State Papers, 1655: April (5 of 6)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1655: April (5 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1655: April (5 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1655: April (5 of 6)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

April (5 of 6)

Lord Broghill to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxv. p. 509.

Worthy Sir,
This day seavennight I gave you the trouble of a business of myne concerninge my arreares beinge satisfied in mony, accordinge as his highness and the councill were pleas'd to order it; the perfectinge wherof you did promiss to favor me in. But lest som more important affaires might have denyde you the possibility of mindeinge this poor concernment of myne, and knowinge, that visits to a person under such a thronge of business as you are constantly ingaged in, are more troubelsome then a letter, I have chosen this way to revive my first desyer. I have a pressinge occasion to draw me out of towne for a few dayse; and I sinde my lord protector now soe close at worke, that I may not have the like oportunity again, if this should be omitted. Then I know, when my lord is reddy for the Scotch affaires, he will be hasteninge us out of toune, and I would be loth, that my unpreparedness to goe should looke like my unwillingness. Besides, sir, I have indeed som pryvate things of my owne, which must suffer for want of this mony. Upon the whole, I beg your assistance in my dispatch of that particular, beinge reddy to make over my arrears as you shall appoynt. They tell me, when you have procured my order, I must send downe to the atturney general, before I shall be ripe for a seale; which formallitye, will take up soe much time, that I hope in part that will pleade my excuse for this confidence in,
Scotland Yard, April 19, 1655.

Sir, your truly affectionate,
obliged, and humble servant,

I beg you, sir, to let this bearer know, which of your servants he shall address himselse unto from time to time, to know what is done for me, and what must be done by me.

Beverningk to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxv. p. 507.

Vir Amplissime,
A Bsoluta illa generositatis & justitiæ encomia, quibus gratissimæ amplitudinis vestræ me dignatæ sunt, nec facile mihi arrogem, nec libenter despuam, cum jampridem juris & justitiæ sacerdos tenaci satis proposito et totum me devovi eorum exercitio. Illud magis doleo, quod deficiente opportunitate commodâ non satis amplitudini vestræ in eo aut innotuerim aut satisfecerim; simul et illud, quod avidissime arripueram, domini Chiliarchi Lockharti negotium expedita lite e manibus mihi eripuerit religiosa judicum æquitas, ita ut post paratissimum, quem jam testatus eram, animum, nihil potuerim conferre, gavisus tamen, quod intercessione et præsidio nostro non indiguerit. Certè et illi omnibus apertissimè testatum voluissem, quod integerrimo et slagrantissimo erga nationem vestram affectu nulli unquam cedam, et quod amplitudini vestræ mandatis paratissimo semper obsequio quidvis deseram. Quid et illi et serenissimo principi suo debeam, nulla unquam dies, nullus casus obliterabit. Et si tantum mihi licet assumere, cum submissa manuum deosculatione præsentes testabuntur tabulæ. Devotus in æternum serenissimæ suæ celsitudinis servitio, & amplitudini vestræ
Datam Amstedolami, 19/20 Aprilis, 1655.

Ad quævis semper officia paratissimus,
H. Beverningk.

A paper of the senior fellows of Pembroke-Hall in Cambridge, disclaiming their right to choose their master.

Vol. xxv. p. 515.

Whereas upon the death of mr. Sidrach Simpson, late master of Pembrooke-Hall in Cambridge, the fellowes of the said college did, according to their statutes, proceed to the election of a successor. Wee, whose names are underwritten, being authorized thereunto by an order of the said college, do, in the name of all the fellowes of the said society, acknowlege, that now it clearly appeares to us, that our said proceedings were an entrenchment on the right of his highnesse the lord protector, for which humbly craving pardon, wee do by quitt all claime, or pretence of claime, to the right of electing, according to our statutes, during the naturall life of doctor Benjamin Lany and mr. Richard Vines, ejected out of the said mastershippe, by authority of parlament.

April 20, 1655.

Abraham Clifford.
Henry Sampson.
Martin Frances.
William Abell.

To his highness the lord protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, and the dominions thereunto belonging,

The humble petition of Francis Windham, esquire.

Vol. xxv. p. 429.

That whereas your highness's petitioner is now a prisoner at Bristol, upon an information exhibited against him by mr. John Stradling unto major Botler, of which the said Stradling was informed by one John Dowthwayte, that your highness's said petitioner had engaged to conduct a party of horse to destroy your highness's troops, which lately lay at Taunton: your highness's said petitioner doth utterly deny, that ever he was advertised, by the said Dowthwayte, or by any other, of this engagement against the present government, or that he well knoweth the said Dowthwayte; he only knowing two of that name, neither of which he hath seen or spoke with in many years last past; neither hath he ever kept any correspondency by letter, or otherwise, with either of them. Wherefore your highness's said petitioner humbly desireth, that he may be freed from his imprisonment, and return unto his afflicted family; he engaging to render himself a prisoner to your highness, if hereafter he shall be found guilty of the least of any of the aforesaid particulars.

And your highness's petitioner shall ever pray, &c.

An intercepted letter.

Vol. xxv. p. 519.

It was nine or ten of the clocke on thursday morning, before I was set on shore, soe that though I made all the haste I could, it was impossible for mee to bee here soone enough last night to speake with 182. This morning I sent to him, but hee was gone by seven of the clocke with his wife, some fourteene leagues out of towne, to see a howse, which hee is about to buye, and as I am tolde, will not be heere againe before tuesday next. I am extreamely troubled at it, since, if it bee foe, I shall not only bee hindred this poste, but also the next too, from giving you any perticular account of the businesse. I have sent to him, to let him know I am come, and to desire him to make all the hast hither that hee can. In the meane time I intend to lye heere private, that I may not shew my selfe to 176 before I have concerted all things with 182. Heere are many flying reports of the generall peace, which they say is to be made by the mediation of this new pope, who intends to make it his bussinesse, and of severall great designes towards other parts, when France and Spaine shall bee agreed. But I cannot thinke fitt so trouble you with them, since I should bee unwilling to say any thing to you, that I could not assure you to bee true. I send you heere inclosed, a bill of exchange for the summe you did me the favour to help mee to at my comming away, for which I give you humble thankes, and desire your pardon for the liberty I tooke in making use of it. I hope by the next to bee able to give you some prooses, that I am not mistaken in what I have sayde to you, as well as that I am very reall in the prosessions I make, of being the rest of my life, most truly and most entirely,
Paris, Saturday May 1, [1655. N. S.]

Sir, your most humble,
and most faithful servant,
A. Roberts.

The supercription,
To mr. John Alexander, in Drury-Lane.

Attorney general Prideaux to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxv. p. 531.

I have not of late received any directions from you concerninge oure prisoners, which hath beene much expected by my selse and the judges, in answere to what I wrote you from Salisburie and Dorchester. I have forborne writinge unto you, because generall Desbrowe said he would doe it, and give an account of passages here, and hath undertaken to doe the like againe, which makes me be the shorter. The juries we sinde very well affected, and willinge to dispatche the cavaliers; and the difference amongest them, is to agree most speedilie. We are upon our last bill against the prisoners heare. A list of them, and of those already tried and convicted, you will hearewith receive. Our work, I believe, will not be great att Chard; but what care is taken to have good jurymen there, I knowe not. My lord Rolles went hence yesterdaie, and will not be att Chard; and mr. serjeant Glynn saies, that there is a necessity of his beinge in London before the terme, and soe thinkes he shall be but litttle att Chard. Justice Windham is expected to meete us there, and I believe baron Nicholas will staye with us. Mr. Recorder is, as I wrote you in my last, to give the charge, and manage the trials there: from thence I suppose we shall all come to London togeather. Your steward expected to have heard from you, complaineinge he shall want monies, and desiers my credite to supplie him: rather than the service or your honoure shall suffer I shall doe it. I shall not farther trouble you, than to render me
Exon, April 21, 1655.

Your very humble servant,
Edm. Prideaux.

The grand jury just nowe brought in theire bill against tenn. Rivers was ignoramus; his own partie, that accused him, denied it upon theire oathe to the grand jury. Henry and Joseph Collyer, William Wake, and Haviland, that claimed articles, after some debate, confessed the indictment, and submitted to his highnes mercy.

Mr. Ja. Nutley to secreary Thurloe.

Vol. xxv. p. 527.

In obedience to your command, I humbly certify your honor, that the grand jury here although they first made diverse scruples upon the bills of high treason, the chiefest whereof was concerning the statute laws, against which the offence is alleaged to bee committed, what those statutes were, and then how they could bee meant of his highnesse the lord protector; and they having the old statute of 25 Edw. III. and the late ordinance; and it being given given in charge by mr. serjeant Glynne very learnedly and fully, that by the statute 25 Edw. III. and the common law, the levying warre against the chief officer of the commonwealth (lett the name be whatsoever) was high treason, and by the word king in that statute must be meant the chief officer (and the beareing of that office) the major part of the grand jury were quicklie satisfied. I was with them all the tyme to manadge the evidence, and untill they privately debated the matter amongst themselves Divers of the honest men amongst them privately blamed to mee the peeyishnesse of theire fellowes in making doubts where there was noe cause, and particularly of theire foreman, whose name is Cerrington Savory; and truly I found him at first somwhat wilfull, as hee was scrupulous; but hee was overpowered by the rest. They have found three bills against all those prisoners named in the list, which mr. attorney hath now sent to your honor. One of the prisoners, namely Thomas Helliard, at his tryal carryed himself very insolently in the face of the court, saying, what he did was noe other then what he was sworne to doe, professing his allegeance to Charles Stuart, the son, as well as the father; and that there was noe law against it. I observed none of them to expresse any remorse at all, soe much hardened are they even as Pharaoh as was expressed by the serjeant in his charge. The people here are well pleased with these proceedings against the rebells. The serjeant in his charge observed their ingratefull returne after an act of oblivion passed, ingratitude being condemned by the very heathen; and theire restlesse spirits to set up an interest, which God by soe many signes and wonders had fought against. Hee likewise observed the care of his highnesse to preserve the people in theire lives, liberties, and propertyes, and that this was the only end of his highnesse, not any private end to himselfe. Mr. attorney, in his manadging the evidence, would often inculcate to the people, that they might now see, who were the cause of theire taxes, and the necessity of continuing them. I humbly take leave, craving your honor's pardon for this over hasty scribling, being ever
Exon, April 21, 1655.

Your honor's in all duty and service,
Ja. Nutley.

I had almost forgotten to acquaint your honor, that one major Alford (who was in mr. Love's conspiracy) was of the graund inquest at Salisbury, and was very zealous in his highnesse service here, and his good affection and wife carriage here, did much advantage the bussinese. I received much information from him; and in this place (amongst others) one mr. Atkins of Tiverton served of the graund jury here, from whom I had my best information of what was done in private.

Mr. Chr. Barnard to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxv. p. 535.

On monday night next mr. sollicitor wil be at London, and give your honor an account of the bussines in his care, since my lord Strickland's comeing from thence. From Doncaster, on thursday, his Lordship, mr. sollicitor, and col. Lilburne, thought fitt to send me backe to this place, here to reside untill munday next, to the end it may not be thought the prosecution of this bussines does grow cold upon their hands, and that there is much probability, that severall of the conspirators, that are fled, may be apprehended before the commission be proceeded in any further; and that they may be all at once tryed for theire treason, which I have accordingly given out; yesterday I attended Alderman Dickenson to declare this to him, and he told me, he had apprehended seaven more conspirators in this designe, and hath committed them to the gaole, upon suspicion of high treason. Of this, and of the matter of theire executions, he tells me, he will give your honor an account by this retorne.

Col. Lilburne haveing accompanied my lord Strickland and mr. sollicitor from Doncaster towards Grantham, is retorned to Yorke, and is goeing to his house five miles hence, leaveing a servant to receave your letters (if any) to him. I have delivered him a note of two persons, viz. Henry Agar, servant to mr. Lesson, and Thomas Thompson, servant to sir Richard Malevorer, to be examined as to the whole matter; for they say (as is told me) they were both at Hessum-More. These have spoken freely in discourse to some honest men here, confessing they were unadvisedly insnared by theire masters.

I intend (upon the agreement in opinion of my lord Strickland, mr. sollicitor, and col. Lilburne at Doncaster) to come for London on munday next: my being here is grown publique, and soe more expensive, and I have not in commission whereby to serve you 'till further orders.

I have not presumed to break into particular relations of what hath passed, since I came from you, least I anticipate what wil be delivered to you within a few howers after you receive this by his lordship and mr. sollicitor. I am
April 21, 1655.

Your honor's intirely devoted
and most humble servant,
Chr. Barnard.

A letter from mr. H. Daubne at Cadiz.

Vol. xxv. p. 539.

Since I had the happyness to receive one from you (which was not 'till about a month since, and the only comfort now in a whole year, that I have received from England) I return'd you present answer by the Exeter merchant, and a duplicat of the same by the Benjamin, both which I hope are by this come safe to your hands. The truth is, that I expected you would before this time have taken some especial order for my necessary supply all this while here, and my better disposition for your service elswhere, according to the frequent desiers and advises I have given you in all my former letters, which, as it seems, to my no little amazement, have for the most part been unhappily miscarried; so I must content myself with that misfortune, and the hopes, that under this new address, which you have given me, our correspondence may be more secure for the future. I have very little to add to what I sent you in my last, but that wee have had this week a sad aviso from the Indys, that the galeons, which as I have always told you in my former, were long before this expected here, cannnot possibly arrive with us 'till August or September; so we are all at a stand, but most especially I, what we shall doe with ourselves in the mean time. This unhappy retardment has been occasioned by a sad dissaster fallen upon their fleet in the South Sea, by the casting away of the admiral of the Armada, wherein were no less, as wee heare, than eleven or twelve millions; but the most part of the plate and merchandize will be saved, though it has thrown the privat adventurers that were abord into a very great disorder and confusion, some of whome have been drowned endeavouring to swimm ashore overladen with theyr gold; but upon the whole, the king is like to be no great looser; for every wife man, uppon the happening of that mischance, presently confest his plate, and entered it into the king's register, which they thought before to be concealed, and so saved the twenty in the hundred which is his due. By this means likewife the other galeons, that were here ready when I writ my last to set sail from hence, are commanded to stay. This has fallen out very unfortunately for the king's and this country's occasions, which at present wee know require no small summe of money to be advanced; and no less for all us merchants heer, for neyther you, nor any of our principalls there, can expect any considerable returns, till that fleet shall come in; but as for the king, he can shift well enough to supply his occasions out of all the privat purses of his people, as he is now very busyly about it; and what mony is in Spayn, he is sure to command it, for his subjects are his asses to beare what burthens he shall please to impose. Our condition though will be very miserable in the mean time, and myn is like to be more necessitous then any man's else, as you may very well imagine, if you doe not very speedily take order to releeve it. Heer came in the other day a catch from Portsmouth with some letters and orders for generall Blake, which made no stay heer, but went out immediately to finde him, who, as wee are informed heer, lys with part of his fleet before Tunis, and part before Tripoly, and, but that I strongly presume, this vessel came forth uppon a very suddayn dispatch of state, and was not certayn to put in heer, I should have very much wondered not to receive some orders from you likewise; which till you shall please to send to me, I shall, as I am obliged by your commands, abide heer, though truly the place is very narrow for our busynes, but large enough for expences as any in Spayn, as I have in my former sufficiently informed you, and desired likewise to be transplanted into some sphere of greater activity. Howsoever, I doe humbly submit that, with all things else concerning me and my busyness (which is likewise your own) to your better judgment, to consider and dispose, and shall make use of all occasions here to serve you in the mean time as sar as the latitud of this poor place will permitt. Wee are all overjoy'd heer with the news of a breach, that is like to be between our state and France, which the Spaniards are not less pleased withall then wee ourselves, as a thing as much conduceing to their advantage as ours (for interest holdes the ascendant with them, as well as with other people) insomuch that they, I meane the people of this place, have changed on a suddayn theyr former darke countenances into all lightsomness, and theyr jealousys they had before of our state's designes, into great honors and loud acclamations, to the glory of his highness, in applaus of his magnanimity, and of our whole nation. And truly I am confident, that they will prove very reall, faythfull and cordiall freinds to our state. Howsoever I doubt not but his highness great prudence will thinke sitt to have an eye to the two spring heads of theyr policy, which I have sufficiently instanced in my former where the double dealing, if any is, or ever shall be intended, must be discovered, and not in thees remote quarters. This people likewise seeme to be no less pleased with that sayr liberty of conscience, which they heare is given in England to theyr religion, as well as others, which is lookt upon by all heer, as one of the most wife, pious and Christian actions, that this age has produced.

My freind heer, whome you well knowe to be much your servant, for want of better employment, has written some politicall discourses in order to the past, present, and future government of England, which he thinkes may be somewhat seasonable for the satisfaction of some, if speedyly published; and he would request your advise, whether he should send his copy to you there, or keep it with him 'till he come himself to kiss your hands. He is likewise about a Latin tract, concerning all forreign negotiations by ambassadours, residents, agents, &c. theyr qualities, dutys, and priviledges, which if he be to stay any time in thes parts, he means to imprint heer, but not in his own name, and dedicate to his highness, if you shall so thinke convenient. Thus in his vacancies from other busynes he is sayn to spend his time, though he could wish he might be so happy as to employ it more profitably to your service, being desirous I am sure of nothing more in this world, then to be better knowne to you, as myself likewise to be,
Dat: Cadiz, May 2, 1655. [N. S.]

Sir, your most humbly devoted
and dutyfull poore servant and factor,
H. Daubne.

What I tolde you at parting concerning the infidelity of the Hollanders is heer loudly spoken by themselves, will prove true, as allso that they will associat with them Denmark and Swedland; but the Lord, I doubt not, will make his highness and our state sufficient to withstand them all. I have not heard one word from any friend in England since my being heer, nor can yet be so happy as to knowe whether I have a wife or any children living there; but I cast the care of all that likewise upon the Almighty's and your providence.

I shall send a duplicat of this letter likewise by another ship, that will be ready speedily to go for England, because it is presumed, that passage for letters over land will not be so safe as it has been.

The further examination of Robert Duke, taken by mr. attorney general, April 22, 1655.

Vol. xxv. p. 547.

Saith, he was a scholar in Oxford, and after four years time spent there, as soon as the war began, he threw off his gown and bought him a sword, and hath been for the late king throughout the whole war. Saith, he was told by Pyle, the agent, on his first engagement in this late rebellion, that there were three several agents, one for the cavalier party, another for the parliament party, and the third for the army, who were called by a periphrasis the sealed knot; and that they had resolved to take in all interests, and to settle the king; and that it was privately whispered, the protector's interest was not excluded, and that the protector himself had declared his desire, that for settling the nation in peace, the king (meaning Charles Stuart) should be brought in. And this is all of addition he can make to what he said before.

To mr. Petit.

Rome, May 3, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxv. p. 567.

The pope continues to do actions, which cause him daily to be more and more admired; he is very pliable to all that is just, and hath set at liberty the count Marchio, mr. Bruningo, and some others, which had been persecuted during the late pontificate, and hath thrust his steward out of door for receiving a present. He hath granted the dispensation of wedlock into the first and second consanguinity for 2000 crowns, which is the tax, which had been established by the pope Pius V. instead that by the last pontificate, it was usual to give for those favours ten or twelve thousand crowns, and besides that, bestow several presents. This order has been made by reason of a Portugal, who (having during the last pontificate offered ten thousand crowns for such a favour, which had been refused him) is at present returned hither; and having offered 7000 crowns, his holiness hath regulated the price according to the lowest tax, which has been made thereof, and caused the favour he demanded to be granted him, for those 2000 crowns. His holiness giveth publick audience to those, who demand it, every sunday noon after his devotions, and doth distribute his favours with much generosity to all persons of merit and honesty, no others being credited by him. He doth particularly consider the poor cardinals, intending to let each of them have at least 6000 crowns, having to that purpose re-established cardinal Cecchini in his pension of poor cardinal, which had been taken away from him by Innocent the tenth; but his generosity has more particularly appeared, in giving the archbishoprick of Spoleto to cardinal Fachinetti, who was one of the great opposers to his election, and yet more in granting unto the two cardinals of Medicis upon the king of Spain's nomination all the benefices of late cardinal Pimentelli, which had been absolutely refused them by Innocent the Xth.

His holiness has this week received the dismission of the charges possessed by the princes Pamphilio, Ludovisio, and Justiniani, namely the first, of the charge of general of the church, the second, of that of Castelain of the castle of St. Angelo, and the third, of that of general of the church, his holiness having abolished the first and third, by reason they were of too great cost, and destinated the profit thereof for the Venetians.

Dona Olimpia hath done a prudent action in sending to the pope, by cardinal Gualtieri, all the writs she had had of Innocent the Xth, with intreaties, that he should dispose thereof according to his will and pleasure, which hath much pleased his holiness, who has since told Pamphilio, to reconcile himself with his mother.

It is remarked, that the vice king of Naples, who detained a priest against the nuncio's intention, did put him at liberty as soon as he heard the news of the pope's election.

Cardinal Montalto is dead of a glutonish disease; he has left the clearest of his means to one of his servants. The pope did much comfort him in his disease, having given the charge of vice-gerent to his favorite's brother, and having moreover given him leave to make his will, and dispose of part of his benefices. The Spaniards have lost a good friend by the said cardinal's death, and the Medicis seem to be sorry for the same.

His holiness is not yet disposed to call any of his kindred, although there be great necessities thereof.

The pope is to morrow to give the hatt unto cardinal Landgrave.

Turin, 12/3 May, 1655.

The prince Philibert, son of prince Thomas, is arrived here few days since, and is to command under his father in quality of general of the horse. The French troops begin to come back hither from their quarters, to begin the field; and it's thought, that as much on this side as in the Modenese, there will be at least 15000 men, without comprizing the troops of the duke of Modena. The governor of Milan makes great preparations, obliging the nobility of the Milanese to contribute each according to their power.

Attorney general Prideaux to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxv. p. 561.

Your's of the 19th came to my hands the 21st instant at night. I conceave it were necessary his highnesse resolution were knowne as speedily as may bee, both in relation to the condemned persons, as also to the rest of the prisoners. The gaole here is very full. Judgment was given upon 26 this morning for high treason; and there are 30, besides those that remayne in prison upon the same insurrection, and besides the country prisoners, which are many likewise; and the hott weather now comeing on, if they should any long tyme continue there, it might cause an infection and a disease both in city and country. Mr. serjeant Glyn is this morning gone for London, and intends (God willing) on fryday night, as soon as he comes thither, to wayte on his highnesse; from whome you may expect and receive a more exact accompt of all the passages and proceedings in this circuit, than can be communicated by letter. According to his highnesse directions, signifyed by your selfe, all the persons, that were in prison upon the accompt of high treason in the gaol of Exon, are continued there, until farther order from his highnesse, as well those acquitted, as those not tryed, and those condemned; and for those, that were sett at liberty at Salisbury, having then not received directions to the contrary, it was according to the course of proceedings in like cases, done there; but if it shall be judged meete, and directions shall be given accordingly, they may be all retorned to prison againe, within the compasse of one day; but it will be held a little hard, since I bailed some of them there, to give in evidence against the prisoners there, and bound them over by recognizances to appeare at this session, to give in evidence against the prisoners here, which they did accordingly, and I could not well have wanted their testimony. Upon receipt of your letter, I sent for Duke, but his sister came not neare mee. I let him know the cause, why I would speake with him; and upon discourse and examination, all that he could say, more then what was conteyned in his former examination (which was only in generall as to the designe, which most of the rest knew and spake of) is in the paper inclosed. General Disbrow has been with us ever since our coming into this country, and to him hath been communicated the way and manner of our proceedings, and the cause of alteration of the indictment; and from him we have receaved the sense you had there of our proceedings at Salisbury, wherewith (as we believe) he is well satisfyed; soe we doubt not but you will receave a good accompt from mr. serjeant Glyn, as also from the rest of us, when we return to London. We have this day liberty to take a little air, and to-morrow goe on towards Chard; as soone as wee have dispatched our bussines there, from thence towards London. Having given you this accompt, I crave leave to subscribe my selfe
Exeter, April 23, 1655.

Your very humble servant,
Edm. Prideaux.

Col. Morley and Roger Gratwicke to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxv. p. 549.

In pursuance of his highnesse letters, we have examined Rose, and such others as are conceived might give us any light in this busines, and send the examinations themselves inclosed; and Rose hath obliged himself to be forth-comeinge any tyme these fourteen days next ensuinge, in case he be called for. We submit all to his highnes further pleasure, and remaine
Glinde, April 23, 1655.

Your very humble servants,
H. Morley. Roger Gratwicke.

I shall add this, that Rose hath, by some French and Scotch, that knew not his name, been called Rosse; but he alwaies writt his name Rose, and so did his father, and so doth his brothers, to my knowlege. If you suspect, that any dangerous persons should go from these parts, the best way to prevent it, were to appoynt two nimble small vessels, that might search the shallops at sea; for there will be so many shallops upon these coasts to buy mackerel, that it will be impossible to watch all places.


The examination of Samuel Rose, of Lewis in Sussex, sadler, taken upon oath, before us, Herbert Morley and Roger Gratwicke, esquires, justices of the peace of this county, April 23, 1655.

Vol. xxv. p. 553.

Who saith, that about the year 1643, he went over into France, and at Diepe and Roan he lived thirteen months, and was sent thence by mr. Thomas Sackvile to Dartmouth, a garrison of the late king's, to fetch three horses he formerly left there, the horses being full of the farcy, and the gentleman, in whose custody they were, being unwilling to send them, the examinate being sent by his friends, to get a livelihood, took pay, and was entered an ensign in the garrison of that town, where he continued till the garrison was taken by the parliament forces, and ever since that time, he hath resided at Lewes, where he now dwelleth; and for the two years last past, he having the French tongue, and trading being dead here, hath endeavoured to drive a small trade into France, for his subsistence and of his wise and children. He further saith, that most of his trading hath been at Diepe in Normandy, and that in these two years he hath been three times there, viz. once in November 1653; the second time, about the latter end of August 1654; and lately he went out of England the 10th day of March 1654; and returned in the Double Shallop the 11th of April 1655, about eleven or twelve o'clock in the night, and landed at New-Haven in this county. He further saith, that the occasion of his last going into France was to clear former reckonings, and to bring away his small estate that lay there into England, for fear of a war likely to arise between England and France, as was very commonly reported and expected to ensue. He further saith, that he brought over with him buckram, French prunes, flax, pedlars bawbles, and canvases of all forts, and a hogshead of cyder; but he absolutely denieth, that he brought either letters or intelligence, or that he ever held any correspondency with any of Charles Stuart's party since Dartmouth was taken. He also saith, at his last being over he met with very few English, and not any of note; and having no business with them, he did not much converse with them. He further saith, that the reason why he brought his small parcel of goods in a double shallop, was for the more safe passing of himself and goods; and trading being dead, there was very little difference in the price, all being willing to be employed; having landed his goods at Lewes, the shallop fell down to New-Haven upon wednesday the 18th instant; and the tide serving between five and six o'clock in the afternoon, she put off to sea. And the examinate further saith, that he had agreed with the master of the shallop, that after he was at sea, he should that instant tack about to the west, and coast along the shore, near Salt-Deane, or MooreStade, where if they saw a light match, they should then come ashore, and take in certain goods, which the said examinate intended to put on board in this private manner, to avoid payment of custom. He further saith, that he offered thirty shillings amongst the company he met with near Moore-stade to the intent to get them hence, so that he might not be frustrated of his intended purpose as aforesaid, but that he never intended to put any passengers aboard. He also saith, that the same shallop came into New-Haven harbour again upon friday last, and staid there till the last Lord's day, and went thence empty, with the morning tide, intending to buy mackerel of the fishermen, if any were to be had.

Samuel Rose.

This examination was taken before us, the 23d of April, 1655, at Gluide in Sussex.

Herbert Morley.
Roger Gratwicke.


The examination of John Corneford, of Mreching, alias Newhaven, mercer, taken before us upon oath the 23d of April 1655.

Vol. xxv. p. 557.

Who saith, that upon wednesday the 11th of this instant April, a double shallop came in at Newhaven upon mr. Rose's account, and he himself with two other passengers came in the same shallop, and that evening there came three strangers, and lodged at an inn in that town, kept by one mr. Felix Sterne. The examinate saw two of the gentlemen and had converse with them, who asked him, if a merchant should desire to bring in or carry out any prohibited commodities, whether money would not blind the officers, to which this examinate replied, that there were no such officers in that place, and so their conference ended. One of them was of a middle stature, between 30 and 40 years of age, clad in a black cloth suit, between a white and brown complexion; the other was a tall man with huge black hair, and a saddish grey cloth suit and coat; the third kept close in his chamber, and went by the name of the lawyer, but him the examinate did not see. Upon wednesday last the 18th of this April, about six a clock in the afternoon, the same shallop went out again empty, and stood to the east towards Seaford road 'till it grew dark, so that we lost sight of her; then the examinate being suspicious that the shallop might turn towards the west upon some ill design, he, with William Ince, and four more, at the request of the officers, went under the cliff upon the coast, till they came to New-way, two miles distant from the haven's mouth, there they met fishermen, who told them, the shallop was gone westward; so the examinate desired his company, and he went with them accordingly 'till they came in sight of the shallop, who lay near the shore at anchor; then the examinate and his company lay close under the cliff for near three hours, it being about three a clock in the morning; then the mist increasing, they losing the sight of the said shallop, thought fit to go further to the west, and about half a mile off, looking up the cliff Morestade, espied a man leading a horse with a light match in his hand, who descried the company, knowing him to be Samuel Rose of Lewes: when nothing more could be discovered, he saying, that he had lost his way, they let him go up the cliff, and went along with him, and so they returned down again under the cliff, and Rose came the second time to them and offered 10 s. to this examinate, and 20 more amongst all the company to go home and sleep; if not, he would go home and sleep himself, and then the examinate and company struck a light to light a pipe, which the shallop perceiving, came near the shore and spoke to us, and finding upon our answer, that they were mistaken, they went off again to sea. He farther saith, that the examinate and his company watched the next night in the same place, and saw the said shallop again, and descried a horseman under the cliff, but who it was he knew not, for the moon being newly risen he discovered us, and made away from us.

John Corneford.

I testify the truth of all, that John Corneford hath herein related, but only what concerneth the passengers.

William Ince.

These examinations were taken before us the 23d of April 1655.

H. Morley.
Roger Gratwicke.

An intercepted letter of Richard White to sir Kenelm Digby.

Rome, May 3, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxv. p. 563.

I Know you have not altogether lost your curiosity to know the affairs of this court, and therefore have sent you here a relation of the last conclave, whereby you may see whom they have elected pope, a man not known to you, nor a cardinal above three years, but a man, by all most highly esteemed both for sanctity and abilities to govern.

I have also sent you a relation, that came but two days since from Naples, of the brave acts of general Blake, who hath here gained immortal same both to the honour of the protector and glory of our nation. Little other news here, saving that they talk of a great league making by the petty princes of Italy and the Venetians against the Spaniard, which I believe will come to nothing.

At the council at Whitehall.

Tuesday, April 24, 1655.

Vol. xxv. p. 571.

That it be offered to his highness the lord protector, as the advice of the council, that his highness will please to pass a proclamation for putting in execution the laws against popish priests, jesuits and popish recusants, according to the form this day read and agreed.

Hen. Scobell, clerk of the council.

A letter from Nismes.

Vol. xxv. p. 575.

Sir, and most honored brother,
Yours hath prevented me; it is some time since, that I thought to write to you. The synod, which is assembled in this city, hath hindered me till now from executing my design; I have had the honour to be president thereof, or moderator, after I had been joined to the last. All did pass with great union, and our rules do remain in their vigour. We expect with impatience the issue of the negotiation of mr. Dury; we pray to God, that having rather regard to his glory than to our troubles, he would advance this work. The motives of this business are universally approved of by all honest men.

You shall understand in the mean time, our state and our sufferances, by an historical and very favourable narration, which I am going to make of what passeth here in the midst of us. There hath been a shew made, as if they would cause the edict to be executed; they sent into the province mr. de Boucherat, counsellor of state, and mr. Escorbiac, counsellor in the chamber of the edicts at Castres; but you must observe, that they were nominated at the solicitation of the commissioners of the states of this province our capital enemies and of the clergy of France; and that in their commission there is this clause; that in case of parting, the business should be referred, not to the chamber of the edict, but to the council of his majesty; a clear sign, that since the said commission did offend the edicts, that there was more cause to fear than to hope, and that we could not expect any good to come of it. Wherefore this church was of opinion to delay it, and to oppose it by a publick act; but through misfortune, our opinion and judgment was not followed; and now experience doth shew unto us, that we had right and reason. I speak of this business, as having negotiated it, conferred with these gentlemen, and treated with them jointly with other commissioners. They promised us mountains and wonders; they fed us with hopes, all the requests which we should represent were to be favourably answered; in short, they offered us nothing but favours and graces, but in the end, the event hath discovered the cheat, and all these fair words have been but words in the air.

First, the castle of Portes is a kind of inquisition; there is a prisoner of our religion, an honest man and without reproach, kept under ridiculous pretences; but there is only his belief, which doth render him guilty, and the courage, which he hath shewn for the maintaining of the church, which is the cause of his captivity; the chamber of the edict hath so acknowledged it. The sentences, which they have given in his behalf, have been in vain. This poor man hath been kept there these five or six months, nor his wife nor children suffered to see him. Of late a man of the neighbourhood was imprisoned in the same place, under pretence, that he hindred his wife from going to hear mass: before they took him, they seized upon his father, a poor old man very decrepid; although they had nothing to say against the poor innocent, and that his age ought to have moved them to pity, they bastinadoed him and brought him in sight of the castle; in the end, not being able to march any further, they left him upon the place half dead with blows and the long march. As for his son, the prisoner, he was kept fifteen days in a dungeon, where he could not see any light at all, observing a rigorous fast, which neither the religion nor the physician had appointed. There was no body could get to see him, or to administer any food unto him. We presented a petition to these gentlemen for his enlargement, but they put us off with delays, and our cares were in vain.

They made a shew as if they would establish the exercise of our religion at Ville Neusve de Kerck, in Vivares; their answer to the petition presented seemed to be favourable: convinced by the right of these poor persecuted men, they ordered, that two counsellors of the presidial of Nismes should transport themselves thither, and re-establish the exercise; but they added this clause: The catholicks heard for a former. So that what they gave on the one hand, they took away with the other.

The earl of Rieux hath persecuted the church of Vals of late, carrying away those of our religion by force, and sending them to the war; he hath sold them, and made 50 livres of each; that if any one of them revolted, he was sent back to his house. We have spoken aloud of this, and have presented a petition, but they would not grant us a commission to inform our selves, but have sent us to the king. Who doth not see but that is a meer delusion and denial of justice? I should be too long, if I should relate all the injustice, which they have done to the church of Alez, and to that of St. Giles, and many others; but there is one, which doth cry for vengeance, and which is able to make some despair. Florensao, a little city near Montpellier, hath possessed the exercise of our religion since the year 1564. Our last war was the occasion, that it was driven from thence. Never any church had more authentick titles than that hath. They were ashamed to do it injustice publickly; but behold here the depth of Satan; there was a suit at law with the papists; the chamber of the edict had made a partage; these gentlemen go to Castres, where they decide the partage to our advantage; the synod is met; it is resolved to send thither a commissioner of our presidial to examine the said arrest, and reinstate the exercise; a minister of our body is sent thither; they preach without any noise; the minister continueth his charge; all things seemed to be quiet; but on sunday last, when it was time to preach, the papists met and seized upon the place where they were wont to preach, and thrust away those that represented themselves, and so hindered the exercise of piety. A person of reputation of the city, who had the minister in his house, would pacify the tumult, but in vain. At last, those of our religion were to take the house of the said gentleman, and resolved to preach and pray there in his house; they broke open the doors, and plundered all what they could meet withall below stairs; they broke a gentlewoman's arm; they beat the gentlewoman of the house so much, who was big with child, that the miscarried; they sought after the minister, and having found him, they tore off his cloaths, the hair of his head, they gave him many blows; at last a counsellor took him by the collar, and led him with much ignominy out of the city. Thus it is that the arrests are holy; thus they obey the sovereign magistrates; but who is the occasion of all these disorders, but these gentlemen? for in drawing up the arrest, they made no mention of the duke of Uzes, lord of Florensac, who is of the party of those of our religion; so that by a profound artifice they omitted that, which was most essential; whereby it happened, that the officers of the said duke had recourse to the chamber, and have obtained some letters from the chancery, which doth stop the business. Whereupon monsieur d'Vies hath neither been heard nor condemned. In the mean time, this business maketh a great noise; every body is alarmed at it, and several almanacks are made upon it; the people are angry, and I know not how we shall remedy it; we shall do all that we are able to join prudence with zeal, and obtain of his majesty that, which his commissioners have denied us with great injustice. In regard we saw, that they did nothing but delay us, we were at last constrained to follow our advice, and to oppose this commission, which was done a little too late. This is the true condition wherein we are at present; and to lay before you further, that they did only to amuse us, they went from city to city, but they passed as a lightening; instead of remedying upon the places, our complaints, they would not so much as hear them; they only lay at Vies, and coming to this city, they arrived here at two of the clock in the night, and went away the next day before day. Thus they do use us, though they promised to sojourn amongst us, and to pacify some foregoing murmurs and complaints; and from the exercise of the edict, it may be they feared, that we should signify unto them our opposition.

Pamiers, in the county of Foix, is cruelly persecuted, against the tenor of the proper arrests of the council; however, having had recourse to these gentlemen, to re-establish our religion according to the edicts of his majesty, our fathers had no other answer, only, that they were sent to the king. Is not this to laugh at people, and ought such an answer to be given us by commissioners sent to execute the edicts of the king? God soften the heart of our king, to the end, he may suddenly remedy and redress the injustice that is done us.

Nismes, May 4, 1655. [N. S.]

Attorney general Prideaux to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxv. p. 583.

We are come unto Chard, and upon enquirie doubte wee shall not be able to proceede against many of the prisoners heare, because, though we can prove them to have beene in armes in other places, yet in this county we cannot; they only past through this county, and did not any notable actes; and were taken only by the country-people as straglers, and were not taken in armes. But as against the chiefe we shall proceed, and hope to have cleare evidence against them; and for the rest, we shall not give them an acquittal; but if heareafter they shall be thought fitt to have a proceeding against them, they may be removed to Salisbury, where it will be fullie proved. It's heare reported, the prisoners will petition to be banished, and that the petition is draweinge; but of this I have not any certeintie; only twoe have this daie brought me a petition to that purpose. I desier you will deliver this letter to mr. serjeant Glyn, whoe will waite upon you for it. The grand jury is sworne, but we are not soe confident of them, as in the other countyes; therefore we beginne only with captain Hunt, against whom there is cleare evidence. I am
Chard, April 25, 1655.

Your most humble servant,
Edm. Prideaux.

Fleetwood, lord deputy of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxv. p. 589.

In my last I did acquaint you, that lieutenant general Ludlow was suddenly to come for England; and though I had no orders to the contrary, yet feareing, that his highnes might judge it inconvenient for his present comeing into England, he hath renewed his former parole to the 10th of September next, but he hath some concernments of his owne, by reason of his being out of pay, and the breaking up of his familye. I desire to know his highnes pleasure, whether I may not dispense with him for some moneths, to goe into England; but whilst he doth remaine heere, I thinke I can doe no les than give him halfe pay during his detainment, haveing nothing in this nation but his custodium: I should be glad to receave directions heerein. I have one request to you, that the under places to the foure courts, which wee have power by our instructions, may not be disposed of to any in England, for that there are many, who have served the state, and on the reducement of the civill list, and others that are out of imployment, and deserving in this nation, wil be whollye disappointed, if not provided for in the places belonging to the courts; for many may crowde into places for Ireland, which may be thought unworthy of imployment in England. Your care of us is the request of
April 25, 1655.

Your humble servant,
Charles Fleetwood.

The case of Richard Wiseman, chirurgeon, now prisoner in Lambeth-house, truly stated.

Humbly presented unto the consideration of the honorable John Thurloe, esquire, secretary of state.

Vol. xxv. p. 587.

That about a fortnight before Christmas, I undertook the cure of mr. Read, now prisoner in the Tower, and at the time of his commitment had well nigh perfected it. That some three or four days after Read's confinement in the Tower, he sent for me by one Steers a warder, to dress him, which I declined, and only ordered my servant to send him some emplaster; but he not being satisfied therewith, the next day by the said Steers sent me a note, earnestly pressing me to go to him, which I totally declined, and had continued that resolution, had not the said warder afterwards earnestly pressed me thereto, telling me, that I had the lieutenant's leave, and that it was very usual, and the like; whereupon I promised, and the next day accordingly I did go to the Tower, and was by the said Steers conducted to mr. Read, did dress him, and had some common discourse with him in the presence and hearing of the said Steers, and at my departure, was desired by mr. Read to receive some money for him of sir Thomas Mackworth that was indebted to him, with order to retain it into my hands for his use; which I was the rather induced to do, in order to my satisfaction for my cure, mr. Read being a prisoner to whom I had no obligation. That I was not with him above four times, and only in relation to his cure; and that I once sent my servant with emplaster and pills, touching which I supposed both myself and servant had given the lieutenant of the Tower satisfaction when we were first examined and by him dismissed, to which I must refer. That upon my return home I applied myself only to my calling and practice, not so much as suspecting any farther trouble or discourse about Read, or any thing in relation to the state; but contrary to my expectation, upon the 12th of March the said Steers brought me a note from Read, which he said required privacy, whereupon reading it, I was so extremely surprized, that I scarce knew what to do or say; but recollecting myself, I asked Steers, if he was resolved to carry mr. Read away, who answered yes; at which my passion greatly increased, and I demanded of him, why mr. Read should send him to me, I had no obligation at all, I had taken much pains in curing him, and was yet unsatisfied; further telling him, that mr. Read had put me to too much trouble, and brought me under a suspect already, and therefore for my part I was resolved not to hazard my liberty any farther in relation to him. Then Steers desired me to advise him: I asked him, if he apprehended no hazard in the attempting an escape, he told me yes; I wished him to have a care what he did; for my part he had surprised my senses with the very mention of it, that I could not tell what to advise; but if he would come the next day at twelve of the clock, I would consider of it, and advise him; whereupon the said Steers (as is evident) having designed by all means possible to ensnare me, began to enquire of me of news; whereupon I told him what was reported touching the rising at Salisbury, which I had from common same and printed papers, and not by reason of any particular knowledge of the design. Then the said Steers pressed me to write to mr. Read, which I often denied; but at length to be rid of his importunity, I delivered him 51. which I had received for mr. Read, and on a small piece of paper I writ (as I remember) thus; Sir, those pains you complain of will easily discuss, and so will that pain in your head, without the taking a course of physick; and so without setting my name to it, I gave it him, saying, that there was an answer to so much of the note as concerned me; whereupon he departed, leaving me to my consideration, which was as followeth; 1st, I considered, if Steers should carry away Read, I having been under a former question, should still lye under suspect, if not be troubled by the lieutenant. 2. That they might be taken, and then their confession would render me guilty. 3. That if on the other side I should discover their intention to the lieutenant, although it would clear me, yet it would prejudice me in my practice which was my livelihood.

Thus finding myself insnared, I was at a loss how to get out of the toil: at last I resolved not to have to do in the business, and accordingly, when Steers came, I advised him to chear Read up, and to let the law take its course; positively telling him, I would have nothing to do with him, or the business; and therefore forbad him any more to come to my house; further saying, when I had any business with him, I would send for him. But the said Steers, in farther prosecution of his design to ensnare me, would not be satisfied, but that I must write to mr. Read, otherwise he pretended it would not be believed he had been with me. Whereupon I wrote upon a piece of paper; Sir, this piece of emplaster will, I hope, finish this cure, and so I shall not trouble you farther. I am your servant, R. Wiseman. And that the contents of these two notes are all that ever passed betwixt the said Read and myself upon any account since he hath been my patient or before, I do call the great God to witness, and shall venture my life upon that issue, whatever great crimes are suggested against me by the designers of my ruin.

That since my imprisonment, the said Steers hath been with me to prosecute his design, although his declarations, in the hearing of credible witnesses, tended to my clearing; the particulars whereof are too long to insert, but in due time will be produced.

That I have been about a month a prisoner, have totally lost my practice, and my family must submit to an irrecoverable ruin, if this imprisonment be continued upon me, for a punishment for a failing, into which I was designedly drawn; although I have cause to hope, that my ignorance in concealing a pretended, but never intended design, shall not be made use of to my ruin; neither that upon suppositions grounded upon my former relations, I shall be concluded guilty.

I therefore most humbly pray your honour, to take the premises into your serious consideration; and that, if it stand with your wisdom, I may be freed from this chargeable restraint upon security, as well to answer any crime that can legally be proved against me, as that I shall do nothing to the publick prejudice.

For which I shall pray.
Ri. Wiseman.

A letter of intelligence from mr. Manning.

From the Buss, May 6, 1655. [N. S.]

Vol. xxv. p. 593.

I AM gott thus far on my journey for the Spaw Colen where I hope to finde benefit from the waters. I am sorry you will not folowe my advise, for just now I had ne wee s that ON ei l was es ca pe d and att the Ha ge you must be ca re fu I which calls me thither, and I am confident to find benefit by it. Sir T. B lo there sir Fr. Vi. n c ent C ol. Ad am B ro w n were en ga ge d. Ga r di ne r now your pr is on er know s it Sir, I have not now time or conveniency to give you a more ample accompt of your goods. I hope my last have bin satisfactory, wherein you may take my advise, and assure your self of the reality of every perticular adjusted in the accompt, as also of my intentions to serve you in putting off your comodities. Soe expecting to heare from you, I am,
Sir, your servant,
Zachary Johnson.

Your de cl are ing a pe na l tie on an y who ha r b or the pe rs on s I have na m ed to you will be off hi gh ad va nt ag e Once more lett me intreate you to send me weekely the diurnalls.

The superscription,
For mr. Jeremiah Joslin, these, London.

At the council at Whitehall.

Vol. xxv. p. 597.

Thursday the 26th of April 1655.

Upon report made by colonel Jones, from the committee appointed to peruse the ordinance touching the chancery; ordered, that it be offered to his highness, as the advice of the council, that his highness would be pleased to appoint six persons to be masters of the chancery.

Hen. Scobell, clerk of the council.

Masters of the chancery in ordinary now living.

April 26, 1655.

Vol. xxv. p. 599.

Thomas Bennet, doctor of the law, 11 Car.
William Child, doctor of the law, 14 Car.
John Sadler, esquire, 20 Car.
Edwin Rich, esquire, 21 Car.
Edward Eltonhead, esquire, 23 Car.
John Bond, doctor of the law, 1650.
Robert Keyleway, esquire, 1651.
Thomas Escourt, esquire, 1652.
Nathanael Hubbart, esquire, 1652.

A remonstrance on the behalf of his highness James duke of Courland, to his highness Oliver lord protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the dominions thereunto belonging, &c.

Vol. xxv. p. 605.

That in April 1653. a ship called the Leopard (whereof Claes Frederickson was then master) was set out from Courland by the said duke, upon his own account, to Amsterdam, where the said ship was, by the agent of the said duke, laded with copper bars and other merchandizes, which upon account of the said duke was carried to Guinea, and most of them there traded away and disposed of; and negroes were there taken on board. And the said master there dying, Cornelius Frederickson became master of the said ship, and sailed with the said ship and negroes to Martinna (being a French plantation in America) where the said negroes were landed and disposed of, and some small quantity of goods there taken in, for the said account; and afterwards the said ship set sail for Amsterdam, being the port of her discharge, there to unlade the same; and in her passage touched at St. Christopher's, to look for company; and there the said Cornelius Frederickson dying, the company were forced to stay there some small time, to bury the said master; which being done, and another master provided, as also some fresh water taken in there, the said ship departed, in company of two other ships; and during the said time of her being there, the said ship did not at all trade, buy, sell, or barter any thing.

That the said ship, in her course homeward, was by foul weather separated from the said other two ships, and coming for Amsterdam, the master and company mistook their course, through darkness of the weather, and so were put into St. George's chanell, and then discovering where they were; and their sails and tackle being torn with storms, and their victuals and provisions all spent, they went with the said ship for Bristol (being a friend's port) there to procure victuals, provisions, and necessaries, without which they could not sail; intending (being so supplied) immediately to depart with the said ship and lading for Amsterdam.

That upon the said ship's arrival in Kingroad, the said ship and lading (which is small) were seized at Bristol, by one mr. Gill, an informer, upon or about the 5th of December 1654, upon feigned suggestions, that the said ship had traded at St. Christopher's, and all her company landed out of her; and is still detained under the said seizure, to the prejudice of the said duke, the loss of the voyage homewards, and the undoing of the company of the said ship.

That your highness, taking the premises into consideration, would be pleased to order, that the said ship and lading aboard her be released from the said seizure, that so she may with her lading sail to her designed port of Amsterdam, &c.

Delivered to the honorable secretary Thurloe,
in April. 1655.