A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1655: December (5 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol4/pp333-343 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1655: December (5 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol4/pp333-343.
"State Papers, 1655: December (5 of 7)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol4/pp333-343.
In this section
December (5 of 7)
A letter of Nieupoort, the Dutch embassador.
Westminster, December 31, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxiii. p. 475.
My lord,
Since my last I have used such endeavours concerning the ship Patriarch Jacob, laden with
piece goods, that at last the same was discharged by the council with all her appurtenances, as their high and mighty lordships may see by the enclosed orders of the council. And as for the 12 Zealand merchant men, their high and mighty lordships have had
an account given them of their discharge likewise.
The commissioners for trade have met several times together; and as I am informed, they have not yet debated any remarkable point. Likewise, they were forced to absent themselves to be at the conference about the Jews. Manasseh Ben Israel hath been to see me; and he did assure me, that he doth not desire any thing for the Jews in Holland, but only for such as sit in the inquisition in Spain and Portugal.
Secretary Thurloe to major general Haynes.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 483.
Sir Richard Willis haveinge desired leave to goe beyond sea, his highnes hath consented thereunto, and hath commanded me to signifie to you, that upon giveinge you
good securitie by two very sufficient sureties, who are to become bound with hym in the
summ of ten thousand pounds, that he shall within one month after his beinge set at liberty depart this commonwealth, and goe beyond the seas, and not returne againe without lycence obteyned from his highnes, and that he shall not dureinge his staye heere, nor
after his departure hence, act, contrive, designe, or consult any thinge to the prejudice of
his highnes and the present goverment; you cause hym to be delivered out of prison, and
set at libertie. This being all I have to trouble you with, I rest
Whitehall, Dec. 21, 1655.
Your affectionate freind and servant.
Major general Worsley to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 515.
Right honorable,
Wee met att Preston for this county upon tewsday last; att which time wee proceeded to the extraordinary tax upon them that were summoned, and have taxed
as many as comes to about eleven hundred pounds per ann. Wee have sent orders for
the rest to appeare att our next meetinge. Wee have found some estate, that belongs to
John Wildman, and have seased and secured the same. I am of mind, that wee shall find
a considerable estate of his in this county. Wee are now takeinge a course with considerable persons, which wee conceive fall within the first particuler in the orders and instructions of his highness and councel. I doubt not but I shal be able in a short time to give
you a good account of our proceedings here. The commissioners are not free to medle
with the estates of Booth, Warburton, Leysester and Werden, till they see what you have
against them, and the orders require what is to be done in that case to be three at the
least. Wee now find, that many in these countryes, that have been very active against
the parliament, and were looked upon to be men of good estates, will hardly be brought
within the compase; for one hundred pounds per ann. is a good estate in these parts.
Many of the great delinquents in this country were papists, and their estates sold away; soe
are now beginning to fill the prisons with suspitious fellows, and shall be troubled for a
convenient place for that, as also for the keeping of the armes wee have. If his highnese would let me for a little time have one company of the regiment into the castel of
Liverpoole, till this be a little over, it would, we humbly conceive, be very convenient.
Yesterday wee sat upon the ordinance for ejectinge of scandalouse ministers and scoolmasters, and received articles against a great many ministers and school-masters; and have
sent out summons both for the persons and witnesses against our next meeting. Wee are
much troubled with them, that are called quakers; they troble the markets, and get
into private houses up and down in every towne, and drawe people after them. I have
and shall take what course I can, but I could wish to have some further power or direction
from you in that case. Wee are as forward as thos in the other countyes. I desire you
would order some way for the payment of the troopes, that wee free them of divers, that
are unworthy. I have no more, but that I am
Dec. the 21, 1655.
Your fathfull servant, Cha. Worsley.
I have taken good bond both for men and horse, that were about the horsrace, that should have bene. I desire your further direction.
Major general Berry to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 519.
Haveing now through the blessing of God brought our worke to some good passe in
these partes, I thought it my duety to give you an account of it before I goe hence.
We have layd the taxe upon the estates of the delinquents, that are in these two countyes
of Denbigh and Flint; and the first moyety thereof was this day to be paid in to the
treasurer. I have alsoe taken engagement and securitys according to instructions from
most of the considerable men in this parte of Wales; and indeed though Wales hath
beene looked on as a disorderly place, yet I find a very ready complyance with his highnes orders. I have not met with above one refractory person in all Wales. I have alsoe
this day mustered that parte of the militia, that was hereabout, and find them in good
order, and like to doe service; the men able and willing, and I hope many very honest,
and their houses indifferent good and sufficiently armed. They are appointed to receive
their pay to morrow morninge. We have had alsoe a meeting of some well affected
persons to advise about reforming some abuses, and have drawen up some desires to be
communicated to the justices at their next quarter sessions; and wee hope, that God will
helpe on these weake desires and endeavours, and bring forth something of what is desired. The commissioners are resolved to goe with me on munday to Montgomeryshire;
and there to prosecute the same worke, insomuch, that I hope through their diligence
we shall not be much behind other partes of the nation. However you cannot much
blame them, for they sitt de die in diem, and have not lost one day since they began; and
I am perswaded, they will not growe remisse, but finish your worke effectually. The
eyes of good men are much upon us, and greedily watch to see what good we will bring
forth. You had need helpe us with your prayers and powers. Reformation hath many
enemies, and indeed here wants matter. Here are very few good ministers or schoolmasters. It would be very well, if some might be encouraged to come into these parts. The
ejected and sequestred ministers and scholemasters are become like the branch of an unfruitfull vine; man cannot make a pin of it to hange a garment on, and they are in
a sad condition. One very good schoole at Ruthin wil be dispersed by his highnes proclamation; and I heare there are many vacancies, that want ministers in Anglesey. Methinkes doctor Owen might find some way to supply this defect. But why doe I trouble
you with so many lines? I beseech you excuse me; and if you write to me, direct it to
Sallop. I am
Wrexham, Dec. 21, 1655.
Yours in reall affection to serve you,
Ja. Berry.
If you would take notice of the commissioners dilligence in a few lines, it would be kindly accepted. Let none see this but yourselfe.
If you make any further orders about this busines, I could desire this might be one, that if any delinquent have concealed any parte of his estate, and soe noe tax layed upon it, that that part of his estate may be sequestered for the use of his highnes. It would much facillitate the worke, and advance the revenues. All our cavaleers have given in their particulars upon that penalty, and we resolve to hold them to it.
Major general Berry to the protector.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 525.
May it please your highnes,
Haveing the opportunity of major Swift's coming to London, I make bold to trouble
you with a few words concerning the garrisons of Anglesey and Carnarvan, and to
tell you my thoughts of them. I doe thinke, if there were a good honest discreete man
for governour of Beaumorris, and had some encouragement, he might doe good in those
parts; for the truth of it is, there is hardly, if at all, one man fitt for a justice of peace
in these partes. Truely, my lord, I am at a stand what to doe with Merioneth, Anglesey,
and Carnarvon. Honest men are hard to find; most of them, even the justices and
monethly assessors, came before us as delinquents; and there is little hopes of haveing it
better at present; and therefore I beseech you, as you tender the good of those parts and
the comfort of your poore servant, if you put in any governor there, let them be men
of knowen integrity. If you please to speak with major Swift, he can tell you how the
state of things is there; but I shall not trouble you more, but beg your pardon, and
Wrexham, Dec. 21, 1655.
Your highnes most humble servant,
Ja. Berry.
The commissioners for Leicestershire to the protector.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 523.
May it please your highness,
Whereas several delinquents of great estates, who are within the compass of your highness and the council's orders and instructions for the payment of this late tax,
do make their addresses to your highness (as the lady Sherwood, sir Erasmus Delafountayne,
mr. John Prettiman, sir Robert Shirley, and mr. George Faunt) and (through misrepresenting
their cases may obtain your favour (by letter) for our suspending proceedings against them)
we do therefore think ourselves obliged by duty humbly to certify to your highness, that
these estates do appear to be subject to the tax, and humbly refer it to your highness's
consideration, and rest,
Leceister, Dec. 21, 1655.
Your highness's most humble
and faithful servants,
Arch. Palmer,
Jo. Goodman,
Edw. Smithe,
John Sheirman,
Dan. Dale,
Fran. Hackett,
W. Harloppe,
Roll. Dreury,
Will. Stanley,
Tho. Pechin,
William Hubbert,
Edm. Cradock.
Lord Stafford to the protector.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 488.
May it please your highness,
I Hold my selfe bounde in duty by your highness leave, to give you this account, that
when I was last in England, I did addresse my selfe by petition for your highness in
the behalfe of my nephew, Tho. earl of Arrundell, now kept in cruell slavery in Padua,
that he might be brought over and restored to his estate; or if it was thought needfull,
a due provision made for his recovery, and inspected heer according to the knowne laws of
the land, in favour of which most just request your highness was gratiously pleased to
order letters to be sent to the duke of Venice; but since understanding it hath proceeded
noe further, I have caused a second petition to your highness to be left in mr. Bacon's
hand, your master of requests, myselfe being detayned here in relation to the performance
of my mother's will, to whome I am executor, in which alsoe I am dayly obstructed,
through my nephew Harry's meanes, by false arrests and other such molestations, because
of my entire and faithfull dealings in endeavouring my nephew Arundel's enlargement, which often upon his knees he hath beged of me; and in all justice and conscience I
ought to performe. But in this I had bin silent, but that your highness's knowledge thereof
will somewhat cleer my way to you in a busines of far greater importance, wholy concerning
your owne person and affayres, which I thought it my duty to acquaint your highness with,
allthough not fitt to comunicate to paper: therfore, if your highness please to grant me
a safe protection from all arests and other like molestations for a small convenient tyme, I
will make my sudden repayre into England, and there give you your highness by word
of mouth an assured testimony of the pasionate attention I have to approve my selfe
Amsterdam, Jan. 1, 1656, new stile.
Your highness's most humble
and obedient servant,
Commissary Pels to the states general.
Dantzick, Jan. 1, 1655/6. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxiii. p. 505.
High and mighty lords,
With the beginning of this new year I wish your high and mighty lordships all happiness and prosperity.
As for news the king of Sweden, hath sent the lord Schippenback to the elector of Brandenburgh, to offer him once more conditions of an accommodation; but in regard the said elector doth continue to remonstrate the injustice, which is done him, by coming with an army into his country, and to destroy every thing; and likewise in regard that Sweden doth desire such unreasonable terms of the elector, the said lord Schippenback is said to be returned back to the king, so that it is now believed here, that the war will begin between them. The duke's army, as also the citizens of Koningsberg do shew a great deal of resolution, as if they were resolved to defend themselves couragiously. As yet there hath been no blood spilt between them. Sometimes they take one another prisoners, but they release them again without any ransom.
The said duke of Brandenburgh will have this city comprehended in all the treaties and considerations, that shall be made with him.
A letter of intelligence.
Paris, Jan. 1, 1655/6. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxiii. p. 513.
They write from Rome that the queen Christina is arrived at Loretto; where the lord Gentilly, who is governor of that place, shewed her all possible kindness; from whence after some few days rest, it is supposed she will pursue her journey to Rome, where great preparations have been made for her reception.
Last wednesday here was a declaration published by order of the king; that there should be pieces of gold coined of the value of seven livers; which were to be called Lis, having the arms of France on the one side and the cross on the other.
The duke of Modena is to stay here but six weeks, and is to return with the earl of Harcourt; who is to command in Piedmont in the quality of general, and the said duke of generalissimo. Here is very much spoken of erecting a parliament at Limoges, but whether is like to be is yet uncertain.
Several diseased people have been touch'd this day by the king, for which solemn work his majesty hath been these two last days at his devotions.
Bordeaux, the French embassador in England, to monsieur Minard.
Paris, Jan. 1, 1655/6. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxiii. p. 493.
You may speak of my return with certainty, there being command sent me to day to make me ready to repass the sea; and you may signify, as occasion offereth it self, that they do dispose themselves here to execute the treaty. You must let me know, what store of wine I have left, and what other provisions are necessary to be bought here, that so I may order them accordingly.
Bordeaux, to a lady. Writ in English.
Paris, Jan. 1, 1655/6. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxiii. p. 509.
I Have received the letter, which you writ me since my departure from London. If I
were more learned in this English tongue, I should not want to answer particularly
every thing, that is contained therein; but my ignorance abates me the enjoyment of
that satisfaction, and constrains me to reduce all the conversation to the assurance of your
good health, and that you have always the sentiments towards me, which I desire. For
my part I can assure you, that neither the business private or publick, nor the sight of my
wife, do make any change in my inclination.
I believe, that before the end of January my business will be in a state to pass again
the sea; and to receive the greatest pleasure, which England can afford me, in seeing
the person, whose I am with great passion
Most affectionate servant.
Major general Disbrowe to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 529.
I Have bin attending the work in Dorsetshire, where there were 20 summoned, amongst
which sir John Strangeways, sir Gerard Napper, and sir Hugh Windham; one plead
ing his integrity, another his innocency, and the third shewed much frowardness and
averseness; but after I had dealt very plainly and indeed roundly with them, they with
the rest fairly submitted, and are contented to bear this additional tax proportionable to
their estates. I doubt not but it will turn to a good account, though it is probable some will
trouble his highness with their applications; for in the countrey they are known too well,
and the commissioners are very unanimous and active in it; only some are of opinion, that
by their present instruction they cannot rate any man for both together, that hath not full
100 l. per ann. real and 1500 l. personal estate, and have drawn up a letter to the councel,
craving a resolution therein; but the account you gave, (if past the council) will determine that, in making persons, that have either 50 l. per ann. real, or 500 l. personal, or
worth either sum together, such an estate shall be lyable to this additional tax; and will
not only yield a considerable revenue to the publick, and rejoice the hearts of the well
affected, but be a meanes to break and prevent the designes of our enemys. I came
yesterday from Blandford to Sarum, and from thence this day hither, where there are 24
summoned to attend upon monday next. I desire you to give order, that William Fry
of Yarty, and Edward Cheek of Gabriells esq; may be added to the commissioners of the
peace for Dorsetshire. I have only this further to add, that Robert Hipsley esq; may be
sheriff of Wilts in the room of col. Dove (if it be not too farr past,) which is the desire
of him who is
Marlborough, Dec. 22, 1655.
Your real freind and servant,
John Disbrowe.
Pray present my service to his highness, and let him know, that after this meeting I shall give him a full account of my proceeding hitherto.
The commissioners for Lincolnshire to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 533.
Lest our longer silence should beget a suspicion of our negligence, we present you with
this brief and imperfect account of the discharge of our trust in the matters committed to our care, our meeting to that purpose having been constantly three days in a
week at the least; and for the last fortnight we have kept close to the business, that we
might finish the tax by their first day of payment; and coming but this morning to a
conclusion of what yet lyes before us, we are not able to give you such particular account
thereof as we intend; but in general we find the extraordinary tax in this county will
exceed 3000 l. a year, whereof some considerable payments are already made to the treasurer there appointed to receive the same.
Sir, we have also, before we heard of the late declaration of his highness and the council, issued warrants, as to the enquiry of what persons in this county come within the
compass of the fourth and sixth head of our instructions; and as there shall any thing
thereof come to our knowledge, we shall herein proceed according to our directions. In
the interim we desire, that what we have already done may be presented to his highness
and the council from, sir,
Lincoln, Dec. 22, 1655.
Your very faithful friends and servants,
Fra. Clinton alias Fines,
Wm. Thompson, Theo. Hart.
W. Tompson to the protector.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 549.
May it please your highnesse,
I Have near uppon thes 3 years by all waies and meanes, which I thought secret and
safe, indevored to let your highnesse know, how zealous I am to serve you, which
haeth not hetherto found creditt with your highnesse, for which I have been and am
verie sorrie, out of the consideration, that thear have past manye and are some present
advantages, in which I might doe your highnesse some service hear. But at this distance
I can onely wish I wear rightly understood by your highnesse, which your highnesse had
long since done, as I am aquainted, if sir Garvis Lucas could ever have been admitted to
speake with your highnesse since his beeing in England, I haveing trusted him at his
leaving France, to deliver something from mee to your highnesse not fitt for anie other
person's knowledg. If I bee so happie, as that this come safe to your highnesse, and you
please to command sir Garvis Lucas before your highnesse, you may from him understand
the reason of this present, and all the past trubles have been offer'd to your highnesse by
Cullinn, January 4th, 1656. new stile.
Your highnesse moest dutifull and obedient subject,
Will. Tompson.
Sir Garvis lives at his sister Green her house at Mile End without White Chappel the first great house of the left hand.
Mr. J. Aldworth, consul at Marseilles, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 575.
Right honorable,
My last unto you was of the 28th past, giving you notice that by my advice from
Allecant of the 22d of ditto, our nation did much doubt the warr would sudainly
be proclaymed with England; as also that some merchants of this place had advice by
the same conveyance, that it was already done in Madrid. I have since had the perusal of a letter from Allecant of the 22d past, which mentioned the same. The confirmation may bee expected by a ship that is heare dayly attended from those parts. Store
of English comodities, as well from hence, as all parts of Itally, are goeing for Spayne:
on ships and barques of Genoa and Levorne, as also on Hollanders and Hamburgers,
but not knowne to bee for accompte of English. Seven days past by tempest an English
ship that was bound for this place, put into a port seven leages hence, being within a
leage of Malteges, wheare the commander of the ship saluted the castle, and rendered an
accompte to the governor what hee was; but three dayes after he had attended a fayre wind
to come heather, as hee was on departure the customers of Malteges arrested the ship, pretending the customes was dew in the same nature as if the goods had beene discharged, which
is contrary to justice and reason, and as I understand by the late peace concluded with
France: however they would not release the ship without caution for the custome, which
I have given in to pay it, provided it proves to be theire dew, and in regard this busines is of a dangerous consequence to the nation's trading here, I have drawn up informations, and sent them for Paris to bee presented to the grand counsill; hoping they will not
only cleare this busines, but give strict orders, that our ships may not be trobled in the
like nature for the future. Not any thinge more at present offereth worth your notice, so
I humbly take leave, and remayne
Marseillia, Jan. 4, 1656. [N. S.]
Your honnor's servant,
Jo. Aldworth.
The Swedish resident to the states general.
January 4, 1656. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxiii. p. 577.
The resident of Sweden wish their high and mighty lordships all happiness and prosperity, as well in publick as private, in this new and all following years; and perceiving by the common reports (although there hath been as yet no notice given him thereof in the behalf of their high and mighty lordships) that to the king his gracious lord an extraordinary embassy is designed from hence in these his majesty's warlike expeditions, to which necessity compelled him, wherefore he cannot omit herewith to signify and make known to their high and mighty lordships the happy progresses, wherewith God almighty, the King of kings, hath been pleased so to bless the Swedish arms in Prussia, that the business there yet undetermined is like to be ended without much loss of blood or opposition; for as yet hitherto between the duke of Brandenburg and his majesty there hath not happened the least act of hostility, but a good amity and neutrality hath been observed, with undoubted likelihood, that the same will be confirmed by an express treaty, which had been already done, were it not for such neighbours, who endeavour to countermine the peace of this state, as that of the said duke, spreading abroad, that their high and mighty lordships have designed to set forth to sea a powerful fleet of ships of war, and to send a land army; and likewise that they do all that they can to engage the said duke in a labyrinth, whereinto one may get with ease, but not so easily out again, and this contrary to the continual amity shewn by his majesty, whereof their high and mighty lordships do now see a fresh proof by the permitting of the guns to be exported, as well now as for the time to come. Likewise the above mentioned reports being so contrary to the nature of an embassy, (as to a king, who is by God's blessing and providence in such a victorious condition, and doth shew to their high and mighty lordships so many signs of affection) that the said resident cannot comprehend the conveniencies thereof; as also not that in the behalf of the duke of Brandenburg, by his present minister's proposition here, of such monies, assistance, levies of soldiers, and the stirring up of other princes against Sweden; and yet much less, that any such propositions or petitions are taken into any of the least consideration by their high and mighty lordships. Wherefore the said resident doth refer it to your highnesses wisdoms, (being expressly commanded to further and encrease the amity between the king and this state) hath not great reason to desire as he doth herewith, and as hath been customarily observed between friends, that you would be pleased to communicate faithfully to the said resident what the truth is of the said reports, not to say threatnings, that thereby may be removed all that may render the said embassy less acceptable, and their treaty difficult, yea friendless. Of all which, as also of this office, the said resident shall make a faithful report to his king.
W. Windover to secretary Thurloe.
Southampton, this 24th of December 1655.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 551.
Right honorable,
A Cordinge to my dewty unto his highnes and your self, have acordinge to my trust
heer inclosed sent youe a letter, which I intercepted, that came from coll. Ashburnehame presoner in Garnsey-castle, knowinge not of what concernment, I thought good to
send that unto you, leavinge the concederation unto your honor. Heer ar in my hands
two letters, that came from his wife, directed to Charles Walterhouse deputy governor of
the ile of Garnsey. I humbely pray yowe, that I may know, whether they shall bee sent up
to you or sent to Garnsey, acording to ther derecktion. Noe moor at present but the
tender of my humble servis, doe remaine
Your faithfull servant to serve youe at command,
Wm. Windover.
Inclos'd in the preceding.
An intercepted letter of col. Ashburnham.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 555.
My blessing,
I Have just now espyed a barke drawing out of the port to goe for England, and I must
keepe my resolution of suffering none to pass without some short word to you.
I writt to you yesterday by the porter of this garrison, who assured me, that he would
deliver itt unto you himselfe, and bring me a certainty of your condition of health; the
thing I have been most disapointed in of all others, that have been promised me by those
that have gonn from hence: nay, soe farr they have been from seeing you, as I am confident, that some of them have nott sent you the letters I gave them; which hardship,
amongst the vast numbers of others, must also with patience be suffered. It falls out
somtimes, that the frequent repetition of selfish arguments, (be they never soe full of
fallacyes) when they receave but little opposition, doe grow upp to be principles in theire
understandings that formed them; which may possibly hould in relation to those of my
judgment, that with such sinners as we are there is noe faith to be kept. I saw yesternight
a very melancholy diurnall, which saith, that all the ould cleargye are now prohibited from
either preaching, baptizing, giving the sacrament, or reading any part of the commonprayer-booke publickly or privately; wherin is to be observed the strange exact pyety in
keeping close to the end of this most worthy and most religious reformation, liberty of
conscience. God will (I doubt not) reward them for itt. I hope mr. Sheldon (the marchant) came safe to you; and that by him you have received the key of my trunck,
the lock of my haire, which you desired, and the letters to your self and all my children.
I doe with some impatience expect your next letter, (having had none since the 25th
October) beleeving that it will bring me the success both of your motion for a writt of
error, and of your petition to the protector. I have spent the utmost moment allowed
me for this happy entertainment. God keepe you, and bless you. I am for ever
Your owne most faithfully.
Oh, what would I give for your receipt for the headake!
Pray let Kate buy two black hoods more for mrs. Waterhouse, and send them by the first opertunity.
The superscription,
To the right honorable the lady Elizabeth Poulett att her house in Chisweeke, neere London,
present. Leave this at mr. Holden's at the signe of the gunn neere Sommersett-house in the Strand.
W. Witherings to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 559.
Right honorable,
Whereas present authoritie hath settled upon your fidelitie an office of a considerable nature, in which in the opinion of the world and juditious in the law, I have a legall
right, I wholly referr my selfe to theire wisdomes, and your candour, with the confidence
both of a subject, and a servant, that some tymely reflection be made upon my last fortunes,
respective to my person and interest, which may prevent my ruyne. And whereas it was
conceived most consistent with the state, that you should mannage the said office for the
publique, I now request your mediation and ingenuitie to preferr mee to some becomeing
imployment, which may in some proportion justifie your innocencie towards mee, and
imprint upon mee a character of yours in all service for ever.
Sir, I rely upon you as a secunda tabula post naufragium; and what advantage or results
of fortune you shall cast upon me in any office or service suitable to my performance, I
shall style yours, and prostitute them with myselfe to your commands. I had not presumed
to offer my desires, did not the noblenes of your person and carriadge invyte mee to it;
as alsoe that your disposition may appeare to the world, that you are a person as ready
in all lawfull favour to restore a private gentleman to his extraction and quality, as to
serve the publique. I am, right honorable, with all respective fidelity,
December 24, 1655.
Your humble servant,
Wm. Witherings.
P. S. Sir, you were pleased to appoint mee to wayte upon you this morninge: I am ready, if I may be admitted.
Col. Howard to the protector.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 567.
May it please your highness,
I Came hither this night to conferr with coll. Lilburne concerneinge our business, and within a day or two I shall goe back to put the business forward in those places, which I
am intrusted with. I feare coll. Lilburne's occasions will not permit him to goe along
with me; but however I shall use my utmost indeavours, that your highness may receive
a good account of what may bee expected from me; for I shall act with as much fidelity
and carefulness in the executeinge of the chardge imposed upon me, as may bee; which I
hope your highness will accept in dischardge of a duty from him, whoe desires to live noe
longer, than to approve himselfe
Durham, Dec. 24, 1655.
Your highness's most humble most obeysant servant,
Ch. Howard.
Major general Worsley to the protector.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 571.
May it please your highnesse,
I Hold it my duty to give your highnesse an account of my proceedings upon those orders and instructions you gave me in charge. Wee have had meetings in the several
countyes, and have proceeded to the extraordinary tax upon divers of the delinquents of
greatest estates, and have sent out our orders for the rest to appear before us to be proceeded against accordingly. I cannot but observe a visible hand of God goeing alone with
us in this work, as well in raising up the hearts and spirits of good men to be active
therein, as also the unexpected submission and subjection of them we have to deale with;
soe much that truly I have not heard of one man of them, that any way disputes or
complaines against the justice of those orders and instructions we act upon. We have in
Staffordshire taxed as many as amounts to about thirteen or fourteen hundred pounds per
ann. and have discovered about one hundred pounds per ann. in lands of Penrudocke's,
who was in armes at Salisbury, and after executed for his rebellion. In Cheshire we have
taxed as many as amounted to one thousand five hundred pounds per ann. and in Lancashire about one thousand one hundred pounds per ann. and hope at our next meetings
to goe through with the greatest part of the tax; and in all the three countyes wee have
put in execution the ordinance for ejecting scandalous ministers and schoolmasters; and the
last thursday sent orders for divers articles against and witnesses to appear at our next
meeting in this county of Lancaster. Many of the delinquents in this county were papist-delinquents, and their estates quite sold by the state, which will make us all much
short of what we expected. We have found out a considerable estate, which we conceive
is in John Wildman. We have seized and secured the same to your highness use, and
hope to find some more. I am now taking security from disafected persons in the several countys. We are now proceeding against some considerable persons, which we conceive will fall under the first particular in your highness's orders and instructions. I find
as many dangerous persons in these countys, whose estates fall short of one hundred
pounds per ann. as any of what quality soever; soe if your highness shall please but to
order us to descend to estates of fifty pounds per ann. in lands, and five hundred pounds in
personal estate, we shall raise much more than else we can; for in these countryes one
hundred pounds per ann. is a considerable estate, and many, that justly deserved to fall
under the tax, might be fetched in at fifty pounds per ann. whose estates reach not one
hundred. We are about to make some progress upon the rest of the particulars, especially upon that of wandring idle persons, some being already apprehended. Our greatest
want will be for a convenient place, and a guard upon them. By the good help of God
I doubt not but to give your highness a good account of the rest of the particulars you
gave me in charge. The quakers abound much in these countryes, to the great disturbance of the best people. I have done and shall what I can; but crave your highness further orders and instructions, how to deal with them. Noe more, but that I am
December 24, 1655.
Your highnesse's faithfull servant,
Cha. Worsley.
Mr. Samuel Morland to secretary Thurloe.
Geneva, December 25, 1655. Old Style.
In the possession of the right honourble Philip lord Hardwicke, lord highchancellor of Great-Britain.
Right honorable,
I Have this day received your honour's letter of the 6th of December, with another inclosed from mr. Pell, whereby I perceive, that the said letters have been 24 days upon
the way, whereas before they usually were but 12, which I much feare is the fault of
mr. Fleusch at Paris; for the plain truth is, of late wee have received very few letters
in season; and if your honour please to send your letters for the future, as the inclosed
paper (A) directs, I hope they will bee conveighed with more speed and safety. As for
the joynt letter, I sent it by mr. Calandrine, as thinking it would come to your honour's
hands more certainely. However, I have now sent your honour a duplicat of it marked (B).
As touching the affaires of Switzerland, there came here about 10 daies agoe ten deputies from Zurich and Berne in Switzerland to mr. Pell and mee, with a proposition from their superiors; the substance of all which wee sent by the last post, and afterwards more at large by an expresse, who set out from hence last fryday, which is now five daies since, who is, I hope, very neare Paris by this time. By those letters your honour will, I hope, find, that mr. Pell begins to act more cherefully then he has don formerly, having been much quickened by your honour's last weeke's letter. And I trust he will continue so, unlesse this last letter of your honour to him indispose him, which I somthing seare by some expressions of discontent, which I have heard come from him, the which notwithstanding God forbid, if it bee his blessed will. However, I have at no time wrot, nor ever shall, to any person alive concerning this matter, or indeed concerning any newes in particular, that is of any concernement.
All the newes, that wee have at present from Switzerland, is conteined in the inclosed papers (C, D and E). They are all now at Baden, once more to try, whether they can agree or no; where the French ambassador labours with all his might for an accommodation. In the meane time there are preparations for warr on both sides, and Geneva is now raising 300 men to send immediately into Switzerland. I cannot meet with any person here, who dares give his opinion with any confidence, whether there will bee a rupture or no. Some of the wisest men rather seeme to incline to the negative, and believe they will accomodate the buisiness; but without all doubt the next weeke will decide the controversy.
The 5000 l. which I have formerly sent your honour word, that I had received of mr. Calandrine, is all safely arrived at Grenoble, and in the hands of the commissioners there, as your honour will find by the paper (F). And had it not been, that the messenger came out of Lyons about a day to soon, I had received all the acquittances, which concerne the same. The next weeke I shall send them, or at least copies of them. I also expect mr. D'Ize here every houre almost, having sent for him long since; and I believe hee had been here, had hee not been buisy about receiving the said money; and when he comes I expect a very full information concerning all those affayres, or else I shall make further enquiry. In the meane time I beseech your honour to beleive, that there shall be nothing wanting on my part to give your honour full satisfaction in this and all other things, that are or shall be committed to my charge. As for the other 2500 l. mr. Calandrine, whome I have again call'd on, according to your honour's last letter, makes mee this answer, that though the money is accounted to bee in his power, according to the way of merchants, yet it is not so, that he can presently receive it. But withall tells mee, that it is now all at Lyons, and the time of payment of it is at hand, and the next weeke without fayl hee will give a letter of exchange to pay it at Lyons to whome wee shall appoint. I know not what hee meant; but hee answered mee very shortly, and in somthing an angry manner: this way of conveighance of money is extreme tedious, and I am affraid uncertaine. I have sent your honour a proposition severall times, whereby for the future your honour may with certainty conveighe what summs you please hither in 12 or 13 daies.
Wee have no newes this weeke from the Valleys, the reason whereof I beleive is the
snow. Mr. Pell, and mr. D'Ommeren, and I have mett this weeke about those affairs,
and have desired the minister of this place to putt the greises and defects of the treatie,
&c. into a good and exact forme, the which after wee have perused and communicated to
the Swiss, wee shall joyntly send your honour. In the meane time I remaine,
Right honourable, your honour's most humble and faithfull servant,
S. Morland.
Col. Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 596.
Right honorable,
When I had the honour to take leave of you, I had your permission to give you
trouble in any busines, wherein I was concerned; therefore being ingadged by articles of agreement with general Desbrowe to make a purchase in England for a settlement
to my wife and her children, and the daie being elapsed, by which time I was bound either
to make a purchase, or to secure soe much money by way of mortgage upon land in England, I am bould to beseech you to move his highnes for leave to me, for a month, to
come to London for settling that affaire. Sir, if you judge it not necessary to give his
highnes trouble in such a busines, I earnestly beg, that you may signisie soe much to me,
to the ende I may take my journey, haveing all things in a readines for it. Pardon his rudeness in giveing you trouble in a business of soe small importance, whoe is, right honorable,
Edenburgh, Dec. 25, 1655.
Your most humble servant,
Will. Lockhart.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxiii. p. 606.
I Received yours of the 17th instant, and am glad to heare, that the major generals of
the severall countys doe give such content to the country, which I hope will conduce
much to the settling of peace in England. For newes heere wee have nothing; onlie
I have latelie secured the earl of Glencairne, who hath bin complying with Charles Stuart,
and some of his correspondents, to rayse new stirres heere; and therefore I thought itt
high time to seize upon the said earle. I remayne
Edinburgh, Dec. 25, 1655.
Your most affectionate freind and servant,
George Moncx.
Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxiv. p. 89.
Honored sir,
The greate favor of yours of the 17th instant I returne you my verry humble
thanks for. It hath pleased the Lord in mercy to restore me and mine to som
good degree of health again, which mercy I am hardly more glad of upon any other
account, then that I am therby restored to a cappassity of followinge the duty of my publike business heere; which duringe my owne and my family's visitation, I acted in as
much as I was able. I am too very glad, that God has bin pleased to restore you again
unto your health. Tho' I know, sir, you will omitt noethinge, which may be for the
good of this country, yet I beseech you permitt me to press you in procureinge an answer
to our publike letters; for want of which many thinges are at a stand, and som doe goe
We have now moddled the assesments of Scotland, accordinge to thos of England; and we have put in the justices of peace only to be commissioners of assesments in the respective countyes, that therby they may by the benefit of the one commission be limitted to acte upon the other; and wher we finde they will not acte upon both, they shall acte upon neither. Since the All-hallowes men wil be still mad, 'tis a mercy they appeer soe evidently, that we must consess tacitly they speake the truth, unless we punnish them openly for speakinge of such horrid lyes. I know it has greived many an honnest hart, that they have bin suffered soe longe; and 'twould satisfy them, if they were tollerated noe longer. I feare indulgency will rather heighten their evell, then win them from it.
We are now goeinge to publish a proclamation against the Scotch of this country, transplantinge them into Ulster, whither they dayly resort in such thronges, that 'tis apprehended both ther and heere ther is som ill intended therby.
I have noethinge more at this time to add, but the assurance, that I am cordially, Sir,
Edinb. Dec. 25, 1655.
Your most humble, most faithfull,
and most affectionate servant,
Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland.
In the possession of Joseph Jekyll, Esq;.
My Lord,
Colo. Cowper and colonel Sankey went from hence yesterday towards Ireland: the
first is to comaund the forces in Ulster, and the other to attend his charge, that he
may alsoe have opportunitie to temper and mollefie those of his principles, who are apt
enough to take pett upon a very little occasion. The generality of them heere seeme to
be reasonable well pleased, but some of them are outragious. John Sympson preaches
like any Bedlam, but takes his opportunities to doe it, that he may, after he hath done,
escape beinge apprehended, and soe hides hymselfe.
Cornet Day is by the heeles, and hath had a hearinge in the presence of severall godly people, who are ashamed of his carriage. What his judgment and punishment is like to be, the next will tell you. I thinke, I troubled your lordship with the whole story of this buissines by the last, as I did of the disputation of the divines touchinge the admittance of the Jewes into England; and I can add nothinge to either of them now. I doe assure you, that his highnes is put to exercise every day with the peevishnes and wrath of some persons heere. But the Lord enables hym with comfort to beare the hard speeches and reproaches, which he is loaded with from day to day; and helps hym to returne good for evill, and good will for their hatred, which certeinelye is the way to heape coales of fire upon their head, to melt them, and bringe them into a better frame and temper.
Our affaires heere remeyne in the same condition as by my last: nothinge at all new hath happened. Your condition in Ireland for want of money hath beene often represented to the counsell, and they issue orders from tyme to tyme for sendinge thither supplies of that nature; and I hope the treasurers will answere it accordingly. Wee heare nothinge from Jamaica; and whilst wee doe, wee are at a stand as to sendinge any thinge thither; only some ships are in preparation, and two are already gone with such thinges, as wee judge most necessary for their subsistence.
Wee are barren of forreine newes, this not beinge a season for action only. The Swedes proceed with very great successe in Prussia, haveinge conquered all Poland. The printed intelligence will let your lordship see the full state of that buissines. All that I can add thereto is, that the marquesse of Brandenburgh hath sent to the states generall for aides both of men, money, and shippinge, for his defence against the Swede; which I heare the states will grant hym, by meanes whereof a warre is like to fall out amongst the protestants, and thereby an opportunitie will be given to the Polanders and popish partie to recover themselves againe.
His highnes is useinge the best endeavours he can to hinder and compose these differences, which are like to be of soe fatall consequence to the protestant partye.
I trust your lordship is well recovered againe. Your health and prosperitye is heartily
prayed for by
Whitehall, Dec. 25, 1655.
Your lordship's most humble
and faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.
Sir John Reynolds desires leave of his highnes to come hither for 3 weekes, which his highnes referres to your lordship to doe, as you finde the affaires there can dispense with his absence.