A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 2, 1654. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1654: November (2 of 3)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 2, 1654, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol2/pp718-733 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1654: November (2 of 3)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 2, 1654. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol2/pp718-733.
"State Papers, 1654: November (2 of 3)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 2, 1654. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol2/pp718-733.
In this section
November (2 of 3)
Richelieu to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Vol. xx. p. 103.
My Lord,
I am newly come from the court, where I have understood, that the fleet of the duke
of Guise hath taken Reggio in the kingdom; that many of Apulia and Calabria have
declared for him; and that the earl of Quinze is to join 6000 men to him, for whom the
cardinal d'Esté hath practised and contrived a passage for them to come to him. The
pope doth refuse to give audience to the Spanish embassador. Cardinal de Retz is now
said to be either at Leghorn or Rome; certain it is, he is safe.
M. de Lionne is to depart this day upon his embassy to the princes of Italy.
The business of Bourdeaux doth break forth more and more. There are several apprehended.
Paris, 18. Novemb. 1654. [N. S.]
A letter of intelligence.
Paris, 18. Novemb. 1654. [N. S.]
Vol. xx. p. 95.
Here are several reports, that several officers of the army were at odds, and that some of the navy are also disgusted with his highness. The duke of Gloucester is to be made a Catholic, volens nolens. Many endeavours are used to persuade him to change his religion, whereunto he seemeth unwilling. His brother the king of Scots doth all that he can to persuade his friends here not to do it; but his mother is bent upon it.
News sent from Paris to Mr. Stouppe.
Paris, 18. Novemb. 1654. [N. S.]
Vol. xx. p. 93.
The princess of Conti is here still, having been hinder'd from beginning her journey into Languedoc to the prince her husband, by reason of her in disposition.
Upon complaint made to the king and his council, that the soldiers of the regiment of his guards commit daily great outrages and robberies on merchants and carriers resorting to this great city, so that they would forbear to come, and by that means all things grew dear; his majesty hath made an ordinance, strictly forbidding all soldiers to commit the like disorders, and commanding the duke of Espernon and the marshal of Grammont to look to the execution of that order.
Letters from Guise tell us, that the garison of Rocroy hath twice routed the convoys going to the marshal de la Ferté Senneterre, who hath besieged Clermont; which yet takes not away our hopes of the taking of that town speedily.
We hear from Valenciennes and Maubeuge, that a part of Condé's troops have made their approaches to Quesnoy, which that prince was going to besiege.
By the last from Marseilles and Toulon we understand, that the Portuguese fleet is not yet joined to the duke of Guise's armado; which makes a stop to the enterprizes of the said duke.
Novemb. 21.
The duke of Gloucester is boarded in the college of the Jesuits, called Clermont, three English Jesuits being appointed to be his tutors.
A post is come hither from the siege of Clermont, bringing news, that De la Ferté Senneterre laid so close against it, that it must yield, or be taken within few days, it being impossible for the prince of Condé to relieve it.
Some lords of this court having presumed to say, that general Blake had put to sea to set upon the duke of Guise, cardinal Mazarin said openly, he had my lord protector's word he should not do it.
That cardinal hath visited the lady Turenne at her own house; and in a conference of four hours testified unto her the great and infinite obligations he had to her husband, whom he called his right arm.
There's a rumour at court, that the king of Spain begins to be weary of the prince of Condé, under pretext his troops eat and oppress his subjects of Flanders in city and country, instead of going into Guienne, as he made him believe he would. But the wisest suspect, and say, that his dislike proceeds from the jealousy, which that king and his Spaniards have conceived against that prince, for the good opinion the Flemings have of him far above that of the Spaniards, every one, rich and poor, calling him their faviour after God. The prince, knowing that jealousy, and fearing some soul play from the king, endeavoured secretly (as it is reported) to make his peace with his own king, and his reconciliation with his state ministers.
The Protestants of Metz have suffered a great injury and violence, at the instigation of marshal de Schomberg's wife, won by Jesuits. It was about a place, which they had enjoy'd many years, and of which yet the said marshal de Schomberg gave the possession to the Jesuits, after he had seen for the Protestants, and their contracts, and evidences, and had burnt them before their eyes.
L'Estrades, the perpetual major of Bourdeaux, hath put many citizens in prison, among whom there is a counsellor and an advocate of that parliament, being accused to hold intelligence with the king's enemies, and to have had a conference with one Beaulieu, a gentleman of the prince of Condé, whom Grammont keeps in prison. It is said, there was no English in that conspiracy, but that it was held only with the Spaniard.
Marshal of Turenne came hither the nineteenth, having first put his troops in their winter-quarters.
Fleetwood, lord deputy of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xx. p. 89.
'Tis so late, that I shal be enforced to brevitie. I shall desire you would let his
highnes know, that I am endeavouring to find out coll. Allured's cariage, when he
was here, and shall give his highnes an accompt thereof with what speed I can. As to
the busines of reducing the forces in this nation, 'tis now under the consideration of some
officers, what to offer in order thereunto; and accordingly by commissary general Reynolds,
who intends to go hence about the end of this, or the beginning of the next week, we
shall send our sence of what wee conceave may with safety be done therein. I should
be glad to heare of your perfect recovery, and more frequently to receive lines from you,
who am,
8. Novemb. 1654.
Your affectionate friend and servant,
Charles Fleetwood.
Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorn, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xx. p. 115.
Honourable Sir,
'Tis advys'd from Rom, that the French fleet hav landed theyr soldiers at Tarento,
which is short of the gulf of Venis; and assoon as they wer landed, the ships came
about for Naples, wher they lye at a litle distance to aw it. If general Blak's fleet com
into the seas with any desyn against the French, (as generally believed by al here) I myht
hav bin servitiable unto them (if you had given me any such command) by meeting them
with advys of the motion of the French, either at Alicant, or any other port, wher they
may touch. And indeed if this be generall Blak's desyn, it had not bin amis to hav kept
a watch upon the French fleet. 'Tis advysed from Genoa, that the ambassador that state
sends for England to the protector, was departed by gally for Marseilles, and thence
throh France. Sir Lewis Dives was last week at Genoa, and with him one capt. Whitford, a Scotsman, that committed the murder on doctor Dorislaw at the Hague. They
hav theyr being with the French army in Piemont. Mr. Bartholomew Harris is to depart
next week for Spain, and intends to waite your commands at Cales, whither you may
pleas to send them to Mr. James Wilson for him. I hav paid him 40 l. for four months
pay, being agreed with him, as I writ you last week, for ten pounds per month: the
next four monthes pay you may pleas to order him in Spayne. What els I hav disburst
for your servis, followes hereunder:
Pieces of eight. | |
Four monthes pay to Mr. Harris, at 10 l. | 160 |
For Mr. Harris jorney to Tollon and back | 60 |
Disburst about you several Roman intelligence | 50 |
270 |
270 pieces of eiht is starling 67 l. 10 s. which I hav now drawn upon you in my bils payable unto Mr. Geo. Smith marchant, at two moneths after date, which you may pleas to accept and pay, when it growes due. Althoh the pope is recovered of his greate siknes, yet he is ever and anon drooping; and most men believ he wil not rub out this winter. The Spanyard has at lest fifty thousand men in several bodyes in the kingdom of Naples; so that most men believ, althoh the French be landed, they wil quickly be cut off: the event we shal suddenly know. An Inglishman, cald doctor Mathew Bacon in Rom, phisitian to cardinall Trivulcio, I am informed, wil be a very fit and able man for your servis there; and has good acces by meanes of that greate cardinal to the knowledge of most important affaires; wherwith I thoht it my duty to acquaint you. I am,
Leghorn, 20. Novemb. 1654. [N. S.]
Honorable Sir,
Your most humble
and faithful servant,
Charles Longland.
Leghorn, 20. Novemb. 1654.
I say receaved by mee
Sixty pieces of eight.
Barth. Harris.
In Leghorn, 20. Novemb. 1654.
I say receaved by mee
A hundred and sixty pieces of eight.
Barth. Harris.
Capt. Silas Titus to the protector.
Vol. xx. p. 121.
May it please your Highnesse,
I should not have taken this confidence uppon that little knowledg your highness
hath had of me, to have made my immediate addresses to your highness, had I not
beene encouraged to it by the favours, which I have heard your highness hath beene
pleased to graunt to others in my condition, uppon the like applications; and likewise beene
perswaded by others, that in this particular, what I should signifee myself, would give
your highnesse more satisfaction concerning me, then the representations of other men.
My humble request to your highness is, that by your highness's favour and permission I
may returne and live in my owne country, from whence, by the prosecution of that
course, which my engagements and relations lead me, I have soe long beene banisht. I
cannot expect, nor doe desire, that this favour should be graunted me, but uppon such
assurances, as I am able to give of my living peaceibly under your highnesse, and acting
nothing to the disturbance of that governement, from which I am to receive protection.
I am very ready to take that engagement uppon me; and hope, that what disadvantages
soever my following the dictates of that small understanding God hath beene pleased to
afford me hath layd uppon me, yet that none of my actions will be found to accuse me
of any unfaithfulnesse to my professions, or that can render my integrity in that kinde
lyable to any just suspitions. I shall give your highnesse no farther trouble in a businesse
of soe small moment and importance to you; only shall doe myselfe the honour to subscribe myself
Breda, 20. Nov. 1654. [N. S.]
Your Highnesse most humble servant,
S. Titus.
Barriere to the prince of Condé.
Londres, 20. Novemb. 1654. [N. S.]
Vol. xx. p. 107.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page images 721 and 722]
PAR mes deux dernieres lettres je mandois à V. A. ce que je craignois, qui arrivast ici touchant ˇ ¯ ¯ 80 ´ 82, qui certainement a esté fort 8, à est encore 61 x · ´ ¨ ` ˆ ¨ ´ ´ ˆ ` ˆ ¨ ´ ´ll ´ ¨ ˆ ˆ en l'estat ou font let affaires si toutes choses se changent fort / 0 ¯ · ´ ¨ ˆ ˆ ¨ 0 d 61 ni ayant rien d'avibly pur le gouvernement:/ ¨ ¯ ˇ ˇ ` ˆ ´ ˆ le parlement & le protecteur estant fort opposé, je ne doubte point que le protecteur demaure le maistre, / ˇ 61 13 16 ´ ˆ ´ ` ` ¯ ¯ ˇ ` ¨ a ˇ ¯ 17 ` ¨ ˇ f ¯ ˇ ˇ ` puis que je feur qu'illes / ¯ 59 ˇ ¯ ˇ ˆ ¨ c ˆ presentement / ´ a ˇ qui festet opposee / ´ ¨ ¨ ˆ ce prot. ne fit, / 9 16 ´ ` ˆ d ´ su c se si e / ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¨ & qui ne vouloit point qu'il eust une ´ d ¯ ¯ ˆ f ¯ ˇa; mais croy que peu à peu il la fera changer / ¨ ˆ de / ¨ fe / ¯ nt. / e ll en lui saisant voir, que si ˇ parl. est le majeur il cas se ra la arnée / 61 ´ ˇ ″ ˇ ` ¯ ¯ ˆ ˆ a a & qu'apres cela il voudroit scavoir les raisons pourquoy elle a rompue les deux derniers parlements / 61 ˆ de son ˆ x qui est un crime au / ˆ premier chef / ` ¨ ″ m & par consequent ou il va de la vi e / ˇ · ¨: ces raisons-là ra me ne ront à / ¯ ˇ ` ¯ ¨ seurement la partie de l'armée / ¯ ˆ ¯ ˇ ˇ ` x ∴ b 14 a ¯ sestet separée / ¯ ` ¯ ˆ de lui ˇ ces incertitudes font que 40 ne veut pas ce haster / ´ d ¯ ˆ de traiter 44 ne sachant pas encor ˇ lequel dessein d'eux le a pourroit tira, & il ne faut point l'estat de traiter que le parlement ne soit separé / ¯ c ¨ 81 ˇ u ` p ` ¯ ¯ ´ ˇ ´ ´ ` ¯ ¨ · ˆ ¯ ˆ 61 ` ¯ ¯ 51 ¯ ce qui ne ce fera que le prize de may / ˆ ¨ z /¨ car / ˆ on / ` la / ˇ pr / ` j lon / ˇ ge du / ¨ mo /ˇ ` ˆ ce qu'il va à craindre e'est que le ˆ Espagne ne faisant un le proposition, ˇ ˇ ˆ ` ¯ ` ou que la / ` ¯ ´ f / sse la / ˆ paix avecque la France / ` ˆ ` ¯ ` est fort persuadé, que cela ne se fera pas, II est vrai, qu'on croit que 49 qui est al lé c à la / ¯ ´ ˆ ˇ x ¨ ˇ ˇ ˇ ¨ ¯ ˆ ¯ ` a ˆ ¯ ″ ¨ le bruit est tout commun, que si ´ ¯ c ¨ ˇ ˆ ¯ ´ ¨ ¨ ´ ¨ ¯ ´ ˇ ¯ ¯ ¯ ˇ ` ˇ ¨ ¯ ˆ d ¨ ¯ ˇ ˆ ˇ ¯ a ¯ d ˆ ˇ ` ´ r ´ · ¨ ¨ · · ` ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ˇ ˇ dans peu de temps nous en ferson esclaircis.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]
Je vis heir 17 pour lui faire com p pli / ¨ ment de la part de V. S. far sa cheute & sur sa guerson / ˇ ¨ ˇ ` ¨ ¯ ¯ ¨ ´ ¯ ´ ¯ ¯ 85 a ¯ ¯ Je lui dis que j'en avois eu ordre / ` ´ a il avot long temps, mais que ma maladie m'avoit empesché de m'aquiter de ce devoir. Il n'y a forte de compliments ni de civilités au monde qu'il ne me fit pour V.S. / ` & me dit mil le de les choses / ˇ ˇ ˆ c ˇ far ce que V.S. avoit fait à Arras, & que ceste action avoit plus pu l'embass. d'Espagne de crainte en mieux de vos enemies, que s'ils en resent [...] Il le le finit, en me priant de mandre à V.S. qu'il le [..] asseurent.
Cardinal Mazarin to Mons. de Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Paris, 21. Nov. 1654. [N. S.]
Vol. xx. p. 133.
Vos depesches du 9° de ce mois ne m'ayant esté rendues, que depuis le depart de
l'ordre, je me contentera de me remettre à M. de Brienne; lequel ayant receu les
siennes, ait respondu à tous les points des vostres dez la femaine passée. Je me remets
de nouveau à ce qu'il vous a mandé des intentions du roy, après avoir bien examiné toutes
choses dans le conseil. J'adjoustera seulement, qu'il vous faut presser pour mettre une
sin à vostre negotiation. Je fuis très-aise de ce que vous me mandez touchant la levée
de 2000 Escosois. II ne reste que scavoir fi l'officier se contente du prix, que je vous ai
mandé, & en combien du temps il pourra faire cette levée, & s'il nous amenera tout ce
nombre de gens tout à la fois, toutes ces choses estant ajustées, l'on vous envoyera aussitost la commission, qu'il desire, & l'argent ne manquera point, pourveu qu'on soit asseurède ne le pas perdre, en cas que le dit officier n'executat pas ce qu'il aura promis; à quoy
je vous prie, d'autant plus de prendre garde, que nous n'avons point faict de pareil
traict´ en Angleterre, où nous n'avons esté trompé. Je suis, &c.
Intelligence from several parts.
Stockholm, 11. Novemb. 1654. [N. S.]
Vol. xx. p. 342.
HERE is little at present, our whole time being spent in entertaining the Holstein embassadors, who on wednesday night last were seasted magnificently by count Magnus; the king and queen present, with most of the nobility. This next week the great shews will be presented, and the embassadors, they say for certain, dispatched. Those forces mentioned in my last to be sent for Germany, have not farther order to break up; and it is believed will hardly this winter, we being in great hopes of peace with Bremen. Mons. Covet, one of the secretaries of state, goeth hence, in quality of envoy from his majesty to his highness the lord protector for England, intending to take Lubeck and Hamburgh in his way. He hath the ratification with him, which had long since been there, had not the king's nuptials, our late rix-chancellor's death, and this new one's absence, blinded it.
President Viole, to Barriere, the prince of Condé's agent in England.
Brussels, Novemb. 21. 1654. [N. S.]
Vol. xx. p. 147.
His highness doth intend shortly to go to visit those places, that are given him, which are Rocroy, Capelle, and Chastelet: for although Clermont be not yet surrender'd, I do not reckon it amongst the rest. He will also put his forces into winter-quarters, and will then come for this city.
The count de Charost, governor of Calais, to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
21. Nov. 1654. [N. S.]
Vol. xx. p. 141.
My Lord,
I have received yours of the sixteenth. This last post brought none for me, nor
for the court; which doth cause me to believe, that there is nothing concluded. I am
also informed by some lately come over, that the protector doth get to be master more
and more. I do believe, that one way or other they will put an end to your negotiation;
and I do wish it may be in peace, for I should go to Paris with more quietness of mind:
for if you do not conclude, I must be back in the Spring; for there is no pleasure in suffering one's self to be surprised. There is no news from court. Clermont is giving up the
ghost, the Spaniards making no countenance to relieve it.
Richelieu to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Paris, Nov. 21. 1654. [N. S.]
Vol. xx. p. 137.
My Lord,
All the letters from Oneilel, Genoa, and Marseilles, do confirm the arrival of the cardinal de Retz at Leghorn, as I writ in my last. They are not so angry now against
his person. It hath been propounded to send the marquis of Noirmoustier to his eminence, to assure him of his establishment, in case he will embrace the designs of the
court at Rome. But Mons. Servien, who had been the most violent against the said
cardinal, would have his nephew Mons. de Lionne, who is gone for Italy, to be the
messenger of this good news; and indeed it is part of his instructions.
On thursday last here arrived an express, bringing news, that the prince of Condé was enter'd into the country of Boulogne, with 6000 horse, and 8000 foot; and that Fuensaldagna was lodged at Lens with some regiments of foot; and that he had seiz'd on the next post of la Bassée to hinder the contributions. Great endeavours are used to persuade the duke of Orleans to return to court; but there is no great likelihood to persuade him to forsake his private life.
A letter of intelligence.
Paris, 21. Nov. 1654. [N. S.]
Vol. xx. p. 145.
The news, which I last writ to you concerning the duke of Gloucester, is now made
public here. He was then at Pontois with Mr. Montague, and had continued there
a month; and his tutor Mr. Lovell being commanded from him by the queen, it was
verily believed by all, that he had changed his religion: but since it seemeth, that he
hath resisted strong temptations and powers with much opiniastreté. He hath been a
second time for some three weeks at Pontois, attended only by his servant Griffin. But
his brother the D. of Y. hath sent for him, and was expected here the last night.
The marquis of Ormond arrived here on wednesday last.
They say here, that the French and English will have a peace, and that the cavaliers must be banish'd from hence as from Holland. What will then become of-some of your friends ? The prince of Orange's party doth get ground of those, that do oppose him in the Low-countries.
A letter of intelligence.
Rome, 22. Novemb. 1654. [N. S.]
Vol. xxi. p. 137.
Even now I received yours of the 23d of last month; and five days since another, of
the 15th of the same month. By your last I am fully informed of the protector's
perfect health, against many contrary advices. You may be sure here his few friends
will not sleep in giving forth what is duly deserved by his highness, &c. All the news
here are of Naples, where the French army landed at Castlemare, as you had before;
and after possessing themselves of it, within two days advanced to take the fort of Annuntiata, with about 1500 men, and there were met by lieutenant-general Putamilla, with
the Burgundian and German horse; where the French were routed, and most of them
slain, besides 150 prisoners, whereof their chief commander is one, all conveyed to the
city of Naples in pomp; in which city many are now discovered, having secret intelligence with the duke of Guise, for which they are committed and done: Blakes will
suffer; some are fled, and cannot yet be found. Now the French faction is up in Italy
and Spain, yet not out of danger.
The duke of Mantua is suspected by some, as inclining to fall off from the Spaniard, but not believed by the most prudent I converse with, as yet at all.
The governor of Milan marquis Caracena is very vigilant, and attends the French motions, who are said still to march with a party of horse in Naples. Caracena writ to cardinal Medicis, he had 8000 horse to wait upon them to the gates of Rome, and would not meddle with them till then: the next post will bring you more of it. I hear now, that general Blake's fleet and the Spanish fleet are in these seas, and soon expected near this city and Naples.
The pope is again indisposed, and cannot long live, if his indisposition continues.
It is really presumed now, Genoa will agree with Spain; for they agree not with the French in Piedmont.
The last letters from Venice bring, that their naval army, resolved for the enterprize of the isle of Scio, is recalled, and are now to resist the endeavours of the basha of Canea, who from basha Ussain expects 4000 foot, and many galleys, to besiege that garison.
General Mocenigo is still indisposed, but of great courage.
No more at present from,
A letter of intelligence.
Vienna, 12. Novemb. 1654 [O. S.]
Vol. xx. p. 306.
Yours by the last I received, importing the smooth proceedings of the parliament
with the protector, and his highness's perfect health, which many here will hardly
believe, by reason of so many letters come from Cologne to the contrary, and some from
London itself; but no great credit is given to them, but by such as wish them to be true.
Here we have nothing of R. C. and his affairs, but what you had from me in divers letters at full formerly, and this court affords not much of news at present.
The diet of Hungary is appointed to be the 20th of January next, at which time it is hoped his imperial majesty shall be able to be there present, being he daily now mends.
Some say, the coronation of the young archduke Leopold shall be deferred, till he comes to a sit age for him to be admitted into the electoral college.
The count of Budiani, to be revenged upon the Turk for his last invasions into Hungary, marched last week with some Hussars troops, and advanced far into the Turkish country, where he took very many prisoners, and slew a great number of them; and at his return took with him what inriched himself and his troops, without any offence to himself or his company.
The embassadors of Muscovy will part from hence within a few days, having taken their leave of the emperor, who ordered to be given to them several silver vessels as presents; and besides, that all their charges should be defrayed at his own cost, till they should arrive in the territories of the duke of Brandenburgh.
An embassador from Poland arrived here lately with a very great train; as also the count
of Staremberg, marshal of this court, who went to receive them two leagues off, with about
thirty coaches to convey them hither, and passed near the embassadors of Muscovy's house,
of purpose to be seen by them. The business of this last embassador, as reported, is to
signify the great grief of his master for the death of the king of the Romans: but tho' it
be so reported, sure he has orders to confer of the Muscovites business. Which is all of
news now, from,
Bordeaux, the French embassador in England, to cardinal Mazarin.
Vol. xx. p. 155.
LA lettre, que j'escris à Mons. le comte de Brienne, informera vostre eminence de l'estat
de ma negotiation, & les affaires de ce pays. Il ne me reste, qu'à luy faire scavoir,
que je suis convenu avec un officier Escoffois de la levée de 2000 soldats de sa nation,
pour douze escus d'Angleterre, qui sur le total de la levée ne fiuront que cent pistoles
plus que les escus de France, à condition qu'il lui sera laissé un corps de 800 hommes à commander, & de donner 3000 livres de gratification. Quant au payment, il pretend n'en
recevoir qu'une partie devant le transport, purveu qu'on lui asseure le reste, & offre aussi de
son costé de donner cautions, tant pour ce qu'il recevera, que pour l'execution du traicté.
La seule difficulté est, si l'on permettra le transport, sa permission le restraignant de ne pouvoir
passer qu'au service des princes & estats en amitie avec l'Angleterre.
23. Novemb. 1654. [N. S.]
Bordeaux, the French embassador in England, to Brienne.
Vol. xx. p. 149.
J'avois envoyé ma derniere despeche à la poste, lorsque l'un de mes commissaires me
manda, que le conseil ne voulut point accorder la reciprocation de l'article secret en des
termes esgaux, adjoustant qu'il estoit fort fasché de ces resolutions, & qu'il ne se mesloit
plus de mes affaires, jusques à ce qu'il vit les esprits plus disposez à nostre accommodement.
Le lendemain le principal commis du Greffe m'estant venu faire quelque civilité de la part
du sieur Thurloe, m'apporta des nouvelles bien differentes, m'asseurant, qu'il lui avoit commandé de dresser des articles aux termes, que je les pouvois à plus près desirer, &
qu'ils seroient prests pour le soir. Mais il est trouvé, que depuis l'ordre donné au commis,
il y avoit un changement de resolution, comme j'en fus entierement esclaircy par la response,
que Monsieur m'envoya samedy, tant sur le subject de la flotte de Blake, que du traicté.
Il confirma, que le conseil ne vouloit rien innover aux articles, qui n'avoient esté presentés,
& que S. A. ne croyoit pas, que je voulusse rompre, remettant à changer les ordres qu'avoit
sa flotte jusques à la conclusion du traicté. Je lui mande le mesme jour, puisqu'il n'y avoit
plus d'esperance d'accommodement, je le priois de me faire voir Mons. le protecteur, &
que sa majesté ne demandoit point à mon dit seigneur le protecteur, comme il paroist par
mon escrit, revocation des ordres, qui ont esté donnez à Blake, mais seulement pour prevenir tout ce qui pouvoit aigrir les esprits, & se descharger des suites, qu'un combat pourra
produire. Elle avoit desirée estre esclaircié des intentions de ce gouvernement, & que le refus
d'une response precise ne se pouvant prendre qu'en mauvaise part: si Mons. le protecteur
estoit dans d'autres sentiments, il me les devoit faire sçavoir au plustost, & par escript, à fin
que je puisse justifier mes diligences sur la premiere proposition. Il me repartit, que je ne
pouvois avoir audience ce mesme jour, ni aussi hier; & que aujourd'huy il reparleroit de
nos affaires; qu'après je pourrois demander audience, si bon me sembloit. Et quant à l'autre point, il promit de tracer un response par escript pour ma satisfaction. Je n'ai pas
depuis eu de fes nouvelles, & difficulement en recevrai je que demain, le conseil ne se
tenant que fort tard.
Je crois, que si tout le reste estoit accordé, on me laisseroit pas aller sans un accommodement; car le peuple ni le parlement ne prenent aucun interest à faire sortir la famille royal de France, & mesme, si cette question se traittoit par les suffrages de ce pays, je crois que nous serions priés de lui donner retraicte. J'ai tous ces jours fait quelque diligence pour estre particulierement esclairci de la force de la flotte de Blake, & on me mande, qu'elle est asseurement de vingt grand vaisseaux de guerre, & neuf petits pour piller, & que sept au huit autres la doivent aller joindre demain. J'aura les noms. L'autre flotte doit estre, à ce que l'on pretend, à Plymouth; & l'on parle tousjours de son depart. Le parlement avoit prins vendredi une resolution, qui affoiblissoit l'authorité de Mons. le protecteur, ne lui laisfant la voix negative que dans les cas, que le parlement declareroit; mais le lendemain l'a changé, & le protecteur aura la voix negative dans tout le cas, hors ceux que lui & le parlemt excepteront. La premiere avoit donné lieu de croire, que ce corps devoit estre rompue. Je viens de recevoir response du secretaire d'estat, qui me mande, que le conseil ne veut rien changer, & mesme de soi mesme ait offert de me faire donner audience. C'est l'effect de la conference, qu'ait eu le protecteur. Après tant d'advances sa majesté ne voudra pas rompre sur la reciprocation de l'article secret.
23. Novemb. 1654. [N. S.]
An intercepted letter of lieuten. colonel Mercer to lieuten. general Middleton.
From the wood of Mossinge, 13. Nov. 1654.
Vol. xx. p. 225.
Haveing occasion, I could not but tender my respects, with the earnest desire to waite
upon your excellencie; for truly we may say, if please God wee meete, that wee have
past the prickles; for every body gives us for lost, and consequently fewe friendes. I have
bin with that lost friend over and over, still pressing hee may keepe his assurance to mee,
which he still professes hee will. If ever your excellencie come neere this country, hee will
waite upon your excellencie; but to goe with our small party hee thought it very dangerouse for him and us both. There is one report come to my eares, that my lord
Seiforth, his uncle Pluskartie, and Coule, had one commission from my lord to capitulate
for him. They were people of note, that tould mee this; but whatever this people were
doing for my lord Sieforth, I trust they have noe comission from my noble lord to that
effect. Noe farther, but that I am, and ever shall continue,
Your Excellencie's
most humble servant,
James Mercer.
For his excellencie lieutenant-general Middleton.
An intercepted letter of lord Dudop to lieutenant general Dalzyell.
Vol. xx. p. 157.
Right honourable,
Leaste ye should beleeve I am sick, till ye see from our hands, it may bee ye would
not beleeve the contrary. Our condition is such, we drink nothing but strong ale
and aqua-vitæ, eate the fat of the land. Wee have it assured us, that you all are capitulate
in generall, as ye are to have the command of the new leavyed capitulate forces for
Spaine. I have a notable litle horse for you; Cromwell has none such. I will keepe him,
till wee meete, which I wish may bee shortly; for it is much longed for by
Abernethee, 14. Nov. 1654.
Your humble servant,
Sir, ye shall know, that wee drink the king's health, the general's, and your health, in good Usquaba and brave browne ale.
For the right honourable lieuten. general Dalzyell, these.
An intercepted letter of lord Kinoule to major general Drummond.
Vol. xx. p. 163.
I doe write unto you, and the most of my businesse is to desire you would take care of
my horse. You may by that guesse, how litle I have to say; yet because it is the
fashion to write some newes, I will not out of the mode. The report goes of great divisions at London; but whether it be soe, or not, troubles mee not much: for being confident, that the kinge's businesse will prosper, it concernes mee not, if theire owne divisions
or other mens be the occasion of theire fall. As for ourselves, wee are very unworthy to
bee made instruments of the recovery of this nation; the most, that ingaged in it, having
diserted the businesse most unworthily; and severall, that stayes yet in the service, retaineing
something of too particular interest and oppinions. David Ramsey, major Watson, Arlengie Steelhand, are of the number of those, that hath quitt us. I could name many
more; but you shall finde them out by telling you, there is onely here my lord Dudop,
lieut. col. Mercer, major Towlerton, who commands Mc Noughton's party, my lord Napier,
and my lord Selkirke, that hath stayed behinde; and some other gentlemen, that hath
noe command but of themselves. These is all, which hath stoode for me since the generall's
goeing from this, and who I hope will continue soe untill meeting. I am, Sir,
Abernethee, 14. Nov. 1654.
Your humble servant,
Mr. John Aldworth, to his brother Rob. Aldworth esq;
Mars. 24. Nov. 1654. [N. S.]
Vol. xx. p. 167.
Moste deare Brother,
My last unto you was of the twenty-seventh currant: the present is only to give you
notice, that five dayes past arrived at Thollon an ambassador from the states of Genoa,
that goes for England. The duke of Guese have taken two townes, viz. Tarante and
Brindes, being sea-ports. The prince of Barlefact hath supplyed him with 15,000 men:
4000 French horse hath passed by Roome to joyne with him. Alsoe the grand duke of
Florence is afrayed of general Blake's fleete, having putt store of gunns upon all the walls of
the sea-ports. A greate rayne having lately fallen at Genoa, hath destroyed a great quantity of howses. If you thinke fitt, you may impart this to secretary Thurloe; and if it be
his desire I should acquaint with what passeth, pray advise me per first. I am in haste, but
ever remayne
Your affectionate brother,
John Aldworth.
This advise I had from Genoa, by the galley, that brought the ambassador, that goes for England.
I hope you have obtained my commission with the greate seale, or else I can doe nothing.
For Robert Aldworth esq; in London.
The king of Denmark's agent in England to the commissioners of the admiralty.
Vol. xx. p. 169.
Nobilissimi ac amplissimi Domini,
Tertius jam agitur annus, ex quo motus miserrima præsentis subditi regis mei conditione clarissimum dominum doctorem Walker, istius curiæ advocatum longe meritissimum, per literas solicitavi, ut calamitaris hujus senis insertus, ruptisque longioris quo hic
detinetur processus ambagibus, tædiosæ liti ex æquo sententiam claret, justitiamque insonti
absque ullo reservato adveræ partis jure agendi saceret, vel brevi supplicio contentus illum
confestim damnaret, miserumque ad patrios lares dimitteret.
Quam infelici successu hoc a me attentatum est, frequentes suorum in Norwegia sociorum ad me literæ, ac quotidianæ clientis querelæ satis superque demonstrant, in cujus causa decidenda annus annum trahit, lenteque ac articulatim immani hac dilatione discerpitur, cum semel perire poterat. Cum vero inter alios articulos, de quibus divina savente gratia inter serenissimæ celsitudinis suæ consiliarios & me conventum est, unus est tenoris sequentis:
Quod utraque pars subditis ac populo alterius jus & æquum secundum uniuscujusque regionis leges ac statuta celeriter, ac absque prolixis & non necessariis ambagibus ac impensis, administrari faciet in omnibus causis & litibus etiamnum pendentibus, vel quæ deinceps exoriri possint: non potui non dominationibus vestris eo, quo debeo, respectu senescentem hanc cæterorumque regis mei subditorum causas commendare, simulque rogare, ut pro congenita iibi integritate, ac summo justitiam æquabliter administrandi amore, ex præscripto tractatus, ac æquissima omnium divinarum humanarumque legum norma candem regis mei in Anglia subditis justitiam concedant, quam Anglis in Dania fieri cupiunt, certo sibi persuadentes, nihil regi meo magis curæ ac cordi fore, quam ut quæcunque vi ac vigore hujus tractatus promissa ac reciproce concessa sint, sancte & religiose in omnibus regiæ suaelig; majestatis dominiis observentur: nec dubito quin illud idem nobis in Anglia continget. Quod si dominationes vestræ faciles mihi addixerint, regisque mei subditi hanc ex vestro favore assecuti fuerint gratiam, non indignos meæ legationis feram fructus, quorum is primus erit dominationes vestras rem hoc ipso fecisse nomine suo dignam, regi meo gratissimam, mihique inter feliciora semper numerandam: quod mea intercessio hoc apud dominationes vestras habuerit ponderis, quas Deus Opt. Max. quam diutissime sospitet atque fortunet.
Londini, 15. Nov. 1654.
Henricus Willemsen Rosenvinge.
The superscription,
Nobilissimis ac amplissmis supremæ in Anglia curiæ admiralitatis præsidi, judicibus, ac assessoribus, salutem & officia paratissima.
Copia literarum domini Rosenvingii ad doctorem Walker.
Vol. xx. p. 171.
Salutem & officia !
Inter alias causas, clarissime vir, quas habuit rex Daniæ, ac dominus meus clementissimus, suos in Angliam mittendi legatos, non minima suit subditorum suorum damna ex lento
nimis ac sumptuoso quorundam tribunalium in cognoscendis decidendisque litibus, administrandaque justitia, progressu. Cujus rei infelicissimi præsentium literarum exhibitores testes
erunt, quorum alter in prosequenda sua contra Nicolaum Budier & Michaelem de Haes causa
plus temporis consumsit, quam Græci in capienda Troja; undecimus enim annus agitur, ex
quo infortunatus hic senex, cæterique navis, de qua agitur, instructores ex immani litis dilatione, partisque adversæ vel malitia, vel apud nonnullos favore, misere pereunt, absque ulla spe
emergendi, vel videndi tædiosæ causæ sinem, nisi tua humanitas ulteriores ambages amputando
diuturno malo remedium inveniat. Quocirca, clarissime vir, te rogatum volo, speroque, ut
pro innata tua rectitudine ac sinceritate aliqua languescentium regis mei subditorum commiseratio te capiat, moveatque laudatissimum patriæ meæ institutum, quo cautum est, ne tempus
in judicandis peregrinorum, præsertim Anglorum causis, unius anni mensuram excedat.
Cætera litigantium narratio, supplicesque libelli tibi aperient, ex quibus ubi explorate cognoveris
quanta cum illis sit actum injuria, non dubito, quin tantam in decidenda tam justa causa
cunctationem ipse damnabis, partisque adversæ malitiam & mendacia detestaberis. Vale,
clarissime vir, ac justitiæ mihique save. Dabantur Londini, mensis Junii die octavo, anno
Henricus Willemsen Rosenvinge.
The states of Holland and West-Friesland to the parliament of England.
Vol. xx. p. 193.
Ordines Hollandiæ & West-Frisiæ non ita pridem literis suis ad serenissimum celsissimumque dominum protectorem Angliæ, Scotiæ, & Hiberniæ id enixe petierunt atque rogârunt, quo id auctoritate sua effectum dare dignaretur, ut subsidia ab Anglica republica, conscio atque auctore amplissimo parliamenti consessu, reginæ Bohemiæ promissa exsolverentur, indeque afflictissimis præfatæ reginæ rebus succurreretur, simulque creditoribus civibus nostræ reipublicæ nostrisque subditis satisfieret. Sed cum nihil hactenus in hoc negotio, quantum quidem scimus, definitum sit, slagitantibus & quotidie nos interpellantibus prædictis nostris bonis subditis, hasce commendatitias alterasque ad celsitudinem suam, ut & tertias celsitudini & parliamento inscriptas, denegare non potuimus, enixe rogantes atque obtestantes amplissimum hunc parliamenti consessum, ut sibi hancce rem, utpore quam maxime commiseratione dignam, cordi esse velit, damnumque miserorum creditorum, vel potius ruinam, beneficentia sua, & in reginam collata liberalitate avertere dignetur, (qui nist suum consequantur, una cum omni familia sunditus perditi de fortunis suis periclitentur) præsertim cum in creditum iverint earum fere rerum nomine, quas ad victum alimentaque vitæ necessitas requirit: adde quod probe gnari sæpius memoratam reginam non esse solvendo, omnem solutionis siduciam, tanquam certo innixi pignori, in prædicto liberalitatis promisso posuerint.
Nulli dubitantes, quin id ad effectum deducendum foret, præsertim cum & parliamenti decretum accesserit: ideoque & ordines Hollandiæ West-Frisiæque omnino certam habent siduciam, ad subditos suos beneficientiam vestram perventuram, eosque liberalitatis vestræ fructus percepturos esse. Ita Deus Opt. Max. parliamentum reipublicæ Angliæ, Scotiæ, & Hiberniæ sospitet, florensque conservet. Datum Hagæ-Comitum, 27. die Novembris, 1654. [N. S.]
Ad mandatum ordinum HollandiÆ & West-FrisiÆ
Parliamento reipublicæ Angliæ, Scotiæ, & Hiberniæ.
Fleetwood, lord deputy of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xx. p. 245.
There is a letter to his highness from the councell, and instructions about publique
affaires to the commissary general, prepared, which he was intended to have bine sent
with this weeke: but by reason that this last weeke's packett is not come, I have staid him
till the next, who will bring the sence of the councell as to the number of forces to be continued in Ireland; the least of which number you will see in mine to his highnes, in which
also is sent two depositions concerning coll. Allured; and more of that kind will suddenly be
sent; and I am persuaded it wil be noe losse, but againe to the reputation of the government, if mercy be showne to a person, that hath made himselfe so liable to justice. He did,
I presume, very well understand, soone after his arrival heere, the temper of this army,
which might make him the more cautious to whom he spake. I must once more entreete
your favour to this honest bearer cornett Bradley, that you would please to enlarge his present
salary, or provide a better imployment for him, for my sake. I know him to be a faithfull
and deserving person, and your respects to him wil be a kindnes to
Dublyn castle, 17. Nov. 1654.
Your humble servant,
Charles Fleetwood.
The prince of Anhalt to secretary Thurloe.
Dei gratia, nos Johannes princeps Anhaltinus, comes Ascaniæ, dynasta Servestæ, Bernburgi, &c.
Vol. xx. p. 199.
Vir magnifice & nobilissime, singulariter a nobis dilecte,
Ante omnia referimus vobis gratiam & salutem nostram officiosam; & postquam intelleximus a delegatis illustrissimi domini Antonii Guntheri, comitis Oldenburgici, & avunculi nostri amantissimi, dilectis nostris vos ipsis in negotio de mandato apud serenissimum ac
celsissimum dominum Olivarium, dominum protectorem reipubl. Angliæ, Scotiæ, & Hiberniæ, & dominum nostrum singulariter suspiciendum, conficiendo præsto suisse, hoc ipsum
vestrum officium nobis exhibitum existimavimus, & acceptum tulimus. Pro eo itaque vobis
gratiam agimus, & operam dabimus, quo hoc officii genus demereri atque re ipsa reponere
possimus. Interea rogamus, & pergratum nobis semper erit, ut bonum affectum suum erga
nos continuet; & si forte negotia contigerint, ad expedienda illa, uti hactenus, benevolum &
officiosum se nobis præstare non dedignetur. Sane hoc nos devinctos vobis reddidisse libenter
fatebimur. Dabamus Servestæ. die 27. Novembris, anno 1654. [N. S.]
Vester gratiosissimus,
Johannes P. Anhaltinus.
Viro magnisico & nobilissimo, singulariter nostro dilecto, domino Johanni Thurloe, secretario status reipublicæ Angliæ, Scotiæ, & Hiberniæ.
Bordeaux, the French embassador in England, to Brienne.
27. Nov. 1654. [N. S.]
Vol. xx. p. 177.
My Lord,
The letter, which you were pleased to write to me, came time enough to confirm me
in the resolution, which I had taken to declare to the lord protector, that his majesty
doth desire to see an end of my negotiations, and upon what condition he doth desire to treat.
For these three weeks last past I have demanded audience for that purpose, and after several
remises and delays upon different pretences, the master of the ceremonies was sent unto me
two days since, to advertise me, that I should have audience to-morrow. And in regard
the lord protector is informed by the said discourse, which I had with the secretary of state,
and my commissioners, of the subject of the said audience, without doubt he will have taken
his resolution.
The points, upon which we cannot agree, are reduced to three: the first and most difficult to resolve doth consist in the precedency of place, the lord protector naming himself before the king in the instrument; the other, in the submission, which he will make in general terms, at the arbitrage of Hamburgh; and the last, in the reciprocal clause of the private article, which he will reduce to particulars; which I am to name to him, without tying his hands for the time to come. I do make account to declare to him, that his majesty cannot acquiesce in the first; and to offer to him, that there shall not be spoken in the title, nor in the articles, of his majesty, nor of the protector. If the proviso mentioned in my foregoing letters had been agreeable, I would have proposed at the last; but since I receive no answer upon that overture, I will not speak of it. I will also declare, that his majesty cannot consent, that the senate of Hamburgh should meddle with maritime laws and ordinances of France. As for the last point, that seemeth the easiest to overcome, although at present it is the only obstacle, which doth appear in the treaty; since that the secretary of state and the commissioners were agreed, that my lord protector did not receive the commissioners of our rebels, but that he would not oblige himself in writing. If so be he doth not give me upon the one and the other some satisfaction, I will declare, that his majesty will not treat upon other terms; and that my stay here in England henceforward cannot choose but tend to the prejudice of the dignity of France.
Upon all this, my lord, you will be pleased to give me precise orders; and also concerning my return, in case the audience to-morrow doth not produce any effect.
The honour nor the service of his majesty will not permit me to stay any longer in England, without shewing much lowness of spirit, after I have declared his majesty's intentions. There are some, that will persuade me, that the intentions of the government do not tend to peace. A Scotish officer told me, that having demanded of the lord protector, how to raise and transport into France some Scotish soldiers, that it was denied him; but that he had leave given him to treat with Spain. Withal I perceive, that they now begin to hasten the imbarking of those troops designed for the enterprize, whereof hath been spoken so long since,
The Spanish embassador to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xx. p. 207.
Señor Mio,
Estandos los embaxadores y ministros publicos en la proteccion de milord protector,
no dudo, que se servirà de no consentir, que yo sea maltratado, de la manera que lo soy
en cosa que toca a la reputacion, y assi imploro, el auxilio, y autoridad de su alteza, para
que me valga contra la malicia de gente que como a estrangero me quiere ultrajar en el
negocio que contiene la remonstranza inclusa para milord protector, de cuya justicia espero
el remedio, mediante la justificacion de V. S. a quien suplico me haga el favor de ponerle
en manos de su alteza quanto antes, y procurar el despacho necessario que en el se pide
con toda brevedad, pues solo ay de tiempo el dia de mañana lunes, para que se pueda
impedir la execution del vere dictum, y guarde Dios a V. S. muchos años como desseo.
Oy 29/19. de Novembre, 1654.
Moy gran servidor de V. S.
Don Alonso de Cardenas.
The Spanish embassador to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xx. p. 213.
Don Alonso de Cardenas del consejo de su magestad Cattolica y su embaxador en Inglatera, representa a V. A. la gran congoja en que aora se halla viendo su honrra y reputacion herida con lo que sucedio en la corte de justicia de V. A. llamado el banco alto en una causa pendiente entre Edmundo Meynell actor, y Egidio Mottet, su secretario de lenguas defendiente, sobre una pretendida promesa que el actor supone haverle hecho el dicho Egidio Mottet, de boluerle una escriptura obligatoria de mano y fello del dicho embaxador de £ 305 esterlinas de principal, que alega el dicho Meynell entregò al dicho Egidio Mottet, y quele prometio boluersela dentro de diez dias, y que por no haverlo complido havia recivido £ 500 de daño, y haviendo el dicho Egidio Mottet negado lo alegado la causa llegò a Juycio el Juebes pasado ante el se or justicia mayor Roll, y con producir un solo testigo persona no conocida, y en su habla forastero, y con deponer solamente que el dicho Mottet havia confesado de tener la dicha escritura obligatoria, y prometido de restituir la, declararon los jurados la promesa por valida, y condenaron al dicho Mottet a que pagase la dicha suma de £ 305, con los daños de que se dara y exequutara la sentencia el Martes proximo venidero, si V. A. ne se sirve de remediarlo antes. No obstante esto el dicho embaxador no pretende quejarse ni de las leyes, ni del juez ante quien se viò la causa, ni tam poco haze caso del dinero para dar a V. A. este ensado, pero como se halla tan interesada su honrra y reputacion en este negocio y estima tanto la verdad y justicia no puede dejar de suplicar a V. A. se sirva de amparar este negocio en que el dicho embaxador y su secretario de lenguas estan sumamente agraivados, y si se permitiese que el juri que diò el vere dictum (sobre el solo testimonio de una persona de tan poca consideracion, y sobre una confesion sin testigos, lo qual ne es facil de contrabobar) no suese reprobado por sullagueza y inconsideracion que tuuo en este negocio. Cierto es que el Meynell y el testigo que produjo estan enel gravemente acriminados, porque el dicho embaxador asegura y protesta a V. A. por esta presente sobre su honrra que nunca ha firmado, ni sellado escritura alguna obligatoria al dicho Meynell, ni para su uso, ni para el pagamento de dichas £ 305 esterlinas, ni de niguna otra suma de dinero, ni tam poco havido causa ni razon para hazerlo, ni jamas ha tomado noticia del dicho Meynell, sino' en la manera signete; a saber que en 14. de Junio de 1646. el dicho embaxador hizo capitulaciones con el coronel Juan Morphie, que se simaron y sellaron de ambas partes reciprocamente, para transportar un tercio de infanteria a Flandes, y se obligo el dicho embaxador de darle un mes de avanzo que se pago de contado en conformidad del ajustamento y el dicho Meynell algunos años despues boluio a Inglatera y truxo consigo alguna certification de Flandes, en que constaba que era capitan en dicho tercio, y la entrego al dicho Egidio Mottet pidiendole las mostrase al dicho embaxador, y le procurase una carta de recomendacion para el gouvernor de Flandes, a sin de cobrar algunos pretendidos atrasados, ò cosa a este proposito el qual papel mostrò el dicho Egidio Mottet al dicho embaxador, que mando entregarle a su secretario decifra, y no haviendo el dicho Meynell en un año entero buelto a pedir su papel, parece que se perdiò por que haviendolo buscado no se hallò. Supuesto el dicho embaxador suplica a V. A. se sirva de considerar que ignominia y deshonrra suya fuera no solo de haverse obligado al pagamento de algun dinero sin cumplirle, pero tambien de retener la obligacion en su poder, ò en el de su secretario sin restituyrla a su dueño y quan improbable cosa es que un forastero entregasse una escritura de tanto interes suyo en manos de un secretario del dicho embaxador. Sin tomar recivo del, y tambien en que riesgo estan todos los de esta nacion de perder sus estados, vidas, y honrra si el testimonio sencillo de una persona como lo es dicho testigo prevaleciese con una supuesta confesion contra tan aparente improbabilidad, y contra la pura verdad que el dicho embaxador a firma a V. A. y a todas las cortes de justicia sobre su honrra, y afirmara su secretario de cifra por su juramento, que es el que tiene estrecha quenta de todas las obligaciones y escrituras que se han hecho y sellado por el dicho embaxador, que no sabe nada de dicha escritura que pretende el dicho Meynell, y teniendo el dicho embaxador tanto resguardo a las leyes y al curso de la justicia no sabe que pedir en particular a V. A. pero en lo general le suplica se sirva de mandar se le haga justicia quanto antes para que el dinero no llegue a manos del dicho Meynell, ni de su testigo herida la honrra del dicho embaxador; y si boluiendose a oyr la causa en la forma que se deve ante juezes entendidos y justos provare y constare que el dicho embaxador haya dado al dicho Meynell alguna escritura obligatorio, ò papel de este genero, para el pagamento de algun dinero, le pagara ciento por uno, y si pareciere, que el dicho Meynell ha agraviado al dicho embaxador, y su dicho secretario de lenguas, espera que V. A. mandate se le haga justicia y estimara por gran favor que V. A. se sirva de recomendar este negocio al señor sargento Glin, ò a qualquier otro de los sargentos y letrados de V. A. para que moviendo dicha causa admita la corte que se buelva aver o por lo menos se suspenda al juycio hasta con el dicho su secretario pueda por via de equidad en la alta corte de la chancilleria de V. A. hazer constar la maldad y sealdad del hecho lo qual no duda harà si se llegare a examinar estrechamente el actor y su testgo. Fha en Londres, a 29/19. de Novembre, 1654.
Don Alonso de Cardenas.
The king of Poland to the protector.
Joannes Casimirus Dei gratia rex Polonix, magnusdux Lituanias, Russiæ, Prussiæ, Masoviæ, Samogitiæ, Livoniæ, Smolensciæ, Czernekoviæque; necnon Suecicorum, Gottorum, Vandalorumque hæreditarius rex, serenissimo principi domino Oliverio Cromvellio, Angliæ protectori, amico nostro charissimo, salutem & omnis selicitatis continuum incrementum.
In the possession of the right honourable Philip ld. Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of GreatBritain.
Serenissime Princeps, domine, amice noster charissime,
Non permiserunt continua ab initio suscepti regni nostri cum rebellibus nostris & barbaris
bella, ex eoque graves curæ, ut animi nostri propensionem serenitati vestræ declararemus; quæ etsi nondum componere potuerimus, noluimus tamen diutius differre hanc optimi
affectus nostri in serenitatem vestram testificationem. Itaque mittimus ad serenitatem vestram
internuncium nostrum generosum Nicolaum de Bye, nostrum Hagæ-Comitum residentem,
qui propenæ voluntatis nostræ in serenitatem vestram interpres erit, simulque nonnulla exponet, quæ tam serenitatis vestræ gloriæ, quam regno nostro, non parum sunt prosutura.
Quare speramus serenitatem vestram internuncium nostrum libenter auditurum, & vicissim
suum erga nos regnumque nostrum studium benevolumque animum hac occasione declaraturam. Quod serenitatem vestram rogamus, eique felicissima quasvis ex animo optamus.
Datum Grodnæ, die xxx. mensis Novembris, A. D. 1654. regnorum nostro Poloniæ sexto,
Sueciæ vero septimo anno.
Ejusdem Serenitatis vestræ benevolus amicus,
Joannes Casimirus, Rex.
Hanc copiam cum suo originali concordare assirmo N. de Bye.
Brienne to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.
Vol. xx.p. 97.
La vostre nous oblige à vous dire sur les choses, desquelles il vous a plû escrire, de ne
perdre aucun moment pour avancer vostre negotiation. Et pour le article, au quel il est
sait mention des rebelles, vous serez, qu'il soit bien entendu selon l'intention du roy comprise
en ma derniere. La dureté des Anglois, de ne point relascher les vaisseaux Hollandois
chargez des sels pour la fourniture de nos greniers, nous oblige de vous dire d'en parler
dereches aux ambassadeurs, de faire des nouvelles & vives instances pour faire relascher les vaisseaux & le sel, comme il est de leur interest.
Certes, je pese en mon esprit les mots, que j'ai à vous escrire, en crainte qu'un trop elevé causast un mal, dont la suite sust à craindre, ou qu'un trop bas nous couvrit de honte; mais les affaires sont en un tel point, qu'il n'y a plus de bien de se flatter de quelque vaine esperance, & qu'il est de necessité d'esclaire du dessein de la flotte, la conduite de laquelle est donnée à Blake; & certes vostre lettre du xxi. du passé nous donne du quoi nous estonner, nous assurant, que la flotte, de laquelle il est ci-dessus faict mention, composée de 21 fregats, a ordre de passer le destroit, de courir les mers, qui baignent les costes d'Italie, sur lesquelles nous avons une puissante flotte, & sans doute de la combattre, si celle de Blake vint de la rencontrer. C'est pourquoi il est ainsi necessaire, que vous donnez à entendre á vos commissaires, que sa majesté ayant esté advertie, que Blake avoit receu ordre de naviguer vers la destroict, le passer & entrer dans la Mediterranée, ou semblement sa majesté avoit equippé une flotte, pour eviter quelque accident, qui pourroit mettre ses affaires hors d'estat d'accommodement, ce qu'il a tousjours desja evité, & par la consideration & estime en laquelle il a Mons. le protecteur, & pour avoir desiré, que l'intelligence, qui estoit au passé entre les nations, continua, & leur commerce asseuré à l'un & l'autre.
Au reste, l'Angleterre n'a jamais faict difficulté au temps des rois de ceder le premier lieu à la France, entendez leurs ambassadeurs se trouvant en lieu tiers, car chez eux, & lors qu'ils ont traicté seuls avec ncus, ils ont tousjours cedé à nos ministres.
Ne perdez point d'estat de conclure le traité, s'il est en estat de s'achever. Je suis bien aise, si son eminence vous escrit, comme j'ai subject de le croire, qu'il ne s'en cubliera pas en une occasion si impertante, que des termes contenus en sa lettre vous formera vostre escrit. Je croy, & avec beaucoup de subject, qu'il n'y aura pas grande difference entre le contenu en sa lettre & en celle-ci, m'estant peiné de bien retiner ce que fust dit en conseil.
Mynheer Swanenborch to the states general.
H. and M. Lords,
Seville, 1. Dec. 1654. [N. S.]
Vol. xx.p.233.
My Lords,
Since my last of the ninth of the month of November, the English fleet arrived
upon the eleventh following before the bay of Cadiz, consisting of 24 ships, under the
command of general Blake; and are since gone from thence for Gibraltar, where it is said,
that upon certain letters of the said general sent to Madrid, he is expecting an answer;
whereby is presumed, that he is sent to serve the king of Spain against the French. The
differences between this crown and the commonwealth of Germany are accommodated, and
the arrested goods of the Genoese released.
H. and M. Lords,
J. Swanenborch.
A letter of intelligence.
Cologne, 2. Decemb. 1654. [N. S.]
Vol. xx.p.237.
Yours of the twentieth instant I received, wherein you acknowledge the receipt of
all mine. It is well the pretended mutiny of your fleet at Portsmouth is so easily
appeased; it was not so expected here. R. C. and his crew, who have yet some further
hopes of divisions in England, and Ormond from Paris, will meet some of England in some
part of France about it. The great design of the remonstrance (the copy whereof I sent to
you) is retarded, for the reasons I sent to you in my last but this.
For news, I have nothing to add to my former letters; neither do I see any use at present for any to be here, till next spring, since R. C. and his winter here for certain; and I cannot tell you any thing, but you had before from me, unless I write or seign lies: and since my first arrival at Spaw, being in July last, till this present day, you had punctually and in substance all that was to be had, and that as true as the matter was in itself; and I can assure you, R. C. Ormond, nor any belonging to them, have any other designs at present, but what is already written to you.
This is an expensive place; and after all my journeys after R. C. from place to place, my moneys are near at an end; for some winter cloaths I was necessitated to provide. If I stay longer, I must have more moneys; and that will be useless, when I have no more to write by every post, but that R. C. is here in codem statu. Those you deal with, may expect more, which they cannot have of truth: if there were any to be had, they should; and when there is not, there is no fault.
All that I can say now, is, that R. C. is here with a few in company. The weather is very cold; and so almost every day he walks with his said company a-foot about the walls of this city, and they all bare-headed after him: so they get themselves heats.
No news from Ormond since his going to Paris. Wilmot is not yet come, but daily
expectation of relief from him; which we want very much. We are in the mean time
feeding ourselves upon your dissentions there, both in your parliament, army, and fleet;
for we have for certain, that thirty of your best ships desecerunt à vobis; and that the
army is against you, and many bitter papers and speeches against the protector. We hope
to be there shortly, and give to every one according to his merits. Take this for certain, as in my former, that R. C. intends to have a very considerable army together
against the next season, to animate his party in Scotland and England; and the most part
of his army shall be of Lorrain, Ireland, England, and Scotland, and the rest of Ger
many. Ormond has in mandatis to order all things for this end in France. Prince William
of Nassau is preparing the way, and Wilmot solicitous with the princes of Germany.
T. Talbot was ere yesterday dispatched after Ormond to Paris, with further instructions and
letters to the late queen of England to go forward with Ormond's design of the remonstrance, she being Catholic, in her own name, peculiarly in France, because R. C. himself
will not yet appear in it, for the reasons you had in my former letter; but sent all power
to his mother, and will perform all she shall promise. This is all a-doing, in order to get
moneys to maintain the army intended for the next spring, as aforesaid. Which is all at
present; praying your resolution by the next, to,
Fleetwood, lord deputy of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xx.p. 261.
This bearer the commissary general comes fully instructed concerning several particulars relating to Ireland. I shall trouble you with one or two particulars within his
instructions, those relating to the courts of justice, I understanding 'tis intended in England
to settle all the soure courts here, which in my opinion is very needles, as the present state
of affaires are in this nation, and will bring a great charge to the state by officers; and
when all is done, they will have little worke to doe, till Ireland be better planted; as also
by reason wee cannot probably gett able and honest lawyers to sett on the bench. And
therefore I thinke 'tis better to content ourselves with chancery and upper bench, which
will fully answare the necessities of this country: and in the settling of these courts we have
sixe persons, the names of which, if these courts be approved of, I shall send you, who are to sitt
as judges; and if need be, two or three more may be sit for such imployments. The state of
as our tresurye is so low, that it very much concernes you, how you encrease the charge
upon it; and I doubt, if wee have any come from England, they will be so much concerned
in perticuler interests, that the publique may, very much suffer thereby. Th'other busines,
which I shall mention, is about tythes, which I understand is endeavoured by some to be
continued in the old way. And though in my owne judgment I little scruple the payment
thereof, yet knowing, that it hath bine a bone of contention, I could wish it might be
otherwise settled heere, wherein there wil be no difficultie to doe that, which my lord
protector hath so much attempted, the well settlement thereof in England; and it haveing
bine that, wherein the armyes have so much engaged in their declarations and endeavours,
that it will much dissatisfy to have it run into the old channel: besides, if it should be continued, as formerly, it wil be a meanes to keepe in many a wicked man in severall parishes,
who must, where the tithes are but small, (as before) keepe an ale-house. But if wee may
have libertie to collect the tithes, and bring them into one tresurye, as now wee doe, we
shall be able to maintaine a gosple-ministry in Ireland; and by this meanes they haveing
dependance on the state for there maintenance, wee shall be able to restraine some troublesome spirits, which may bee too apt to give disturbances to the publique peace; of which
there have bine sad experience in the North. And 'tis doubted, that most of them continue
their old bitter spirits, and am confident, there is not one able man to preach the gosple
thoroughout this nation, but hath a comfortable subsistence: but if it goes in the old way,
it will silence severall learned worthy good men, as well as dissatisfie many others. I may
with the more freedome write upon this subject, because no more prejudiced against the
thing; but I know, that the continuing of it as now it is, of bringing it into one treasury,
will both answare the preaching the gosple, and tend to the well settlement of this country.
I cannot but suppose, that the business of coll. Allured may reach his life: if any thing of
that nature should be done, it would sadly wound me; and therefore I earnestly beg, that if
any such thing be, you will endevor the prevention thereof; otherwise it will weaken my
hands in my worke: therefore I hope you will affectually mind it. The affaires of this
nation wil be imparted to you from the commissary general; and therefore I shall say no
more, but that I am
23. Novemb. 1654.
Your affectionate friend and servant,
Charles Fleetwood.