but somithing of reformation wil be carried on in poore Wales, whom I seriously professe my heart pitties and loves. They are a poore people, and have suffered much; and I hope there are many deare to God amongst them. If you can doe them any curtesy, I pray you thinke of them. I intend to morrow, God willing, to go towards Hereford, and within a few dayes after to Worcester, where I shall stay a while to perfect our worke there. If you have any commands, you will there find
Carmarthin, this 6th of March, 1655.

Your affectionate and ready servant,
Ja. Berry.

Major general Goffe to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 221.

Being desired by my lord Richard to enclose these three letters (under my superscription) to yourselfe, I shall add this further trouble to lett you know, that through God's mercy I came well to this towne on tuseday morning to the begining of the assizes, where, as I apprehend, all things are caryed faire, and well. I hope wee shall doe something in this county, that may tend to the mending of the juryes. Coll. Norton seemeth to be zealous in the bussines, and the justices doe all seeme desirous to indeavoure after the reformation of open profanes. It may be in time some good may be done, the Lord assisting.

Sir, I intend to goe into Sussex on satturday. I hope before that time I shall receive something from yow, which may enable mee the more cheerefully to prosecute his highnes service in that county, which I should be very glad to see better settled before I returne. If any thing have fallen out to hinder your wrighting by the thursday post, I beseech yow not to faile to send to mee to East Grinsted (which is within 21 miles of London,) where I hope to be on tuseday, and to stay there during the Assizes. If I doe not heere from yow, I know not how I shall demean my selfe towards the officers of the militia troops, which I suppose I shall meete with at the assizes. I am, deare sir,
Winchester, the 6th of March 1655.

Your most affectionate humble servant,
W. Goffe.


  • 1. Q. Whether this was not his servant who betrayed him. See Carte's collection of original letters, vol. II. p.84.