State Papers, 1655: September (3 of 4)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1655: September (3 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1655: September (3 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1655: September (3 of 4)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

September (3 of 4)

Instructions unto appointed to convoy the victualling ships hereafter named unto general Blake.

V. xxx. p. 303. In the hand writing of secretary Thurloe.

You are to take into your charge the, and with the assistance of the frigott, whereof is captaine, you are with the first opportunitie of wynde and weather to use your best endeavours, by the blessinge of God, to convoy the afforesayd victuallinge ships into Cadiz–bay, and to plye up and downe in those seas, and aboute the mouth of the Streights, untill you shall arrive with the fleet, under the command of genneral Blake; and upon your arrivall with him, you shall acquaint the gennerall, or the commander in chife, with these orders, and receive his direction concerninge the ships under your charge.

2. You shall in your way endeavour to get inteligence of the fleete under command of the generall, to the ende you may saile in the streight course unto hym.

3. Haveinge performed these orders, you shall follow such orders and directions, as you shall receive from the generall, or the commander in cheife with the fleete.

4. You shall upon your first arrivall with the generall, carefully deliver unto hym this pacquett herewith delivered to you, and take care, that by noe meanes it come into any other hand but your owne, untill you deliver it as aforesaid.

Sept. 13. 1655.

Resolutions of the states general.

Jovis, Septemb. 23. 1655. [N. S.]

V. xxx. p. 297.

The lords the deputies of the province of Holland and Westfriesland have acquainted the assembly, that their noble and great mightinesses the states, their masters, now assembled as states, had consented on the 18th instant, to the ratification of the treaty made lately with his electoral highness of Brandenburg. Whereupon the said lords the deputies of Holland and Westfriesland were thank'd, and the other provinces desired, to declare themselves likewise speedily on that head.

Veneris, Sept. 24. 1655. [N. S.]

V. xxx. p. 331.

Upon the representation made to the assembly, after deliberation it has been resolved and agreed upon, to desire hereby the provinces of Gelderland, Zeeland, Utrecht, Overyssell, and the city of Ommelands, that they would declare themselves speedily upon the ratification of the treaty of a defensive alliance made and concluded between their high mightinesses and the prince elector of Brandenburgh.

Mr. G. Downing to secretary Thurloe.

V. xlii. p. 621.

Honourable sir,
Tuisday last I received yours of the 30th instant at Geneva; wherupon the next day I beganne my journey back, and came that day to this place, and to–morrow morning I intend to sett forward from hence towards Paris, where I hope to be upon wednesday next, and from thence for England as fast as I can. I have left with mr. Morland such papers, as I thought might be usefull for him; and for the character, I have left it here with a freind, who will carefully send it to him. For mr. Pell from Geneva wee wrote you our opinion, and I see little causse to be of another mind. Before I came from Geneva, we had news, that the Switzer ambassadors were gone from Turin, and upon their way for Switzerland not taking Geneva in their way; notwithstanding what we sent you the last week, and that we had written ourselves to them to stay at Turin. The letters from Turin to Geneva do all say, that the siedge before Pavy is raysed; a copy of one letter there is heerein inclosed. The comeing of the Neopolitan and some German succours have caussed it; besides the French foot were extreamly diminished: all the way from Geneva I overtook of them going from the siedge towards their homes. The night before I cam from Geneva the Dutch embassador came thither, having accidentally mett with mr. Pell in Switzerland, who gave him an account of my being at Geneva, or otherwise he intended not to have been there so soon. He is to seek what to doe; therefore intends no further till he receive new instructions from his masters. I assure you I will make what hast I can home; withall I believe you will consider that I have a wearysome journey. I am,

Lyons, Friday Sept. 14/24. 1655.

Your most faithfull,
humble, obliged servant,
G. Downing.

Nieupoort, the Dutch embassador in England, to the states general.

V. xxx. p. 333.

High and mighty lords,
By my last your high mightinesses have observed, that with general Pen news was brought, that general Venables departed this world the day before his departure; but some days ago severall letters are arrived here from Portsmouth, mentioning, that the general having heard, that the physicians were of opinion, that he could not recover, unless he could breath again the air of his native country, embarked himself on board of one of the best frigots called Marstonmoor, along with colonell Buller and some other officers, and that he was arrived at the said harbour very weak and much spent, having left the command of the army to major–general Fortescue. It is said, that they have gott already above 200 horses, which ran wild in that country, which in a short time would be fitt for the sadle: they intend to raise thereby a regiment of horse. It is believed here also, that major Sedgewick and colonell Humphreys are arrived there with the great reinforcment of 18 ships, and that therewith they will have power enough to maintain themselves there. The embassador extraordinary of Venice is arrived with a frigot, which was sent to Dieppe to fetch him hither; he continues still incog. in this city till he has provided himself with a house, and his retinue be form'd.

The lord protector was yesterday, and the day before yesterday, in the park in his coach. However the physicians have earnestly desired, that as yet for a little while, he might not be disturbed by any deliberations on affairs of consequence. The lord Fleetwood, lord–deputy of Ireland, is arrived at West–Chester, and comes by the way of Oxfordshire, where he is gallantly entertained; some of his domesticks arrived here some time before. They have news here, that mr. Rolt is very well received at Stettin by the Swedish regency there, and that he is sett out from thence under an escorte of sixty horse for the camp of the king. I am inform'd, that by an express from admiral Blake news is arrived, that he on the coast of Portugal did clean and refresh the ships of his fleet, and that the Spanish fleet passed hard by his, without shewing any hostilities. They think that the generals Pen and Venables will charge one another with the disorders happened in the execution of the design on St. Domingo. And it is believed that they are both returned without order. It will soon be seen how they will disculpate themselves, and whether they will continue here the designs to those parts with greater forces.

Westminster, September 24. 1655. [N. S.]

Wherewith, &c.

High and mighty, &c.     Signed
W. Nieupoort.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

Le 18 Septembre 1655.

V. xxx. p. 341.

Ny de l'instruction vers Dennemarck, ny de la flotte, ny d'autre affaire de la mer Baltique, n'a pas este parlé; si non de la depesche de l'envoyé de Moscovie, qui consistera en une response complimenteuse; & qu'il luy sera libre d'acheter, (pour son argent) les mousquets & la poudre desirée. Il y en avoit bien, qui estoient d'avis, que cela serviroit contre la Poloigne & le electeur de Brandeborch; consequement contre l'interest de l'estat. Mais les autres considerent, si on le refuse, que les marchands par voye indirecte (l'envoyant vers Hamborch, ou Lubeck) les luy seroient tenir aussy bien: & que tel refus ne sert que pour divertir le commerce, en offensant le Moscovite: dont on veut conserver l'amitié. Aussy pour l'envoyer vers Archangel il est trop tard. Si qu'on a escrit a messieurs d'Amsterdam, d'aviser s'il n'y auroit pas moyen de faire aller cest envoyé par Riga. Mais quant aux mousquets & poudre, il pourra les faire aller l'esté qui vient sur Archangel, ou autrement sell'on sa fantasie.

Quant aux hauts officiers militaires estrangers, ils n'auront nul mal, que la censure. Et on verra bien tost (quand il y aura un mareschal) que ces officiers estrangers auront plus a dire que jamais. Car ces troupes estrangeres sont le principal appuy de la maison de Nassauw & de Orange, la quelle maison autrefois tournoit au roy de Spaigne a grand crime d'avoir introduit des troupes estrangeres, quoy sujets du roy, au Pais Bas. Et les troupes estrangeres icy sont sujets de la France, de l'Angleterre & de l'Escosse, & la plus part royalistes, nullement republicains, osants calanger leurs maistres, qu'ils avancent par forces un indigené, la ou les feu princes souvant on donné des compaignies indigenées a des François.

18 Septembre.

Aujourd'huy a esté dans l'assemblée le commendeur, qui est venu aveq les navires presentement arrivées des Indes Orientales; faisant rapport sommier, entre autres que la compaignie a besoing de hommes: qu'elle fait la guerre au roy de Matastor, ennemy du roy de Taxanate vieil allie de la compaignie.

Que la compaignie & les Portuguais sont bien encore ennemis. Mais tous deux las comme deux coqs, qui ne peuvent plus. Les Matelots & soldats, qui en sont revenus, sont en general malcontents, car on les tient fort court es Indes.

L'avocat de la compaignie des Indies, (Van Dam.) a proposé divers points touchant les controverses qu'on a aveq les Anglois, pour en faire une fin par composition.

Au Moscovite sera parmis d'acheter les mousquets & poudre demande libres de licentes.

Le sieur Wyman revenu de Berlyn a fait dire par le sieur president; qu'il apporté la ratification du traité fait aveq Brandeborch, sur quoy est resolu de faire aussy depescher celle de cest estat, & la changer contre celle de l'electeur.

19 Septembre.

Cest apres diner il y a eu assemblée sur letres de Dansigk, contenants que 20 a 30 navires de querre estoient venu sur la rade, ayant mis a terre bon nombre de gens pour emporter une place qui s'appelle Pautske.

Et cependant le roy de Poloigne, sur l'approche de l'armée Swedoises, aura escrit au roy de Sweede en termes pitoyables, demandant la paix ou suspension d'armes, & une place pour traiter. Sur quoy le roy de Sweede aura respondu, qu'il esperoit de voir le roy son cousin a Warschaw.

Hier environ huit a neuf heures le sieur de Beverning, le president Dedel, le conseiller de Graef, & le raet pensionaire, chez le dit raet pensionaire firent arrester le premier commis du dit raet pensionaire: & apres un court examen, (suspect d'avoir divulgué des secrettes resolutions) l'ont fait mettre sur la porte. Incontinent en apres ont fait venir le capitaine Pau aveq 12 soldats & ayant mis des sentinelles a l'entour de la maison d'un nommé Van Reuwen, un huissier de la court frappa a la porte, & estant ouvert y entra aveq le procureur general & ses sergents, saissant le dit Rewven aveq sa femme, & les papirs: mais devant qu'estre prins, la femme eust la habilité de jetter divers papirs dans le privè, dont on les a reprins, & du depuis on a encore prins un cabinet plein de papirs.

L'on tient qu'on trouvera parmy ces papirs beaucoup des lettres, non seulements des divers notables personnages de touts les provinces, mais aussy du prince Guiliaume. Car il estoit fort confident du dit prince, & estoit l'agent secret de toute le menée touchant l'interest de la maison du prince d'Orange, de la maison de Nassauw, & ce qui en depend; & a present touchant la charge de mareschal de camp. Et cest animosité de ceux de Hollande semble augurer, que la Hollande ne soubmettra pas soy ou sa milice si facilement au dit primé, comme l'on a creu. Principalement s'ils trouvent le moindre chose comminatoire la dedans, & le dit Van Rewven aussy a esté grand confident du sieur de Somersdyck: si la Hollande trouve la moindre chose parmy ces papirs au prejudice du sieur de Somersdyck, cela causera, qu'on s'opposera au dit Somersdyck, (qui pretend le gouvernement de l'Escluse, quand Wynbergen aura celuy de Boileduc) autant comme Deventer s'est opposée a Haersolte, & si Deventer ose est s'opposer au stadthouderschap, la Hollande s'osera opposer a la charge de mareschal.

Messieurs de Hollande ont promis hier, que demain ils donneront leur advis provincial sur l'envoy de la flotte vers le Sont, & sur tout ce qui en depend.

21 Septembre.

Hier a esté derechef propose par le sieur president le present, ou pension viagere de mille francs par an pour le jeune prince de Tarante. En quoy toutes les provinces ont consenties, horsmis l'Overyssel, qui sera induite a se conformer.

Le resident de Poloigne a urgé pour avoir resolution sur sa proposition: mais le mal est, que sa lettre de creance parle de copiis auxiliaribus, & sa proposition par le d'argent. Je remarque que pour encore il sera autant de l'un que de l'autre, h. e. rien. Car quel apparence ?

Du prisonier Van Rewven, ses amis disent, qu'il est secretaire de l'ambassadeur de France: autres qu'il est en service ou agent des provinces de Frise & de Groningue. Le clerc du raet pensionaire aura confessé d'avoir divulgué les secrets a luy confidés; & qu'il l'a fait pour le service du prince d'Orange, & qu'il mourra comme martyre pour la cause du prince. Ceux de Hollande trouvent estrange comment & pourquoy l'ambassadeur de France pourroit ou voudroit ainsy reclamer un criminel son secretaire, qui auparavant n'a jamais esté connu pour cela. Mais on voit par la, comment la France & autres sont partisans pour le prince, contre la Hollande.

L'admirauté d'Amsterdam, ayant saisy certain capitaine Williams a l'instance de le ambassadeur de Spaigne, & examiné sa commission, estant du roy de France, l'avisent estre bonne, & que ce capitaine devroit estre relaxé. L'ambassadeur de France aussy a fait devoir par son secretaire. Si que par deputés l'ambassadeur de Spaigne sera informé de cecy.

Aujourd'huy commencent a besoigner les deputes des admirautes icy convoqués.

22 Septembre.

Hier le envoyé de Moscovié a eu ses lettres ou depesche, aveq une chaine d'or de 400 francs, & une medaille pour son interprete. L'agent des estats generaux le conduira aujourd'huy (apres avoir prius son congé dans les estats generaux) vers Amsterdam. De la ceux d'Amsterdam le feront entrer en un navire vers Riga. Son expedition est comme j'ay desja dit cy devant. Mais on dit qu'il n'a point de lettres de change, pour acheter ces 20000 musquets & poudre. Je donne a connoistre que son Csar pensoit que cest estat les luy auroit presté hors des magasins de l'estat, ce qui n'est pas conseillable.

Ceux de Hollande consultent encore sur leur advis provincial a donner touchant la proposition & desir de Poloigne. Item sur l'equipage & l'envoy d'une flotte & deputé vers le Sont.

Quant aux deux prisoniers, il est notable, qu'un corporal & 12 soldats de gardes veillent devant & a l'entour du prison.

Les ministres de l'electeur de Brandeborch courrent & travaillent fort a engager l'estat encore a envoyer non seulement une flotte, mais tout autre force pour contrecarrer la Sweede: mais le temps de la ratification court encore.

23 Septembre.

Le prince Maurice a eu audience hier dans les estats generaux, & quoy que requis de s'asseoir, neantmoins demeuroit debout & la teste nue, disant qu'ayant servy tant d'années, & la charge de mareschal de camp estant vacant, il se sentoit obligé de presenter sa personne, & son service. Il dit, ne vouloir pas preferer sa capacité & merite a celles d'autruy (designant le prince Guiliaume) neantmoins qu'estant monté par tous les degrés d'avancement, & ayant servy (ce me semble) 34 ans, il croioit que cela meritoit consideration: marquant le temps, quand il estoit fait enseigne, quand capitaine, &c. Joint a cela, qu'il estoit l'ainé de sa maison, l'ainé en age, & l'ainé en service de tous ceux de sa famille.

Les amis du prince Guiliaume ont opinion, que le dit prince soit animé & incité par ceux de Hollande a faire la competiteur, & cependant toutefois ils osent pas precipiter la collation de la charge, quoy qu'a present preside la Frise. De meme aussy la Frise n'ose ou ne veut pas proposer la collation du gouvernement de Boileduc, quoy que le prince Guiliaume ayt desja disposé la province de Frise pour le sieur de Wynbergen. Et desja la Geldre & la Zeelande ont avisé provincialement de donner ce gouvernment au dit Wynbergen, & celuy de l'Escluse au sieur de Somersdyck. A ce dernier la Hollande s'opposera aveq vehemence. Et s'en fera un histoire, comme de Haersolt en Overyssell.

A ce matin ceux de Hollande ont aussy importé leur advis provincial pour la ratification du traité d'alliance aveq l'electeur de Brandeborch: la Frise a aussy ratifié: les autres sans doubte s'accommoderent aussy.

De la deputation ou de l'envoy d'une flotte vers le Sont, ny des charges du conte de Brederode n'a este rien produit: mais on dit que de Zelande viendra le raet pensionaire, qui sur tout cela communiquera icy aveq ceux de Hollande.

24 Septembre.

Il y a eu une lettre du sieur d'Ommeren de Basle du 17 Septembre: ces gens savoient bien qu'il y avoit un accord fait pour les Vaudois; mais pas en quels termes & conditions. A Geneve il y auroit un assemblée des ministres d'Angliterre, Swisses, & Ommeren.

A l'instance du resident de Poloigne on a derechef admonesté les provinces a se declarer sur la petition du roy de Poloigne. Mais la Hollande attend ce que la Zeelande viendra icy produire la dessus.

Les hauts charges du conte de Brederode demeurant encore comme endormies.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

V. xxx. p. 337.

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La brigue pour charge de Mareschal de camp continue aveq vehemence. grace Guillaume trouve trois choses a luy contraires: 1, la vieille affaire contre Amsterdam: 2, par ce qu'il a esté si impetueux contre seclusion: & 3. l'on impute a luy la cabalie, que ce Van Rewven, intitulé son rentmeyster, a eu aveq le clerq de raet pensionaire prince Maurice s'insinue aveq grande submission & civilité. Et aura dit, les estats d'Hollande haissent le grave Guillaume comme le diable.

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Certes il ne tient qu'a les estats d'Hollande meme, de se rendre considerable: mais jusques a present, ils ont esté si irresolu, si variable, si tepide & timide, qu'il a esté impossible de decouvrir, s'ils estoient amis du prince d'Orange ou pour liberté. Par ceste saisie & imprisonnement de ce grand favorit de grave Guillaume, se trouveront beaucoup de lettres & de secrets, qui animeront les estats de Holland tant plus a se donner garde, & d'avoir soing de liberté, qui autrement leur a semblé fort indifferente. Car en la plus part de les estats d'Holland on commençoit a ouir les discours des merites de le prince d'Orange des obligations qu'avoit a le prince d'Orange, &c. Item que l'armée avoit besoing d'un capitaine general ou d'un mareschal de camp. Item qu'il n'y avoit que 2 ou les estats dans d'Hollande, qui estoient contre le prince d'Orange, qu'il failloit rompre le col a tel & tel. Comme aussy a present les amis de prince d'Orange & royalists ont grand esperance sur la maladie de Cromwell.

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Les estats d'Hollande doivent considerer, que, s'ils ne se prevalent de le party d'Orange, les amis d'Orange se prevaudront d'eux. Selon ce vers, si nolis sanus, curres hydropicus.

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Aussy tous ceux, qui au coeur sont bons Hollandois, n'osent pas se comporter comme tels: ains craignent tousjours & opinent, que tous les estats d'Hollande, sont amis du prince d'Orange, a cause de leur grand timidité.

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Au contraire les amis de prince d'Orange sont hardys, disent & font ce qu'ils veulent, & necessairement donq doivent avoir asseclas. Mais les bons Hollandois en ont peu ou point, a cause de leur tepidité, & timidité; et les amis du prince d'Orange au contraire sont chauds & vehement. Je suis,

Ce 24 Septemb. 1655.

Votre tres humble serviteur.

Chanut, the French embassador in Holland, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Hague, the 24th Sept. 1655. [N. S.]

V. xxx. p. 327.

My lord,
Monsieur Argenson hath writ me word, that the siege before Pavia is like to have no good success; yet that our men were resolved to die in their trenches, or to be masters of it. That nothing enters into the city, and the Marquis of Caracena is weak.

These provinces are very sorry to hear, that monsieur Wrangel is before Dantzick with 34 ships, exacting an excessive rate upon all merchandises, so long till that city do submit itself to the Swedes, as it is to the crown of Poland; but this mischief is without remedy in this season; and it may be it will be very difficult in another. Poland is not able to resist any longer; the nobility is divided; the king is marched towards Cracow; and the king of Sweden is marching without resistance to Warsaw. The king of Poland sent him word, that he would accept of a peace upon such terms, as he thought fit. He sent him word back again, that he would not refuse the same; but that he was coming to treat about the same in person.

Here the province of Holland, or the chiefest, that do govern it, finding themselves very much troubled to exclude out of those charges, which are become vacant by the death of the earl of Brederode, those, that do not please them, they have imprisoned and examined a clerk of the raet pensionary of Holland, and an inhabitant of this place, who is receiver of prince William of Nassau, to endeavour to find out, whether that prince hath not carried on some design in this state, that so they may have some tolerable cause to exclude him out of the charge marshal de camp; but without doubt it will be carried by the greater number of the provinces. His person is not pleasing to the ruling party in the province of Holland.

Sir Henry Vane to secretary Thurloe.

V. xxx.p.315.

I Receaved yours of the 4th instant att this place, whether I hastned, in hopes to have come time enough to bring up my wife to lay downe her great belly att London; but the weather and wayes prove allready soe bad, that I feare she wil bee discouraged to undertake the journey, which makes mee wish, I had stayed soe long att least att Raby, as yours might have found mee there; whereby I might have seene that affaire dispatched before my commeng away. But I immedeatly sent away the coppy of the counsell's order by a servant expresse unto the administrator and servants of mine att Raby, to the end noe time might bee lost in the execution thereof. And since you are pleased so kindly and freely to draw yet more trouble upon yourself (wherof I am most truly sensible) give leave only to desire you, that upon the certificate of the contract and price of the armes, which I assure my self wil be found reasonable, a warraunt may be granted for the moneys out of the exchecquer, and an order sent downe thereupon for the deleivery of them, and speedy removall into Tinmouth castle, as is intimated by the order allready made; when I suppose also it will not be unseasonable to remande the souldiers that as yet are at Raby, my desire being to fitt that place with as much expedition as I can for the residence of my self and family; and by degrees to remove as much as may be all face of strength from it, if I finde noe discouragement therein from yourself, who can best tell whether any such thing wil bee unseasonable or noe. I shal be in London, if God please, about the beginning of next month, and shall ever acknowledge your kindenes and civiletys to him, who is

Belleau, the 14th of Sept. 1655.

Your very affectionat freind and humble servant,
H. Vane.

Commissioner Pels to the states general.

High and mighty Lords,
Since my last of the 11th instant, the Swedish admiral Wrangell, with his fleet, has not been able, notwithstanding all possible endeavours, to take Pautsky, the city being defended with a good many troops. Here in the road are still four Swedish ships, to demand a toll from all ships going out and coming in, amounting to near 18 and 20 per cent; but whereas this city has shut up their custom house, they have but little to do.

By the Koningsberg post of this day we hear that the Memel and Pillawish harbours are not yet invested by the Swedes. The prince elector is expected within a few days at Koningsberg: there are above 12000 men of regular troops, without the nobility of that country, which are summoned; there are besides this 8 or 10000 men in full march out of the mark Brandenburg towards that country. They hope with those forces to avert all the invasions either of the Swedes or Russians from their territories.

By the news from several places it is confirmed, that his majesty of Sweden is arrived with 2 or 3000 men personally at Warsaw, and has taken up his residence at Jasdowa, a quarter of an hour distant from thence. Count Leczinsky is set out for that place, to see if any treaty for a peace may be brought about. General Wittenberg is commanded with 8 or 10000 men to Cracow. Whither the king of Poland is retired, or where he is, is so variously talk'd of, that nothing certain can be advised.

Touching the further invasion of the Muscovites, all is still and quiet, except only that they continue to spoil the churches and houses at Wilda of every thing, especially of their bells and copper.

Dantzick, Sept. 25. 1655. [N. S.]

Wherewith, &c.

P. Pels.

Viole, president of Brussels, to Barriere.

Brussels, the 25th September, 1655. [N. S.]

V. xxx. p. 319.

Affairs here are still in the same condition. The enemy continue their fortifications about Conde and St. Ghislain, and it seems they make them so large, as to quarter a good army; and it is said, that they will leave there monsieur Castelneau, with a body of 6000 men. His highness's forces are still at Tournay; he himself is come to Oudenarde to confer with the earl of Fuensaldagna. The Lorrainers are at Hall, and the Spaniards with the earl of Fuensaldagna at Elsine. The enemy hath burnt Arse, the finest house in the world; it belonged to the earl of Egmont. The chevalier de Fois, des Mezieree, and the baron of Tenance have fought with pistols against the baron of Sois, the baron of Limbec, and the earl of Bosar. The chevalier was disarmed, Meziere killed, and the baron of Tenance mortally wounded.

Copy of the answer made to mr. Petit concerning the English ships detained in France.

Paris, the 25/15 of September, 1655.

I Received your letter of the 16th instant, which my lord cardinal having seen and read, hath ordered me to return you this answer, upon the complaint you make, that the orders dispatching for the restoring of the English ships arrested in the ports have not been executed in Provence: That for certain those, that are interested in the said restoring, shall receive satisfaction in execution of the orders, which have been sent; and that the duke of Vendosme will satisfy the same, so he be a little followed; the design here being to grant nothing, but what they would have executed. That those, who desire not the peace between the two states, would perhaps be glad of this new pretence to hinder the signing thereof. It's very evident, that the said signing is desired here, being they have strived to satisfy his highness in the possible satisfaction of those, who had been ill used in Piedmont. So that we may say, that the interruption of the affairs and of the negotiation doth only come from your side, from whence can only arise sufferings and inconveniences on both sides.

A letter of intelligence.

Paris, the 25th of Sept. 1655. [N. S.]

V. xxx. p. 423.

They write from Bayone, that the Spaniards have seized in all their ports all the merchandises, which they have found there to belong to the English. On wednesday last arrived here an express from Piedmont, who brought news to the king, that the sickness of prince Thomas having diminished the courage of the soldiers of his army before Pavia, and having had advice, that the Spaniards did advance to force the lines, they had thought fit to raise the siege till another time, without saying any other particulars.

On wednesday last the cardinal arrived at la Fere, and was to send away on the 28th of this month the great convoy for our army. The cardinal had a million of livres with him to pay the soldiers.

Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.

Edenburgh, the 15th Sept. 1655.

V. xxx. p. 349.

Honored Sir,
It is but even now, that I knew this was our poste night, soe that I have had hardly time enough to present my humble duty to his highness, and therefore I must beg your pardon, if I presume to send my letter to him open unto you for your perusall; to which I shall only add, that I have even now received an information from a good hand, that thos ministers, which they call the remonstrators, are composinge a kinde of a covenant to recommend and offer to the people, wherin they say they doe not meddle with any thinge a civill concernment, but only to strengthen themselves in matters of faith and doctrine, in thes times of defection and backslidinge. The information is not yet verry cleere, but such as it is, the looks of it are not good. I am promised more if not all som day next weeke, of which you shall, God willinge, receive a true account; and if we finde it any thinge of an ill tendency, we shall, I trust, soone put an ende unto it one way or another. Pardon, I beg you, this abrupt letter, and be pleased to beleeve your many favours have intirely tyed me to be, as indeed I am, honored sir,

Your truly affectionate and obliged humble servant,

You will see one way proposed for riddinge you of the Highlanders, and the generall assures me, it is the only one. I have appoynted next weeke capt. Bracy and one or two more the next weeke to meete me about the ————.

General Venables to secretary Thurloe.

Right Honourable,
Upon receipt of your first I did wholly wave all other thoughts, save those of observinge his highnesse commands, and therefore have disposed of myselfe and some necessaryes for a land–jorney, and am now ready to take coach, and, if the Lord give health and strength, hope shortly to waite upon you; though I have stayed longer then I did intend or expect, by reason of a relapse of two into my last distemper. I understand by yours, that the Marstonmoore is to goe to sea againe very speedely. The captaine and our mr. Wentworth, who come in her (as pilot) from Christophers, are two especiall witnesses for mee. I desire your favour, that I may not bee deprived of two soe important evidences (for my frends send mee word, that I am aspersed) that I cannott want them. Pray sir, stop their voyage, and conceale this clause of my letter, and you will for ever engage,

Portsmouth, Sept. the 17th,
1655, 9 in the morninge.

Right honourable,
your moste affectionate obliged servant,
R. Venables.

The governor, &c. of the Turky company, to mr. Richard Lawrance at Constantinople.

Mr. Lawrance,
Although we have not given answer to several letters received from you of the 8th of December, 24th of February, 13th of May, and 2d of June; yet you may easily believe, that we have not been so far unmindful of you, or wanting to ourselves, as to omit any opportunity or means for settling that business at Constantinople, whereby to ease ourselves of charge, and content you. But all our indeavours have not succeeded so as that we are yet able to acquaint you, that any thing is determined, either for the sending of another embassador, or for the states re–calling of you, which we conceive is a scruple you needed not to have insisted upon, since your letters credential have not been delivered, and since the occasion of your going is known to be intirely upon the account of our affairs, without any relation to the state: and therefore if your own occasions detain you not, you may yet think meet to return, although you have not any call by the state, which yet we shall labour to procure, if we can, for your satisfaction, though we hold it not so needful, as it seems you do.

From Smyrna and otherwise we understand, that twelve hundred dollars, which ought to be paid you, is there detain'd for the value thereof received in goods and money from Jonathan Dawes towards a present; whereof since there seems not now to be any occasion, it were good you return the same back unto mr. Dawes, who pretends much prejudice through want thereof, and receive your twelve hundred dollars stopt upon that account. And so committing you to God, we rest

London, the 17th of Sept. 1655.

Your very loving friends,
And. Ricards, Governor,
William Cockaine, Deputy,
Henry Hunter,
Henry Hunte,
George Smyth,
Thomas Peele,
William Williams,
John Duckworth,
Philip Farewell,
Henry Davy,
Hugh Wood,
John Robinson.

Commissioner Pels to the states general.

High and mighty lords,
Since my last of the 25th of September, we have received confirmation of my former, viz. that the king of Sweden is at Warsaw, and that count Wittenbergh having taken his rout to Cracow, as it is reported, met the Polish army, and has put the same to slight, yet with some loss also on his side.

The prince elector of Brandenburg is personally expected here this day or to–morrow, and his troops will march by in a few days. There is a certain report as if the alliance between Sweden and Brandenburgh is entirely come to nothing.

The Swedish fleet has as yet gained nothing upon Pautsky: the bloody flux rages violently among the sailors. The Swedish ships, to levy the toll on this road, are still here; but as the custom–house here is lock'd up, they have but little business.

Dantzick, Sept. 28. 1655. [N. S.]

Wherewith, &c.

High and mighty lords, &c.
P. Pels.

The governor of Barbadoes to the protector. p.363.

May it please your highnes,
By my last bearing date the 3d of this month, I gave your highness some account of the receipt of your missive unto me, bearing date the 13th of June. In it your highness was pleased to take notice, that notorious delinquents and offenders sent to this island by your highness's express commands, here to remain during your highness pleasure, have gone off this place, and returned back into their country, without warrant from your highness and council. Should I stand guilty of so high a contempt to your highness's authority, I should justly merit your highness's displeasure, and a censure suitable to so great a miscarriage; but having never received any commands from your highness, and from the lords of your highness's council, or any other order, that ever came to my hands, or have been signified unto me, declaring such persons to have been so sent, and prohibiting such being here not to depart from their place, until your highness and council's pleasure were therein made known, I humbly desire I may stand clear in your highness's opinion as to any such miscarriage. Upon receipt of your highness's general order and commands therein, I caused the inclosed writing to be published throughout this island. Such persons, as hitherto we have had brought to this place from England, Scotland, and Ireland, prisoners of war, and others as servants have been brought and landed on merchants particular accounts, who for their passage, transporting them hither, and their disbursements on them, claim a propriety in such as they bring, with a liberty to dispose of them by assignments to the inhabitants of this place for a term of 4, 5, 6, and 7 years, to serve for the consideration of a sum of money and goods to them paid; which term of years they are assigned for, being expired, and the party assigned purchasing with money, goods, or credit, the term of years he is to serve by the law and custom of that place, is free to stay or depart hence. Having now received your highness's commands, such as your highness shall please to require to stay here, I shall, to the utmost possibility of means to be used, labour to keep them with us.

Here lately arrived colonel Gardiner, major Thomas, and some others, whom from private hands I have received intelligence were prisoners in your highness's tower of London, and by order of your highness and council transported hither, to remain on this island, until your highness's pleasure be further made known. I judge it my duty to let your highness know, that no such order or command hath as yet come to my hands, the same persons having applied unto me, to know upon what account they are here, and by what authority here detained; myself and council having judged it necessary to confine them to a particular plantation within this island, from thence not to depart, until your highness's pleasure, as to the said prisoners, be made known to us.

Upon occasion of an enquiry I caused lately to be made of our present condition since the last fleet's departure, and the going off with them so considerable a number of our freemen; and finding the number of English, Scots, and Irish servants remaining with us to be considerable, and the major part of them such, as have engaged in actual service against your highness and the commonwealth; myself, and council, and commission of our militia, hold it our duty humbly to present it to your highness's consideration the danger this colony might fall into, by receiving in amongst us such persons of eminency, (as we are informed are to be sent to this place from England) that are not only of dangerous principles, and ready disposition to act bold attempts, to the disquiet and trouble of the nation, but qualified with parts and abilities to seduce, corrupt, and head our servants, and such others, as have no freeholds amongst us, to raise and join to our destruction; and do humbly conceive, if some of those already here were removed, being too many of malignant principles, that are too ready to kindle into a flame of disturbance by such fiery spirits, and such others prohibited to come here, it may much tend to the preservation and continuancy of this island's peace, as yet do judge ourselves in a condition good enough to prevent any mischief from within, if those here, that are most likely to stir, have not such as is before expressed to come amongst them to head them; and so long as providence shall preserve the peace of our nation at home, we shall not much doubt any thing of this nature here. And as for any danger to us from without, we are assured of your highness's vigilance and watchfulness to protect us.

Major Sedgewicke with the fleet under his command arrived in this island the 26th of the last month, to whom I communicated what orders I received from general Penn, as commissioner for such store ships, as should arrive here to fail for Jamaica. The said fleet having trimmed their casks and taken in water with other refreshments, failed hence the 7th of this month to find them out. During their stay here, some provisions, as beef, cheese, bread, with other necessaries here bought up and discharged by the prize–office of that island, we caused to be loaded on board of them, for the use of your highness's fleet and army in America. I have not received any intelligence from them, but what I formerly communicated to your highness, which bear date the last of April before Hispaniola, at which time your highness's commissioners there had taken up a resolution on some repulse there received to quit Hispaniola, and to attempt Jamaica. What success God hath since been pleased to have given them we are wholly ignorant of. I have not else at present, but as in duty bound, remain

Barbados, the 18th of Sept. 1655.

Your highness's most humble
and most faithful servant,
Daniel Searle.

H. Cromwell, major general of the forces in Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.

I have little to adde to what I writte in my laste, therein giveinge you a full account of what we weer capable to doe, in answeer to your proposeall about sendeinge a supply of men out of our disbanded souldjers to Jamaica. I doe not doubt, but to make good what I then offered in relation to that business, if you performe what will be expected and nescessary for you to doe one your parte; viz. to holde forthe a good incouragement. Your speedy resolutione in this business will be of verry great advantage to facilitate that worke for the reasons I then gave you. We delay the disperseinge of our late declared disbanded foote in order to it. I shall not need to repeate any thinge aboute the girles, not doubtinge but to answerr your expectationes to the full in that; and I think it might bee of like advantage to your affaires their, and ours heer, if you should thinke fitt to sende 1500 or 2000 younge boys of 12 or 14 yeares of age to the place aforementioned. We could well spare them, and they would be of use to you; and who knows, but that it may be a meanes to make them English–men, I meane rather, Christianes. I ame still at Killkeny, wheer I finde business enough. I was in hopes, that you would have sent a supply for the better carryinge on of the worke before this. You cannot but thinke, that nowe in the absence of my brother Fleetwood, we must needs wante helpe. Thinges heer are verry quiett and peaceable, much beyond what was. It is much wondred, that the patent should be deteyned frome mr. justice Donelaw: he is a mane without exception, and I may say is not inferior to any you have imployed. I feare, sir John Temple was not soe ingenious as he should have bin in that business. My brother Fleetwood will give you a full account as expected. I have a verry faire correspondency betwixt my selfe and olde freindes. They are pritty plyable. Their shall be noe occation of offence offerred one my parte; yet I must doe my duty, and I trust, through grace, noethinge shall * * me in the doeinge of it. I ame,

Killkeny, Sept. 18th. 55.

Your truly affectionate freind and servant,
H. Cromwell.

Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.

Ed. the 18 7ber, 55.

V. xxx. p. 381.

Honored Sir,
The greate favor of your letter of the 11th instant I received the 16th; for which I give you my humble thanks. And observinge how intent you are in sendinge Scotch men and women for Jamaica (resolvinge by the mercy of God to carry on thos advantages, which providence has put into your hands, by possessinge our forces of that place) I have not only with the generall, but with all such others, as I could thinke fit, advised, which way that designe might be carryed on most effectually and expeditiously; and upon the whole I finde it wil be in vayne, (if not defeate your intensions,) if you breake your minde therin, till the conditions be fully agreed upon and made knowne with the offer. If I doe not mistake, ther are three sortes of persons to be exported, viz. such men, as are to be recrutes; such as are to be planters; and such women, as will goe over with their husbands, or wil adventure to seeke husbands ther. I did the 15th instant in my letter to his highness, which I was necessitated to send you open, beinge furprized in a point of time, which denied all possibility of giving in a particular account, (for which then and now again I beg your pardon) acquaint him, that the generall and all other knowinge people are clearly of opinion, if you offer to press men for that service, it will put the cuntry in a flame; the people generally, if not universally, beinge disaffected, and the ministers too, who have a papall power over them; and therfore for levyes none better (nor indeed noe other) way could be gon, then to let som emminent person (of whose fitness I desyr the generall may be judg) empoured to leavy 2000 or 3000 men, part whereof (as 1000) to be a regiment for himselfe, the rest to be recrutes to the army, and none of those recrutes to be officers above a lieutenant. This way for recrutes and soldiers if his highness shall approove, orders must be sent downe, first how many must be raysd in every respective company, before the company be taken upon the state's or the cuntry's entertaynment. Secondly, a copy of that establishment of pay they shal be under. Thirdly, intimation must be given to som heere, what time the shippinge wil be at Leith (that beinge judged the most convenient port,) how many men to the tun of shippinge, and provisions bought heere, wher 'tis beleeved they wil be cheapest. Likewise money or victuals must be provided from the time that they are raysed, till they are shipped, and som as commissarys to muster them weekly at left, that the state may not be defrauded. And lastly what numbers at present you desyer. For such as you desyer to have as planters, nothinge wil be likelyer to engage such, then to let them have as good conditions, as any have had, which are alreddy planted in any of the West–India plantations, with thos perticular advantages set downe, and on assurance that the soldiery ther shall protect and gard them; to which if you add free transportation thither (as to passage only) many beleeve you may get som considerable numbers from hence; tho' before I beleeve it, I must see it.

For women and maids, you must declare what you will give them on ship–bord, and what ther conditions shal be, when ther. For my part, I beleeve you may get many more out of Ireland then heer, which I thought not impertinent to minde you of. We shall likewise heere, and in other tounes, desyer and authorise the magistrats, to secure all such loose vagabons (of which sorte of people the streets swarme) as have noe way of lyvelihood, but by begginge; and send them to Leith, whene the shippinge are reddy. And this, if they deale honestly, will possibly doe more then may be immagined, and be a charrity to the people themselves, as well as a service to the state, and a disburtheninge of the cuntry. Cha. Howard tels me, if he be impoured, he will send a company to Jamaica of the moss troopers out of Cumberland. Ther is one thinge, which possibly may contribute to this worke, and that is the great scarsity thes unusuall raines are like to occasion, soe that feare of famine may ingage many. I am assured that a Scotch lord or gentelman, who is son in law to generall Lesly, has a reall grant from his highness, or assures the cuntry he has a lycence to raise men for Swedland. If this be not immediatly supprest, ther wil be no possibility of raysing any men for America; for that will appeere soe much to be elected before this, that none will be engaged in it. As soone as I know your resolution in all thes perticulers, I shall, God willinge, doe my utmost to serve you; and in the meane time pursue what I can, till I have your answer. We fit at our business morninges and afternoons, till we put things in som good posture, beinge sadly now unsettled.

I mooved the councill this afternoone to nominate som merchants, of which capt. Bracy is cheif, to be a committee for consideringe how the trade, fisheryes, and manufactures of this nation may be best carryed on, who are to fit twice a weeke, in order to the worke. I hope in a few days I shall give you an accounte, that our affaires doe begin to take som life. I humbly thanke you for your newse, and beg you to beleeve, I am perfectly, sir,

Your most affectionat and most
obliged humble servant,

Extract out of the resolutions of the lords states of Holland.

Wednesday 29th of September 1655. [N. S.] 459.

There being referred to the assembly, what had passed to–day in the generality concerning the differences in the provinces of Overyssell; whereupon it is resolved, that the commissioners of their noble great lordships in the generality shall persist by the resolution taken concerning the said subject upon the 23d of July last here in this assembly; and therfore shall not consent to any such abusive deputation.

Extract out of the resolutions of the lords states general.

Wednesday the 29th of September 1655. [N. S.] 463.

After deliberation had it is resolved, that in order to the unity, and composure of the differences in the provinces of Overyssel, some shall be sent commissioners thither, in the behalf of their h. and m. l. upon such instructions, as shall be agreed upon to induce the said members and cities to quietness, peace, mutual love, and unity. And the lords Verbolth, Vrybergen, Reynswonde, Knyff, and Ysbrandt are hereby desired to draw up such instructions, as may in any wise tend for the accommodation of the said differences.

A letter of intelligence.

Paris, Sept. 29th 1655. [N. S.] 467.

The French army in Italy hath been notably repulsed, and forced to raise the siege of Pavia. It is reported, they have lost their cannon there; the duke of Modena wounded with a shot in his shoulder.

The Portugal embassador had letters two days ago of a notable defeat, which the Spanish fleet hath given Blake towards the mouth of the straights. You would wonder to see, how jolly our fond cavaliers are of this news. It is also most considently reported, that the king of Spain hath given orders to seize all English goods within his dominions; and that it is executed in sundry places. This I wonder at, seeing don Alonzo is still in England.

News come from the French court, that war was proclaimed between Spain and England, and that Blake was returning for England.

To Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Paris, the 29th of Sept. 1655. [N. S.] 471.

My Lord,
I Can assure you, I have lost no time to torment monsieur Servien to help you to some money; but he nor his companion dares not exceed the sum of 300 l. without a note or a word from the cardinal, who is dominus fac totum in all things. For my part, I do not much interess myself in him, and therefore you cannot expect I should prevail with him; but it were better, my lord, your father would apply himself to him about your business, than spend his time at Genitoy, from whence he doth not stir, having gotten a new lady to pass his time with, as I am told. I have not seen him a great while. The cardinal is endeavouring to pass his great convoy to Condé, and fortifying those places we took this campaign in Flanders. Pray God, he may have better success than prince Thomas hath had before Pavia. It is said here, that the king of Spain hath declared war against the protector.

The first bishop of Roan doth cause himself to be spoken of about a dispute, which he hath had with mr. de Contane concerning the deputation of the assembly of the clergy. The cardinal will not like of his proceeding.

Mr. Longe to col. Bamfylde.

V. xxx. p. 397.

I hope this shall find you safely arrived at London, being the first and only letter I have written to you, since your departure from hence. I shall forbeare to say any thing of busines, till I heare you have receyved this, and then I shall write at large of all particulars. Many of the cheife of the religion heere are much unsatisfyed with the articles of peace made betweene the duke of Savoy and the protestants of the valleyes, some saying they were threatened, and others betrayed unto such unequall and unreasonable conditions. They accuse the French ambassador of the menacing part, and some other interposers of the trechery; and many of them doe not believe that England shewed warmth enough in this occasion. I pray let me know, if the mony, that was collected, or part of it, was sent to them, and how much, and what more is intended to be sent, if you have meanes to know it; for if the money leavyed for their reliefe, be not given entirely to them, as perchance not haveing soe much neede of it, now a peace is made, as they would have had, if the warre had continued; it will be necessary to imploy it some way for the advantage of religion, at least in some degree to the contentment of those of the religion; otherwise they will be apt to make some sinister constructions, as I judge by some of their discourses. It is reported heere, that the French forces are risen from the seige of Pavia in Italy; and that army, they say, is extremely broken. I have not heard from Paris, since you went this way. I pray, lett me heare from you, for I am, sir, your

Sept. the 29th, 1655. [N. S.]

faithfull and humble servant
R. B.

Count Brienne to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

V. xxx. p. 477.

My Lord,
My letter of the 23d of this month did not want much of arriving here as soon as mr. Downing; and it did clearly demonstrate unto me, that your commissioners had spoken to you sincerely about the order, which he had sent him for his return. He confess'd to me two things; the one was, that the protector had written to him to make haste to return to him, in regard he could not resolve to take his last resolutions till such time as he had spoken with him. The other was, that the treaty of Savoy could in no wife satisfy the protector; but that he had no cause to find fault, in regard the interessed were well satisfied with it. I told him, that that treaty having relation to the foregoing, and confirming them in the liberty, which they are to have of their religion, it was as much as was desired by them.

You may acquaint your commissioners or the lord protector, that orders are given to release all such ships as are detained of the English in any of the ports of this kingdom; and that his eminence was the sollicitor thereof himself. You will have heard, that it was not our fortune to take Pavia. We have only lost so much time, and only fail'd to take it; which is the cause, why we are not very much troubled at it. I will endeavour to help you to some money; and likewise that you may be treated as embassador extraordinary. In case I should fail in my attempt, the business shall pass as none of your own seeking: I will endeavour to do you this service.

Fontainbleau, the 30th of Sept. 1655. [N. S.]

Extract out of the resolutions of the lords states of Holland.

Thursday, the 30th of Sept. 1655. [N. S.]

V. xxx. p. 481.

The raet pensionary having referred to the assembly the considerations and the advice of the lords their noble great lordships commissioners for the affairs of the sea, after the deliberation had, it was resolved, that first a particular conference shall be held with the lords commissioners of Zealand; and afterward the business shall be referred to the generality, to the end, that there may be sent from this state an extraordinary embassy to the king of Sweden; as also the like embassy to the king of Denmark; the one and the other to such intents and purposes, as is further explained in the advice of their noble great lordships commissioners. Likewise there shall be debated with the lords commissioners of Zealand, for the equipping of a fleet of men of war against the spring; and especially to consider about the means for the effecting the same.

To his highness the lord protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the dominions thereunto belonging.

The humble petition of the merchants trading for Spain

V. xxx. p. 389.

That your petitioners have received certain advice from their factors and correspondents residing in several ports of the dominions of the king of Spain, that the said king hath made imbargo of ships and seizure of the estates of all Englishmen within his said dominions; and hath farther made proclamation, that all persons whatsoever in his territories shall manifest and declare, under severe penalties, what effects they have in their hands belonging to any of this nation, to make like seizure of the same; and this grounded upon your army's invading (as they say) the Indies; and that the navy, under the command of general Blake, coming into his ports, exceeds the number, which the last capitulation of peace doth allow of; and besides the goods already seized, there are some hundreds of ships laden with fish and other merchandizes, designed, and upon their way towards several ports of the said king's dominions, that cannot be recalled, which must inevitably fall into the same danger: whereby your petitioners, and many thousands more of the people of this nation are and will be utterly undone, and ruinated, and reduced to extremity, except by your highness's prudence prevented.

May it therefore please your highness, to take the premises into your highness's serious consideration, applying such speedy remedy for the conservation of the persons of our factories and estates there, and support of the commerce and navigation, as the exigency of the affairs require, and in your highness's wisdom shall seem most expedient.

Read 20 Sept. 1655.

And your petitioners shall ever pray, &c.

Nath. Manton,
Nicholas Blake,
George Torriano,
William Bowridge,
Michael Spicer,
Richard Baker,
Lawrence Chambers,
William Whittle,
Walter Radcliffe,
Samuel Wilson,
Nicholas Warren,
Thomas Savage,
Richard Lant,
Francis Dashwood,
John Turner,
John Jermyn,
Ellis Crispe,
John Paige,
John Hart,
Christopher Boone,
Richard Wescomb,
Ferdinando Bodye,
Peter Proby.

To his highness Oliver lord protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the dominions thereof, and to the honourable his council of state.

An humble remonstance on the behalf of the Spanish merchants and of this commonwealth in general,

V. xxx. p. 391.

That the trade, which they so long followed for Spain, hath been chiefly with the manufactures of this nation, and with the proceed thereof have returned hither wines, sugars, fruit, oils, silver, cochineal, and other goods, and many ships employed to the great benefit of this commonwealth in general.

The merchants have continued this their trade merely by the articles of peace made in the year 1630; and since the troubles here in England, they did in the year 1645 for 4000 l. in plate purchase of the king of Spain certain privileges for their more peaceably living there, and carrying on their trade; and therein the said articles of peace are so confirmed, that the merchants did and do expect to have the full benefit of the said articles, and chiefly of the 23d article, which expressly declares, if it shall happen hereafter (which God forbid) that any displeasure do arise, whereby danger might grow of the interruption of commerce, then the subjects of either party are thereof so to be admonished, as that they may have six months from the time of the monition to transport their merchandizes without any arrest, disturbance, or hurt in the mean season to be done or given unto them, either in their persons or merchandizes. Now the merchants shew, that without any respect to his majesty's engagements by this article, nor to the performance of this and the rest, which he confirmed by his oath and promise, he hath caused their goods and estates to be seized on, and the persons of the factors secured with the title and colour of some supposed damage to be done him in the West–Indies, and on the coast of Spain, contrary to the 8th article, which, rightly considered, will appear to be a violation of his faith, oath, and promise, and a manifest wrong to the merchants, being the articles for commerce and trade are all made both with the king and his subjects; and the 7th article declares mutual and free commerce, like and according to the use and observance of the ancient leagues and treaties, and to go to their own countries at their own pleasure, without let or impediment. And for the more confirmation and validity of these articles it is prayed to consider, whether it shall be required of the Spanish embassador, whether he and the subjects of Spain remain here with the title of the said articles, or how? that the injury or wrong to the merchants may be manifest to all the world, that this seizure of their persons and goods in Spain is contrary to his majesty's honour and justice, and against the law of nations. And when this is resolved, the merchants desire to be farther heard for the consideration of such remedy in the present case, as to your highness and your honorable council shall seem most convenient.

De Witt to Nieuport. 485.

My Lord,
I have received yours of the 24th of this month, and I hope by your next we shall shortly know the intentions of the lord protector concerning the affairs of Sweden. And there is already such order taken in the assembly of their great lords, conformable to that, which mr secretary Thurloe discoursed with you concerning those affairs, namely, the sending of an embassy to the king of Sweden, to desire him to desist from molesting or disturbing the commerce by raising the toll upon the merchandizes, and also to treat with him about the security of the navigation and commerce upon the east sea; also to send another embassy to the king of Denmark, to cause his majesty to apprehend the inconveniences, which will light upon all trading nations by the imposing of such taxes; and to dispose him to do the like offices by endeavouring to accommodate the business between Poland and Sweden; and that the like endeavours be used by you with the lord protector. I hope you will find such a disposition there, as will help to settle the good intent of their lordships, who do chiefly * * *.

The lords of the court are daily busy in taking the examinations of the prisoners, Van Messem (my late clerk) and Van Ruyven. God hath wonderfully brought to light their treachery, and the business is yet so managed, that I hope it will produce much good.

Hague, 30 September 1655. [N. S.]

Chanut, the French embassador in Holland, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Hague, 1st October 1655. [N. S.] 499.

My Lord,
I may very well dispense now with writing any more news of Poland, in regard of that great familiarity, which there is between you and my lord embassador of Sweden, who will not fail to give the advice of the prosperities of the king his master, with more particulars than I am able to do. And yet however, that he may see you are faithfully served by your correspondents, I will tell you, that the king of Poland seeing, that the nobility did not come to join with him, and that the king of Sweden advanced towards him, quitted his camp, and sent his artillery to Bolborts 24 miles from Cracow. The king of Sweden being advertised thereof, took 8000 horse with him, and marched up to Warsaw, and sent 14 thousand men under the marshal of Wittemberg after the king of Poland. The advice of the king of Sweden's arrival at Warsaw is very certain; where he was well received. He took great care, that the inhabitants might not be misused, and hath summoned the governors, lords, and nobility to appear at Breste, 7 miles from Thorn, to hear what he will propound unto them. It is also well known, that the three free cities of royal Prussia, Dantzick, Elbing, and Thorn do deliberate amongst themselves, what they shall do in case Poland doth abandon them, or want forces; and that the marquis of Brandenburg was near to Dantzick, upon the 20th of the last month; and it may happen, that the two Prussias will unite themselves for a common defense. These two provinces well united would be very strong, and would cause a great deal of trouble to Sweden; for as to the rest of Poland, it is an open countrey, which may be easily over–run and plundered, but which cannot be well brought under subjection.

It may be monsieur Bonde will not tell you, that their fleet after some attempts made upon Pousko, which did not succeed, was contented to repair an old fort upon the shore, which the king of Poland had formerly made; and that the flux is amongst their men, whereof their admiral Wrangel is sick himself. It is probable, that their fleet meeting with such opposition, their men falling sick, and want of necessaries, will force them to send their fleet home against this winter. The province of Holland hath named monsieur Nortwick for the government of Boisleduc. We shall see, whether the other provinces will agree to it also. This day I delivered the letter to the president, which those of the Vallies had written to this state, to give them notice and thanks for the accommodation, and for using their interest with the king in their behalf. I know not whether this state will charge me with any compliment to write to the king upon that subject; but it is certain, that some here do believe, that the Vaudois have been very ill used in the accommodation. Some seditious writings, which are sent them from Geneva, do feed them with these false opinions; but it sufficeth, that the truth is acknowledged by themselves, who do enjoy the benefit of the pardon, and of the grace, which their sovereign hath offered them.

An intercepted letter of col. Doleman.

Vol.xxxi. p. 9.

Br. Will,
I am hartily glad for my lo. recovery, and looke upon it as a great mercy to us. I cannot apprehend the takinge him from us, but as a sad decree against us, as if God woulde yeat visitt us for our unthanckfullnes and hipocrysye the sins, that in my conceit, we have most provoked him with, and that lye now at our doors as wittnesses against us.

I could wish, that he had not bin acquainted with that offer of mine, which in som of my letters I formerly mentioned to you; since for some tyes upon me I cannot offer my selfe with that freedom I could wish, and because I doubt not thare are many others more fittinge then my selfe. I confess I conceaved then the interest and honour of my contry engaged, and his lordship's too; rather then any of which should receave a foyle, I shoulde never thincke my life considerable. I have not heard any thinge from the Haghe these ten dayes, only in generall, that thare is much sollicitation for my Here van Brederod's charges; but what will becom of the marshall's place, is yeat uncertayne, though nothinge more sure, then that the other provinces must press the givinge of it, and, as it is thought, will doe it for themselves. Whatever resolution Holland should take, our friends thare (in my opinion) sitt very loose, and are not (I feare) soe wise as it concernes them; and if from any part a vigourous partye should declare against you, I fear their power would not be longe lived; and as well to spurr them as to thunder amongst the others, I could wishe there weere sombody from the state of England: I should most willingly doe him all the service I could; and if our state thincke this alliance considerable, it's highe time we shoulde a littel looke about us.

I have not mist you, any weeke but the last, thoughe I am very uncertayne wheither my letters come to you. Dear brother Will, I shall ever be

Dort, 1 Octob. [1655. N. S.]

Your most affect. and faythfull
friend and brother,
T. Dolman.

To Mr. Petit.

Paris, the 2 October/22 September 1655.

My last will have informed you of the raising of the siege of Pavia, the particulars whereof we are to have by the next letters from Italy. There are some informations come from Alsace, which bear, that the emperor causeth the dukedom of Modena to be put to the imperial proclamation to consiscate the same in behalf of Piccolomini. It's still said, the king is returning hither to make the voyage of Compeigne. In the interim a libel has been set up in our streets full of infamousness against cardinal Mazarin; which libel is directed to the faithful of the diocese of Paris, in the behalf of cardinal of Retz and his vicars, whom his majesty has exiled, and who are maintain'd to be wrongfully persecuted, shewing that the church is therein oppressed, and that lying triumphs over truth. That for want of a lawful conduct the public will be exposed to dangers, which follow schism and impiety. That the greatest affairs of religion are turned into state–affairs; and that notwithstanding it is the interest of the state and church to take the part of those oppressed against the said cardinal Mazarin, who is still upon the frontier. It's said, that one of our convoys of 200 carts has been met towards Champagne, and defeated by a party of mr. le Prince.

There is some dispute between the king's council and the parliament of Dijon by reason of an imposition laid upon Burgundy wines, which having been authorized by a decree of the said council, and the said parliament having cashiered the said decree, the partizans of this imposition would in virtue of a second decree of the said council raise the said imposition by force; which hath occasioned the using of some reprisals against the inhabitants of the said city of Dijon, who send thereupon some deputies to this court, where that business will (as it's thought) shortly be ended.