State Papers, 1655: July (2 of 6)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1655: July (2 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1655: July (2 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1655: July (2 of 6)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

July (2 of 6)

An intercepted letter.

July 15, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxviii. p. 108.

I have lately spoke with some of my friends, and am desired to let you know by Ma. Is. that she would not have you resolve of removing me till you return from the place where you are going, as believing you may then know more than you do now. I shall desire you to resolve upon it, when you write next; for the old man, that gave you the red books of maps, is of the same mind, that he feareth we may both repent it. Souday I cannot hear of, nor can imagine how I should. Next post I shall send the letter was desired.

[This is to Stephens.]

H. Cromwell to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxviii. p. 118.

I Received yours with your cypher, but ame sorry the commissions for the judges hathe mett with any obstruction. I ame heer waitinge uppon the Lord for a winde, and have bin soe since monday. The weather hathe bin verry bade, that we durste not venter to sea; but shall take holde of the first opportunitie, that God shall putt into our handes. We have hade much of his mercy in our journey hither, all our company beinge in verry good health (praised be the Lord.) Wee are in a barren countrey, that affordes noe news, only matter of greate sadeness, to see a company of poore wretches readie to starve for the wante of spirituall foode. Heer is not above twoe ministers in all this islande, ande about three score parishe churches in it. Indeed, sir, it is a very lamentable sight, and would move any man's harte that hathe any sence of God. Their is a desire in the people to have a supply of godly ministers. I have hade many addresses, the which I shall transmitt to you suddenly; and I doubt not but that God will stirr up your harte to gett this remedied. I desire that his highness and her highness may knowe my wife and my selfe, with our litle one, are all well. I shall not further inlarge, but remaine

Holyhead, July 5, 1655.

Your truely affectionate friend
and humble servant,
H. Cromwell.

Dr. Ralph Cudworth to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxviii. p. 116.

Much honoured sir,
Upon the manifold experiences, that I have of your favour and great civility, I am emboldened at this time, with my humble service to you, to present you with these few lines, about a busines, that concerneth this gentleman, the bearer hereof, doctor Cummins. He hath been recommended to his highnes the lord protector by sir John Reinolds and coll. Goffe, in order to a place now possessed by coll. White in the Tower, upon supposition of his surrender. His highnes was by those gentlemen sufficiently assured of his sidelity, only required some further satisfaction concerning his fitnes for such a civill employment, he having been bred a scholar. Now the gentleman being so well knowen to me to be a person of extraordinary worth and ingenuity (he having been formerly my pupill, and since that, my acquaintance in London) I shall make bold to signify thus much to you; that though he have the degree and title of doctor in physick, yet he is one, that is farre from being a meer scholar, or one that hath conversed only with books, but as he hath naturally a singular genius and dexterity in rebus agendis, and the management of externall and civill affaires, so his education has been such in travaile abroad, as might not make him onely an accomplisht gentleman, but allso afford him much experience of the world, and dispose him for any civill employment. And since his returne from forrain parts he hath been chiefly employed and exercised that way. And I doubt not but his highnes, upon sight of him, and a little speech with him, would sufficiently be satisfied concerning his fitnes for a civill employment. Sir, I shall therefore make bold humbly to request this favour of you, that if you find him such as I have described him (as I am confident you will) that you would please to present him to his highnes, that he may again desire his highnes favour, which if vouchsafed to him, I doubt not but he will hereafter well deserve. And since your employments are so many and weighty, and his highnes not at all times accessible, if at the present time of the delivery of these it be unseasonable and unsuteable to your occasions to waite upon his highnes, if you will please to command this gentleman at any other time, which you conceve most opportune, to waite upon you; and you will then present him to his highnes, and promote his busines for the obtaining of his highnes favour, you will not only exceedingly engage this gentleman, but also deepely oblige,

Christ's coll. in Cambr. July 5, 1655.

Sir, your most humbly devoted servant,
R. Cudworth.

A Letter of intelligence from the Hague.

On saturday the 10th of July 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxvii. p. 785.

The design of those of Zealand concerning those of Overyssel is, that there ought to be commissioners sent thither; and to this effect they have already named Wybergen. As for the election of a stadtholder in Zealand, infallibly it will be a point of the next assembly. However the clearest sighted do think, that it will be only pro forma.

They have again debated to write to the resident de Vries, to the end to speak to the king of Denmark, and to sound him concerning the preparations of the Swedes, and that is now resolved upon. But as for the ships designed for the Sound two months since, that remains as it was, and nothing further done in it. Vice admiral de Ruyter is gone towards the west, and having embarked several considerable and curious ones of Amsterdam will set them ashore in England to see the protector; amongst the rest Witsen the burgomaster of Amsterdam; item the Drossard Bicker, and many others.

The commissioners of the states of East Friesland and of the city of Embden have been this morning the first time before their commissioners, and are to give in on monday next every one their accounts, and proceed to the liquidation.

This session were named the lords Beverning, Stavenisse, Hoolck, and Viersen, (secretly omitting the lords Capelle, Ripperda, and Schuylenburgh) to take in hand the instrument of alliance with Brandenburgh, in regard the lord Weyman had exhibited it; and to hear the said lord upon it, and to endeavour to adjust it as much as they can possibly.

July 12.

Saturday the 10th was likewise a conference held upon the treaty with Brandenburgh. On the behalf of this state, there were at it the lords Beverning, Stavenisse, Hoolck, and Viersen, (the lord de la Capelle remaining privately excluded;) and for the elector was the lord Weyman. And since that those of Holland had declared expressly, that they would not appear in the conferences, if the said lord Capelle were present, that is a sign that the lord Weyman had desired him to give way for the love of the elector: consequently that the elector doth greatly desire the conclusion of the alliance; as in effect he in this last conference (where were read the two last projects, the one against the other) did very much press the conclusion of the alliance, saying that to morrow was a post day to write to Berlin; and that it did very much concern the elector to know, what he might expect from hence. But the lord Beverning said, that he was to make report thereof to the assembly of Holland, which was ready to sit; so that they have not yet adjusted that wherein they do differ; and above all the lord Weyman did oppose the insertion of the treaty of Xanten, and the guaranty after the 13th article. They did propound to him, that they would permit to have it put into the 20th article; but he would not agree to it; as also concerning the number of assistance to be given they are not yet agreed.

At Gorcum by order of the court of Holland there was apprehended one of the burgomasters by the proctor general; but the citizens came armed, and rescued their burgomaster out of his hands. One or two of the serjeants or assistants of the proctor general were wounded in the exploit, so that he is returned re infecta. This and the like businesses do awaken the hopes of those, who do favour the prince of Orange, saying, that such things will happen, as long as they are without a stadtholder; as if under the king of Spain they had not a stadtholder, and yet however the revolt happened.

Those of Deventer having seen the advice of those of Overyssel, say, that the Zealanders are bad judges, condemning Deventer before they have heard them. There is come advice from the lord of Brederode, that his legs are still swelled, and that he is advised to go to the baths at Aken.

This morning the lord Weyman demanded a new conference with the commissioners upon the treaty with Brandenburgh, which was consented unto, but Holland declared not to be yet ready.

There is come a letter from the protestant cantons of Switzerland still upon the subject of the Vaudois, requiring help and subsidy for them.

The cities of Delft, Rotterdam, Schiedam, Briel have taken out a penal mandate against the city of Dort, concerning the new channel, which those of Dort are a making on that side of the key; but those of Dort do not give over, having at present at least 2,600 men at work.

July 13.

There being come yesterday a new letter from the protestant Switzers, wherein they declare, that they will send a solemn embassy to the duke of Savoy, inviting this state, that they will likewise second the business by letters, or sending an envoy; they have this day resolved to second the Switzers by an express deputation of one of the states general, namely the lord Ommeren of Guelderland.

It is said, that the provincial court of Holland, in the exploit for the seizing of the burgomaster at Gorcum, hath committed an abuse. So likewise the penal mandate against those of Deventer will be nothing.

July 15.

Yesterday was resolved, that next sunday (at which time the baptism of the young prince of Tarante is to be solemnized) on the behalf of the states general shall assist the first four provinces, and in their behalf the lords Gent, Barendrecht, Stavenisse, and Hoolck; and at night to the feast shall also come the lords Wykell, Ripperda, and Schulenburgh. They are to give in the chamber (for the midwife, nurse, and dry-nurse, &c.) an hundred half ryders of gold; and to the poor in the church one hundred gilders. As for the present to be given to the child, it is yet held in deliberation.

July 16.

This morning a conference was held with the ministers of Denmark, by the lords Beverning and Wykell, to consult with them concerning the design and exploit of the Swedes; and if they know nothing of it, especially if they do not know what monsieur Dorel, the Swedish minister in Denmark, hath proposed there; for they are very ill satisfied, that the resident de Vries hath not writ any thing of it. But these ministers of Denmark did declare, that they knew nothing of it; yea they did produce and read the letters which they had from Denmark, which mentioned neither Dorel nor the design of the Swedes.

They have made here great noise of ten or twelve men of war, that should be sent for the Sound: but as yet there is not one gone. With much ado there are two other ships under Tromp, which do tack to and again between Jutland and Norway.

The chamber of accompts hath made report, amongst the rest, concerning the quantity of lordships mortgaged in the Meyerie of Boisleduc to disingage them, and to sell them to the profit of the generality.

One de Raesvelt having commission of the states of Overyssel of Deventer to be of the chamber of accompts, hath been accepted, notwithstanding those of Zwoll pretended to be the true states.

Here is a great rumour, that the lords d'Ailva and Mareignault (both of the states general) being sent commissioners into Flanders upon the alteration of the magistrates, were so grievously fallen out, that they sent challenges to one another to fight it out; and they agreed upon the place without the gate of Sas. One was already come to the place, but they shut the gate upon the other, and would not suffer him to go out of the town.

A letter of intelligence.

Cologne, July 16, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxviii. p. 160.

I am much toubled to miss hearing from you this post; also I either fear you have no value for the service I do you, or that yours miscarry, or you have not your health. Yet I hope it is none of these, but your multitude of business, that hindereth me from having that honour and satisfaction; for I expect your commands in particular; and let me once more beg them, and deal plainly with me, what you will have me to do, for now by the last letters from France, we find, that Jermyn hath handled the business so dexterously, that he hath prevailed at court for the duke of York's being admitted into employment this campaign; who is already in the field, and hath the charge of the convoy and recruits going to the army now before Landrecy, which consists of 6000 horse and 4000 foot. His going is against Ormond's and the gown-men's interest here; for now they fear a breach between you and France, which if it be, Charles Stuart will soon be there; then they would be laid aside: now they labour all they can to establish in the court of Spain (these having none in France) so that, should you break with Spain, they by that will be able to support their power here, otherwise they must fall to dirt. The lord Belcarres treats the presbyterians interest here, which Middleton quits, and comes to hear common prayer. The contest between these two is yet as in my last. The duke of Newburgh, whose interest is the chief engine, that is made use of at the court of Spain, on wednesday last visited Charles Stuart here; he was solemnly received, and was two hours in private with him all alone in his cabinet. He is a most zealous friend. The intention of Charles Stuart's going with him to Bon was altered by the duke's undertaking that business, which he now takes in his way for Newburgh, whither he is now gone. I can assure you, for all your severe proceedings, the protector's murther is with all eagerness pursued by those, which have been sent from hence about it. I have been most industrious in giving knowledge of it from time to time. Not knowing that my letters come to your hands much perplexes me; for I protest before God, you yourself cannot with more zeal endeavour his preservation, than I do; and to faithfully serve him, in whatever commands you shall impose upon me, I will never be failing of.

The lord Craven is here now in private.

The princess royal sets forth the 25th instant for this place.

Prince Rupert is daily looked for.

Count Brienne to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Soissons, July 16, [1655. N. S.]

Vol. xxviii. p. 172.

My lord,
Yesterday morning I received your letter, being the day that the town of Landrecy was surrendred to his majesty. I confess, that I was very impatient to read it, but afterwards I repented my self of my unquietness, and my curiosity was not satisfied, for I did believe, and with much reason, that it did contain the signing of the treaty, considering the thing to be so much for his interest. I made no doubt but you and your commissioners had signed, and that you had sent to me for the ratification; but perceiving, that the protector doth still delay you, and that I am deceived in my expectation, I did not fail to acquaint their majesties with the contents of your letters, who have commanded me to let you know, that they do heartily desire you to make an end, to ease them of their trouble they are in at present, in order to your negotiation. And for the business of Savoy, which might have given a stop to our proceedings, you may assure the protector, that we have done all what he could desire of us; but we can but intreat, and not command the prince of Savoy; certain it is, that his subjects had very much forgotten their duty. God be thanked for the prosperous success of his majesty, who is not in a condition to stand in fear of the armies of his neighbours; those of Spain are looked upon to be in a very low condition, by those that have the conduct thereof.

Jacques Oysel to Nieuport, the Dutch embassador in England.

Middleburgh, July 16, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxviii. p. 168.

My lord,
I have been for some time in Flanders, and am newly come home. We wonder that the treaty between England and France is not yet signed; it is strange, that it is delayed so long. Pray God it may take effect. Here are letters from Agra, out of the islands, which advise, that the silver fleet, 40 ships strong, was passed by there on the 9th of June; so that we hope the same is now arrived in salvo, in regard there are many inhabitants of this country that are interested in it.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

Vol. xxviii. p. 164.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content – see page image]

By this post they will write to embassdor of the states general that he must speak and found the protector concerning Sweden and especially represent unto him the common interest, which as well the protector as Denmark and the states general have in the conservation of Dunkirk and the Pillauw and therefore they will endeavour to induce the protector to the end he may induce or dispose likewise the k. of Denmark to make an alliance between the protector states general and Denmark for the pro Sound at least pro for Dantzick and the Pillauw I can likewise assure you, that here hath been or still is a secret envoy of Brandenburgh who very privately hath had a conference before three of the states general where he hath proposed and required, that the states general would be pleased to send all their maritime forces to make a diversion against Sweden But to that the states general are nowise resolved, without the protector and without Denmark For Brandenburgh would willingly, that the states general should draw the thorn out of the foot of Brandenburgh and that the states general should put it into their own. Likewise I can assure you, that men do perceive a kind of coldness or aversion in Denmark. He doth accuse the states general of irresolution, or that they resolve, without giving any effect to their resolution. That the states general had resolved to send 10 or 12 ships of war, but they have sent but two ships and one frigate; which do stand too and again upon the Northern Sea, which is nothing, and therefore that likewise Denmark is obliged to think upon their preservation, &c. In short, they have great jealousy either that Denmark is agreed with Sweden or at least that he will not join with the states.

The council of state had resolved to have given reprizals against the inhabitants of Limburgh, but Holland being now president, hath altered that. I remain

July 16, 1655. [N. S.]

Your most humble servant.

The prince of Condé to monsr. Marigny.

Vol. xxviii. p. 156.

I have seen the news, which you sent me at your departure from Brussels. I send you a cypher, wherewith you may write me the news you receive from Rome, and what else may come to your knowledge. I will speak to the archduke for a pass, and will send it you with mine. If mine alone would have been sufficient, I had sent it presently; but I will expect the rest to send them together. I have still the same affection for you as you can desire.

[July 16, 1655. N. S.]

Monsr. Caillet, secretary of the prince of Condé, to Marigny.

From the camp near Cambray, July 16, [1655. N. S.]

Vol. xxviii. p. 148.

This is the 3d night that I have spent without sleeping; and truly I am half resolved never to write any more news, since I have cast up my accompts so ill about Landrecy. Five days before it was surrendered, the governor and the master of camp, who commanded the outworks, sent word to the archduke, and the earl of Fuensaldagna, that they could hold out three weeks longer; and in regard every body thought they would have been as good as their words, I thought I might safely write it; but it seems we are all deceived. This is all the consolation I have: hereafter I shall be more careful what I write, for I do not love to be looked upon as a forger of news. The loss of Landrecy is a great prejudice to our affairs.

Chanut, the French embassador in Holland, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Hague, July 16, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxviii. p. 180.

My lord,
I have no other consolation upon the letter, which you were pleased to write to me of the 9th of this month, only that the prophecy of mr. Beverning may have its effect, and that you will not go out of England without a happy conclusion: if it happeneth otherwise, the good intentions of the king and your conduct being justified in the sight of the whole world, we will try our fortune, as men who cannot doubt, after what we have seen for these 5 or 6 years last, but that they are in the special protection of God. I can swear two things without slattery in your behalf, and without any disparagement to the government of England, that I have not seen any body, that hath been at London during your negotiation, that hath not highly extolled your prudence, and that doth not admire that the present government of England doth treat with so little gentleness with the rest of the people of Europe. Are we then men and heirs of the good qualities of our fathers, who would not be controuled by their neighbours ? I do now expect something certain by the next, for I cannot believe, that the only cause, which they do object unto you, will be received in the council of the king.

The lords states general have in their thoughts a business of high consequence in the undertakings of the king of Sweden upon Prussia. It is their interest, it is the foundation of their trade; and instead of applying themselves to this business, they amuse themselves in sending to the Swissers and Vaudois. One of the states is named, with orders to speak high to the duke of Savoy, not only to re-establish those that are driven out of their estates, but to settle them so that they may not be disturbed for the future. I am told that the provinces would not pursue this with so much heat, if they were not set on by the protector, who doth take that business to heart.

The treaty of this state with Brandenburgh is not yet concluded.

I cannot omit signifying unto you a pleasant passage, which monsieur Argenson communicated unto me. The same day, or the next, that they had hung up by the foot the noble Cornaro, guilty of correspondence with the embassador of Spain, monsieur Argenson coming home in the evening found the gondola of a Venetian gentleman overturned, and this gentleman called Dondo, rising again upon the water, he got hold of his head, and the rest of his men pulled him out, and in effect saved his life, which was going to be lost, the people presently published through all the streets, that the Spaniards had corrupted and were putting to death their nobility, and that the French had saved them.

Some malicious rogues, who cannot brook the austerity of his holiness, nor that cannot perswade themselves, that ever his design of making peace will have any effect, writ underneath the three mountains, his arms, this pasquil, parturiunt montes, &c.

Extract out of the Dutch embassador Boreel's letter, wrote at Paris, July 16, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxviii. p. 142.

My lords,
With letters from Cadis of the 6th of June here is news come, how that the English fleet under General Blake had lest the Mediterranean sea, was at Gibraltar, and expected at Cadiz within few days. From Tunis are likewise letters come, signifying, that he the said general was not yet accommodated with them; but on the contrary, was very much threatned for the burning of their nine ships in their port, which they say did not belong to them, but to the great Turk. Letters of the 27th of June from Venice do not speak of the massacre of the English at Pera.—The treaty between France and England is not yet signed. The lord protector doth defer it till he hears from Savoy, in what manner that court will treat for the re-establishing of the Vaudois in Piedmont.

General Blake to the protector.

Abord the George, of the Bay of Lagos, July 6, 1655.

Vol. xxviii. p. 132.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content – see page image]

May it please your highnes,
Since my last of the 4th instant by the Smack, a duplicate whereof comes herewith, I h a v e information o f g r e a t p r e p a r a t i o n s i n C a d e z t o s e t f o r 68 57. 78. 55. 63. 36. 22. 24. 33. 83. 121. 68. 67. 95. e t u r e t h e p l a t e fleet and t o t h a t e n d d i v e r s H o l l a n d and F r e n c h ships t a k e n u p

In pursuance of your highnes order, I have at present sent home the Pearle and Mermaid, to give the more speedy account. The rest of the ships appointed to returne, I forbear to send with them now, for a more full and frequent intelligence. I hope your highnes will pardon my boldnes in troubling you with these immediate addresses in a busines of so great consequence, and will likewise take in good part the humble repetition of my former desire, touching the three great ships, which are altogether unfit to keep the sea this next winter. I am loth to trouble your highnes with recounting the generall defects of the whole fleet; onely I am bold (seeing I have begun to be so) to make it my humble request, that your highnes will be pleased to lay your quickening commands upon the commissioners of the navy, to send us such a supply of all stores as shall be needfull, according to the time that we are to continue aboard, whereof we are already in great want; and they cannot be ignorant of it, although not so deeply sensible as your servants, who dayly feele the troubles, and feare the hazards which may follow, not out of regard to ourselves, but to the honour of our nation, safety of the fleet, and service of your highnes, which shall be ever most deare unto us. Your highnes will hereby give great encouragement to the commanders of the fleet, superadd a very strong obligation upon us all, especially

Your highnes most humble and faithfull servant,
Rob. Blake.

Duplicate of this comes by the Mermaid.

From col. Modyford at Barbados.

July 6, 1655.

Vol. xxviii. p. 134.

My deare brother,
Though I formerly gave you some account of the passadges here duringe the tyme of the fleet's stay; yet in regard I finde many disaffected people rayling at those honourable persons, and strongely designinge to send home clamours against them, I thinke it sutable to my love to truth to give you a second and more full account, to the end they may be vindicated amonge al the good men of your acquaintance; of which I can give you the best account, in reguard that I, as speaker of the then assembly, did transacte most with them, and also as one deepely affected to the designe, did let nothinge passe without my special observation. Soone after their landing they desired the governour to dispose of the quarteringe their soldyers in such manner, as might be most easye to the people, which was done by the governour's warrant, with an engagement to pay for what they took, which out of the prize office will be accordingly satisfyed. After this they desired a conference with the assemblie, at which the general and mr. Winslow very effectually opened the grounds of the designe, and clearly set forth the great advantages the nation would receive thereby, and concluded, that they expected 4000 men from hence, and did desire, that to avoid the inconveniencys, which might happen by their soldierly way of raysing them, that the assembly would present them with a list of the names of the freemen and unengaged, that so they might take no others to go on in this design, they expressing much tenderness towards the inhabitants, and their unwillingness to injure them in the least. Being returned to the house, I (that thought this proposall wonderfull faire) proposed the same to the representatives, setting forth how much we were beholden to those honourable persons, for their care of keeping our servants to us, and so ingenuously dealing with us; to which, instead of a fayre complyance, I found such a willfully imbittered party, that instead of debatinge calmely, they fel a clamouringe against the quarteringe soldyers in ther houses, ther rudenesse and misdemeanours, and would come to no conclusion but this, let them beat up drumes and take ther owne course, we wil not assiste them. After ther heate was a little abated, I told them, that it was respecte to us, not want of power in the commissioners to doe it themselves, that made them desire our assistance; and withal did let them know, that we were absolutely in ther power to order us as they listed, and that therfore it were a great imprudence to dispise the favours that could undoe us in an instant. This produced no other effecte than to desire them to beate up drumes, and in case that would not doe it, that then we would use our endeavours to discover persons fitt to make up the number. The commissioners were very unwillinge to doe it that way, but seeing it could not be holpen, told us plainly, that we forced them upon that course against ther judgments, and that they were cleare of the disorders and injuryes, which might happen therby. And indeed from hence grew our losse of recruits and the departure of endebted men off the island; for though the commissioners sent out strickt warrants to ther officers not to list servants, yet ther indentures not beinge writt in their foreheads, they were by some ignorantly, and by others wilfully received, and when once they were gott into the huddle there was no findinge them. The maine sticklers in this were Hook, Johnson, and Rowse, and others formerly mentioned to you. Notwithstandinge this the commissioners did restore al servants that could be found, and also all endebted men that they had information of. Gen. Penne likewise ordered all the ships to be searched, and many were on that score returned to ther masters. But before these things happened, I did presse the assembly with the remembrance of the petition, wherein they tendred ther lives and fortunes to further his highnes designes in these parts; and how disagreeinge to that profession it would appeare, if, we should doe nothinge of assistance, in order to the great buisnes in hand, which produced from them a troope of 60 horse, which cost about 240m of Sug. which was very wel accepted of by the commissioners, and was raised, and wel mounted and shipped alonge with them. After they had beene here about a month, the commissioners were much trowbled at the stay of the storeships and ther losse of time, especially the time of raynes so neare approaching; and beinge doubtefull what might happen, caused ½ pikes to be made in the several parishes, to the number of 2500, which we have since paid for, and also borrowed 1500 fier armes out of our traine bands, for which also we are a paying. These armes they desired the assembly men to send in, the proportions being laid on the several places which they served for; but it so happened that within 8 days of the departure, either by the false retourne or the hideinge of armes, or the negligence of some persons imployed, the number came not in, whereby the commissioners were enforced either to goe unarmed, or execute ther warrant by ther owne officers, in which proceeding some misdemeanours were committed by diverse of the soldyers, but every man that complayned was righted, and the soldyers punished. From hence it appeares, that our owne obstinacye was the cause of al our sufferings, which trewly I cannot apprehend to bee any way considerable, though it seemed very strange to those, that had not formerly beene used to soldyers, and begott such strange cursinge and raylinge at these men after they were gone, that it would have trowbled your eares to have heard it; but it came onely from such as were noted deboyst people, and much indebted; for the first were mightyly discountenanced, and put or left out of al places of command, and the latter much afrayd of ther justice and severe directions for givinge every man his owne. This il humour after the disappointment at Domingo appeared in the assembly, headed by J. Burch, wherein it was proposed, that J. Bayes should goe home with complaints of their usadge by the commissioners; and also to desire the protector, that our governour might be under no command, but imediately his. Al those 3 proposals I opposed and alleadged, 1. that Bayes was no fitt person to be sent, in regard he was publiquely condemned to breake his trust, when he was officer of receipts here, and also for his last il offices at home. 2. That I knew no cause of complainte against the commanders of the army; and that the fault was ours, if we had suffered, and not thers, in regard they offered the buisnes of ther levyes and armes to be ordered by us, which we both refused and neglected; and also, that they did alwayes punish offenders complayned of and convicted. 3. That it would be apprehended sawcineffe in us to circumscribe the supreame magistrate either to persons or the way of his command, and so desired my diffent to be entered. These men findinge the strength of these reasons to be such, that it would not be carryed cleare in the howse, cunningely moved to have the assembly dissolved, and a new to be chose, which was generally agreed to, and the same readily accepted of by the governour; and the day of new elections appointed, where we mett on the 4th instant, and there I was publiquely accused to be the onely man that procured the troope of horse, and this was sayd to bee my crime by mr. Sweete, one of the governour's councyl. I replyed, that I thought it a virtue in me to assist the supreame magistrate in what I could; but seeinge it was thought a fault, I would not take it on myselfe alone, for 21 of the assembly joyned with me in the vote, otherwise it could not have beene an act, and also the gover nour and councel, (among whom I was not) consented to it; to which Sweete replyed, that the councell never consented to it. After that pretty loud whispers went up and downe, that I had acted by a commission of bankrupts, and was very earnest in makinge of lawes, to enforce people to pay ther debts; al which I confessed was trew, and that they should not chuse me, if they had a minde to keepe more than was there own. Sweete that seales those commissions, and Quintin that owes many a 100m of sug. were the cheife sticklers, and so they went to election, and chose J. Burch and Geo. Martin, who had 20 votes, and I had 19; of which I was very glad, as wel to see so many planters of my side that feared no creditors, as also that I was freed of the trowble of an assembly man Geo. Martin was also very glad, and at that instant publiquely said, I hope the knaves wil not now bee so buisye with me for the goods as they have beene. I have perswaded them much to moderation, and doe hope it wil worke with them; if not, it must fal on ther owne heads. I am, I thancke God, free of them both in person and minde. This is our present state, and what this new body wil produce you may have by the nexte. Thus you see, how I am disrelished for my affection to observe his highnes just commands. I have a principle in me, which I hope wil alwayes justifye me, which is to sticke to the supreame majistrate in al honourable and lawful designes, and especially in this so much for the benefitt of the nation. I have formerly advised you of the settlement of the militia, and sent you a coppy of the commission, as also a coppy of my advice to the commissioners. I writt you also of the disappointment at Domingo. I hope you have heard of the settlement at Jameyca, which I looke on as much the better place, and doe hope the losse in the first attempt wil redound to ther benefitt and advantage in the second. Trewly I could wish as to this place some directions be sent from his highnes and councel to command, that the proceedings in the law courts be sutable to the lawes of England. I shal by the nexte write you of ther erronious and ineffectual proceedings, if I have time. Most of the particulars abovementioned concerninge the transactions with the commissioners are recorded; what are not shal bee substantially proved, of which be assured from


An intercepted letter to mr. Thomas Hungerford.

Vol. xxvii. p. [671.]

Yours of the 12th instant came safe to hand. I am very glad, that the Lord hath so ordered it, that you are going your journey. I wish you a prosperous voyage, and should be glad to hear of your safe arrival at the place desired. I shall punctually follow your order, as to every particular of your letter; and for mr. Turner, assure your self he shall have all due respects from me for your sake; yet so as shall not be in the least any detriment to your affairs. Pray let us hear positively, how our affairs go there, trading here being very dead, for these commodities we deal in are now a very drug. Therefore, good sir, be very circumspect what you buy, lest they lie on our hands, as those do bought last year. It is here credibly reported, the cavaliers have another design in hand. Surely they are madmen, that cannot discern the Lord hath blasted all their projects from time to time. There are divers of them secured. I desire the Lord will settle us in peace, that we may get in our estates, and be able to satisfy our creditors; and then, if there be but little left, we may follow our imployments quietly, and get something for our subsistence comfortably. Divers friends present their kind love to you. They wish you, as you love yourself and partners, not to come, till you have got a considerable sum together to stop the creditors rage.

[London] July 6, 1655.

Nieuport, the Dutch embassador in England, to the states general.

Vol. xxviii. p. 146.

High and mighty lords,
My lords, the term of law trials ended here this week, and will not be held again before All Saints; so that most all the nobility and gentry are gone into the country. Mean while the judges are likewise set out for their respective provinces, to hold their assizes for the administration of justice there, as well in criminal as also in some civil causes. Last tuesday a proclamation was published here, whereby it is prohibited, that no body, against the ministers, that are confirmed in any living since the beginning of the parliament of November 13, 1640, by the order of the said parliament, or by the present government, shall move any law-suit, nor give them any trouble concerning those livings and benefices, which they are possessed of on that account; and that all those, who are called to a living since the 1st of April 1653, and are not confirmed therein, nor have got any approbation, according to the ordinance lately issued, shall be obliged to relinquish the same before the last of this month. Several persons have assured me, that the collection for the oppressed Waldenses in Piedmont doth amount to above one hundred thousand pounds sterling, and that already a large sum was remitted thither. There are as yet no letters arrived here out of Savoy from mr. Morland.

The squadron of ships under the command of major general Sedgwicke for a reinforcement of the fleet under admiral Penn, which sailed last week, is seen already in the mouth of the Channel. And by a small ship arrived at Kingsale in Ireland, the taking of St. Domingo is sufficiently confirmed with the same particulars. The lord protector has erected courts of justices in Ireland entirely on the same foot as those that are established here in England, and has appointed also some persons for the same, and granted commissions for the management of the finances and the great seal there. The council for the direction of the affairs in Scotland, consisting of a president and nine persons, will be appointed, as I am informed, within a few days; and they tell me, that in that country no body doth any longer openly oppose this present government, since all the Highlanders have entirely submitted themselves. Besides mr. Bonde, who is expected here as extraordinary embassador of Sweden, they expect every day likewise an extraordinary embassador of the republick of Venice.

They continue still with great diligence the fitting out of ships and frigates designed for the squadron, which assembles in the Downs, under the vice-admirals Lawson and Bourne.

Westminster, July 16,
1655. [N. S.]

Wherewith, &c.
High and mighty lords, &c.
W. Nieuport.

Nieuport, the Dutch embassador in England, to de Witt.

Vol. xxviii. p. 138.

My lord,
The lord embassador of France informed me some days ago, that upon his serious request, finally to conclude and sign the adjusted articles, the late commissioners had delivered a paper to him, containing, that the lord protector would fain see, that the exiled Waldenses were really restored; and whereas the king of France had declared, that he would do his utmost by his intercession for that purpose, he the lord protector would most heartily, communicatis consiliis, contribute to it on his side. And that the said lord embassador has represented hereupon, with many reasons, that the said conclusion and signing ought not, for that reason, to be delayed, but that the lords commissioners had not any further enlarged upon it. Since that time I have spoken to several lords of the council, and observed, that they are willing to wait for letters from Savoy and Switserland. In the mean while, having received the complaints of some masters of ships belonging to the United Netherlands, who, coming from Havre de Grace and St. Malo, were taken by some private commissioned vessels, and also by some ships of this state, I represented the same last wednesday to the lord protector, in the most serious and circumstantial terms, and laid open to him particularly the ways and tricks, which are made use of to the prejudice of the subjects of their high mightinesses. He seemed to be very much surprized at it, and declared, that he would give his speediest orders against it; and that they would call in immediately all the letters of reprisal and commissions granted to private persons; and that care should be taken, that for the future none should be granted, but with his consent and with approbation of the whole council; that he also would send for the judges of the admiralty and the commissaries of the fleet and seized effects, and let them know in serious terms, how disgusted he is at the complaints I have made him in the name of their high mightinesses. I insisted particularly upon it, that the ship called the Hare in Field, with her cargo, according to my two several memorials of the 26th of May and 15th of June last past, might be released. I delivered likewise to him their high mightinesses letters of intercession, granted at the request of mr. Peter Eese, merchant of Middleburgh, and acquainted him, that I had delivered in that behalf a memorial, with several proofs. I spoke likewise to him about the ship coming from Amsterdam with planks and deal-boards, bound for Brest in Bretagne, which was carried into Dover; and told him, that I had made and drawn up a memorial, containing the matters which I now had declared to him by word of mouth, all which I intended to deliver to the hands of my lord secretary of state; but he being indisposed, I should be glad if his highness would be pleased to let me know to whom I might best deliver the same: whereupon he told me, that he would take them himself, and procure that I should have very soon an answer upon the same; adding moreover, that he should always be well pleased, if any such affairs happened, or others, concerning the service of the United Provinces, that I would myself acquaint him with it; and that he would shew by deeds, how much he was dissatisfied, that any one of this nation should injure any inhabitant of their high mightinesses dominions. Yesterday was delivered to me the inclosed resolution and order to the attorney general, to draw up a proclamation, whereby all the letters of reprisals are to be called in; the time is left open therein, but a certain lord of the council has informed me, that their intention was, to name the 1st of August. In the afternoon the judges of the admiralty have been with their attorney at Whitehall, where the commissaries named in the said order have declared to them in the most serious terms, that the lord protector and the council require, and will, that they should as soon as possible, in the speediest way, finish all the matters of the inhabitants of their high mightinesses dominions, and cause that those complaints for the future may be prevented. Whereupon they declared very officiously, that as far as it lay in them, they would not be wanting therein. The other memorials, which I delivered to the lord protector, are delivered to mr. Jessop, one of the clerks of the secretaries of the council, to bring in his advice, and to make his report thereof in a few days. I will, if God pleases, endeavour to bring these affairs to a good conclusion, and likewise bring it about, if possible, that the articles of the marine, which I have delivered, may once come upon the carpet.

Westminster, July 16,
1655. [N. S.]

Wherewith, &c.

My lord, &c.
W. Nieuport.

The examination of Edward Wayte, of Trowbridge, in the county of Wilts, gent.

Vol. xxviii. p. 130.

Saith, that about a week before the rising at Salisbury, mr. William Erbury of the said town, one of the sons of mr. Edward Erbury, formerly a commissioner for the late king, invited this examinate, with ten others, to a chine of beef at a miln of the said mr. Erbury's, three miles distant from the town of Trowbridge. He further Saith, they resolved to hunt the hare by the way, and did accordingly. He further faith, that the said mr. Erbury, as he believeth, was secretary to the lord Seymour in the time of the wars between the late king and parliament. He faith further, that the said persons invited to the said dinner were neighbours to this examinate, that lived in and about Trowbridge. He faith, he doth not know, that any of the said party were in arms for the king, except the said mr. Erbury, as he was secretary to the lord Seymour, and faith, the reason of this invitation by mr. Erbury was, as he conceives, by way of answer to civilities received from them of the like nature. He faith further, that after they had dined, they were all apprehended and carried to Bristol by a party of major Boteler's horse, who so soon as he had spoke with them, after taking security for their appearance within three months, examined them, and dismissed them. He faith, that the names of the persons so invited, were as followeth; mr. William Erbury, mr. Edward Erbury, mr. John Wallis, mr. Henry Wallis, mr. William Brewer, mr. John Cooke, mr. Lovell, mr. John Adams, mr. Cottrell, mr. Henry Sydenham, mr. Edward Wayte, mr. Thomas Long, all then living in Trowbridge, except mr. Sydenham. He faith, he heard two of the aforesaid persons say, namely, John Wallis and John Cooke, they had served the parliament. He faith further, mr. Long, mr. Lovell, both the Wallis's, and mr. Sydenham, are kindred to the said mr. Erbury; as also that the said Edward Erbury is brother to the said mr. William Erbury. He saith, he doth not know of any other appointed meeting of the said company. He saith, that there was nothing of any publick affairs mentioned at the said meeting; and further he faith not. To the truth hereof he setteth his hand this sixth of July 1655.

This examination was taken before us.

A letter of mr. Harris from Madrid.

Vol. xxviii. p. 186.

Sir and honored friend,
I have adjusted the accompts with mr. B. D. and mr. G. F.—This is my third from this city. In my last I gave you an account of all what I had to impart unto you of importance since my departure from St. Sebastian. At present I can assure your honour, that although the state and present condition of our affairs here doth require not only much strength, but likewise conduct and expedition, we are here however, as taken with a palsy, not only doing nothing, but likewise not knowing where to begin to work; in regard that all our undertakings and ostentations, which we will make here, are as far distant from any effect, as the giants are from the dwarss, although that it be true, that precise order is given to all the governors and officers of the sea, at Seville, St. Lucar, Cadiz, and other places, to prepare and make ready all the ship and harbours in these countries to defend themselves if need be, because that general Blake, without having made any demonstration of disgust, had placed himself just in the passage where our fleet must come from the Indies; and that since his departure from Cadiz the said general had reinforced himself of twenty ships of war, which are to come to join with him in sight of St. Lucar, where he lyes victualling and accommodating his fleet, a great cause of terror to all Andalusia especially, and not much less to all Spain, where no other is heard but sobs and lamentations from the poor people, saying generally, O God, if the English break with us, we are utterly undone and ruined for ever.

The common conjecture is, that the fleet from the West Indies will not return this year, the king having sent an order unto them, not to put out to sea till such time as they receive further order from him. The foreign merchants, being the most part of them interested in that fleet, are not far from running mad and desperate. I writ this upon friday the 16th of July, and that which I write now is of the 17th, the importance whereof is, that twenty ships of war are to come in all hast from Naples to Cadiz to join with those which are in these parts, to the end they may have a powerful fleet to go out to affront the English, and to convoy our fleets, not that which we expect from the Indies, but others from other parts. We say here that that fleet, which we expect from the Indies, hath saved itself at Carthagena, a secure port and safe in the Indies. But for the truth of this there is no other ground seen than art and policy, because that the monied merchants will not hearken to any thing, finding themselves already reduced to all extremity, partly through their lending great sums to the king in time past, and likewise by being deeply engaged in this fleet.

Our armies do not succeed well in Catalonia, where the French have taken three places, the which although of small importance, yet they do give great same to their progresses, and do much diminish ours, although that fortune doth not every where abandon us, for we have received letters by this post from Valencia, that our gallies, after they had sought with the French gallies in the Mediterranean, had taken four of the best of them; but of this good news we expect the confirmation by the next. Duke of Alva is designed by the king of Naples, in the place of the earl of Castiglio, who is appointed embassador to the pope. The reason of this alteration is publickly pretended for the government to be grounded upon certain complaints made in this court by some Neapolitans, of the severeness and too much rigour of the said earl. But the true intent of this new embassy to the pope is said to be to move his holiness to undertake with a more lively resentment and zeal the definition of the contests and diffentions between this and that crown of France, that so this monarchy, being the most stable and profitable to the church, in this its weakness and lowness, do not happen to fall in danger of being a prey to the enemies thereof by the means of the general confederacy, which is treated upon (as we say) amongst them, through the intercession of the protector of England, whose power and prosperity doth render the whole world astonished.

Whilst I am writing this a merchant of good reputation tells me, that besides the twenty ships of war, which they have to come from Naples, we do expect other twenty to come from Holland, (that is twelve of war, and eight merchant men) commanded (as they say) by young Tromp, which, under pretence of being employed against the Turk, are to serve against the English. That the king our lord in this ambiguous state of affairs with the English, finding himself in want of money for the equipping of a fleet, is enforced to make a levy of the four millions, upon the kingdoms of Granada, Seville, and the territories of Andalusia, which sum is to be granted him with the consent of the ministers and officers of those kingdoms. Now all the difficulty doth consist in the means, that are to be used to induce them to pay it, to which end the counsellors of the said ministers have met with great sedulity for some days past. And that at last the foreign merchants, that are so much interested in the welfare of the said fleet, have already lent his majesty one hundred and fifty thousand crowns it will very much encourage the people to dispose themselves with all possibility to advance the service of his majesty. I could not omit to advise your honour of all these passages, that so you may conform yourself to securities. We are resolved here to make the greatest opposition we can possibly at the beginning, and amongst all this fracas we do not fail to make all usual preparations for the splendid celebration of the feast of St. Jago, partly it may be to recreate the queen, who is with child, and five months gone, and partly to conceal our necessities from the people.

This night I go for Cadiz.

Bar. Har. factor of mr. Pieter Blessill, doth humbly desire your honour to do him the favour to let the said mr. Pieter know, and to send him suddenly money for the time he shall stay here, making the bills of exchange payable to mr. Francis Cherie, English merchant at St. Sebastian, by the means of mr. Edward Roddon at London, and writing at the time to the said B. Har. a letter of advice, directed to mr. Bartholomew Harris, merchant in Cadiz, where he will expect so long till he shall have received the commands of the said mr. Pieter, and when you will have me to go from one place to another, to take an account of mr. D. B. or G. S. you may alter the name as you please, for this is the safest way of corresponding in these parts.

Madrid, July 17, 1655. [N. S.]

Your humble servant,
James Corbett.

Endors'd by secretary Thurloe,
Mr. Harris of the 17th of July 1655, Madrid.

A copy of the amnesty proposed by the French embassador to the protestants of the Vallies of Piedmont.

Vol. xxviii. p. 194.

Charles Emanuel, by the grace of God, Duke of Savoy, prince of Piedmont, king of Cyprus, &c. The clemency of a good prince doth extend so far as to regard with an eye of compassion, the calamities and miseries of such as have provoked his punishment through their gross and soul failings, and who without reacknowledging the duty of fidelity and obedience, from which they fell at the beginning through the continuation of their transgressions, do rather deserve that of rigor, than to put themselves in a condition of obtaining pardon. However being desirous, at the request of his most Christian majesty, who hath oftentimes made most powerful instances unto us, and to declare to the whole world the particular respect which we bear unto him, to use the same towards our subjects of the pretended reformed religion, who having lately disobeyed our orders tending only to the reparation of unobservances and infractions of the edicts and decrees of our most serene predecessors, as it doth appear to every one that readeth the authentick declarations, reiterated from time to time, have suffered themselves to be persuaded to take up arms against our troops, and continue against our catholick subjects the acts of hostility and cruelty, which are known to every one.

By these presents of our certain knowledge, full power and sovereign authority, and by the advice of our council, we grant to all particular persons of the Vallies of Lucerne and Angrogne, likewise to the catholicks, pardon and remission of all corporal punishment, which they may have deserved, as well for having taken up arms against their sovereign, as for all other excesses and trespasses of ravishment, firing, profaning of the churches and houses, murthers, and others committed of consequence, provided they return to those limits which are permitted for them to dwell in, and for the exercise of their religion; that is, namely, Angrogne, Villars, Bobi, and Rorata, giving them full remission and grace of all confiscations of all their estates, which they have in the said four places and other territories, wherein they may inhabit with safety, and exercise their religion without any molestation, according to the favourable concessions, which they have formerly had from our predecessors, especially of ours, of the decree and answer of the 2d of June, 1653, provided that they on their parts do observe the conditions contained in the same concessions and ordinances of our most serene predecessors without any contravention directly or indirectly; especially that they do not oppose nor give any trouble or vexation to any that shall celebrate the holy mass, or shall use the catholick exercise, which is to be established in conformity of the said orders, in all those places, where the exercise of the protestant reformed religion is to be made, without notwithstanding that those that profess it be constrained to assist at the same, and to give help, or shew any favour to those that shall celebrate the same. We do except out of the pardon abovementioned that place and that part of the house demolished in each of the said four places, which will be necessary, and which are chosen by us for the construction of the church and house in which the catholick exercise is to be made, unless that they had rather in the said places re-establish the ancient places of the catholick churches, which are destroyed. We do moreover grant, that they may re-edify the temples in the places, and as many as are permitted, leaving demolished or demolishing the eleven built out of the limits, as was legally proved in the time of his most royal highness, Victor Amadeus, of glorious memory, my lord and father, and by him ordered at last, that in all and above all they ought to repair the contraventions made by these of the pretended reformed religion in the orders and concessions of our foregoing most serene predecessors, and observe in their behalf the last decree of June 1653. As for our subjects of the Valley of Perouse, which is subject unto us, of that of St. Martin, and of the places of St. Berthlemi, Praruslin and Rocheplatte, who, though we gave them no molestation, did take up arms in favour of those of Lucerne and Angrogne against us, and that before they received any harm in their lives and their estates by the means of their arms, they begun the first to burn the churches, demolish the houses of catholicks, the castles and palaces of their immediate lords, and to kill with much cruelty a good number of the catholicks of the said Vallies de la Perouse and St. Martin, who did not dream of doing them any harm. We do likewise pardon them those offences, and do remit them all punishment of life, and confiscation of their estates. And also to all those, whose names are set down in the catalogue of the banditti, upon condition likewise, that expedients be found for the indemnity and security of the catholicks inhabiting in the said Valley, wherein we shall endeavour to contribute all possible means. And withal they shall observe the concessions and the edicts of our most serene predecessors; and there shall be provided, that none shall be debarred of the liberty of embracing or continuing the catholick profession; and that, as well in the Vallies of Lucerne and Angrogne, as in them of St. Martin, Perouse, and other abovementioned places, our said subjects shall be bound, within eight days after the publication of this present order, to accept of the favour of this favourable disposition and pardon, and there shall be peremptorily declared within the said term, that it shall be the last, which shall be offered them by our bounty and goodness, they causing all the hostility to cease, which shall be likewise done on our part. And afterwards to proceed to the total execution of the contents in this order, with promptitude and convenient precautions, and the discharging and releasing of prisoners. And in case that those of the pretended reformed religion had rather generally sell their estates in our territories, as well those which they have gotten, and which do lie out of the limits, as those likewise which lie within the limits; so that they may not remain obliged to the conditions, which tolerations and old concessions do hold forth, and to which the present order doth oblige them, we do not only give them leave to withdraw out of our state, notwithstanding any confiscation that may be, but moreover we are willing to disburse the price of their said estates in good and speedy payments. Given at Rivoles, the 17th July, 1655. Signed,

Charles Emanuell.

W. Morozzo.

A letter of intelligence to mr. Petit.

Paris, July 17/7, 1955.

Vol. xxviii. p. 214.

The 13/3 instant the governor of Landrecy capitulated, and the next day went out of it according unto his composition, the enemies not daring to attempt to succour it, and without any great loss on our side for such a considerable siege, the besieged having made but one sally, as you may see more fully by our prints.

The place hath held but 18 days of open trench, and it's said for certain that mr. le prince had soon after decamped, and parted his army in three bodies, whereof one is gone towards Rocroy, the other to Bouchain, and the third to Valenciennes. The king and all his court were to part the 15/5 to return to la Fere, from whence his majesty will go to Landrecy.

They continue to affirm the siege of Valence in Italy by the king's troops. But we hear ill news from Marseilles, which are, that the knight of la Ferriere being gone to sea ever since last month with five of his majesty's gallies well provided with all necessaries, the tempest had cast them in the gulf of Leon, where they had made shipwreck, and all the men therein been lost, as had been reported by the two barks coming from Cambre, one of which had brought oars, upon which the said knights arms were painted. The which loss would be very great, chiefly by reason of the great number of galley slaves which were in them.

It is written from Rome, that the pope doth pursue Dona Olympia for the restitution of several millions of livres, which had been put in her hands during the life of Innocent the Xth. And we hear from Turin that mr. Courselles, who commands the duke of Orleans's regiment, and who had been sent by their highness of Savoy towards the protestants of the Vallies, having at his return made a report of all the cruelties exercised against them and by them, saying moreover, that some should answer the same before God, their said highnesses had declared, that they had only ordered the marquis of Pianeze to make those protestants pay the winter quarter they owed unto the squardron of Savoy; whereupon the said marquis, who was present with prince Thomas, having replied, that he had done nothing without express order from their said highnesses, this prince gave him the lye, and a box on the face, calling him traitor and Spaniard. I hear my lord protector's envoy has been accompanied to the said Turin by a minister of Grenoble, with the consent of the duke of Lesdiguieres.

The provost of merchants of Paris, who had been called to court, is come back with orders to keep the city in peace, to which the king demands some millions for the subsistence of his armies.

Bordeaux, the French embassador in England, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxvii. p. 711.

Vous verres, s'il vous plaist, par une lettre de m. de Poincy, joincte a celle cy, que s'estant embarqué a Dieppe dans le vaisseau de David Beliard, que appartient aux marchands d'lpsic, & navige fous le pavillon Anglois pour passer avec 80 François de sa compagnie aux isles de St. Christophle, dont il a le gouvernment, apres avoir cottoye l'Angleterre sur cette confiance, que le vaisseau estant sous la protection de cette estat, & les represailles ne s'executant jamais entre les personnes des subjects de l'un n'y de l'autre, il ne pouvoit este empesché dans son voyage. Neantmoins il a esté ameiné par deux fregats Angloises dans le port de Plimouth, ou il a esté mis hors de bord du dit vaisseau par violence, & menacé d'estre detenu contre toute justice, ce qui faict, monsieur, que je vous prie, de lui faire accorder par un ordre de son altesse la liberté de continuer son voyage avec ceux, qui l'accompagnera, & leurs hardes, dans le mesme vaisseau du dit Beliard appartenans aux subjects de cet estat, d'autant plus, que je croy, que vous n'ignorés pas le bon accueil, & le favourable traittement, que luy & le bailly de Poincy son oncle ont tousjours faict recevoir aux Anglois, qui navigent devers les dits isles de St. Christophie. C'est,

Londres, ce 7 Juillet, 1655.

Monsieur, vostre tres humble serviteur,
De Bordeaux.

Inclosed in the preceding.

De Poincy to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Plymouth, July 2, 1655.

V. xxvii. p. 579.

My lord,
I Know not whether my name be known unto you; and without employing any other motives I may implore your credit to do me justice. I did embark my self aboard a vessel of David Beliard, who had two or three certificates to shew, that his ship doth belong to merchants of Ipswich, and which doth sail under English colours. Our captain did rely upon his commission, and upon his being a citizen of Ipswich. From Diepe (whence we weighed anchor) we coasted England all along as a friend; and at last we were met by some English ships, whereof two said they had commission from the state to take French ships; in full confidence, that they would let us have their company, as they had promised us at Portland, from whence the ill weather forced us away; but since we arrived here, they have put us out of our ship by force, and they do quarrel with us about the 80 French passengers, who are going to the French islands. They have used us here with much rigor; yea so far, that general Disbrowe, who is here at present, hath had in deliberation, whether he should stay me upon reprisal of some gentlemen, who they say are to be kept at Brest; and I do not yet know what they will do. I was returning to my government at St. Christopher's, from whence I came a year ago, sent for by my uncle, the bailiff of Poincy; and to see my wife, who is there. I do expect, my lord, that you will employ some of your credit with my lord protector, to get our ship discharged, that so I may continue my voyage.

My lord, your most humble and most obedient servant,
De Poincy.

The superscription,
To my lord embassador of France.

The governor of Elizabeth-Castle to the protector.

Vol. xxviii. p. 246.

Maie it please your highnes,
I Forgot in my letter to acquaint your highnes, that lieutenant collonell Lilborne hath sent by his father-in-lawe to have his owne father come over to him. I beseech your highnes, if he come, that yow wil be pleased to send your commands to me, whether he shall speake with him alone or no; for I perceive it his desire to speake with him in secrett; that is the least, as I conceive. I am apt to thinke he intends allso to convey some papers by him; but that is but a conjecture of mine.

My lord, since he hath byn kept close, I have offered him to walke abroad againe upon the platforme, that so his spirit may be a litle qualified, and the fitter to be dealt with; but he refuseth it, except he may walke without his keeper, a dogg att his heeles, as he calls it. I desier to know your highnes pleasure in it, before I do it. The reason why my deputie kept him closs, was, because of the ill language and threatnings. This is all att present from,

My lord, your most humble and obedient servant,
Robert Gibbon.

Eliz. Castle, the 7° of July, 1655.

Mr. Cranstrome to general major George Fleetwood.

Vol. xxviii. p. 250.

My lord,
Since my partinge from your lordship, the secunde dey after we came from Gotinberry, the lord was pleasede to evidence his power by threatning a judgmente; and to testifie his keindnes in woarkinge oute our deliverance, in breinginge us to a saife harbour. My lord, contrair to my expectationes, and notwithstandinge of all passies and recommendationes, I am keept upe heir at Hull, wher itt was my fortoune to lande. I can not bleame the governover, seeinge he does nothinge bot prociceutes my lord protectore's ordores; but I will extreamly repeine att my lord imbassador and your lordship, iff most speadaly ye woarke nott my deliverance, seeinge it was in prociceuting his majestye's the kinge of Suedlande service nowe I suffir, at leaste, my lord imbassadores, in assistinge his servantes to come to recyhte in ane unknoven cuntry, wher, or to whom, bothe languadge and customes wer altogither ignorante. My lord, I will not mentione with this all our leat daungeres; only for satisfactione to your lordship and his excellency, my lord imbassadore, I shall specify this muctch: our shipe preuved extreamly lakishe, and upon life and death wee wer necessitated to put in to this herbor, after the deathe of one of the beste of the cocth horses, and that one of the blake sett. I shal at present adde noe more, but ane earnest desire your lordship, in prociceutione of your formar favoures, wold adde this, in workinge out speadaly your servantes deliverance; and I trust soe mucth to your formar curtasies, that iff any seceuraty be demandide, your lordship will be beal for me. In doing wherof, upon the woard of a gentleman, your lordship shall not in the least be prejudged nor disappointed. I am, as bounde in deuty,

Hull, Jullay 8, [1655.]

Your lordship's very humbele servant, Cranstrome.

My lord,
Let me knowe with the first occasione what ye will have me to doe with your coacth, seeinge I can every other dey have the conveniency of sending hir to Londone by sea, if neade require.

The superscription,
For the reight honorable generall major
Geoarge Fleatwoade, these.

Bordeaux, the French embassador in England, to monsr. Fly, lieutenant of the admiralty at Calais.

July 19, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxviii. p. 298.

I Thank you for the continuation of your news, which are conformable to them, which are writ unto me from other parts. That of the taking of Landrecy was not soon expected in this country, where there doth not pass any thing considerable, unless it be, that they have lately put forth a proclamation, prohibiting all those, who have been of the royal party, to sojourne at London, or within 20 miles round about, three days after this proclamation, which doth cause men to expect in a few days some new alteration in the forme of the government. The taking of St. Domingo by general Pen's fleet is not yet confirmed by the letters of that admiral.

The examination of mr. Anthony Batchelor, of Great Amesbury in the county of Wilts, inholder.

Vol. xxviii. p. 280.

That being at Salisbury at the assizes when the rebellion was there, he saw, in the party of the risers, mr. Thomas Rutter, of West Cholderton in the aforesaid county, and heard him called at that time, by some of the said rebels, quartermaster general, he having then about him sword and pistols; which said Rutter, as hath been credibly informed by one of his neighbours, namely, Robert Collier, was, about three weeks since, seen to be at his home in Cholderton aforesaid; unto the truth whereof I set my hand this 9th of July, 1655.

Anthony Batchelor.

Since this information the said Rutter hath been searched for, but cannot be found.

The examination of Richard Rowe, of Homisham in the county of Wilts, turner.

Vol. xxviii. p. 294.

That he was invited by esquire Willoughby, of Westnowell in the said county, to come to his house to make trenchards, &c. about which work he was employed for about two months or a quarter of a year before the rising at Salisbury; in which time, about 14 days before the said rising, he observed a meeting of diverse gentlemen at the said mr. Willoughby's house, to hunt the fox, which meeting continued for the space of a week, as he remembreth. He faith, they hunted the fox in the day time, and danced in the night, having a fidler with them. He further faith, that most of them wore swords at the said meeting. The names of the gentlemen are as followeth: captain Butler of Henley in the county of Dorset, and his brother; mr. Hollis of Moncton in the county of Dorset; mr. Langford in the county of Dorset; mr. Hide of Hatch in the county of Wilts; mr. Green, junior of Meere in the county of Wilts, in the late rebellion at Salisbury; mr. John Murvin, of Portwood in the county of Wilts; mr. Dorrington of East Burton in the parish of Meere. He further faith, that he observed the said captain Butler, mr. Edward Hide, and mr. William Stowerton, son of the lord Stowerton, to have been severally at the said mr. Willoughby's house at other times a little before the said hunting match. This examinate further faith, that the said mr. Willoughby bought a very lusty white stone-horse, of a great price, with cropt ears, a month or six weeks before the rising, which we heard say was to be rode at the hunting match. But this examinate did not observe, that the said horse was rode by any body at the said match. This examinate further faith, that the said mr. Willoughby and his wife, sent with mr. Green, senior, of Meere, and his wife rode upon the sabbath day to Salisbury, the day before the rising there. He faith further, that the said mr. Willoughby was tried for his life, as being one of the risers at Salisbury. He faith, that the great stone-horse was from home during the time of the rising at Salisbury, for two or three days; and that mr. Willoughby, who came home on monday at night, the day the rising was (with a sword by his side) did not ride home on the same horse; but the said horse came home the night following; and whether mr. Willoughby and his wife rode him to Salisbury, he knoweth not. This examinate further faith, that he was invited by mr. Willoughby, to come to his house the evening before the rising at Salisbury, being the sabbath day, upon pretence to go along with him to look upon trencher-work early the next morning, some twelve miles off. And this examinate coming accordingly, mr. Willoughby was gone to Salisbury two hours before he came; whereupon this examinate set up his horse in the stable, and the same night the groom run away with this examinate's horse after his master to Salisbury. He faith further, that the said groom came home on thursday night, without this examinate's horse; and so soon as he came home, he went away, and cannot be heard of since. And further this examinate faith not, but to the truth hereof setteth his hand, the 9th day of July, 1655.

This examination was taken before —

The mark of Rich. [R.] Rowe.

Farmer King of Maiden Bradley informeth, being by at the trial of the prisoners at Sarum, that one Arthur Elmes, one of the risers party, swore to the grand jury, that the abovesaid mr. Willoughby was at Blandford amongst the cavaliers; whereupon the grand jury found the bill; but the said Elmes not coming into the petty jury, he was quit by proclamation, and is now at liberty.

Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh, to the protector.

Vol. xxviii. p. 302.

Honorable sir,
By the last post I gave an accompt to his highness and yourselfe of the proceedings of Townley and his partie, notwithstanding his highness letter, and the advice of the company at London. It's much against my minde, that I am foe troublesome about this petit affaire, but findinge his highnes honnour as well as my own foe deeply engaged before strangers, I cannot doe less then my dutie, to let you know, how they carry the matter; and therefore least the last post should have miscarryed, I here inclose copies of these letters and papers, and a short letter to his highness, which be pleased to deliver with the first opportunity, as I hope you did the last. I shall not further trouble you, but rest assured of your favourable respect in assistinge my suitable vindication, or to procure his highness command for my returne, wherein you will very much obleige,

Hamburg, July 10, 1555.

Sir, your very humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.

Theise men are very mutable, for whilst I am sealinge, one tells me; that they will not send away their letter to his highness till next post. I inclose you a copie of a paper delivered me by some of the well affected merchants, which in the haisty transcribinge hath some lapses of the pen in it. Pray peruse it, and at your next oppertunity acquaint his highness with it.

I must needs advertize you that 913. 550. 728. must 537. 944. 418. 833. 431. 346. 831. 673. 944. 541. 2. 587. 944. 513. 492. 561. 560. 418. Captaine Guinn and one colonell Halsey, lately come from England with the lord Wilmot, 47. 913. 587. went from hence tuesday last. The lord Balcarres will be here this night; and you shall heare how all goes, as there is occasion; but pray be mindfull of your promise to

Your most humble servant,

The import of this is, that speciall care be taken aboute his highness person, there being 2 more gone from Collen to assasinate him, if they can.

July 9.

An intercepted letter.

Cologne, July 20, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxviii. p. 308.

It is to be wished that you are fully provided in all matters, and that you confer with little Will, and bring me his opinion. I long to see mr. Smalwood, and know not that in my life so convenient a time may besal me. I will do all I can to satisfy you at meeting, which will be precisely the last of this month at Cales. Struggle with your impediments for the love of your countrymen, that will help you all they can another time: adieu.

The superscription,
To mr. John Fleming, at the Unicorn-Inn in Holborn.