A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 2, 1654. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1654: June (5 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 2, 1654, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol2/pp395-407 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1654: June (5 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 2, 1654. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol2/pp395-407.
"State Papers, 1654: June (5 of 6)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 2, 1654. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol2/pp395-407.
In this section
June (5 of 6)
The Dutch embassadors in England to the states general.
H. and M. Lords,
Vol. xv. p. 470.
My Lords,
Since our last, some more prisoners are sent to the Tower, who are said to have had a hand
in the conspiracy; and amongst the rest, the earl of Oxford, who formerly was a colonel
in your H. and M. lordships service many years. Several others, who upon examination
have been found innocent, have been released. This business doth altogether take up his
highness and his council, that there is no access to be had to the one or the other. In our
last we advised your lordships of a new high court of justice, who have met several times
together to consult and consider of their form and manner of sitting. We are told, that
the next week three will be brought to their trial. Ashburnham and Gerard were re-examined this week at Whitehall, and they are said to run the most hazard. It is said, that
this plot was most discovered by one Long, who had been secretary to king Charles, and
through some disgust had forsaken that party, and transported himself hither, having kept
a correspondence with his highness beforehand. His highness hath reinforced all the regiments to 1200; and the three companies in the Tower are made up each of them 400;
and strict guards are kept every night in the city, and some troops are lately sent from
H. and M. Lords,
Westminster, 23 June,/3 July, 1654.
The Dutch embassadors in England to the greffier Ruysch.
Vol. xv. p. 474.
My Lord,
We have received their H. and M. lordships resolutions of the twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth,
and twenty-sixth of June; and in answer thereunto you may be pleased to understand,
that the minister Herrits is discharged already; and concerning the negotiation of the lord
Whitelocke, we have been vigilant already about it; but have not yet had any public
speech with any of the government concerning it. That lord is not yet arrived. It is
much doubted, whether there be any instrument of the consederacy sent hither; at least
we are informed, that it is not yet ratified; but however, we shall not omit to inform ourselves further about it. The inclosed articles are sent unto us by a public minister, who
holds them for authentic; and we thought to have them presently copied, and to send them
to their H. and M. L. though we cannot ascertain the worth and truth of them, since there
is no conclusion nor subscription, nor date to them. Therefore we do look upon them
rather as a projected treaty; and by reason of the favourable expences, we do suppose it to
be drawn by the Swedes.
The negotiation of the lord Rosewinge is so much further advanced, that he hath had fourteen articles sent unto him in the form of a treaty, with presentation to confer with him further about them, which he communicated to us yesterday. There are in the said articles also those three, which their H. and M. L. sent unto us the nineteenth of June, though not altogether in the same terms. We shall endeavour to second him upon all occasions. The lord of Neusville hath had a long conference lately with his highness; but this negotiation doth still remain in doubtful uncertain terms. We were this morning to speak with the secretary of state about them, which we do also seek to advance with our good endeavours. That there hath been any thing concluded with Spain, after a strict information, we may affirm the contrary. We are sorry we cannot give their lordships any better account concerning the particular affairs, which have been ordered by their lordships; but the next monday we shall have a conference with the lords commissioners, whereof we shall presently inform their lordships.
My Lord,
Westminster, 23 June,/3 July, 1654.
A letter of intelligence.
Hague, 3. July, 1654. [N. S.]
Vol. xv. p. 492.
Since my last to you, great noise is here of the plot against the protector: the truth
you know best there. I shall only give you what I hear of the affairs here, as
The states of Zealand writ a letter to the states of Holland of the twenty-second of last month, with this title, Noble great mighty lords, good friends, neighbours, and confederates, in answer to one of theirs of the same month. The substance you have thus:
That before the states of Zealand received the said letters, they had from their deputy at the general assembly all the particulars past concerning the prince of Orange and his line; and that always they considered the same to be of great and dangerous consequence; and therefore with much deliberation touched that subject; and that in fine, after mature and full debate thereupon, they unanimously found the exclusion of the prince of Orange not only repugnant, but also notoriously against the interest, honour, and peace of these states; and consequently they could not enough admire, that their noble mighty highnesse, should resolve upon such a matter without first consulting the rest of the confederates, and principally Zealand, which without dispute was most interested in that business, and to which the province of Holland was religiously obliged to give notice thereof; and that, under correction, they could not see, how the province of Holland could in any way excuse it by their letter of the eighteenth of June, or otherwise; and that now it was too late to give advice, the thing being done, which they could have easily and ripely have given, had they known of it before it was concluded and signed; and therefore the matter in question wholly to be referred to the generality, at whose disposition it only lay. And the said states of Zealand, in further answer to the letter of the states of Holland, say, that they could not comprehend, what ground the states of Holland had for charging them in the said letter of preoccupation and precipitation, in recalling, or rather suspending their votes of Beverning's being treasurer; it being notorious, that they did not proceed therein, till after knowing maturely the whole business, and that out of the very letters of the states of Holland, as also by the said Beverning's acknowledging, that he was employed by the states of Holland to manage their said secret resolutions in England with the protector, contrary to the quality and tenor of his commission, and the trust reposed in him in this very particular. And he having confessed the fact, he received no wrong by the states of Zealand; the rather that they resolved, when he should appear to give satisfaction to the provinces for the excess committed, that their votes should stand for him as before. The said states of Zealand in the same letter promise, that they will draw a deduction upon the whole business, which they will present to the generality, &c.
Dated at Middlebourgh, in the court of Zealand, 22. June, 1654.
The same day, the twenty-second of June, the states of Zealand resolved, that the provinces of Holland and Zealand being godfathers to the prince of Orange, it should be seriously proposed to the generality, that some known persons of ability and integrity should be nominated and appointed to see the said young prince educated as a prince ought to be, &c.
The letters of Mons. Beuningen's secretary from Upsal bring hither, that the resident of France there was desired by some of the senators of that kingdom to advise the resident of Portugal, commanded away, (as you had in my former) to stay till the prince Palatine was crowned, because that act of the queen's was only of herself, and some cabinet council, and unknown to the senators. But the resident, being, as his countrymen are, high, answered, that his master did not much care for the friendship of the crown of Swedeland, and that he would obey, and be gone; and yet it is believed he will stay, pretending sickness, till the coronation be, which was to be the twenty-first of last month, and the queen to depart the twenty-third of the said month of June, towards Pomerania; for the states of Swedeland yielded to her majesty in her demands, to have the rents of Pomerania, the islands of Oelandt, and Oesel, for the maintenance of her court. Orders were to be sent to general Coningsmark to desist from all acts of hostility against Bremen.
There is an envoy arrived at the court of Swedeland from the king of Poland, who had once audience from the queen. His message is, that his king be declared successor to the prince royal. What it will produce, is not yet known.
The resident of the king of Denmark delivered a paper to the states general of the twenty-seventh of last month, congratulating their mighty highnesses for the peace with England; as also giving thanks in the king his master's name, for the regard had all along to his majesty and his subjects, likewise for his inclusion in the said peace with the lord protector of England, Scotland, Ireland, &c. desiring their mighty highnesses to send orders to their embassadors in Enland, there to second the negotiation of the lord Henrick Rosewinge, deputy extraordinary for his majesty, that his subjects may receive just restitution of their ships and goods taken by the English and confiscated; their high mightinesses being obliged by their promises and articles, to free his majesty and his subjects from all demands of that nature; and that it were very unjust, the subjects of the king his master should suffer and pay at so dear a rate, and with so much damage of theirs, for that amity, &c.
Here you have the best collection of this week's affairs, that could be procured by, Sir,
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. xv. p. 490.
Brussels, 4. July, 1654. [N. S.]
Yours I received by the last post, and sent yours to Vienna; from whence you have
a letter at present.
The discovery of the murderous plot intended against the protector makes a great noise here, and by most condemned; and Mons. de Baas is no less, and so is his master Mazarin.
The design of your fleet is much pondered, and some jealousies, that they are against some part of the West-Indies, as divers letters do import; and care will be had to prevent that design, (if any be) which I am of opinion is but rumor populi; for I think it is not England's interest. Some relation is to peace with France, but nothing as yet visible, that I can yet see.
The news from hence are, that thursday last the prince of Condé marched to the field with 10000 men he is to meet, and to go into France to relieve Stenay, if opportunity shall serve, or to give otherwise diversion, whilst our army, consisting in repute of 30000, shall besiege Arras, which we hear, is now besieged; because that orders were given to besiege it, in case that Mons. de Bar, who commands a flying army of about 4000, does not enter into Arras, which we hear he attempted, but was circumvented by ours; which if it be true, there are but 2000 soldiers in the town, that cannot be defended with less than 6000; especially the inhabitants being addicted to the service of the king of Spain, and therefore all disarmed by the French. So let the French take Stenay, if ours can take Arras, which is of greater importance than ten Stenays. The next post will give you further satisfaction as to those sieges. Yesterday the archduke and count Fuenseldagna went from hence to the army; and it is said, thursday next, duke Francis of Lorrain will follow. Duke Charles of Lorrain is gone to sea from Dunkirk some six days past, and may now be in Spain, the wind serving since he took shipping.
It is much feared, most of the Irish soldiers, that are here, will go into France this campagne, being not well treated here. The king of Spain writ a letter to the archduke, with a list inclosed of all the names of the disaffected Irish here to the crown of Spain, as well of militia as ecclesiastical persons, of which special notice is here taken, and some may find the smart of it.
The court is here much troubled, that the Spanish embassador is yet at uncertainties with
the lord protector. Prince Palatine of Lorrain's army is set at liberty, upon condition,
that within three days he should be out of all the dominions of the king of Spain; whereupon the prince desired, first to see the archduke before his departure; but that was denied
to him; as also, to see duke Francis of Lorrain; after which he departed directly to the
emperor's court, to complain of all that happened to him in the service of the king of
Spain. Here is no more at present from, Sir,
De Vries and Floris Pieterson to the states general.
Vol. xv. p. 496.
H. and M. Lords,
Upon the twenty-eighth of June was our last to your H. and M. L. Since we have
received a letter from the lords embassadors in England dated the 12/2. of June last,
tending to this effect, that in the best form the best declaration might be given, at what
time the English ships arrived in the Sound, when they sailed back to Copenhagen, and
when at their request they were brought behind the castle, as also at what time they desired
their dismission, and when it was properly denied them; where we have endeavoured all
what we can to inform ourselves both of him that keepeth the toll, and the vice-admiral
Holmes and others, whom we presumed to have any cognizance of this business; but we
could not meet with any who could directly resolve us. We are told, we must have it in
the chancery; but at present that cannot be done; for the same is shut up by reason of the
sickness, which is at Copenhagen. The English commissioners departed from Copenhagen
the first of this month, to come to this place. Floris Pieterson came this morning hither,
bringing with him several papers serving to our purpose and negotiation, whereof the
principal are as many as we have. We shall send with the envoys of the lords embassadors unto them, who are to embark with the commissioners of the lord protector, whereof we shall likewise send copies to your lordships, with the observations necessary thereunto, whereby it will appear, how the business standeth in all particulars. The ship
wherein the English intend to go for England is expected here to-morrow from Copenhagen. Yesterday set sail from hence a fleet of merchant-men of 35 to 36 sail, coming
from the East-sea, and bound for the Low-countries, under the command of captain
Maerten Schaep of Amsterdam.
H. and M. Lords,
F. D. Vries.
Floris Pieterson.
Elseneur, 4. July, 1654. [N. S.]
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. xv. p. 500.
Paris, 4. July, 1654. [N. S.]
Even now yours came to my hands, by which I see some will suffer for the murders
they intended. R. C. confesses now, he knew something of that plot; but swears it
never began by him, nor from him, but by others, which he will not name. He has now
resolved his journey, and to depart, as you have in the other letter of occurrents; and I
assure you, his stay hitherto was by C. Mazarin's means; and now resolution is taken to
serve him and France wholly against the protector, and endeavour to deceive him. So his
highness had need to be wary, and look well to himself. R. C. visits this king in his way,
and concludes with C. Mazarin for future acting. He goes first to the Spa to meet his
sister, and there to consult, whether he shall go into Scotland or Germany. He is led
altogether by Ormond and Hyde, who go with him, at which many are offended, and
amongst others P. Rupert, who renounced to have to do with their affairs, whilst those
rule all. The Scots are very much offended likewise.
There is a design to engage the P. of Orange, by reason of the articles concluded in your peace against him, to recur to the emperor for his protection and mediation betwixt the Spaniard and him; which if it will succeed, there will be a war with the province of Holland, whom you must assist, and consequently be diverted from Scotland, and so make the way easier for R. C. to go thither with supplies to be given by the associates of Orange, besides what he can get otherwise. France has influence to this, so have others; but it is consulted here, whether France itself shall take the protection of the said prince. Something of this nature is a brewing: what it shall be, time will discover.
Mons. de Baas is come; of which soon more.
Of a general peace nothing since my former. No more now from, Sir, &c.
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. xvi. p. 482.
Paris, the 4/24. July,/June, 1654.
I have little to add to my foregoing letter of wednesday last. The news from Sedan is, that the king hath been at the siege of Stenay, but made no stay there.
That on 28/18. of the last month the trench was opened: that the lord Faber commanded there alone: that the besieged did expect some new relief, but that the marshal of Turenne had way-layed them to hinder them. More forces are gathering together, to be assisting at this siege. The most men of understanding believe the place will be taken, though the prince of Condé's friends have great hopes it will be relieved.
They are very much edified here and at court with the civility and deference, which his highness hath been pleased to shew to the king in the business of Mons. de Baas; and every one admireth and extolleth this policy; but this doth not hinder, that the business discovered by the marquis of Sauvebeuf, whereof I writ you word eight days since, doth not give much jealousy, as if the English ships were to undertake some enterprize against Guienne; and we see, that many regiments, that were designed for Catalonia, are to return to Bourdeaux. The said marquis hath left this city, seeing that the cardinal did not trust in him, and that he would have had him to have said more than he knew of the design of the prince.
It is certain, that Charles Stuart hath within these eight days received two and forty thousand livres to carry him from hence; and I am told of a certain, that to-morrow or the next day he will depart hence.
An intercepted letter of Sir Walter Vane.
Vol. xv. p. 502.
Hague, 4. July, 1654. [N. S.]
The assembly of Holland is not yet met. The provinces, though they are not satisfied
with the proceedings in England about the prince of Orange, yet I do not find they
come to any resolution to hinder it. Here hath been any time these ten days a noise of
a treaty concluded between the Spanish embassador and the lord protector, offensive and
defensive. It comes from Brussels, and not being mentioned out of England, is much
doubted, though confidently reported by the Spanish faction here. This week's letters
have brought the sending away of de Baas. It doth here confirm those former reports.
The princess royal is going the next week to the Spa. Some say the king will be there,
and the queen of Sweden. The Hague is very solitary.
Your most obedient servant,
W. Vane.
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. xv. p. 538.
Rome, the 6th of July, 1654. [N. S.]
By this post I received nothing from you. Occurrents at present we have but little.
His holiness is in good health, and some say, when the church, which is a building
at Piazza Navona, will be ended, his holiness will live in his own palace near that church,
which goes on apace. Seven thousand crowns in gold, and a white nag, after reasonable
pretty cavalcata, were presented by the Spanish embassador Terra Nova, to his holiness,
as seud of the kingdom of Naples. We hear for certain, the Venetian and Turkish embassadors did fight at the Dardanelles, being there but a squadron of the Venetians, who lost
the ship St. Ursula, Bonaventura, the Paduoana galley, and Morosina, with another ship;
Morosin being himsel slain, with many noble Venetians, and some nine hundred soldiers.
The Turks, consisting of seventy-five galleys, five mohones, thirty-three vessels, lost
four galleys, and one sultan, with five thousand Turks. The Venetian squadron was but
of six galleys, sixteen vessels, and some armed barks. General Foscoli, having had notice
thereof, with twenty galleys, four galleasses, eighteen vessels, took sail towards that place,
as also did Mocinigo with five galleys and three vessels; but being arrived at Cherige,
the Turks were safe at Scio. We hear the Venetians deny any countenance to the Genoese
against the Spaniards, and gave orders to the procurator Foscarini to view the garison and
condition of the firm lands of Venice. A Jew was taken prisoner, who was discovered to
have intelligence with the Turk, giving him notice of all the Venetian affairs, and that
some eight Barbary vessels were seen by Zante and Cefalonia, which depreyed some merchant-ships at those places.
We hear by the way of Genoa, twenty vessels and ten galleys are at Toulon ready for land-men in Italy; and that the vessels of French, Italy, and of Portugal, were to assist Conti in Catalonia; and that the borders of Genoa did offer the commonwealth fourteen thousand foot for any occasion; the king of France having also offered six thousand foot, and two hundred horse, if Genoa make a league with him; and sent Geo. Batta Spinola as embassador to Savoy, with a sum of money offered to make levies in that duke's dominions; and one Bendinelli Sauli was sent to acquaint Florence, Parma, Lucca, and Modena, on occasion of disgust received by the Spaniards.
The great duke is a levying stoutly; and some say, other princes will follow him. The most opinion here is, that the Genoese cannot subsist, and will at last agree with Spain. Some do fear wars in Italy; but I hope, by his holiness's great wisdom all will come to nothing. Rather, we have great hope of a general peace betwixt Christian princes at Naples, arrived from Sicily in galleys, whose general is Geanatino Doria, which do transport the duke of Montellon, viceroy of Arragon, into Spain.
From Naples just nothing, but that the archbishop there commanded holy prayers and
fastings for a month to be done, imploring divine assistance for the common good. Here
we hope, by God's mercy, of a good harvest. With my service to all friends, I am, Sir,
Your true servant.
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. xv. p. 506.
Gand, le 5 Juillet, Stylo loci, 1654.
Je vous remercye affectieusement de sa derniere, vous priant d'ainsy continuer, & je
vous asseure, que serons les meilleurs amis & correspondans du monde; car de ma part,
il ne manquera point de m'acquitter de mon devoir.
A la sin, par belles parolles & promesses, le duc Charles de Lorraine s'a laissé embarquer le 30e passé, & ayant esté quelques heures sur le vaisseau capitaine, il firent voile pour la Biscaye (selon on dict) en compagnie de deux autres, touts bien armez & munis. Il portent environ 700 hommes, Flamands, & Wallons de nouvelle levée, pour servir en Cataloigne. Le dict duc partoit fort mal volontier du pais de Flandre, ou luy & ses trouppes ont tiré quelque millions d'argent par amour ou par force, & rendu peu de service à sa majestté: mais on croit qu'il ira faire en Espagne nouvelle penitence pour ses vieux pechez. S. A. serenissime partoit devant hier de Bruxelles vers les villes de Han & Inghien, pour de-là marcher en compagne vers Douay, (ou est le rendevous de nos trouppes) pour former un siege considerable, & par icelluy divertir les forces de l'ennemy, qui ait assiegé Stenay sous la conduicte du comte de Grandpré, laquelle bonne & forte place appartient en proprieté au prince de Condé, lequel s'apreste pour la secourir avec ses trouppes, qui sont vers Harlen & Monmedy. Le roy de France, pour faire avancher ce siege par sa presence, estoit en voiage pour Sedan, ou il demeurera le temps du dict siege, pour en venir plus facilement à la conqueste. On nous advise, que la place est tres bien munie & garnie, & que le mesme jour qu'elle fut investie, un regiment Irlandois y entra de renfort. Neantmoins en ce siecle de fer on voit ordonnairement, que ville assiegée est ville perdue; car les secours sont tres rares à present, & on en voit fort peu d'exemples maintenant.
La nouvelle guerre des Gennois avec le roy d'Espagne demeure un peu en surceance, jusques le retour de leur ambassadeur le Sig. Francisco Saoli, qui pour ce different est allé à Madrid. On nous advise de Londres par les dernieres lettres, qu'un envoyé de la republique de Gennes y estoit aussy arrivé, mais point eu encore audience de son altesse.
De France avons, scavoir de Paris, que le prince de Conty, lequel estoit desja bien avanché en son voiage de Cataloigne, ait esté remandé par monsieur le cardinal Massarin. On ne scait pas encore la cause, mais pour le mieux contenter de ce retour, on luy ait envoyé la provision du gouvernement de Guienne, ce que le mettra derechef à couvert.
Le duc de Candale est sur sa partenze de Cataloigne: il a desja envoyé son bagage devant, qui est tres magnifique, car il consiste en 16 beaux mulets tres bien enharnachez & couverts, 30 chevaulx de selle, son caroche à 6 chevaux, 6 pages, 12 lacquets, &c. Mecredy dernier 24. de Juin, Don Joseph Marguerite, jadis gouverneur de Barcelone, partit de Paris pour Cataloigne; mais il fut volé & maltraicté auprez d'Essone: la perte se monte à 2 mille pistoles.
L'escurye & les gardes du duc Joyeuse partirent mardy pour l'armée, ou ce duc va
faire les fonctions de sa charge de general de la cavallerie de France. Mardy au soir sur
le 11 heures un garçon d'apotiquaire dans Paris assassina son maistre dans le lict; & apres
lui avoir volé quelque argent, il print le matin la poste vers Orleans; mais ayant este
poursuivy, il fut recontré, prins, & conduict en la Conciergerie, ou il confessa le faict. II
fut condemné il ent le poing couppé, & rompu tout vif. On dict, qu'il avoit encore
faict un autre meurtre un an devant à Troye. Avec ce finissant, je vous baise bien humblement les mains, & demeure toute ma vie
Votre tres humble serviteur,
* * * * * * *
Gand, le 5 Juillet 1654. [S. N.] a 6 heures de soir.
Monsieur, devant le serrer de ceste mienne lettre, le messagier de Lille vient d'arriver, lequel m'apporté 4 lettres des amis differents, avec nouvelle & asseurance, que nostre cavallerie ait investi & circondé la ville Arras, capitale du comté d'Artois, vendredi 3° courant, environ les 10 heures du soir. Les Lorrains ont prins poste du costé de Bethune, avec passe 4000 chevaux, & se sont faict maistres de l'abby du Mont St. Eloy. Le prince de Ligne ait pris poste du costé de Douay, & le prince de Condé du costé de Cambray. Le pre mier ait environ 3000 chevaux des nostres, & le second environ 5000 chevaux des nostrres & des siens. On nous asseure, que dans Arras il n'y ait que 2200 pietons, & 200 chevaux. Les nostres fortifient la ville de Sens, pour couvrir les convoyes.
The superscription,
A Mons. Mons. Sydrack Cole, &c. recommandé a
Mons. le maitre des postes, &c. Londres.
Mr. John Edwards and Mr. Michael Evans to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xv. p. 520.
Right honourable,
Having now at last brought the busines here to as good a period, as we are able or
likely to doe in this confusion of affaires, we doe herewith humbly present your
honour with an account thereof in severall papers, attested by persons, who came over
with us upon the same occasion, and by a generall certificate from ourselves. Thereby
it will appear, what ships we have received, and what goods; and that besides those
ships and goods, and the 20000 xd. we have not received any thing. We suppose our
address unto his highnesse is not improper, but answerable to our duty; but if it seeme
otherwise to your honour, we refer it to yourselfe, to dispose thereof as may be fitting,
we having now dispatched papers unto the merchants to the same effect. And for ourselves, we are thus farr (at Elsenore) on our way towards England, attending only a conveniency of ship and wind to bring us away, whither by God's assistance we shall make
all haste possible; but at present the wind is directly opposite. This should have been
sooner sent away, but that those who were employed for viewing the ships, have retarded
it, who are not yet ready to satisfy in particulars, as we desired they should have done.
However, this that we have, we would not omitt to hasten to your honour by this opportunity of a small Swedish vessel, newly arrived here from Stockholme, with some provisions of the lord Whitelocke, in which we should have taken passage, but that she hath
not roome, noe not for one of us; and our owne ship, which we expect every houre,
is not yet come downe from Copenhagen. And in respect of the uncertainty of the
wind, and of the arrivall of this or any other ship in England, by the time lymited for
finishing the arbitration, we intend to send away one of our company (Mr. James
Shepherd) over-land with duplicates of what now goes; who, if he arrive before us, wil
be able to give account of any thing, that hath passed here. And we hope, either he
or this wil be with your honour in due time. And in the interim your honour will please
to take notice of the non-performance of the article and forfeiture of the bond. The
Swedish ship, by which this was intended, remaines wind-bound here; and therefore this
is sent by Mr. Shepherd.
Your Honour's most humble servants,
John Edwards.
Michael Evans.
Elsenore, 26. June, 1654.
To his highness Oliver, lord protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the dominions thereto belonging;
The most humble address and certificate of John Edwards and Michael Evans.
Vol. xv. p. 512.
Being by your highness's commission and instructions of the 19th of April last appointed and authorized to demand and receive in Denmark all such ships and goods of the English, as were seized and detained there since 18th of May, 1652. and then remaining in specie; together with the true and just price of such as were sold, taken away, or otherwise disposed of; as also the sum of 20000 rix-dollars towards the repairing of such ships as were remaining, and fitting them for their return; and to certify the damages both of ships and goods: and having for this purpose arrived at Copenhagen upon the 2d day of this instant June, and tendered our demand the day following to Mr. Henry Freeze, and two days after to Jurgen Bernsen, the king's vice-admiral of the Holme being the only persons we could find authorized hereto, in the absence of the king and all his council, who had left Copenhagen, by reason of the contagion there:
We do in all humility return an account of this affair unto your highness.
1. That upon the fifth of June, we received by the hands of Mr De Vries, resident at Elsinore for the lords the states general of the United Provinces, the sum of twenty thousand rix-dollars, for repairing of the ships that remained, and fitting them for sea; which hath been since distributed among those ships, according to their respective wants (as near as could be judged); although by reason of the great damage they had sustained, the same fell short of what was requisite for setting them out.
2. Of the 22 ships which had been seized, we found 19 here, which were delivered unto us by the vice-admiral, within a week after our arrival; whereof 18 only were in a capacity of coming into England. They have been exactly viewed by Gilbert Crane and Edward West, persons skilful and conversant in matters of that nature; and yet, the ships being so exceedingly impaired, they affirm it to be a work of too great difficulty for them to resolve distinctly upon the charge of setting them out to sea, and their further damage by lying, until the ships be repaired, and a more certain knowledge had of the expence they must be at in this country, which they cannot so easily judge of before-hand; and therefore they have at present given this general calculation of the whole damage of each ship, as followeth; which they will suddenly make out in particulars at large.
The eighteen ships received by us, with their damage.
3. Of the goods and lading of 22 ships we found but a small quantity remaining, being, as we conceive, (and as some of the Danes confess) the refuse of the whole, and such as have been rejected in sale by those who bought the rest; and those also in so confused a condition, without marks or numbers, or any means to distinguish, either what ship any part thereof belonged to, or the original price they might cost, or the condition they were left in here, that we were altogether unable to judge of their damage by lying, as by your highness's instructions we are directed; and therefore know no better way for clearing these uncertainties, than to take an exact estimation of the value of what we received, according to the following list; which is also by another certificate attested under the hands of other persons, skilful in those commodities, marked with the letter B.
Goods received by us at Copenhagen, with a valuation of the same.
More, A box of 52 books, and two small books.
Also, A chirurgeon's chest, belonging to captain Woolward's ship.
Goods refused to be received by us.
Certain other goods were tendered to us, but refused, in respect of their extraordinary damage; viz.
1. A quantity of hemp, (about 100 last) which had not only the property altered by being opened and repacked; but was (as some of themselves confess) the refusal of the whole parcel, and being for the most part musty and rotten, we judge it unfit to be brought into England for any use, and not worth freight or charge.
2. A small parcel of loose flax, in the like condition with the hemp.
3. Also, about 90 wainscots, so much damnified by lying open to the weather, as made them unserviceable for use, and not worth freight and charges.
4. But the greatest part of the goods being wanting, although we made the best inquisition we could what was become of the same, yet by reason of the dispersion of persons who might have given light herein, and the negligent regard that had been here used in our seeing the same, or at least a combination of such as have made their advantage either by embeziling or purchasing goods at a mean rate; we have not been able to learn how the same have been disposed of: only a general intimation hath been given us, amounts to 118000 rix-doll. But the particulars of the goods, or the rates they were sold at, we cannot discover.
However, since so inconsiderable part of the goods remained in specie, we hope to have received the more in moneys for such as were sold, taken away, or disposed of. But in this also we have been disappointed; and therefore on the 17th of this month of June, when the fourteen days limited grew towards expiration, we demanded of Mr. Henry Freeze, and afterwards of the vice-admiral, as also of the resident for the states general, whether they had order for satisfaction of what remained? And upon their denial thereof acquainted them, that we must represent their non-performance unto your highness. It is true, that Mr. Henry Freeze imparted to us at that time the substance of certain letters he had received from the rixhoffmaster, insinuating the king's resolution as to this whole business, (an extract or copy whereof, received from Mr. Freeze, is marked letter C) and intimating amongst other things the king's order for paying unto the resident for the states general here twenty or thirty thousand rix-dollars upon account of the goods disposed of by his majesty; but told us withal, that the resident had refused to receive the same, because so inconsiderable a sum: so that in conclusion all that we have received in Denmark, is the twenty thousand rix-dollars, the eighteen ships beforementioned, and so much of the goods as amounts in value to the sum of 4278 rixdollars, 27¾ gs.
All which we do in all humble manner tender and submit to your highness's great judgment, and gracious acceptation.
Elsenore, 26. June, 1654.
John Edwards.
Michael Evans.
The resident De Vries to the states general.
Vol. xv. p. 554.
H. and M. Lords,
These are only to advertise your lordships, that the late queen of Sweden arrived
here this morning in this city in a disguise, being in man's apparel. She came
from Elsenborch; and after she had refreshed herself a little, she departed again for Frederickburgh, having only twelve persons to attend her, being accompanied amongst the
rest by the earl of Dona. The queen, when she came into the inn, had boots on, and a
carabine about her neck; but she put off her boots, before she got up again into the
Elseneur, 7. July, 54. [N. S.]
J. D. Vries.
The commissioners of Ireland to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xv. p. 583.
The detestation, which hath been occasioned by the late rebellion in Ireland, is so
universal, that there hath scarce been a house left undemolished, fitt for an Englishman to dwell in, out of walled towns in Ireland, nor any timber left (except in very few
places) undestroyed; whereby such people, as have and shall come over to plant this
land, might build unto themselves convenient habitations. And the act for encouragement of navigation prohibiting the Dutch to bring hither timber and boords from Spruce
and Norway, doth wholly deprive such as desire to use their industry in replanting this
land, of meanes to build necessary accomodation, the English merchants not trading
hither in that comodity. And in case some few Englishmen doe bring small quantities,
they worke so farre upon the necessities of the people, that they inhance the rates so
excessively, that the generality of the people cannot supply themselves. It is therefore humbly conceived adviseable, that it may be considered, whether it may not be
for the publique good, that a dispensation bee given for some time unto the Dutch, to
trade hither with deale-boords and the like, or other commodities, necessary for the
planting of the country; which wee desire you to represent to his highnesse, and to
procure a signification of his pleasure herein, with what convenient speed you may, unto
Dublin, 27. June, 1654.
Your assured friends and servants,
Charles Fleetwood.
Miles Corbett.
Jo. Jones.
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. xvi. p. 242.
Vienna, 8. July, 1654. [N. S.]
Yours I received by the last, in the presence of your old friend and correspondent,
who has been sick here since his return from Ratisbon. He is not able to write:
he thanks you for news, and is sorry he cannot furnish you as well as he might, if he
were in health. He gave me orders to write to you, that the lord Wilmot has been
making of his collections for R. C. that he was to meet him at the Spa, to give him
account of all: he believes they are all there, or nearer at home; and that if the affairs
in Scotland permit it, they will all thither. The queen of Swedland's coming to the
Spa, he knows not what to think of with solidity, but believes it is not for R. C. as is
reported, but for some other respect, as soon will appear.
This court has been extreme sad, for the sickness of the king of the Romans: his majesty was taken with a fever furiously; and after two days they discovered it was the small pox: so that they are now merrier here, and doubt not of his recovery, so far that the emperor and empress are gone to recreate themselves out of this city, and the king of the Romans is to follow, as soon as he shall be perfectly recovered. From Poland here is nothing certain: the affairs will go better for that king.
We have here notice from Constantinople, that there was fought a great and bloody battle at sea, betwixt the Turks and Venetians, for two days together, without intermission, at the Dardanelles; and that many were slain of both sides. The Turks had the worst of it; lost 6000 men, and the basha that commanded them mortally wounded, and taken prisoner. By the next I hope to send to you the particulars of it.
The princes of Ragotzki and Siebenburg raise still considerable armies; to what end,
is not yet known. Here is no more of news at this time from, Sir,
Vol. xvi. p. 63.
Strasburgh, 28 June, 1654. O. S.
Sunday last prince Rupert came on here from Paris, with 26 persons, among whom are three Black-moors, and an African lad of five years old, which is part of the prey which he brought over-seas from those parts. He is going for Heidelberg, and from thence to Vienna; but whether or no his cousin Charles Stuart, whom he left at Paris, will also come on here, or in these parts, he could or would not tell for certainty.
On tuesday last a rich merchant of this city shot himself dead with a pistol; the reason was, because the said merchant having forced or ravished his servant-maid, and besides that he clipp'd a great quantity of money, for which faults he was liable to suffer punishment; and fearing to fall into the hands of justice, was forced to fly; but being overtook, and not able to escape, by the devil's instinction he killed himself.
A letter of intelligence.
Vol. xv. p. 566.
Lisle, 8. July, 1654. [N. S.]
The siege doth still continue before Arras. There is great hopes of good success.
There is great diligence used about the lines, and the batteries are raising with all
speed, for the defence of the camp, by reason of the French, who lie with an army near
Baupaume. In the mean time those of Bethune having got a body of an army together,
thought to have broken through the Spanish lines; but they were repuls'd by the Lorrainers with some loss. There are only 2000 men in the place, which are not sufficient to
guard the outworks.
General Fleetwood to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. xv. p. 587.
You will by this inclosed understand the losse our partie sent for Scotland have received.
The Lord teach them and us by it! Col. Brayne hath sent an officer on purpose to
represent theire condition for want of provisions. I exceedingly wonder, that the provisions intended them from Chester should be soe long unsent: there is a neglect somewhere. I shall earnestly intreate a quickning order may be sent to speed away the provisions, otherwayes they wil be in great want. Col. Brayne hath sent to me for biskett
and cheese; but cheese we have none. I am sending them a month's biskett and beef,
which is all we have; besides a moneth's meale they had with them, and a month's
pay lately sent unto them in cash, they are in such a barren place, that if they are not
suddenly relieved from England, their distresse will be very great: and for all the talk
of our great treasurye heere, I must tell you, if wee have not a speedy supply of moneys sent, we shall be in a great necessity. I have sent my lord Lambert a particular
account of our treasury, to which I shall refer you. I hope the vaine reports of men
will not be credited to the losse of mens lives and perishing for want. It is not heere
as in England or Scotland, that they can live upon the country, when they have no
money; but most of our forces lye in wasted country, and oftnesnes must have supplies
sent them. It would be a great service, if the lord Muskerry might have libertie, and
could make capitulations with any state to transport 4 or 5000 men. We heare noething
of the writts for elections, nor monthly assessments. Excuse this trouble from
28. June, 1654.
Your affectionate and humble servant
Cha. Fleetwood.
Mons. de Bordeaux the French embassador in England, to the count de Chaorst, governor of Calais.
Vol. xv. p. 570.
My Lord,
I have yet nothing to write you of public affairs, which remain still after the old
manner, without any alteration. I am every day promised an end of my business, but I
cannot yet get it; in the mean time the ships are preparing to depart. Many various reports
go about of their voyage: all that I can say of a certain, is, that it is not communicated
unto me. Public prayers have been made for the success of their design. They do expect
here, that the court should punish Mons. de Baas; and likewise my lord protector hath
writ by this post both to his majesty and the cardinal. His letters were brought to me
to-night. Although I believe him innocent, yet the public interest will require, that
Mons. de Baas must not be caressed and much made of at court at his first arrival. They
publish here the siege of Arras, but I can hardly believe it, in regard of what you are
pleased to write to me. Here is arrived lately a woman, who is said to be madame de
Longueville. It is certain she is a lady of great quality; and some of the prince of Conde's
men were to wait upon her.
We had here yesterday a martyr, being a priest, who was executed, notwithstanding my interposing, and that likewise of other embassadors, to get him reprieved. He was attended to the place of execution by two hundred coaches, and a great many people on horseback, who all admired his constancy.
29. June, 54. [N. S.]
Several of the merchants adventurers at Hamburgh to the protector.
Vol. xv. p. 574.
May it please your Highness,
Our deep sense of your highness's special favour and clemency lately signified in your
gracious letter to this branch of the society of merchants adventurers, doth embolden
us to present our humble address, wherein we crave leave, as concisely and submissively as
we can, to remonstrate unto your highness, that upon the 26th of this present June, at a
general assembly, convened here for the re-establishing the government of the whole
society for the year ensuing, a disaffected party among us unto your highness's resident and
our worthy deputy, by a clandestine combination, contrary to the good orders of our
fellowship, did most unworthily and designedly, as we can prove, remove him from that
place, which he hath executed among us ever since his first arrival here, to the great
honour and many singular advantages of the whole fellowship, as they have often acknowledged; which they subtly and covertly acted by possessing the minds of many of the
youngest members amongst us to gain them to their design, that the place of resident and
deputy in one person is inconsistent with the public welfare of the fellowship; and so by
plurality of hands resolved and declared, that the place of annual deputy, which carried
honour and respect in it, should be changed into a martly and quarterly deputyship, well
knowing, that your highness's resident would be constrained, for the preservation of the honour
and due respect to his public character, to resign the place to them. Which action being
altogether disagreeable to our judgments, in reference to the honour and affection we bear
to your highness, for your tender care and protection of us, as to the public welfare of
our society; and finding they would not enter upon any debate with us upon the question
of such an unusual alteration, only pretending frugality for the company; which yet was
neither real nor reasonable, for that they lessened no other of the officers stipends; and for
your highness's resident, there was no occasion of making any alteration upon that
account, being last year, when the same pretence took its first rise, he freely and nobly
preferred publickly, in the face of the court, to serve the company gratis. And notwithstanding the weakness of this pretence, being further urged, they would not assign any
other reasons to convince us, but that the plurality of hands must be understood to be the
suficient reasons of the assembly. Therefore we with some others could not but declare
our utter dislike of such factious and disorderly proceedings, by withdrawing ourselves from
amongst them: whereupon (as we believe they had predetermined) they presently made
choice of one Francis Townly for their deputy, the leading man of their faction, formerly
a great pretended friend to your highness's resident, and the service of the state; but of
late being overborne by his pride and ambition, we cannot but esteem him by his late
carriage and practices much declining in affection to them both, to the scandal of all wellaffected persons amongst us; and is now like to become our scourge, as he formerly
threatened, in the hands of a disaffected party, who having surreptitiously gotten the power of
government, begin already to threaten, and we have cause to fear, will proceed to confiscate our
estates, and imprison our persons, if we comply not speedily with them, to the great
rejoicing of the enemies of your highness, both English and Dutch, in these parts, to see us
reduced into such extremity, unless your highness shall be pleased to command our brethren at London to write an effectual letter to the general assembly here, admonishing
them to let fall this indiscreet acquired alteration in government, and with due respect to
re-elect your highness's resident into the place of annual deputy. We are heartily sorry to
have occasioned this interruption to your highness's weighty affairs of state; but our
pressing necessities have forced us to the humble address: and your highness's so much
samed clemency and tender care to relieve the oppressed fills our hearts with hopes of a
speedy redress, that your highness's resident will shortly receive your commands, particularly for our just and necessary relief. We most humbly crave your leave to subscribe
Your Highness's most humble and faithful servants,
Will. Strange.
Gab. Whittley.
Rich. Twyford.
John Banckes.
John Northleigh,
William Mowbray.
Arthur Baron.
Robert Pallmer.
William Gore.
John Gilbert.
David Hechstetter.
James Baber.
Isaac Blackwell.
Cuthbert Jones.
Sam. Richardson.
Hamburgh, this 30th June, 1654.