A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1655: August (4 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp739-755 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1655: August (4 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp739-755.
"State Papers, 1655: August (4 of 4)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp739-755.
In this section
August (4 of 4)
The examination of Henry Clarke, August 27, 1655.
[Taken by secretary Thurloe.]
Vol. xxix. p. 570.
Who faith, that he being upon wednesday or thursday last at the door of Richard Moone the stationer, the said Richard Moone delivered to this examinate a printed sheet of paper, intitled, A short discovery of his highness the lord protector's intentions, touching the Anabaptists in the army; and bid him put it in his pocket, which he did, and afterwards read it; and that he found two more of the said sheets in Watling-street, but knows not what he did with them; but conceives he lost two of them out of his pocket. He further faith, that being at Moone's shop upon friday morning, when he was apprehended, he came along with him, and was here apprehended by one of the messengers; and that he and Moone, being in the messenger's hands at the Sun-tavern in King-street, he this examinate sent for mr. John Sturgeon, to whose house both he and Moone went that night, by permission of the messenger, and lay there. And being asked, what time they were together with Sturgeon that night, before they went to bed, he faith, that he doth not well remember the time, but faith, that Sturgeon and Moone went together out of the kitchen, to draw beer, leaving this examinate behind them; but doth not know what discourse they had; nor did they speak before him of the said pamphlet.
That they went again the next morning unto the messenger, about 7 o'clock.
He further faith, that he knows nothing of the printing the said pamphlet, or the author of it, more than what he said Moone told him upon saturday last, which was, that he had confessed, that he caused it to be printed, and that mr. Sturgeon brought the original to him.
The examination of John Sturgeon, taken before his highness, August 27, 1655.
[Taken by secretary Thurloe.]
Vol. xxix. p. 566.
Who being asked, whether he knew, who was the author of a pamphlet, called, or intitled, A short discovery of his highness the lord protector's intentions, touching the Anabaptists, he faith, he doth not know. Being asked, who printed the said pamphlet, he faith, he doth not know. Being asked, to whom he gave the original of the said book to be printed, he faith, he did not deliver it to any person. Being asked, how many times he read the pamphlet, he said, about twice, and no more; nor did he read it to any body. Being asked again, he faith, prove it. Being asked, whether he had this said pamphlet in writing in his hands, he faith, he never had. Being asked, how many of the said pamphlets he had in his hands, he faith, two. And being asked, how many more, he faith, let that be proved. Being askt, what if it be proved, that he had 100, or a 1000 of the said pamphlets in his hands ? whereto he faith, if you do prove it, you do prove it; and if you do not prove it, you do not prove it. Being asked, whether he knoweth one Moone a printer, he faith he doth; and being asked, whether he had any discourse with him about the said pamphlet, he faith, he had not Being asked, whether he did not deliver to or receive from the said Moone any of the said pamphlets, he faith he did not. He faith, he had known the said Moone about a year and half, and that he saw him about a fortnight ago, and not since, as he remembers. Being asked, where he saw him last, he then said, that as he now recollected himself, he saw him at the Sun Tavern at King-street, being sent for thither by one mr. Clarke, who is in custody about these books. And being asked, whether he saw him not after, he said, he saw him the next morning at the messenger's. And being asked, if he saw him not between their being at the Sun Tavern and the next morning, he then said he had forgot, for they were at his house, and said, that he told the messenger, that he would undertake for Clarke, but did not well know Moone, but would present them to the messenger in the morning, which he did. And being asked, what discourse they had together, he faith, that Clarke said he dropt 2 or 3 pamphlets, but not intentionally. And being asked, how long they sat up together that night they were within his house, he said, about a quarter of an hour, as he remembers, not had he any speech with them about the said pamphlet the next day. He faith, he was at Moone's house about 10 days since; and being askt, whether he had any discourse with him about the said pamphlet before he met him at the Sun Tavern, he faith, he did not. He being demanded, whether he did not give him a bargain with him for any money for the printing of it, and whether in particular he did not give 40 s. he faith, he did not. And being asked, whether he did not advise Moone, after he was apprehended, not to confess any thing, but to bid them prove what he should be charged with, he said he did not.
He faith, that he denies, that he ever had any discourse with any of the life-guards about the pamphlet aforesaid, or any of the queries in it; nor hath he ever heard any body say, who was the author of the said book; and denies, that he himself was either directly or indirectly the author of it.
Being asked, whether he had no discourse with corporal Auger or mr. Pinkorne about it, he faith, he had, but it was in the house, as many others spoke of it, which was, that there was such a book abroad, but not otherwise, nor in no other place.
Mr. J. Aldworth, consul at Marseilles, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 586.
Right honorable,
My last unto you was of the 31st past, giving you notise, that an English merchant
ship goeing from Smirna under pretence had a commission against the French,
tooke a ship of this place, and discharged goods out of her to the valew of 50,000
pieces of 8/8, and so let the ship goe; and that the Thollon ships only attended a sayre
wind to depart; which advice I doe at present confirme; the Thollon fleete being
parted six dayes past, and are doubtless gone to porte Spetia, to hinder the Naples fleete
from discharging theire soldiers they have to rays the seidge of Pavia, which place, as by
my late advise from Genoa in short tyme, wil be surrendred to the duke of Modena for
the French. Not any Portugall ships are joyned with the Thollon fleete, or any arriv'd
on this coast since theire departure. Since my last I have not received any advice from
any part of Spayne. This being needfull for present, so most humbly take leave to
In Marseilles, Sept. 7, 1655. [N. S.]
Your honnor's servant,
J. Aldworth.
Mr. Geo. Downing to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xli. p. 798.
Honourable sir,
I am arrived safe at this place (thanks be to God) which is within 6 leagues of Lyons.
Thursday morning I intend to goe for Lyons towards Geneva, where I hope to be
on satterday at farthest. Yesterday I mett a Frenchman, who was going with the messenger
from Lyons for Paris, who told me, he was going for England with letters from mr.
Morland. As soon as I get to Geneva, we shall endeavour to inform ourselves of the
state of the poor people of the Valleys, and give you the quickest account we can. I am,
Tarras, tuesday, Aug. 28, Sept. 7, 1655.
Sir, your most faithful humble servant,
G. Downing.
I hope I shall speedily have some orders meet me at Geneva, wher I shall stay till they come.
Bordeaux to his son, the French embassador in England.
From * * the 7th of September, 1655.
Vol. xxix. p. 582.
My son,
I have received a letter from our friend at court, wherein he hath sent me a word
of all that past upon the discourse of the envoy of England. It seems he did not
know of the agreement between the Hugonots and the prince of Savoy. After that
they told him, that all was concluded between them, he then said, that there ought to be
treated sincerely a peace between France and England; and that hitherto there had not
been spoken of any true resolution of a peace, and that you have not desired it; and that
there ought to be a peace or an open war. To which his eminence replied, that my
lord Cromwell had the embassador of the king with him, and that he might treat with
him. And after that the said envoy was withdrawn, they considered of his discourse,
and it was said, that it was a good justification of your conduct, and a great discharge for
you, in regard, that his eminence did always believe, that you did endeavour to make a
peace with low submissions; and that you did seek to treat, without considering the
honour and reputation of your master. Hereupon it was resolved, that new resolutions
should be taken, as soon as they come to Paris, which will be this night, whither I also
intend to go, as soon as I shall have received your next letter, to have some discourse
with his eminence about your negotiation. And were it not out of love to you, I would
finish those few days, which I have to live, in the place where I am.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburg, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 510.
Right honorable,
The last weeke I was necessitated to answer your letter by another's hand, it haveinge pleased God then to take my youngest child out of this miserable world into a
better. I am now with yours of the 17th instant, and shall remit the inclosed to mr. Rolt
by to morrowe's post, not doubtinge, but hee is come safe to Stettin, from whence I expect to hear from him daily. The K. of Sweden is in Poland. The weekely paper shewes
you, what wee knowe heere of his further proceedings. I am glad to heare, that the poore
protestants of Savoy are in hopes, by keepeinge in armes, and with the continuance and
assistance of their friends, to obtaine better conditions from their tiranicall lord, than hee
intended them. Doubtless if men should not, God would revenge their blood. I perceive greater matters will not yet permittt the counsell's resolution in the busines of the
company. I am loth to importune my masters; and beinge now off from the company,
I am well content to continue soe, waiteinge onely, when it will please his highness to vindicate his owne honour in his servant, beinge well assured of your favour to hasten it,
wherein you will much oblige me; for truly I cannot much longer suffer the insolent
provocations of some of that debauched partie, who haveinge cast of all humanitie as
well as civilitie, forbeare nothinge, that may provoake. Witness their sidlinge, danceinge,
and shoutinge, in the English house (in part of which I yet live) severall nights presently
after the death of my child, to increase myne and my wife's griefe in lettinge us knowe in
soe publique a manner, that all the towne range of it, how much they rejoyced at our
affliction, a barbarisme not to be paralel'd in America; and when they were desired by
some to forbeare, they threatened to kick them out of the roome, if they would not be
gone. But it may be said, I should doe better, not to note such things. I wish I were
endowed with such a measure of patience. However strangers doe and will take notice,
though I should not.
Major general Massie came last weeke hither, where he is complimented, seasted, and respected by some of the cheese of Townley's party, as if he were the best subject the commonwealth hath. Some say, he will take service under the king of Sweden, in order to which he is come hither; but I beleeve his cheese end was to visit his old freinds in the company.
By the last post I charged my bill on you for 306 l. 7 s. 4 d. payable to mr. Richard
Basson, assigné, being disbursed there by me, to furnish out the Elizabeth frigatt. I doubt
not, but you will please to order the punctuall acceptance and payment of the bill, that it
be not returned to my disparagement. You know merchants are punctuall and tender in
their bills of exchange. I here enclose the account of the disbursement, which is all at
present, and that I am,
Hamburgh, Aug. 28, 1655.
Sir, your very humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.
At instant I received the enclosed from mr. Rolt at Stettin, goeinge from Posna in Poland, in his way to the king. The Latin paper of newes I have not tyme to translate.
A letter of intelligence.
Dantzick, Sept. 8, [1655. N. S.]
Vol. xxix. p. 594.
The Swedes navy is within sight. We have seen 16 ships well manned, which afterwards went out of fight. By and by we heard the noise of their great guns. We think, that Puhikou, a town, in which there is a Polish governor, with a garrison of soldiers, is either already taken, or will be suddenly; from which haven the Swedes may make excursions upon us, and the ships that came in to us without danger.
A letter of intelligence.
Paris, the 8 Sept. 29 Aug. 1655.
Vol. xxx. p. 475.
I wish I had some good and pleasing news to impart unto you, but for want of any such, I must be short. We are in an extream confusion, and know not either what to say or do, after the infamous treaty made at Pigneroll, concerning our brethren of Piedmont. We expect to see, and that with impatience, whether his highness my lord protector (after the example of him, who not only heals the sick, but also raises the dead) shall be pleased to remedy it. We hope the business will not be forsaken, nor shall poor men be lest under the merciless power of their implacable enemies, who will doubtless take the first opportunity wholly to extirpate them. We hope likewise, that our poor brethren there, if they will be advised, will disown that treaty, and disavow their deputies, whom the threats of France, and the extream fear they had to be deprived of the commerce with their brethren there, and to be forbidden the retreat there, as the French embassador much pressed upon them, did not cast into that preposterous resolution, and made them hastily consent to such a ruinous treaty. We doubt not, but the mighty means his highness and the states general can make use of for their relief, will be by them imployed for that purpose. If that should happen to miss, which I pray God to prevent, I will remain in an everlasting silence, and content my self with weeping for the evil, which I am not able to remedy, &c.
A letter of intelligence to mr. Petit.
Paris, the 8 Sept. 29 Aug. 1655.
Vol. xxix. p. 600.
We have no considerable news this week, save those of Poland, where the disorders are greater than ever.
The king being come from his army to La Fere, parted from thence soon after with the whole court, to come to Paris; and having passed by Compeigne, arrived at Chantilli on sunday night, where the duke of Mantua being gone to meet him, next day he met him hunting, and was exceeding well received by his majesty, who seasted him at supper that night, and arrived here the next day about 5 a clock with the said duke. But it's thought, his sojourn here will be very short, by reason he is resolved to return towards his army, to be present at the strengthening of the conquered places, that they may be in a condition of fearing nothing this winter. Our army is thereabouts, taking some refreshments.
The enemies do so strongly defend themselves in Pavia, that the events of that siege are very uncertain; the rumours of the taking of that place being found false.
The queen of Sweden is going to Rome, and is to part the 10th instant.
It's written from Spain, that a great armado is preparing there, by the merchants contributions, to try to expel general Blake from their coasts, whose neighbourship is a great hindrance unto them.
There is at present a vote in court, whether prince Thomas shall be sent for to come back. I hear many are for his return. Mr. Downing is gone for Geneva.
The Venetian embassador appointed for England is also departed from court for London.
It's said the Flemings have complained in Spain of the ill-carriage of Archduke Leopold, having represented, that if it had not been for the prince of Condé's valour, they might have all been subdued by our army. Whereupon the king of Spain has permitted them to raise an army for their own liking.
It's written from Madrid, in date of the 3d of August N. S. that the queen was still with child; that the commander of Salvatierra in Portugal had remitted that place into the hands of the Spaniards; and that 1500 High-Dutch, sent by the archduke Leopold in Catalonia, were arrived at St. Sebastian's.
Cardinal Mazarin to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Paris, Sept. 8, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxix. p. 491.
My lord,
I have received your letter of the 29th of August. You will have seen by the last
letters of the earl of Brienne, that not only the business of Lucerne was made an
end of, but likewise executed; and that those people there have obtained more through
the intercession of the king, than they demanded. Now we must see what resolution the
protector will take. In the mean time you have but to continue your conduct towards
him in the manner as you do.
I have just now received your letter of the 2d of this month, which doth not oblige me to any answer; for if the signing of the treaty did depend upon the accommodation of the Vaudois, it will be now performed, for the accommodation is now executed, to the great joy and satisfaction of the people there.
A proclamation of the governor of Barbados.
Vol. xxix. p. 648.
His highness Oliver, lord protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland,
and Ireland, and dominions thereunto belonging, taking notice, that several delinquents and offenders sent over to this island by his highness's express command, here
to remain, have obtained ways and means, by their aiders, abetters, assisters, and countenancers, to get off this island, and are again returned into their own countries: wherefore considering how greatly it may tend to the prejudice and disservice of the commonwealth, and how the consequences thereof may prove dangerous, for the prevention of
which for the future,
These are in the name and by his said highness's special command, strictly to charge and
require all and every such person and persons, so brought hither, not to depart hence,
without leave first had and obtained from his highness and council; and that no person
or persons whatsoever do presume to abet, countenance, or assist any such, in any kind,
in their going off, or escaping from this island, on pain of his highness's displeasure, and
such penalties, for their contempt, as the nature of the fact and their disobedience to his
highness's commands therein shall require.
And to the intent his highness's pleasure and commands herein may be the better observed and kept, and the qualities and condition of all persons that shall go off this island known, it is ordered, that all and every master and commander of ship, bark, boat, or other vessel, now being and riding at anchor in any of the bays, roads, ports, or creeks of this island, or shall hereafter come or arrive to the same, do not presume to carry off any person or persons whatsoever, without special licence, under the penalty of the forfeiture of one thousand pounds sterling, according to a law here in that case made and provided. And all and every such master and commander, as aforesaid, are further required, within twenty and four hours after their arrival to this island, to enter into bond, in the secretaries office, in the said sum, for the true observance hereof; and not to be admitted to trade, until the same hath been performed.
And that all and every person or persons whatsoever, dwelling or inhabiting in or about this island, that is or shall be owner or commander of any bark, boat, shallop, skiff, or wherry, shall, within eight days after the publication hereof, become bound in the secretaries office in the sum of five hundred pounds sterling to his highness the lord protector, that they shall not carry any person or persons, of what quality or condition soever, from this island; or any way permit or lend his or their bark, boat, wherry, or shallop, so to do, without special order from the governor, upon the penalty of being disabled from keeping of any boat, bark, shallop, or wherry, and having it drawn up and made useless. And that they do not sell, alienate, or otherwise dispose of his or their said boat, bark, shallop, or wherry, to any person or persons, without special licence from the governor first had and obtained. Given under my hand, this twenty and ninth day of August, one thousand six hundred fifty and five.
Fleetwood, lord deputy of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxix. p. 644.
There was an order in Aprill from his highnes, prohibiting lieutenant general Ludlowe's comeing into England; and since that time I have not receaved any other order, though I did acquaint you, that he had libertie upon his engagement to waite upon
his highnes by the 10th of September; and he haveing very pressing occasions of very
neere concernment to himselfe to returne into England, thereupon I have adventured to
give him libertie therein. I have acquainted the council heere with what I have done in
this business. I have inclosed sent a coppye of his engagement. I know his restraint heere,
if he had not come, would have bine more disservice to my lord protector, then it can
be in England; and not haveing conceaved any answare to what I formerly sent to you in
this business, I hold my selfe the more free hereunto. This I thought fitt to give you
an account of, and remaine
August 29, 1655.
Your humble servant,
Charles Fleetwood.
Lieutenant general Ludlowe's engagement.
Vol. xxix. p. 642.
Whereas I have lately receaved a command for my restraint from going into England, yett nevertheles the lord deputie of Ireland taking into his consideration the pressing necessities, which lyeth upon me for the settleing of my affaires in England, and he permitting my repaire thither, I doe heereby engage, that I will not advise, contrive, consent, abett, or act, directly or indirectly, any thing to the prejudice or disturbance of the present government under his highnes the lord protector, unles before I shall advise, contrive, consent, abett, or act as abovesaid, directly or indirectly, any thing to the disturbance of the said government, I shall render myselfe personally unto his highnes, or to the said lord deputie, and desire to be from this engagement. Dated at the Phœnix, August 29, 1655.
Edmund Ludlowe.
H. Cromwell, major general of the army in Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
August 29, 1655.
Vol. xxix. p. 638.
I Received yours of the 21st instant, and notwithstandeinge the little hopes you give us
of the sudden returne of our foote to us, we are uppon the worke of disbandeinge, and
are settinge them uppon their landes. I gave you ane account in my laste of the resolutiones, toucheinge bothe the persons that are to be reduced, and the time declared, when
such whoe are disbanded shall be out of the pay of the publique, which is, as I take it,
the laste of this monthe. Never soe great a worke was performed with soe much quiett.
I beleeve we reduce neer 5000 men, and as good souldiers as are in the three nations. I
ame afraide fewe of them will betake themselves to plantinge; if you could find out some
employment for them abroade, it would be of good service to the publique. I ame sorry
the seales are soe longe delayed: wee have wanted the ordinary way of justice heer a
longe time. Justice Cooke and Donelan want their patents for punie judges, as you call
them. I could have wished mr. Cary would have come over; surely some body may be
founde to supply that defect. I hope you are not unmindefull of a solicitor.
I understande by some letters to my brother Fleetwood, that collonel Cooper is taken
of frome his Scotch employment, and that their are some thoughts to send him hither to
head general Venables regiment. They will deserve a worthy person, and indeed the
place wheer they are settled, as able a mane and as honest as you cane gett, the Scots
interest groweinge their very faste, and noe body to ballance them; and to deale ingeniously, wee have noe body fitt for it. I doe not think you could doe better, then to send
collonel Cooper for this worke, he beinge ane honest goode mane. I have hinted somethinge to his highnes of Allen's correspondinge heer, and representinge thinges in the
worst sence; and therefore offer that he might be sent frome London; and likewise lieutenant general Ludlowe's over-earnestness to come for England. If you should give him
leave, you would finde him very troublesome; and that you would be necessitated to
deale with him, as you have done with Harrison, which would but make him considerable. He declares it, that he will not be under any obligation, because he does not
knowe, but that God may give ane opportunity for him to appear for the libertie of the
people. He is verry high, and much dissatisyed, and therefore their ought to be further
care what is done as to him. I am
Your affectionate humble servant,
Hen. Cromwell.
Bordeaux, the French embassador in England, to count Brienne.
Sept. 9; 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxix. p. 608.
My lord,
Having an occasion at the beginning of the last week to send to the secretary of
state, I signified unto him the accommodation of those of the Vallies with the duke
of Savoy. He was only pleased to say, that my news was true. Since this the express of
mr. Downing arrived. I sent him word, in the absence of my commissioners, that I had
received order to signify unto the lord protector, that his recommendation to the king
was followed with the same effect, which could be expected. He did receive this compliment with much coolness and trouble of mind, taking only upon him to make report
thereof. It seems they are generally troubled, that the peace should be made without
their interposition; and I do see in all their pamphlets, that they do affect to weaken the
merit of the offices, which monsieur Servien hath done, and to impute unto him that by
threatenings he did force the Vaudois to accept of the declaration of the duke of Savoy,
which is very disadvantageous unto them; yea, they proceed so far as to accuse the embassadors of Switzerland, that they did suffer themselves to be corrupted; from whence one
may judge, that his majesty will receive but little thanks from hence for what he hath
Sir Henry Vane to secretary Thurloe.
Yours from Whitehall of 25th instant I have receaved, and have accordingly signifyed the directions therein contained into the administrator, who thereupon does
continue here in expectation to heare from collonel Berry; unto which great favour of
yours allready receaved I must still desire this addition, that the hastning therof, as your letter
intimates, may be effectuall; and that I may againe put you in minde of what I suppose
is allready in collonel Berry's instructions, as incident to the removall of the armes from
this place, that the souldiers may be commanded off likewise. For all which, as well as
former civilitys receaved from you when I was last at London, I esteeme myself obliged to
all dew acknowledgements, when it may lye in the power of him, who is
Raby Castle, August
30, 1655.
Your very affectionat
and humble servant,
H. Vane.
At the council at Whitehall.
Thursday, August 30, 1655.
Sir Gilbert Pickering makes report from the committee of the council, to whom the several petitions of the town of Colchester are referred: on consideration whereof, and of the advice given the said committee by the commissioners of the treasury in this case, ordered, that it is offered to his highness, as the advice of the council, that a letter be written to the town of Colchester, signifying his highness's pleasure, that they proceed to the election of such officers as usually they have done, having respect in the said election to the peace and good government of the town; and that within four days after such election, they present to his highness the names of the persons elected by them, to be approved by his highness before they be sworn, the same being by the charter not to be done till Michaelmas.
Henry Scobell, clerk of the council.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Sept. 4, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxix. p. 470.
This day there was report made of what the resident of Poland hath proposed at the
conference, which in effect is only in generals, without having specialized any thing,
only that he made complaint of the iniquity of the Swedes. Now the deputies of this
state being only authorized simply to hear him, and to make report thereof, as they have
done, we must expect what will be further done herein at the next meeting of the states of
Holland. The same is also done with the elector, with the letter from the elector of
Brandenburgh, expecting the act of ratification.
It is said, that the lord of Brederode is fallen into a lethargy.
September 6.
It is assured, that the lord of Brederode dyed on friday last the 3d in the afternoon.
For the charge of mareschal, I hear, that prince Maurice would not be a competitor of prince William's, to avoid prejudicing the common interest of their family.
In that resolution of the second of August is to be seen, how pleasingly they would make the Turks to believe, that those of Ostend, Blankenberg, and Dunkirk, do drive a trade in the Levant, where they have abundance of merchantmen; as some years since those of the East India company made the king of Japan to believe, that the Portugals were Christians, but that the Hollanders were not Christians, in regard that name was odious.
The design of the most powerful party is to put the government of Boisleduc into the hands of the lord of Wynbergen, and that of Escluse into the hands of the lord of Somerdyck, to the end to make all Zealand to be governed by the wise conduct of the lord of Somerdyck, who with the lord Tybaut would govern all Zealand for the good of the prince's party.
Those of Groningen recommend the lord Byma for the government of Boisleduc.
Those of Holland recommend, or have recommended the lord of Brederode, of Duyvenvorde, of Nortwyck, for the said government. Those of Holland have admonished the province, to declare themselves upon the instruction for the sending into Denmark. They have promised to declare themselves to morrow. The resident de Vries hath writ from the Sound, amongst the rest, that the minister of Sweden had summoned the king of Denmark very seriously, in effect, whether he would join with Sweden or this state, to give or refuse the passage through the Sound. Upon which the king had writ to his ministers here. The states general have deputed some to speak to the Danish ministers here about it; as also upon what the said de Vries hath writ, that he did demand of the king the passage for the fleet of this state through the Sound, for which he had no order.
A French private man of war did pursue a ship of Flanders as far as the Wieling, where a captain of a Zealand man of war endeavouring to hinder such hostility, he came in his boat to the French party, thinking to have come aboard of him; but he killed the Zealand captain, which having incensed the Zealanders, they made a shift to seize upon the French pirate, taking all her men prisoners (except 15) in all likelihood to hang them.
September 8.
The dowager of Brederode hath writ a letter to the states general, signifying the death of the earl of Brederode her husband, recommending her two sons to the service of the states, for the third or the youngest (to whom the generality was god-father) was dead. They have not yet made any mention of conferring the vacant charge. The magistrate of Boisleduc hath writ, rememorating their capitulation, and that in pursuance of the same they may not have any other given them for their governor, than one that is a born Brabanson, or one of the house of Nassaw.
Advice being given of the arrival of an envoy from Moscovy, they have ordered the agent de Heyde to receive him, and to lodge him in the Castellany.
Yesterday there was a conference held with the ministers of Denmark, as well upon the known pretences, as upon the letter of the resident de Vries.
The provinces are to declare themselves to day upon the instruction for the sending towards Denmark.
They have re-begun the business for the liquidation of East Friesland.
There was but one advice of the council of state concerning the militia, which during this season of the summer hath been in garrison between the Eems and the Rhyne, for fear of the Swedes.
Holland hath insisted of late, in regard that (the season being past) those troops be sent back to their old quarters, not desiring that so great body of the militia should be upon the frontiers, which do depend very much upon prince William.
This business was referred to the advice of the council. The council hath advised, that for the horse they might be withdrawn and sent back to their old garrisons; but that it was necessary for the foot to continue a while longer, because, if need be, they cannot get the foot so soon back again, as they can the horse. The advice is not yet followed, but it will be observed.
Hitherto there is not yet any thing done upon the instruction and sending towards Denmark. Likewise there hath not been any thing spoken this week of the fleet of 16 ships.
September 9.
The envoy of Muscovy is to have audience to day. He hath a train of fine persons: he is only the bearer of a letter. He asked, whether they did not acknowledge his emperor for the greatest man on earth; and whether they would not treat him as the minister of such a one. They told him, that they had treated all those, who had been here before him, to their content, every one according to their conditions; and that he should be received after the same manner. He brings no present nor surs. He lays the excuse by reason of the wars. He faith, that his emperor or czar is in the field with a million of men. That makes well for the king of Sweden, for this will cause jealousy against the Muscovite, and will lessen that, which all men have against Sweden. There is great likelihood, that they speak of sending embassies, as well towards Sweden, Poland, Muscovy, as towards Denmark. They have yet failed of declaring themselves concerning the instruction for the envoy into Denmark, the business not having been pressed or urged by those of Holland; but they have resolved to fall upon the business to morrow, and then to declare themselves.
As for the alteration of the garrisons, they have followed the advice of the council of state, that the horse shall be sent back to their old garrisons; but that the foot shall remain yet a while in the garrisons between the Rhine and the Eems.
The envoy of Muscovy, after the reciting of the titles of his emperor (wherein he failed and stammered for some time) hath proposed but three things; the first was, that his emperor sent to know how the states general did: the second, that his lord esteemed this state for the most powerfull of all the states; and thirdly, that he desired to be defrayed by the state.
September 10.
The envoy of Muscovy having asked and obtained to day a new audience, said, that he thought, that they would have asked him yesterday, whether he had nothing more to propose; and that therefore in this new audience he ought to propose, and that he doth demand twenty thousand muskets, and a ship of war to transport them to Archangel. He did also play the rodomontade in this discourse, saying, that his emperor had drawn away a great number of Tartars, who were going to serve the king of Poland. That his emperor had already conquered the best part of Poland. That he was also going to take Livonia.
It is conceived, that the transportation is the contents of his letter; and I perceive, that (in favour of Poland) they will make some difficulty at this transportation.
The president hath admonished the provinces to declare themselves upon the instructions for Denmark; but that is suspended till to morrow.
I do hear, that prince Maurice doth also declare himself for the charge of mareschall of camp; and prince William is coming hither in person for the same subject.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol. xxix. p. 612.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image 747]
The well affected of Holland do find themselves very much troubled for the capital charge over the militia; for whether that it be called mareschal of camp, or whether it be called captain
general, he is head of the militia; and therefore states general and well affected in Holland would
willingly abolish that charge; but I have no great opinion of it, for I know Amsterdam and their
maxims; and besides, he that hath there the chiefest direction is of the privy council of
Friesland and prince of Orange
The grave William hath writ with much civility and humanity, not only to states to general, but likewise to the other well affected in Holland in particular.
And if grave William doth obtain this charge, they are and will be as much under the prince of Orange or their house as ever; for whosoever hath the army hath all; arma tenenti omnia dat, qui justa negat; and besides, how is it possible then to preserve the amity with protector?
But since that I have seen, that Amsterdam hath so blindly run themselves ad servitium, Denmark and 170 (who are the chief of the Orange party and royalist of all the world) I cannot any longer imagine myself, that Amsterdam have any constancy, and that it were far better that they forthwith take prince of Orange, for during his minority they will yet have some moderation, and have share in the management. And besides they would see what Amsterdam would have; but now they do not follow that which Amsterdam would have, yea, they themselves do not know what they would have, as I believe, for all is done but by halves, as formerly with Bremen so likewise at present with Dantzick, as is said, Dantzick was to send to us; I answer Bremen did send; besides there was an interest of alliance, of commerce, of neighbourhood, and of religion; yet hath there been for all this one man sent? Dantzick have their reasons why they do not send, and likewise why they do not subscribe the alliance made between states general and Brandenburg
In the mean time states general and states of Holland and Amsterdam do very well know, that the coming of a fleet would be very acceptable to Dantzick; but it seems that Amsterdam would well that Dantzick should be brought to terms of despair: for to ruin themselves (as Bremen) and that by this means the ruin of Dantzick would make for Amsterdam: indeed Amsterdam is unsatiable, and cannot endure, that the Hans towns have any commerce, which is a certain way of proceeding; one must live and let another live also; and it is a strange thing to see, that the care of Amsterdam should extend so far, and in the mean time to take such little heed of businesses near at hand. Yea at present I can tell you, that there is a certain kind of mutiny in hand amongst the chief military officers (colonels, lieutenant colonels, and majors) having resolved to make known the ill usage, which they receive, in regard they are not paid their allowances.
It is true, that Holland is slow to pay those allowances, but those officers have each
a good company, whereof they can live, and these charges of colonels, and lieutenant colonels, and majors in peace are altogether unnecessary, and Holland would abolish them;
but the provinces of the Orange party do force Holland through the plurality of votes to continue those
charges; so that in effect those allowances is money flung into the water, yea worse; for
it is to nourish a serpent in sinu, in regard all these great officers are the Orange party, and you cannot
believe how boldly those officers speak; and as soon as they shall have grave William for head, they
will yet speak louder; and thus you see how ill they do manage their business. I am
September 10, 1655.
Your most humble servant.
Chanut, the French embassador in Holland, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Hague, September 10, 1655, [N. S.]
Vol. xxix. p. 650.
My lord,
I have received your letter of the 3d of this month. I did not know, that the magnificence of my lord Bond was occasioned through the revolt of two palatinates in Poland. In regard it is not our custom to make bonfires for treason, I forgive him for having spared the fireworks: but if we take Pavia, against the opinion of the most of
Italy, what shall you and I do? My lord, I pray let me know your intention, if it be so
that we take it, to the end I may not be far inferior to what you will do. But it may be
you will have a greater occasion of publick rejoycing, whereof London will participate, in
regard there remains now nothing to hinder the conclusion of your treaty, the Huguenots
having obtained savour and pardon of their sovereign, through the intercession of the king.
Should it be possible, that there can yet lie hid underground some new cause of delay,
at a time when the protector doth disoblige Spain, and when many reasons should induce
him to make friends, and that we, God be thanked, are not altogether contemptible?
I expect your next letters with impatience. We have the news of the death of the
mareshal camp of these provinces, the earl of Bredorode. Now his charge is lookt upon
as a subject, which will occasion great dissentions amongst the provinces.
The order is, that it is to be bestowed by plurality of votes; but Holland perceiving, that count William will have 4 votes of the 7 on his side, doth pretend to cause the same to be abolished as unnecessary in times of peace. The pretenders to it are, count William, governor of Friezland, and count Maurice of Nassau, lieutenant general of the horse.
The resident of Poland doth insist hard for some assistance of men or money; but it is thought he will not obtain any thing.
The king of Sweden having joined all his forces in a body was marcht therewith towards Warsaw; and that after three days march he made a stay, not daring to venture too far into the enemies country: the Polanders have a considerable army on foot. The king of Sweden is not yet sure of the duke of Brandenburg, who will not deprive himself of his strong places in Prussia, but hath sent the earl of Valdeck to secure them. That Prince hath an army of ten thousand men in Pomerania. The emperor is likewise raising forces, and will hardly suffer the said king to go away with the conquest of Poland. But above all, the Muscovite is to be seared, whose name is terrible, and who hath already made known in Lithuania, that he will not leave much to the protection of Sweden.
Nieuport, the Dutch embassador in England, the gressier Ruysch.
Vol. xxix. p. 660.
My lord,
Yesterday there came to me in a coach sir Charles Wolseley, and the lord Strickland, with
the secretary Jessop; and perceiving, that the lords did not think sit to speak first, I
told them, that the secretary of state had acquainted me, that their lordships were ordered
to confer with me concerning several memorandums delivered in by me; and the said lords
replying thereupon, by way of excuse, that they had been hindered through many businesses
of consequence, and that therefore to that end they were come to me; I told their lordships, that there were three things chiefly presented in all my memorandums. First, the
great damage, which the subjects and inhabitants of their high and mighty lordships have
suffered, by having their ships and goods seised upon, near, or about the Barbadoes.
Secondly, the excess, which is daily committed in bringing in of ships and goods belonging to the said subjects into the ports and harbours of England, as well by private men
of war, as the ships in the service of this state. And lastly, that there might be once
some articles agreed upon for a maritime treaty, whereby both sides shall have to govern
themselves, that so the like inconveniences may be avoided for the future.
Upon the first, I said, that by an act of parliament made in October 1650, the commerce and navigation to the Barbadoes, Virginia, Bermudas, and Antegua was prohibited in general, as well to the natives as strangers, upon the forfeiture of ships and goods, because they would acknowledge the government then erected in England, as the same was clearly expressed in the articles themselves, which I exhibited. But since that the said plantation and islands have submitted themselves upon certain conditions and articles, in the 9th whereof it is expressly stipulated, that they might freely trade with all nations, which are in amity with England; and that the said articles were afterwards ratified by the parliament; and that the lord protector in his government hath expresly declared, that all such articles shall stand good, so that I told them I could not perceive but that the commerce to the said islands was lawful and permitted, in regard there hath not been any prohibition made since to the contrary. I added moreover, that there ought to be a firm correspondence between the two nations, without any exception of any place whatsoever, according to the contents of the last treaty of peace; concluding that the seising of the said ships near the Barbados was done contrary to all right and reason; and the ships and goods ought to be restored to the owners.
Sir Charles Wolseley replied, that no general or governor could grant any articles, which were contrary to the laws of England; that by an act of parliament the commerce or navigation to the Barbados was prohibited, and that in the treaty of peace the precautions in several articles were fixed; that the commerce in Europe alone should be re-established between both. To this I made a reply, that I did not conceive, that in the treaty there was any prohibition or law to hinder us from trading thither. Besides I told them, that whereas it is mentioned in the act, that all such ships so taken are to be brought for England, and to be tried in the court of admiralty, instead thereof they had taken the men out of the ships, and carried them to the West Indies, although many of them had not been ashore, and the rest had leave from the governor and government. Thereupon he said, that the same must be made to appear to be so. I told him what the ill consequences would be, if our men in the East Indies and other places should use their men in the same manner. To the second, concerning some particular complaints, I desired, that the ship the Hare in the Field, also the Frog, might be both released, being both of Middleburgh; the last belonging to none but the subjects of their high and mighty lordships, and taken by a private man of war, and detained for some months by very unjust practices, notwithstanding the perishableness of the commodities. I likewise desired the releasement of the Thirsty Hart, as also that of the Cross of Jerusalem; all which I told them did seem very strange to me. And coming to the last point, I told them, how that long since certain articles by special order of their high and mighty lordships were delivered unto them, which articles were grounded upon such grounds as this state itself had thought to insert in the treaties with Portugal and others; which articles would undoubtedly tend to the peace and welfare of both sides.
The said lords promised me faithfully to report all that I had acquainted them with, and to procure me an answer as soon as possible.
An intercepted letter of sir George Ratcliff to mr. Trapps.
Paris, September 10, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxix. p. 668.
This day is the news fresh here, that the peace is made between France and England; but we hear nothing of war between England and Spain. What doth the Spanish embassador at London? We had a notable alarm the last week from the prince of Condé in Hainault, where he is said to be 24000 strong, which is twice the number of the French army. The king went hence in great hast towards la Fere, to be near the army, and to keep his men together, who had rather be in their French quarters, than in the field at this time of the year. In Catalonia the French have received a great defeat from the Spaniard, so as the Spaniard is in heart for his success both there and in Italy, and in the West Indies; and they are in hopes to recover some of their places lost this summer towards Flanders. This perhaps hath made the French more willingly to conclude a peace with the protector. And it is a sign, that France means not to have a peace with Spain, though the pope doth press it exceedingly; and they are sending hence three great men to Rome to treat about it.
Translated out of two letters written from Amsterdam to Manoel Martin Dormido, otherwise called David Abrabanel, dated September 10, 1655. N. S.
Vol. xxix. p. 672.
From Spain are gone forth 28 ships of war under the conduct of the general don Paulo de Contreros, in whose absence the earl of Molina doth carry the baston. They carry in all 1010 pieces of artillery or guns, the greatest part of brass. The men they carry are about eleven thousand, ten fire ships; and they say the Neapolitan squadron is in Almaria, and import 24 ships of war, 8 gallies, and some fire ships, with intention to join all in prosecution of the English fleet. God grant that they never enjoy their expectations, those wicked papists; and that his highness may remain in his arms victorious, and enjoy great success for the good of his people.
David Nasy.
The other letter faith thus.
By letters from Saint Malo, which came by this post, they write, that there was arrived a frigot, which came from Cadiz on the 13th of August new stile, and brought for news concerning the fleet, that the 15th ditto was to put to sea from Cadiz to seek the English, the Spanish fleet, who had intelligence, that the English had watered in Braroda adjoining to Faro upon the coast of Portugal, whom they had order to demand, wherefore they crossed the seas. The said fleet consists of 27 ships of war, the most Spanish great ships, which carry 1010 pieces of ordnance, and 11400 men, and 10 fire ships, and 29 long great boats and shot. The Levant fleet was on the coast of Granada, in the port of Almeria, consisting of 24 ships of war, 10 fire ships, and 9 gallies. God prosper his highness's forces, and of that commonwealth, which doth favour our nation.
Manoel Grasian.
A letter from Amsterdam.
Vol. xxix. p. 658.
Honourable and worthy gentlemen,
This day eight days I had the honour to wait on you with my correspondence, since
which I have received no news from you. The burgomaster Witzen arrived the
day before yesterday safe at Texel, but is not yet come to town, where, the Lord help us,
the sudden distempers continue still very much, and cause a great hindrance to trade;
for although there arrived here ships from several parts with rich cargoes, yet there is but
little demand; add to this the new and bloody war in Poland, where every thing runs to
ruin and distraction, there appearing as yet no mediators, who endeavour to accommodate
matters. This week an envoy of Russia passed through here going to the Hague, to
communicate the manifesto of the war. And by these bad times and conjunctures, some
considerable bankruptcies have also happened, and other inconveniencies and disorders, and
our East India stocks do not rise at all. Here are some men of war ready to go to the
Baltick; but for some considerations, and speculations, or because something is still expected
first, they do not proceed; however, the letters which are to morrow to arrive from the
East, may perhaps cause some resolution to be concluded upon, especially since the season may else be over. Wherewith, worthy sirs, I pray to the Almighty to grant you
health and a long life, and me the grace to remain
Amsterdam, Sept. 10,
1655. [N. S.]
Your honours
most humble and obliged servant,
N. Huykrider.
Col. Humfrey to sir Oliver Fleming.
Vol. xxix. p. 682.
Ever honored sir,
It is, and I hope ever shall bee, the greatest of my care, to express my thanckfull
acknowledgments to you for those unexpressable favours you were pleased to shew mee,
when I had the honour to waite one you. I shall bee bould to give you this short account
of our voyadge hitherto, which was thus. Wee were six weeks and five dayes from Plymouth to the Barbadoes, in all which time wee had not a breath of contrary winde, nor
an houre of soule weather, but might have come in a Gravesend barge all the way for
winde and weather, havinge a trade winde all the way, as they call it. And as an addition to our mercyes, wee have not lost one man by the way, and but few are sick. The
intelligence wee finde here from our army in the shamefull route they received in theire
approachinge Domingoe doth much trouble us, and wee hope will keepe our spirritts low
and humble befor that great God, that orders his dispensations accordinge to his blessed
will; and wee trust will, when he hath humbled us sufficiently, honnour us with victories
and glory, as wee now are covered with shame. Our stay in this island is only to water
and refress a litle: for recruts to the compleatinge my regiment they are not to bee had
here, but wee are sending two shipps to St. Kristopher's with officers, to try what may
bee done there, beeinge assured wee may have more there then wee shall neade, and our
fleete will follow within few dayes, soe that wee hope to bee with the armey within 20
dayes at furthest, and trust wee shall bee enabled to act as servants worthy to bee owned
by soe victorriouse a master as wee serve, whose glory and dominion wee thirst more to
enlarge, then the preservation of our lives. I am sure for my parte I speake truth, and
know there are many of my mind, if not all with mee. Thus craving pardon for this
bouldnes, I humbly subscribe myselfe
Barbadoes, August 31, 1655.
Your most humble servant, J. Humfrey.
Extract of a letter from London, August 31. 1655.
Vol. xxix. p. 550.
I do not believe, that the emperor will raise so soon forty thousand men, if he be not refreshed with a good wind from the South; at least I am of opinion, that the soldiers cannot long subsist without that favourable wind of the South, which they will hinder here to blow very much; for admiral Blake hath suffered thirty Spanish ships, with five fire ships to pass by him, to look after the silver fleet, which he might have prevented; but he followed them afterwards to fight, and ruin them. Likewise the fleet, which is at amaica, is very strong, and doth cause great fear to the silver fleet. And besides they are equipping here another great fleet to send with a great recruit of ten thousand men, at whose arrival they were resolved to assault the heart of the Indies, that is to say, the place where the fleet is kept. God bless them, and send all may make for his glory and the good of the common cause. The treaties with the Swede do not advance much here, in regard they do not believe, they do aim at the common good, and besides in regard they are Lutherans. It would be best for the elector of Brandenburgh to endeavour to obtain an alliance with the protector: he would benefit much by it, and make very much against the Swedes. It were to be wished, that other protestant princes would endeavour to advance the common cause, which I am assured the protector doth very much endeavour, and takes to heart.
General Blake to the protector.
Vol. xxix. p. 680.
May it please your highnes,
Yesterday I sent away by the Merlin frigatt a packett (of which there comes herewith a
duplicate) giving your highnes an account of the proceedings and condition of the fleet
under my command. Since that the Taunton frigat is arrived with mr. Thomas Mainard,
whome I have dispatcht away in the Hampshire, to give your highnes an account of his
negotiation. I have nothing to add of my owne as touching that busines, having not received any other instruction or direction, but to appoint the frigatt to carry him to and
from Lisbon; and upon her returne unto mee, to send him forthwith unto your highnes,
to give an account of what he hath done in pursuance of the instructions given him; neither shall I trouble your highnes any more with my sad apprehensions of our present con
dition. I hope your highnes will not take amisse the passionate expressions already made,
as proceeding from a sincere and honest heart. The Lord Almighty preserve your highnes,
and this your fleet, and all the concernements of the nation in your hands; which is and
shall be the prayer of
Aboard the George in Castais road,
August 31, 1655.
Your highnes most humble
and obedient servant,
Robert Blake.
General Penn to the protector.
Vol. xxix. p. 686.
Maye it please your highnesse,
My last was by the Cardiffe from Jamica, wherein I gave your highnesse an account
of what shipps were thought fitt to stay there, and of those which were to come in
this fleet. Wee sett sayle from that place the 25th of June, and kept company till the
13th of July, when as about 10 leagues from the Havana the ship Parragon tooke fire
(as is conceived, about or in the steward-roome) and in two hours space, notwithstanding all endeavours, her masts and upper worke being burnt, the powder in a twinckling
tooke that sad spectacle from our eyes, but not the greif from our hearts. About 100
persons perished in the water, and with them the probability of finding out the secondary
cause and unhappy instruments of that doleful accident. About the same time, the
Heart's-ease, Tulip, and Gillyflower, were severed from us, and not as yet mett with. The
rest of us came, and kept together neer the Land's end, and one wedensday, giving chase
with this shipp to a French shipp of 200 tuns, come from Greenland with some trayneoyle, wee tooke her, but lost sight of our own shipps, which this day wee mett with
againe, they keeping on their course. As to my coming home, it was somewhat against
my inclination to leave your highnesse service in these parts; but was advised, and at
length perswaded (by some, uppon whose spiritts it lay, that my departure for England
might be more requisite for your highnesse service than my stay there) to addresse my selfe
for the same at home; and first of all to render your highnesse an account of transactions
and affaires at the place wee come from. I am now awayting only for your highnesse
commands, which have alwayes been gratefull to mee, in that they have still given occasion to expresse myselfe
Swistsure, Spithead,
Aug. 31. 1655.
Your highnesse very ready
and most humbly faithfull servant,
William Penn.
Vice-admiral Goodson I have lest to command in chiefe; reare-admirall Dakins was last commander of the Paragon, and is now here.
The protector to the town of Colchester.
Vol. xxix. p. 690.
Trusty and well beloved, we greet you well. Taking notice, that some petitions from several persons touching the town of Colchester and the government are now depending before our council, which (in respect of the nature thereof) cannot be suddenly determined; and being withall advertised, that the time appointed by your charter for electing of magistrates for that corporation is monday next; we have thought fit hereby to signify to you our will and pleasure, that you proceed to election of officers for the said town, as usually you have done, having respect in the said election to the peace and good government of the town; and that within four days after such election, you present to us the names of the persons elected, to be approved by us, before they be sworn. And so bid you farewel. Given at Whitehall this 31st day of August, 1655.
A proclamation of the protector relating to Jamaica.
Vol. xxvi. p. 460.
Whereas, by the good providence of God, our fleet, in their late expedition into America, have possest themselves of a certain island, called Jamaica, spacious in its extent, commodious in its harbours and rivers within itself, healthful by its situation, fertile in the nature of the soyl, well stored with horses and other cattel, and generally fit and worthy to be planted and improved, to the advantage, honour and interest of this nation:
And whereas divers persons, merchants, and others heretofore conversant in plantations and the trade of the like nature, are desirous to undertake and proceed upon plantations and settlements upon that island:
We therefore, for the better encouragement of all such persons so inclined, have by the advice of our council taken care, not only for the strengthning and securing of that island from all enemies, but for the constituting and settling of a civil government, by such good laws and customs, as are and have been exercised in colonies and places of the like nature, have appointed surveyors and other publick officers, for the more equal distribution of publick right and justice in the said island.
And for the further incouragement to the industry and good affection of such persons, we have provided and given orders to the commissioners of our customs, that every planter or adventurer to that island shall be exempt and free from paying any excise or custom for any manufactures, provisions, or any other goods or necessaries, which he or they shall transport to the said island of Jamaica, within the space of seven years to come from Michaelmas next.
And also that sufficient caution and security be given by the said commissioners, that such goods shall be delivered at Jamaica only. And we have also, out of our special consideration of the welfare and prosperity of that island, provided, that no customs, or other tax or impost be laid or charged upon any commodity, which shall be the produce and native growth of that island, and shall be imported into any of the dominions belonging to this commonwealth: which favour and exemption shall continue for the space of ten years, to begin and be accounted from Michaelmas next. We have also given our speciall orders and directions, that no imbargo or other hinderance, upon any pretence whatsoever, be laid upon any ships, seamen, or other passengers or adventurers, which shall appear to be engaged and bound for the said island.
And we do hereby further declare, for our selves and successors, that whatsoever other favour, or immunity, or protection shall or may conduce to the welfare, strength, and improvement of the said island, shall from time to time be continued and applied thereunto. Given under our hand.
Capt. Gregory Butler to the protector.
Vol. xxvi. p. 453.
May itt please your highnes,
During my stay at Barbadus, which was but eight dayes, severall strangers shipps
were seized, and an imbargoe laid on all vessells. Aboard the Swiftshore a conferrence
was held with collonell Mudeford and coll. Morrice, the night before I sett sayle for
Crestifores; the some of it was, what place might bee best attempted, but indeed
nothing concluded before my departure, which was earely next morning. Coll. Holdet
and capt. Blagg were joyned in commission with my selfe to raise men, and seize all
strangers shipps trading with the Leward Islands under the English governemente. Our
first arrivale was at Antegoe; whoes governer is Chrestopher Kennell, somtyme a capt.
in England under the command of the honourable major generall Skippon. There wee
staid but one night: haveing proclaymed your highnes, wee departed, after I had wryte
to capt. Fountaine to come and serve your highnes, judgeing him fitt, whoe formerly
was with capt. Cromwell in the Indes, knoweing him formerly to bee vallient. I enlured
the governer to laye waite for capt. Campoe Subbatha, formerly Jackson's pillate; besids
with moneys and promises I gott mr. Wentworth, capt. Cromwell's mate, whome I
placed in the Mastonemore friggett as pillate. This island of Antegoe is much mollested
with the Indyens of Guardelupp, Domineca, and St. Vencent, which made mee unwilling
to entertaine any of the inhabitants for souldiers, there not being one the island above
twelve hundred men. The place hath very good harbors in it, and of all the islands
formerly possessed by the English, is the best, haveing stoore of earth to make saltepeter.
The next is Moncerrate, where with all sevellitye wee were entertained by the governer
Osborne. Here wee raised fowerscore men, and toke two Dutch shipps and two Dutch
shallups, proclamed your highnes, and soe departed for Meves, where the governer, a
most sober, godley and discrete person, intertained us nobley, drew his people in armes,
and proclaymed your highnes. The same day wee listed three hundred men. This gentleman being old was willing to laye downe his commission, but wee incuredged him to
retaine it. Hee was much perplexed with some annebaptest. Of him and another I
bought two Indyens of Floreday shamefully betraid by a private man of warr, and sould
in this island; the which I left with my man upon the island of Gemecoe. In Meves
wee staid but two dayes; soe departed to St. Cristophers, where wee found the greate ons
verey unwilling, that wee should raise any men, ferring by that meanes the French might
rewing them. The French were jellius of us, the old sier being unwilling to rune any
hassard [in] his old agge, knowing his estate in St. Cristophers to bee better then the
faviour of his master the king of France. The English governer Everrard is a covetuos and grevious opresser, not carring what will become of his people, soe hee thrives.
Here wee raised eight or nyne hundred men; and had those quartered, which wee brought
from Neves and Mountsearate. The English would a faine a faulne out with the French
during our staying here; but wee tooke such care, that the ammetye was renewed, and
the people left in peece. This island is almost worne out by reason of the multituds
that live upon it. The fleete appearinge, wee shipped our men to the number of twelve
hundred, and departed. It was contrary to my mind, to take more men then wee had
victuales for, besides the great want of armes; which were arguments sufficient to carrye
but a few: but Holdept and Blagg, with Fortesque, that arrived the day before, prevalled,
and did shippe them in the Masten-more, Selbye, and fower prizes, which wee had taken;
such force hath ambission, that noe publique good is vallewed, when a man preferrs his
one interest before the commonwealth; for by this means Holdept thought, that hee
might have the command of a reggemente, whoe indeed never merrited a companey.
I acquainted the generalls with the sad estate of one Charles Reymes was in, if there honours
did not helpe. The said Reymes came to this island, rid with his shipp in the roade
of Sandea Poynt, which is a bay at the west end of St. Christophers; the French hath
forced it at th' one end of the baye, and the English at the other; soe it was free to
both nations. In this place hee ride with his shipp, when the English governer desired
him to sell none of his slaves to the French, promissed hee would secure him from all
harme. This the governer tould mee himself. I kept the estate from being sequestered,
tell the generalls came; and perceaveing hee was in danger of being rewened, I requested, that hee at present might bee bound to ship his goods in an English bottome
for England, there to know your highnes pleasure further; which was granted, and I
aboute to take the securitye, when Holdept, the enemye of all good, in my absence tells
the commissioners some strange storrey or other, soe that the poore man's estate at present
remaines sequestered and himselfe undone, without your highnes graciously bee pleased
by the next shipps to order the comissioners to returne the same to him, who dare
not loke homeward without your highnes speciall faviour. His father is an Englishman,
and president of the English companey at Ratterdame. The generall made Holdept coll.
contrary to the advice of the major generall of blessed memmory, and contrary to all
the officers of the armey, and thereby contrary to my one mind, whoe shall never endure such basse covituose Matchavells. At a councell of officers it was concluded, the
generall's, major generall's, Fortisque's, Carter's, Doyle's and the sea regements, and
Holdept's should land to the westward of the citty of Demengoe, Buller's to the est,
where hee had a navigable river for his defence, with whome was part of Holdept's regemente. The first day wee onely marched three miles, it being late before all the armey
was landed; the next day wee marched twelve myles, had two horsemen kild, and that
evening kild one of the enemy. The next day marched to Hyne-river, strucke of the way,
and merched to Seavana; and the next morneing marched to a greate shewgar work, staid
untill noone; and that eveneing marched neere the forte Geronemoe, which lyes within a
mile and a halfe of the citty Demingoe; which bestowed severall shote. This night the
generall and the armey retreated to the shugar works, and himself by the concent of
officers returned aboard of the Swiftshure, and pressed, that I might goe, which I did,
and might without him have done all that was to bee done. This night the armey came to
Highne bay: the enemye came the next morneinge but one, as I remember, were esseyley
repulced with the losse of the best of twenty of their men. During the armey staying in
this place, the generall constantly lay aboard of the shipp, two nights excepted. The first
night the armey came neere to the citty of Demingoe, generall Penn sent in some of his
shipps, which did much terrifye the enemye, whoe spent their shote very liberaly on both
sides, which contenued seaverall dayes. The morter-peece being gott on shore, two smale
peeces mounted, brandey and whatsoever else the armey demaunded, with scalling lathers
fitted; at a councell of field officers it was put to the voate, which way the armey
should march; and it was pressed hard by the generall and Fortesque to march intirelye with
the armey by the forte Geronemoe; but the major generall of happye memorye, colonel
Buller, and myselfe, with lefteniant collonel Clarke, were for dividing the armey, and
marching to the north west side of the citty; but the generall was soe vialent for the contrary,
that himselfe, Fortisque, Doyley, with Holdept, and some others, overvoted us. What reason hee had, I know not, except his feare to goe sepperated, thinking, as I beleave, fower
thousand men to few for his gard. The next day the armey marched, and after hee toke
horse, I repaired aboard the Sweftshure, and acquainted generall Penn with his resolution,
whoe read with the Sweftshure, Parragone, Mastonmore, Gloster, Lawrell, Armes of
Holland, Portland, Selbye, Dover, Famoth, Hound, within the retch of the shott of
Domingoe, with intention to have gone verey neere to batter the citty, and squoure the
inside of the wall, if the armey had marched upp.
The Forlone and some collers past forth Geronemoe, but suddinglye retreated; yet that
evening partyes commanded forth under the commaund of leftenant colonell Bland stood
neere the forte, expecting orders to sale on. The enemye did much mischefe amongst
them by their artillary from the sorte; yet the men seamed, as it was tould mee, and
may easelye bee proved, willing to adventure, when suddingly the generall called a councell, Fortesque said, that in honour they were bound to attempt something, but as a
Chrestian hee durse not sent. The bodye of the good major general was buryed privatelye.
The carridge of the morter-peece burned, the shells buried, and the armey dishonorably
retreated. The generall came aboard the Sweftshea, and desired, that they might goe
for some of the English plantations, hoped your highnes reserved his commaund for him
in Ireland, but would not bee perswaded to attempt any thing upon Domengoe more; soe
that wee moved the takeing in of Gemegoe; the 3d of May sett saile from Spaniora, and the
10th came into the harbor of Gemegoe generall Penn leadeing the way with his one ship;
for after the miscaridge of Spaniora I have privatelye heard him say, hee would not
trust the armey with the attempt, if hee could come neere with his shipps; and indeed
did in the Marten galley runn in tell shee was a ground before their brest worke in the
bottome of the harbore, at the tyme when the botes went to land; which was done
without any opposition, though much might a bynne expected. It was twelve at night
before the armey was all landed, and the next morneing aboute nyne the armey merched,
losseing the opportunitye of the cole of the morneing. About two wee came before the
towne, marched in that night, though the enemye laye within two miles with their wifes
and familyes; yet by an inconsidered treatye hee permitted them to march away; which,
when generall Penn came to towne, occasioned highe words betwixt himselfe and mee. The
reasons wherefore I came home, if your highness please, when I have the honour to kisse
your hand, I shall either render, or be willing to submit to the regor of that justice,
which a person offending may justlye deserve. In the meane tyme am the unworthest of
your highnes faithfull servants,
Greg. Butler.
The End of the Third Volume.