State Papers, 1655: December (7 of 7)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1655: December (7 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1655: December (7 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1655: December (7 of 7)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

December (7 of 7)

Resolution of the states general.

The day of January 1656.

Vol. xxxiii. p. 652.

The lord of Gent having proposed to the assembly at the request of the princess dowager, that in the year 1641 his highness the lord prince of Orange, of blessed memory, at the instance of William earl of Friezland, had thought sit, with the communication of their high and mighty lordships, to treat about a marriage between the eldest son of the said earl, then about ten years of age, and now governing on the one side, and the princess Henrietta of Orange then of the age of four years, on the other side, upon confidence, that as they should grow in years, so they might bear a conjugal affection to each other; but on the contrary it hath been found, that as they grew in years, there did appear so much disaffection between them, that there is no likelihood of perfecting the said match: whereupon being debated it is resolved, that the said lord of Ghent do return thanks to the said princess dowager for the communication thereof, and to declare unto her, that their high and mighty lordships do refer this business wholly unto her, to do therein as her highness shall think fit.

A letter of intelligence.

Antwerp, January 8, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxiii. p. 706.

Here is little news stirring at present. The convoy, which the French took from us lately, is valued at a very great deal of money; they have carried it into Cauvoy.

The prince of Condé is not yet come to Brussels.

The archduke spends his time at his prayers and devotions.

The earl of Fuensaldagna is said to go for Spain this spring, and that another is to come from thence in his place.

The queen of Spain is brought to-bed of a daughter; and they did expect the arrival of the silver fleet at Cadiz the latter end of the last month. The want of money doth cause the poor countrymen here to suffer very much by the quartering of the soldiers upon them, they having not wherewithal to pay them till they receive money out of Spain.

R. Augier to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxiii. p. 710.

Right Honorable,
These few lines are only to give your honour notice of my safe arrivall in this citty since thursdaye last in the evening. I could not meet yesterdaye with monsieur de Bordeaux, but I was this morning with counte de Brienne, who gave me severall assurances of their integrity for the speedy payement of mr. de Cezi's debt. I hope that mundaye or tuesdaye next I shall execute his highnesse's orders towards the king and cardinall.

I heare the little queene with mr. Jermin, and the rest of the retinue, will shortly withdrawe to Bourges, and the pretended duke of Yorke the next weeke to Italie.

The duke of Modena is continually feasted here, three thousand livres being dayely allowed him. I have nothing more to adde for this present, remaining alwaies,

Right honorable,
Paris January 8, 1655/6.
Paris Decem. 29, 1655/6.

your honour's most humble and most obed. servant,
R. Augier.

I dwell in isle du Palais fur le Quay, qui regarde la magisserie au Rubis.

A letter of intelligence.

Paris, January 8, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxiii. p. 712.

The king of England, and the two princes his brothers, have had their names blotted out of the list of pensions, which are paid by this king; but it is said, that they shall have their pensions continued them notwithstanding, being entered under some other names.

The queen and the little princess are still in the list.

The duke of York doth intend to remove very suddenly: he had removed e'er now, but that he stays to see the princess royal his sister, who hath sent word, that she will be here the latter end of this month without fail.

The cardinal was to see the queen of England a few days since, and to carry her the news of the augmentation of her pension of 4000 livres per mensem, which the king hath bestowed upon this princess, to the end she may maintain her court elsewhere; which she was desired to do by his eminence, which, it is said, she doth intend to do.

A letter of intelligence.

Paris, January 8, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxiii. p. 716.

Here is now an alteration made of the money in France; which is to be taken notice of by any that return any money hither, for the new money (as I understand it) is one ninth part lighter than the old was: 20 sols was worth 18 pence English; now it is not worth above 16 pence of English coin.

This project, they say, will bring many millions unto the cardinal.

The guarde de Seaux died a few days since, and the chancellor hath gotten the seals, for which some say two hundred thousand crowns were made use of. I remember a saying, that the God of heaven gives all things for labour; but the gods on earth for money.

We do now begin to talk of Francis's removal: whether your friend goes with him I cannot tell you; he is not yet resolved, neither will he, unless he be handsomly invited.

This court spends most of their time in dancing, and comedies, and entertainments.

Caillet, secretary to the prince of Condé, to Barriere.

Brussels, January 8, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxiii. p. 720.

You are not to expect any letters from his highness by this post in answer to yours, in regard he is not yet come back; and it will be these two days first before he be here. As soon as he comes, the 200 l. shall be sent you to pay for the business you know of; and pray take care for to order the same, that the things may not suffer any prejudice, in case it be some time first before his highness can pay the principal.

Bordeaux to de la Bastide.

Paris, January 8, 1656. [N. S.]

Vol. xxxiii. p. 722.

Your letter of the 30th of December doth not oblige me to any further answer, only to tell you, that the cardinal doth give the levy of the Scots to col. Douglas and the officers of the regiment of Rochfort, so that you need not press monsieur Drummond.

I have also caused them to resolve upon some money for the raising of a 1000 Irish, according to the offers of mr. Meredith, whom you must see to get his precise answer. In my foregoing letter I desired you to speak with col. Cook, to see what he his able to do. I expect your answer, for his eminence doth press me.

I have orders given me to prepare for my return. The earl of Brienne hath sent to Roan and St. Malo for two experienced merchants to come to him, and they likewise give all necessary orders for the execution of the treaty.

The duke of York is to depart very suddenly. You may assure them, that the court here will be glad to enter into conference upon some advantageous enterprises for the good of both states; for now the campaign draws nigh, the thoughts are upon the war.

Major general Berry to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxiii. p. 726.

We have beene at this towne foure or five days and made a good progresse into the affaires of these partes. I did this day muster the residue of your Welsh militia, and find them as the others were, indifferently well mounted. I wish they be as honest as the rest. The gent. here are very forward to give assistance; only some few disatisfyed, or ra ther not satisfyed to act. There is some little scruple in some, and they scarce know what it is: I hope time will worke it of. If two men were satisfyed, you would heare noe more of that matter from hence. I have had a long and sober discourse with mr. Powell in the hearing of divers persons, which would be too long to repeat. We parted friendly: he seemed to be very sorry, that cornett Day made such use of their paper. Indeed I thinke you have too much honered cornett Day to take soe much notice of him. I am perswaded the disatisfaction here will dye, if it be neglected. I have begged their helpe and advice, and would be glad of it, if I could get it; but have let them know, that if they stand off, I shall not be discouraged, because he that hath sent me will helpe. I pray you let my lord be very wary of protecting any from our power without, till we have some hint of it; for we are resolved to be impartiall, and where any deserves favour, we will comend them to you. It would much distract our affaires at present, if any check should be put upon us from above. I heare that some of the major generalls are returned to London, which makes me thinke, that if my worke be in as good a forwardnes, I may take a little liberty to recruite person and purse, both being almost tired; and therefore about 10 dayes hence, after I have mustered the troop in Sallop and payd it, I thinke to step to Lincoln. If you write to me, pray send it thither to

Welch-poole, Dec. 28, 1655.

Your humble servant,
J. Berry.

Mr. Hunt of Shrewsbury desired me to write in his behalfe, to keepe him from being high sherife; that's all.

De Vries to the states general.

Vol. xxxiii. p. 724.

High and mighty lords,
According to my last of the 1st instant I am return'd hither, and find, that the Swedish resident endeavours, that by his king one proposal more might be made to this realm. It seems he will be here in a few days, before the lords, your high mightinesses embassadors will be arrived here. I have as formerly desired and recommended, in the name of your high mightinesses, that no negotiations might be taken in hand, without your high mightinesses, and before the said lords the embassadors, which I told them I believed were already set out, were arrived.

The resident Charisius is here, and it is believed will be sent back again very shortly. Further I have nothing to add.

Copenhagen, Jan. 9, 1656. [N. S.]

Wherewith, &c.
High and mighty, &c. sign'd
F. de Vries.

Col. Alured to the protector.

Vol. xxxiii. p. 740.

May it please your highnesse,
Haveing humbely importuned my lord Lambert to mediate with your highnesse for my enlargement, and haveing some encouragement from him to obtaine that favour from your highnesse, I have thereupon taken the freedom humbly to tender this to your highnesse, whereby I doe promise and engage directly nor indirectly, as in the presence of God, not to act any thing prejudiciall to your highnesse or the present goverment, or peace of the commonwealth, but (by God's assistance) shall live peaceably and quietly, following my lawfull occasions, and shall be allwayes ready, when I shall be by your highnesse thereto called, to shew my selfe as formerly against the cavalier party, which your highnesse may be assured of from

Decemb. 29, 1655.

Your highnesse most humble servant,
Math. Alured.

Major general Disbrowe to the protector.

Vol. xxxiii. p. 742.

May it please your highness,
According to the best of my skill, I have endeavoured to put the orders and instructions of your highness and the councell in execution, and doe adjudge it a duty incumbent on me, to give your highness an exact accompt of my proceedinge therein; and that for sundry reasons, which time will not admitt me to hint, more then that some of the commissioners of Wilts and Dorset (though free to the work) are not thereby satisfied, that by their instructions they can lay the additionall tax upon any that have not either 100 l. per ann. real, or 1500 l. personall estate. But my practice hitherto hath been, that where I meet with a man, that hath in real and personall an estate of 100 l. per ann. or 1500 l. personal and real, I make him lyable to the tax; which if it be not the sence and judgment of your highness and the councell, I must begg your pleasure in it, that I may not err either on the right hand or the left. I must also crave your highness's direction for the settlement of the militia in the county and city of Bristoll, it being distinct by it self, and my instructions short in that particular. I have taken the boldness to present your highness with a copy of such instructions, as I have committed to the care of the persons mentioned in the inclosed, as also for the port townes, with conditions of the bonds. I met the Glocestershire gent. at the time appointed, and imparted the instructions unto them, who seem free to act, only mr. Hedges desires time to consider of it. There are 24 sommoned to appear upon wednesday next. I hope to be present. I have advised about a sheriff for Glocester, and am ascertained, that either Thomas Escourt or Silvanas Wood, esqs; are fitt for it. I must request this favour, that your highness will order mr. secretary to signify your approbation or disapprobation upon the instructions, because in some things I have exceeded my commission; and also that I may have an explanation in that clause, and have a clear ground to proceed upon. I must also crave the liberty to acquaint your highness, that I understood, that lieut. col. Briscoe was to be made coll., and major Wade lieut. coll.; but instead of that I hear major Wade is like to be put out of the goverment of the isle of Man; but I hope that is not soe. I begg your highness, that nothing may be done to the prejudice of poor Wade, who is a faithfull person, and exceeding usefull to your highness and the commonwealth in the county of Glocester and in the forrest of Dean. I begg your highness's care of him, and abide

Bristol, Dec. 29, 1655.

Your highness humble servant,
John Disbrowe.

A declaration by the royalists against the rebels of England, concerning prisoners taken at sea.

Vol. xxxiii. p. 644.

Whereas we, whose names are hereunto subscribed and others, captains, officers and armers in the present maritime service of our sovereign lord Charles the second, by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, &c. have since the rebellion of England taken many thousands prisoners at sea, which were there imployed as well in vessels of war, as in merchant ships, for the relief of persons and places of his majesty's dominions which are not in obedience but help to support the rebellion: to all which prisoners of what condition soever, we have given good quarter at all times, and whilst they have remained with us for conveniency of passage homewards, we have taken care from time to time for these four or five years last past, to provide for them in all freedom as for ourselves and companies, as well on shore as on board, and every ways kindly treating them, have set them at liberty without exchange or ransom, paid their expences, and given them conduct-money to defray their charges in their free return home; and whereas on the contrary we are informed, that those, who usurp the present power in England, have and do keep and detain prisoners all such officers, seamen, and soldiers, as they happen to take of our party, and especially now lately are not content to keep them as prisoners of war, (taken in a war most just and lawful on our parts) as to allow them hope of exchange, but do use them in like manner (or worse) as they deal with felons and other publick malefactors amongst themselves; laying them or some of them bound, and in irons, in stinking dungeons, there to poison or starve them without any competent allowance to keep them alive; and most barbarously have sold and sent away many of those our friends (free-born subjects to the crown of England) for slaves into some of the foreign plantations under the present power, and have not spared to give out and threaten to take away the lives of some of our friends now in their hands, in the interim abusing them with all the most unchristian and inhumane cruelties imaginable, most of them when taken having conditioned, and been promised liberty and all fair quarter, which is treacherously broken, notwithstanding they have not been taken without warrantable commissions granted by his majesty, or by his royal highness the duke of York, lord high admiral of England and Ireland, &c. We therefore being thus provoked by such malicious and ingrateful proceedings of so barbarous rebels, do find our selves concerned and obliged in compassion to our friends and their sufferings to declare, and we do hereby declare, that we can no longer forbear, but to use our enemies in like manner as they deal with our friends in all regards, be it better or worse, in the general, and particularly in case all those persons, which they have sold or sent away as foresaid, (many of them being men of interest and estates in their countries) be not speedily and freely set at liberty, we shall find plantations too to friend as remote and comfortless as theirs, to which we shall soon send as many of the men we take, as they have sold or shall so send away of ours; and for the rest of ours we shall make use of as many irons, as close and hungry prisons as they do: and if upon any pretence whatsoever they presume to touch the life of any one person taken in his majesty's service at sea, let them be assured, that all those of their party, whether commanders, seamen, or merchants, which fall into our hands, shall answer for that innocent blood, and immediately suffer in the same kind severely from time to time, according as we hear of their proceedings: and all this we are resolved without fail to put in execution, in case we understand not speedily of the enlargement or better entreatment of our friends; and as we have always hitherto had the good fortune of one man of ours lost, to take 40 or more of our enemy's party, so we doubt not but very speedily to have a sufficient number of them in our custody again, and some we have already, to undergo the same measure under us as our friends taken meet with under them. Besides they cannot be ignorant that there are at present many merchants and other persons of quality, such as are of their party, under restraint in certain quarters, which we have to friend, from whence, as well as from the success of our endeavours, relief may be reasonably expected, not only for our friends taken at sea, but likewise for those other his majesty's loyal subjects, which suffer under the present tyranny of the same rebels: wherefore as they tender the safety of their friends at sea, they should do well to forbear, and not proceed to teach us such cruelties as they have used and treated; but if they continue their former persecutions, we (though most unwilling) shall be necessitated to imitate them therein, having hitherto only given them examples of very good quarter, done as much as in us lies to invite their correspondence thereunto, and thereby to prevent those many mischiefs and the bloodshed too, (if they begin) which will inevitably follow upon those, our enemies not compliance with fairer quarter. Given under our hands at sea aboard his majesty's fleet, which (for the present) frequent foreign parts, this 30th day of December, English stile, 1655.

Tho. Griffin,
Ben. Johnson,
Nicholas Jordon,
Richard Beach,
Richard Dillon,
William Lyne,
Ignatius Brett,
James Smith,
Francis Esmond,
Patrick Morgan,
Albert Meylaer,
William O-Dorant,
Pat. Dillon,
Ignatius White,
Balthasar Codd,
Nicholas Martens,
Peter Teling,
George Dowdall,
Peter Carew,
Christopher Grosse,
William Meldrom,
James Weldon,
Lucas Walsh,
James Dillon,
Nicholas Hay,
William Fitz-gerrald,
Martin Lyneham,
Adriean Vandimen Swart,
James Johnson,
George Collins,
Andrew Dowdall,
Christopher Bath,
John Ensome.

Mr. Ed. Rolt to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxiii. p. 781.

Right honorable,
Since my last from Freestat, by which, as alsoe by one from Torne, I gave your honour an account of those letters I had received from you, I have received one more of yours on the 6th of Decembris, bearing date the 16th of Novembris, and another on the 18th of Decembris, by your order from mr. Darislaw. It is a great satisfaction, that I can heare from you, but am much troubled, that you have not till that time received any of mine, though I have bin carefull to take hold of all opportunities of writing, yett none of my indeavours have had their desired successe. I cannot judge the reason to bee otherwise, then that they have bin intercepted by the way of Warzow; for as I am informed, a Polish gent. was apprehended for stopping several posts and packetts, of which he sent some to the king of Pole, and others he burnt. He was discovered by a messenger from Dantzick to Warzow, who being taken by him, after several day's imprisonment and hard usage, escaped only with his life. You are pleased to signifie, that you have given orders to resident Bradshaw to furnish mee with 500 l. for which I returne my humble thankes. It came very conveniently for me, for I have been forced by reason of my great expence during my abode at Warzow, and in my journey thither, to take upp 2000 dollars, which I have expended; and unless his highnesse please to call mee suddenly home, (which I earnestly desire and beseech your honour to mediate for me) I must begg importunately, that your honour will let me have farther supply, as I shall have occasion, if I must reside a longer time in this cold and ruined countery. I am troubled, when I consider the charge the state hath bin at in this my journey, and how little I have bin able to serve; but I am assured, when your honour shall know the perticuler occasions of expence, the dangers and troubles I have undergone, you will afforde me that favour I hitherto found in your good beliefe and oppinion of me, which I shall endeavour to deserve, it being my desires to serve my master and countery faithfully and honestly, according to those abilityes God hath bestowed upon me. What hath happen'd heere since my last is the surrender of the citty of Elbing uppon the termes that it formerly did to Gustavus, which was to take in a garrison of 3000 men to be paid by the contribution of the countery thereabouts. Snce that gen. Steinbucke, with prince Pallatine Sulbach, whoe was left in these parts by the king with 3000 horse, hath taken Mevas, a very considerable place uppon the Vistula. They have also taken and killed in small parteys many of the lord Vier's forces, whoe are still strong in the castle of Marienburgh. The king, when he treated with this towne, lay at Margenfield, coming noe neerer it then that place: from thence he marched directly to Konigsberg, the forces of the elector still retiring, till they were secured in the citty. The king brought his armie, and quartered it within an English mile of the towne two nights, there being not in all that time the left action. From thence he marched two Dutch miles wide of the citty, where I left the court. The king received there an answer to those propositions he offered the elector for his agreement, uppon which it was ordered, that the chancellor of Sweden should be sent to conclude the peace; but I cannot yett heare it is done. The contrary is reported heere, and that they will certainly fight. The master of the ceremonies heere doth assure me, that the treaty between the king and the elector, though concluded and signed, was againe broken off, for that the king begins to gather his forces closser to the citty of Konisberg; and severall acts of hostillity have passed between them. The newes from Poland is, that the high constable Potoskey is revolted from the king of Sweden with 10000 Quartzanes, which were under his command, and had with him given their saith to the king. Lanskeyconskey, another general of the Quartzanes, is also revolted with 3000 or 4000 men. Chernetskey, who was left governour of Cracow by the king of Pole, is alsoe upon the frontiers of Silecia, joyning to the greater Poland, where he hath gathered a considerable force, and is daylie listing of more. He hath great reputation for his ability and gallantry, being a man of courage and conduct, which I have heard many of the Swedish officers say they found in their taking of Cracow. All this considered, I am apt to believe the king of Sweden may have a greater trouble to keepe what he hath gott, then he had in getting it. I thought it fitt to advertise your honour, that being at dinner (some few days since in our march towards Konigsberg) with the king, the French embassador being there, the king tooke occasion to tell him, how ill he resented the actinges of the court of France as to his affaires, and the carriage of the cardinal, who had spoken some thinges, which he could not but take notice of. He told him, he would have the cardinal know, that he had not a prince of Condé to deale with; and said farther, and to speak freely, he had not found the least sincerity in any of the professions or actions of the court of France since his coming to the crowne. The embassador indeavoured to excuse, by imputing it to ill offices done by some, that were not freinds to either, or that it was misunderstanding or misinformation in those, who had given his majesty that account. He told him alsoe, that he well knew the pope's designe to restore the king of Poland by the meanes of the catholicke princes; but if they did any thinge to disturb or hinder him in the settlement of his affaires, he would endeavour a counterleague, which would vex them. All the while the French ambassador was with the king, I heard what passed; and when he was gone, the king told mee, he had great reason for what he had sayd to him, he having received great unkindnesses from that court, they having wrought with several princes and states to his disadvantage, and alsoe being the cause, as he well knew, of the elector of Brandenburgh's not agreeing with him; and that the Hollanders were put by them to hinder him in what they might; and if it had been in their powers to have hindered that fair correspondency and friendship, which is between his highnesse and himselfe, he was certaine they had attempted it. To which I replyed, I hop'd his majesty had such experience of his highnesse affection, that he had noe reason to doubt of sincerity in his negotiations with England. Some days after I was informed by the master of the ceremonies, that he was sent by the king to tell the French ambassador, that he had not thought he had entertained a spie for the king of Pole. The chancellor of Sweden hath bin often desirous to know of mee, what hath bin done, and my oppinion of their negotiation at present with England. I have bin obliged, since I am unhappy to receive noe newes from you, because you feare the miscarriage of your letters, to tell him, it is to him that I doe alwaies addresse myself to know that, as of a freind, that hath all along expressed an affection for the amity betweene the two nations; but I never had other answer then this general one, that there was some progresse made, which did promise a good, and, as he hop'd, a speedy conclusion much to the advavantage of both nations, till the day before my leaving the court, and then visiteing him, he asked, when I had heard from England. I answered, a few dayes before, but not from your honour. He said, he had received letters from their ambassador, and that his majesty had alsoe an account from him, of the progresse he made in the executing his commission, which was to let his highnesse know sincerely his majesty's intentions, and the reasons of his designes, as to a freind, to whom he should be allwaies free to communicate, and allsoe to propound something in relation to trade, which would be of great benefit for both the states; but since their ambassador's first commissions there hath been great alterations in the affaires of his master. He said, he could wish, that I had a commission to treat with them heere, his majesty having severall things, which he did desire to propound. I told him, I had noe commission, it being expected, since his majesty had pleased to send his extraordinary ambassador into England, that if there were any thing to be negotiated, it might be transacted there. That night I was at courte to take my leave of the king, when he was alsoe pleased to speake something to me of his mind in relation to the negotiation with England, which was the first time he ever tooke notice of it to me, though I was often with him. For the perticulers I am bold to referre your honour to the inclosed letter I have sent to his highnesse. Thus fearing least this unnecessary length may create unto your honour too great a trouble, for which I crave your pardon, I humbly take my leave.

Elbing, December 31, 1655.

Your honour's most faithfull,
and most humble servant,
E. Rolt.

Sir, Last night there came to my hands a letter from the English merchants att Dantzike, importing their case and condition in relation to the present state of affaires there; a copy whereof I have sent your honour here inclosed, desiring you speedily to doe therein as in your wisdom shall be thought fit. My advice to them in the interim, till they receive farther order and direction from you, if they be called uppon by the magistrates, strongly to insist uppon their first request, which in my poore judgement cannot in reason be denyed.

E. R.

Southampton. The names of the commissioners for the county of Southampton, appointed to put in execution the orders of his highness and the council, for securing the peace of the commonwealth.

Vol. xxxiii. p. 738.

Richard Major, esq; Put in by the council.
Coll. Richard Norton
Coll. William Goffe
John Hildisley of Hinton, esq;
Thomas Boardman of the isle of Wight, esq;
Richard Bull of the isle of Wight
Thomas Bettisworth of Winton, esq;
Jacob Legay of Southampton
John Pitman esqs;
John Dunce esqs;
Francis Allen esqs;
Coll. John Fiennes esq;
William Jephson esq;
John Barkstead esq;
Richard Shute
Azariah Husbands
Robert Wroth of Southampton Named to me by mr. Hildisley before I came from London.
Edward Hayes of Bingstead, esq;
Capt. Thomas Chase of Empshott
Robert Cobb of Winchester, esq; Put in by the advice of my lord Richard and mr. Major.
Robert Goffe of Wernumsdean
John Barton of Padwell
Edmund Riggs of Winchester
Edward Hooker of Chilcum
Thomas Muspratt of Winchester At the desire of capt. Pitman.
Thomas Cole of Lisle, esq; At the desire of major Husbands.

Major general Whalley to secretary Thurloe.

Nott. Dec. the last. 1655.

Vol. xxxiii. p. 758.

I Have sent you the inclosed, that you may see what I have received from mr. Sutton concerning his condition. Now as I apprehend, by what hee hath sent mee under the consideration of the councill, I hope nothing will bee donne to his relief till wee be heard. He is in this county termed the devil of Newarke: hee exercized more cruelty (as I am informed) then any, nay then all of that garrisson against the parliament souldiers, when they fell into his power. Should he escape your law, it would be looked upon like the spider's webb, onely to take the little flyes, and let the great ones goe. To speak more plainly, it would exceedingly weaken the hearts of your commissioners here, now acting vigerously for you; but I cannot entertain such a thought, that he should be relieved by you; and having not received orders neither from his highness nor the councill, to put a stop to our proceedings, we shall goe on in our ordinary way to sequester his estate for want of paying his first moity within these ten dayes. I pray you send mee word, what they doe with the lord Clare, and what proofes they have against him for beeing at Yorke and Oxford with the king. It is most certaine, hee was in both places. There is one sir Thomas Hide, mr. Munnax, and sir William Hix now living at London, men of very considerable estates in this county. I pray you advertise us concerning them. I am,

Your most affectionate friend,
and humble servant,
Edw. Whalley.

Col. Robert Lilburne to the protector.

Vol. xxxiii. p. 766.

May it please your highnes.

Though this bearer mr. William Brasse in stricknes come within those instructions concerning delinquints upon a very small trespas 12 or 13 years agoe, which was prosecuted against him by a busie man, that had the benefitt of his composition, he being my neighbour in the county of Durham, and one that I know to bee of a very sober, honest, and peaceable disposition, and a well-wisher to the peace of the common-wealth, and one that has contributed both in person and otherways to the parliament, as I can witnes with him 11 or 12 years agoe, and ever since, the earl of Newcastle left that county; the sense of all which and more that I could say for him begetts a tendernes towards him, conceiving much difference between his spirit and a cavalier's, and thinking in conscience he is far from that guilt, that might in the least contract your highnesse's displeasure; and being the single person I venture to recommend to your highness consideration, I humbly begg your licence to discharge him of his extraordinary tax, his estate also being very inconsiderable. Craveing pardon for this boldness, I remaine

New Parke, Dec. 31, 1655.

Your highnesses most humble servant,
R. Lilburne.

Sir Edward Hales to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxiii. p. 770.

I Had rather waite upon you, then write to you, in respect both to my duty and businesse; but the shorter trouble is the more pardonable, and therefore I presume, rather then in speech, to present you my sense in paper.

Sir, haveing attended the commissioners at Maidstone with the particular of my estate, and with my bayle (according to the orders of the major generall) the result is this; I am adjudged to pay, not onely for what I never forfeited, but also for the entire value of my estate, neither discounting debts, taxes, nor other annuall charges. I am further engaged five thousand pound deepe for my servants; so that I am obliged to breake upp my familly. Sir, you were pleased to honour mee with your opinion, as to moderating of any severe proceeding; but truly 'tis not soe much the charge, which troubles mee, as the reproche. I should willingly contribute as a friend to my country; but to bee condemned as an enemy, I doe confess troubles mee: for if I be not inocent, it is impossible to bee soe; and if I bee, it is yet rendered the same thing to bee inocent, or guilty. Haveing thus stated the condition of my integrity and fortune, I doe most humbly referr the rest to your goodnesse, with this assurance, that I shall ever more willingly acknowledge a favour, then aske it. By this character bee pleased for ever to judge of, sir,

Covent Garden, Dec. 31. 1655.

Your most humble and obedient servant,
Edw. Hales.

G. Jackson to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxiii. p. 774.

May it please your honour,
I have every day expected your honour's order for appearing before your honour; otherwise I had given you an earlier intimation of a busines, that may not be unworthy of his highness and your honour's especiall notice; and now judging it necessary to acquaint your honour with it by this addresse, I shall withall begge leave to tell your honour, that the advantages I have of serving you now appeare to me such, as if timely laid hold of, I doe not see how any opportunity could have put fairer into my hands; assuring your honour, that for a proofe of my sinceritie I can give your honour such instances, as shall make it evidently appeare, that I am most unfaignedly,

Your honour's most humble, most
faithfull, and most obedient servant,
G. Jackson.

From the Marshall's at St.
James's, Dec. 31, 1655.

Capt. Edm. Chillenden to secretary Thurloe.

From my house called the Diale house in Greyes-Infeelds, Dec. 31, 1655.

Vol. xxxiii. p. 778.

Honorable sir,
The ocatione of my nowe trublinge of you is in to respects, the one to desier your faviour as to answer of my desiers lately presented to you; and the other is to give your honour satisfaction of some scruples and doubts of jealousley, that some have darted into your honour's brest of mee; as that I should have some hand in some actings against his highness lord protector, as to printinge somewhat, that should bee against him and the goverment. Nowe, sir, lett mee deal freely with you and without any judgelinge or equivocation or mentall reservation. I doe afferm as in the presence of the all-seeing God, that I never printed nor caused to be printed ether directly or indirectly any thinge, booke, paper, sheett, or peece of a sheet, or word in my life against his highness or goverment, or any thinge in the world, that had any aspect that way, whatsoever evil persons may suggest. And shall I now tell you plainly what is my principle and practice, and hath binne for these 8 years or ther abouts; that I have opposed all such thinges, and when petitions formerly of Lilburne and the Levellers have brought ther petitions to the several congregations where I have binn, I have caused them to be throwne by, and never yet where I was, was there any signed. This I have done as to former times; and now as to the times present, though happily many things have passed that I could not say amen to, yet I have learned as a Christian to be subject and to live in peace, and not to meddle with any civill thinges; I mean as to goverments of nations; and when his highness first took the government on him, when colo. Dan: would have all the churches to have declared ther protest against it, and this moved in a very greate assembly, I did oppose it, and my soe opposinge it made the whole assembly lay it aside; and when sithence ther hath binn pettitions moved to some other thinges, I have allwayes declared my dislike and have generaly hindered them. And, sir, this is knowne to most of the society's; and I doe protest, that if I knewe of any designe, that were set on foote against his highness or goverment, I would streightway, make it knowne to you, or some others; and what I have done the laste yeare I leave to my letters, written to his highnes and to major general Whalley. And to confirme you and all the world of the truth of this, that I will not meddle neither directly nor indirectly, I am printing a treatis on the Revelations; wherein I speak that which I am sure is far from such a spirit as I am suspected to be of. And I doe promise you by this, that take mee, or that if it be knowne that ever I doe act contrary, or advise in any thinge, that tends to the disquiet of his highness or goverment, let me be branded for a false, base, perjured villan, and be made a shame and spectacle to all men, and let this letter be wittnesse against mee. I pray pardon my tediousness. I take my leave, and rest your humble servant, to serve and wayte on you upon the least notice,

Edm. Chillenden.

Scheme of the instructions for the lords N. N. going in the character as extraordinary embassadors of their high mightinesses the lords the states general of the united Netherlands to the king of Sweden.

Vol. xxxiii. p. 662.

1. The said lords embassadors shall speedily enter upon their voyage, to the place where the king of Sweden resides and is inclined to receive their exellencies. And accordingly the said lords embassadors shall inform themselves thereof in the way.

2. Their excellencies shall not detain themselves by any delaying visits, in their jour ney, of any princes, governors, states nor cities, through whose principalities, dominions or cities, they shall happen to pass and if needfull, shall excuse themselves with the precise orders, which are given their excellencies to proceed with the utmost speed in their journey.

3. Being arrived about the place where the king has his residence, their excellencies shall give due notice of their arrival, to the end that the necessary orders may be given for their reception, and that the respect due to this state may be observed.

4. Unless their excellencies, according to the circumstances of time and place, should not think it convenient to insist upon the ceremony of a publick reception.

5. Being admitted to the first publick audience of his said majesty, they shall congratulate his said majesty in the name of their high mightinesses to his accession to the crown, with assurance of their high mightinesses sincere inclination more and more to cultivate, restore and increase with his said majesty the ancient friendship, good correspondence, and alliance, which at all times has been kept inviolably, between his said majesty and their high mightineffes, and their respective kingdoms and dominions; desiring further to be heard by his majesty or before commissioners, concerning such affairs, which hereafter might be committed to them.

6. And being admitted afterwards to a more private audience of his majesty, or being in conference with commissioners, the said embassadors shall represent to his majesty or his commissioners, that among the affairs, which their high mightinesses take more particularly to heart, the chiefest has been at all times, that between his majesty and the king and republick of Poland, a good and constant harmony and friendship might be establish'd and maintained.

7. That also the reasons, which move their high mightinesses thereto, as well in respect of the common interest of peace, as also in relation to the friendship and alliance, which their high mightinesses have and have had constantly with his majesty and his predecessors, as likewise in consideration, that the concern of the commerce, navigation and correspondence, which the inhabitants of the united Netherlands carry on with the subjects of the said two crowns, are of great importance to their high mightinesses.

8. For which purpose their high mightinesses have always endeavoured by their embassadors and friendly offices, to settle all the old differences between the predecessors of his above mentioned majesty and the kings of Poland in an amicable manner, and to compose those quarrels and enmities, which now and then have happened on that account by suitable ways of accommodation.

9. And that their high mightinesses sincere and peaceable endeavours by the royal predecessors of his majesty have been so acceptable, and by the concurrence of other princes and states so happy and prosperous, that, by the mediation of the embassadors of their high mightinesses and those of other princes and states, in the year 1627, the war, which was carried on for many years with much effusion of blood, between king Gustavus the great, of glorious memory, and the then king of Poland, was provisionally terminated by a treaty of a long lasting cessation of arms, to the greatest glory of the said king Gustavus the great, and the great advantage of the crown of Sweden; which cessation of arms was also afterwards renewed in the year 1635 for a longer time, and under more conditions, in hopes to change the said cessation, by further negotiations, into a perpetual, good and firm peace, and thereby to remove all occasions for a further rupture.

10. That their high mightinesses since, at the time when a further treaty on the said subject was negotiating at Lubeck by the authorised ministers of the most mighty and serene princess queen Christina and the present king of Poland, were not deficient to send a sufficient embassy thither, to co-operate for the said purpose, with the there present ministers of other princes and republicks.

11. And although the negotiations at the said place did then prove unsuccessful, nevertheless their high mightinesses continued in hope, that an opportunity might come to hand, to bring such a Christian and wish'd for intention to a happy issue; and therefore have heard with a sensible grief and heaviness of mind, that the matters between his said majesty and the king of Poland are broken out this year into a very destructive war.

12. And that they therefore did continue in their said peace loving zeal, being besides this invited thereto, by severall circumstances of time and affairs, and had sent off their em bassadors, in order to pray his majesty most ardently, that he would be pleased, though in arms, to give way to the laudable and Christian thoughts of peace, and to take such resolutions, that this land destroying war may finally be concluded by a peaceable end, to prevent thereby the further effusion of Christian blood and destruction and ruin of so many lands and people.

13. And since their high mightinesses do unquestionably expect the same from the generous mind of his majesty, that they the lords embassadors have been charged in that respect, (as they are charged hereby) to offer all sincere and well-meaning offices and endeavours in the name of their high mightinesses to his said majesty, in order, if his majesty thinks it acceptable, to intervene on the said footing, in the name of their high mightinesses as mediators, to promote such a salutary affair.

14. The said lords ambassadors, by such and all other imaginable persuasions, shall endeavour to dispose his majesty to make peace, and to accept of their high mightinesses mediation as aforesaid.

15. And in case the said mediation is approved of and accepted, then the ambassadors shall endeavour by the most convenient means, that the same may also be admitted by the king of Poland, and that further every thing may be forwarded and ripened to enter with the greatest expedition possible upon the negotiations.

16. Their high mightinesses do not find it proper, that the said embassadors shall be positively charged, to wait on that account on the king of Poland, because, according to the circumstances of affairs, it cannot be judged, if the same can be done conveniently and without loss of time, or other inconveniences. However they shall be provided with credentials, which may previously serve any of them for the said purpose by the king of Poland, nevertheless they shall have liberty, to wave the journey to the said king, if they can find out means, without giving offence to intervene in the treaty without the said ceremony. In which case their excellencies shall inform his majesty of Poland by letter, and his ministers by word of mouth, that the intention of their high mightinesses was to send an embassy to his majesty; but at the same time make their excuse by mentioning the obstacles that prevent the same.

17. However in case one or some of the said lords the embassadors should go to the said king of Poland, he or they shall make their compliments of congratulation, with assurance of friendship of their high mightinesses, together with exhortation to peace and tender of mediation, in such a manner, time and opportunity as shall be most convenient.

18. As to the treaty of peace, the said lords the embassadors shall declare, that nothing will be more pleasing to their high mightinesses, than that the same may be concluded advantageously and with all possible dispatch, without any prejudicial conditions to the commerce and navigation of the Baltick sea, and shall contribute for that purpose all suitable endeavours.

19. The said lords the embassadors shall likewise, grounded upon the alliance, which their high mightinesses have lately concluded with the elector of Brandenburg, if any opportunity happens, support the interest of the said elector at the court of his majesty of Sweden, by all convenient and possible good offices, and more especially they shall hinder, and, as much as is requisite, prevent, that the said elector may not be attacked nor wrong'd.

20. For in case matters could be brought about, that a reciprocal defensive alliance might be made, betwixt the lands and cities in the possession of the king of Poland, and those possessed by the elector of Brandenburg in that dutchy, the said embassadors shall consider the same as a good thing, and take care in relation to the affairs of his electoral highness, that nothing may be done by them nor attempted, whereby the same might be retarded or hinder'd.

21. However, in case the mediaton of their high mightinesses is not accepted of, and that nothing is expected but the continuation of the war, the said lords the embassadors shall remonstrate to his majesty and his ministers, the grievances which are done to their high mightinesses by the erecting of tolls and other exactions, in and about the sea ports of the Baltick, as the same has been practised this year by the Swedish squadron of ships of war before Dantzick.

22. They shall promote in every respect, that their high mightinesses may be secured, and that all such encroachments against the liberty of trade and navigation may cease for the future, so that the inhabitants of these provinces may carry on a free commerce and navigation to all such places and ports of the Baltick, which are not under the jurisdiction of his royal majesty, without being any ways disturbed or molested by his said majesty or the troops under his command with tolls, insults, or other the like vexations and molestations, but that their trade and navigation as well to the port of Dantzick as to other ports may be left to their free and unmolested course.

23. And so that the said free course of trade and navigation may not be hinder'd nor incumber'd by any tolls or exactions, although some of his majesty's men of war should be found in the open sea, or in the road of such places and ports where the said trade is carried on: however their high mightinesses do not pretend to dispute the right, that all trade and navigation may be stop'd to such roads and places, which shall happen to be thus surrounded by his majesty's forces, that the same are formally besieged or block'd up with intent to make themselves masters of the same, according to the tenour of the VIIIth article of the alliance concluded between their high mightinesses and the crown of Sweden.

24. The said embassadors shall make it their chief study, that the equity of their high mightinesses pretentions may take place; but if the same should not be complied with, they shall not dissemble, but declare that such grievances and exactions, as well in themselves as also by reason of the consequences resulting from thence, are deemed by their high mightinesses that they ought to be borne with.

25. But whereas therein no considerable prejudice is to be fear'd before the end of the next winter season, the said lords the embassadors shall in the beginning make no loud complaints, as long as there is any appearance to be admitted to the mediation; neither shall they do it without further order, as long as there is any hope left for a speedy accommodation.

26. And in cases wherein an opportunity is given to speak or discourse concerning the said tolls and exactions, they shall express themselves circumspectly, and avoid whatever may cause any exasperation, and decline and wave the discourse, alledging that their high mightinesses were in hopes, that by a peaceable conclusion of the present war the affairs will be thus regulated, that they may have nothing else to do but to declare their just sentiments on that head.

27. The said lords the embassadors in all occurrencies shall maintain the respect and service of this state.

28. And in case any thing of consequence happens, shall inform their high mightinesses of every thing, nay even by an express, if the matter requires it, to give their further orders touching the same.

29. They shall also cultivate a good correspondence with the ministers of other princes and nations, that live in friendship and neutrality with their high mightinesses.

30. After their return here in the provinces of this state, they shall make their report of every thing that has happened to their high mightinesses, and deliver the same in writing.

31. The said embassadors, in relation to the taking of gifts and presents, shall precisely regulate themselves to their high mightinesses resolution of the 10th of August 1651 hereafter inserted.

A letter from Hamburg.

Vol. xxxiii. p. 481.

Honoured sir,
My last unto you was this day sennight by this conveyance, since which I have received none from you, any post this week not being as yet arrived; neither had I writ to you but to give you notice, that mr. Aldersey is returned out of Denmark, and when he made his report unto the committee of the company for the Danish affair, amongst other things he declared, that monsieur Lent demanded of him, what the company would be content to miss of their principal, if it might be all paid them at one payment; unto which the said Aldersey replied, they might, as he conceived, be content to abate 1 or 2000 rix dollars; at which the said monsieur Lent did much spurn, affirming that general Knipe had proffered his majesty to get him ½ or ⅓ per cent. abated of principal, if he could be content to pay ½ ready money at once. Thus you are rendered here to have been a back friend to our company, and to have studied their prejudice and thereupon our committee have ordered a letter to be writ unto the company at London, desiring them to send two members of the Danish committee there unto your self, and to demand upon what account you have rendered their bargain so cheap, or who gave you authority to propound an abatement to the king of Denmark, as I question not but you will easily conceive, and apprehend from whence this far-fetch'd device is derived to characterize you unto the company of London, if you consider that mr. Townly, mr. Missenden, and some others your well wishers, were the members of the committee here, and S. M. is to be, as you know, the penman of the letter to the company there. Old mr. Palmer was at the committee, from whom I had this story, and was desired by the resident by him, and also provoked by my own engagement to you, both as my friend, well wisher, and kinsman, to acquaint you with the business, that so you may see how restless men are in their malice, and how they maligne every person, that will not rail with them against the resident; for truly that I must suppose to be the great quarrel they have against you, which make many of them to be so ready to belch out their rage and bitterness against you. I could not do less than give you a true account of this business, being that I know no man, that cor responds with you beside myself; and if I should neglect to acquaint you, it were to be judged a faithless part in me. I think you may in reason desire to know, what the committee at Hamburgh have writ against you, that so you may return an answer to your accusation. Let me intreat you to be moderate and patient to the company at London, however you vindicate your self as to our youths here, who I think presage unto themselves some ill success by your means, they are so ready to defame you.

Hamburgh, Dec. 31, 1655.