State Papers, 1653: December (3 of 4)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1653: December (3 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1653: December (3 of 4)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1653: December (3 of 4)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

December (3 of 4)

A letter of intelligence from Mr. Augier's secretary.

Paris, the 11/21 Dec. 1653.

Vol. ix. p. 113.

This season is so sterile, that no considerable thing hath happened since my last of the 17/27 of this present.

That same day the king returned from his journey to St. Germain, and his majesty has since been very busy in the exercise of a new stately mask shortly to be danced, where in divers ladies of this court, and amongst others, cardinal Mazarin's nieces, will act, until his majesty go this spring to be crowned, and afterwards take his measures to visit round about his kingdom.

In the mean while there hath been great assemblies in the Louvre; and I am assured, that on Monday they were only made to consult about the affairs of England and Holland, in this happy conjuncture of the agreement between the two commonwealths, brought by divers letters from London, and confirmed by a pretended extraordinary come from Dunkirk, arrived yesterday, which addeth, that the parliament had been dissolved soon after the said agreement's conclusion; the news whereof are no otherwise known, by reason two ordinaries from London are missing.

The same day the corps of the late duke d'Angoulesme was taken up in great pomp to be carried to Angoulesme, followed by a doleful train of ten mourning coaches with six horses, full of nobility, besides one hundred gentlemen, and twenty four pages on horseback, all in mourning, one carrying a white wax torch; which were to lead the corps in that manner to the place, where he is to be buried.

There hath been some trouble between the Papists and Jansenists at Chalons.

It is said the duke of Beaufort is designed to command the navy. This state endeavours to make to uphould it's interest, specially in Holland; which being the ambassador Boreel assureth always his majesty of the prince of Orange's party.

One of the said ambassador's sons with four of his acquaintance drunk so much a few days since in a tavern of this city, that at last they came to cuff one another in the chamber, and and then to fight in the field, where one was killed, and the three other wounded, amongst which is the said son.

The gold and silver lace merchants of this city have promised to give four hundred thousand livres to the king, to cashire the declaration given against them.

The rumour runs at this instant of a tumult happened amongst those of the reformed churches and the Popish at Nismes; whereof, God willing, you shall know the truth by my next.

An intercepted letter.

Vol. ix. p. 124.

Deare Frinde,
Mr. Powell and Mr. Feake having spoken somewhat largely their thoughts of this present change, were yesterday taken into custodye. Mr. Powell last night was called before the councell, and both hee and Mr. Feake were with them a long time this day, but have received noe further judgment as yett, but to stand committed to the serjeant at armes. To-morrow againe they are to appeare. How farr they shall proceed, is not yet cleare to us. Major-generall Harrison being treated with, to know if he could owne and act under this present power, and declareing, that he could not, had his commission taken from him. Pray hasten Mr. Roberts hither, for here his worke for present lyes, as I thinke. I know you need not at such a time as this be incited to bee incessant at the throne of grace. I would inlarge, but not knowing whither letters come safe, I forbear; not having received a line from any of you since this change.

22 Dec. 1653.

The superscription,
For Mr. Daniell Lloyd, at Wrexam, Chester-post.

An intercepted letter designed for Paris.

22d December, 1653.

Vol. ix. p. 136.

I Cannot give you any further accompt of what concernes my freind Mr. Johnes and Mr. Lee, not having discourst further of it, nor shall not, untill the writeings be retorned out of the countrey, which cannot be untill the next weeke, by reason they went hence but on Tuesday last. I hope my last came to you, and one to Mr. White with an inclosed from his friend the doctor, who much longs to heare from him. This, I presume, satisfied him in his busines; otherwise I should have done it. We have not had any letters from you this weeke, the post (as our prints say) being stopt at Calis. Mr. Prichard hath not as yett payd me the money, nor, I thinke, cannot; he talkes of going out of towne on Munday next, but when to returne I know not. We have but little of newes, the towne being full of the discourse of his highnesse the lord protector, who I (fear) hath lost much of the affections of the people, since he tooke the government upon himselfe; for it was observed, that at the proclaimeing of him both at Temple-bar, Cheapside, the New Exchange and Old, except the souldiers, and not all of them, there were not any, that soe much as shouted, but on the contrary publiquely laughed and derided him without being taken notice of.

I cannot omitt the acquainteing you with the behaviour of an ordinary fellow at Templebar, who comeing accidentally there, and seeing a troop of horse standing, and a herald proclaimeing him, inquired what was the matter? A trooper replied, and told him, they were proclaimeing his highnesse the lord protector Cromwell: he, sayes the fellowe, protects none but such rogues as thou art. Whereupon the trouper struck him, but he seized on him, pulled him off his horse, beate him soundly, and went away without hurt, which caused all the people to shoutt and laugh, though it were before the face of some of the councell of state. Moncke rides without this river with about forty saile. I have from a good hand, that he is designed generall for Scotland, from whence we cannot heare any thing but what we have from themselves heere. I am told by one, that had it from one of our statesmen, that we have a received a very great losse there; he talkes 1500 being killed in the place, twenty six of our best officers taken, and Lilbourne narrowly escaped. He sais, that the Scots were fortefieing of a house of the earle of Monteith, which lies between St. Johnstowne and Sterling; and that Lilbourne went thither to prevent them, and there was beaten. This, I assure you, is believed by those, that pretend to know much, and though the losse may not be soe greate, yett certain it is, that something is done there, which troubles us heare. His highnes was this day to have dined with the lord maior, but did not, whatever occasioned it. The Anabaptists are highly inraged against him, in so much that Vavasor Powell and Feake, on Sunday last, in Christchurch, publiquely called him the dissembleingst perjured villaine in the world, and desired, that if there were any of his freinds there, they would goe and tell him what they said; and withall, that his raigne was but short, and that he should be served worse than that great tirant the last lord protector was, he being altogether as bad, if not worse than he; and much more bitter language then I can relate. I have not heard out of the country this post, but I am assured, they are all very well. All your friends here salute you, particularly Mrs. Kn. who desires you to lett her friend know, that she is well, tho' she hath not writt to him this post. I have noe more, but to desire you to thinke of him, that is,

Deare friend,
Your ever faithfull servant.

We have a report, that my lord and the Dr. your frend hath had a quarrell. I pray you send the truth of it.

I am just now assured, and from one that you may beleive, that Harrison, Vavasor Powell, and Mr. Feake, hav been all this day before his highnesse and councell; and that Powell and Feake are this evening sent to prison, and Harrison hath his commission taken from him.

The names of his highnes councell.

Mr. Lawrence, president.

Lord viscount Lisle.

Major general Lambert.

Major general Desborough.

Major general Skippon.

Coll. Johnes.

Coll. Sydnam.

Sir Gilbert Pickering.

Sir Charles Wollesley.

Sir Anthony Ashly Cooper.

Mr. Rouse.

Mr. Strickland.

Mr. Major.

The superscription,
A mons. mons. Hickes, a la maison de la post a Paris.

Mr. William du Guard to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. ix. p. 123.

Honoratissime vir,
Vereor magnopere, ne in publica negotia, quibus districtus es, peccem, si longis verborum ambagibus te detinere satagerem. Quapropter omissis prolixis officii proœmiis, ad te consugio, quam humiliter contendens, ut petitionis meæ curam (quod pollicitus es) suscipere non dedigneris. Typographiam mihi, nisi accedat concilii autoritas, exercere non licet. Plurimum in eam erogavi, quo magis apparatior fiat in usum reip. Quo pacto se insinuavit alius, me præterito, plane nescio. Quod si votis meis concedat benignitas vestra, non solum res nostras a te restitutas & conservatas publice apud omnes prædicabimus, sed etiam omnia nostra, studium, officium, operam, industriam, laborem, vigilias, nutui tuo semper paratissima exhibebit

Dec. 22, 1653.

[Polis [..] chairo Chron[..] ]

Honoris vestri.
cultor humillimus,
Guil. du Guard.

A letter of intelligence from Holland.

Vol. ix. p. 64.

My last was eight days since in briefe, and haveing not heard from you in two weekes, makes mee feare your sicknes is not abated, though I should bee glad to heare the contrary. Those goods you last wrote for are not yett to be accomplished, though I hope something may be done in it upon the arrival of our fleete from the Sound, which wee dayly expect; and wonder they are not come allready, seeing the English fleete are most come in, which is noe little encouragement to us, who drive a trade in these partes, for by that meanes wee doubt not of having a free trade at sea this winter, especially for France, where you know wee are much concerned; to which end 'tis resolved a fleete of eighty men of warre at least shall keepe the sea under the command of our new admirall Opdam, whoe, they say, waytes only for the retourne of Witt Wittersen from the Sound, whose long stay there tis thought is for the comeing of three East India men; which is not very well resented by the States Generall, who sitt dayly in their vergaedering with the deputies of townes in the province of Holland and West Friezeland; as allsoe some from the other provinces, who seeme to bee very averse to peace with England, espessially those of Zeeland, Groningen, and Gelderland, though for ought I can learne, the former being most potent, are like to rule the roste, and will suddenly dispatch away mons. Newport, and mons. Yongstall for England, though they say the sonne of mons. Vander Pere (who is now at London) is come with offers (or at least inclinations to) of peace from thence; soe that 'tis thought they finde they are declineing, espessially if L. G. Midleton's newes bee true, which sayes the English are beaten in Scottland, and that the Highlanders have enlarged theire quarters allmost to Sterling, by divulgeing whereof hee endeavours to gett these states to decline to his partie, tho' they give him the heareing only as yett. What they will doc, when the flette is arrived, time will shew 304 258 533 281 380 397 109 53 391 520 399 398 170; for I assure yow, these goods would turne well to accompt; of which with others, which may prove to our advantage, I hope to give you a more large account by my next. In the mean time rest

1005 24/10 53.

Your most humble servant.

The Dutch ambassadors in England, to the griffier Ruysch,

Vol. xiv. p. 346.

My lord,
When we last Friday, under cover to their high and mighty lordships, had given you an account of the interval of our negotiation, and the reasons, which had hitherto hindered us from coming to a final conclusion, was the considerable change happened about the government, which is presented to their high and mighty lordships in all it's particulars in their public letters, so that we have again lost a day or two about the final conclusion of our business. The master of the ceremonies hath been with us to excuse the same, and afterwards we were given to understand by order of the council, that the supreme power and authority, under the title of protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, was conferred upon his highness; and consequently all addresses for the time to come, with the inscription, must be directed to him; and he did assign us a conference yesterday at four of the clock in the afternoon, where we met the lord viscount Lisle, Ashley Cooper, Wollesley, and Strickland; the chiefest points yet undecided being debated, and every thing propounded on our behalfs, that we thought necessary, and especially we urged the including of the allies, according to their high and mighty lordships resolution. The conference being ended, we did promise to exhibit in writing the same night that, which we had spoken by word of mouth; that so they might make report thereof to his highness, from whom they had received their commission, and to prosecute the business with all speed; but fearing that we might suffer farther delay by exchanging of papers, we thought fit, all three of us, to go and deliver our resolutions to the lord viscount Lisle ourselves; and we did not only demonstrate unto him the importance of our business, and the necessity of concluding, but especially added thereunto, that now since all the points had been debated and known, and that the power of concluding did now consist in one person, who knew well enough, that we would not be put off any longer, but according to their lordships order would depart within two or three days, desired that he would make report thereof, where it ought; and this night we are informed, that report hath been made in the presence of the lord protector, and that this afternoon was appointed to make a final conclusion, and to dispatch us; which God grant may be to full satisfaction of their high and mighty lordships, and for the good of our country: however, we do assure you, that we will not be put off with any farther delays.

Westminster, 2 Jan. 1654. [N.S.]

Beverning, Nieuport, Jongestall,

Jongestall to prince Frederick earl of Nassau, and stadtholder and captain general of Friesland.

Vol. ix. p. 129.

Well descended earl and gracious lord,

Yesterday in the afternoon, at four of the clock, we had a conference with the commissioners of the council of his highness the lord protector, where we did plainly declare, after the points we differ about were resumed, as we had insisted formerly concerning my lord the prince of Orange's satisfaction, fishing, and king of Denmark, we could in no wise go from what we had said before; and in case they did not give us contentment therein, that we were resolved to depart. Whereupon the viscount Lisle answered, that he would re port it to his highness this morning. We went to see the said viscount at his house, and told his honour plainly, that in case we were not dispatched to-day or to-morrow, that we would not admit of any farther treaty, desiring that he would report it to his highness and the council; which his lordship promised us to do, so that we undoubtedly shall be going from hence at the beginning of the next week, either with contentment, or without. God knoweth, God knoweth, how sorry I am, that we should be kept there thus long in uncertainty.

The master of the ceremonies hath signified unto us, that we must use his highness with the same respect, that the kings of England have formerly received; and that hereafter there will be a distinction made between the ambassadors and other less qualified ministers; that the first shall make their propositions covered, but the last uncovered; which to avoid, we did desire, that we might have commissioners appointed to conclude and make an end of our negotiation.

The lord Bordeaux hath writ to the French court about it. In summa it hath the face of a king. By the inclosed your excellency may see, to what conditions the protector is sworn.

I am told of a truth, that Cromwell would fain have the title of a king, but the officers of the army were against it.

Your excellency may be assured, that I will still follow your directions in all things. Just now is the brucherof come to tell us, that the council hath done something in our business, and that to-morrow we shall have an answer to our content.

Westminster, 2 Jan./23 Dec. 1653.

Mynheer Rhyngraef to the States General.

Vol. ix. p. 132.

My most noble lords,
Since my last of the last of December, I have not heard any thing of the Lorrain, and Condé's troops, but they lie still, the duke of Lorrain having his head quarters at Warenae, and the prince of Condé his at Oley, and Lantremagne. By the inclosed you may see what letters the said prince has writ to some towns of Liege. Notwithstanding the promises they made therein, yet it is firmly believed, that their design is against Truyden, Tongeren, or Uiset. If they could take this last place, the Maeze would be blocked up in a short time, at least about those parts; for they may easily make themselves masters of the little town of Mazeiyk by the means of the garrison of Ruermonde.

I am informed from Luxenburgh, that the earl of Ligneville, with the regiment, that hath lain a great while in that country, hath taken the march beyond Terbu, there to pass the black water, and to join himself with the other forces. What I shall learn farther of their design, I shall inform your high and mighty lordships from time to time.

Maestricht, the 2d Jan. 1653.

F. Rhyngraef.

A letter of intelligence from Holland.

Jan. 2, 1654. N. S.

Vol. ix. p. 140.

By the last ordinary I receaved none from you. This weeck's letters have not yet reacht us here, so as I have very little to write you this weeke. Some passengers, which came with the dead body of mons. Vande Perre, relate a greate change with you in Ingland, that the generall Cromwell is made protector, and the last parliament dissolved, which news puts these to admiration, and hath not a little startled the governors, some supposeing this will more conduce to a peace; others conclude 'tis best to prosecute the war, not doubting but many divsions will arise hence, which may give them advantage; and our friends doe their endeavour to confirme them in that opinion. I perceave they are not very confident of an agreement, for they worck more than ordinary on their ships, and make great preparation of guns and shott, whereof there is come store from Cuellen, and Luyck, besides what came from the Sound; by which I conjecture, they will be provided against spring to meet their enemye. The armes I advised you wear sent for Scotland, apparently will come now in a good season, if they be not retarded by contrary wyndes. This place affoardes nothing more at present. In my last, I wroate you to have drawne on Mr. Jo. Up. thirty pounds sterling, which I hope you will take care shall be payed at sight. I beseech you to let me knowe the certaynety of affayres; and command mee to my power, you shall finde mee, Sir,

Your most humble servant,
John Adams.

An intercepted letter.

London, the 23d of Dec. 1653.

Vol. ix. p. 138.

Dear Sir,
Yours, and that, in which it was enclosed, came to my hands, but they had bene both opened and new sealed againe. I conceive the reason to be, because the direction was to have them left at the post-house till called for. I thinke none were not much the wiser for the secrets they discovered, our correspondance being more in order to particular busines then news. You will very soone after the receipt of this receive the parsell of gloves I mentioned in my last. I doe intend to make use of the same persons with the same direction as formerly, and make noe doubt, but they will be as safely delivered. Had I been sure my last had found you, I should (though not my usuall) sayd something to you of the great (and I hope happy) change of government then begun, and now in a forward way of being perfected. I heare the counselors were all named last night, the officers chosen, and severall honors to be confer'd; amongst others Lambert, who is now, as I conceive, generall of the three nations, to be made a duke; my lord Say to be chamberleine of the household, which is yet in doubt whether he will accept or refuse; my lord cheif justice St. Johns to be lord treasurer, Sir Anthony Ashley Coper chanselor, both which have accepted. The caveliers seeme much to rejoyce att this alteration, and that the bells and bonefires did not answer expectation; but are again coold att the Dutch treaty, whose imbassadors returne tomorrowe. The agreement is much whispered, and I have great reason to be very confident of itt, for that the best of what they can hope for now is, that itt be only in order to trade, which will be enough to set a stop to those folish fancys they build in the ayre with soe much confidence. His highness my lord protector is now going into the citty to be feasted: thence 'tis said, he intends to the tower, where its expected he should shew favor to some of the prisoners there. I have had it twice whispered in my eare as a great secret, that Mr. Marlow is suspected for a spy, with divers other prejudices of the person. I gues at the ayme, and at the promoters of it, of which you will heare more hereafter. In the meane tyme I am confident, he has more frends than the whole caball of the other side. Blacler is labring for a pas, and if he can compas itt, as he hopes, he will see you before March end whersoever you are; but desires there may not be the least notice taken of his intention, because of the uncertainty of itt, and his certaine ruine, if knowne. You must not think itt strange, if you heare very seldome from

Your humble servant,
Thomas Crocker.

There is a mistake in my letter. The protector is still generall, but after him no more to be generalls and protectors both. Deliver the enclosed to Crocker's master's brother.

The superscription,
For Mr. Francis Edwards.

Sir Robert Stapylton to the lord general Cromwell, from Upsal.

Vol. ix. p. 144.

My lord,
After a tedious and most chargeable journey of three weekes time, wee are (through the goodnesse of God) come safe to Ubsalia, where, I suppose, the queene intends to keep her court all this winter. Wee had (considering the time of the yeere) a very fine season for our journey, farre beyond expectation, such was the good providence of our God towards us; and wee had, considering the countrey, indifferent good accommodation in our way; but our expences were very vast, and by reason of the greatness of the retinue and abundance of carriages, wee were not altogether without some difficulties and hardships. The towne of Gottemburg were very civill, in endeavouring to helpe my lord ambassador to what might commode him in his journey; and therefore they sent their cindick, who is with them in the nature of a recorder with us, to bee serviceable to his excellency upon the way, with other alsoe of their servants, without whom wee would not have bin, by reason that we could not speake the language of the countrey. The grand master of the kingdome, having notice of my lord's comming, sent a person of quality, one of the queene's houshold servants, who mett his excellency twelve dayes before hee came to this place, by whome alsoe he sent a letter full of civillity and respect, wherein hee did desire his excellency to excuse the bad entertainment hee should meete with by the way, hoping to recompence it by a better traitment when hee came to Ubsall. The day wee came hither, which was the 20th instant, the master of the ceremonies came in one of the queene's coaches to meete us about three English miles from this place, who having conducted us a little way, wee were mett by two senatours, persons of great esteeme and quality here, who had with them about eighteen coaches with six horses a piece, to attend his excellency into towne.

It was a reception more then ordinary, for their usuall custome is to meete embassadours but just at the towne's end. And, I suppose, had the court bin at Stockholme, it would have been much more pompous then it was, but the littlenesse and scantnesse of this place would afford noe greater. The queene herselfe was here on Sunday night last to see the lodgings provided for my lord; and whether they were furnished handsome enough, according to her mind; and, indeed, as yet all thinges looke, as if they did bear a very great respect to the commonwealth of England, and as if they had a great mind to enter into an intimate alliance with us. The next day after his excellency came hither, the queene sent of the gentlemen of her bed-chamber to salute him, and to understand of his health after his long and tedious journey. Shee has not bin very well these two dayes, yet shee intends to give my lord his audience this afternoone, since hee has soe earnestly desired it by reason of the approach of the holydayes, which are soe strictly observed in this countrey. There is defficiency in her titles, yet shee is willing to pass it over, as supposing it an oversight, not a wilfull neglect. It is only written thus, Serenissimæ principi Christinæ reginæ, when it should have bin, Serenissimæ ac potentissimæ principi dominæ Christinæ, &c. It would be very good, that the counsell of state were exactly carefull in such punctilios in all their overtures to forraine states: and, my lord, your excellency may please to ponder, whether all be faire at home, when the Dutch deputies in England could write hither, that there was a defect in the ambassador's credentialls, which they hoped would retard, if not hinder the successe of this present negotiation. I would not willingly censure any, but certainely there are some intrusted in the inward affaires of our nation, who fish too much in the Dutch busses, and keepe a correspondence with them to our detriment. I have nothing further, but to intreat your excellency to mind us your poore servants. I beleive your excellency does remember us at the throne of grace; as alsoe the officers of the army, with the rest of the saints, that God would thinke upon this affaire, and crown it with the choicest blessings. And I hope your excellency will be pleased alsoe to mind us, in putting forth your utmost endeavour to procure a further supply of monies, that my lord ambassador, who has undertaken nott onely a chargeable, but a perillous negotiation for the good of his countrey, may not thereby impoverish his family. The blessings of the Lord Jesus bee upon your excellency and your family. I am in all duty and gratitude,

Ubsalia, 23 Dec. 1653.

My lord,
Your excellency's most humble,
most obliged, and most obedient servant,
Ro. Stapylton.

A letter of intelligence from Paris.

From Paris 3 Jan./24 Dec. 165¾.

Vol. ix. p. 146.

Since my last dispatch on Friday, this town hath been over and over replenished, and filled with the report of the dissolution of the parliament of England, upon which every mand glossed or paraphrased according to his fancy; but in the event the three ordinary messengers (or posts) who yesterday arrived all at a time from London, have sufficiently cleared the manner thereof to the general ravishment of all the true Israelites, who do not cease (or omit) to render to God all thanks and praises, beseeching him to conferr and afford a fulness of prosperity upon the election, which he hath made for their safety, and support of his church, oppressed in so many ways, that its groaning armed and intermingled with prayers hath truly clest the heavens, and seems already (as it were) to have ravished the kingdom by force.

The very day of my said last dispatch, it is received, that some of the prince's party have made an inroad into Champagne, where they made prey of great store of cattle; and that he himself hath been freed of his fever, within few days after he had drank emetic or red wine; and here hath departed from Rocroy to go through Namur, to take the air of Brussels. That is, without doubt, as well to take away all suspicions, which the report of his treaty with this court might have created amongst the Spaniards. The letters of Stratsburg arrived at the same time, and informed us for a certain, that the garrison of Philipsburg being won by the circumventions of Sr. Bezemont, who hath turned coat, to be come in the favour of the king's party; and that if the count of Harcourt should not well consider, and take good heed to his affairs, he should yet lose Brisac after the same sort. It is said, that Befford is newly rendered to the marquess Duxel, but that is not ascertained.

Moreover the same day, the marquess of Noailles hath between the king's hands solemnised the oath of allegiance, as appertaining to the charge of the captain of the guards of his majesty's person; although the Sr. of Chandenier would not be dismissed thereof, nor accept the money for his recompence, which the said marquess hath caused to be deposited into a third hand, according to the order of their court.

Upon Thursday Charles Stuart and his fraternity went to pass away the afternoon at the jesuits of St. Anthony's-street, and under pretence of the feast of new year's day, he did begin to contribute to the service of idols, which discovers more and more of the baseness of their heart. They vaunt themselves much, as if strongly buckled (or armed) with the present of 2,00,000 crowns, which Germany hath conferred upon them, and of the restraints sent to the ministers there for preaching any more against royalty. Yesterday being Friday, came news from Tolouse, that notwithstanding the opposition that the parliament made there always against sieugneur Manchaut, the chief comptroller or intendant of justice, he failed not to come to Languedoc back again, and to be reestablished there in the same quality, through the means and aid of certain troops, which the marquess of Canillack hath brought to him out of Guienne.

Other informations are come the same Friday from Montpellier, bearing date the 24/14 of December, that do confirm, that the prince of Conti, after he had cultivated and sufficiently manured the favours of all the ladies by dances and continual balls or revells, and having dismissed a concubine, which he hath brought thither from Bourdeaux, is departed and gone from the said Montpellier for Paris; but having rested himself at a house of his own near St. Esprit, some gave out, that he had received command not to stir or budge thence, untill new (or further) order.

The rumour of highness hath had no seconding as yet.

Extracts out of several intercepted letters from Paris.

To Mr. Richard Rosse at London.

Vol. ix. p. 156.

This day hath put a period to all our doubtings; for as before we lived upon good promises, now our desires are effected to our own contents. And as soon as we have made our visits, and given thanks to all persons, according to their qualities, which will take up a little time, we shall remove from hence; but whither I know not. I would send you some particulars of our proceedings, but the strangeness of the time will not permit.

To Mr. Thomas Edmunds at London.

I Thought you would have been as forward as any to have informed me of the new glory of our lord protector, because he knoweth I have long looked for it, as the only way to restore tranquillity to the nations, which could never brook that wild government by parliaments. And I do as much think, that he will find it as absolutely necessary to assume the old title, which is better known, and will be better esteemed abroad and at home; and this was the sense I found amongst the wise men at Rome, and throughout all Italy. I pray let me hear from you, particularly whether there be not a great calm over all the land upon this great and happy change; and whether there will be a peace with the Dutch and this people, that I may resolve accordingly. I hear most of the wise men are wonderfully dejected at the Scots court, upon this great news, and look upon it as the greatest blow that ever befel them. Yet there are others more jolly, who do promise themselves advantage by it, and think that will increase divisions among yourselves, and even in the army itself.

They are still proud of the feud in Scotland, and that your opposition there is greater than you expected.

Paris, 3d of Jan. 1654. [N. S.]

For the lady Hatton of Chirby at London.

We have a rumour from Calais, that tells us, the ports in England are shut, and that the general hath prudently and gallantly put an end to this last parliament, as he did to the former. I am confident you will there reap the benefit of it, in knowing better where to go seek, and being sure more speedily to find justice and redress for all sufferings, than by sad experience you could find from those large assemblies, where there appeared not such large and public minds, as, I believe, you, will find in the general and his council of state. I confess I am glad of the news, which defeats those busy sectaries, that obstructed all proceedings by their opposition to the general.

The English Papists are no less his enemies, and have had a great hand, I perceive here, in fomenting these Anabaptists, and have put themselves in great numbers into those congregations. I hope now you will find ease and quiet in this government, under a person so strongly experienced of all factions as is the lord general.

Paris, 3 Jan. 1654. [N. S.]

For Mr. Davis at London.

I Am extremely satisfied with you in all respects, especially in giving me an account of the great alteration of the face of things with you. I writ to you about a fortnight since of all things here at large, which I hope is come safe.

We are a little surprized, that Lambert hath concurred so fully in this change.

(fn. 1) I cannot blame you for being unsatisfied with our manner of trading here. I do assure you, that I am no less so; but there is no remedy.

I would be glad to know, with what concurrence of mind this new change hath been effected.

Here is no likelihood of peace between these two crowns.

The count d'Harcourt treats both with the emperor and this crown, and will be for those that give him most.

Paris, 3 Jan. 1654. [N S.]

An intercepted letter from Paris.

For Mrs. Mary Rose at London.

Vol. ix. p. 154.

Until this morning here hath no letters come this fortnight; and now I have received two of yours together, wherein you have been very particular, for which I return you most humble thanks, though the subject be that, which giveth as much sadness here, as I doubt not but you had in the writing of it. In truth your alterations in affairs are very great, and such as must every day cause greater abroad. By my next I will tell you something will be much to your admiration.

Your mistress's son, Cha. Stuart, though not resolved to remove from hence, yet will, I believe, be very soon now; for it is impossible for him to endure the life he leads, were there nothing of your changes to remove him from this place.

The Scots king is already assured of 200,000 rixdollers from Germany, and not out of hopes of one hundred more; besides other good businesses, which we here talk of.

Paris, the 3d of Jan. 1654. [N. S.]

Extract of a letter of mons. de Bordeaux, the French resident in England, to mons. de Brienne, secretary of state in France.

5 Jan. 1654. [N. S.]

From the collection of M. de Bordeaux's letters in the library of the abbey of S. Germain at Paris.

Mes precedentes vous auront appris, que sans le secours des etrangers le gouvernement a repris sa premiere forme, & que S. M. n'a plus rien à souhaiter, que M. le protecteur prenne confiance aux assurances, que je lui a données de l'estime de S. M. & de son desir pour l'accommodement de ces deux nations. Jusques ici son procedé ne nous donne pas sujet de croire, qu'il en soit bien persuadé, quoique de plusieurs endroits il ait entendu les raisons, qui doivent faire revivre cette intelligence.

Extract out of the register of resolutions of the States General of the United Provinces.

Lunæ 5 Januarii, 1654. [N. S.]

Vol. ix. p. 163.

There having been read a certain paper of the resident Aitzema, desiring that at the success of the treaty of peace betwixt this state and the government of England the city of Hamburgh may be comprehended in the same; it is found good, and declared hereby upon precedent deliberation, that the aforesaid desire shall be taken into due consideration, as soon as the foresaid treaty shall be brought to those terms, that thence there may be expected a good and settled peace. Attestat B. F. Mulert.

Underneath stood,
According to the foresaid register, and signed, N. Ruysch.

Mr. Richard Bradshaw, the English resident at Hamburgh, to secretary Thurloe.

December 27, 1653.

Vol. ix. p. 169.

The post is not come with last week's letters from England, but from Amsterdam they write of a remarkable change in our government, as that my lord generall should be proclaimed lord protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland, the parliament dissolved, and the peace with them as good as concluded, and all without tumult or the least opposition. If it have pleased the Lord to effect such or any change, I doubt not but your next letters will give me the particulars thereof, as I hope the Allmightie ****.

An intercepted letter designed for Paris.

Vol. ix. p. 165.

I Hope long before this time, you have received one from me in answere to yours, which brought me the good newes of your safe arrivall there, and that my samples of tobacco were not disliked; which truly I choose as warely as I can, because there is a great deale of rotten tobacco heere, and that I know is not for your turne; but while I have the good luck to serve you, I hope you shall have noe cause to complaine, espetially of my willingnesse.

Since the settling of our protector and his counsell, which I thinke is scarce yet perfected, we gape after nothing so ernestly as a peace with the Dutch, which is hudling up, say the wise, that oure new court may be at leysure to enjoy the fruits of theire labours; but I doe not heere, that there is any thing concluded.

The Highlanders lay about them, as if they were in ernest, and shake there chaines so loude, that they disturbe the well affected there; and supplies both of horse and foote are goeing to rebuke them. Major Harrisson and his pulpit-beaters are eclipsed, but wheither he or they be as angry, as they make the world believe, is a mystery, which nobody understands, no more then from day to day, as the spirit reveales itselfe. But to our tobacco againe, of which I shall be as carefull to get you good and sound, as if you were heere to tast it yourselfe; for really I am so absolutely devoted to Mr. Kerbye's service, that I will make it the businesse of my life to execute his commands. Pray salute my worthy friend Mr. Grimes. Good Lord, how I long to see you all at home! That it passeth againe, could I but se that day, I should have never another wish for heaven to grant; but at the last we might meete there to, nere to part; and these desires, I think, are so reasonable, that in time the people may be brought to amen to it. In the meane while I am most affectionately

Your friend and faithfull servant,
Henry Hart.

Lon. Dec. 27. 1653.

I sent my last by Mr. Miles, from whom I have not heard as yet. I shall stay in town still this fourteen days, but I would gladly know how I shall dispose of the tobacco, which you left with me, when my necessities forced me away.

The superscription, A mons. mons. Wilkey a la maison du post a Paris.


  • 1. This points at Charles Stuart's lying idle at Paris.