A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1655: June (2 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp514-528 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1655: June (2 of 7)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp514-528.
"State Papers, 1655: June (2 of 7)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp514-528.
In this section
June (2 of 7)
Mr. Thomas Noell to Martin Noell, esq;
Vol. xxvii. p. 91.
Mr. Martine Noell and loving brother,
Sir, yesterday being the 4th of instant came in advyce boate from the fleate; which
news hath begott a very sad spiritt through up our whole island, their successe being so exceedingly contradictorilye to all expectations in their attempts upon Santo Domingo, the uttermost of whose forces, as by good inteligence both here given them, as also
by one that came emediatly from them whom they met with att St. Christophers, as also
by severall that came unto them at their arivall att Hispaniola; all whom did conceive that
there force there exceeded not 3000 men in all, Whites, Negroes, and Indians; and that
they expected them not till they saw them: there unhappinesse was that they sayled 7
days before the island, before they recovered there port, by which time the Spaniards had
knowledge of them, and made provision for them, and suncke ships in the road, whereby
they weare denied spedy passage unto them; and then the unhappinesse of there resolves
weare, they sailed 10 leages from them, when they might have with much safeti, with
a little hazard landed within too; where some men thei did land, and upon the new
resolves toucke aboard agayne with little hazard; but landing so farr weare forced to
march thirtie miles on shoare to meete the enimie, who was not resolved to march towards
them out of the towne. Our Forlorne Hope marched on under the command of adjetant
Jackson, who did not mannage them with sufficient valeor, but brought them of with
an unhandsome retreate upon there reserves, who they also disordered to more then a retreating posture, never firing; but before this general Venebles, with captain Cox, one
mr. Temple and Murford, the one his secritary, goeing to view the towne, and fort,
and avenewes, for the better conducting of there forces upon them, weare sett on by a
sally from the towne, where Cox was killed, and the 2 before named gentlemen, and the
general hardly escaped. This, I beleave, did stricke a dampe upon the speritts of the
solders, togather with the removall of there object, which was hope of plunder; the
proclamation of the forbidding of which att the head of each rejement was not, I feare,
seasonably done: for as by privete hands, I am informed, they did much murmer
against it. In this first attempt was major general Haynes ingaged, whom when all run
from him, and some few officers would not fly from it, but himselfe ingaged 8 persons,
slewe one in the place, who was found dead by him, wounded the rest, by whom he
himself was also killed. He cried out, that if but 6 would stand with him, he doubted
not to put them all to a shamefull retreate, but thei would not stand. The forces, that
thus putt the shame upon our army, yow may judge the nomber of them, when capt.
Haines his son with twentie horse routed them, and fetcht of his father's dead bodi.
The pressoners toucke report, they weare not above 300, that did this exploit upon us.
By the master of the advyce boate and some others it is reported, that the seamen and the
Barbadoes regiment have desired to passe upon the dutye, and either to the towne carry
or lay there bones there. But I do perseve by the generall's letters they are drawne off
from the towne and designe for Jemeco; and to that purpose have order'd all shipes
there to seecke them; but Goodsonne and others writt doubtfully, whether thei will
so doe ore noe; but I hope, that the shipes, all of whom thei expect by this time, are safli
arived with them; and I hope Webberli and others within few houres after this advyce
boat's departure from them, which was 6th of May; I say, the arivale of all those shipes,
I hope, will begett fresh corage and new resolves in them; especially when thei shall see
that arive with there last dispatches ordered to be left here, and sent for England
(viz.) there artilerie and ordinances, and there provisions of warr and all other there
nesisari provisions. But I doe persceive the generall is much discoraged with his common
solderie for there cowardice. Indeed it is generally by all privitt letters and persons, that
have come hether, reported and sayd, our men weared with there long march, and fainted with there exceeding thirst for want of water; insomuch, that many fell downe by
the way in there march; and soe with one drame of brandye recoveryed strenght to crawle.
I shall not condemn any for the conduct; but it is much sensured by mani, in that thei
marcht so great a bodi, not lesse by there muster roles then 10000 men, horse and foote,
in so smale a battalia, even but 10 abrest, by which meanes there forlorne rowted there
reserve, and there reserve there maine batalia, which had thei marcht in winges, the one
might have supplied and assisted the others. The totall accompt of the busines I doe
preshume you will have an accompt of before this by a shipe dispatched from the fleete
for England, for the purpasse; to which larger accompt I referre yow.
For the perticuler bussines coll. Goodson hath ordered all the goods not sent to him,
and yett in port, shall be unshipped and disposed here; to which purpose he hath
made his request to the governor for that purposse, who hath ordered, that all the goods
that weare taken out of the Morning Star, and put into the prize shipe now goeing
downe, shall stay till such time he hath rumaged and delivered all such goods, wherein
yow are conserned, be deliveryed ashoare here upon this island; of which I preshume he
will give yow an accompt att large. I presented to him mr. Nailor, who is the agent for
the dispossing of them, or capt. Jame Beecke, a very honest man, and a man of a large
creditt and trade, who is coll. Goodson's atturni both for yourselfe and him, in bussines of
yours before in his custodye, from whom I preshume yow will resceive a perticuler accompt of him. I also presented the governer for the dispossall of cargoe here, of
whom I am confident yow will resceve an honest and faithfull accompt of what of
yours shall come to his hands; but the governer hath not acquainted mee with ani
resolves, what farther, or how he will doe or disposse of your bussines; for which I
shall refferr yow unto his perticuler advise. This onli (brother) serves to accompanie this
perticuler shipe, by whom I thought meet to write, having not but my former matter;
but this occation presenting, by which I shall onli ade thus farther, with my affectionate
respects to your selfe and sister. I comitte yow to God, and rest,
Your affectionate brother,
Tho. Noell.
June 5, 1655.
Since the writting of this, the governer hath ordered capt. Beecke to resceive all the goods not cary'd by the . . . . . to coll. Goodson, and to resceive them ashore.
I am advised the Spaniards have gotten some of there coullers, which I hope for the honnor of our nation thei will not so losse.
The superscription,
For his affectionate brother, Martine Noell, esq;
in the Old Jury, London.
To his highness the lord protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, Ireland, and the dominions thereto belonging, and his most honourable council.
Vol. xxviii. p. 710.
Maie it please your highness,
Having received an order of reference from your highness, and your most honourable council, of the tenor ensuing:
Tuesday, 5th of June, 1655.
At the council at Whitehall.
Whereas the sum of eighty five thousand pounds, which was payable by the Dutch, by virtue of an award, made by the commissioners appointed on both parts, in pursuance of the 30th article of the treaty betwixt his highness the lord protector and the lords the states general of the united provinces of the Netherlands, is (by and with the consent of the present governor and many members of the East India company) deposited in the hands of sir Thomas Viner, knight, and alderman Riccard. And whereas several differences have arisen between the parties interessed in the several stocks of the East India company, concerning distribution of the said monies.
Ordered by his highness the lord protector and the councill, and by and with the like consent as aforesaid, that it be, and hereby stands referred to doctor Walter Walker, doctor William Turner, doctor John Exton, William Thompson, aldermen of London, and Thomas Kendall, of London, merchant, or any three of them, to receive the several claims, shall be to them exhibited, by or on behalf of the persons concerned in any of the said stocks, and upon consideration thereof, and of what shall be alledged or offered on behalf of them, or any of them, and examination of the grounds of their several and respective claims and pretences, to compose and end the said differences, and to make such final award and determination, in and touching the premises, and accordingly allot and design to them respectively, such several proportions of the said money, as they shall find to stand with justice, and to report the same to his highness and the council, that directions may be given for payment of the money accordingly.
And whereas some question hath also arisen, to whom the right and title of the island of Poleron doth belong, the said referees, or any three of them, are also authorized and impowered to consider of all such claims, as shall be exhibited unto them, as well on behalf of the commonwealth, as of the persons interested in any of the said stocks, pretending title thereunto; and upon due examination thereof, to make and set down their final award and determination therein, and report the same to his highness and council, as aforesaid.
W. Jessop, clerk of the council.
And having in obedience thereunto met, heard and debated the differences, arisen between the parties interessed in the several stocks of the East India company, concerning the distribution of the said eighty five thousand pounds; and reported our opinions to your highness, touching the same, and as touching the interest of the island of Poleron, having (for the reasons expressed in our said report) reserved the same to be especially reported by itself, we your highness's commissioners appointed for the hearing and determining the differences between the subjects of your highness and those of the states of the United Netherlands, do hereby most humbly present our report touching the interest of the said island as followeth:
Upon debate before us and the Dutch commissioners of the right and interest of the English East India company, against those of the Dutch East India company, who had de facto gotten possession of the island of Poleron, it was evidenced unto us, on the behalf of the English company,
That the Orankeys or princes of the island of Poleron by an instrument, written in the Malayan tongues (and translated into English) having made surrender or cession of the said island to the English; covenant to send the king of England a bough of nutmegs yearly, acknowledging King James to be king of Poleron, and promise to sell the fruits of the said island to none but the king of England's subjects. This contract they make with Nathaniel Courthope and other merchants in the service of the English East India company (in whose hands the said island then partly was) who also contract to buy the said fruits of them as by the said translated instrument was manifested unto us.
Cart. Reg. fol. 16.
And it was further evidenced unto us, by the depositions of several witnesses, taken some in the admiralty and some before us, that the said Nathaniel Courthope, a minister or agent of the English East India company, (to whom the whole trade of the Indies, by patent under the broad seal, was granted by king James, anno 1609) took possession of the said island by virtue of the said surrender, and was chief of the English there, and the first governor thereof, and received fruits of the island of and from the Orankeyes, by way of taking possession of the island, and that immediately after the said surrender and taking possession, the English (in service of the said company) built and planted several forts, which commanded the roads and towns, and continued in quiet possession of the said island four years and more, namely from the 23d of December 1616, to the 6th of March 1620.
Treaty of 1619.
That during this time of quiet possession by the English East India company, upon a treaty in 1619, between certain counsellors of state and others appointed by king James, and others appointed by the states of the Netherlands to accommodate some differences betwixt the said two companies, it was agreed, "That the forts, as well on the one part as the other, shall "remain in the hands of those, who possess them at present."
That this long and quiet possession, gotten, and mentioned by the ministers of the said English East India company, being violated by the Dutch, anno 1620, it was upon another treaty between several lords of the council appointed by the said king, and others by the said states, anno 1622, thus agreed: viz. touching Poleron, those of the Netherlands do faithfully promise, that if so be they are in the possession of the island Le Forts Poleron, or if they shall have been taken directly or indirectly by them, or by their ministers, or by any other in their name, to abandon, give over, and force them, and to restore them to those of the English company, in the same state and condition they enjoyed them during the time of the treaty.
The English East India company, by their president and committees, in the East Indies, in December 1623, by John Hunter, their agent, in March 1638, protest against the Dutch there, for not delivering up the said island to the rest of the said English East India company, according to the said article.
Upon consideration of which premisses, and forasmuch as king James never assumes to himself (for ought appears to us) any other interest, by the said surrender, or upon the the treaty aforesaid, than an acknowledgment only of the sovereignty over the said island, leaving the possession and profits thereof to the said English company, who managed the same at their sole costs and charges, and by their own servants and ministers:
We your highness's said commissioners, with the unanimous concurrence of the Dutch commissioners (induced by the same reason, did, by our award, order and decree the said island of Poleron, to be delivered by the said Dutch East India company to the English company in the same state and condition it was in at the time of the said award, still reserving unto your highness all such dominion and sovereignty over the said island, as was ever invested by the said surrender in king James.
In conformity to which award, the Dutch East India company, in answer to the protest of the English, for non-payment of the eighty five thousand pounds, at the time appointed by the award, say, that they have given order for restitution of the said island to the English East India company accordingly.
All which we humbly submit to your highness and your most honourable council.
William Thompson.
William Turner.
Th. Exton.
Thomas Kendall.
This being the case stated for advantage of the English East India company, doctor Walker, advocate general for his highness the lord protector, conceiving himself obliged in duty to represent (in pursuance of the order of reference) what occured to him to make a title to his highness to the said island of Poleron, doth humbly on his highness's behalf aver, that upon perusal, as well of the depositions of the witnesses, as of the copy of the surrender produced by the East India company, it appeareth thereby, that the said island was surrendered unto the then king's majesty of England, with all that was thereon; and no word or mention, that any surrender was made to the East India company, or in any other wise (save only to the king of England.) By which surrender, the crown of England being once invested, it could never be divested of it by the East India company, or any subjects of the same crown, but only by grant under it, and that not unless by special words. And not finding any grant produced, that had special words in it to grant it away, his highness's said advocate offers it, that it must necessarily remain still ungranted, and consequently is now invested in his highness. And albeit the East India company do offer many things in respect of their charge, expence and trouble, and perhaps some loss and damage by them sustained, which may perchance in equity move his highness to confer grace upon them, touching the said island; they pretending also, that unless they enjoy it, the trade thereof will be lost to this nation, and the island also; yet his highness's said advocate humbly represents, that all these will not amount to make a punctual right, but rather to be good arguments for his highness's grace and favour in it to the said East India company. And to his highness's grace he humbly submits it.
Mr. G. Dury to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxvii. p. 95.
Right Honorable,
The commissary of Sweden, mr. Bonnel, doth most humbly intreat your honour
to be pleased to procure him his audience from his highnesse as soone as conveniently
it may be. He desires, that the same be without much ceremony, and by way of private
audience. I humbly subscribe my self,
Your honour's most humble
and obedient servant.
G. Dury.
June 5, 1655.
Sir B. Wright to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxvii. p. 119.
Right honorable,
My laste unto your honor was of the 5th of June, by the way of Bourdeaux; now
I shall lett you know, that the conde de Penaranda, which assisted in Munster for
plenepotentiario for the kinge of Spaigne, is named for to goe from hence embassadour
extraordinary to Rome, as beinge thought the fittest man for the employment, in regard the acquayntance he hath with the pope, who then likewise assisted ther for the
laste pope's legate, to treate of the peace 'twixtte Spaigne and France, and is to
carry with him ample power from the kinge to treate anew of the said peace, the pope
haveinge desired it. He may departe from hence in all the month of August. To oblige
him to acceptt of this imployment, the kinge hath given him many mercedes; viz.
he hath made him a gentilhombre of his bed-chamber, with present exercise; a title
of condé for the primogenito of his house, he himselfe being a condé but by his wife,
shee comeing to inherite by the death of many heyre males, for 10 yeers since he was
but Don Gaspar Bracamonto, and Aletrado of the consexo real. And towards the
expence of the jorney is given him fiftie thousand crouns in silver, and three thousand crouns per month, for the time that he shal be abroad. They have heere great
hopes, that by the meanes of this pope, they shall be able to conclude a peace with
France, the which now, more than ever, they desire; feareinge your forces at hoame
and abroad. Eight dayes since came hether newes by the way of France, that your fleete
under command of general Penn was in the island of St. Christopher's, and from thence is
imagined would goe to the Havanah; and they sticke not now to say, that yf it
meeteth with the plate-fleete, that you will take it, yf you can. And some dayes since
came a correor from the governor of Cadiz, to advize that generall Blake was come
thether with his fleete out of the Straights, and demanded leave to enter into the porte
to give careen to some of his shipes; but it was refused him, untill orders from hence,
which is now given, though this much trobleth them heere; for they say, that it is with
an intention to remain on those coastes, to attend their plate-fleete, in case that yours in
the Indias misse of it. This, sir, is the common reporte of all men. In my last I advized your honor, that parte of the fleete the French had in Toulon was come with men
and provisions to Rosas, and had besieged Cadaques by sea and by land. Now you may
please to take notice, that they have taken it, and so the fleete is retorned to Toulon,
to joyne, as is thought, with the remayner there, and so to goe to meete with the fleete
of shipes and gallies, that the Spaniard expects from Naples to Barcelona, with men, &c.
and then be able to hinder their arrivall in Catalunia. The French may doe what they
please ther this somemr.
Wee have heere newes, that Cassall de Monferate is delivered up by the duke of
Mantue to the French; the which wee much resent. Sir, in my letter of the 11th of
May, I advized your honor, that I had given to this kinge a petition, desiringe that his
majestie would be pleased to remit to his councell of state the letter which his highnesse vouchsafed to write in my behalfe, beinge in the junta de Don Luis de Haro,
whether it was remitted. No resolution was taken theron in 4 weekes, the which his
majestie did, and after it had bin seene ther, it is retorned to the Junta de Don Luis de
Haro agayne, wher it remayneth, and as yett worketh notheinge towards the giveinge
me satisfaction for what his majestie hath so contrary to justice taken from me now 7
yeeres since, whereof I thought fitt to give your honor notice, that you may know how
his highnesse recomendation is esteemed heere by this kinge and his ministers; that yf
you thincke fitt to signifie it unto the Spanish embassadours, you haveinge now ther
an extraordinarie and an ordinarie, wherby they may give notice therof to this kinge ther
master, it would stir up his majestie to give me the better satisfaction. Could I presume to
beg this favour from his highnesse by your honor's intercession, you will further increase
my obligations to your honor, and oblige me to spend my life and estate in his highnesse's
service; and although my abilitie is but small, yet my zeale for his good successe is very
great. Sir, I am so confident of your noble inclination to assiste the distressed, that I
assure my selfe to obteyne this my request; wherby these people may see, that his highnesse
was pleased to honor me with his letter upon good considerations, and not upon such
groundes, as is heere imagened by some of the cheef ministers, perswaded therunto, as I
doe suspect, by an agent don Alonso de Cardenas hath heere, that hath lived with him
many yeeres in England. And my suspicion is not without good cause, and so are also
my demands for satisfaction from this kinge; for I trusted him not, but upon good
securitie, that he gave me in his revenewe; though he hath with his kingly authoritie
taken from me my assignationes, and might, with as much justice, have taken away the
goodes and mony I had in my house. I have writt to my brother, to petition his
highnesse, that a message may be sent to the abovesaid embassadours, that they write
hether for satisfaction to be given me, accordinge to justice, and that his letter may be
looked upon as a letter from his highnesse, &c. I beseech your honor, as you were
pleased to favour me in the procureinge for me his highnesse letter, that you will doe
the like in this my abovesaid request, and I shall ever remayne,
Madrid, June 16, 1655. [N. S.]
Your honor's most humble servant,
Benjamin Wright.
Mr. H. Dawbne to mr. If. Bowsey.
Cadiz, this 16/6 of June, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxvii. p. 131.
Since I was so happy as to receive that one letter from you, I have written to you
divers; but have still found as uncomfortable returnes as to all my former miscarry'd
letters; which has been truly one of the greatest afflictions that in my life I have been
sensible of (though I have been knowing not to a few,) for to be parted from wife, children, freinds, especially so deer a one as your selfe, nor so much as heare one word
from any of them, in so long time, cannot but be esteemed some tryall of patience. And
now I finde myself almost impossibilited to keepe a currant correspondence with you, for
all my fellow merchants are uppon theyr flight, some by land, others by sea, leaving
theyr estates behinde them, to secure theyr persons, for heer is like to be very dangerous
dwelling. But poore I ame so ty'd by the legg, by your occasions and comands, that I
must not flinch for any feare whatsoever. Generall Blake has layn off heer with his fleet
about a week, which, with the buzzing between our merchants, has putt no little feares
and jealousies into the heads of the people, which are now confirmed by the suddayn
departure of one James Wilson, who has long taken upon him heer to be a publick minister,
and so did negotiat as an agent with the duke of Medina, and governour heer upon all
occasions, though I beleeve without commission from, I'me sure without affections to, our
present state. With his slight are all the rest of our top merchants terrifyed, and preparing
for theyrs. You may easyly apprehend the dangerous condition that I am like to be in,
for allready none of our nation dare shew theyr heads in the streets, and I in my retyrment
ame like to be wors putt to it, having so many enemys within my dores, as are sadd
wants and distresses, with which attendants it will be very difficult to proceed to any
great action, as I have given you notice in all my former letters; as allso how that this
place cannot afford busyness sufficient for our expectations, being the fagg end of this
vast country, and doeing nothing but by orders from above; and to turne the course
of a river, wee should regularly beginn at the spring-head; but howsoever I submitt all,
as I ame in duty bound, to your better disposition, and presume, that you will order all
things to your best advantage, nor suffer me to make an unprofitable hazard of my life
and fortunes for you. I can add very little news to what I have written in my former,
but that heer is a very sad change of faces heere, and I fear harts, since possest with thees
unhappy apprehensions; but the Lord, I doubt not, will turne all for the best. Heer
was an aviso from the Indys taken by the Turkes close under this shore. Some of thees
people impute the permission of it at least to our fleet, but a Hollander that spoke with
him at sea tells us, that the galleons may be expected heer within thees 6 weeks. They
are the richest, that have come from thence thees many yeers; but if they should miscarry, as now the Spanyards themselves beginn to feare they may, this country will be
utterly ruined, and all trade heer for ever. I have not more than half an houer's time to
give you this flight service; but I conceive it matters not much; for what more newes this
place will afford, the many merchants that I heare are passengers upon this shipp, will give
you a more particular account. Litle I beleeve will be more done heer till the returne of
the post from Madrid, who is now sent express thither. So as opportunity shall present,
you shall, if I can possibly finde opportunity, heare further from,
Sir, your affectionate and faythfull
factor and servant,
H. Daubne.
I had not time to write a copy, otherwise should send you a duplicat of this over
In my last I gave you notice of my old friend, doctor Bayly, and his companion, mr. Metham's arrivall heer, who after two or three days stay embarkt again for Italy, where I hope before this they are safely arrived, and will doe you some considerable service there. I could wish I were as well impowered to serve you heer, and in time I doubt not but you will thinke fitt to ennable me. Till then I must have patience.
The superscription,
For my most honor'd friend, mr. Isaak Bowsey,
merchant in London.
To Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Paris, June 16, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxvii. p. 127.
The court is at la Fere, where the king was in great danger of being killed; for as they were marching over the bridge, it broke under the feet of the coach horses, whereby one was drowned, and the other with the postilion was saved. The fear was greater than the hurt, as it happened. His eminence hath declared to the marshal of Turenne, that he should have the quality of generalissimo; whereunto the said monsieur de Turenne would not consent, and told him, that he would sooner quit the service. Others were sounded upon this subject, and all made some objection against it, that it causeth the most trouble at court. The brief, which the pope hath sent for a jubilee, directed to the great vicars, named the cardinal de Retz, archbishop of Paris. This is found to be directly contrary to the will of the king, who hath put out all those great vicars, and caused others to be named by the chapters. Monsieur le Tellier is here for this business, and hath had several conferences with the pope's nuncio. This business will likely cause some new trouble. There is yet nothing determined in it, and some further orders from the court are expected about it.
A letter of intelligence.
Paris, June 16, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxvii. p. 135.
Yours of the 11th instant I received by this post, with your few occurrents; for
which I have returned you some of my letter of occurrents. As for other news
but what you have in them, here are few. At court and in this city they do much admire at the protector's letter to the king of France; and that his highness should retard
the peace (or rather frustrate it, as it is feared) for the massacres committed in Savoy, with
which the king had nothing to do. And truly I do believe the king is innocent of that,
as of many other foul actings executed by the commands of cardinal Mazarin, who, to
ingratiate himself to the new pope, and shew a great zeal, is likely to have given orders
to the French regiments, that were in Savoy, to do as they have done.
The king's answer to the protector's letter will tell more of the business than now I can; but it is certain in court, they conclude, that if the protector had not this for excuse, he had found some other to put off the signing of the treaty. And thus they talk with very opprobrious language to his highness. Yet there are not wanting in court and city catholicks in great number, that cry up his highness for his great zeal to all those of his religion; and our princes are ashamed at it, as they discourse frequently.
The last letters from Spain hither bring, that queen to be quick with child, for which they seem to make great joy in this court.
Of the general peace nothing but the pope will do it, &c. Some talk again of a cessation with Spain, at least with Flanders; but I have no ground for it, nor any other news;
always concluding,
Sir, yours.
Col. Barkstead, lieutenant of the Tower, to the protector.
Vol. xxvii. p. 97.
May it please your highness,
In obedience to your commands, I have apprehended Thomas Vyner, one of the
master coopers of your highness's Tower; and have in safe custody sent him to your
highness by the bearer Robert Browne. I am
Tower of London, June 6,
Your highness's
most obedient faithful servant,
John Barkstead.
Instructions for colonel William Brayne, governor of the garrison of Inverloughee.
Vol. xxvii. p. 481.
You are on sight hereof to make your present repair (with the several companies under your command) to the garrison of Inverloughee, and the same instructions, which you had from his highness the lord protector for the commanding of those forces, which you conducted out of Ireland into Scotland, you are also to observe for the party sent hence for Inverloughee, and they are also hereby required to obey you accordingly. And in regard those parts of the highlands adjacent to the garrison of Inverloughee are far remote from any court of judicature, either civil or criminal, and the inhabitants so barbarous, that publick justice cannot be executed there, which hath been the cause, that the people thereof have infested a great part of this nation with their frequent murthers and robberies, which they commit openly by force of arms, justifying the same as lawful, they never having as yet been subject to the laws of Scotland, otherwise than as they were compelled by arms. For the remedying of which disorders, and civilizing of the said people, I do therefore (with the approbation and advice of the right honourable the commissioners for administration of justice in Scotland) authorize you to apprehend, or cause to be apprehended, the person or persons of any, who are inhabitants, or have relation to, or shall be found in the several bounds of Loughaber, the breas thereof, Appine, Glenna, Rannach, Glengairy, Knodiart, Ardmuchy, and Ardgowre; and that are or shall be suspected or accused to have committed any murder, robbery, or felonies, or who have abetted, resetted, or favoured any, who have committed the said offences; and to try the person or persons so apprehended by a court martial, which said court is to take the examination of the party or parties so accused or suspected, or the testimony of the witnesses; and if they shall find them or any of them guilty of any of the said crimes, then to adjudge them punishment either by death or otherwise, according as the nature and quality of the offence shall deserve; and give order, that the punishment so given be put in execution, according to the sentence. You are also to use your utmost endeavours for keeping the publick peace within the said bounds, and to punish the breakers thereof either by corporal or pecuniary punishment, according as the nature of the offence shall deserve; as also to punish all such, who being able of body, do refuse to work, or cannot give a good account by what calling or means they do subsist. And you are to use all other good and convenient ways and means to bring the inhabitants of the said bounds to a more civil life and conversation. Given under my hand and seal at Dalkeith the 6th day of June 1655.
George Monck.
Capt. Unton Croke and H. Smith to the protector.
Vol. xxvii. p. 101.
May it please your highnesse,
In pursuance of your instructions, wee have seized the persons of the lord Lovelace'
sir John Burlacie, sir Thomas Pope, John Osbaldiston, esq; who were included in the
list sent us from your highnesse. Sir William Walter and col. Sands are, as wee heare, at
London, and soe out of our reache. Wee have alsoe secured the lord of Falkland, George
Nappier, Thomas Whorwood, Esq; who are dangerous and disaffected persons. Wee
intend to morrow morning to send them to Worcester, that being the neerest place where
there is conveniencie for confinement. Wee alsoe sent for my lord of Lindsey, whose
residence is in this countie, a person sufficiently knowne to your highnesse, as wee suppose;
but at his owne importunity, and coll. Coke's, wee have adventured to leave him at his
house, untill your highnesse shall signifie the contrary; but wee thought it a duty to act
what wee did incumbent on,
Oxon, June 6, 1655.
May it please your highnesse,
your most faithfull humble servants,
Hen. Smith.
Unton Croke.
Here was in this towne one coll. Colt, who formerly served the king, and esteemed a very dangerous person. Wee made attempts to seise him, but he having notice, fledd from us, as wee heare, to London.
A letter of intelligence from Cologne.
Vol. iii. p. 201.
In my last I had somewhat concerning fate and the symtomes, upon which rationall and
sober men might relinquish endeavours for the preservation of ther countrey. When
I hinted this in my last, itt was but in notion; since itt hath inlarged itself to consideration; and I must scann that story of Solon I then gave you, who, when Pisistratus had
taken Athens, and hee, in his judgment, saw all endeavours for libertie lost, layes downe
his armes, and departs to sitt still att home for the future. 'Tis possible hee may be applauded, but assuredly his deserting the publick in itts necessity was unworthy a wise man;
his laying downe his armes, an act of much arrogancye, timerous and base; his resolution
to sitt still for the future, self interest; and his conclusions, that all endeavours would be
vaine, prophane, an injustice to those gods he adored, and a lessening and determining
of the divine powers. I wish to many have not made such conclusions upon mistaken
grounds; though I must confess the symtomes of the last fate of our country have been
very vehement; and if we shall reflect upon what past at present (I am confident) if the
love of your countrey bee deere unto you, I know you'l profess (though by the way I
must tell you, many of those generall laws terminate in our particulars, most men respecting the publick but in order to ther private good, and wee have a custome of bemoaning the generall calamities, not because wee are really sensible of them, but because
itt gaines unto us, in some or all we converse with, an opinion of being truly zealous,
charitable, and well minded towards the country) you must tremble at the considerations of those many prodigies in the aire, in the sea, in the land; besides those many
earnests of God's wrath in the frequent fires lately happened, the present mortallity
your pamphletts lament, and your present plenty (I am informed) is not accounted by
many the lightest curse; all the prodromies, I feare, of an utter desolation. But this is
beyond your feares. Your armies are great, your navies victorious, your councells intire;
and unless I can chalk out the way, all I have said concerning destruction is rediculous.
Truely I must conceede unto you, that the wayes of God are unsearcheable; and what
wee least now imagine, may interveene to the effecting all those miseries wee deserve and
may expect. For if itt be lawfull to guess att what God will doe, by what God hath
done, wee may feare the dreggs reserved for us, wee having little reason as I know
to conclude ourselves the righteous ones. Ireland hath, Scotland hath, men and nations
have suffered, and from thence wee may inferr England shall; and I pray to God these
unhappy divisions may not terminate in the very subversion of the nation; for animosityes
are not suffocated with blood; and oportunity will att one time or other enliven them to
rage and madness; and hee'l bee happiest can first bring a stranger to destroy his neighbour. You may remember, sir, wee have sometime in our melancholy discours't,
that drowning men catch hold on any twigg to save themselves. After all this I
know you may in defence urge scripture for government and power, and consequently
obedience; 'tis true, but you cannot be ignorant, how itt hath been acquired, which may
absolve every pious man; and really I wish the sinns in the acquisition may not prove
nationall. I shall forbear to renumerate them; this hint will bring in the chaine of thoughts.
Ther is a portion of scripture your selfe and I have sometime bandied, I being ever an ill glosser, you would not reach mee yours to understand, but wished mee to follow the expressions. 'Tis in the xxviith of Jeremiah, the first part of which hath respect to all the neighbouring princes, but in the 12th verse his commands . . . . Zedekiah the king, and the peculiar tribe, and that they also must bring ther necks under the yoke of the king of Babylon, to serve him, and his people. And in the 13 he falls into a pathetick expostulation with them; why will yee die, thou and thy people by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence, as the Lord hath spoken against the nations that will not serve the king of Babylon? where you beleive mee securer; but this case is farr different from ours; for heere is the positive command of God by the prophett for ther obedience, and conditions, also proposed, as in the 11th, that those nations that doe serve him, shall by his protection remaine in ther owne land; they shall till itt, and dwell therin; which when you shall make evident to bee in our case, I shall acquiesce and forbear (indeed) to fight against God.
I having received somewhat from Collen, doe here give itt you; and it is an accompt of the late undertaking of the Scotts king, which hee was precipitated upon by the passions of some amongst you in England. Ormond and O Neale having receaved in Flanders the state of the whole thing from some deputed for that purpose, found the basis soe unsteddy, that O Neale beseecht his majestie on his knees not to ingage himself upon itt. Ormond did the same; the chancellor, like a wise man, suspended; secretary Nicholas, full of hopes, was point blank for his ingageing. The king himself gave the business for lost; yett since his motion was urged, and he had promised hee would goe, that they and the whole world might finde him ready and forward imbracing ought in order to his business, that those many imputations of remissness in him have beene the suggestions and calumniations of malice; the journey was undertaken with expence of 20000 dollars, a summ not readily repaired by that prince, whom the whole world hath almost relinquisht. Middleton was expected at Collen ten days since, having past Munster, which is but 2 small dayes journeys from that place. Since hee hath not been heard of, in soe much that hee is given for lost, itt being conceived he may be fallen into the hands of the souldiers (of which the country is full) for 'tis not imaginable, but hee must be heard off, if alive. Gerard went mooneday last to prince Rupert to Heidelbergh. 'Tis conceived hee will take command under that prince, who is busy in leavies for the duke of Modena, the French having advanced the monies.
The Sweeds are not as yett advanced. Were his designes publick, happily many a small Germaine prince would rest quiettly; for 'tis not imaginable that great eagle will catch att flyes: however they are all in armes.
I cannot gett a perfect knowledge of the violence offered to the protestants by
the duke of Savoy, nor doe wee meet with itt but in your newes books; wherefore I
suspect 'tis some state foist. I have nothing more at present, this being indeed more than
enough. That I will wright unto you, cannot bee imputed to you as a fault, in case my
extravagancies fall into other hands. The posts are free, and receive all. I am, sir,
Your most faithfull servant.
June 7/17, [1655.]
The superscription,
For mr. William Guordon, att mr. Josiah Drainer's,
apothecary, att the three half moones, nere York-
house in the Strand, London.
Jamaica. At a councell of war held at St. Jago de la Vega, June 7, 1655.
Major general Fortescue,
Colonel Buller,
Colonel Doylie,
Quarter master general Rudyerd,
Lieutenant colonel Barry,
Colonel Carter,
Colonel Holdipp,
Adjutant general Birkenhead;
Major Smith.
Vol. xxvii. p. 143.
Resolved, that whosoever goes for England to represent the condition of the army, and shall not return again within a twelve-month after his departure, shall be uncapable of receiving benefit by any plantation, being his proportion as a member of the army.
Resolved, that we are willing, if the general please to take the trouble upon, him of going into England, to represent the condition of the army and this island, and to procure such reliefs and supplies, as shall be needfull for the carrying on of this design, that he dispose himself for the voyage, as soon as he shall think convenient.
Resolved, that some one officer of the army be desired to go to attend the general into England; and that the officer agreed upon be col. Buller.
Rich. Fortescue,
Ric. Holdipp,
Samuel Barry,
Isaac Birkenhead,
Jo. Rudyerd.
We whose names are under written, being field officers of the army (though not present at the council of war within mentioned) do freely consent to, and approve of the votes and resolutions of the said council, as they are within expressed.
Phil. Ward,
Hen. Bartlett,
William Smith,
Michael Bland,
William Jordan.
An intercepted letter of Cha. Walley to Peter Venables, baron of Kinderton.
Vol. xxvii. p. 151.
Honorable sir,
I Received yours of the 2d instant, whereby I see my man John presumed to bringe a
yonge well-breed pacinge mare to have a dribb of an ould lame hackney stallion;
yet, I hope, soe stoute with his teeth and heeles as not to suffer that promoted palfrey
dulopp to come within the verge of the stood; else at my mare's cominge home, I should
have turned over Marsham, to have given her an evaquation. If the mare hould with
what the ould horse does, I'le saie, she is bread in a good soyle, nere Cotton Edmunds,
a fruitefull place in former tymes.
Your great shanct neighbore is come home ere this; and for ought I heare, onley
advanced to be captain of the county-troope, and governor of Chester. Justice Manley
. . . . . his lieutenant, if he will accept it, and capt. Griffith, cornett, officers all made,
and he took downe all the commissions with him. He was soe civill and curtiouse, as
came to me to my lodging, and wee dyned together. But for all his favour and interest
did not move a word for there arrears at Woster. I perceave he's trobled, that coll. Garratt
did dodge, and soe misst the excyse of salt. Here hath bine great expectation of some
new declaration or denomenation this fortnight; but yet nothing appeares. A great press
of seamen. Now this done, another great fleet to goe presently after coll. Venables to
terra ignota; for noe newes from him yet since he left the Barbados. Wil be great
alteration, it's said, of great officers in England and Ireland. Some 10 daies hence or a
fortnight the lord H. C. goes for Ireland. I was with him this morninge, and he said,
2 or 3 daies hence he would tell me the tyme; if I could gett speciall auditors for my
account, I should make an end shortly. I have allmost spent my spiritts with the bussines
of it; and never man more desired to be at home. I begg your pardon for my bouldnes,
presuming on your wounted goodnes and freedome to your most bounden servant at command,
Cha. Walley.
June 7, 1655.
My most humble service to your good lady and daughter. Mr. H. Wilbram and I once a week remember you.
You might rayse friends in England and Ireland by presenting a yonge horse at Chester, as the great man passes by. You'le aske, whether I am in jest or ernest.
He will have both the horse and mare that were sir R. M.
The superscription,
For the honourable Peter Venables, barron of
Kinderton, at his house at Kinderton, nere
Middlewich in Cheshire, present these.
A Letter of intelligence from the Hague.
June 12, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxvii. p. 51.
The lords of Holland have this morning disbanded the earl of Stierum, captain of
horse, for having taken service under the Swede, notwithstanding that he married
the niece of the princess of Orange; and in the mean time there are several, who have
taken service under the elector of Brandenburgh, and notwithstanding do hold their
charges here.
From Flanders (it is said from Malines, but I believe from Brussels, from him, who doth usually write to prince Maurice) therein being come advice, that the design of the Swedes is upon the province of Overyssel, they have admonished and desired the commissioners of state to draw up an advice, in what manner they should provide against it, if it be; whereupon the council have appeared in the assembly of the states general, and did advise, that they ought to draw from such and such places about 70 or 80 companies, and put them in garrison, or a flying body, in two places upon the Rhine and the Issel, to be commanded by two heads, who are not yet named. But there is yet nothing concluded. Likewise I believe, that those of Brandenburgh, who thought to draw some advantage from this sudden advice, have met with the contrary. They did believe, that by this report, they should oblige Holland so much the more to conclude the alliance with Brandenburgh; but on the contrary those of Overyssel and Gelderland are afraid to offend Sweden by such an alliance; insomuch this day neither Holland, nor the president, nor any other province made any mention of the alliance with Brandenburgh; so that one can conjecture nothing else, but that the treaty will not take effect; for the assembly of Holland is parting, and they must either conclude the treaty at present, or do nothing; and we shall see, whether any thing will be moved about it. Now it is clearly seen, that specie recusantis, the elector hath desired the treaty most flagrantly.
June 14.
Yesterday after the sermon in the forenoon, and after the evening sermon, there was a meeting with the commissioners of state, concerning the defence of the frontiers; and that upon the report or advice, which was said to be come from Brabant, that the Swedes had a design upon this state; and that therefore there ought an oath to be taken (see the Restored Lyon, fol. 390, 391.) upon this business; and that the lord Ripperda and the lord Knyf, two that are newly come, did refuse this oath, pretending likewise, that it could not be kept (a fair commendation.) However, after a long debate, they would have them either to take that oath, or to go out of the assembly, so that the lord Knyf took it. Ripperda absented himself. All the business was only to frame a register of the companies of foot and horse, to the number of about eighty companies, to put into bodies of flying armies upon the Rhine and Issel, under the marshal de camp and prince William; and by this means endeavour to remove their friends out of such garrisons, as are bad or inconvenient ones; which contrary to the oath at the assembly in Zealand, those of Zieirixee would not appear, saying, that they must first redress the business of Tolen in pristinum statum.
The embassador of France hath been to see the president for this week, only recommending to him the business of a priest of Maestricht.
This morning they at last agreed upon the manner and number of companies, who shall have patents. They are to march towards Groningen and Friesland; and if need be, they are to make two bodies, whereof one shall be commanded by the marshal de camp, and the other by prince William. Those of Friesland have very much opposed the choice of those two heads, and the making up of the body, to signify, that they will not have, that the marshal de camp should come and command in the said provinces; whereof care is likewise had; so that the contradiction of Friesland is no ways well grounded. The proposition of baron Sparr was read this morning; and it is already resolved, that an answer shall be returned in very civil terms. And to the end to oblige and honour him the more, they have appointed the lord Ripperda of Guelderland, the lord Waveren, and the president for the week, to treat him at a solemn feast on wednesday next.
June 15.
This morning was read the projected treaty with the elector of Brandenburgh; but they advanced no further than to the 14th article; upon the occasion whereof the question was very much debated, how far this state hath right and is obliged to free and secure the privileges and liberties of the states of the country of Cleve, and by this means that treaty maketh but a slow progress.
The lord Huygens was to confer this day with the embassador of Spain, upon his memorandum more particularly.
June 16.
This day there passed nothing considerable. There hath not been any thing said of the treaty with Brandenburgh. They have dispatcht the patents. The reason why those of Friesland did not desire to have any nomination of heads, is, because, that if there had been none named, tacitly it would have been prince William, that would have commanded, by reason that all those troops will be in the province of his government.
June 17.
The commissioners of the states general at Groningen have writ, that they have made an end of examining; and that in pursuance thereof those, that have been admitted, have made the distribution of offices and charges according as they could agree by plurality of voices; and thereupon the government of the province is re-established to a being, which formerly was divided. On the 14th of this month the same commissioners were to make a provision for a rule, according to which for the time to come the states of the Ommelands were to govern and establish their government. We shall see whether they will embrace it.
Yesterday they feasted the baron Sparr. This day the prince of Tarante feasts him. He complains, that the embassador of France did not give him so good a reception as him of Spain. The states general have already agreed upon an answer in Latin, which is to be given him upon his proposition. And if he hath nothing else to propose, he wants only a recredential in the ordinary form to return.
This day again was read the projected treaty with the elector of Brandenburgh; and the plurality of voices hath declared upon the 13th or 14th article, that this state doth pretend the observation of the treaty of Xanten, and the effect of securing, which are to be seen in the book, called a Relation of the Netherland Treaties of Peace, fol. 235, and 242. And in regard, that the lord plenipotentiary of his highness the elector of Brandenburgh both declare, that he cannot admit of it, the treaty I believe will sleep.
June 18.
Concerning the treaty with Brandenburgh, another conference is to be held with the
plenipotentiary of his highness the elector of Brandenburgh, upon the above mentioned
clause; but it is presumed already, that he will not hearken to it. I am
Your most humble servant.
June 18, 1655. [N. S.]
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol. xxvii. p. 139.
[Paragraph contains cyphered text - see page image 525]
I Understand, that states general or states of Holland will endeavour to put themselves in alliance
with protector and Denmark to maintain Poland. I do admire, that likewise they do not
speak of Brandenburgh, with whom hitherto they do likewise endeavour for alliance; which I do
wonder at, for that is a trick put upon states of Holland, in regard that alliance is more Orange party and
royalists than any one in the world. And states of Holland making profession to esteem the amity
of protector, ought not to make amity with men that are so violently royalists.
And besides, it is very observable, that Denmark being master of Oresundt can do a great deal of harm to protector, as he hath had the trial. States of Holland and Amsterdam do only endeavour to get all the commerce to themselves. Why do states of Holland trouble themselves? for as for Dantzick they stand well with Sweden; and although Sweden were masters of Prussia Regalis and Prussia Ducalis what harm? Sweden would not devour all the fruits of Poland. They must settle them; they must live and let others live. I give you many thanks for the bill of exchange; but there being, according to my calculation, two quarters more in arrear, I leave that to your discretion and ancient good affection.
As to this resolution of states of Holland the embassadors of states general will not have for this time yet any charge. I would be glad to know what doth the resident of Poland states of Holland are angry, that he doth absent himself from hence at present, si obtinendi aliquid apud Cromwell spem non babeat.
The creditors of the Queen of Bohemia are going again for England, with recommendations to the lord protector and the lord Nieuport.
June 18, 1655. [N. S.]
Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorn, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxvii. p. 199.
Right Honorable,
I now hav advys from my frend at Naples, that his hyhnes comission for the two
horses and fowre mares is completed, I hope to his hyhnes full content; my next may
bring you an invois or factory of theyr cost and charges; as also a description of each;
their race, or pedigree, collour, age, heitht, quallity, and condition. Althouh my said
frend be a marchant, yet he professes som skil in horsmanship; besyds which, he has had
the best advys in Naples. I hope they wil prov every way answerable to his hyhnes expectation. I gav order to the man I sent over for Tripoly to rediem the Inglish captives,
to bring a mare thence, which he did; but 'twas so small a thing, gentile and thin, the
legs litle bigger than a hynd's, that I thouht not worth your acceptance; for a good
mare to breed should be as wel tal and large, as clean limb'd and handsom. I know
not yet, whether I shal speed in the comission I gav to Aleppo for a horse; but if I do,
I am confident the world has not better horses than that place affourds.
Som shipps arryv'd here this week saw gen. Blake's fleet off Cape de Gat, going westward towards the Streits mouth, as is supposed, to meet his vittellers, wherof his must be in som want, althouh he has had good supply at Argier; but that is not meat to keep. Here has not arryv'd a vessell from Provence this 40 days, becaus of the imbargue, til theyr fleet be maned. I was in som hopes, that the 6 ships and gallyes, that departed a month since with men for Cattalonia, might hav faln into gen. Blake's hands, but they hav landed theyr men, and are retorned from Tollon, with an Inglish merchant's ship, which they met with coming from Barsalona. This last week the great duk called som Inglish to him, who wer at Florence, and demanded in what manner the late kings of Ingland did giv audience, and receiv ambassadors extraordinary from other kings, for (said the duk) the most seren protector did scarce mov his hat at receit of the marques de Leida. Hearing of this passage, I thoht it my duty to advys you of it, that his hyhnes may know what precys observers ar about his court. 'Tis reported and believ'd at the great duk's court, that prince Rubert coms to serv the duk of Modena with 2500 men, at which I wonder, seing his brother is as it wer a creature to the emperor. How he can dispence to serv against the house of Austria, I know not.
It siems som few protestants in Savoy, who escapt the late massacre, having received som countenance and succour from the Cantons, Geneva, and the French, ar now in arms upon thos mountains som 2000, and as they synd opportunity, revenge the death of theyr frends. A protestant war in Itally has not hitherto bin known. What fyre this spark may kindle, I know not.
'Tis som tyme since I was bould to prefer an humble petition to his hyhnes the protector by your worthy hands, for repayment of my losses by the French in thes seas;
which amounts to 2093 l. ster. If by your meanes his hyhness letter myht be procured
to general Blake to satisfy my sayd losses out of the French pryzes he taks in the seas, it
would obliege perpetually,
Right honourable,
Your most humble and faithfull servant,
Charles Longland.
Leghorn, June 18, 1655. [N. S.]
General Blak has ratisyed the articles of peace at Argier, and included therein Scotch, Irish, Jarnsey and Garnsey-men, and all others the protector's subjects. He has lykewys redeemed from thence al such as wer captives ther. Several Duch captives swam aboard the fleet, and so escape theyr captivity.
Nieuport, the Dutch embassador in England, to N. Ruysch.
Vol. xxvii: p. 175.
My Lord,
Their high mightinesses's letter and resolutions concerning the 17 or 18 Netherland
ships, seized by the English fleet under the generals Pen and Venables, near Barbados, as also in relation to the massacre committed lately upon those of the true reformed religion, till then living in Vallies of the Piedmont, both dated on the 7th instant,
came to hands last night. On the first subject. I discoursed some days ago with mr.
Thurloe, who told me, that I had best to draw it up in writing; and that he most
willingly would deliver the same to his highness the lord protector. And some sailors
coming over here with an English ship from Barbados, having given me some account of
the ship called the Currycomb of Rotterdam, I caused them to be examined on oath
upon some interrogatories, and desired the restitution thereof by a written memorial,
since the said ship, coming from Carcao, a Netherland plantation, with 4 horses
and about 60 goats, was taken at sea beyond the English islands. Yesterday I delivered
likewise a memorial in writing concerning the Sea-horse and Parrot, two ships of Flushing, being informed, that one of the ships was taken at sea, full two miles from
the shore, which the evening before came to an anchor, and was seized the next day
following, without any one of both ships having been on shore. And whereas in a few
days some ships are going to Barbados and the said fleet, I think that their high
mightinesses will not take it ill, if I demand forthwith a general restitution and discharge
of all the ships and goods, or at least, that orders may be given, that the ships and
goods, as far as possible, may be preserved, or otherwise, that the produce thereof may
not be alienated or perplexed, and this in two separate written memorials, the first dated
on the 25th of May, and the other on the 15th of June. I have also demanded relaxation
of the ship called, the Hare in the Field of Middelburgh, and of the cargo thereof,
being taken at sea, sailing from Havre de Grace to Cadiz in Spain, laden with rich goods;
and the council has found good thereupon, that the said memorial, together with some
instructions which were annexed thereunto, should be delivered to the commissioners of
sea affairs and the fleet, with order that they should make an exact report thereof on
yesterday. This morning I understood, that the said gentlemen had been ready, but that
the council, treating upon publick affairs, the time was spent therein. I am told under
hand, that proof can be made, that part of the cargo belongs to French merchants. I will
further do my utmost endeavours, that a speedy and favourable resolution may be given
upon my said memorials. As to the contents of their high mightinesses's letter and resolution, relating the aforementioned massacre committed in the Vallies of Piedmont, I
informed mr. Thurloe likewise of their high mightinesses's Christian zeal and cordial inclination for the re-establishment of the said poor people; and told him, that I was
charged to talk further about it with the lord protector; whereupon he related to me, that
he had just before received letters from mr. Moreland, envoy to the duke of Savoy, mentioning that he had delivered his highness's letters to the king of France, and to my lord
cardinal at la Fere, and that the count de Brienne had sent him the answer of the said
lord the king, with a very civil letter, but that as yet there had been no time to open the
said letter. And further he told me, that he would procure me an opportunity to discourse
further upon it with his highness himself: accordingly he sent me word this morning, that
his highness would expect me this afternoon at three o'clock, and at that time waiting on
my lord protector, I acquainted him with their high mightinesses's said resolution, and all
that their high mightinesses, since my last audience, had already resolved concerning the
persecution and massacre aforementioned, and what order their high mightinesses's had
sent to the embassador Boreel, and in what terms they had written to the king of
France, to the protestant Cantons of Switzerland, and to the regency of Geneva; and
that further their high mightinesses were not unwilling to send a special deputation to
the duke of Savoy, to intercede with his highness in behalf of the said persecuted brethren,
his subjects. Whereupon I desired to know, whether his highness would not like
wise think it fit and serviceable, to give the like orders for him, to the end that thus
the said endeavours of intercession might be of the greater efficacy, and be brought the
sooner to bear. The lord protector answered me, that it was exceeding pleasing and acceptable to him, to observe, that their high mightinesses, with such a great and Christian
zeal, took this affair to heart; and that he still assured me, that he was ready to hazard
his life and all that was dear and valuable to him in this world, in such a cause, and
for the defence and free exercise of the protestant religion, and for the disappointment
of all whatever the papists might devise against the same, or for the oppression thereof;
not (as he told me) out of any worldly considerations, but because he was of opinion,
that he and all other good Christians were obliged, before God and in their consciences,
to oppose all the like persecutions. Further he told me, that he thought it serviceable,
that their high mightinesses would likewise send one thither, since he had dispatch'd
already a gentleman to the duke of Savoy for that purpose, and would willingly send
orders after him to concert matters, and correspond with him, whom their high mightinesses shall think fit to send thither, to promote the said affair and interest, and to
bring the same to a happy conclusion. Lastly, he desired me to assure your high
mightinesses, in his name, that he was ready to contribute every thing to what their high
mightinesses should think proper and of service. He told me further, that he had received
an answer to his letter from France; but that he was assured from several parts, that without the concurrence of some ministers, and the troops of that crown under the count de
Quincy, it never would have been committed. I replied thereupon, that the faults of
ministers and officers ought to be enquired into, and that their high mightinesses had demanded the same; and that I hoped, that the treaty, which was agreed upon with France,
for that reason would not be delayed any longer; and that I was obliged further to represent to him the intolerable injuries, that were done to the inhabitants of the United Provinces, as appeared by daily complaints made by private persons, under the pretence of
reprisals against the French; that he had given repeated orders, and promised generally
to make such regulations, that all complaints should cease; but that experience shewed,
as long as those disorders lasted, that it never would be remedied; and that nevertheless
private hardships continued in such a state as that of the United Provinces, did upon all occurrencies inflame the minds of the people anew. The lord protector answered, that he
had not been in the fault, but all the circumstances in the said affair of Piedmont, in relation to the intention of France, gave him great suspicion: however, as to the complaints of their high mightinesses subjects, that he would give his orders to remedy the same,
and that I had no occasion to make any scruple, from time to time, in case any thing
happened, to speak to him about it. I told him hereupon, that I had received some
further informations touching the Netherland ships, which were seized near the Caribbee
islands, and that I thought them sufficient to prove the illegality of those proceedings,
desiring, that commissaries might be appointed, to lay open before them what has happened in that respect, to the end that forthwith the necessary orders might be issued for
the restitution and reparation of damages and losses they have suffered. He promised that
he would nominate commissaries for that purpose, and desired mr. Thurloe, who alone
was present, to remember him of it. I assure your lordship, that I will do my utmost
endeavours for the good of the interested. After having written thus far, the lord
embassador of France came to me, and communicated with many civil expressions
the answer of his majesty to the known letter of the lord protector, wherein he is
assured, that his majesty had written already about it, and had given further orders, not
only to dispose the duke of Savoy to restore the said inhabitants of the Vallies of Piedmont,
but also to confirm them in the free exercise of their religion, even with this ampliation,
that they should have the liberty to possess free lands and estates beyond their ancient
limits, in other parts of the dominions of the said duke of Savoy, not questioning, but
the same would be regulated according thereunto. The said gentleman acquainted me
likewise, that he had desired, that a time might be appointed for the signing of the adjusted treaty; and that he was answered, that it was impossible to have any consultations
on that head, before next monday: messieurs Fiennes and Strickland have been the commissioners in the said negotiation, they are, some days ago, gone into the country, the
wife of the first named being brought to bed, and the latter has accompanied his lady
into Wales in England to the house of their only daughter; however both the said gentlemen are daily expected home again; when I hope, that the said treaty will be concluded and signed.
Wherewith, &c.
My lord, &c.
W. Nieuport.
Westminster, June 18,
1655. [N. S.]