A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1655: January (2 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp84-98 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1655: January (2 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp84-98.
"State Papers, 1655: January (2 of 4)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp84-98.
In this section
January (2 of 4)
A letter of intelligence.
Dantzick, January 16, 1655. [N. S.]
V. xxii. p. 173.
Letters out of Poland speak of the good progress of the Polish army with the new Tartarian succors against the Cossacks in the Ukraine, having destroyed the most part of them, and forced Chrnilinsky to retreat to Corsan, sueing now for the league, which not long ago he rejected. The party that was commanded to relieve Witebesko being too late, resolved to attempt some adventure in the feild, which succeeded to their desire; for that having good intelligence, that 8 cannons, 3000 pikes, some hundreds of muskets, and some ammunition with a convoy of 5000 Muscovites being designed for Polotzky, but prevented by the frost, and landed some where near the river Dune, they fell upon them unawares, slew most of them, and tooke the rest with all the spoyl. Upon which good success, it is said they went further, routing divers troopes of the enemie, and retaking some places of small account. From Wilda they write the 3d of January, that upon the 29th past both the Littawish gen. with the whole body were broken up from Minsk to Bicko and Mohilo, whither the aforesaid party were also commanded to repair.
A letter of intelligence.
Hague, January 16, 1655. [N. S.]
V. xx. p. 231.
Your's I have by this post, for which I thank you. My letters to you now are as
short as heretofore they were longe, little being done now here that concerns Englande in state matters, but all concerning merchants and trade, which merchants there can
tell you better than I can. Our ambassador Nieuport's letters weekly import only such
matters, and the proceedings of parliament, which is needless to repeat to you. We
have been in silence and quietness a good while, free from the fruits of the division
among the provinces, but now afresh, the province of Friesland puts in a paper, redesiring, that the ambassador Beverning and Nieuport may be required to give account
to the states general of their negotiation in England. It is doubted, some other of the
provinces will also renew such papers, and then there may be some work hear to be sent
to you. It is thought Jongestall is active underhand in this business against Beverning
and Nieuport, being not pleased with them in England. It is not pressed here lately for
the renovation of the alliance with France, some provinces being very forward for it, as
you had in former letters from,
Sir, your's.
A letter of intelligence from mr. Augier's secretary.
Paris the 16/6 of January 1654/5.
V. xxii. p. 191.
I send you here inclosed the particulars this gazettier hath given us of the duke of Guise's adventures, according to the relation he hath sent thereof to court; where they seem to be more and more angry against Mr. Folleville, both by reason of his want of conduct, and also by maxim of state to cover the reputation of the king's arms, as though their design would not without him have miscarried; in so much that orders have been sent to Provence to bring him prisoner here, and that his process may be made.
My last of the 13/2 of this instant will have informed you of the pope's sickness. All Paris has been filled with the rumor of his death, but by reason the last ordinary from Rome did only mention his agony, the wiser sort will not yet give farther credit thereunto.
The letters from Lyons inform us, that the court of Savoy had so murmured against the sojourning of the French troops in that country, that part of them were descended into Dauphiné.
The person named White, who was last saturday sent a prisoner to the Bastile, was next day carried to the Louvre to be examined by the cardinal himself, who shewed him some writings, whereon he stood all amazed; after which he was sent back into his prison.
They do still speak of taking the treasure from mr. de Servien.
Mr. de Neufville's father is exceeding sick, if not dead, at this hour. The bishop of Lectoure is deceased before him, leaving several benefices unto cardinal Mazarin.
Mr. de Machaud prepares himself to go and re–establish the marquis de la Moussaye in the government of Rennes, in spite of the superstitious papists; and by reason he is a man much indifferent in matters of religion, there is no question of his good success therein.
It is written from Marseilles of the 5 instant, 26 past, that general Blake was 4 days since arrived at Leghorn with 14 ships, and that the Marseillers feared much, lest he should meet with some merchant ships they have in the Levant.
A letter of intelligence.
Paris, January 16, 1655. [N. S.]
V. xxii. p. 179.
I have received two of your's since my former of the 4th and 7th instant, by
which I see no cause of complaints among you; but some say, there was a new plot
yet against his highness the lord protector, to the profit of king Charles, who has a great
party in that parliament and other places yet in England, and several other places, which
they expect to bring to some perfection some time or other, as occasion shall serve. Now
you have your letters from Rome by the ordinary post, who could not have the news of
the pope's death, of which we expect the confirmation by another extraordinary.
Our forces bound for Bretagne and Normandy towards the sea side have received counterorders to return, hearing the English fleet intends not for France. Of our embassador there I heard nothing since my former; only he will stay as yet where he is, and he will treat by words, as he is himself entertained; but it's thought their treaty will not go forward, as I know the reasons, because neither of them dares trust the other. It's written from Turin, the 2d instant, that mademoiselle's picture was brought thither to the duke of Savoy, which they esteemed very handsom and agreeable; but the princes Maurice and Thomas often in discourse with madam royale endeavour to break that design, and bring on that Savoy should marry the cardinal Mazarin's niece, and the king the infanta of Spain, also the duke of Anjou the infanta of Portugal; but all are but discourses in the lip, though it might partly come to an end.
The last news we hear from the duke de Guise is, that he is gone to St. Baulme, to perform his promise at sea, when he was in dangers, and give thanks to God, that saved him from those perils. Now he begins to be holy and devout after all. From that place we expect him here, but it's thought he will make no great stay in it, but return to Languedoc to see the prince of Conti, and encrease his forces for the next occasion.
Mr. Comte de Grandpré, who was changed in Flanders for mr. Coligny Salignac arrived here two days ago to give thanks to his majesty and his eminence.
The king was a hunting at Bois de Vincennes from monday last till wednesday at night he arrived at the Louvre, where there was an Italian comedy ready for him, ordered by the duke of Anjou his brother; and to morrow they will dance a great ballet, where all the nobility and greatest ladies of the court will be most gallantly accommodated.
It's reported, that the cardinal's nephew, mr. de Mancini, is to marry one of the dutchess of Esguillon's nieces, to get the government of Havre de Grace from the said dutchess.
Those that have the profit of the gabelles and taxes here offer at present to the king, to furnish 60 vessels at sea with men, money, and all manner of provision, against the English, for to have the commerce free. The duke of Vendosme, as admiral of the sea, demanded the command of the said ships, but was refused. The duke of Guise's forces for the most part are gone to Provence and Dauphiné.
Our councils here are in disorder, the high price and that of the finances being altered, six intendants being turned out, and six more being put in their places, as mr. de Menerdeau shall think fit; but all is to get monies from the poor men. Hence parted last wednesday mr. marquis de Castelnau, Mouisseres, with many other officers of the army, to conduct a convoy of provision and ammunition for Quesnoy; and have orders to fight the enemies, in case they might appear.
Our king this day is gone a hunting towards Bois de Bologne, which is all known at present to,
Sir, your most humble servant.
A letter to Bordeaux the French embassador in England.
Paris, January 16, 1655. [N. S.]
V. xxii. p. 175.
By the letters which we have received from Rome by an express we hear, that his holiness was relapsed, and given over by the whole school of physicians. By the next post we shall certainly hear of his death.
Mr. le commandeur of Valence, who some years since did serve the king in an embassy to Rome, hath been desired by his eminence to take that honour upon him again; and that he should have his arrears paid him, if he would undertake it. The present affairs do require the presence of an able man there. Whereupon he hath undertaken it, only demanding half a year's advance, being a religious, and consequently without a patrimony, which doth highly offend his eminence, who ratled him soundly for it. And every body doth blame the said commandeur for it, it being just, that when able persons are commanded to go upon an embassy, which they are commanded by the supreme power, to do it without hanging after money. You see, that you are condemned, if you agree to these maxims. I know not whether your negotiation will end with the festivals, and whether the conclusion thereof will cause you to return sooner than the indisposition of my lord your father, who is extreme ill, and not without danger, though something better. He hath received all the sacraments of the curate of St. Gervais. He could not give him the holy sacrament, till he had put his mistress out of the house, which at last he consented unto, and then the curate, being sure that the young damsel was gone out of the house, performed all the functions, to the great content of your whole family.
Another letter to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Paris, January 16, 1655. [N. S.]
V. xxli. p. 183.
I do hold you to be more at the extremity of your embassy, than your father is of his life, although men say otherwise of him; and I do believe, that if you do determine with this letter of the court, which is sent you by this post, that you will be here time enough to find your father in a reasonable good condition. You will think that I am always in my humour, and a contrary opinion to all others; but remember that I am one that speaketh without any guile or colour; and I will tell you more, that the chiefest ministers here told me yesterday, that they were not altogether satisfied with you, by reason you did act a little too much after your mode, and not according to the precise orders of the court. I made answer, that you could see more clearly upon the place, than those that were at a distance. They replied, that you were to obey blind–fold the orders that were sent you.
The Spanish embassador to secretary Thurloe.
V. xxi. p. 456.
Señor mio,
Antes de ayer a medio dia me entregò la parte de Pedro Ricault un papel de
milord protector, en que S. A. se sirve de dezirme entre otras cosas que desea
una respuesta mia breve y positiva sobre su preton y pa poderla dar a S. A. en esta
conformidad necesito de que se me entregue una copia de la cedula que dizen tener
del Rey mi señor, y que se me muestre el original en que los Richauts fundan el derecho
de lo que pretenden para que visto y reconocido su contenido pueda representar a S. A. lo
que en la materia se me offreciere, y assi supco a V. S. dè quenta dello a S. A. de mi parte
para que se sirva de mandar se me muestre la cedula referida de su magd y que se me dè copia
della, dios gde a V. S. muchos años como desseo Londres 16/6 de eneros. 1654/5.
Muy servidor, de V. S.
Don Alonso de Cardenas.
V. xxii. p. 252.
Oliver P.
These are to will and require you forthwith to receive into your charge the body
of Rowland Thomas, and to keep him in safe and close custody within our Tower
of London, till you shall receive farther order in that behalf, he being committed for high
treason. Hereof you are not to fail, and for so doing this shall be your warrant. Given
at Whitehall this 8th of Jan. 1654.
To our trusty and well–beloved John Barkstead esq; lieutenant of our Tower of London.
A letter to secretary Thurloe, from one of the persons who translated his letters of intelligence.
January 8, 1654.
V. xxi. p. 460.
Presently the French letters came to me, and I can find nothing more in them than what
you have inclosed, only that the French embassador here gives great hopes of a
speedy and good conclusion to this negotiation. So in his last he writ to the secretary of
state count Brienne. Many in Paris rejoice at the death of the pope, in hopes of a
better for France. Trouble there will be about it; which is all here at this time by,
Sir, your humble servant.
From col. Bampfield.
V. xxii. p. 50.
My Lord,
The letter, which mr. Mason informes me you have written to mee, is not yet come
to my hands, and is the only one that has miscarryed; however I shall ad this to
the reste, and since I hope you will thinke it tyme but impertinently worne out in many
professions to gaine your beleiefe, that I love and desire to serve you, which I had rather
you should finde by my actions than persuasions, I shall hot use any further preambles, but
tell your lordship, that here has been lately a plot discovered, many imprisoned, more sent for
from all parts, much armes and ammunition taken, some parts of it brought to light,
and more I believe in the protector's knowledge then he yet reveales. This might have
bred a commotion, but by all I can yet understand of it, it would not have done more
good, though it had not beene discovered before it had broaken out. I much dout this is
an end of the great designe, which has soe much subdued the kinge to sir Edward Hide's
sence. 'Tis not fitt for mee to write all things relating to it; or if it were, 'tis too large
for a letter. It has done much hurte by the bringing these people nearer to an agreement
then they were; will be, I feare, the destruction of many, and a discouragement to future
and more hopefull designments. Lord * * fort is come into the governor of Inverness, and Middleton, as I am informed, desires to capitulate; but of this I am not certain.
And here is an end of all mr. Chan's well–conducted designes; and for the present must be
a suspension of others. Yet if you have been averse to what I have proposed in referrence
to your owne particular from your * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
of the event of these projects, you may nowe governe yourselfe according to the present
state of things. I am not come, I confess, to that degree of wisdom even in my owne
opinion, to presume to give your lordship my advice, upon whose judgement, preferring it
farr beyond my owne, I both have and shall depend; yet I thinke it will be no arrogance to
tell you, that I had rather adventure to give you my advice, whilst it is seasonable, and
your disease curable, than consolation, when it is remediless. I am confident having caused
a freind of mine to discource at a distance with a great one here concerning you at a distance, you may yett make your peace, and enjoy your estate, which I fear will be more
difficulte, if not impossible hereafter. Divers of your owne countrymen, who have submitted, lay all the blame of the highlands rising upon you, and endeavour to bring you
into as much prejudice as they can. Wherefore I could hartily wish as a person very much
concerned in all the good or ill that can befall you, that you would take your opportunity
whilst you thinke you may have it, of being as easy as the sad condition of things will admitt, though you cannot be for the present soe well as * * * * * * might * *
That of Cicero to Marcellus upon the like occasion, is, I thinke, as applicable to your pre
sent condition, . . . . si sapientis sit carere patria, duri non desiderare, etsi republicâ non possis frui,
stultum est nolle privata. To obey inevitable necessity is agreeable both to the laws of God
and nature; and I thinke noe man was ever soe great a Stoick in virtue, that would not at
least soe far helpe himselfe, that when he coulde noe longer help the publique by his activity,
that he would refuse to * * his owne passively, that he might decently grive the publick miserys at home, without sufferringe contempt and too much want abroad. And yet that
needs not paradventure be your parte; neither you may happily yet act the same part you
desire, only change the scene. If you have particular reasons, which I cannot conjecture,
to dislike this cource, I confess, my mentioning of it may be imprudent, but I hope you
will not thinke it * *, for my own particular doe verry much submitt my owne proceedings to your judgement. And therefore very well may what is your intyer interest,
which I shall attend when I receave your commands as carefully as if it were for myselfe.
Beleive me by all that I can possibly see your beinge 20 26 236, would 91 139 13 19
138 156 108 62 36, for 190, than where 188 67 70 31 156. And I thinke I could
make it demonstrable to you, if I were with you but half an hour. If you write to me, if
your lady directs your letter to mrs. Moray, to whome I thinke her ladyshipp has an address,
she will send them me, though I thinke directed to mr. William Smith at mrs. Pacy's house
over against the Tennis Court in Crutched Fryers will come very safe and more speedily,
by reason that mrs Moray is at this tyme 3 or 4 miles off at her brother Newton's. I shall
request your lordshipp to present my humble service to your lady, and to beleive that I am
with great truth,
London, Jan. 8, [1654/5.]
My lord,
your lordshipp's most humble
and most faithfull servant.
The superscription,
For mr. Alexander Lindsay at Paris.
The examination of Oliver Williams.
V. xxii. p. 220.
Oliver Williams, gunsmith, dwelling in Tower–street London, saith as followeth.
That in May 1648, when the rebellion was in Kent, mr. ——Fryer ship–chandler, living at a corner house in or near Tower–street, did between the hours of eleven and twelve at night lade three boats with arms and ammunition at Butolph's wharf near London–bridge, which said arms and ammunition the said Oliver Williams affirms could not be worth less than five hundred pounds. The said Oliver Williams farther affirms, that out of his affection to the parliament, he having intelligence of the said Fryer's intention of sending arms to the enemy, he the said Oliver Williams lay under a stall near the said Fryer's house, and watched three nights together, and the third night saw the said arms carried out of the said Fryer's house at the hour abovesaid; and that the servants of the said Fryer carried a dark lanthorn along with them, and when they perceived any to come near them, they darkened their light. Farther the said Oliver Williams saith, that he the said Oliver Williams following the said arms and ammunition, to see whither they were carried, one of the servants of mr. Fryer stepped back with the lanthorn to see who it was that followed them: whereupon the said Williams saith, that he was inforced to counterfeit himself drunk, and accordingly mumbled, and reeled up and down, yet followed them to Buttolph's wharf, where he saw them put into boats, and then immediately departed, and gave information to a captain of a troop of horse, who at that time quartered with his troop in Gracechurch–street, who forthwith seized the arms and ammunition, before the boats could get off. Whereupon the said captain demanding whose arms and ammunition they were (the servants being upon the approach of the soldiers run away) the said Fryer never owned the said arms, &c. though he the said Oliver Williams can attest upon oath, that he saw the said arms, &c. carried by mr. Fryer's servants out of his said house. Oliver Williams farther faith, that the said mr.——Fryer shut up great part of his shop for the space of near three years; and swore, that he the said Fryer would not open it again, till either the late king come to town, or his son should be crowned king; nevertheless about a year since the said shop as formerly hath been open.
The said Oliver Williams doth not render this account of Fryer upon any account of envy, but out of duty and affection to his highness and the present government; humbly conceiving, that though the act for indemnity may have pardoned the said Fryer for past offences, yet thought it necessary to declare how great and inveterate an enemy the said Fryer was, and still remains.
Witness to this information,
E. Dendy.
Jan. 8, 1654.
Oliver Williams.
The examination of George Isley, servant to the widow Hood, at Ashby de la Zouch, in the county of Leicester, taken Jan. 8, 1654.
[Taken by secretary Thurloe.]
V. xxii. p. 232.
Saith, that he hath gone as a carrier and servant to the said widow, between London and Ashby de la Zouch, with horses since midsummer last, and being at the Axe in Aldermanbury, where he lodges, upon the 25th of December last, being christmas day, one mr. Rowland Thomas, whom he hath known 5 or 6 years, the said Rowland Thomas being for some years together at sir Robert Shirley's at Staunton, within two miles of Ashby, where this examinate used often to go with letters, which this examinate's master did bring from London, did come to the Axe aforesaid about 8 or 9 a clock on christmas day aforesaid in the morning, when they were unloading, and caused a small trunk to be delivered to him, to be carried to mr. Lovett's in Staunton aforesaid, a tenant to sir Robert Shirley, which the examinate did accordingly, and had 5 s. 11 d. paid to him for the carriage, by a young man, who came with the said Rowland Thomas; but doth not know what was in the trunk. And he farther saith, that at the same time there were brought into the inn other large and heavy trunks, some whereof came in a coath, which the said Rowland Thomas, being in the yard, took care of, and helped to take them out of the coach, and caused them to be delivered to the other carriers then there; viz. two were delivered to Thomas Lowe then carrier of Burton, who was paid for the carriage by the young man aforesaid; who came with mr. Thomas, and another trunk was delivered to Thomas Allen, a carrier of or near Ashburn, and was paid as aforesaid. And this examinate saith, that the said Rowland Thomas gave half a dozen of beer to this examinate's porter, and as much to the other porters, for helping to pack the trunks aforesaid. And the examinate farther faith, that he went two days journey and a half with the said other carriers, who carried the trunks, viz. as far as Stony–Stratford; and by the way he remembers he said to the other carriers, that he thought the young man, who delivered them these trunks, had stollen some merchandise, or otherwise he could not imagine where he should have these trunks, he being but a poor man of no means, when he lived at sir Robert Shirley's. And this examinate being asked, what was in these trunks, he saith he knows not. And the said Rowland Thomas being produced before the said examinate upon his examination, he saith, that the person so shewn unto him is the very man, who caused the said trunks to be sent as aforesaid by him and the said other carriers.
The mark of George [ ] Isley.
Thomas Allen, of Ashburn in the Peak in the county of Derby, aged about 35 years, and servant to John Miller, carrier between Londonand Ashburn aforesaid, being examined Jan. 8, 1654.saith as followeth.
V. xxii. p. 242.
He saith, that he lodging at the sign of the Castle in Woodstreet, there came to him on saturday before christmas day last to the said inn a gentleman, whose name is Rowland Thomas, as this examinate was afterwards informed by George Isley, being the same person that was shewed to this examinate at the time of his examination, and treated with him about carrying of two trunks for him to Mr. Browne's of Hungry Bentley in the county of Derby, which the examinate undertook, so they were not above 100 weight a piece; and promised to keep a mare of purpose; and on monday following, being christmas day last, the same person, with another young man, whom he took to be the gentleman's servant, being the same person now produced, and calling himself by the name of Henry Thomas, came to this examinate at the Castle aforesaid, bringing with them two trunks, whereof one was in a coach, and the other was brought by one Bull, a porter belonging to Thomas Lowe, carrier to Burton upon Trent; and spake with this examinate about the carriage of the said trunk, but the examinate undertook the carriage of that only, which was brought by the porter, which weighed about 100 weight and 3 quarters; for which he received 2 d. per pound, the whole amounting in money to 27 s. but the other being very heavy, as the examinate was informed (for he saw it not) he refused to accept thereof. Whereupon the said gentleman said, that he would get him two trunks 100 weight a piece against this examinate's next coming, the party telling the examinate, that the things contained in the said trunks were bedding. Whereupon the coach went away from the said inn with the said trunk, but whither it was carried he knows not. And he farther saith, that before the bringing of the said trunk to the Castle aforesaid, on the said christmas day, the said gentleman, with the said other person, came to this examinate at the said inn, and moved the examinate to send the mare to the place where the lading was, to take the same up there; the reason alledged for the same by the said gentleman being, to avoid search by the excisemen. And that the place, where the mare was to be sent, was also named by the gentleman, but what the said place was he doth not now certainly remember, but believes the same to be Lime–street in London; but the examinate refused to send his mare, as was desired, and thereupon the said trunks were brought to him as aforesaid, one of which he took as aforesaid, to be delivered to the said mr. Browne, to whose wife the same was accordingly delivered on saturday the 30th of December, at Hungry Bentley aforesaid, mr. Browne himself being not at home, as the examinate was there told. And together with these trunks he delivered her a letter, directed to her husband, at the same time, by the same genleman, at the said inn as aforesaid. He farther saith, that he knew not what was in the said trunk at his receiving of it, being delivered to him corded up; but he was afterwards informed by soldiers, as he supposes them, who went along with this examinate, that the same were full of arms. He farther saith, that the said gentleman, at delivering of the letter, gave the examinate a slagon of beer; and the other young man that was with him, and who paid this examinate his carriage money, borrowed then of the said gentleman about 3 s. to make up the money. He knows not whither the said trunk brought in the coach as aforesaid was carried, after the examinate had refused the carriage thereof, the said young man having on at that time a grey coat.
The mark of
Thomas [ ] Allen.
Taken before us,
William Jessop,
Ma. Firbanck.
Ann Cunllife, aged about 19 years, servant to mr. Edmund Custis, of Lime–street London, merchant, being examined Jan. 8, 1654. saith as followeth.
V. xxii. p. 238.
She saith, that she hath been servant to her said master at his house in Lime–street about 12 weeks; and that on the 25th day of December last, being christmas day, there came to the door of her master's said house a coach, which often came into the yard of the said house, being in the forenoon of the same day; and at the same time a gentleman was there inquiring for her the examinate's master, who being asked by the examinate, what his name was, he gave his name to be Thomas, or Thomlyns, or some such like name; adding, that he lived at the sign of the Black Boy in Fleet–street; and that he presently after spake with her master, and staid a little time with him; but what discourse there was between them she knoweth not. And she saith, the gentleman now shewed to her, and who, as she is informed, is called Rowland Thomas, is the same person, as she thinks, but she cannot speak it with certainty. She farther saith, that she knoweth not what persons or things came in the said coach, nor who nor what was carried out in it at it's going away, she going suddenly about her business, being cook–maid, to provide her mistress's dinner, there being to dine with him that day some friends and kinsmen of her master's, viz. Joseph Custis and captain Bodewell, who dined with him accordingly, and no other stranger, as she thinks. She says farther, that there are no lodgers in her master's house, only her mistress's sister, Johanna Herringe, and two servants, viz. Ann Gale and John Custis, who is also kinsman to her said master.
Ann Cunllife.
This examination taken before us,
William Jessop,
Ma. Firbanck.
Thomas Bull of Cripplegate parish London porter, aged 40 years or thereabouts, being examined Jan. 8. 1654. saith as followeth.
V. xxii. p. 234.
He saith, that he is usually employed as porter for Thomas Lowe, carrier of Burton upon Trent in the county of Stafford, who lies at the Ax in Aldermanbury; and that upon the 24th day of December last at night there came a young man to the said inn the Ax, and treating with the said Thomas Lowe about some carriage, he after spake to the examinate to meet him next morning by or before 8 of the clock at the Black Boy overagainst St. Dunstan's church in Fleet–street, whither coming accordingly, he found that the party was abroad, and in his return meeting in Fleet–street with the said young man and a gentleman, whom he thought to be his master, they bad him return to the Ax, whither after a little stay both the said persons came; and after their speaking with Thomas Lowe, the said gentleman bid the examinate to go into Lime–street to fetch some trunks, which Thomas Lowe was to carry; and accordingly going, the said gentleman went by him in a coach, and coming to Lime–street, the coach went into a yard, wherein are divers new brick buildings, having also a great gate at the entrance, and (with it the examinate) the said gate and the wicket thereof being shut immediately after, and repairing to a house in the said yard being the furthermost on their right hand thereof, and the house of one mr. Custis a merchant, as this examinate believes, the examinate did help to load out of the said house unto the said coach a great trunk, weighing, as the examinate believes, 400 weight, and did also take upon his own back another trunk of near 200 weight, which he brought to the said inn, whither the coach presently after brought the said great trunk, the gentleman coming along with it in the coach; and the great trunk being too heavy for the carrier's horses, the same was suddenly after carried back to the said house in Limestreet, as this examinate remembers, the gentleman's servant accompanying it; and being returned thence the said great trunk was taken out of the coach there, and another put into the coach of a lighter burthen; the examinate also taking a fourth upon his back weighing near 200 weight; which together with the 2d trunk so put into the coach was also brought to the said inn the Ax. And he further saith, that his master Thomas Lowe being not able to carry all the said trunks, that which came in the coach the second time, and one of them that was carried by the examinate, were carried the one in the coach, the other by this examinate, to Thomas Allen carrier for Ashburn in the Peak in the county of Derby, lying at the Castle in Woodstreet, who undertook the carriage of one of them, but that in the coach he undertook not, and therefore the coach carried it back again to the place from whence it was brought, as this examinate believes. And he further saith, that the said gentleman and his servant, who employed this examinate as aforesaid, he never saw him before to his knowledge; but that since heard his name was Rowland Thomas, but from whence he heard it he doth not now remember. And he saith, that the gentleman now produced before this examinate, and called by the name of Rowland Thomas, is the said gentleman, and another now produced before this examinate at the time of his examination, and called by the name of Henry Thomas, is the other, whom he supposed to be the gentleman's servant, as he doth think, but he cannot say it with certainty. And he further saith, that when the said trunks were a loading at Lime–street aforesaid, the master of the house, mr. Custis, as he believes, being of a pretty tall stature, and fat, and of a black hair, was present most of the time. The coachman that carried this trunk, he saith he knows not, but hopes he may find him out, and will use his best endeavours in that behalf.
Per mee, Tho. Bull.
The examination taken before me,
W. Jessop.
The examination ofThomas Lowe carrier betwixt London and Burton upon Trent in the county of Stafford, being of Burtonaforesaid, and aged sixty years or thereabouts, the same being taken Jan. 8, 1654.
V. xxii. p. 246.
The examinate saith, that he lodging at the sign of the Ax in Aldermanbury, on the 25th day of December last, being Christmas–day, several trunks were brought unto the said inn by a young man, whose name he knows not, whereof there was delivered to the examinate two trunks and two boxes, to be delivered at Stokeley park in Staffordshire at mr. Walter Vernon's house, for which the said young man paid the carriage, amounting to 1 d. per pound, to about 37 s. they weighing very near 400 weight; but at the time, when he received the said trunk and boxes, he knew not any thing of the contents thereof. And he farther saith, that the said two trunks and boxes were according to his agreement sent by his porter on saturday the 30th of December last from Burton upon Trent to Stokely park aforesaid, where being unladen, as this examinate was informed by his servant and porter, the same were there opened by some soldiers that went along with his servant, and found to be full of arms. Thereupon this examinate's two horses brought them back to Burton, whence a neighbour of this examinate called John Hewitt carried them, as he is informed, to Coventry on the monday following. The same person, as this examinate believes, delivered at the same time another little trunk to George Isley, carried for Ashby de la Zouch in the county of Derby, and another great trunk brought into the same inn in a coach, was offered by the same person to be carried by the examinate, but the same being very heavy, and estimated at about 400 weight, this examinate refused to accept thereof, being too great a draught for any of his horses; whereupon the said person wished the plague of God upon this examinate, and so caused the said trunk to be put into the coach again, and carried out of that inn; and whither it was carried afterwards, this examinate knows not, nor hath never heard. And he farther saith, that the same persons he conceives delivered another of the same trunks to Thomas Allen carrier to Ashburn in the county of Derby, who lodges at the Castle in Woodstreet, to be carried to mr. Browne of Bently in Derbyshire, as Thomas Allen informed this examinate; and paid for the carriage of it 2 d. per pound. And the said person told this examinate, that since he missed of carriage at the Ax, he would carry the same to the said Thomas Allen. And he farther saith, that the person who delivered the said trunkes and boxes to this examinate, had not been formerly seen by this examinate to his knowledge, nor did he know his name, nor did he now call to mind his features, the examinate being then full of business, and minding that more than persons; but he was a handsome young man, in a black genteel habit, and hath heard from George Isley aforenamed, that his sirname is Thomas. And in testimony of the truth thereof he hath thereunto set his hand.
The mark of
Thomas [ ] Lowe.
Taken before us,
William Jessop,
Ma. Firbanck.
Nouvelles de Paris du 19 Jan. [N. S.] escrittes a mr. Stouppe. [1654/5.]
V. xxii. p. 267.
L 'Accommodement de monsr. le duc d'Orleans avec le cour est fait, & l'on bientot a Paris.
Le courier de Lyon n'est pas encore venu, de sorte que je n'ay pas recu par cette voye mes nouvelles de Suisse. Mais il est arrivé hier au soir un courier extraordinaire, que l'ambassadeur du roy, qui est en Suisse, envoye par lequel il mande, que la dernier assemblée des Cantons s'est terminée, sans qu'ils ayent pû s'accorder, & qu'ils en sont desjà venus aux mains.
L'armée de Zurigh a assiegé Rapeswil, qui est a Suitz par eau & par terre. Celle de Berne alloit assieger Meliniguen.
Les Cantons catholiques attendent de l'argent de Rome, & des trouppes de Milan.
Le duc de Modene part demain, mal satisfait, a ce que l'on dit, de ce que l'on ne luy a pas voulu donner le generalat de l'armée d'Italie.
Mr. de Beringuan premier ecuyer du roy part dans deux jours pour aller a Turin traiter du marriage du roy avec l'sœur de due de Savoye.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh, to the protector.
V. xxii. p. 513.
May it please your highnesse,
I have received your highnesse's gratious letter of the 22d December, with the inclosed to the English companie here presideinge, most humbly and faithfully acknowleginge your highnesse's goodness in owneinge and acceptinge my poore services, much
to my encouragement. Accordinge to your highnesse's command I yesterday published
the letter to the companie, useinge my utmost endevours, that it might have its desired
effect; but the disaffected partie (whom nothinge will satisfie but domination) being
farre more numerous then the other, combined together to evade your highnesse's commands in the most specious manner they could; and findinge that your highness only expected and commanded, that as a companie they would appart from among them such as
beinge influenct by your highnesse's enemies had acted thenceforth to the dishonour of
your highness and the disturbance of the companie's peace, they catched thereat, as
not soe influenct, and shortly and unanimously (knowinge their owne guilt) resolved not to
knowe of any such men amonge them, beinge your highnesse had not personated any.
To put them from that hould, I told them, that besides my owne observation, I had beene
duly informed, who were the men, that had beene chiefly instrumentall in raisinge and fomentinge their present divisions, and nominated them to be Francis Townley, Clement
Clerke, and Edward Holford, the leadinge men of the faction, offerringe to prove them
such, not willinge to nominate more, though I might have done it, to see how they
would declare themselves upon these few first, which I quickly found was to side with
them and stand for them to the utmost; which indeed they did, those three animating
them in speciall manner unto it, even to the tramplinge of their own order under foote,
which commands, that members of the companie shall withdraw themselves out of their
assemblies, when they are required by the deputie, especialy being charged, as theise men
were, by me. But the disaffected partie would in noe wise admitt of it; nor the charged
persons submit to it, though it was but in order, that the assembly might consult your highnesse's commands in their absence, the ordinary course the company takes in all their owne
affaires. And in the close they told me plainely, that if I would accuse any of them for
malignants, and command them in your highnesse's name, as resident, to depart the assembly, they would obey; otherwise not; which I had done, it beinge easy to prove many
of them such, and to be guilty of very pernicious practices, but that I gather from this
your highnesse's letter to them, that it was your pleasure, first to try their obedience as a
companie, for the detecting and ejecting of their owne offendinge members. I am sorie
to see them thus stubbornly sett themselves against your highnesse's commands; but they
have formed their partie soe strong, and gained soe many abettors, being now here three for
one of the well affected, as that they are resolved not to suffer any of their confederates
to be put from among them by the authority of the companie, which is now sole in their
hands; and soe confident is Townley, their chiefe leader, that he boasted not longe since
openly in court, that none but God Almightie could remove him. As the case stands at present, I must humbly acknowledge to your highnesse, that beinge wearied out with the perverse
behaviour of theise disaffected men, who indeed realy act from the old roote of malignancie,
though they will not owne it, because some of them have speciously pretended otherwise
to carry on their designes, I should have accompted it a happinesse to have beene quit of
them, but now that I perceive it's your highnesse's pleasure I doe continue deputie to
the companie, thereby to enable me the better to discharge the trust wherewith your highness hath been pleased to honour me. They are arrived to this height, and have soe fortified
themselves, that noe power of the company can touch them. It will please your highness
to extend your owne authority for the speedy and effectuall curbinge of theire insolencies,
that soe I may be enabled to preserve and maintaine your highnesse's honour and interest
among strangers, and give due protection, as your highnesse's servant, to the well affected
among them, who are indeed become their scorne, as I myselfe should shortly have beene
for owneinge them in their duties, if your highness had not pleased to preserve me by your
gracious approbation of my proceedings. Some underhande encouragement theise men must
needes have from their partie in the companie at London, which makes them most
dareingly bold; but if it shall please your highness to commande me, as resident, to exclude from sittinge in court soe many as I shall find upon due proofe to have acted to the
dishonour of your highnesse and the disturbance of the companie's peace, I humbly conceive it will be a meanes to recover the companie to a peaceable condition, and prevent
further truble to your highnesse, it beinge the way, which the former councell of state
tooke with some of them, whoe since their restoringe have studied all possible meanes of
revenge. This way (if your highness approve of it) will make the well affected the major
part in the government; untill which tyme I humbly conceave it will be impossible to restore and preserve peace in the companie; the disaffected havinge soe resolvedly combined
as one man to stand it out to the uttermost; and soe they prosess openly, presumeinge much
upon their number, and that their pretence to doe all for the preservation of their liberties
will beare them out with your highness, which yet I am sure were never infringed by me
in the least, but on the contrary recovered, and strenuously preserved, though this partie
have, since they laid their designe to weary me from among them, taken liberty frequently
to breake their own orders, and goe contrary to their charter, to serve their ends, as I shall
I lately sent mr. secretary Thurloe some few proposals for the present setlinge of the company here in peace, and to secure it to them for the future, which I humbly conceive your highness will approve of, and the company at London alsoe, at least such as are not engaged with theise disaffected men. The well affected here in the company beinge revived with your highnesse's grace and favour unto them, doe most humbly and thankfully acknowledge it by me, at present, in regard the post hastens. I heare the other partie are labouringe for hands to a remonstrance to your highnesse, nor doubtinge but to palliate all their soule proceedings with faire pretences. However they, or any for them, may represent things to your highnesse, whatever I have here at present or formerly made bold to signifie to your highness or mr. secretary Thurloe, shall be proved the truth to a sillable. I hope and humbly beg your highnesse will pardon the length of this accompt, and graciously please to let me receive your further pleasure in this busines, in regard I have respited the setlinge of the government upon the expiration of the last mart or quarter, to prevent it's beinge put into theise men's hands, untill I shall receive your highnesse's commands therein. Prayinge the Almightie to preserve your highnesse, and succeede his worke in your hands for the good of his people, I crave leave in dutie to subscribe my selfe,
Hamburgh, Jan. 9, 1654/5.
Your highnesse's most humble
and faithfull servant,
Richard Bradshaw.
William Sheffield and Thomas Cockran to the protector.
Vol. xxxiv. p. 377.
May it please your highnes,
Wee having this opportunity, judged it our duty to give your highnes this account:
there hath of late beene in our countrey a great concourse of those people called
quakers, 200 at least, in Swannington. They had quarters taken up from the adjacent
townes: they came from London, Bristoll, Cambridge, and Yorke. Those from London
and Cambridge sayd they expected 2000. They have a printer with them, and sixe are
constantly writing: they are very insolent, disturbing ministers in time of exercise on the
Lord's–day; and they have lett droppe words of ill savour amongst the people frequently,
as that if the people will have theire priests, they must shortly maintaine them with clubs;
and that the people should see a change, and something to doe betwixt this and the spring.
These things doe much amuse the people; some saying they would not be soe daring, if
they had not good backers; others saying they believe the parliament will take order about
them, if your highnes will give leave. By this meanes profane persons are confirmed in
theire atheisme; cavaliers encouraged and heightend in theire expectations; godly people
discontented, that the government should be soe much a sleep as to suffer such in their
insolency, which is falsely called a liberty, for as they manage it, it is not only disturbing
but distructive to the civill and christian libertyes of others. These things looke with an
ill face in the account of all, and not without much reflection uppon the government; and
generally they strike at those ministers, who are most paynfull, and stand firmest in the consciences of the people. To this wee may adde, that some horse–coursers of late have
bought up many good horses, and tell theire friends privately, that they know where to
have 3 l. and 5 l. profitt in a horse without carrying them into a fayre; and a servant to a
Papish within a mile told some, that hee beleeved the army would have worke betwixt this
and the spring. Wee shall add noe more, but pray that the Lord would give your highnes understanding of the times to know what England hath to doe; that hee who dwelt in
the bush be your rereward, which is the duty of
Dalby in Leicestershire,
Jan. 9, 1654.
Your highnes most humble servants,
William Sheffield,
Thomas Cockram.
Notes to examine col. Vernon by.
V. xxii. p. 250. Richard Bowyer exam. who went with him, the way he went, and the places and persons he visited in his passage.
That on the 16th or 17th of December he went out of town with his servant R. B. by the way of Oxford and Worcestershire, and on friday the 22d arrived at Bendsworth, the habitation of B. Broughton, his intimate.
Captain Watson, whether he did not hear of this, and the vicar's wife of the words
That in the week following he was at Adderly, and asked the vicar of ——'s wife, whether she would bid him welcome, when he came to make a garrison there, and expressed the time, &c.
Ex. G. B.
That on thursday the 28th of Decem. there was a meeting at Drangshall, or Bramshall, near Uttoxiter at a private alehouse, where he and several others were present, his intimates, that the passages there, and whither they went that night.
Ex. G. B. and R. B. and others hereafter.
That on saturday the 30th of Decem. he and W. V. and E. B. and others were together at Sudbury, at the alehouse called Scott's, at which time came in two several messengers from the houses of W. V. and E. B. declaring the discovery, where several pretended conjectures were made discourses as their thoughts of their business; but it was observed, that he was very blank upon
Ex. himself whither he went and on what occasion, and G. B. of this.
That on sunday at morning he went out without a man on horseback through bye–ways and fields, without path, and came not in till three a clock monday morning, when there was a great fire made, and continued in his chamber, as is conceived to burn what he thought fit.
Ex. capt. Watson.
That on monday night, being seized on at Burton, W. V. was demanded by captain Watson, how he conceived, and for whom those——were sent; who said, he believed for E. V. and produced his man as a witness, that on friday precedent E. V. should command him to acquaint his master, that——would come down on saturday, and that they should be secured and kept for him, which man is since conveyed out of the way.
R. Bowyer.
That forthwith R. Bowyer was sent post to London, and on friday arrived there, and called at mr. Seiele's, where mr. Thomas lay (an intimate of E. V. and now in custody) and it is conjectured, that he came to give notice, or lay matters aside, that might be searched into; but this is conjecture on circumstances only.
Ex. G. Bowyer.
That G. B. speaking of these things, it was asked, whether V. Cr. were not the like friends as formerly; who said, that they fell out about, as he believed, who should be the greater.
That he was a c. under col. F. (fn. 1) in the first war, and a col. at Pontefract in the second war, is apparent.
Ex. capt. West.
That he was in the intrigue after, is clear by his taking captain West a prisoner.
G. B.
Q. By what names, and whether he lay in town, before the act of oblivion ?
Q. What persons of quality he received and entertained at several times immediately after the fight ?
Q. What pensions he received from other lords ?
Q. What offer he had at Lea, or what employment ?
Mem. To see the letters, and to know whose hand it is, and what the exam. already taken to discover the falsities.
The charge against Rowland Thomas, Jan. 1654.
V. xxii. p. 52.
About the same time that mr. Gerrard and Vowel were tried and executed for their high treason, for levying war &c. and complotting to destroy his late highness &c.
He together with major Norwood, one Custis, a merchant in Lime–street, and several others of the late king's party, had frequent meetings together in and about London, and possessed themselves of great stores of arms and ammunition, which they agreed to send and dispose privately into several counties, as Leicestershire, Worcestershire, Staffordshire, Derbyshire, &c.
Dr. Yates's letter, who seized the trunks sent to Stokeley Lodge, dated Dec. 31, 1654. and sent to capt. Edge at St. James's.; Thomas Lowe exam.
In pursuance thereof, in December 1654, several great chests and trunks full of arms and ammunition, viz. pistols, carbines and bullets, were conveyed and carried by this Rowland Thomas in person, under the name of wines, &c. to several inns in and about London, viz. the Ax in Aldermanbury, and the Castle inn in Wood–street, the White Hart inn in the parish of St. Giles's in the Fields, by coaches and otherwise, where the same were delivered to the several carriers of Burton upon Trent, Ashby de la Zouch, Ashborne, Bromsgrove, with letters to several persons in the countries to receive them, particularly to mr. Walter Vernon, of Stokeley Park in Staffordshire, mr. Edward Browne, of Hungry Bentley in Derbyshire, mr. Lovet in Staunton, tenant to sir Robert Shirly, by them kept till they should be sent for. Mr. Thomas Lowe, the carrier of Burton, refusing to carry one of the trunks at that time, being 400 weight, and too heavy for his horses, Thomas wished the plague of God on him, and caused the trunks to be put into the coach again, and carried out of the inn.
Major Norwood.; The several carriers and porters belonging to them.
This Rowland Thomas went by several names; sometimes he called himself Thomlyns. He paid the several carriers at the several inns for the carriage of those trunks, &c. some of which were brought from the said merchant's house in Lime–street, and Thomas likewise paid all other charges to porters, &c.
Major Norwood.
Major Norwood (his confederate) that confessed upon his examination, that he, by this Rowland Thomas's direction, did receive 250 l. for buying the commodities mentioned in a paper, whom he calls by the name of Thomlyns, but saith, the said money was brought to him by a porter, whom he knows not, nor from what place he brought it, only he signed a receipt to Thomlyns, which he delivered to the porter.
Richard Bower of Sudbury in the county of Derby, servant to sir Edward Vernon of Sudbury aforesaid knight, aged about 21 years, being examined this 9th day of January 1654. faith as followeth, viz.
V. xxii. p. 259.
He faith, that he is a servant to the said sir Edward Vernon, and so hath been for above the space of three years; and that he came from his said master's house in Sudbury aforesaid on last tuesday morning the second of January instant, and came to London about twelve of the clock on friday last; the occasion of his coming up being only to prosecute a suit in chancery betwixt his master and mr. Henry Vernon his master's son, which suit stands now referred to the master of the Rolls, who advised the parties to come up before the term, he expressing, that he hoped to have a report ready about the end of Christmas now passed. And he faith, that on the 31st day of December last being at his master's house in Sudbury, he heard from some soldiers, who came thither to search for arms, that some trunks filled with arms had been brought from London to mr. Walter Vernon's house, the examinate's master's brother at Stokeley Park, and to mr. Browne's at Bently, which arms, as he also heard, were taken; and before that he never heard of any arms designed to either of the said places, nor knows of any arms sent or intended to his said master's house, nor to any other place whatsoever, otherwise than as is before expressed; nor doth he know of any design whatsoever, either in his said master, or in any other person whatsoever, to do any thing whatsoever, that may disturb the publick peace; nor hath he bought or received direction from his said master or any other, to buy arms, or to do any other thing relating to the publick, but merely to attend his master's private affairs.
This examination taken by me,
W. Jessop.
Richard Bower.
Richard Bower being farther examined the same day, faith, That he knows the person of a gentleman, whom he hath heard called mr. Thomas, and whom, as he verily thinks, he saw yesterday at Whitehall at his passing by the examinate; and that the first time he saw the said mr. Thomas, was almost twelve months ago at sir Robert Shirley's house at Staunton in the county of Leicester, and hath since seen him several times in London, and particularly presently after Michaelmas term last past he saw the said mr. Thomas once or twice (but twice he thinks) at the shop of one mr. Seele a stationer over–against St. Dunstan's church in Fleet–street, in company with Edward Vernon second son of the examinate's said master. And he hath also seen the said mr. Thomas coming out of the lodging of the said mr. Edward Vernon at the house of one Ireland a taylor in White Fryers London, being in time about a fortnight before Christmas; and he remembers not that he saw the said mr. Vernon and mr. Thomas together at any other time than as is here before–mentioned; but what discourse passed betwixt them at such times, or what might be the occasion of their coming together, he knows not. And he faith, that on the 19th of December last the examinate went out of London with the said mr. Edward Vernon towards Sudbury, whither they came on the 23d day, mr. William Fitzherbert of Norbury four miles from Sudbury, going along with the said mr. Vernon, and no other person besides but the examinate.
Col. Barkstead, lieutenant of the Tower, to secretary Thurloe.
V. xxii. p. 256.
In the pockett of a paire of breeches the last night brought from mr. Norwood the enclosed paper was found. I suppose the night bagg mentioned in it may be the bagg, in
which the monie was, which I received of mr. Croone; but in that it names the person
that brought it to him, as alsoe takeing notice of the familiarity of it, I thought it my dutie
to give this trouble. Not more, but that I am,
Tower London, Jan. 9, 1654.
Sir, your affectionate freind
and humble servant,
John Barkstead.
Noble Major,
I Have received by mr. Edward Brotherton a night cap sealed up, which shal be
safe laid up for your use.
December 26, 1654.
Your servant
Henry Croone.
George Illslie, servant to widdo Hood carier, delivered the trunke to mr. Lovitt, livinge at Stanton in Lestershier.
His name that delivered the trunke to the carier is Rowland Thomas.
An additional instruction for his highness's council in Scotland.
V. xxii. p. 263.
You or any five or more of you are authorised, and have hereby power to grant indemnity to such particular persons in the Highlands, as you shall see cause, and shall judge to be for the publick advantage, against all suits, troubles, or molestations, for thefts or robberies committed during the time of the late wars.
Passed by his highness in the council,
January 9, 1654/5.
Henry Scobell clerk of the council.
Extract out of the resolutions of the lords the states of Holland.
Wednesday January 20, 1655. [N. S.]
V. xxii. p. 299.
The lord van Beverningh ambassador extraordinary for the state to his highness the lord protector of the republick of England, Scotland, and Ireland, appearing in the assembly of their noble and great mightinesses, represented to them, in what manner the lords deputies of the province of Friesland, on the 7th of this month, had been pleased to deliver, in his absence, a certain proposition in writing in the assembly of their high mightinesses; whereby he observed, that his good name was implicitly injured, and the fidelity of his duty called into question, concerning what has happened in England, about the known act of seclusion, touching the employment of the lord prince of Orange, especially by a certain clause, which, among others, was inserted in the said proposition, whereby it was doubted, whether the said act of seclusion did derive from the own motion of the said lord protector. Whereupon the said lord van Beverningh declared unto their noble and great mightinesses, that, altho' in the absence of the lord Nieupoort, who had been employed with him in the said extraordinary embassy, and concerning the said subject, he might perhaps not be intitled to make, in that respect, particular reports to their noble and great mightinesses, and that he had so much deference for the said lord Nieupoort, that, if it were not for the said emergency, he would have stayd for the said purpose till after his arrival; yet because of the importance and odiousness of the said proposition, which also seemed to comprehend a tacit accusation charged on other members, voters, or ministers of this assembly, he could not avoid to lay before their noble and great mightinesses the whole affair, circumstantially and faithfully. And having made hereupon an exact report thereof, he did confirm the same with a solemn declaration, that neither he, for his own person, nor any body else, as far as he knew, whether in or out of the government and service of this province, either directly or indirectly, has made or given any overture, communication, occasion or advice, whereby or from whence the said lord protector was animated, put into mind, or instigated, to make any such, or the like proposal of seclusion of the said lord prince of Orange, nor any thing like it, neither by consulting their high mightinesses in general, nor their noble mightinesses in particular; but that on the contrary the aforesaid whole affair, as far as he knew, did only and solely proceed from the own motives of his said highnesses the lord protector, or his council, and was unexpectedly urged in and insisted upon in the last days of the known negotiations in England; so that notwithstanding all possible and utmost endeavours that were done and used with the utmost diligence and application, and several repeated conferences, his said highness would not possibly be diverted from his pretension and demand. The said lord van Beverningh offered himself to corroborate and confirm his said declaration, in a full assembly of their noble and great mightinesses, not only upon the oath he had taken upon his appearance therein, but also by a solemn assertion and corporal oath, with an humble request, for the better exculpation of himself, and of all the members, and voters, and ministers of this assembly to be admitted thereunto, as also that he might have declared unto him the intention and orders of their noble and great mightinesses, according to which he ought to regulate himself in this affair in relation to the other provinces and otherwise, to the satisfaction of this assembly. Whereupon deliberation being had, their noble and great mightinesses have again thanked the said lords van Beverningh and Nieupoort in general, and every one of them in particular, as they are thanked hereby jointly and separately for and on account of their good, faithful, and prudent conduct, which, with a singular and particular vigilance, they have used and shewn in and about what has happened concerning the said affair of seclusion. And although, in consequence thereunto, their noble and great mightinesses are fully persuaded of the fidelity and sincerity of the said lords van Beverningh and Nieupoort, and are intirely and in every respect satisfied therewith, and therefore think it needless, in their respect, to demand any oath from the said lord van Beverningh, yet it is resolved, that the said gentleman at his request, shall be admitted to make the said oath, for the further exculpation of himself, as also of all the members, voters, and ministers of this assembly, but chiefly for the entire conviction of the said lords the deputies of Friesland, and of all others that might have still any scruples left on the aforesaid account. As to the further request of the said lord van Beverningh, it has been thought sit and resolved, hereby to desire the lords deputies of their noble and great mightinesses; which are charged by the resolution of the 19th of last month, with the like subject, to make this a joint affair to demand conferences thereupon, and to enter upon the same with all expedition, and to make their report thereof without delay, in order that the same being heard, such further resolutions thereupon may be taken as according to the exigency of the matter shall be thought needfull. After the resumption of the said resolution, the said lord van Beverningh did declare upon solemn and corporal oath, that the contents of his declaration, in this resolution contained, were true in every respect,
As true as God Almighty should help him.
Henry Rose of Bromsgrove in the county of Worcester carrier, aged forty years or thereabouts, being examinedJanuary 10, 1654.faith as followeth, viz.
He saith, that he is carrier betwixt Bromsgrove aforesaid and the parts thereabouts and London, and so hath been for the space of three years and upwards; and that coming to London on tuesday the 19th of December last he found in his warehouse at the White–hart in St. Giles's in the Fields (being received thither by Robert Woodin the examinate's porter before the examinate's coming up to London) two chests of deal, one of them being about four foot long, and the other somewhat shorter, and both near a foot and a half broad, weighing one of them near 200 weight, the other somewhat less; also one having bound up with cords, weighing about ¾ of a hundred, one horse trunk of about three foot long, weighing not full ½ a hundred, and one little deal box weighing about eight or ten pound weight, which parcels before–mentioned were directed by papers nailed on them to sir Henry Littleton's house at Hagley in the county of Worcester; and that on wednesday the 20th of December last he laded the same on his waggon, and on saturday the 30th of December last he delivered them all at the said house of sir Henry Littleton, in presence of the butler of the said sir Henry, and received from one Bowles, as he takes it, or a person bearing such or a like name, (being steward or some other officer of the said sir Henry Littleton) 27 s. for his carriage thereof; but who brought the said parcels to his, this examinate's, warehouse, or who sent them thither, or what was contained therein, this examinate knows not, only he was wished at his coming away by one Lloyd, sometime stewand to the old lady Littleton (the place of which Lloyd's dwelling he knows not) to take care of the said little box, and afterwards heard at Hagley, that there was in it a gown for the said lady. And besides the particulars above–mentioned he hath not, during the said space of his being a carrier, carried any other goods at any other time to or for the said sir Henry Littleton, or to his said house. And he farther saith, that on the said 19th of December he found also in his warehouse in manner as aforesaid, two great hampers, weighing together five hundred pound and a half, or thereabouts, being directed to sir John Packington at his house in Westwood in Worcestershire, which he laded on the said 20th of December, and lest them at the said sir John Packington's house friday the 29th of December last, being delivered to the said sir John's butler, and for the carriage he this examinate received 27 s. from the steward of the said sir John, whose name he knows not; but who brought the said hampers to the examinate's warehouse, or from whom they were sent thither, or what was contained in them, he knows not, other than that one of them being opened in his the examinate's presence at Westwood house aforesaid in the cellar thereof, he saw some bottles in the top thereof; but what was in the other, or the bottom of that he saw opened, he knows not. And at any other time he hath not carried any goods to the said house, or for any belonging to the same, to his knowledge. And he saith, that the same carriage he also carried a rundlet of wine for one mr. Davis, a little box for sir Edmund Barret, two firkins of soap for one mr. Porter, and several other small parcels for private persons in those parts, but nothing that was bulky, other than what is before–mentioned. And he farther saith, that being at sir Henry Littleton's house aforesaid he saw the said Henry passing by; but he was informed, that sir John Packington that day the examinate came to Westwood was at dinner at esquire Dannet's house a few miles from his house. And he farther saith, that he hath not, for a long time, to his remembrance, carried any lading for any other gentlemen thereabouts, other than now; and than some small parcels of goods of no bulk.
This examination taken by me,
W. Jessop.
The mark of
Henry [] Rose.