State Papers, 1653: November (2 of 5)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1653: November (2 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1653: November (2 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1653: November (2 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

November (2 of 5)

An intercepted letter.

November 4, 1653.

Vol. viii. p. 77.

In my last I gave you some hints of Mr. Garnet. He is one, that merits your acquaintance, as one that will be high in trade, if the treaty have its desired effects, of which we have now larger hopes than formerly might have been expected. If common reports may be credited, your commissioners are very frequent here in audience, and, as themselves affirm, have great probability of concluding that peace, which all godly men do desire. Our state here is very vigilant to cut off those exorbitances, that formerly oppressed the good people of this nation; and to that purpose have yesterday voted the bill for abrogating the chancery to be brought in on Monday next, appointing a committee to determine the causes depending; and likewise that a bill be brought in for contriving a new body of the laws by the first of January next; and it wanted not much, but that the caterpillars of the land had been all banished the town, as formerly the poor cavaliers were, one voice only reserving them for a time, which will not be long. It pleased our governors likewise two days since to change our council of state; no doubt but godly persons are chosen. On Tuesday the lord Whitelocke began his journey towards Sweden, dignified with the title of constable of Windsor. The Swedish resident here did not accompany him, as was expected, pretending to stay for instructions from his mistress, whom we now hope to fix in amity with us.

The tumults of our seamen are now wholly supprest, at least in appearance, by the hanging of one at Tower-hill, and whipping another on Monday last. Your state may happily be pussed up with the great discontents of our seamen; but they may consider, that the multitude are most commonly appeased with money and fair words, and we doubt not but that may be effected here, though the rabble threaten high.

To the honourable the council of state.

Vol. viii. p 90.

The humble petition of captain John Palmer, Edward Hobson, Richard Manninge, William Sowten, and company, inhabitants of the city of Chichester,

That your petitioners being persons well affected to the present government, and being owners of the ship the Swan of Chichester, and having laden the said ship with serges, wheat, and other merchandizes, to the value of above four thousand pounds sterling, consigned to an English factor of theirs at Lisbon for the petitioners own account; the said ship and her lading was, on or about the 5th day of October last past, about twenty leagues off the land's end, surprized by two ships of war of Ostend, the one called the John (whereof captain Nicholas Heldt was captain) and the other the Grey Mare (whereof Laurence Andrews was captain) who have very inhumanly treated your petitioners mariners, and have carried with them the said ship and goods to Ostend, where the same remains.

And for that the petitioners ship and goods being free, and belonging to the petitioners, all free Englishmen, and consigned to English factors for the petitioners own account, there was no cause at all for the said Ostend captains to surprize them, in respect of the amity betwixt this nation and Flanders, and for that it would utterly ruin their voyage, and be of ill consequence to the trade of this nation, if they should be held in suspense, or not speedily released.

They humbly beg the favour and countenance of this honourable council, to commend this their case by a letter to the archduke Leopold at Brussels, as also to the lord ambassador of Spain here resident, for a speedy release and restitution of the said ship and goods, and to write for them in such sort as to your wisdoms shall seem meet,
[4 Nov. 1653.]

And your petitioners shall ever pray, &c.

A letter of intelligence from Rochelle.

Vol. viii. p. 83.

To imparte to you, according to my wonted custome, the condition of our affaires, I make bold to visite you with these lines, whereby you may understand, that I am in good health, God be thanked: though I have ben somthing crasie the last weeke, yet am I pritty wel recovered at present. I intend to goe two dayes hence to Bourdeaux, there to see in what posture our trading doeth stand. The river of Bourdeaux is wholly cleered of the Spanish fleet, as I did relate unto you in my last, dated the 8th of this instant; only we live in jealousies and feares, lest they should returne againe to the great hindrance of all trading from those parts. In case the river be kept open, you would doe well to dispatch some ships-load of corne for Bourdeaux. In case you escape at sea, this will at least doubble the venture, all charges being borne besides. There is likewise a great want of all English commodities in the saide city, the which you may also take into consideration. The toll or custome is lately raised in Bourdeaux, so that for one tunne of wine there is 20 l. custome to be paid. We heare that you are about a treatie with Holland, the conclusion whereof will be welcome to all merchants. There are many prises brought up heere by the Hollanders taken from the English. There is a report here, that Van Tromp, who with some nine ships did ride heere for a time under St. Martin's, hath been lately engaged with some of your frigots, but we have no certaintie thereof as yet. All things hereabouts are pritty quiet, the prince's party being sufficiently silenced, so that we hope they will not rise in hast againe. We are perswaded, that the government of our towne is in surer hands, then it was three yeare ago, when we were betrayed with a corrupted governor, who kept the two towers next to the haven for the prince de Condé, and did much annoyance to the towne from off them; the which after they were reduced, one of them was burned downe, and the other is now repairing againe, so that we hope we shall feare no more such bustling as formerly we have had. This is all at present you have to expect,

Dated the 15th of Novemb. at Rochell. [N. S.]

The superscription,
For his respected friend Mr. Peter Horne, these,
I pray, at London or elsewhere.

Sir, from your real friend and servant,
Israell Bernhard.

The Spanish ambassador to the council of state.

Vol. viii. p.79.

Don Alonso de Cardenas del consejo de su mag. Catt. y su embaxador al parlamento de la repub. de Inglaterra representa al hon. consejo de estado que algunos assentistas o factores de su mag. Catt. han cargado de su orden en Cadiz de un ano a esta parte diversas sacas de lana en los navios Sampson, San Salvador, y san Jorge a consignar en Flandes por quenta de la paga de sus reales exercitos.

Que dhos navios y su carga sueron tomados y traydos por suerza a esta republica.

Que haviendose traydo el negocio a la corte del Almirantazgo sueron los dhos navios por orden della descargados y las lanas puestas en custodia de los comisarios de presas para que las guardassen en especie hasta el juycio final de dha corte.

Que su mag. hizo reclamacion de dhas lanas, y por induvitables evidencias y testimonios probò que eran suyas.

Que sobre dhas evidencias y testimonios hallando la corte del Almirantazgo que pertenecian al rey su Sor dieron decreto para que se las restituyessen enteramente.

Que por las leyes y derechos de naciones se deve executar la restitucion con bolver a embarcar dhas lanas con proteccion de la corte para que seguramente se puedan sacar de aqui sin embaraço y interupcion.

Que por la brevedad del despacho dise el decreto que dhas lanas se entreguen al dho embaxador o, aquien tuviere dicho poder para el uso del rey o sus vasallos.

Que aunque el dho embaxador ha dado poder a Egidio Mottet para recevir dhas lanas sin embargo de esto Pedro Richaut, Jacobo Richaut, Samuel Richaut, y Felipe Richaut, han de hecho propio estorbado que el dho embaxador no reciviese dhas lanas con procurar un embargo de la corte de los cherises contra, dhas lanas con pretexto de una pretendida deuda que dizen ellos les debe el rey su Sor.

Que el dho embaxador diò orden que se diesse quenta sumariamente de esta accion a la corte del Almirantazgo juzgando que dha corte mandaria quitar luego este embargo y dar orden que se executasse el decreto de restitucion de dhas lanas con esecto pero los dhos Pedro Richaut, Jacobo Richaut, Samuel Richaut, y Felipe Richaut haviendose opuesto ello, reconoce el dho embaxador que el negocio va encaminandose a debate pues no han dado dha orden.

Con que hallando el dho ambaxador que este modo de proceder no solamente es de suma violacion de las leyes de naciones y materia de tanta import. y de razon de estado con el conocimento della toca pro p'ramte a este consejo sino tambien que la reputacion y justicia de esta repub. esta en sumo grado interesada en que el decreto justo de su corte del Almirantazgo seu executado enteramente y con esecto con restituir la hazienda y bienes de principes y estados forasteros que estan en amistad con esta republica, no siendo dhos bienes traydos aqui' por via de comercio sino por fuerza apresados y traydos por los propios navios de guerra d'esta republica y des pues por examinaciones y evidencias declarados por libres.

Y que no se publique en partes forasteras que esta republica embia su armada a la mar para apresar las haziendas de sus amigos que pretexto de que sonde enemigos della para que quando despues por evidencias se hallaren ser de amigos se de lugar a que puedan ser con este color embargados por quales quiera pretenes particulares en virtu de pretensiones.

Y assi el dho embaxador no teniendo aqui por aora letrado suyo y hallando que el honor, justicia, y interes de esta republica esta unido en este part. con el del rey su Sor, suplica al consejo se sirva de reservar asta' la decision de este negocio y con el abogado de este estado sea asignado y permitido de abogar por su mag. en esta causa, y con entretanto se sirva el consejo de dar orden expresa para que sin ninga. interrupcion se puedan embarcar dhas lanas en los navios que ha fletado para sa transportacion a Flandes, a sin que esten listas par que puedan sin' ulterior dilacion hazerse a la vela. Luego que el consejo huviere tomado en consideracion este negocio, y mandado remover todos los embarasos como lo espera de la justicia del consejo. Fha en Londres a 15/5 de Nov. 1653.

Don Alonso De Cardenas.

Mr. John Benson to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. viii. p. 87.

This morning there arrived heare a messenger from the king of Poland unto the lords, with mandates requiring them imediatly without delay to secure the goods and persons of all English in this plase for damages, which those nunnes have receved, which weere coming to the queene of Poland by the states frigats. He expresseth in the general, precious stones, rich workes for their church, linen and woollen clothes, besides the abuse of the nunns, which he aggravates highly. I sent to one of the burgo-masters, to knowe if wee should receive protection; he sent me word, that I should know to morrow morninge, so that you must expect the issue by next post. I can give you noe tideings from Copenhagen or those parts, by reason the winde have blowne hard at south and south-east these eight dayes, which hindreth any vessells from coming that way, and the land post cometh not until Friday. Therefore I can give you no certanty of the Sweedes securing the Hollands shipps and goods, nothing being don at Riga, which is one of the chiefest ports for trade under the Sweede. Thus desireing to be excused for scribbling, itt being my sicke day, I am

Dantz. 6 Nov. 1653.

Your verry servant,
John Benson.

An order of council.

Monday, 7th November, 1653.

At the council of state at Whitehall.

Vol. viii. p. 89.

That col. Rous, col. Jones, sir William Roberts, col. Fleetwood, doctor Goddard, col. Cromwell, or any three of them be a committee to take consideration of a paper from the Spanish ambassador presented this day to the council, concerning certain bags of wooll, taken out of the Samson, Salvador, and George, and to examine the matter of fact, and for their better information to send for doctor Walker, and such other persons, papers, and witnesses as they shall find necessary, and to report the same to the council with the first opportunity.

A letter of intelligence from Rome.

Vol. vii. p. 273.

Il papa non pensa più per quest, anno d'andar fuori à diporto, come si era sparso, à Frascati e Palestrina, si per la dissuasione de 'medici, come per hover cominciato à soffiare un poco la Sigra. Tramontana che à persuasione de Francia sa fentire le solite punture.

Questo Sigr. ambassadore subito che ebbe la sua audienza conto al papa del suo ritorno alla corte di Francia, et cominicò à far le visite del fagro collegio, e di qui che sono partiali del partito Francese, con disegno di partir avanti le prosse feste di Natale verso la Francia, ove doppo haver informato quella maestà del stato di questa corte e de gli interessi di quella corona, sara per retirarsi al servitio della sua religione in malta, e tentar ivi quella fortuna che qui non ha potuto fabricare.

Restera suo soccesore per modo di provisione il cardl. Antonio come fa'il cardl. Trivultio nell'ambasciata di Spagna, e cosi per caminar del pari queste due corone verrà anco il cardl. d'este per essercitare la protettione di Francia, fá medici di quella di Spagna, in una cosa disferiscono però, che medici potrà mantenersi quanto vorra con ogni splendore sensa nuova pensione de S'pagnoli, mâ este se verra non durera largo tempo, e neanco potra farlo sensa buon soccorso di Francia effettivo, e non promissivo.

Il Sodo. Antonio nel principio della sua ambasciata comincierà dalle cose di Portogallo protestandosi con tutto il sagro collegio, che non procedendosi dal papa alle chiese di quel regno, et al ricevmento di quello ambre. quel nuovo Re sarà costretto di venir al elettione d'un Patriarca; vogliono alcuni che cio sia arteficio del papa medemo per spaventar i Spagnoli et à disporli à permettere ne i loro stati sopressione de conventini, et a darli tutta quella sodissattione chi gli vorrà dar i ministri Spagnoli, ma non che voglia venir à resolutione tale in efletto contro la corona di Spagna, prevedendo bene, che sarrebbé maggior il male che da ciò ne sequerebbe, chi il bene alla sede Apca. mancò poco à questi giorni che il carrd. Trivultio, e l'ambre. veneto venissero à rottura per causa dè loro cocchier, per la ver quello di Venetia urtato la sua carrozza e rotto la ruota alla corrozza Trivultio dal che offeso il cocchiero di questo doppo il ritorno del padrone à casa, ando à trovar quello di Venetia e lo feri in testa e poi subito fecero pace nell hosteria, saputo cio dal veneto, fece licentiar il suo per haver fatto pace senza dargliene prima parte, saputo anco cio da Trivultio, licentio pure il suo, e poi mando à iscsarsi col veneto dicendo che gli no sapeva cosa alcune dell insolenza del suo cocchier, al cui effetto era stato licentiato dal suo servitio.

Il cardl. Montalto benche habbia mandato un suo Gentilhuomo in Spagna per guistificarsi delli imputatione fattegli dihaver intelligenza con i Barberini e cooperato à lor favore contro la mente del Re Catholico, tutto ciò prevede che poco saranno ammesse quell sue guistificationi, e che però stima meglio di retirarsi alla sua residenza di morreall, tanto piu che ciò non li verrebbe permesso dal papa, se non venisse scritto dalla sua rea santa. che voglia permettere le stanza de do. Montalto a Roma per che cosi rcihiede il suo servitio onde stà attendendo le galere di malta che douranno andar à livorno, e poi passar per questa riviera.

Il conte di Castrillo viceo re di napoli tresportata dalla borrasca del Golfolione si retrova lora ò dentro ò vicino quella citta et il duca di Terranvica nuovo ambre. in questa corte che Veniva seco di consenca si ritrova qui vicino per far sbarcare le lue rebbe e farte venire à Roma, done non verrà prima de andar n Sicilia per aggiutare i interest domes.

Di promotione non se ne parla, aspettandosi la vacanza d'un altro capello che compirà il numero ottavo.

Continua la voce che il matrimonio delli senri. sposi nepoti di sua santa non sia ancor consumato per disetto della sposa che non vole in modo alcuna sentire i primi dolori non ostante le continue minaccie che le vengono fatte, dichiarandosi di voler più presto entrar in un monasterio di manache che di star sotto al marito

17 Novembre, 1653. [N. S.]


A letter of intelligence from Rome.

Rome, 17 Novemb. 1653. [N. S.]

Vol. vii. p. 54.

I Received by this and last post all yours of the last post, bearing date of the 16th of October, whereby we are certified of the truth concerning the great loss here falsly divulged, to have happened at sea to the parliament by a tempest; but now see the contrary. Indeed we have but little news this week: take it as followeth. The commonwealth of Venice did present to the duke of Mantua at his departure one thousand pounds worth of Venice glasses, christals, wax and other such curious signs. Some English merchant did offer to that commonwealth four stout ships for their service. From Constantinople, we hear the Great Turk sent for the bashaw of Buda, it is thought to make him the first visir, or captain of the sea, the other captain now at Scio not daring to enter into the castles, or go forward to Constantinople, for behaving himself cowardly at Rhodes. It's thought the Great Turk is of a short life; the favourite eunuch doth always prevail against the Sultaness, which persecuted him. Fifty Morlaks being taken prisoners by Turks, were brought before their bashaw, who had them all beheaded; for which the Morlaks having taken eighty Turks, cut off all their ears and noses, and the heads of the commanders. We hear king Charles is to have some good subsidy from Germany. From Naples, the prince of Pisani is dead, and having no heirs, the company of the Annunciata succeeds, according to the will and testament of his ancestors. Conde de Castrillo is arrived at Naples, but as yet we do not hear he took possession of the office of Vice-Roy. Some say he is to come hither first, others that Onate, for to dispose of some affairs concerning the crown before he pass for Spain, others say that nothing will be changed till a general meeting be made at Gaeta by all the cardinals and ministers from Spain, in Rome, Sicily, and Naples: however we are well, and quiet, and his holiness in good health. Duke of Terranova is arrived at Genoa, and thence is bound for Sicily, there for to prepare for a stately shew of his function in Rome. We hear from Madrid the Cæsarian ambassador doth urge for a marriage betwixt that infanta and the king of the Romans. Some skirmishes lately betwixt Carecena, and the French: this always gets the worse. The French ambassador here complies with his visitations to depart for France before the holidays. This being all at present from

Your true servant,

A letter of intelligence from Ratisbon,

Ratisbon, 18 November, 1653. [N. S.]

Vol. viii. p. 213.

By this post I have nothing from you, neither did I write to you by the last before this, because I had nothing new, and at this time I have very little, having given a full relation before of what passed here for R. C. Since nothing is done, the sums of money and and succours, not yet being specified.

But since, it is very secretly concluded betwixt the emperor, the elector of Mentz, and the ambassador Wilmot, to send a person qualified to Rome, to sollicit that court for succours for R. C. in consideration of such conditions, as he shall give to the Catholics in those dominions he pretends to, as shall be concluded betwixt the pope and the said R. C. by the gentleman now to be sent with full commission from R. C. to that intent. This business is gone so far, that the person is already agreed upon to be sent to Rome, and letters sent from thence to R. C. for a commission and instructions for him; of which you shall know more in time, but you must be very secret in it. I could tell you the person's name that goes; he is now here, &c.

The Protestant princes of the other side will secretly endeavour in Holland, to give what interruption may be to your peace with Holland, you may be assured of it; so will France, in such sort, that now here that peace is not so much looked for as before.

Even thus standeth what concerns England in Germany, but great rumours of Scotland and their numbers in arms, with many other lies, to which I give no credit, because you write no such things to me. Here is little of other news, but what I writ to you before.

In Hungary all is quiet from the irruptions of the Turk.

The news of Poland are good, and written the Cossacks dare not come to battle with the king, who is now confirmed in league with the Moldavians, the new Valachians, and Transilvanians against the Cossacks, which troubles very much the Turks and Infidels. I am now in haste, being sent for, &c. and must take leave.

Sir, your's.

A letter of intelligence from Paris.

Paris, 19/9 November, 1653.

Vol. viii. p. 101.

At this instant the B: comes from visiting me, whom he hath much entertained of the Protestants in Languedoc, reduced into a desperate condition by the scoffings of their enemies; telling me, that he will write to you upon that matter, to give the more credit to what you shall say of it. He desireth, that he and two others you know, viz. U.

S. and B. may by you be instructed in what spirit of charity are the parliament and my lord general, if there is any hope of ease in their business; intreating you to send, whether the difference must be first absolutely ended with Holland, and whether they would approve and effectually consider some propositions, which in all integrity they would offer them, being worthy of comparison; praying also continually for the peace of both the commonwealths, saying that V. had already received good notions of the said general in their behalf.

A list of the Dutch ships that are cast away in the storm on the 29, 30, and 31 Oct. 1653. N. S. Sent and received here 10 Nov. O. S.

Vol. viii. p. 25.

1. The Liberty, all the men lost.

2. Prince William, captain Boerman, all the men saved.

3. Gouda, John Egberts, captain, half the men saved.

4. The Moerian, captain Jol, half the men saved.

5. King David, captain Vogelsang, all the men drowned.

6. Ship Amsterdam, captain Van Kempen, all the men drowned except fourteen.

7. Captain Cuyper.

8. A flute with provisions.

9. The Golden Lyon, Jacob Pens, captain.

10. Flushing, captain Jacques.

11. The Crowned Love, captain Hartman.

12. St. Vincent, captain Kleyntje.

13. Ship Waghenaer.

14. Captain John Rootjes.

15. The ship Justice, captain Swart, all the men drowned.

Vande Perre to mynheer Bruyne.

Westminster, Nov. 11/11, 1653.

Vol. viii. p. 102.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page mage]

My lord,
In the main business, by reason of the change in the council of state, notwithstanding many sollicitations and papers delivered in to expedite our affairs, there hath been nothing farther done about it. As I am writing this present, word is brought me, that yesterday in the afternoon the lord general did desire a certain gentleman to let us know, that the council was busy from day to day with our businesses, and to desire us that we would have patience for two or three days; that the council had not kept us here for nothing; and we are told by some by the bye, that there will happen that, which in a short time will accomplish our whole business, except only particular differences, which are to be decided by commissioners on both sides. What concerneth these projects that may happen, I shall advise you of them as soon as they come to my knowledge. Yesterday the lord Lagerfelt took his leave of us, and is gone for Sweden, giving clearly to understand, that he doth not part from hence with any great content, yet considering that state that my lord Whitelocke went from hence in towards Sweden the last week, it is to be presumed, that there is a right understanding between them. All the sea-captains, except captain Cornelis Evertsen, have gotten their liberties and passes to go home without our knowlege.

This day general Monck has taken his leave, and is gone to the fleet, wherewith he is to go to sea very suddenly, consisting in above an hundred ships. Yesterday we heard, that the men of ten ships at Yarmouth were run away and that there were not men enough left. 1 to look to them 4. 7. 29. 3. 24. 7. 17. And some do judge, that for reasons aforesaid as in the like occasions, the fleet 21. 27. 7. will not go out. Here is also want of of masts. 9. 7. 4. 24. 7. 5. 13. van. 15. 3. 26. 27. 7. 17. bevonden. There is still great pressing of seamen.

Jongestall to his excellency Frederic count de Nassau, stadtholder and captain general of Friesland.

Vol. viii. p.104.

My lord,
A Certain act made by the former parliament, called an act for subscribing the engagement, where amongst the rèst it is enacted, that all those, who deny or refuse to take and sign the engagement, and swear that they will be faithful and maintain the present government without a king, may not have the benefit of the law, is annulled in part by this present parliament; upon which wonderful speculations do fall. I do understand from all parts, how that the seamen of this state do shew themselves more and more unwilling to go to sea; for at Falmouth there lye four ships of war, of which the men run away all in one night, though guarded by soldiers, as they are fain to do in all the rest of their ships. The lord Lagerfelt hath taken his leave, and goes for Sweden to-morrow. I cannot perceive, that he parts with any content, for he complained to me, that the lord president of the council only told him in his last audience, that the council was pleased with his negotiation, and thanked him for the trouble and pains he had taken, without wishing of him a good voyage, or to desire him that he would recommend them to the queen. Whether this slight dismission will be acceptable to the queen, we shall soon hear. Mr. Peters hath writ a letter to the queen by the lord Whitelocke, wherein he relates the reasons why they put their king to death, and dissolved this last parliament; and withal sends to her majesty a great English dog, and a cheese, for a present.

The lord general hath been ill this day or two, and hath taken physic, is now well again: his excellency hath had all the members of the council at his house, to recommend unto them our business, as 'tis thought. We have not yet received any answer to our propositions, notwithstanding our earnest solicitations. Just now we are sent unto, to let us know, that against Monday at the farthest, we shall receive a favourable answer to our main business.

Your excell. &c.

Westminster, 21/11 November, 1653.

P. S. Just now at the sealing of our letters, I understand out of the letters from Holland the sad mischance, which God hath been pleased to send to our fleet, which doth very much trouble me; but what shall we do? It is better to fall into God's hands than the enemies.

Advice sent by the Dutch ambassadors to the States General from Portsmouth.

11/21 November, 1653.

Vol. viii. p. 112.

There was brought hither on Saturday last 5/15 of this month 18000 l. to pay off the ships that belong to this place. Here are come ten men of war from London to be paid here; and when the men come on board to be paid, they are kept on board, and not suffered to go on shore again to fetch their cloaths, and to take their leave of their friends. These ships lye ready between Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight to go to sea; some of their names are Fairfax, Essex, Charity, Speaker, and Worcester. In the harbour of Portsmouth lye seven ships more, all unfit, besides two that will be soon ready.

Here is a ship a building of sixty guns, which will be ready against May.

Here is expected from Plymouth the ship Hannibal, with some merchantmen.

Here is yet great discontents among the seamen: I saw five of them put into prison for rising against their captain.

It will be three weeks first before their fleet will be ready to put out to sea. It is said, the general rendevouz is to be in the Downs. General Monck is to go in the ship Swiftsure, or Fairfax.

The Dutch ambassadors at London to the greffier Ruysch.

November 11/21, 1653.

Vol. viii. p. 118.

My lord,
In a visit and contra-visit, which we received yesterday from the lord Lagerfelt, and have returned the same to him again, we were entertained by him with very many extraordinary civilities and many protestations of the affections of his queen to the state of their high and mighty lordships. Afterwards he communicated unto us in full considence the answer of the parliament upon the offered mediation, which without any acceptance or refusal of the same was only put off in a compliment, that her majesty was to have thanks returned her for her good endeavours, adding withal, that they hoped, that the Lord God would dispose the hearts of their high and mighty lordships to a good accommodation between both commonwealths. Amongst other several discourses we also got to understand out of him, that the government here had failed in the title of the superscription to his queen; that therefore he would not receive the letters; that the same was afterwards mended. Whether now the credentials and directions of the lord Whitelocke were directed after the same manner he could not tell; or whether his letters be without any superscriptions, there to be writ, was not known to the said lord, but he did very much doubt it, if so be they were so, whether he would be admitted to audience. He signified unto us, that his queen would never engage herself against the interest of their high and mighty lordships, and that in these very same words, Quod Danum semper quam Anglum vicinum mallet.

In case that lord do chance to come ashore any where in any of the ports of their high and mighty lordships (as he is resolved by contrary winds) and that he do make himself known there, although we know, that he hath no address to their high and mighty lordships, yet we do humbly submit it to their considerations, whether it would not be well accepted of, to shew him some civil entertainment.

We have since our last continually prest for some expedition, and an answer to the propositions and memorandums delivered in by us; but notwithstanding all our endeavours, which we have renewed and given in with new memorandums on Monday and Wednesday last in most earnest and vigorous terms, we have not advanced so much as we hoped and advised of, the reason whereof is said to be, that through the changing of the college of the council also a change is happened in our commissioners, and the indisposition of the lord general happening withal at the same time, who for some days hath not been at court; but we are at last informed from a good hand, that they were every day consulting and employed about our affairs, and that conferences were continued about them in my lord general's chamber, and if we be not abused, as we hope the contrary, that all retro-acts being resumed in good earnest, the articles are preparing for a formal treaty to deliver the same unto us, and to see, if we can agree about them in a short time, which God in his mercy grant to be, and we in all likelihood by the next shall be able to advise you particularly about it, being resolved, in case of farther delay thereof, to desire audience against Monday, and once more to propound to them on the one side the earnest endeavours and sincere intentions of their high and mighty lordships; and on the other hand, to lay before them that we cannot be stay'd here with any delays; whereof by the next post we shall give you a farther account, and for want of farther matter we break off and subscribe,

My lord,
Your lordship's, &c.

Beverning, Jongestall,
Nieuport, Vande Perre.

P. S. After the writing hereof, about eight a clock at night, the master of the ceremonies, by order and command of the government, is come to signify unto us, that they have been busy every day without intermission, with our propositions and memorandums, and in few days would be ready to return us an answer.

Nieuport to mynheer Codde at Delst.

Vol. viii. p. 117.

The alteration in the council of state mentioned in my last hath somewhat retarded our business; and upon our earnest solicitation from day to day we have hope given us, that we shall this week yet recover a good answer. We shall now soon see, which way the business will go; and God willing, we do not intend to be put off and held on from time to time with frivolous answers and defective grounds. Concerning the establishment of kingly government amongst the persons mentioned in your letter, I cannot perceive any such thing here as yet, that the inclinations of them do tend that way; but it often happeneth, that such things are first given out abroad to sound men.

Westminster, 21/15 Nov. 1653.

Jongestall to the states of Friesland.

Vol. viii. p. 116.

My lords,
We are informed, that the seamen here are very unwilling to go to sea, and that they run away as fast as they are prest. Here are ten ships, that lye ready in the river, and only want men to carry them out to sea. Those men they have are fain to be kept by soldiers.

Since our last conference of the 31st October we have not (notwithstanding all possible endeavours) been able to advance any thing in our negotiation, nor received any answer to our first proposition and our further considerations delivered in.

Just now we are told by a gentleman, that this retardment is made for the good of our state, and that we are to morrow or next day to expect a favourable answer.

Westminster, 11/21 Novemb. 1653.

An intercepted letter of col. William Drummond to the earl of Glencairne.

Vol. x. p. 34.

My noble lord,
It is nott impossible, but I may kise your handes within some sew dayes, if itt please God, and upon that consideratione I presume to forbear to tell you by this whatt I intend personally to relatte. If itt prove my misfortune to be disappointed of my resolutione, I shall not faill to give a large narration in wreatting of that, which I knowe in relatione to your lordship's concernment. I shall satisfie my self to certefie you, that our master has very good thoughts towards you, which tho' I knowe you have itt from better handes, I could not forbear to touch it a little heer, it being part of my trust for him so to doe; and this you will understand more amply, when his owne letters come to your hands. At this opportunitie I assure my self gen. Middletone hes acquainted you with the particuleers worthie to be communicated from hence; which makes me to wreatt without mentioninge any thing of that nature. I will only subscribe my selfe,

My lord,

Rotterdam, Nov. 21, 1653. [N. S.]

Your lordship's most humble servant,
W. Drummond.

A letter of intelligence from Holland.

Vol. viii.p.107.

My last was the 11 current from Amsterdam, intimating the needeful; only I omitted to tell you, that of the same commodities I then wrote of, there are three in EastFriezeland. These are to give you notice, that after a tedious passage, I am arrived at this place, where I expected to have mett yours, whereof fayleing, I hope to have it per next. In my way I found of the same goods at Rotterdam whereof 28. 279. 70. 541. 530 at Delfshaven three, at Schiedam two: what quantity I shall finde in this island, I cannot be yet certaine, I believe about 15. 97. 148 and 363. 553, of which I shall give you a more perticuler accompt per my next. The news from the ambassadors in England, that there was noe hopes of an agreement, the demandes of the English being soe unreasonable, begat a sudden resolution in the states provinciall, insoemuch that they agreed presently to build thirty new frigats more, the least of forty gunns, for which each deputie undertooke for his province, though 'tis sooner sayd than done; for, for ought I can see or hear, the mony will not bee soe soon raysed. However shipwrights are sent for to the Hage, and the provinces of Gelder, Groningen, and Over-Yssel are so hott for itt (though they have least mony) that if a peace should bee concluded by Holland (whom they looke upon as most active) 'twill goe nigh to cause a breach of the union, and they seeke new protectors; and though those of Amsterdam with the Lovensteens heeren speake the king's ministers fayre, yet 'tis all but court hollywater. However l. g. Middleton has procured an order of the states for the exporting of armes into Scotland. Sir John Mints tolde mee, he sawe it; yett I doe not find, but that all are inclineable to peace, for though theire interest bee great with France in respect to commerce, yett a free trade is to them of greater concernment, especially to those of Holland, who, for ought I can perceive, are resolved to have a peace, tho' it cost deare; but they say the English must quitte theire trade in the East Indies. The freebooters of this place begin to be weary too, though one brought in a prize yesterday, viz. George Errington of Yarmouth, laden at Roan. The bishop of London-derry from a fisher of men (if ever he was that) is allsoe turned caper, haveing this day held a vendition here of severall goods, which were surprized in the river Thames by Robert Hall a Scotchman, in a ketch called the Swallow, bound for Edinburgh. Seeing noe convoy will be granted in Holland for France, those fifty or sixty ships, which lye in the Texell, bound to the westward, are ordered to goe to sea with the first fayre winde through the channel; and I am told, the East India ships with them (which I hardly beleeve) hoping to escape the English these long nights; but I dare not expose our goods to that hazzard. After the many complaynts made by the Spanish ambasador in the Hage, the states at last dispatched away six or seven commissioners for Mechlen, where they are to fitt in chambre mipartie, with as many on behalfe of the king of Spaine, to compose all differences betweene them. The next* they are to sitt in like manner at Dort. Forty or fifty vessells from Dunkirk arived here last night, whereof the most are bound for Holland. Haveing not else at present, I crave leave, and rest

Flushing 20/12 53.

Your most humble servant.

An intercepted letter of lord Balcarres to the earl of Atholl.

In the possession of the right hon. Philip l. Hardwicke, l. high chancellor of Great Britain.

My lord,
These tuo gentlemen, who carry this, may be instead of a volume of letters; therefore I shall only conjure your lordship by that affection the world knowes you had witnessed to your prince and countrey, to persuade as powerfully as your lordship can to a condiscendence to what may be satisfactorie, and may most probably produce that generall and cordiall concurrence in his majesty's service, which all honest men desire, and without which no blessing or success can rationally be expected. I leve all particulars to them, and I desire your lordship to give full trust to whatever shall be said by them, or any of them, in the name of,

Killin, 12 Nov. [1653.]

For the earle of Atholl.

My lord,
Your lordship's most faithfull and humble servant,
W. Balcarres.

A letter of intelligence.

Rome, 23 Novembris, 1653. [N. S.]

Vol. ix. p.40.

By this post I had nothing from you. I know not the reason of it. You may be assured here is nothing yet of a peace between the two southern crowns for all the marriage of Pamphilio unto Barberini; but some still talk of it. Neither is there any stir for R. C. at present, but it is written from Paris, there shall be one here soon from him. The pope's great work now is, to finish the bull for the election of future popes, as I gave you at large in two former letters; and next how to reduce all the religious orders to eight, viz. to four monachals and four mendicants; but neither yet concluded. All is silent now between the cardinal of Spain and France. Cardinal Caponio, præses of congregatio de propaganda fide, is in some disgrace. He was supervisor of the affairs of the church in England, Ireland, and Scotland. Now last week is substituted into his place cardinal Trivulsio, a Milanese, who was here in your time.

Dux de Terra Nova is come from Spain within ten miles to this city, but gone from thence to Sicily to prepare for the lustre of his entrance hither, being sent ambassador from his catholic majesty, and succeeds the said card. Trivulsio.

Count Castriglio, new viceroy of Naples, &c. is now arrived there, and count Ognate removed, which may prejudice the king of Spain's service; but you must understand, that Castriglio is uncle to don Lewis de Haro. Here is a Dominican fryar, that taught in the Minerva divinity, committed to the inquisition for being a favourite to the Jansenists.

No more of importance now known to,

Sir, yours.

To cardinal Mazarin.

In the possession of the right hon. Philip 1. Hardwicke, 1. high chancellor of Great Britain.

My lord,
The affection, which I bear to the public good and the tranquillity of France, doth oblige me to impart to your eminence the hope, which I have of a good agreement with France; for the council of state hath given order to the court of admiralty, not to proceed against the goods and ships of St. Malo; so that if your eminence will write in favour of your merchants to his excellency Cromwell, it will be well taken, since that at his request you caused to be restored the sugar ships. Thus by little and little you will come to a general agreement at last; a thing so much to be wished for and desired by all honest men and men of worth, and a thing of that consequence, wherein France and your particular interest is so highly concerned, being so deeply involved in the welfare of that nation.

London, 14 November, 1653.

A letter of intelligence from France.


Your last letters are of the 1st, two of the 12th, and of the 16th September, of the 12th and 13th October; mine are of the 4th, 11th, and 18th of this month, as also of the 14th, 21st, and 28th Oct. besides my former, whereof you may be pleased to make mention. I expected to have had news from you every week, as I sent you from me, and this I entreat you earnestly yet to do. The gentleman desired me, if I wrote to you, to remember his love to you. He believes they are farther off, whereat I am not sorry. Your good countryman is still with him. You ought to have taken pains to have caused print the act, which he sent me, albeit it should have taken up some pages of your weekly news; it would be truly of great efficacy. The peace with the Hollanders is no less wished for than it will be both profitable and necessary to all reformed churches, but especially to those, who are under oppression. I believe there will not be place to set down against them any old reasons: as for those reasons mentioned of late, they will possibly answer, that the death of Mr. Dorislaus was an action of a particular man. As for the delay, and in a manner the contempt of your ambassadors, my lord St. John and Strickland, during the space of three months and nine days at the Hague, they will attribute it wholly to the faction of the prince of Orange, which only they will say hath hindered the accomplishment of a peace, so much wished for by all good Christians. As for your vessel, which was sunk by those off Zealand in going along to inhibit them to fish any more upon your coasts, they will maintain, that truly they, who committed the action, deserve to be punished, but that all in general ought not to smart for particular faults. Lastly, as for the action of Mr. Tromp, they will answer, that possibly he was drunk, and that you ought to content yourselves in as much as he was killed. The chief reasons, which may oblige the party to a peace, are, 1. the conformity of their religion; 2. the likeness of their government, as being both republics; 3. their nearness each one to another; 4. the affinity, which is to be found in the two languages; 5 and lastly, the particular interest in a general way of all the orthodox churches, there not being a day wherein those who are well affected do not ask me, when shall the conclusion of that peace be, in the which we have so much interest, and for the which we are bound to put up our prayers incessantly to God? Your last news of the number 174 encourage us greatly. We pray the Lord to inspire from above all with good motions for so necessary and profitable a peace, for the accomplishment whereof it had not been amiss to have begun with a day of extraordinary devotion at the return of mess. Nieuport and Jongestall. You know the loving and friendly welcome, which our adversaries at Nismes made to the Irish, as they came from Spain, and the liberality, which they shewed to them, being moved to do so by the sermons of the churchmen and priests; likewise the discourse of those Irish, that they would tear in pieces and crucify quick any one of our religion, who were among them. But our adversaries have yet done worse, having in prejudice to the king's service, withdrawn some of those Irish from out the companies; they have made them stay there in town, and married them to women there, that so they may in a manner in this town augment and renew the race of that execrable and murthering nation. You may conjecture what we may expect from them after such an action. The scarcity is great in these parts, the increase being no ways fertile, and the people are poor. We pray the Lord to have compassion upon us, and suffer not those mortal plagues to cut us off, as already it has done in Guienne, from whence the troops under mons. de Merniville are past in Languedoc of intention to join with those of the mareschal d'Hoquincourt, who is in Roussillon with the king's army. Mons. de Gujac deputed by a session hath left them at Carcassonne at his return from Mance in Foix, where he was gone to meet with mons. le comte de Bieule, to obtain permission to indict a colloquy the 3d of the next month. The said comte de Bieule did write to the session more favourable than he was accustomed before, nevertheless did send back the matter to the king and his council, that the terms might be more cleared, albeit the articles be very clear and express. The said mons. de Gujac expects, that mons. le marquis de Lerau was in arms with 300 horse, and was going through Foix to join with our troops at Vals. The deputation of mons. de Vestrie to the court is caused, especially for the reasons following, whereof he hath received very ample instructions, which I shall abridge shortly in these few: 1. By the edict we are not bound to contribute any ways to pay the charges and expences of our adversaries, nor the entertainment of the religious and churchmen, notwithstanding they please to oblige us to do so. 2. Albeit by an act the king establishes the exercise of our religion in Vals, madam d'Ornano and the count de Rieur will not suffer on any terms. 3. Those who embrace our religion are exempt by an act of the court of aids from paying the charges, which are contracted by the pa: in the mean while that such an one is of our religion. 4. Those of the religion are excluded from convention of estates and meeting of that nature against the edict, for the affair of the college, which we know sufficiently. 5. The affair of the hospital, whereof we are already informed, to wit, they would that both our poor and theirs also stayed within one and the same building, and afterwards they obliged those poor people and young ones to change religion, which they obliged us to change and build a new one. 6. The bishop desires to be admitted to their meetings in the town house, and there to have voice. 7. They labour to hinder us from preaching in St. Giles. 8. They deprive us of all sorts of offices, even of those of simple procureurs. A procureur of our religion having died, they refused him, who was to succeed to him in all both law and justice, because he was of our religion. Likewise mons. de Vestrie ought to intercede for the deliverance of an honest man, whom mistress Porles, daughter to the marquis de Porles, who hath done much harm to those of our profession, hath kept in prison in her castle this long time. In a word, we have so many complaints, that there is not almost one article of the edict of Nantes, which they have not violated; we expect 'til the king and his council give us justice. We pray the Lord to move them to do so, and in the mean while to give us grace to bear patiently this our condition, 'til it pleases his majesty to better somewhat our condition by ways best known to himself. I shall not write to you the next ordinary, if I have nothing considerable to acquaint you with, or if your letters before that time do not invite me so to do.

This 25th November, 1653. [N. S.]

Mr. Rich. Bradshaw, the English resident at Hamburgh, to secretary Thurloe.


I Am glad to see your hand agayne, hopeing theise will find you in perfect health, which I heartely desire. I am by farre more your debter for your kind acceptance of such a tryffle, then yow any wayes obliged by it. I am sorry any buisines of myne should have occasioned you so much truble, but e're theise come, I presume it will be over: a little checke in the beginning, would have prevented all. I thanke you for your promise to mynd the buisines, 'till it be effected; however it shall please the councill to order, I shall acquies, the matter no otherwise concerneinge me, than as the states servant. Yesterday I had notice of the loss of the James frigatt upon the Jytlands coast. I heare of no more, so hope it's all wee have sustayned in theise seaes in the late storme, tho' the Dutch have smarted severely at their owne doores in the tempest, whatever they have done abroad. I have writ to the councell, desireinge their order for the releese of theise 53 poore seamen, and others for the future, in case it shall please God to cast any more of them into the lyke condition. I pray you hasten the councell's order therein, as I presume you will for a supply of mony to goe on in providinge of powder and masts, now that the price abateth, which doubtlesse towards springe will up agayne, the Russe and Pole beinge in very greet want, as I formerly certifyed you; but if it shall be thought better to stay a tyme, to see the effects of the treatie, you may always be sure of a supply of powder heere at price currant, onely it may be bought upp by other states wantinge it, so that you cannot have the quantitie you may desire, excepte you take the opertunity of this winter to provide it in. I shall truble you noe further, but to assure you, that I am,

15 Nov. 1653.

Sir, your very humble servant.

If order be not allready taken to furnish my lord ambassador Whitelocke with money at Stockholme, I shall upon order take care to have it effected hence by merchants of this place, from whence there is a constant exchange at the best hand. The merchants of London or other parts have little correspondence there, the like for conveyinge letters.

The Dutch ambassadors at London to the States General.

[Westminster, 15/25 Nov. 1653.]

Vol. viii. p. 126.

High and mighty lords,
We know not any thing farther to advise your high and mighty lordships since our last which we sent away yesterday, of the public affairs, which concern your lordships. Certain it is, that some of our ships have taken seventeen English ships coming from Newsoundland. The fleet of this state lyeth still in the river, and not yet ready. Concerning the affairs of the government here, there is in general a change foreseen. Lambert was sent for by an express to come to the general and council. Harrison is said to be discontented, and to have left the city with three or four more colonels of the army.

[The rest of the letter was concerning the Portugals at the exchange.]

[Vande Perre writes to the lord Bruyne, that he had writ all the day long yesterday, and had sent away his letter last night by one of the prisoners, so that he had nothing farther to add.]

A letter of intelligence from Paris.

Paris, 26 November, 1653. [N. S.]


I Have received all your letters since my last, the post of England being arrived both this day and last Saturday. I hope you shall miss no more letters from Rome hereafter, the pope being returned thither. We fear much your treaty with Holland; all are of opinion here, your agreement is made already; but I hear some say, you will not agree at this time by reason you are both high minded, having had no great advantage in the last fight at sea. I pray God send all for the best for ours. Here is little of news at present. Madam la duchesse de Joyeuse, daughter to the duke d'Angoulesme (that died lately) being with child, and having gotten a young daughter last week, is now out of her wits altogether both by reason of her sickness, and her father's death; she is tyed in a close chamber in her own house.

M. mareschal de l'Hospital, as governor of Paris, has hindred the deputies of the town-house, which were deputed from the said house last week towards his majesty, being two counsellors and of the eldest in the town-house. Their business was first to desire the king to give order, that the rentiers of the said house should be paid as accustomed. Secondly, to desire his majesty to pleased to come to his own bonne ville de Paris; but mons. de l'Hospital signified to them, the king would come to Paris immediately after the reduction of St. Menehould, therefore they ought not to importune him till then. It's written by some from court, that the king hearing you were to turn all Roman Catholics out of the three kingdoms, that he had an arrest passed in his council, commanding all French merchants and others in his towns and seaports, not to keep any commerce or correspondencies with England till farther intelligence; but I do not believe the first point, and less the last.

Last Friday two coaches came in upon the gate of St. Honoré, and fifteen calashes after them, and so many more behind, with eight trumpeters, which were playing and continually crying vive le roy, all the street comes out and does the like, thinking the king to be there, and made all the city believe the king was in the Louvre the next day. Some say it was done on purpose to see what the people would do, or whether they continue their affection yet for his majesty where there is no doubt. You have from Chalons the 20th instant, written by the commander in chief at that siege, mons. de Plessis Praslin, to his wife, that he was in hopes within three days to enter the town, and within six days after, to be master of the castle, which, I hear, is a difficult work. We do hear since that time, which is the opinion of all, that the siege was shamefully raised, because it was impossible for them to stay about it raining continually, and the besiegers in water to the middle of their bodies; but of this, we have not yet the certainty.

The last week the king visited yet that siege, and at his return he was not half a quarter of an hour away, when those of the town sallied out furiously thinking, to salute his majesty: he came to Chalons and was not out of it since. That place is defended very gallantly, they cut the ground between the town and the castle within, sixteen yards large and six deep, being now full of water in a manner, if we can get the town, that the castle will hold out whilst they have provision.

The king and court are very willing to come to Paris, as we hope they will within fifteen days.

The last news from Languedoc brings, how madame la Malle. Dornane and counte de Rieux would not obey the king's orders sent to them by mons. Baron de Rouvigny, to establish the churches of the Hugonots there demolished by them, as you heard before, because they laid down arms, seeing the king's promise to satisfy them; but now, seeing the said persons will do nothing, the Hugonots writ to the king, desiring his majesty to make good his royal word, which they expect. I do not know yet how they shall be answered.

From Bourdeaux you have by the former, that the duke of Vendosme intends to establish all the taxes and impositions, which duke d'Espernon endeavoured to do, the last time they refused him as their governor, being the cause of these last wars of Bourdeaux; also, that the said duke is retired to Bourg, by reason of the sickness, which is in about an hundred houses in that town: likewise it is so vehement in all Guienne, that they set out upon their churches in every village and borough black colours, that no passenger may enter those places. Le sieur de l'Estrade, governor of Brouage, is made by the king, during his life, mayor of Bourdeaux: he makes them work strongly the castle of Trompette and Ha, in Bourdeaux.

Last Friday died here the ambassador of Portugal's wife: she commanded her body to be brought to Portugal. King Charles is here, and some say he will go to Germany to touch some money, there promised him by the diet, and for that money and others that he can get, he will bring forces and warlike provision into Scotland. Prince Rupert is not arrived here yet, but is expected within eight days, as he writes himself, being still at Nantz.

Mons. Chanut is gone to hear how your treaty with Holland shall be advanced, or the contrary for our profit as we expect.

General Preston is arrived at Carcazone in Languedoc, where he has his quarters. He intends by his money to draw the rest of the Irish from the Spaniards there, but it's thought by most, his labour will be in vain in the end. His lady is here, looking for some of his pension from mons. Servient, sur-intendant de finances, which she cannot yet obtain. M. Tellier, secretary of state, cries much after Preston, that he has received so much money from his majesty, and has, nor will do no good for it. The court has given a grant of two Irish Regiments to my lord of Inchiquin of late.

The duke of York is much esteemed in the French army, and hopes by the time to fight for his countries, as he is forced now to do for his bread. I expected till now my correspondent's letters from Chalons, but they are not come; by the next I hope to give a better account of that place, which is all at present from,

Sir, yours very faithfully.

A letter of intelligence from Paris.

Paris, 26/16 Novem. 1653.

Vol. viii.p.136.

It is true, I am not much in their counsels, and I thank God for it; for those that are, will have no very sweet savour to posterity, I mean some of them; yet if I told you, that the king went into Holland, it was a mistake of my pen, for I knew he went more to the north-east.

A paper from the Spanish ambassador.


Muy honorable,
E'N el negocio del embargo de las lanas que en la corte del Almirantazgo se Mandaron restituir a su magestad y ansi en su real nombre represente al honorable consejo de estado en 15/5 de este mes las razones que deben obli'garle a mandar que sin estorbo ni embaraço alguno de sequestros ô aciones intentados puedan encaminarse a Flandes donde iban destinados y siendo un negocio de tan grandes consequencias y que solo disputable en tribunal alguno es de perjuycio grande ala Rl. authoridad de su mageslad haviendose el consejo servido de remitir este negocio al comitti de los negocios de suera donde ayer se començò a ver y estando señalado el dia demañana para concluyrle y ordenado con los juezes del Almirantazgo se hallen presentes juntamente con las partes y sus Abogados y no hallandome yo con ninguno otio mio suplico al consejo que pues la preheminencia de su magestad y el honor y interes de esta republica estan unidos en este negocio se sirva de mandar despachar orden al Abogado Fiscal del estado para que pueda abogar por su magestad en esta causa que sera un acto que espero de la justicia del consejo sha en Londres a 26/16 de Noviembre 1653.

Don Alonso de Cardenas.