A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1655: May (5 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp480-498 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1655: May (5 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp480-498.
"State Papers, 1655: May (5 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp480-498.
In this section
May (5 of 5)
News sent from Paris to mr. Stouppe.
June 5. 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxvi. p. 367.
The king hath now sent to the king of Sweden mr. de Terlon, knight, with a compliment, and he carries unto him a very fine present.
A new embassador of Venice is come incognito. He that is here prepares himself for his return.
They say here, that in case the peace be concluded betwixt England and France, that the duke of York shall go to Rome, in his brother's name, for to pray the pope, as the common father of the Christians, to make a peace between the two crowns, and to oblige the catholick kings and princes to assist him with all their forces to conquer again his kingdom and his dominions.
There is a report, that a part of the army of the king hath besieged Landrecy; others say, it is but invested.
Quesnoy hath been newly victualled by the mareschal of Hocquincourt.
The last letters of La Fere in Picardy do say, that all the waggons and carts were a preparing to depart, and that all did go to Landrecy.
Monsieur de Monjus, governor of the city of Arras, having hindred monsieur of Villemontay, whom the king had sent thither, from making informations of his ill demeanor against the inhabitants and neighbours, the king being warned of it, hath sent mr. de Crequi, knight, with a commission to lay hold on the governor, who having discovered this design, caused them to go out of the city; likewise three companies of the garrison, which he suspected. The prince of Condé hearing of this, hath sent two trumpeters to this governor, whereof the court mistrusting, doth go to Amiens to provide for the security of the said place.
'Tis likely they will be here at odds with the pope, because he will have no wars in Italy, and hath commanded the duke of Modena to lay down his arms, because that he doth also favour the cardinal de Retz. Mr. de Lionne having carried to the pope a packet, containing the informations against the abovesaid cardinal de Retz, his holiness foreseeing what it was, would not receive it.
The prince of Condé is not in a way of encountering any, but only of defending himself.
'Tis thought the French will make a great progress this year in the state of Milan, which is set upon by our best troops.
The king is fallen in love with the lady Manchini, the cardinal's niece. His love may tend to a marriage, to which nothing in France will oppose itself. Every body is ill contented, and no body stirs.
A letter of intelligence.
Paris, June 5, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxvi. p. 372.
Yours I received late by this post with little of news. It is even so with me. The
marquis de Lede's negotiation, whatsoever it be, is a great vexation to this court;
for they fear much he will hinder by his greater profers our peace with the lord protector;
but we cannot learn what his profers are; and our embassador Bordeaux seems by his last
letters to his father to be doubtful of what success his treaty shall have, whereas formerly
he writ with much confidence of a good issue.
They understand at court by letters from Bordeaux and others, that the protector is highly moved at the massacres committed in the Vallies of Lucerne and St. Martin upon the Hugonots; and that troubles them also, so that cardinal Mazarin is very much perplexed, having yet further cause, for he had a greater design, and gave large sums of money for the execution of it in Flanders. The design was the city of St. Omers to be delivered to him; but the plot is discovered, and the town secured for the king of Spain with the loss of Mazarin's money, which makes him mad. This is yet very fresh and secret, but true.
Cardinal Mazarin gave to secretary Navarre, as he past here, a good sum of money. It is believed Navarre served him, whilst he lived in France, for which he may give some account in Spain.
Here is not a word of general peace. Now it is thought our armies will set upon Rocroy or Landrecy.
The duke of Savoy, I hear, repents what has been done against the Hugonots: he has reason.
These three days past afforded no more news known to,
Sir, yours.
The Spanish embassador to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxvi. p. 376.
Sor mio,
Esperando hemos estado la semana pasada del señor protector a lo que en voz le representamos, y dejamos por escrito en la ultima audiencia, y estando el tiempo tan
adelantado para començarse la campaña, y deviendo yo el marques de Lede asistir el tiempo
della a los puestos que ocupo en Flandes, necesito mucho de breve despacho para poder
bolverme a cumplir con esta obligon, y en los ordenes del rey mi señor, y assi suplicamos a
V. S. lo represente a su A. a. sin que sin ulterior dilacion se sirva de mandar se nos dè la
respuesta que mas suere servido, de que quedaremos muy obligados a servir a V. S. cuya
persona gde Dios muchos añs, como deseamos de Casa.
a 6 de Junio, 27 de Mayo, 1655.
El marques de Lede.
Muy servidores de V. S.
Don Alonso de Cardenas.
An intercepted letter.
Vol. xxvi. p. 386.
I wrote to you the last post; since which wee have it here, that for certaine the peace
twixt England and France is quit off, and the Spaniard taken into friendship, which possibly may make an alteration in your designe for your nephewe's travailes, as it has in part
much with us for our desires that way. I pray send me word by the first, in case that treaty
be broken, what your resolutions are, and where you intend his first residence in France,
that if it may be, I may make use of the curtesy you offer; when he shall begin his
travailes, and the governour's name, and what of the conditions you shall thinke fitt to
confesse. All our services to all with you. I am
June 6. st. nov. 1655.
Pray bestow your answer with the first.
The superscription,
For William Coventrye, esq; to be left att mr.
John Collins his chamber in the Inner Temple
in Hare Court, London.
A letter of intelligence.
Rome, June 7, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxvii. p. 479.
The letters are come, but I have not received yours; this night I shall. All the letters are come to cardinal Albisio. For news from hence this week, state affairs are
in the same posture. The pope goes with leaden feet, but will really labour for a general peace; of which there is no more said yet than what you had in my former letters.
The courier from Madrid is not yet returned.
His holiness received very ill news, that monsieur count de Broglio was expected at Modena with French troops and monies, and had high words with cardinal de Este and monsieur Lionne, saying such business would produce no good, but bring new obstacles against the general peace; so that Modena goes on still, notwithstanding his holiness's re sentment. Cardinal Truulsio is going to Milan, to assist the counsellors of marquis de Caracena, as also for his particular affairs. Cardinal Antonio Barberini upon a second resolution parted to go to the court of France, and to that end the commonwealth of Genoa sent to him a galley to Civita Vecchia, that shall transport his eminency as far as Toulon. The pope has most earnestly recommended to him to be assistant for the general peace; and he has instructions for it at large. After all was said, it is found necessary, that at least one of the pope's nephews shall be called to court to assist his holiness; and 'tis thought soon he will be here; but the pope gave orders to three cardinals to consider what revenue in conscience a pope ought to give to his nephew: he shall not want be sure of it.
In the consistory that was this day se'nnight, the pope created the archbishop of Corinth the coadjutor to the archbishop of Tarantesse; and in the end of that consistory the pope gave the title of cardinal to cardinal de Retz, who is very well in favour with his holiness.
Cardinal de Medicis was ready to depart for Florence; but being fallen into his ordinary indisposition of the gout, has deferred his voyage, and sent away the two gallies come for him to Civita Vecchia, but with orders to return within fifteen days. Monsieur Cajetano is in his journey from Spain to Rome, and monsieur de Massimi is in his journey to Madrid to be nuncio in his place.
Cardinal of Harach and Hesse are to depart very soon. Yesterday as yearly accustomed by the pope to give dowries to distressed virgins, this pope provided for four hundred. Yesterday two Jews were baptized here with much ceremony, cardinal Astalli was their godfather.
The letters of Naples bring, that all the goods of those of Genoa seized upon in this
kingdom are now sent from thence, according to the late treaty made with the king of
France; also that they have shipped in Naples into nine gallies two regiments of foot
to be sent to Finale, and from thence to Milan, and five other regiments of Spaniards,
which passing by shall be left in the garrisons of Tuscany. Of general Blake we hear
nothing lately, but we most long to hear what design the great fleet with general Venables
has. Here are no other news; so I must end at present,
Sir, yours.
Paris, June 7, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxvi. p. 369.
I have not much since my former of news. The Hugonots, that were defeated by
the troops of the duke of Savoy in the Vallies of Lucerne and St. Martin, fled away
to Geneva, to Switzerland, part also to Dauphiné; but having correspondencies together,
sent hither two deputies, of which one was a minister, who came to their brethren of
the religion, and openly to the minister called Drelincourt, to whom he recounted all that
passed betwixt themselves and the catholicks, which was the most part of the discourse of
the said Drelincourt last sunday preaching at Charenton; and monday following had an
assembly in Paris of those of his own religion, of whom he desired assistance and protection for their banished brethren. Also they resolved to have it spoken of in court by
mr. de Ruvigni their deputy general; and in the mean time to raise among themselves
great contributions for their aforesaid brethren in this their extremity.
Madam Martinozzi parted from Compiegne the first of this month, and arrived here last wednesday in the evening, where she was unknown, without speaking to any man, till she parted yesterday for Modena, accompanied with the count and countess de Noailles. His eminence has given her with her husband 900,000 livres, of which 600,000 in hand, and the rest he is obliged to pay her within six months.
Madam Martinozzi her mother is gone with her as far as Marseilles, and from thence she will to Rome, finding not this air good for her health.
The cardinal writ a letter to the marquis Palavicino, resident of Genoa, that he might be pleased to write to his commonwealth to send two gallies to Marseilles to convey his niece to Modena, which the said resident did, and sent an express with the letter a purpose.
In the treaty at Compiegne they called the duke of Modena high and powerful seigneur.
It is written from Rennes in Bretagne, that mr. de Meilleraye was expected there, as also his son mr. Grand Maistre, who is to take possession of the survivance of the government of his father, before they go to the states of Vitray.
The cardinal sent mr. Bravesi an Italian to compliment his holiness. The king sent an express to cardinal Antonio, desiring him to stay in Rome, and not come to France, as he pretended.
Madam la comtesse de Bossu quitted Mommare, and is retired to Charrone, where she expects a passport to return to Flanders.
The court is yet at Compiegne, and next monday will part either for Amiens or la Ferre. By the next you may hear more of them. The Hugonots here are printing what passed betwixt themselves and the catholicks at Valleés de Lucerne and St. Martin; when it's printed, you may have it.
Our army is marching towards Landrecy, which may be is to give the enemies a false
alarm, and turn another way afterwards. I have nothing more to acquaint you of, only
that I am not well. However, I am,
Sir, your most faithful servant,
An intercepted letter, design'd for Paris.
Londre May 28me 55. st. vieux.
In the possession on of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great-Britain.
Il y a quinze jours que je vous escris l'effect de nostre premiere operation, en quoy
nous ne reussimes pas, mais au contraire nous perdismes beaucoup de * ce qui me fait
souffrir mille inquietudes. Je vous supplia par ma derniere de nous voir a Londre, pour
nous fait scavoir nostre erreur & le corriger. Ne tardes pas, je vous prie, si vous
m'aimez, de venir ici, pour m'oster de cette grande distraction, qui m'affligé a present,
& m'affligera jusque a ce que je vous verray. Je m'estonne aussi, que je n'ay pas
encore receu aucune response a ma derniere pour tesmoigner vostre dessein de nous voir a
Londre. Monsieur, je n'ay rien plus que de vous dire encore, que je vous attend avec impatience, & monsieur St. aussi, qui est a cette heure a Londre. Adieu. Je suis, monsieur,
Vostre tres humble et tres affectionné serviteur,
T. H.
Failes mes baises mains a monsieur Ch. Fo: & monsieur Le Feb.
Il faut demaunder les cousteaux & le tobac de monsieur Humfreys, un Anglois, qui demeure a la prochaine porte des Filles Angloise hors de la porte St. Marseau.
C'et madam Fenwicke, qui lui les a données: ils sont addressées a vous.
A monsieur
Monsieur Farettes, a la rue de Grenell,
a la prochaine porte de monsieur
Moreau, brasseur aux fauxbourghs
St. Germains, à Paris.
Information against mr. Rogers.
May 28. At Thomas Apostles.
In his prayer these and such like passages:
Vol. xlvi. p. 21.
Hasten the time, when al absolute power shal be devolved into the hand of Christ; when we shal have no lord protector but our Lord Jesus, the onely true protector and defender of the faith. Let our faith have so much of the graine of mustard-seed, as to say to that great mountain, be removed, and it shal be removed.
Look in mercy upon thy saints att Windsor, that are imprisoned for the truth and the testimony of Jesus: be thou their freedome and enlargement, &c.
Remember thy handmaid, who is brought to town, and threatned by the worldly powers, who crucify Christ Jesus in the spirit every day. Heare the blasphemies of the court, and regard their ridiculous pomp and vanity. And now Christ Jesus is proclaimed kinge, pour forth thy vials upon the worldly powers, the powers of Antichrist.
Then he blessed God, that had yet reserved himself a remnant, who had not bowed their knees to Baal.
He named his text out of the vth chap. of the letter of Matthew, 25th v. Agree with thine adversary quickly, By the adversary, he said, was meant Christ, whome the apostate professors and wicked ones of this world had made their adversary. And soe made this his doctrine: 'Tis the concernment of al adulterous apostate professors to make a speedy agreement with their adversary. And because the kingly office of Christ was att this present time most eminently opposed, he would speak to the present powers, who are the opposers of it in their government, in their priesthood, in their armies.
The apostate professors of this age have openly broken al God's commandments, as I shall shew in their order.
1. To the first. I am the Lord thy God, that brought thee out of Egypt; thou shalt have no other Gods but me. But as Israel of old made themselves calves, and said, Lo these are our gods, which brought us out of Egypt; so the men of this generation say, lo this and lo that; lo our strength, and lo our armies, have brought us out of bondage from under monarchical government, &c.
2. Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven image. But the present powers have set up graven images, that is to say, the works of men's imaginations. They have lately set up Triers att Whitehal, a new set of doctors, worshippers of the inventions of man: a new commission court, to give out tickets, and feals, and instruments, and picklocks, to open houses, and pulpits, and pigsties, and henroosts, to fetch thence eggs, and geese, and pigs, and tithes: a most sottish and ridiculous foppery, nay meer idolatry. 'Tis an horrible sin in any to own them, or receive commission from them. The last parliament would have proved a reformer, and have pulled down this image; but that the powers of this world interposed. And I beleeve one day they must give a sad account for it. If any have received such commission from them, let them return it, and quickly agree with the adversary.
3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. But the men in present power have eminently taken God's name in vain, by applying his attributes to sinister ends. Their pretensions were for the honour of God, for the interest of Christ; what more frequent in their mouthes? Wel, God took them att their words, gave them many a victory in trust, to see what they would doe with it, after so many promises and pretences. But at last, what God gave them onely in trust, for the advancement of his glory, they have purloined and abused to the advancement of themselves, breaking al oaths, promises, covenants, engagements, declarations. When they goe to fight another battle, they cannot give that for a word any more, No king but Jesus; a word, which won them more then their swords. No, they have set up now a king of their own.
4. Remember thou keep holy the sabbath. They are guilty of the breach of this comandment, who doe their own works. Those who have no soul-rest cannot keep a sabbath. Such are they that gape after court-honour, priviledges, preferrments, advantages.
5. Honour thy father and thy mother. To obey the world before God, makes us guilty of this commandment. God wil say to the men of this generation, go to your governour, go to your protector. If I be a father, where is my honour?
6. Thou shalt do no murder. There is a heart-murder; those that hate the spirit in the saints, are murderers. Those who have it in their intent and desire to murder the saints, though for some respects of their own, they refrain from the outward act, they are murderers before God. Some in the present power are guilty of this murderous intent. Before, nothing but the laws of Christ and the interest of Christ; but now 'tis a particular and personal interest, the interest of a man, the caus of a man. Those, who were slain for the caus of Christ, their blood cries aloud, let Christ reign; but those, who say, let us reign, make themselves guilty of that blood, and so are murderers.
Then he converted his discours against spies and talebearers, recounting out of the book of martyrs and other stories God's remarkable judgments against them.
7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. There is a heart-adultery, as Christ also expounds it. He that looks upon pleasures, and honours, and profits, and lusts after them, this lust of the heart is adultery. The present powers have committed adultery with al interests, with the cavaleer party, with the army, with the clergy.
8. Thou shalt not steale. They are thieves and robbers, which take away violently that which is not their right, that which does not belong to them. We have great thieves and rich thieves, army thieves and clergy thieves. A poor pirate was brought before Alexander the Great, for robbing; and being demanded the reason, the pirate answered him, this is the sole difference 'twixt you and me; you are the great thief, and I am but the little one. Doe violence to no man, said John the Baptist to the souldiers; but our souldiers doe violence to all men. What right have those men in the throne to it? The cavaleer party wil say, Charles Stuart has a right; but I say, there's no man breathing has more right to it than the meanest child that walks the streets; the kingdome is the Lord's and his Christ's. They which detaine what they have unjustly taken, are thieves. Why doe they not make restitution of their stolne powers, their stolne thrones and dignities? restore them to the saints, whome they despised and cast out, under the name of fift monarchy men. They that make unlawfull hast to be rich are thieves and robbers. (Then he directed his speech to my lord protector.) Certainly he is in a desperate condition. No wonder we heare so much of plots, two or three already; though, for my part, 'tis the desire of my soul, that he may not be taken of by any of them, but rather that he may repent, and God recover him again to himself. Becaus he hath oppressed and forsaken the poor, becaus he hath violently taken away a house, which he builded not, surely he shal not feel quietnes in his belly, he shal not save of that which he desired. Job xx. 19. O thou black Whitehal! thou black Whitehal! fah, fah, it stinks of the brimstone of Sodom, and the smoke of the bottomless pit. The flying roule of God's curses shall overtake the family of that great thief there; he that rob'd us of the benefit of our praiers, of our tears, of our bloud, the bloud of my poor husband, will the widow say, the bloud of my poor father, will the orphan say, the bloud of my dear friend, will many say. Thes shed their bloud for the cause of Jesus Christ, and for the interest of his kingdom; but that which they purchased att so deare a rate, is taken from us by violence: we are rob'd of it, and the cause of Christ is made the cause of a man.
He would have proceeded to the two other commandments, but that time prevented him.
At the conclusion of his discourse, he produced a letter from mr. Feak at Windsor, giving a large account of what betided him there; how he had preached to some soldiers of the guard, and that they were much affected with what he spake; how he was remanded to his chamber by the governour, and a long dialogue betwixt them on that occasion. Al which he distinctly read to the people, being a very numerous assembly. And thus closed all: in sum, my dear friends, you may shortly expect a new book of martyrs; the saints are worse dealt with by the powers of this age, than they were by the Heathens of old. Paul was suffered to preach at Rome; but they now are forbid to preach the gospel.
Afterwards a hymn was set, composed for the occasion; which the people sung very affectionately. It began thus: Come, glorious king of Zion, come to defend thy cause against all earthly powers, and to work deliverance for thy captives; and much to that purpose.
A letter to the protector concerning mr. Rogers.
Vol. xlvii. p. 25.
May it please your highnesse,
Having for theise 5 or 6 yeares had more oppirtunityes to reade mr. Rogers then
many others, I humbly conceive it not altogether improper (espetially at this tyme)
to give your highnesse as true a character of him, as his actings and my slender observations thereupon hath ledd me to; which I the rather presume to acquaint your highnesse
with, because as a man is not easily knowne to himself, so least of all to those from
whom he is most remote: for as a king at chesse stands upon his guard, so man bridleth
and contracts himselfe; feare, shame, and other passions makes him, when abroad, act
that parte which is commonly seene; but to knowe a man truly, one must look into his
inner parte, his privy chamber, and there not how to day, but every day he carryes himself; for a man is oft different in his house from what he is abroad in the pallace or
markett place; another person amongst his domesticall friends from that he is amongst
strangers. When man goeth out of his house into Westminster Hall, or any publick place,
he goeth as one to act a comedy. Therefore if I would give any judgment of a man, I
would not look on him there, for it is not he that playeth, but another man. Now that
your highnesse may know mr. Rogers of Thomas Apostle's from that man, which he describes, and would have others to thinke him to be by his booke called a Tabernacle, I
shall in as few words as I can discover more of the man then the Christian in him, that
so your highnesse may in some measure discerne him from some others, and that before
the change of government, against which mr. Rogers with a pretended zeale of God
hath so furiously appeared.
About 6 yeares since mr. Rogers marryed sir Robert Paine's daughter late of Huntingtonshire, who was the relict of mr. Smyth of St. Neots; wherefor some time he taught schoole, and from whence by providence he was called to a living at Purleigh in Effex, worth, as I have byn informed, above 200 l. per ann. where the people, as in many other places, being but children in understanding, and such as I have heard him say, did not know how to vallew men for their abilities, the said mr. Rogers (I fear overprizing his guiftes) did thereupon turne non-resident; and hyring another to supply his place at Purleigh, he came to London, and indeavouring to gett a lecture, which in short tyme he obteyned at Thomas Apostle's, thus neglecting his charge at Purleigh about 33 myles off London, it pleased God to stirr up the patron and parrish against him, so that he was ejected thence.
Mr. Rogers heereat beinge exceedingly troubled, petitioned the lords commissioners for a restoration; from whom not obteyning his desires, and meeting therein with opposition from serjeant Maynard, he thereupon as incensed against lawyers, writt a pamphlett; and how he vented his spirit in that quarrell, I presume your highnesse is not only a stranger to.
After the loss of Purleigh, mr. Rogers sollicites hard for the rectory of Martyn's in the feilds; and to that end endeavoured the removing of one mr. Sangar, a godly man, and being askt why he would doe so, he replied, that mr. Sangar had a living of 100 l. a year in the country, forgetting that it was lately his own case in Purleigh, when yet he had a lecture in London, and lived here. But not seeking a way of God, his endeavours heere also proved abortive.
Whereupon mr. Rogers puts forth a book, called a Tabernacle for the Sunn, and according to the dedication of it presents one to your highnesse, not doubting but that this book would have attracted your highnesse especiall favour to him; but the Lord (who weighes the spirits, and ponders all men's goings) did, for ought I know, cause your highnesse to see more of mr. Rogers then he could of himselfe. Whether a disappointment herein hath not byn a ground of mr. Rogers his discontent (that I say not malice) I will not positively affirm, yet fear (as the Apostle speaks of a young novice) that he hath byn lifted up of pryde, and fallen into the condemnation of the devill. For, faith the same Apostle, The servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient in meekness, instructing those that oppose themselves, &c. My lord, I could say much more, but am unwilling to trouble your highnesse: only I beseech your highnesse to permit me to speake my heart in one thing, which is this, viz. That if your highnesse should studdy to please mr. Rogers, you cannot doe it in a more dyrect lyne then by imprysoning of him; not that I believe he hath any principle, wherewithall truely to glory before God, nor doth he simply delight in being restreyned; but, my lord, by this meanes he gets great store of mony, having many vissitants, and some of quallity. Wherefore, my lord, I humbly submitt it to your highnesse consideration, whether after a sober and sharpp reproofe, it would not be well to give him his liberty; for, my lord, in reallity and trueth his designe is not for the fifth monarchy, but how to gett mony. And to that end he hath for above theife two yeares given it out, that it hath been stronge uppon his heart, that he shall dye a martyr, though I feare none of those, whom Christ hath as yet owned. And therefore what other comfort he hath by imprysonment then getting money, I understand not; for certeyne it is, he acts not in the spirit of Jesus; and being not conformable to Christ in his death and sufferings, surely the spirit of glory nor of God doth not rest upon him. Wherefore, my lord, I beseech you consider, whether it would not be best yet a little longer by gentlenesse and meeknesse to heap up coales of fyre upon his head; and if he turn not at such a reproof, which God usually takes upp to reduce synners, then certeynly the Lord hath not called your highnesse to bear the sword in vaine; and yet if he persist in the forwardnesse of his heart, I hope when the parliament sitts, they will call him to an account; which I confesse I had rather they should doe, then your highnesse, of whose uprightness I hope the Lord will bear further witnesse to notwithstanding all gainesayers.
I desired to know of mr. secretary, whether all commers might be admitted to mr. Rogers, who told me, that he had no dyrections at all therein. The last Lord's day I am informed, that there was at the least a hundred persons, that went to see him; neither can I restreyne them, untill your highnesse's pleasure be knowne herein.
[Cromwell to Disbrowe]
Vol. xxvi. p. 408.
Oliver lord protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the dominions thereunto belonging, to our right trusty and well beloved major general John Disbrowe, greeting. We reposing special trust and confidence in your fidelity, discretion, courage, experience, and conduct in military affairs, do hereby constitute and appoint you the said major general Disbrowe to be major general of all the militia forces raised and to be raised within the counties of Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Dorset, Wilts, and Gloucester; which said forces you are by virtue of this commission to receive into your charge as major general, and the same to train and exercise in arms, and to command, lead, and conduct for the service of us and the commonwealth, keeping them in good order and discipline. And all officers and soldiers of the said forces are hereby required to obey you as their major general for the said service. And you are to observe and follow such directions as you shall from time to time receive from ourself. Given at Whitehal the 28th day of May 1655.
Sign'd Oliver P.
Mr. John Aldworth to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxvi. p. 410.
Right honorable,
My last unto you was of the 10th currant, which hope you have receaved with severall others, that I sent under cover of mr. Manley post master, in regard I had no direction of mr. Hartleb's habitation, which now knowing, I shall for the future observe
your commands in adressing my letters to him. Since my last the duke Merkure is
returned to Thollon with his 6 ships, having succored Roza, and taken the castle or fort
off Cape de Quies, a thinge of small consequence, yett they lost above 400 in taking it:
the gallys not yett returned, only one, whose mast was shott doune by the castle, and 3
ships very much battered also. The admirall Vandoisme his father is att Thollon, establishing his officers on the ships, and will be heare in 5 dayes. Hee fitts up the fleete
with all dellegence possible, but they may not bee ready under 5 weeks att least. Thear
is noe likelyhood, that any ships are to come from Portugal to joyne with them. The
fleete may consist in about 18 ships, and 7 or 8 gallys att most. There designe is not
yett fully knowne, but generally suposed, either for Barcelona or Naples; it is most probable for Barcelona, in regard already is entred into Cattaolonia 10,000 soldiers, whereof
5000 horse, and more horse followes, and as yett thear is not any army drawing towards
the fleete; although heare is late advise, that a new rumor is in Naples, and that the viceking hath beene forc't to retire, but thear is noe certainty theareof. Last night a barke of
this place arrived from Mayorke, who brings advise, that general Blake with his fleete
was about Iversey, and that 3 of his frigatts neare Mayorke had taken 2 Hamburgers
and a Dutch ship, that came hence loden with several sorts of comodities: one of the
Hamburgers was bound for Hamborough, the other for Roan in France, and the Fleming
for Allecant; said ship with the other bound for Hambrough was lett free, but they
detayne the other that was bound for Roan, with a small Frensh frigatt, that was in there
company, who also landed here and was bound for Lisbone.
In my last I gave you notice the admirall Vandoisme had released English ships in those
parts; but 2 dayes after hee contradicted the said order, so that our ships remaynes in the
same condition, to the greate prejudice of our nation, in regard they are laden with
perishable comodities. As soon as hee arrives heare, I shall repayre againe to him for
theare releastment; butt by all circumstances nothing wil be done, untill they see a certainty
of a peace with our states, such delayes are used. The English ship I gave you notice of
in my last, that was taken by the French gallys, is brought into Thollon. She was
taken under the French flagg, pretending belonged to France; notwithstanding thear is
as little probability, and rather less of her releasment, then if had beene taken under the
English flagg. So for present doe humbly take leave, and remayne
Marseillia, June 8, 1655. [N. S.]
Your honnor's servant,
Jo. Aldworth.
An intercepted letter of Edward Backster to mr. John Appleton, at mr. Barber's house, over-against the Vine-Tavern, in Holborne.
Cologne, June 8, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxvi. p. 387.
Yours of the 30th of April came not to my hands till within these two days;
otherwise you had not been so long without an answer, for I do exceedingly desire
your correspondence, and write now only to be informed, whether this comes safe to your
hands; and then you shall hear more particular from me, with referrence to yourself, and
to the lady, whom you may assure, that the monsieur is as passionately in love with her
ladyship as ever, and exceedingly troubled the present he intended her was not delivered,
the reason whereof he doth not understand, having received no account from the person he
entrusted. I have not heard from your partner these many months. I pray remember me
very kindly to the Cheapside merchant, whose judgment I would be glad to receive. All
possible care shall be taken to supply you with a parcel of Segovia wool, as soon as I hear
from you again. Let your letters be directed to monsieur Edward Backster, at Antwerpe.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxvi. p. 440.
Honorable Sir,
I AM now with yours of the 18th present, which speaks you neare a conclusion with
the French. If their ambassador and armie had a hand in the late horrid proceedings
against the poor protestants in Savoy, I hope wee shall not league with them.
I am sorie to hear, that such eminent men could soe forget themselves, as to merit the tower; but I presume ere this they seene their errour and submitted.
I perceive the publique affaires will not permit the consideration of any thing, that doth not immediately relate to safetie. If before midsomer nothinge can be done in my business, I am well assured to perceive a further affront from Townley and his partie, if I doe not then lay downe of my selfe. My request is, that in case nothing can be done ere then, that yow will please to give me your advice before that tyme, whether I should lay downe the place of deputy (which yet would answer their aymes and desires) or leave them to their owne procedure; that if that partie doe prevent me (as I am very confident they will, if a check come not before the election day) they may be the more inexcuseable, though I sit downe with the greater affront. And truly to continue with them, except some course be taken to vindicate me for what's past, I shall not desire it for any advantage the place brings with it.
The Swedes forces are now removeinge hence towards their general randezvous. The cittie of Danzick seemes not to feare them soe much as at first they did.
The inclosed paper presents you with what further occurred since my last. I shall not
give you further trouble, but subscribe myself,
Hamb. May 29, 1655.
Sir, your very humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.
I desire to know, if when the mast-ship returnes from you, I shall cause her reload with the remaynder of the masts bought, and cause soe many more great ones to be bought, from 20 to 26 almes, as may compleate her loadinge, as I writ you by the shipp.
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxvi. p. 412.
Being informed, that one James Browne, a Scotchman (who hath a greate plantation
in the Barbadoes, and is either deputy governor, or comands a regiment there) is the
person, that discharges most of the prisoners, that are sent thither (and those the veryest
rogues) I thought fitt to give you notice of itt, and desire you will please to acquaint his
highnesse therewith, that some course may bee taken therein. There are amongst others
one lieutenant Purdie, George Windram, and lieutenant Robert Hamilton, who were
notorious mossers, lately sent back from the Barbadoes; and (as I am told) lodge att the
signe of the three Horse-shoes on the back-side of the Round Court neere CoventGarden. Itt were good, they were apprehended, and examined, how they came away, and
what their businesse is att London. Heere is nothing of newes, all being quiett; and I doubt
nott butt itt will continue soe, soe longe as things are peaceable in England. I desire you
will pardon my giving you this trouble amongst the multitude of your affaires, butt itt
could nott otherwise bee done without your care. I remayne
Dalkeith, May 29, 1655.
Your loving friend and servant,
George Monck.
Dr. J. Owen to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxvi. p. 413.
You were pleased at my comeinge out of towne, to speake with me about my worthy
neighbour mr. Unton Crooke, and to consider the charecter, which upon knowledge
and consideration with respect to what was in your thoughts about him, I then gave.
I have not since seene, or spoken with that gentleman, but my knowledge of his worth,
and integrity, and repute in his countrey is such, that I cannot but assume the boldnesse
to give my testimony concerninge him, knowinge that it is a businesse, wherein I would
not, for respect to any person in England, be the least occasion of a mistake unto his
highnesse. Pray excuse this boldness in,
Christ Ch. College,
May 29, [1655.]
Sir, your most humble
and most affectionat servant,
John Owen.
A letter of intelligence.
Paris, June 9, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxvi. p. 414.
Since my former we have but little of news here; only it is confirmed from Rome,
that in the last consistory, and in the other before it, cardinal de Este presented two
or three supplications in the behalf of Abbé de la Riviere, to give him a brevet of the
bishoprick of Langres, which you know he was refused; but upon this last application
cardinal de Este made for him, the pope writ only in the latter end of it thus, Tollat
Symoniam, et mutet mores, which was all the answer he gott. It is written from the
frontiers of Flanders, that mr. de Bouteville was killed in a party in the county of Henault, but yet there is no certainty of it.
The king parted from Compiegne last monday, and the cardinal the day before, and went to Noyon, and are now at la Fere; but the reason the cardinal went before was to confer with mr. de Turenne, to begin some great siege, which is thought will be Cambray. In the mean time they sent into Quesnoy a great convoy lately 3000 sacks, of meal, and many other provisions, in a manner that there is there provision for a whole year. The said convoy was conducted by mr. Clainvilliers lieutenant general of mr. Turenne's army; and a little before that convoy entered, mr. de Beauneau, governor of Quesnoy, commanded out of the town a party of horse and foot, which brought with them into the town out of the enemy's countries 150 horses, and above 200 cows, and ours left in the place of the men, that conducted the said convoys, 120 horses to run over the countries.
The prince of Condé fearing ours should attempt Rocroy, augmented the garrison to 3000 men.
Mr. Tellier, secretary of state, arrived here from court last monday, to confer with the surintendants des finances, to furnish mr. de Turenne with the monies, that shall be necessary for the siege he is to undertake very soon.
Monday in the afternoon the princess of Modena was complimented by the provost de marchands and the citizens of this town, as they received orders from the king to do her that honour, and give her the ordinary presents, as two dozen of boxes of confits, as many bottles of hypocras, and two dozen of torches, for which she gave them thanks, and offered service in any occasion.
Sunday last the jubile is come to my lord nuncio from this new pope; but seeing the bishops and archbishops are not here, but some in court and elsewhere, it is thought it will not be given out so soon.
The abbot de la Rouquette arrived here last tuesday, and yesterday from Catalonia, being sent by the prince of Conti with the news, that he has taken a place called Cape de Query, being surrendered upon composition, having defended themselves very gallantly before they yielded. The composition being thus; the soldiers were to be prisoners of war, as also their officers. We bought the place dear enough, many of ours being killed and wounded, and of quality; among which wounded mr. de Bellefont lieutenant general, mr. de Bougy lieutenant of the cavalry, and mr. de Hargouses, who commanded the chevaux legers of prince Conti, having the soldiers all broken; and it was remarked in the attempt, that prince Conti marching in the suburbs, laying his hand upon one called de Laurier, that the said de Laurier was killed before the prince took off his hand from his shoulders. The particulars of that business we expect yet, this abbot being the first that came from thence.
The duke de Espernon parted hence yesterday for Guienne, to visit his houses in that province, though yet he expects not the government of it.
Princess de Carignan gave a gallant supper last sunday to the princess of Modena, and besides honoured her with the right hand.
We have from Charlemont upon the river of Meuse, and in the pais of Luxemburg, that mr. Allemany being sent thither by the archduke to take care of the place jointly with the governor, that the governor presently thinking the said Allemany to be sent expressly to seize upon his person, upon pretence of going to mass, retired himself to the pais of Leige, Some say the governor sold the place to the French, though he had not time to deliver it, and to receive his monies for it.
They write hither certainly from London, that our peace with you is concluded and agreed wholly, but not yet signed, which you know best there.
Of your fleets at sea we hear nothing; neither have I any thing at present, but that I
am, as you know,
Sir, your most real servant.
A letter of intelligence to mr. Petit.
Turin, June 9, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxvi. p. 420.
The count de Broglio hath brought from France one hundred thousand crowns, to
give unto the duke of Modena, to be employed about the expences of his army. The
said count doth daily expect the return of a post he hath sent to the court of France for
business, which could not be before discovered.
Prince Rupert Palatin is expected here with the two German regiments he hath raised for the duke of Modena. The French army is already descended into Piedmont. It is thought it will be of ten thousand men, and that it will be in the field the twentieth of this month. In the interim the marquis Ville, general of their highness's horse, hath advanced towards None in the Milanese. Last saturday some of his highness's troops were sent towards Lucerne, where those of the reformed religion having on friday night broke the bridge of the little river Peleze, whilst the guards were sleeping, and won the baricadoes, they made irruption into the place; but the catholicks being awakened timely enough, had time to put themselves in a defensive posture, and repulsed the Hugonots; but forty of ours were killed, but very few protestants, which receive great relief from Geneva, from whence there hath been sent them about 2000 pistoles, and they have also received as much from the canton of Berne in Switzerland. The Hugonots of Dauphiné send them the like relief with an exceeding great zeal, there having been some particular men, who have given one hundred pistoles. They punctually pay a crown a week to every single soldier, and a pistole to each captain. It is said, that two kinsmen of the family Montbrun are come to their relief. When they were at St. Seconde, as you have heard, they fired the house, which was there, and killed 40 missionary priests, only one of them having escaped named father Aubert, who having cast himself out of a window, run amongst the papists to confess those which were dying; and after he had received two musket shots, and been made prisoner, the Hugonots rendered him, after several instances to them made by the missionary of Pignerol, and he is now here.
The deputies of the canton of Berne have been towards the rebels Hugonots, which have answered them highly, that they would have no agreement. Whereupon these deputies are returned re infecta, after they had demanded of marquis Pianeze a relation of all that hath been done in the Vallies, which hath been granted them.
A letter of intelligence.
Paris, June 9, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxvi. p. 425.
I Understand what happened in Lucerne is as well the subject of the common discourse
in England as in France: it is hard to send a relation clear from passion, where both
the parties pretend so great an interest, yet I present this that appears most authentick.
The duke of Savoy granted to his protestant subjects liberty of conscience, and a free exercise of religion; yet reserved to himself a full power of sending catholick preachers into that district possessed by the protestants. Some Capuchins under the wrrrant of that article went thither, and were cut in pieces by the contrary faction. It is reported, what exasperated the protestants was the conversion of a minister, who lost almost at the same time his life and his religion. The duke by dissembling so publick an injury would either have seemed to approve the fact, or to have wanted a power to have punished it. Some forces were sent to revenge the publick violation of the treaty.
The protestants were already in a body not to recant but to maintain the action. The duke was victorious, and pretends to have punished nothing but rebellion, as the protestants urged they fought only for religion. Whether the duke erred in the supposed justice of his cause, I know not; yet it is not improbable there might be some fault in the execution. The excess of violence is natural to the sword.
The army here hath not yet done any thing, they are drawn towards the frontiers of Flanders.
A letter of intelligence from mr. Petit.
Paris the 9/30 June, May, 1655.
Vol. xxvi. p. 435.
The cardinal parted saturday from Compiegne for la Fere. Their majesties followed
him the next day in the afternoon, lay that night at Loyon, and arrived at la Fere
on monday, when the mareschal of Turenne (who hath cast a second convoy into Quesnoy)
is to render himself with mr. Faber to hold a council of war, and to confer with his
eminency. Some say the king will go to Soissons, others say to Spain; but I think it
depends of the place, which shall be assaulted. The court is jealous of mr. de Montdejeu
governor of Arras.
The enemies have placed all their foot soldiers in the garrisons, and divided their horse in three bodies; whereof the chiefest is towards St. Amand.
The princess of Modena is to part within a day or two to go find the prince of Modena, mr. de Noailles and his lady being to usher her thither. The gentlemen of this townhouse were on monday to salute and compliment the said princess, as also to present her with the usual gifts of the city on such an occasion, which are sweat meets, hypocras, and white wax torches. They had received order to do it by a letter de cachet from the king.
Prince Rupert makes levies in Germany for the duke of Modena, having to that purpose received great sums of money.
It is written from Cologne, that the elector had conferred with the elector of Treves and Mentz, and some other princes of the empire about the Spanish armada, whose naval army, composed of about eighty ships, is to set sail about the beginning of this month. This army giveth a great alarm to all Germany, and causeth the beholding of all Christendom to see where it will fall. Some think it will be against Dantzick, others that it is against the duke of Newburgh; but time will inform us thereof. Some informations mention the death of prince Charles, brother to the king of Poland.
There arrived monday a post from Catalonia, who passed by Paris to go to Compiegne. He bringeth the news of the taking of Quadaguiers by the prince of Conti, who had besieged it by land, and the duke of Mercoeur by sea. It hath been taken by assault; mr. Bellesont hath been wounded in this occasion; Roses is secured by this prize.
It is said we had some intelligences in Charlemont, which hath been discovered, and that the commander of that place hath saved himself.
The Spaniards thinking to draw four or five thousand men from the French court, prince of Condé had written into the said country, that he would send six or seven thousand horse to escort them. But this their hope hath failed them, being the Franchecomtois have renewed their alliance with the French, yea paid their contributions.
Our other news from Germany inform us, that the king of Swedeland hath given to understand, that he had nothing to say unto the king of Denmark, nor to the princes of Germany; and that the marquis of Brandenburg, with the advice of mr. de Lombre, delegated from France, doth offer passage unto the said king to follow the designs of Gustavus, and hinder the empire from being hereditary in the house of Austria. It is said, the said king entreateth queen Christina his cousin to return into Swedeland; but what will be her answer is yet unknown.
Advices are come from Pignerol in date of the 22/12 May, that the governor of that place hath given to understand unto the king by an express the inconveniences for his majesty caused by the massacres committed to the Vallies of Lucerne, St. Martin, Angrogne, &c. by reason that the marquis of St. Damien, son-in-law to marquis of Pianezze a Piedmontese, after he had caused the people of the said Vallies to be massacred, had anew with his banditti thought to surprize the Vallies of Pregela, thinking to put the said banditti therein, which would have been a means for them to render themselves masters of the said Pignerol, the said banditti being wholly Spaniards and enemies of the French, the said governor having thereupon intreated his majesty to take heed, that which is past being an affair of state more than a business of religion. The marquis having given the alarm unto the neighbouring people of the Vallies, they put themselves under arms, and gave chace to him and his, which were sharply charged by captain Jayx.
To mr. Bye.
Hague, June 9, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxvi. p. 424.
The barbarous massacre of the poor Vaudois in the Valley of Piedmont is very much
taken to heart here both by the ecclesiastical and temporal government.
The states of Holland are now met together, and are busy about annulling the ordinance for safe conduct money, in regard it doth too much prejudice the commerce; likewise to send troops with sixteen men of war to convoy the merchant men to and again in the East sea. They do likewise treat with the envoy of Brandenburg for the making of a defensive alliance, which it is thought will be suddenly finished. Sweden doth very much fear the power of the Muscovites. The differences between Poland and Sweden may yet end in an accommodation. The differences in the provinces of Groningen are as good as accommodated, but those in Overyssel do still continue.
Vienna, May 30. S. V. [1655.]
Vol. xxvi. p. 207.
The coronation of prince Leopold Ignatius is suspended for some time, by reason of some special grievances, wherewith the states of Hungaria are not as yet fully satisfied. The emperor hath been somewhat ill of late, and forced to be let blood; but notwithstanding this his majesty's indisposition, he hath renewed his commands touching the strict prosecution of the appointed armature, for the defence of the empire in omnem eventum, insomuch that within a short time we hope to see a considerable body brought together.
Extract out of the secret revolutions of the lords states of Holland. Taken in their assembly upon the 8th and 10th of June, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxvi. p. 426.
The raet pensionary having communicated to the assembly a certain letter, writ to him by the lord Nieuport extraordinary embassador for this state in England, bearing date the 4th of this month, containing amongst the rest, that he the said lord embassador was informed that the Heer Coyet, envoy of the king of Sweden, had desired of the lord protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland, in his last audience, that he said Coyet might have leave given him to make a levy of 6000 Scots; and that the same being considerable, it was thought for several respects would not be granted; whereupon being debated, it was resolved, that a letter be sent to the lord Nieuport, to know the reasons and ground upon which the said levies should be desired by the said lord Coyet.
Herb. van. Beaumont.
Sir John Henderson to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxvi. p. 439.
Ryght honourable,
Att my cumming to Hamburg, I concluded all accounts of any monyes the resydent
hadd disbursed to me, for the service of the state during the 11 months I wass imployed, all of it extending to the soum of 2501. as his under-wrettin account by my hand
cann shou. Noble sir, I expect your ratificationne of the same. As zour honor may
conceave me capable heirefter to doe his hyghnes and the state service, I am of intentione to
settle myself in a service for my livelihood; zitt sall I allwyse be reddie to quyte all the
interests in the worlde (thocht I be setled) if his highnes fall recall me to his service. In
the mein tyme I will drive the tyme of the best I cann, and still conserve my affectionne
to his hyghnes his service. This I faithfullie promise, that quheresoever I settle myselfe,
my correspondence still shall continue to zour honor by the old character. More money
doe I not desire; onlie I humblie entreat his hyghnes and zour honor's favour, till zou
heir quhat account I sall render you of forrain affairs without zour money; since I have
quytted my crowned king and his interest for the love of his hyghnes his service in
sum small recompence for his hyghnes's favours done to me before this. I assure zour
honor heirby I will remain steadfast to my professed principalls, and lett zour honor know,
quhat in my ingadgments I cann carp prejudiciall to his hyghnes and his affairs, still
directing my letters to the resident in Hamburg. Noble sir, if zour honor think it
good to make use of secretarie Massinett by Charls Steuart, it is good; the man is worthie of consideratione, and not to be rejected; and I will make itt my requeist, that use
may be made of him, not onlie being the French and Latin secretarie, bot also imployed
in the Inglish affairs. Little may doe itt; sum 10 l. or less a month cann oblidge him
to discover what cann cum to the reach of his knoledge. If ever your sword extend
itself without our native dominions, I humblie intreat zour honor may thinke upon quhat
service I cann be able to performe for his hyghnes. Never mann fall be mor willing and
faithfull thenn fall be, noble sir,
Hamburg the 31/10 May, June, 1655.
Zour honor his verie faithfull servant,
Jo. Henderson.
A Letter of intelligence from the Hague.
June 11, 1655. [N. S.]
Ce 6me Junii, 1655.
Vol. xxvi. p. 378.
Ceux de Hollande sont encore en leurs deliberations, sans en avoir rien rapporté dans les estats generaux. Et quoy qu'exterieurement ce soit sur la continuation ou abolition du veilgelt, si est ce qu'au fonds c'est sur l'armement des Swedois. Car le trasique & commerce Baltique est une chose tres sensible a Amsterdam & a la Hollande. Et tant de Heinsius que d'ailleurs la Hollande est constemment informée, que jamais la Sweede ne fit tant d'armement: & que Coningsmarck se tiendra avec 12 mil hommes en deca Breemen poure visiter les provinces de Geldre, Overyssel, Frise, & Omlandes, en cas que cest estat envoye une flotte en le mer Baltique. Si que la Hollande a grandement le loup par les oreilles. II est vray, que la Hollande a esté resolue, 1. pour envoyer un flotte vers le Sundt; & de la (s'il n'y a rien a faire en la mer Baltique) vers la mer mediterranée: & 2. de conclurre les 24 articles aveq l'electeur de Brandeborch. Mais 1. les provinces ne font pas aussy-tost prests, quand la Hollande est preste. 2. La Hollande meme consistant en 19 membres, est fort sujette a changement. 3. L'electeur de Brandeborch se monstre scrupuleux, au moins pas si resolu, comme cy devant. 4. L'on a grand soupçon, que le dit electeur s'entend aveq la Sweede. 5. La Hollande commence a craindre les Swedois. 6. Est estonnée de voir, que Dansigh ne s'addresse point icy, tout ainsy donc comme l'on est & demeure encore traitant aveq l'electeur de Brandeborch, sans conclusion touchant l'equipage vers le Sont, &c. & par ainsy il pourra aisement arriver, que ny l'alliance se conclue, ny la flotte vers la mer Baltique s'envoye. Et cy devant on a parlé haut de l'envoy de la flotte; maintenant moins. Et on s'embrouille de plus en plus; & les adhærents du prince sont bien aise que la Hollande patit.
Bref, il est certain, qu'il n'y a point de resolution serme & generale encore pour l'envoy de la flotte; & la Hollande devient aussy craintive, comme quand le sieur Beuningew vint de Sweede, preschant que la Sweede pouvoit arrester en un heure 60, 70, a 80 navires Hollandoises.
Junii 7.
L'on continue encore dans la besoigne sur l'alliance aveq l'electeur de Brandeborch. Le premier dans la commission est a present le sieur de la Capelle; mais puisque le dit sieur de la Capelle est aussy des estats de Cleve, consequemment sujet de l'electeur de Brandeborch, les estats de Hollande prennent cela mal, soustenants qu'il se devoit excuser de telle commission.
II y en a aussy parmy les Hollandois, que les troupes de Brandeborch au pays de Cleve pourroient estre employées contre Deventer, pour le prince Guiliaume de Nassau, beau-frere de l'electeur; ce qui rend aucuns & Hollande pensiss; mais neantmoins l'opinion, qu'ils ont, que Brandeborgh pourra contrecarrer les Swedois, les emportera. Et cependant ceux de Geldre, Overyssel, & semblables peu interesses en Prussie, mais beaucoup craignants un invasion dans leur terres, augmentent leur peur, & sont difficiles.
Le different de Gorcom estant ventilé dans l'assemblée des estats de Hollande, a esté renvoye vers la cour de justice: toutefois sera aussy cependant tenté via concordiæ par deputés; a quoy le magistrat meme aussy se monstre enclin & resolu.
Quant a l'alliance aveq Brandeborch, je apprend, que l'electeur estant debiteur a cest estat de cent mille ryx-dalers, qui en quarante ans est accreu a presque huict fois autant, & voyant la Hollande portée & chaude a l'alliance, pretend d avoir mortification de ceste debte; & que par cette alliance tant la dite summe, que tout autre chose, que l'estat pourroit pretendre (d'avoir gardé & fortifie les villes de Cleve) de l'electeur, soit quité, composé, & aussoupi.
L'on me dit, que pour ces & autres respects la Hollande se refroidit, & songe comment sortir avec bonne facon de cette besoigne.
A Amsterdam sera advis asseuré, que le roy de Sweede a fait arrester toutes navires Hollandois a Riga, & ailleurs, pour servir au transport de son armé ce qui cause dommage & alteration a la Hollande; car ces navires estoient presque a demy charges de marchandise; & c'est un interruption du trafic.
L'on observe aussy a Amsterdam, que cest année bien 300 navires moins qu'autresois vont en mer; ce qu'on impute aux 2 edicts ou placcardes d'Angleterre; l'un nommé Increase of shipping, l'autre touchant le trafic aux Barbados.
7. Au soir.
Sur l'alliance avec Brandeborch on a esté en conference plusieurs sois; les articles comme de cest estat ils sont proposes, aures veu; or de la part de l'electeur a esté respondu sur cela, & en quoy on est different se voit en ce qui suit:
1. Touchant le rang; en quoy cest estat, comme par la paix vrayement souverain, pretend la precedence sur l'electeur, vassal de l'empereur; consequement subalterne.
2. Au nombre de 2000 pietons, l'electeur veut avoir adjouste 1000 chevaux.
3. Et qu'en temps de necessité ce nombre soit doublé a 4000 a pied & 2000 chevaux. A favoir que cest estat doit fournir ces nombres a l'electeur; mais l'electeur ne sournira que la moitie.
4. En cas d'extreme necessité, l'un assistera l'autre encore de plus grand nombre, & ce au depens de celuy, qui le requiert; a quoy cest estat ne contredit guere; mais veut que caution soit donnée pour la restitution de ces depens. L'electeur ne veut point de caution.
5. L'electeur veut aussy permission de levée des gens de guerre, de navires, de matelots.
6. L'extension; l'electeur la veut sur le article 3. apres les mots, aende Oostsee geleegen vock audere syne Landen.
7. L'electeur ne veut extendre la desension jusques aux terres d'Oost & West-Inde.
8. Sur le 4. article; que l'electeur ne chargera pas les navires & marchandises &c. l'electeur y veut avoir adjoustée ceste exception, si non en notoire necessité.
9. Quant a la debte des 100,000 ryx-dalers; sera teu.
Le sieur Rosenwinge a ce matin requis expedition, & sur cela aura esté conference.
Junii 8.
Hier est resolu & aujourd'huy resumé, que l'on escrira serieusement au roy de France; & que l'ambassadeur Boreel ira expressement en cour a Compiegne, faire pleinte solenelle au roy de la massacre des Vaudois; le prier de vouloir les prendre en sa protection; les restablir en possessions de leurs terres & possession; leur fair ravoir le libre exercice de leur religion; & punir les Francois, qui pourroient avoire contribué a ce massacre.
La Hollande est aussy en deliberation pour proposer moyen a la provisionele subsistance de ce chassés; ce qui sera un collecte. Item tant Hollande qu'Utrecht propose une deputation a faire vers les cantons Swisses evangeliques, pour les inciter en faveur des Vaudois; aussy pour a l'avenir y tenir un ministre resident, a aviser ce qui se passe a Rome, Italie, Sclavonie, &c. la Swisse estant passage pour ces pais nommes.
Hier en conference particuliere l'on donné au fieur Rosenwinge un escrit contenant les raisons, pour quoi l'on ne fauroit resoudre a luy accorder ce qu'il demande, & pourtant on fera replique, ou il s'en ira.
J'ay de bonne part, que la Hollande recule plus qu'elle n'avance en l'alliance avec Brandeborch; considerant entre autres, que fans Dennemarck, & fans Dansigk, il y a peu a faire avec Brandeborch feul.
Aussy l'electeur de Brandeborch, le prince d'Orange, & le prince Guiliaume estants 3 testes en un chaperon, sont chose suspecte a la Hollande; ou le doivent faire craindre, ce qui fust dit autresois de roy Louis XI, encore dauphin, & s'insinuant au duc de Bourgoigne; qu'il seroit un jour un renard, que mangeroit ses poules.
L'assemblée en Zeelande sera si court, qu'ils ont fait favoir a ceux d'Overyssel, que leurs deputes n'y pourront pas venir.
Junii 9.
Le traité avec Brandeborch est not seulement malade; ains presque mort; au moins les estats de Hollande en sont entierement alienés; & en ont perdu l'inclination. Ils en jettent la faute sur l'electeur, ou son plenipotentiaire, le docteur Wyman, qui a voulu trop vulpiner, baer-cloven & trop tirer l'eau a son moulin. Pourtant disent, que voyants l'electeur se refroidir & se reculer, ils trouvent meilleur de demeurer fans engagement; & si un jour l'electeur estant assailly, on trouve l'interest de ceste estat requerir, qu'on l'assiste, on l'assistera; & on en aura plusde gré, si l'on ne se trouve point interressé, on sera libre. Mais ceux de Hollande ont eu fort suspect de voir, que les principistes travailloient si fort pour la dite alliance; & sachants que l'electeur, le prince d'Orange, le prince Guiliaume, &c. sont 3 testes en un chaperon, ont preveu, que l'electeur gaigneroit trop d'authorite dans l'estat par ce traité.
Junii 10.
Encore cejourd'huy n'ay este rien rapporté de Hollande, & le sieur Wyman ayant remarqué, que la Hollande devenoit froide envers le traité d'alliance avec Brandeborch, a fait un court voyage vers Amsterdam, pour eveiller & eschausser l'inclination d'un membre si principal. Mais la Hollande de plus en plus a l'opinion, que Brandeborch s'entend avec la Sweede; & aussy a pour suspect, que les principistes icy ont tant de serveur pour le dit traité.
Junii 11.
La ville de Weesel a escrit une grande pleinte aux estats generaux, de ce que l'electeur de Brandeborch soit entrée dans le pais de Cleve, y exautionne, prenne, pille, comme si ce sussent des ennemis; requiert que cest estat, comme garands du traité de Xanten de l'an 1654, veuille procurer, que telle chose ne se face plus a l'avenir. II y a apparence, qu'on escrira a l'electeur; ou que quelque article ou clause influe dans l'alliance avec Brandeborch, si elle se face, qui est encore bien incertain.
Ceux de Hollande ont a ce matin produit leur avis provincial sur les remarques da
plenipotentiaire de Brandebroch; dont on ne sauroit encore rien juger. ll semble, qu'ils
approchent aucunement du sentiment de l'electeur; mais demain on verra de plus pres, ce
qui en sera. Desja on sait, que demain l'assemblee de Hollande se veut separer. Et si
alors rien ne se conclud, rien n'en fera; car le temps ne permet point de delay. Le baron
Spar, ablegat du Roy de Swede, a fait exhiber copie de ses lettres de creance, & aura
demain audience. Je reste
Vostre tres humble serviteur.
An intercepted letter.
Thurday, May ult. 1655.
Vol. xxvi. p. 230.
Worthy freind,
I Forgott in my last, which gave you an account of the bookes, which are now upon the
way for you, that the Scotch history will be found among the rest.
Our old president is returned to his Academicall Tusculan. The Proto-biblioth, and some other old faces remembred you the last night. Dr. Sarum Hen. did me the favour yesterday to remember you at my chamber. Your poore * * * here dayly expected a rout from the new commissioners (of whom I suppose this enclosed tells you.) I wish I could send you what is done, and who is undone this day; for they fitt on thursdayes. 'Tis already reported in the parts adjacent (and I had newes of it this day from severall quarters) that diverse ministers are turned a grazing, and that by name mr. Farring: Dr. Gilling and one Wild were prisoners. But sure there is no such thing, nor I believe like to be so. Only they waite (I heare) a suspension in the milder sense.
You have heard, I suppose, of old sir Harrye's death, and how his chaplaine hanged
himselfe neere his chamber doore. We feare a greate change of title. The army is
drawing neere us. The prisoners of the Tower shall, 'tis sayd, be Barbadozz'd. God
make us ready for the worst of times, if yet we can have worse then these. I am
Your unchangeable,
Wm. Gorge.
Send when I shall send you some sprinklings of money.
Still my humble service to the * * * * We have a strong report here of a massacre in Savoy, and a fast is injoyn'd about it.
The superscription,
A monsieur monsieur George a Laon. Il faut le
laisser chez monsieur la Fontaine aux trois
Burses Rue St. Honore à Paris.
At the council at Whitehall.
Thursday, May 31, 1655.
Vol. xxvi. p. 427.
Upon reading a report made by colonel Jones from a committee of the council, to
whom the petition of Joseph Wallington, Edmund Warcup, esqrs; and John Grosvenor, gent, was referred, they thereby praying a grant to them or their assigns for the
sole exercise of their invention of charking or calcining of New Castle coals, or any sort
of stone coal that cakes, for the space of fourteen years, according to the statute, setting
forth, that upon discourse with some persons experienced in the trade of coals, and consideration of a return from mr. attorney general, the committee do not see to the contrary, but by law a patent may be granted as is desired, with a salvo, nevertheless, of a
grant passed 23 November 1654, to John Copley, esq; for the sole use and exercise of
his art and invention of making of iron with pitcoal charked, &c. to the said mr. Copley,
paying a moiety of the profits into the exchequer. Ordered, that it be offered to his
highness as the advice of the council, that his highness will be pleased to pass a grant unto
the petitioners accordingly.
Hen. Scobell, clerke of the councel.
By his highness Oliver lord protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the dominions thereunto belonging.
V. xxxiv. p. 75.
The articles of capitulation agreed upon between general Monck and the earl of Lowdon are hereby ratified and approved in all points, esteeming the same as herein particular exprest; and the said earl of Lowdon is to be protected in his person against any arrest or restrainment for debts, until such time as the said earl shall go about the getting payment of the annuities owing to him, therewith to pay his debts, which he is to do with all diligence, wherein he is to have the assistance of the council of Scotland in all things, according to his rights and laws of that nation.
For the council of Scotland, and others whom these may concern.
For the council of Scotland for the persons after following.
Vol. xxxiv. p. 77.
First, in regard the earl of Perth, lord Drummond, earl of Tullibardin, and laird Mahonny, who have and yet are able and willing to do good service to the state, and have suffered the burning of their houses, and the plundering of their land by the enemy; you are therefore to take their condition into special consideration relating to their losses and sufferings, and discharging the payment of the last moiety of their fines.
Secondly, you are to take special notice of the articles of the capitulation agreed upon betwixt general Monck and the earl of Lowdon, relating to the full ratification of the same articles, and giving your full assistance unto him for getting payment of the annuities resting to him, conform to the same articles, and in every other thing else wherein he shall require your assistance, conform to the laws of Scotland; and that you protect his person from any restraint, while such time as he shall recover payment of the same annuities for payment of his debts, which you are to see him go about with all diligence for payment of the same.
Thirdly, in regard that the town of St. Johnston's have articles signed by my lord protector's own hand, and that town having and yet are willing to shew their affection to the state; you are therefore to take notice of their sufferings and losses, by allowing to them the excise of their own town for such a time as you shall think fit, and while they be satisfied for their losses.
Fourthly, you are to take notice of mr. James Pierson, John Foules, and mr. James Drummond, in regard of their affection and good service; and you are to ratify a gift granted to the said mr. James Pierson, conformed to the same gift; and for the said John Foules, and mr. James Drummond, you are to assist them to get payment of their just debts owing them by the late duke Hamilton, and of the first and readiest of his estate and lands with the first of his creditors.
Fifthly, you are to take special notice of the proclamation past by the commissioners for the visitation of colleges and planting of churches in Scotland, against prayer for the pretended king; you are to see the same proclamation and certification thereof relating to the stipends of those who shall transgress the same, especially to the ministers of Edinburgh and St. Andrews; and in the mean time you are to see mr. John Hog, minister of Leith, possessed in his church of Leith for performing of divine worship there, in regard he hath desisted from praying for the king, and he and his parishioners willing to give security for their peaceable deportment in time to come; and that the garrison of Leith shall be free of any prejudice by their having the liberty of their church of Leith, and the exercises of the worship of God there.
Sixthly, in regard there be a great many hospitals and other mortifications in Scotland; you are therefore to take special notice and consideration of the same, and see the same particularly employed for the benefit of the poor, and other pious uses, for which they were first appointed; and herein you are not to fail to cause a particular account to be given from all these several counties in Scotland, and to obey every other thing else for the help and relief of the poor in the several parishes, that so none go a begging, to the scandal of the Christian profession, but each parish to maintain its own poor.
Seventhly, you are to give particular orders unto the commissioners for visitation of colleges, and planting of churches, that they go carefully about the planting of the vacant churches with honest and faithful able ministers, who upon the call of the major part of each congregation, if the major part be the melior part, and if not upon the call of the minor part of the melior part of each congregation, and that without any relation or respect had to any former order granted to mr. Gilaspye and others, that none shall be admitted without their recommendation, which was rather for their own eminency than the good of the work, as it now appears.
Eighthly, you are after conference with some of the most eminent of the ministers, and evidences had from them of their peaceable good deportment, you are to permit them the full and free liberty for the exercise of their church discipline in synods, presbyteries, and church sessions, provided they act nothing in prejudice of the government, and of the liberty of the people of God relating to worship.
Ninthly, in regard of the great advantage is probable by the blessing of God may come, not only to the gospel, by taking off the tyranny of the inquisition of Spain, but also unto this whole commonwealth, for relief of the burthens there by this expedition of the West Indies, wherein we are most willing that the nation of Scotland be partakers; you are therefore with all diligence and carefulness to call before you the whole sheriffs of the several counties, and governors of the several garrisons, and appoint them to call before them the several heritors and freeholders within and under their several commands and jurisdictions, and require them not only to give up a list, but also to take and apprehend by the assistance of the several governors and their forces, all masterless, idle vagabonds, and robbers, both men and women, within their several bounds, that the same so taken and apprehended may be delivered by them unto the several sheriffs and governors of garrisons, and others to be appointed by us, to be transported and carried along into the West Indies or elsewhere they shall be ordered by us; by doing whereof, not only shall the county be rid of robbers and thieves, and other unprofitable instruments fit for nothing but to be actors of mischief; but also they shall be employed for the furtherance of the abovenameed expedition, so much tending to the advantage of the whole commonwealth. And that the aforesaid course may be the more effectual, you are to certify all sheriffs, governors, and heritors, within the nation of Scotland, that whatever person they shall conceal, and not give in the list, that are known to be thieves, robbers, vagabonds, and other unprofitable instruments, that they shall not only be liable to what injury the country shall hereafter suffer by these, but also shall be holden and reputed as enemies to the state in all time hereafter. And further to the effect, that thieving and robbery may be banished out of that nation in all time to come, you are to impose a six pence Scotch upon every hundred pounds rent in Scotland, which is to be collected by the collectors of the assessments of the several shires, over and above the ordinary assessment, which is to be paid yearly by two moieties; the first moiety on the 10th of November next, the second moiety the 10th of May 1656; and thereafter to continue six pence out of every hundred pound rent in Scotland till further order; and which money so collected is to be paid to such persons upon the north side of the river of Forth, as particularly shall be appointed by colonel William Bryan, governor of Inerloquer, and colonel Fitch and lieutenant colonel Blunt governors of Invernesse, for watching of these bounds, and taking of the names of all vagabonds and robbers, and their receipt, and by the commander in chief from the South side of Forth; likewise for watching of these bounds, and taking of the names of all such vagabonds, robbers, masterless and idle persons, dangerous instruments to the peace of the commonwealth, that the same so listed and taken on all occasions may depart the country, and be employed for the West India expedition, and other services of the commonwealth upon all occasions for the good and benefit thereof.
Lastly, that some officers may be commissioned for the West India expedition in Scotland, for the taking up all such as willingly will engage in the said service; and having so taken them to put them into companies and regiments for the better and more speedy expediting the said service.