A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1654: December (3 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp29-45 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1654: December (3 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp29-45.
"State Papers, 1654: December (3 of 4)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp29-45.
In this section
December (3 of 4)
Mr. Timothy Taylor to Mr. Harrison.
Honoured Sir,
There was lately a petition (relateing to my lord Hen. Cromwell) directed to his
highnese the lord protector, sent into theise parts by my lord Conway, col. Tho.
Coote, and major Rowdon, and brought to us by Mr. Robert Brice, which was subscribed
by the most of the chiefe men in Carrickfergus; which petition, I heard, col. Barrow indeavoured to suppresse, whereupon I sent to speak with Mr. Brice about it; and the rather,
because I heard col. Barrow pretended to doe what hee did by order. Mr. Brice tould me,
that what I had heard was true, and that hee desyred to see the order, which col. Barrow
alledged he had, but noe such order was shewed to him, and that hee had sent col. Barrow's
letter concerneing that businesse inclosed in one of his owne to major Rowdon, which I
hope my lord Henerie Cromwell hath before this received. Since I opposed Mr. Dickes
his doctrine in publick, col. Barrow absents himselfe from the publick meeting. Here is
great joy among the anabaptists for the newes of my lord deputie's returne for Ireland.
Capt. Bonnell, one of the same church with col. Barrow, went yesterday for England,
where his companie is; but whether to attend his charge, or to negotiat for col. Barrow, I
am uncertaine; but I heare hee hath left his wife behind at col. Barrow's, and therefore
probably hee will returne. Wee heartily desyre, and pray for the continuance of major
Redman in his command. I received a letter out of Scotland lately, intimating a strong
expectation amongst the Scots of a sudden chang of thinges : I perceived symptomes of the
like in this countrey, which is hoped is nipt in the bud by the securing some of our great
men. The spirits of men are like a troubled sea; God will have us to see, that his providence is our peace. My brother–in–law, whose name is John Preston, hath 100 l. sallarie
per ann. out of which hee maintaines 2 boates to passe with the packets betwixt this and
Aire in Scotland. He hath earnest occasion to goe into Lancashire. I pray doe me the favour
to procure him a furlo for 3 or 4 monthes, and he will put one in his roome to attend the
state's service. If he should not goe at this tyme, it would be much to his prejudice. Sir,
I am more full, because Mr. Tuttell, receiver of the revenue in this precinct, is the bearer;
by whom at his returne I pray write to me relateing to the contents of this letter, and what
els you judg meet, that I may know somthing more of the churche's affayres, and of the
working of divine providence relateing to the commonwealth from your hand; who desyre
to bee a humble suetor at the throne of grace, that peace and truth may flourish in theise
nations, and remaine
Kilroot, Dec. 17. 1655.
Your faythful brother and
servant in the Lord Jesus,
Timo. Taylor.
The superscription,
To the reverend my verie much honoured
freind Mr. Harrison, preacher of God's
word in Dublin.
An intercepted letter of capt. Hedworth &c. to major Holmes &c.
Dearely beloved brethren,
The most highe God hath sett it upon our hearte, and wee judge it ought never to
bee forgotten by us, the eminent mercies and deliverances, which the lord of hoaste
hath made us subjects of, and instruments in. Hee hath called us forth in our generation
to assert the freedomes of the people in the priviledges of parliament, for which have
been expended vast treasures, spilt much blood, putt up into heaven many prayers, powred
out teares, and sent down from heaven many signall salvations; for the accomplishing of
which end there lyes uppon us many vowes, declarations, and solemne appeales to the most
Highe. And how the price of all that blood and treasure, the answer of these prayers,
the accompt of these teares, the improvement of these salvations, the performances of all
those vowes and declarations to God and the people, and the vindication of our sincerity
in those appeales, call aloud uppon us seriously to consider, viz. whither we have obteined our end, and may quietly sitt downe satisfied in the present state of publicque
affaires, and with a good conscience look the king of terrours in the face, as having
faithfully served our generation; or whether, except wee doe somewhat more, the guilt
of the blood of soe many thousands, the miserys of a wasted commonwealth, the breache
of vowes and trust, the prayers and cryes of saints, and the hipocricy of our pro
fessions, will not lye heavy uppon our consciences, bodies, and estates, till wee returne
to our duty, and afterwards sinke us down to the bottomless pitt. Wee therefore
being pressed in our consciences, doe earnestly desire a conferrence with you, or whom
you shall appoint to the end aforesaid. If a sense answerable to ours bee not uppon
your hearts, and that you slight this address, yet wee shall have comfort in this, that
wee have in soe much discharged our duties towards you. We remain
Your affectionat, and faithfull friends,
Hen. Hedworth,
Jo. Waltridge,
Will. Barford,
John Toome,
John Braman,
Samuel Otes.
Jo. Gregory,
Fr. Rawson,
Abberdeene, 18th December. 1654.
To major Holmes, to be comunicated to our christian friends in generall Monck's regiment.
The place appointed is Edinburgh, at the greene dragon in Canny–gate, on new–yeare'sday, at foure in the evening; enquire for John Loveland.
This note is sent, that your Highness may knowe what officers they are, who signed the letter, whereof a copy is now sent you.
A letter of intelligence.
Rome, the 29 December, 1654. [N. S.]
After several recidivations his holiness hath a while since received so furious a one is befallen him, that it hath put him to an extremity, and out of hopes to escape. He can hardly breath, and hath received the extreme unction, being not able to live two days longer.
The Danish agent to secretary Thurloe.
Clarisime ac amplissime domine,
Ex humanissimis dominationis vestræ literis, quas mandato serenissimæ suæ celsitudinis
ad me dare placuit, percepi, qua ratione Johannes Freeman, sociique per libellum
supplicem, conquesti sint de damnis, quæ exinde ad eos redundavere, quod navis quædam Sonderburgica anno 1653 mare Balticum pertransierit, non soluto prius de pannis cæterisque laneis opisiciis, quibus onerata erat, vectigali. Quanquam autem istius navis præfectus serenissimæ regiæ majestatis domini mei clementissimi, ut ipsi referunt,
subditus non sit, verum ducis Sonderburgici, neque, si vel maxime esset, videre queam,
quâ ratione ob eam causam, mercatorum, qui ipsum conduxerant, bona fisco minus adjudicanda essent, cum ipse contra regni Daniæ leges ac statuta & regis ac domini mei
severam inhibitionem, dedita opera, non usitato per sretum Oresundicum itinere, sed
quo facilius regiam suam majestatem vectigalibus ac juribus suis defraudaret, vetitum
tenuerit cursum: quod utrum mandato proprietariorum, qui illum conduxerant, secerit
necne, in medio quidem relinquo; hoc vero optimè novi, ea ipsa mercimonia, statim ex
quo regio fisco adjudicata fuerunt, à comite de Rebolledo legato Hispanico, Hafniæ commorante, repetita fuisse tanquam ad subditos sui Regis Dynkerckæ habitantes pertinentia, quanquam non modo testes tum temporis producti ac examinati, verum etiam
ipsa opificia, contrarium abunde probaverint. Præter hæc mercimonia, de quibus agitur,
co tempore capta & fisco addicta fuerunt, quo Angli tam in hujus Reipublicæ portubus,
quam aperto mari, imo ad ipsa regni Daniæ littora, in Danos nullum non hostilitatis genus
exercuerunt, ita ut prorsus non videam, quomodo ipso jure retorsionis memorata mercimonia, illo tempore rebusque sic stantibus, latam de eorum confiscatione sententiam
vitare potuerint, per nuperos postea tractatus hisce verbis quasi confirmatam:
Art. 4. Quod omnes offensæ, lites, & controversiæ inter regem Daniœ & rempublicam Angliœ., a 18 Septembris anni 1652. coortœ cessabunt, perpetuœque oblivioni dentur, eo modo, quo neutra dictarum partium ob offensas & damna à prædicto tempore alterutrinque illata alteri litem intendet, ullamne molestiam exhibebit, &c.
Quibus omnibus posthabitis, & non attentis, cum ex supplicantium relatione appareat, prædicta mercimonia nondum vendita aut abalienata esse, ut celsitudinis suæ in literis dominationis vestræ expressæ de animo meo atque in bonum & emolumentum hujus reipublicæ incolarum 'affectu opinioni respondeam, obligationique, quâ teneor, satisfaciam, omnia, quæ ad corroborandam amicitiam augendaque bona vicinitatis atque corresponden tiæ inter serenissimam regiam majestatem dominum meum clementissimum, & celsitudinem suam, & hanc rempublicam officia promovendi, spondeo me non modo secundum desiderium suæ celsitudinis serenissimo regi meo de hoc negotio meliori modo scripturum, verum etiam ut hæc ex præscripto legis lata sententia mitigari possit, ubi in Daniam (Deo volente) appulero, quantum quidem in me erit, operam omnem quam libentissimè collaturum. Interim quo omnia reciproce, atque juxta æquitatis normam, procedant, regisque mei subditis idem in Anglia contingat, præcipue in litibus etiamnum in curia admiralitatis pendentibus, dominationem vestram enixè rogatam volo, ne pro innata sibi integritate, ac summâ, quâ apud celsitudinem suam pollet, authoritate, perficere gravetur, ut memoratæ admiralitatis curiæ speciale quoddam ac absolutum, vel à celsitudine suâ, vel ab ejus concilio, detur mandatum, ad audiendum, ac secundum jus & æquitatem, absque prolixis & non necessariis ambagibus ac impensis, justitiam administrandam in omnibus serenissimi regis mei subditorum causis, inter quas nonnullæ reperiuntur, quas memorata admiralitatis curia absque speciali celsitudinis suæ aut ipsius concilii mandato attingere recusat, speciatim illas, quæ concernunt naves istas, quæ etiamnum Pleymuthi, Portsmuthi, Yarmuthi, hic in fluvio Thamesi, Hullæ, Leith in Scotia, aliisque in locis arresto detinentur, ac diuturnitate temporis pene corruptæ sunt, quas sine prævio celsitudinis suæ mandato, nemo vel fisco addicere, vel relaxare audet, multo minus regis mei subditos vadimonio liberare, qui deposita in sponsionem pecunia, durante cum Hollandis bello, magno hujus reipub. commodo, frequentia inter Angliam & Norvegiam itinera adducendis materialibus hujus reipublicæ classi maxime necessariis confecerunt, prout, prout fusiùs ex libello supplice istius navis (cui nomen St. John) præfecti, una cum alio quodam Erasmi Rasmusen, cujus navis Portsmuthi detinetur, paucis retro diebus dominationi vestræ exhibito apparet. Ad quos libellos ita exhibitos, mediante dominationis vestræ intercessione, benignum expecto responsum. Quid super cæteris in genere ad curiam admiralitatis nuperrimè scripserim, ex adjuncto literarum mearum exemplo dominationi vestræ patebit, quamvis serenissimi regis mei subditis hucusque parum inde accesserit emolumenti, nihilque ad literas meas responsi. Enixè rogans, ut dominatio vestra cæteris beneficiis mihi præstitis hunc cumulum addendo, omnia celsitudini suæ meliorem in modum referre velit, simulque ante discessum meum mandatum aliquod ad curiam admiralitatis procurare, quo ipsi absque limitatione potestas fiat, in omnibus regis mei subditorum causis ex æquo cognoscendi, decidendi, ac, prout ratio postulaverit, legis rigorem ex benignitate suæ celsitudinis aliquali favore mitigandi, certo sibi persuadens, hæc regi meo occasionem datura, parem in Dania affectum erga hujus reipublicæ populum demonstrandi. Quibus fidens dominationem vestram divini numinis protectioni etiam atque etiam commendo, permansurus,
Londini 19 Decemb.1654.
Dominationi vestræ
ad quævis officia semper
H. Willemsen Rosenvinge.
The Danish agent to secretary Thurloe.
Mitto dominationi vestræ adjunctum literis hisce recessus de ulteriori prolongatione temporis ad permutationem ratihabitionum destinati thema, quod ipsius correctioni submitto, peramanter rogans, velit eadem curæ sibi habere, ut memoratus recessus ante dis cessum tabellarii, qui hac septimana iter ingressurus est, a dominis commissariis signari possit. Interea temporis dominatio vestra rem fecerit mihi gratissimam, si serenissimi regis mei ratihabitionem in nupero collcquio ipsi exhibitam, per eum, qui præsentes ad illam perferet, mihi remiserit. Alia quædam, meo quidem judicio, maximi ad traclatus nostri meliorem executionem visa momenti, velit dominatio vestra ex adjuncto responso ad pergratas suas duodecimo hujus mensis ad me datas, uti et reliquis, quæ ipsi annexa sunt, percipere, sibique persuasum habere, me, ubi, propitio numine, in Daniam appulero, ex parte meâ nihil prætermissurum, quod supplicanti huic in emolumentum, aut in universum hujus reipublicæ incolarum commerciis in bonum et securitatem ullatenus cedere possit. Vale, clarissime vir, ac bono publico, cui natus es, quam diutissime vive.
Londini, 19 Decembris 1654.
Dominationis vestræ
Semper addictissimus observantissimusque,
H. Willemsen Rosenvinge.
V.xxi. p. 302.
Quandoquidem inter cæteros articulos, de quibus decimo quinto Septembris proximeelapso inter nos Nathanaelem Fiennes Armigerum, Antonium Ashley Cooper ordinis Baronetti, Carolum Wolseley ordinis Baronetti, ac Gualterum Strickland Armigerum, serenissimæ suæ celsitudini ac Angliæ, Scotiæ, & Hiberniædomino protectori a consiliis secretioribus, & dominum Henricum Willemsen Rosenvinge, serenissimi ac potentissimi regis Daniæ & Norwegiæ apud hanc rempublicam deputatum extraordinarium, convenerat, unus est tenoris sequentis.
Conventum denique atque concordatum est, quod utraque pars ommia ac singula capita in præsenti tractatu ac fædere contenta et stabilitata, sincerè ac bnod fide observabunt, et per omnes in universum serenissimi Daniæ et Norwegiæ regis ac reipublicæ Angliæ subditos, incolas, ac populum, observari facient, neque illis directè vel indirectè contravenient aut contraveniri consentient, omniaque et singula in sufficienti et validâ formâ concepta, ac manibus suis subscripta, sigillisque magnis roborata, confirmabunt, et ratificabunt, eademque reciprocè intra trium mensium spatium, aut citius, si fieri poterit, bonâ fide et realiter ad id deputatis tradent, aut tradi facient. Cum vero certas ob causas, ac præsertim ob præfixi in ipso tractatu temporis brevitatem, illius hinc inde extraditio hactenus fieri nullo modo potuit, inter utramque partem denuò conventum atque concordatum est, quod ad extradendam ex præscripto citati articuli tractatus ratihabitionem, prædictis tribus mensibus totidem mensis addantur, quemadmodum vi ac virtute hujus recessus addimus atque concedimus, absque ullo tamen præjudicio, impedimento, ac interruptione cæterorum articulorum in memorato tractatu comprehensorum, qui non obstante hâc extensione in suo vigore permanebunt, ac strictè observabuntur: in quorum omnium fidem ac firmamentum, nos infra scripti celsitudinis suæ consiliarii ac commissarii ex mandato serenissimæ suæ celsitudinis hunc recessum manibus nostris subscripsimus, atque folitis sigillis munivimus.
A paper from Nieuport the Dutch embassador delivered to Sir A. Ashley Cooper and Mr. Strickland, 21 December 1654.
V.xxi. p. 348.
Cum 7° articulorum pacis &c. conventum sit, ut de specificatione earum mercium, quæ prohibitæ aut contrabandæ censebuntur, convenienti tempore per commissarios conveniatur, et quotidiana etiam experientia doceat, quo liber et inturbatus commercii navigationisque cursus sit, necessarium esse, ut circa omnes molestias, incommoda, damnaque indies emergentia, certis regulis et cautelis prospiciatur.
A sua parte ita proponit et conducere posse existimat unitarum provinciarum extra ordinem legatus, ut subditi utrimque omni cum libertate et securitate navigent et negocientur in omnibus regnis et terris, quæ pace aut neutralitate secum respectivè gaudent; nec ea libertate turbentur per naves aut subditos partis alterutrius, ex causa hostilitatis, quæ posthac uni aut alteri separatim posset supervenire cum iis, qui cum altera in amicitia et neutralitate manent.
Ita tamen, ut eo casu hostilitates ad illa regna vel terras cum altera in amicitia vel neutralitate permanentes, neutri populorum licitum sit merces vetitas aut contrabandas transvehere, quin et expressis edictis utriusque hoc prohibeatur.
Et ne de specificatione et designatione illarum mercium vetitarum de novo querelæ aut simultates incidant, sub iis comprehendantur omnia arma ignita et apparatus eorum, ut tormenta, bombardæ, mortaria, petarda, bombi, granata, faussisæ, circuli picati, tormentorum fulcra, furcæ, baltea, pulver nitratus, restes ignariæ, sal nitrum, globi, item omnia alia armorum genera, ut hastæ, gladii, galeæ, cassides, loricæ, hastæ securiclatæ, spicula alia que similia: itemque vetitum sit milites, equos, armaturas, catapultarum thecas, balteos, omnesque alios ejusmodi apparatus ad usum belli factos transportare.
Sub ea autem mercium vetitarum denominatione non comprehendantur pecuniæ aut commeatus, quales sunt frumentum, triticum, vel alia grana et legumina, sal, vinum, oleum, aliudve simile, quod sustentationi vitæ inserviat: nisi quod ad urbes locaque obsessa, circumsepta, vel investita, etiam illos commeatus adportare vetitum sit.
Et quo vetita ejusmodi transportatio ad hostem impediatur, nec tamen commercii libertas et securitas interturbetur, hinc inde naves in portum alterius ingressæ et ad locos et inimicos abiturientes teneantur producere et ostendere portus officiariis salvos conductus suos, qui species oneris sui contineant, et signo et sigillo officiarii admiralitatis unde discesserunt muniti sint, cum expressione loci, ad quem sunt destinatæ; ulterius autem nec molestentur nec visitentur.
In pleno itidem mari et ad aliquas oras maritimas accedentes, ita tamen, ut portum nolint intrare, aut ita ingressæ, ut onera sua noluit exponere aut distrahere, non teneantur eorum rationem reddere, sed salvos etiam conductus suos, ut supra expressum est, exhibeant, nec ulterius molestentur, aut visitentur; et quo in pleno mari aut circa oras maritimas minori cum damno, molestiâ, aut cursus interruptione hoc fiat, extra jactum tormenti bellici manentes naves bellicæ scapham mittant, et cum duobus aut tribus hominibus solummodo in prætereuntem navem intrent; quo salvi conductus iis monstrentur, ut et litteræ maritimæ (de quarum formâ conveniendum) quibus de onere, habitatione, & nomine magistri constet, et an merces vetitæ sint, sufficienter appareat, iisque fides plena adhibeatur, absque aliqua ulteriore molestiâ, et in majorem cautelam certificationes contrasignatæ hinc inde dentur, ut melius valor agnoscatur, nec ullatenus falsificentur.
Et casu, quo ejusmodi merces vetitæ reperiantur, eædem exonerentur, accusentur, et fisco addicantur, coram judice admiralitatis aut alio competente; nec navis tamen aliæque merces et bona libera in ea manentia occupentur, aut fisco addicantur.
Regulæ autem et præcautiones prædictæ undecumque observentur, quoties naves mercatoriæ aut fingulæ, aut etiam numero et societate, et quasi in classes conjunctæ, absque bellicarum navium comitatu reperiuntur, ut salvos conductus, eo quo prædictum est modo exhibere et ostendere teneantur. Si autem ejusmodi naves, vel singulæ, vel in classes conjunctæ, alterutrius reipublicæ naves præsidiarias in comitatu habeant, tum ut liberè absque aliqua inquisitione, perscrutatione, aut altum exhibitione transeant, cum a publico status comitatu nihil fraudis præsumi possit, quin et strictissimis decretis contra eam provideri.
Omnia tamen bona mercesque utriusque, quamvis vetitæ non sint, in alterutrius hostium naves impositæ, ibique repertæ cum ipsis navibus prædæ sint, atque in publicum addictæ, omnia autem hostium alterutrius bona mercesve in naves partis alterutrius impositæ, liberæ et intactæ maneant.
Si circa alterutrius partis littora naves naufragium facere contingat, proprietariis quidquid superest restituatur, modo intra anni spatium sibi hoc vendicent, solvendo tamen expensas et præmia, quæ meruerint illi, quorum operâ et diligentiâ bona recuperata et custodita fuerint, de quo salvagio convenietur.
Monsr. de Bordeaux to his son, the French ambassador in England.
Paris, 26 December, 1654. [N. S.]
V. xxi. p. 262.
Mon fil,
Quoy que par vostre lettre vous ne tesmoignes ne plus rien attendre que ma benediction,
c'est a dire, ma mort, & qu'oubliant bien faicts, graces, reconnoissance, & la nature,
& mesme la prudence d'un homme constituée en un si grand employ; je ne me veux pas
lasser pour confondre entierement vostre conduicte de continuer mes soings pour vous
sortir avec honneur de vostre employ & de vos autres affaires. La despeche de vostre
audience a este bien receue de S. E. & qui loue fort vostre discours aussy bien que
mess. Servient & le comte de Brienne; & pour vostre despeche, qui parle de l'affaire de
Brest, elle a aussy este rendue a son eminence, qui a temoigné, que vous agisses trop
mollement en les rencontres, & qu'il falloit se plaindre & faire bruit.
The answer of monsr. de Bordeaux to the preceding letter of his father.
31 December 1654. [N. S.]
I do esteem my self very happy in the approbation, which my last discourse had;
but I do find myself blameless of the reproach, which his eminence made unto you
upon the subject of Brest, but I cannot tell what might make them accuse me of acting
gently, there being no occasion given to speak, neither to the protector, nor to the commissioners since my last audience; and neither the protector nor the other ever having
spoken any thing to me concerning the said place of Brest. It must be, without doubt,
that his eminence did receive the advice, which was given me, for a discourse held by the
state; wherefore when you see his eminence, you may be pleased to disabuse him, for you
may assure him there was never any thing spoken concerning Brest, neither by the protector
nor any of the commissioners; and that all my replies and audiences were in no other
terms, than the last. If I thought, that they were of another opinion at court, I would
have sent a copy of all my discourses, and they would have found, that the two foregoing
this last were more fierce, and did end with a kind of leave. I can also add, that the protector in the last audience did reproach me, that Mr. de Baas had declared more inclination for an accommodation than I; and that instead of a thousand fine hopes, which he
gave them, I made scruple upon all. This discourse did not pass without a reply; however I made no mention of it in my letters, to the end men should not believe, that revenge
should cause me to blame, under the name of the said protector, his conduct, and also not
to condemn the judgment and opinion, which his eminence hath of that man, to employ
him in a country and in a service altogether contrary to his nature or constitution. I might
also add, that his journey and reception at his return into England did not advance my
negotiation. I will tell you nothing of my negotiation, in regard the duplicates of my
letters will inform you; and I have nothing more to say to you, than to make complaint
of the ill interpretation, which you put upon the desire and demand made of your
blessing. Of antient times the fathers gave it mornings and nights; and this custom is
still in practice in England, where the children of 50 years do fall upon their knees to receive the blessing of their parents, which doth seem to me to be very proper to uphold
the respect we are owing unto them. Besides if we must give credit to the scripture,
it doth tell us, that the blessing of parents can confer several graces upon us, as well to prolong our lives, as to encrease our worldly estates, the one and the other being very necessary
to me. And in case you will not assist me out of your own estate, you might exercise
liberality at least, according to the example of the pope, of that which will cost you nothing. I do confess, that to make any profit of it, I should have a faith stronger than
mine, that it would be more advantageous to me, to convert it into money. I entreat you
then not to believe, that I wish your death, but only to give a part or share of your
estate, as much as you can well spare, and may be needful for me. These are the wishes
of, &c.
Bordeaux, the French ambassador in England, to cardinal Mazarin.
My Lord,
I did hope I should have been able to have signified unto you this day the resolution
of the lord protector upon my last discourse, the secretary of state having sent unto
me to promise me, that I should have it without solliciting him for it. But your E. will
see in my letter to count Brienne, that he is no more punctual at present than usually.
I hope your Em. will consider, and also give credit to what I write of the state of affairs
of this country, before the orders shall be sent, after which I do make account, without any
further reply, to take leave either of the protector or the parliament. I do confess, that
to me it doth seem more advantageous to agree than to break; however I will execute
without scruple what shall be ordered me, if the resolutions of his majesty have any
other ground than the impressions, which are given of the instability of the government
of England, and of the power of parliament. This last hath declared its weakness in
all the important rencounters, and hath divested themselves of their authority, leaving to
the protector the choice of the members of the council, in the establishment whereof
there may remain some mark of a commonwealth. And to take any measure upon the
deliberations, which that body will take during the rest of their sitting, will be to flatter
one's self and be deceived likewise at last. I have expected all this while to receive the last
orders of yours to sign the treaty agreed upon with coll. Lyon, who doth pretend to receive some money 15 days after the signing thereof; which I cannot promise without a
precise order.
31 Decemb. 1654. [N. S.]
A letter of intelligence.
Paris 31 Decemb. 1654. [N. S.]
V.xxi. p. 270.
The letters from Rome do advise of the arrival of the cardinal de Retz at Rome, and of the favourable audience he hath had of the pope; and that the unfortunate duke of Guise was put to sea with his fleet; and the letters, that are come from Marseilles, do speak of his arrival with most of his ships in the isle of Yeres near Provence, where the lords here have writ to him to preserve his fleet, which they talk of repairing, and encreasing the number thereof, as well to be in a condition to make some farther enterprize against the Spaniards, as also by reason of the jealousies, which the English fleet giveth here, whose force is very much apprehended.
Examination of John Dallington taken by secretary Thurloe.
V.xxi. p. 328.
John Dallington of Tichmarsh in the county of Northampton saith, that he upon sunday was a sevennight met with one William Prior of Thurning, within 4 miles of Tichmarsh; and that the said Prior (they having some conference about affairs) told him, that there were several in the army, that were resolved to stand to their first principles, in opposition to the government; and that he had a declaration in his pocket to that purpose, which should be published for the satisfaction of honest men; which declaration the said Prior shewed to this examinant, and read it to him, and said it should, as soon as they had gathered to their rendevous, be in print, and put in every market–place. Their rendevous (he said) was to be in January at several places, and named Salisbury Plain, and Marston Moor; and other places he said was also agreed upon, and their colours should be white tape and white ribbons. He said also, that the lord Grey would be for them, and so would col. Saunders, and col. Okey, but did not know what Sir Arthur Haselrigge would do; but said, he went with a gallant resolution from the parliament. And farther, that there were agitators sent into the army in Scotland and Ireland, and that many of them would draw unto their assistance in January, when their rendevous should be; and bid this examinant, for his farther satisfaction, go to coll. Eyres at London, who lodged in Black–Fryers in Swan–Alley, at a chandler's shop near the Green Dragon; and that this examinant should tell him, that the said Prior had finished his business in the counties of Northampton, Leicester, Huntington, and Cambridge; and that he was now going to Leicestershire about the said business, and from thence he should come to Cambridgshire to conclude the whole business, which business was to inform honest men of affairs, and to see how they did like of this declaration, and own it. And this examinant faith, that he did send up to London yesterday, and went to coll. Eyres, and found him at the place aforesaid. And the said Eyres having called the examinant up to his chamber, the examinant told him, what Prior wished him to acquaint them with as aforesaid; whereupon Eyres asked, why Prior did not write to them; and said, that indeed he had fought for his liberty, but had none, and that it was as good living in Turky as here: but that he thought to go again for Ireland; which was the effect of what the said Eyres said; the examinant perceiving that Eyres was timorous, and not willing to speak with the examinant about any such business.
This examination taken this 21 Decemb. 1654.
The mark of John [ ] Dallington.
He saith, that Prior was in the Levelling business at Burford, and with one Thompson at Northampton.
Nieupoort, the Dutch embassador in England, to the states general.
V.xxii. p. 25.
High and mighty lords,
My lords, the twelve appointed divines, mentioned in my last, have by form of confession,
as I am informed, drawn up in writing 20 articles, containing the most fundamental and essential points of the true christian religion, and whereof as many copies are printed,
as there are members of this present parliament now here. And instead of a special denomination of heresies, they have proposed, that all those, that shall preach and write
against the said 20 articles, or against any one of them, shall be deemed heretics, and that
they should not be tolerated; whereunto, it is said, the members have agreed. And to
the end that this affair may not appear in publick by pieces or unfinished, they have made
a strict order, that no body before the final conclusion, shall communicate the copy delivered unto him, to any body whatsoever. The parliament has also consented, that
20000 foot and 10000 horse shall be maintained at the charge of the state, and that for
that purpose the monthly tax of 60000 pounds per month shall be continued over
England and Wales, till the 40th day of the session of the next parliament. Moreover
it is resolved, that, to the order of the lord protector and council, out of the readiest money,
two hundred thousand pounds yearly shall be employed, for the support of justice and
the government. Farther it is resolved, that the houses of Whitehall, St. James's, Somerset, Greenwich, Windsor, Hampton–court and others, shall be left for the service and use
of the present and following protectors, and that all the other domains, not here before
disposed of, shall in like manner be left to his highness; and at last it has been found
good, that all the articles, in form of a projected resolution (whereby all the laws and
statutes, containing any things contrary to the beforementioned articles of the government
are repealed and declared to be of no force) the said general act concerning the government, and all the others which are passed in this present parliament, touching the disbanding
of the guarde noble, and other regulations made in the courts of justice and otherwise,
shall now, within a few days, be delivered to the lord protector, in order to be finally confirmed, with the approbation of his highness, within twenty days, which are allowed him
for that purpose by the articles of government. Yesterday I was told by a person of
distinction, that a squadron of the fleet under the command of general Penn was failed
already some days ago, and that all the remaining ships were ready to follow, within
a very few days. They have assured me likewise, that the lord protector, for the benefit
of the revenues of the customs, convoys and excise, had declared, that he was inclineable to
let out these two branches entirely upon farm, and that by substantial and qualified persons
a yearly sum of twelve hundred thousand pounds was offered him already for the same.
Just now I am informed from a good hand, that the said general act of government was
read twice this morning in the parliament, and that it was resolved, that the same for the
third and last time should be read again on monday next and passed. In Scotland and
Ireland since my last nothing considerable has happened.
Westminster, Jan. 1. 1655. [N. S.]
Wherewith, &c.
high and mighty lords, &c.
W. Nieupoort.
Nieupoort to Ruysch.
V.xxii.p. 31.
My Lord,
After the closing of my letters of friday last I was informed from a very good hand,
that the lords of the council, which were summoned to appear, were obliged, because of some important deliberations concerning the military forces, to be present that
evening in the parliament, as likewise all the day following, so that no resolution could be
taken upon the memorial I had presented. The day after Mr. Meadows, who is employed
in the dispatches in the Latin language, came to me by order of Mr. Thurloe, and assured
me with many civil expressions, that the said gentleman was very sorry, that the council,
according to his promise, had not been assembled, promising that he would not lay my
papers out of his sight. Nevertheless I thought fit, pursuant to the advice of those, that
are best affectioned towards the state of the united Netherlands, not only to urge the said
affairs, but also that of the creditors of the queen of Bohemia, and for that purpose, to
speak last friday with the said Mr. Thurloe, and to acquaint his honour, that I had received
from their high mightinesses sundry letters of recommendation and credentials to the present parliament, to the end that I should endeavour by all proper ways, to promote
the same by his highness and the parliament, that out of the arrears of the pension, formerly granted for the use of the said queen, her creditors, who all of them live at the
Hague and in other places of the province of Holland, may obtain payment; however
that I had thought proper, first to apply to his highness, and to pray, that by the assistance
of his favour and wise direction, this affair may be brought to a happy conclusion. Whereupon the said gentleman did promise me, that he would speak to his highness, and procure, that I myself touching this business should have an audience; adding however, that
their time was yet so much taken up with parliamentary affairs and other matters, that he
could not fix the day, and that he would send me word. Further he told me likewise, that
he was sorry, that the council as yet could find no time to consult upon the memorials
delivered by me, but that he now did assure me, that on the thursday following some commissaries of the council should meet me, to enter upon the marine affairs, and that he would
endeavour, that by them also the order of the council in relation to my former memorials should
be delivered. Accordingly sir Anthony Ashley Cooper and mr. Strickland came yesterday to me with the secretary Jessop, telling me, that they were commissioned by the lord
protector and the council, to receive of me what I thought fit to propose concerning the
marine; whereupon I represented to them the excesses, which, under the colour of reprisals
against the French, were committed against the ships of the subjects of their high mightinesses; and shewed them the necessity there was, for the ease of both nations, to prevent
these inconveniencies by a salutary contract and regulation of the marine. For which
purpose some articles were drawn up by order and in behalf of their high mightinesses, which I delivered unto their lordships in the English language, being the same,
which before the departure of the two other lords ambassadors were jointly projected by us.
The said lords answered, that they would receive the same, and communicate the said
articles forthwith to the other commissaries, who because of some weighty affairs had been
obliged to attend in parliament, and consequently were prevented from coming to me. I then
asked, whether no resolution was taken as yet upon my memorial, which contained some
particular grievances: they answered, that the council has had no time as yet to examine
the same, but that they would undertake seriously to recommend the same, and procure
that I very soon should be satisfied. I shew'd unto their lordships the absurdity and illegality of such seizures of ships by some particular privateers, and that the state, as it was
evident, did reap no advantage from it, and nevertheless must bear the blame; and that the
towns in the united provinces were situated so near one another, that in case the inhabitants of one city were thus unjustly dealt with and injured, the whole country would be
filled with complaints and outcries: their lordships declared hereupon, that his highness and
the council would soon make another regulation, and shew in fact, that they were seriously
inclined, not only to preserve the peace, but also to cultivate more and more a mutual
friendship. I asked the same lords, if any thing was resolved upon my memorial concerning the act of declaration of the lord protector, touching the decision of the commissaries of both parties of the 30th of July last past. To which they answered, that
something was spoken of it, but that they at present could give no direct answer to the same,
and promised again, that they would make report of what I had spoken to their lordships on that head. Yesterday about noon two commissaries of the prince's office came
also to me, telling me, that they had further examined the account of freight of the ship
the Golden Dolphin of Edam, in behalf whereof Mr. Louis Godyn, merchant of Amsterdam, had obtained their high mightinesses letters of intercession, and that they had found,
that there had been a mistake in the measure; but being now informed thereof, they were
ready to pay the freight, according to the charter party, without giving any further trouble
to the council on that account; desiring of me, that I would speak with the agent of the
said Mr. Godyn. At the same time came to me the deputies of the directors of the EastIndia company here, and imparted to me the difficulties and scruples, that they found to deliver an absolute acquittance, before they were assured of the actual restitution of Poleron;
whereupon I assured them, that they had no reason to make any scruples, since this affair
was ratified as well by their high mightinesses as by the lords the states of the provinces
concerned therein, and that I by a special order and resolution of their high mightinesses
was authorised to promise, that a like act of declaration mutatis mutandis should be passed
in the name of their high mightinesses, as that which was required of the lord protector;
representing unto them at the same time, how punctually every thing was performed and
accomplished from the part of the united Netherlands, and that therefore there was no
reason to mistrust them herein, and that it was but just in every respect, that the company
of the Netherlands paying such a considerable sum of money, should be also made easy in
the best form, and that it would be for the good of both the companies, that all occasions
of jealousy and disputes were removed. The said deputies repeated their former difficulties;
and alderman Garraway coming to dine with me, and asking me after dinner, whether I
would promise in writing, that the restitution of the said island should effectually be perform'd, I declared, that I made no scruple of it, as soon as the said acquittances and act
of declaration of the lord protector, according to the forms which are sent over, should
be passed and delivered, whereupon he desired, that I would sett it down in writing for
the said purpose; and in case I could send him the same time enough, that he would procure, that the company should hold a general court very soon: therefore I have thought fit
to send him this morning early by a merchant who is employed by the Netherlandish
East–India company, the inclosed paper, with a translation thereof into the English language;
along with which said merchant the said alderman Garraway comes just now to me, and
makes report, that they had read my said declaration, and found it proper, to sign the acquittances according to form sent to them, and to procure, that the said act of declaration
shall be passed by his highness, under the great seal of England, according to the form as
we have required, provided that I should write above the underlined words in the said
declaration, nomine dominorum ordinum antedictorum, and that I under my signature should set
my seal. Which having promised him, the directors of the East–India company here will write
this very evening to the company under their high mightinesses jurisdiction, that the said
acquittances shall be made ready according to their request; and that they will also procure,
that the said act of declaration may be passed, in such a manner as is required, without
which I have told them plainly, that not a farthing would be paid. However I observe,
that it is their intention, that the said acquittances and act of declaration shall be duly passed,
before the payment of the first term, but that the same will not be delivered to me before
the payment of the last, so that the same shall remain in some neutral hands, of the lord
ambassador of France, or of any other foreign minister here. Hereupon I expect their high
mightinesses further orders.
Westminster, Jan. 1. 1655. [N. S.]
Wherewith, &c.
My lord, &c.
(is sign'd)
William Nieupoort.
Viole, president of Brussels, to Barriere.
Brussels, the 1st of January 1655. [N. S.]
This is only to let you know, that I have received yours of the 24th: as for news they are so bad, that I dare not write them to you. There is no money for his highness, nor for particular persons, although there be some come for the earl of Fuensaldagna. We are at a plunge. I am glad his highness will be here on monday next. At his arrival I will speak to him about your affairs. I am sorry I am not able to help you.
A letter of intelligence.
Brussels, the 1st of January 1655. [N. S.]
V.xxii. p. 39.
The differences of those of Antwerp do daily encrease; and it is supposed, that the
earl of Fuensaldagna dares not appear there as well as the other ministers. A few
days since the magistrates had caused one to be imprisoned, who had spoken for the publick
good, but they were forced to release him, being threatned by the people. The officers
and ministers of justice do all they can to maintain the honour and authority of the king;
and the people grow obstinate to give no more impost to the king, if the licenses be not
first abolished.
Here are yet no preparations making for the next campaign.
The prince of Condé will be here within few days: he is now at Malines to see his wife.
Extract of the secret register of the states general.
Sabbathi, January 2, 1655. [N. S.]
Was again produced in the assembly the report of the council of state, dated at the Hague December 30th last past, containing in compliance with their high mightinesses resolution of the 29 and 28 of the said month, an advice, how restitution can be procured in the best manner of the 30 head of cattle, fetched away out of the village Buydec in the district of Boisleduc, committed by those of the garrison of Weert, as likewise in what manner the frauds in the points of convoys and licents, may be best prevented, and as also the insults of the maroding foreign parties. Which being deliberated upon, it was thought meet and resolved, to write to the lord of Brederoode governor of the city of Boisleduc, to send thirty troopers of the garrison there, under the command of an able lieutenant or ensign into the said parts, for the time of a month or six weeks, to be disposed of, with the concurrence and advice of the drossard of Craanendoncq, in such places, where these soldiers, to prevent the said frauds and insult, can be of most service. And that to the lord arch–duke Leopold in the most serious terms shall be written, that he would give such effectual orders, and make such regulations, whereby the said restitution in the spediest way may be done, and the like excesses for the future may not any more be committed.
Mercurii, Jan. 2. 1655. [N. S.]
V.xxi. p. 345.
Was read in the assembly a certain memorial of the council of war, appointed by their high mightinesses for the tryal of the military officers, that might be found guilty of leaving Brasil; and besides a petition presented to them, for and in the name of Sigismundus van Schoppe, late lieutenant general in Brasil, desiring that the suit and proces may be duly carryed on against him, and that they in the speediest way may proceed to give a decisive sentence therein, or, that he else provisionally may be released from his consinement, under obligation to reappear at any time, being duly summoned thereunto, sub pæna confessi & convicti. And whereas the said council of war finds a difficulty to answer to the said petition, as long as their high mightinesses have not resolved upon the considerations, deliver'd by them on the 31st of December last past, viz. whether it is their high mightinesses intention, that notwithstanding the said considerations, the said council of war shall proceed to pronounce sentence against the said Schoppe, on account of what for the present appears against him; the said council of war doth again petition for orders and instructions, in relation to the said considerations; or in case their high mightinesses should be of opinion, that this affair was not yet ripe enough for it, that then the said council of war in the interim and provisionally may be dismissed, till further order of their high mightinesses.
Deliberation being had hereupon, the said memorial and petition was received by the lords of Holland.
A letter of intelligence.
Paris, Jan. 2. 1654/5. [N. S.]
V.xxi. p. 336.
God give you all a good year in England, which is not the common prayer here;
yet I see by your two letters, which I had together last night, of the 21st and 24th
of last month, it may be a good year to you; but the letters of this day are not yet
come. It appears now R. C.'s great hopes of Scotland are vanished by your news of
Kinoul, &c. and his hopes of civil wars in England are gone the same way; and so now
apprehended by his friends.
Here is serious and fresh motion made of the general peace, in which the queen of Sweden is very sollicitous and active; but what that shall produce, I yet know not.
Your fleet in the Mediterranean seas with general Blake we much feared to ruin D. of Guise, who could not tarry so long without being destroyed before. Your second fleet preparing or now ready we fear not, being confident they are not for France, but for Holland, or the Indies; by which we hope a breach betwixt yours and Spain.
As for the treaty of our ambassador Bordeaux, if it comes not to a good end, I can assure you he is undone; and therefore he and all the friends he can make here at court, press to grant all demanded by the protector. This they give credit to. The remora of that treaty you know best at London; and inter cætera money matters, of which I need not tell you; only I find Mazarin inclined to dispose of the money raised for a peace with the protector at any rate, if he be not unreasonable; which if found so, we will (inquit C. Maz.) sooner begin with Spain.
All Inchiquin's regiment were cast away in the duke of Guise's unfortunate retreat, that enterprize being mad and fatal. The levy to second that expedition is disbanded altogether, as also that of prince Thomas to second the marshal Grancey; and the ambassador extraordinary, that was already to go to Portugal to have the assistance of the king, is not to go. So all is fallen to ground upon the loss of duke de Guise, for which cardinal Mazarin is mad, as also at the great reception of card. de Retz at Rome.
Here is nothing more at present, that I know of, but what you have in the other letter of occurrence. I had nothing to write you the post before, which is the cause you heard not from,
Sir, your's.
A letter of intelligence from Paris.
Jan. 2. 1655. [N. S.]
Since my former I received two of your's, but the letters of this day are not yet
arrived. We do much apprehend your second fleet, and no less the first, commanded
by general Blake now in the Mediterranean seas, as some say, expecting the other fleet.
But we have hopes you will order your sea forces towards Holland, where you may have
enough to do. However we are fortifying all places near the sea, for fear of any sudden
attempt; and especially about Calais and Bologne.
The court is daily busy ordering payment and winter quarters for our soldiers, the peasants making great resistance to receive them. The enemy comes out as yet upon ours in several parties; but now we are informed they paid well for it, for last wednesday at night Mr. de la Tour, maistre de camp of a regiment of horse, brought us fresh news of a defeat of troops of horse of the enemies, that were at Berlin, by the count of Broglio, governor of la Bassée, who slew and took prisoners about 600 of them, among which some considerable officers, whose names we have not as yet. All the rest fled away the best they could.
Wednesday in the afternoon the king had a review of his regiment of guard in Bois de Bologne, near the Louvre, and took notice of those, that passed falsly, and were not of the regiment, only to pass that day, with which the captains were not well pleased.
We have by the last ordinary yesterday arrived from Brest in Bretagne, that the second time some Englishmen landed there, and took away quantities of bestialls, and many people prisoners. We wonder how bold they are to come in so to the country.
Prince Thomas sent a courier to the court here yesterday, signifying he had arrived safe in Savoy; whose business we do not yet know, but he gives great hopes to the king, he will prevail with madame royal of Savoy.
It is always reported about the court, that the agreement of the princes will be soon at an end; but yet it is not believed. However madame la princesse de Phalsbourg, sister to the duke of Orleans, arrived at Blois, where she works near his Altesse Royale for the said agreement; and the king offers her a million of livres with two years paid, besides her ordinary pension, if she can but advise Orleans to come to court. In the other way the dutchess of Chastillon continues her endeavours for the prince of Condé's agreement, who can more govern him than any man or woman now living. She carries her business very secret and close, that none can imagine what she does, and some hope she might prevail.
Last monday, both the surintendents de finances, Servien and Fouquet, were with the cardinal to give an account of the king's monies taken and disbursed by them and spent, of which the court desires part for themselves of the robbery, in a manner, that each of them shall have but a certain sum in consideration of the time they were in the office; so the cardinal said to Servien, you buy princes houses for your self, and you have not monies to give to the king, when he has occasion for it; because Servien bought Meudon from the duke of Guise, before he parted: but yet it's thought both will concern themselves in contenting the cardinal with some monies, which is all to be expected.
Last thursday mr. de Spinola, extraordinary embassador from the commonwealth of Genoa, arrived here in pomp; he has not yet demanded audience, but soon will. Here arrived also mr. chevalier de la Mare from the duke of Guise, with the full relation of all that happened to them, of the loss of mr. de Plessy Belliere, contrary winds, and tempestuous weather, which was the cause of their misfortunes; that they could not compass their designs; as also the loss of the ship called Purgatoire, wherein their provisions were, and which is more, one of his commanders called marquis d'Estigio, after having escaped all his enemies, and came into Toulon with his ship of 400 Irish; the ship separated herself in pieces, and the marquis with all that was in the ship were drowned, not one mother's son that escaped. The rest of the ships and galleys are in the isle of St. Margaret, and Guise in Toulon. The said chevalier has orders to propose to the court the reshipping of the said duke to Naples again; but I do not believe this court will condescend unto it any more. From Bourdeaux we hear of the 26 last month, that they have transported all the enemy's arms and provisions of war into the castle from the townhouse; and that the parliament are busy in the process of some, that had a hand in the late plot, to make a public example of some of them, that the seditious might depend no more on the king's mercy, as hitherto, having not punished before those that deserved it. In Catalonia all goes well with ours, our forces being in their winter quarters, and well paid, contented with the honest man, the peasant; they never declared so compleat an affection for the king's service as now. The prince of Conti is still at Montpellier with the states of Languedoc. We hear from Turin of the 21st of last month, that the French army are in their winter quarters about Nice de le Paile, and the enemy's about Alexandria; that the emperor offers to be himself mediator in the difference between Spain and the commonwealth of Genoa; and that Spain has ordered all that was seized upon by his own men of the goods of Genoa to be restored back again, which is much.
It's written from London by the last, that general Blake, since his now coming to the Mediterranean seas, has received moneys and orders to pursue the duke of Guise. Is it true ? However Guise escaped this pull.
You have now your letters from Rome; also that his holiness gave as a present to card. de Retz 20000 livres, who has the ordinary pension of banish'd cardinals, 1000 crowns yearly, besides many other things; which is all at present known to, Sir,
Your most real servant.
Cardinal Mazarin to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
V. xxi. p. 356.
My Lord,
I have received your letters of the 21st and 24th Decem. and have seen all that
they contained. In the first place I refer myself, as usually, to those of Mr. de Brienne,
who will inform you more particularly of the intentions of his majesty upon the essential
points, and the conduct you are to use. I shall only add at this time, that methinks
you ought not to omit the courtesy, wherewith Mr. de Guise in the Mediterranean sea and
the commander de Nucheses in the ocean have restored each of them the English ships,
that were fallen in their hands, as hath been also done by us several other times in the
like rencounter, whilst that in the mean time the English ships do continue their depredations upon the subjects of the king; and that Blake did boast aloud, that he went to
see the duke of Guise, with order to fight him wheresoever he should meet him.
I am not surprized with that, which hath been signified unto you concerning a peace with France hinted by the Spanish embassador to your friend. It is very well known, that they do not want for artifices; and it is not very difficult to discern, that that proposition is one to engage us to make some halt, whereof they would make a great advantage, both in hindering the proceedings of the treaty begun with you, and the carrying on our preparations against them; for I assure you, the embassador of Spain hath no more power than myself, on the behalf of the king his master, to make any such proposition; and that the Spaniards are more obstinate than ever for the continuation of the war; and since they do refuse to give that power to the archduke, and to those ministers they have in Flanders, I leave to you to judge whether they will give it to Cardenas. Wherefore you may be pleased to take care you are not catch'd in that snare; and withal give me leave to tell you, that although the embassador of Spain should not act sincerely, and not simply to surprise us, as it is most certain he doth, yet it would be no wonder, that the said propositions have been confirmed unto you, since the news of what hath past in the kingdom of Naples, for that enterprise is to be called a disgrace, it is only for having had for forty days contrary winds, which hindered us from landing in those places where we might have made some progress, since as to the rest every one knoweth, that the report alone of that enterprise did cause, that all the last summer the Spaniards were not able either to send money or corn out of the kingdom for Catalonia, Milan, Flanders, or other places, as they used to do; which is not the least advantage that we propounded ourselves to get by that enterprise.
Paris, the 2 of Jan. 1654/5. [N. S.]
A letter from the English East–India company, to the Netherland East–India company.
V. xxi. p. 210.
Honoured Sirs,
Together with your letter of the 18th of this month we have received a copy of your
letters directed to the governor, general, and council at Batavia, as also to the governor in Bamda, for which we do heartily thank you. And although we might easily
have raised some scruple upon the reservedness of your order, and the preciseness of
your country, which we hoped would have come forth in larger terms; yet however it
did please his excellency the lord embassador Nieuport to assure us of the sincerity of
your intention and real performance towards us, not only in the payment of the money
ordered by the arbitrators, but also in the upright and just delivering up on the island of
Poleron to those, who shall be sent by us to receive it. Whereby all jealousy and scruples
were so far removed from us, that we are now willing to sign all such acts, as Mr. Lucas
Luce did formerly give us a copy of in your behalf; and you shall not only receive contentment from us therein, but we shall also according to your desire procure of his highness
the lord protector an act of ratification, and what more shall be judged reasonable to be
done by us; and to be delivered to those, whom you shall think fit and appoint; and that
upon the payment of the money to us here.
London, 22 December, 1654.
W. Cockaine,
Geo. Andries,
Tho. Andrew,
W. Garaway,
W. Rider.
An intercepted letter of lieutenant general Middleton, to lieutenant col. Mac Gregour.
V. xxii. p. 309.
Noble Sir,
Though you cannot bot be afflicted, yet yow will not wonder at the subject of this letter.
My lord Reay hath disapointed us in not keeping his randezvouz, and my lord Seafort, Sir George Monro, and diverse others baselie deserted us, we being readie to march
with McCleoid, Glengarrie, and their people. Yesterday I called ane counsell of warre,
where we most seriouslie weighed and fullie debated everie thinge relating to his majestie's
service, and having found that the treacherie and desertion of many of those, who had
joyned in it, and were eminently considerable, have reduced the busines to such a condition,
that we were forced to conclude it impossible now to carie it on with the meanest hope of
advantage; and withall finding it very improbable, if not altogether impossible, to gett
the advice of yourselfe, and all the noblemen and officers, which we most earnestly wished
in this sad exigent, that everie man's judgment might have gone along with ours, without
manifest prejudice in many respects: it was unanimously concluded necessarie to send for a
passe for some persons, to treat for the laying doune of armes with Monke, and to desire
a cessation rather than foolishly to sacrifice the lyves and fortunes of those, who have most
loyallie and noblie resisted and contemned all difficulties, temptations, and discouragements, and ar yet most willing to spend their last blood in this caus; and so in human appearance præclude as farre as in us lyes all future hopes of this kingdome's libertie. I shall
not need now to insist upon particulars; only we ar resolved, if fair and honorable conditions be denyed, never to abandone one another, but to perish altogether, being perfectly
confident you will share with us. All that ar now in armes shall be comprehended in the
agreement, and every thing sought and stood upon, that can reasonably be expected. I
have sent for a cessation, and doe desyre, that in the meane tyme yow may draw as neare
together as yow can conveniently, both to send me your particular desyres, and to be in
readines to meete and joyne with us eather to consult or act, as wee shall have occasion,
and yow shall receave advertisement. Send your letters to Glengarrie, and they will be
safely delyvered to
Grenelg, December 23, 1654.
Your freend and servant,
Jo. Middletone.
Examination of John Corbin.
V. xxi. p. 368.
John Corbin, of Aymour, in the parish of Kidermister, in the county of Worcester, gent. saith as followeth; that travelling upon the road, near Bewdly, in the parish of Ripsford, in the county of Worcester, and passing through a wood, the common road lying on the other side of the hedge, three men passed by the said wood side in the road, who were well horsed, and armed with swords (only one of them he cannot say had any sword) and passing along, the said persons in the hearing of the examinant (being as he conceives unobserved by them) had a discourse among themselves to the purpose following; that is to say, that the soldiers quartered in the country were but few; and that the way to deal with them was to fall upon them in their quarters; and upon such an insurrection, they would draw their forces out of London; and then they were to rise in London behind them. And the question being asked by one of them, what must be the season, it was answered by another of them, in or presently after Christmas; and the reason given was, because then the ways would be so deep they would not draw their carriages out of Scotland: That the time he heard this discourse was about 3 weeks since, and that he heard the same passing by, being himself travelling towards his home, and so meeting the said persons; but who these persons or any of them were, he knows not, nor whence they came, nor whither they intended to go; but the road lay betwixt Bewdley and Cloberry, and is a convenient road for Ludlow principally, and several other parts.
This examination taken 23 Decemb. 1654. by W. Jessop.
John Corbin.
He farther saith, that 2 of these persons seemed to be well habited, the other but ordinarily, and he conceives that two of them were aged about 40 years, the other appe[a]red younger, but he could not certainly judge of their age, faces, or hair, it then beginning to be duskish and about sun set.
John Corbin.
A briefe state of the accompt what the forces in Scotland amount to, to the 24 of this instant December 1654, what is assigned towards payment thereof, and what upon the whole is wanting to compleat them to the 24 of December instant1654. viz.
In the possession of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.
A letter of intelligence from Turin.
January 4. 1655. [N. S.]
V. xxi. p. 294.
The letters from Florence assure us, that the archiduke Leopold goeth to Spain to marry the infanta, and that don John of Austria is to command in his place in the low countries.
The troopes of that army have begun to march ever since thursday last they are divided in 8 bands, whereof 3 have already entered in France, and the others will follow without interruption.
A letter of intelligence from Cologne.
January 5. 1655. [N. S.]
V. xxi. p. 540.
By this last post I received nothing from you, the post of England being not arrived
in due time. By this post I expected a dismiss with a little money, as I writ for in
three or four former letters; but to my great discontent he came not. So till next I must
have patience, notwithstanding all trouble and danger, the worst I hope being past. Of
news not much; all in the same condition. It was here by R. C. and his council concluded, that the duke of Glocester should nor come hither at all, but be sent to Holland to his sister; for in the beginning they thought themselves all lost for ever, and to
lose all their parties in England, if Gloucester were catholick; but now seeing matters go smoothly in parliament, as you and others have writ in several letters, and that all
the catholicks here in Rome, France, Spain, &c. do speak against R. C. and disaffect
him for hindering his brother to be a catholick, he seems to repent what he did, especially
in removing Gloucester from the place, wherein he was; and so he was sent to Holland
from Brussells incognito. Ormond goes not with him, lest he should be affronted in Holland, by orders from England, and so will be here shortly, being now upon his journey.
The plate stolen, as in my former, is not yet found. There was one servant committed upon suspicion, but now at liberty, nothing being proved against him, but for which you may laugh there: masses were caused to be said to St. Anthony of Padua to recover the plate again. R. C. bestowed a fair English horse upon the duke of Newburgh for a new year's gift; but I know not yet, what the duke shall bestow upon him. It is thought he will present some plate to him. The said duke paid not one penny yet of what he promised in the Dyet of Ratisbon; nor the emperor much of his one hundred thousand crowns. The electors of Mentz, Triers, and Cologne, gave the most part of what they promised; and the electors of Brandenburgh and Saxony not very much yet. They have an excuse, that they levy soldiers, their great charge, &c.
The last express that came from Middleton, is returning this week into Scotland; where, as your letters and others import, all are submitting, and matters come to nothing on R. C. his part, which I well believe; and that more will submit; but I promise you it is, ex industria, and out of design. They do it by allowance from hence, for many reasons presented as well from England as Scotland. This you will find in the end to be truth.
The lord Taaf went to Dusseldorp last week; he expects to receive some monies there from the duke of Newburgh, to bring a regiment of Irish to the said duke's service, who levies men to defend himself against the elector of Brandenbourgh and others, that intend to take from him the lands of Juliers and Bergues by force, since by course of law they cannot.
The elector of Cologne is expected here to morrow, being dies regum, because in that feast he is required by his place to be present in the great church, and for his presence he has from the chapter one hundred gold ducats; but I am of opinion, he will not come, by occasion of the great difference betwixt him and this city, and by reason of R. C. being here, to whom the said elector shewed no courtesy during his abode here.
P. Rupert is expected here shortly from Heidelberg. He is much longed for, and R. C. and his council fear much Gloucester will not be permitted to live in Holland by the protector's means, which is all this week produces known to,
Sir, your's.
A letter of intelligence.
V. xxi. p. 452.
You must not be angry if I tax you of unkindness, this being my third, since I received any from you; and, believe me, I had been very sullen, had not I received orders from Kimbould to thank you for your diligence concerning him, with assurance, that he would do it by himself unto you the next; and uppon this you may depend, and accordingly expect. The French court hath had severall debates as to war or peace with England: the results were for warr (and uppon some intelligence by the last posts from Mr. Bordeaux and presumptions they may finde the artificial measures as were formerly extended to the Dutch, in expectations of better bargaines) have procured the promulgation of itt, which they were soe nigh unto, as granting letters of reprisall, had not the keeper of the seales satisfied the court, that would have bine equivalent to the declaring warr. By that intellegence we are made beleeve, the duke of Guise hath made his retreate with noe great loss, and that before this he may be safe in France, notwithstanding the shipps from Majorca under Blake endeavoured very much their interception. Duke de Longueville hath been at Paris greatly complemented by the cardinall, and is returned to his government of Normandiè, in order to the settling of the ports and sea affairs of his government, which is said to be in soe great order through all France, that peace or warr with us is indifferent unto them. Count Harcourt delivers upp his government of Brisack and all Alsatia to the cardinall, who intends to keep itt in his owne hands. The duke of Gloucester went from Antwerp saturday last for Holland, to his sister, with whom he is to remaine. His elder brother is still at Collen, where are (as I am credibly informed) great dispatches for Scotland, Willmott having the care of most for that business, and is at present on his way for Hamburgh, and those northern ports, which lye convenient for itt. That king will not be out of action long, if observations from hence are to be credited.
The queene of Sweede is at Bruxells much complemented by the Spaniard, to the admiration of all wise men. Don Anthonio Peidmontello was ambassadour extraordinary unto her with many presents. Some vaine persons reporte, that after she hath made a journey to Italy, which shee begins the latter end of February, shee shall have the gouvernment of the low countrys, least shee may want pensions for fidlers, players, and buffoones, her jewells and greatest treasure of that kinde being already in lavender.
The French hath taken a small peice neere le Baisseé from the Spaniards. Itt was defended 500 Irish, who are all kil'd or prisoners. When ther reliefe was urged, the count Fuensaldaine answered, the Italian and Spanish forces were soe few, that he would keep them for the security of the country, which is indeed in much disorder, they refusing to pay severall taxes, in soe much that all the artillery in the fort of Antwerp is planted against that citty. I have now tickled you with newes: if this doth not draw you into answer, I will hereafter despaire; yett seriously I must assure you, yours unto mee doth unto you a great deal of right; which if you still neglect, injoy your humour for all him, who is
Your friend and servant.
5 Jan. 1655.
25 Dec. 1654.
The superscription.
For Mr. Wm. Guordon, att Mr. Josuah Draynor's apotbecary, att the 3 half moones neare Yorke House in the Strand, London.
To Monsr. Minard secretary to the French embassador in England.
V. xxi. p. 474.
This is by order of my lord embassador, who went out in the morning to sollicit his
arrears, and to provide for his return into England, who is not yet come back. He
bid me tell you, that he received your letter, and doth hope to see you very suddenly: here
is no news at court; all the time is spent in feasting and mirth, by reason of the presence
of the duke of Modena and Francis duke of Loraine, who are highly treated at court.
Paris, 5 Jan. 1655. [N. S.]
General Monck to secretary Thurloe.
In the possession of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great–Britain.
I Received your leter of the 21st instant, and I shall desire you to acquaint his highness,
that I shall not bee wanting in any thing to secure busines heere. And thus much you
may assure him concerning some new pamphlets, I shall bee carefull to hinder the printing
of them all I may. I doubt not, by the blessing of God, I shall secure affaires heere;
for I have clapped up some officers and some troopers already, and shall secure some
more. For newes, theere is litle. I hope I shall settle Scotche and English busines heere to
my lord's content. I remaine,
Dalkeith, 26 December, 1654.
Your most affectionat servant,
George Monck.