A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'Index', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol4/index [accessed 14 March 2025].
'Index', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol4/index.
"Index". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 4, Sept 1655 - May 1656. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol4/index.
ABleson, captain of a ship of war, lays down his commission, page 589.
Addams, John, his account of a design against the protector, 144. His salary and expences, ibid. His account of Charles IId's affairs, 206. His conference with the magistrates of Rotterdam, about settling an English company there, 269. Proposes a method to save the life of Manning, 291. Gives information of Charles IId's party and their motions, ibid.
Admiralty of Amsterdam, commissioners of, disgust the Spanish ambassador, 96. Their advice concerning the proceedings of the master of convoys at Zwoll, 192. About
the losses sustained by the English since the peace, ibid.
Concerning prizes carried into Cadiz, and letters of reprisal against the Portugueze, 193. Complain of the
Dunkirk frigats taking the English ships before the Meuse,
201. Their answer to the states general touching the
complaint of the king of Denmark, 352. Propose to
make the Hans towns bear part of the expences of clearing the Mediterranean of pirates, 430. Their advice to
the states general about permitting the exportation of arms,
441. Their representation touching the hindering of ships
failing to the Baltick, 518. Acquaint the states general
of the king of Sweden's sitting out men of war to disturb
the trade of the Baltick, 547, 563. Desire a commission
to raise seamen, 564. and money to equip the fleet, 565.
and an embargo upon shipping, 586, 652. Complain
of several ships going out notwithstanding the prohibibition, 611.
-, — English, commissioners, their representation to the
protector touching the payment of the fleet, 79. Ordered
to issue out letters of reprisal against the Spaniards, 177.
Adolph, prince, proposes a marriage with the princess Sophia, 182. Designed to march with a party of the Swedish army to Warsaw, 463, 502. Wounded at the battle of Wlestowiz, 514. He and general Wrangel sent to pursue the Polish generals Scharnezky and Lubomirsky, 746. Marches in search of the Polish troops, 760.
Adriaenssen, captain Van, v. Boreel.
Aken, town of, destroyed by lightning or subteranneous fire, 718.
Alcock, captain, shoots himself, 587.
Alcocke, mr. 240.
Aldersey, mr. agent to the English merchants at Hambrough, reports his transactions, 308.
Aldham, Anthony, imprisoned, 271.
Aldworth, John, the English consul at Marseilles, his several letters to secretary Thurloe, 25, 72, 248, 268, 304, 338, 415, 440, 546. His account of the siege of Palamos, 25. Of the conduct of general Blake, 72. Of his proceedings in relation to an English ship arrested by the Malteze, 338. Ackhowledged consul by the French court, 735.
Aleppo, city of, refuses to admit Achmet for their basha, 124. Besieged by Saddee Basha, 520. And by Ipsir Basha, 552.
Alicant, complaint against the officers of the inquisition there, 730.
Allardt, mr. See Hautervie.
Allen, adjutant general, discontented, 433.
Allen, Francis, 285.
Allen, major, 285.
Allen, John, 225.
Allsric, Paul, 271.
Allin, James, his account of the proceedings of king Charles IId's party at Cologne, 233. Sends advice of an insurrection intended in England, 371. And of arms sent over thither, ibid.
Alured, col. Matthew, petitions the protector to be discharged from imprisonment, 359.
America, proceedings of the English there, v. Penn.
Amerof, Jvan, messenger of the Czar to the states general, takes his leave, 34.
Amorongen, one of the Dutch embassadors in Denmark, 236. See Dutch embassadors.
Amsterdam, states of, are for sending a fleet to the Sound, to
awe the Swedes, 13. Well affected to the House of
Orange, 76. Zealous for the alliance of Brandenburgh,
93, 312. Endeavour to depress prince William, 95.
Averse to the protector, 101. Too much interested for
the house of Orange, 145. Endeavour to engage Dantzick against Sweden, 175. Reasons for their preferring
the interest of Spain to that of the protector, 204. Willing to submit the militia to prince William, 312. Endeavour to raise discontents against the king of Sweden,
355. Their affection towards the princess dowager and
elector of Brandenburg decreases, 482. Propose the making the council of the nobility triennial, 653.
-, — city of, complains of the English taking their
ships, 101.
Amville, duke of, sets out to meet the duke of Modena, 306. Proposes to go to Blois with prince Francis of Lorrain, 438. Returns well satisfied from the duke of Orleans, 491.
Anabaptists, account of their proceedings in Ireland, 90. Very troublesom to H. Cromwell, 314. Secret enemies to the protector, 348.
Anderson, sir Robert, 240.
Anderson, Edward, apprehended as a Popish priest, 247. His examination, ibid.
Anderson, Hugh, committed prisoner to Chester castle, 534.
Anhalt, princes of, their recommendatory Letter of John Dureus a Scots divine, 542.
Anhalt, princess. See Courland dutchess.
Anjou, duke of, design'd to marry cardinal Mazarin's niece, 196.
Anthoine, cardinal, arrives at Marseilles on his passage from Rome to Paris, 299.
Antigua, inhabitants of, complain of their unsettled condition, 157.
Appelboom, the Swedish resident at the Hague, signifies the birth of a prince, 311, 448. His memorial upon the report of a fleet's being designed to go to the Baltick, 338. Desired to explain some passages therein, 372. Demands the said interrogatories in writing, 387. His answer thereunto, 487. Notifies the conclusion of the peace with Brandenburg, 535. His memorial touching the proceedings of the Dutch against the Swedes in the West-Indies, 599. Referred to the West-India company, 612. His memorial touching the report of the king of Sweden's defeat, 688. Remonstrates against their sending a fleet to the Baltick, 639. Their answer thereunto, 708, 709.
Argyle, marquis of, 500.
Armorer, mr. an agent for king Charles II, stopt at Breda, 86. Sent to Brabant, 97. Arrives at Antwerp, 101. Returns to the princess royal at the Hague, 296. Concerned in shooting Manning, 718.
Armstrong, Thomas, complains to secretary Thurloe of his imprisonment, 123.
Arnheim quarter. See William, prince.
Arnot, mr. banished Charles IId's court for beating Armorer, 112.
Arthur, John, 305.
Arundell, John, sent into Flanders by Charles II, 102.
Arundell, Earl of, prisoner in Padua, petition to the protector in his behalf, 335.
Asckenberg, colonel, defeats two Polish regiments near Conier, 414.
Ascue, sir George, request of Henry Cromwell in his behalf, 198. Comes to England to take the command of the fleet, 260.
Ash, Joseph, his letter to Thurloe relating to sir Henry de Vic, 712.
Ashborne, John, 242.
Ashburnham, colonel, prisoner in Guernsey castle, 339. His letter to his lady intercepted, ibid.
Ashburnham, John, order of council relating to his affairs, 354. Instructions desired by the commissioners of Carmarthenshire thereupon, 583.
Ashurst, mr. 450.
Astrey, Francis, 207, 208.
Atholl, duke of, his correspondence with Charles II, discovered, 250. Engages himself to submit to the government, 741. Promises made to him by Charles II, 769.
Atkin, mr. 727.
Augier, mr. the Protector's agent at the French court, acquaints Thurloe of his arrival at Paris, 357. Substance of his conference with cardinal Mazarin, 374, 375. His audience delayed upon account of a ball at court, 392, 420, 437. And the chancellor's indisposition, 467.–88. Proceedings in procuring the payment of mr. de Cezis's debt, 392, 420, 437,–67, 88, 533, 716. Obtains a decree for farming the Levant customs at Marseilles, 716. Desires some copies thereof to be delivered to the magistrates of Marseilles, ibid.
Austria, archduke of, disobliges the states general, 15. His
civilities to king Charles II, 103. Approves of the submission upon the Resolution concerning Alden Biesen, 112.
Proceedings thereupon, 126. Spends much time in devotion, 357. Offers the states general an equality of the
toll upon the Meuse, 431. Invites Charles II, to reside
with his court at Brussels, 522. Receives orders to go to
Germany, 569. Ordered to stay in Flanders during this
campaign, 641, 741. Desires the king of Spain to reimburse him the money laid out on the war in the Low
Countries, 715. Proposed to be made king of the Romans, 718. Prepares to depart from Brussels, 738. Goes
for Germany, 751.
-, — house of, league against them between England,
Sweden and the protestant princes of Germany, 2.
-, — Don John of, appointed to act at Brussels in the
archduke's Place, 569. Arrives at Barcelona, 641. Attack'd by a Turkish vessel in his passage from Barcelona
to Genoa, ibid. His behaviour in that action commended, 678. Delays his journey till the archduke shall have
quitted the Low Countries, 714. Expected at Brussels in
a short time, 715. Number of soldiers proposed to be
brought with him, 733. Arrives at Brussels with the
marquis Caresena, 747. Visits Charles II at Bruges, 747,
751. Entertained by the archduke, 780.
Axelspar, earl of. See Baden.
Azinsbyes in Ireland in the interest of Charles II, 629.
Azzolini, cardinal, in great favour with the queen of Sweden, 540.
BAcomy, lord, made one of the judges of the court of justice in Scotland, 269.
Backhouse, capt. an account of his Behaviour during the civil war in England, 648.
Baden, markgrave of, departs with the earl Axelspar to the king of Sweden, 475. Defeated by a party of the Poles, 685. Reported to be slain, ibid. Particulars of that Action, 691, 696.
Badily, vice admiral, 567.
Bainbridge, mr. William, 248.
Baker, mr. James, 305.
Ball, mr. Thomas, 216.
Ballard, mr. Thomas, 162.
Ballendine, sir William, sent by king Charles II, to assist Middleton, 101. Commissioned to remain about the king of Sweden, 103.
Ballestone, mr. 185.
Bamberg, Bishop of, enters into a league with several German electors, 508. See Germany.
Bampfylde, colonel, 43. Desires particular instructions, 51. Disputes about him in king Charles's court, 122. His account of some designs in France in favour of the pr. of Condé, 124. and the proceedings thereupon, 147. His letters to mr. Scot, ibid. His sentiments on the peace between France and Spain, 180. Cautions Thurloe against sir Kenelm Digby, and some others, 195. His discourse with lord Gerrard concerning assassinating the protector, and caution thereupon, 196. His account of the proceedings of the clergy of France, 232. Proposes the sending of some forces from England to assist the French king, 268. Desires to come over privately, 307. And instructions as to his conduct toward lord Belcarres, 372.
Banker, John, a Dutch captain, arrested by the lieutenant of an English man of war, 411. Complaint about it, ibid.
Bar, monsieur, arrives with forces at Corbie, 148.
Baraclough, Toby. See Longbotham.
Barbadoes, governor of, desires orders for preventing transported felons going out of the island, 640.
-, — assembly of, their address to the protector, 651.
Their advice concerning the militia in that island, ibid.
Barbarini, cardinal arrives at Paris, 306. His message, ibid. Designed to be made archbishop of Reims, ibid. His answer to mr. Mettam upon his presenting him with a copy of verses, 310. Labours to draw France from the protestant interest, 625.
Barcock, Hugh. See Rice, Edward.
Barkstead, col. governor of the tower of London, appointed major general of Westminster and Middlesex, 117. Puts several of the king's party under a guard, 212. Sends an account to secretary Thurloe of several papers found in the custody of mr. Chapman, 379. Recommends mr. Edward Russel to the protector's favour, 445. Knighted by the protector, 459. Prevents mr. Hall's escape, 473. Receives information of designs carrying on against the government, 594. His letter to secretary Thurloe touching certain informations given by the high Sheriff of Worcestershire, 684.
Barriere, monsieur, agent for the prince of Condé in England, desires to come to Brussels to the prince of Condé. — Commanded to depart from England, 567. Desires money to discharge his debts. His request to stay longer in England denied, 594. Receives assurance of a speedy supply of money, 613. Neglected by the prince of Condé, 678. Two letters from him to don Alonzo de Cardenas intercepted, and sent by card. Mazarin to the protector, 703. Desires audience of leave, 748. His request of being transported in an English ship of war refused, 757.
Barnardiston, Thomas, 225.
Barnardiston, George, ibid.
Barret, Alderman, 171.
Barron, mr. Alexander, chosen deputy of the company of English merchants at Hambourgh, 130. Complains of mr. Bradshaw's resentment, 267. Thanks the company for their choice of him, 612.
Barrowe, mr. 349.
Barry, Thomas, 225.
Barton, col. his character, 241.
Basset, mr. sent from king Charles II, into England, 371.
Bastide, Monsieur, his letter to the embassador Bordeaux, 158. Some instructions to him, 437.
Bateson, mr. desires leave to go to York, 318. Communicates a letter sent him from an unknown person to secretary Thurloe, ibid.
Bavaria, elector of, dissuades the emperor from meddling in the Swedish affairs, 78. Invites the queen of Sweden to Munchen, 89.
Bayley, doctor, supported by the English Jesuits, 172. Goes from Rome to Bologna, ibid. Behaves ill at Rome, 200.
Baynard, Richard, an intelligencer, 220.
Beake, mr. mayor of Coventry, 272.
Beaufort, duke of, to be made admiral of France, 248.
Beaunais, monsieur, attempts to assassinate monsieur Marigny. See Marigny.
Bedford, mayor of, Proceedings against him, 632.
-, — commissioners of, their letter to secretary Thurloe, 207.
Duplicate of delinquents estates decimated there, 513.
Bedford, earl of, instructions desired touching his estate, 218. Taxed for his estate in Middlesex and Westminster, 406.
Beeling, Richard, sent as envoy from king Charles II, to the emperor, 101.
Belcarres, lord, agent for king Charles II, at Paris, 372. Discontented, ibid.
Bell, Angel, 285.
Bell, Nicholas, 185.
Bellingham, mr. master of the horse to the French king goes post to Savoy, 525. Conjectures about the reason of it, ibid.
Bellows, Isaac, 271.
Bellon, mr. employed in collecting an account of the massacre in Piedmont, 417.
Bembo, Venetian admiral, joined by Marcello, goes to clear the canal of the Dardanelles, 697.
Bendyshe, sir Thomas, embassador to the grand seignior from the protector, 130. Kindly received by the capt. basha, 140. His account of the troubles at Aleppo. Of an extraordinary change at Constantinople, 773.
Bennet, sir H. secretary to the duke of York, 194.
Bennet, mr. commissioner for Derbyshire, 211.
Benoise, mr. counsellor of the grand Chamber in France, banished, 671.
Bergh. See Ruyschenburg.
Beringham, monsieur, sent by the French king to the duke of Mantua, 385. Ordered to propose a marriage between the French king and the eldest princess of Savoy, 386.
Berkeley, sir John, to depart out of France upon the peace with England, 158.
Berkeley, mr. endeavours to be excused paying the tax upon delinquents, 439.
Berkeley, earl of. See Middlesex commissioners.
Berkshire commissioners, lift of them, 285.
Bermudas, governor of, proposes to send people from thence to Jamaica, 51.
Bernardo, Francis, the Genoese agent at London, his credential letter, 702.
Berne, canton of. See Zurich. Propose to attack the town of Lucerne, 378, 438. Their cannon taken, 498.
Berrure, monsieur de, 48.
Berry, colonel, made major general of Herefordshire, Shropshire and N. Wales, 88, 117. Account of his proceedings, 212, 316, 358, 413, 525, 582. Desires instructions about estates of some particular persons, 219. His conference with mr. Powell, 228. His letter in behalf of col. Birch, 237. His sentiments about the imposition of new oaths, 272. His recommendation of capt. Crooke, 274. His advice about the manner of taxing delinquents in Wales, 287. Summons sir Thomas Hanmer to bring in a particular of his estate, 294. Commends the behaviour of the people of Wales, 334. Desires a governor of ability to be sent to Beaumaris, ibid. His account of the affairs of Shropshire, 394. Excuses his absence from Wales, 498. Desires leave to reside in Ludlowcastle, ibid. His advice touching the remittance of fines, 545. Complains of the want of able ministers in Wales, 562. His account of several Quakers released from imprisonment and fines, 613. His proceedings in reducing the militia, 742.
Besançon, monsieur du Plessis, French embassador at Venice, visits the duke of Parma, 92.
Bettesworth, Arthur, one of the commissioners for Sussex, 162.
Bettesworth, mr. one of the commissioners for Hampshire, 238.
Beverning, mynheer, offered the charge of treasurer by the states general, 14. Thanks the French embassador for communicating the peace with England, 172. Confers with the Danish ministers, 262. and the embassadors of Brandenburg, 430. One of the projectors of the harmony, 627.
Beuningen, mynheer. See Dutch embassador in Denmark. His reason for refusing to go embassador to Sweden, 230. Willing to go to Denmark, 230, 261.
Biaddon, mr. 501.
Bidley, Bryan, 240.
Bielake, the Swedish embassador at Vienna, his audience, 117.
Bielke, Gustavus, the Swedish embassador in Muscovy, manner of his reception, 150. A strong guard put upon him, 151.
Bignon, mr. his death and character, 658, 671.
Billiard, mr. 499.
Billingham, Mark, his information against major Waters and others, 438.
Billon, mr. 221.
Bingham, mr. 305.
Birch, colonel, 237. See Berry.
Birkenhead, mr. 251.
Bishop, colonel, 151. Orders for apprehending him, 161. Information of his being hid in Kent, 190. Warrants granted to apprehend him, 281. Sent up to Whitehall under a guard, 344. Thanks to secretary Thurloe for his interposition on his behalf, 673.
Blackwell, capt. See Thurloe, secretary.
Blackwell, Jonathan, 353.
Blackwell, John, 285.
Blackwood, mr. See Harrison.
Blake, general, cruizes at the straits of Gibraltar, 19. Instructions to the convoy sent with victualling ships to him, 31. Quits the coast of Spain, 50. A supply of ships sent him, 51. Desires the duke of Tuscany to grant leave to the English to build a church at Leghorn, 92. Prepares to put to sea on an expedition, 458. State of the account between him and mr. Longland, 464. Goes to the fleet in the Downs, 521. To be followed by Mountagu, 545. Their answer to the Protector's orders for sailing, 592. Prepare to set sail, 620. Sends their credentials to mr. Philip Meadows, 679. Arrives at Lisbon, 757. Skirmish between their fleet and some of the Spanish galleys, 762. Instructions touching their conduct towards the Portugueze, 768, 769.
Blake, mr. Alexander, 235.
Blake, capt. appointed vice-admiral in the West-Indies, 452. Takes his station off Carthagena, ibid.
Blany, sir Arthur, 299.
Bligh, John, a Spanish merchant, his losses by the embargo in Spain, 450.
Blisset, Joseph, 225.
Blisset, mr. 295.
Blore, Thomas, 285.
Blunt, colonel, suspected of designs against the government, 485.
Boisleduc, government of, debate in the states general about it, 173.
Bologne, governor of. See merchants of England.
Bolsey, a Swedish colonel, 287.
Bonaventine frier. See O Dwyer.
Bond, Chr. the Swedish embassador in England, his request in behalf of Cransten, 146. Labours to procure peace between England and Spain, 388.
Bond, Dennis, 624.
Bonyn, lord, envoy from the elector of Brandenburgh to the states general. See Brandenburgh, ministers of. Passes through Dantzick, 580. Arrives at the Hague, 708.
Booth, mr. 122, 149, 245, 449.
Bordeaux, monsieur, the father, his letter to cardinal Mazarin, containing Reflections upon the protector's conduct and maxims with regard to France, 4. His advice to his son in relation to his conduct in England, 12. Congratulates him upon his success in the treaty, 121. Reputed to be a bankrupt, 658.
Bordeaux, monsieur, the French embassador in England, his several letters to his father, 7, 22, 51. Justifies his conduct in relation to the treaty, 7. His objections to the title given to the French king therein, 115. Signs it, ibid. Congratulated thereupon by cardinal Mazarin, 120. Obtains leave to go to France for a short time, 146. His answer to the protector, desiring that peace might be published in both kingdoms on the same day, 215. Ordered to return again to England, 336. A letter of gallantry of his to an English lady, ibid. His account of some promotions made in the French army, 355. Procures a resolution in France to raise 1000 Irish soldiers, 358. Desires mr. Bastide to represent the inconvenience of the duke of York's departing from France to the protector, 392. Presses the payment of mr. de Cezis's debt at Paris, 420. Resolves not to depart from France till the said debt be paid, 467. Orders his secretary to procure an answer from the protector touching the duke of York's abode in France, 497. To return in a short time to England, 533, 548, 554. Takes leave of the king in order to his journey, 600. His letter to Bastide about the necessity of his delaying the departure of colonel Lockhart from France, 619. The reason of his hastening his return to England, 620. Sets out for England, 630. Received with great demonstrations of affection by the protector, 694.
Boreel, Dutch embassador in France, his account of the case of captain Renier Adriaenssen, 176. Ordered to use his endeavours with the French king in behalf of the Vaudois, 201. And to congratulate him on the peace with England, ibid. His account of the affairs of France, 386. His discourse with a French nobleman concerning the assistance given by the French king to Sweden, 470. Procures copies of the secret Articles between France and England, ibid. His conference with the cardinal, 472, 478. His account of the affairs of Switzerland, 489. 491. Of an entertainment given by the chancellor of France, 553. And of an attempt made by the Spaniards to surprise Gillian, 554. Ordered to remonstrate against the detaining of the Zealand ships at Calais, 631. Demands audience, 640. Sends an account of the strength of the Danish fleet, 727. His account of the proceedings of the parliament and clergy of France, 755.
Borthwick, major, Glencairne's intelligencer, permitted to return into Scotland, 104, & seq. Betrayed by his brother, ibid. Stratagem used to come at his letters, 105.
Borthwick, colonel, sent from Charles II into Scotland, 10. His instructions, 163. Betrayed by his brother major Borthwick and colonel Placketer, 187, 222, 250, 324. Delivers the king's letter to Glencairne, 222. Methods taken to peruse his papers, 250. Charged with betraying Glencairne, 444, 741.
Borthwick, major. See supra. Recommended to secretary Thurloe by lord Broghill and general Monck, 685. His account of the methods taken by him to discover king Charles's secrets, 769. Proposes to go over to Bruges, 770.
Boston, mr. 233.
Boteler, major general, 117. His proceedings in reforming the militia, 156. Desires the instructions of the council in some particulars relating to the confiscation of estates, 179. His reasons for securing the lord Northampton, 189. His advice relating to the choice of sherifs, 207. Apprehends certain suspected persons, 281. Further account of his proceedings, 234. Examines a person suspected to be a Popish priest, 247. Transmits his examination to secretary Thurloe, 274. His account of assesments in the county of Rutland, ibid. Sends up duplicates of delinquents estates in his division, 511. Desires money to pay the militia under his command, ibid. Disperses some books subscribed by the people of Wales, 540. Advises the payment of the militia, 541. Desires care may be taken not to reduce assessments laid upon delinquents in his association, 550. Account of his proceedings against the mayor of Bedford, 632. List of persons committed to prison by him, and his reasons for it, ibid. Proposes a reduction of the militia, 695. Advises to transport the selons in the several goals, ibid.
Boteman, mr. minister at Norwich, disaffected to the government, 217. Designs to make application to the protector, 257. Proposal for removing him from Norfolk, 302.
Boughton, colonel Richard, 162.
Bouillon, duke of, to marry one of cardinal Mazarin's nieces, 755.
Bowes, Thomas, esq; sentenced by the commissioners of Yorkshire, 522.
Bowten, mr. 190.
Bowtell, Stephen (one of the deputies for regulating printing) signs several books, 717.
Bowyer, colonel, objection to his being pricked for sheriff, 224.
Brabant, states of, strive to recover the French conquests, 2. Dissatisfied with the Spanish government, 305.
Bradshaw, mr. resident at Hamburgh, desires to be reimbursed the money by him advanced to mr. Rolt, and others, 6, 280, 662. Laments the ill success of the WestIndia expedition, 47. His several representations and complaints of the proceedings of mr. Townley and the English company of merchants at Hamburgh, 103, 123, 134, 157,—88, 222,—49, 302, 322,—70, 415,—42, —77, 503,—31, seq. 556,—75, 627, 659,—65, seq. 682, 696, 722,—67, 74. His letters of intelligence touching the affairs of Poland and Sweden, 188, 575, 685. His account of the duty laid on the goods at Riga, 296. Desires a merchant may be appointed to draw his bills upon, 302. Transmits the complaints of the English merchants at Dantzick to secretary Thurloe, 441. Propositions tendered to the company in his vindication, 476. An affront offered him at Copenhagen, 478. Represents the ill consequences of the council's delaying to do him justice, 556,—75. His letter to the protector about the same, 659. Desires secretary Thurloe to second his request to the protector, 660. Requests the council to expedite the report of his business, ibid. Recommends the punishing of Townley in Hamburgh, 665, —66,—82. Represents the necessity of his leaving the place, if not redressed, 696. Desires a commission to examine witnesses upon Townley's affair, 747. His letter to the senate of Hamburgh touching his examination, 753. Decree thereupon, ibid. His letter to Thurloe thereupon, 766. Complains of the behaviour of one Cambridge formerly Townley's servant, 767.
Bradshaw, serjeant, 156.
Bramberg, town of, taken by the Poles, 720.
Brandenburgh, elector of. See Treaty. States endeavour to dissuade the Dutch from sending a fleet to the Baltick, 34. Expected at Dantzick, 39. His army in Prussia, 53. Account of his forces, 78. Demands the assistance of the states, 112. Agrees with the states of Prussia, 118. Treats with the free towns for a league against Sweden, 120. Demands 130,000 rixdollars of the city of Koningsberg, 144. Pressed by the king of Sweden to renounce his treaty with the states general, 174. Encamps near Thorn, 175. Subsidy granted him by the states general, 186. Said to be assisted by the emperor, 188. Caresses the king of Spain, 204. Conditions proposed to him by the king of Sweden, 219. Determines to maintain his alliance with the states general, 226. Goes to Koningsberg, 236. Strengthens his army, 251. Desires an intercessional office from the states general to the Czar of Muscovy, 262. Gains the Friendship of Holland and Amsterdam, ibid. Garrisons Marienburg and Elbing, ibid. Endeavours to obtain an accommodation with the king of Sweden, 283. His forces come to Brandenburgh, 286. Solicits the assistance of the states general, 288. Leaves the field in order to defend the town, 289. Offers to mortgage the toll at the Pillauw and Memel to the states general, 310. Requires leave of the states general to levy men in their dominions, ibid. Loses much of his reputation, 313. Seems resolved to defend himself against the king of Sweden, 336. Endeavours to incense the states of Holland against the king of Sweden, 355. Reasons which obliged him to conclude the treaty with Sweden, 729, 403. Gives the king notice of the motions of the Dantzickers, 415. Divides his army on the frontiers of Prussia for fear of the Muscovites, 463. Raises troops to oppose the Muscovites, 475. Much troubled at the sickness of the electress, 490. Marches his troops out of Marienburg, 502. His interest to embroil the Dutch, 517. Sends orders to levy men in the country of Cleve, 542, 611. His answer to the Polish embassador's demands, 584. Various opinions about his intentions, 585. Contradicts the report of the Swedes defeat, 653. Endeavours to compose the differences between the Dutch and Sweden, 729, 730, 732. Complains of their proceedings, 731. Goes to the Pillauw to receive the queen of Sweden, 737, Expresses great joy at the king of Sweden's arrival in Prussia, 775.
Brandenburgh, embassadors of, in Holland. See Witgenstein.
-, — in England. See Sleytser.
-, — in Sweden. See Severin, Dobresinsky, and Somits.
-, — ministers of, in Holland. See Bonyn, Copes and
Weyman. Their memorial touching the sending of an embassador to the elector, 615. Receive audience, 708.
Subject of their conference with the commissioners of the
states, 730.
Brandling, colonel, proceedings against him, 468.
Brasse, William. See Lilburne.
Bray, mr. endeavours to be excused from paying the tax upon delinquents, 439.
Brayne, colonel, governor of Loughabber, recommended to secretary Thurloe, 500.
Brederode, earl, disobliged by the states of Holland, resolves to return into France, 201. The young earl of, refused to be admitted into the nobility, 312.
Brewster, Hugh, 225.
Brewster, Francis, 225.
Brewster, Matthew, his letter to secretary Thurloe, 472.
Brienne, count, his letters to Bordeaux, 3, 27, 693, 715. Excuses himself to monsieur Augier for not having presented him to the king, 420.
Brisscoe, lieut. colonel, 360.
Bristol, commissioners account of their Proceedings, 379. Instructions to thèm, ibid. Several of the aldermen disaffected to the government, 396.
Broghill, lord, his account of the proceeding of the kirk of Scotland, 38. Proposes methods for levying men and women in Scotland to go to Jamaica, 41. His account of the council's proceedings in settling the revenue, 48, 106. His reflections on the conduct of the kirk, 49. His conferences with some of the ministers, 56, 128. His account of the reduction of the forces in Scotland, 73. His letter to the protector touching a proclamation issued for reparation of damages done to the well-affected, 77. His contrivance to obtain some suspected papers, 105, 250. Desires the protector's instructions about erecting a court of exchequer in Scotland, 106. Endeavours to retrench the civil list, 142. Apprehensive of the Designs of Charles II upon Ireland, 160. Recommends the earl of Murray's petition to secretary Thurloe, 164. Causes the declarations against Spain and the Cavaliers to be printed, 184. Desires a speedy answer to some of his letters, ibid. Employs persons to gain major Borthwick's secrets, 187. To Consider of the postage in Scotland, 188. Methods proposed by him relating thereto, 199. His account of packets of intercepted letters, 222. Of the proceedings of the general assembly men and remonstrators, 223. His reasons for securing lord Lome and others, ibid. Despairs of coming to a reconciliation with the kirk of Scotland, 250. His character of the French embassador Bordeaux, 268. His account of the proceedings of the council in settling the courts of justice, ibid. Excuses his not writing, upon account of the indisposition of himself and his family, 271. Recommends mr. Saltiston to secretary Thurloe, 275. Presses the erecting a court of exchequer, 328. His account of the proceedings of col. Borthwick and others against the government, 329. His account of the proceedings upon the assessments of Scotland, 342. Apprehensive of Designs carrying on in Scotland, 372. Issues a proclamation to hinder the confluence of Scots into Ireland, 400. His account of a petition preparing by the contending parties in Scotland, 479. Moves the council concerning the changing of shires in the Highlands, 500. Prepares an establishment of the civil list in Scotland, 526. His account of the proceedings of the council in settling lands upon captain Ogle, 548. And of the divisions in the kirk of Scotland, 557. Proposes methods to reconcile them, 558. His proceedings therein, 559. His letter to the protector, touching the confirmation of a gift to the university of Aberdeen, 566. Offers to send one of the Scots ministers to conser with the lord protector, 597. Recommends mr. Saltonstall to secretary Thurloe, 597. His and general Monck's recommendatory letter of major Borthwick, 685. Endeavours to procure a priest for an intelligencer in Spain, 700. Issues a proclamation, commanding all priests to depart the kingdom upon pain of death, ibid. His intelligence concerning the arrival of the plate fleet, and the king of Sweden's defeat, ibid. Takes methods to procure intelligence of Charles IId's affairs, ibid. Desires instructions relating to the security offered for Glencairn, ibid. And his deportment towards the ministry, ibid. Procures a priest for an intelligencer at Madrid, 725. Consults sir James Mc Donald on that affair, ibid. Employs colonel Plackater as an intelligencer near Charles II, 741. His account of the proceedings in putting persons in commission of the peace, ibid. Advises the sending ships to guard the coasts of Scotland, 741. His letter to the protector touching a dispute concerning the fishery on the river Tweed, 742.
Broglio, count, to command under the duke of Modena in Italy, 724, 734.
Brooke, Thomas, 235.
Brooks, Nathaniel, his examination touching a book, intitled, Sportive Wit, &c. 717.
Brown, John, 235.
Browne, mr. a spy upon the English expedition to the WestIndies, 103. Intelligence where he is to be found, 221.
Browne, Christoper, recommended for sheriff of Rutland, 207.
Browne, John, 305.
Browne, Anthony, 501.
Brownloe, mr. Richard, 185, 197.
Bruen, mr. 251.
Bruges, Isaac, 302.
Brunswick, young duke of, leaves Paris, 640.
Brussels, president of. See Viole.
Bryen, colonel, serviceable in settling the peace of the Highlands in Scotland, 401.
Buberry, captain, commander of a squadron of ships in the West-Indies, 452. Ordered to lye between Porto-bello and Carthagena to intercept the galleons, ibid.
Buck, Jermin, turns Papist, 195.
Buckingham, duke of, entertained by the countess of Nieuport, 658.
Buckland, Walter, 240.
Bucks, commissioners of, their compliment to the protector, 583.
Bull, major, 238.
Butler, captain Gregory, his letter to the protector in behalf of lord Willoughby, 544.
Bunce, alderman, 122.
Bunch, Nathaniel, examinations concerning him, 621, 624.
Burges, Isaac, 295.
Burrel, Abraham, 229.
Busbridge, colonel, 151, 160, 161. Desires to be excused from serving the office of high-sheriff, 394. Information against him, 408. His troop disbanded, 542.
Butler, Edward, 305, 413.
Buttwant, mr. one of the protector's life-guard, a fifth monarchy man, 629. Discharged, ibid.
Bye, monsieur de, resident from Poland to the states general, 93.
Bynnes, captain, imprisoned on account of an insurrection, escapes, 616.
Byron, sir Robert, desires to be discharged from prison upon giving security for his peaceable behaviour, 444.
Byron, lord, instructions desired touching the taxing of his estate, 639.
CAge, sir Anthony, 409.
Calais, inhabitants of, commit piracies upon the Dutch, 491.
Caillet, monsieur, secretary to the prince of Condé, his account of mareschal Hocquincourt's affairs, 186. Of the said mareschal's agreement with the French king, 229. Promises monsieur Barriere to transmit him a sum of money on the prince of Condé's arrival at Brussels, 358.
Calandrine, mr. 281.
Calthorpe, James, 225.
Cambridgeshire and Ely, commissioners of, letter to the protector, concerning the refusal of mr. Henley to deliver in a particular of his estate, 250.
Candale, duke of, to command the French army in Catalonia, 569, 694.
Cannon, captain, 285.
Capponi, cardinal, keeps a correspondent at London, 58.
Caracena, marquis of, promises to assist the Popish cantons of Switzerland, with forces, 346. Entertains prince Edward and the duke of Mantua at Pavia, 386. Gives leave to the Swiss regiments in the Spanish pay to go to the assistance of their countrymen, 491. Departs from his government to the Netherlands, ibid. Made major Domo and intendant to don John, 760.
Cardenas, don Alonzo, the Spanish embassador in England, 50. Desires audience upon going to Flanders, 72. Desires a pass, 91. Departs from England, 100. Expected at Brussels, 148. His baggage searched by a custom house officer, 177. Arrives at Brussels, 183. Joyfully received by the archduke, 210. Desirous of departing from Brussels to Spain, 511. Commends the wisdom of Charles II, 677.
Carew, mr. order for his release from imprisonment stopt by the council, 590.
Carie, mr. sends intelligence of several Spanish privateers in the bay of Biscay, 500.
Carignan, princess of, arrives at Turin, 91.
Carmarthenshire, commissioners of, desire instructions concerning sir Robert Shirley's estate, 583. Desire the like in relation to colonel Ashburnham's.
Carpenter, mr. secured under a guard at Preston, 485.
Carr, Cuthbert, 438. Proceedings against him by the commissioners for Yorkshire.
Carr, Andrew, made one of the judges in Scotland, 268.
Carrol, mr. 240.
Carryll, mr. See Gosse, major general.
Carter, John, 216.
Carteret, doctor, threatens Henry Cromwell, 349.
Carthagena. See Goodson.
Carwardine, Walter, excuses himself from accepting the office of Clerk of the crown in Ireland, 307.
Casati, Spanish embassador at Geneva, endeavours to keep the garrisons in neutrality in respect to the affairs of Switzerland, 346.
Casseres, Simon de, his proposal concerning an attempt upon Chili, 62.
Castellaneta, set at liberty by the French court, 1.
Cater, Edward, 208.
Cathnes, lord, report of his being murdered, 372.
Cavaliers in England. See Royalists.
Ceely, colonel, 462.
Ceva, cardinal, his death, 91.
Cezi, monsieur de. See Augier.
Chadocke, colonel, 685.
Chadwicke, colonel, recorder of Nottingham and Derby, 211. One of the Commissioners for Derbyshire, 212.
Chalenor, Thomas, petition in his behalf, 423.
Chamberlaine, mr. See Grantham.
Chambers, Joseph, alderman of Covenrty, complaint against him, 273. Removed from his office of alderman, 284.
Chambrelan, Thomas, advises Thurloe of a mistake in the payment of a sum of money, 199. Desires bills of exchange for the money paid to the protestants of Piedmont.
Chaplin, Thomas, 225.
Chanut, the French embassador in Holland, recall'd, 68. His stay desired by the states of Guelderland, 90. His reflections on the protector's affairs, 93. Complains of his not effecting any thing in Holland, 111. Substance of his speech at his audience of leave, 113. Present proposed to be made him, ibid. Desires a pass from the protector for his equipage, 114. A man of war ordered for his convoy, 126. Seems inclinable to stay to perfect the alliance, 127. Congratulates Bordeaux upon the conclusion of the treaty with England, 146. His letter of news to him, 178. Departs from the Hague, 200.
Chapman, mr. See Barkstead.
Charisius, agent from the king of Denmark to the states general, his representation touching the frauds committed by masters of Dutch vessels trading to Norway, 219.
Charles II, king, account of the situation of his affairs, with the names of several persons employed by him 10, 86, 87, 101, 102. His party endeavours to raise disturbances in Scotland, 49. Offered the use of any of the ports in Flanders, 50. His proposals for raising money in England, 63. His conference with the queen of Sweden, 65. His behaviour to the prince elector, 88. Entertained by the bishop of Mentz, ibid. Forms hopes from the war between England and Spain, 97. Proposes to remove from Cologne, 100. Sends an envoy to the emperor, ibid. His propositions to the king of Spain, ibid. Concerned at the treaty between the Protector and France, 122. Sends commissions to raise forces into England, 132. Proposes to send agents to the place where the peace between France and Spain shall be treated of, 134. Propositions made him by the king of Spain, 144. Proposes to go to Antwerp, ibid. His friends ordered to depart from France upon the peace with England, 158. His correspondence in Scotland discovered, 162. His letter to the earl of Glencairne, 163. Another designed for general Monck, ibid. His instructions to colonel Borthwick, ibid. Encourages his friends by hints of a sudden attempt in his favour, 196. Gives the title of excellency to Middleton, 187. Conceives hopes of the king of Spain's espousing his cause, 205. Issues out commissions for sea officers, ibid, The war with Spain a favourable accident for him, 221. A packet of letters from him intercepted, 221. 222. Intelligence of his having some design ready for execution, 233. Relies much upon the elector of Brandenburgh for supplies of men, 245. Furnished with money from lord Mollineux, ibid. Seizes on the person and papers of Manning on suspicion of his corresponding with the protector, 249. Method taken to peruse all his letters to col. Borthwick and Glencairne, 250. Offers his interest to the prince of Condé to procure an agreement between him and the French court, 251, 252. Sends a person of quality to treat with the archduke, ibid. Sends sixteen commissions to Dunkirk and Ostende, 269. His party jealous of one another upon the discovery of Manning, 286. Wholly taken up in the examination of Manning's business, 290. Endeavours to engage the king of Spain to espouse his interest, ibid. Sends sir George Hamilton to Brussels, 298. Made friends with prince Rupert, 299. Methods taken by him to cause a revolt in the fleet, ibid. Intended by the king of Spain to reside at Dunkirk, 318. His name struck out of the French king's list of pensioners, 357. Sends great quantities of arms to England, 371. Expected at Bruges, ibid. To have all the havens in Flanders at his command, ibid. Arms put on board Dutch vessels to be transported to England for him, 418. Debates in his council where to land his forces in Ireland, 447. Reasons for not landing them at Connaught, ibid. His party in great hopes, 560. Reported to be ready for an attempt upon England, 592. Treats privately with don John, 619. Reflections on the weakness of his councils, 629. Remains at Brussels incognito in expectation of the prince Palatine, 641, 657, 658. Treats with the earl of Fuenseldagna, 647. Continues to treat with Fuenseldagna and don Alonzo Cardenas, 677. His negotiations kept secret, ibid. Goes to the jesuits church in Brussels, 678. A letter from him to sir Henry Slingsby intercepted, 680. Reported to have embraced the Catholick religion, 690. Departs from Brussels, 692. Sends his resident to visit the prince of Condé, ibid. Discharges all his protestant servants and fills their places with catholicks, 694. Designs to embark aboard the Spanish fleet to make a diversion on the coast of Scotland, 697. Concludes his negotiation at Brussels, 714. Removes to Bruges, ibid. Proposes to enter into a negotiation with don John, 715. Makes an agreement with some Irish troops in the French service, 715. Goes to meet don John and the Marquis of Caracena at Cologne, ibid. Some troops reported to be on their march for the Spanish service in his name, 716. His court remains at Cologne, 718. More cautions in his negotiations since the discovery of Manning, ibid. Obtains a monthly allowance from the king of Spain, 722. and likewise the confiscation of the English prizes taken in the Low Countries, ibid, 723. Little respected in the Low Countries, 733. Defers the conclusion of his treaty till the arrival of don John, 743. Allowance made him by the king of Spain, 748. Sends for his brother and several others, ibid. Sends for several of his friends to Bruges, 751. Waits for the money promised him from Spain, 760.
Charnock, sir John, recommended for sheriff of Bedfordshire, 207.
Chatillon, madam du, imprisoned in the bastile on account of her designs in favour of the prince of Condé, 124. Confined at Chantilli, 147.
Chaulnes, monsieur de, governor of Dourlans. See Hocquincourt.
Cheek, Edward, 337.
Chenailles, monsieur de, account of his trial at Paris, 353.
Chernetskey or Charnetski, Polish general, marches his army to the frontiers of Silesia, 362. Defeated by the king of Sweden, 615. Receives a second defeat, ibid. Obtains a considerable victory, ibid. Defeats the regiment of the earl of Woldemar; several skirmishes between his troops and those of general Wrangell, 772. Said to be defeated near Brombergh, 775.
Cheshire, commissioners for, their letter to the protector, 251. Account of their proceedings, 523.
Chevreuse, duke of, his death, 466.
Cheynell, doctor, 229.
Chichley, mr. 409.
Chili, an attempt thereupon proposed, 62.
Chillenden, captain, his vindication of himself, 365.
Chimmitsky, general of the Cossacks, submits to the king of Poland, 590. Made a waywode of Poland, ibid.
Churchley, Thomas, 216.
Clanchy, colonel Dennis. See Inchiquine.
Clancy, mr. See Cromwell, Henry.
Claneboy, lord, 673.
Clare, lord, proceedings against his estate, discharged, 411.
Clarke, John, 225.
Clayburne, mr. his reflections upon Henry Cromwell, 349.
Clenche, Daniel, 225.
Cepstone, mr. engaged in designs in favour of king Charles, 233.
Clergy, French. See France.
Cleveland, John, imprisoned, 184. His examination, ibid.
Cleypole, John, recommended for sheriff of Northamptonshire, 207.
Clinton, alias Fines, Francis, 185, 238.
Clotworthy, lady, 646.
Cludd, captain, 126.
Coale, captain, 409.
Cobb, mr. 238.
Cockayne, John, 319.
Cockram, Thomas, 248.
Cokayn, mr. 208.
Coelson, Launcelot, his information of the proceedings at a meeting of fifth monarchy men, 650.
Colchester, list of the officers of the corporation there, 330.
Coldham, mr. 240.
Collins, Nehemiah, 353.
-, — Thomas, appointed receiver of the tax in the three
Western ports, 240.
-, — John, one of the commissioners for Berkshire, 285.
Cologne, elector of, 508. Enters into a league with several
other German electors, ibid. Sends an army towards
Liege, ibid. His commissioner to the states general, vide
-, — commissioner of, at the Hague. See Walenburgh.
Colster, mrs. a letter of intelligence to her, 299.
Condé town, fortified by the French, 26.
Condé prince, his letter to Thurloe desiring the protector's friendship, 59. Seeks to engage the French army, 81. Commands the Spanish army between the Sambre and the Meuse, 99. Intrigues in his favour in France, 124. Advances with his army near Perronne, 169. His letter to Barriere, 186. Condition of his army, 227. His design upon Perronne frustrated by mareschal Hocquincourt's agreement with the French king, 229. Unable to perform any thing from want of forces, 224. Marches to Luxemburgh to settle his winter quarters, 298. Expected at Brussels, 357. Promises to assist monsieur Barriere with money, 413, 463, 591, 641, 677. Expected at the French court, 467, 540. An accommodation hoped for, 591. Sends Barriere a proposal to be made to his creditors, 618. Disgusted at the protector's abrupt orders for Barriere's departure, ibid, 641. His party makes great exactions upon the Dutch on the Meuse, 652. Goes to Antwerp to receive money, 657. Account of money remitted him from Spain, 658. Desires an account of what sum will be necessary to redeem Barriere's jewels, 692. Returns a compliment to Charles II, ibid. Reported to be made general to the emperor, 715.
Coniez, Polsky, waywoode of. See Wiesniewitz.
-, — town of, taken by the Swedes, 414.
Coningsmark, count, his regiment ordered to remain in Pomerania, 721.
Conquest, colonel, 218.
Conry, Maurice, a popish missionary, his examination, 263. Papers found about him, 264, 265.
Conti, prince of, besieges Palamos by land, 25. Made great steward to the French king, 421. Expected at court, 521. Arrives there, 600 620. Goes to meet his princess, 645. Makes a present to cardinal Mazarin on his being made great steward, ibid.
Contraras, don Pablos de, the Spanish admiral at Cadiz, 150.
Cook, mr. one of the commissioners for Berkshire, 285.
Cooke, mr. entertains disaffected persons, 184.
Cooke, judge, in Ireland, refuses to act on account of the oath, 198. Sends Henry Cromwell an account of the Proceedings of the council at Athlone, 554.
Cooke, Ezekiel. See Walsham.
Coop, sir Roger, 162. His sons suspected to be engaged in designs against the government, 599.
Cooper, Scicile, committed to prison on account of the insurrection at Rufford, 496.
Coote, sir Charles, his letter to Henry Cromwell touching the report of a petition preparing against Fleetwood, 227.
Copeman, Richard, 185.
Copes, John. See Brandenburgh, ministers of. Desires the states to write in the elector's behalf to the Czar of Muscovy, 263.
Coppin, mr. Imprisoned for holding several blasphemous tenets, 486.
Corbet, John, proposed to be admitted one of the council of state in Ireland, 545.
Corbie, town of. See Bar.
Cornwall, commissioners for, their letter of thanks to the protector, 451.
Cossacks. See Smolinski. A strong army of them on the borders of Poland, 141. March into Poland, 356. Swear fidelity to the king of Poland, 475. Send two of their priests to him, promising him assistance, 691.
Cotterell, sir Charles, designed to be governor to the duke of Gloucester, 122.
Coventry, mr. detained on suspicion of designs against the
government, 598.
-, — town, constables of. See Haw.
-, — lord, engaged in the commission of array, 546.
See Worcestershire commissioners.
Council of state in England, their additional instructions to
the commissioners of the several counties, touching the
erecting of a court of exchequer in Scotland, 407. Their
order touching the prohibition against the English carrying their guns up to Bordeaux, 461. Release a ship of
Amsterdam upon bail, 493. Their order to the admiralty about issuing letters of reprisal, 521. Their advice
touching a reduction of the militia, 561. and lord Cranston's raising forces in Scotland for the service of Sweden,
ibid. Countermand the order for releasing col. Harrison
and others, 590. Order colonel Lockhart to go to France,
-, — of state in Holland, examine into the complaints
of the foreign officers, 14. Recommend the establishment
of the passage money upon the Meuse, 230. Propose to
introduce the 40th penny upon the lands of the generality, 311. Their advice touching the supply for the year
1655, 425. Concerning the reduction of interest, 504.
and the proposal for taking soldiers on board the fleet,
652. High debate in the council about the payment of
the Brasil Officers, 653.
-, — in Scotland. See Scotland and Broghill.
-, — in Ireland, their letter to the protector touching a
general pardon to the Protestants of Ireland, 668. about
the lord Claneboy's composition, 673. and the petition
of mr. Thomas Dawson, 701. Their letter to Thurloe
in behalf of mr. Evan Vaughan, 706. Their representation touching the ill state of the coin, 711.
Courland, duke of, desires the states general to be godfathers
to his son, 352.
-, — duchess of, her letter to the princess of Anhalt, desiring her intercession for the freedom of religion, 610.
Courtin, mons. secretary to mons. Chanut, the French ambassador in Holland, his several letters to Bourdeaux, 204, 654, 690, 710, 732, 754. Has the care of the French king's business in the absence of the ambassador, 205. Letter to mons. la Bastide, 291. Blames the credulity and behaviour of the Dutch in relation to the report of the king of Sweden's defeat, 654. His account of occurrences in Sweden and Poland, 710. and of the arrival of de Ruyter's fleet, 732.
Courtney, mr. order for his release from imprisonment countermanded, 590.
Cowley, mr. 232.
Cowper, colonel, sets out from England to command the forces in Ulster, 343. His character, 376. His account of the disposition of the Irish, 423. His reflections on the paper dispersed in South-Wales, 551. On the condition of the army in Ireland, ibid. His letter to secretary Thurloe touching the settling his brother as an intelligencer at the Hague, 607. Thanks him for favours conferred on mr. Saltonstall, 659.
Cox, mr. 412.
Coyet, mons. the Swedish resident at London, has leave to return home, 698. Presented with the protector's picture, 757.
Cracow, town of, a false report of it's being surrendered, 66. Proceedings of the siege, 85, 86. Reported to be raised, 113. Taken, 140. Garrison conducted to Strakowitz, 144. Terms of Capitulation, 175.
Craddock, mr. 505.
Cranston, lord, representation of the Swedish ambassador in his favour, 146. To raise forces in Scotland for the service of Sweden, 561.
Crawford, mr. 238.
Craven, lord, designed to be sent over to England from king Charles II, 101.
Crispe, Thomas, 329.
Croft, John, imprisoned, 614.
Crommon, lord, endeavours to persuade the states general, to dissolve the chambre mi partie.
Cromwell, Oliver, lord protector. See Treaty. Reflections on his
conduct and maxims with regard to France, 3. Writes to the
states general about the re-establishment of the company of
merchants, 13. Indisposed, 18. Orders the laws to be
put in execution against roman catholicks, 19. Dissatisfied
with the treaty of Savoy, 43. A fictitious letter about him
printed in Spain, 50. Persists in his designs upon Jamaica,
54. His letter to the commissioners of Maryland, 55. Favours the Swedish ambassador, 59. Anagram on his name,
60. Report of his death, ibid. Orders a reduction of the
forces in Scotland, 73. Makes peace with France, 75.
Prepares ships to succour Sweden, 78. Appoints major generals to command the forces in England, 88. Proclaims
war against Spain, 100. His behaviour to the Spanish ambassador, 107. Hated by the city of Amsterdam, 110.
Reflections on his interest with regard to alliances, 111.
Issues an ordinance touching scandalous books, 116. Commands all cavaliers to depart from London and Westminster,
117. Publishes a manifesto against Spain, ibid. His instructions to the council of Scotland, 129. His letter to
major general Fortescue concerning the expedition to Jamaica, 130. To vice-admiral Goodson about the same,
ibid. Designs formed to assassinate him, 123, 144, 169.
Purport of his proclamation touching the raising a militia,
176. Appoints sheriffs for the several counties, 177. Gives
audience to the Dutch ambassador, 178. Prosesses his inclination to a treaty with the Dutch, ibid. Reasons for
his uniting with the king of Sweden, 203. Orders letters
of reprisal against Spain, 206. Appoints commissioners to
enquire into the management of the publick money, ibid.
Thanked for his letter to the lord mayor in behalf of the
French and Dutch congregations, 207. His opinion of a
union amongst the protestant powers against the pope, 214.
Orders his envoys in Switzerland to promote the interest of
the Vaudois, ibid. His answer to the Dutch ambassador's
complaint of ships taken by the English, 214. His warrant
for removing sir Thomas Peiton from the Tower to Wal
mer Castle, 251. Forbids all disaffected persons to keep
any arms, 260. Deliberates about admitting the Jews into England, 321. Suffers daily reproaches, 343. Endeavours to prevent a war among the protestant powers in Europe, ibid. Resolves to assist the Waldenses, 346. Reflections upon him in a letter from Wales; a paper intituled
A word for God, &c. 380, seq. Very much engaged in the
affairs of Sweden and Poland, 388. His answer to the
Dutch ambassador concerning the success of the king of
Sweden, 389. His letter to the French king touching the
capture of an Irish ship, 415. Ready to co-operate with
the states general for an equality of commerce, 432. Resolves to send a minister to Prussia and Poland, ibid. Endeavours to procure an agreement between the Swedes and
and Dutch, 505. Thought to be against the departure of
the duke of York from France, 506. Alters his design of
sending to Sweden, 536. Appoints mr. Pell his commissioner to the Swiss cantons, 552. Makes an alteration in
the establishment of his life-guard, 567. Lays an embargo
upon shipping, 570. Endeavours to draw the states general into a war against Spain, 587. His coach overset
crossing Lambeth-Ferry, ibid. His reasons for appointing
majors general, 588. Resolved to make an addition to the
council in Ireland, 606. Jealousy of the naval preparations of the Dutch, 626. His letter to general Fortescue
at Jamaica, 633. His instructions to the several commanders in the West-Indies, 634, seq. Description of his lifeguard, 675. Contributes towards the expence of the bishop of Armagh's funeral, 676. Professes his good affection to the states general, 684. Desires an explanation of
some particulars in the Dutch ambassador's memorial, 712.
Stiled antichrist in a pamphlet printed in Holland, 734.
His letter to Blake and Mountagu proposing an attempt on
Cadiz or Gibraltar, 744. His instructions to Blake and
Mountagu touching their conduct towards the king of
Portugal, 768, 769.
-, — Henry, commander of the forces in Ireland, his
answer to a proposal for sending men and women thence to
Jamaica, 23. His account of the affairs of Ireland, 40.
Recommends a commander for the West-Indies, 54. and
mr. Stepney to the protector, 64. Sends an account of their
settling the disbanded soldiers in Ireland, 74. Of the recruits to be sent to Jamaica, ibid. Complains of want of
money to carry on their designs, 87, 198. Proposes the
raising a militia in Ireland, 198, 607. His request in
behalf of sir George Ascue, ibid. His recommendation of
Timothy Tyrrell, 198. Vindicates himself against some
reflections cast upon him, 254. Petition of the people of
Ireland, to make him lieutenant of that kingdom, suppressed, 260. Desires a victualling-office may be erected
for the use of the fleet, 307. Complains of the proceedings of colonel Hewson and others, 327, 376, 408. Abused by the officers in their sermons, 328, 376. Apprehensive of the protector's anger about Hewson, 348. His
reflections upon the anabaptists in Ireland, ibid. His conduct approved of by the protector, 373. Sends sir John
Reynolds to give an account of his proceedings, 407.
Clears himself from the aspersions cast upon him at a meeting of the officers of the army, 433. Resolves to seize several discontented persons in Ireland, ibid. Suspects some
dangerous design to be in agitation there, ibid. Makes a
collection in Ireland for the protestants of Piedmont, 484.
Complains of the proceedings of the quakers, 508. Represents John Jones as unfit to be of the council of state in
Ireland, 606. Desires instructions touching the disposal
of the prisoners taken in arms against the government,
ibid. His caution against one Clancy, 607. Complains
of the want of persons of ability in the council of Ireland,
672. His account of a disorder at Kingsale, ibid. His proceedings in relation to the army, ibid. His lady delivered
of a son, 757.
Cromwell, William, engaged in designs against the protector,
-, — Richard, appointed president of the council for regulating trade, 177.
-, — lady Mary, her letter to Henry Cromwell, 293.
Crooke, serjeant, recommended to the protector, 65, 211, 274.
Crowley, Roger. See Searle,
Crumpton, colonel, 224.
Croxton, colonel. See Worsley.
Culliford, William, 305.
Culpeper, lord, 65.
Cumberland, and Westmoreland, commissioners for, account of their proceedings in raising the tax on delinquents, 561. A schedule of the persons taxed, 562.
Cumont, mons. counsellor of the parliament of France, a Hugonot, dies, 671.
Curtis, Henry, 299.
Customs, commissioners of, their proceedings in seizing Spanish goods, 144.
Czar, of Muscovy. See Muscovy.
DAcres, lord, leaves his lady in discontent, 190.
Dailly, mr. an Irish frier, agent from the king of Portugal to the French king, 306. Offers the princess of Portugal to him in marriage, ibid.
Dale, Daniel, 248.
Dally, doctor, 446.
Dalziel, colonel, 718.
Daniel, Thomas, 271.
Dantzick, resolves to apply to the Dutch for assistance, 11.
Forbids the payment of toll to the Swede, 23. Resolves not
to make an alliance with Brandenburg, 93. Magistrates
inclined to agree with Brandenburg, 118. Reflections on
the state of that town, 145. Refuses to admit the elector
of Brandenburg's troops, 236. Desires assistance from
Denmark, England, and the united Provinces, 279. Inhabitants resolve to defend themselves against Sweden, 298,
404. And not to treat without the consent of Brandenburg,
323. Said to have concluded an alliance with the said elector, 356. Magistrates make preparations for the defence of
the town, ibid. Inhabitants discontented at their being left
out of the treaty made by the elector of Brandenburg with
Sweden, 398. Demand a poll tax of the English merchants
there, ibid. Burn their suburbs, 412. Send to treat with
the king of Sweden, who denies them audience, 461. Send
for succours to the Dutch, ibid. Great discontents in the
town, 475. Send a commissioner to the states general,
491. Press them to send a fleet to the Baltick, 517. Oppress the Dutch with unreasonable impositions, 563. Their
attempt to relieve Marienburg miscarries, 597. Deny their
having any such design, 631. Excuse their behaviour to
the English, 663. Decline to explain themselves upon the
offers of general Steinbock, 690. Demand the 100th penny
of the English, 703. Spread reports of the defeat of the
Swede, 714. Stop up a breach in the Wysselbanck, 725.
The work ruined by the Swedes, ibid. Make rejoicings
upon the supposed success of the king of Poland, 761.
-, — commissioner to the states general. See Schroder.
Danvers, colonel, one of the fifth monarchy men, desirous of being in arms, 629.
D'arcy, mr. with king Charles II, at Cologne, 10.
D'avangour, goes to the king of Sweden, 175. Denies his knowledge of the French king's assisting Poland with money, 398.
Davis, George, taken Prisoner by the Turks, 140.
Davison, Charles, information of his correspondence with king Charles's agents, 245. His letter to secretary Thurloe touching his trial, 501. Desires an interview with him to acquaint him of some particulars of moment, 633.
Davisons, in Yorkshire, in the interest of king Charles, 10. One of that name, tutor to sir George Saville, present at the meeting at Rufford, 598.
Davy, sir John, 413.
Dawbne, mr. his account of the proceedings of the Spanish court in favour of king Charles, 50.
Dawson, Thomas. See Council of State in Ireland.
Day, cornet, abuses the protector in a sermon, 321. Taken into custody for it, ibid. Examined thereupon, 343.
De Brune, raedt pensionary. See Lampson.
De la Fountayne, sir Erasmus, endeavours to be excused paying the tax on delinquents, 335.
Delves, John, 251.
Denmark, king of, prevented concluding an alliance with the Dutch, 16. His representation to the states general concerning the fleet to be sent into the Sound, 64. Appoints commissioners to treat with the Swedish resident, 149. His civilities to king Charles's agent, 157. Apprehensive of the success of the king of Sweden, 209. Complains of frauds committed by Dutch vessels trading to Norway, 219. Sends a resident to be informed of the inclinations of the states general, 313. Complains of damages done by the Dutch to certain ships of Tonningenberg, 352. Prevented from intermeddling in the affairs of Poland by his apprehensions of England, 385. Takes exorbitant tolls upon salt from the Dutch, 515. Enters into a negotiation with the king of Sweden, 564. Unwilling to take any measures with Sweden, without the advice of Cromwell, 568. Promises to communicate his proceedings to the states general, 568. Reasons for his delaying to enter into a treaty with the Dutch, 375. Resolves not to treat with Sweden, without including the English and Dutch, 585. Presses the states general to expedite their naval preparations, 586. Thought to be no friend to the protector, 625. Excuses his not sending an Embassy to Sweden, 652.
Deny, James, one of the commissioners for Dorsetshire, 305.
Denmark, ministers of at the Hague. See Rosenwing. Substance of their demands, 262.
Detbick, sir John, lord mayor of London, his magnificent procession from Westminster, after taking the oath to the protector, 117.
Deventer, and Twente, States of, declare against sending commissioners to Overyssel, 95. Oppose prince William's election, 112. Garrisons to be withdrawn thence, 113. Debates thereupon, 172.
De Vic, sir Henry. See Ash, Joseph.
Devonshire, earl of, discharged from the tax, 432.
Deye, Thomas, 225.
Dickenson, David. See Broghill.
Douglas, Robert. See Broghill.
Dickenson, Thomas, 553.
Dickenson, mr. alderman of York, one of the commissioners for Yorkshire, 294.
Dicksey, mr. a leading man in the kirk of Scotland, 558.
Digby, lord, esteemed a friend to the protector, 10. Affronts
the intendant of the French army, 81. Report of his being gone to Spain contradicted, 629.
-, — sir Kenelm, an agent for the pope, 195. His letter on
behalf of the English merchants trading to Calais, 244.
Accuses sir Robert Welsh of counterfeiting letters in order
to render him suspected, 591. Offers to come to England
to clear himself, ibid.
D'Ize, mons. in great reputation among the protestants of Piedmont, 282. Employed to distribute the money sent thither by the protector, 417.
Dillon, lord, meets the marquis of Ormonde at Meurs, 10. Employed about the Irish in Flanders, 102.
Disbrowe, major general, account of his proceedings, 300. Recommends several persons for justices, &c. 302, 337, 353. His account of mr. Sweetman's behaviour, 316. His proceedings at Sarum, 302. Reasons why lord Seymour ought not to be excused from paying the tax on cavaliers, 324. Desires some particular instructions, 360. His instructions to the commissioners for Bristol, 379. Account of his proceedings at Bristol and Gloucester, 391. Desires power to tax estates of a certain value, ibid. Sends some men out of his troops for the protector's life-guard, 396. List of persons to be ejected in Devon and Bristol, 413. His proceedings at Taunton, 439. At Truro, 462. Desires orders for the Payment of the militia, 472. His letter to the protector in behalf of lord Mohun, 497. His proceedings at Plymouth, 501. Musters the militia in Cornwall. 520. Advises the protector to summon all the major-generals to London, ibid. Intercepts several papers, which were to have been dispersed through England by the quakers, 531. His account of some discontents among some of the officers of the fleet, 582.
Disney, John, 185.
Dobresinsky, envoy from the elector of Brandenburg to the king of Sweden. 236.
Doleman, colonel, intercepted letter from him, 46.
D'Ombres, French ambassador to the elector of Bavaria, 175.
Dona, count, to be appointed governor of Elbing, 503. Wounded at the siege of Marienburg, 507, 539.
Donelaw, mr. recommended by Henry Cromwell, 40, 376.
Dongan, sir Walter, 681.
Dooble, mr. 240.
Dorset, county, commissioners for, their letter to secretary Thurloe, 305.
Dort, Dutch ambassador in Sweden. See Singelandt.
Dove, John, 295.
-, — colonel, 337.
Douglas, general of the Swedish forces in Poland, defeats a
body of Cossacks and Tartars, 461. Reported to be slain,
-, — mr. a leading man in the kirk of Scotland.
Douza, made governor of Hencogenbosch, 64.
Dowman, William, 185.
Downing, mr. 31, 47.
Doyley, colonel, made president of the council, and commander of the forces at Jamaica, 153. His representation of the miserable state of the army, 390. His account of the situation of the land forces in Jamaica, 602. Sends an account of the progress made by the soldiers in planting and other proceedings, 711. Of a mutiny in the army, ibid.
Dromond, William, king Charles's agent in Scotland, 299.
Drummond, major general, his character, 285. Goes for Mosco, 718.
Drummond, mr. his reasons for general Monck's stay in Scotland, 400. His propositions to the ministers, 401. Account of some proceedings in Scotland in favour of king Charles, 646. Advises the sending of ministers to the Highlands, ibid.
Dryelenborch, mynheer, his letter to the states general, 303.
Dublin, corporation, desire leave to muster their militia, 607.
Duckenfield, colonel, nominated high sheriff for Chester, 485. Refuses to act as commissioner for that county, ibid.
Duels, edict against them published at Paris, 619. A person executed for disobeying it, ibid.
Duier, bishop of, engaged in king Charles's designs upon Ireland, 446.
Dunbar, Peter, his account of the affairs of Sweden and Poland, 119.
Dunche, captain, 208, 238.
Dunkirkers, solicit the Spanish court for letters of reprisal against the English, 210. which are granted, 460. Plunder a Dutch ship, 567. Some of their frigates taken by the English, 677. Take several prizes from the English; 714.
Dunkton, Robert, 225.
Dureus, John. See Anhalt, princess of.
Durham, county commissioners for, account of their proceedings, 541.
Dutch hesitate about sending their fleet to the Baltick, 201.
Reflections on their conduct in relation to the Maritime
treaty, ibid. Forty of their ships stranded on the coasts
of Jutland and Norway, 209. Proposal for making a
larger allowance to their embassadors, 261. Ill satisfied
with the conduct of Dantzick in relation to the elector of
Brandenburgh, 290. Inclinable to join with the house
of Austria, 305. Desire liberty of the king of Sweden
to export guns, 311. Apprehensive of the designs of
Sweden with respect to trade, 312, 353. Jealous of some
secret articles between the protector and France, 332.
Reflections on their commerce, ibid. Jealous of the protector, 461. resolve not to suffer their ships to be searched by the English, ibid. Prepare a fleet to assist Dantzick,
505. Merchants in Dantzick oppressed, 585. Their
estates in France sequestred, 625. Prepare their fleet for
the Baltick, 689. Reflections on the consequences thereof, 689, 714. In want of sailors, 690. Their fleet puts
to sea, 714. Express great joy upon the arrival of de
Ruyter's fleet, 731. An account of the number and disposition of their fleet, 732. Supply the Spaniards with
with warlike stores, 733.
-, —East-India company, their difference with the English
proposed to the states general, 333. Desire the states to
pay a part of what they have paid to the English, which
is refused, 260.
-, —West-India company, treat the Swedes ill in the WestIndies, 599. Their debts to be paid by the receiver general, 611. Vide plura in states general.
-, —embassadors in England. See Nieuport.
-, —embassadors in France. See Boreel.
-, —embassadors in Spain. See Ghent and Slingelandt.
-, —embassadors in Sweden. See Huybert, Tulp, and Ysbrandts.
-, —embassadors to Brandenburgh. See Vogelsanck.
-, —embassadors in Prussia. See Huybert.
-, —embassadors in Denmark, account of their journey to
Lingen, 395. Entertained by the duke of Holstein, 465.
Desire further instructions, 541. Their account of several
captures made by the Swedes, 550. Heads of deliberation extracted from their letters and instructions, 576,
seq. Impowered to enlarge the assistance stipulated by
former treaties to the king of Denmark, 628, 631. Their
discourse with the Danish ministers about sending an embassador to Sweden, 643. Concerning the Dutch fleet
designed for the Sound, ibid. and 680. and about sending
an embassador to the protector. 680. Acquaint the states
general of a design talked of to reduce Dantzick to the
obedience of Sweden, 772.
Dutch resident in Denmark. See Vries.
-, —commissioner at Dentzick. See Pells.
Dutch consul at Cadiz. See Hove.
-, —consul at Malaga. See Snoeck.
Dutch consul at Alicant complains of the officers of the inquisition searching his house, 730.
EAsterby, John, 513.
East Friesland, states of, difference between them and
the city of Embden, how decided, 95.
-, — prince of, his offers of marriage refused by the
princess Henrietta, 232.
Edgecomb, Peirce, 240.
Edgeworth, mr. with king Charles at Cologne, 10.
Edwards, Richard, 208.
Egerton, Randall, 122. Proceedings against him, 473.
Egerton, sir Charles, proceedings against him, 473, 765.
Egmont, earl of, 644. See States general.
Elbing, city of, refuses to admit the elector of Brandenburgh's troops, 236. Summoned by the king of Sweden, 303. Surrenders, 317.
Elborrow, doctor, 322.
Eldred, commissioner, lends 1,500 l. of the publick money at 20 per cent, 223.
Ellis, Andrew, recommended for sheriff of Flint, 287.
Elvis, mr. an agent for king Charles driven upon Holy Island, 231.
Embden, city of, complains against the commander, 61. Of the sentence touching their differences with East Friesland, 95. and of the diminution of the garrison, 127.
England. See Treaty. Considerations on the trade of. See Trade. Reasons for erecting a standing militia here, 152. Observations upon the interest thereof with regard to a general peace, 134.
English resident at Hamburgh. See Bradshaw.
-, — embassador at Constantinople. See Bendyshe.
-, — resident in Sweden. See Rolt.
-, — resident in Russia. See Prideaux.
-, — agent at Leghorn. See Longland.
English defeated at Hispaniola, 19. Their effects seized in Spain, 21. Ill used at Malaga, 24. Ships seized in France released by proclamation, 102. Their contests with Spain advantageous to the Dutch, 312. Said to be defeated at sea by the Spaniards, 612. In Spain, banished the kingdom on pain of death, 644.
Erdmuller, general, besieges Rappersweil, 378.
Escourt, Thomas, recommended for sheriff of Gloucestershire, 360.
Essex commissioners, their letter to the Protector, 317. Account of their proceedings upon the 3d head of their instructions, with a list of the persons adjudged to fall under it, 434, seq.
Eston, John, 208.
Estwick, alderman, refuses a place in the customs, 461.
Evans, mr. Lewis, 316.
Everard, sir Richard, 320.
Everden, capt. Walter, one of the commissioners for Sussex, 161. Commendation of him, 394. Recommended to have a lieutenant's commission, 642.
Eugene, prince, designed to marry mademoiselle de Longueville, 488. Disappointed of the office of great steward of the French king's houshold, 560.
Exeter, earl of, 607.
Exton, Robert, 240.
Eyre, Humphry, commissioners for Wiltshire, 295.
-, — Thomas,
Eyres, John, 305.
FAgg, mr. objections to his being made a commissioner for Sussex, 161.
Fansey, Garret, sends an account of the strength of the Dutch fleet, 732. and of their supplying the Spaniards with warlike stores, 733.
Fairfax, lord, thought to be in the interest of king Charles, 169.
Farley, lieut. William, returns from banishment, 221.
Farmor, excused from the tax laid on his estate, 511.
Farnese, Horatio, brother to the duke of Parma, made commander of the Venetian forces, in Candia, 697.
Faunt, George, endeavours to be excused from paying the said tax, 335.
Feake mr. kept in prison, 851, 161.
Fell, colonel, desires to be excused from acting in the dutchy court, 423. His character, ibid.
Fenwicke, major, one of the commissioners for Sussex, 162.
Fenwicke, captain, 181.
Fermanel, monsieur, 420.
Ferrers, John, 212.
Ferret, captain, desires the protector to employ him as his surveyor in America, 770.
Fettiplace, Thomas, commissioners for Berkshire, 285.
-, — Charles,
Fifth monarchy men design to involve the kingdom in war, 191, 545. Account of a general meeting of them, 629. Agree upon a letter to the lord protector, 698.
Fincher, major, a commissioner for Berkshire, 285.
Fisher, Hugh. See Rogers.
Fitch, colonel Thomas, his certificate of the peaceable behaviour of the earl of Murray, 164.
Fitzgerald, employed by king Charles about the Irish in Flanders, 102.
Fitzpatrick, colonel, 629.
Flackett, mr. recommended for sheriff of Shropshire, 272.
Flanders, ports of, reinforced and fortified by the Spaniards, 386.
Fleet. See Blake and Vennables. List of that ordered for the service of the Channel, 107.
Fleetwood, deputy of Ireland, major-general of several counties, 117. Report of a petition preparing against him in Ireland, 227. Petition from Ireland desiring his return thither, 276.
Fleming, sir Oliver. See Pell.
Fletcher, Anthony, 206.
Foley, mr. 211.
Ford, Richard, his proposal to secretary Thurloe, 87.
-, — sir Edward, 240. Endeavours used to take off his tax,
258, 285. Solicits the same favour for mr. Carryl, 643.
Fortescue, major general, one of the commissioners at Jamaica, 130. His death, 153. His instructions, 633, 634.
Fothergill, John, 225.
Fouquet, abbot. See Hocquincourt.
Fox, Henry, information against him, 225, 226.
Fox, mr. a quaker, raises disturbances in Sussex, 408.
France, king of, invited into a league between England and Sweden, 2. Proposes to send an embassador to Sweden, ibid. Rejoicings upon his arrival at Paris, ibid. Sends an embassador to Sweden, 3. Goes to Fountainbleau, 20. Congratulated upon his victories by the embassadors of Holland and Portugal, 26. Gives orders to release all English ships detained in France, 43, 58. Gives leave to the pope to transport corn out of France, 60. His letter to the states general touching the recalling of his embassador, 68. Concludes a peace with England, 75. His declaration thereupon, 135. Not disposed to a peace with Spain, 145. Resolves to execute punctually the treaty with England, 149. His offers to the governor of Arras, 158. Comes to Paris, 195, 231. Acknowledges cardinal de Retz archbishop of Paris, 196. Orders the peace to be published on the same day that it is in England, 215. His order for publick rejoicings thereon, 254. His answer to the emperor's letter desiring him to make peace with Spain, 299. Offered the princess of Portugal in marriage, 306. Publishes a declaration concerning the coining a new species of money, 336. Makes an alteration in the value of coin, 358. Communicates the treaty between France and England to the pope, 374. Sends an envoy to the duke of Mantua. See Beringham. A marriage talked of between him and the eldest princess of Savoy, 386. Reported to be well affected to a peace with Spain, ibid. Forbids the meeting of a parliament to oppose his edict concerning the coin, 405. Very much engaged in diversions, 420. Signs the treaty with the duke of Orleans, ibid. Commands five of the members of the French parliament to depart Paris, 437. Reasons given by him for altering the coin, 438. Makes presents to the duke of Modena, ibid. Goes from Paris to meet the princess royal, 443. Orders the parliament to send deputies to confer with him on their remonstrances, 467. Orders them not to meddle in the edict about the coin, ibid. Seems concerned for the troubles in Switzerland, 491. Forbids the parliament to call an assembly of the chambers, 492. Refuses to recal the exiled members, ibid. Gives audience to the commissioners of the parliament, ibid. Expects an absolute answer from the protector touching the duke of York's removal, 506. Orders the parliament to send deputies to him to know his will in reference to the coin, 507. Meets with great opposition in his proceedings about it, 521. Denies the Swiss in his service leave to assist their catholick countrymen, 522. Sends letters de cachet to St. Malo in favour of the English, 534, 535. Entertained by his chancellor, 553. Endeavours to preserve the friendship of his protestant subjects, 560. Recals the members of parliament banished on account of the coin, ibid. Publishes a decree for the currency thereof, ibid. Desirous to go in person with his troops to Condé, 569. A truce talked of for six years between him and Spain, 591. Makes great preparations for the campaign, ibid. His answer to the king of Spain's letter desiring a peace, ibid. Dispatches circular letters to his parliaments to make use of certain prayers, 600. Causes the currency of the new coin to be stopt for three months, ibid. His manner of diverting himself, 630. Refuses to entertain any thoughts of a treaty till the campaign is over, ibid. His answer to the clergy's remonstrances against the protestants, 645. Prohibits the assembly of the Jansenists, ibid. Meets the princess of Conti, 658. Represents the emperor's design of furnishing Spain with forces as contrary to the treaty of Munster, 670. Recals four canons banished on account of cardinal Retz, 671. Great discontents between him and the pope, 688. Recals the edict for banishing the friends of cardinal de Retz, 697. Orders an English ship taken as prize to be restored, 715. Proposes madamoiselle Mancini in marriage to the prince Luyenne, 723. Proposes to go to Amiens, ibid. Promises the princes of Lorrain to remember their services, ibid. Refuses to acknowledge the pope for arbitrator of peace with Spain, 734. Proposes to re-establish the Jansenists in France, ibid. His answer to the remonstrances of his parliament in behalf of their exiled brethren, 735. Dissatisfied with the pope's proceedings, 751.
France, queen of, desires peace with Spain, 196. Chides the bishop of Tholouse for complaining against the protestants, 498.
France, parliament of, send commissioners to Thoulouse and other places to regulate the affairs of the army, 354. The commissioners resisted by the soldiers, ibid. Press for a meeting to oppose the king's edict concerning the coin, 405. Disobey the king's orders prohibiting their meeting, 437. Five of them ordered to depart Paris thereupon, ibid. Make remonstrances to the king for recalling their banished members, 438. Resolve to remonstrate to the king upon the subject of the coin, and the prohibition of their meeting, 466. Continue to meet notwithstanding the prohibition, 467. Resolve to make new remonstrances in behalf of the exiled members, 492. Prohibited by the king from meddling with the business of the coin, 507. Their banished members recalled by the king, 560. Continue to oppose the edict about the coin, 569. Obtain their point in that affair, 620. Meet to reduce the value of Louis d'Or's, 640. Demand a general assembly to revoke the decree for raising the Louis d'Or's, 645. Their request refused, ibid. Further account of their proceedings upon the business of the coin, 658. Several members banished upon that account, 670. Further account of that affair, 671. Resolve to demand the liberty of their imprisoned members and the recalling of their banished ones, ibid, 697, 716. Debate about recalling their exiled members, 716. Resolve to make remonstrances to the king to procure the liberty of monsieur Montauglan, ibid. Their disputes with the king likely to be accommodated, 723. Make verbal remonstrances to the king in behalf of their exiled brethren, 735, 751. Account of their further proceedings, 755, 760. All their counsellors recalled from banishment except monsieur de Longuevil and Portail, 762.
France, council of state of, issue an ordinance concerning species of coin, 492.
France, chancellor of, entertains the king, 553. Refuses the pope's nuncio a copy of the king's speech to the assembly of the clergy, 734.
Francis, Philip, to be put in commission of the peace for Cornwall, 520.
Frankland, William, imprisoned, 614.
Frasier, doctor, arrives at Paris from king Charles's court, 581.
Frencheville, colonel, disaffected to the government, 509.
Freeman, captain, one of the commissioners for Sussex, 161, 285.
French embassador at Rome. See Lionne.
-, — embassador in England. See Bordeaux.
-, — embassador in Savoy. See Servlen.
-, — embassador in Holland. See Chanut.
-, — embassador to the king of Sweden. See D'Avangour.
-, — embassador to the elector of Brandenburgh. See
French embassador, agent in Holland. See Courtin.
-, — embassador in Switzerland. See Rochefoucaut.
-, — embassador at Rome. See Lyonne.
-, — embassador at Venice. See Besancon.
French clergy, deputation of the assembly, 43. Unsatisfied in the case of the archbishop of Paris, 158. Discontents among them, 227. Disgusted at the king's behaviour to them on a trifting affair, 232. Their differences with the pope, ibid. Preach against the peace with England, 284. Continue their proceedings against the court, 560. Chose the archbishop of Sens to make remonstrances against the Protestants, ibid. Particulars of their audience and remonstrances, 645, 654. Pope's letter to them. See Pope. Consult about returning an answer thereto, 724.
Frere, mr. 171.
Friesland states avow the interest of prince William, 14. Furnish the Vaudois with money, 112. Their opinion relating to the Government of Boisleduc, 173. Endeavour to persuade the states of Holland to confer the charge of marschal de camp on prince William, 202. Name the lord Vierssen embassador for Denmark, 230. Agree to the project of harmony among the provinces, 332. Declare their dissent to the payment of the arrears of the Barosil forces, 612. Conclude to send away all the ships that are in readiness to the Baltick, 642. Signify their consent to the equipping an extraordinary fleet, 657.
Fry, William, 337.
Fuensaldagna, earl, at Hall, 26. To return to Spain, 357. Goes from the Netherlands to be governor of Milan, 491. To command in the Netherlands till the arrival of don John of Austria, 658. Employed to solicit the payment of the pension of the archduke, 715.
Fullwood, George, 229.
GAmarra, Spanish embassador to the states general, disgusted at the admiralty of Amsterdam, 96. Publishes the defeat of the English at Jamaica, 178. Makes a complaint against colonel Ferents, 261. Receives the thanks of the states general for his compliment on the new year, 353. His memorial concerning a captain of a private man of war referred to the admiralty, ibid. Instructed to endeavour to make the states jealous of France and England, 478. Promises them satisfaction in relation to the tolls taken upon the Meuse, 518. Offers a speedy determination of the differences in Outremeuse, 559. The consequence of that offer considered, 564. His memorial in behalf of the earl of Egmont, 644. Complains of the governor of Valkenberg, ibid. His conference with the commissioners of the states general touching the complaint of the consul Oorschott, 649. His memorial against Pester referred, 652. His answer to the complaints of the Dutch subjects being oppressed in Spain, 653. Signifies his readiness to confer with the commissioners of the states concerning the country of Outremeuse, 709, 730. Complains of the mayor of Sas having arrested an alderman of Ghent, 730.
Gardiner, colonel, escaped from the tower of London, arrived at Barbadoes, 39. Concerned in an insurrection in Kent, 132.
Garret, Thomas, 185.
Gelderland, states of, desired to declare themselves on the treaty with Brandenburgh, 31. Their letter to the states general touching the departure of the French embassador, 90. Press the conclusion of the treaty of alliance with France, 126. Their sentiments relating to the government of Boisleduc, 173. Their commissioners for the chambre mi partie, 202. Name the lord Ghendt embassador for Spain, 230. Declare themselves unable to satisfy the subsidy to the elector of Brandenburgh, 311. Disagree to the project of the harmony of the provinces, 637. Advise the sending of the fleet to the Baltick, 658.
General assembly men, a fect in Scotland. See Broghill.
Geneva, a meeting of the protestant commissioners there, 81, 172. Represent their dangers from the machinations of the court of Rome to the states general, 309. Inhabitants raise 300 men to send into Switzerland, 341. Desire the states general to assist them with a subsidy, 387. Desire the protector to assist them with money towards repairing their fortifications, 419. Jealous of the duke of Savoy's forces, 491.
Genoa, republick of, furnish Spain with considerable sums of money, 566. Their letter of credence to the protector. See Bernardo.
Genoa, agent at London. See Bernardo.
Gentillot, monsieur, offers his service to the protector, 555.
Gerard, lord, agent for king Charles in France, 10. Intercepted letters from him, 81, 100. To depart from France upon the peace with England, 158. Examines all letters at the post-office in Paris, 194. Abuses the protector in publick, ibid. Prosesses himself willing to assassinate him, 196.
Germany, emperor of, his jealousy of Sweden, 3. Confiscates the dukedom of Modena, 46. Represents his danger from the king of Sweden to the German princes, 78. Makes great preparations for war, 94. Sends an embassador to the king of Sweden, 96. Resolves to assist Poland, 99. Hastens the raising of his forces, 118. Alarmed at the successes of Sweden, 120. Falls dangerously sick, 170. His embassador to the elector of Brandenburgh. See Starenberg. Endeavours to engage him against the king of Sweden, 204. Advises the king of France to make peace with Spain, 299. Endeavours to prevent the king of Sweden from possessing Poland, 301. Prevented from meddling in the affairs of Poland by his apprehensions of France, 385. Engages all the German princes to take up arms against Sweden, 539. Purchases great quantities of arms, 658. Pretence for it, ibid. Is to furnish the king of Spain with 12000 men to act in the Low Countries, 670. Suspected of having a design against the Swedes, 696.
Germany, electors of, enter into a league offensive and defensive, 503. Make lord Ruysschenburgh commander of their forces, ibid, and 508. Raise nine regiments for the service of his imperial majesty, 556. Their armies increase daily, 579. Conjectures about the result of their councils, 691. Raise forces in the name of the duke of Newburg, ibid.
Gernetsky and Lubomirsky, Polish generals, defeat the marquis of Baden's Forces, 702. See Baden.
Ghendt, lord, proposed to be sent embassador from the states general into Spain, 201. Ordered to reassume the treaties with France, 387.
Gibbon, colonel Robert, complains of the depredations committed by the Ostenders on the English, 258.
Gibbs Henry, 353.
Gibson, major, 438.
Gifford, mrs. 247.
Gilespy, mr. deputed, with Levingston, from the presbyterians in Scotland to lord Broghill, 127. Their conference with him, ibid. Their account of the transactions in the assembly of the kirk, 223. Well affected to the protector, 557.
Gilby, col. Anthony, his examination touching an infurrection in Rufford, 484. Committed to prison, 496.
Ging, colonel, in Ireland in the interest of king Charles, 629.
Glencairne, lord, endeavours to raise disturbances in Scotland, 49. Letters from Middleton to him intercepted, 222. Expresses his affection to king Charles, ibid. Promises to send him what money can be raised, and what friends he has in Scotland, ibid. Does not discover that his letter had been opened, 224. Methods taken to peruse all letters to the king, 250. Resolution for securing him, 271. Seized upon by general Monck, 342. Made the means of ruining col. Borthwick, 741. Promises made him by the king, 769.
Glioddi, mons. a French prisoner detained by the Spaniards contrary to agreement, 1.
Gloucester, duke of, 65. Designs to go to France, 169. A
ship of war preparing for him to assist his Brother, 619. To
embrace the catholic Religion in hopes of being made a
cardinal, 690.
-, — bishop of. See Goodman.
Gloucestershire, commissioners, their letter of thanks to the protector for his care of the common-wealth, 354.
Glynne, lord chief justice, sends a list of persons fit for sheriff of Chester, 171.
Globe, William, 240.
Godart, mons. banished for opposing the French king's edict for reducing the coin, 671.
Goddart, Vincent, 285.
Godolphin, dr. See Nieuport.
Goffe, colonel, major-general of Sussex, Hampshire and Berkshire, 88, 117. Gives account of a petition preparing in Sussex, 151. His proceedings in relation to the list of commissioners, 161. Account of their first meeting, and a list of their names, 190. His further proceedings, 208. Desires money for his necessary expences, 217. Gives an account of what sum may probably be raised in Sussex, 218. Waits upon lord Richard Cromwell, 229. Sends a list of the Persons taxed in Hampshire, and the sums raised thereby, 239. His letter to secretary Thurloe, 258. His proceedings at Reading, 284. Writes to secretary Thurloe in behalf of lieutenant Pretty, 294. Desires that the commissioners may have power to tax estates under 100 l. per annum, 344. Declares his suspicion of colonel Busbridge to the protector, 394. His account of disturbances raised by the quakers in Sussex, 408. Recommends a petition of the inhabitants of Chichester to secretary Thurloe, 414. Meets with difficulties in taxing the marquis of Winchester's estates, 444. Acknowledges the receipt of the lord protector's orders touching raising of seamen, 497. Proposes a method for paying the militia, 497, 498. Presses the speedy payment of the troops, 526. Sends secretary Thurloe an account of his proceedings at Winchester, 582. Acquaints him with his apprehensions of his letters being intercepted, 595. Account of his proceedings in Staffordshire, 639. Desires some commissioners to be added for ejecting scandalous ministers, &c. ibid. Desires instructions as to lord Byron's delinquency, ibid. Account of his proceedings in Sussex, 642. Disbands col. Busbridge's troop at Lewes, ibid. Desires the said troop may receive three months pay, ibid. Desires to be furnished with money to pay the troops in Hampshire, 643. Desires instructions concerning mr. Carryll's estate, ibid. Sends secretary Thurloe an account of one Sturgeon a prisoner in the tower, 752. Complains of the proceedings of the magistrates of Southampton, 764. Desires his attendance at Whitehall may be excused for some time, 765.
Gonzaga, marquis, refused his liberty by the vice-roy of Naples, 1.
Goodman, John, 248.
-, —Godfrey, bishop of Gloucester, declares himself a
Roman catholic at his death, 588.
Goodridge, major, 598.
Goodsonn, vice-admiral, his letter to the governor of Bermudas, 51. Account of his attempt at Rio di Hachi, 159. Of his taking Santa Martha, ibid. His design upon St. Jago disappointed, 160. His advice concerning the government of Jamaica, 389. His and major Sedgwicke's representation of the weak condition of the army and the fleet, 451,–453, 455,–458. Desires part of his salary to be paid to his wife, 458. Their account of their proceedings at Jamaica, 600–602. Their commission and instructions, 634,–637. His account of some further proceedings, 694. Complains of the dilatoriness of the soldiers, 695. Goes out upon a cruize, 748. Number and names of ships with him, ibid. and 749.
Gookin, Daniel, his letters to secretary Thurloe upon his arrival in New England, 440, 449.
Goreing, John, information against him for being concerned in a plot against the protector, 213. Examinations thereupon, 213. Promised by lord Goring to be made a duke, ibid. Promises to make discoveries, 229.
Gores in Ireland, in the interest of king Charles, 629.
Gorge, mr. engaged in the interest of king Charles, 101.
Goring, lord, arrives at Cologne, 10. Designed by king Charles to go to Flanders, 169.
Goring, junior, to appear as embassador from king Charles to Spain upon their breach with the Protector, 122. Joined with Ormonde, ibid.
Grammont, mareschal, espouses the interests of the protestants in France, 489. Prepares to go to his government of Bayonne, 494.
Grand signior, his forces repulse the Venetians at the Morea, 139. Reflections on his conduct towards foreign states, ibid. Sends to seize the estate of Morat Basha, but prevented by the Janifaries, 140. Grants the petition of the city of Aleppo touching their refusal of a Bassa, 142. Apprehends dangers from the conjunction of the Muscovites, Swedes and Cossacks, 369. Not inclinable to a peace with the Venetians, ibid. Gives ill treatment to the English embassador on account of general Blake's actions at Tunis, 415. Forbids the Tartars to attempt any thing against the king of Sweden, 424. His forces in Candia mutinous for want of pay, 519. Account of his extraordinary behaviour in the punishment of disorders at Constantinople, 773.
Grand, monsieur le, banished from France for opposing the edict for reducing the coin, 671.
Grange, monsieur, president in France, banished on account of the same, 671.
Grantham, lady, 607.
Grantham, mr. killed in a duel by mr. Chamberlayne, 674.
Grandens, city of, surprized by the Swedes, 270.
Gravenor, mr. See Pickering.
Green, Nicholas, 295.
Greve, John, 208.
Griffiths, mr. 251.
Griffiths, captain, 746.
Groningen states, avow the interest of prince William, 14. Their opinion relating to the government of Boisleduc, 173. Name the lord Ysbrants embassador for Sweden, 230. Raise great difficulties in agreeing to the harmony of the provinces, 612. Refuse to hearken to that project, 627. Break up their assembly without agreeing to it, 637. Advise the sending as many of the ships as are ready to the Baltick, 652.
Grove, mr. 300. Desires time to consider about his acting as a commissioner for Wiltshire, 301.
Guise, duke of, 149.
Gulick. See Russchenburg.
Gulliver, Edward, 274.
Gunn, sir William, employed by king Charles in Germany, 169.
Gunter, George, 240.
Gurdon, colonel, 171.
Gurdon, mr. 185.
Guthery, mr. one of the leading men of the remonstrators in Scotland, 557. Owns the writing of a pamphlet against the government, ibid.
Guyenne, account of an insurrection of the peasants there, 716.
HAbergen, mr. minister of Sylam. See Stanhum, mr.
Hacker, col. Francis, one of the commissioners for Leicestershire, 248. Sends a party to seize suspected persons at a meeting at Rufford, 598. His and captain Sheild's proceedings in seizing some scandalous books sent into the country, 720.
Haersolle, Drossard, 15.
Hall, Roger. See Cooke.
Hales, sir Edward, endeavours to sapercede the proceedings for taxing his estate, 293. Sends a state of his case to secretary Thurloe, 364.
Hales, judge, his behaviour commended, 663, 686.
Halsal, James, agent for king Charles, 10. His examination touching the king's designs, 245. Employed to procure men and money for him, ibid. The person, who killed Ascham in Spain, 306. Employed to assassinate the protector, ibid. His lodgings in the tower searched by the lieutenant upon notice of his designing to escape, 473. Several letters betwen him and his sister intercepted, 474, 519, 570, 579, 622, 637, 719, 763. Steers's information concerning him, 580.
Hambleton, John, 513.
Hamburghers, pleased at the report of the protector's death, 134.
Hamilton, lieut. John, returns from Barbadoes, 221.
-, — sir George, sent by king Charles to Brussels, 298.
Disagreeable to the Spaniards, ibid.
-, — sir James. See Manning.
Hanham, mr. 169.
Hanmer, sir Thomas, recommended to secretary Thurloe, 277. Summoned to bring in a particular of his estate, 294. Letter to the protector in his behalf, 319. Particular of his estate, ibid.
Hans towns, complain of the exactions of Holland, 126. Desire leave to transport Wood from Norway to Antwerp, 460. Report of their being charged towards the expence of clearing the Mediterranean of Pirates, 515.
Harbie, Richard, 185.
Harcourt, mareschal, to command the French army in Piedmont under the duke of Modena, 336.
Harcourt, prince de, marries the duke of Bouillon's daughter, 755.
Harries, sir Thomas, his estate secured by the commissioners of Salop, 394.
Harrison, his account of the anabaptists in Ireland, 90.
-, —major general, 151, 161. Warrant for his release
from imprisonment stopt by order of council, 590. Expected to be released from his confinement, 676.
-, —doctor Thomas, his letter complaining of the designs against lord Henry Cromwell, 349.
Hart, Thomas, 185.
-, — Theo. 238.
Hartford, marquis, 101. Breaks off a treaty with the earl of Northumberland on account of his commending the protector, 229.
Hartlib, mr. 66.
Hartopp, William, 248.
Harvey, colonel, commissioner of the customs, committed to the tower for embezzling the publick money, Part of it recovered from him, 206.
Harvey, James, 225.
-, — Edmund, 225.
Harward, Thomas, 251.
Harworth, mr. commendation of him, 639.
Haslewood, mr. 211. His character, 215.
Hauerwe and Allardt, messeurs, cited to appear before the council of state in Holland, 14.
Hauquincourt or Hocquincourt, mareschal de, governor of Peronne, engaged in the interest of the prince of Condé, 124. Treats with the French, 147. His demands, ibid. His lady confers with mr. Tellier upon his propositions, 148. Refuses to treat with cardinal Mazarin, 158. Makes no agreement, 169. His son taken by a party of the prince of Conde's troops, 170. Receives a party of the prince of Conde's forces into the town, 183. Refuses the offers of the French king, 184. His slight reception of abbot Fouquet, 187. His character of cardinal Mazarin, 195. Agrees to the terms offered him by the French court, 210, 229. To be denounced traitor in full parliament, 227. Highly caressed by the French king, and cardinal, 299. Obtains leave to serve the emperor, 619. Conditions of his service, 716.
Haughton, James, 271.
Haworth, Richard, recommended to succeed col. Fell in the duchy court, 424.
Haw, John and others, their petition to major-general Whalley, 273.
Hayes, mr. 161, 238.
Haynes, major-general, commissioner for Norfolk, account of his proceedings, 170, 216, 227, 230. Secures John Cleveland, 184. Desires an order for removing mr. Boteman from the Hull, 217. His letter to secretary Thurloe, 225. Complains of Boteman, 257. His reasons for securing Anthony Aldham, 272. Sends notes of things necessary to be done, 302. His reflections on the behaviour of Cornet Day, 330. Sends general Fleetwood a list of the officers of the corporation at Colchester, ibid. Desires mr. Anthony Browne's bond to be sent him, 501. His account of a mutiny at Eye, 687. Proposes to be present at a meeting of ministers to hear their grievances, 727.
Heake, mr. his account of some affairs in Sweden, 53. Of the rate of the Poll tax in Austria below the river Ens, 728.
Heanes, major-general, 258.
Hedges, mr. 360.
Heighington, mr. vindication of himself, 283.
Heinsius, mr. sent embassador from the states general to the elector of Brandenburgh, 96. Returns home, 490.
Hely, James, 295. See Holton.
Henderson, major-general offers his service to the protector, 407.
Hendricksen, Vander Meulen, absconds from Amsterdam, 376.
Henecy, Tieg, a priest, 446.
Henley, mr. 350.
Henvliet, mynheer, attends the princess royal to Antwerp, 412.
Henrietta, princess, not to depart out of France upon the peace with England, 158.
Hereford, lord, thanks secretary Thurloe for procuring him a warrant to preserve the protector's game in Suffolk, 344.
Hertfordshire commissioners, their letter to the protector, 573.
Hesse, Frederick, landgrave of, killed at Kostain, 119.
Hewet, sent over to England by king Charle's agent, 101.
Hewson, colonel and others, their petition from Ireland, praying the return of Fleetwood, 276. Exposes the protector's letter to him which causes discontents in the army, 328. Lays the chief blame of his petition upon sir Theo. Jones, 348. Thanks the protector for his letter and instructions, 422.
Heyward, mr. engages in the interest of king Charles, 101.
Hide, sir Thomas, 364.
Hill, captain, 571.
-, — Richard, 295.
-, — colonel. See Thurloe.
Hindersley, mr. 208.
Hipsley, Robert, recommended for sheriff of Wilts, 337.
Hispaniola, English defeated there, 29.
Hix, sir William, 364.
Hobart, Nathanael, 451.
Hobbs, Robert, 271.
Hodden, major, governor of Kingsale, inclinable to the quakers, 508.
Holdipp, col. made president of the council and commander in chief of the forces at Jamaica, 153. Complained of for leaving the government of Surinam, 157.
Holdish, Marmaduke, 149.
Holland, states of, complaints of foreign officers against them, 14. Resolve to hinder the fleet's going into the Sound for some time, 15. Consent to the ratification of the treaty with the elector of Brandenburgh, 31. Consult about the propositions of Poland, 34. Disaffected to prince William, 35. Their resolutions on the differences of Overyssel, 42. Propose the sending embassadors to Sweden and Denmark, 44. Desire prince William to desist from his election of Stadtholder, 60. Not ready for the business of the Baltick, ibid. Their reasons against prince William's election, 61. Advise not to send any fleet to the Sound, ibid. Dissatisfied with the alliance with Brandenburgh, 93. Persist in not sending commissioners to Overyssel, 95. Not sincere in their friendship to the protector, 111. Their exactions on the Hans towns complained of, 126. Their invectives against Sweden, 145. Their opinion relating to the government of Boisleduc, 173. Apprehensive of the king of Sweden's gaining the elector of Brandenburgh, 174. Endeavour to obtain a treaty of commerce with the protector, ibid. Inclinable to renew the treaty of alliance with France, 178. Agree to furnish the elector of Brandenburgh with three months subsidy, 200. Send a resident to Brussels, ibid. Desire leave to name four of the embassadors to Sweden and Denmark, 201. Propose to send an extraordinary embassy to the king of Spain, ibid. Confer with the states of Friesland touching the charge of mareschal de camp, 202. Reflections on their conduct towards the protector and the king of Sweden, 203. Censure the manisesto of the protector against Spain, ibid. Draw up a project for renewing the alliance with France, 205. Name commissioners to confer with the other provinces touching the charge of mareschal de camp, 230. Oppose the establishment of the passage money upon the Meuse, ibid. Represent their Desires in several particulars at a conference with the other provinces, ibid. Their proposals to grave William, 241. Nominate embassadors for Sweden, Denmark and Brandenburgh, 261. Unable to hinder prince William from becoming head of the militia, 262. Endeavour to breed jealousy between the prince of Orange and prince William, ibid. Take into consideration the demands of the elector of Brandenburgh, 288. Delay the embassy to Spain for fear of giving jealousy to the protector, 289. Divided in their opinion as to the manner of treating with Sweden, 290. Their objection to the elector of Brandenburgh's demand about the mortgage of his tolls, 311. Agree to his demands, ibid. Agree to permit the said elector to levy men in the United Provinces, 312. and the 40th penny of collateral successions, ibid. Apprehensive of England ruining their commerce, ibid. Jealous of their commerce to the east sea, 332. Advise the states general not to contribute any more to the relief of the Vaudois, 353. Reflections on their commerce, 355. Not fully agreed with grave William, 385. Agree to lend the elector of Brandenburgh 200,000 rix dollars upon hard terms, 387. Not willing to furnish their share thereof till the rest of the provinces have their quota ready, 388. Take the affairs of Geneva, &c. into consideration, 431. Demand restitution of the money received by the elector of Brandenburgh's minister since the conclusion of the treaty with Sweden, 448. Ill satisfied with Brandenburgh, 459, 516, 585. Propose to renew the ordinance against frauds, 515. Advise the delay of the departure of their embassador to Brandenburgh, 536. Their reason for it, 537. Send Nieuport instructions for his proceedings in the Maritime treaty, ibid. Reflections on their interest in the affairs of the Baltick, ibid. Divided in their councils, ibid, and 627. Propose a deputation to Zealand, 563. Not willing to come to any resolution upon the affairs of the north without the king of Denmark, 568. Propose that the Dutch embassadors to Sweden may be instructed to visit the elector of Brandenburgh, 579. Agree to furnish the money and guns petitioned for by the admiralty of Amsterdam, 585. Give their advice upon the instructions to the Swedish embassadors, 586. Propose their considerations concerning the negotiation with Denmark, ibid. Well inclined to an alliance with Denmark, ibid. Bear no good will to Dantzick, 587. Their resolution touching the instructions to be sent to the embassadors in Sweden, 610. Oppose the motion of sending the embassadors to Sweden to wait on the elector of Brandenburgh, 611. Their reasons for it, ibid. Propose the prolonging the edict for the embargo, 612. Willing to send an embassy to the elector of Brandenburgh, ibid. Propose the releasing of the English prisoners taken by the Dunkirk man of war, ibid. Their resolution upon the complaints of several Dutch ships being detained at Calais, 614. Wish to see the Dantzickers humbled, 622. Reflections on their conduct, 623. Well affected to the protector, 626. Proceed in equipping their fleet, ibid. Their apprehensions of Sweden, ibid. Their behaviour towards Dantzick and Denmark considered, 627. Insist on power being given to the embassadors in Denmark to enlarge the ninth article of the treaty, 631. Dissatisfied with the conduct of the states of Zealand, 638. Take wrong measures in order to check the power of Sweden, ibid. Their answer to the arguments of Zealand. See Beverning. Advise the sending as much of the fleet as is in readiness to the Baltick, 652. Take the Spanish embassador's memorial relating to the earl of Egmont into consideration, ibid. Separate, ibid. Promise to declare themselves on the business of the pass-money, 653. Their Resolution touching the instructions to be sent to the Dutch embassadors in Denmark, 657. Reflections on their conduct towards the protector and Spain, 731.
Holland, Cornelius, one of the commissioners for Berkshire, 285.
Holstein, master of the Vatican at Rome, proposition to bring
him to the interest of Holland, 200. Is to instruct the
queen of Sweden in her new religion, ibid.
-, —duke of, his son's death, 399. Entertains the Dutch
embassadors on their journey to Denmark, 465.
Hollon, Edward, his and James Hely's letter to the protector touching the excusing lord Seymour and others from paying the tax, 609.
Honywood, sir Thomas, 320.
Hongerford, mr. intercepted letters from him, 69, 70, 84, 85, 436, 437.
Hooper, John, 392.
Hope, captain, 211, 212.
Hopton, adjutant general, 221.
Hopton, lord, laid aside by the protector, 269.
Horn, admiralty of, desire money of the states general for equipping their fleet, 431.
Hove, van de, consul at Cadiz, account of some occurrences there, 555. Of the king of Spain's placart for registering English goods, 694. Advises the states general of the arrival of some of the plate fleet, 621.
Houghton, sir Richard, accepts a commission, 746.
Howard, colonel, desires instructions how to dispose of prisoners in his custody, 71. Assures the protector of his
diligence and integrity in his employment, 340. A letter
from him intercepted, 416.
-, —a dominican frier in the interest of king Charles
goes for England, 169.
-, —captain. See Lambert.
Hubbert, William, 248.
Hume, sir James, sent into Scotland as an agent for king Charles, 299.
Huntingdonshire commissioners, their letter to secretary Thurloe, 229. Duplicate of delinquents estates decimated there, 512.
Hunt, Thomas, recommended for sheriff for Shropshire, 272. Desires to be excused, 359. Recommended to be put in commission for the peace, 394.
Hurst, Robert, refuses obedience to the council's order, 398.
Husbands, major, 238.
Hussey, Edmund, commissioner of the customs, 149.
Hutchison, a leading man in the kirk of Scotland, 558.
Hutton, Richard, imprisoned by the commissioners for Yorkshire, 614.
Huybert, lord, and others, named embassador from the states general to Sweden, 230, 387. Proposed for embassador to Prussia, 448. Ordered to prepare his equipage to depart to Sweden, 515. Debates about the manner of their journey, 535. Touching their instructions, 536. Account of their reception at Hamburgh, 599. Their instructions, 626. Account of their reception at Lubeck and Wismar, 647. Particulars of their conference with lord Oxenstiern at Stetin, 655. Their reception at Dantzick, 753. Propose to attend the King of Sweden at Marienburgh, 754.
Hyde, sir Edward, not trusted by the Presbyterians, 86. Sends
captain Shelton to England, 101. Afraid of being laid
aside by king Charles, 122. Carries on designs in England against the protector, 169. Letter from him intercepted, 188. Keeps a correspondence with the king of
Spain, 444.
-, —doctor James, sent over by king Charles to England,
-, —John, one of the commissioners for Berkshire, 285.
JAckson, George, offers his service to secretary Thurloe, 365. See Pickering.
Jackson, Peter, information against him, 398.
Jamaica. See Goodsonn, Sedgewick and D'oyldy. Proposals of sending men and women thither from Ireland, 23, 41. Articles between general Penn and the inhabitants there, 28. An account of necessaries wanted there, 61. Proclamation of the council there for the better carrying on the business of that island, 71. Miserable condition of the English there, 152. Mortality in the army there, 153, 453. Capable of producing variety of provisions, 390. Account of the proceedings of the English there, 451, 452, 600, 601, 604, seqq. They address the officers to be removed from that island, 456. Examinations of several persons touching the condition of the Spaniards there, 474. Great complaint of want of women there, 567. Reflection on the advantages accruing to the English from the possession of it, 602. Instructions to the commanders there, 633, seqq.
James, William, 513.
Jansen, Garret, his account of the affairs of king Charles, 747, 748.
Jansenius, disputes in the Sorbonne relating to his opinions, 438.
Jansenists, prohibited in France, 645.
Jaspars, mr. employed in bringing king Charles's agents to England, 206.
Ibson, mr. 438.
Jenner, captain, 161. Recommended to be put in commission for the peace, 190. One of the commissioners for Sussex, 162.
Jermee, captain, 151.
Jermin, lord, attends cardinal Mazarin about the duke of York's departure for Brussels, 375.
Jermy, colonel, his letter to the protector, 171.
Jessop, secretary, 258. Clerk of the council, 345.
Jews, reasons for admitting them into England, 308. Consultations thereupon, 321. Solicit the Dutch embassador in England in behalf of their brethren in the inquisition in Spain and Portugal, 333. Several of them barbarously murdered in Poland, 772.
Johnson, Francis, intelligencer at Amsterdam, his account of the transactions in the Low Countries, 751.
Johnson, John, 460.
Jones, colonel, one of the commissioners of the admiralty
and fleet, 17.
-, — mr. an agent for king Charles, 122.
-, — John, one of the commissioners for Northwales, 216.
His diligence and fidelity commended, 413. Character
given him by lord H. Cromwell, 606.
-, —sir Theophilus, 327.
-, — doctor H. his observations upon the behaviour of the
Irish, 445, 483.
-, — John, a preacher among the fifth monarchy men,
particulars of a sermon preached by him, 650.
Inchiquin, lord, his letter to colonel Clanchy touching the colonel's imprisonment intercepted, 704. To the same touching the management of his regiment under the duke of Modena, 766.
Ipsir, basha, raises an army to revenge his father's death, 552. Besieges Aleppo, ibid. Cuts off the basha of Damascus and his army, ibid.
Ireland. See Cromwell, Henry. Proposition for raising a militia there, 198. A proposal for setting up a mint there, 308. Officers of the army there address the protector for the return of Fleetwood, 421. Instructions touching the said address, ibid. Account of the situation of affairs there and of persons suspected of designs against the government, 445, 446. Reasons for apprehending dangerous designs there, 447, 483. Lands belonging to the government there undervalued, 509.
Ireland, George, 484.
Italy, princes of, expected to join in a league against any foreign invasion, 674. Their reasons for it, ibid. Raise forces in their several territories, 688.
Juchem, commissary, 508.
-, — mynheer, recommends to the states general the reinforcing certain garrisons, 597.
Juliers and Bergue, send an army along the Wetterau, 508.
Kalisch, weywood of, Revolts from the king of Sweden, 713.
Keepe, Andrew, one of the commissioners for Berkshire, 285.
Kelly, employed by king Charles about the Irish in Flanders, 102.
Kelsey, colonel, major general of Kent and Surry, 88, 117. Desires a power to assess persons of 50l. a year, 225. His account of the earl of Southampton's refusal to comply with his orders, 234. Account of his proceedings at Maidstone, 293. Imprisons one Coppin on account of his preaching several blasphemous tenets, 486. Represents the grievance of continuing improper persons in the commission of oyer and terminer, 544.
Kerr, colonel Gilbert, a leading man among the remonstrators in Scotland, 479. Refuses to act as a justice of the peace, 480.
King, mr. 171. A commissioner for Norfolk, 185.
Kingdon, mr. 672.
Kingston, earl of, desires to be excused from a tax of the tenth of his estate, 237.
Kitson, John, in the interest of king Charles, 101.
Knowles, Richard, one of the commissioners for Sussex, 162.
Knyvett, Thomas. See Norfolk, commissioners of,
Koningsberg city, refuse to comply with the demand of the elector of Brandenburgh, 144.
Koningsmark, general, desires leave to raise some troops in the country of Cleve, 542.
Konispolkey, general of the Swedish quartzanes, winter quarters assigned him in Prussia, 275.
LAmbert, major general of several northern counties, 117. Thought to be in the interest of king Charles, 169. Appoints captain Howard and colonel Lilburne his deputies, 177. His interest in the army dangerous to the protector, 676.
Lampson, lord, commissioner of Zealand comes to confer with Holland, 60.
Lancashire commissioners, desire instructions touching examining persons on oath in defence of the parties accused, 733.
Landskronsky. See Lanskeyconskey.
Languedoc, states of, send commissioners to the parliament to demand some acts for sustaining the soldiers of the king, 354.
Lanskeyconskey, general of the quartzanes, revolts from the king of Sweden, 362. Defeated and taken prisoner, 399. See Polisky.
Lathrope, mr. intercepted letter from him, 739
Laurence, Richard, agent at Constantinople, 38. His account of affairs in Turkey, 138. Endeavours used to
displace him, 139. Complains of the companies proceedings towards him, 518. Memorial of the Turkey
company desiring he may be recalled, 704.
-, —lord, president of the council of state, 258.
-, —Richard, 276. One of the commissioners for the
county of Dorset, 305.
-, —Thomas, elected mayor of Colchester, 376.
Lawson, vice-admiral, appointed to guard the Channel, 567.
Lea, John, 305.
Leake, mr. 152.
Learmon, sir James, made one of the judges in Scotland, 268.
Le Broise, mr. his account of the affairs of king Charles, 592.
Lecester, mr. 149, 449.
Leczinky, count, sent from the king of Sweden to negotiate a peace with Poland, 36.
Leda, marquis de, 86.
Leech, mr. made one of the clerks of the pells in Ireland, 308.
Legar, Jacob, 238.
Leicestershire commissioners, their letter to the protector concerning the petitions of persons taxed in that county, 335.
Leigh, mr. 349.
Leigh, John, recommended for sheriff of the county of Chester, 267.
Le Maire, mr. his account of the king of Denmark's proceedings in relation to the Dutch fleet proposed to go to the Sound, 64. Of the king of Spain's offers to king Charles, 143.
Lenox, lord, 401.
Leopold, archduke. See Austria.
Lestrade, monsieur, a favourite with cardinal Mazarin. See Morrell, Hugh.
Levant company. See Turky.
Levellers in England. See Spain, king of.
Levet, mr. his essay for raising money, 377.
Levingston, mr. See Gilespy.
Lewenhoost, count, a Swedish general, ordered to stay on the frontiers of Prussia, 178.
Lewis, mr. 505, 531.
Lewkner, mr. 240.
Lexington, lord, his petition to the council of state referred
to mr. Strickland and col. Jones, 345.
-, — Robert, sends the order of council upon his petition to major general Whalley, 354.
Ligneville, count, banished in Flanders, 716. Takes the oath of fidelity to the French king, 735. To command the Lorrain troops, ibid.
Lilburne, colonel. See Lambert. His character of mr. Heighington, 283. His letter to the protector, 294. Account of his proceedings at York, 321, 442, 462, 468. Intercedes for mr. Brases, 364. Desires major Whalley to apprehend and examine Mark Morley, 393. His advice upon mr. Robinson's being made sheriff of Yorkshire, 397. Examines several persons in relation to a design against the government, 498. His proceedings at Durham, 522. Secures several persons in Yorkshire, 614. Desires the protector to add more persons to the commission for ejecting scandalous ministers, 643.
Lincolnshire, commissioners of, desire further instructions, 212, 238. Account of their proceedings, 337. Additional commissioners for that county, 496.
Linde, Vander, made General of the artillery and field-marshal to the king of Sweden, 503.
Linley, William, 484.
Lionne, mons. the French ambassador at Rome, 1. His
letter to Bordeaux, 59. Account of what passed at his
audience relating to the cardinal de Retz, 80. Ordered to
communicate the treaty of peace between France and England to the pope, 374. Ordered to propose a place for a
meeting touching the general peace, 386. Proposes to
return to France, 645. Embarks in a Genoese galley for
Marseilles. 688. Reported to be incognito in Paris, 693.
-, — madame, departs from Loretto to meet her husband,
Lisson, George, reported to be fled beyond sea, 462. Summoned to appear before the commissioners for Yorkshire,
-, — major, 258.
Littawe. See Sameyton.
Little, captain Richard, information against him, 106.
Littleton, sir Henry, orders relating to his estate, 215. Imprisoned in the Tower, 224.
Lloyd, dr. sent by sir Edward Hyde into England, 169.
-, — captain, his instructions on his going to the fleet on the
coast of Spain, 744.
Loan, bishop of, received a duke and peer of, in the parliament of France, 299.
Lockhart, colonel, made one of the council of state in Scotland, 268. Desires leave to come to England, 342. Appointed Envoy to France, 647. Conjecture about the reason of putting off his journey thither, 676. Order of council for his allowance, 688, 698. Prepares to go to France, 728. Account of his reception at Dieppe, 739, 740. Makes a compliment to the Dutch ambassador, 741. Arrives at St. Dennis, 759. Complimented by cardinal Mazarin and others, 771. His embassy disagreeable to the clergy, ibid.
London, lord mayor of. See Dethick.
Long, mr. 43.
Longbotham, Joseph, his examination, 21.
Longland, mr. agent at Leghorn, his several letters of intelligence, 58, 67, 77, 92, 172, 199, 232, 295, 331, 374, 464, 552, 566, 625, 673, 688, 753, 774. Desires the protector's letter to the duke of Tuscany for leave to the English to build a church at Leghorn, 92. Recommends the sending an English fleet to the Streights, 172, 566. And a person for an intelligencer in Italy, 232. His account of the strength and station of the Spanish fleet, 295, 331. His account of the behaviour of the Italian princes on the declaration of war against Spain, 295, 331. Advises the sending of a Fleet into the Mediterranean, 374. Desires payment of the money disbursed by him for some Neapolitan horses, 464. His account of the siege of Aleppo, 552. Advises the settling of an English consul at Leghorn, ibid. Complains of his losses by the French, 566. His account of some transactions in Spain, 625. Offers to furnish general Blake's fleet with provisions, ibid. His remarks upon the conduct and interests of the court of Rome with regard to a general peace, 674. And the behaviour of the French towards that court, 753.
Lopez, Francis, his examination touching the condition of the Spaniards in America, 474.
Lorne, lord, endeavours to raise disturbances in Scotland, 49. Ill used by the royal party, 162. Reasons for securing him, 223. Great confidence placed in him by king Charles, 245. Reported to have declared for him, and to have taken some forts, 372. Has a meeting of his friends, 401.
Lorrain, duke of, a regiment of his soldiers desert, 148.
With the king of Spain at Madrid, 178.
-, — Francis of, reported to be in the interest of the French
king, 195. Goes to France, 210. Takes his brother's
jewels and furniture with him, ibid. Lodged in the duke
of Orleans's palace, 492. Offers his service to conduct the
duke of Orleans to Blois, 554.
Lovelace, colonel Francis, goes into Holland, 10.
Lovell, mr. tutor to the duke of Gloucester, 122.
Lovitz, taken by the Poles, 720.
Lublin, taken by the king of Sweden, 612.
Lubormirsky, Polish general. See Gornetsky and Zernecky. Destroys the suburbs of Warsaw, 703. His troops exercise great cruelties on the frontiers of Poland, 736.
Lucas, sir Gervais, 337.
Ludlow, general, orders sent to apprehend him, 88. Debates
about his release, 100.
-, — William, one of the commissioners for Wiltshire,
Lumly, lord, 240.
Lush, Robert, 285.
Lutterel, Francis, in the Interest of king Charles, 87.
Lynn, mr. secured at Preston, 485.
Lyons, captain, 570.
Lytcot, colonel, 221. Proposed for a commissioner of the excise, 222.
MAC Thomas, employed by king Charles about the Irish in Flanders, 102.
Macdonnel, sir James. See Broghill.
Macnaughton, corresponds with king Charles and Middleton, 444, 646.
Madgwick, captain, 192.
Maesdam, lord, refused to be received into the nobility of Holland, 312.
Magnus de la Gardie, count, sends colonel Pleitner to the court of Waldeck, 209. Arrives within a day's march of the king of Sweden, 236. Joins his Swedish majesty, 278. Marches his army towards Lyfland, 412. Reinforces the king of Sweden's army with his troops, 502. Returns into Lithuania to join the king of Prussia, 575.
Mainwaring, mr. 251.
Majors-general, appointed in England, 88. A list of them, 117. Additional instructions to them, 344.
Major, Edward, vice-consul at Gallipoli, ill used by the Cadee, 138.
Malbon, William, Commissioners for Cheshire, 25.
-, — Thomas,
Malyn, mr. secretary to the protector, 501.
Malo, Luigi, his letter to the Venetian agent, 737. Account of the situation of the affairs in the Low Countries, 760.
Malleverer, sir Richard, agent for king Charles, 10. At Brabant, 97. Proceedings against him in Yorkshire, 462, 468. Absconds, 614.
Manaton, his letter to secretary Thurloe upon the arrival of the Spanish galleons at Cadiz, 643.
Mandevelt, major-general, made commander of the garrison of Thorn, 278.
Manlove, Edward, 212.
Manning, mr. intelligencer at Cologne, 169. His papers seized, and himself apprehended by king Charles, 249. 269. A method proposed to secretary Thurloe to save his life, 290. His allowance from the protector, 293. Pistolled in a wood by sir James Hamilton and major Armorer, 718.
Mantua, duke of, goes to Fontainbleau to meet the French king, 27. His conference with the dukes of Savoy and Modena. See Savoy. Causes a jealousy in the French court by his conferences with the marquis Caracena, 386. Reported to have put himself under the protection of Spain, 525.
Marienburgh, governor of, sends a party to relieve Elbing, who are defeated by the Swedes, 323. The city taken, 539. The castle holds out, ibid. Complains of the Dantzickers for not sending relies sooner, 580. Town and fortress surrender, 590.
Marigny, mons. his account of an attempt made by one Beauvais to assassmate him, 619. of the prince of Conde's affairs, 657. of the death of the king of Sweden, 658. Acquaints Barriere with the effect of his solicitations to the prince of Conde in his behalf, 678. His account of the gallant behaviour of don John, ibid. Of several transactions in the Low countries, 692.
Markham, sir Robert, 509.
Marret, mr. secured, 258. Refuses to give security for his good behaviour, ibid.
Marseilles, great rejoicings there upon proclaiming the peace between England and France, 304.
Maryland, commissioners of, explanation of their instructions, 55.
Marsham, sir William, desires secretary Thurloe's interest in the dispatch of the petition relating to the cultivation of lands in Ireland, 644.
Massey, mr. agent for king Charles at Hamburg, 10, 101. Caressed by the king of Denmark, 157.
Maunsell, John, recommended for sheriff of Northamptonshire, 207. Desired to be excused, 234. One of the commissioners for Northamptonshire, 235.
Maurice, Prince, endeavours to be made field-mareschal of Holland in prejudice to his brother count William, 14. Delivers a memorial thereupon to the states general, 27. Substance of it, 34. His letter to the states general, 84. Ambitious of being to be declared above prince William, 173. His letter to the states of Zealand, ibid. Deceived in his opinion of the states of Holland and Amsterdam, 262. Endeavours to engage the states general in a league with Spain, 268. Quits his pretensions to the charge of mareschal to have that of general of the horse, 311. Solicits the towns of Holland and Zealand for it, 491. Desires that two mareschals de camp may be created, 516. His account of occurrences in the county of Cleve, 542, 548. Favoured by the states of Zealand, 628.
May, capt. 240.
Maydston, captain, steward of the protector's houshold, 344.
Maynard, Thomas, his letter to secretary Thurloe, 268.
Mazarin, cardinal, goes to la Fere to give orders relating to Hainault, 2. Promises not to precipitate the treaty with England, 12. His answer concerning the detaining of the English ships, 37. Endeavours to send a convoy to Conde, 42. Libel against him set up in the streets of Paris, 47. His answer to the pope's nuncio touching the peace with Spain, 118. Congratulates Bordeaux upon his success in concluding the peace with England, 120. Desires leave of the protector to levy forces in his dominions, 121. His offers to mareschal d'Hocquincourt, 158. Professes his design to besiege the said mareschal, 180. Character of him, 195. Designs to marry one of his nieces to the French king, and another to the duke of Anjou, 196. Peace with Spain not for his interest, ibid. Embarrassed by the mareschal d'Hocquincourt, 227. Arrives at Paris, 231. Advises Bordeaux to renew his instances to the protector for the levies, 254. Furnishes the king of Sweden with a large sum of money, 345. Visits the queen of England, 358. Receives great advantage by the alteration of the value of money in France, ibid. Endeavours to embarras the affairs of Sweden, 362. Apprehensive of the duke of York's causing the Irish soldiers in the French service to revolt to the Spaniards, 375. Gives assurances to the pope of his desires of peace, 405. Goes with the king to the Bois de Vincennes, 420. Procures an edict prohibiting the wearing of black scarves, on account of the prediction of an astrologer, 440. His discourse with the Dutch embassador concerning the separate articles between France and England, 470. Gives orders for preserving the conquered places in Flanders, 561. His reasons for sending several troops towards Conde, 569. Makes preparations for the ensuing campaign, 600. Conducts the Deputies of the clergy to their audience, 645. His letter to Bordeaux, with an account of the arrival of the Spanish plate fleet, 703. Sends the protector two letters intercepted from Barriere to Cardenas, ibid. Professes not to have any design of entering into a treaty with Spain, ibid. Apprehensive of ill consequences from the protector's sending an embassador to France, 704. Incurs the hatred of the common people, by opposing the peace with Spain, 718. Proposes to marry one of his nieces to the grand master, 723. Breaks his word as to the mariage of his niece with the mareschal de la Meilleraye's son, 735.
Meadowe, mr. Philip, to be sent embassador from England to Portugal, 546. Prepares for his voyage, 588. Conjecture at his business there, ibid. His letter to secretary Thurloe, 598. Sends the protector an account of his proceedings in his negotiation, 681. Substance of what passed at his audience of the king, 682. His letter to Blake and Montagu upon the ratification of the treaty, 758.
Mentz, elector of, a friend to king Charles, 103. The Frankfort pacquet of letters broke open as imagined by his order, 690. See German electors.
Merchants, English, trading to and in Spain, ill used at Malaga, 24. Their petition and remonstrances to the protector, 44, 135, 138. Remove to Civita Vecchia, 172. Their
petition relating to Spanish wines, 397. Depositions relating to their losses, 450. Banished Spain on pain of death,
-, — in France, complain of exactions by the governor
of Bologne and Monstreuil, 245. Petition the council for
redress, ibid.
-, — at Dantzick, send an account of their condition to
mr. Rolt, 363. Complain of a poll-tax, 369. Desire the
protector's interposition, 404. Refuse to bear arms, 441.
Mercæur, duke of, commands the French army in Italy, 619, 649, 697. To command the forces in Montserrat, 716.
Mettame, William, intelligencer at Rome, desires to be removed to Portugal, 54. His character, 233. Desires to be employed as a spy, 242. Gives assurances of his sidelity, 243. His principles with respect to religion recommended, 310.
Mevas, taken by the Swedes, 362.
Meziere, chevalier de, killed in a duel, 37.
Middleton, George, orders issued for apprehending him, 495.
See Worsley.
-, — lieutenant-general, arrives at Cologne, 10. Employed by king Charles in his designs in Scotland, 65. His
journey to Dantzick prevented, 86. Particularly intrusted
by king Charles, 169. Honoured with the title of excellency by him, 187. A Pacquet of Letters from him
intercepted, 221. Corresponds with the Highlanders,
444. To attend Charles II. at Bruges, 751.
Middlesex and Westminster, commissioners of, their proceedings in taxing the earl of Bedford's estate, 4. 6. Their letter to the Dutch ambassador, 771.
Midelcot, Edward, recommended to be put in the commission of the peace, 302.
Middleton, mr. desires to have witnesses examined upon oath in his behalf. See Worsley.
Minard, mr. 11. His several letters to Bordeaux, 113, 124, 194, 533, 548, 640, 670. His letter to la Bastide, 630. His account of the imprisonment and banishment of several members of parliament in France, for opposing the reduction of the coin, 670.
Molé, president of the inquests in France, banished, 771.
Modena, duke of, wounded at Pavia, 42. His conference with the dukes of Savoy and Mantua. See Savoy. Expected at Paris, 299. Orders given by the French king relating to his attendance, 307. Comes to France for assistance aguinst the Spaniards, 314. To return into Piedmont as general of the French army, 336. His allowance from the French king, 357. Assisted with 6000 foot, 405. Departs from Paris on his journey to Italy, 420. Presents made him upon his departure by the French court 438. Pressed by the pope to conclude a peace with Spain, 658. To command the French army in Lombardy, 716. Desirous to enter into a league with the rest of the princes in Italy, 723, 734.
Mohun, lord, renounces his engagements to king Charles, 494.
Mollineux, lord, furnishes king Charles with money, 245.
Monck, general of the forces in Scotland, sends copies of several intercepted letters to the protector, 162. A letter from the king designed for him, 163. His certificate relating to the peaceable behaviour of the earl of Murray, 194. Intercepts a pacquet of letters from king Charles, and another from Middleton, 221. Recommends a person to be imployed as an intelligencer, 221. His account of differences in the kirk of Scotland, 283. Acquaints the protector with his apprehensions of designs on his person, 318. Recommends mr. Drummond to secretary Thurloe, ibid. Secures the earl of Glencairne, 342. Reasons shewing the necessity of staying in Scotland, 400.
Mondejeu, governor of Arras, engaged in designs against the French king, 125. See Hocquincourt. Resuses to admit a new governor, 158.
Monstreuil, governor of. See Merchants.
Montauglan, monsr. committed to the Bastile, for opposing the edict for reducing the coin, 671, 716. Remonstrances in his savour made to the king by the parliament, 716. Released from his imprisonment, 762.
Montbrun de Villefranche, mons. intreated by the protestant cantons of Switzerland to take the command of their horse, 507.
Montealegre, marquis of, his letter to the earl of Villaumbrosa, with an account of the plate brought in two register'd ships to Panama, 428, seq.
Montsord, mr. 318.
Montserrat, governor of. See Osborne and Wade.
Moody, Samuel, 225.
-, — John, 225
-, — Thomas, his examination, 661.
Moone, mr. his letter to secretary Thurloe, 5.
Moore, sent from king Charles to England with commissions, 10. Returns to Cologne, 86.
Morat, bassa of Aleppo, his sudden death, 142.
Morena, his examination touching the condition of the Spaniards in America, 176.
Moreton, George, Agent for king Charles in Kent, 299.
Morgan, major, 349.
Morland, mr. Samuel, deputy from the protector to the Swiss cantons, his account of the divisions there, 252. Complains of mr. Pell's behaviour to him, 253, 304. His account of the disposal of the money sent from England to the protestants of Piedmont, 280, 342, 417. His reasons for not going to Grenoble, 281. His conferences with the deputies of Zurich and Berne, 235, 326. Endeavours to procure an authentick history of the massacre in the valleys of Piedmont, 417. Procures a correct map of the country, ibid. Prays to be excused for a mistake in his conference with the Helvetian deputies, 418. Desires that a favourable construction may be put upon his conduct, 724.
Morley, Mark, to be examined touching the behaviour of his master, mr. Strickland, 393.
Morley, Colonel, 151. Reason for not inserting him in the
list of commissioners for Sussex, 161. His letter to secretary Thurloe touching the methods of raising Seamen, 549.
To the same, advising some methods for securing the coasts
of Kent and Sussex from the French frigats, 574.
-, — mr. discontented with lord Henry Cromwell, 349.
-, — mr. information of his being in London, 412.
-, — sir William, complains of being taxed as a malignant,
though well affected to the government, 208. Sum levied
upon him, 240.
Morrel, mr. complains of the delay of the French court to give him satisfaction, 525. His account of the edicts published in France touching the coin, and reflections on the bad consequence thereof in relation to England, 670. Contradicts the report of the king of Sweden's death, 692. Of his conversation with L'Estrade the cardinal's favourite, 693.
Mortagh, colonel, to command a body of Irish designed to invade Ireland by the king of Spain, 446.
Moseley, Humfrey, 225.
Motet, mons. his reflections on the rebellion in Peronne, 244.
Mountagu, col. See Blake. One of the Commissioners of the treasury, 123. Chosen general in the room of Penn, 338. Hastens to depart with the fleet under his command, 443, 545. His account of some discontents among the officers, and proceedings thereupon, 570, 571, 589, 594. Departs from St. Helens, 614. Occurrences in his voyage, 679. His account of the condition and designs of the fleet, 690, 773. Advises to attempt the ships in the harbour of Cadiz, ibid. His reflections on the king of Portugal's conduct, ibid.
Mountagu, an agent for the pope, 195.
Mountaine, sir Philip, 498.
Moyle, William, 225.
Mulgrave, earl, desires to be put in possession of the countess dowager of Mulgrave's bonds, 523. And the confirmation of the order about mr. Anderson, 524.
Muller, Swedish general, reported to have defeated some of the polish Nobility, 761.
Munster, Bishop of. See Germany. Enters into a league with several German electors, 508. Sends an army into the bishoprick of Cologne, ibid.
Murray, earl of, desires to be relieved from a fine, 264.
Muscovy, Czar of, desires leave to purchase arms in Holland, 16. Makes great progress in Poland, 59. Sends letters of protection to the elector of Brandenburg, 78. His army commits horrible Outrages in Lithuania, ibid. Retreats from Camaneksa, 139. Offers to deliver up his possessions in Lithuania, 398. Makes great preparations for war, 580. Marches towards the Swedish borders, 685. A large Body of his troops arrive upon the Frontiers of Lyfland, 696. Sends an ambassador to Koningsberg, 746.
Muscovite, ambassador, arrives at Koningsberg, 539.
Musgrave, sir Christopher, 561.
Muskerry, lord, obtains leave to transport 5000 Irish for the king of Poland's service, 500.
Naile, sir William, apprehended, 450.
Naples, vice-roy of, breaks his word to the Venetian embassador, 1. Issues a proclamation against the English in that kingdom, 82.
Napper, sir Gerard, summoned before the commissioners of Dorsetshire, 336.
Nappier, sir Robert, instructions desired relating to his estate, 218. A Letter from him intercepted, 641.
Nassau, prince Frederic of, complains of the levies made by the king of Sweden upon the Rhine, 431.
Nassau Dillenberg, duke of, killed at Kostain, 119.
Naylor, Thomas, 484.
Nedham, captain, 598.
Nemours, duke of, report of a marriage between him and mademoiselle de Longueville, 488.
Nevil, Sandford, 203.
Nevis, governor of. See Stokes.
Newburg, lord, in the interest of Charles II, 103. Endeavours to bring the Spanish party in Germany over to him, 169. Chosen general of the emperor's army, 503, 508. News of his arrival at Dusseldorp, 548. Contradicted, 556.
Newbury, captain, his journal in the West-Indies, 537.
Newcastle, lord, meets several of king Charles's party at Antwerp, 233.
Newton, mr. his character, 741.
Niclaes, John, deposition touching his losses in Spain, 450.
Nicodemites, in Switzerland, account of them, 109.
Nicolls, mr. 462.
Nieuport, Dutch embassador in England, complains of the English commanders at sea, 15. His conserences with some of the council touching several captures made by the English, 17, 18, 258, seq. His account of the English affairs in America, 19, 388, 493. Has leave to return, 25. His account of the proceedings of the English at Jamaica, 32. Desires the account between the states general and sir Thomas Vyner may be settled, 114. His account of the disposition of the English in regard to Spain, 115. Ordered to procure a communication of the treaty between France and England, 174. His account of the protector's proclamation against the royalists, 176. Substance of what passed at his audience, relating to captures, and the Marine treaty, 177, seq. His request in behalf of the Dutch congregation at London, 206. Account of what passed at another audience relating to the affairs of Poland, and the Vaudois, 213, seq. Makes further complaints of losses sustained by the Dutch, 214. His letter to secretary Thurloe about a present sent to the protector, 269. Desires a private audience, 283. Solicited in behalf of the Jews in the inquisition in Spain and Portugal, 333. Substance of his audience, relating to the affairs of Poland and Prussia, 388, seq. Complains of the proceedings of an English officer against a Dutch captain, 411. His conference with secretary Thurloe about the affairs of Poland and the Vaudois, 432, 656, 432. His account of several occurrences in England, 458, 587, 587, 740, 757. His expences complained of, 490. Purchases ordnance for the service of the Dutch, 493. His account of the proceedings of the council of state touching letters of reprisal, 521. Desires several ships may be sent home under convoy, 581. His conferences with secretary Thurloe and others concerning the protestants in Switzerland, and the affair of the Marine, 588, 589, 656. His 4th audience, 683. Complains of the condemnation of a Dutch ship by doctor Godolphin, one of the judges of the admiralty, 701. Disgusts the ministry of Sweden, 710. Desired to explain certain passages in his memorial, 712. His house taxed as part of the estate of the earl of Berks, 771.
Nimeguen, city of, their advice relating to the change of field mareschal, 173. Complain of the tolls taken at Remunde, 490.
Nittingell, Thomas, information against him, 225.
Norbonne, archbishop of, said to be arrested on account of a sermon, 697.
Norden, mr. represented as a disaffected person, 610.
Norsolk, commissioners for, account of their proceedings against Thomas Knyvett, 705.
Northampton, lord, imprisoned for refusing to pay the tax, 189.
Northamptonshire commissioners, their proposals to the protector, 235. Duplicate of estates decimated by them, 511.
North Holland, province of, averse to making a general of
the horse, 515.
-, — admiralty of, require subsidies for their equipage,
Northumberland, earl of, commends the protector's declaration, 229.
North Wales commissioners for, their letter to the protector, 215.
Norton, Benjamin, recommended for sheriff of Rutland, 207.
Norton, colonel, his letter to major general Goffe, 239. To the protector, 329.
Nottinghamshire, commissioner. Their address of thanks to the protector, 468.
Nortvel, proposed to be made governor of Busse, 65.
Nortwick, monsieur, made governor of Boisleduc, 46. Opposed by Zealand, 61.
Norwich, lord, waits the arrival of don John at Bruges, 371.
The person who discovered Manning, ibid.
-, — bishop of, proposed to be removed out of Norfolk,
Norwood, major, suspected of designs against the government, 485.
OBrien, colonel, 629.
O Divine, Magnus, suspected of dangerous designs in Ireland, 446.
O Dwyer, bishop, appointed, with frier Bonaventure, to disperse intelligence in Ireland, 447. Some account of their proceedings, ibid.
Ogle, captain. See Broghill. Letter from the commissioners of forfeited estates in Scotland touching lands to be given him, 549.
Oglethorpe, Sutton, imprisoned, 614.
Olmet, monsieur, his account of the treaty between Sweden and Brandenburgh, 502.
Ommeren, van, the deputy in Switzerland, his account of the treaty between the duke of Savoy and the Waldenses, 8. Ordered to keep a good correspondence with the ministers of the protector, 95. His several representations of the condition of the protestants, and the situation of affairs in Switzerland, 109, 346, seq. 377, seq. 419, 506, 547. Project for re-establishing the people of Piedmont, 253. Complains of the behaviour of mr. Pell, ibid, 282. Confers with the English deputies, 342. Apprehends John Hendricksen vander Meulen, who absconded from Amsterdam, 377. His letter to Nieuport concerning the affairs of the protestants of Piedmont, 419. Prepares to take a journey to the Vallies, 506. Leave given him to return home, 649. or to communicate the condition of the Vaudois to the embassador Boreel at Paris, ibid.
Ommelands, city, desired to declare themselves upon the treaty with Brandenburgh, 31.
O-Neil, prepares to go with Ormonde to Spain, 102. Sent by king Charles to England, 132. Goes with the princess royal into Holland, 169.
O-Neyle, Tirlagh, 446.
Onslow, sir Richard, 161.
Oorschot, captain, complains of the hardships put upon the Dutch merchants in Spain, 554. His several letters to the states general about the Spanish flota, 572, 620, 641.
O Quin, Owen, a priest in Ireland, proposes to go to Scotland, 446.
Opdam, admiral, proposed to be discarded by the states general, 112. To be sent embassador to Spain, 201. His memorial relating to the necessaries for his ship, referred to commissioners, 611. Obtains leave to advance the pay of the sailors, 709. His instructions, 756.
Orange, prince of, his friends encouraged by the news of the protector's sickness, 35. Pleased with his disputes with Spain, 94. Prevail in the states of Holland, 202. Promote the king of Spain's interest, 203. Endeavour to engage the states general in a league with him, 285. and to incense the states of Holland against Sweden, 312. Dissatisfied with grave William, 331. Jealous of the project for the accommodation of Overyssel, 514. Oppose the harmony of the provinces, 516, 568, 627, 637. Their interest to embroil the provinces, 517. Desirous of engaging the Dutch in a land war against Sweden, 537. His governor, 586.
Orange, princess dowager, her reception at Amsterdam, 76. Solicits the states in behalf of Brandenburgh, 94. Congratulated by their commissioners, 96. Well satisfied with the behaviour of Amsterdam, 110. Pleased with the project for the harmony of the provinces, 261. Complains of the seclusion, 331. Signifies the princess Henrietta's refusal of consummating her marriage with the prince of East Friesland, 388. Opposes the harmony, 517, 568.
Orance, princess, her behaviour to the prince elector, 94. To depart from Cologne, 144. To go to Holland, 169. Advances money for Ormonde's journey into Spain, ibid. Pleased with the project of harmony between the provinces, 261. Opposes that project, 311. The reasons of her journey to Paris, 722.
Orleans, duke of, reconciled to the court of France, 405. Expected at court, 467. Thanks the French king for his deputation, 521. To meet the court at Fountainbleau, 561. Remains at Blois, 619. Arrives at Bourbon, 723. Writes letters of compliment upon the reconciliation, ibid.
Ormonde, marquis of, prepares to go to Spain, 10. Propositions to be made by him to the king of Spain on behalf of king Charles, 102. Carries on designs against the protector in England, 196. Accompanies king Charles to the jesuit's college at Brussels, 678.
Osborne, colonel, governor of Monserrat, proceedings against him for putting mr. Wade's son to death, 7, 157, 340, 399.
Overton, colonel, designed to head an insurrection in Scotland, 132.
Overyssel states, prosess the interest of prince William, 14. Desired to declare themselves on the treaty with Brandenburgh, 31. Differences there, 61. Garrisons withdrawn thence, 113. Name the lord Yssellmuyden embassador for Brandenburgh, 230. Their memorial against the embassy to Denmark, 288. Declare themselves unable to pay the subsidy to the elector of Brandenburgh, 311. Commissioners appointed to determine their disserences, 466. Project of an union of that province, 470. Require prince William and the raedt pensionary to be authorized to accommodate their differences, 490. Meeting had thereupon, ibid. Report thereof, 515. Disagree to the project of the harmony, 637. Consider of appointing a day of sasting and prayer, 652. Oppose the sending the fleet to the Baltick, ibid.
Outremuse, hostilities committed there by the French, 126. Referred to the council of state in Holland, ibid. Conference to be held with the Spanish embassador thereupon, 173. Complaint against the Drossard la Haye for raising contributions there, 288. An order to the chambre mipartie to forbear proceeding in the cause, 311. Memorial of the Spanish embassador thereupon, 559.
Owen, doctor John, dean of Christ-Church, recommends serjeant Cooke to the protector, 66, 334.
-, — Richard, his intelligence of the Spanish fleets passing
the Canaries, 571.
Oxenstiern, lord chancellor of Sweden appointed to treat with the embassadors of Brandenburgh, 303. Insists on very high demands, 356. Returns to the king without success, ibid. Appointed to govern the royal Prussia, 398. Summons the city of Marienburg, 502.
Oxfordshire, commissioners for, their letter of compliment to the protector, 595. Their report upon the petition of sir William Walter, 608.
PAckington, sir John, imprisoned, 485.
Paderborne, bishop of, enters into a league with several German electors, 508.
Palamos, besieged by the French, 2. Progress of the siege, 25.
Palatine, prince elector, refused audience by king Charles, 88. His conference with the queen of Sweden, 89. Disputes between him and the Roman ecclesiasticks, ibid. To furnish king Charles with seamen, 641.
Paley, mr. apprehended, 218.
Palmer, mr. an intercepted letter to him, 305.
-, — Peregine, 240.
Pantsky, a design to betray it to the Swedes, 640. Reinforced from Dantzick, ibid.
Parma, duke of, his reception of the French embassador, 92. Marriage between him and madamoiselle Mancini proposed, 723. Opposed by the duke of Tuscany, ibid.
Patborgh, imprisoned in Holland, 431.
Patience, mr. inveighs against Henry Cromwell, 328.
Pavia, besieged by the French, 2. Makes a slout defence, 20. Loss sustained by the French there, 26. Siege raised, 31, 37.
Pauluzzi, the Venetian resident in England, complains of being arrested by his servant, 131. Desires the usual allowance to all publick ministers, 210. Takes his leave, 521.
Pearse, Thomas, employed in king Charles's affairs, 206.
Pell, mr. deputy from the protector to the Swiss cantons. See Morland. Behaves rudely to the Dutch deputy, 253. Refuses to intermeddle in the affairs of Switzerland, 304. Applies himself to that business, 326. Disgusted at secretary Thurloe's letter, 341. His proceedings with the deputy of Zurich, 345. His reflections on the Dutch deputy, ibid. Sets out for Zurich, 547. His instructions, 551, 752. Letter to secretary Thurloe about sir Oliver Fleming, 664.
Pels, the Dutch commissary at Dantzick, his several letters to the states general touching the affairs of Poland, Sweden and Brandenburgh, 36, 39, 98, 209, 236, 244, 252, 270, 317, 356, 404, 412, 482, 496, 539, 580, 590, 639, 656, 669, 978, 713, 736, 760, 772. Ordered to wait upon the elector of Brandenburgh, 112. His audience, 226.
Pemberton, mr. apprehended, 218.
Pendarvis, mr. sent from king Charles into England, 371.
Penn, William, general, his account of the fleet come from Jamaica, 1. Desires leave to attend the protector, 6. Particulars of his voyage to the West-Indies, 28. His account of Jamaica, 30. Committed to the tower, 53.
Penruddock, mr. executed, and his estate sequestered, 300, 340.
Perpignan, dispute between the citizens and garrison, 671. Occasion of it, ibid.
Perth, earl of, employed (with his son) by king Charles in his affairs in Scotland, 401. Measures taken to discover their secrets, ibid.
Petit, mr. 2. Answers to his complaint about the English ships, 37, 507. His account of several transactions in France, 569, 658, 734.
Petkum, mr. agent for the king of Denmark in England, affronts mr. Bradshaw at Copenhagen, 478. Advice given him touching his carriage to foreign ministers, 614. His account of several transactions in England, 647, 710. His reasons for apprehending a rupture between the English and Dutch, 698.
Petow, Thomas, his information against Goreing, 213.
Pettus, sir John, his petition to the protector, 277.
Peyton, sir Thomas, concerned in an insurrection in Kent,
132. Ordered to be removed from the tower to Walmer
castle, 251.
-, — Thomas, 220.
Phaier, colonel, inclined to the opinion of the quakers, 508.
Piccolomini, sent embassador from the emperor to the king of Sweden, 96. His instructions, 124.
Pickering, sir Gilbert, 190, 234.
-, — lord, 388.
Pickering, mr. his information, 574.
Piemontelli, don, chief attendant on the queen of Sweden, 89.
Pierrepoint, William, his request in behalf of his brother the earl of Kingston, 237, 469.
Pike, Martin, recommended to be put in commission for the peace, 544.
Placketer, colonel, an agent for king Charles in Scotland, 223. Betrays colonel Borthwick's letters to lord Broghill, 250. Sent to Cologne, 324. Arrives at Rotterdam, 741.
Players, at Brussels, ordered to leave the town, 48.
Pleitner, colonel, sent by count Magnus to the court of Waldeck, 209. Denied audience, ibid.
Poland, king of, demands a suspension of arms from Sweden,
33. Marches towards Cracow, 35. Quits his camp, 45.
Designs to relieve Cracow, 76. Retires to Lemberg,
96. Encouraged by the emperor and pope, 99. Retreats
into Silesia, 126. Assisted by the Tartars, 139. Arrives
near Silesia, 170. Resolves to come to Prussia, 175. His
forces bought off from his service by the king of Sweden,
181. Summons the Waywods and Castellans to attend him
at Oppelen, 279. Endeavours to get forces to regain his
country, 301. Raises men at Oppelen, 323. Endeavours
to procure the assistance of the Tartars and Cossacks, 396.
Strives to join the Cossacks by the way of Hungary, 425.
Retires to Silesia, ibid. Assembles an army at Crossen,
466. Sends patents to all his nobility to join him, 496.
Distrustful of them, 539. Retires to the frontiers of Hungary, ibid. Waits at Lemberg to join the Tartars and
Cossacks, 590. Reported to be sled out of Poland, 597.
Retreats to Caminiec Podolsky, 612. His reason for it,
615. Retreats towards Hungary, 631. Expects to be
joined by the Cossacks and Tartars, 656. Remains at
Russlemburgh, 696. Reported to have made a peace
with the Muscovites, 703. Particulars of it, ibid. His letter to the states general, 709. Recommends the town of
Dantzick to their protection, ibid. Joined by several of
his nobility, 710. Strength of his army, 713, 761. His
forces in Prussia encrease, 720. Takes several Towns, ibid.
Reported to have taken Warsaw, 721. Marches towards
Prussia, ibid. Designs to make Prussia the seat of the
war, 750. Several reports relating to his success, ibid.
Raises an army in White Russia, ibid. Sends letters to
the town of Dantzick, 761. Reported to have concluded
a treaty with the Muscovites, ibid. His messenger to the
Czar slightly used, 762. Marches with his whole army to
recover his kingdom, 772.
-, — queen of, arrested by her soldiers for their pay, 415.
-, — resident of at the Hague, presses for an answer to his
proposition, 33. Complains of the Swedes making levies
in the United Provinces, 127.
-, — at Moscow, one of his followers executed for killing
a Russ, 762.
Polsbrouk, lord, excuses himself from his embassy to Sweden, 228.
Pope, assembles the cardinals upon account of the progress of the Swedish army, 1. Labours for an accommodation between France and Spain. 58. Taxes the jesuits with the miscarriages in Poland, 66. His preparations for the reception of the queen of Sweden, 69, 77. Proposes to assist the emperor, 78. Refuses to proceed in the trial of cardinal de Retz, 80. Threatens the French count, 100. Sends a bries to the king to exhort him to peace, 101. Sends four nuncios to the queen of Sweden, 115. Offers to come in person to forward the peace between France and Spain, 119. Raises an army to assist Poland, 124. Leaves the nomination of a person to act in cardinal de Retz's place to the king of France, 232. Taxes his Subjects to desray the expences of the queen of Sweden, 233. Orders the Cardinals to reside at their benefices, 314. His allowance to the queen of Sweden, 331. Gives audience to the Portugal agent, ibid. Solicits earnestly for a peace between France and Spain, 345, 600. Displeased at the peace between France and England, 374. Entertains the queen of Sweden at his table, 405. His views in the reception given to her, 424. Removes the treasure at Loretto upon the English fleet coming to the Mediterranean, 464. Proposes to open the holy gate to the queen of Sweden, 507. Agrees to the French king's demands concerning the cardinal de Retz, ibid. Endeavours to make a league between the emperor and the princes of Italy, 600. Endeavours to draw the duke of Modena from the French, 625, 674. And to support the Spanish party, ibid. Incensed against the English, ibid. Reviews the process of the Jansenists and Molinists, ibid. Intends to authorize the condemnation of them. ibid. Labours to unite the Italian princes, 658. Presses the duke of Modena to conclude a peace with Spain, ibid. Raises men, and repairs the fortifications in his dominions, 674. Favours the Spanish interest, ibid. Fortifies all his sea-ports, 688. His letter to the French clergy, 723. Declares himself publickly for Spain, 753. Consents to receive an ambassador from Portugal upon certain conditions, 774.
Pope's nuncio, at Paris, his audience, 110. Conference with
cardinal Mazarin, 118.
-, — in Switzerland, promises the Popish cantons assistance
from Rome, 346.
Portugal, king of, treats underhand with Spain, 26. Offers the Princess of Portugal to the French king, 306. Reported to have concluded a peace with Spain, 566. Expresses an esteem for general Blake, 683. Ratifies the treaty with England, 758.
Portugal, ambassador at Paris, takes his leave of France, 26.
Said to be lost in his passage from Marseilles, 248.
-, — agent at Rome, his audience of the pope, 331.
Postlethwaite, mr. his character, 151.
Potoskey, high constable of Poland, declares for the king of Sweden, 362. Revolts from him, ibid. Defeated, 599. Drowns himself, ibid.
Powell, mr. 211. His conference with major Berns, 228. Represented as unfit to be sheriff of Shropshire, 272.
-, — Vavasor, publishes a seditious pamphlet, 373. Endeavours used to disperse it in Ireland, 503.
-, — captain, at Jamaica, 452.
Pratt, mr. his information against Goring, 213.
Presbyterians, carry on designs against the common-wealth, 80. In Scotland depute ministers to confer with lord Broghill, 127.
Prettiman, John, endeavours to be excused from paying the tax on his estate, 335.
Pretty, lieutenant, recommended to secretary Thurloe, 294.
Price, mr. sides with king Charles through discontent, 101. At Middleborough, 233.
Pride, col. Thomas, knighted by the protector, 459.
Prideaux, William, the English resident at Moscow, his letters to secretary Thurloe, 11. His reflections upon the incivility of the Russians to the German embassador, 150. Account of the reception of the Swedish embassador, ibid. Of several transactions at the Russian court, 761, seq.
Priests and Jesuits, laws against them ordered to be executed, 19.
Princess, royal. See Orange. Expected at Paris to visit the queen her mother, 210. To set out from Antwerp for that purpose, 299. Desired to hasten her journey, 332. Expected at Paris, 358. Arrives at Antwerp, 412. Lodgings prepared for her in the palace, 420. Arrives at Paris, 440. Manner of her entry, 462. Report of her marriage with the duke of Savoy, 467. Betwixt her and the duke of Lunenburg, 488. Caressed by the French court, 492. The reasons of her coming there a secret, 506. Her entertainment there, 553. Visits the queen of France, ibid. Continues with her mother, 718.
Prittie, Henry, 276.
Proby, Edward, his account of the hardships of the English merchants in Spain, 700.
Protestants, of Piedmont. See Morland. Conclude a peace with the duke of Savoy, 2. Thank the states-general for their good offices therein, 46. Discontented with the terms of it, 81. Rely on the assistance of the protector and the states-general, 109. A general massacre expected amongst them, 282. Intend to petition the duke of Savoy, and to take up arms in case he refuses their request, 304. Relief sent to them by the states-general, 378. Account of the distribution of the money sent them by the protector, 417.
Protestant, commissioners. See Geneva.
Prussia, states of, project of articles between them and the elector of Brandenburgh, 98. Make a league with him, 261.
Publick-Resolution men in Scotland. See Broghill.
Pye, Timothy, complaint against him by the Dutch embassador, 259.
Quakers, raise disturbances in Lancashire, 33. in Sussex, 408. in Cork in Ireland, 508. Encrease much in England, 530. Several Papers dispersed by them seized upon, 531. Names of several released from imprisonment and fines, 613. Encrease much in Ireland, and raise disturbances there, 757.
Queen, Mary, of England, not to depart out of France upon the peace with England, 158. Princess royal resolves to depart from France, upon the arrival of Cromwell's embassadors, 332. To withdraw to Bourges, 357. Her pension augmented, 358. Desired not to keep her court at Paris, ibid. Endeavours to obtain leave to reside at the castle of Madrid in the wood of Bologne, ibid. Entertains the duke of Modena in the palace royal, 405. Desires to leave the castle of Madrid, 420. Her retinue very disorderly, ibid. Demands an augmentation of her pension, ibid. Goes from Paris to meet the princess royal, 443. Report of her being gone to Spain contradicted, 629. Acquaints the Court of her son's resolution of changing his religion, 690.
Quesnoy, town of, threatned with a siege by the Spaniards, 110. Reinforced by mareschal Turenne, 125.
Quintero, Nicholas, his examination touching a Dutch ship loaden with warlike stores for Spain, 745.
RAdziewsky, arrives at Elbing, 713.
Raet, mynheer, 653. See Stavenisse and Vrybergen.
Rappersweil, besieged by the forces of Zurich, 378. Progress of the siege, 489, 491.
Ratcliffe, sir George, several intercepted letters from him, 196, 227, 254. His account of the proclamation of the peace with France, 284. Of the discovery of Manning, 314. Other intercepted letters, concerning the princess royal, 392. The disturbances in France about the coin, 443, 506.—and the duke of York, 560, 581, 641.
Read, Morgan, a papist acts as English consul at Leghorn under a commission from king Charles, 552, 566.
Remonstrators in Scotland. See Broghill. Their petition to the council of Scotland, 255.
Renswoude, lord, desires to be excused from going to Overyssel, 112. Proposed to be sent embassador to Spain, 201. Named one of the deputies to Flanders, 564.
Retz, cardinal de, his party libel Mazarin, 47. Embarrasses him, 180. Acknowledged archbishop of Paris by the French king, 196. Invites all the French clergy to pray for a peace in order to exterminate the reformed religion, 693. Said to be the author of the divisions between the pope and the French court, 759.
Reuwen, van, seized, with his papers, at the Hague, 33.
Reynolds, colonel, his letter to secretary Thurloe, 54. His reflections and advice upon the affairs of Ireland, 197. Concerned in a petition there, 327. His request for leave to come to England referred to H. Cromwell, 343. Prepares to come over, 407.
Rhetell, governor of, apprehended on suspicion of holding intelligence with Spain, 148.
Rhynberg. See Maurice, prince.
Rhyngrave, his representation of the proceedings of the garrison of Diedenkoven against the inhabitants of Hartogenraede, 403.
Rice, Edward, his and Barcock's information, 648.
Rich, colonel, order for his release from imprisonment stopt by the council, 590.
Richard, mr. engaged in the interest of king Charles, 101.
Richardson, mr. writes a book in the defence of the protector, 445.
Riches, Joseph, his information, 106.
Rio di Hatch, attempted by the English, 159.
Ripperda, lord, 489.
Rivers, earl of, 122.
Roan, bishop of, dispute with mr. de Contane about the deputation of the clergy, 43.
Robinson, mr. recommended for high sheriff of Northamptonshire, 234.
-, — mr. pitched upon for sheriff of Yorkshire, his
character, 397.
Rochesoucaut, duke of, appointed embassador to the Swiss cantons, 467. His journey delayed by his sickness, 491. Supposed to be laid aside, 554.
Rochester, earl of, accompanies king Charles to the jesuit's church at Brussels, 678.
Rogers, colonel, returns from the lord Gerard to Cologne,
-, — Robert, his information against Fisher and others,
661, 662.
Rolt, Edward, the English resident in Sweden, presses to go with the chancellor to the king, 140, 141. His account of the affairs of that prince, ibid, and 181. Arrives at Warsaw, 158. Admitted to audience, 181. Desires to be recalled, ibid. His speech to the king of Sweden upon his delivering the ratification of the treaty, 182. Used with great civility by the king of Sweden, 185, 502. His account of the surrender of Warsaw, 246. Manner of his travelling with the king, 275. His account of the surrender of Elbing, 362. Remits the complaints of the English merchants at Dantzick to secretary Thurloe, 363. Receives orders to return, 399. Prepares to take his leave, 407. Expected at Stetin, 463. An account of his last Audience, 482. Arrives at Dantzick, 539. Presents made him by his Swedish majesty, ibid. Waits at Dantzick, 556. His account of the king of Sweden's success against the Poles, 575, 596. Apprehensive of the ship sent for him being lost, 596, 628. His reflections on a report of the English fleet being defeated by the Spaniards, 628. Obliged to wait at Hamburgh, 645.
Romer, his account of the propositions made by the Muscovite embassador to the elector of Brandenburgh, 766.
Rosenwing and Charisius, the Danish agents at the Hague, demand the payment of the king of Denmark's subsidy, 121, 448, 536, 563, 586. Their representation referred to commissioners, 230. Their memorial touching the abuses committed by Dutch ships trading to Norway, referred to the admiralty of Amsterdam, 708.
Ross, Thomas, employed by the royalists, 10.
-, — Richard, an agent for King Charles, 10. Executed at
Cologne, 86.
Rotterdam, admiralty of, their advice touching a placart for preventing frauds committed in the country, 191. Complain of the Dunkirk frigats taking the English ships before the Meuse, 201. Desire money to equip their 5 ships, 431. Send advice concerning the transportation of contraband goods, 491. Obtain leave to borrow money at 5 per cent. 709.
Rous, Anthony, 462, 520.
Royalists, their declaration touching prisoners taken at sea, 360.
Roye, count of, to marry madam Duraz, 755.
Rufford, proceedings upon information of a meeting of disaffected persons there, 598.
Rupert, prince, sent for to Vienna, 81. Goes to the emperor's court to solicit for money, 89, 169. Reconciled with king Charles, 299. To command a fleet of Spanish ships designed for Scotland, 697.
Russell, mr. Edward, his behaviour to the protector commended, 445.
Rutherford, colonel, an enemy to the commonwealth of England, 196.
Rutland county, duplicate of estates decimated there, 512.
Ruyter, de, arrives with a Turkish prize at Malaga, 248. Destroys thirteen sail of Turkish cruizers, 295. Delivers articles to the Santon at Sallee in order to a peace, 323. His journal and treaties considered by the states general, 388. Resolves to stay some time as Cadix, 622. Reported to have taken two French men of war, 625. Lies before Cadiz, 683. Passes through the British Channel on his return, 698. Reported to have Spanish silver on board his fleet, ibid, 713. Suffers none of his men to go ashore on his arrival at Amsterdam, 718. Arrives in Zealand, 729. Account of what passed between him and an English commander in the British Channel, 730, 734. Brings over a vast sum for the use of the king of Spain, 748.
Ruysschenburgh, lord, made general of the united forces of the electors of Germany, 503. Stadtholder of the countries of Gulick and Bergh, ibid. See Germany.
Sabada, captain, his journal of an expedition to Jamaica, 543.
Saint André, marquis de, to command under the duke Morcoeur, 724, 735.
St. Gillain, fortified by the French, 226. Design formed to surprize it, 521, 554.
St. John, mr. 218.
-, — Oliver, lord chief justice, desires warrants to apprehend his son, 250. His letter in behalf of sir Thomas
Hanmer, 277.
St. Malo, letters in favour of the English merchants there, 534, seq.
St. Martha, town, taken by the English, 152. Particulars of that action, 159.
St. Sebastians, fits out privateers to cruize upon the English, 553.
Salm, prince of, kills his wife, secretary, and mistress, 536.
Saltiston, mr. recommended to secretary Thurloe, 275, 597.
Sameyten and Littaw, revolt from the Swedes, 775.
Sanders, John, an intercepted letter from him, 480.
Salmon, Thomas, 392.
Sandys, Philip, his advice to Fleetwood, 405.
-, — colonel, suspected of designs against the government,
Sankey, colonel, goes for Ireland, 343. His character, 376.
Sarum county. See Wilishire.
Sas, mayor of. See Gamarra.
Sasbourg, lord, made resident at Brussels, 261.
Saville, sir George, information concerning him, 598.
Savoy, duke of, concludes peace with the protestants of Piedmont, 2. Particulars thereof, 8. Confers with the dukes of Mantua and Modena, 118. Issues an edict to abate the value of French pistoles and louis d'ors, 281. Deeply engaged against the Switzers, 327. Shews greats discontent against the inhabitants of the vallies of Piedmont, 386. Refers that business to the arbitration of the French king, 419. Marches his troops to the frontiers of Switzerland, 491. Inclinable to the interest of Spain, 525. Dissatisfied with the behaviour of the French king, 560. Refuses a marriage proposed to him by the French king, ibid.
Savoy, princess of, proposal of marriage between her and the French king, 386.
Scarbrooke, James. See Bunch.
Scavengers, first appointed at London, 388.
Scawen, mr. recommended by H. Cromwell, 509.
Schippenback, lord, sent by the king of Sweden to propose an accommodation with Brandenburgh, 336. Returns with effecting it, ibid. Reported to be killed, 696.
Schroden, Christian, commissioner from Dantzick at the Hague, dissatisfied with the Dutch, 564. Obtains an answer to his demands, 584. His answer to the complaint of ill usage given to the Dutch merchants, 585. Repeats his demands, ibid. Desires the states to come to a resolution upon his propositions, 586. Desired to deliver his proposals in writing, 649. Renews his instances for an answer to them, 652.
Schwik, canton. See Switzerland. Puts four protestants to death, 403.
Scot, major, imprisoned, 496.
Scotland, account of the management and appropriation of the revenue there, 223. An intercepted paper relating to a rising there, 291. Assessments modelled there according to those in England, 343. Account of the establishment of the civil list, 526. Estimate of the excise and customs collected there for 3 months, 528. Commissioners of forfeited estates there. See Ogle.
Scotland, council of, appoint a committee to consider of the
trade of that kingdom, 41. Their proceedings in levying the excise and customs, 48. Their declaration touching the election of magistrates, 52. Their proceedings
in settling a court of exchequer, 57, 106. Declaration
concerning the ministers praying for the king, 58. Proceedings in reducing the forces, 73. Regulation touching
vessels coming from the Netherlands, 117. Their instructions, 129. Agree to the proposition of changing
the shires in the Highlands, 500. Retrench the civil list,
529. See Broghill.
-, — Kirk of, situation of affairs in it, 49, 58, 128. Not
inclined to submit to the government, 223. Supplication
of the protestors, 255. Account of divisions in the kirk,
557. Methods proposed to reconcile them, 558. See
Scots, backward in complying with the protector's proclamation, 77. Petition for relief from taxes, 160.
Searle, Daniel, governor of Barbadoes. See Barbadoes. His proceedings on the complaint of Roger Crowley, 156. Applied to by the colonies of Antigua and Surinam, 157. Transmits their complaints to the protector, ibid. His proceedings upon the complaint of mr. Wade, 399. His instructions, 634. His letter to the protector touching the settlement of the militia, 665.
Seaslett, Hannibal, goes into the service of the king of Spain against the English, 219. To have a conference with king Charles, ibid.
Sedgwicke, major. See Goodson. His account of the situation of the forces in the West-Indies, 4. Cruizes about Hispaniola, 12. His arrival at Barbadoes, 40. Account of the state of affairs at Jamaica, 151. Recommends the interest of his wife to secretary Thurloe, 158, 608. His representation of the miserable state of the forces at Jamaica, 454. Account of their proceedings, 600, seqq. 748, 751.
Seddee, basha, besieges Aleppo, 520.
Sendomire, the Swedish garrison there driven by the Poles into the castle, 691. An inhuman stratagem of the governor, ibid. A further account of it, 696.
Sens, archbishop of. See France, clergy of. His speech at his audience in behalf of the clergy, 655.
Servien, monsieur, French embassador in Savoy, 2. His account of the proceedings of the protestants, 81. Congratulates monsieur Bordeaux on the conclusion of the treaty with England, 209. Invites the English deputies in Switzerland to come to Turin, 328. Labours to procure an accommodation among the Swiss cantons, 341. Complains of an insult offered him by the scholars of Turin, 646.
Seymore, John, imployed by king Charles in the west of England, 10.
Seymore, lord, endeavours to be excused from the Tax, 324. his son engaged with the king's party, 609.
Severin, embassador from the elector of Brandenburgh to the king of Sweden, returns, 175.
Sexbye, mr. at the court of Brussels, employed in a negotiation between the Spaniards and English levellers, 698.
Sharpe, mr. a leading man of the kirk of Scotland, 558.
Shaw, mr. endeavours to be made recorder of Colchester,
-, — captain, account of his securing Ludlow, 107.
Shields, captain William. See Hacker.
Shelton, captain. See Hyde.
-, — John, recommended for sheriff of Staffordshire, 300.
Sherley, Anthony, one of the commissioners for Sussex, 161. Recommended to be put in commission of the peace, 190, 394.
Sherman, mr. ordered to be apprehended, 216. Professes to be an enemy to the government, ibid.
Sherwood, lady, petitions the protector to be excused from paying the tax, 335.
Shirley, sir Robert, 220. Directions touching the taxation of of his estate desired, 224, 439, 473, 583. Refuses to receive a letter sent him from Cologne, 245. Petitions the protector to be excused from the tax, 335. Examinations taken against him, 639.
Shone, duke of, governor of Dourlance, desires his mother may be sent to him, 147. Reasons of her absconding, ibid.
Simpson, John, 308. Abuses the protector in a Sermon, 321. Absconds, ibid. Complaint of his behaviour, 343.
Skippon, major-general of London, 117, 558.
Skynner, Thomas, his vindication of himself, 68.
Sleyster, sent from the elector of Brandenburgh to the protector, 375.
Slingelandt, lord, nominated, with others, embassador to Sweden, 289. Dissuaded against it, 310. Accepts it, 311. Question about precedency decided in his favour, ibid. Account of their voyage, 572. and reception at Dantzick, 705, 706. Their letter to the states general touching the complaints of the Dutch merchants at Dantzick, 735. Propose to attend the king of Sweden at Marienburg, 754. Invite him to conclude a treaty with the United Provinces, 764.
Slingsby, sir Henry, desires time to make his defence, 462. Sentence passed on him, 468. His person secured, 614. A letter from king Charles to him intercepted, 680.
Smelinske, general of the Cossacks, sends an embassador to Warsaw, 141. Is to assist the king of Poland, 691.
Smith, Erasmus, his request to major-general Goffe, 393.
Smyrna, cannonaded by two English ships, 415, 450.
Smyth, mr. a leading man of the kirk of Scotland, 558.
Snocck, Dutch consul at Malaga, his letter to the states general, 248.
Soleuze, canton demands the assistance of the French court against the protestants, 507.
Somersdyck, lord, 14.
Somits, lord, embassador from the elector of Brandenburgh to the king of Sweden, 283.
Sonds, sir George, endeavours to be excused from paying the tax, 293.
Sophia, princess. See Adolph.
South, Walter, objection against him, 302.
Southall, lord, 268.
Southampton, earl of, ordered to give in a particular of his estate, 234.
Southampton, commissioners, desire instructions touching their proceedings, 240. List of them, 363.
Spain, king of, lays an embargo on shipping and imprisons the English, 19. Confiscates their effects, 21, 24. Treats with the king of Portugal, 26. Reasons for his behaviour to the English merchants, 45. Favours the royalists, 50. Sends a fleet against Blake, 58. Signifies his desire of an accommodation with France, 66. Proclaims war against England, 78. Designs upon Ireland, 88. Promises himself advantages against England by the interest of king Charles, 97. Refers the proposals of peace with France to the pope, 100. His embassador departs from England, ibid. State of his maritime force, 104. Proposes to attack Jamaica, ibid. Prohibits the bringing of English merchandise into his dominions, 110. Orders the archduke to send to treat with king Charles, 134. Orders his fleet at Carthagena to return to the coast of Catalonia, 172. Encouraged by the Dutch to make himself formidable at sea, 204. Promises assistance to king Charles, 205. Assembles his fleet at Cadiz, 246. Hopes to bring the states of Holland into a league with him, 285. In great want of money, 292, 331. Commands his Naples fleet to winter at Cadiz, 295. Apprchensive of the English fleet, 301. Endeavours to borrow money of the merchants, 419. Strength of his fleet at Cadiz, ibid. Orders the effects of the English to be sold, ibid. Hopes to procure an agreement with England, 440. Prepares a fleet to bring home the galleons, 443. Takes no notice of king Charles's letter, or his agents, 460. Admits the Brest pirates and the Irish to equal privileges with his own subjects, 469. Sends forces to Hispaniola, ibid. Makes great preparations against the French and English, 531, 553. Foundation of his proposals of peace with France, 560. Depends upon assistance from the emperor, 569 His letter to the French king, 591. State of the league between him and Portugal, 625. Banishes the English merchants, 644. Heads of a proclamation for prohibiting commerce with England, 658. Commands the viceroy of Valencia to protect and encourage the Irish and English catholicks, 662. His orders to the same touching the behaviour of his fleet to the English, ibid. Draws all his naval forces to Cadiz, 674. A private treaty thought to be carried on between him and France, 681. Subject of his placart, 694. Remits a sum of money for the maintenance of don John, 697. His plate fleet not of the value as was reported, 714. His allowance to king Charles, 722. Sends money to the levellers in England, 743.
Spain, queen of, delivered of a daughter, 357.
Spaniards, boast of having poisoned the protector, 92. Resolve to besiege Conc´, 99. Commit depredations upon the English in America, 138. Endeavour an alliance with the Dutch, 625. In great fear for their galleons, 630. Which arrive at Cadiz, 641. Great rejoicings on that occasion, 642. Army in the Low Countries in great want of supplies, 677.
Spanish embassador at the Hague, his memorial relating to
the country of Outremeuse, 559. His answer to a complaint of the seizure of some Dutch ships at Cadiz, 649.
See Gamarra.
-, — embassador in England. See Cardenas.
-, — embassador at Genoa. See Casati.
-, — fleet, declines an engagement with Blake, 72. At
Cadiz, number of it, 419.
Sparr, lord, 298.
Spence, Robert, concerned in a petition designed to be presented to the protector, 151.
Stafford, lord, his letter to the protector in behalf of the earl of Arundell a prisoner in Padua, 335.
Staffordshire, commissioners, their representation in behalf of Thomas Chaloner, 423. and captain Blackhouse, 648.
Stanhope, mr. agent for king Charles in Derbyshire, 10.
Stanhum, mr. minister of Ipswich, holds a meeting with several other discontented ministers, 687. His conference with major-general Haynes, 727.
Stapleton, mr. chaplain to the protector, 243.
Stapley, mr. 151, 161. Recommended to be put in commission for the peace, 190. One of the commissioners for Sussex, 162. A sincere friend to the protector, 394.
Starenberg, count, the imperial embassador to Brandenburgh, returns with satisfaction, 175.
Starkie, recommended for sheriff of the county of Lancaster, 224, 267.
Stasumberg, earl, 78.
States-general. See Treaty. Offended at the title given them by the archduke, 15. Their letter to the Czar of Muscovy, 16. Their resolution upon the report of affairs in the East-Indies, 20. And the treaty with the elector of Brandenburgh, 31. Make a present to the Muscovite envoy, 34. Their resolution upon the differences in Overyssell, 42. Receive the thanks of the protestants of Piedmont, 46. Delay the sending of their fleet into the Sound, 64. Their resolution upon the protector's letter, 67. Touching the Turkish pirates, 75. Reflections on their conduct, 94. Contests among them about the charge of mareschal, 95. Nominate commissioners to go to Overyssell, ibid. Their resolution upon the complaint of the English taking their ships, 102. Write to the French king against the new imposition upon herrings, 112. Propose to send residents to Madrid and Brussels, 113. Their resolution upon the commander of Biesen's writing himself commander of Aldenbiesen, 116. Upon the present to be made to the French embassador, ibid. Proceedings touching the act of Submission of the archduke, 126. Shew great animosities against Sweden, 145. Revive the design of sending to Sweden, Denmark and Brandenburgh, 172. Invite England and Denmark to make a league against Sweden, 173. Agree upon instructions for their embassadors, 174. Reflections on their affairs with Sweden, ibid. Resolve to grant the subsidy to the elector of Brandenburgh, 186. Resolution for raising money for building ships, 186. Their debates about the embassy to Sweden and Denmark, 201. Their reasons for seeking the friendship of the king of Spain, ibid. Number of embassadors agreed to be sent to several courts, ibid. Condemn and prohibit Peyere's book about Præ-adamites, 202. Resolve to send two embassadors to Spain, ibid. Dislike the protector's manifesto against Spain, 203. Endeavour to engage the emperor against Sweden, 204. Resolve to observe the treaty with Brandenburgh, 226. Proceedings upon the project of a harmony between the Provinces, 231. Create the lord Sasburg resident of Brussels, 261. Proposal for encreasing the allowance of their embassadors, ibid. Resolution touching divine service in Resident Sasburg's house, 270. Resolve to furnish the elector of Brandenburgh with a subsidy, 288. Divided in their opinion about the manner of treating with Sweden, 290. Propose an alliance to the king of Denmark against Sweden, 291. Their Letter to the Czar of Muscovy in behalf of the elector of Brandenburgh, 292. Proposition for renewing their ancient alliances with France, 311. Resolve to recal de Ruyter from Sallee, 323. Their reasons for endeavouring to keep a good understanding with Sweden, 332. Thank the Spanish embassador for his compliment on the new year, 355. Assure the Swedish resident of their good affection towards his master, 353. Instructions to their extraordinary embassador to Sweden, 366. Thanks the Swedish resident for his memorial, 371. Desire him to explain some passages thereof, 372. Hold several conferences about the business of Pillauw, 387. Issue orders for preparing a fleet, 416, 425. Resolve to suspend the order for the payment of collateral successions, 430. Reser the treaty with Salee to the admiralty of Amsterdam, 341. Endeavour to correct the disorders of their clerks for secret dispatches, 448. Embarrassed by the treaty concluded between Sweden and Brandenburgh, 459. Desire the protector not to accept an inequality of commerce from Sweden, 460. Appoint commissioners to adjust the differences of Overyssel, 466. Desire the Provinces to promote the fitting out of an extraordinary squadron, 488. Dissatisfied with Lord Nieuport's expences in England, 490. Propose to alter the instructions of the embassadors to Denmark, ibid. Jealous of the agreement between Sweden and Brandenburgh, 503. Their resolution touching the Hans towns, 504. Resolve to write to the king of Denmark touching the tolls upon salt, 515. Appoint commissioners to confer with the commissioner of Dantzick, ibid. Prohibit the sailing of ships to the Baltick before a limited time, 524. Ratify certain articles concluded between the English and Dutch in the West-Indies, 526. Write to the king of Spain in behalf of a master of a ship injured by the Spaniards, 535. Give orders for the passage of the Swedish embassador by sea, ibid. Their resolution about raising money, 550. Their instructions to the embassadors in Denmark concerning an Embassy to Sweden, 553. Their proceedings in relation to Dantzick, 563, 564, 649, 708, 729, 730. Answer to the memorial of the commissioner of Dantzick, 564. Reflection on their conduct in general, 568. Their resolution upon the orders given by the governor of Calais for arresting all Dutch ships, 580. Order a levy of seamen for furnishing some ships at Amsterdam, 584. Proposition made to them for reducing of interest, 586. Their resolution touching the subsidy for the protestants in Switzerland, 609. and upon a motion for a fast, ibid. Advise the sending a Fleet to the Baltick, 626. Their resolution touching the augmentation of the forces stipulated for the king of Denmark. 628. Great animosities among them, 656. Resolve to send soldiers to serve on board the fleet, 640, 707. To write to the admiralty at Amsterdam to send such men of war as are ready to sea, ibid. Heads of a letter to be writ to the embassadors in Denmark, ibid. Their resolution on the Spanish embassador's memorial touching the earl of Egmont, 644. on the complaint of the said embassador against the governor of Valkenberg, ibid. upon the lord Ommeren's desire to return home, 649. on the answer of the Spanish embassador to the complaint of certain Dutch ships being confiscated at Cadiz, 649. Desire the advice of the Provinces about sending an embassador to Spain, ibid. Propose a defensive alliance with England and France, ibid. seq. Their resolution touching the sending of an extraordinary embassador to Spain, 669. Order their fleet to sail for the Baltick, 673. Their resolution touching the memorial of the Swedish resident, 689. Excuse their delays in sending embassadors to Spain, 690. Order seven men of war to sail immediately to the Sound, 707. Their resolution touching the instructions to be given to Opdam, ibid. Complain to the king of Spain of the governor of the Havanah, 730. Reflections on the detention of their embassadors at Lauvenburg, 731. Resent the delays in concluding the treaty of commerce with England, 731. Their letter to the king of Poland, 754. Their declaration touching his affairs, 772.
Stationers, company, their letter to secretary Thurloe, 584.
Stavenisse, lord, deprived of the office of counsellor of Tolen, 638. A friend to the prince of Orange, ibid.
Steen, Vander, sent to the states of Zealand, 584.
Steer, Daniel. See Halsall.
Steinbock, general, commands a party in the Werder, 414. Marches towards Cracow, 685. Offers honourable terms to Dantzick, 690. Takes Putzko, 697. Marches towards Marienburg, 703.
Stephens, doctor, 408.
Stepney, mr. recommended to the Protector, 64.
Stevens, mr. sent from king Charles to Dunkirk, 10.
Stokes, mr. governor of Nevis, his letter to major Sedgewicke touching the transporting of inhabitants to Jamaica, 603.
Stouppe, mr. his letter to secretary Thurloe, 251.
Strangeways, summoned to attend the commissioners for Dorsetshire, 336.
Strasberg, city of, taken by the Swedes, 240.
Strickland, mr. one of the protector's council, 243. His
answer to the Dutch embassador's complaint of the detention of ships, 258.
-, — Walter, examination to be taken concerning him, 393.
-, — William, his letter to secretary Thurloe touching
the disposition of some prisoners taken at sea, 593.
Stryrum, Count, his silver plate taken by the elector of Brandenburgh's forces, 356. Demands his dismission from the King of Sweden, 502.
Stubbers, colonel, recommended as a proper person to serve in the expedition to Jamaica, 24.
Sturgeon, one of the protector's life guard, committed to the Tower on account of his behaviour, 752.
Suffolk, commissioners, account of their proceedings, 427. List of the persons taxed by them, ibid.
Sultzbach, prince palatine, reported to be killed, 698.
Surinam, colony, complains of its unsettled condition, 159.
Sussex, commissioners, list of them, 161.
-, — lord, desires to be heard before the council of state
touching the confiscation of his estate, 404.
Sutton, mr. accused of cruelty towards the parliament forces, 364.
Swan, William, executed at Cologne, 122.
-, — Francis. See Fox.
Sweden, king of. See Treaty. Demands a toll on shipping, 9. Enters Warsaw, 36. Message to the king of Denmark, ibid. Assembles his forces, 13. Sends his fleet before Dantzick, 23. His answer to the king of Poland's demand of a suspension of arms, 33. Well received at Warsaw, 45. Summons the nobility to appear at Brest, ibid. Makes great progress in Poland, 59. His letter to the emperor on his declaring war against Poland, 64. His letter to his minister from before Cracow, 66. Processions made in Italy to curse him, 67. Holds a parliament at Warsaw, 78. His army in want of necessaries, ibid. Marches against Crakovia, 108. His interest to keep upon good terms with the protector, 111, 204. Said to have raised the siege of Cracow, 113. His army sacks Warsaw, 120. Marches against Prussia, 133, 178, 239. Offended with the states-general, 145. His proposals to the king of Denmark, 150. Endeavours to gain the elector of Brandenburgh, 174. Reflections on his affairs, ibid. Marches towards Warsaw, 375. Denies audience to the French embassador, 181. Displeased with his Brother's thoughts of marrying the princess Sophia, 182. Well affected to the protector, 186. Intends to carry the war into Prussia, 188. Commits the government of Poland to his ministers, 219. A plot form'd against him, ibid. His conditions proposed to the elector of Brandenburgh, ibid. and 296, 336. Arrives near Thorn, 236. His answer to the elector of Brandenburgh's envoy, ibid. Reported to have taken Thorn, 244. Takes Warsaw, 246. The importance thereof, ibid. Caresses the Protector's resident, 247. Gives liberty to the magistrates of Thorn to treat for the security of the city, 252. Promises to maintain the privileges of that town, 270. Expresses great esteem for the protector, 275. Provoked by the elector of Brandenburgh, ibid. The manner of his entry into Thorn, 278. Marches to meet the elector of Brandenburgh, ibid. Takes the city of Strasburg, 290. His desires to be emperor, 301. Dis arms the city of Thorn, 303. Summons Elbing to surrender, ibid. Offers a neutrality to Thorn for 5 years, 311. Takes Elbing, 317. Marches towards Koningsberg, ibid. Garrisons Elbing, 323. Acquaints the elector of Brandenburgh with his intention of visiting him, ibid. His proceeding towards a treaty with him, 355. Account of his forces, ibid. Advances near Koningsberg, ibid. and 362. sends his chancellor to conclude a peace with Brandenburgh, 362. Several persons of note revolt from him, ibid. Resents the behaviour of the Court of France, ibid. and 399. Well satisfied with the conditions of the treaty with Brandenburgh, 398. Advances towards Coniez, 414. Takes it, ibid. Lays siege to Tauchell, ibid. Ratifies a treaty with the duke of Transylvania, ibid. Offers to treat with Dantzick upon hard terms, 461. Advances towards Poland, 463. Goes to compose the differences at Thorn, 496. A relation of his victory near the Wlestowitz against general Czarnetsky, 513. Takes a considerable booty belonging to the king of Poland, 514. Raises forces in Bremerland, 530. Grants commissions to privateers to take ships going to Dantzick. 536. Defeats general Chernetzky, 575. A body of his troops taken prisoners near Dantzick, 590. Conditions of peace said to be offered by him, ibid. Takes Zamoisky, 596. A Peace reported to be concluded between him and Denmark, 597. Defeats Potolsky and Landskronsky, 599. Resolves to punish Landskronsky for his perjury, ibid. Takes Lublin and Zaucoisky, 612. Reported to be wounded, 615. His army defeated with great loss, ibid. Designs to make himself master of the Sound, 622. Compared to Alexander, 630. Makes an unsuccessful attempt on the fort of Samosch, 640, 656. Besieges Zomois, 653. Report of his defeat received with great joy at the Hague, ibid. Said to be false, ibid. and 655. Reflections on the consequence of his supposed defeat, 653. Reasons for not believing that report, 654. In daily expectation of an engagement with the king of Poland, 656. Draws all the soldiers he can spare out of the several garrisons, ibid. Waits at Sendomir, in expectation of succours, 685. Defeats the Polish army on the river Vistula, 691. Foundation of the report of his defeat, ibid. Particular account of his victory over the Poles, 697, 702. Said to have made an attempt upon Warsaw, 703. Prevented in passing the Vistula, 706. His Affairs in great perplexity, ibid. Wagers laid at Amsterdam touching his death, 709. Marches towards Leopolis, 710. A great part of Poland revolts from him, 713. Reported to be dead, 720. Encamped near Sendomir, 721. Lays a bridge over the Vistula, ibid. Arrives with his army near Warsaw, 729. Reflections on his detaining the Dutch embassadors at Lauwenburgh, 731. Reflections on the consequences of his death, 734. Arrives at Thorn, 736. Suffers much by the revolt of the Polish nobility, ibid. 737, 750. The number and disposition of his forces, 746. Intends to reside at Marienburg, 750. Various reports touching his success, ibid. 755, 760. Further account of his motions, 761. Arrives at Elbing with his queen, ibid. His army much diminished, ibid.
Sweden, queen of, prepares to depart from Brussels, 20. Preparation for her reception at Rome, 69, 77. Offers to take the Duke of Gloucester to Rome, 81. Account of her behaviour in her passage through Germany, 89, 172. Said to bring a rich present to Loretto, 91. Is to make profession of the catholick faith at Inspruck, 115. Her reasons for resigning the crown, 183. A person appointed to instruct her in religion, 200. Her thoughts of religion always, unsettled, 219. Tax laid on the pope's subjects to defray her expences, 233. Presents her crown and scepter to the lady of Loretto, 310. Makes a publick entry into Rome, 331. Great respect shewn to her at Loretto, 330. Her lodgings and allowance, 405. Proposes to turn nun, ibid. Blessed by the pope, 424. Much caressed by him, 507. Declares her resolution to stay at Rome, 540. Her character of the Low Countries, ibid. Discharges several of her retinue in order to settle at Rome, 552. Purchases a Palace there, 566. Behaves with little zeal towards her new religion, 674. Endeavours to advance the Spanish interest, ibid. Dislikes the temper of the Italians, 721. Reported to be inclined to the French interest, ibid. Discharges her Spanish attendants, 774. Raises a guard for her person, ibid.
Swedish embassador to the emperor, arrives at Vienna, 85.
See Bielake.
-, — embassadors to Brandenburgh. See Schippenback.
-, — embassadors in England. See Bond.
-, — embassadors to the states general. See Appleboom.
Swedish embassador to the Czar. See Bielke.
Sweet, mr. made one of the council of state in Scotland, 268.
Swetman, William, solicits to be restored to the place of postmaster of Saftesbury, 316. Certificate of his ill behaviour, ibid.
Swift, William, recommended to secretary Thurloe, 181. His account of mr. Rolt's reception by the king of Sweden, 236. Desires a remittance of money for mr. Rolt, 279. and secretary Thurloe's commands touching his return, 370. His advice relating thereto, 399. Desires a ship may be sent to meet him, 442, 476.
Switzerland, not included in the treaty between the duke of Savoy and the Waldenses, 8. Differences between protestants and papists there, 108. Profess their obligations to the states general, 109. Thier discontents carried to a great height, 252. Conjectures about the reasons thereof, ibid. Deputies depart without concluding any thing, 282. Cantons assemble at Baden, 346. Popish cantons send deputies to prevent those of Zurich from being seconded in their endeavours, 346. Protestant cantons assemble at Bruck, 346. Their manifesto, 350. Popish cantons demand assistance of several states in Italy, 386. Not inclinable to intermeddle between the duke of Savoy and the inhabitants of the Valleys, 419. The affairs of the protestants there in an ill situation, 505. Think of offering the command of their armies to mareschal Turenne, 521. The popish cantons not willing to come to an accommodation with the protestants, 547. Peace between them concluded, 560. Methods taken to procure it, 588.
Sympson, John, a fifth monarchy man, declares himself against war, 545.
Taase, Lord, report of his being gone to Spain, false, 629.
Talon, monsieur, banished for opposing the edict for reducing the coin. Further account of that affair, 671, 697.
Tauchell, besieged by the king of Sweden, 414. Taken by the Poles, 720.
Tarante, prince, proposals for allowing him a pension, 33. Well affected to the protector, 94. Recommended to the post of field mareschal of the united provinces, 204.
Tartars, march into Poland, 356. Desire to enter into a confederacy with the king of Sweden, 414.
Taylor, mr. agent for king Charles at Vienna, 103. His
death, 169.
-, — Timothy, his letter to H. Cromwell, 287.
-, — mr. made recorder of Colchester, 330.
-, — minister of Bury. See Stanhum.
Templar, major, 320.
Temple, sir John, gives information of a murderer in the protector's life-guard, 198.
Tenance, baron of, mortally wounded in a duel, 37.
Tewksbury, magistrates of, disaffected to the government, 396.
Thanet, earl, endeavours to obtain an order to supersede the proceedings of the commissioners against his estate, 293.
Tholouse, archbishop of, reprimanded by the queen of France for complaining of the protestants, 498.
Thomas, prince of Carignan, 92. Death of his son, 405.
His own death, 437.
-, — major, escaped from the tower of London, arrives
at Barbadoes, 39. Suspected of designs against Ireland,
Thompson, mr. offers his service to the protector, 337.
Thorn city, refuses to admit the elector of Brandenburgh's troops, 236. Reported to be taken by the king of Sweden, 244. Capitulates, 252. Privileges preserved to the inhabitants 270. An attempt to surprize it by the Polish forces, 721. The jesuits banished the town on suspicion of being concerned therein, ibid.
Thornhill, mr. agent for king Charles in Kent, 10.
Throckmorton, mr. his conduct in relation to the ship siezed by the Spaniards, 108.
Thurloe, secretary, proposals made to him relating to the pearl fishery at Surat, 30. His several letters to H. Cromwell, 55, 75, 87, 100, 107, 190, 321, 343, 373, 402, 418, 443, 478, 505, 530, 545, 629, 685, 698, 742, 765, 773. His reflection upon the French embassador, 107. His memorandums concerning a plot, and reasons for erecting a new standing militia in England, 132. His account of the debates upon the question about admitting the Jews into England, 321. Orders major-general Haynes to release sir Richard Willis upon certain conditions, 333. His reflections upon Powell, and other anabaptists, 373, seq. 505. and the affairs of the protestants in Switzerland, 403. Cautions H. Cromwell against the designs of the royalists upon Ireland, 418, 629. His account of the divisions between the protestant and popish cantons of Switzerland, 443, 478. His reflections upon the quakers, 530, seq. His conference with the Dutch embassador relating to the affairs of Switzerland and the marine treaty, 588. His answer to monsieur Barriere's desire to stay longer in England, 594. His remark upon the ill success of the protestants in treaties, 629. His account of the proceedings of the fifth monarchy men and levellers, ibid. and 698, 743. Apprehensive of disturbances approaching, 698. Promises to serve sir Hardress Waller, ibid. Congratulates H. Cromwell on the birth of his son, 742. Instructions to mr. Pell touching his behaviour in the treaty between the Swiss cantons, 752. Recommends captain Blackwall to H. Cromwell, 765. and collonel Hill, 773.
Thynn, sir James, endeavours to excuse himself from the tax, 324.
Tirone, said to be commander of the Irish beyond sea, 446.
Titus, captain Silas, desires leave to return into England, 347.
Tompson, mr. of Newark, 599.
Tot, count, 353.
Townley, mr. See Bradshaw.
Tourlack, marquis of, defeated by the Poles, 729.
Toute, bishop of, arrested in his chariot at Paris, 697.
Trade of England. See Wooll. Considerations on the trade to the Baltick, 120, 404. State of the trade to Spain, 135. A particular council appointed to consider of methods for the regulation of it, 177. Committee ordered to consider by what means the statute of 43 Eliz. for advancement of trade may be executed, 376. Considerations on the trade to France, 670.
Tranckmor, Simon, his information about the passage of the Spanish fleet by the Canaries, 572.
Transylvania, duke of, joins the king of Poland, 85. Concludes a treaty with the king of Sweden, 414.
Trapps, mr. 227.
Traquaire, lord, found guilty of perjury, 324.
Treasury, commissioners of, in England, their letter to the council, 123.
Treaty between the duke of Savoy and the Waldenses, ratified, 8. Some particulars of it, ibid, & seq.
-, — between the states general and the elector of Brandenburgh, ratified, 31, 96. Articles propounded for a
treaty between him and the states of Prussia, 98.
-, — between England and France, concluded, 75. Signed, 115. Peace proclaimed, 215, 259. Secret articles
of that treaty, 470.
-, — between Sweden and Brandenburgh, set on foot, 275.
Proceedings therein, 355, 356, 362. Concluded, 398.
Conditions of that treaty, 398, 463, 502. Remarks upon it, 448, 459, 461, 463.
-, — between the protector and Sweden, heads of it, 486,
-, — maritime between England and Holland, some proceedings towards it, 589, 658.
-, — between England and Portugal, proceedings, 681,
seq. Ratified by the king of Portugal, 758. Some particulars of it, ibid.
Trelawny, mr. an agent for king Charles in the west of England, 10.
Treves, elector of, enters into a league with several other German electors, 508. See Germany.
Trevillian, Thomas, in the interest of king Charles, 87.
Triglandius, mr. appointed governor to the prince of Orange, 564.
Tromp, van, Dutch admiral to command a squadron designed for the Baltick, 707.
Tuston, lord, concerned in an insurrection designed in Kent, 132.
Tulp, burgo-master, willing to go embassador to Sweden, 261.
Turenne, mareschal de, throws troops into Quesnoy, 125. Ordered to waste the country about Peronne, 158. Against peace with Spain, 180. Robbed in the streets of Paris, 299. Prepares to take the command of the army in Flanders, 697, 734, 756.
Turkey company, letter to their embassador at Constantinople, 38. Desire mr. Laurence may be recalled, 705.
Turks. See Grand signior.
Turvey, mr. recommended for sheriff of Worcestershire, 211. His character, 215.
Tuscany, great duke of, denies the English the privilege of building a church at Leghorn, 92. Entertains the Muscovite embassadors in their passage to Venice, 374. Absents himself from Florence, to avoid entertaining the French embassador, 688. Endeavours to hinder the marriage between the duke of Parma and madam Mancini, 723.
Twent, nobility of, oppose prince William, 112.
Tyrell, Timothy, recommended by H. Cromwell, 198.
Tyson, Edward, 353.
Tythes, method proposed for raising money out of them, 377.
Valenciennes, fortifications augmented, 716.
Valentia, vice-roy of, orders the effects of the English at Alicant to be sold, 547. Obtains a commission to be of the council of Zealand, 631. His letter to the governor of Alexandria, 662.
Valkenberg, governor of. See States general.
Van Dyke, a prisoner at Amsterdam, intercession made for his liberty, 287.
Vane, sir Henry, his letters to secretary Thurloe, 36, 329. Endeavours to make a party among the quakers against the state, 509.
Vaughan, Evan. See Council of state in Ireland.
Velasco, don Pedro Vasques, president of the audience of Quito, his account of the loss of the ship Capitana, 429. His proceedings in order to recover her treasure, ibid.
Venables, general, his letter to the protector, 21. To secretary Thurloe, 28. Desires liberty to produce witnesses to justisy his conduct, 38. Committed to the tower, 53. Discharged both from his confinement and his office, 177.
Vendosme, duke of, undertakes the siege of Palamos, 2. His progress therein, 25. Releases all the English ships taken by the French, 102. Departs from Thollon, 155. Displaced from his office of high-admiral of France, 248. Orders several ships of war to be fitted up at Thollon, 440. To command a fleet in the Mediterannean, 619.
Venetian embassadors to France, arrive at Paris, 91. Admitted to audience, 110.
-, — resident in England. See Pauluzzi.
-, — embassador, at Vienna, his account of the king of
Sweden's affairs, 706.
-, — resident at Constantinople, his letters seized, 139.
Venetians worsted by the Turks at Morea, 139. Depart from Malvasia, ibid.
Verbolt, lord, makes report about the passage money of Maestricht, 261.
Verbrester, monsieur, enters Ham with 400 men, 183.
Verdoes, lord, made governor of Escluse, 174.
Vernon, captain, 315.
-, — major general, preaches against H. Cromwell, 328,
Vierssen, lord, named embassador from the states general to Denmark, 230. See Dutch embassador.
Villaumbrosa, earl of, governor of Porto-bello. See Montealegre.
Viole, president, his account of the proceedings of the French, 2, 20, 37, 48. His refflections on the peace between France and England, 183. His account of the prince of Condé's affairs, 244. Complains of the want of money, 270, 298. His account of some alterations proposed in the government of the Spanish Netherlands, 569. Promises Barriere a speedy supply of money, 613. Account of several occurrences in the Low Countries, 678.
Vitepsky, Polish general. See Polisky.
Underwood, Francis, complains of the pay of the militia falling short in Cambridgeshire, 409.
Vogelsanck, lord, accepts the first place in the embassy from the states general to Brandenburgh, 289.
Urban, pope, offers to protect the English in their religion at Civita Vechia, 172. See Pope.
Vries, de, Dutch resident in Denmark, his account of the toll demanded by the Swedes, 9. of the Proposition of the Swedish resident to the king of Denmark, 149. Desires to be recalled, 150. His account of the successes of the king of Sweden, 180. Advises the states general to send an extraordinary embassador to Denmark, 209. Opposes the negotiations of the Swedish resident, 359. Proposes to meet the Dutch embassadors, 441. Sets out for that purpose, 499. Letter to the states general about the report of the king of Sweden's death, 675.
Vryberch, lord, his account of the aversion of Zealand to the harmony, 515.
Utrecht, states of, desired to declare themselves on the treaty with Brandenburgh, 31. Their Opinion relating to the government of Boisleduc, 173. Nominate the lord Amerongen embassador for Denmark, 230. Consent to aid the protestants in Switzerland with money, 612. Oppose the sending of the fleet to the Baltick, 652.
Vyane, fiscal of de Ruyter's fleet, account of what passed between him and an English commander, 730.
Vyner, sir Thomas. See Nieuport.
Wade, mr. complains of the illegal sentence against his
son, 7. Referred to the governor of Barbadoes, 157.
Proceedings thereupon, 399, 400.
-, — major, governor of the Isle of Man, commendation
of him, 360.
Wagstaff, mr. agent for king Charles at Dunkirk, 10. To command in chief in an insurrection in the west, 132. Purchases an uncommon gun to assassinate, as supposed, the protector, 144. Sent into England, 169.
Waites, mr. See Bradshaw.
Wale, Edward, his account of the anabaptists in Ireland, 314.
Wales, churches of, present a pamphlet to the protector, entitled, A word for God, &c. 380.
Waldeck, count, marches against the Swedes, 98. Denies audience to colonel Plemler, 209. Departs from Berlin to Holland, 475. Displeased at the agreement of Sweden and Brandenburgh, 491. Report of his being in disgrace with the king of Sweden contradicted, 502.
Waldenses, See Protestants of Piedmont, and Treaty.
Walker, sir Edward, with king Charles at Cologne, 122.
-, — mr. an agent for king Charles, 122.
-, — Thomas. See Jackson.
Wallachia, hospodar of, joins the king of Poland, 85.
Wallenburgh, Adrian van, commissioner with monsieur Bockhorst, from the elector of Cologne to the states general, their memorial touching a report of an attempt on Rynberck, 617. Manner of their audience, 631. Charged to treat of an alliance for defence of the Rhine, 730.
Waller, sir Hardress, 327. His petition recommended to secretary Thurloe by H. Cromwell, 672, 698.
Walsh, sir Robert offers his service to the protector, 574. See Digby, Kenelm.
Wallis, major, frequents the quaker's meetings in Ireland,
-, — mr. See Barkstead.
Walsham, George, information against him, 384. Concealed in Aldermanbury, 412.
Walter, sir William. See Oxfordshire commissioners, his declaration, owning the authority of the parliament, 608.
Walterhouse, Charles, deputy governor of the isle of Guernsey, 339.
Walters, Robert, rejoicings at king Charles's court for his escape, 10. Proceedings against him, 462, 468. Refuses to make any discovery, 498. His wife sent to the marshalsea goal at London, 614. Himself a prisoner there, ibid.
Warburton, mr. 149. Proceeding towards sequestring his estate, 450. Taxed at 100 l. per annum, 630.
Warde, Edward, a commissioner for Norfolk, 185. Recommended for sheriff, 217.
Warnerus, Lævinus, the Dutch embassador to the grand signior, his account of affairs at Constantinople, 5. of disturbances begun in Natolia and other affairs of the Ottoman empire, 369.
Warren, mr. his account of the affairs in Ireland, 314. Apprehensive of a design to assassinate the protector, 315.
Warrestein, laird, a leading man of the remonstrators in Scotland, 557.
Warsaw, manner of it's surrender to the king of Sweden, 246. Importance of it, ibid.
Wartzburg, See Germany, electors of.
Waveran, lord, his dispute with Wimmenum about precedency in the embassy to Sweden, 261.
Weaver, mr. secured under a guard at Preston, 485. His account of sir H. Vane's designs against the government, 509.
Webb, Richard, his deposition touching his losses in Spain, 451.
Wentworth, lord, expected at Cologne, by king Charles, 122. Advice of his being at Paris, 372.
Werden, mr. a friend to the Protector, 10. One of the commissioners for Sussex, 149. His information against . . . 408.
Werden, colonel, desires to be excused from paying the tax, 315, 446.
Wesel, commander of, desires a re-inforcement, 611.
West-Indies. See America,
Weston, mr. concerned in an insurrection in Kent, 132.
Westmorland, commissioners. See Cumberland.
-, — lord, excused from paying the tax, 511.
Wexford, church of, their address to H. Cromwell, 270.
Weyers, his answer to the summons to surrender Marienburg, 502.
Whalley, commissary general, made major-general of several counties, 88, 117. Arrives at Screaveton, 126. Summons some cavaliers to appear at Nottingham, 146, 162. Desires a list of persons who have compounded, 156, 212. His proceedings, 162. Desires the names of persons resident in those parts, who have been engaged in any plot, 158. His proceedings at Nottingham, 197. In ejecting scandalous ministers, 212. His proceedings at Leicester, 241. Desires the proofs against sir Robert Shiiley and sir Kenelm Digby, 248. His proceedings at Coventry, 273. His account of the proceedings of the mayor and aldermen there against alderman Chambers, 284. His opinion relating to the admission of the Jews into England, 308. His account of the behaviour of mr. Sutton to the parliament forces, 364. His proceedings at Lincoln, 411. Desires an order to pay the militia under his command, 112. His account of the tax in Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire, 434. His proceedings at Lincoln, ibid. Commits several persons to prison on account of the insurrection at Rufford, 496. His reasons for not excusing colonel Frecheville, 509. Gives orders for the rectifying of juries, 511. Proposes to attend the judges in their circuit, 607. Desires the protector's orders touching a horse-race at Lincoln, ibid. His letter to the protector in behalf of Middleton, 663. Commends the behaviour of judge Hale, ibid. Recommends the transportation of felons, 686. His proceedings relating to inclosures, ibid. Advises the issuing of a proclamation to regulate abuses in markets, ibid. Complains of several frauds in weights and measures, ibid. His proceedings in clearing Nottinghamshire of vagrants, 719.
White, mr. letters to him intercepted, 619, 658, 760.
Whitebread, captain, 319.
Whitehall, John, recommended as a fit person for sheriff of Staffordshire, 300.
Whitelocke, mr. one of the commissioners of the treasury, 123.
Whittenberg, general of the Swedish army, marches to Cracow, 11. into Lublin, 507. Reported to be killed, 615.
Whorwood, major, sent into England by king Charles, 87.
Wibem, mr. See Petkum.
Wicherly, mr. 444.
Widdrington, Thomas, one of the commissioners of the treasury, 123.
Wiesneiwitz and Coniez Polsky, Polish weywods, their regiments defeated near Coniez, 414.
Wildman, major, proceedings touching the seizure and confiscation of his estate, 179, 215, 333, 340.
William, prince, opposition to his being made mareschal by prince Maurice, 14. Causes of it, 34. Desired to defist from the election of stadtholder, 60. Reasons offered against him by the states of Holland, 61. Formidable to them by birth, 111. The seclusion of the prince of Orange advantageous to him, 260. Makes no objection to the project for a harmony of the provinces, 261, 311. Pretends to be irritated against Sweden, to ingratiate himself with Holland, 262. Endeavours to engage the states general in a league with Spain, 268. Good correspondence between him and the raet pensionary, 432. Appointed a commissioner for adjusting the differences of Overyssel, 466. His election of stadtholder of Overyssel delayed, 490. His interest to embroil the provinces, 517. Desires to engage the Dutch in a land war against Sweden, 537. Endeavours to establish the harmony, 568, 637. Loses much of his esteem with the Provinces, 612. Endeavours to gain the army, 623. Taxed with ingratitude, 637.
Williams, Robert, employed in carrying king Charles's agents into England, 206.
-, — Robert, an agent to king Charles, 299.
-, — sir Trevor, 545.
-, — mr. an intercepted letter from him, 737.
Willis, sir Richard, discharged out of prison, 333.
Wilmot, lord, to command in chief in an insurrection in the north, 132.
Willoughby, lord. See Butler, captain.
Wiltshire, commissioners for, their letter to the protector, 295.
Wimmenum, lord. See Waveran.
Winchester, marquis of, advice desired by the commissioners for Hampshire touching his estate, 239. Account of the incumbrances and sale thereof, 444.
Windebanck, intercepted letters from him, 710, 718, 754.
Windham, sir Hugh, summoned by the commissioners of Dorsetshire, 336.
Windover, mr. sends an intercepted letter from colonel Ashburnham to secretary Thurloe, 339.
Winne, sir Owen, recommended for sheriff of Denbigshire, 287.
Wisken, Ruth, her information, 55.
Witgenstein, earl of, embassador from Brandenburgh to the states general, demands audience, 96. and the subsidy promised, 101, 201. Excuses himself from giving his demands in writing, 112. Excuses the elector for concluding a treaty with Sweden, 431. Advertises the states general of the treaty made with Prussia, 448. Proposes to acquaint them with all he knows of the said treaty, 515. Refuses to communicate the whole, 516. Complains of the little respect shewn him, ibid.
Witherings, mr. his request to secretary Thurloe, 340.
Witt, John de, his account of the proceedings of the states general in relation to Sweden, 45. Commissioned, with prince William, to adjust the differences in Overyssel, 466. Joins with him, 517.
Witteronge, sir Thomas, recommended for high sheriff for Montgomery, 287.
Woldemaar, count, Swedish general, receives orders to march from Stettin, 279. His regiment deseated and himself slain, 656.
Wolfesen, lord, presents a memorial to the states general against the embassy to Sweden, 288.
Wollenhoven, Drossard, chief of the commissioners for the province of Overyssel, 490.
Wood, mr. a leading man in the kirk of Scotland, 558.
-, — Silvanus, esq; recommended as a fit person for sheriff
of Gloucestershire, 360.
Woodhall, mr. minister of Woodbridge. See Stanhum.
Woollen manufacture of England, reflections thereon, 86.
Woolmer, major, 727.
Worcestershire, commissioners for, account of their proceedings against the lord Coventry, 546.
Worsley, colonel, made major-general of several counties, 88, 117. Desires directions in some particulars, 149. His proceedings in Lancashire, 179. Designs to disarm all suspected persons, 187. His proceedings in Cheshire, 189, 315, 439, 450, 523, 765. Commends col. Croxton's behaviour, 189. His account of the behaviour of the commissioners of Chester, 224. of the proceedings of the commissioners at Chester, 248, 251. Recommends persons for sheriffs of the counties of Chester and Lancaster, 267. His observations on the counties of Chester and Lancaster, 277. His proceedings in Staffordshire, 300. Desires instructions touching lord Byron's estate, 322. Desires to have the castle of Liverpoole put into his possession, 333. Complains of the quakers, ibid. His proposal to extend the tax, 340, seq. Recommends the petition in behalf of Thomas Chalonor, 423. Desires the informations against Randal, 473. and an additional number of commissioners, 485. Complains of the attornies of Lancashire, 495. at Middlewich, 538. against mr. George Middleton, 565. Ejects several scandalous ministers and schoolmasters, ibid. Suspicious of the sheriff of Cheshire, 684, 765. Desires instructions in his proceedings on the trial of mr. Middleton, 746.
Wrangell, Swedish admiral, besieges Pautsky, 36. Appointed commander of the quartians, 279. Joins the king of Sweden, 721. See Adolph.
Wren, captain Henry, his estate sentenced, 522.
Wright, mr. his letter to his brother, 60.
-, — sir B. his letter to sir Walter Dongan, 629.
Wylde, Richard, his proposal about the pearl fishery at Surat, 30.
Wyman, sieur de, appointed to carry the ratification of the treaty with Brandenburgh to the elector, 33. Applies to the states of Zealand for the subsidy to the elector, 144. Desires the states general to delay their proceedings till the articles of the treaty between Sweden and Brandenburgh are known, 448. Notisies the peace concluded between them, 510. See Bonyn.
Wynbergen, lord, petitions the states general to be made governor of Boisleduc, 14. Goes to Tolen, 112, 174.
York, duke of, expected at Paris, 100. Sent for by
the king, 122. Unwilling to leave France, ibid. Comes
with the French king to Paris, 195. Sends to king
Charles for directions, 254. Proposes to withdraw into
Italy, 357. His name struck out of the list of pensions
paid by the French king, ibid. Delays his departure on
account of the princess royal being expected at Paris, 358.
Proposes to remove to Brussels, 375. His interest among
the Irish in the French service, ibid. Inconveniencies of
his departure from Paris to be represented to the protector, 392. In great want of money, ibid, 560. Goes
to meet his sister at Peronne, 420. Resolved not to remove from France without orders from the French court,
506. Entertained by the chancellor of France, 553.
-, — mr. a royalist, 610.
Yorkshire, commissioners for, complain of disaffected persons being employed in offices, 402.
Ysselmüyden, lord, nominated for the embassy from the states general to Denmark, 230. Desires their final resolution, 536. Excuses himself from going to the states of Zealand, 584.
Ysselstein, governor of Orsoy, his death, 353.
Ystbrants, lord, one of the Dutch embassadors to Sweden, 230.
Zamoisky city, taken by the king of Sweden, 612, 652.
Zapata, don Pedro de, governor of the Havanna, complaint of his having taken a Dutch ship, 730, seq.
Zealand, states, insist upon an ordinary embassy to England,
25. Desired to declare themselves on the treaty with
Brandenburgh, 31. Their provincial advice relating to
the differences at Overyssel, 61. Commissioners conser
with Holland about prince William, ibid. Divided in
their opinion relating to the government of Boisleduc,
173. Name the lord Huybert embassador for Sweden,
230. Complain of the preserence taken by the states of
Holland in nominating embassadors, ibid. Their proposal
touching the chambre mi partie, ibid. Desire the order
about collateral successions to be suspended, 430. Averse
to the harmony of the provinces, 515. Several towns
protest against against it, 536. Resolve to give their votes
to prince Maurice for mareschal de camp, 612. Their
memorial touching the augmentation of the fleet and the
employment of the same, 616, 617. Withdraw their
affections from prince William, 627. Their resolution
touching the fleet reported to the states general, 630.
Consent to their share in the subsidy to the Swiss protestants and the fortifications of Geneva, 631. Suspected
of favouring Sweden, 638. Jealous of the protector, ibid.
and states of Holland, ibid. Break law for continuing
their provincial charges during life, ibid. Oppose the
sending of the fleet to the Baltick, 652. Make a jest of
the memorial of the commissioners of Bruges, 653. Resent the decree of the court of justice for establishing
lord Stavenisse, 708. Resolve to send commissioners to
the states of Holland thereupon, ibid. Express great joy
at de Ruyter's arrival, 731. Their Reasons for it, ibid.
-, — admiralty of, complain of the English visiting their
ships, 388.
Zernecky and Lubomirsky, weywoods, endeavour to prevent succours being sent to the king of Sweden, 720.
Zurich, canton of, puts itself into a posture of defence, 108. Endeavours to force the canton of Berne to join with them against the Popish cantons, 304. Deputies sent from thence and Bern to Geneva to treat with the protector's ministers, 325. Their conference with mr. Morland, 326. Take their leave, 327. The senate desires to be included in the treaty between France and England, 345. Promise themselves little success from the result of the assembly at Baden, 346. Their army takes all the towns situate between Constance and Coblentz, and several other places, 378. Besiege Rapsoeck, 438. Progress of the siege, 489, 491. Assaulted by the Popish army during a cessation of arms, 507. Their loss thereby, 521.
Zwoll, proposes to keep up some companies of soldiers, 112. Garrisons to be withdrawn thence, 113.