Letters from Mr Corker: 2 of 5

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'Letters from Mr Corker: 2 of 5', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol1/pp721-733 [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Letters from Mr Corker: 2 of 5', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol1/pp721-733.

"Letters from Mr Corker: 2 of 5". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol1/pp721-733.

In this section

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Instructions to the Commanaer in an Expedition against the Dutch Settlements in the Manhattoes.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 109.

You are to take under your care and direction, for this present expedition, and according to the instructions following, the ships R. A. C. and H. and direct your course either to the Masachushet Bay in New England, or to Pequott Harbour, New Haven, or other good port, within any of those united colonies, as providence shall order the wind, and other occurrences, most conducing to the furtherance of the present design.

Upon the arrival (through the blessing of the Lord) in any of the aforesaid harbours, you are immediately to deliver or send away the letters committed to you, directed to the several governours of the colonies of the Massachusets, Plymouth, Conecticut, and New Haven, with intimation to them from yourself of your arrival, and expectation of a sudden answer to the contents of the said letters.

If upon return from them you find an inclination and readiness in them to joyn in the present undertaking for vindicating the English right, and extirpating the Dutch, and that such numbers of men out of all or some of the colonies, (the determination whereof must be left to your own wisdom, with the advice of others to be employed in the service) be prepared by them with all such other necessary provisions there attainable, as may rationally conduce to that end; you are, without neglect of any opportunity, to address yourself to the work, by ordering the ships for the Manhattoes; and taking care, that the soldiers; from the colonies may, by a land march, meet them there, or be taken into the ships, as by advice there may be judged most advantageous. If the Lord give his blessing to your undertaking, that the forts and places be gained, you shall not use cruelty to the inhabitants, but encourage those that are willing to remain under the English government, and give liberry to others to transport themselves for Europe.

Upon carrying of the places, you shall, with the like advice, settle such garrisons, and order affairs in such a manner, as what is so gained, may be preserved for the English interest, till further direction be given therein; and shall provide, that the charge to be expended for the maintenance and preservation thereof, may be born out of the beaver trade, or other advantages the place affords; as likewise that some suitable recompence be given to the soldiers imployed in this service, according to their several proportions and deserts, out of such as shall be there gained, if any such be.

In all your proceedings, you shall endeavour to hold loving correspondence, and advise with the governors of the English colonies, and such as they shall commit trust to, for your assistance, that if possible no breach or disaffection may appear in this undertaking, which is only designed for the security of these plantations, with the comfort of themselves and posterity.

The aforementioned service being performed, if time permit, and opportunity be presented, you are to proceed to the gaining in any other places from the enemy; which upon advice with council of war may be judged feazible and conducing to the settlement of the peace and safety of the English plantations.

If any thing shall occur to hinder the undertaking or prosecution thereof, or when the work is finished, the commanders of the several ships are to attend such directions, as they either here receive from the commissioners of the navy, or those to whom they are consigned in those parts, for their future dispose.

In the transaction of this business, we shall depend much upon your wisdom and prudence to act pro re nate, and according to intervening occasions and circumstances, which may be best discerned and improved upon the place.

We expect from you a careful observation of all passages and proceedings of moment, relating to this service; and that an exact account be kept thereof, and rendered to us as opportunity is presented.

In case you shall find any such obstruction, as thereby any of the governors should be induced not to improve the publick interest, in furthering the service, you are to desire, that volunteers should not only be permitted, but encouraged to engage therein.

The Protector to the governors of the English colonies in America.

Vol. xxxvi. p. 109.

We are assured you have been long since acquainted with the hostile attempt of the Dutch, and their injurious proceedings in reference to this Nation; whereby the long continued amity betwixt us and them hath not only been disturbed, but an open and sierce war raised and prosecuted, to the shedding of much blood; which yet continues, through the averseness of their spirits to ways of peace.

It hath often been presented to the state here, that all (or at least some) of your colonies have met with unneighbourly and unchristian dealing from that people; in which respect, as also in complyance to your native country (according to the declaration of the late council of state, dated the 19th of July, 1652, which we doubt not was sent you) it was expected you would have improved the present opportunity to ease yourselves of that burthen, and vindicate the English right in those parts.

We willingly decline at this time any strict enquiry after the causes of your non-compliance with us, and non-attendance to your own concernment in this juncture of affairs, yet we cannot but say, the injuries you have received from them (not to mention our own, wherein yet we could not think you took upon yourselves as divided from us) are not so great, and of that nature, as they have been represented, if a war with them be not just, yea (as the case stands) not necessary, and the strength of your numbers there compared with theirs far less than hitherto we have apprehended, if in so just a cause, through the blessing of God, you might not expect comfortable success in such an undertaking.

However, we are not willing to be wanting to you or the English interest; therefore we have added to the number and strength of ships design'd for those parts upon another service, and in them sent such proportion of ammunition, powder, &c. as may be helpful to your stores in that kind, for furnishing a competent number of land soldiers; as also given commission to that if there be a concurrence in your colonies to the work (whereof we see little reason to doubt) their utmost assistance may be given, for gaining the Manhattoes or other places under the power of the Dutch.

We have referr'd to such, as are to be trusted by us in this service, to consider with yourselves or others, to whom you shall commit the managing of that affair; and to determine what number of men may rationally be sufficient to carry on the design; that being fittest to be concluded upon the place, where the numbers and strength of the enemy, with his condition in other respects, may be best understood.

And altho' some of your colonies are more immediately concern'd in this work than others; yet your union and mutual combination being such, as doth engage you in a mutual assistance each of other: In cases of this nature, we see no considerations that may hinder any of your colonies joyning readily and vigorously with the rest in this work, which concerns the common welfare.

We desire all possible expedition may be used in carrying on this design, and our ships dismiss'd, that they may seasonably attend that other service, to which they are appointed; and so commending you and your affairs to the goodness of God, we rest, &c.

Part of the instructions to —

Vol. xiv. p. 3. In the hand writing of secretary Thurloe.

You being come to the Mahattoes, you shall, by way of surprize, open force or otherwise, as you by advice of a council of war, consisting of the commanders of the ships and army, shall judge most conducing to that end, endeavour to take in that place, for the use of his highness the lord protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland; and you have power to promise and give them fair quarter, in case it be rendered upon summons without hostile opposition.

The like also you shall do to the fort of Auranea, or any other place upon Hudson's river.

The free rent of the Archbishop's lands, as they were in the year 1641. Likewise shewing to whom they were disponed in the said year.

Vol. i. p. 17. Glascow 1000l. Gallaway 400l. S. Andrew's 2500l. Orkney 550l.

Imprimis; the rents of the bishoprick of Glaskow, which were given to the duke of Lennox, extended to the yearly value of a thousand pounds, lawful English money.

The rents of Gallaway was given to the university of Glascow, extending to four hundred pounds yearly.

Most of the rents of Santandros to the university thereof, extending to two thousand pounds, and five hundred to the priory thereunto annex'd.

Mr. Robert Lessly, Brother to David Lessly, had fifteen years lease of the bishoprick of Orkney (which he assign'd to the town of Edenbrought) extending yearly to five hundred and fifty pounds; which Lease was granted 1641, and expires 1656, and so consequently to my Lord Protector.

Aberdeen 250l.

The rents of Aberdene to the university thereof, extending to two hundred and fifty pounds yearly.

Murey 400l.; Arguill 200l.; Kathnes 400l.; Edenbrought 400l.; Brechan 300l.; Dunblane 200l.; Rosse 1000l.

The rents of the bishoprick of Murray extends to four hundred pounds yearly.

Arguill Eyles extends to two hundred pounds yearly.

Kathnes extends to four hundred pounds yearly.

Edenbrought, four hundred pounds yearly.

Brechan, three hundred pounds yearly.

Dumblane, two hundred pounds yearly.

Rosse, a thousand pounds yearly.

Mr. James Levington of the bed-chamber got three or four of the said bishopricks; upon what account I shall more particularly inform afterwards.

The full sum is 11200l. yearly.

An intercepted letter.

Paris this first of March [165¾.]

Vol. xlvii. p. 243.

Though I have received only one letter from you, dated the first of this month, untill your seconde of the 16th instant came to my hands yesterday, yet those few answers to so many applications shall not discorage me from wrightinge every weeke, hopinge still, that it is not unkindness that makes you sorbear, but that your lettres mette with the same misfortune, as many of mine has done, and miscarryed on the way; and though I have not much business, wheare you ar, nor you any wheare I am, yet I thincke selfe very unhappy, if a post arives heare, that bringes not the assurance of your helthe, and of that of the rest of the good frindes. We have not much news in thes parts; for havinge, as we beleve, disipated all that was formidable to us in the intrest of the prince of Conde, we have given the greatest part of ower time to ballets, masques, and operays; and having repel'd his army, and condemned him in parliment to the los of life and fortune, and all other pretinsions in France, and to be hangded in effigie, which last part by reasone of his nearnes in blod to the king was by him moderated as to the executione by an acte, as 'tis call'd by the malignants at corte, of grace; yett beleve me, the wiser sorte amongest them weare hotly alaramed last weke upon the landinge of some Irishe at Duncurke, belevinge it had bin the foote they heard were drawne out of severall companyes, and sent on shipbord, which for toe dayes weare thought to have bin landed theare and sent in assistance to the prince of Conde. It happned not to be so, to theare great joy. But if such an accident should happne, it is not to be imagined, what the consequence of such a conjunctione might produce. Sartaine it is, so many discontented persones has never bin in this nation, and that ower friends both in Sifferland and ower friends the prodistantes in Languedocke and Provense and Gene ar inclinable enough to joyne with any thinge of power and intrest, which probabily thay can but thincke will give a larger advantage to theare religione; and if ower friends weare but well instructed in England, what advantage of proffite and honore they might make in assistinge theare frinds heare, they would not so tamley sitt downe with the many affronts the Hollanders have done them, nor suffer theare asslicted brethren in thes parts any longer to be oprest under the hand of tiranny, but assist them to the recouringe theare liberty, that the whole world by such an acrument of empire might reseave theare law from the commonwealth of England, and live after theare redemptione under theare owne vines and fig-trees; wishinge prosperity to your great protectore, which is not intruded for as his worke. If you have the same influence upon him, as formerly I know you have had, advise him to be suddaine and resolute, and he cannot sayle to be prosperous; and then we shall drincke claret much cheaper and better then we use to doe at the beare at the bridge-foot. Farewel.

Yours everiastingly,
Richard Longe.

Written in the preceding Letter in white Ink.

I Showed yours to Tom Giles; and though neither he nor I can tell by either of your Letters, whoe it is, is cominge to him from Swedland, which I thought had bin my sister by what you intimated in my first, but in your second it does not apeare to be she; yet your mistres is, as I told you before, upon the opinione you have of the person you recommended to attend his coming, if so sone as expected, before she takes any resolution concerning his Swedishe ingadgment. And for the busnes of Bery, I am the only man on this side the water, that is to be perswaded; but all is already concluded betwene them and Denmarke. And if it should happen otherways, Mr. Giles would suddenly have such dealinge as he would quickley make himself a riche man. Your own stocke with us will make you more then ordinarily inquisitive into that matter, and incline you to informe your selfe and us with all the dilligence you can both of that and all other things, that may give us the advantage at the first marquett. Your mistress is so great a friend to the Sweds, that she is glad to hear Mr. Rogue got lately som chear, and hopes hir friends theare will preserve her credit, untill she be able by drawing her debts from Kent, Essex and other parts, to discharge hir self, as becomes a woman, that estemes hir reputation. Those of Kent are a littell backwards in painge hir, beinge loth as yett to part with her company, untill they have settled theare trade in Denmark, or see it impossible; and then tis likely they will desier Mr. Giles not to goe at all, for that they put some of theare state into his to imploy in Sweden, Denmark, and other parts; yet I finde he desires much to be goinge. The debts of Essex is weekly promised to be paide; but I doubte his expectations from Suffolke will amount to littell; for Mr. Edwards is come allready to Yarmouth, and has bin able to effect very litell. We heare nothinge from the knight in France, but we feare Mrs. Duglas is much exasperated against your mistris; and when women take pett, 'tis difficulte to reconsile them. Pray lett me know, if you have heard any thinge latly from Mr. Scot concerninge that affaire; and what Mr. Campbell's prentice hath produced there, for we know nothinge from thence. I beleve I shall send you a letter inclosed from your mistres, if she has time this morning. Pray remember my service to all my friends with you; and be confident no man livinge is more than myself yours. Make your incke a littell blacker, for in both your letters I lost maney words theare. Many of our friends are gone out of towne, but I find also that you are no starter. Farewel.

The protector to the governor of Virginia.

Vol. xliii. p. 101.

Whereas the differences between the lord Baltimore and the inhabitants of Virginia, concerning the bounds by them respectively claim'd, are depending before us and our council, and yet undetermined; and that as we are credibly inform'd, you have notwithstanding lately gone into his plantation in Maryland, and countenanced some people there in opposing the lord Baltimore's officers; whereby, and with other forces from Virginia, you have much disturb'd that colony and people, to the endangering of tumults and a great deal of blood-shed there, if not timely prevented: We therefore at the request of the Lord Baltimore, and divers other persons of quality here, who are engaged by great adventures in his interest; therefore for preventing of disturbances or tumults thereof, do will and require you, and all others deriving any authority from you, to forbear disturbing the lord Baltimore or his officers in people in Maryland, and to permit all things to remain as they were there before any disturbance or alteration made by you, or any other upon pretence of any authority from you, till the said differences above-mention'd be determined by us here, and that we give further order therein. We rest

Whitehall, Jan. 12, 1654.

Your loving friend.
Oliver P.


To Richard Bennett, Esq; Governor of Virginia, These.

A duplicate also hereof was writ, sign'd by his highness.

The Protector to General* *

Vol. xxx. p. 307.

We have received yours from Cascais Bay of the 30th of August, and were very sensible of the wants of the fleer, as they were represented by your last before; and had given directions for three months provisions, which were all prepared and sent from Portsmouth some time since under the convoy of the Bristol Frigat. But the commissioners of the admiralty have had letters of yesterday, that they are forced back into Plymouth by contrary winds, and are there now attending for the first slach of wind to go to sea again: and the commands of the admiraltie are required to quicken them by an ex express, although it is become very doubtful, whether those provisions can come in time for supplying of your wants. And for what concerns the fighting of the fleet 84 of 128 Spain 105; whereof your said letter makes mention, we judge it of great consequence, and much for the service of the common-wealth, that 50 it were 70 24 fought 33 69 26 57 68, as well in order to the executing your former instructions, as for the preservation of our 39 ships 118 and interest 54 in the West Indies 113, and our meaning was by our former 66 31 order 142 and still 60 is, that 95 the fleet 96 as 20 37 shall 57 come for 63 the 25 63 66 68 27 guarding 50 of the 32 84 24 33 Plate 86 fleet 38 82 128, as we conceive this 57 28 95 doth, should 27 63 69 be 53 51 54 78 attempted 54 61 64 68 54 53; but in respect we have 62 not 38 certain 36 68 24 86 knowledge 32 63 70 64 54 53 56 82 of the 67 68 strength 56 96 27 of the 68 Spanish 119 fleet or the condition of your fleet 94 128; which may 20 alter 38 24 36 every 23 day we think it reasonable at this distanc 68 50 32 not 82 96 91 63 to oblige 84 you 42 91 97 by any 34 63 positive 96 86 order 142 to 54 engage 78 26 82 but must, as we do hereby, 82 leave 69 54 it 96 to 63 you 91 97 who are upon the place, and know the state of those things, to handle 24 the 57 54 rein 24 28 32 as you shall find 63 your 33 opportunity 94 96 69 62 86 58 54, and the 78 ability 88 58 68 28 24 of the fleet 54 128 to be 51 24, as we also do for 66 72 your 36 coming 89 54 58 62 84 82 home 54 either for want of provisions, or in respect of 55 the 57 24 season 50 95 91 of the 96 57 54 year 54 50 66 82 at such time as you shall judge it to be for the safety of 82 the 42 fleet 83 38 57 54 128. And we trust the lord will guide, and be with you in the management of this thing.

White-Hall the 13th of September, 1655.

Your very loving friend,
Oliver P.
In case 42 your 39 66 return 68 39 should 37 be 56 so 39 30 soon 54 67 91 95 33 33 90 24 as 37 that 20 96 you should not make use of the provisions now sent you, or but little thereof, we desire you will cause them to be preserved, they may be applied to other uses.

The Protector to H. Cromwell, Major General of the Army in Ireland.

In the papers of Richard Cromwell of Lincoln's-Innfields, Esq.

I Have seen your letter writ unto Mr. Secretary Thurloe, and doe finde thereby, that you are very apprehensive of the carriage of some persons with you towards your selfe, and the publique affaires. I doe believe there may be some perticular persons, who are not very well pleased with the present condition of things, and may be apt to shew their discontent, as they have opportunitie; but this should not make too great impressions in you. Tyme and patience may worke them to a better frame of spirit, and bring them to see that, which for the present seemes to be hid from them; especially if they shall see your moderation and love towards them, whilst they are found in other ways towards you; which I earnestly desire you to studye and endeavour all that lyes in you, whereof both you and I too shall have the comfort, whatsoever the issue and event thereof be.

For what you write of more help, I have longe endeavoured it, and shall not be wanting to send you some further addition to the councell, as soon as men can be sound out, who are fitt for that trust. I am alsoe thinkinge of sendinge over to you a fitt person, who may command the North of Ireland, which I beleeve stands in great need of one, and am of your opinion, that Trevor and Col. Mervin are very dangerous persons, and may be made the heads of a new rebellion. And therefore I would have you move the councell, that they be secured in some very safe place, and the further out of their own countryes the better. I commend you to the Lord, and rest

21 Nov. 1655,

Your affectionate father,
Oliver P.

For my Sonne Henry Cromwell at Dublyn. Ireland.

A Letter of intelligence.

Vol. xxi. Fol. 418.

I have receyved yours of December 21, and shall send away the inclosed for lord Jermyn. Your former to Saynt Raby I sent to Paris and Raby was then returned, and sent me an answere imediately, and noe doubt delivered the inclosed to lady Ballcarres St. Raby is still at Paris, and sent me the letter you wrote to him concerning the money from 58 Webster 101 48, who never paid a peny to Longe but pretends since debt from him of 6 yeares agone. However Longe hath found an expedient to pay what you owe to Raby and if Webster 50 101 48 hath abated any thing to Bampfylde he hath done wrong. I believe Ballcares 84 at at Paris 405. I have noething to advertise you from hence, but that they all much feare a breach with England, and I would be glad to know what is expected in England from the treaty with France. The Duke of Guise being beaten in Italy, (and having lost several ships, and many men by ill weather) is come back with the rest of the fleete to Toulon, Blake's fleete not having mett him by the way, as they certainly intended to doe. There have of late been soe many quarrells 384 in the King's courte that this paper will not conteyne the particulars, and our friend Doctor Fraser hath been a chiefe acteur in some of them. lord Wentworth and Hide are allowed enemies. lord 84 73 and Newburgh 10 58 12 54 48 24 26 have had a quarrell. I heare Tom Howard is in disfavour with the Princess Royale. I wish you all happinesse, and am unfeynedly,

613 Janu. 6th 1655 [N. S.]

Sir, Your faithfull and humble servant, 68 176 445 590.

General Mountagu to Secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xxxviii. Fol. 507.

I am unwillinge to lett any opportunitye slipp without givinge you some tast of our condition; and therefore send you this by this merchant. Wee are now returned hither from Tanger-Bay, where have been about a weeke, wateringe the most part of the fleete, and takinge in ballast. We had a sad accident, that befell the captaine, carpenter, gunner, and chirurgion's mate, and boateswaine of the old Warwicke, who were soe rash as without order to goe a-shore on the Barberye coast, and cut some wood there, and in the worke was set upon by 9 or 10 Moorish horse, and all killed (as wee think) 3 of theire bodyes we have found, and brought off. Our fleete are all in very good condition, God be praised. We have s e n t two ships in to the Mediter. which are to s e t m a s t e r B r o w n at A r g i e r e to range the coast of Spain there and to b e e at the fleet a gain quickly. When we was at T a ng e r I did take two frigote 23 and did goe to Gibraltar which is very st r o ng, and yet 479 makeing 253 more safe. The next fair opportunitye I shall give you a more exact account thereof, and send you a draught 55 26 of 37 the 343 place 374. The Spaniard prepares nothing here for the sea, only they say he looke s for 16 G a l l ys from the Mediterranean.

Your A g e n t at Lisbon had put us in great st r a i g h t s, having promised 19 16 8 that 56 39 we shall engage 52 46 not 11 75 to oppose their 411 412 Brazile 5 fleet 495 or others; 23 455 whereas 452 we have no power so to do. Nay further, considering the matter of the treaty 24 that it is not granted 18 11 251 in termes 6 8 2 49 but altered, 31 33 50 which 93 80 yet wants 451 23 his 231 assent 59 to be of force 42 and the knowledge 273 thereof will ed time to get 212 Further also, considering that the money which is the great pledge 18 of the peace 372 is not in his power to 12 remit. 49 50 68.

And further, considering the base attempt on his person 1 at 73 Lisbon 107 508 we judge 412 this not to be 93 real, 18 31 33 but 4 only 50 to get time 408 to have their Brazile 7 38 fleet 5 18 at home, 30 and then not to perform. 381. We have ing time to s p a r e some of the fleet, and judg ing it for his Highnesse's s e r v i c e have resolved 11 to go w i t h twenty of the better ships before Lisbon, and if they will 460 put the 301 money on board 54 us, 435 we 6 think 27 to deliver them 409 from danger by us, otherwise 21 I 2 know 49 not 320 what. If in this thing we go besides 23 49 our 93 power 19 26 12 we 452 do (as we judge) for the good of 231 his 8 Highness, 27 42 51 and the Nation, 27 7 and 8 19 so 105 399 hope 30 for 18 196 47 31 pardon. 30 76 1. It is troublesome for mee to proceed in this way of writinge, in hast too; but I was willinge to give you a little touch of matters here. I hope I shall one day get time and opportunitye to be more particular, as I have promised in all my letters. The Merchant, that conveys this, hath furnished the fleete with a proportion of oyle, for which there be bills signed and sent for England. I only mention them here, that you would give a hint, that they be well and tymely paid, which will be of greate use to us in these parts, when we have occasion for any necessaryes for the fleete. My most humble dutye and service, where they are respectively due, I remaine

Aboard the Naseby in Cales-Bay, May 19, 1656.

Your humble servant,
E. Mountagu.

We saile to m o r r o w, God gaide us.

We received a pacquett from England by our victuallers, who are well arrived here three days since. The letters beare date April 5, 1656; and noe others have we received ever since we parted from England.

Indorsed by Secretary Thurloe: Received by a Merchant the 14th of July, 1656.

A letter of intelligence. [May 1656.]

Vol. lix. p. 105.

The 22d of May Charles Stuart came to Antwerpe; he lay at one Harvie's house. There met him Ormond and Hyde. He is now gone to a house he hath taken two leagues off that town, to be the more private. I am certainly inform'd at this time, the Spaniard hath not made any proposition to him; neither durst Fuensaldagna conclude any thing with him. De Cardenas doth all that is done, which is to take in writing all that Charles proposeth, and sends it into Spain. He asketh a pension, and if he can shew them any good design, that then they would assist him. He expects suddenly to hear out of Spain; and told one in private, that he doubted not but in a month to be in a good condition; but it is your fault if he be; for no question but that they had rather agree with you, which would make him for ever uncapable to do you harm; for the French are very angry with him. His brother desires to know, before he leaves France, what provision is made for him. They are at great distances, but Charles hath sent to command him to be ready on the first summons to come away. His interest in Germany is nothing as yet; only his treating here at present gives him credit in England. He, that I writ you word of the last week is dispatch'd, was with Hyde at Antwerpe on the 23d, and he is going over. If you let him alone, I believe I shall be able to let you know his proceedings; he came from Willis, Mainard, and Winchelsea, and that party. I cannot yet know his propositions; but all this comes to nothing, if you make peace with Spain. If you write to any by the name of captain Martin, bid him have a care, for he is suspected. His highness royal, as now they call Don John of Austria, is to meet privately Charles Stuart between Antwerpe and Brussels; the duke of Gloucester is with him, and is to go to Bruges.

Sir, if you think this mean, you must put me in a condition, on your charges, to furnish better my truth and industry; for truely my own money hath gone a great while, and now I expect to hear from you by the directions I sent in my last; which if you take care to do, your correspondence will be sure; if he that came with me to you about that business we pretended hold it on for some time. I am now at distance from intelligence, till I hear from you; therefore be just to me, if I may serve you. Sir, I doubt by your letters I received, you are not confident of me; and therefore I tell you truely, I will serve you better than any, and I know I can, but will not do it with my own charges. You say, you will give well: I ask nothing out of reason, but leave all to your better judgment; but if you fail to send money to Mr. John Smith, linnen-draper in Paul'sAlley, to be return'd to Mrs. Elizabeth Fosset at Bruges, taking a bill from him, and inclosing it in mine, directing mine thus: For Mrs. Eleanor Short at Bruges; and within, For Mrs. Elizabeth Fosset, to be sent to Mr. Thomas. Sir, if I fail of an answer of the last week and this, I shall think you have no need of him, that is,

Your faithful servant.

A letter of intelligence.

Vol xli. p. 862.

I have not heard from you since the 23d ultimo, at which I admire; for thow you have noe noveltie to advies, I shuld bee glad to heare from you, till I understand that you are settel'd in som place. I wounder, that there is no newes from Jaxson. I fear that something has happenned him, and that hee has noe good understanding with the sadler, for now I am informed that the butler Incom is turned out of the place where hee lived; which if soe, it is no good sine, and Jaxson is undon, all crosses coming one after another. I believe this allsoe will bring Rowland's businies to noathing, having noe other way to subsist; and after the downhill he wou'd in Awrinteling to the sadler that which imported hem. Let me know what you thinke of this. By this I should reseave one from Tomkins, and I have not. Rowland writs to hem by this pan. Let me know what Mr. Floyde would give for influence to Mr. Long's sadler, for Rowland is in a good way to bring it to pass. Let me have your answer uppon this oures daye of it: greate hoaps of the pich to be effected with Mollenax, not one wourd of comefort see you, if the prevailing of a sadler for comefort be of little vallu. I wrinkel whom now to know what he would give: if Mr. Ingland will give you what his brouther owes me, I will send to you a bill of 100 crowns; and if you be not there, get Mr. Ingland to pay it to Clement, and on advies of this I will send you the bill, but onles be sure of it doe not send for it, for I must pay it heere; it is the bill that he drew uppon me for Gib's charges, and I shall make a shift not to pay it, onles I make use of it to send it you; noe treaties with those of Edgington. Be confident of it, I writt Mr. Gerrett 2 posts agoe, and to Mr. Ingland. They are heere uppon issuing forth a proclamasion in favor of Mr. Edward, and thoes that will adheare to hem, unless some other busines will hender it. Noe newes stirring heere. Blake is with ships before Cadix; a ship of advies was sent to the Indies in speight of hem; 10 Thurkes men of war in the mouth of the streath, and fought with 2 Hamburgers and 2 Hollanders, and forst them in into Jabarantall. Not one penny can the butler recover: he is in a most sad condision. Rowland expects but the resolution of what he writs to Aylmer about the sadler, and to know what issu it will have, for, if it takes effect, and with comefort, all the butlers may live well. Let me know of that man of Constantinoble, and if the writhing master will doe any thing I writ to hem, and take you noe notis of it unles he speakes of it hemself; I know not if he will answer me: let me know if you heere any thing of Jaxson. Mr. Jib, if Aylmer be not there, send a copi of this to Jaxson, and looke well to your booke, and let all other businies allowne, and please the nephew and be obedient in all things.

30 Aug. 1656.


General Mountagu to Secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xlii. p. 323.

I have adventured 2 letters to you whilest we rode before Sallye; the one by a Frenchman, who went for Bordeaux, the other by a Dutchman bound homewards. I hope they may have come to your hands. Since then all that hath occurred is, that the 23 saint 8 27 and we 105 are 104 4 broken 19 67 off. 27 10 The 32 true 407 50 ground 26 of it is two 259 children 8 5 which 18 were 10 32 born 450 36 of 12 English 56 52 20 33 parents 2 1 7 there 27 6 25 413 458 450 36 19 12 52 343 56 52 20 33 8 23 2 1 7 12 18 27 6 25 413 which he 12 refused to deliver 11 unto 172 us, and we 251 23 insisted 50 18 upon 1 30 76

August 20th, we sailed from thence and left 93 two ships 494 and the Yatch 9 to 404 block 33 up 28 that harbour, and mean to 28 continue 6 8 it 26 as other business will permit.

August 24th, we anchored at Cadiz, and longing to have intelligence 234 from 197 England (which we had not since 8 52 the 93 407 20 12 Griffia) we strayed 50 there 18 11 untill September 2d, and not having then any 52 58 intelligence 400 we failed for Lisbon, 343 the time of the year and ship's 23 provisions 27 25 requiring 17 it. 8 12 253 258 We have 5 42 left at 107 Cadiz eight ships, 407 the 1 speaker 25 93 commanding 48 them. 11 8 52 In 409 this place we have no intelligence of you (as to our business) which is no small trouble to 12 us, 26 yet it 404 being 479 so, 258 4 18 we shall 399 do our 161 best 26 12 in 18 ordering 257 our 11 whole 12 253 business, 21 2 and 33 as soon 105 as we have consulted, 156 you 11 478 shall have a ship 42 sent 6 unto 478 you, which must be 61 in a very few 14 days 21 93 163 25.

I thought it requisite to write thus much unto you by this merchant bound for London; and I have noe more to add, but to desire you to present my humble dutye and service where they are due; and remaine

Aboard the Nasebye, in the Bay of Wyers, within the River of Lisbon, Sept. 11, 1656.

Your humble servant,
E. Montague.

General Montague to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. xlii. p. 474.

I have written to you a letter of the 11th of this month, which I hope will come to your hands; and therefore, as also for the trouble of writinge in caracter (which I doe, because I reckon not the passage of these letters soe safe as I could wish) I shall not repeate much of that here. To this present houre wee have not gotten any newes from your parts, concerninge our business, although a shipp from Bristow arrived here yesterday, who was but eight dayes in her passage. The tyme of the yeare and our affaires, with divers urgent reasons, have caused us this morninge to consult together; the question before us was whether we shall 111 s e n d h o m e 10 61 the great ships; we have resolved 71 it in the neg a t iv e 42 o u r r e a s o n s are we have this harbour to f r e i n d for s h e l t e r and p r o v i s i o n s we now hear that Spain hath o r d e r e d to sit 18 Galloons, and 12 other Ships, which we judge will b e e o u t near the la t t e r end of J a n u a r y 10 99 and if ever there be 56 e 10 h o p e s to fight Spain, that is like to b e e the time.

In execution here of, wee p r e p a r e what we are able in this place and if we have noe guide s from England this w e e k e, the next wee mean to s e n d the H a m p s h i r e 10 104 w i th 2 10 a n e x p r e s s e to this p u r p o se.

This last week, or before, there came a merchant ship, called the Love, into this port, and another called the Luke, and the Falcon and b r o u g h t 6 10 104 some thousands of let t e r s 10 99 for the fleet and in m o s t if not in a ll of them a proper one of which is here e n c l o s e d they were put in to the let t e r s after they were 450 s e a l e d and c l o s e d u p w i th w a x.

The let t e r s 10 b e i n g 10 m o s t delivered before we had knowledge thereof 10 32 we thought best to let them pass in s i l e n c e, only m a d e 32 them b e e 10 32 take n o u t 10 104 of those lett 6 e r s that were not delivered.

For other newes there is little; wee are in this bay wateringe our shipps. The kinge of Portugal hath used us with much respect, and sent a person of qualitye with complements and sweetemeetes to us yesterday, and other fresh provisions.

There is a report, that a malefactor was condemned to die latelye at Lisbon, who before his execution proferred to discover those, that attempted to assassinate Mr. Meddowes: whereupon he was not suffered to live to execution, but was poisoned in the goale by a Jesuite; whereat they say the kinge is angry, and hath ordered noe Jesuites shall confesse the condemned prisoners any more as they were wont alwaies to doe. There is an English shipp come in here from Newfoundland; the Master hath beene on board of us: there is not, they say, one person in the shipp, officer or marriner, but are all quakers. I feare they will meet with affronts from these people; and I heare they have beene in danger already for not puttinge off their hatts to the Portugueses, when they have saluted them in the streetes.

Excuse my brevitye in greater matters, and enlargement in smaller. By the next, I hope to have opportunity with more freedome to correspond with you. Thus I remaine

September 16th, 1656.

Aboard the Nasebye at the bay of Wyers in the River of Lisbone.

Your very humble servant,
E. Mountague.

H. Cromwell Lord deputy of Ireland to secretary Thurloe.

Dublin, October 22, 1656.

Vol. xli. p. 351.

All good people here are much affected with the good successe it hath pleased the Lord to give our fleete against the Spaniards. The parliament's owneing the quarrle which we have with that prince, and their resolution to assist H. H. therein is very considerable. The Lord stirr up our hearts to a suiteable measure of thankfulness to this soe seasonable a mercy. At my returne hither, I founde my lord chancellor Steele and Mr. Bury, whome H.H. hath bin pleased to add to the councill. I hope we shall unanimously joyne to carry on the publique worke. I have since my returne bin more courted by the Anabaptists, then formerly. Mr. Patient and some others, whoe had not bin with me of a longe time before came to vissit me, and expressed much as to their satisfaction with my management of thinges here, and that their people had much liberty as they could desire, and much to the same purpose. What this means I must of a sudden imagine. I shall, as formerly, carry it with all moderation towards them. Things here are quiett, the army sober and in a good posture. I have by this given H. H. a large account, and therefore must begg your pardon for my present brevitie, you may expect to heare more largely from me by the next. I am

Your most affectionate freind and servant,
H. Cromwell.

Lockhart embassador in France to secretary Thurloe.

Rue June 2, N. S. [1657.]

Vol. xxxviii. p. 585.

Right Honorable,
I find the messenger gone, by whom I intended to have sent that I writt from Abbaville; I desyred his stay till I had writt by him, when I left the generall, and went to court, which he promised me; but it seems afterward altered his resolution. I am forced to send this by a French expresse, not daring to trust any English man to the country's mercy at present, because they are a little incensed against us.

I thoght to have writt in a businesse, which doth much import his highnesse to know, but dare not trust it by this. The next shall bring itt under my brother's covert, and I must beseech your honour to uncypher it yourself. I return my most humble thanks for the kindnesse expressed in your last. I am necessitated to goe to Paris, but I shall not stay above two or three dayes at most. I must waite upon the cardinal this night at Amiens; and therefore must put an end to this, by assuring your honor, that none living hath more sincere affections for your service than he hath, whom your goodness hath soe exceedingly oblydged to be,

May it please your honor, your most humble and obedient Servant,

Will. Locrhart.

From Mr. Kingstonn.

In the possession of Joseph Ratcliffe, of the Inner Temple, Esq.

I am hartely glad to understand by yours of the 30th of March, that all our friends are well; and I may not wonder, that they should be very melancholy at the great joy and triumphs at Bruxeles for the defection of Hesdin, and the defection of marishall D'auquencourt. Yet for your comfort wee are not persuaded here, that the town is so absolutely in the possession of our enemies, as the garison may not be wonn to continue their obedience to France. Here is a report, as if six hundred Swiss, sent by the court to Peron, were denyed entrance into the town; but I believe this bruit may be spredd by those, that affect the prince of Condé, for the marishall D'auquencourt's sonn hath only the title, not the power of a governour there. Yet they say, that his lieutenant, who can doe all, is likewise a kinsman of the marishall's. However, if this cloude, which begins to gather in Normandy, be once dispersed, a very considerable part of our apprehensions will be quieted.

I left Lord Ormond o n po s t e in hi s wa y to L y o n s yesterday in the afternoone at two of the clocke. There is not yet the least whi s pe r, that I can understand, of his have ing 9 been he r re; but it would be very imprudent to attempt pa s s in g the s h o r te s t wa y, where they are more than ever, and with good reason, wa t c h f u l and in q u i si ti ve. You will here further from Lord Ormond this poast by another conveighance.

The gentleman is satisfyed with what you write of the care taken there of his business, but it is necessary it should be expedited, he s t a y s o n l y for it, besids the particulars whereof I made mention in former letters, which I desire may be fully and clerely answered, the gentleman would have it moved as a thing necessary that the y s h o u l d have a q u a r te r of re f re s h me n t for fi f t e e n or t w e n t y da y s. I pray God keep and protect you and all our friends.

Paris, this 6th of April 1658 [N. S.]

For Mr. Lawrenc.

Your faithful humble servant

From Mr. Kingstonn.

In the possession of Joseph Ratcliffe of the Inner Temple, Esq;

I have yours of the 13th, and I can assure you, what I formerly writ of the very profunde ignorance, wherein all men are of Lord Ormond bein g at Paris is certaine; not but it hath been written from thenc to some here, who yet give no credit to it themselves, and are persuaded by those, who in their opinion should know it, if there were any such matter, that it is a very ridiculous report, and not unlike to this, which is now in the mouth of every man, that the king of England is either himself gonn, or hath sent eight thousand men with the duke of Yorke into Scotland. So as if you discountenanc it there, we shall laugh it out of countenance here. Lord Ormond's letter from L y o n s was dated the 11th of this instant, and he was to part from thenc the next day. Monsieur De Me r ce s shewed me your letter to him; and it was well, that though you mentioned that the journey would be tedious, yet you spake nothing of the wa y he was to ta k e,; for he thinks he goes by Se da n.

I was directed to inform you in my la s t that governor 19 of A r r a s was desperately si c k e. Now Lord Aubony tels me, that he is pa s t da n g e r.

Wee heere no more of P e ro ne: it seems men only speake there owne conjectures, considering who is the Governor.

As for the business of N or ma n dy the man now thinks it time to do Mahomet's miracle, as I writ you before, and Lord Aubony beleaves not it will be a ny thing.

You will be pleased to call to mind, that I writt to you once or twice concerning T. Talbot and hi s ca ba l with R e li the P r i ma t: he continues that still, and I am tould by one, whom I have reason to credit, that he hath been maliciously bitter against the king and hi s mi ni s t e r s among those he thought he mi g h t t r u s t. Sir, he is no close man; and although I hope it be not in his power to doe any thing worthy great paines of yours to prevent it; yet if some persons trusty to you, that knew how to humor him, and would make no scruple of being frolick his way, were fitt to observe him, you might perhaps discover best by him the intrigues of P. Talbot and without doubt all things himself hath a hand in, together with mens discontents, the grounds of them and the wayes by which they are fomented.

I have showen the gent. that part of your letter which concerns him. He seems to be well satisfy'd with it, but apprehends much harme, if he should be compel'd to stay after, * as in my former he likewise raves with the multitude, and would know, how if the king be go ne, the order shall come to s l a ve I pray you, that for his satisfaction this be sent to be kept by me, until further direction, and untill the rest doe come.

This is good friday; and may he, whose passion wee celebrat this day, protect and direct our king. I am, sir,

For Mr. Lawrence.

I pray you satisfy my lady Muskrey with letting me know, that hir letter to hir sonn was conveigh'd to him.

Indors'd by ld. chancellor Hyde, Mr. Kingstonn, 19 April [1658. N. S.]

Your faithful humble servant,