A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1655: March (2 of 8)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp195-219 [accessed 15 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1655: March (2 of 8)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 15, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp195-219.
"State Papers, 1655: March (2 of 8)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 3, December 1654 - August 1655. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 15 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol3/pp195-219.
In this section
March (2 of 8)
Mr. Manning to secretary Thurloe.
Brouges, March 16, 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxiv. p. 119.
Since the writing of my other letter I understood much more of very high concernement, not sitt to be inserted in paper without a cipher. Therefore if you please
to send me a pass next post under the directions to Donkirk, I will not faile to come away
imediately; but withall I pray send a bill of exchange or letter of creditt for some
money for me, to be received in Donkirk on fight; and if you would have me stay here,
or &c. a cipher and a perfect directions how to send to you without suspicion. Sir, I pray
faile not to write to,
Sir, your unknowne, but faithfull servant,
Henry Jackson.
I shall expect your answer: therefore pray faile not to write.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 98.
Honourable sir,
By the last weeke's post I remitted you a duplicate of monsieur van Berg's letter, who,
I presume, is long since with you. From all parts of Flanders and Holland they have
for this ten dayes past storied strang things, as that C. S. was certainely landed at Hull,
and that the people generaly rose with him; that eleven regiments of the army were
revolted, and his highness gone to Windsor Castle. That letters were gone post from C.
S. to the kings of Denmark and Sweden, and to all his freinds in the empire, to give
them notice of his good successe, and to hasten their assistance. But this last post from
Amsterdam not fully seconding the former newes, the cavalier party are somewhat crest
fallen both English and Dutch, yet still very heigh and confident of C. S. his beinge
landed in England; and that he will carry all before him, which I cannot contradict,
save in my thoughts, haveinge not had a letter from you or any friend at Whitehall
since the second of the last month, which is some troble to me to be soe forgot at
such a tyme, lyinge open to soe much danger here, as I doe, if it goe not well at home;
and that, which ads to my care is, that I cannot yet heare from the expresse I sent to Berlin and the ports upon the Baltique feas. Doubtless he may have miscarried, by reason the
fresh waters are much out at present in all parts; or that he may prove false to his trust,
which yet can only hurt in the matter of disappointment. If within two or three daies I
heare not from him, I will send another after him, which is a hard matter to find here;
I mean a trusty person. Sir, if things should come to an extreamity in England (which I
trust in the Lord they will not) I hope and desire I may not be left to shift for myselfe, but
that a ship may be sent to bringe me off with reputation and safetie. I presume you will
not thinke me forward in thus writeinge, consideringe what I knowe of the designes of
your enemies, and how little of the present passages in England, which with the inclosed
weekely paper is all I have to trouble you with, restinge, sir,
Hamb. March 6, 1654.
Your humble servant,
Richard Bradshawe.
Fleetwood, lord deputy of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 93.
I am sorry to heare any should expresse their disafection in any way of passion unto
publick offence; for surely 'tis more the way of the Lord, in humility and patience to
waite upon him, where there is dissatisfaction in present dispensations and providences, then
to manifest that, which the natural man is so apt to runn out into in these cases. But there
is a hand of the Lord in it, and wee are to waite upon him to know his mind therein; and
be confident of this, that my lord's tenderness to good people, though disatisfied, will returne with double mercy to himselfe and government. And indeed his way, which I heare
he labours in to give satisfaction to Christians, is that, which wil be a singular blessing upon
him. I am hopefull you will find the saintes to grow up unto more union and love: I
am sure therein wee have a choyce mercy heere. I understand by yours, that the soure
courts are going up heere. I confes I am still of the same opinion the councell was of, that
wee needed at present no more than a chancery and common plea; and I hope though you
impower us to sett up all the courts, you will leave the tyme for the doing thereof unto us.
The charge wil be so extraordinary, and the difficultie to gett honest and able judges at
present may, I presume, be an argument against the setting up any more than the two
former; but if our charge be increased, I hope you will also increase our revenew. Wee
have now begun the busines of our partial transplantation. The councel on a very serious
debate doe thincke they have a power to transplant all that expect any benefitt by the qualisications by the act of settlement. However at present wee proceed to doe it gradually;
and to revoke it, I beleive, must be the exercise of the legislative power. We find by
our private intelligence, that both Scotish and Irish are in great expectations of some sudden change in England, which may encourage their attempts heere. They are given to
believe, that my lord of Ormond and Inchequin or some of that gang will be suddenly
heere, by letters, which wee have intercepted, which comes from the Irish agents in England, who presse hard for money to follow there agencye; and one letter says, that if they
had but 500 l. they would gett of transplantation. They very well understand their opportunitys of doing mischiefe, and giveing publicque disturbance, which will be prevented,
if that worke goes on prosperously. Wee must expect difficulties in a worke soe great and
good; but I trust the Lord will owne us in it. I am glad my confidence in collonel Sankey
hath not deceived mee. He is come over with great satisfaction and affectionate faithfulnes to his highnesse. I am,
March 6, 1654.
Your affectionate humble servant,
Charles Fleetwood.
The examination of William Collinson, esq; captaine in colonell Fenwicke's regiment, taken upon oath March 6, 1654/5.
In the possession of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.
Who saith, that upon or about the fourth day of January last past, hee beinge comanded with captaine Miller and captaine Newman in the same regiment by lieutenant colonell Wilkes, deputy governor of Leith, to examine major generall Overton concerninge some perticulars, and to search what papers hee had with him, amongst other papers there was found severall unhandsome verses relateinge to his hignes the lord protector, written upon the backside of an old letter; who beinge taxed for haveinge them, desired this deponent to give him them backe againe, or deface them, for that they might doe him some hurt, and this deponent noe good; and that hee might live to doe this deponent as good a curtesy; which beinge refused, the said major generall asked his servant, mr. Ramsay, how hee came by them, who answered, sir, you heareinge a fidler's boy singe them in London, you write them.
March 6, 1654/5.
W. Collinson.
Sworne before mee,
H. Whalley.
The examination of John Miller, captaine in col. Fenwicke's regiment, taken upon oath the 7th of March, 1654/5.
Who haveinge heard read the examination of captaine Collinson within written, sayth the same is true in every perticular and clause thereof; saveinge that hee remembreth not, that major generall Overton asked his servant Ramsay how hee came by the verses mentioned in the said deposition, or what answer his said servant returned to him.
Jo. Miller.
The examination of lieutenant col. Timothy Wilkes, deputy governour of Leith in Scotland, taken upon oath, the 7th of March, 1654/5.
In the possession of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.
Who saith, that the verses mentioned in captaine Collison and captaine Miller's depositions beinge brought unto him by the within named captaine Collinson, captaine Miller, and captaine Newman, who were appointed by this deponent to make search, what papers of dangerous consequence could bee sound in major generall Overton's port-mantu, this deponent the next morneinge beinge in company with the said major generall, the major general said to this deponent in theise words, sir, you have some verses taken from mee in my letter-case; and said, I hope noe advantage will bee taken against mee for them; to whom this deponent answered, that it was not his worke to judge him, but to deliver them to the generall. The major generall replyed, sayeinge, I hope noe advantage will bee taken, for they were but for the tryall of my witt.
March 7, 1654/5.
Timo. Wilkes.
Sworne before me,
H. Whalley.
The further examination of the abovenamed capt. Collinson and capt. Miller, taken upon oath the 7th of March, 1654/5.
Who say, that haveinge heard read the deposition of lieutenant colonell Wilkes abovenamed, for themselves severally depose, that in or about the time abovementioned, when major general Overton was put into a boate to goe on shipboard prisoner to London, the said lieutenant colonell told theise deponents, that the said major generall had owned the makeinge of the verses abovementioned in theise or the like words, that hee hoped noe advantage would bee taken against him for them, for that hee made them onely for the tryall of his witt.
March 7, 1654.
Jo. Miller, W. Collinson.
Sworne before me,
H. Whalley.
Copy of the king of France's letter to the admiral Vandosme, dated the 17th of March 1655. [N. S.]
Vol. xxiv. p. 125.
The complaints that I daily receive of the loss, that my subjects sustain on the sea by
the piracies of the English, which they continue to exercise on them, with the
small appearance of their ceasing, have made me to take the resolution to stop all their
ships, that are (or may arrive) in the ports of this kingdom; by which means to oblige
them to render to my abovesaid subjects the justice due unto them.
I have thought sit to write you this letter, to let you know, that immediately you give orders necessary to all lieutenants and officers of the admiralty, and others to whom it may appertain, to seize and assure, in all ports and harbours in their jurisdiction, all the English ships that shall be found, or that hereafter shall be released, and to hinder them, that they go not out of those ports; and in particular those that have been formerly released. The execution of which I will that it continue, till farther order from me; the which I assure myself you will willingly perform. I shall be no longer at present, but desire the Lord to keep you in his protection.
Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburg, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 99.
Honourable sir,
Yesterday by the weekely post I writ you what offered here. This morneinge I have it
thus from Paul Roll, that he finds a generall rejoyecinge by C. S. followers left
there, and that C. S. must be in the north of England; that Bristoll, Hull, and Berwick,
with many other places, are in danger. Farther, that chancellor Hyde hath letters, that
two of the cheefest complotters of the designe are persons in disguise, viz. Armorer and
O Neale, and that upon a curious examination of those two, a discoverie may be made of
all. Hee saith likewise, that one day, clerke of the passage of Dover, hath permitted
many dangerous persons to pass into England. From another frend there I have it thus of
the same date 12/2 instant.
The neighbouringe princes of Germany continue their armature. The prince elector
of Cullen is gone to Leige to levie men; wherefore unknowne: letters from Hidelberge
affirme, that contrary to the thoughts of many, the prince elector hath exchanged severall
most kind letters with C. S. Sir, I trust by this tyme you have soe fully discovered
and secured the contrivers of your ruine, as that by the next I shall heare good newse from
you. Theise goe in hast by a bowyer of this place for London, which if the winde stand
will be gone this day; soe may probably arive longe before the next post, if not before
that, which went yesterday. The Lord have you in his keepeinge, and direct your councells
for the good of his people. I cannot yet heare from the expresse I sent to Berlin and the
ports in the Baltique sea, but hope shall in a day or two; otherwise I shall conclude him
miscaryed, and soe shall send a second after him, though I hope there's nothinge formeinge
there that can hurt yow. I am,
Sir, your very humble servant.
Hamb. March 7, 1654.
The above is a copie of myne this day by a bowyer, and this by another vessel in his
companie, that the first arriveinge may come to hand.
To his highness the lord protector and his council,
Vol. xxiv. p. 103.
The humble petition of the merchants, and masters and owners of ships, and others that have sustained losses by the Portuguese,
Shewing, that albeit, that many of them have already had full examination and just reports upon their cases and damages grounded rightfully, as is stated in the annexed, and the rest of their cases are likewise ready to be reported; yet to take away all objections, and to bring it to a final conclusion, they humbly propose, as an expedient, that the said reporters and their whole cases may be referred to doctor Walker for them, and any one the lord embassador of Portugal will choose for him, and the commissary for the queen of Sweden here resident, as a person of honour neutral and indifferent, to be umpire; and whatever they all three or the said umpire alone shall adjudge, award, and determine, to stand firm and be final and obliging to all parties, which they humbly hope your highness and council will hold reasonable.
And do submit, &c.
The case of the English merchants and masters and owners of ships and others that have sustayned loss by the Portingalls.
Vol. xxiv. p. 104.
That it was agreed between the former parliament and the ambassador extraordinary of the kinge of Portingall, and the said ambassador did oblige himselfe by the 2d of the said preliminary articles, concluded the 29th day of September 1652, that all ships, monies, goods, and debts, belonging to any of the English, which have bin seized in any of the dominions of the king of Portingall, shall be forthwith freely restored in specie, continuing of the same value and goodness as at the tyme of the seizure, or if not in specie, or if they be impared by occasion of the seizure, that then satisfaction shall be made to the true vallue of them as when they were seized; and concerning reparation for damages, the same being ascertained according to the declaration of the councell exprest in their paper of the 15th of November 1652, the said lord ambassador did also engage himselfe for the satisfaction thereof; and by the 5th article of the said preliminarys the said ambassador did further oblige himselfe, that all ships and goods belonging to the English, that were brought into Portingall by Rupert or Maurice, or any ship under their command, and are disposed of, or are remaining there, or by them or their order carried back from thence, shall be restored forthwith to the proprietors, or satisfaction or reparation given for the same.
That to the end the demands of the English merchants and others, as well by the 2d article as the 5th, might be stated and ascertained, the then councell of state did by their commission duly signed and sealed, and dated March 22, 1652/3, authorize and impower doctor Walter Walker, Andrew Riccard, alderman of London, mr. Thomas Crowther and Thomas Player, jun. esqrs; or any two of them, whereof the said doctor Walker to be one, to hear, examine, and regulate the demands of the said merchants and others, and therein to joyne with doctor Jeronimo de Silva de Azevedo, Francis Ferreira Rebello, and Licentatias Vitalem de Zousa, or any of them appointed by the said ambassador on his part, to examine the said demaunds, in case they or any of them should be present at such tyme and place, as should be agreed upon; or otherwise they the said doctor Walker and other the English commissioners to proceed by themselves, as by that commission appeareth.
That the said doctor Walker and the other English commissioners, in pursuance of the said commission, did often meet and debate with the said doctor Jeronimo de Silva and Francis Ferreira Rebello, and others named by the said lord ambassador of Portingall; and after several conferences and debates did come to several conclusions, and make several reports of the cases and damages sustained by the English by the Portingalls; for which repayres ought to be made, according to the 2d and 5th preliminary articles and the said commission, and did likewise agree upon more cases, and were ready to reporte them.
That albeit the commissioners for the lord ambassador of Portingall did not subscribe to the said reports, yet they were from tyme to tyme made acquainted with them, and the grounds and reasons, whereupon they were made; and had free and full liberty to offer or object against them; but neither did nor could object any thinge materiall; soe that by the rules of justice the petitioners hope they ought to have satisfaction according to them.
That notwithstanding, to prevent all manner of cavillation, that the said ambassador or any of his may make, the petitioners doe humbly propose as an expedient, that the said ambassador may nominate the said doctor Jeronimo de Silva, or any one other of his agents whom he pleaseth, as the petitioners do nominate the said doctor Walker for them, presently and with convenient speed to debate the matter before and with the commissary for the queen of Sweeden here resident; and they three together, if they can agree to settle and conclude thereupon; or otherwise in case they cannot all agree, then the said commissary of the queen of Sweeden, as a person of honour, newtrall and indifferrent, to heare and determine upon all the said differrences, losses, damages, and demands, and whatsoever shall be by them all three or by the said umpire alone settled and determined in the premises to be final and binding to all parties, and to be paid and satified to the Englishe accordingly, without any manner of further denyal, contest, or cavillation whatsoever.
And if the said ambassador, after the progresse already made, shall not assent unto this so reasonable expedient, the petitioners do humbly hope, that it will then cleerly appeare to your highnesse and the councell, that it is a meere evasion of the said ambassador; and that the reports already made for the losses and demands already settled may be affirmed, and the rest of the reports not yet sent in, ordered to be transmitted, that the petitioners may have right done them, and repair for their losses and damages, according to equity and justice; the laws of God and man requiring, that due amends be made by the wronge doers to the wronged; and the petitioners and theire wives and children being many, being in danger to suffer ruine and be undone, is satisfaction be not made them.
The petitioners therefore well knowing the piety and goodness of your highness and your councell, do caste themselves and their just and righteous cause at your highnesse's feete, and humbly begg your highness's well knowne justice thereupon.
To his highness the lord protector of England, Scotland and Ireland, &c.
Vol. xxiv. p. 106.
The humble petition of divers merchants, masters of shipps, and others, who have susteyned losses by the Portugalls.
Sheweth, that whereas your highnesse, in concluding the late treaty with the lord ambassador of the king of Portugall, was pleased to take notice of your petitioner's late losses and damages susteyned by the Portugalls, and by the 25th article specialy to provide, as for the hearing and determining the same, so likewise for satisfaction there, which your highnesse's justice and great care your petitioners doe with all dewtie and thankfullness humbly acknowlege; the petitioners submissively present, that the said king since the returne of the said lord ambassador hath made a decree, by which your petitioners humbly conceiving (for the reasons hereunto annexed, together with a true coppie of the said decree) the fruits and effects of your highnesse's intended justice and favour will be frusterated, your petitioners unsatisfied, the decree restraining the words of the said article in such a narrow sence, as stands not with the genuine construction of them, and contrary, as your petitioners humbly conceive, to your highnesse's meaning.
Wherefore your petitioners humbly pray, that your highness would be pleased before the final ratisfaction of the said articles, that all ambiguities in words may be cleered, and the sence of the 25th article fully explayned; that so your petitioners may receave effectual satisfaction for their said losses and debts, according to justice and equity, and more sure prevention of all future differences and disputes.
And your petitioners shall ever pray, &c.
Samuel Vassal
Humphrey Aldington
Thomas Fossel
Hamond Ward
Henry Pettit
Eleazer Parker
John Haywarde
Humphrey Holcombe
Richard Wilson
N. Opre
Richard Lobb
Stephen Irvill
Richard Crandles
Benjamin Whitcombe
Nathan Wright
Edward Bushell
William Rider
Dániel Farvacks
Richard King
John Dickons
Thomas Bowyer
Peter Jackson
Jeremiah Backhouse
William Greene
John Hasell
Gilbert Keate
Christopher Boonefor
John Willmott
Alexander Beme
Robert Lant
Alexander Howe
Lu. Lawson
Thomas Hollis
John Roy
George Clerke
Thomas Canham
James Gower
Stephen White
William Sympson
John Clarke
Samuel Sroynoke
Thomas Ewen
Andrew Raudg
Lambert Pitshes
Walter Mainard
George Keate
Luke Lucey.
Indors'd by secretary Thurloe,
Petition of the Portugal merchants, delivered the 7th of March, 1654.
The decree of the king of Portugal.
Vol. xxiv. p. 108.
I the king do make known to all that shall see this my decree, that for as much as I have been pleased to resolve to satisfy the English the losses, which they have received by reason of the general sequestration in the year 1650, as well of the ships that were at Brazil, as those that were in this kingdom, and all other goods and sugars, that were imbargoed and are not yet restored, and likewise the freights of the ships, which the Brazil company is obliged to pay, and what else shall appear remained in his hands or power; my will and pleasure is, that for satisfaction of the aforesaid, the English producing current papers in form, in the manner that is agreed upon in the 25th article of the peace, which now is to be celebrated, that from henceforward there be a separation made of all the half customs, which the English are obliged to pay in the alfandiga of what goods soever they shall bring into this kingdom; the which half customs shall be charged upon and deposited in the hands of two English merchants, to be named and approved by the English nation, who shall give receipts for the same to the treasurer of alfandiga (or custom-house) for what they shall so receiving, with obligation that the said monies shall be divided to the interessed in ordinary payments, or proportionably, as hereafter it shall be agreed upon, but with this condition and declaration, that notwithstanding that the said monies are to remain from this time forward in the hands aforesaid, yet they shall not make the said division, or pay ments, till after the publication of the peace in this city, with the solemnities accustomed, and in this conformity let this my alfara be intirely observed and kept, as is therein contained, without any doubt or contradiction whatsoever. John Parera made it in Lisbon the 20th of Jan. 1655. and I Francisco Guede Parera caused it to be writt.
Exceptions taken by the petitioners to the king of Portugal's decree.
1. The decree limits, that there be a separation made of the half customs, which the English are obliged to pay to the alfandiga, which word alfandiga in the singular number the petitioners humbly conceive restrains the payment to be out of the customs of all other ports; and so near one half of all customs of Portugal is taken away, besides all duties of fish, which amount to a very great value; for that is paid in specie, and never brought into the alfandiga.
2. The decree limits separation to be made of all the half customs, which the English are obliged to pay; which words [which the English are obliged to pay] exclude the petitioners from the half customs of all other people, save the English, though members of the common-wealth, and inhabitants thereof; whereas the 25th article obliges the half customs of all goods whatsoever of the people and inhabitants of this commonwealth that trade to Portugal for payment.
3. The words of the decree [q'une of what goods soever they shall bring into that kingdom;] which words [they shall bring] the petitioners fear will be made use of, to exclude them from the half customs of all goods brought into that kingdom, though for the account of the people and inhabitants of this commonwealth, if brought in by any other shipping of any other Nation, or by any other people in English vessels.
4. Again, those words [into this kingdom] the petitioners conceive will be a ground for the king's officers to deny the petitioners the half customs of all goods exported.
5. The decree is not, as the petitioners humbly conceive, agreeable to the words of the 25th article, in the limitation of the commencement of the separation; the decree having ordered the separation to begin from the date of the decree, whereas the 25th article says, it shall begin from the date of the treaty; by which device the petitioners shall lose near one whole year's customs, for that no fish, and but very few goods, will be brought into Portugal the remaining part of the year, being summer season.
6. Whereas the decree requires, that the English shall produce current papers in form, in the manner that is agreed upon in the 25th article of the peace, the petitioners understand not the Portuguese meaning, by current papers in form, according &c. therefore they desire the full meaning of the king of Portugal may be explained, the petitioners being doubtful what will satisfy the Portuguese in that particular.
7. The decree reciting the grounds of it to be to satisfy the English for their losses, and instancing in the freights of the ships of the Brazil company, are obliged to pay, it is thereby declared, that for the satisfaction of the aforesaid, separation shall be made of the half customs, the petitioners, owners of the ships, humbly conceive this to be contrary to the 2d of the 5 preliminaries recited in the 25th article, which says, that all monies and debts shall be restored in specie; and therefore that debt ought to be paid by the said company, who by charter-party were obliged to pay the same; and the other petitioners humbly conceive it to be a great damage to them, to charge so great a payment upon the customs, which will very much delay the payment of their debts.
All which the petitioners humbly present and submit unto your highness with this, that if payment should be made according to the largest extent and acceptation, which the words of the 25th article will bear, the petitioners should not be satisfied in less than 10 years, but according to this decree, they cannot be paid in 20 years.
A copy of a decree of the admiralty for restoring 30000 rials belonging to the king of Spain, or the proceed thereof, to his embassador.
Vol. xxxvi. p. 301.
Oliver lord protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the dominions thereunto belonging, to John Sparrow, Richard Hill, Richard Blackwall, Samuel Wilson, Humphry Blake, and Robert Turpin, esqrs; commissioners for prizegoods, greeting. Whereas by lawful and sufficient proofs made in the high court of admiralty of England, it is manifest and doth appear, that the silver mentioned in the schedule hereunto annexed and marked with the mark in the margent of the said schedule, lately taken and seized in the ship the Morning Star, whereof Michael van Lubkin was master, by some of the ships in the immediate service of this commonwealth, did at the time of the seizure aforesaid, and still do properly belong and appertain unto his majesty the king of Spain, and were loaden on board the said ship by the order of Andrea Piquenotti, a factor for the king of Spain, on the charge of the invoyces of the said king, for the payment of his army in Flanders; and thereupon the worshipful William Clerk and John Godolphin doctors of laws, and Charles George Cocke, esq; judges of the said high court of admiralty lawfully proceeding have decreed the silver mentioned in the schedule hereunto annexed, and marked as in the margent of the said schedule, in case it be extant, otherwise the proceed to be released and discharged from the seizure aforesaid, and restored and delivered to the lord embassador of the king of Spain or his assignee for his use. But it appearing by the said proofs, that the ship the Morning Star did fight with the ships of this commonwealth, by whom she was taken, they have therefore pronounced just cause of seizure, and ordered the freight due by law for the same, and the expences in this behalf due to be paid. These are therefore to authorize, will, and require you, or any three of you, upon sight hereof, to release and discharge the silver mentioned in the said schedule annexed, and marked with the mark in the margent of the said schedule, in case it be extant; otherwise the proceed thereof from the seizure made thereon as aforesaid, and restore and deliver the same to the lord embassador of the king of Spain or his assignee, for the use of the said king, he the said lord embassador or his assignee paying the freight due by law for the same, and the expences in this behalf due. And for your so doing this shall be your warrant and discharge. Given at London in the said high court of admiralty under the general seal thereof the 7th day of March 1654.
The schedule mentioned in the commission hereunto annexed.
Thirty thousand rials of plate or pieces of eight, and four Mexico coin being in two cases having 15000 rials in each, nailed up, and marked and numbred as in the margent.
The examination of Robert Lee of Criggion, gent. who was in the late king's time called by the name of lieutenant colonel Lee, taken before us the time and place aforesaid.
Montgomery, March 7, 165 4/3.
Vol. xii. p. 448.
Touching the said plot saith and denies, that he is any way privy or consenting to the said plot; or that he did any way contribute thereunto; and that he did not directly or indirectly promise or engage to promote the said plot, or engage any men therein; and that he went upon tuesday last to Shelvocke to mr. Thornes, with an intent to go to Wrexham fair with the said mr. Thornes, to bear him company; but upon wednesday last hearing of some combustion, the said mr. Thornes and this examinate resolved to stay at home; and this examinate did stay at Shelvocke aforesaid till yesterday, that his wife sent for him. And further faith, that he was at Burrough-Acton in the county of Salop near Righton Park about a fortnight last past, where he heard, that lord Herbert of Cherbury, the lord Newport, mr. Fowler the elder of the Grainge, and several other gentlemen, whose names this examinate doth not know, were hunting; where they continued for some time, but how long this examinate doth not know; and further is not required to be examined.
A true copy,
Tho. Lloyd,
Ed. Vaughan,
Hugh Price,
Tho. Niccols.
Robert Lee.
The examination of John Penryn of Yorndrine in the said county, gent. taken before us the time and place aforesaid.
Vol. xii. p. 449.
Touching the said plot, saith, that he is not any way privy to the listing of any men, or raising of any force, or levying of any war against the lord protector or the present government. And denieth, that he did move or solicite any person or persons to engage in the said plot, or that he knoweth of any other, that had any hand therein directly or indirectly; and denieth, that he had any discourse with mr. Ralph Kynastone touching the said plot, or the carrying on of the said design, or that he doth know of any that had any hand in the said rebellion. And confesseth, that he was upon thursday last in the evening at William Smyth's house, but did not any way act or assist the said plot. And further is not required to be examined.
A true copy,
Thomas Lloyd,
Ed. Vaughan,
Hugh Price,
Tho. Niccols.
John Penryn.
Commissioners for the southern expedition to the protector.
Vol. xxiv. p. 113.
May it please your highness,
According to the 5th article of the instructions given to us by your highness for the
management of the affairs of southern expedition, we were to consider what forces
and supplies will be fit to be sent after the fleet; and the time of sending; and in what
manner: do therefore humbly offer, that if your highness shall think necessary to send
such a supply, 'tis very requisite, that some speedy course be taken for providing thereof;
and the season now offering itself, and the necessities of the fleet much requiring the same,
as also of the forces, whose accommodations (though seasonably provided) went not away
with them, we have thought it our duty to present the same to your highness, and humbly
Your highness's most humble servants,
Old Jury, March 7,
Andr. Riccard,
Maurice Thompson,
William Williams,
John Limbery,
Martin Noell,
William Rider,
William Williams,
Thomas Alderny,
* * * * *
Provisions to be made for the West Indies.
Voll. xxiv. p. 116.
40 or 50 Cartes to guyde the cours by sea.
100 Brass blunder bushes.
800 Carbyns, 3 foot barrell coliver bore, and all one boare, with beltts, subinels and runners.
2000 Girdel pistells for the foote.
200 Long barrell musketts of 5½ foote barrell snaplands, 2000 Handgranades.
20 Morter peeces of the larger diameter.
200 Granados for them.
20 Pitars.
2000 Half pykes, 800 for the carbyns heereabove.
4000 Swords and beltts.
4000 Musketts.
2000 Pykes.
2000 Light sadels, and 2000 bridles, 4000 pistells and holsters.
1000 Head peeces, brest plates, and crossletts of each.
1000 Quilteth coates.
100 Coates of mayle.
1000 Steel spates off the best.
300 Pickaxes.
500 Shuffells.
500 Handbarrowes and whelbarrows.
4000 Deal bords.
100 Wooden bytells with the handles throw the head.
100 Iron crowes.
300 Iron sledges.
200 Sharpe thessells of all sorts.
200 Boringe agers of all sorts.
400 Pound weight off spykes and great naills.
200 Ferre balkes of good lenght, and soe that 2 men may carry.
100 Of the longer sort off spars.
1000 Fellinge axes, with holes in the body, handles throw the head.
100 Hatchers, with holes as the axes.
100 Broad axes for carpenters.
200 Single hand-sawes, 100 two-hand-saws, 50 pit-sawes, 30 whip-sawes, 100 fyels for the sawes.
Blacksmiths, locksmiths, and armorsmiths.
12 Paire of bellys, iron, and tools of all sorts, peet and coals, &c.
For every ship feshengs netts, turtell netts, turtell irons, fishhookes, harpinge irons, fishgykes, &c.
Cloathing of all sorts for 6000 men, 6000 hamackes, or lennen to make them.
50 Hand-miles to grynde coren of that country.
Carpenters, stone-masons, briclayers, sayers, and coopers.
12 Ketshes, with 2 or 4 little guns or peeces, and every great ship or wherry with oares, and some with skulls.
All kynde off provision for every shipe, among the rest, cidar a good quantity, meal well stampt in barrels, besides biskuit or bread, and gunpowder for sea and land service, and the like, &c.
Phisitians, Chirurgyes, &c.
To take more then ordinary off hartally and lyme, pitch, tarr, &c.
Indorsed by secretary Thurloe.
Provisions to be made for the West Indies.
A particular estimation for the present expedition as follows.
Vol. xxiv. p. 114.
1. Bread for 8 months, all to be put in the bread roomes and casks, except two months for the first expence.
2. Beese and porke, 6 months.
3. Meale sisted, found stuffe and well dryed, to answer two months, which will make the provision of beese hold out 8 months, which will answer the bread.
4. Pease for 5 or 6 months.
5. Rice, oatmeal and wheat, to answer fish, except the first two months.
6. Butter and cheese for two months, oyl to answer the rest at a pint for four mele a day.
7. Beere for two months, or ten weeks, syder and vinegar to answer the remainder all or the most part of the caske to be iron bound.
8. All water casks to be iron bound.
9. Salt to be provided here, to be taken aboard at the isles of Sale, as they sayle al on the waye.
10. Amunition clothes of fine vittery canvice.
11. Shirts of lockrume.
12. Linin hose.
13. Ordinary white felt hatts.
14. Hatchetts.
15. Short cutlasses.
16. Tow hand sawes, not soe broad as used, but truly mad.
17. Hand sawes all of the best and finest make.
18. Axes and iron commanders and iron weages.
19. Pitch, tarr, and trayne oyle, thurmes, twyne and leather, and what else may be fitting for to carreen the ships.
20. After the fleet is at sea, and cleere of our coast, then the men to sett 5 tow 4 mens lowance, which will lengthen out all provisions.
Commissioners of the customs to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 123.
May it please your honour,
Now is come unto our hands a letter from the officers at Gravesend, signifying that
there are divers come in there from out of a shipp, in which an ambassador from the
king of Poland unto his highnesse is now arrived, being not part of the ambassador's company, but passengers; and amongst the rest one Matthew Hutchim, whom they thinke is
very suspicious; all which persons they have kept in safety; and inclosed we present to
you their letters and examinations. They also signified unto us, that while they were agitating this affair, came in one Wilford, who much abused the officers with revyleinge language, opposing the authority by which they acted; saying it was none, or to the like effect, whom they have also secured; and what they could gett out of him is herewith sent
to your honour. We pray your honour's pleasure to be made known unto us, that we
may transmitt the same unto the officers at Gravesend, with what expedition your greater
affairs will admit for their guydance and direction; and that we may have leave to
Custom house, London,
March 8, 1654.
Your honour's most humble servants,
Edm. Amery.
Robert Tichborne.
Inclosed in the preceding.
Gravesend, March 7, 1654.
Vol. xxiv. p. 100.
Richard Wilford aged about 32 years or thereabouts, saith, that he came down to Gravesend with a brother-in-law of his, and hath been there these three days: saith, that he is engaged to raise a regiment of horse. Saith further, that he is well known to his highness the lord protector; that his father was sometimes governor of Dover castle; that about the 10th of April last he came from Rotterdam, and hath remained here in England ever since. That during the time he was in Holland, he lived at the Hague at the queen of Bohemia's court, and sometimes in the prince of Orange his army, and was an ensign under the lord Goring. Saith, that he never did bear arms in England, Scotland, or Ireland, of either side.
Richard Wilford abovenamed affirmed what is above written to be true in the presence
of us,
Ed. Pelling,
John Morris.
Gravesend, March 7, 1654.
Vol. xxiv. p. 101.
Gerard Paw, aged 22 years or thereabouts, saith, that he is son to the scout Paw of the Hague, nephew to the heere Paw, late one of the lords embassadors from the states of the united provinces of the Netherlands to the state of England. Saith, that the cause of his coming into England at this time is only to see the country, and to learn to speak English; and for no other end.
Gerrit Pauw.
Derrick Symonds, aged 20 years or thereabouts, saith, that he is a gentleman living in the Hague; saith, that the cause of his coming into England at this present is, to see fashions, and to learn English; and for no other purpose.
Dirck Simonse.
Cornelius Van Dyke, aged 20 years or thereabouts, saith, that he was born in the Hague; that his father is a chandler there; that the cause of his coming into England at present is, to see fashions, learn the English, and spend his money; and for no other end.
Corn. Van Dyck.
Gerrard Joas, aged 34 years or thereabouts, saith, that he was born in West Freezland; saith, that the cause of his coming into England at present is, to see fashions, and learn English; and hath brought over with him two trunks of linen and apparel. The linen he intends to sell, if he can get a market for it; otherwise will carry it back again, of make use of it himself.
Jerit Johhes.
Gravesend, March 7, 1654.
Mathew Hutchin, aged 36 years or thereabouts, saith, that he is a taylor by trade; that he was here in England about 6 months since, and did then pertain to the heere Youngstall, one of the embassadors from the united provinces; saith, that he is now in the nature of a post employed by the said lord Youngstall, and hath letters for some of the lord Newport's family.
Walter Hitchen.
Judge advocate Whalley to the protector.
In the possession of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great-Britain
May it please your highness,
Conceveinge it too greate a presumption in mee, formerly by letter to give you an
account of proceedinges here against the severall officers, I therefore did it to my lord
Lambert, as knowinge hee would comunicate to your highnes what should bee necessary.
Accordinge to your highnes expresse of the 2d instant, I have sent all the materiall papers,
which I understand were found about major Bramston; and would have sent them by the
messenger, but hee beinge gon theise two dayes to Glasgow, and not returned, I thought fitt
to send them by the post. I have noe depositions against any of the officers, that were
tryed before the court martiall, nothinge beinge proved more against them than what they
confessed, which was the signeinge of the severall letters, which are verbatim with the inclosed depositions, and their unlawfull meetinges about that letter, and disperseing them to
severall persons of severall regiments, and to meet together at Edenburgh, as in the letter
is expressed, and not makeinge the same knowen to the comander in cheife here. I have
had much trouble with the officers, upon very frivolous pretences not worthy mentioninge,
to gett the inclosed depositions; and was forced to secure them, before they would bee
sworne; and beinge secured they immediately better considered of it, and gave mee their
parroll to come the next day, which accordingly they did, and were voluntarily sworne,
and subscribed the inclosed, they haveinge three severall times before positively denyed it.
Theire depositions onely beare major generall Overton's privety to the letters, which beinge
considered with the vote of the court martiall herewith alsoe sent I conceive will be a considerable charge or article against. him. I have alsoe sent the letter directed to Loveland,
but could not by any meanes discover the penman thereof. It was strongely presumed
by the officers, that captaine Hedworth can give an account of it. I conceive, may it
please your highnes, the charge against mr. Oates, which I formerly sent to my lord
Lambert, beinge well considered, will better discover the designe then any thinge otherwise
that I can write. And now, may it please your highnes, I humbly begg your favourable
construction of my poore indeavours in this busines, nothinge haveinge bin omitted of my
duty to the uttermost of my mean abilitye; and since I have this oppertunity, give mee
leave humbly to intreate two lines from your highnes for my constant stay or returne, that
I may at last settle my selfe, family, and affaires for the remainder of the number of my
dayes, I cheerfully submittinge to what the Lord shall put into your heart therein. I am
Edenburgh, March 8, 1654/5.
Your highnes's
most humble and faithfull servant,
Hen. Whalley.
To his highnes the lord protector,
At a court martiall of his highnes the lord protector, &c. and captain generall, &c. held for the head quarters in Scotland before colonel Daniel, president, and other officers present, the 16 off Feb. 1654/5.
In the possession of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great-Britain.
Resolved, &c.
That the letters beareinge date Aberdeene 18th of December 1654, signed by capt.
Henry Hedworth, lieutenant John Braman, coronet John Toomes, quarter master
William Barford, quarter-master John Gregory, quarter-master John Waltridge, mr. Samuel
Oates, and lieutenant Rawson, and dispersed as directed to severall persons in severall
regiments in Scotland, were letters tendeinge to sedition, muteny, and devisions in the
Vera copia,
Hen. Whalley.
The examination of Daniel Davis, trooper in the late troop of major Husbands, taken upon oath the 8th of March, 1654/5.
Vol. xxxvi. p. 327.
Who saith, that about ten weeks last past he was commanded by his quarter-master Gregory, to attend at the new town of Aberdeen, at a particular house appointed, where being come, he found present lieutenant Braman, quarter-master Barford, quartermaster Waltridge, Mr. Oates, and lieutenant Lawson, where this deponent saw several letters sealed up lying upon the table, and to his best remembrance, to the number of about six or seven; four or five of which were delivered to this deponent, to be by him delivered as they were directed, the one of them to major Dorney, one other to captain Spilman of the lord Lambert's regiment, one other to captain Earley of col. Read's regiment at Sterlinge, one other to ensign Snow, quartered in Glasgow; telling this deponent the contents of the letters were to draw up a petition to the general about tithes and other things, the like being done at London; and saith one John Green, trooper in the same troop, carried other like letters to other officers. And this deponent being in his way at Edinburgh, for the delivery of his letters, and hearing the said Green was imprisoned for carrying the letters delivered to him, this deponent burnt his letters; and farther saith not.
March 8, 1654/5.
Hen. Whalley.
Daniel Davis.
Mr. Mor. Lloyd, &c. to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 117.
The inclosed is a coppy of what was yesterday sent to a gentleman of integritye
and note neare Oshwestrey, and from him all night to us. Wee judged fitt in relation to the publique peace to communicate it to you, that whatever truth or uncertainety
may be in it, both you and wee may be very vigilant in our respective places, and wait on
God for further discovery and direction. Col. Lloyd of Aston, mr. Baber, and the other
gentleman mentioned in the intelligence, went, as we heare, alonge night to Shrewsbury,
to secure themselves, and that place. This wee leave with you, and remaine
Wrexham, thursday March 8, 1654.
Mor. Lloyd
Dan. Lloyd
Hugh Prichard
Roger Sontley.
These are (least you and other freinds should lacke notice) to acquaint you, that there will be a troope or smale army of cavalleers visit col. Lloyd, mr. Baber, capt. Evans, yourselfe, and others, commanded by one Blaney, and they goe to morrow night towards Chircke-castle; it is reported there is a generall rising throughout England and Wales of that party. Ralph Kynaston hath listed by relation 50 troopers this day at Pena-parke. They are confident, and act publiquely; a rendevouze will be att Mues-yeledren, neare Lugey-groes, and sir Thomas Harris is said to doe the like with a greater party, within his owne parke, and to march for Shrewsbury; the which, and Chirke also, they meane to be possessed of to morrow night about 8 or 9 of the clock. Make the best use of this to all godly brethren. I beseech you, discover not the author, least I be thereby ruined.
Mr. J. Topping to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 126.
Honoured sir,
I Thought good to give an accoumpt to you, that yesterday Christopher Shadforth,
master of the Elisabeth of Newcastle, came into this harbour. The sarcher found
mr. Robert Marlay on board, who is the sonn of sir John Marlay, sometimes governor
of Newcastle: being brought to me, saith, his father sent him to his mother, who lives
two miles of Newcastle. He came from Antwerp the first of February, where his father
is with the earle of Newcastle, who maintaines him at his table, and noe English gentleman besides. The duke of Glocester two moneths since was at Antwarpe, and is now
at the Hauge with the princes royall. Alsoe at his coming away an English marchant,
one mr. South, and many others, tould him, that king Charles was landed in England,
and that the lord protector had sent a new governor to Hull, but the towne would not
receave him; and the king was landed there. He hath heard the jesuitts preach, but
will not be a roman catholick. One he calls father Worsley, a Jesuitt of the cloysters
of Antwarpe, is now at London, and many more. It is easyer to find a nedle in a botle
of heay, then finde them, for they chang their names. This young man is upwards of
19 yeares of age, speakes good French, and hath kist Charles Steward's hand. He hath
bine educated near two yeares in Antwarpe. I caused him to be serched, but could
find noe letters, only an ould peice of paper with some verses writ, and in four places
begune the verse with God damne me. In his portmantle was French and Lattin bookes,
and in English, Waller's poems, and the pretended booke of the late king's to his sonn,
with six of Newcastle's ladye's pictures. He faith, his father sent his mother his owne
picture, which is on shipp-board. I conceave he gott his letters convay'd away in tyme,
for he heard they would search him; and this is all, that I can posable gett out of him,
though I used gentleness and harshness to him. Lett me know of the receat of this, and
his highness's pleasure hearein. I am, sir, your very humble servant,
Tynmouth Castle, March 8. 1654.
Jo. Topping.
I am in much hast. This inclosed note is the names of severall suspected persons, who have accompanyed 4 or 5 at a tyme together, and those that ware in armes for the king. I have writ there titles, but nothing can be found by them, they are so secret. Newcastle men many will not believe there is any plott. Soe you may guesse what spiritt they are of.
I wish this letter be not broke up, before it comes to your hands.
* * * * * * * * four or five at . . . . late king's service.
Dr. Newton
Robert Henley, merchant
Bapt. Johnson, a commissary
Mr. Hen. Madison
Mr. Gardner
Mr. Thomas Aubury
Jacob Blanheuship, capt.
Mr. Henry Hodgson, a papist
George Barthrum, major
William Thurshy, marchant
William Robinson senior
Martin Errington, capt.
George Errington, capt.
Gilbert Errington, major
William Robinson, junior
Richard Foster, captain.
Col. H. Mackworth to the protector.
Vol. xxiv. p. 121.
May it please your highnesse,
Since the receipt of your highnesse's letter, I received from fower severall parts in this
county this insuinge intelligence, viz. that there is a sudden insurrection intended all
over England and Wales. One sir . . . . . Blaney is commander in cheife over Montgomery forces, and keepes his rendevooz this eveninge with hopes to be possessed of
Cherke Castle this very night; and that sir Thomas Harries (the gentleman your highnesse
mentioned) keeps rendvooz about the same time in his owne parke 5 miles off this place,
with intention to surprize this towne and castle about 8 or 9 of the clocke this night, and
likewise that one Ralph Kynaston of this county hath privately listed a troope of horse; in
order to the prevention hereof I sent one this morninge to give sir Thomas Middleton notice
of the desighnes in his parts, and against this castle. For what relates to this garrison, the
troope your highnesse ordered not being yet come, and the souldiers under my command
beinge to small a number to forme a party out of them able to deale with the conspirators,
when they make their rendevoos, I have ordered the present seizure of 20 horse in this towne,
and to mount on them some souldiers and some confident friends, who shall imediately seize
upon the persons of sir Thomas Harries and Kinaston, before their party joyne; which I hope
will dissipate the intended meetinge of this party, and as sone as the troope from Hereford
arrives, send in for other dangerous cavalliers, and punctualy obey your hinesse orders
in every thinge, and to the utmost of my power and ability will not be wantinge in securinge this garrison to your highnes, and faithfully approve myselfe
Shrewsbury, March the 8th,
at 2 of the clocke in the
afternoon. 1654.
Your highnes most humble
and faithfull servant,
A. Mackworth.
May it please your highnesse,
My uncle acquainted mee, that he receaved from your highnesse commissions for a regiment. If your highnesse please to give him directions for his speedy compleatinge it,
it would be of very great use for these parts, as the affaires of the county now stands,
and an encouragement to him that is,
Your highnesse most humble servant,
A. Mackworth.
Since the writinge of this, the quarter master of the troope is come hither, and asures mee, the whole troope will be here within this howre.
J. Peck to captain John Griffith.
Vol. xxiv. p. 120.
Wee are all here just a goeing uppon duty, for I doe assure you, wee expect an enemy
this night to attempt something uppon this place. They are the refuge of cavaltry.
You will heare more att large shortly. I thinke it were not amisse, if you kept a strict
guard in your towne for these two or three nights, untill the same be over. I am in
Wrexham, March 8, 1654.
Copia vera,
Yours everlastingly,
J. Peck.
For his ever honored freind capt. John Griffith,
sheriffe of Chester, these.
Mr. Roger Sontley to col. John Jones.
Vol. xxiv. p. 136.
Hon. Sir,
Yours came to my hand, but truly our distractions was such that I had not tyme seriously to peruse it. Our ould enemy begyns to stur afresh, I meane the caveleers, as we
weare certaynly informed from sir Thomas Myddleton and others, that they were 800 in a
body in one place neere Llangymynech in Mountgomeryshire. We suppose it to be a
general ryseinge and that upon very good grounds, many of this towne being fled to
them, and many more prepareinge for it. The Lord hath sturred us up wonderfully to oppose them, and that with one consent. None diffent, which is no small joy unto us. You
may supose some discouragements we ly under in it, not knowing who wyl owne us in
these things: we are upon the old account as yet, I meane as your troope, though some,
who canot rayse many forces, doe a little envy it. I gott together above 50 hors yesterday in lesse then two houres tyme. We have likewise about a 100 foote together, and I
hope shal encrease. Your presence with us would much joy us, or your advise in what we
doe. Our present orders for this is from the justises of the peace, who are a little styred
up with it. This is al the account at present I can give you: by the next more at large.
I hope we shal not be slighted, but ayd will in tyme be sent us. Thus I remayne
Wrexham, March 9, 1654.
Your faythful servant,
Roger Sontley.
The superscription.
For the honorable col. John Jones hast this: leave it with mr. Humphrey Jones at the Goat in Paternoster Row, to be sent as above written.
An intercepted letter of sir Thomas Middleton.
Vol. xxiv. p. 132.
Since my last I have received certaine intelligence, that there is a party above 800 at
randevouze about the new brige and the new chappell in Mongomeryshire. I conceave it fitt, that you endeavour to raise what horse and foot you can, and to draw them
towards Shropshire to joyne with the forces there. I have intelligence there will be three
or foure troopes of horse this day neare Salopp from Staffordshire and Herefordshire. I desire
to have your resolutions herein. In the mean time, I shall be carefull to desend this place;
soe in hast I rest
Chirke Castle, March 9, 1554.
This is a true coppy of the letter sent from sir Thomas Middleton to Daniell Lloyd at Wrexham.
J. Griffith.
Your loveing freind,
Thomas Middleton.
The deposition of Ralph Kynaston, gentleman, taken at Red-castle in the said county, upon the 9th day of March, 1654, before Thomas Lloyd, esq; high sheriff of the said county, Hugh Price, and John Griffith, esqrs. justices of the peace for the said county, as followeth.
Montgom. ss.
Vol. xxiv. p. 129.
Ralph Kynaston, of Rusnant in the said county, gent. aged 28 years, or thereabouts, deposeth and saith, that about the 27th day of February last past, sir Thomas Harris, of Borrough Acton, in the county of Salop, Bart. did send a servant of his, called William Eaton, to acquaint this deponent, that there was a plot laid by a party, that would appear in armes for Charles the second, the son of the late king, against the present government; which party did intend to appear in arms, as aforesaid, at eleven of the clock at night; desiring this deponent to appear, as aforesaid, with the said party, together with all the forces he could raise; and to meet the said sir Thomas near unto his house, where the said sir Thomas would be with fourscore horse, that had engaged before the time aforesaid, for the service aforesaid, to the end that they might march with all the forces they should make to the town of Salop; hoping they might be able to posses themselves of it. And this deponent being demanded, how they did intend to posses themselves of the castle in Salop aforesaid, doth say, that the said sir Thomas told this de ponent at Burrough Acton aforesaid, that they had prepared two men, that were acquainted with the said castle, that should go with two other men in the apparel of gentlewomen, and two servingmen to attend them upon the 8th day of March aforesaid, about 4 of the clock in the afternoon, to enter into the said castle, and under pretence of shewing the castle unto the pretended gentlewomen, to keep the gates open, and the draw-bridge down, until a party designed to seize upon the said castle should rush in out of certain alehouses near unto the said castle, where they were to be ready at the discharging of a pistol. And this deponent farther saith, that the said sir Thomas, at the time aforesaid, told this deponent, that in case the town of Salop should be secured for the present government, before the said time, that the said party should march away to Lancashire, Cheshire, Worcestershire, or where else they could hear the strongest party for the said Charles should be raised. And this deponent being demanded, where the said sir Thomas would furnish the said party with arms for the said service, saith, that the said sir Thomas told him at Borrough Acton aforesaid, the time aforesaid, that he had fourscore cases of pistols and holsters, which he lately had from London, which should be delivered unto the said party at the rendezvous aforesaid. This deponent being farther demanded, what other gentlemen were engaged in this plot, doth say, that the said sir Thomas did tell him at the time aforesaid, that one sir Arthur Blaney of Tregunon, in the county of Montgomery, and Richard Scriven, of Frausley, in the county of Salop, esq; was reported would come with all the forces they could procure to the rendezvous aforesaid, and that this deponent saw sir Thomas Armstrong's son at Borrough Acton aforesaid, whom he supposed to be one of the said party. And this deponent farther saith, that he doth verily believe, that the said sir Thomas, with all his party, are up in arms, and gone upon the aforesaid design; and that sir Arthur aforesaid, with all other persons of the county of Montgomery, that did intend to appear in this design, are returned to their several habitations. And farther saith, that he did hear, that the said sir Thomas had a commission from Charles Stuart, to be a colonel of a regiment of horse; and farther deposeth not.
Ralph Kynaston.
True copy.
Thomas Lloyd.
Hugh Price.
John Griffith.
Montgo. ss.
Examination taken at Red-castle the 9th day of March 1654. before Hugh Price, Thomas Niccolls, Edward Allen, and John Griffith.
Vol. xxiv. p. 128.
Ralph Kynaston of Rhysnant within the county of Montgomery, gentleman, aged 28 years or thereabouts, examined, saith, the day and place aforesaid, that upon monday the 1st of this instant March, this examinate coming from Shrewsbury about three or four of the clock in the afternoon, overtook on the way two men on horseback about Knucking Heath, with whom this examinate enquired what news they had. The said men said, that they had been lately at London; that it was reported at London, that there was a plot; and that the lord protector and the army would declare for the king. This examinate farther saith, that on tuesday last this examinate was at his own house until afternoon, and then went to Musbrook and Penny-park, and no other place that day, and was with no company that afternoon, but with his tenants; and came home unto his dwelling house at Pentrehelin that tuesday at night, and there was all night. This examinate farther saith, that upon tuesday the 8th of this instant March, this examinate was at his own house until near evening about 4 of the clock in the afternoon, and that there was no strangers with him at his house that day, save mr. Cuney and one stranger more. This examinate went to William Smith of Vandrinio, where he continued that evening about an hour and half in company with Arthur Vaughan of Tretherwen, John Penrhin of Vandrinio, Thomas Rogers of Burgedin, and about three strangers more, one mr. Williams, one Matthias Lloyd of Milwerley, sometimes major for the king, and a younger brother of his, who had no other business but to drink together. This examinate then said, that there was a talking of a plot, and rumour, that Shrewsbury should be taken; and it was then said, that Shrewsbury was careful of itself. And this examinate saith, that he had no discourse with these persons no were else, to list any soldiers or men, either under himself or any other whatsoever. This examinate farther saith, that upon thursday at night, when he came home to his own dwelling, John Tannatt, whom this examinate met on the way, came with this examinate and his own man to his own house, and this examinate said, that the said John Tannatt went away from this examinate's house the same night, and one Robert Vaughan came to this ex aminate's house that thursday at night, and was with this examinate all night at his house, and no other strangers were with this examinate at his house that night.
Ralph Kynaston.
A true copy,
Thomas Lloyd.
Hugh Price.
Edward Allen.
Ralph Kynaston's consession.
Vol. xxiv. p. 138.
The design was to rise in all parts of England yesternight, and to have their rendezvous at eleven of the clock at night; and the general rendezvous for these parts was to be in sir Thomas Harris's park. He was to be colonel, and they had appointed to march to Shrewsbury, and to have a great many of their party in alehouses and inns near the castle; and the way to take the castle was thus, that six should go, two in the nature of gentlewomen with their ushers, and two serving-men, and there in their return out of the castle to give notice by the discharge of a pistol, for those that are in the inn to come suddenly out, and secure the castle; and then the horse to be in a readiness to march into the town. Sir Thomas Harris was to furnish them with 100 case of pistols, which he had from London in a readiness; but in case the plot did sail, then these forces were to march to Cheshire, and Worcestershire, and from thence to the north; which he supposeth is done.
Taken before Hugh Price, governor of Red-castle, Montgomeryshire.
March 9, 1654.
The examination of Thomas Davy, a taylor, dwelling at Strand Bridge, on friday the 9th instant [March, 1654/5.]
Vol. xxiv. p. 147.
Saith, that he sent a deal box directed to his brother John Davy, at Dovington-house near Feversham in Kent, which box had in it a great saddle, bridle, and sumter cloth, and was sent thither by direction from my lord Tuston, who had bespoken the said saddles, and appointed it to be made up; which box was to remain at his brother's house, until the examinate called for it; the examinate intending to go down to Kent, and then to call for the box, and to convey it to Thanet-house. And he farther faith, that he sent a trunk, having in it a suit of arms and a case of pistols, to the same place for my lord Tuston's use, which the said lord Tuston, as the examinate faith, intended to carry with him into Flanders, whither the said lord was to go, to be employed in the king of France's service. And being demanded, of whom the saddle and pistols were bought, saith, that the saddle was bought of a saddler, that lives the next door to Serjeant's-inn in Fleet-street, and the pistols of one Palmer, over-against the Fountain tavern in the Strand. And being farther demanded, what other arms he hath provided for the lord Tuston, he faith, he provided none, except a coat of mail, which was prepared for my lord's own use, and to be carried with him also to Flanders; and that, trying the same upon my lord, it was found too big for him. And being asked, who accompanied him to the boat with the said box and trunk, faith, none but one mr. Edwards, dwelling in Clerkenwell, at one Edwards's house, and another young man, whose name was mr. Coates.
Major R. Creed to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 131.
Honourable Sir,
His highness did command mee to get the 40 case of pistolls from sir Henry Littleton
fixt and cleansed, because they was much out of order, in regarde they was throwne
into the water. They cost mee 5 s. the doeing. They are delivered into the governor of
Warwick castle. Sir, I have troubled severall honest men in Worcestershire to bring in
intelligence to mee, who doe spend a parte of theire tyme in coming to and fro to mee.
I am at present out for intelligence and other things about seven pounds, and am like to
expend some more dayly. It is no reason, that this should bee uppon my owne particular
account: therefore I intreate so much favour from you, if you think fit to deliver a
sum of money to captain Whitby, who is of his highnese's regiment, 20 l. is the least in
my judgment that you can deliver to him : hee will convey it to mee. I shall give you a
very true and just account of it. Sir, I hope you will pardon the presumption of him,
that desires to approve himselfe,
Gloucester, March 9, 1654.
Sir, your humble servant,
Ric. Creed.
Pray sir bee plesed to deliver the money as
soone as may bee, for I want it.
Major R. Creed to the protector.
Vol. xxiv. p. 133.
May it please your highness,
According to your highness commandes I am marcht with the two troopes that quarter
in Coventry, viz. Captain Palmer's and my owne, to this place, and doe thinke wee
came very seasonably, it being the assize, where are mett great concourse of people more
than is useally knowne to doe. I have secured major Robinson and major Coleburne
in this place, and would intreat your highness commandes for the dispose of them.
They are both notorious cavileeres, and very stout men. Robinson is a man of notable
witt, but Coleburne is a weake man in comparisson to him. I can get nothing out of neither of them. I have received very true intelligence out of Worcestershire of a very
great number of caveleeres, and severall of them considerable persons, who have had severall meetings at one doctor Watson his house, the teacher of the parish of Inkborrow, who
a desperate enemie. The persons, who doe useally meet with this doctor, are sir John
Winter, major Savidge, captain Laurance, one mr. Throckmorton, major Bushell, captain Bushell, mr. Fortiskue, captain Hanberry, and captain Beare. I have imployed three
honest countereymen in those parts, to have a dillegent inspection into all there meetings.
They doe come to mee from tyme to tyme, and bring mee the truest intelligence that I
can gett. It doth playnly appeare, that they have had a designe to rise in those parts, and
doe still indevor an accomplishment of it, as doth appeare by the inclosed papers. There
is my lord Windsor, and his brother, and several others, it is thought, is guilty. The
things do not visibly appeare, so as that the waye to proceed against them is playne as may
be desired; yet they have dayly and weekly convention togeather, which doth playnly appeare that they intend evell to the peace of these nations. I have this to present unto your
highness, that one, who writes himselfe Walter Gosteloe, did sent almost 40 bookes to one
mr. Humphereys, a bookseller in Warwick, in my judgment of a very dangerous consequence to your highness and these nations, and doth (as you may see cleerly) possitively
say, that he hath your highness lycence for what hee doth; which I doe beleive is a horrible
lye. The sayd bookseller liveing in Warwick, to whom they was sent, did come to mee,
and discover the matter, but sayd, hee was very loath to part with the books. I told
him, that if hee would not by fare meanes, I would force them from him, and punish
him alsoe, which I thincke would have bin the least of his desert, if hee had either concealed or sould them. Hee is affrayd, that the man will come for money for them, and
feares, that he must paye him for the bookes. They come to the sum of 40 or 50 l. hee
desired mee to save him harmlesse. I told him, I would, and paye him very well, if hee
would let me have a sight of the man that sent him the books, really beleiving, that hee
appeares not so publique as his booke demonstrates. I have sent all the bookes to captain
Whitby, who will present them to your highness, or to any, whom you shall appoint.
In the interim I have sent here inclosed a printed paper that goes along with the bookes,
and a letter from Gosteloe to the bookseller of Warwick. I have yet further to present
unto your highness, that about three weeks since there did march thorrow Warwick about
the dead tyme of the night severall men armed with sword and pistolls, and in the day
tyme likewise, who was judged to be rouges; haveing notice of the same I sent for 20
horse to guard in Warwick. Colonell Hauksworth and another did give mee this intelligence, but I did not rest satisfied with that, but searcht unto the rise of it, and spake with
two men, one of which told me the same; the other tells mee, that hee saw footmen
goe thorrow the towne, lusty proper men, another night; and it is generally so sayd by
many, who, as they lye in their beds, heare them goe along the towne; and that they
march a land's length distance each from the other, when in the towne, and when out
they ride immediately up togeather. It is thought they went towards the North, because
they went out at that end of the towne. It is sayd, they have marched in this manner
severall tymes; and yesterday, as I was marching to this place, one over took mee, and told
mee of a great meeting neere Warwick, pretending a football match, whereunto many
did ride and goe all that night, and many cavileeres were ingaged in the same. Whereupon I was forc't to send off a party of horse to disperse them, and accordingly they did.
There was a very great number theire, and it is judged, that they indevor by these things
to gett to randevouz. If I may speake playnly my judgment (setting selfe aside) I doe
judge, that Coventry or Warwick cannot be without a troop of horse, as the state of
things are; and there is noe troop in England can bee more serviceable then myne, they
being that cunterymen, and knowing it and all persons of quallity in it. Therefore I
humbly propose this to your highnesse, if it shall seeme meet to your wisdome, that one
of the troopes, which quarters in Heriford, may come hither to captaine Palmer's, and
that myne be forthwith sent to Coventry or Warwick. I sent severall tymes to Brackley
race, and uppon the day they was to run, but they removed there horses, and did not. I
intreate your commands touching sir James Hayles and mr. Steven Hayles his sonn, who are
both at Snitfield 4 miles from Warwick, that are mentioned in Gosteloe's letter to the bookeseller in Warwick. I intend to draw some more horse to Worcester at the great fare which
will bee theire about 2 or 3 weekes hence. It lasteth ten dayes, but useally theire doth
come a great number (but not of the best) of men, which will be a formidable way for
them to randevouze, if not prevented, if they have any intention soe to doe. I delivered
in the 40 cafe of pistolls, that came from sir Henry Littleton's, to colonell Hawkesworth. I
could not in conscience trouble the poor men in Worcestershire and elsewhere, who brought
mee intelligence, but that I must content them; and accordingly I did, and have employed them still, so that I must bee dayly expending money. I have just now heard of some
dangerous words, that major Roberts of Cheltum spake, and have sent for witness touching the matter. I thinke Warwick castle is a very convenient place to send any prisoners
to, that are hereabouts. I desire an order from your highness to that purpose, that any,
which are taken, which your highness shall not thinke fitt to give liberty to, may bee secured there. None will be received in without your highnesse's order. I know not what
to doe with that nest of cavileers in Worcestershire, more then to take bond for their
peaceable liveing. There was no troope in Litchfeild. I doe humbly intreate your highnesse's comandes to be sent with all speed by my souldier, who attends your highness for
the same. I have no more at present, but intreate your highnesse to pardon my tediousness at this tyme, and to beleive, that I am,
Gloc. March 9, 1654.
My lord,
your highnesse's faythfull
and humble servant,
Ric. Creed.
Petition relating to the isle of Jersey.
Vol. xxiv. p. 218.
It is humbly desired your highness will be pleased to appoint some persons to take a survey of the castle of Jersey, and to cause such reparations and additions of building to be made, as they shall judge requisite for the accommodation of the garrison; and to that end may be impowered to issue out monies, either out of the receipts of that island, or contingencies, as your highness shall think fittest.
That your highness will order some beds and coverlids for the use of the said garrison.
That some course may be taken, that a store of provision be laid in the said castle, to the end they may be provided against any sudden siege or danger.
That a supply be made of carriages and other materials for great guns.
Done already.
That your highness would be pleased to authorize some persons to call your receivers there to an account, and to take care of speedily bringing in what arrears are due to the receipt.
"His highness doth direct, that this paper be referred to general Desbrowe, col. Jones, col. Fiennes, mr. Strickland, my lord Lisle, sir Charles Wolsley, or any two of them, who are to take consideration of the particulars contained in them, and report with what speed may be what is fit for his highness to be done therein.
Jo. Thurloe.
Friday, the 9th of March, 1654.
Vol. xxiv. p. 217.
According to your highness's directions signified by mr. secretary Thurloe, we have taken consideration of the paper hereunto annexed, containing several desires in reference to Jersey; and do humbly offer it to your highness, as our opinion, that your highness will be pleased to refer the particulars in the said paper to the commissioners, which your highness shall authorize to go to Jersey, for making compositions with the islanders, to take consideration of the desires of the said paper, and to do therein what they shall find necessary and requisite for the safety of the island and the garrison there.
Nath. Fiennes.
Wal. Strickland.
A letter from Wrexham to col. John Jones.
Vol. xxiv. p. 137.
Deare and honoured,
What you mention of procuring the removeall of H. C. to some other guarrison
is not amisse, I thinke, if procureable, that hee might enjoy the comforts of his children and friends, who otherwise must travaile further to see him, where he is. Wee in
these parts would bee children of peace and love, and through mercy in part are so; yet
for our own defence, were forced yesterday to take armes against the old cavillier upon
certaine intelligence of an insurrection of Harris in Shropshire, and Kinaston by the
new bridge above Clan y Mynych, whence they were to enter Chirke, as one of their
friends hints in the inclosed, which since is confirmed; but the whole we have not, nor
do I thinke it is as big as some thinke, nor as small as others imagine. However our faire
(Hanner y Gwanwyn) here is now with us, and that party are providing horses, and divers
are gone out of towne to them; and our friends have beene up yesternight horse and foot,
after we had sent notice to Chirk, Chester, and Denbeigh, to looke to themselves. If
this swelling breake and not draw in, you will heare more of a scabby itching tumor.
All sorts seeme carefull to preserve the comon peace. The presbiterians and independents
make but one party in this. Just now newes comes, that they grow numerous, but two
colonells that were to head them besides Harris make some promise them a scattering of
them. This night these people here go on to the guard againe, having this day found
that partys of strangers not farr off from the towne yesternight assembled. We are for
peace, but if they begin, wee thinke ourselves called to defend our lives, if God sees good.
Wee thought to send to London the whole, to avoyd jealousyes, but it's thought needless.
Wee are well knowen, and the insurrection is not in a corner. I heare one or more there
killed already. This may prove a taile of a smoaking firebrand. If the Lord keepe us
within from the army within our owne hearts, the outward can do no hurt at all.
Wrexham, March 9, 1654.
The supercription,
To coll. John Jones, present. These leave
at the Goat in Paternoster-Row, neere
Paul's, to be hastened.
Avaugour to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Stockholm, March 20, 1655. [N.S.]
Vol. xxiv. p. 344.
My Lord,
The news which yours of the 12th of February brought me of your negotiation
were too much desired here, not to be received with much joye. All this court would
partake with me, and the king of Sweden himself, after he had understood the advantages, which may accrue to France by this accommodation, did not forget to give to your
function all the honour and glory, which is to be deserved in an occasion of that importance.
I shewed him my letters, which he read with much satisfaction, thereby declaring the affection,
which he bears to our crown.
We are waiting here till the waters be unfrozen, to transport the troops to such places, into which they are designed. The embassador of Poland is still waiting for new letters of credence, before he can be admitted to audience. He hath been here almost these three months to no purpose.
Mr. Ralph Kynaston to John Kynaston, esq;
Vol. xxiv. p. 139.
Cousin Kynaston,
Being my ill hap to meet with sir Thomas Harris, he gave me some relation of a
plot he had, and would sain engage me in it; but upon consideration I sent him word,
I would have nothing to do with it; and upon friday morning I went to Red Castle, to
acquaint the governor and the rest of them what I knew of it; whereupon they do keep
me prisoner. Now my desire is to you, to see whether I may have my enlargement upon
bail, considering my wife is not well at present. Not else, but wishing you all health and
happiness, I rest
Red Castle, March 10, 1654.
Your assured loving cousin,
Ralph Kynaston.
For his much honoured cousin John Kynaston,
esq; at Brim, these.
W. Crowne to the protector.
Vol. xxxvi. p. 342.
May it please your highnes,
Accordinge to my duty, I shall give your highnes this account since my last: the party
wee sent out to sir Thomas Harris, founde him in his howse with some sixe or
seaven more, and in the steble neere 20 horse sadelled, and 13 paire of pistolls, charged
and primed some of them; a litle barrell of powder, and a compleate suite of armes,
lyinge together in his barne, under a little straw, which our men founde, by a bridell
reaine lyinge on it, partly hidd, and partly unhidd; and in his studdy, bulletts
newly made, and the mould. And as our party marched through the villadge neere his
howse, a gentlewoman lookinge out a window said, Oh Lord! wee are undone; whoe
some of our men heard one say was his sister. The cheife with him is one that goeth
by the name of mr. White, a tall younge gent. 20 or 22 yeres ould, a great head of heare,
an ovell face, dark eyebrowes, whoe I had a thought once was the duke of Yorke, because
'tis reported to me, hee is come lately into these parts, and this gent. came from London
but sabath day at night last, into a privett malignant alehowse in our subburbs, being
brought thether by one Mungummery, a desperatt cavilere here, that went, as I believe,
to meet him at Dantry the last weeke, to which place, the gent. say, hee came of his owne
horse, and then sent him back by his man to London, and there fell into Mungomery's
company by chance, beinge a stranger to him before; and the munday after hee came hether, confesseth Mungomery carried him to a villadge 3 miles of, where sir William
Owen's house is, to an alehouse, where sir Thomas Harris sent him word he would meet
him, and then tooke him home. And sir Thomas Harris faith the same, but denys any
knowledge of a plott, but that White was come to be a servant to one of his sisteres, who
say hee hath noe kindred or freind in London, now they are out of town, except some
Dutch marchants, pretendinge hee is a Dutchman borne in Nyminghame in Hollande,
and lived at the Hague sometymes, and here and in Ireland sometymes. I tryed him to
give him leave to write to any kindred in London, and I would sende it, and helpe to
make way to your highnes; but hee refused, saieing, hee hoped he should not bee here
above 2 or 3 days, and liked his quarters well. The reason I have to thinke 'tis not the
duke is, for that hee would not leave a certainty, to hazard his life, without first haveing
a boddy in the felde able to defende him. 2dly, he faith, he hath bein in London a good
while, and kepte one sir Francis Mackworth company often, whoe is 5 weeks since gonn
over in Holland, as hee faith, to marry, and see . . . . . . . . . . . truth, and said lyekewife, hee hath often dranke his morning's draught, at a litle boarded howse by the Tilt
Yard, called Jacob's Well, with sir Francis Morris; soe as I believe the Duke durst not
be soe long in London. I heare my lord Wilmott is come down lately alsoe; and wee have
had 2 gent. of quallity this weeke guided up and downe the countrey; the one by the said
Mungomery, the other by one Salter, latly gone out of this garrison from his master,
whoe was at Worcester last. The one gent. thursday last was upon a heath 12 miles of,
comeing to this towne. A frende of myne sell into his company, a cuntry fellow, and
there, after they had ridd a mile, the servinge man inquired what newse here, and how
farre to this towne; tould him, hee that went before was your highnes sonn goinge for
Ireland privetly, having a troop of horse a litle distance of; but would not march with it;
and said, I could with my sword in his harte, for it will never be better, untill wee have a
kinge. But my frende replying noethinge, hee held his tongue afterward; soe as, my lord,
hear is great danger of this place, and your highnes troope did come in but halfe the
last thursday in the afternoone, and the other partie is not come from Darby. Wee beinge
soe weake, I sent out for some honest men to com into me with ther horse, soe that wee
are in all horse with the 20 wee tooke at sir Tho. 50, which were sent. . . . in parties
out constantly. I doe imploy foote scouts, of my . . . . . whoe doe bringe me what I
know, but I mayntayne my friends and scouts upon my owne purse, which will not hould
out long; and I humbly conceive there is a great fear of insurrections; our . . . . . and
wee must prepare to defend the people here and ourselves; and I dare not raise a man,
untill your highness gives me order. I desire but 2 dayes time to raise a troope of horse,
or a good partie of foote, soe I knew how to pay them; and 'tis the desire of all the good
people, that those whoe cause our troubles ane charges might bare the burthen now. Here
is not one gentleman come in yet, and trewly, my lord, but 2 that was frighted in thursday night, and are since gon home; but I have a second sorte of men, that will not faile.
I humbly crave your pardon for beinge soe tedious. If they come, I will sell my life at as
deare a rate as I cane; and, my lord, I ame
Salop, March 10, 1654.
Your highness most humble servant
as long as I live,
William Crowne.
Mr. H. Beale to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 140.
This morninge by eight of the clock I received my lord's order; in obedience to
which wee shall march with all possible speed, and goe as privately as may be about
our busynes with a vigelent respect to secure ourselves in our quarters, and shall very
shortly give you an accompt of our busynes, and where we are. Thus signifying unto you
that I am,
Gilford, March 10,
Sir, your humble servant,
Henry Beale.
The information of Edward Trumbel of Morpeth taken the 10th day of March 1654, before, &c.
Vol. xxiv. p. 211.
Who faith, that on thursday morning last he received two letters from major Thomas Carnaby, one of them to himself, and another to Thomas Cowld, wherein this informant was invited to a wedding and head-washing at Duddo; and goinge thither in the evening, he found men there with every of them pistolls about them, to the number of seventy or thereabouts; and that the report was among them, that that party would enter upon Sandgate that night, and that another party of three troops under the command of one Delavall was to come in at Westgate, and another party under the command of Willoughby or Cholmley to come in Gateside to take Newcastle; and staying there from eight of the clock till eleven, then came major Thomas Carnaby with one Pattison, major Hebburne's man, with others from Newcastle, having a white led horse there; and consulting with some of the rest about a horse, they then marched away Westward. And further this informant faith, that Edward Bell of Duddo told this informant, that he was to be in a plott about twenty days ago; and also faith, that there was one called a captaine, which brought fifty horse with blew capps with him, which he thinks to be Gawen Snawden.
This informant further faith, that there was one mr. Widdrington of Ritton, and Michael Windegaites, and William Aldcorne at this rendevouz.
Ch. Howard.
Capt. J. Griffith to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xxiv. p. 141.
The designe which hath been so long a haching is now put in execution (by our old
implacable enemyes the cavileers) in North Wales, wheare there are severall partyes
of horse and foote already in armes, as you may perceave more at large by the inclosed,
which are all true coppyes of intelligence sent us upon or since the 8th instant; since
which tyme the honest party in this cytty have beene upon their guard, especially in the
night tyme, the first guard being commanded by myselfe, as one of the sherriffes of the
cytty; and other well affected persons, formerly officers off the army, undertake to goe
on with the same duty, untill further directions be sent for the putting off us into a posture
off defence. Wee having at present the countenance and assistance of mr. mayor as to
his interest in the cytty, as also from lieutenant Andrewes, the officer at present commanding the castle, who herein, as in his former deportment since his coming hither, hath
aproved himselfe very faithfull and diligent. I shall not further mention the particulars of
their designe or their management, other then what you may perceive by the enclosed;
all which, I assure you, are true coppyes off the best intelligence I could obtaine, notice
whereof I have already sent unto colonel Henry Brooke, colonel Crockston, colonel
Duckinfield, lieutenant colonel John Brooke, and some others, that I know to be faithfull and persons of interest; and shall humbly make it my request, that such persons may
speedily be authorized in all these adjacent partes for the sudden cheque of those wicked
brood; for although some of those, as sir Thomas Middleton, sir George Booth, &c. in
some things possibly were unsattisfyed, yet against the cavilleers interest you may as safely
trust them as ever; and it will not bee convenient to fleight persons of eminency and interest
in their country, being assured of their fidellity. And for this cytty I shall humbly recomend captaine William Wright for the command of our foote, beeing a person in
every respect deserving of such a trust; and with whom no other citizen may pretend equallity in any respect. Heere are also captain Whittworth and captain Ridge faithfull and
ready in the service. And now give me leave one word by way of prevention, as to my
selfe, least any person thinck mee worthy a better command then I am. I must confess
my ignorance, and every way my incapacity as to foote service, my whole tyme in all
the late wars being spent in horse service, till after Worcester fight. I am just now informed
by the lieutenant of the castle, that hee hath received certaine intelligence from Wrexham,
that there came in thither last night, upon pretence of coming to the faire there, many
knowen cavilleers to the number of 4 or 500 mounted. Excuse my haste and confused accompt, for my thoughts and endeavours are more busyed to prevent their designe now then
to give you notice of it; wherein you may assure yourselfe of the dilligence, although
weake endeavours of,
Chester, March 10, 1654.
Sir, your most humble servant, Jo. Griffith.
General Monck to the protector.
In the possession of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.
May it please your highness,
I Have sent your highness heere inclosed a leter directed to colonel Overton, which was
found in a trunke of his at Edinburgh; and (I thinke) may bee of some concernment.
The discovery, where the trunke was, was by this meanes. There was a leter directed to
mr. Bilton, wherein two keyes were sent inclosed to bee delivered to the chirurgeon of
colonel Overton's regiment; and mr. Bilton being gon for London, the leter came to his
wife, who very honestly brought it me, being very much troubled, that any leter should
come to her husband from any, who was in the late plott. On which I ordered the judge
advocat to searche the trunke, who did soe, and brought me that leter. I alsoe present to
your highness heere inclosed another leter, which came from one of my chief intelligencers, by which your highness may perceive, that the Scots king has endeavoured to putt
this cuntry in a flame againe. And I am confident, if your highness doe but weighe the
letters well both of them, you will finde colonell Overton had a designe to promote the
Scots king's busines. I shall bee very carefull to inquire after this James Scot, who is
mentioned in the letter, that was found in colonel Overton's trunke, and to secure him.
I likewise send your highness heerewith a leter, which was inclosed to me from colonel
Cooper. I shall humbly beseeche your highness, if you soe thinke fit, that adjutant general Smith (who is a very honest mann) may (by your highnesse's favour) have the troope
late major Husband's bestowed uppon him; for I knowe him to bee an honest trusty man,
faithfull to your highness, and a good officer. I must humbly desire your highness to bee
carefull of sending moneis to us; for the soldiers begin to grumble for want of it; and
if it come not speedily, wee must bee uppon free quarter; but indeede the cuntry will
not bee able to bear the burden of free quarter. I humbly take leave, and remaine
Dalkeith, March 10,
Your highnsse's
most humble and most faithfull servant,
George Monck.
Judge advocate Whalley to the protector.
In the possession of the right honourable Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great Britain.
May it please your highnes,
Hearing that the inclosed printed letters were come to the hands of one James Wallace,
who keeps a change house or taverne in Edenburg, where major generall Overton did
constantly lodge, when he was in Edinburg. I examined Wallace strictly conserninge the
same; from whom they were sent, and what nomber, and where they were; and I could
not discover any more then three, that came to his hands, whereof the inclosed is one;
and the other two delivered to officers of the army, of whom I shall take a further account; and they were sent in the inclosed paper, but from whom Wallace will not be
knowne. I comunicated the same to the generall, whoe ordered me to acquainte your highness therewith.
Trulie, may it please your highnes, want of money makes the soldiers begin to mutter;
and one is to be brought to his tryall for mutenous words. I thought it my dutie to acquainte
your highnes therewith. I am,
Edenburgh, March 10,
Your highnes humble
and faithfull servant,
Hen. Whalley.
Mr. George Gleane to Jenkin Lloyd. esq;
Vol. xxiv. p. 146.
I Having had intelligeance from good christian frends this day of a riseing in Wales, I
thought myselfe bound to acquaint you therewith, by reason I feare it is more then a
report; for wee are informed, that there is two or three parties, one which disturbed
Wrixham faire, and gave the people there a frightfull an alarame, which rought to the
citty of Chester; another partie or two is sayd to be neare Cherke castle, and in the borders
of Shropshire. These things much troble, sadden, and afright all the good people hereabouts, but wee hope his highnesse the lord protector hath notis of it, if it be truth (which
we much feare) and will with all speed use the meanes to prevent there riseing. The intelligeance to us is, that they are cavilleares, and declare for Charles Steward. I with many
others intreate you to let mee receve 2 lines from you, what you heare of this busenesse,
by the next post. This adds to our feares. The generall report is, that the cavilleares are
beter horsed and armed in these parts then ever they were. Thus with my reall respects
to you, I ever remeane
Cheshire, Namptwich,
March 10, 1654.
Yours in the Lord
to the utmost of my power,
Geo. Gleane.
I beseech you lett me receve 2 lines from you in answer to this.
There came to mee just now a very honest godly man, and sayth he fought with one
of there scouts betwixt Oswestry and Welch Poole, he biding him stand, they were
for Charles the second, or king Charles. Most honest men flee from those parts, soe that
something is amisse, and wee are all at a stand heare, and know not what to doe.
The superscription,
For my much honoured Jenkin Loide, esq; at his
lodgeings in Whitehall, Westminster, these.
Col. Mackworth to col. Jones.
Vol. xxiv. p. 149.
Honoured Sir,
Havinge no other friend to whom I may make applications of this nature, and
havinge receaved very high obligations from you, and encouragement to transmitt
all buisnesse of consequence through your hands to his highnesse, I have made bold to begg
your delivery of this inclosed, conteyninge my endeavours in preventinge a dangerous desighne against this garrison, and how farr I have acted therin. I have many persons prisoners, that are apparently guilty. Many gentlemen of parts and interest in the countrey,
that I can lay nothing to their charge, but that they have formerly served the kinge, I
have likewise secured. Here is only seventy foote and one troope of horse in this garrison, too few a number to keepe it, and secure the prisoners. All my souldiers and myselfe
have beene this three whole nights and days upon constant duty. I begge that you will
acquaint his highnesse therewith, and likewise that you will obtayne his directions what I
shall doe with the prisoners, not having a sufficient guard too undertake their safe keepinge. Sir, I pray give me the favour by the next post of your receipt of this letter, from
Shrewsbury, March 10, 1654.
Your most oblieged humble servant,
H. Mackworth.
The superscription,
For the honorable col. Jones, a member of his highnes councill.
The examination of William Griffiths of Llauvullin in the county of Montgomery, taken the 10th day of March, 1654, before Humphrey Mackworth, esq; governor of Shrewsbury.
Vol. xxiv. p. 150.
Who faith, that he came upon friday last from Llauvullin aforesaid, and upon thursday before he met one mr. Edwards, who bid him take heed of himself; for that there was soldiers raised by sir Thomas Harris and one mr. Ralph Kynaston; and as this examinate came from Llauvullin, to a place call'd Llanamuny, he making enquiry after news, was informed by one John Long, that sir Thomas Harris, upon thursday morning last was at Llanamuny, and that upon that night afterwards there was a rendezvous of soldiers there, of about the number of 40 or 50 horse, that met there.
William Griffiths.
This examinate faith, that the said Long told him, that at the rendezvous, there were present mr. Tannatt of Abbertanat, and mr. Vaughan's sons of Kederwell, and one Thomas Humphreys.
Col. Copleston to the protector.
Vol. xxiv. p. 151.
May it please your highnesse,
I AM more than aboundantly thankefull, that you are pleased to take notice of my
weake endeavours to serve your highnesse; and though others may doe more, and
make greater oftentation, yett I will heartely contribute as much faithfullnesse, diligencie,
and integritie towards the preservation of the publicque peace, and that good interest your
lordshipp is soe zealous for, as any one whatsoever. How happy may these nations be ?
And what hath that bloody and restlesse generation to complaine off ? Would they have
dealt soe with us ? Certainly two years value would not have satisfied. Noe, I am most
confidently assured, they did and still doe intend nothinge lesse than the very utmost of ruine
and cruelltye. What preposterous requitalls they make for the great kindnesse shewed
them ? And ah! that which grives my heart, that there should now appeare so much backwardnesse to oppose them amongst those, that formerly were soe forward. The Lord
long preserve your highnesse over us. Certainly should wee loose you, I tremble to thinke
how sad it will be with all honest men.
I have compleated my regiment, and drawne 4 companyes into this cittie, it being the
center of the county. The other companyes lye in other townes. I have beene very curious
in the choice of officers, and I hope I may without vanity say, your highnesse shall find
(if there be an occasion) that they are able, and such as you may most confidently trust.
I have and shall to the utmost of my power take care, that I may be as little chargeable
as possibly to your highnesse, or griveous to the county. I cannot but acknowlege the
great respect and ready assistance I receive from captain Croke by your lordshipp's commands. I have caused a meeting of as many of the honest partie as I could, to advise,
who are most necessary to be secured. I have taken upp some, and sent for the rest. I
humbly begg your highnesse pardon for these rude blotts and impertenencies, which come
from him, that will never be other than
Exon, March 10, 1654.
Your highnesse
most faithfull and humble servant
Jo. Copleston.