A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1655: June (4 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp543-559 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1655: June (4 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp543-559.
"State Papers, 1655: June (4 of 7)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp543-559.
In this section
June (4 of 7)
Minard to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Paris, June 23, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxvii. p. 325.
The seige of Landrecy will be one of the most serious occupations of the campaigne.
The preparations for Italy have not yet produced any considerable effect. We have advice, that the duke of Modena hath 5000 foot, and 1500 horse, with ten pieces of ordnance, and that he hath sent to demand passage of the duke of Parma, to join his troops to those of the king.
The protestants have printed a manifesto, which is supposed will be answered by the duke, who hath enough on his side to be said for him for what hath happened. My lord your father is out of town, to divert himself for three or four days.
The king is still at La Fere.
A letter of a deputy of the reformed religion in France.
Paris, 23/13. June, 1655.
Vol. xxvi. p. 421.
The deputyes sent from Berne towards the duke of Savoy, to whome att first hee answered, that he would advise thereupon with his councill, having bin towards the said protestants, have sound them resolved to give eare to noe agreement, saying they canne find noe security with people, who thinck that persidie is not only permitted them, but that it is also an effect of zeale; soe that with the help they have already received from severall places, they shew what their dispaire and justice canne doe by all possible crueltyes; it being certaine that seyerall Dauphinois and protestants of France are gone to joyne them, without that any notice be taken thereof here. Neverthelesse in the hopes our adversaryes have of a misunderstanding betweene France and England, it seemeth, that the massacre of our breathren doth animate against us the false zeale of many places. And it's written from Metz in date of the 3/29 instant past thus:
Mareshal of Schomberg hath 4 days since cashiered 25 officers and inhabitants of this cittye, by reason they had not assisted unto the bonefires by him made for the exaltation of the pope, and those also, which were out of the citty, although the papists which were absent have bin preserved. The rumour was, after that within 3 dayes all should bee massacred. The preceeding sunday the Jesuites affected to fasten an alter before the minister's house, and another under a crosse neare the temple, where a curate endeavoured to make those, who passed there, pull of their hatts, and stayed severall persons before the said alters, which had almost bin the occasion of coming to blows.
It is much to be feared, that those violences will increase, unlesse that be stayd by some mighty consideration. It hath bin impossible to obteine the changing of the decree given in the chamber of the edict of Paris against a poore man, who hath withdrawn himselfe before their sacrament, which doth in part oblidge the deputé generall to goe to court to complaine thereof. There is noe certaine newes of any siedge; but all the preparations for some such dessigne are gone from hence.
Letters of intelligence to mr. Petit.
Paris June 23/13, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxvii. p. 337.
The king hath not been at Laon, as has been thought, but his eminency, who held
there a council of war with the mareschals of Turenne and la Forte, as also with the
marquis of Faber, who rendered themselves there. The last resolutions about the campagne were taken, in consequence whereof the armies begun to march. All the letters
from Guise and St. Quintin bear, that Landrecy has been invested; but as that place is well
provided of all necessaries, that siege is not thought to be undertaken. The prince of
Condé is with a great body of horse near our army, to observe its designs, as also to
cross them, if he can. Their majesties are still at La Fere. Mareschal of Grammont
hath been sent by his majesty to Guise, that he might stay there, and give order, that
the army may want nothing. He is to have the same imployment as had last year
mr. de Tellier at Peronne during the siege of Arras. Mr. de Mercoeur is returned to
Toulon with his galleys and ships, having lest Rozes in a good condition. The 7th of
this instant, being upon the port of Toulon with the duke of Vendosme his father,
there broke an engine, which serves to stir ships, which did almost kill them both.
Mr. de Mercoeur was cast down thereby, two seamen killed at his feet, and several
others wounded. The affair of cardinal de Retz is still in the same posture. His majesty dispatched last week unto his holiness upon this subject. Yesterday arrived a post
from Rome sent by mr. de Lionne, which has been but ten days coming; but the cause
of this voyage is yet unknown.
The emperor raised 25 new regiments; which, besides the 19 he had present after the peace of Germany, will make an army of 30000 men. All the other princes of Germany are in arms, the Swedes designs being kept so close, that each one fears to be surprised. His Swedish majesty was expected at Stetin in Pomerania about the 25th past. He is to be accompanied in the field by six senators. Dantzick fortifieth itself. The king of Denmark is setting forth a sea-army. I think we shall in a short time see clear in the business.
Rome, May 31, 1655. [N. S.]
It was thought that the consistory, which was held this morning, would have brought forth some news; but it's sound, that things are far enough from it. It is believed, that the pope will at last be forced to declare his nephew cardinal, to cause his coming into this court to help him in the administration of affairs; whereunto he must needs resolve himself, it being impossible for him alone to overcome them. However it is said, this will only be done towards the latter end of the year.
The pope's galleys will without fail part next week for Malta, and from thence to Candy; but as for the troops, which were marching towards Ferrara, for the Venetian service, good part there have disbanded themselves in the way.
A Letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol. xxvii. p. 333.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image 544]
The treaty with Brandenburg is still in the same condition as I have formerly mentioned.
Those of Brandenburg are very angry at the passage, which doth speak of introducing protector into
the treaty. Those of Brandenburg declare, that they will not have any thing to do with protector. In
short, they do give to understand, that Brandenburg doth bear great enmity against the protector so that
I do admire, that states of Holland will make alliance with such an enemy of protector, being consequently an
enemy of all the well affected of Holland and republicans.
In Zealand the city Goes, Veer, and Flushing, have condemned the republicans at Tolen; and the Orange party have yet a greater design, namely, to choose prince of Orange and Grave William, and by that means to do the same as is done at Overyssel. And it is said, that at Middleburgh and elsewhere in Zealand, the ministers do preach of peace with protector as a devilish business, at least for as much as is promised concerning men of war and it would be very requisite, that protector should make some admonition to Zealand. In the mean time I understand, that the republicans at Tolen will not be quiet; and at Goes the republicans will endeavour to be masters.
The commissioners of Overyssel (being the Orange party) are likewise in Zealand, and will have there a
very good declaration for Orange party. Here enclosed I send you the project produced by states general,
which you may be pleased to peruse. I remain
Your most humble servant.
June 23, 1655. [N. S.]
General Venables to the protector.
Vol. xxvii. p. 309.
May it please your highnesse,
Since my last of the fifth instant nothing hath occurred of any moment, save that
some few have beene taken prisoners, whom (as alsoe that are in the mountaines) wee
desire to gaine by civillity; but the wants and disorders (which usually accompany them)
of the souldiers are some rubbs in the way; the removing and punishing of which hath
beene this daye's task. Yesterday general Pen gave mee notice, that he resolved to returne for England to morrow, by whom I could not omitt to kisse your highness hands,
though in a weake condition, humbly craveing a speedy supply of ships and provisions
of all sorts, with planting tooles. We have about 2000 men sicke: they dye daylye
through want of bread and brandy, both which stores fall infinitely short of what was
informed to, and beleeved by,
My lord,
your highnes very faithfull servant,
R. Venables.
June 13, 1655.
General Venables to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxvii. p. 305.
Honorable Sir,
Since my last wee have onely taken some few prisoners; the rest continue in the
mountaines, wanting houses, bread, &c. willing to submitt, if not awed by a few
and discouraged by some souldiers, that are unruly occasioned by extreame wante, which
to redresse was the worke of this day; and wee hope to make them good subjects, being
most of them Portuguezes. The Spaniards wee shall remove, and endeavour to gaine all
of them by our civillity. Wee struggle with all difficultys, about 2000 men sicke. Wee
falle short both in bread, brandy, &c. of what was promised, and wee beleeved was provided for us. We have not a three weekes bread, and little cassavy in the countrey, of
which the enemye steales a share. Our men dye daylye, eating rootes and fresh flesh
(when any food is gott) without bread, or very little, wee not dareing on a suddaine to
take them from bread, but by degrees accustom them to want that, which none will
have five weekes hence at half a bisket a man per diem. There must some block-houses
be erected at the harbor's mouth, were our men able to worke at such hard labour, which
indeed I feare will not plant cassavy to feed them, or other necessarys to preserve life,
many preferring, nay desireing death rather then life. Though they have recovered their
hearts (courage I cannot say they had) which they lost at Hispaniola; yet I am confident
they must not bee the men must carry on this designe in the feild, it may be, they
may in countrey by plantinge, for I am confident had wee raysed men all over England at
adventure, wee should have beene better fitted then by those assigned us. Those with
some other reasons have moved the counsell of warre to desire mee (if the Lord give
health) to present our condition to his highnesse and counsell, with some expedients,
which at present are not resolved upon; neither am I able to enlarge, haveing quite spent
my spirits to give some competent accompte by generall Pen, who yesterday visited me,
and tould me he resolved for England to morrow, a warning too short for mee to be large,
who am so weake after a five weeke's fluxe, onely some few dayes intermission. The inclosed is a true accompt of this island, which for commoditys, ayre at least equalleth,
and in scituation to annoy the Spaniard, exceedeth Hispaniola in the judgment of,
Your very humble obliged servant,
R. Venables.
June 13, 1655.
Account of JAMAICA.
Vol. xxvii. p. 659.
The island Jamaica belongeth properly to the duke of Veragua, who is lineally descended from Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of the Indies, and not to the duke of Medina, as was by some conceived.
The length of the island is computed to be from Punta Morante east, to Punta Negrillo west, to be fifty leagues; and the breadth from the port of Caguaya fouth, or St. Jago, to the port of Sta Anna Sevilla (where in time past the town was) towards the north about twenty leagues.
The chief ports of this island are 1. Caguaya before named, which serves to the town of St. Jago de la Vega, or St. James of the Plain, from whence it is about 2 leagues distant. The second port of any note on that south side is (fn. 1) Esquyvell, which is about 3 leagues distant from the former towards the west, which though the channel be, as of the former, difficult to find, is within a commodious haven; and in respect of an arm of the sea, which affords the commodity of building of shipping, within it is of singular commodity to the island. This arm of the sea extends itself a full league within the land, where it admits into it a small fresh brook, called El Rio de la Puente, which arising within two leagues of the town of St. Jago, and passing pleasantly through the savanas, is received by the arm before described, which is called Guavagera. The land between the town of St. Jago and this place is for the most part open, and savanaland well stored with cattle and horses. From thence to Maccario, which is about 6 leagues distant, the coast is good and fit for anchoring, but affords no port or harbour nearer than (fn. 2) Panda Botellio, which is a round mountain, about a league to the west of which a river called Mantiness discharges itself into the sea. This river arises about a league or a league and half within the land, and abounds in fish, and is well stored with cattle upon the neighbouring haros and savanas of Yama and Guatibacoa. Thence passing along the coast, the next place of goodness of land or conveniency of anchoring, and about 8 leagues distant from Paccaria, is Punta de la Gostas, which is in the hato of Pereda, which is one of the best and largest pieces of savana of the whole island, it being four leagues in length and more.
From Pereda to El Conde, another little port, is 5 leagues; between which two places falls into the sea the great river of Caobana, which arising in the mountains, passes through savanas of the same name well stored with cattle, and leaving the open land about a league from the sea, runs through woody and manguey or mangrove grounds, and is from the very savana of depth sufficient for most ordinary shipping, but narrow, as being overgrown by the mangroves for want of use or clearing, yet contained in the narrowest about 60 or 70 foot of breadth. At the mouth this river receives into it certain small brooks of fresh water, but of no other consideration than for fishing only, whereof it affords a plentiful commodity. The mouth of this river, by reason of the smalness of its fall, is barred with sands; so that unless at some times of considerable floods it hath not depth above four foot upon the said bar; but without it anchoring good enough in the open road, but harbour none. Next about 2 leagues distant is El Eaido, which is a hato of some small savanas, but very great plenty of cattle abiding in the woods, which the Spaniards call ganados simarones, or wild cattle, as being not marked nor belonging to any one proprietor other than the chief lord and owner of this hato. In this hato is a small port called Porto del Conde of no great value or consideration. Thence to Punto Negrillo is no other port or harbour whatsoever; but passing by land is a hato called Cabonico, large and well stored with fowls both wild and same. Thence next is called the savana of the sea, which reaches to the cape Negrillio from the Puerto de Caguaya, towards the east, is the hato de Lyguany, which is at the east side of the port itself, and presents to the harbour a large and well stored savana, with an arm of the port extending to it, commodious for the building of shipping there, being store both of cedars and other sort of timber convenient for that purpose. Next eastward land to this of Liguany is Lezama, a narrow tract of plantable land between the sea and the mountains, containing some small savanas, but no habitation, nor any cattle but wild; and is about two leagues in length. Then is the hato Ayala full of tame cattle, and hath much commodity of planting or erecting of sugar engines of water, by reason of two convenient rivers, which it hath running through it fit for that purpose, but is dangerously open to the incursion of pirates, who there have too much commodity of landing in two small coves or bights of the land, the one of which is called Los Anaones towards the west of this hato, and to the east la Cruz del Padre. Next is the hato of Morante, which is 8 leagues distant from Caguaya, which is all a dangerous coast, and no good anchoring but at the house it self which belongs to the hato, and is called Morante. This Morante is a large and plentiful hato, being four leagues in length, consisting of many small savanas, and wild cattle and hogs in very great plenty, and ends at the (fn. 3) mine, which is at the cape or point of Morante it self, by which towards the north is the port Anton.
Several sorts of wood in this country:
1. Grandillio, of a reddish black colour, hard and heavy as ebony, used much in these parts for bed-steads.
2. Cedar, the best in all the Indies, useful for all purposes, as oak in England.
3. Cawobena, a tree of six fathom about, a fine red, excellent good for beds, tables, or buildings.
4. Kittawo, of a yellow colour, of a fathom about, excellent for dying, called in English yellow sustick.
5. Brasil and Brasilletto, excellent for dyeing, sold in these parts at one pound seventeen and sixpence per hundred.
6. Guaiacum, good for bed-steads, bowls, and chairs, and physical uses, 3 foot over, the bark sold at Carthagene for 2 shillings per pound.
The country affords several fruits:
1. Pepper, smelling like cloves, the north side of the island full of it wild, good for chocolatto, sold here at sixpence per pound; the leaf distilled makes excellent good water, much esteemed of by the Spaniards at Carthagene.
2. Pine, the best to my palate of any fruit that ever I eat; in season almost all the year long, sold at six pence per piece.
3. Nispero, estemed the best fruit in the Indies by the Spaniards; in season in July and August.
4. Mamesuppote, tastes like marmalett; in season part of June, July and August.
5. Avocatas, a wholesom pleasant fruit; in season in August, sold for 3 d. per piece.
6. Cocao, in great plenty, of which they make chocolate; sold ordinarily for three shillings per bushel.
7. Cattao, a very sweet luscious fruit, green of colour, and much like a mulberry in shape and bigness.
8. Limes, limons, oranges, guavers, bonanas, plantaines, papaas, melons of all sorts, and very good cucumbers, gourds, &c. and the largest potatoes my eyes ever beheld.
9. Tobacco, which at Carthagene bears the best rate there.
10. Indico.
The protector to general Blake.
In the possession of Joseph Jekyll, Esq.
I have received yours of the 25th of march, which gives an account of the late
transactions betweene yourselfe and the governors of Tunis concerninge the losses, which
the English have sustained by the piracies of that place, and the successe it hath pleased
God to give in the attempt you made upon their shippinge, after their positive refusall
to give you satisfaction upon your just demands. And as we have great cause to acknowledge the good hand of God towards us in this action, who in all the circumstances thereof
(as they have beene represented by you) was pleased to appeare very signally with you;
soe I thinke myself obliged to take notice of your courage and good conduct therein, and
doe esteem, that you have done therein a very considerable service to this commonwealth.
I hope you have received the former dispatches, which were sent unto you by the way
of Legorne, for your comeinge into Cadiz bay with the fleet, as also those which were sent
by a ketch imediately from hence; whereby you had also notice of 3 months provisions
then preparing to be sent, and have since been sent away under the convoy of the frigotts,
the Centurion and Dragon, and hope they are safely arrived with you, they sayling from
hence about the 28th of Aprill. With this comes further instructions concerninge your
disposinge of the fleet for the future, whereunto wee doe referre you. Besides which
wee haveinge taken into consideration the present designe wee have in the West Indyes,
have judged it necessary, that not only the kinge of Spayne's fleets comeinge from thence
be intercepted (which as well your former instructions, as those now sent unto you authorize
and require you to doe) but that we endeavour alsoe as much as in us lyes to hinder him
from sending any reliese or assistance thither. You are therefore dureinge your abode
with the fleet in those seas, to informe yourselfe by the best meanes you can concerninge
the goeinge of the kinge of Spaine's fleet for the West Indies; and shall accordinge to
such information as you can gaine, use your best endeavours to intercept at sea, and sight
with and take them, or otherwise to fire and sinke them; as also any other of his ships,
which you shall understand to be bound for the West Indies with provisions of warr or
men for the aide and assistance of his subjects there, carrying yourself towards other of
his ships and people as you are directed by your generall instructions.
June 13, 1655.
Capt. J. Jennings to secretary Thurloe.
June 13, 1655.
Vol. xxvii. p. 299.
Right honorable,
Being on board the Elizabeth frigott with mr. John Ashburnham, as his conduct,
he finding me very civill to him, would often enter into discourse with me; but
most of his discourse tended to the change of the government, saying that himselfe with
other wise men had cast about all the wayes they could, and could not find, that the king
of Scotts right in England could be kept from him; things being before the last riseing
at soe good a state, that had they sate still one yeare or twoe, he had undoubtedly come
to the crowne, blameing those very much, that had a hand in that buisnesse, for as much
as it had altered the state of affaires somewhat. Then I returned answer, that seeing
soe many thousands had engaged warre against his father and himselfe, he must resolve to cutt a passage through all their lives, before he could attaine to it. To that he
replyed, that it would be the king's wisdome, after an act of oblivion past, to make use
of this very army, both officers and soldiers, and to continue them in pay; and that he
should noe sooner endeavour to putt a slight upon any part of them, by bringing in any
of his old party, but it would be the ready way to ruine himselfe and his interest. To
which I answered againe, that myselfe with others being soe sensible of what could happen after one yeare at the most, there would not be a person left in the army, that had beene
any way reall to the present government. To which he replyed againe, Ah ! poor captain, if that day were come, I would provide for thee. I enquireing what meanes the king of
Scotts had to live upon, he tould me, that he had something of that which was allowed
his mother by the French king, and some small matter out of England, which doth not
amount to above a thousand pounds a yeare, which he said was allowed him by some
private friends here. He would often speake of the duke of Yorke as to his being lieutenant generall of all the French forces, and the esteeme he had amongst the French, doubting not but within a few yeares he would be the greatest captaine in Europe. This is all
I have to acquaint your honour with at present, but that I am
Your humble servant,
John Jennings.
An intercepted letter of James Darcy, to D. D. John Smith at Dunkirk.
Vol. xxvi. p. 392.
I have written with the last post to my cossen Walter Drake according to my promis
and his desire, concerning that, which he commanded my to comunicat to sir Luke
Fizgerald for the consolation of his good mother, which he soe much wishet, as he offers
at al tymes his promptnes in transfering what he wil send hence to hir, as himsealfe confirmed in my letter to him. And if it by tymely, I belive it will by sent with his one
cossen colonel Fiz-Williams, which goes for Ireland within this 13 dayes, with whome
alsoe I intend to goe as a servant, and he a courtier to my lorde Harye Crumwel, lord
liftenant of Ireland, whose baggage are alreadie gon, which his lordship felowes, and
wee that are of his traine a day or two after. Soe as I hope to have a safe voyage as hitherteo I have had, more by divine then human assistance. My cossen Fiz-Williams is the
only man of our nation heere in request; he has got a grant of his estate totallie, and I
hope will obtaine it for others. He promiseth my pass and repass, as also licence to goe
for all parts of Ireland for his afaires, of which I hope to make use, though our contrie
by more miserable then ever wee beleved there. Sir Luke's ladie writes from Rathsarn,
(for which shee payes after the rate of 9 s. an aker,) that all the gentrie is transplanted and
fained to live under the air or in such barackes, as you had at Balinkil in the sige tyme.
Som ould women and ladyes are permitted to stay by paying much. Wee heere of noe
other persecution: the farmers are as yeat quiet. It's thought this countrie will not by better
yd nez msse lrm, no loz, for the nobilitie are daylie aresting and a sending to the Barbados.
All estated men are suspitious, and therefore comprehended as plotters against the present
government and tranquilitie of the kingdom, therefore unworthy to injoy theire estates.
As yeat noe professor of our religion is found in any conspiracie, as I hope wil not. To
morrow wee fast and praye for our brothers kilt in Savoye, which is soe taken to hart
by my lord protector, as he ordayned fasting, prayers, and great sums of monys to
by collected, I believe not to by given for theire souls deying, as they did, but to relive
the rest that are alive. The Frence ambasador desired his highnes to publis the storie of
theire deaths, as it hapned, but wou'd not bycause they deserved a wours, for seeing manie
of them daylie converted by the prists and friers, that lived to that purpose amongst them,
theire ministers desired som to cutt them off, which was performed, for in one night 7
of them were killed; on which the duke sent his commissions to examin, but they
would receave them not, naie deadly wounded one; on which he sent his armie, and desired
the Frence and Iris to healpe him, they being 7 or 8000 in armes againest him; so they
fought, but had the wours, and on * * * * blood there was not much mercie nor complements thy say betwixt them and the Iris. My lord of Leada gave his adiue yesterday to
my lord protector, which sent his one coach of six white horses, I beleeve neither had
better horses or coach. Certaine it's, as many tould my, that none of the Inglish kings
had ever any such; and with it ten more of six horses with many caveliers; soe was
Leda conducted and reconducted, but what he did is not knowne.
There is a new seale a making, and all heereafter is to pass in my lord protector's only
name. Fleetwood is to com from Irland to by high treasurer of Ingland. All supreame
offices are graunted to men of more trust, and to all an oath of fidelitie to by prescribed;
the effects of which you shall heereafter heere. I pray putt mr. Jhon Eurad in meind of
bringing the coppie of my pattent, and leave the originall on the landlord that I had
there's hands, as I desired himsealfe; and if hee coms not soone, let him by sure to keep
it, or leave it heere with mr. Larenc Tankard; let him alsoe bring the payre of coafts,
which his countriewhoman that wasshes there, forgot to send with me. I salute most
keindly cossen Drack with his bedfellow, and kiss your hands, comending him alwayes to
your prayers, whoe is, and alwayes rests,
Your most faithfull servant,
James Darcy.
London the 13th of June according
to Inglis martyrologium, [1655.]
I pray send the inclosed with the post.
Post. I thought to send this with my lord of Leda, sench whose departure I am preparing for myne one, which will by the next saturday.
The slaughter of Savoys protestants has much inraged those against us, and especiallie againest all chatholickes generallie. For the relise of those that escaped martyrdom all Ingland doth contribute with such devotion, as I dare say, there are less then halfe a million gott in this very citty; for som give 100, som 200, som 20, som 40 pounds, and such is my lord protector's case, that all those that contribute, must by listed soe as none dare refuse the clarke, which coms to every man's house. This will by an exampel for all to healpe us, &c. Thus with my servise I rest yours, as above there was one mr. Spencer, alias Spallan, which was vice generall in Ireland, comprehended in the contrie 4 dayes past as a prist. Its thought he will be sent to the Barbados at heast.
At the council at Whitehall.
Wednesday, June 13, 1655.
Vol. xxvii. p. 317.
That it be offered to his highness as the advice of the council, that his highness
would be pleased to make justice Cooke, one of the justices of the court of upper bench
in Ireland; justice Lowther, chief justice of the court of common pleas there; justice Donnilan, one of the justices of the common pleas there.
The council doth approve, that Miles Corbet, esq; be chief baron of the court of exchequer in Ireland.
That it be offered to his highness as the advice of the council, that his highness would please to make Edward Carey, esq; one of the barons of the exchequer in Ireland.
That the council doth approve, that the two lord chief justices and the chief baron do manage the business of the court of chancery in Ireland until further order.
The lord Lambert reports additional instructions to be given to the lord deputy and council of Ireland, being six in number, which were twice read, and agreed to be offered unto his highness as the advice of the council.
Mr. Arthur Trevor to secretary Thurloe.
14 Junii, 55.
Vol. xxvii. p. 341.
Noble sir,
I am sorry I was not able to doe yow the service (I wisht and doe true owe your singular favors to mee) in the affayres of Ireland; but now I hope to suply my owne disability by acquaintinge yow, that the earle of Totnes his books are now come after the
death of sir Thomas Stafford, into the hands of Cornelius Bee at the King's Armes in
Ducke-lane, and amongst them 40 or 50 volumes of the transactions of Ireland in the
whole setlement thereof after the rebellion in the queene's tyme, and the whole country
map't, and their townes and countyes exellently devided and sett out. I find they are
originalls collected by the earle, when he was deputy by the name of sir George Carew,
and only fitt for a publique hand. I am become like an old gamster in a boulling alley,
that ends his tyme in giving the grownd to others, which I beseech yow please to
accept of one infinitely obliged to your goodnesse, and who will for ever acknowledge hymselfe most faythfully, sir,
Your most obedient and most humble servant,
Art. Trevor.
I have the 12th report of sir Edward Cook, consisting chiefly of cases of state, and
never printed. If yow have it not, and will please to have it copyed, I will send it
yow. I take it to be the originall.
These bookes came into Bee yesterday, being sold by my lady Killigrew. Some care would be taken before the notice of them come abroad.
Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorn, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxvii. p. 353.
Right honorable,
Assoon as I heard of the exploit in Savoy against the poore protestants, I made som
complaint of it to a correspondent of myn at Rom, as if it had bin don by som
command or connyvancy at lest of the pope; but he protests the contrary, and that the
fault proceeded from themselves. How true it is, I cannot yet learn. My last letters from
Naples tel me the 6 horses and mares wer al laden aboard the Succes, captain Smith,
who was to depart thence the 14th of this month directly for London. The captain has
don il to tak in marchants goods ther, by which meanes he is not able to tak in more
then two monthes provision for the horses; in which tym I much dout this somer seson
he wil not get hom; and in Spayn he wil hav a bad recruit of hey and barley, for ther
tis dear and scarse; and then we do not know upon what terms we stand with that nation, in regard of generall Pen's fleet invading them (as 'tis here believed) in the West
Indyes. Discoursing latly with some Itallians, who had understood the Spanish extraordinary
ambassador in Ingland had but cold entertainment in relation to his master's interest, and
that his hyhnes the protector was lykly to close with France, did not stick to say, that the
Spanyard would fynd som pryvat revenge, instancing the bisnes of Harry the fourth
of France, considering theyr way (both Spanyard and Itallian) is altogether Jesuitical and
Machiavillian. I thoht good (althoh at so greate a distance) to let you know of
thes words, how flyght soever they may seem to be, not douting but that greate hand of
providence wil stil preserve his hyhnes for the good of his piple.
In few dayes is expected the fleet from Tollon with six thousand soldiors, which they
ar to land in Porto Spetie in the Genowes state, within 14 legues of this place, whence
they ar to march into Modena to serv that prince against the Spanyard or the state of
Millan. A neece of cardinal Massarin coms along with this fleet to be marryed to the
duke of Modena's son and heir. They ar to pas som litle way throh the greate duk's
state, who has sent down and made greate preparations to entertain them. Cardinal Antonio Barbarini, who has bin so latly in France, and very gratious in that court, was desyned back again thether by the pope to treat on som great affaires; but Massarin has forbid his coming thether, fearing, as is supposed, that he might becom a sharer with him
in that government. Here is no other newes of generall Blak's fleet, but that he is gon
towards Cales, to synd his vitellers. We hear not of any revenge the Turk has taken on
our nation trading in his dominions, for burning theyr ships at Tunis, althoh twas much
feared. When any good newes arrives from generall Pen's fleet, pray impart it to,
Right honourable,
your most humble and faithful servant,
Charles Longland.
Leghorn, June 25,
1655. [N. S.]
De Witt to Nieuport, the Dutch embassador in England.
Amsterdam, June 25, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxvii. p. 369.
My lord,
Some lords of the provinces, and especially of Zealand and Friesland, although in
my mind it became the last least, were scrupulous, and loth, that this state should
undertake any thing, whereby to engage with England and Denmark in a nearer union and
treaty; whereunto they declared they had no order; and therefore durst not enlarge without the consent of their principals. There are great divisions at present in Zealand;
from whence I perceive a new storm to arise.
I have heard nothing further of the intentions of the Swede since my last.
Chanut, the French embassador in Holland, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Hague, June 25, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxvii. p. 365.
My lord,
I Give you many thanks for the pass you sent me for our small vessel. I will take the
like from the embassador of Spain, to the end it may pass with safety. In my opinion
there being once an end of all pretence to delay you any longer, they will then resolve
to sign your treaty, which we hope to hear by the next post. It is impossible it can be
deferred much longer, unless it be, that the protector will give some new form to the
government, and alter the title thereof; and that he will not sign, till such an alteration
be made. The business of Savoy hath made such an impression against us, that notwithstanding the apparent truth, it is not able to break forth, to pacify the minds of the people.
If some other accident happens, it will turn their fancies another way. They are very
much troubled here at the conquests, which the king of Sweden is preparing to make
in Prussia; for if he get to be master of the ports of that province, he will give the
law to the trade of the Baltick sea, to the great prejudice of these provinces. I am told
of a certain, that my lord Nieuport is ordered to inform the lord protector of the consequence of their design, to the end he may resolve to assist the Polanders or the city of
Dantzick, if need be; and in case the lord protector do incline to do it, these provinces
will join with him, to hinder the progress of the Swedish arms. The letter of the marquis
d'Avaugour will let you see the state of the court of Stockholm, ready to embark. The
glory of great Gustavus is a very great spur to this young prince. Certain it is, that this
state is in a dangerous condition: besides foreign wars, it hath many divisions within
it self.
The treaty with the elector of Brandenburgh is at a stand; so likelihood of having it accomplished. They are sending more troops towards the frontiers; they are very jealous of the Swedes.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
June 24, 1655. [N. S.]
June 20.
Vol. xxvii. p. 243.
Formerly there hath been often spoken of the equipment towards the Mediterranean Sea, and especially what was there to be done with or against those of Sallé. About this business and the consequences thereof, here came hither monsieur de Wildt, secretary and chief director of the college of the admiralty of Amsterdam, to frame an instruction and design of the fleet to the west; but under this pretence there will be likewise spoken of the equipment to the East, how far it is advanced, what ships are gone, what ready, and what unready; but all this hath not nor will have any perfection, before something hath been treaced and concluded with England and Denmark, who both have ships, for the elector of Brandenburgh hath not so much as a shallop; and that is one of the reasons, why they do very quietly decline the treaty with Brandenburgh, though outwardly they do seem to continue the business. But in effect the lord Wyman doth begin to perceive their cold disposition to it; and there being put in the instrumentum fæderis the clause, that this state will reserve the treaty of Xanten in its force, as also the act of security, that passed upon it, the said lord Wyman, instead of demanding new particular conferences, hath demanded publick audience, and in that (as I hear) doth intend to thunder against the said treaty and act of security; and having said, that he will rather burst than admit of such an article or clause, it is to be believed, that this present treaty will not take effect. And more and more I perceive, that the only private design of prince Maurice was to revive and finish this treaty; and to this end and effect he hath been labouring with the city of Amsterdam, (for from thence this treaty had its first rise at present,) as the great resort and first motion of Holland, and the invitation to the Christning, and all these fine things, have been only artifices to advance the business, and they might easily cry up the design of the Swedes against Prussia. But the design of Brandenburgh is no other than the conquest of Juliers and Bergues, which Holland smelling caused to be inserted in the said instrument a limitation to the territories which the elector doth possess at present; whereas the lord Wymans doth desire, that the elector be maintained in his rights to Juliers and Bergues, as well as to Cleves, Marck, &c. Likewise Holland hath caused to be inserted, therein to be comprehended or taken the protector. All these are such things, which the elector is very averse unto, and hath very much laboured to have this omitted. But either I am deceived very much, or Holland (which hath Zealand, yea Utretcht, yea likewise others on their side) will not let go, and by this means I see no other, but that this treaty is quite off for this time.
June 21.
The commissioners having been at Groningen are come back, and are to make report to morrow. From the one party are come the lord Gruys, Sickinga, and Dois, who will urge, that a certain project of rule or government may be confirmed by the states general, ex authoritate. On the behalf of the contrary party is come one called Rensen, who hath demanded audience, and will make a speech against it. I perceive, that neither the one nor the other is pleasing to prince William, and the affairs in the province of Groningen are still full of thorns.
The Rhynegrave perceiving, that they drew many companies out of Maestricht, did represent this morning the danger thereof, and that he hath so many enemies within, namely all the citizens being papists, and hath desired, that he might be rather reinforced than weakened in his garrison. But they did persist in the resolution already taken. The project of the education of the young prince doth come from Zealand, and is only communicated in particular, it not being publickly proposed, and those of Holland and the like laugh at it.
Of the treaty with Brandenburgh there was nothing spoken to day.
They write to the provinces, to the end they would consent for a collection for the Vaudois. Holland is resolved for the collection, but will not do any thing, unless the other provinces do the same likewise.
June 22.
Those of Weesel have writ a second letter, making great complaints, how that the council of the elector hath again imposed a contribution upon the states of Cleve, and especially upon their city, being a notorious breach of their privileges; for the maintenance whereof this state is obliged by the treaty of Xanten and the act of security past upon it the 13th of December 1614. Whereupon it is resolved, that a conference shall be held about it to morrow by commissioners; and that the lord Copes, resident for his highness the elector of Brandenburgh, shall be admitted into the conference, to propose unto him this complaint, and to declare, that this state is bound to maintain its privileges, and afterwards to make report thereof.
The lord Wickell hath made report, to have put into the hands of the lord Wyman, plenipotentiary of the elector of Brandenburgh, the instrument of the alliance, which he the said Wyman doth propose, and is making an instrument against it. The greatest opposition is against the intromission of the lord protector, article 18, saying, that his master the elector doth abhor him. Besides they differ about the insertion of the treaty of Xanten, and particularly that the same should be inserted after the 13th article. But he doth endeavour to propose expedients to leave out the name of protector, or to make him propose the king of Denmark. Item he is labouring for an expedient against the security; for the said elector hath a great mind to conclude that treaty. Item they do differ about the smalness of the assistance. The lord Huygens hath made report concerning the payment of the officers that are come from Brazil. The secretary de Wildt is returned from Amsterdam.
They have agreed upon an instruction for Ruyter to go for Sallé, but he will not go yet so soon, but they will cause to stay the five or six ships designed to go with him to the Mediterranean, until such time as they shall discover the Swedish designs; and to that effect six ships shall likewise go under Tromp to the coasts of the east.
June 23.
The monies designed to buy new ships of war do come in so slowly, that the college of the admiralty of Amsterdam was resolved, and had signified to the states general, that they would sell three ships, and employ the proceed thereof to the finishing of the rest; but the states general did forbid it, and did write thereupon to those provinces, which are behind hand in their shares, to furnish the same with all speed.
The drossard Ittersum had made new complaint of the abuses, as plundering, stealing, and the like, which the Spaniards and the Lorrainers committed in the country of Outremeuse. This is referred to the council of state to dispose of it. Those of Holland have declared not to consent in the conclusion.
The drossard of Valkenburg hath writ about the placarts, which Spain hath fixed and put forth to the prejudice of the protestants. They have returned him an answer to pull down all such placarts.
This morning there was yet no report made in the business of the Omeland, by reason of the several letters that came from France, England, and Sweden, which are read. The chiefest is that from Sweden they should write, that the design would be upon the Pillauw.
Upon the letter and complaint of Weesell is heard the resident Copes, who has said, that the lord Wyman was a privy counsellor of the prince Elector, and could answer better. To morrow the retroacts are to be seen.
There being at Maestricht some children exposed in a place, where those of St. Servaas pretend jurisdiction, the magistrate desired, that the canons would keep those children, which they refused, and upon this are come letters and complaints.
June 24.
This morning there was report made of the negotiation of the commissioners, who have been at Groningen, whereof the chiefest is the project of the government, to which the Omelands are to govern themselves henceforward.
The lords Gruys, Sickinga, and Duys, commissioners for the strongest party, are here to urge, that this government may be confirmed by the states general. But the lord Rensen commissioner for the weakest side doth oppose it. And the states general have not yet resolved any thing about it, but have taken it ad deliberandum. They have also proposed a project, according to which the officers that are come from Brazil should be paid, but not yet agreed upon; neither is the resolution yet agreed upon to solicit the lord protector to a new alliance with Denmark and this state against the designs in Prussia. However it is likely, that to morrow they will write to the lord Nieuport about it. Of the affairs of Brandenburgh and Cleve there was nothing mentioned this morning.
June 25.
This morning the affairs of the Omelanders were again had in discourse. The one party doth urge and press very much for the resolution and establishment of a certain projected government; but the other party faith, that would be a means to put all the authority into the hands of a stadtholder; and desireth, that to morrow both parties may be once more heard in full assembly. And to the end to satisfy both parties, they have thought fit to appoint that time, and to hear once more the business in full assembly, and that to morrow. That party, which doth believe themselves to be the strongest in the Omelanders, doth threaten, in case they be not dispatcht, according to desire, that they will return; and being clearly the strongest, they will help themselves, that is, by a strong hand.
In Zealand the party of the prince hath got much advantage. At Middleburgh there was a minister called Van Toom (called in common Broer Cornelis, being like that old Broer Cornelis in his person and manner of preaching) who did preach, that the peace made with England was unjust and abominable, praying to God, that the mischief may fall upon the authors thereof, and not upon the commonality.
In the business of Weesell, the treaty of Xanten, whereof several retroacts have been read and considered, there is yet nothing resolved on; but it was deferred till to morrow, when they will resolve upon them.
As for the soliciting of the protector to draw him into a new alliance with Denmark and this state, there is not yet any thing concluded; and it doth seem, they do meet with scruples more and more.
The baron Sparr demanded this morning recredentials, and will have them; so that he
will go hence without having any thing more to say or to do here. I remain
Your most humble servant.
Sir William Davenant to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxvii. p. 345.
I Humbly desire to make a proposition to you, which will inferr my going into France;
and consequently give occasion to dedicate my service to you during my short abode
there. This doth continue that request, which I made to you not long since, by this
way of addresse, to receive an appointment, when you have leisure to heare,
June 15, 1655.
Sir, your most humble
and most faythful servant,
William Davenant.
Mr. Wilkie to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxvii. p. 349.
Right Honorable,
It was his highnes pleasure the first of this instant to send an order to lieutenant colonel Worslie to committ me, which he did, and ever since am under restraint. My
spirit is much afflicted, that my wayes and intentions should be so much misinterpreted,
as to deserve question. Hearing his highnes had no spare tyme for hearing me all this
tyme by past, I have therfor patiently forborne pressing of it. Sir, I have now maid
bold, humblie to request your honor to move his highnes and his councell to give me a
hearing, both in regaird of my publique concernments for those poore distressed people
of Glasgow, and allso of my owne private occasions hear at law, which in this tearme is
to be hard, and will prove my ruine, if I have not libertie to follow it.
Sir, Let me humblie entreate your honor, if his highnes be not at leisure to examine
me, that I may have the priviledge (upon sufficient beale to appeare whensoever I shall be
called) to goe abroade, and follow my bussines, the tearme being alreadie begun; and for
so doing I shall eaver approve myselfe
Whayte Hart at Chearing Croffe,
June 15, 1655.
Your honor's most humbell servant,
J. Wilkie.
Romer, the Dutch resident at Hamburgh, to the states general.
Vol. xxvii. p. 391.
High and mighty lords,
My lords, since my last of the 9/19 instant the deputies of this city are come home
again from Rendesborg the night before last: they are not to make their report in
the full senate before next monday. According to what I understand, nothing of any consequence has happened in the case, something from the one and the other sides occurring,
which caused the suspension of this affair to another time.
The Swedish troops in the Dutchy of Bremen are broke up, and arrived the day before yesterday near Boxtesoede, two miles from here on the other side of the Elbe, where I saw them incognito, and heard the orders read, how they should behave themselves in their march, with good order and discipline, that they should wrong no body, &c. They are to cross the Elbe in three several places, at Atterenbergh, Ruyseborg, and Domitz: they consist of four regiments of foot and three in horse, making out about seven thousand men: there are many fine troops among them, and to prevent their deserting, they were lodged that night in the church at Boxtesoede. The duke of Luneburgh Zell has been in his own person at Narburgh, right over-against this city, where he has seen them pass through the said town and about the same, meeting and following them as far as Winsen, all in the district belonging to his serene highness. They say that at Stade, Boxtesoede, Feerden, and other places in the Dutchy of Bremen, but few troops are left; but as I hear, there are four new regiments (with whom they have capitulated already) ordered thither, to recruit and compleat themselves: some speak of still more regiments. The said marching troops had a great train with them, and above 400 artillery horses. The states of Pomerania have been persuaded by sweetning speeches to grant 1000 rixdollars for the said armament and march: what further will be done with them, some suspend their judgment yet for a while; but others are of opinion, that they will be encamped on the frontiers of Poland, in order to treat with them sub clypeo. The Polish embassador is arrived at Dantzick, from whence he is to go to Stetin or Sweden, according to the news he shall receive of the king's departure out of Sweden; and whereas the Swedish letters advise, that the king perhaps may not break up yet this 3 or 4 weeks, which makes some people believe, that for this time he will not set out at all from Sweden, the said ambassador, as they write from Dantzick, is to go by sea to Sweden.
The king of Denmark is safely arrived at Copenhagen, and is said to have given immediate orders for the fitting out of his fleet with all expedition. They have still under deliberation, some troops shall be raised, or whether the militia only as yet to be brought into the field. The assembly of the states at Copenhagen doth begin on the 11/21 instant the proposition, made by the Swedes to the said crown, and according to the report, are said to raise thence some pensive and troublesom thoughts.
At Gottorp is arrived the Landgrave of Darmstat, the son-in-law of the duke of Holstein, with his confort, and a prince of Anhalt: they are very much invited by the queen of Sweden to take a trip thither, and to pay her a visit: they intend, as it is said, to go thither or to send a compliment.
The dyet of Poland doth still continue. They write variously from thence, so that nothing certain as yet can be told of the event of the same. Prince James Radzivill, high general of Lithuania, has made his report in the full assembly of what has happened in Lithuania, with many circumstances and complaints, that they had left him without help. And afterwards he presented to the king 60 colours and 52 prisoners, among whom were three Russia waywods, which he since had taken from the enemy by his small forces, and after some resistance; whereupon he was publickly thanked in the name of the king by the other Lithuanian general, and in the name of the fenate by the archbishop of Gnesna, and in the name of the nobility by the deputy marshal; but he received all very coolly, and without change of temper, which vexed the king very much. The Turk offers his assistance against the Cossacks. The Tartarian deputies demand troops and money at least four German regiments, and the imperial minister insists upon the restitution of the Sipser towns, or both principalities of Oppelen and Ratibor, and without any recompensation, since the income thereof exceeds by far the sums borrowed upon them. It is said also, that his imperial majesty, as soon as the coronation of the empress at Presburgh is over, will come personally to Dresden. The emperors levies are said to be for 50,000 men.
Wherewith, &c.
High and mighty lords, &c.
W. Romer.
Hamburgh, June 26/16, 1655.
Heinsius, the Dutch resident in Sweden, to the states general.
Vol. xxvii. p. 395.
High and mighty lords,
My lords, since my last of the 9/19 instant, there is arrived here by sea out of Poland an
envoy, sent hither by the states of that kingdom three days ago: he had his audience of the lord chancellor; his propositions chiefly consist in acquainting them, that
an embassy is coming hither, to be here at court within a few days, to make a beginning
of the negotiations touching the differences, which have happened on both sides. However it is not expected, that to stay for the same, the king will be diverted from his intended voyage, the more, because they think that the said negotiations for the present time can be carried on with more convenience in Pomerania or Prussia, than in this
kingdom. The day before yesterday the Tartarian deputies took their leave at court.
On the same day set out also from hence mr. Christian Bonde, to proceed in his embassy
to England, but as yet will hardly be able to get at sea, by reason of the contrary winds.
The forementioned embassy to Russia goes on likewise within a few days. Yesterday about noon came an order and command from court, that all the men of war, which hitherto have lain near the town, should fall down further towards the sea, and there wait for what they still wanted, in case they are not yet entirely provided with all necessaries. This fleet is to consist in 35 or 36 men of war, besides some small craft. His majesty's departure is very much delay'd by the long continuance of the diet; and whereas there is no great likelihood to come for this time to a firm conclusion of all propositions, some affairs may very probably be put off and delay'd till the next diet; the more since the best part of the summer is lost fruitless to his majesty, and the quartering of the troops in Pomerania, begins to be troublesom to the inhabitants; therefore, on his majesty's side, every thing is ready for the conclusion of the diet, so that the same is expected every day.
Wherewith, &c.
high and mighty lords, &c
N. Heinsius.
Stockholm, June 26/16, 1655.
A letter of intelligence.
Brussels, June 26, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxvii. p. 399.
The lord of Zuylichem, counsellor and commissioner of the prince of Orange, having been here this three months to sollicit the payment of what the king of Spain owes him, by virtue of the treaty of Munster, doth go from hence to morrow, carrying away as yet nothing but words, although written ones. In effect he did rather the affairs of the princess dowager of Orange, who having by gift the baronies and villages of Turnhout, hath run great hazard to see those villages ruined by the soldiers of the king; but at the recommendation of don Estaven de Gamarra, they were spared; and this princess will esteem this small benefit done to her more than if the king had paid a great matter to her little nephew or pupil.
A letter of intelligence.
Brussels, June 26, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxvii. p. 387.
Yours by the last I received, importing but little of news. It seems the marquis
de Leda's negotiation is so secret, that few can penetrate it; but here is a report,
he will soon return. We are pleased the French in Savoy gave occasion to retard your
peace with France. The protestant rubric makes much of that ugly business; but none
so much as the protector; for which he is to be commended highly, as he is; for in
truth it was a most cruel, horrid, and inhuman action; and certainly God will revenge it.
I did not write to you last week, because I had nothing for you from Vienna or Cologne; and here was nothing worthy. Landrecy is besieged by the French, being strong. Our army is near them, but nothing yet done. Some say, ours will go and besiege some other place; but I see no great appearance of it. Landrecy is well defended. Count Garzias, a Spaniard and general of the foot here, was left to seek in the Abbey Marchieue; and after carried to Doway, where he died. If Fuenseldagna were so, it would better please the army and country.
The arch-duke caused a town called Conde to be re-fortified now. The duke of Lorrain this same day parts from hence towards the army. 4000 men are come to him from Germany for the new levies.
E're yesterday came hither in great haste mr. Talbot from Cologne. I saw him. He staid not above half an hour in this city. He told me, he would soon return; and in a word, that R. C. had a great design in hand, which is all that I could get from him.
It is written from Breda hither, that the Swedes intend war against Holland, and gave
orders to some of their forces to march that way; but of this we have no great assurance.
Some talk still of a cessation betwixt Spain and France; but I see no great grounds for it.
So I leave it, and conclude,
Sir, yours, &c.
Major general Disbrowe to Secretary Thurloe.
V. xxvii. p. 377.
I Received yours, which was very pleaseinge to me. I have littell to acquaint you with,
only that I am about my bussines, and have only as to the troops settled that in Wilts
and Dorsett, and one in Somersett, and these 3 here; and I hope there well officered.
For those in my list, I hope they wil be in costody this night, except those in Glostershire,
which I have given orders for allso.
I did in my last to you desire to know, whether it was captain Crofts or captain Neath in Gloucestershire, that you had pitched on; which I pray let me know, because I would send for him to meet me with Wade the next week at Bristoll, when I come backe from Cornwell.
Sir, I have acquainted my lord protector with the condition of the shreiffes regiment here of foot, and have inclosed allso sent you a particular of their condition. The noyse I have about it, and my owne ingagement to the citty, contrey, and officers, doth exceedingly troble me, and makes me weary of this place. Ther is due to them about 4600 l. till this time, and they never had one peny of pay. I desire you to mind it, and gett somethinge done in it spedyly. About 1300 l. will satisfie the 6 companies, I thinke, that are sent home without one peny, but some littel, and that hath bine borrowed for them; and if two months pay could be payd for the present to the 4 companyes remaineinge, it would somewhat stope the clamor that I am under. I pray sayle not to mind this effectually.
I desire you would allso let me know what shal be done about the prissoners in the goales. There is allso about 12 notable rogues at Plymouth that was taken at sea, which I saine would have sent with the rest.
I hope we shall have a very good militia in these countys under my care. I shall not
troble you further, only to assure you, that I am
Exon, June 16, 1655.
Your reall frind and servant,
John Disbrowe.
I desire you would mind the bussines, for a justice of oyer for the forrest of Deane.
A letter of intelligence.
In the possession of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great-Britain.
Monsieur Osiers,
Je vous en supplie, donnez bon advis a son altesse en Angleterre de tenir firme en prison
un homme, qui s'appelle Elizeus Shelly, qui demeure en Drury Lane aupres du Lyon
rouge. C'est un sort mauvais, qui sault faire des merveilles. Il y a un homme
envoye d'ici a luy depuis hier au soir. Je seray bien aise, que ceste lettre arrive a vos
mains, lesquelles je baise, estant toujours,
Paris xxvii de Juin, de
nostre style, 1655.
Vostre tres humble & tres obeissant serviteur, J. C.
A monsieur monsieur Osiers, a sa chambre a la rue royale a Wesminster, ou en son absence a monsieur Thurlow, secretaire principal a son altesse Angleterre.
A letter of intelligence to mr. Petit.
Paris, June 27/17, 1655.
Vol. xxvii. p. 415.
You will see by the Gazette, how our troops have besieged Landrecy the 20/10 of this
instant, in hopes to render themselves masters of the same towards the middle of
next month, although its garrison be of 3000 men. The enemies join together to hinder it; but the lines being ended ever since monday last, mareschal Turenne may easily
oppose their designs, by reason that the king's army is very great and in good condition.
The overseer of mr. le Prince's army hath been taken; his name is Guyonet, being
counsellor in the parliament of Bordeaux. He is to be brought to the Bastille. I am
also informed, that a great convoy entered yesterday morning from Guise into our
camp. The court is still at la Fere, where the Dutch embassador has had audience five
days since about the business of Savoy, in which I can assure you, that we have had no
hand here. The king's letter to my lord protector, as also his eminency's upon that
subject, are satisfactory; his majesty having also writ into Savoy to obtain what his
highness doth desire, nothwithstanding the hindrance, which the common enemies study
to bring forth to hinder the good success of our treaty with England. I send you here inclosed the copy of a letter written on this occasion by the king unto the duke of Lesdiguiers
governor of Dauphiné.
Another letter to the said mr. Petit of the same date.
Vol. xxvii. p. 416.
Besides the violences past at Metz against those of the religion, in consequence of the massacre at Piedmont, we are informed, that the Jesuits and other missionaries depending immediately on the pope exciting the disorder and hatred against them, command hath been given unto all those, who were not natives of Langres, to go from thence; and because that a poor artizan of the religion had not obeyed, so soon as was desired, their commands, he was thrust out by force, and his goods burnt before his house unto his very bible. That the monks of Amiens have set the magistrate at work to cashier the leases of houses, that no protestants could come to dwell there; and at Rochelle that they were ready to go to blows, by reason the protestants did not make bonsires before their doors for the pope's election.
The pope's nuncio hath agreed to the putting the affairs of the Jubilee off for 24 days, until the return of a post dispatched by his majesty unto the pope; and by reason they have been informed, that the pope hath given the pallium unto cardinal of Retz in quality of archbishop of Paris, the king hath caused reproaches to be made thereof unto that nuncio, who hath answered, that it could not be refused to his quality; and I hear, that his majesty hath written unto his embassador at Rome to make instances, that the pope should name commissioners to make the said cardinal's process.
Bordeaux, the French embassador in England, to his father.
Vol. xlvii. p. 419.
My lord,
I Have now no other business or news to write to you of my negotiation, unless it be,
that at present I demand either to have my treaty signed, or leave to be gone. My
commissioners, who returned at the end of the last week, do declare, that the lord protector is inclined to the first, but in such terms as one may easily perceive, that they
have still a mind to delay it. And in regard I have orders very precise to withdraw, if
they continue to delay me, I cannot prevent any longer my taking of leave, although it
doth seem to me very probable, that they will not let me go. Yet this government
acting by some particular considerations, which cannot be easily looked into, I cannot
warrant any thing; neither dare I go beyond my orders. And it may be, that these
false reports and advice, which is given them here, that this pretended persecution of
Savoy will arm all the protestants of France, and it may be, the desire, which the protector hath to gain credit amongst those of that prosession, as well here as elsewhere, will
induce him not to conclude any thing, till he shall see that fire quite out. And in regard,
that I do not write to the court, you may let them know, that I will try what effect my
demanding of audience to take my leave will work upon them; and that the marquis
of Leda departed hence this morning with the same train, that conducted him in at his
arrival. They still continue seizing the lords and gentlemen, that formerly served the
king. Here is a gathering making, which will produce a very considerable sum for the
rebels of Savoy, who pass here for persecuted people in hatred of their religion. I am
not exempted, though I shall have suddenly as much need of charity as they, if the
commissioners of the treasury will not do me speedy justice. I could wish, that my accounts were stated, and my appointments made me before I return, which will be now
very suddenly, in regard I have been forced to demand leave to be gone.
June 28, 1655. [N. S.]
Fleetwood, lord deputy of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxvii. p. 427.
I Have bine thorough mercy very graciously preserved in this march. Wee have bine
through a very goodly pleasant countrey, where thorough mercy there is great peace
and quietnes; and where I am perswaded his highnes hath as many faithfull and affectionate servants as in any part belonging to his government. I doe not find dissatisfaction
on any man's spirit to the present government, which makes mee perswaded there is much
true heartednes to his highnes in those who serve him heere. If the Lord will please to
incline English people to come and live here, I beleeve they will find as much incouragement here, both as to the fruitfullnes and pleasantnes of this countrey, as they could expect from any place: though it be very wast at present, yet it is very wonderfull, consi
dering what sad devastations there have bine made, how much plentie here is. The
greatest want this nation hath, is a better people; else there would be but little difference
betwixt it and England. I believe it would exceede England in the fishing trade and
trassique into foreigne parts. I wish hartily his highnes could spare colonel Clerke and
lieutenant colonel Kelsey to be governor of Galloway and Corke. Two such persons in
those places might be of singular advantage to his highnes service. Had wee two or
three more precious choyce godly and such able men, wee might imploy them to places
of great advantage to the publique; but really I scarce dare write about such a busines,
for I doe clearely find, that few or none are sent hither, but such as you cannot provide for
in England; and indeed in things of this nature, I must crave pardon from his highnes,
if I am unwilling to obey. Besides it putts a discouragement upon many faithfull deserving
persons here to see others less deserving preferred. As for mr. Carey, I am very well satisfied in his comeing hither; and if you thinke fitt, that such young persons should be
judges, wee have two or three heere, that I believe might likewise be as able to answer
the dutie of that place; but I am very well satisfied in his comeing. I am in hast, and
Athlone, June 18, 1655.
Your affectionate freind and servant,
Charles Fleetwood.
Mr. Nathaniel Brewster to Secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxvii. p. 431.
Right honorable,
Your honor's very kinde assistance affoorded to me heretofore in my addresses to his
highnesse doth encourage me once againe to make recourse to you, humbly requesting your honor to enquire of his highnesse (after tender of my duty and service)
whether any such recommendation be yet made on my behalfe to the deputy of Ireland,
which his highnesse intended; and that you would please to informe me, when I come,
whether I must call for it before I goe, or whether it be sent allready. Let it please
you, sir, to pardon this boldnesse, for the suddenesse of my voyage and the importance of
his highness letter in the present case hath enforced me to usurpe soe much upon your
love. I expect to be in London this weeke, and (as I finde things) to hasten after my lord
Henry before he set sayle, soe as the readynesse of my advance money and of that recommendation will be an extraordinary furtherance, if I can be resolved about them,
by calling at your honor's house.
I have noe intelligence worth communicating to your honor, but that out troopes are
in great forwardnesse, and like to be suddenly in a posture. The contributions for the
protestants have been cheerfully mannaged in these parts. The lord blesse your honor;
so prayeth, sir,
Alby in Norfolk, June
18, 1655.
Your most humble faithfull servant,
Nath. Brewster.
Mr. Garbert will be serviceable at your honor's directions in any thing of my businesse, wherein to ease your honor, if need be.
Mr. R. Wagstaffe to Secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxvii. p. 441.
I have hear sett down the names of such persons, that are as to there continuance with
us in this county of dangerous consequence, though they are very low and inconsiderable as to there estates, that there tongues are alwayes venting there villany, and that
very impudently, as I am very crediblely informed. I pray consider of some way for its
prevention, which I hope will be by sending them a little further off. I have at present
no more to trouble you with, but remayne
Bedford, June 18, 1655.
Sir, your faythfull and humble servant,
Richard Wagstaffe.
The persons wee sent up the last week, viz.
Mr. George Geary.
Mr. Parsons, a recusant and in arms against us.
Mr. Scott, a proctor in our commissary's courts.
Mr. Nayleyr, a surgeon to sir Lewis Dives, who lives in Bedford, a most desperate fellow.