State Papers, 1654: August (5 of 5)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 2, 1654. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1654: August (5 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 2, 1654, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1654: August (5 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 2, 1654. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1654: August (5 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 2, 1654. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

August (5 of 5)

A letter of intelligence.

Bologne, the 4th of September, 1654. [N. S.]

Vol. xvii. p. 385.

I can write you little news from hence. The particulars of raising the siege before Arras I presume you have; and therefore all I can say to you at present of it is, that the prince of Condé played an ill game well; and though he were overpowered, yet he made a handsome and soldierly retreat; and having lost his bag, and baggage, and cannon, yet he preserved his men very well, and brought off most of his army. We have here a flying report, that there is a new conspiracy discovered against your noble lord protector; but because you write nothing of it, I do not credit it; for I cannnot imagine so much mischievous malice can be contracted against so worthy and deserving a person. We are much at a gaze here, whither your great fleet is designed.

A letter of intelligence.

Paris, 4. Sept./24. Aug. 1654.

Vol. xviii. p. 387.

The court is to be here on friday night. In the mean time Mons. de Servien hath given order for the coining of lyards. The body of merchants did very much oppose it; but the relieving of Arras hath qualified their vigour; and the court for managing of the mint hath already confirmed the said arrest; according to which, here are to be fortyfour presses set up at Corbeil, Caen, Tours, Rochel, Bourdeaux, and Lyons, for the coining of them. This will be worth twelve hundred thousand livres to the king at the very first.

The embarking of the cardinal de Retz at Belle-isle aboard of a Holland vessel for the Low-countries is confirmed by an honest man, who was then present. I have seen letters from Salée in Barbary, dated in July last, which speak of young Tromp's being there at an anchor with six men of war; and that he had sent others towards the Streights. The French have lately taken another Holland ship of a very considerable value.

News from Paris to Mr. Stouppe.

September 4. 1654. [N. S.]

Vol. xvii. p. 382.

The last of August the chapter of our lady was held according to the court's order, where all the members did resolve to acknowledge no other archbishop than the cardinal of Retz, and made then their declarations before apostolic notaries; and concerning the king's command to convocate their assembly for the nomination of two great vicars, that was put off to the next day; but none met then but their ushers, notwithstanding the bell did ring very long, and so there was no convocation.

De Gondy, one of the society of the oratory, and father of the said cardinal, hath been sent by the king's order as a prisoner to Clermont in Auvergne.

The king has sent back all the canons of our lady and curates of Paris, who by his command did wait for him at Vernueil in Picardy, except the curate of St. John in Greve, who is commanded to follow the king.

It is believed, that Mons. Fouquet, the attorney-general of this parliament, shall be the only treasurer, and that the earl Servient, who is the other, shall be keeper of the great seal, instead of Mosle, who shall have for his recompense the archbishoprick of Paris.

The marshal Gransay, who commanded the royal army in Italy, has been arrested by the king's order, and is to be brought to the Bastille. They say, he is arrested for the loss of Graveling, whereof being governor, he was not there during the siege; but had left it unprovided of men, provision, and ammunition.

News from Calais tell us, that the cardinal of Retz was arrived at Dunkirk, whither he had a convoy of English ships, and has been since transported to Hamburgh in a ship of that town.

We are informed from Picardy, that Turenne having given order to fill the Spanish trenches, was going to beleaguer Ayre, which the marshal la Ferté had already surrounded with his troops; that the prince of Condé was but four leagues from the army, and did what he could to recruit, and so to give battle to the king. He has cast some troops into Rocroy, for fear it be besieged. That prince wounded slightly, with his own hand, Turenne in one cheek, and in one side, having pierced four squadrons of horse. Condé took prisoners the duke de Chaune, governor of Dourland, Ostrie, Verderon, (who is also wounded) Flavacourt, Lafolie, and other captains of the regiment of guards. It is thought, that the marquis of Sauvebeuf hath been killed or taken. That prince carried away two great pieces; and for that cause left his coach, having put his horses to the cannons. As he was flying from the fight, he saw himself pressed by five cavaliers, of which he killed one, and his followers three, as mistrusting wherefore they followed him so close, which the fifth, perceiving no means to escape, fell at the feet of the valiant prince, begged pardon and quarter; and having received a promise of both, told that prince, they did so follow him with an intention to kill him; notwithstanding his confession, he was led away prisoner.

Letters from Vienne in Dauphiné report, that the greatest part of the duke of Guise's baggage was lost upon the Rhône in a narrow passage near their town.

The king is this day expected here, or at Vincennes, and is to go to parliament to make them pass and register many edicts. He will not stay long here, but will go to Fontainebleau, whence he will send summons to the duke of Orleans and his eldest daughter, to come to court; and in case of disobedience, he will prosecute them by all due and legal forms, and proceed against them as guilty of treason, and disturbers of the public peace, as persons having intelligence and correspondency with the enemies of the crown, and namely with the prince of Condé and cardinal of Retz.

Extract, &c. of the states general.

Jovis, the 4th of September, 1654. [N. S.]

Vol. xvii. p. 380

It being debated, it is thought fit and understood hereby, that the lords Verbolt and others, their H. and M. lordships commissioners for the affairs of East-Friesland, having exhibited to the assembly, and also consequently caused to be read, their written report concerning the allegations of the lords commissioners of East-Friesland on the one side, and the lords commissioners of the city of Embden on the other side, concerning the differences risen between them about the maintaining of six hundred men in the said city of Embden, it is resolved as aforesaid, that their said lordships commissioners shall have thanks given them for their trouble and pains taken already about this business, and also be desired to continue their further trouble and pains in endeavouring to effect an accommodation of the said differences between them, and that in the mean time they would supersede all further prosecution of proceedings begun in the imperial court at Regensburg, and that the mandate of the fifteenth of February, obtained from the emperor, may be suspended for awhile.

Monsieur Bordeaux to his son the French embassador at London.

Vol. xvii. p. 377.

My Son,
I have received your letters of the twenty-fourth and twenty-seventh of this month, whereby I have understood the dispositions there as to your negotiation, which this victory of ours will undoubtedly advance, if well managed; and you must know, that our fortune is, and doth prove every day greater and greater, either by the deaths of those of quality on the enemies side, or by the taking of their baggage, which is infinite, there being above 6000 waggons, and as many horses. Here is a resolution taken to remove the court to Paris, for three reasons; the first is, to chastize or diminish the frondeurs, who were met in the parliament; the second is against the clergy, that sung Te Deum at Paris for the escape of the cardinal de Retz; and the third is to establish new profits and revenues, and to receive what rents are due. This is already blazed up and down at Paris; and it is to be feared, it may occasion some new trouble there through the artifice of those, who do all that they can to disturb the peace of the state, and to disquiet the king in his government. I should be overjoyed, if you could speedily conclude with the English. It would be a means to prevent much mischief here at home, if any should be plotted at any time.

[4. September, 1654. N. S.]


Vienna, 26. Aug. 1654. O. S.

Vol. xviii. p. 88.

Last sunday night about six of the clock, his imperial majesty came safely here with all his retinue: whereupon the next day, the whole court having put on mourning, they began the royal exequies in usual form, and accompanied his majesty the emperor, together with the empress, and archduke Leopold, to the Augustines church, where a most stately and sumptuous castrum doloris for the late Roman king was erected with 1000 wax candles about it. The emperor went in a long mourning cloak, having his face covered with a black veil; archduke Leopold in the like manner; but the empress was wholly covered with black, so that nothing was to be seen of her, being attended by thirty of the chief ladies, all in the same apparel. Their ceremonies continued for three days together; all the bells of the city ringing every noon a whole hour.

Stouppe to the prince of Tarante.

Vol. xvii. p. 255.

My Lord,
The last post arriving very late, I could not render any sooner to your highness my most humble respects and thanks, which I owe you for the letter, which you were pleased to write unto me. Since that you desire I should continue to give you an account, I will endeavour all that I can to merit the continuation of that honour. The parliament, which is to meet shortly, will be composed of above four hundred persons. The election is not made, as formerly, with much daubing and faction. There is a list of all their names in print, but no true one. It is true, there are some Anabaptists amongst them, but not very considerable. There is no great likelihood, that they will have any credit.

Quelques uns croyent qu'il y pourroit 15. 73. 10. 24. 22. 40. 54. 32. 21. 39. 40. 62. 74. 62. 56. 58. 66. 83. 32. 87. 54. 45. 24. 44. 57. 60. mesmes 89. 2. mais je le vois si bien à present, que je ne vois pas qu'il y ait 73. 85. 13. 65. 93. 65. 4. On croit que l'évenement arrivé devant Arras apportera quelque changement 22. 65. 88. 95. qu'on faisoit 36. 44. Il est certain que celuy que 32 & 22. faisoyent 13. 85. 92. 42. & 6. 36. 37. 67. 4. 60. entierement 48. 21. 14. mais peut-estre que ce dernier accident le 8. 45. 46. 91. 66. 36. 92. l'obligera Δ 70. 12. 61. 63. 57. 83. 32. dont on a parlé pour 10. 37. 40. 67. 93. 32. 32. 38. 61. 57. 44. 92. 91. puissance 70. 41. ce qui me confirme dans cette pensée c'est, que je sçay que 61. 61. s'estoit 73. 37. des 60. 92. 37. 4. 71. 22. 87. 82. 10. 1. 36. 74. que 44. demandoit à sçavoir 70. 66. 37. 40. 10. 94. 50. 60. On donnat A. 66. 67. 4. 37. 40. a 63. de tout ce qu'on 33. 42. 93. 7. 84 aura 70. 93. 13. 29. 33. 59. 17. 84. A. 93. 3. 29. 33. 59. 17. 84. A. 44. journé aussi qui on 62. 83. 61. 46. 20. A. 83. 61. 62. tous les 53. 61. 22. 9. 84. qu'ils ont fait pour 32. 38. 11. 87. plusieurs 97 dont ils ont eu besoin pour A. 40. 65. 37. 44. 39. 93. leurs 97. 70. 93. 10. 27. 33. 40. 14. 74. & puis qui ont 10. 27. 22. 74. 74. 33. 67. A. 41. tous ceux A. 61. 70. 9. 66. 59. des 74. 60. 65. 33. 93. 60. 71. & ensin qu'on 46. 72. 67. 74. 62. 71. 30. 93. 7. 98. 62. 22. 74. qu'ils avoient autrefois. Il y a de l'apparence, que la France en se flatant de cette grande victoire, refusera encore plus ce qu'on luy demandoit; quoy qu'il en soit, je crois que l'on sçaura bientost le succes de ce traité. La flotte n'est pas encore partie; l'on y envoye encore 6000 hommes: on ne sçait pas encore assurement, qu'elle route elle prendra. 28 est toujours en grand soubçon de 40 depuis le dernier voyage qu'il a fait, & sur tout parce qu'il a sçu, que depuis son retour il avoit 100. 30. 10. 4. 84. 2. c'est pourquoy il 22. 63. 10. 87. 4. 60. A. 41. qu'on 46. 82. 40. 60. 88. 36. 84. 62. 64. 68. A. II à fin de A. A. 83. 65. 92. la correspondence qu'il a avec 61, il ait perdu plusieurs lettres; mais par quelques unes, qu'il a reçeu, on luy mande 69. 65. 33. 59. devoit 12. 66. 89. 22. 74. 84. 39. 20. 13. 1. 36. 32. 50. 53. 2. 38. 4. 84. Si vostre A. apprend quelques nouvelles sur ce sujet, il la supplye très humblement de me la faire scavoir, &, s'il luy plaist, d'ordonner aussi, qu'on m'escrive celles du pais, ou elle est, il les pourroit communiquer de sa part à M. le pr. qui luy en seroit fort obligé.

Londres, 25. Aug. 1654.

Decyphered thus:

Vol. xvii. p. 260.

Some do believe there will happen some alteration in the government, yea concernning my lord protector himself; but I see him so well settled, that I do not believe there can be any danger as to him. It is thought, that the raising of the siege of Arras will cause some alteration in the treaty with England. It is certain, that that which the embassador of Spain and Mons. de Barriere negotiated for Spain, and Mons. the prince, was quite broken off; but it may be this last accident will oblige this state to make a league to counterbalance the greatness of the court of France. That which doth confirm me in that opinion, is, that I know, that the court did but laugh at the three articles, which England demanded, namely, that they should give caution or security at London for all that hath been taken from the merchants of England; as also, that they reimburse all the charges, which this state hath been at for the equipping of several ships of war to guard their merchant-men; and likewise, that they banish out of their country all those of the house of Stuarts; and lastly, that they restore the Protestants to all their privileges. There is a great deal of likelihood, that France, being now pussed up with the conceit of this great victory, will now refuse to yield so much the more to what hath been demanded of them. However, let the business be what it will, I do believe, we shall soon see an end of this treaty one way or other. The fleet is not yet gone to sea; they are sending 6000 men more to them. It is not yet certainly known, what course they will steer. Mons. de Bordeaux is still very jealous of Stouppe, since the last voyage, which he made; but above all, because he knoweth, that since his return he hath seen the lord protector several times. Wherefore he hath writ into France, that they should intercept his letters, to the end they might discover the correspondence, which he holdeth with those of the religion. He hath lost many letters; but by some, which he hath received, they write him word, that at Rouen was to be an assembly. If your highness know any thing of it, I humbly pray you to write me word of it, as also the news of the country, where you are; and I will communicate them to my lord protector, on your behalf, who will be very much obliged to you for it.

London, 25. Aug. 1654.

Extract out of a letter, dated the sixth of September, 1654. [N. S.]

Vol. xvii. p. 386.

In great confidence these are to inform you, that I do understand, that the elector of Cologne, and the elector of Brandenburgh, are entering into an alliance with one another, and other princes; and to exclude the duke of Nieuborgh, with whom they will renew the war.

Ex. Mann Noby.

Cardinal Mazarin to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

In the possession of the right honourable Philip ld. Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of GreatBritain.

My Lord,
I send you with an open seal the answer to the letter, which my lord protector writ to me, to the end you might see, whether there be any thing to be added or diminished, and to the end you may deliver it, or suppress it, as you shall think fit. I do then wholly submit myself to you, conjuring you to believe in the mean time, that I am
Peronne, 27. Aug. 1654. [N. S.]

Yours, &c.

William Prideaux esquire, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xvii. p. 404.

Right Honourable,
The inclosed is a duplicate of my last to your honour, sent under my covert to the governour of the Russia company, and by a shipp, that went for Amsterdam, to be sent them from thence.

This now goeth by a small vessell of Amsterdam, bound to Bristoll, laden with tarr, said to bee for account of Englishe of that cittye.

Yesterdaye here arrived an Englishman from Mosco, that departed there hence 18 dayes past. By him I understand, that the people dye there of the contageous sicknesse in great numbers, and that moste of the personnes of quallaty of the cittye are gone forth, and retired to other places, so avoyded the morbo.

The moste certain news of the emperor is, that he is in personne at the siege of Smolensco, where he is in continual action. He hath taken about fiveteen cittyes and places of the king of Poland's; but of those few of any great consequence. Hee attempted an entire prise against Smolensco, but came of with loss of 5000 men, without executing his designe. Those within the city are sayd to defend themselves very valiantly. His majestye's campe before that place (as alsoe in other parts, where his army lyeth) the souldiers and horses dye for want of bread and forrage; and the reporte is, that in all quarters of his armey is no good orders nor conduct.

This is all I have for present; wheresore doe humbly take leave, and remayne, right honourable,

Your Honour's

Moste humble servant,
William Prideaux.

Archangell, 29. Aug. 1654.

Sent by Samuel Waite, master of the ship Hope of Amsterdam, bound to Bristoll, under my covert to the Russia company.

A letter of intelligence.

Aken, 8. Septembris, 1654. [N. S.]

Vol. xvii. p. 392.

Since my last I have only to tell you, that, as I understand, R. C. will stay here for three weeks yet to come. His stay or going depends much upon his negotiation with the emperor, which prince Rupert soliciteth in the imperial court; and what success he shall have therein, is not yet known. Sir Edward Hyde is come hither from Holland, not with good news from Scotland, as I hear. There are here come above eighty in R. C's. train, all gallant men; Ormond, Wilmot, Hyde, and de Vick, are the most leading ones. They are divided into three factions, one for Scotland, another for Ireland, and the third for England; poor fellows, like to do little good, if all united.

Yesterday R. C. and his sister the princess royal, with all their train, were invited to even-song by the canons of the cathedral church of the blessed virgin. They went thither at three of the clock in the afternoon, where seats were made for them covered with black velvet within the choir, upon which they both sat, and heard even-song all out, with extraordinary music. After, two of the canons came to give them thanks, and demanded whether his majesty would be pleased to see the relics and antiquities within the said church, which he accepted; and so they went with all their train to see them. His sister kissed the skull and hand of great Charlemagne, and R. C. drew out Charlemagne's sword, and kissed it, and measured it with his own. I was present at all this, and had the honour to do as all the rest; which is all, that happened since my former. Yours I long expect with the bills you promise. There is no remedy but patience for, Sir,



Dantzick, 9. Sept./30. Aug. 1654.

Vol. xviii. p. 90.

The Muscovites, with their whole body, are fallen upon the duke Radzevil's army, consisting of about 15000 men, and routed the same totally, himself very narrowly escaping, whereby the whole dukedom of Littaw is exposed to ruin and destruction. The Poles sit still, and some think some of the prime ones are not much dis contented with his overthrow. What advantage the Muscovite will make of this victory, time will shew. Some are in hopes the new Tartar chan will fall in upon the Muscovites, having order so to do from the Turk; but our intelligence is very uncertain. They say likewise, that the city Smolensko was surrender'd unto the Muscovites upon discretion, but yet uncertain.

P. S. By this day's post from Riga, Radzevil's loss is not without great loss to the Muscovites.

A letter of intelligence.

Aken, 8.Sept./29.Aug. 1654.

Vol. xvii. p. 396.

I have weekly taken such care in the delivery of my letters, that I am confident they have not miscarried, although I have yet had none from you to assure me thereof. If you please to write once by waye of Amsterdam, and direct my letters under cover of Mr. Lawrence Coughen, merchant there, they will come safe to mee. Sir, it hath pleased the Lord to visit my wife with a dangerous sickness, at her arrivall at Yarmouth, where I suppose she yet is for want of strength to travell to London. She hath occation of money there; wherefore I must beseech you, in case she herself hath not yet bin with you, to paye twenty pounds of the money dew the fourth August, to my kinsman Mr. John Holland, (a man well affected to our interest) whoe will convey it to my wife; and when she is able, will waite on you herselfe for the rest. Herein you will extreamely oblige mee, beseeching you to pardon my bouldness herein.

C. Stewart and his counsell have satt severall tymes this weeke: their chief busines was concerning the speedy getting of that money, that was granted him at the dyett; whereof none is yett paied, but the elector of Mentz: therefore I was resolved, letters should be forthwith sent to the remote princes, and messengers to the adjacent; for the treasury will not beare the other charge; for there is not money to be spared to send one to the emperor to condole the death of the king of Romans. They have found out a Catholick Inglish priest here to send to Neuth duke of Newburg. They certefie the princes, how much it would add to their favours, if they would make sudden payment, being his occations are urgent. I observe he cannot steal for Scotland, before part of this money be payed him. Thither he will goe, as he declared the last week to his councell; neyther can any armes be bought, untill money be receaved. Wates and Marsh, who are designed for to buye them at Hamborg, Lubeck, and thereabout, are yet here. Wilmot hath given in his account of his embassie, and is approved. He propounded, that the money he had procured in Germany, might be most part imployed in the busines of Scotland, and that a sum of money might be transported thither, wherewith he doubted not but to rayse an armye out of yours, by putting out a proclamation, that all horsemen, that would come into their partye, should have five pounds, and the foote twenty shillings. This, they are confident, will withdraw your men, there being many of them well affected to C. St. and weary of your service; and many list themselves in our armye, to make escapes to them. Some care would be taken hereof.

The last week some of them received intelligence from Ingland, that most of general Monck's horse were lost and spoyled; and his horse and his foote siek, that he scarse to bring into garrison: he was incapable to keep the field, and Midleton might now spayle the whole countrye. Any reporte, that doth but come to their advantage, they presently creddit.

There comes one or other every weeke to them from England. Last weeke came a man of the lord Weyntworth; and this weeke one Mr. Armorer, a gentleman of the princess of Orange, whoe hath bin up and downe there this twelve-month; and now another of her gentlemen is going thither; they give it out, uppon some discontent at court, but I belive uppon designe; for I have lately seene him converse with most of the counsell. His name is Mr. Philip Howard, sonn to the earle of Berckshire, a young gentleman, without any haire in his face: he sayes, he thinks not to state in England. I heare them often bragg, how many friends they have would appeare for them in Ingland, if there wear any opportuniti. Those whoe are come, report, you have not in all Ingland seven thousand men in armes; and that you are not able to rayse men; for none will serve you.

As I heare the names of their friends, I take notice of them: there are many in the North, about Newcastle, but their names they conceal. I know there is one captain Braband, whoe hath served C. St. is now living at Rotterdam, trades as a freeman of the merchant-adventurers, houlds correspondence with severall malignants in those parts, who have lett C. St. be tould, that they are as loyall as ever, and ready to convey men or letters into Scotland; and at Amsterdam they correspond with Richard Bridgman, mer chant, whoe conveys letters to and fro, as he did frequently to Weyntworth, when he was in Denmark.

When C. St. was at Spa, Wilmot's wife (who was the widdowe of Leigh or Lee in Buckinghamshire) came to Leige to meet him, where she cunningly stayed, because you should not except against her for C. St. Nevertheles she sent her sonne Sir Francis to wayte on him, and her husband went toe and fro. Several malignant courtiers wear with her all the while, as coll. Price, and col. Phillips and Marsh, whome I heard say, she was a greate friend to C. St. She is returned for Ingland; you may be sure she hath her errand from her husband. These things I thought sitting to advise you; but 'tis best to lett them lye dormant, until I be returned, that they may have noe suspition you have any intelligence from hence. They are still full of their church-ceremonie, which pleases the Catholics, hoping in tyme they may joyne churches. Yesterday they invited C. St. and his sister, to see their church and reliques; whither they went with their wicked trayne, and stayed to heare vespers, which gives the Romanists great content: but I doe now perceive they are inclined to that religion. Wilmot presses hard to have the lord Belcarris receave satisfaction; and I heare the rest of the counsell begin to condescend; soe that 'tis not doubted but they will agree: which makes the Presbiterian saction saye, they doubt not but their business will be very successfull, and they shall have a powerfull armie, that party joyning with them. Alderman Bunch is come hither, and very bussye: he promises for those in Ingland. Where Massy is, I cannot learn, but he was a few dayes at Spa; soe I presume sent on some designe. The speech is, the court removes about fourteen dayes hence for Ceullen, not to staye long there, but to goe to Cleave, which is nearer Holland, and more convenient for C. St. to take his passage. Some thinke he will be gone suddenly; I beleive not, because there is noe money: others, that he will staye untill winter, when your ships cannot lye on the sea coast. I shall be as vigilant as I can, to observe his remove. I am,

Really yours.

A letter of intelligence from Paris.

September 9. 1654. [N. S.]

Vol. xvii. p. 409.

The letters of England of this day are not yet come, because they arrived not at Calais, when the post parted. Since my former we have but little of news. Our king and cardinal went yesterday-night to Bois de Vincennes, where they are as yet. 'Tis thought soon they will go to Fontainebleau, and, may be, from thence to Compiegne. It is thought we shall besiege some place upon the frontiers, which is conceived to be Armantiers, or Clermont. We have great hopes of our peace with you there. We do not yet know how you are disposed for it.

M. marquis de Bentivol, master of camp of a regiment of foot, being taken at Arras prisoner, was set at liberty upon his good word; for which the cardinal gave way to two of the enemies taken by ours, in recompence of that, and gave to each a watch of a high price, with a good horse, and a pair of pistolets. One of the said two prisoners was a cousin to Fuenseldagna, and the other nephew to M. Pimentelli.

Saturday in the morning the curates of this city assembled together, to send a remonstrance to the king, for the return of M. de St. Jean and the two grand vicars banished lately; but they gave it over afterwards till another time, for some reasons, because they are sure the king himself will send for them by the time.

Here was great solemnity last saturday for both our victories of Arras, and the king's birth-day, as I mentioned in my former. The king went to Nostre-dame at four of the clock in the afternoon, with the whole court and parliament, and had Te Deum sung there, the cannons of the Bastille highly playing; and after their return at night, every man made his fire before his own door; which was ordered by M. prevost des marchands.

Mr. Broussell the counsellor, banished this good while past, died last saturday, and his sonn was the same day received in his place in parliament.

The same day orders were sent to the curates of St. Jean de la Greve, and M. Biet canon of Nostre-dame is to retire to Bourges; and the like orders were sent to M. Chevalier and M. Advocate grand vicars, to retire, the first to Cleremont in Auvergne, the other to Lyons.

Sunday morning M. Joly, canon of Nostre-dame, received the like orders to retire to Chaumont in Bassigny, and M. du Hamel the like, to goe to Angers: and as his parish was divided, half Jansenists and half Molinists, the first made a great bruit for his banishment. So our churchmen are disposed of.

Monday the parliament deputed out of every chamber to the Louvre towards the king, to congratulate his return, and his happy success in the field; also to represent their remonstrances for the election of deputies de novo, as was resolved and promised in court in October, the year 1648. also for the recalling of their banished members; which all after one another was presented by the first president, in the behalf of the rest; and the lord chancellor answered for the king: first gave them thanks for their speech and congratulation, in favour of the prosperity God was pleased to cast upon his majesty's army this year; secondly; for the election of new deputies, that they ought to understand what that was promised and determined in a time of sedition and troubles, when his majesty could not do otherwise; but seeing it's not necessary, that his majesty did not intend to quit that declaration to execution, by reason all will be paid by the good orders given already by his said majesty so absolutely, that is put aside; thirdly, as for the banished members, that his majesty already had the goodness to recal some of them, as they knew; which since their return did behave themselves as bad as before in a manner, that there's as much cause to turn them again away, as was in the beginning; and therefore his majesty did not think to purpose to recal the rest; which is an end of that.

You heard before, that the state of Languedoc in their last assembly promised to pay to the duke of Orleans the sum of 50,000 crowns of their own rents for this year, which he cannot get without a letter from the king's council, which he desir'd by his deputies to court; and his answer was to the deputies, that when the duke of Orleans would come and live near his majesty, that then his said majesty would do any thing possible for his interest, which was all he could obtain from them; yet he did not give over to congratulate his majestly in his prosperities and happy successes; and so did his daughter, which, as some say, is disposed to come to court; as for her father, not at all.

M. de la Meilleraye has placed seven or eight ships about Belle-isle, to hinder any thing to go in or out of it; which hearing, the old man de Retz went into the isle, and sent the duchess de Retz to court, to signify he was not cause of cardinal de Retz his liberty; and that he was always a true servant to the king, &c. yet cardinal de Retz is not there, and no man here knows where he is; some say at St. Malo's, others in Italy, others in Holland; others in Hambourg; but no certainty.

I hear nothing from king Charles since my former; which is all from,

Yours most faithfully.

A letter of intelligence from Mr. Augier's secretary.

Paris, 9. Sept. 1654. [N. S.]

Vol. xvii. p. 406.

The truest news from Arras are, that the prince of Condé hath most courageously fought, and that there have been almost as many French as Spaniards slain.

But all this hindered not the Te Deum from being sung here, and from making bonfires, and shewing as much joy, as though the triumph had been perfect; and that, although the Spaniards have still a fine army, this court doth think upon new designs, to end the campaign with more advantage than it hath been begun, causing to that purpose new troops to come from Guienne, to reimplace the loss his majesty's army hath received in that action; which troops passed the Dordogne on this side, when the last letters we received from Bergerac were written. It is thought these new designs are against Armentieres or Landrecy; but it is believed they will rather prove against Clermont and Rocroy, by reason of the incommodity Sedan receives therefrom; where cardinal Mazarin intends to establish his nephew. However, I am informed Mons. le prince hath cast many forces into Rocroy, and that it will not be surprised.

Their majesties, having received many compliments from all the bodies of this city, intend to part from hence on monday next for Compiegne.

Monday the parliament congratulated their majesties upon their good success; after which having spoken to the king of the necessity to continue the rentiers pay, and pray'd him to recal the exiled members, he answered, that he understood the said rentiers should be paid; but as for the exiled, their liberty should be thought of, when the general peace should be concluded.

Yesterday the little queen feasted at dinner their said majesties with the cardinal at the royal palace, where was also the titular duke of York.

I hear news are this morning arrived of marshal of Turenne's taking of Quesnoy, a little city near Landrecy, the which he had taken unawares, and sound very ill provided of all manner of things.

We hear nothing of cardinal de Retz. The letters from Rochelle bear, that he had shipped himself in a vessel of St. Malo of twenty-two pieces of ordnance, coming from St. Lucar; which having been forced by bad weather to withdraw to Belle-isle, he had been forced to unload his riches, which were considerable in merchandises and silver bars; and that the said cardinal was afterwards entered therein: where to go, it is unknown. And it is written from St. Malo, that that ship was missed there, and that they feared it had been taken by some English frigats. The marshal of Meilleraye doth still misuse the dukes of Retz and Brisac, having put garison in the best house they have in Bretagne. But the first hath given to understand, that if so be they did rigorously prosecute him, they should carry him to such extremities, as were contrary to his inclination. This court mistrusts and fears the intrigues of that party with the duke of Orleans. I hear the king hath sent for his royal highness, and will in earnest have him to come.

Mr. Bradshaw, resident at Hamburgh, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xvii. p. 402.

I have not any from you this post; nether have I yet heard from the gentleman other then that he was come thither; and so soone as a resolution should be taken, he would give notice. If I heare not from him by the next post, I shall then conclude somethinge hath intervened contrary to expectation. I doubt not his reality in what he had undertaken. I have the faithfull promise both of the fenate here, and of the kinge of Denmark's councell at Luxstat, that noe armes or ammunition shall be ship'd out of either place, or out of their jurisdictions, for Scotland. I shall take what further care I can, to discover and prevent the shippinge out of any from other part within the river, or without. I doubt the Sound above any other place. Now they are discovered here, I give it out, that some letters were taken at the late routinge of Middleton, which discovered the shippinge of armes from the Elbe. The ship with masts departed hence for London two days since; but the wynde is now contrary, so as I doubt shee hath not got out to sea. Shee hath twenty-six of the great masts in her, with some iron and pitch for ballast, without which shee could not faile; and is to pay the fraight, with the proceeds of it. I am this day told, that Carpenter the Jesuite is gone privately in her: he pretends to be a convert, but hath sowed his tares heere to purpose amonge the malignants, whose chaplaine he hath been in a private house ever since he came. Langdale and Compton, his chiefe masters, are gone to Ch. St. at the Spaw. Sir William Palmer remaynes here still, but hath sent two of his servants to England lately, as I am told. I beleive he hath noe greater designe in hand then to make his peace at home, if he can. For this week's occurrents I refer you to the inclosed paper, and subscribe myselfe,

Hamb. 29. Aug. 1654.

Your humble servant,
Richard Bradshaw.

A list of the ships provisions, presented to his highness.

Vol. xvii. p. 415.

May it please your Highness,
Wee have considered the supplies needfull for the fleete, and doe humbly propose the severall particulers following, as necessarie to be putt on board each shipp for the present expedition.

Boateswaines, Each to have two suites of sayles throughout, together with one spare fore-corse and maine top-saile, double stores of canvas, twyne and needles, owld sayles to make awnings fore and aft, and tilts for the boats.

Eight sufficient cables, four hawsers whereof to be cable-laide, the other two soe laid, that they may serve for shrowdes, if occasion.

One anchor more then formerly allowed: her boates usuall.

Rates Dozen
Oares extraordinary, according to the rates of each ship 2 6
3 5
4 4
5 3
Shovells for ballast extraordinary; a leather hose 2 5
3 4
4 3
5 3

For all other stores double allowance, according to the time above-said.

General stores.

Twelve careening tackles and blocks; whereof two for second-rates, four for third, and six for fourth.

Twenty-four dozen of leather bucketts, six leather hoses, eight sparre-anchors.

These anchors to be not under the size of best,
One for second-rate.
Two for third-rate.
Five for four and fifth.


Ra. Bar.
Each to have tarr 2 18
3 15
4 12
5 10

Pitch, the same quantity as tarr.

Ra. lb.
Okum 2 1000
3 800
4 500
5 500
Junk 2 2000
3 1800
4 1500
5 1500
Ra. Doz.
Axes to hew wood extraordinary 2 4
3 3
4 2
5 2
And hatchets 2 2
4 1
5 1

One spare maine top-mast, and two fisles.

Bolts, chaine-plates, spikes, nayles, lead, iron-work for boates, double allowance, according to the time above-mentioned.

Stuff and tallow enough to grease and tallow the shipp once compleately, together with an overpluss to trimm boates three or four times over.

General Stores.

Twelve backs of leather the pumps: six sawyers.

Each to have eighty rounds of powder and shot, whereof five to be double-head hammered, three barrels, two partridge; but for demi-cannon all eighty rounds to be round shott.

Double stores of all things else, according to the time above-said, except hooks, rackles, and breechings; of which to have onely single allowance.

General stores.

250 launce-irons and staves; 200 paire of pistols.


Rate. Bar.
Each to have of small barrells, otherwise called barrichoes, according to the rate of each 2 30
3 25
4 20
5 15

Brandy and vinegre, flower, and resons,

Rate. Bar.
Each shipp to have brandy 2 4
3 3
4 2
5 1
Of vinegre 2 6
3 4
4 3
5 2

To each hundred men four hds. of flower, and 6 hds. resons.


Shirts for 4000 men, at two per man 8000
Linnen stockings, at one paire per man; paires 4000
Wollen or coten stockings, one paire per man 4000
Cotten wastcoates 4000
Cotten drawers 4000
Canvas jackets, two per man 8000
Canvas drawers, ditto 8000
Shooes, three paire per man 1200
Haire hatts, or Munmouth capp 4000

Each ship to carry her boats usuall; but the pynnace of the men of warre to be large, and the victuallers each of them great long-boate.

To have frames for twelve boates, all to be 35 foot long, shallopps; and to have boards, iron-worke, nailes, put in for them to be put upp in convenient place.

The long-boates to be built forthwith here, to be large for second-rate shipps for towage.

For the two first months spending tallow-candles; for all the rest of the voyage wax-candles, and oyle for lamps, with weeke-yarne.

'Tis necessary to have two saynes for the fleete.

300 lines, 300 fish-hookes, sorts fitt for the country; as alsoe harping-irons, manatee, turtoise-irons and fisgigs, 2 6 of the said irons.
3 5
4 4
5 3

Twelve smiths with bellowes, tooles, iron, and fifty chaldron of coales, to be putt on board some of the victuallers, instead of ballast.

Six bricklayers with materials; four glasiers with letan and shipp-glass: each shipp to have two coopers extraordinary, with iron hoopes and rivetts, as possibly may be gott, with beckhorne, cold, chissel, hammers, &c.

The before-mentioned particulers, wee find, are already graunted.

Additionals further proposed for the fleete.

Perticulers further to be proposed to his highness consideration, as necessary for that present expedition:

Twelve hand-pumps, in case of careening the shipp.

Three wherries, each of four oares apeece.

A water-shipp of 300 tonns, iron bound: casks, hogsheads, and puncheons for the same: ten or twelve thousand of sope.


The respective chirurgeons chests being compleated for eight months, as above-said; that the particulers hereafter mentioned, with their vallues, be prepared for an hundred men; viz.

Emplasters 1 11 0
Unguents 1 14 2
Oyles 1 6 4
Pills 1 0 4
Waters 2 11 8
Electuaries 4 16 6
Syrupps 1 18 8
Powders 1 16 4
Symples 5 6 0
22 1 0
For every hundred seamen to be put on board, and for the accommodation of the commanders with fresh provisions; as alsoe to provide some sugar and other necessaries for sick and wounded men, to be paid the captain ten pounds 10 0 0

Twelve drakes for boates heads, fitted with iron pinthes for landing of.

Sixty large steele targetts for boate heads, for the shelter of the men uppon landing.

Twelve suites of armour of proofe to be in every flagg-shipp: eighteen sutes for the putting out of fier, and other desperate service.

That care may be taken for relieffe of the seamens families, by paying their wives and relations the half of their pay, at the end of every six months.

May it please your Highnes,
We doe humbly propose to your highness, that in regard to the great want of seamen, and the decay of trade thereby, and how much it concernes the honour and benefitt of the nation in the increase of navigation and trade; wee are humbly of opinion, that it may stand with your highness wisdome, that shipps, as well in the state's service as on merchants affaires, may be enjoyned to carry young land-men from seventeen to twentyfour years of age, to be bred upp as seamen, and to allow them 16 s. per mens. and that proclamation may bee made in every markett-towne in England, to give notice, that all such as are willing to serve, may come to Trinity-house in Ratcliffe, or to the cheque at Debtford, Woolwich, Chatham, Dover, and Plymouth, where they may be entertayned in the service of the state, or in merchants affaires accordingly. All which wee humbly submitt to your highness great wisdome, and subscribe ourselves

Your Highness

humble servants,
And. Riccard. Maurice Thomson.
Will. Williams. William Rider.
Martin Noell. William Vincent.
Tho. Alderne.

A letter of intelligence from Sir J. Henderson.

Vol. xviii.p. 262.

For the avoyding of tediousse discoursse, I present this to zour consideratione, such for the present I know to be effectuated suddenlie, if not prevented.

Att my beinge at Aken, Charls Stewart made a solemne declaratione to his councell and all cavalliers with him, that he wold goe home to Scotland this yeir in the winter, and rather dye with his sword in his hand, repeating his kingdomes, than heir of the distresses, and live in such contemptible calamities as he is lyke to be prest with hereafter. To that effect he has sent home Middleton his brother-in-law, on Mr. Durham, with a patent as general quarter-master to the cavalrie, and coll. of horse. He were also to send home coll. Blaik, of great power amongst the Presbiterians, to give them assurance of his sudden coming home with all pertinents for their releise. Att my coming away, it wes in determining of sending home also the lord Balcarras, with a patent for the lord of Lorne, as a lieutenant-general to the kyng, upon the Presbeterian score, havinge gotten a patent for himselfe to be general-major of horse to the lord Lorne.

For the betteir affecting of all this, the lord Willmott was sent away (havinge in his companie for his confident Mr. Geo. Waits) to all the princes of the Nether-Saxenn, Over-Saxenn, Frankish and Westphalian chiefs; but cheiflie to the elector of Brandenburg, quhose quotum in promised contributione extends bot to 13,000 dollars, both hes promised 24,000 to be delivered at Hamburg, therin all privacie to be bestowed upon armes, quhich treulie can be hadd from thence by several wayes; which by discourse I fall make notifyed to you, but cheiflie by the meanes of Mr. Waits, quho for that purpose was sent with the lord Wilmott, for affecting the same bussines.

The elector of Brandenburg hes also promised 2000 men to be in readines against the kyng's going over; and of other princes he has also promises of menn, that I am sure in all will not amount to 3500 men, quho, so much as I can understand of Balcarras, wes to land in the Lowland, and presentlie to fortifie a port for securitie of the armes, ammunition, and vicktuall to be sent home. The port is to be resolved upon betwixt Tay and Crummertis firth, and hes Montrosse, Peterheid, or the earl of Arrell's house the bornes; so havinge made sure ther ammunitione and all other preparatories, they are to rayse the North of Scotland, havinge communicatione with the Highlands, quhair it is thocht the kyng will land, sending before him sum 6000 armes, with all other necessaries, to the West at Loughaber, by the iland of the Mule into Emerlochie; quich house they intend to make ther maggazin for unitie of all Hyghlanders with the Lowlanders. It is not doubted but by the kyng's presence all will knit and combyned together; for preparation of which, Balcarrace was to goe home to ground the businesse before the kyng's coming home: but for the preventing of this I fall have a full discourse with zou at leasure.

Sir, be assured, the kyng will hazard home, before he begg his bred abroade; for certainlie the emperour and the princes of Germanie will contribut no more to him, except they see he prove active in his owne affairs, and imploy this he hes gotten to that same use; nay, many of them has lettin him knowe by ther letters, that he hes spent too much tyme, and suffered good occasions to slipp from his hands in affecting nothinge.

The dukes of Lunenburg, Brunswycke, and Meklenburg, hes promised good assistance: they are able to send him ammunition, armes, victualls, and other provisions downe the river of Elve, if a course be not in tyme taken for preventing the same; quich easily can be done, if richtlie considerate. If Brandenburg schipp any menn from the fort of Hamburg without my impachment, upon the Elve, or such preparatories, he cann doe it from Colberg in Pomerania; quich also must be easilie knowen.

Sir, the nixte I propose to zour consideratione, is my sudden departure from heir for his hyghness service; quich, so long as my blood is warme, shall be reallie effected by me: and for further securitie of my fidelitie, I will send my wife and childring heir to remaine att London. I am able to doe his highnesse good service, ether in Germanie, Sweden, or Denmarcke; in which parts I have spent thirty-six zeirs, and lost much blood. I desire it may be inquired of the vice-roy of Norway, or Sir John Coachran, quhat my abilities may be in this poynt.

As for my dispatch, I desire to be gone on thursday nixt cumming, that I may goe over in the pacquett-boat from Dover to Dunckerke. To that purpose I desire a pass may be granted me to com and goe, as suddein occasions may press it, from Germanie. Next I desire a plenipotence from his highness, for the leving of 3000 menn in Scotland: not that I intend to mak any of itt in time cumming, bot for the better culloring of my being heer; quhereof questionless they have intelligence. Thirdlie, that I may have a competent setled meanes by the resident of Hamburge monthlie, directed by his hyghness; as also sum meanes for my present transport, in respect of my great travell I must make this winter: for what shall be done by them, must be ether done in the for-winter, as in December, quhich from the Baltick sea and Germanie is constant with East or NorthEast wynds; or in the middle of February in the ester-winter; so that constantlie by every post I sal let zou know quhat is to be done in prejudice of his highness service: to which purpose to-moreow in the efternoon I will give you character ample and easic, made by myselfe. Fourthlie, I desire a plenipotence and pour for secretarie Massenett, to transporte himselfe, his wyfe, child, and goods, for London, if his hyghnes thinkes good, in respect of the good use may be made of him, quho is the onlie man, that the secreats and letters to Germane princes is trusted in writing, and did communicate all with me. He has also the private communicatione betwixt the kyng and the quein of Sweadenn to Antwerp, by meanes of the old lord Goring: how fare that will extend, I shall let his hyghnes know at my cumming over to Collonia. He is the onlie secretary for French, Latine, and also for Inglish: much relyes upon his dexterity of wretting. I have him sure, and have lent him mony, thocht therby I have impoverisht myselfe by itt; zitt for his hyghness service ther are nothing under heaven but what I will hazard for him. If his hyghnes finds it fitting, I desire a private pass, as sent from his hyghnes into Germanie for his hyghnesse his affayres; that if att any tyme I be examined, I may have protectione from his hyghnes his pass, and libberty now and thenn to communicat, and (in a kynd) gainsay the too much forwardness of sum particular princes, in assisting Ch. St. contrair to his hyghnes, and the present established government in Ingland, Scotland, and Irland.

A letter of intelligence.

Vol. xxiv.p. 208.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

The wind 409 413 40 913 was so long contrary 19 26 417 31 44 60 405, that I 400 arrived 417 16 420 405 40 att 417 Rotterdam 405 44 406 400 39 350 only upon the eighteenth 408 26 5 405 September 405 24 419 405 412 401 405 44 913 old style. 406 48 26 60 49. I stayed not there at all, but came to this place the twentyeth-one of the 6 13 405 413 419 60 405 914 414 19 405 548 2 404 910 26 50 5 500 same month. 710 540. I can say nothing 16 504 19 419 26 50 419 19 10 541 as yet; but that l. of B. 548 913 is now come 2 39 405 548 to Ch. St.'s court, 403 414 18 44 26 500, with good retinue 419 60 19 420 405 and splendid equipage. 405 413 40 60 406 914 5 14 18 60 24 31 10 405. Strong endeavourings 10 350 405 19 406 5 400 420 414 18 407 418 are used by Spayne 542 and Ch. St. to moove the 18 United Provinces to join 60 2 409 19 708 with them: but they keep loof 3 24 547 460 49 414 2 7 as yet. Sweaden is in bad condition. 40 542 403 2 19 40 60 419 60 414 913. God assist him. 418 60 48 26 500. I goe from this instant hence towards Antwerpe and Brussels; 406 910 122; from whence you 413 403 405 530 16 2 421 shall heare from me at 405 7 44 414 39 710 large, so soon as possible. God direct you in all your councils. 18 413 403 405 49 411 542 910. I remaine

Your very affectionate friend to serve you,
John Butler.

412 60 40 411 405 401 2 417 19 50 546 60 19 910 11 405 49 400 413. 406 541 26 13 405 413 419 409 405 530 419 421 414 48 405 24 419 405 39 401 405 44 912 2 49 401 48 419 409 411 546 for my said 48 405 400 411. I shall use this or one 31 19 403 44 405, with a cable about it.

A letter of intelligence.

Vol. xviii.p. 54.

One of his grandees said, his master need not put his life in hazard this summer; and against winter Middleton would cleare Scotland: besides, he need not spend any of his German money; for his allowance from France will mayntaine him. I thinke it will, if his sister stayes with him; for the payes all. How to proceed, when he is in Scotland, is more eagerly disputed then the former question; for here is the lord Belkarres, Sir William Kith, and a Scoch minister, sent out of Scotland from the Presbiterians (of which faction part of Middleton's army consists) to C. Stewart, to put him in mynde of the covenant he tooke, and to obtaine a new promis of him, that he will mayntaine of the privileges of the civill and ecclesiasticall government in Scotland. If he will set his hand to this, Belkarres will assure him, the most of Scotland will rise presently, and fight to the last man. They will also condescend to his entertayning all that will fight against you: he hath gayned manie to be of his opinion; but so far as I can perceive by discourse, the most of the grandees are not for him. They would have Ch. St. not admitt any into the army, butt such as came to fight meerely for his interest, and make no tearmes with him, which may happily ruine his affaires there; for I heard Wilmot and Blake (who are of his partie) saie, that Belkarres was the man, whoe first made this last insurrection, and is a popular man in his country, haveinge bin one of the councell there. On the succes of his negotiation the Presbyterian partie now gazes, and eyther will close with you, or shew themselves enemies, as it takes effect. You must looke to them in Ingland; for I learne by discourse, there are manie will joyne with those of Scotland. If I can heare theire names, you shall have them. I speake with fear here, but have their weekely intelligence from Ingland. Hide and secr. Nicolls never mis; and if I am not much mistaken, I knowe the man by a word one lett slip. It is he hath been formerly secretary to Hopton, and now lives in London. His name is Truethuell, a Cornishman, with a red face, and stature thicke and short, with curled browne haire: I beleeve you will easily find him. Their letters are all writ in caracters. There is a lady (her name is concealed) hath wroate hether to one Mr. Heath, that there is come over one of the protector's gardes, a Highdutch-man, named Leonarts, whoe is sent to spye, and, if he can finde an opportunity, to kill C. Stewart. He is decypher'd, with reddish hayre, and a flatt nose. They have inquired for him at all the inns in towne, and threaten to kill him, or any other, that they finde to give intelligence; but I trust the Lord will bringe all their wicked designes to light, and frustrate their evill intentions. This weeke come hither one coll. Hollis, formerly a parliament-man, and coll. Smith of Wiltshire. The last came from London but sixteen dayes agoe. He tells them, the people are weary of the present government, and their friendes expect an occasion to rife. He reports much more frivilous newes: he sayes, he is assured, many of those men chosen for the nexte parliament, are well affected to C. Stewart. They feare now the Spanish are beaten, that you should make an alliance with France, and Ch. St. should loose his pension, which is all his subsistance. This is all I can give you of publique affayres. For my perticular, I beseech you to paye that moneye I formerly advised you, to my friend; and I hope you will take care further, to remitt some monyes by exchange, to Mr. Lawrence Coghen, merchant at Amsterdam, for my present use in this imployment; for here I have no creditt; and you can judge this businesse requiers an extraordinary charge. I leave it to your discreet consideration, only beseech you to be myndefull of mee in my absence, as I am, and ever shall be, of this or any affaire, that may conduce to the wellfare of the commonwealth; wheretoe is wisht and prayed for all prosperitie by

Your faithfull servant.

I hope my inck will be good; but here is no lemmons to be got, which makes the best.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

Vol. xviii. p. 252.

Le Sieur Raesvelt a fait tout ce qu'il a pû pour faire differer encore quelques jours les patentes pour les quatre compagnies destinées vers Overyssel, disant que cependant il esperoit qu'on s'y accommoderoit; mais cela n'a servi de rien; les patentes sont enfin expediées: on verra ce que Twente & Deventer feront à l'encontre.

Les 145 se servent fort de ces broüilleries dans les patentes, pour prouver qu'il faut un chef, qui dirige cette affaire sans bruit, sans dispute, sans contradiction: Da nobis regem, ut judicet nos. Mais la Hollande tant plus s'opiniâtrera à l'encontre.

Ceuxde Geldre enfin aussi ont formé leuravis, auquel je me rapporte, & on voit assez, que pas un n'ose approuver la seclusion; car quoique Nimmeguen, Tiel, Bommel, Aernem soient de la faction, au sentiment de la Hollande, & fassent bande à part, neantmoins elles n'osent en rien patrociner la Hollande, quand il s'agit de la seclusion; & quoique tant au païs de Geldre qu'au quartier de Nimmeguen & au quartier de Zutphen, il y ait plusieurs nobles, qui font du sentiment & faction de Hollande, neantmoins pas un se declare, mais semblent avoir peur, qu'un jour le prince venant au gouvernement, il ne s'en souvienne & fasse mal à tels nobles.

La Hollande même, quoi qu'à present ayant assûré la Haye de quatre compagnies de gardes, neantmoins n'a pas l'afsûrance de faire retirer le jeune prince & la princesse royale hors de la cour, bien qu'à present étant à Spa avec le roy son frere, doit être présumé de ne parler ni traiter rien avec lui, qui foit au goût du protecteur, à qui neantmoins la Hollande fait profession de vouloir complaire.

Voire il se parle sort, que la Hollande, par un secret acte, assûrera ceux du prince, que venant en âge, elle rompra l'acte de la seclusion.

Ceux de Groningue & Omlande ont aussi maintenant exhibé un nouvel avis improbatoire de la seclusion, tant de ce que cy-devant ils ont exhibé en un acte, que de la part des députés.

Ceux d'Utrecht seuls n'ont pas encore exhibé leur avis provincial, car la ville ne veut nullement se déclarer si largement, comme les deux autres membres, & toutesois la ville n'osera pas aussi approuver la seclusion. Le maison de Breda notifie maintenant aussi, que la reine de Suede desire de venir à Breda; & si elle y veut être connuë, l'état ne manquera pas de la faire traiter, & de lui faire l'honneur dû.

Le deputé de Bremen minute son depart; la semaine passée il bailla un memoire pour une resolution catégorique. La province de Groningue & Omlande a formé un avis fort favorable d'envoyer un secours de 2000 hommes: la Frise fera bien le même, item, l'Overyssel; & d'autant plus, parce que voyant que la Hollande ne veut rien faire pour la ville de Breemen, parce qu'elle voit le comte Guillaume & les * * font inclinés à aîder la dite ville; & par ainsi ce député, voyant que l'on ne fera rien, s'en veut aller, ayant plus d'esperance sur les princes de Westfalie & de Basse-Saxe.

Les êtats de Cleve et Marque ont éscrit aux êtats généraux, & requis intercession envers l'electeur de Brandenbourgh, pour la relaxation du baron de Wylich, que la lantdrost Spaen a pris par des cavaliers de cest êtat fous le canon de Burick, meme l'emmenant par dessus la contrecharpe de Burick: mais l'êtat encore fait le difficile.

L'on dit, qu'à Dorth il y a quelques nouveaux remüements dans la gilde de mariniers; mais ce ne sera pas grand chose.

Ceux d'Amsterdam grandifient ou renforcent leurs compagnies presidiaires, & reparent ou rendent meilleures leurs fortifications, ayant couru un bruit, que le comte Guillaume retournant de Groningue ameneroit plusieurs mille hommes vers icy: mais il est venu tout fin seul. Il est vrai toutefois, que les êtats de Hollande, quand ils ont icy aggrandi la garde, ont eu la consideration, que * * seroient venir ici des troupes. II y a de côte d'autre des gens qui soufflent le feu.

Le Sieur Jongestal par une lettre expresse témoigne aux êtats généraux le désir, qu'il a de retourner d'Angleterre, comme en effet il ne peut être en aucune façon agréable dans les yeux du protecteur, comme adherent au parti du prince qu'on a seclu. Sur quoi étant déliberé dans les êtats généraux, toutefois n'est rien resolu.

Cependant les avis provinciaux touchant la seclusion vont haut. Ceux de Groningue la nomment abominable, & l'on voit bien, que les provinces improbantes veulent aller plus outre, & neantmoins la Hollande se maintiendra & se doit maintenir.

De Bremen est dereches baillé un memoire, mais nulle résolution, si non que les provinces sont requises de se faire instruire, h. e. nihil. La Groningue aura un avis d'assister de 2000 hommes: la Frise y entendra bien aussi, mais tout cela n'est rien sans la Hollande.

Ceux de 145 conçoivent de la jalousie: 1. De ce que le protecteur tient & renforce toujours sa flotte aux Dunes, & de ce qu'à Amsterdam on leve des soldats plus qu'il ne faut pour renforcer leur compagnies; & on parle qu'à Rotterdam il y a quelques amas, ou grande provision d'armes. 4. Ceux de Dorth ont fait fortir de leur ville une compagnie, qui y a été en garnison plus de 50 ans, à cause qu'elle est du regiment du conte Guillaume.

Les avis provinciaux de Geldre & Groningue sont asses asprès, dans celuy * * * *.

A letter of intelligence from colonel Bamfylde.

Vol. xviii. p. 228.

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The king haveinge furnished the frontier guarrisons with all necessaryes untill the next campagne, is returned to Compiegne, and intends to be here on teusday next, having ended this summer's expedition with much better sucesse, than they began it. The businesse of the cardinall de Retz and his proceedings gives them much more disturbance then they desire to have appeare. Many beleive him to be in Paris; which oppinion is confirmed by many probable circumstances; firste, that it was certaynly knowne he was within thirteen leagues of this place twelve dayes since. Next he has wrote a letter of a very late date to the assembly, excellently well penned, with great resolution, and with not to much regard either of the king, ministers of state, or of themselves. In it are many materiall passages, but principally one, wherein he tells them, that theyr to much compliance with the courte hath given authority to their irregular proceedings, in prejudice of the common dignity of the church; and that theyr voluntary dissimulation would shortly bring all under an involuntary and shamefull servitude; and that for his parte, haveinge with great patience waited for redress of his injuryes by theyr applications to the king for justice, and not being likelie to arrive at the end of his expectation by those meanes he has hitherto resorted to, he is resolved to make use of his spirituall armes by inhibiting mass, the administration of all the sacraments, together with all other rights and ceremonies of the church in his diocess; which he is likely to doe, and that as likelie to produce great confusion in this place, where the people are strict in their way, and very affectionate to theyr bishop. This letter was read in the assembly, but sent to the king, and endeavoured to be smothered; but he has caused some coppyes to be dispersed, but they are very privately kept by reason of the king's strict edict, that none shall publish or have any coppyes thereof. However J. is promised one, and tells me, he will send it you by the way of R o u e n, 55. 58. by which you will have a. n. o. ther pa 90. k. e. t, which should be inquired after. The baron Vignancour, whoe was sent hence to the emperour's court, is called back, and upon his returne with onelie this answere to the king of France's complaynts, that there was not any article in the treaty of Munster prohibiting the king of Spayne making of levyes for his owne mony of voluntiers in any part of the empire; and upon that accounte those men were raysed, which marched into Flanders. For his sendinge an army into Ittaly, he avowed it, as done upon great justice, the duke of Modena being his feodatory, and the dutchy of Millayne held on the same condition of him, which gave him a right of reducinge either, that showlde invade the other without his consent, to reason. And upon those grounds he was not onelie resolved to continue those troopes already in Ittaly, for the prosecution of the ends they were sent for; but showld employ new ones, as occasion required. One of the colonels of horse, a person of quallity, in the guarrison of Brisac, is secured, being accused of holding a correspondencie with the emperour. They make new levyes dayly in those parts, and work night 2nd day about that repayring of the fortifications. Ld. Jermyn tolde me within this hower, that he had inform a. t i. o. n. by letters yesterday from Spayne, that your peace to a s. in a manner conclud e d. Since the writinge of this, newes is come, that the French court will not be here this ten days. Let mee request you to cause some of your servants to inclose one of my lord protector's speeches, (if it be printed) under a cover, adressed, as you doe your letters, and send it me by the poste. You will receave another paquet this poste another way. I need say no more in this; but at present, I am, Sir,

Your most humble and most faythfull servant.

Colonel Bamfylde to Mr. Adrian Corsellis.

Vol. xxxii. p. 421.

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Tow days since, lord. G e r a r d. met mee in a garden with other company; and after some short discourse of other things, fell into the moste bitter and slovenly language of my lord protector, that can be imaginable. The company only gave him the hearing, but made not any reply to his wilde discourse, few here thinking him much better then a mad-man; but I stayd with him till all the rest were gone, and then desired him to let mee knowe, what his late discourse tended to. He answered, that he spoke it purposely, that I might aske him that question; for he had hitherto admired my patience and virtue, that could soe long suffer what I had done from the king, and not abandon his interest after the many services I had done him and his famely; and that he had beleived, that my going into England was rather to serve the king then the contrary: but that he perceived, I was steering a countrary course, and wowld be my owne ruine, which he, as my frend, laboured to prevent. I asked him, wherein ? He replyed, that my making conditions in the French service, as things now stand, was the same thing as to serve your protector, and was abandoning of my former principles; and next, the protector had lately sayd, that he had designed to murder him; and that he had never discoursed with any but the king and myselfe about it, and might therefore have some ground to suspect it came from me. I tolde him, I had never seen the protector, and forgott the business he spake then of it; and that he might more reasonably imagine, that it might come by his cozen's confession, or some of his assotiates; he sayd, he knew his cozen had not confessed any thing, and that he did not say this to vindicate himselfe from the desiring of it, as a crime, which he beleived a virtue and meretorious; and would doe it himselfe, if he could; but however, that he wanted oportunityes; yet 'twas not impossible but it may be done yet, as close as he keeps himselfe; and began to recommend it to mee, as the moste deserving and glorious action in the world. Mr. Montague and divers others are dayly harping upon the same string. Valiant men may fear to little, as well as cowards fear to much. It may be worth his highness consideration, that he has those enemyes now, that holde assassination of heretiques merits heaven; and may prevaile with zealous fanatique persons to attempt it, though they be sure to dye. There have been but to many pregnant instances of this of late years. All heere, that will converse freely with mee, say, all attempts without that will not signify much, and that would bring soe great disturbance, that a small resistance would restore the king. There is one Rotherforde, a Scots colonell here, goeing over into England to raise 8000 men, to recruite his owne and colonel Dowglass regiments. He says, you have given leave for it in Scotland. He is a very great enemie to you.

A letter to cardinal Mazarin.

Vol. xviii.p. 278.

My Lord,
Since my last I have been particularly informed, that there remaineth but one article to be concluded between France and us; namely, that France should not raise the imposition upon our cloths more than what was laid in the year 1652. a thing, which Mons. de Bordeaux doth oppose, which doth make me to take the boldness in all humility to give you my opinion upon it, as a thing very clear against the interest of the king; for the more cloths are transported into France, the more the customs of the king increase, and consequently his revenue; and it is a point well known in politics, that the ministers of kings are to increase all what they can the importation of all foreign merchandize unto France; for so much the more we raise the price of your merchandizes, as wines, salt, all manner of linen-cloth of all sorts, silks, and the like, for our return. It may be, you may answer me, our people make cloth themselves as well as we; but we do not trust so much, and pay so much impost to the king; besides it would be better for the king, there were not one yard of cloth made in France; for the importation thereof would so much the more increase his revenue and customs.

Your silks and linens would be transported in the greater abundance; for it were to be wished, that for the profit of the king, there was not any of the growth of France used in France, but all exported, and foreign manufactures brought into France to supply them; by which means the revenues of the king would be worth as much more than they are at present; besides you would have the effect of the value of forty or fifty millions of other nations, for which your meaner sort of people would be credited for eight months, or a year and more.

Your eminence may consider of this with Mons. Servien, and the rest of your council.

Your goodness and bounty make me thus bold to address myself more particularly to your eminence.