State Papers, 1655: May (3 of 5)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1655: May (3 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1655: May (3 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1655: May (3 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

May (3 of 5)

A letter of intelligence from mr. Manning.

[Cologne] Ant. May 28, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxvi. p. 192.

I heare send you your proctor's relation of your busines; and having lately wrott to you have noe other thing to trouble you with, then to desire you would be mindefull of sending the bill I desired in my last, with what speed may be; as also weekely the diurnalls and your commands, I much wonder that I have missed hearing from you these two posts, for yours of the 27th Aprill is the last I had. These parts of the world are now in great expectations. The Swede being designed upon Dantzwike, doth not a little alarum the empire; as also a pannicke feare is the Hollanders possessed with much stirring in Germany; and strong factions there are, that oppose the archduke's election to be king of the Romans. The French are not idle in their endeavours to weaken that house. Some thinke they will pitch on the duke of Bavaria, being now allied to the French; others on Newburghe, who is a most moderate prince. In fine, unlesse there be some expedient found by this new pope, much ruine may happen. The treaty in England with France is gazed after by merchants; but we here hope the marquess de Leda may cross itt, and give you better termes. Sir, I am
The superscription,
For mr. Anthony Miller, merchant in London.

Your humble servant,
Zachary Johnson.

Chanut, the French embassador in Holland, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Hague, May 28, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxvi. p. 194.

My lord,
Having received your letter of the 21st of this month, wherein I am fully informed of the state of your negotiation, I am much afraid, that this will not find you at London. All men here believe, that the lord protector ought not to let ship this opportunity of concluding with France; but it pleaseth God sometime to eclipse the thoughts of the wisest, and the embassy of the marquiss of Lede is not to make any ordinary propositions. The confidence, which the Spaniards have, that they will be hearkened unto, persuades us at least, that they are not without some great advantages for the protector; and from thence we are to hold our accommodation as doubtful.

I see here some wise men, who do not believe, that we ought much to apprehend the being deprived of the amity of the lord protector; and yet I believe, that whereas the king hath not omitted any thing through your ministry for the obtaining of a good agreement, we ought to desire it, as long as there is any likelihood of obtaining it of divine provividence. If that doth dispose of it otherwise, we are to accommodate our counsels to his will. In truth I am glad to see, that by the next post we shall know absolutely, what the issue will be of your business; and I pray God we may have cause to rejoice in a good conclusion.

At last my lord Beverning, who is now settled in this court, came to see me yesterday. The visit was long and very familiar. He hath a great respect for you, and that without any dissimulation. We had a large discourse of affairs that are past. He is not well satisfied with monsieur de Baas: he askt me, when I heard from him, and what was become of him. I told him I had received but two letters from him since his return into France, and could give no accompt of him. The said lord Beverning doth conceive, that you will not conclude any thing till you fall down the Thames as low as Gravesend. He speaks very well of the lord protector, but as a man free. I am glad we have renewed our acquaintance. I shall take care to preserve it.

The business of the Swedes doth still trouble this state; for if they suffer the power of the Swedes to encrease upon the Baltick sea, it will very much diminish and decrease the commerce there; and besides it is no small enterprise to put themselves in danger of breaking with Sweden, by relieving and assisting Dantzick or the Pillauw.

You have heard, my lord, that the king hath concluded at Paris a treaty with the commissioners of the Hans towns, wherein they are very favourably dealt withal.

The province of Holland being adjourned for some short time, is now met together again, to provide money for the setting forth of a fleet of twenty six men of war, to be employed in the Mediterranean, in the Streights, and in the Narrow.

A letter of intelligence.

Vol. xxvi. p. 200.

I HAVE none of yours to answear, nor doth here occurr any thinge worth your notice, As I wroate you, the duke of Gloster is gone to his brother at Ceullen, attended with severall Inglish and Scoch gentlemen: chancelor Hide followed this week with his family, and some other Inglish gentlemen. They begin to assemble themselves; and most talke of settlinge themselves at Ceullen, where 'tis generally thought C. S. will remayne, untill he have another promisinge designe to invite him for England, except you and France disagree. These states are in the highest perplexity concerninge the great arminge of the Sweeds; whoe, as 'tis generally reported, intend to besiege Dansick, and which will be prejudiciall to these in case they take it. Consultations have bin concerninge a means how to prevent it; and 'tis now sayd, they are resolved to send de Ruyter with 24 shipps into the Sounde, to assist the Dean in keepinge the Sounde open, in case the Sweed made any attempt on the same. But this is not believed by the prudent politicians, because it maye prove of worse consequence to these to offend the Sweed, then assist the Dean. They are fitting 24 of their best shipps, whither they are designed, I hope to advertise you by the next. No more now offers, then to subscribe myselfe
18/28 May, 1655.

The supercription,
A monsieur monsieur Pieter Hacker, a Londres.

Your humble servant,
John Addams.

A letter of intelligence.

Passau, May 28, 1655. [N. S.]


I came from Vienna hither last week, which is the reason I received none of yours this fortnight past. Now we shall return shortly to Vienna, I hope our correspondence will hold the better.

Here is no great talk at present of England or of their affairs; we have enough of our own; and our news are, that to morrow will be the election of the king of Hungary. In the mean time they prepare all necessaries for the coronation of the Empress, which will be the 6th of next month, and the coronation of the emperor will be three days after; and immediately after the emperor resolves to return to Vienna; but before his majesty departs, the states design, that the forces of the kingdom should be sent to garrison in the forts and towns upon the frontiers, pretending the said forts cannot be trusted to strangers; and it is thought it will be considered in general terms.

Some spies are taken here from the Turks, that were to fire this place, and will suffer for it. The Swedish forces do march still, without undertaking any thing. It is believed they will attempt Prussia; and that makes Poland inclined to give honourable contentment.

The Muscovites and Cossacks are there to make a league with several princes against the Swedes, Cossacks; Dantzick is in great fear, and daily fortified. Another way the king of Poland has, for he sent an embassador to the king of Swedeland, with power to agree upon the articles indifferent in the assembly at Lubeck, which were all the advantage of the Swedes: the king of France is to be mediator in this business.

Others constantly say and think, that the war against Poland is but a pretext; and that the Swedes design is to fall upon the emperor, where the catholicks are. Others say the Swedes will take Holland; nay others some against England; so that we must have patience, for time will clear all shortly, and I am dearly
Sir, yours.

Viole, president of Brussels, to Barriere.

Brussels, May 29, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxvi. p. 212.

The prince of Conde is now with his army and their rendezvous near Rocroy, which is in a condition to defend itself, there being 2000 men in it, and a good number of officers.

The return of the mareschal of Turenne to Compiegne, after he himself had conducted a convoy into Quesnoy, hath retarded the departure of the earl of Fuensaldagna and the archduke; but it will be but for a little time; so that I shall remain here all alone, by order of his highness. Therefore pray send all your letters to me, with an exact account of your affairs, that so I may write the news into Spain. You shall be sure to hear from me weekly, and of all that passeth.

The examination of James Patrickson, taken before me this 18th day of May, 1655.

Vol. xxvi. p. 201.

Saith, that he came out of the county of Corke in the province of Munster in Ireland, and landed at King's Road, near Bristol, in February last, but cannot tell at what time in the said month of February. And being further examined saith, he did not land in February last, as above expressed, but did land at King's Road in April last; saying, that when he said he landed in February last, it was his mistake. And further saith, that the first night after his landing, as above, he lay at Bristol, and the second night, at Badmanton, about ten miles from Bristol aforesaid. And being desired to declare, whether his lodging was above stairs, or below stairs, at Badmanton aforesaid, saith he will not answer; but afterwards saith, it was above stairs that he lodged at Badmanton aforesaid, as far as he remembereth. And further saith, that he doth not know, what day of the said month of April he landed as aforesaid, nor doth he know what week of the said month he landed as above. And further saith, that he was a soldier in the king's party in Ireland, in the condition of a lieutenant colonel, under the command of the lord Musgrey, about two years since; and that he was a soldier in the said late king's party in England, in the capacity of a major, in the regiment of sir James Smith of Devonshire, until the said late king's army said down their arms in Cornwall. And further saith, he was not in the late insurrection in this nation, which was in opposition to the present government thereof. And further saith, that his business is from hence to Durham, to visit a friend, who liveth near Durham; but what place he knoweth not, whose name, as he thinketh, is John Smith, a country gentleman, living about two miles from Durham. And further saith, that the person now apprehended with him this examinate is a poor gentleman, and servant to him this examinate, whose name is Arthur Berry, he being an Irishman. And further this examinate saith, that his pass, bearing date the twenty seventh day of April, 1655, was subscribed by the governor of Cork in Ireland, the same day and year. And further saith, that he hath been in England about a month. And further saith, that he was born in Cumberland at Rottington, near Whitehaven. And further saith, that he is a roman catholick, but is not a romish priest; and that he will not take the oath of abjuration. And further saith, that he hath been in England longer than is above set forth. And being desired to subscribe this his examination, saith he will not.

Examined before me Thomas Apletree.

The examination of Arthur Berry, taken May 18, 1655.

Vol. xxvi. p. 203.

Saith that he is an Irishman, and that he landed at Bristol, and came out of Ireland with one mr. James Patrickson; but saith he is not a servant to the said mr. James Patrickson, but came out of Ireland as his fellow traveller; and that he this examinate together with the said mr. Patrickson came out of Ireland about the latter end of last week. And being further examined saith, that the said mr. Patrickson hath been in England ever since May 1654, and this examinate hath been with him in England ever since the beginning of December last. And further saith, that the paper in the manner of a pass bearing date the 27th of April 1655 now shewn to him, pretended to be under the hand of the governor of Cork in Ireland, was wrote by the said mr. Patrickson near Maidenhead, in or near Oxfordshire, about ten days since. And further saith, that he this examinate and the said mr. Patrickson are Roman catholicks. And he this examinate further saith, that he will not take the oath of abjuration. And further saith, that he this examinate is not a Romish priest, and that he hath not taken or entered into any orders from or by the authority of the see of Rome. And further saith, that he doth not know whither he is to go or travell.

Examined before Tho. Apletree.

Arthur Berry being re-examined, May 19, 1655.

Saith, that he left Ireland August last was two years, and that he then went into Spain, and stayed there about ten weeks, and from thence went to Bourdeaux in France, and there stayed for the space of a year and upwards; and from thence he went into Holland, and stayed there about three weeks; and from thence into Flanders, where he stayed one night and one day, and returned into Holland, and took shipping at Flushing for Gravesend about the beginning of August last; since which time he was in England, as in his former examination is set forth. And further saith, that he is an Irishman born, and that he had the command of a troop of horse in the regiment of the lord Musgrove in the late wars in Ireland about July next will be three years, near which time he this examinate, with the rest then in arms, laid down their arms.

Examined before Tho. Apletree.

Mr. J. Carye and mr. J. Barker to major general Disbrowe.

Vol. xxvi. p. 204.

May it please your honour,
To be certified, that upon notice given us, that mr. Hunt, condemned for treason, was escaped out of the prison at Ivelchester, wednesday night, the 15th instant, we mett there this day early to examine the businesse. We finde, that Hunt had two sisters, Elizabeth and Margery, that evening in his chamber: he goes with Elizabeth in womens apparell out of the prison, through the watch; the other sister, Margery, lieth in Hunt's bedd that night; and the escape of the prisoner not knowne, till the next morninge, beinge thursday, which day it seemeth he had been to be executed; the scaffold being up, and all ready for that purpose. It appeares to us that Hunt had noe irons on, through the goaler's neglect. It also appears to us by several testimonies, that the sheriffe had often tymes earnestly sent unto him to secure the prisoners with all safety; and, upon the imprisonmente of the persons committed for treason, had issued under his seale of office a warrante for a strickt watch upon the prison, day and night. The copies of the examinations taken at present we thought good to send up unto your honour; and we shall wayte your commaunds, and what you shall please further to have done in the businesse. In the meane tyme Hunt's two sisters, Elizabeth and Margery, are secured; and we shall humbly desire to know your further pleasure concerninge them and the goaler; and soe we humbly take our leaves, and rest
Ivelchester, Friday, May 18, 1655.

Huy and Crye were speedily abroad for the stopinge of the prisoner.

The superscription,
To the right honourable generall John Disbrowe, at his lodginges in Whitehall, these humbly present.

Your honour's most humble and faithfull servants,
J. Carye.
J. Barker.

Oliver P.

Vol. xxvi. p. 206.

These are to will and require you forthwith to deliver unto mr. Martyr Noel, to be transported to our island of Barbados in America, the bodies of Somerset Fox, Francis Fox, Thomas Saunders, Anthony Jackson, Rowland Thomas, colonel Grey, colonel Gardiner, and James Hodges, now prisoners under your charge in our Tower of London, and who were committed thither, viz. the said Somerset Fox, Francis Fox, Thomas Sanders, Rowland Thomas, colonel Grey, and colonel Gardiner, for high treason, the said Anthony Jackson for treason in invading the nation, and the said James Hodges for high misdemeanors against us and the state. And for so doing this shall be your warrant. Given at Whitehall the 18th day of May 1655.

To our trusty and well beloved John Barkstead, esq; lieutenant of our Tower of London.

A letter of intelligence.

Stockholm, May 19, 1655. [S. V.]

Vol. xxvi. p. 207.

News little at present. The queen dowager's funerals were on sunday last most sumptuously solemnized, and now nothing thought on, but what may conduce to the sudden march of king and army hence, the regiments coming daily up to be embarked, as well here as in other sea-havens. The Tartarian embassadors had audience on wednesday last; their proposition yet is secret. Our grand embassador Bond is in a manner resolved to take shipping here in a good Swedish merchant ship bound hence for London within these ten days.

A letter of intelligence.

Paris, May 29, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxvi. p. 213.

The king of France is at Compiegne, where this week was married one of the cardinal's nieces to the duke of Modena; the nuptial ceremonies, I mean, were there performed. Marshal Turenne did put in provision and other necessaries into Quesnoy the last week. Prince Rupert is thought to be on his march towards his command in Italy with the duke of Modena. Here is not any discourse of the duke of York's going to the campaign this year; it depends upon our agreement there; as also the removal of the English court from hence.

A letter of intelligence from mr. Petit.

Paris, 29/19 May 1655.

In the possession of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great-Britain.

We have but little news by this ordinary. The court is at Compiegne, where I hear that the betrothings of cardinal Mazarin's neice with the duke of Modena's eldest son being accomplished, the count de Noailles hath taken the conduct of her to her husband, with a promise of above two millions his eminency giveth her for a dowry; after which the said earl will pass to Rome, to render unto the new pope in his majesty's behalf the usual obediencies. Our forces march continually towards the rendezvous, and we hear from Peronne, that the enemies are reinforcing their garrisons.

There is still some discontentment among the merchants here, caused by the prejudicial introduction of the copper coining. They were to renew their complaints thereof unto his majesty, before his departure, who gave them many good words; but they were no sooner out of his presence, but many courtiers blamed them for disturbing the king's pleasure about that, which he understood not, telling them, that they should have made their addresses unto his said majesty's minister.

A letter of intelligence.

Paris, May 29, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxvi. p. 214.

Yours of the 24th instant I received, by which I see the protector is merciful to the late risers, contrary to the expectation of most here; but now they find it otherwise, and some highly commend him for it; but the proclamation and oath of abjuration is a general exclamation here by the Hugonots themselves in many parts, I mean of the learned men.

Of a general peace we have nothing. Of any fleet to prejudice you at sea there is nothing, nor will be this season.

Some here fear yet their treaty with the protector shall not take effect. The being there of marquis de Leda amuseth this whole court; yet I know mr. Bordeaux, if he sees the Spaniard near a close with the protector, has orders to conclude his treaty; so that we are still in hopes our treaty with England may be ended, which is all I hear of it at present.

The duke of York is always here, and is not yet disposed to go into any campaign in France, till we hear what the end shall be of our treaty with his highness, left it might happen to be against some of the articles, if he had served here.

They do boast much here of great matters they will do this summer against the Spaniard. Your curiosity to know the stature of the king of France at present, I assure you, he is pretty well taller than yourself, and a stout gallant prince. Great expectations may be of him, if he be not given too much to his pleasure, which Mazarin keeps him to close.

Here is nothing else, but what you have in the occurrents, from
Sir, yours.

A letter of intelligence.

Paris, May 29, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxvi. p. 216.

Here we have but little of news since my former. The levies made by mr. de la Barde in Swisserland for France are come into the country, and arrived at St. Jean de Laune the 16th of this present month, where mr. Tireman commissioner from the king received them, being in number 2500 Swissers, which shall have their rendezvous about the end of this month at Amiens.

Prince Thomas is to meet Modena at Saccon in the territories of Genoa, to confer together, whether they will think themselves able this year to attempt the city of Milan.

The duke of Mantua is expected here only about the next St. Jean. Some think certainly he has a secret treaty to be made with the king, as to join with the duke of Modena, and does as he does in all interests; and that it was for that, count de Monaster made a voyage hither, and mr. Dantilli made two voyages from Turin to Casal by the king's orders.

It was remarked here last week, that no holy orders were given in the archbishoprick of Paris, which never happened so before about such times.

Monsieur de Here, master of the requests, has a commission to go to Nantz, and make the process of those that are yet prisoners, for cardinal de Retz his escape out of the castle of Nantz. What shall become of them, we shall hear in due time.

Mr. count de Noailles, captain of the king's guard, and his wife, are chosen to convoy mademoiselle Martinozzi to Modena, whose contract and agreement was made at Compiegne last thursday, and the marriage will be to morrow in the same place. Some say, that the bishop of Constance goes with them also.

It is not yet believed, that his majesty will part from Compiegne so soon to advance his troops to any action, they being not yet together; and those that came to the appointed place were sent with a convoy into Quesnoy, which prevailed without any assistance of the enemies. Ours left in Quesnoy this last time 900 bolls of wheat, 60 pieces of wine, with quantity of other provision; and as soon as our army will come together, they will furnish Quesnoy with all things necessary, that they will little care for their adversaries. Some letters from the frontiers of Picardy bring, that the Spaniards made great offers of late to mr. de Montejeu governor of Arras, for the delivery of that town to themselves, they hearing the governor to be displeased with the court; but we have from good hands, that he would not hear nor answer them; and therefore it is supposed, he shall have what he demands from the court. We hear from Provence, that mr. de Vendosme was expected at Aix last saturday, and mr. de Mercoeur parted from Toulon with five ships of war commanded by mr. Gabaret, an old sea captain, and a man of great experience; also six gallies commanded by mr. chevalier de la Ferrier, all gone towards Roses.

Yesterday morning the parliament assembled, and resolved to send some of the king's men, which reside always in the parliament, to court, with a tres humble remonstrance, desiring his majesty not to put his edicts to execution, till they shall have time to consider of them. We expect the king's answer to them. Some of our troops that went to convey the convoy into Quesnoy, took 50 carts of the enemies full of provision coming from Valenciennes to Landrecy; as also to give relief in their way to 50 men of the enemies, that are in a fort called la Fore's near Cambrecy.

Mr. Turenne will arrive at Compeigne this night, and next week will go to la Ferre, where the artillery is a making ready to march to the field. Here is some prophecy, that we shall have three popes this year; and that this pope we have now will die before the 26th of the next month; and that his successor will govern only three months. We shall see all by the time.

We are in hopes this next campaign to master our enemies, except Swedeland comes to them. We expected many of the late risers there to suffer; but it seems his highness is more merciful than people think; yet the catholicks say, they cannot say so much at these times, but rather the contrary. Which is all I have at present, but that I am,
Sir, your humble servant.

A letter of intelligence.

Brussels, May 29, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxvi. p. 220.

By the last I received yours, by which I see the noble reception of marquis de Leda, a good beginning; if he can finish so his negotiation, it will be very acceptable here, as there is reason for it.

You write no news from England, but the execution of some of the late risers, and the protector's mercy to most of them; but we have among the cavaliers other news, that most of all the country in England refuse to pay taxes by any authority from the protector or his council: but because you write nothing of it, I give no credit to it. Of a general peace here is not a word, but the common bruit, that the new pope will suddenly procure one.

They fear much here France and you will agree, and Spain must fall into war with you. I am of opinion, the marquis of Leda will not stay long with you, if he proceeds not in his negotiation to contentment. I have some reasons to be of this opinion more than ordinary.

The archduke is still here; so is the queen of Swedeland, and duke Francis of Lorraine. The prince of Condé parted wednesday last to his army at Philipville near Rocroy, and all our army is marched to the confines. Yet I cannot see how they can do more than to defend what they have, for no appearance of any Swedes to come, as was strongly reported in ore omnium, but I could not from the beginning (as I writ) find any ground for it. The Swedes have something else in hand. It is said, count Fuenseldagna will shortly be commanded from hence to the good liking of all these countries.

There was last week like to be murdered here count de Menghem, by a shot of a pistolet, passing the streets in his coach. He is brother to count Basigny; and he that shot him was apprehended soon after, being a Frenchman, come expresly from Paris with intent to kill the said count; but he missed, and therefore may pay for his attempt.

The Spanish troops march all to St. Amant, whither the archduke will shortly go with all the court.

The Condeans and Lorainers with Wittenberg troops march towards Luxemburg, to post themselves in convenient places for observation of the French army's motions.

The count Fuenseldagna goes towards Brouas upon the river of Lys to observe there.

The last letters from Madrid bring no news of the Spanish fleet's arrival; so that report is vanished.

The same letters import the full agreement concluded betwixt his catholick majesty and the ambassador of Genoa. Also that the several kingdoms of Spain have partly and are to acknowledge the instant of Spain as inheretrix of this king's dominions.

It seems there are no hopes left of any issue to be had by this king and queen. She twice miscarried, and the doctors resolved, she will conceive no more.

Your letters from Vienna now you have; but by this post I received nothing from Cologne, to my admiration. The next will shew the cause: which is all I have to say at present.

Sir, yours.

A letter of intelligence from mr. Manning.

From Cleve, May 30, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxvi. p. 228.

In my last I gave you, that Oneile was escaped, and at the Hague; and a hint, that more care bee had. Now I can tell you, that I am commanded by the king to meet the duke of Gloucester, Hyde, Napeir, &c. who came from the Hague, and will be at Arnehem wednesday next, and soe to Colen. The princesse royall will meet them ere long at Mewers. This remoove is, being the states had in debate the ordering it, to please you, and to prevent a publick affront, it is thought fitt, hee should doe it himselfe. You must think on some way to hinder the concourse of your enemies in Holland, &c. For all things are there prepared on all occasions to doe you mischeife. Agents are in all towns, viz. in the Hague, sir Francis Mackworth, sir E. Bret; and many at Couhis, especially that little spider, doctor Morley; at Delf, alderman Bunce, and mr. Woode; Rotterdam, Diggs; Brabant; Amsterdam, Westerclayre, Wayte, &c. Utrecht, doctor Crayton, captain Pinkney; Breda, Titus, Coventry, Paratell, &c. Flushing, Rainmote, Mid. Ja. Bovey, sir W. Coyneson, a Zelander, one of Ch. Stew. baronetts, and many English officers of this land. Some there are, who are most common in the provinces up and down, employed in getting shipping, transporting persons, procuring armes and money, and drawing in confederates in those parts. And if the designe had gon on, or yet should, of English, French, and Scotts there were and are 4000 men ready, non obstante the states; and in Flanders and in France as many Irish, the lord Taaffe, the lord Gerard, sir J. Mince, whose brother Andrew was engaged in the late design. Collonell Hollis, collonell Prisemack, Thomas Fitz-Gerald, and mr. Heath, being a kind of secretary to the archbishop duke, named Dognate, are active. Zealand is much a freind to Charles Stew, for shipping.

I have told you the publick taking notice of Wilmot, sir William Flemming, sir William Keith, sir J. Mince, sir Ma. Langdale, sir J. Wagstaffe, sir R. Page, sir C. Lloyde, captain God. Lloyde, Coll. Darcy, Coventry, Philips, J. Seymore, Trelawney, mr. O Neile, Manynge, Scott, Heath, Davison, Ross, Palmer, &c. as mr. Halsie, Horwood, Gardiner, &c. in the Diurnal, or in some particular order against them, and those who doe, or have, or shall harbour, abett, or conceale them. In time it may bee many 1000 l. advantage. The lord Culpeper, the archbishop of London-Derry, sir Ed. Walker, mr. Honeywood, hot-headed people, are in Holland.

Hyde is sick at the Hague. The king will bee this night with the duke of Newburg for a weeke.

I admire you secure not C. R. Arundel, sir H. Polard, &c. they being much engaged, having sent Seymore and Trelawney to Ch. Stew. as he came last from Collen, with large promises of all the engagers, as also sir R. Willis, &c. non obstante their bayle. Those, which I have named, were all engaged.

Bordeaux to his son, the French embassador in England.

Compiegne, May 30, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxvi. p. 231.

My Son,
I Came to this city on the 29th, with your letter of the 24th, which giveth no assurance. I shewed it to the earl of Brienne, who found your terms and your negotiations very much embroil'd, and told me, he would see his eminence, to signify unto him the present state, and that he thought my reception would be none of the best, and that I should find his disposition of mind very much altered upon these delays. Now this morning I saw his eminence, who did not fail to declare his anger, and to bespatter your conduct; and he told me, that he had writ often enough unto you, having advice from some particular persons, that they did but deceive you where you are, and that they made no esteem of you nor your conduct: and as I was going to reply unto him, he told me, that the mareschal of Villeroy was gone into his chamber, where he staid to speak with him. He bid me to come to him again to morrow morning; and just as he was going from me, one came and told him, that there was a great Swisser, who desired to speak with his eminence, and to make propositions unto him about the means to make and finish the peace with England. Whereupon he caused him presently to be sent for; and whilst his eminence was withdrawn to speak with the said Mareschall, I took my time to inform myself of his propositions. I told him, that I was the father of the embassador, and that I had order from his eminence; whereupon he shewed unto me all his letters in character, and the overtures, which he pretended to make to his eminence; and withall he told me, how you had employed the Holland embassador to renew your treaty; and that the resolution of the protector was to assist the Hugonots in Savoy, who are driven out of that country by the duke; and that he would send an express to demand their re-establishment, and have a general collection made for them in all the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland; and likewise that he would give lands in Ireland to those that are banished, to inhabit. His eminence coming in interrupted our discourse: he took him with him, and was at least an hour in private with him; and in regard I was desirous to know the end of the conference, I spoke to the Swiss as he came out of the chamber, and he told me, that his eminence had charged him to treat with monsieur Ondedei, whereby you may judge, that it is not with you that he would have him to treat; and that in this mistrust of your conduct he doth seek all other overtures. I believe that they are ridiculous propositions, and on design to get money out of the cardinal; and yet in regard this Swiss is one of the commissioners of the cantons, they may chance to hearken to his advice. I will inform myself during five or six days, which the court is to stay here, what there shall pass between him and monsieur Ondedei. I recommend secrecy unto you.

I have seen since the earl of Brienne, to whom I gave an account of the above-mentioned; and he doth laugh at all the ridiculous propositions; and whereas I prest him to send you a precise order for your return or abode, he referred me to the foregoing letters, which had been sent you.

Rozé told me, that it doth pass for ridiculous not to see any conclusion; and that it is clearly seen, that you would have the honour of concluding the treaty of peace, and that you ruin all upon this useless hope: wherefore make an end and return.

Mr. S. Morland to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxvii. p. 157.

Right honourable,
Yesterday about three of the clock in the afternoon, wee blesse God, both wee and the French ambassador's gentleman came safe into Dover, where the officers of the town did, with one consent, assure us, that in all probabilitie, if wee made use of a state's vessell, as the wind now stands, and all other circumstances considered, wee could not expect to bee in Calais under 2 or 3 daies: whereupon being exceeding sensible, that wee have allready incurred your honour's displeasure, and no lesse tender of doing the same for the future, wee were forced to hire and give 11 l. 5s. for a vessel out of Dover, to transport us, where wee are all now safe aboard, blessed be God, and under saile; and if no extraordinary providence intervene, wee shall be landed at Calais within 3 or 4 houres time. This way, though much the dearer way, yet being so expeditious, and altogether as safe, as wee are informed by these people, wee trust your honour will approve of it; and also be assured, that from henceforth, even to the very utmost of my endeavours, and best understanding, I shall in all things strive to execute your honour's commands, and so approove myself,
From aboard the vessell, munday 2 of the clock in the morning.

Right honourable, your most humble, faithfull, and affectionate servant,
Sam Morland.

A letter of intelligence from mr. Manning.

May 31, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxvi. p. 238.

Now at Cologne the king, the duke of Gloucester, Ormond, Hyde, the lords Gerard, Napier, sir Edward Nicholas, and his two sons; sir William Flemming, sir George Hamilton, sir Gilbert Talbot, sir John Morley, mr. O Neal, mr. Elliot, Harding; colonels Stephens, Manning, and Warren; majors Cooper and Armorer, not he who went into England, Edwarth, two of the Hamiltons, Ogleby, and Baal Scot, doctor Frazier, Rogers an equerry, one of those that killed mr. Ascham, George Hamilton, and George Aernet, pages.

George Barker, Thomas Chissings, Toby Rustat, Fox, John Grissith, John Swan, who was with the king in Worcester when he escaped.

One mr. Lader of the council, mr. Beeling secretary to the German embassy for money. All sorts of ordinary servants.

A trumpet.

A letter of intelligence from mr. Manning.

[June 1, 1655. N. S.]

Vol. xxvi. p. 236.

I Need not tell you, by whom prince Rupert was turned from court; yet perhaps you have not known, that Hyde then offered Charles Stuart 50,000 men should be in arms in England before a year went about, if he would quit the queen's court and the prince's party. Henry Seymour and colonel Edward Villiers went about that time in Paris, and of this juncto in those offers the last engaged his prime agent in England mr. Henry Penruddock the late six clerk. By the last letters it doth seem, as if prince Rupert had an intention to see Cologne before Modena; and if he can break Hyde's neck here, it may alter his design, and make him stay with the king, which he hath most mind of. This in a fortnight I shall be able to give you an account of. Gerard is going to Heidelberg to court the elector, and another into France. This is designed. The king would willingly return thither, and is now endeavouring to make his way: all the expectations are from England, what the levellers and other parties will do; and also on the success of their treaties, and especially yours with France; Charles Stuart believing the protector will be suddenly crowned king. Gerrard and Nepier still press their design.

Extracts of several letters from mr. Leger, pastoral and divinity reader at Geneva, born in the Vallies of Piedmont, and appointed for their affairs, written to mr. Stouppe.

May 22, 1655.

In the possession of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great-Britain.

Sir, and most honoured brother,
By yours of the 10th instant I have seen the proposition made by his highness the lord protector, to give some lands in Ireland to our poor exiled. I consess, when at first I heard of the massacre made among them, I had that thought, that those that had escaped that butchery, ought to go and settle themselves elsewhere, not seeing any likelihood for them to return home, or to live peaceably there. But having imparted the matter to the pastors of those churches, that are now dispersed, they have represented unto me, that they ought not to yield so easily to those, who little by little do mutilate and consume the body of our churches, having destroyed those of Calabria in the year 1650, those of the marquisate of Saluces in 1597 and 1602; and those of the Valley of Barcellonne within the dominions of the duke of Savoy in 1623. That if they should forsake so easily those quarters, the adversaries would thereby be encouraged to take a resolution to destroy us so one after another, under several pretences. That we ought not to forsake those churches, who can prove their succession from the very time of the Apostles; Claudius Taurinensis, archbishop of Turin, who had been counsellor to Charles the Great, having highly erected there the standard of the truth long before the Waldenses came thither. That those churches are a good bulwark to those of Dauphiné. That in the said Vallies there are several places, that are strong by nature. That there are yet great numbers of our brethren under arms, who have taken up heart again, and were entered again into part of the inheritance of their fathers, having wholly routed the Irish, who had taken possession of it. That they are able to maintain it, being secretly assisted by the forces of the neighbouring provinces, if but furnished with money. That therefore the chiefest work was to provide them with a sufficient proportion; so in all likelihood the adversaries shall be at length forced to consent to their re-establishment; whereas if our churches lose that only quarter they have in those parts of Italy, they will triumph and glory, that they have compassed their design of routing all the reformed out of Italy. That afterwards they will not fail to attempt upon the neighbouring villages of Dauphiné. In the mean while those churches are very much beholding to his highness the lord protector for his charitable offers, and do return him their hearty thanks. Therefore I entreat you, sir, to represent unto his highness, that it would be more convenient to wear out the forces of our adversaries by fighting them in those places, where our men being natural inhabitants, and knowing all the passages and streights, can defend themselves with advantage; and, if God gives blessing to their endeavours, force their adversaries and bad neighbours to some accommodation, wherein I suppose France will be forward, since we hear from Paris, that the court hath not approved of what hath been done; and that they fear the dangerous consequence of those proceedings. We do not know yet what success the interposition of the protestant cantons will have, who have sent some deputies to Turin to his highness. We hope, that monsieur de St. André de Montbrun, who shall command the king's army in Italy, will endeavour the settling of that poor persecuted people. I do intreat to write to him heartily about it, and to represent to him the consequence of that business; it will be for the preservation of Pignerol, and the welfare of the churches of Dauphiné.

The abstract of another letter of the same from Geneva, the 30th of May, 1695. [N. S.]

Since our fugitives are come again into this country, the enemies do endeavour to entangle them in a treaty. Therefore it is high time, that from your parts they might be protected. It would be both a glorious and advantageous thing to act therein speedily, and speak high, for it is not convenient to act by way of supplication. The adversaries are now frighted, and find no men, that will ingage to fight against desperate men in those places, where now there is nothing to be gotten but blows. After so many breaches of word, so many treasons, and deceits so abominable, our men can hardly resolve to submit themselves again under the government of the duke of Savoy, and to enter into a treaty with him; wherein yet they will receive such good counsel, as shall be given them. But in such a case it would be necessary, that our brethren, who so much suffered in their persons and goods, should be settled in a full possession of their liberties, in all such places where they inhabited, and namely in those, from which they have been expelled by the sieur Gastaldo, by virtue of the orders he then published; and that their concessions should be confirmed by the chamber and the senate. That their accord should be the more advantageous, it would be needful powerfully to countenance those, that are in arms, who would find assistance, if they had but some money.

The abstract of another letter of the same, of the 6th of June, 1655. [N. S.]

By your two last and some other letters we received from London, we have seen the effect of your holy zeal, and your unwearied care for the poor remnant of the Italian churches. And all other churches in those parts have received a joy, that cannot be expressed, and do all bless the holy, generous, and heroick resolution of his highness, the lord protector, who shews to be so sensible of the persecutions of those poor flocks, and who undertakes their protection. By such a glorious action he approves himself the protector of all those, that are persecuted for righteousness sake, and wins to himself the affection of all oppressed people, chiefly of our brethren now in trouble, and all others interested in their re-establishment, and who do all together incessantly offer, and will still offer unto God their most servent vows for his prosperity.

France cannot deny, but that their forces have been imployed in that action. All the French soldiers, that were there, do witness still, that six regiments of the French army, namely, Grancey, Amboise, Carignan, Montpezat, De Ville, and the Irish regiment, have been made use of therein. And the French Gazette, printed at Paris the 8th of May 1655, with privilege, relating the news from Turin of the 24th of April, doth confirm it, saying, that with the guides, and with such orders as they received from the count de Quincey, who commands the French army, they came into the vallies by almost inaccessible places.

Besides the cruelties you have heard formerly, I have been lately informed by those that saw it, that those massacrers have ripped the bellies of women with child, and took the insants upon the point of their halbards; and that they have nailed divers persons upon the branches of trees, and so made them cruelly die. They have carried away a great number of children, whom they have sacrificed to the idol. They do torment the prisoners in a strange manner, to force them to change their religion; and if they refuse it, they put them to death in the prisons, where they have strangled many, or make them languish and linger, starving them, and giving them but four ounces of bread and a little water.

The deputy of the canton of the Switzers could never obtain the deliverance of the prisoners; yea and he never could prevail to have liberty to speak to any of them, nor even of those, that have changed their religion, whom the persecutors know to have apostatized by mere force, and therefore they keep them prisoners still; and if any of them comes again to profess the truth, they do inflict very rigorous pains on them. Such as they could not catch, they have banished them by publick edict, printed at Turin the 23d of May 1655, having set a price upon the heads of any of them, and promised rewards to those, that would murther any of them. Upon the mountains, or clifts of the rocks, divers persons are daily found starved, either by cold or famine.

Those of our brethren, who are come again into their possessions, have retaken the strong passes of the Vallies at Angrogne, Val St. Martin, Prumell, and other places. The enemies have but a small fort in the mountain at Mirebouc, and in the plain Bricheras, la Tour, and the town of Lucerne, part whereof was lately burnt by ours; but supplies coming to the enemies, our men are necessitated to quit that place, which is in the plain. Our men have also taken and burned St. Second, Savillande, Mirandol, Osace, and other places, that their bad neighbours, who had burnt all their temples and houses, might feel the fruits of the war, and be paid in the same coin.

The Vallies being wholly destroyed, the enemies having burnt all the houses, and whatsoever they could not carry away, our men are in a most extream want and need, being forced to buy very dear what they lack, which they receive from other places; so that unless they be powerfully relieved, it is impossible for them to subsist long.

We do most humbly intreat you to press, as much as you can, that they might speedily be relieved.

Since the deputy of the cantons hath not been able to prevail, we think they will send an embassador. But as we are sure, that they shall not succeed, unless it be by theatnings, and by a mere force, it is thought that the intervention of his highness the lord protector will be the most powerful, and that if he will speak high and big, they will be frighted, and will be afraid to anger him. Therefore it would be most convenient, that his highness should speedily send some to see and consider the state, wherein are our poor brethren, and to advise together, what is best to be done now; it being impossible that such a business be well managed by letters. If his highness resolves to send some body; as it is most needfull, to treat here, we wish extreamely he would charge you with that commission, which we are confident you will worthily discharge; and we hope you will not shun the pain of that voyage, whereby you might be very serviceable for the consolation and re-establishment of those poor persecuted Christians, &c.

An intercepted letter of Brooks to mrs. Hannah Gay, Harris's wife's sister, inclosed to one Richard Stephens, a taylor in White Friers.

Vol. xxvi. p. 291.

Good friend,
You may think it strange I took so great a journey, as by this you will see I have, and not given you a visit before departure. Surely it was not for want of respect; but to speak plain, for fear of being catched by some of his highness's blood-hounds, who for some weeks lay in wait for me; and if catched, must have done as others, I think as innocent as myself, have suffered a long and tedious imprisonment, to prevent which I went where I am; and for what I have received of you to keep, I according to your desire put it out for a year; but seeing you have need of it, I will so order my concernment to have it paid to you in a short time; and had not your mother and sister, who I thought had been wiser, with others fallen so high a railing at me, you had had it before now. And truly, Hannah, I cannot but tell you, I am not a little troubled, that for my kindness I should be so ill regarded. Surely I have not deserved it at none of your hands. It seems I am made the abettor, inventor, and chief actor of that business, which how foolish, God and your own conscience can witness; so contrary was that to me; and God, who is the searcher of all hearts, knows I would have given a 100 l. out of my own purse (in that I lay at my house) it hath not been done, and in that my occasions have not permitted me to write. His highness it seemeth may be petitioned about; and some persons judge my friends threatened for them to be punished for me by some of your relations. I hope your spirit is of another temper, as if I were the veriest rogue that lived, and intended to cheat you. No, I bless God, I can say I scorn such an equivocation, though must tell you by all that know me, as well as myself, would have been counted (as well as should have been indeed) a fool to venture perpetual imprisonment to come to give you your money, which you know you had ordered me to put out but a month before. But to conclude, I do assure you, you shall be paid what I owe you within three or four months. I shall say no more, but you shall find me as heretofore your true friend; and so tell your relations, according as they use me, they shall find me
Dantzick, June 1, 1655. [N. S.]

Your loving friend,
E. S.