A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1655: November (2 of 8)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol4/pp156-171 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1655: November (2 of 8)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol4/pp156-171.
"State Papers, 1655: November (2 of 8)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol4/pp156-171.
In this section
November (2 of 8)
Major general Boteler to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxii. p. 155.
Right honorable,
I received yours yesterday from colonel Blake, with fower declarations, of which I and
not a little gladd, because of the great satisfaction they will give to all reasonable and
unprejudic't men. And let me assure you, sir, I shall use my utmost care to finde out (and
secure for due punishment) all such person or persons, as shall offer to attempt any thing,
that may any wayes tend to the disatisfyinge of the horse under my charge, or the withdrawinge them from theire due obedience; and as yet, sure I am, there hath been no
such undertakinge. To-morrow I have summoned the cavaliers of this county to be at
Northampton, where I shall take security of them as is directed in the instructions, and
the commissioners will meet me there, to the end we may deale with them, as to their
estates. If you have any commands for me for five or six dayes after the date hereof, you
may please to send them to me thither, afterwards to Bedford, afterwards to Huntingdon,
afterwards to Rutland. But I shall still from theise severall places give you an account of my
proceedings. When I am at my owne house in Oundle, if you direct what you have to send
me, to the postmaster of Stilton, 'twill be with me in an hour's space alwaies, (being but
six miles from me). I have beene already reforming our militia, putting out, and putting
in; and must do more, for that many men are unfitt, and many had not horses of their
owne; which was altogether insufferable, especially for that we may have enough that can
provide theire owne horses. I beseech you, sir, present my most humble duty to his
highness, and to acquaint his highness with what you thinke meete in this; and let me
onely add, that I am (for truly I am so)
Oundle, Nov. 6. 1655.
Your honour's most faithfull servant,
W. Boteler.
Major general Whalley, &c. to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxii. p. 159.
Being not willing, nor presuming to trouble his highness with these our desires, we
entreat you to make our requests known unto him, that in obedience to the orders,
and several instructions of his highness and the council for settling the peace of the nation,
we have had several meetings to put the same in execution in this county of Nottingham;
and upon debate do apprehend it very necessary in order to our more effectual proceedings therein, that we have a list of all those of this county, that compounded at Goldsmith's
hall, with the particulars of their compositions, and the examinations, and informations
concerning the insurrections at Rufford, (together with some of the printed instructions)
whereby we may have a certain charge against those, whose estates and actions we cannot so
well discover. We hope upon this short entrance into this business we shall give a good
accompt thereof, being we find a willingness in those we have yet treated withal to submit
to the instructions, and that his highness's declaration doth give good satisfaction concerning the grounds and reasons thereof. We remain,
Newark, Nov. 6. 1655.
Honoured sir,
Your affectionate friends,
Edward Whalley,
Edward Neville,
W. Wightman,
H. Lacock,
Hen. Champion,
Sam. Bolles,
Edward Cludd,
Rob. Brunts,
Ja. Chadwicke,
Tho. Bristowe.
The governor of Barbados to the protector.
In the possession of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great-Britain.
May it please your highnesse,
Having lately receved one of your highnes missives to mee directed for the re-examination, heareing, and determining a complaint exhibited to your highnes by one Roger
Crowley against major John Johnson of this island, my selfe and councel, in obedience to
your highnes commands (the parties themselfs being neither of them on this island) wee
summoned the atturnies on boeth sides to appeare before us, which accordingly they did
in order to a heareing; but could not proceed to a determination thereof, in regard the
atturney in behalfe of the plaintise refused to produce before us some writeings, that he
acknowledged were extant, which materially concerned the matter in differance. Inclosed
doe give your highnes an accompt, how farr wee have proceeded.
The collony of Surranam settled on the maine of Guyanna have applied themselfs unto mee with some complaint of theire unsettled condition. Theire governor coll. Holdip deserteing them retorned for England, and was there employed for the service of your highnes expedition into America; since which time theye have binn and still are without any person authorized in the government amongst them. Some addresses have likewise binn made unto mee by mr. Joseph Lee, Benjamin Langhan, and Richard Fursey, inhabitants of the island Antegoe, in behalfe of themselfs and the people of that collony, concerning some distractions among them, and the present unsettled and disturbed condition of that collony; but findeing I have noe power to take cognizance of any thing of that nature without the boundes of this collony without spetiall order from your highnes, I have transmitted theire complaints and the state of the matter in differance betwixt them upon theire governour's goeing off, which your highnes will hearewith receve.
The governour of Mountserratt arived here the 23d of the last moneth, in order to your highnes commands unto mee to examine and state the matter of fact concerneing the death of mr. Samuell Wade of that island, whome it is alleadged was illegally put to death by the saide governour. Upon communicateing to him the petition presented to your highnes, with a copie of the charge and your highnes commands to mee thereon, he hath craved time to putt in his answer; which being donn, shall proceed to examine witnesses on boeth sides, and upon a full heareing state and transmitt the whole proceedings to your highnes.
The first of this moneth arived the Faulkon flyboate, one of your highnes fleete commanded by generall Penn, which was sent from Jamaica to New England for provisions, and returneing alleadgeth was necessitated to make this island. The commander of saide shipp acquainted mee, he had on board him for the use of the army at Jamaica 150 thousand of bread, and some 300 tonnes of pease and flower. That noe time might be lost, I commanded him forthwith to repaire aboard, and not to drop anchor, but prosecute his voyage, which accordingly he did. From Jamaica wee have not receved any intelligence of later date then the midell of June, since which time wee have understood generall Penn was returned for England. I have not else at present, but humbly remaine
Barbados, Nov. 7, 1655.
Your highnes most humble
and most faithfull servant,
Daniell Searle.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburg, to secrctary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxi. p. 336.
Honourabe sir,
I am sorie, the posts are soe obstructed, as that noe letters come yet from mr. Rolt, whoe
(as I wrote you formerly) is said by letters from Dantzick to be at Warshaw, which I
hope is true. I have sent your last weeke's pacquet to a freind at Dantzick, whoe hath
promised to get it to him, and have writ that he would write his letters that way to me,
but that I heare he was at Warshaw stayinge for the king's cominge theither. I should
be feare of him, for though the king's successes are great to admiration, as you will find
by the inclosed paper, which is the best intelligence gathered from all parts; yet many
persons of quality have miscaried in travelinge through Polland, the emnity beinge soe
great, as that they kill on both sides such as are not of their partie, though strangers that but
passe the countrie. If mr. Rolt be safe in Warshaw, as I hope he is, then there's noe doubt
but the kinge will have care to returne him securely.
Sir, by the former weeke's post I gave you notice of the choyce of a new deputie here by mr. Townley and his partie, whoe thought it not fit to waite longer upon his highness pleasure, very much blameing the court at London for haveinge waited soe long, and now concludeinge the busines as they would have it. They vent their scorne in publique, sayinge their new deputye will bringe over my vindication with him, gloryinge very much in the conquest they have gott, as they apprehend. I shall waite, whilst I can, without further trublinge his highnes with that petit busines, presumeinge their will be a tyme to consider of what hath beene remonstrated. For newese, here's not any worth your notice. Massie is returned heither from the kinge of Denmarke, honoured with a speciall command and large gratuities from that kinge, as the cavaliers here report. With tender of my due respects, I remaine,
Hamb. Nov. 7. 1655.
Sir, your very humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.
Sir, at instant I have notice from my freind at Dantzick, that mr. Rolt is certainly at Warshaw, and hath sent to him to desire him to furnish him with money, which he hath promised upon my letter. Blessed be God, he is safe with his company. I was in much feare of them, and doe wonder that noe letters come by any way from him, but now I expect them.
A letter of intelligence.
Paris, Nov. 17, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxii. p. 163.
I cannot learn certainly, how far the peace with France extends, whether it be a league or no, and what league. France is desirous to set it out to their best advantages. The cardinal here hath his hands full. The clergy (a powerful body) are unsatisfied about the archbishop of Paris, and the liberties of the church seem to be strained in his case. The governors of frontier garrisons stand upon their guard, and speak freely of the cardinal. Mareshall D'Hocquincourt, governor of Peronne, count de Monjou, governor of Arras, (and some say the governor of Calais, and sundry more) profess themselves to be Frenchmen, and will have nothing to do with the cardinal. He hath offered D'Hocquincourt the government of Anjou, a great sum of money, to make him duke and peer of France, and to give a great charge to his son; all this in exchange of the government of Peronne; but he hath refused to treat with him. A new governor was sent into Arras, but Monjou told him, that he might be gone, and say that he met with a man of honour, that he did not clap him up. The governor of the town Monjou will not quit. The king of France offers him a marshall's place, and sent for him to come to receive the bâton at the king's hand; but he refused to come, saying he cannot leave his garrison. He hath 4000 men, and made them all swear to be true to him. The general Turenne hath order to waste all the country about Peronne, that so they may get no provisions or contributions into the town.
Certainly this crown would have bought your peace at any rate.
We say here, that divers of the royal party must be sent out of France now upon this peace; first, all the royal family, except the queen and princess Henrietta; secondly, all the king's council; thirdly, divers gentlemen, particularly named, as my lord Gerard, sir John Berkely, and others.
Monsieur Bastide to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Novemb. 17, 55. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxii. p. 167.
My lord,
I hope to part to-morrow with the ratification signed and sealed in good form, and to
pass into England with this packet-boat; but in case that some unlookt-for accident
happeneth to retard me, and that this letter doth arrive before me, your excellency will
see in it, if you please, that the absence of the court doth deprive us of the means of
obtaining such speedy satisfaction, as the surintendents promised us at first. The earl of
Brienne is willing to help you to some money; but he dares not do it in the absence
of the cardinall.
Major Sedgwicke to secretary Thurloe.
Jameca, November 7, 1655.
Vol. xxxii. p. 181.
Right honerable,
I have made bould to present his highnes at large in some rude and playne lines, wherein I have endeavered to represent the playne and naked condition, that wee are in
at this present, which I know will come to your view; which makes mee forbare trobleing you in that kind at this instant.
This is only to begg and crave your honner's love and respect unto a deare friend of mine, my wisse, whome I have ordered to come unto you, in case her condition require it. I would desire no more, than what in justice and riteousnes is my dew, I meane my sallary. I would not willingly my so neare relations should bee exposed to troble, though I undergo never so much hardshipp. Sir, I am bould with you: pardon me; you well know the religious ingagements off affections betwene man and wisse, and in that respect will bare with mee.
I begg at the throne of grace for you, that as God hath advanced you to high opportunity off doeing good, soe he would make you faithfull and humble; which is the prayer off,
Sir, your humble servant,
Robert Sedgwicke.
Vice-admiral Goodsonn to the council.
Jamaica, November 7, 1655.
Vol. xxxii. p. 185.
Right honorable,
Since my last of the 24th July, wherein I gave his highness account of our resolution to
go for the main, and accordingly on the 31st of July with nine ships we put to sea,
but on the third of August at night the Grantham lost both her top-masts, and being very
leaky bore up. We proceeded with the rest, beating to the windward, till we came on
the 9th to Cape Tiberoone on the west end of Hispaniola, where we one day staid in
watering and refreshing our men with oranges and limes. At this time the captain of the
arms of Holland died. The 10th at evening the fleet sailed, and on the 18th we fell as
far weatherly on the main as within sight of Cape Levella; so called a council of war,
whether we should attempt any thing on land or not, my instructions from general Penn
being short in that respect; yet having a copy of his highness's instructions to general
Penn, wherein he was impowered to land, made us the more consident, that if in case we
did see any work feasible, to attempt to proceed in the undertaking of that, which should
answer his highness's intentions; on which we resolved to attempt Rio di hatch, being as by
all intelligence rich and of small strength, only having a small castle with four guns, whose
trade consisteth of pearl and fishing, the inhabitants of the town not being above 100 all
Spaniards. The aforesaid town lyes in a bay so shoal, as no great ships can come near it.
Therefore we ordered the Martin Galley, the Arms of Holland, and the Galliot Hoy to
take in 350 men, with an intent to land them in the night, having kept a good birth
from the shore, as not to be discried. The land being somewhat bad to make, our pilots
could not find the direct way to the town; and coming the last morning with those ships,
that was designed for the place, near the land, seeing ourselves discovered, desisted that design; considering that the wealth of the place would be carried away, and no safe riding
for the fleet. Upon which we resolved for St. Martha, where we came in the 24th between four and five a clock in the afternoon (as before we were informed.) We found
two forts musket shot the one from the other, being close by the waterside. In the one
fort was mounted 14 guns, being 22 foot high; in the other nine, being eleven foot high.
Between these two forts was a breast-work, which was all their strength; but God was
so pleased to order it, in a little more than an hour to give us possession both of town
and forts. We took only eight or ten prisoners, the rest of them flying into the woods;
and we being strangers, and withal near night, thought it not convenient to follow them.
The enemy having six hours sight of us before our coming in on them, carried most of
their wealth with them. The town consisted of about two hundred houses. As the relation goes, the governour hearing of our being at Sainto Domingo, took an occasion to
visit the province. After some time of our being at St. Martha, the Spaniards sent four
to treat with us. We presented them their town undemolished with their prisoners for
20000 pieces of eight; only their fortifications at our disposing. They seemingly accepted of it; but we found their delays much like themselves in gathering what force
they could, which caused us to send a strong party into the country some ten miles from
the town of St. Martha, and they burned all Spanish houses and churches they met with;
and at their return we demolished their town and forts, burning all the houses and churches.
We lost in the taking of St. Martha six men, and two run, as was supposed, to the enemy; the one a Spaniard born, but by relation lived long in England; the other was a
Walloon. We brought aboard 30 pieces of ordnance with two brass bases, with some
powder and shot. As the town was reported poor, so we found it; all with the plunder
that could be gathered in, and with much exactness being sold at each ship's mast, in the
whole amounted to four hundred seventy one pounds. Our men got some refreshing in
the said town, as hens, hogs, and other provisions. This place of St. Martha was a bishop's
see, which said bishop died a little before our coming. The government of St. Martha
reaches along the sea side from Rio de Grand to Rio de Hatch, and up into the country
150 miles; but in this province there is no great towns or trade. The trade of St. Martha are nuts called Cocao, whereof they make their chocolate. They produce some tobacco, some sugar works. They make also earthen potts. According to the season of
the year much fish is taken there. They make also a thread called petoe, which the
Spaniards use for lace. In the upper part of the country they say is much cattle; from
whence they affirm Carthagena is supplied. The Indians of this country are very simple
people, and are not permitted near the sea coast to have any arms, and are under hard
taxes. There was divers of them came aboard me, to whom I was civil in giving them
meat and clothes, and withal prohibiting all persons of doing them any injury or wrong.
September 7, we set sail from St. Martha, running along the shore three days, having
little wind. The 10th we came in with Carthagena, and stood close to the town, until we
found shoal water. At our tacking from the town they fired at us five guns, and answered by a squib. In the harbor of Carthagena were six ships, which were plainly seen;
two of which ride with flags admiral and vice-admiral, which some of our pilots affirmed
to be the admiral and vice-admiral of Carthagena. We having thus alarmed the coast
concluded it little advantage to lie there; came directly for Jamaica to resit, and consider on some other design; and immediately after our coming into Jamaica harbour, we
consulted and propounded St. Jago, a town with walls; only, as the relation says, it hath
a castle with 16 guns, and a plat-form with 10 guns at the going in; the inhabitants
consisting of five hundred fighting men. Having concluded our going, and had appointed
500 choice men from shore, and ready to go, major Sedgwicke arrived with the squadron
of ships, which disappointed us of our intentions; and having four merchants to deliver,
and inforced to build a store-house to put the army's provision in. The army is in a deplorable condition by the death of major general Fortescue. The condition of the amunitions and provision I humbly conceive major Sedgwicke will inform your honours concerning them. We have not heard any news of those ships, that we sent to New England. As for the stores concerning victualling men well and sick, and how many dead
since my last by the Marston Moore July 24th, I have now sent with two draughts, the
one from Jamaica harbour, the other of St. Martha to the commissioners of the admiralty.
We are intended in few days to go to sea with about 12 ships; but how to shape a course
to answer these ends we come for, I know not; but our eyes are towards God, that he
would direct us, and help us to eye him in all his dispensations, and give us a sanctified
use thereof. Sirs, what of this you think worthy of communicating to his highness, I
humbly desire may be done, being the desire of him, that is
Your honour's most humble
and faithful servant,
William Goodsonn.
Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxii. p. 197.
Honnored Sir,
This inclosed relation is soe tedious, and not dareinge to trust it to any hand but my
oune, if I should transcribe it againe, I should not hav time enough to send it by
this post. Therfore I hope you will pardon my informinge you of this particular by my
letter to his highnes, which I purposely leave open for your perusall. Be consident, sir,
the Lord willinge, noe tyme or opportunity, by day or night, shal be omitted by me in
learninge and givinge you by all occasions a cleere knowledge of what is designed, which
by the good intelligence we have, I hope through mercy shal be prevented. I feare Ireland much more then this cuntry, for if ever C. S.'s and the kinge of Spayne's interest
fadg, I dare say they will begin their prankes ther. I pray do not thinke, I speake this
the more, for my pryvate concernment ther, but as it is really my thought, and as I wish
well to the publike. All the shires in Scotland have petitioned, and are petitioninge by
their express agents out of every shire, to abate their burthens and taxes, which they terme
insupportable. Possibly this is the better to prepare a way for som villany; but we give
them the hearinge, and a parcell of as smooth language as they could wish; with which
some seeme satisfyed, others not. But 'tis the best payment we can give them, and as
good as most of them merrit, at lest in the esteeme of, sir,
Edenb. Novemb. 7. 1655.
Your very affectionate,
and most obliged faithfull servant,
Major general Goffe to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxii. p. 171.
Having an opportunity to send to you, I thought good to lett you know the posture
of his highnes affaires now under my management. Yesterday I spake with all the
comissioned officers of the three militia troopes, (except coll. Busbridge, who is in London)
and after I had let them know his highness pleasure concerning my command of them,
I proceeded to communicate to them soe much of my instructions, as did relate to them;
which they all seemed very well to approve of, as allsoe to embrace that counsell I was
bould to give them in refference to their cariage towards all men, but especially towards
one another and all saints. I have drawne out some directions sutable to my instructions
from his highnes, which allsoe I delivered to the cheife officer of each troop, who is to comunicate them to the rest, all promising the dilligent observation thereof; which if they doe,
I shall have a better knowledge of these blades I am to deale with, then yett I have. I
was desirous to propegate union as much as I could; and therefore desired the officers of
my owne troop, and those of militia, to dine together; and much good correspondence
appeared, and I trust will continue. They doe willingly acknowledge themselves (I meane
the militia) as a new quickesett hedge, that will for a while need an old hedge about it;
and I hope his highnes will be soe good a husband, as not to take away the old one, till
the new be growne very substantiall (though, as I informed you in my last, some petitioners in this country would have beene att it already, in which one mr. John Spence,
the sonne of Robert Spence, is the cheefe leader.) When I had dispatched all that was to
bee done at present with the militia officers, I did consult with capt. Freeman and capt.
Jenner about the time and place to beginn the execution of the orders of his highnes
and the counsell for preserveing the peace of the comonwealth. And although capt.
Jenner lives himselfe att this end of the county, yett readily agreed, that Chichester would
be the best place to beginn att, cheefely upon this reason, that theare are very few malignants, that will come within our reach att this end of the country. Soe I have appoynted
tuesday next att Chichester, and have allready sent letters to some of the commissioners to
give them notice thereof. The inclosed paper contains the names of those I have resolved for the commissioners, wherein I have used my utmost care and understanding upon
the discourse I have hadd with the gentlemen I have spoken with. I doe see the stresse of
this bussines must lie upon the midle sort of men. Coll. Morley saith, any thing he cann
assist mee in, as a justice of peace, he will doe to the utmost; but for other things he did
not understand, (or something to that purpose) which he begann with soe early, as though
he had a desire to prevent mee in propounding any thing ellse to him; which I tooke
for a cleere satisfaction to my selfe, that he would not act, and therefore laide aside the
thoughts of putting in his name, as likewise of mr. Hayes and mr. Fagg; the first of
which of late hath not acted in any thing; and the last, I am informed, is lately observed to be too gratious with disaffected men; besides, will not stirr a haires bredth without
coll. Morley. I have putt in mr. Anthony Sherley, who, I heere, is a very honest gentleman. If his relation to sir Richard Onslow doe not hinder his acting, he may be usefull. I intend to waight on him to-morrow, as allsoe on mr. John Stapley, and to remove from hence (if the Lord please) on fryday morning towards Chichester, where I hope
to be by saturday noone.
If his highnes thinke fitt to give any direction as to the commissioners for the adition of any, or any thing ellse that concernes that affaire, it will come very seasonably on monday. Major Fenwicke was putt in by the counsel, but I heare he is gonn out of the country; and I know not where to sende to him; and some say he is a most refractory man, and not like to be any way useful in this bussines. Captain Freeman saith, that collonel Bishop is a most dangerous cavaleere; and it was observed, that he was a great companion of John Wildman's. I have desired him to use his indeavours to apprehend him. He lives not farr from him; but I doubt you have frighted him from home. The generallity of the professors of religion in this town are disatisfyed upon mr. Feake's and major generall Harrison's score; and nothing will sattisfie, till they be released. But it is time to cease troubling of you: therefore I shall heere recommend you to the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and remaine
Lewis, Nov. 7. 1655.
Your very affectionate friend and servant,
Wm. Goffe.
Pray lett Thomas deliver the inclosed to my wiffe.
Sussex. Commissioners for the execution of the orders of his highness and the councell, for the preservation of the peace of the commonwealth.
Vol. xxxii. p. 173.
Major general Whalley to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxii. p. 177.
Deare sir,
Hitherto I may say, the Lord hath bin with me, in making my endeavours successfull.
The commissioners in this county manifest an universall willingnes to act, and those
cavaleers, that have bin before us, a readines to submit. Wee have not as yet dealt with
many of them; only begunne with some of the cheife, as mr. Leake, mr. Perkins, and
sir Roger Coop. Wee have apoynted all almost of considerable estates to apeare before us
on tuesday next at Nottingham, where I have promised, and intend, the Lord willing, to
bee, and the next day at Darby. Having made so good a progresse in Nottinghamsheire,
I hope it will facilitate and render our worke expeditious in the rest of the counties. I
shall not at the first be long in any county; shall onely set the wheeles a going, and after
make longer stayes, and there especially, where I see most need. I am this morning for
Lyncolne, going to those counties first, where I apprehend most cavaleers to bee. I desire
your prayers, that the Lord would blesse his worke in the handes of,
Newark, Nov. 7. 1655.
your most affectionate and humble servant,
Edw. Whalley.
General Monck to the protector.
Vol. xxxii. p. 87.
May it please your highneses,
I have received your highnesse letter of the third instant, with the declaration of the
reasons and grounds of your proceedings against the cavaleeres, for which I returne
you thankes. Your highness will likewise - - - - - - letter, that Charles Stuart's
partie heer - - - - indeavours for the procuring of more - - - - - - - their hopes heere are butt small, unless - - - - - - any breaking out either in
England or - - - - - - hope there is little - - - - - of. I - - - - of two letters sent by col. Borthwick, which by meanes of a friend of mine I had a sight
of before they were delivered. One of them is to my lord Glencairne: to whome the
other is I know not as yet, butt I shall speedily know, when itt is delivered, and after the
delivery the messenger, that carries them, will acquaint mee with itt, but as yet he cannot
tell to whom it is himself. I must desire, that these things may not be made knowne,
and that your highness will be pleased to keep these letters private, for in case they should
bee spoken of, my intelligence will be discovered, and soe we shall not have the sight of
any more letters that come to this country; but soe long as I can keep this intelligence
undiscovered, there are noe letters to Charles Stuart or others come to his hands, butt I
shall know them. As to the lord Lorne, we have bound him in 5000 l. bond, as good
securitie as could be had in Scotland; and I hope that engagement of his friends will keep
him quiett. Besides soe longe as we keep the garrison in Loughaber and another at Dunstaffenage, I beleive his interest in the hills will be but small; and I heare nothing to the
contrary, but that he resolves to live peaceably; besides when he was in armes, he was
no way considerable with the enemy; and he hath little reason to joyne with them again,
because they - - - - obliged him so much the last time, for he raised a regiment of
foote for - - - and that they took away and gave him a troope of horse - - afterward tooke away that likewise and gave - - - - - command, so that I think
considering the - - - - friends, hee will not readily be brought to act againe. I
am glad your highness hath putt your affaires in England into so good a posture (by framing such a militia, which (with the help of the army that is now on foot there) will be
able I hope to keepe the people from any insurrection, and to resist the common enemy.
I remayne
Edinburgh, Nov. 8, 1655.
Your highnesse's most faithfull servant,
George Monck.
To the earl of Glencairne.
Cologne, Aug. 12, 1655. [N. S.]
In the possession of the right honourble Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high-chancellor of Great-Britain.
You will beleeve, I was very glad to receive an assurance from your selfe of the continuance of your affection, which generall reports more then any particular information had given me cause to apprehend. I'le assure you, hee, whom I most trusted, and to whom alone I would give credit in these cases, has said much to me to your advantage. And you have reason to renew and confirme your old frendship to him. This honest bearer will saye all to you from me, which I can for the present thinke; and you will uppon very good accidents (which may fall out before they can bee foreseene) in your owne discretion lay hould uppon all occasions, that may advance the service of
Your constant affect frend,
Charles R.
L (L)
Cologne, August 12, 1655. [N. S.]
In the possession of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great-Britain.
(fn. 1) One, who beleeves he knowes your nature and inclinations very well, assures me, that notwithstanding all ill accidents and misfortunes you retaine still your old affection to me, and resolve to express it uppon the seasonable oportunity, which is as much as I looke for from you. Wee must all waite patiently for that opportunity, which may bee offered sooner then you expect. When it is, lett it finde you ready; and in the meane time have a care to keepe your selfe out of their hands, who knowe the hurt you can doe them in a good conjuncture, and can never but suspect your affection to bee, as I am confident it is, towards
Your very affect frend,
Charles R.
T. (T.)
Instructions from king Charles II to collonell Borthwick.
Vol. xxxii. p. 91.
1. You shall communicate these particulars I have intrusted you with to the persons I have more especially employed you to.
2. You shall commend me to those of my friends, with whom you may safely trust yourself; and assure them, that I have a very great confidence in their affections, and that they will manifest the same upon the first seasonable occasion; albeit that for the present they are compell'd to submit to the tyranny, that is exercised over them.
3. I need say little of the inconveniency and mischief, that the levying and transporting men into foreign parts will bring to my service and to that kingdom; it being evident, that it cannot be doubted. Therefore I would have you by all the ways you can, and with all kind of persons, whom you can trust, to discountenance the same, and to let all those, who are engaged therein, know, that I look upon it as the greatest disservice, they can do me, and the greatest mischief they can bring upon their country. And therefore, I hope they will not only decline it themselves, now they know my mind, but hinder and disswade others from it.
Cologne, August 12, 1655.
Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxii. p. 201.
Honored sir,
The earle of Murray presentinge this inclosed petition to the counicll heere, and they
beinge informed by som of their owne number, that the contents of it in the most
materiall poynts are true, were indeed affected with his said case; but findeinge it lay not
in their power to give him any releif, and that to represent any thinge from the councell
therin to his highnes might be of ill consequence, by openinge a way, which others might
desyer to have an equal benefit in, they resolved, that it would be best for every one to
write as particular persons to a particular frend; in pursuance whereof I have sent you
the inclosed, and humbly desyer what just favor may be given, would be extended to
him, his case appeeringe verry deplorable, and his personall innocence as to any thinge
of action against the protector or presente government appeeringe cleere, as in part may
be evidenced by the inclosed, under the hand of the generall and col. Fitch. This letter
beinge only a performance of charity, and an obedience to the resolves of the councill
heer, I hope you will receive it only as such, and therfore excuse the confidence of,
Endenbrough, Nov. 7, 55.
Sir, your truly affect. and most
faithfull humble servant,
Inclosed in the preceding.
Vol. xxxii. p. 203.
Honorable sirs,
Being desyred to certifie what I know concerning the earl of Murray's carryage since
my comeing into these parts, concerning his peaceable living in submissione to the
present government, I doe certifie, that he hath behaved himself peaceably, never complying with those in armes against the commonwealth, as I have hard. Bot have alwayes
payed his assess, and obeyed all publick orders with as much freenes as any gentilman in
these partes, and sufferred much in his estate by the enemie (as I am informed) for not
complying with them. And therefore hope his lordshippe will be looked uponn, as deserving some favor, according to his peaceable and obedient dispositione towards the present
government. I remayne,
Innernes, Sept. 27, 1654.
Your verie humble servant,
Subscrib'd thus,
Tho. Fitch.
Dalkeith, March 20, 1654.
I Doe hereby certifye, that I never hard to the contrarie, but that the earl of Murray hath carried himself peaceablie, as collonell Fitch hath certifyed in the letter.
Subscrib'd thus; George Monck.
To the right honorable his highnes counsell of Scotland for goverment therof The humble petition of Alexander earl of Murray.
Vol. xxxii. p. 205.
Whereas it hath pleasit my lord protector and his counsell to impose a heavie fyne upon me, quich as it is far abov my abilitie, so it is above quhat is layed upon any other persone in my conditione in this natione, and finding myself intirelie unable by all the credit and esteat quich I have, to performe quhat is imposed, nay not so much as the first moytie thereof, and considdering that your lordshipps are, as we hope, raised up and sent hither seasonablie and happilie, for the refreshing of this poor drouping land, and recoverie of those in it, that are ready to dispear; I have therfor counted it my most humble deutie for testifieing my obedience and observance, to lay fourth extreamitie of my caise in simplicitie of hart before your lordshipps.
And humblie to entreat, since you have taken an informatione both of my unabilitie and deportment, I may be freed of this unsuportable burden, or at left this distres of me and the fatherles children and orphanes may be favourably presentit and recomendit by your lordshipps to his highnes goodnes and clemencie: and if this fyne, or any part of it, sould be conteindit upon me and my broken esteat, I wold humblie desire, that by your favours it may be made prestable, and such possible satisfectione may be acceptit, is my power to performe: and for ane unquestionable deutie of my willingnes and submissione, and that this obstructione proceeds from no contumacie, bot from meire necessitie, I hereby humblie make offerr of all, that is myne, that the remainder of my broken esteat, or my houss and possessione may be disposed at your highnes and your lordshipps pleasure, or to enter my person, if your lordshipps think fitt, without somand or citatione, upon the mere intimatione of your pleasure unto any place, your lordshipps, in your wisdom, shall apoynt.
My poor esteat houss, possessione, and persone being resignet into your handis, and haveing nothing left but my poor lyfe, I leav it upon the care of God almightie, and to the favor of my lord protector and your lordship's grace and honourable counsell, or that it may pleas your lordship to recommend my steat and conditione to the lord protector, to quhom I am to make present aplicatione personallie after your lordshipps answer.
And yor lordshipps I doe most humblie expect.
A letter of intelligence, probably from mr. Manning.
Cologne, November 17, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxii. p. 251.
I have yours of the 19th of last month, as also that of the 26th of the same; which
came both together this day. I much wonder at their being stopped. I can only impute it to the jealousy of the Spaniards, that think no letters pass their country, but are
from some, that inhabit amongst them; and on that score, I hear, usually of late open all
letters at Antwerp and Dunkirk. I thank you kindly for the bill you sent me in your
The princess royal goeth hence for Holland to morrow, and the duke is immediately designed for France to the queen, unless the peace with you here gives a stop to it. Let me know the names of those, that are excluded by the next; and you will much oblige me. O Neil goeth with her into Holland, to receive the monies, which she solely advanceth for Ormond's journey into Spain, who dares not go thither himself, being so well known, for fear of being arrested by those of Amsterdam. He is to take his journey on the very declaring of open war. Old Goring is also designed for Flanders, where no sooner will the war be by declaration, but Charles Stuart will remove himself in person into Brussels; and if by the next post we are assured of the Spanish embassador's arrival on this side of the sea, probably e're he comes back from bringing the princess royal to Santen. Wagstaffe is sent hence again to greaten the motion of Hyde's present design in England. He is a man so simple, and of so mean an interest, as he is not worthy your valuing; but I wonder you should tax me, in not giving you notice of their designs; for I dare say in twenty letters I have, and of their agents sent for England, and also from hence. I dare not tax Lambert nor Fairfax; but some here seem confident of them; and a correspondency with the first; but this I dare assure you, the main is to murder the protector, and to seize such sea-ports in the nation, as they find most feazible. Ormond and Hyde are the engines, who drive on this design, to preserve themselves in play here as in my last. They are very confident of having something executed very suddenly; and Charles Stuart daily tells us in private, have patience a little, and you will not fail of action, both in England and Scotland, or else adieu Ormond and Hyde; for the depth of what is designed is lodged particularly with them, and Middleton, who is not yet returned; but if they fail herein, they will be clear thrown aside. There is one doctor Lloyd, a divine, a young man sent by Hyde into England. Remember Skelton. What I can search out more you shall know.
Taylor, our agent at Vienna, is lately dead. His brother being confessor to the emperor is a constant correspondent here. Prince Rupert is posted thither to negotiate with Cæsar in Charles Stuart's behalf. The duke of Newburgh with all his might endeavoureth to bring all the Spanish party in Germany to embrace him and his cause. One sir William Gunn is employed there. In short there is as much as is possible to be expressed done to encourage Spain; and the Hollander also tampered with to joyn with Spain. The Zealanders we think sure.
The Arundel Howards, of which one brother is a dominican frier, and now lately gone for England, corresponds with Hanham, who is now here in private with the king, of whom I made mention formerly. Ballendine is gone for Sweden; Massey into Denmark; and I hear Bamfylde is come back to Paris. I pray remember the letter of credit, which I desired; and let me not fail of it, and to hear weekly from you in these troublesome times.
To mr. Petit.
Paris, Nov. 17/7, 1655.
Vol. xxxii. p. 209.
The mareschal of Hocquincourt seems to be still discontented, making proposals, which cannot be very pleasing unto the king; so that hitherto, although his lady has been at Compiegne, the business could not be agreed; which has, as is said, made the king resolve to advance as far as St. Quintin, being this day to depart to that purpose, or to morrow at furthest from Compiegne. In the interm the enemies have advanced themselves under the command of mr. le Prince something near unto Perronne, whilst another of their bodies is towards Condé, which some hold to be invested.
It's certified, that my lady Chastillion has been arrested in the castle of Merlou the 8th instant, it being unknown, where she has been transferred. It's thought this disgrace of hers is occasioned by the subject of the business of the mareschal.
One of the said mareschal's sons has been taken by a party of mr. le prince's troops.
There are letters from Madrid of the 27th past, which bear, that two galleons of the East-India fleet were arrived at Cadiz loaded with 800 thousand crowns for the king of Spain, and 300 thousand for particulars; and that the rest of the said fleet was daily expected at Madrid. The said letters add, that the English have quite forsaken Jamaica; but I hardly believe it.
We have had nothing considerable this week from Rome, nor from any other parts of Italy. They have caused some troops to pass in the Modenese to keep them from the Spanish assaults this winter.
A letter of intelligence.
Cologne, November 18, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxxii. p. 193.
Worthy sir,
When I consider the evil pollutions of our purer part the soul, even when contained in the choicest cabinets, I cannot totally explode the maxim you have hinted;
for I must ever confess it's my opinion, that money may contribute much to immortality.
I need not tell you, how much difference may be found in persons of equal tempers and
equal parts in fulness and penury; nor how much in a man's self (if considered) when
depress'd or exalted by the unequal tracings of prosperity and adversity; the further discourse of which I shall willingly reserve for that opportunity, when next I shall wait on
you. And how soon that may be, yet a little while may make me happy in the knowledge of; for I conceive about a month hence I may be in Flanders, in order to my return, where I cannot imagine I can stay long, considering things are now in preparation
thereunto, and my hopes I shall not be again abused, if what you write me be truth.
Time was when one prodigy amazed the whole body of mortals, and invited their admiration. They are now grown so frequent and at once numerous, that they are little regarded. In the good days a great while ago one war was the entertainment of the universal tribe of news-mongers; and after a small rencounter or two by the interposition of a
third or fourth person all was accommodated, or else the sport were spoiled, and all condemned as unreasonable. These were the days, as Machiavell observes in a story I have
read long time since in his history of Florence, when men were not overcome by blood,
but bravery; for he tells us, at a bridge the Florentines and the enemy fought the
whole day, in which the Florentines were victorious with the destruction of two of
their enemies. Men and horses were then armed capapee; but now the times are
changed; and this long conserving method is now lost, every state setting up for herself,
and vying, who shall invite most spectators by most extravagancies and exorbitant actions. Cracow was surrendered to the Swedes by accord the 20th of October. The king
of Poland is within two hours of Silesia an hereditary country of the emperor's, to the
confines of which Cæsar, who at present is sick, puts that part of the world into much
disturbance at this time. The emperor's death is much feared; he hath sent all his
standing forces, left in the pursuit of the king of Poland the Swedes may take an occasion of an infall upon him.
Wednesday last the princess of Orange went hence. We are here full of expectation of a call for Flanders; and truly not distitute of qualifications to make a lawful one.
Major general Haynes to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxii. p. 215.
Ever honoured sir,
Yours, which was the covert of the declarations, came most seasonable to my hand,
being then met with the officers of the militia for this county, to whom I communicated all those particulars I had in charge and proper for their cognizance, in whom I
found a very lively resentment, and the promise of their assistance, as they shall be called
thereunto, either for advice or execution. Though I did not judge it adviseable to read
the intelligence you were pleased to intimate about the old enemy and the present actings
of our fifth monarchy friends; yet I hinted the things to them, and exhorted them to be
very vigilant in them both. I cannot yet find the least foot-steps of any endeavours
made upon the officers or troops here, (which I persuade my self are well principled as
to such a spirit) to draw them to a compliance with them; but I shall make it my daily
work to enquire farther thereof; and also in case any of the churches in these parts be
consenting therein, (which are not above one or two at most) shall give you the most
timely notice thereof I can. The declaration, so far as it hath been communicated, hath a
good acceptance. This day the commissioners nominated in the instructions for this county
met a considerable number of them, and seem exceeding real and forward in the putting
the same in execution, as you will perceive by theirs to his highness. Indeed, sir, I did
not expect it would have had so good an acceptance with them; and I desire to bless the
Lord for his goodness therein, and take encouragement from this good beginning to trust
him in what remains. As yet I know not one named, that will desert the employment.
Some I know, that are absent, are detained by the immediate hand of God upon them,
as mr. Frere, mr. King, and alderman Barrett; others by their necessary absence from
home, as colonel Gurdon, captain Salter; yet wanted we not a full appearance, and in
few days shall fall to act the most difficult part, viz. the general tax, although we have
but few (as you know) in this county, considering the bigness of it, that are under that
qualification. When we have made any further progress, or I shall have any thing come
to hand worthy your notice, it shall be carefully transmitted to you, by,
Norwich, Nov. 8. 1655.
Your honour's truly humble servant,
He. Haynes.
I shall stay here at Norwich till the sixteenth, and then I hope to be at Bury, where I shall let you understand of my further removal. It concerns me to hasten, having so little time for the whole; and shall, I fear, leave part of my own proper work undone till the next return hither.
Col. Jermy, &c. to the protector.
Vol. xxxii. p. 211.
May It Please Your Highness,
In obedience to your highness's commands signified to us by major Haynes, we have
this day met together to put the orders and instructions of your highness and council
into a way of such speedy execution, as the importance of the affair, and the necessity so
speedy a provision thereby to be made do justly call for at our hands; desiring to improve
the first advantage of time, according to our joint and respective abilities, to promote so
good and just a work as the making of a discrimination betwixt the innocent and the guilty;
thereby also to provide a necessary revenue for the securing, under God, the cause of God
and the good people of this commonwealth, in the peaceable enjoyment of their dear and
dearly bought liberties, so much envied at by that generation of men. Yet we cannot
herein act without great regret and trouble of spirit, that their obstinacy against so good
a cause and so eminently attested from above should constrain your highness to command
us to treat with them upon so unpleasant a theme: and our humble prayers to God are,
that while we still see our enemies awake, and united unto new attempts, that all those,
that truly fear the Lord in these nations, which God hath used in their respective places
to subdue them, may learn thence wisdom, and with heart and hand join together to
keep and thankfully improve those many blessings, which our present peace doth from
God, under your highness, reach forth unto us; wherein we shall be most glad to be accounted,
Norwich, Nov. 8. 1655.
Your highness's most humble servants,
Edm. Bulwer,
Wm. Stewart,
Wm. Life,
Rich. Braune,
Tho. Garrett,
Thom. Shreive,
Thom. Bendishe,
John Ballestone,
Nich. Bell,
Wm. Anderson,
Rob. Jermy,
Raph. Woollner,
Re. Swallowe,
Rich. Copeman,
Rob. Woode,
Edw. Warde,
Tho. Toll,
Tho. Lyncolne,
Rich. Harbie.
Lord chief justice Glynne to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxxii. p. 219.
Yow may please to present the inclosed to his highnesse for persons fit to bee shiriffes of the county of Chester, which is all I have to troble yow, save onely once
more to renewe my request, that I may have some assistance in the upper Bench, and particularly serg. Erle, if it may bee; and soe I rest,
Lincolns-inne, Nov. 8. 1655.
Your very humble and faythfull servant,
J. Glynne.