A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 2, 1654. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1654: September (5 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 2, 1654, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol2/pp631-642 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1654: September (5 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 2, 1654. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol2/pp631-642.
"State Papers, 1654: September (5 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 2, 1654. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol2/pp631-642.
In this section
September (5 of 5)
A letter of intelligence.
Hague, 2. Octob. 1654. [N.S.]
Vol. xviii. p. 315.
You will be pleased to excuse me in not being so large as I was accustomed, because
at this hour some particular business has happened, which calls me a few miles off
for two days. By the next I hope to give you recompence in what may be; which I
may do with the more ease, because that this week the passages are not many, nor notable,
nothing being touch'd concerning the prince of Orange, but what you see herewith
in print against him by this province. I am of opinion, the great fleet and preparations you have retard the violent designs of the dissenting provinces; also in expectation of some dissentions among you; and further intelligence from Germany, where
count William of Nassau now is.
The differences in the province of Overyssel are not yet decided: and whereas the said
province heretofore, as I writ to you, would not accept of the province of Holland to
endeavour a composure, but that the generality should intervene; now they write, that
they will agree, and so save the generality from the trouble. By the next post I hope
to give you a further account of it. I have seen a letter from Stockholm, which imports
much, and peculiarly, that the new king has resolved to send a count embassador to the
queen of Sweden to Antwerp, to treat of two points. The first is, to shew her the great
conveniencies of her return into Sweden: the next is, to divert her from turning to be a
Roman Catholic, of which (it seems) they are jealous in Sweden. Besides, it is dangerous for the lands conquered in Germany by the late king of Sweden, as Pomerania, &c. and being the lawful inheritance of his child, the queen might be by this
aliened from the crown by the power of the emperor and empire. I cannot tell you
what shall become of this business; sed multa latent, quæ aliquando comparebunt. I pray
excuse me till the next, when I presume you shall have more from,
Fleetwood, lord deputy of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xviii. p. 360.
Wee are heere thorough mercy in a very quiett good condition, and I am still more
and more of that opinion, that there is not any one of the three armies, that have
lesse dissatisfaction than this hath; though I desire my lord protector and all of us may
more and more cease from man, who so often proves but as a broken reed, when relyed
uppon, the Lord thereby shewing, that our only trust, dependance, and confidence should
be in himselfe, it being conceaved adviseable at this juncture of tyme, that wee should
manifest some further expressions of our affection unto, and satisfaction in my lord protector and present government; and accordingly there were two petitions framed: the
one was so particular as to many thinges, that I, beleeving it would have many dissentions,
it beinge intended to pass thorough all the officers of the army, was not satisfied in it,
least it should divide us, who have so great a mercy in our present union; it likewise
referring to some thinges under your present consideration in parliament, and therefore
upon the desire of the cheifest officers, I did take in part of another petition, with additions of what I conceived necessary, and that is now under consideration; the substance of
which will, I hope, have a very great concurrence. This briefe account I thought fitt
to give you, least we should be misrepresented as formerly; and desire you would
acquaint his highness with the same. I must once more earnestly desire you will let me
know, whether 'tis intended we shall have 32,000 l. per mensem continued to us; without
which, I must tell you plainly, I doe not see how we shall be able to pay the forces;
though I hope we shall suddainly reduce the charges of what it hath hitherto been,
of neere 10,000 l. per mensem. I am in hast, and shall not further trouble, then with,
I am
Dublyn, 27. Sept. 54.
Your affectionate friend
and servant,
Charles Fleetwood.
General Fleetwood to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xviii. p. 364.
I have not long since received a letter from my lord Aubigny's agent, who understands, there is an intention to dispose of the alnage; to which it is conceived (according to this inclosed) he hath a clear title and interest. The occasion of my being concerned in it, is this; he is my neere kinsman, and a very hopeful young gentleman, fatherles and motherles: uppon which considerations, being desired by lord duke of Richmond,
did take upon me to be administrator to my young lord. I shall therefore recommend his
concernes to your just favour and care, that he may not suffer by my absence: and you
being one, in whom I have great confidence, I shall desire you will permit his agent, as
there is occasion, to make addresses to you in his behalfe. Your kindness to him shall
be esteemed a respect unto
Phenix, 27. Sept. 1654.
Your very affectionate friend,
and servant,
Charles Fleetwood.
To his highness the lord protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland;
The humble petition of Charles lord Aubigny, and Katherine his sister, infants of tender yeeres,
Vol. xviii. p. 367.
That your petitioners trustees the right honourable Charles Fleetwood, lord deputie
of Ireland, and others, have a right in law, but for the benefitt of your petitioners, to
the said subsidie and aulnage, due upon all manner of woollen and draperies within England
and Wales, (Gloucester cittye and countye excepted) which is there whole livelyhood and
subsistance. They humbly acknowledge, that the rents reserved upon the patent which they
clame, have been in arreare for two or three yeares, occasioned by the late obstruction of
trade, and almost a general deniall to pay the duty; yet your petitioners have paid
600 l. of the arrears of the said rent, and intended to continue the growing rents, as they
shall be enabled to collect and gett the said duties: but there being some endeavours to
obtayne a patent from your highnesse, and to avoid that, whereby they are thereby the
more disabled to receive the said subsidie and aulnage, and pay the rent and arrears:
Your petitioners doe therefore humbly pray, that your highnesse would not passe the new grant of the premises, which is now endeavoured; and be gratiously pleased to install the said arrears; and that your petitioners may have letters of assistance acting according to the laws of the commonwealth, to enable the payment thereof; and to give such directions touchinge the premisses, as to your highnesse shall seem agreeable to justice and right.
And they shall daily pray, &c.
The state of the several offices of aulnager and collector of the subsidy, aulnage, and duetyes, due as well upon the old as the new draperies, and the forme thereof, as now it stands.
Vol. xviii. p. 368.
That the late king James by several letters patents, both bearinge date the 13th of Aprill, in the eleventh yeare of his raigne, and by indentures of confirmation dated the fourteenth day of the same month, for the consideration therein respectively mentioned, did give and grant the premisses unto Lodowick late duke of Richmond and Lennox deceased, his executors, deputyes, and assignes, for the tearme of sixty yeares, from the fifteenth day of March then last past before the date of the said indenture and letters patent, rendring several yearely rents, amounting in the whole to the summe of 899 l. 2 s. 5 d. halfpenny per annum, as by the same letters patents and indentures, wherein several non-obstantes, pardons and releases of conditions concerning the premisses are respectively conteyned, more at large appeareth, that the said late duke, beinge by virtue of the letters patents possessed of the premisses, dyed intestate; that after his death the lady Frances his wife as administratrix to her late husband, became invested and possessed of the premisses; and being soe thereof possessed for the then residue of the said tearme of sixty yeares by her indenture, dated the 17th of February, 1623. for the consideration therein expressed, did grant and assigne over all her estate in and to the premisses, unto the late duke of Lenox, deceased, his executors and assignes, to commence from the twentyfifth day of March, which then should be in the year 1631.
That the late duke Esme, before the said day of March, died also intestate, after which decease the lady Catharine his wife did to her late husband become interested in the premisses, during the residence of the said tearme; and being thereof soe interested as aforesaid, shee the said lady Katherine, by her indenture dated the twenty-first day of Aprill, in the . . . yeare of the raigne of the late king Charles, did grant over and assigne all her then estates and interests in the premisses unto the late lord keeper Coventry and others, there executors and assignes, upon trust for younger children; which trusts are now devolved unto the children of the lord Aubigny, deceased, that from the said late Thomas lord Coventry, and the rest of the trustees, there estate and interest is by means of assignments come unto the right honourable Charles Fleetwood esquire, and others; there are two children of the late lord Aubigny now living, viz. Charles lord Aubigny and Katherine his sister, infants of tender age, and destitute of means and subsistance; that the aforesaid Charles Fleetwood, administrator to the said deceased lord Aubigny, during the minority of the said children, being there neere kinsman, in whom the present right and interest is.
That by reason of the late obstruction in trade, and allmost a generall denyall to pay the duty, the rent hath been in arrear two or three yeares; yet 600 l. of those arrears hath been paid in that time, and some part thereof lately.
That suites beinge commenced in the exchequer against divers, that denyed payment of the duty, after a great expence, by meanes of the act of grace and general pardon, the suitors were discharged, and the duty and charge lost.
That suites are now againe commenced, and depend as yet undetermined against divers, that, by combination, deny payment of the duty, to the great expence and charge; yet letters of assistance being granted, as hath been formerly, they acting according to the lawes of the nation, and consideration being had of the arrears, and those installed, both the growing rent, and those arrears, shall be paid for tyme to come, as they shall be enabled to collect and get in the same.
An intercepted letter of Robert Hammon to John Traver esquire.
Dublin, 27. September, 1654.
Vol. xi. p. 338.
Deere Brother,
Our affaires here are in a quiett posture; and indeed had we help suitable to our business, (which hath in it difficulty enough) we might, through God's mercy, in a little
tyme, give a good accompt of our affaires here, to the advantage of the publique. The
great businesse we are engaged in, is the contracting the publique charge, and establishing
the old courts for administration of justice; which we do effectually require the better
help than ever we have here, as you will easily judge, when you consider us. I hope you
will send us over a supply with my lord Henry. My lord Broghill and Sir John Temple
may be of good use. If the matter come before you, pray give them a list over to us.
The armie here, being very sensible of the jealousies of friendes, and hopes of enemies, are
putting out a representation of their good affections to my lord protector and the government established. It is said it will be full and unanimous.
A letter of intelligence.
Bremen, 28. September, 1654. O. S.
Vol. xviii. p. 102.
From hence as yet little good is to be advised, the interposition of the elector of Brandenburgh, and the cities of Lubeck and Hamburgh, having as yet wrought nothing but the obtaining of an armistice, which is indeed bought at so high a rate, and the conditions so heavy, that we wish it had rather not been done at all; for then we had been in a far better posture, and, as it appears, as near an accommodation as now; whereas now we lie, as it were, wholly at their mercy. However having heard of the arrival of the lord Rosenhaen, plenipotentiary legate to the king of Sweden at Stoade, to compound with us, we are resolved to enter into treaty with him, although considering their great strength, wherewith daily their forces are supplied, we cannot but expect it will be to little purpose, and that their demands will be so unreasonable, that we shall not be able, without our total ruin, to condescend to the same; but shall chuse rather to die for our liberty, than live everlasting slaves.
R. M. to Antonio Rogers.
Vol. xviii. p. 434.
Dear Ant.
I am now att Rotterdam, where only merchants newes is to bee learned. The most
materiall is, that our English traders doe extreamly murmur att the inhibition ther is
upon all comodityes, that doe not grow in this countrey. This makes trading dead here,
and the exchange of monyes very high. The results of our states last sittinge were no
more then signisyed to you in my last as to the generalitie. The court, we heare, is moved
to Collen. I am going that way. I hope capt. Manley is safe arrived with you by this,
who will give you a particular accompt of our countrey. Neither you nor Fr. wrote last
weeke, or your letters miscarryed, which putts me in an agony. Direct your next to
Mastricht, and love
Rotterd. 9. Oct. [1654. N. S.]
Yours ever,
R. M.
The superscription,
For Mr. Antonio Rogers att the post-office, London.
Mr. Charles Longland, agent at Leghorn, to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xviii. p. 438.
Honoured Sir,
I dout my frequent wryting you may prov troublesom, especially having nothing of
import to acquaint you with. However I shal not omit my duty therin, in regard
your commands hay not bin taken off. Capt. Harris from Tollon wil giv you better
advys, what the French fleet does, then I can hence; yet you shal hav what I here. Two
dayes since arrived a small fisher-boat from Marseilles past by Tollon the 5th currant,
reports, the fleet was then coming out of Tollon to the number of twenty ships, as many
barks, and seven gallyes, all ful of soldiers; and that he past in the midst of them. The
French here report, they were to go to the yles of . . . a good harbour, som six legues
from Tollon, wher they wer to attend another squadron from the West, under the command of the admiral of Fraunce, who is to command al the fleet, and the duke of Guis
the land soldiers. 'Tis believed they will go for Puglia, which is the other side of the
kingdom of Naples in the gulf of Venis, wher, it is sayd, ar many discontented piple.
A Spanish galley arrived here this week in ten dayes from Barcelona, with dispatches for
Millan, this place, and Naples. In Cattalonia ar ten good Spanish ships wel appointed,
and two galleys. They expect ther other ten ships from Barcelona; so they wil be of a
considerable strength to meet the French, if they should go that way. Here is no more
of the Genowes, as if they had no breach with the Spaniard. The pope is recovered.
I am, Honoured Sir,
Legh. 9. October, 1654. [N. S.]
Your most faithful servant,
Charles Longland.
Sir, if you would now-and-then, amidst your great affaires, affourd your servant a lyn or two, it would much obliege and incourage me in your service.
Count de Brienne to Bordeaux.
9. Octobris, 1654. [N. S.]
Vol. xviii. p. 442.
My Lord,
Your letter of the first of this month, which was delivered to me the eighth in this
city, doth relate the affairs of England to be in such a condition, that notwithstanding
your diligent endeavours used, you have not been able to dispose the protector to sign the
treaty, which you have begun. It is presupposed, that the affairs of his majesty are in
such a condition, that they can no ways change his majesty's resolution in condescending
to any thing more than what is already made known unto you. If so be his majesty had
been pleased to have engaged himself in the troubles of Scotland, which he might easily
have done, he might have continued the war there. He had been often sought unto to
send some assistance thither; besides, that antient and constant alliance of France and Scotland did also invite him to it; yet he would never act any wise to the prejudice of England. This you may let the protector know, to render him more tractable to yield to
those articles, which you are to desire of him. Take great heed and care of being sur
prised. It is presupposed, that you will sign a treaty composed of such terms as may be
acceptable here. Be sure, that the officers, who are in the service of his majesty, may
not be concerned in the exceptions. Therefore let that be explained, that there be no
cause of reproach made hereafter, that we do transgress against the treaty by the keeping
of them in this kingdom. That which you say, that our victory hath raised our power
to have pretence to unite with Spain; that is a thing, which may be imagined; but our
prosperities are not yet arrived to such a height, that they can render our power suspected.
However it is best to comfort one's self, and it is more expedient to be envied than pitied.
But it must be your business to relate the business with so much delicacy, that in publishing our victories, the doubt must be left to the strangers, that we are uncertain of our
fortune; and truly that is inconstant, and cannot be relied upon, but by a peace, which
we cannot deny but that we desire; but this is a sign of our moderation and prudence, and
not to presume, that our last victories will be followed with any other.
Chanut, the French embassador at the Hague, to Bordeaux, the French embassador at London.
Hague, 9. of October, 1654. [N. S.]
Vol. xviii. p. 452.
My Lord,
I did not answer the last week the letter, which you were pleased to write to me of the
twenty-fifth of the last month, because I was gone to salute the queen at Antwerp with
permission of the king, and a pass of the archduke's limited for three or four days stay in
Antwerp. Not to defer what I owe to your curiosity at the return from my journey, I will tell
you, that I did not find in that princess so many extraordinary things in her conduct, as
were published of her. She did not seem to me to be far engaged to the interests of Spain;
nor her manner of living extravagant, nor her thoughts void of good reason and sense:
her design is, as she told me, to go into Italy, where she will establish her dwelling-place,
and there live privately. I do not think, that the earl of Chastelus and the abbot Issoire,
who went with me the journey, and are now bound for England, are yet gone from the
Brill, through contrary winds. At their arrrival, they will be able to tell you more of
her, than I can write in many sheets. I have only one thing, which doth surprise every
body, at the table of the princess; that is, that she is very free to propound a great many
paradoxes, and to maintain them, as if they were her own opinions; although, in my
judgment, she doth daily propound them to know the opinions of others, to try their
minds, and to divert her own. There is not wherewithal to be wondered at, that the
first success of the parliament of England should have hindered the course of your negotiation. My lord protector will now fit and accommodate his counsels to his interests;
and many think, that he will resolve upon a war, either with Spain, or with us. I do
understand by your last, that the opinions and reports of the common people were, that
he would make us his enemies; but I am of your opinion, and I can hardly believe, that
he will have to do with a nation so active, so unquiet, and so valiant, as ours is. In the
mean time you have wherewithal to exercise your patience. Here hath passed nothing
considerable, only a contest about the supreme command over the militia. Holland
pays two-thirds thereof, or thereabouts. The companies are dispersed through the provinces, and the great resolution of 1650, after the decease of the prince, doth say, that
the magistrates of the cities, wherein any militia is quartered, may dispose of the same in
each province.
In Overyssel there are divisions of three parties. The two, Campen and Zwoll, have set themselves in opposition to the third, which is Deventer. Their contest is not for drossart of Twent; but it is much increased, by reason that the two cities will name the prince of Orange for their governor, and count William to take upon him the function thereof presently, till the prince be of age. Deventer doth hold with the interests of Holland, and doth oppose this nomination.
Those of Campen and Zwoll sent, a fortnight ago, orders to the captains of the companies, who are quartered there, to come and be in their garison, pretending to make use of them against the enterprizes of those of Deventer.
The lords of Holland, who pay the said companies, made presently prohibition to the captains not to obey the magistrates of those two cities; and after much stir they agreed, that the lords of Holland should recal that prohibition, and that the states general should write to the said captains not to meddle with the debates of both parties, who do share the province of Overyssel.
It is very remarkable, that the United provinces gave no assistance to Bremen, although that city doth pretend, that they were obliged to it by the treaties between them, and that now they do offer of themselves to be mediators, without being invited or accepted by the king of Sweden.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Vol. xviii. p. 406.
The lord Beeke, ordinary commissioner of Deventer, did make a very long speech in
the assembly of the states general on saturday last, the third of this month, of the
present constitution of affairs; and in his conclusion demanded three things, whereof afterwards he delivered the inclosed writing, No. 1. At the same time came forth a writing
printed of the same matter, which doth lay open the lord Haersolt as a man very foul in
his actions, No. 2.
In the affairs and differences of East-Friesland, there hath been an accommodation endeavoured, but as yet in vain; so that they have given to those of Embden, at their request, further time of six weeks, as is to be seen in this resolution, No. 3.
The commissioner of Bremen hath taken his leave, and is since departed. His expedition, in effect, is no other than the sending of commissioners: if the city is wise, they will make their peace as well as they can, and leave their revenge to God, as well against the emperor, who hath not protected them, as against the states general, who have not assisted them, however obliged, the one by duty, the other by promises, treaties, and alliances: and it is not strange, that God transfert regna, or punisheth the governors, who do so villainously fail of doing their duty. This state hath already felt the anger of God by the war with England (for having begun to abandon the good city against the earl of Oldenburg); and now (I fear) it will feel it more through the inward dissentions, that are amongst them. The most of the provinces have declared to be of advice, that there ought to be writ to the companies in Overyssel not to meddle with the differences, which are there amongst the members. Friseland is yet a little single. There is also likelihood they will send commissioners thither.
It seemeth, that they will gain the city of Leyden through favour and courtesies; for they have made a senator, one Goes, an alderman at Leyden. Item, Holland hath proposed the son of famous Daniel Heinsius to be resident in Sweden, on the behalf of this state, which is a part of the resolution and advice of Holland. Also the business of the deduction and seclusion is almost forgotten, and no more spoken of. The assembly of Holland is separated to meet again very suddenly. They have resolved to cashier twelve companies of horse of the fifty-two, so that there will remain forty; and instead, that every company now is fifty men, in time to come every company will consist of sixty; and Holland, who alone doth pay six of these twelve, will cashier the rit-masters, who are in foreign service, as the earl of Waldeck, and the like. Item, they will reduce the companies of the guard of the prince, of count William, and count Maurice, which do exceed the number of sixty, to sixty men: that of the prince is of a hundred to two hundred men. In the end, there is a resolution taken in the affairs of Overyssel, wherein is to be noted, that there were two opinions of extremity; the one friends of the pr. of Orange would have, that the generality ought not to meddle with, but leave the four members to act against the two, well knowing, that the four members were altogether friends of the pr. of Orange, and the strongest, and would easily overcome the other two, being the well-affected of Holland. The other the well-affected of Holland, states of Holland would have the generality to meddle with it; yea so far, that they had commanded five companies of the repartition of Holland not to obey the politic commands of the states of Overyssel, which was judged an extremity on the other side.
At last the other provinces, or rather the states general, have resolved by some middle way, as you will see in that resolution of the fifth of October, where is to be considered, that Holland hath found their account, and that of Frieseland in no-wise; and I believe, that the four members of Overyssel will be no wise satisfied, but the other two members (who are the well-affected of Holland) will be very well contented. And hereby one may see, that Holland getteth ground, and that the other provinces (although that royalists, yet they) will not blindly and rashly fling themselves always in the interest and passions of Scotland, pr. of Orange, and 144. There hath been also a dispute concerning the sending of a resident into Sweden, which was opposed chiefly, by reason that Holland urged it, or because that province did propound it; but at last Friseland condescended to it, upon condition, that Holland would agree to the coming home of the lord Jongestal, embassador in England, who had often writ for his return or revocation. They have agreed to it for six or eight weeks; but when he is once returned, I believe he will hardly be got to return into England again; for the other two do exclude him out of all secrets.
The lord Beverning is said to be promised in marriage to the fair daughter of the lord Redenborgh, who hath been commissioner in England; and he is senator, and a man powerful enough at Utrecht; so that Utrecht will maintain the lord Beverning as well as Zealand, which is as much the well-affected of Holland, as friends of the pr. of Orange and doth very much fear protector; and by this means the lord Beverning, at his return, will run less hazard of losing his charge of treasurer-general, conferred upon him during his absence; and I believe, that by little and little the other embassadors will also think of their retreat; and if the lord Nieuport doth desire to remain embassador in England, they will establish him there, unless Zealand do desire that charge, or pretend that it belongs to their province alone. Above all, it is considerable, that the lord protector doth establish himself in his government; for the well-affected of Holland will say here ingenuously, te stante virebo; and I think I am not deceived, if I say, that the well-affected of Holland here do pray heartily for the prosperity and establishment of his highness the lord protector.
The commissioners designed for Bremen are some of them already departed; the rest
speak of going this week. In the mean time there cometh no advice from Sweden,
whether the king will accept or like of interposition; and before that answer can come to
the letter writ to the king, it will require a great deal of time. I remain
9. October, 1654. [N. S.]
Your most humble servant, Secretary.
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. xviii. p. 430.
I do understand, that a certain book, Historia pacis, &c. hath been seen in England by
the lord Beverning, and that he doth hold himself offended at it, saying, that it contained many falsities. It is true, that Elzevir, because he would print the peace of Munster,
urged for an adjunction the peace with England. Upon this occasion he ought to have
added some introduction, wherein the author doth believe to have observed all manner of
discretion and indifferency. It is true, that his first intercession was to speak with some
more freedom; and to this end he wrote to you, desiring of the protector some act of commission,
such as the states general have given to several, especially to Mons. Hoeft, merchant at Paris, to protect him; but seeing, that you did not return an answer, he left that. He doth believe,
that the relation of the negotiation of the said embassador is so discreet and neuter
(sine studio aut odio) as was possible to be done. If there be any thing contrary to
the truth, it is not through malice; & humanum est labi: omnia scire, & in nullo errare,
divinitatis, non humanitatis est. To write a history to please all is very difficult: gratia a
posteris expectanda. They were here at first very angry with that book of the Our friends book
now the chiefest make use of it.
The treaty between England and Portugal is not yet arrived here.
I pray you to write me your opinion (of falsity, or of truth) for the Latin I know is none of Cicero's: Rem, non verba, spectavit auctor. They have amongst the English, de historia pacis Anglicæ.
9. October, 1654. [N. S.]
Your humble servant.
Bordeaux, the French embassador in England, to Chanut, the French embassador in Holland.
Vol. xviii. p. 448.
My Lord,
I have not received any letter from you by this ordinary, which I do attribute to the
visit, which you were to make the queen of Sweden. But the letter, which you did
me the honour to write to me of the twenty-fifth of last month, hath been delivered unto
me, and did declare unto me your surprisal at the continuation of the remissness of this
state; and in effect there is enough for one to admire at, that after two years negotiation
nothing should be effected all this while. But now, by my last letters from court, the king
writes word positively, that he will have an end of this business, which, I believe, will
hardly be done yet a while. I shall hasten it all that I can.
The lord Beverning and his collegues do solicit to get discharged two ships laden with salt for the gabelles of France; they hope they shall prevail, and have promised them an exchange of their good will, which they do shew; and after that, I was desired thereunto by them, that you should continue all good offices, that may prevent the resolutions of the provinces against the act of seclusion.
His highness's authority doth settle more and more; and the parliament increaseth in number. They are still busy about the government, and there is not like to be any other alteration. Blake hath order to depart with twenty-five ships with the first good weather. They are still equipping; and many do believe, that they will be contented with threatening, having no such far design in hand as hath been talked of.
They will not believe here, that the Swedes are so much inclined to an accommodation with the city of Bremen.
I humbly thank you for the complacency, which you are pleased to declare unto me upon the subject of your visit.
London, 9. October, 1654. [N. S.]
The Dutch embassadors in England, to the states general.
Vol. xviii. p. 460.
H. and M. Lords,
My Lords,
In our last we informed your high mightinesses, that we had presented a memorial on
the twenty-ninth of September, with a request, that some commissaries might be
appointed to enter with us into conferences about sea-affairs: and we can assure you, that
we have since that time not only intirely prepared ourselves for those matters, by examining
all the former acts, as also by drawing up some acts extracted from the same, but likewise, that we every day without intermission have desired Mr. Thurloe, as well by
our secretary as by sundry letters, to make the necessary dispositions, or to give us at least
an answer. But hitherto we have not yet had the happiness of any success therein; the
lords of the council, either by reason of the uncertainty of their vocation, whereof they
first intend to have a final decision, or by their continual occupations in the parliament
itself, whereof they are almost all of them members, having been so greatly hindered, that
they have been assembled but twice, and but for a short time, ever since the beginning of
this parliament, which we think we can assure for truth. In the mean while, we have
received your high mightinesses resolution of the nineteenth of September, concerning the
searching of the ships. We have made some alterations in the articles drawn up for that
purpose, and will do our utmost to express your high mightinesses good intentions, and to
give you all possible satisfaction in that respect; and will likewise, as opportunity serves,
make use of the letters of address you have sent us, and regulate ourselves according to
your high mightinesses resolution of the twenty-fourth of September, touching the other
affairs and complaints, which, according to the thirtieth article of the peace, ought to be
communicated to the cantons of Switzerland. As to the other resolution of the twentyfourth of September, with your high mightinesses permission, we cannot as yet meddle with
giving any advice concerning a direct revocation, or indirect cessation, of the placart of
the ninth of October, issued here, which your high mightinesses are pleased to command
us, in hopes that by some conference or other with the commissioners of this side, we may
be rendered more able and skilled in the considerations, that may occur touching this point,
and in the hope itself, which may appear from this side, when we will not be wanting to
obey your high mightinesses commands likewise in that respect, neither will we be slack to
comply with your high mightinesses good intention about the regulation of the frontiers of
New-Netherland, whereof we received yesterday your high mightinesses resolution of the
twenty-ninth of September in the affair concerning the ship The Union, mentioned in
our last, whereas your high mightinesses resolution of the eighteenth of September
did not come to hand before the fifth instant: nothing has been done as yet,
because of the aforementioned inconvenience; viz. that the lords of the council do
not meet. Yesterday we were endeavouring by all possible means, yet in vain, to procure the releasement of the ships, whereof we send the inclosed list, which are taken about
Havre-de-grace, and are brought here into the river. We will prosecute this affair however without intermission, and pretend not only the restitution of the ship, and compensation of the freight, which the captains declare has been offered them, and which they
were inclined to take, but also of the lading itself, according to your high mightinesses
resolution of the sixteenth of September last past. We are obliged also to communicate to
your high mightinesses the complaints of the inhabitants of Yarmouth, which you will
be pleased to observe out of the inclosed copied and translated attestate: the same was delivered to us last night by Mr. Strickland, in the name of his highness and the council;
whereupon we promised to write to your high mightinesses about it, assuring them of your
good intentions to prevent and to forbid all excesses and insults, and that your high
mightinesses would make a good regulation against the same. We have also thought fit
to write to the commander of the fishing vessels, that he should inform us circumstantially
and exactly of the whole matter. Wherewith,
H. and M. Lords, &c.
Was signed,
Westminster, 9. October, 1654. [N. S.]
P. S. After the writing the foregoing, we have heard, at a convenient opportunity, from a lord of the government himself, that forthwith orders should be given for the releasement of the above-mentioned ships; and that the privateers and commanders of the men of war should be expressedly commanded to abstain, for the future, from taking any such ships, whereof we hope by our next to give information more at large.
Stockholm, 30. Sept. 1654. O. S.
Vol. vii. p. 106.
From hence for the present nothing of importance, but what hath been formerly notified. The king's majesty expects now daily the safe arrival of his espoused queen, having received notice this day of a schout, which came within five days from Kiel in Holstein, hither; that at his departure all things were ready for count Erick's return with the royal bride and her train, the most part of his gentlemen being then arrived there, whom his excellency, with the queen's, was to follow within two days after.
It is now said, the French embassador Mons. D'Avaugour's credentials were intituled and directed to his majesty, as being prince; and that therefore he must have others before he shall be admitted to audience.
A letter of intelligence.
Vienna, 30. Sept. 1654. O. S.
Since my former I have not much to say of R. Carolus or his business, but that his
collectors are daily receiving in all parts of the empire. He is now at Aken, far off
from me; so that I cannot give any exact account of his affairs. The emperor gave orders
in several places to pay some moneys to him, till he be paid 100,000 rix-dollars promised
by him.
The deputies of the states of Hungary sent hither towards his imperial majesty, being dispatched and sent back again with promises of satisfaction, for the establishing a new Palatine, their assembly is to begin the first of next month, but some think a longer time must be had. In that diet, it is said, the young archduke Leopoldus Ignatius shall be crowned king of Hungary.
Five days since arrived to the emperor deputies from the king of Poland, representing the great powers and violences of the Muscovites against that crown, without respect or mercy to any sorts of people or places, which he is not able to resist without the relief and assistance of some Catholick princes. Thus the deputies began with the emperor. What their answer shall be, I do not yet know. Poland is in a sad state.
Here is nothing more of importance now. Accept of what is from, Sir,
Extract out of the resolutions of the states of Guelderland.
Sabbati, 3. September, 1654.
Brought into the generality, 10. October, 1654. [N. S.]
Vol. xix. p. 15.
It being put to the vote, it is thought fit, that the lords commissioners at the generality, shall use all their endeavours, that the treaties with the churfurst of Brandenburgh, and other evangelical princes, states, and Hans-towns in Germany, shall be followed and brought to a conclusion.
Mons. Petit to Mons. Augier.
Paris, 10 Oct./30 Sept. 1654.
Vol. xviii. p. 476.
I had the honour to send you by my last a memorial full of the marquis of Pompaldour's violences. The original thereof has been since sent to court unto Mons. de Ruvigni, and we expect what will be there resolved, all those complaints being true, and the harm greater than it is made.
The present notice from the said court is, that after a great consultation and meeting at Guise between the cardinal Mazarin and the general, where his eminency obstinated for a siege, the plurality was then, there should be none on that side, by reason, that at the same time they should assault la Chapelle or the Châtelet, the enemy would retake Quesnoy; that the French army was not well enough provided for such an enterprize, and that the enemies were strong of above 6000 foot, and 10,000 horse; adding, that the French army did in the interim fortify itself with a fort at Chateau-Cambresis, that the Spaniards were not far from thence, and that in all likelihood they would content themselves to take Clermont in returning.
I send you the book of edicts. Nothing is here done in those businesses, so much the less, that the two last weeks have been days of recreation for the council.
A letter of intelligence from Mr. Augier's Secretary.
Paris, 10. Oct./30. Sept. 1654.
Vol. xviii. p. 480.
Some people doubt of the pope's death, by reason his nuncio here has not yet received any extraordinary post of the same.
No considerable action has yet been done in Picardy. You have heard of the taking of count Granpré by the count of Duras, who going to the relief of Clermont, has thus taken with him his brother, his nephew, and twelve gentlemen, who were hunting with him. In consequence whereof, I am informed, that the said count of Duras is entered into Clermont, and has caused the raising of the siege thereof by the king's troops, and has afterwards carried his prisoners to Montmedy.
It is said, that the king and the cardinal Mazarin have passed by Guise. Marshal de Guise hath obtained of his majesty the survivance of the portion of the dukedom of Angoulesme and of the county of Pouthien, for the prince of Joinville his nephew.
The news from Catalonia bear, that the prince of Conti, after he had received some reinforcement of foot, thinking to besiege Piucerda, the besieged had sallied out, and had nailed four pieces of his ordnance.
We hear nothing from the cardinal de Retz; and by reason the inhabitants of Belle-isle do fortify it, I hear order has from hence been sent unto Mons. d'Estrades, and unto the commissioners of the castles Xaintonge and l'Aulnix to watch in those affairs, and to act unanimously with the marshal de Meilleraye for his majesty's service.
The du hess of Lesdiguieres, the said cardinal's great confident, as I have heretofore written, has newly received order to withdraw herself from hence to Grenoble, where her husband is.
A letter of intelligence.
Paris, 10. Octobris, 1654. [N. S.]
Vol. xviii. p. 486.
Yours I received by this post, and I cannot return you much more than what you
have in that of occurrents.
Of Mons. de Baas I can say no more, than what you had formerly of Mons. Bordeaux. I can add, that he writes comfortably towards the end of negotiation, finding the protector's propensity conformable. It is true, that Mazarin is pleased as well as you, and for Hambourg to be arbitrator as to accounts, and such-like, as I writ to you formerly, in which he thinks he will have the better of you, whatsoever yours may presume to the contrary. For the banished persons in your list, (which is best known to you there) what is proposed may be assented to, rather than break with you; but it shall never be performed, if France be not brought to a very low condition; so that the protector will do well to make a secure and not dissembling peace.
There are now several designs in hand with the French court, as the duke of Guise, the Genoese, further success of Turenne's army, a new pope of their party, after this man's death, who may not long live. Mazarin looks upon all these, while he treats with you, and much more; so you have need to have a care how you deal with him; for it may happen, you will find his interest and the interest of France sometimes different.
Mons. Bordeaux had orders to present some new-framed articles, more short than the former, to yours. I know not what he has done in it. Mazarin's indisposition delays and frustrates many businesses, which gives those here the less subject to write of. Cardinal de Retz is landed in St. Sebastian's, and from thence sent a gentleman to Madrid to acquaint the king of his being there arrived. This is a great joy to many here; but the Mazarinists are much troubled at it, as they have reason; for Retz has a very considerable party in this city, he being their archbishop; and without question, if he and Condé come any time together with a good army, if they be not beat before they come hither, this city will embrace their cause against Mazarin, but not against the king: for no person in the world is so hated here as Mazarin; yet he rules in despight of all his enemies.
Of your great armado several rumours are; but none can fix. Several here fear the Protestants of Languedoc do invite them; and they shew at court some reasons for it, but no demonstrations. Others say, not without ground, (as they suppose) against the diffenting provinces from Holland; yet some will say, against the West-Indies, which this court doth most heartily pray for, and Mazarin will sing Te Deum to it.
The common opinion now of all here is, that the protector will carry all before him; yet many letters from London bring the contrary; and that already in Ireland the Anabaptists are in arms, and Ludlow at the head of them. Great heart-burnings in your army at home, and much more in the people, &c. The old cavaliers are not wanting to write such-like, and they may have assistance now of some others discontented.
Of a general peace here is nothing said, or towards it, nor likely to be, till a new pope
shall be; and then something may be talked of it. Of R. C. nihil, nothing, but he
will go to Scotland. His brother York, I assure you, is in great esteem here; which is all
at this time from, Sir,
Resolution of the states general.
Vol. xix. p. 43.
The present deputy for the province of Overyssel has thanked their high mightinesses for and in the name of the lords his masters, for their interposition and deputation, which they have offered for the accommodation of those differences, which for some time have subsisted between the members of the government of Overyssel; and has declared, that the said mediation and deputation would be in the highest degree acceptable to the said lords his masters.
And whereas those members of the states of Overyssel, that in the late diet, kept at Deventer, did separate themselves from the general assembly, and continue still separate, do clearly reject their high mightinesses offered mediation, and shew themselves intirely averse and unwilling to have the said differences adjusted by impartial judges, arbitrators, and friendly composition; and on the contrary do only endeavour to bring their unjust designs to bear by all sorts of hostilities, as the same has been proved more at large in their high mightinesses assembly, by word of mouth; therefore the said deputy of Overyssel doth request in the name and behalf of the said lords his masters, that their high mightinesses would be pleased, according to their obligation, effectually and speedily to give their directions, and provisionally on the three following points; viz.
That without loss of time (since there is periculum in mora) the militia of Overyssel may be directed and commanded, during the said differences, intirely to abstain from committing any hostilities, although any contrary orders might be given them by any members of this province, under what title or denomination soever.
That the three companies of soldiers, under the respective captains Reve, . . . . . . . and the militia, which, contrary to their high mightinesses express command and edict, are detained at Campen and Zwoll, may be anew commanded to march with all speed to their appointed garisons, and further to declare the reasons of their long stay.
That instead of the two companies of horse of colonel . . . . . . . van Haersolte, and of captain Symon van Haersolte, (which likewise against their high mightinesses orders are detained at Campen and Zwoll) two other companies may be ordered to march into Deventer.
Extracted out of the records of the states general, Sabbati, Sept. 3. 1653. [N. S.]
After being put into consideration, it was thought proper, that the deputies to the general assembly should do their endeavours, that the treaties with the elector of Brandenburg, and other Protestant princes and Hans-towns in Germany, may be continued and finished. And further, that a defensive alliance with the princes and states belonging to the circle of Westphalia, and adjacent provinces, may be attempted; and that some of those treaties, if possible, may be extended to the empire of Germany, and the queen of Sweden, desiring assistance, according as the circumstances of times and affairs shall permit.
Presented in the general assembly Oct. 10. 1654. [N. S.]
Copy of the disposition of the decree given in the upper council, in the behalf of those of the religion at Rochechouart, upon the petition they have caused to be again presented unto the said council.
Vol. xviii. p. 484.
His majesty being in his council, without regarding the decree of the said chamber of the edict of the eleventh of August last, and conformly unto the said decree of the 29th of May, hath ordained, and ordaineth the said petitioners shall re-enter, without delay, in the public exercise of the said pretended reformed religion, in the same place and manner as they did before the said decree of the council of the thirteenth of May, 1653. until the said chambers of the edict parties being heard, shall have otherwise ordained; and that to that purpose the place, where they had their temple, shall be emptied and put into their hands, his majesty prohibiting unto my lord and lady of Pompadaux, as also unto all others, not to trouble them in the said exercise and possession of their temple, nor to misuse them in any manner, without that this present decree can bring any prejudice to the parties rights in the principal, nor be drawn to consequence at the judgment of the said process. Given in the king's council of state, his majesty being present, held at la Fere the tenth of October, 1654. [N. S.]
Signed, Le Tellier.