A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1653: October (2 of 3)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol1/pp538-552 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1653: October (2 of 3)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol1/pp538-552.
"State Papers, 1653: October (2 of 3)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol1/pp538-552.
In this section
October (2 of 3)
The Dutch deputies to the council of state.
A messeigneurs du conseil d'estat de la republique d'Angleterre.
Vol. vii. p. 121.
Les soubsignés deputes des messeigneurs les Estats Generaux des Provinces Unies remerciants messeigneurs du conseil d'estat, de ce qu'il leur a pleu accorder les actes necessaires pour les navires qui sont louez pour le transport de leurs gens vers la Hollande & Zelande, se trouvent obligés d'en demander aussi les ordres necessaires pour la despeche, laquelle jusques à present ils n'ont peu obtenir, & de remonstrer à leurs tres illustres seigneuries, que n'ayants pu trouver ici que des petits vaisseaux & assez incommodes pour le dit transport, ils sont convenus avec le commissaire & schoutmaistre general Whalley & Downing, qu'ils donneront les ordres necessaires pour le transport des prisonniers Anglois vers ce pays icy dans deux ou trois navires d'Hollande; pour lesquelles ils desirent que leurs tres ill. seig. fassent depescher un acte apart de passeport & saufconduit, le nom seulement du navire & maistre demeurant ouvert pour le faire suppler par le conseil de l'admirauté à Rotterdam. Fait a Coven-Garden le 13/21 d'Octob. 1653.
Vande Perre, Beverning.
Extract out of the resolutions of their high and mighty lordships the States General of the United Provinces.
Jovis, the 23d October, 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. vii. p. 126.
There being produced in the assembly the second time the letter of the lords of Beverning and Vande Perre, their high and mighty lordships commissioners in England, written at Westminster the 17th of this month, concerning the releasing and exchanging of prisoners on both sides; whereupon being debated, it was thought fit and understood, that there shall be further written to the respective colleges of the admiralty, that they do forthwith set at liberty all English prisoners, without any difference or distinction, that they have at present in their custody; and that for the time to come they do not put any of them into prison, but let them go as soon as they are taken, till further order; and hereof notice shall be given to the lords commissioners in England; and that they do their endeavour to effect the same with that government there reciprocally.
Agreeth with the register,
J. V. Meyden.
An intercepted letter of a Popish priest in Scotland.
Vol. vii. p. 124.
Admodum reverende pater.
Post longum juxta ac periculosum ex mandato P. V. susceptum iter in Scotiam, tandem exeunte Augusto appuli, sociosque, qui in meridionali ejus plagâ versantur, pro officii mei ratione, invisi, numero perpaucos quidem illos, sed complurium instar silvescentem hanc vineam impigre excolentes, & ad ardua quævis pro Dei majore gloriâ animarumque falute subeundâ oppido accensos reperi. Invisi etiam jam tertio P. Jacobum Macbrecum Edinburgi in arctissimâ custodiâ jam à decem pene mensibus detentum, quem reperi alacri cumprimis animo, & ad mortem etiam ac martyrium obeundum generosè obfirmato: detuli unà mecum divini in nos amoris pignus eminentissimum sacram eucharistiam, quam ille, manantibus ubertim præ gaudio lachrymis, incredibili, qua mei qua sui voluptate animi, cordis recepit hospitio. Cum intelligerem judices nolle extremo illum affici supplicio, perspiceremque diutinam aliunde custodiam valetudini ejus usque eo officere, ut sanguinem exspueret, cœpi nullum non movere lapidem pro impetrandâ ejus è carcere dimissione, in quam tandem consensere judices, sed his duntaxat conditionibus, nimirum ut toto deinceps vitæ spatio patriâ sit extorris, & ad hoc obstringat ipse sese jurejurando, quin & vades etiam ac obsides alios reperiat, qui & fidem ipsi suam, & aureorum insuper bis mille summam oppignerent, tandem ut prius quam vinculis eximatur, aureorum ipse quingentorum summam persolvat. Sed ad hæc respondit ille sibi fixum animo in carcere potius ac vinculis squalore ac inediâ contabescere, quàm iniquas adeo & Jesuitæ tam parum honorificas libertatis conditiones amplecti. Socios, qui in septentrionali commorantur plagâ, nondum mihi licuit invisere ob impedita militum excursionibus itinera, sed munus illud domino Grantio demandavi, quin & exhortatorias juxta & consolatorias ad singulos dedi litteras. Ceterum in lapsis erigendis, errantibus ad ecclesiæ gremium revocandis, confirmandisque catholicis nostrorum hic omnium obsudat industria, sed rei familiaris inopia (ob catholicos fortunis spoliatos & ad extrema quæque redactos) præclaros nostros conatus non parum retardat. Audio binas P. V. ad me litteras excidisse; quare rogo etiam atque etiam dignetur iterum ad meas respondere de gradu domini Federici Maxuelli & dom. Johannis Smythæi, de quo utroque ad P. V. jampridem scripsi pluribus, atque hisce paternum cor ac pectus cordatissimo complector affectu, ejusque SS. SS. me meosque omnes, hoc est minimos P. V. famulos ac filios, medullitus commendo. E Scotiâ, 23 Octob. 1653. [N. S.]
The superscription,
Al senor mio osservantiss. il senor Goswino Nikel, &c.
Paternitatis vestræ
Minimus in Christo filius ac servus,
Robertus Gallæus.
Extract of a letter of mons. de Bordeaux, the French ambassador in England, to mons. de Brienne, secretary of state in France.
23 October, 1653. [N. S.]
From the collection of M. de Bordeaux's letters in the library of S. Germain at Paris.
Si la France distribuoit tous les ans trente mil ecus, comme l'ambassadeur d'Espagne, on pourroit faire quelque creature ici. Je ne laisse pas d'etre un peu informé à meilleur marché.
A letter of intelligence from Holland.
The 24th October, 1653.
Vol. vii. p. 166.
Since my last there is the prince of Carante come. It seems he is not chosen governor of Rocroy, for he sends his horses and most of his baggage for France, and is resolved to travell into Germany.
Since my last are three shipps come into the Vlie, namely one man of warre, one Strait's man, and one from the Carribe Islands, who were in company with the young Boer, and were scattered one from another by a great storm about Hitland; but we hope they are gott into Norway.
In the Texell was come in a prize laden with pot-ashes and hemp, sent in by Jan Admirael. Also at the same time went to sea out of the Texell fourteen men of warr with some merchants ships; and soone after went a private man of warr to sea, and the Busses came in with prizes, namely one cole ship, and the other two laden with herrings; one of which the English had first taken from us, which was laden with fifty two last of herrings. And since is come in captain Firdecapp with two costly prizes; the one is a fly-boat, the other a small ship; both laden with merchants packs of goods; the one came from London, the other was going thither.
The 18/8 of this month came some thirty ships into the Vlie; some from France, some from Eastlande; and the vice-admirall Witte lay with forty men of warr at Maerden in Norway with the five East India and other merchant ships from Norway, and they pray for a good wind.
Here is a book come forth, with a proclamation to back the same, for all inhabitants of this contry to pay the 1000th penny of all their estates, which, tho' it seems little, will bring up a mass of money, as 'tis said, of which strange manner you will see more by the book herewith sent you. I doubt lest you are not well informed about the number and qualitys of the ships new built in these countries. Now this you may believe for certain; my own eyes saw yesterday, upon the East India docks in Amsterdam there were seven great new men of warr launched and rigged, of which three had their sailes to their yards also, and three there were, that were unlaunched, which are to be ready to launch in a month. Besides which ten upon Bisker's Island in Amsterdam. I saw eight of these great ships launched and rigged, and five still upon the stocks. All which twenty three ships were of two tier of ordinance, and the best ships that ever I saw in Holland.
And there lies at Sardam six more of these great ships ready launched and rigged, which I have also seen with my own eyes; besides which there went out last with Witte Wittesen to the Sound ten of these new great ships, that were built in this town of Amsterdam this summer; and there are also divers more a building, which are but newly set up in the blocks, and at Hoorn, Enchuysen, Rotterdam, Zeeland, and other places, which I have not been to see.
And whereas some may think, they may want timber fitt for such great ships, you may please to understand, that now we get much timber from Germany down the Rhine, and cannot want timber so long as there is such plenty there.
We wonder why our fleet from the Sound stays so long, whom we dayly expect, being such a fleet as we never had come home together; for by all report they will be near seven hundred sail, who as soon as they come home, the men of warr, if it can be, shall have order to keep the sea; and then all the ships from all parts, that can be got ready, shall go out and joyn with them; which we make account will be about an hundred men of warr, and such ships as wee never had in these countrys. These are to convoy all ships for the south through the channell, and to make a bravado upon your coast, that all the world may know, if you be not able to fight them, they have not been beaten at sea, but are still masters upon your own coaste.
And many more ships are agreed for with the carpenters to be built against the spring; so that here is like to be such a fleet of ships, as never was in this country since the world began.
Yesterday the States General met again in the Hague about the business of England; and 'tis thought the Heer Nieuport, &c. will be dispatched againe for England, to see what may be there done by treaty for obtaining of a good peace, which were a happy thing for both countries.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Hague, 24 Oct. 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. vii. p. 129.
Upon Wednesday the states met upon the great business, and all the provinces (even
they which had voted so directly for a war and the recalling the two ambassadors at
London) agreed, that a new trial was to be made, by new addresses to the commonwealth
of England; but they differed much about the manner, they of Holland pressing hard for a
present dispatch to be made to the two now at London, without losing so much time as to
send their two fellows to them; but the other provinces would not agree to intrust them
two only with the transaction of such an important business, but insisted positively upon the
former resolutions, to imploy with them the lords Nieuport and Jongestall. Whereupon they
of Holland consented to them; and accordingly orders are sent to Jongestall to Lewarden in
Friesland to prepare himself for the imployment, and to be at the Hague with all possible
speed, so that it is expected they will part hence in eight days. The India fleet under de
Witt is not yet arrived, but hourly expected. Many ships arrive daily at the Texell from
the northward, some with convoys, and some without meeting any enemies, Upon Monday last mons. Vande Perre's son arrived here with letters from him and Beverning; they
import, that the English are now better inclined to a peace than formerly, and advise that
the opportunity may be taken to make a trial, by sending such powers and instructions as
the states think fit. The words of the letters both to the States General and those of Holland are, they say, without naming any person in England, from whom they receive this
encouragement, but it's believed here, they have it from the best hand. The instructions to
be given to the four commissioners are now under debate, and will be in effect the same,
that Holland voted five weeks since; there is no doubt to be made of it, viz. not to treat
of their English preliminary propositions, nor of the other of coalition, but to offer a strict
union and amity, in a defensive league; and to proceed to the treaty of the thirty six articles: otherwise if the English refuse or delay, to return.
The letters mention nothing of a cessation, but the bearer out of himself speaks very confidently, that the English will consent to one for three months, which many here scruple to agree, believing it only a trick to gain time to strengthen the English fleet, which is conceived here to be very weak, and to perfect their alliance with Sweden and Spain; both which are very much apprehended here by the wiser sort.
The news, which this post brings from Stockholm, of the resolution there taken to make a present war against Denmark, and of the queen's intention to go in person to Gottenbergh, the better to attend the care of that business, and of the extraordinary favour her majesty daily sheweth to the Spanish ambassador, whom they there take not to be their friend, doth extraordinarily trouble the wiser sort here, believing that the alliance between the English and the Swede is in effect agreed, though the ceremonies of ambassadors be not passed; and that if the one set upon Denmark on that side, and the other on this side, it will be very hard for that king to defend the Sound; and if this should be so, these people know they must accept of what conditions England shall be pleased to give them, they not being able to eat bread but from the Sound, much less to continue a war. These considerations in this conjuncture abate much of their heat, and hope that the English will agree to balk their three propositions, or indeed to any thing, without towns for their security.
The provinces in the Westphalian circle do arm strongly against the Lorrainers, as they pretend; but we here fear not, that they will all come against this state, the one under the emperor's colours in allarm of the Imperial towns, and the other in revenge of the affronts done him at Maestricht; and that the king of Spain underhand will help both.
The French ambassador is not yet arrived, nor like suddenly to be here.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
24/14 October, 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. vii. p. 133.
I have received yours with the inclosed, which I did cause to be delivered according to
your order. Now you will see what monsieur Eck hath proposed at Essen, whither he
went with letters from the states of Guelderland, although he went thither upon some private business of his own. Formerly they have taken it ill here, that Holland should so send
mons. Schaep apart, and with letters of credence only from Holland to the parliament of
England; and now Guelderland itself doth the like; but that is not much valued, I mean
the assembly of Essen; for the diversity of interests of all those, that do appear there, is so
great, that all those heads do never meet under one hat. They have been here in conference,
more particularly with mons. Simonis; (fn. 1) where was discoursed about the means, which the
one and the other should bring for the common defence, the intent and design being properly to make a treaty of the country of Liege. This state will be inclined enough to this
treaty; for notwithstanding they much defend themselves here against the invasions of the
Lorrainers, and forasmuch, as the assistance and relief of those of Liege will amount unto,
in lucro ponendum est. Those of Liege do offer five hundred horse and 1000 foot. This state
will contribute twice as many, but they cannot yet believe here, that it is in earnest; for it
is conceived, that as well the emperor as the Spaniard will perswade and divert the elector
of Cologne. They do hourly expect here the arrival of the fleet from the Sound, but they
will no ways permit the fleet of war to come in, but that they keep out at sea, for if they
do once come in, there are then presently several hindrances, as the seamen will visit their
wives, provisions are wanting, the wind is contrary, or the like. Therefore I say, they will
have de Witt to stay abroad; for they are resolved here to act with their fleet to out-brave
it, whilst the English have left the sea to conduct and reconduct their wine fleet, and other
vessels, which go and come through the channel; and because now the lord of Opdam is admitted into the generality, and resolved that he should command the fleet of all the provinces, for this end they will endeavour to get together as many ships as they can, and make
a considerable fleet, with which the lord Opdam is to make his trial. Also this week mons.
Desson, the Frenchman, is to launch his new devised vessel, which is to go without sails, and
may very well be called the bane of the English fleet, for he doth promise wonders; being
asked, if he would not make some trial first, told them, he was so sure in his invention,
that there was no need of making trials; but he intends to go and delight himself with it in
the Maese, thereby to recreate the ladies. It is said the queen of Bohemia and the princesses
will go thither to see it. Behold here the great preparations for the war; but because on the other side they should not blame this state for not making a peace, I do verily believe,
that this week the provinces of Holland and Zealand (in holding their tongues or tacitely)
Utrecht, and Overyssell will conclude the voyage of the two commissioners from hence towards England, but no more than for the thirty six articles. Guelderland doth not consent
to the continuation of the treaty, unless it may be in tertio loco neutro. In short they do conceive here great courage, by reason that most part of the great English ships are laid up.
The reason why our fleet from the Sound doth not arrive is, because the three East India ships, that were put into Bergen in Norway, were not yet come to join with the great fleet of the Sound, which lay near Schagen-Rif.
The princess, wife of count William, takes no delight in Friesland, is there fallen ill, and doth desire to come hither again; and so consequently the count (now prince William) will come hither, in case the disposition of the princess will permit him. In the mean time that they retard here so long before they resolve upon the English affairs, there is an express come from the commissioners of this state, who remain at London, who is the son of one of the commissioners; and the substance of what he brings is to this effect; that those of the present government there did admire and were tired with the tedious proceedings of this state; that for the present the said English were yet inclined for a peace; and that they do continually urge and insist upon the continuation of the treaty; that they do protest against the bad consequences and effects, which will proceed from these longsome proceedings, and from the effusion of blood, which may happen in the mean time. That also in time they will doubt of the good will and affection of this state; and that they do but laugh at the English; and that the commissioners of this state there for the time to come will be looked upon as spies; whereupon in the end they have resolved and agreed to send the lord Nieuport and Jongestall into England with all speed; and for this purpose there is an express sent to the said Jongestall, who is gone into Friesland, to return hither. Zealand hath conformed their advice to that of Holland, to treat upon the terms of the first resolution of monsieur Juing, and to make an end of the articles; and that a certain time be set, within which this negotiation must end or determine, according to the example of the English ambassadors in the year 1651, who had also a prefix and precise time allotted them. Notwithstanding I do not hear, that in the conclusion or resolution of the generality any certain time is set down; also that would seem to be a pure absurdity, since the delay of late hath proceeded from this state, who have been expecting a great while the resolutions and advices of the provinces. They are assured here, that as well general Cromwell as others have sufficiently declared, that they will not insist upon the conditions, nor upon satisfaction, but for security; that they will make as near a league as possibly they can, but within the term and limits of the thirty six articles; and not to give any cause of a new provocation for revenge by a new engagement. They will send their fleet towards the Sound, when they are come back, to reconduct the ships coming from the Baltick Seas, and they will forbear coming upon the English coasts. In the mean time the fleet stays away a great while, which is imputed to the three East India ships, which were to come from Bergen into Norway to join with the fleet of vice-admiral de Witt, who doth stay for them. In the mean time the wind may change, and so endanger all the other five ships. The actions of the East India company are raised to three hundred and ninety.
In the end they have agreed upon December for the erecting and beginning of the chambre mipartie, and the judges, who are named by this state, are to be sent in to appear here towards the 15th of November. The express come from England hath also reported, that the English do brag, that they know and receive from hence all the resolutions, and the like things, more punctually and more particularly than the commissioners themselves. They do very well to brag of it, for they will take such good order here, that for the time to come it cannot be done. But the English gentlemen are generous; they shew by that, that they do not care much for these intelligences, and believing with the good man Luther, who in one of the songs, saith,
Es muchmich doch gelingen.
Your most humble servant.
A letter of intelligence from Brussels.
Vol. vii. p. 174.
The fleet from the Sounde is not yet arrived: as is sayd, the whole fleet wayts the
comming out of the three East India men in Bergen, from whence they cannot come
without a north wind. Their greatest fear is past, your great shipps and merchantmen being layed up to the number of forty sayle, as they have advise. However, if your whole
force were at sea, they thinke themselves sufficient to encounter you, having ninety two
men of warre, and many merchantmen of force. Besides now they suppose the yong Bocr
is come to them with ten men of war from the Streights, here being arrived two ships, that
came in his company the height of Ireland, where they parted in a great storm. There are
about three hundred merchantmen in the fleet; a bootye worth looking after. They much
wonder heare you neglect so fayre an advantage. I am tould for certayne, their men of
warre shall not come into harbor, and that there is order for two months provision to be
made ready for them at their returne, and the eight Easte India shipps shall unload at sea,
and then joyne with the fleet. So its thought their designe is eyther to block up the Theams,
or to surprise some of your havens. Therefore please to be vigilant, and I will endeavour
to learne their intentions, and give you speedy notice thereof. They worck still on their
new shipps I advised you of, and twelve of them may be ready in few dayes, yet I doe not understand they are to goe to sea this winter. I heare no more of Middleton, but that he is
in the Hague, attending the states resolution at their present assembly, from whence is likewise expected their determination, whether to send to you or not. I finde those in government of severall opinions concerninge their agreeing with you: many thinke not, others
say their commissioners shall be sent presently, whether they doe or not agree. I perceive
Charles Stewart hath little hopes of Holland to imbrace his interest. When you write to mee
againe, you may please to direct your letter to Mr. John Adams at Hamborough, and only
put a cover over it to mee here; which I hope will be without danger. My letters by Antwerp are long by the way; if ther come any change, shall send you other directions. Here
is little trading; the arrivall of their fleet will put new courage into them: they thinke your
government cannot stand long. I hope the lord will give you unitye and peace amongst
your selves. Here is no more at present worth your notice.
[24/14 Octob. 1653.]
I am yours to the utmost of my power.
Bisdommer to the lords Beverning and Vande Perre.
Hague, the 24th of Oct. 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. vii. p. 127.
My lords,
Last Sunday at night the son of my lord Vander Perre arrived. Upon his notice given it is resolved by their lordships, that the lords Nieuport and Jongestall shall return
next week with all possible speed into England.
The fleet of de Witt is not yet arrived; it is presumed to stay for those East India ships, that were put into Bergen in Norway. Their lordships have writ to admiral Opdam, that upon notice of the arrival of the said fleet, he shall presently take command thereof, and go to sea; and the first thing will be to convoy those ships, that lye sail-ready, to fetch home the new French wines. The chambre mipartie is to begin the first of December at Mechelen; and the lords commissioners appointed by this state to officiate in the said chambre mipartie are sent unto, to be here in the middle of November next, to receive their commissions and instructions. The 17th of this month their high and mighty lordships resolved to send commissioners to Regensburgh, to the emperor and the states of the Roman empire there assembled; and that the provinces shall be desired to declare with all speed the names of those they will have sent thither, as also to the Hans Towns.
The lord Keyser is returned home from Denmark, and expected here to morrow. He said, that he hath finished the treaty of redemption and his further commission with good success.
An intercepted letter.
Hague, 24th October, 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. vii. p. 144.
My dear heart,
Yesterday I had yours of the 10th, which truly was very welcome. I am very
heartily sorry you take no notice of my last from hence, in which you should have
known the resolution of the province of Holland, which is this week confirmed by the rest
of the provinces, that is, to return Jongestall and Nieuport to renew the treaty upon the
thirty six articles, without any coalition, giving of money or cautionary towns, or any of
those hard things propounded there. If they be not agreed to by you, you are like to have
nothing but blows from the butter-boxes. Within few days they go hence. It is needless to
tell you with what difficulty the rest of the provinces were brought to this resolution of
Holland; and if Friesland had not betrayed the rest, Holland had been obliged to have
sent for those there, instead of sending any to them. Holland for the encouragement of the
rest said, that they are assured out of England, that what they offer will be accepted by your
state; which I am sure, if they be wise or have any understanding of the condition of this
countrey, they will never grant. What you understand of the disposition of your state, I
beseech with all speed convey to me, for as I told you often, the little stock my mistress and
I have, is in this country; and if it be a war, I would draw it hence, so that it is very necessary for me to know what your wise states will do.
I had almost forgot, that it is Michaelmass term with you, which you will make, I hope, beneficial to my mistress. Upon my word she is in sad wants.
Beverning to raedt pensionary de Witt.
Westminster, 14/24 Octob. 1653.
Vol. vii. p. 143.
My lord,
By my last of the 14th and 17th of this month you may easily perceive, with what impatience I expect the resolution of their lordships, and the return of my confraters. If
they be in any sort satisfactory, and that the time be observed, I am yet full of good hope,
and to my judgment I do yet see a great deal of likelihood for the obtaining of honourable and certain, and consequently acceptable conditions; which God grant. For want of
further news I must break off, and rest
your lordship's humble servant.
A letter of intelligence.
Le Paris, le 25/15 Octob. 1653.
Vol. vii. p. 175.
Depuis ma derniere depesche du 22/12 de courant, les prisonniers faicts à la cour, comme vous avez sceu, ayant esté examinez (sur la confession des complices executez icy, il y a 15 jours) par le prevost de Soissons, il alloit prononcer leur condamnation, non obstant les oppositions du mareschal de Turenne. Mais le roy trouva bon de suspendre leur jugement, & de les renvoyer à la chambre ardente, si bien qu'on les a transferez à la Bastille. Un d'entre eux est du nom & de la maison de Montmorency.
Les parens du nommé des Coustures aussi transferé à la Bastille, comme vous aurez sceu, ont presenté requeste à la chambre de vacations du parlement de Paris, tendante à ce que l'instruction de son procez soit commise à la grande chambre, selon le privilege qu'ont les secretaires du roy d'y estre accusez & jugez, soustenant, qu'il est veteran; c'est à dire qu'il a jouy plus de 20 ans de cette charge; & que portant quoy qu'il s'en soit deffaict aprez ce temps là, il doit par les loix rester en possession de toutes ces prerogatives, comme s'il l'exerçoit encore. La dite requeste fut presentée par le Sr l'Aisné, conseiller en la dit chambre, qui y fit mettre au bas, soit monstrée au procureur general. Mais on ne croit pas, que cela sauve le prisonnier, ni que le parlement ose trouver à dire aux procedures de la dite chambre ardente, bien qu'elles choquent son authorité. Et quoy qu'on dit, que la cour en a eu quelque apprehension, toutesfois cela n'a pas empesché qu'on n'ait investi St. Menehould, au lieu qu'on escrivoit que leur majestes revenoient icy de Châlons sans rien entreprendre.
En effect leur presence est pour encore plus necessaire là qu'icy; car il leur importe de tenir les Espagnols en balance, & divertir le nouveau siege qu'ils meditent. C'est tout le fruict qu'elles pretendent de la tentative, qu'on fait contre St. Menehoud, avec moins d'espoir de la prendre que de rencontrer occasion de clorre la campaigne par quelque combat, si mons. le prince y vient au secours en resolution d'attaquer les François dans leurs advantages.
On a nouvelles que mon dit Sr le prince, apres avoir donné les ordres necessaires à Rocroy à un homme de cœur, qu'il y a estably sous le duc d'Enguien, en estoit parti pour aller faire sortir l'armée Espagnolle hors de ses quartiers de raffraichissement; mais qu'il n'estoit plus temps d'attacquer la Bassée, ou le comte de Broglio avoit suffissament du monde & des munitions pour ne rien craindre en cette saison. Le bruit court icy, que les affaires du Languedoc sont accommodées; mais cela n'est pas par les lettres, qu'on receut de Nismes Mecredy derniere. Au contraire elles portent, que les trouppes fideles se fortifioient de plus en plus aupres de Vals, ou les nouvelles recrues d'autour de Nismes estoient arrivées; & que les Protestants entroient en quclque meffiance de leur deputé, & de promesses d'accommodement, qu'il leur engageoit sans savoir ce que le comte de Rieux voudroit faire, auquel ils estoient resolu de ne rien ceder, non plus qu'à leurs autres ennemis; ayant desja fait partager sous le bon plaisir de la cour l'hospital de la ville de Montpelier, dont les Papistes pensoient appliquer tout le revenu a leurs pauvres, à l'exclusion de ceux de la religion, qui y estoient enfin rentres suivant leurs privileges.
Cette cour avoit envoyé un intendant de justice à Toloze, mais il n'y a pas esté mieux receu qu'à Poictiers l'autre que vous avez sceu. Car les receveurs & autres officiers des tailles s'y estans plaints au parlement, qu'il venoit faire des fonctions contraires à leurs privileges, & tirannizer la province, il a donné arrest, par lequel il a receu ordre & esté contraint d'en sortir; dont le roy s'est tellement offensé, qu'il a fait casser cest arret par un du conseil, avec menace qu'il a 4000 hommes prests pour se venger de ce parlement la. Mais la continuelle presence des Espagnols dans le Garonne, & l'estat des affaires du Rousillon, mettent le Languedoc asses à couvert pour ce morquer de tout cela. On dit que le mareschal d'Hocquincourt despité de ses infortunes, & d'avoir esté si mal appuyé au siege de Gironne, ensuite de quoi il voit tout perdu pour la France dans le Catalogne, a abandonné le Rousillon, & vient incognito se jetter dans Peronne son gouvernement, de peur que le cardinal Mazarin ne s'en empare.
J'apprens, que le jeune Trompe s'estant raffraischi au port de la Rochelle, en devoit partir pour Hollande, sans se vouloir charger d'aucun vaisseau marchand pour mieux combattre, disoit il, les Anglois, qu'il rencontreroit.
On me mande de Morlaix, que estoit en ce quartier la que les vaisseaux en parlement avoient pris les deux Malloüins, qui alloient en Espagne, de 5 qu'ils estoient; dont 2 s'estoit en refugiës à l'isle de Bas, sans qu'on sceut ce qu'estoit devenue l'autre, Qu'on menaçoit fort les marchands Anglois du dit lieu; mais que la vengeance ne se passoit encore, que sur les pirates royalistes de Brest, qu'on croyoit avoir attiré les vaisseaux Anglois de ce coste là, plusieurs des dits pirates ayans esté contraints de quitter leurs commissions. Le Sr Browne, qui estoit à Brest, est venu à Nantes, & Charles Stuart est tousjours à Chantilly. Je suis aussi informé, que tous les marchands Anglois ont esté arrestés à St. Malo, & tous leurs biens saisis par represailles, à cause des dits vaisseaux pris.
J'oubliois à vous dire, que le Sr Chanut se prepare icy pour aller en Hollande de la part du roy en qualité d'ambassadeur.
An intercepted letter to lord Inchiquin.
[London,] 16 Octob. 1653.
Vol. vii. p. 181.
My lord,
Since my cominge hether, I have writ twice to you; had not my letters, as I'm informed, miscaried, I should have expected your commands in a line or two. I understand from Fisher, Bristoll complies not in any measure, nor does another freind of mine.
If both faile much longer, I am certainly reuin'd. Our grandies indevor a peace with the
Duch; wee assure ourselves an accomidation with them, though others are of an opposit beleve, for which are rendered probable reasons. I have designed to turne marchand; and if
there might bee licence from the French court, would bring a quantite of English cloth into
France. I beseech you give me your assistance in procuring leave, which by your indevors
I am confident with noe great dificulty would bee obtained. If itt may, my lord, 'twill
both mount and cloth us. I am indevoring to gett licence to bringe some wine into this
cuntery. I am doubtfull I shall not procure it. By the assistance of freinds there wil bee
procured a thowsand ells of cloth. I request by the next to understand your oppinion, and
alsoe your farther commands how I shall bee any way serviceable to you. Mac cann direct
how I may heare from you. Tap kises your hands. Happily you will heare of an uproare
in this towne. I remember relations of such matters at the distance wee are att, strangly
multiplie. The truth is; yesterday an anababtisticall souldier was preching in a littell place
in St. Paule's church-yard; the boyes congregated, and by there throwing of stones gave interruption both to the speaker and his audience; who being assisted by other souldiers, routed
the boyes; some heads were broken, and soe much noyes mad, that the maior and sherefs
not being far from thence at church, marched thether; the souldiers desired satisfaction of
the prentises: 'twas made answer, 'twas an unlafull assembly, and the shrefe saide hee knew
not by what authoritie souldiers should preach there. The souldier replied by this authoritie,
and presented his pistoll att him, but did not give fire. In fine the souldiers had the better,
cut and beat many, carried with them the martial of the cittie, threating to imprison him,
but they did not. The lord maior and his brethren are att this minit with the genneral,
complaining. This happening upon the 16th, the day spoke of in a libell, begat some feaires,
soe that our gards were last night trebeled. 'Tis apparrent there are indevors to quarrell with
the cittie, who are generally highly exasperated, but a company of tame coknies.
Your lordship's moste humble servant.
Extract of a letter from mons. de Bordeaux, the French resident in England, to mons. de Brienne, the secretary of state in France.
27 October, 1653. [N. S.]
From the collection of M. de Bordeaux's letters in the library of the abbey of St. Germain at Paris.
J'ai creu, qu'il etoit important au service du roi de depecher ce courrier expres, pour vous informer de l'advis, qui m'a été donné d'aujourdhui d'assez bonne part, que cet estat n'oublioit rien pour mettre fin à la guerre d'Hollande, & terminer le traité deja commencé.— L'on ajoute, que si une fois l'accommodement se faict, la politique veut, qu'elle entrepenne une autre guerre; & que la France aura bien de la peine à s'en garantir, si messieurs les Etats Generaux se detachent de nos interests.— Tous nos procedez ne peuvent adoucir 'ces esprits sauvages, & le seul temperament, qui me semble aujourdhui necessaire, est de ne rien faire en faveur du roi d'Angleterre & des siens, qui soit au prejudice des declarations de sa majesté.
Extract of the resolutions of the States General.
Monday, 27th Octob. 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. vii. p. 183.
Received a letter from the queen of Bohemia, written in the Hague this day the date hereof, desiring for reasons therein mentioned, that their high and mighty lordships by their commissioners in England would be pleased to move, that her majesty may be paid what she is there in arrear. Whereupon being debated, it is thought fit and understood, that the said commissioners be desired to move the same as occasion shall serve.
An intercepted letter.
Westminster, 17 Octob. 1653.
Vol. vii. p. 185.
Deare brother,
Let me receive some from you concerning the temper and constitution of the governors
and officers, and the generality of the soldiers in Scotland. If you ask me what news
at London, I should tell you, that there is much discontent to be read in the faces of men
here. The expectation of our present governors was at first very great; but some think their
proceedings are very little answerable. The men of the world some rail, some groan, all
complain; the poor saints begin to droop, and hang up their harps upon the willows. But
I must tell you, I never saw so great a spirit of faith and prayer, that we may hold fast
what we have, that no man take our crown from us. Go on, good brother, to do your first
works; hold out but a while, and the Lord, whom we seek, whom we desire, shall suddenly come to his temple.
To lieut. Hickeringil, lieut. to capt. Gascoigne, in col. Daniel's regiment.
Your brother in Christ,
Mynheer Keyser to the States General.
Vol. vii. p. 191.
High and mighty lords,
In obedience to your high mightinesses resolution of yesterday the underwritten late deputy
or commissary of your high mightinesses to his royal majesty of Denmark, &c. doth
hereby humbly reply, concerning those points resulting from the verbal report and written
memorials made by him to your high mightinesses, and delivered, and which may be the
subject of your high mightinesses deliberations:
First, That his said majesty would sain receive the assurance, that no negotiations between your high mightinesses and the present government of England shall be concluded, unless his Danish majesty be first made easy; that by the same treaty may be adjusted and settled all the English pretensions for damages and interest on account of the stopping and selling of the twenty three English hemp ships and the goods laden therein; in relation thereunto his said Danish majesty is willing to make restitution thereof to the English, as far as the same are still in being, or otherwise to pay the produce thereof.
Secondly, That the third payment of the Danish subsidies, which became due on the 24th instant, may be forthwith made, since his said majesty doth want the same very pressingly for the discharging of his sailors, that he may get them again into his service against next spring.
Thirdly, That the first pay term of next year may be advanced on the first of March 1654, to the end that the royal Danish fleet may be got the sooner in readiness.
Fourthly, That whereas his said majesty, pursuant to the last treaty of rescission, is obliged to pay interest for the 525,000 guilders, he demands that interest must be paid likewise to him a tempore moræ, for the tardy payment of the redemption money, which is demanded of his majesty by sundry merchants, to whom the said redemption was assigned, which interest money amounts to a sum of 4198 dollars.
Fifthly, Whereas by the Dutch masters of ships concealing their port ceduias, coming from Riga and other places subject to the crown of Sweden, his said majesty has often times been wronged by such clandestine dealings; that your high mightinesses being unacquainted therewith, are therefore desired, according to the third article of the treaty of the year 1645 (which since the rescission of the redemption treaty has been practised again) that they would be pleased to make such regulations, that his said majesty may meet with no other usage than what is just and equitable.
Sixthly, That upon the receipt of the principal royal bond of obligation for the capital sum of 525,000 guilders, that bond or obligation for a sum of 300,000 dollars, which might have been passed by his majesty and delivered to their high mightinesses or to the board of admiralty of Amsterdam in the year 1649, may be returned; or in case such an obligation is not passed in the said year 1649, then this request is void.
Seventhly, That your high mightinesses, according to the recommendation made by the lords the royal Danish commissioners for and in the name of his said majesty, would be pleased well to consider, whether with the assistance of a quantity of arms of small value, a considerable diversion could not be made in Scotland; however, without engaging your high mightinesses in the affairs of his majesty king Charles II.
Eighthly, That orders may be given for the pension for life, which is now due, granted to the princess Frederica Amelia.
Ninthly, That it may be recommended to the East-India company, to make a becoming acknowledgment, for the good services of his royal majesty, and for his care and other measures taken on account of the homeward bound East-India ships, newly returned.
Tenthly, That it may be recommended to his said majesty by a message, to keep a beacon or sea-mark on or about the stats or sands of Anout, and on a certain old tower at Valsterbe, as also to keep a good sea-mark or buoy on the Trinden, and to enlarge the seamark or buoys at Oerogen.
And lastly, the said late commissary leaves it to the high wisdom of your high mightinesses to take such a resolution concerning all the aforementioned points, as the same shall think fit, for the good of the said country, and preservation of the sincere friendship of his said majesty. Thus done on the 29th Octob. 1653. [N. S.]
Your high mightinesses most humble servant,
Nanning Keyser.
Mr. John Benson to secretary Thurloe.
Dantz. 19 Octob. 1653.
In the possession on of the right hon. Philip l. Hardwicke, l. high chancellor of Great Britain.
I Have not so much streinght, as by this post to send yow those things promised in my
last; allthough I have lost one halfe of my troublesome guest, itt taking me now but
every fourth day, of which with the grace of God in a short time I hope to gett quitt off.
For occurance thus; De Witt with his fleet lieth in Norway, the cause of his stay was, that
our fleet was upon there coast, which did make him doubt, that Danish bravado would not
carry him through; so that he stayeth, expecting the same weather to bring him home,
which carried him out. In the meane time many of their shipps, which belongeth to the
merchants, taking the opertunity of the faire weather, which they had, are gon homewards. The Dane notwithstanding what he gave out about sending those twelve shipps
for the gard of the Elve, hath ordered all his shipps into ther winter harbours; so that youe
will heare no more of his fleet for this yeare, and as little of himselfe, the winter drawing
fast uppon us. The Hollands shipps make not very great hast as formerly, knowing they
cannot make another voyage this yeare, so that if they gett home before the ice comes,
they care not. Wee have three Lubeckers come heare from Newcastle, laden with salt;
they will be returned into England before winter with flax, hempe, iron, and pott-ashes;
and wee have nothing more, but that through God's mercy the plague is decreased.
Jo. Benson.
A letter of intelligence.
De Paris, le 29/17 Octob. 1653.
Vol. vii. p. 195.
Je vous escrivis samedy dernier, comme St. Menehould avoit esté investié. La nouvelle s'en est trouvée veritable; & le siege de cette place s'est ensuivi de tant de resolution, que l'on asseure, que bientost on y doit ouvrir les tranches; d'ou plusieurs conjecturent, que le card. Mazarin a des intelligences parmy les assiéges, pour reüssir dans ses desseins contre toutes les apparences.
Neantmoins il est tres constant, que les mareschaux de Turenne & de la Ferté ne l'ont point voulu seconder, soit qu'ils estiment l'action temeraire, ou qu'ils ayent fait cette feinte experés pour en laisser l'honneur tout entier au dit cardinal. Il y a 8 regimens dans la place. On verra si les Espagnols la laisseront perdre, & si le temps rude qu'il faict le permettra. Mr. le prince est vers Guise avec l'armée, laquelle place on croit qu'il assiegera, en cas qu'il luy soit impossible de secourir l'autre, parce qu'il seroit obligé de s'engager à un combat, n'y ayant point de doubte, qu'apres la jonction des 4000 hommes effectifs arrives de Guyenne à l'armée de sa majesté le dit cardinal hazarderoit tout dans cette arriere saison; ce que vraysemblablement les Espagnols eviteront de leur part, pour conserver leurs belles troupes, veu mesmement que pour se battre en ce rencontre il faudroit qu'ils se vinsent enclaver dans milieu de la Champagne, ou toutes les communes leur seroient autant d'ennemis en teste. Nous n'avons point d'autres nouvelles assurées pour le present.
L'accommodement du comte d'Harcourt se fait en cette sorte, qu'on luy baillera 100,000 francs comptant, 100,000 escus en assignations, & une abbaye à un de ses fils, moyenant quoy & 100,000 l. qu'on ossre au Sr de Charlevois sur plus grande somme qu'il demande, ce comte doit ceder le gouvernment de l'Alface à mons. le cardinal; & le dit Sr de Charlevois luy remettra aussi quant & quant celuy de Brisac, dont on attend l'execution. On parloit de donner en outre le gouvernment de Perpignan au dit comte; mais son eminence a dit nettement, qu'il n'en pouvoit esperer aucun pour encore.
On ne confirme pas la retraite du mareschal de Hocquincourt.
On dit que les affaires des protestans du Languedoc sont accommodées. J'en attends l'eclaircissement par les lettres de Nismes, qui doivent arriver icy cejourdhuy, & mes prochaines, Dieu ny dant, vous en disont la verité.
Pour les affaires de Guyenne, elles sont tousjours en empirant. Les Espagnols se renforcent de plus en plus dans la Garonne & sur la coste de Medoc; & la peste augmente à Bourdeaux avec la cherté de toutes les denrees, du bled particulierement, dont le boisseau (qui est environ le muid de Paris) y coustoit douze escus, par les dernieres lettres qui en sont venues, au lieu que durant le blocus du roy il s'y bailloit pour deux.
Le duc de Vendosme ne manque pas d'ordres pour combattre les vaisseaux Espagnols; mais il n'a point de matelots saute d'argent; & le sieur d'Estrades, gouverneur des isles & de la Rochelle pour le cardinal Mazarin, y ayant pensé faire un petit armament pour aller favoriser les entreprises & tentatives du dit duc, n'a pas en plus de charmes pour retenir ceux, qu'il avoit faits enroller, qui tous l'on quitté pour mesme raison.
La demeure du jeune Tromp sur ces costes là semble estre considerable dans cette occasion; & neantmoins on me confirme par advis de la dit ville de la Rochelle en datte du 10/20 de ce mois, qu'il pretendoit passer la manche. Deux marchands me l'escrivent, l'un me dizant que c'est avec 16 navires, & l'autre tousjours avec 8; fans doute que le surplus sont vaisseaux marchands ou quelques corsaires de Brest.
Tous les gens de bien par deca souhaitent avec une passion extreme l'accommodement des deux republiques; mais l'ambassadeur de Hollande & les siens respondent à ceux, qui leur en parlent, que si cela estoit, on verroit aussitost les Anglois mettre pied à terre en France.
Extract out of the resolutions of the lords states of Holland and West-Friesland, in their assembly taken the 30th of Octob. 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. vii. p.203.
The raedt pensionary de Witt having reported to the assembly the considerations and advice of their lordships commissioners for the Danish affairs, and having also examined the report of the lord Keyser, late commissioner from the state to the king of Denmark; and having also considered the treaty of rescission; thereupon it was further resolved, that the lord Keyser have thanks given him for his trouble, care, and conduct, and integrity in the business he hath so happily ended.
Secondly, That their lordships commissioners in England shall be ordered, in their treaty there, to advance as far as is possible the interest of his majesty of Denmark; and also that they do govern themselves precisely and punctually, according to the contents of the alliance made with his majesty on the 18th of Feb. last past; and especially according to the text of the last article but one: and that they do take such care, that in the treaty to be made with the said government of England, his said majesty, and all his territories and subjects, may be expressly concluded and comprehended; and that their lordships commissioners now in England shall make known to the government there by occasion, that they cannot conclude the treaty with them, by reason of the said treaty with Denmark, unless the said king of Denmark be expressly concluded therein; and that the said commissioners do prepare the minds of the said government of England to admit of any commissioners, that the said king of Denmark should send over thither; all which shall be made known to his majesty of Denmark, that he may rest satisfied and assured of their lordships good intentions towards him; and that they are resolved to be faithful and constant to what they have agreed with him. Furthermore the lords states are resolved to make good to his majesty any damages, that shall accrue to him, his territories, or subjects, by reason of the detention of the English ships in the Sound, in case he at any time should come to suffer any by the English; and likewise to assist him with all their might and power, if he at any time should be assaulted by them. Thirdly, that all such monies, as are due for subsidies to his majesty, shall be forthwith paid him. Fourthly, that the annuity granted by this state to this princess Amelia be forthwith paid of what is behind. Fifthly, that those of the East India company be put in mind of the favours and obligations done them by the king concerning their East India ships, that they may endeavour to requite him with some present and humble thanks. Sixthly, that his majesty be likewise desired to give order for the keeping of constant fires near the Sound upon the old steeples formerly agreed; and that care be taken about the buoys in the sea, that they be made bigger, that so the seamen may see them at a further distance.
Letters of intelligence.
Hague, Octob. 31, 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. vii. p. 100.
Since my last to you the post immediately before this, great diligence is used and secret
inquiry made, how your council of state comes by the secret resolutions of this state and
the letters of their public ministers abroad; and our deputies who are gone to England have
in charge to do their utmost there, whatever it costs, to find it out. Of which I advertise
you very seriously, to the end hereafter these secrets be not read in open council, and that
prevention may be, least the deputies might learn from them, that told to them part, how
to discover the whole. But I hope and believe I am not betrayed, so as to be known by
name or description to any of the council, since some of them are so kind as to tell all they
know to the Dutch deputies, to their advantage. I can swear the two deputies standing
there did write at full, what I gave you in my last; but this notwithstanding, all the chief
of their business shall be had one way or other, if you do not spoil all there, as well was
The two deputies Nieuport and Jongestall are gone, as you had in my former; and it is apparent to me, that they have not power to treat or conclude any thing beyond the thirty six articles, and not to exceed in the amity a defensive league and no further. The following extract will let you see something towards it.
The fleet in the Sound stays for the three East India ships that are in the Bergen of Norway, and full provision is preparing for the whole fleet for two months, and lieutenant admiral Opdam with the full fleet will sail upon the coast of England towards Dover on the mouth of the river Thames, as it was here concluded since my former, and confirmed by the said lieutenant admiral Opdam, and by all the colleges of the admiralty by agreeing sussrages. Mr. Chanut, named ambassador to come from France hither, as I writ to you in several letters heretofore, is now diverted, for a while at least, to come hither, least it might offend England. Some more tricks Mazarin has in the matter, but in summa Chanut his embassy is retarded or frustrated, as mons. Boreel writ hither lately. The faction or party of the prince of Orange press strongly, that since the deputies were going into England, they should not at all exceed the thirty six articles; but they of the province of Holland do so much desire and covet a peace, that it is believed that province will not deny any condition or conditions never so hard, whatever they in any wise to the contrary pretend to dissemble. However England will do well to prepare for the war, for never greater preparations were made here than now are making, which is all I have at this time but the ensuing extract, &c.
Hague, 22 Octobris, 1653. [N. S.]
There has been received a letter from the deputies Beverning and Vande Perre, written at Westminster the 14th instant directed to the secretary Ruysch,
And after deliberation had upon the contents of the said letter, it was resolved to autho rize to the regency of England the said deputies, together with the two deputies Nieuport and Jongestall now in these countries, who shall be required by express without resumption to repair with all possible speed into England, to reiterate such proposals of accommodation for a firm union and strict alliance, as the said deputies may draw and form out of their precedent instructions and the amplifications thereof in and out of the resolutions, letters, and other acts, which attended the said proposals of accommodation from the first beginning of the treaty, according as the said deputies shall judge them conducing and necessary for the begetting of a good alliance and strict union as above, and consequently a conclusion thereof.
But by all means refuting the coalition proposed with such proportioned reasons, as they the said deputies shall be able to produce and apply, with a command to give advise of their negotiation with all possible speed to their mighty highnesses, that they thereupon may take such resolution as they shall think fit.
It is moreover resolved, that concerning the pretended reparation, satisfaction, and security by these proposals, to persist always upon the resolution of their mighty highnesses of the 5th of June last, taken upon that matter: which is all from the Hague at this time.
Brussels, primo Novembris, stylo loci, 1653.
Vol. vii. p. 100.
Since my last to you, besides your letters from Ratisbon, I have not much to write of
any news. Don Antonio de Fuentes & Byota his treatise called Tribunal iniquitatis is
printed, but not published, by reason the archduke hearing that it was harsh against the parliament and council of state in England, issued his command, that it should not be yet published. The book is a learned rare piece, and the publication of it will be scandalous.
Here is nothing said at this time of a peace or truce with the French, but the peace betwixt England and Holland is much spoken of. And Holland must make a peace, or they will be undone, for already many of them are resolved to quit their country, and to come and live in Flanders in this king's dominions, and prefer'd their petitions to his highness the archduke, with some proposals to that effect; but they receive yet no answer. The archduke is tender in it, least it might offend the states of England. The matter shall be well debated, before the petitioners receive answer. There is something of fishing in their proposals, and that is disputable, to know how far your states will permit the seas free upon the coast of Flanders for fishing. I hear the archduke is now in Cambray very well; so is the count of Fuenseldagna with the army lying near them, to attend the motions of the French army, and will not disperse their army into quarters, till they first see the designs of the French, which are said to be divers. Most say, St. Menehould is besieged, but I have seen letters from Menehould itself of the 24th last month, setting forth they were not then besieged, but expected it or a battle betwixt both armies.
The prince of Condé is not free yet of his fever; he is still in Rocroy, fortifying and vexed that count Fuenseldagna doth not furnish him with more monies to attempt something this winter against France. The duke of Lorrain is at Brussels with us, spending his pistole a day; for two more he allows to his whole family and retinue in his house for their diet. It is true, they are still with the archduke, but a new agreeement they are constrained to make with him for six weeks more, or else Lorrain would not leave them a man of his soldiers. Here is not any thing else, but what you may have from France or Holland better then from me.
Sir yours.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
31 Octob. 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. vii. p. 216.
They have resolved to send into England in the manner as you have heard formerly,
viz. upon the old foot, and in effect the same, as when the commissioners went first
thither; although that each province hath caused to be made their annotations upon it, as
their intentions, there being really very little belief and hope amongst the governors for the
peace. For first that party, which is affected to the king and the prince here, do not desire
the peace. Secondly, some of the rest will only have a bare peace, without any great treaty,
or at least no more than for commerce and trade. The rest, who are those of Holland, or
those that do love liberty and freedom, would be glad of a peace, and some near communication with the English for a mutual defence; but they dare not avow it for fear of the
They are very ill satisfied here with the town of Hamburgh, for suffering the exportation of contraband goods, especially of 2000 barrels of powder; and it is strange, that the Eng lish do publish that in their pamphlets, rendring a town, doing good to them, so much hated and ill thought of here, than nothing more. It ought to suffice them to receive and draw service from them, and to hold their tongues: tacite pasci non potest corvus. It is to be feared, that one time or other either in the Elbe, or at sea, they will do mischief to the said town, and for no other reason, than because they are suspected here to be wholly affected to the English. Yea they say here, that there is one of the parliament, that hath free access every day into the council of the said town, as often as he pleaseth; yea that he hath the chief direction there.
They talk here every day of sending towards Ratisbon, as also towards the Hans-Towns; but they are only words. In the resolution, wherewith the lord of Opdam is accepted of to command also the fleet of the generality, is put a clause not to change any thing in the standard.
Since that, as well himself as those of Holland have likewise made known, that neither their intentions nor those of the said lord of Opdam were ever to change the said standard or flag; and yet for all that, this passage in the resolution doth seem as if their intention had been otherwise: and therefore they have prevailed to have the said clause put out.
They do very much admire here, that the fleet under de Witt doth retard and stay away so long. The only reason thereof is, that the East India ships and others, that are at Bergen in Norway, are not yet joined with the rest near the Riff of Schagen.
They have advice here, that in a certain harbour in Jutland there are twenty one Englishmen of war watching the Dutch; for which end they will send a galliot to give notice thereof to de Witt, that he may endeavour to surprise them.
There is also likelihood, that they will cause the fleet of this state to visit the English coast, to shew that at present the Holland fleet is master at sea, and to facilitate the peace so much the more, or to force you to a peace sub clypeo; but I hope they will be wiser, that so that do not happen, which happened the 29th of May 1652, when Tromp made the same rodomontado, upon which followed this bloody and lamentable war. You shall have formerly seen a printed instruction upon the 1000th penny, which is a form, after which the 1000th penny is to be raised here. The copies thereof were also sold at Amsterdam, where this exact and rigid fashion of raising the 1000th penny did cause several strange discourses, and that such a form and manner amongst the merchants was found to be unpracticable and unsupportable; therefore the magistrates did cause the sale of the said copies to be prohibited, and did likewise cause to be published up and down, that those copies were vicious and erroneous, and that there was much altered in them. For the magistrates of Amsterdam are used to deal kindly with their merchants; and I am certain, that they do not observe this instruction according to the letter; but do connive at it, wherein they do wrong to the other towns, where they cause the same to be observed with rigor.
I have received yours of the 24th, and delivered the enclosed. The lords Jongestall and Nieuport went from hence on Wednesday last, and are by this time in England.
They do make account here, that there will be a peace made; and so the commissioners there do assure the same in their letters.
They have no order for satisfaction, coalition, nor security, other than what shall be agreed on in the treaty of the thirty six articles.
The lord Keyser is come back, and hath made a treaty annulling that of the redemption. The king will arm again against the spring.
As well in Zealand as in Groningen the party of prince of Orange doth grow strong, so that in the end Holland will also be brought under, if they do not strengthen themselves with peace council of state of England. and 128.
When council of state of England hath any particular from States General, they do brag thereof presently to some body, who goes presently afterwards, and tells it to ambassadors of States General, and ambassadors do complain thereof to States General which doth hinder intelligence.
A letter of intelligence from Holland.
Vol. vii. p. 209.
At present here is little or no news. The province of Holland and Zealand agree to sending of commissioners to you the same as formerly. Amsterdam protested against itt, and
so did Groeningen. Amsterdam did it out of feare, least the Deans should detayne theire
shipps, he haveing sent them worde, if they sent for Ingland, he would agree with you
presently. Holland is very inclynable to a peace with you, and therefore hastened the commissioners before the French ambassadors arrived. The news of your new equipage puts
them heare in feare for their fleet. The commonalty say the states delaye their
fleet in the east, purposely that yours may destroy them. I am of opinion, if your
fleet goe out before they arrive, it will cause a great tumult in the countrey. Here was
never better oppurtunitye to have destroyed their fleet, as they lay at Vleckerin. It seems
the Lord hath not put it into your hartes. They worck on their new friggats; the most
of them are ready, if they had men, and gunns, which are wanting. There are some comming from the Sound. There was orders to build thirty more new shipps against summer.
'Tis recalled, untill they see the effects of their treatye with you. There is at present twenty five private men of warre out of Enckhuysen, which is but a small town. If you agree
not with them, certaynely you will finde them exceeding strong at sea: therfore esteeme not
slightly of them, but prepare for a strong enemy. I can heare no more concerning Middleton. I can perceave part of their hopes is grounded on the Scotch and Irish. The French,
'tis said, will endeavour to perswade them to embrace Ch. Stewart's intrest, and make them
believe they will make the Sweed to joyne with them. I hope you are assured of the contrary. I shall be careful when their fleet arrives, to inquire how they intend to proceed.
In the mean tyme little advenes worth your notice.
[31/21 Octob. 1653.]
I am yours.
De Witt to Vande Perre.
Hague, 31 Octob. 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. vi. p. 214.
My Lord,
Their lordships do agree, and are well contented with all that you have done concerning the releasing of our prisoners there. The project comprehended in your letter I thought fit to communicate to some body, that so their might be some likelihood to do
some good in it; but I do very much wonder at the discourse mentioned at the end thereof
concerning our good friend in 388, of whom I have always been informed to be very much
in the favour and good opinion of 390; and therefore I cannot believe that discourse to be
true. The lord Keyser is come last Saturday to the Hague, and hath made since his report. What hath been resolved upon it since, you may see by the inclosed.
The fleet is every moment expected.
De Bruyne to Vande Perre.
Middleburgh, 31 Oct. 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. vii. p. 211.
My Lord,
My indisposition keeping of me longer behind the curtain than I had hoped, I was saluted on the behalf of the lords Jongestall and Nieuport by one of their followers,
whom I took to be their secretary, telling that their lordships were gone to Rammekins,
and from thence directly to their men of war, that lay ready to transport them. Occasion
doth forestall me of what I had to write to you, because with their coming over, you may
be fully informed of the advices and resolutions taken at the generality. The provincial advice of Zealand doth limit you to a certain short time to stay where you are, after the same
manner as the commonwealth of England gave to their ambassadors at the Hague; but
since the resolution taken at the generality, the business hath been here further look'd into
and debated, and thereupon thought fit, that so much time may be allowed, as may serve
for the speedy finishing of the treaty in a friendly manner. The diligent effecting of the
releasement of our prisoners there doth give great content. We have set open the prison
doors here to all the English, without asking any charges. We do expect, that England
will do the like, notwithstanding the number they have of ours doth exceed that of theirs,
and would serve a beginning of a coalitio animorum aversorum for the time to come, met 118
te devoteren en bebben wy tot noch to inest well connen verstaen, noch van die diversie van oorloge. Pray neglect no post to advise us as near as you can, what opinion you have of the