State Papers, 1653: September (1 of 6)

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1653: September (1 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1653: September (1 of 6)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1653: September (1 of 6)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

September (1 of 6)

The council of state to the Spanish ambassador.

Vol. vi. p. 6.

Concilium statûs per Georgium Titum, unum e popularibus hujus reipub. in sequentia informatur, se, cum effet Malagæ in Hispania, silium suum Thomam Titum illic reliquisse, quo linguam gentis edisceret; filium verò abs uno è capitaneis sub præfecto illius loci violenter postmodùm abreptum, & ab eodem injuriose detentum, quo minùs ad patriam & parentes revertatur: idque sine commisso delicto, vel præbita causa, ceu occasione istiusmodi tam apprehensionis, quam detentionis. Quæ cum amicitiæ mutuæque benevolentiæ, quæ inter hanc rempub. & Hispaniam intercedit, omnino contrarientur, & prout concilium crediderit, contra mentem & voluntatem serenitatis suæ sit, quòd populus hujus reipub. intra quascunque majestatis suæ ditiones tam indignè tractaretur; concilium prædictam informationem ad excellentiam vestram transmisit, rogatque, ut eandem vel regi vel præfecto Malagæ eo modo repræsentare velles, quo prædictus Thomas Titus liberetur, domumque reverti permittatur. Quod quidem ut opus in se justum & honestum, ita ut consonum & conforme ei amicitiæ, quam uterque status inter se invicem colunt, concilium reputaturum est.

1 Sept. 1653.

Boreel, the Dutch ambassador at Paris, to the States General.

Vol. vi. p. 26.

High And Mighty Lords,
My lords, With the temporal dukes of the German empire this court is so far agreed, that henceforward this king in his letters shall give to them the title of Mon srere, and so likewise to the spiritual dukes, who are a-kin to the temporal, either their sons, brothers, or cousin-germans. The said lords dukes shall also write the superscriptions of their letters to the king, and begin the same with Monseigneur, in tertia persona, with majesty. The said dukes ambassadors coming to this court shall henceforward cover themselves at their public audience in presence of the king, and be qualified by the ministers of this court with the title of excellency.

In Germany is handled a very strict league between this crown and the chiefest protestant princes and towns of the German empire, whereof king Henry IV laid the first foundation, and for which here is great inclination shewn now. Men do judge, that the state of the United Netherlands and the kings of Sweden and Denmark ought of necessity to be comprehended herein, to confirm this confederacy.

In Vivaraix hath been some affronts put upon the protestants there by the lord earl of Rieux, being of the house of Guise, and allied to that of Ornano, in that place of Le Val in Vivaraix, where those of the reformed religion had their church and exercise of their religion.

The earl of Rolle, lieut. of my lord duke of Orleans in Languedoc, had given permission to those of the religion to keep a synod in that place of the Le Vall. The earl of Rieux, because that was done without his approbation, did dissolve the assembly, and fell upon the ministers and others there present, and beat them lamentably, broke down the pulpit, and burnt their pews. Hereupon those of the religion armed themselves, and fell upon those that had done them that violence, whereof they have killed some, wounded others, and dispersed the rest, who with the earl are raising more men to oppose and fight those of the religion. The court is very busy to cause these tumults to cease, and the popish clergy do all that they can, to maintain this business of the earl of Rieux.

There is come news, that the Spanish fleet was retreated out of the river Garonne, and are gone for St. Sebastian.

The prince of Condé is passed the Oyle at Ribemont, to enter into Champagne, which is taken notice of by the lords mareschals Turenne and Seneterre, who do seem to have an intention to besiege Menehould.

The Spaniards have besieged Rocroy.

The king was, the 9th of this month, at Amiens. The agreement is made with the former duke of Chausne's brother, and executed. The citadel is now in the king's hands, and eight companies of the guard are entered into the town.

The king intends to go for Calais, as is said.

I cannot further any thing in my negotiation, so long as the doubtfulness continues of the treaty with the English nation; otherwise the inclination here is very good.

I do daily wait for an answer to my considerations formerly sent over, to which I refer myself.

High and mighty lords,
Paris, 12 Sept. 1653. [N.S.]

Your lordships,

An extract out of the resolutions of the lords states of Holland and Friesland, taken in their assembly the 12th day of Sept. 1653. [N. S.]

Vol. vi. p. 13.

There was read a memorandum from or in behalf of the lieut. general Middleton, presented to their lordships, tending to this end, that the subjects of Scotland being not yet subdued by the present government of England, may be assisted by this state with ammunition. Whereupon it being debated, it was resolved, that the said memorandum be delivered to the hands of the lords commissioners for the English affairs, to peruse and examine it, and to report the same to their lordships, with their advice, what is fit to be done in it.

A letter of intelligence from Holland.

The 12/2 Septemb. 1653.

Vol. vi. p. 16.

Here hath been extraordinary rains these fourteen days, yea so much, that in some places they have been forced to take their cattle out of the pastures, which here hath caused butter to rise, seven, eight, and nine shillings in a barrel.

Here is a prize brought up coming from Barbadoes belonging to Bristol; the master's name is John Scot, and the ship's name the Abraham. The men are prisoners, save some of them, which got away. Three men of them and three boys came yesterday to this town, who by a good providence met with one, who brought them into a private house, and caused them to keep themselves very close; and this day I have gathered forty shillings for them to help them away for England; but if they have met with a Dutchman, and discovered what they were, they surely would have been discovered and put in prison; and I yet fear they will be stopt before they get out of the country.

Pepper is here risen from 8d. and 9d. to 14d. and 15d. a pound. It seems these East India ships must not have brought much, or else the fear of getting them well home doth occasion it to rise so much in so short a time.

Here is a private man of war of thirty six guns gone out to sea for Barbadoes, to take our English ships there unawares. I hope the state of England will take some course, that she may be met withal there, if not before she gets so far; else much hurt may be done.

Yesterday being Thursday, the Dutch fleet of men of war failed out of the Texell with a fair wind, being some sixty in number of the ablest ships in this country, who convoyed with them some four or five hundred merchant ships for Eastland and other places; and 'tis hoped that they being so strong, and the spy-boats not having discovered more English upon this coast than forty two, that if ever, the English will be now beaten, if they be met with.

De Witt and de Ruyter are commanders of this fleet, and the heer Van Opdam goes not to sea before the whole body of the fleet be ready; nor is Jan Evertson in this fleet, his son being by his wounds so ill, that they expect death every hour.

Here are a fleet of ships, who impatient to wait so long for a convoy, have ventured to come from the Sound. The report is, they were seventy or eighty sail in all, but a spy-boat hath brought news, that he saw the English take twenty six of them, which causeth our merchants to look blank. In this fleet is come the Leopard, formerly taken from captain Appleton in the Straits. 'Tis pity the Dutch should have such a ship. She was missing two or three days. I was in hope she had been retaken.

You have heard formerly of the tumult at Enckuysen, and how they had secured that city for the prince's party; and whereas before they fought to get soldiers into the town, and could not accomplish it, now they by a stratagem accomplished it; for they very secretly got six or seven hundred soldiers into three ships, who sailing unsuspected into Enckuysen, as other ships daily do, took their advantage, and surprized the watch and the gates, and let in some horse, and so that town is now secured against the prince's party. The particulars we shall have by the next; but burgomasters Beuninge, Cocke, and Br. Corver are there at present, to settle the government; and the chief, that made the former uproar, are now like to smart for it; tho' here is great murmuring, that the soldiers should be made use of to quell the citizens, and who knows what will be the end of these troubles? but the prince's party are hereby much daunted at present.

At Rotterdam also is one Fleede, who there thought also to have made a tumult for the prince, but he is by a public act called in to appear by such a day, or else to be banished out of Holland all his life; and who knows what evil may be the end of these things ?

Here is expected an extraordinary ambassador out of France, and 'tis thought things are concluded between this state and that, and that the articles shall be underwritten as soon as this ambassador comes, and then to be underwritten in France, and then to call home the deputies from England; and then they hope to get in Sweden also in this combination against England, and France, and these countries to maintain each fifty men of war in the channel, besides convoys for their ships, &c. 'Tis strange to see how this people build castles in the air, and rejoice in their folly, &c.

We hear little of the treaty with England, but some talk as if there should be a great gathering together of the states of all the provinces about that weighty business.

Of the imprisoned captains six are declared to be innocent, viz. captain Skipp, captain Bayners, captain Hecke, captain Jan Adriaen, captain Adrian Cornelys, and the captain of the ship named the Garden of Holland; but nine captains are still prisoners, of which three lay bound hand and foot, and the geweldige, the hangman, and three half-cheerders are gone to the ship captain Van Campen, where they lay prisoners, to do execution upon them.

In the Hague were deputies appointed by the States General, to make presentation of the office of lieutenant admiral to the heer of Opdam, who, some said, had accepted thereof, and was gone through Beverwycke to the Texell; some say, to go to sea with this fleet; others, to hasten the rest of the ships to sea, against these return from the Sound.

Here is also reports, that at Copenhagen, and through all Denmark and Norway, the king hath caused war to be proclaimed against the English. They would have it so, I believe, and therefore report the same.

Here is also news, that the galleons (or great ships) from Peru were arrived at Cadiz in Spain, the certainty whereof we may expect by the next post.

Thirty French merchantmen are here also safely arrived through the channel, and saw no English.

Here is also arrived two private men of war from Brazil, belonging to Zealand, who bring with them five prizes, wherein were 2000 chests of sugar; four of them are arrived, and 'tis said the fifth is taken by the English, &c.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

12 September, 1653. [N. S.]

Vol. vi. p. 38.

I Have received yours of 19/29 of Aug. and of 15 Sept./26 Aug. both of them together. How many were exactly killed in the last fight is very hard to be known. The thirty or forty ships, which they seigned to have failed in their duties, have not one man slain, for their ships were not able to sustain the brunt of the English. How many men de Ruyter had slain on board, is to be seen in his printed letter which he writ. Jan Everts hath not properly said, how many he had slain, but his ill wishers do say, he had very few. De Witt had but four or five. On board Tromp's ship, likewise there were but three or four slain. Every captain in particular doth all ways to make men believe that he had several men slain and wounded, and many shot between wind and water; but the state doth take no delight to take an acccount of all this, that so they may not discourage the soldiers and mariners. At the most there cannot have been above four or five hundred slain; but by reports there is commonly a great many wounded, and that number is well three times greater. As for the ships, it is certain they have lost thirteen. The commissioners of this state in England write nothing of their negotiation, or of peace, but only concerning their prisoners. In private they write to have sent a confiding person to several harbours and ports, to inform themselves of the dead and wounded of the English: he hath informed them, that in such a place there were three hundred wounded, in such a place seven hundred, in another place five hundred, and at least twelve hundred slain, &c. &c. uti quisque suum vult esse, ita est. Here upon the sea shore from Heyden as far as Huys duynen, men have here a sad spectacle to see from day to day several dead bodies to arise, which undoubtedly are those that were slain in the last engagement. There is order given by the state for the burying of them: there have already two or three hundred of them been buried, but men are made to believe that they are English.

Hitherto not any one province any advice upon the coalition; and amongst the commissioners of the towns of Holland, there are many, that have order to advise or vote for the calling back of the commissioners, who remain in England, instead of sending others thither.

They are now busy upon the verbal of the commissioners in England, to draw from thence some points of consideration; but the first and chiefest point considerable (for so I have it from a very good hand) is, that the commissioners have gone beyond their instructions in this, that they did not return as soon as they saw that the English did insist upon satisfaction; so that no success is to be hoped from this proposition of coalition. It is true that now they do begin to believe, that there are again forty English ships upon our coast, and this may very well cause as well in Holland as elsewhere fears, and consequently thoughts of peace; but to mingle the sovereignties or upon a coalition, there is no body that dares speak of such a thing, for that is held for a slavery.

They have here very much flattered themselves, by reason they did absolutely believe and conclude, that they had driven the English home; and the ships in the Sound believing that also, set sail from thence for their own country without any convoy, as believing the English to be gone home; and in the mean time a good many of them are taken; they speak here of twenty five. Behold a bad effect of flattery!

The vice-admiral de Witt was ready to go out to sea with thirty ships, the wind being good, but they do fear that he dare not, and in the mean time they are still equipping. But the people doth still believe, that this state doth not use so much diligence and vigor as they ought, for say they, why is it that the English can be sooner ready, presupposing that the English were more damnified then ours; and so the poor magistrates or states of Holland are blamed by the people. Behold a second ill effect of flattery.

But the truth is, the English have better ships, more power or money. The people here (chiefly the Zealanders) who did boast that they alone would drive home the English, being ignorant of this ground, did build castles in the air, and did frame to themselves maxims, which have prejudiced and will prejudice this state. The wise men know it well enough, but they dare not speak it.

Holland begins to refuse the payment of the companies of the land army, and to imploy that money to the use of the fleet. The college of the admiralty at Amsterdam, the richest of any, doth protest from time to time, that without a speedy and ready subsidy, they will not, nor cannot equip any longer then according to the measure of their revenue, which formerly was wont to be well one million and a half; but at present is not a third part.

All the hope is, that England will fall again into disorder, whereof Lilburn and his adherents do give some likelihood, and the insurrection or commotion of the Highlanders in Scotland the like.

Sir Marmaduke Langdale, and general Middleton, being here, have had a conference with some commissioners of the States General, where they did very much magnify the said commotion of the Highlanders, and how that they might make them a notable diversion, desiring some ships, arms, and ammunition. Those of Zealand do second and favour that very much, and in case Holland will not, there is likelihood that Zealand alone will endeavour to make a diversion with their ships in Scotland.

The four cities, Goes, Tolen, Vere, and Flushing, do govern in Zealand, and as well Middleburgh as Ziericzee dare not contradict them in any thing. Those of Zealand have very much urged in the States General, the payment of fifteen thousand guilders, which the deceased prince of Orange did disburse upon his voyage, which he made in the year 1650, into the towns of Holland, upon the resolution of the generality of the 5th of June, tho' that Holland did very much oppose and contradict it. It is held for certain, that Zealand will very shortly recommend to the generality the cause of the king of Great Britain, and the people here is of this opinion, that they ought to espouse this cause of the king, and whosoever will be well thought of by the people, and henceforward out of danger; must be of this opinion.

The lord of Opdam doth deliberate yet, but notwithstanding, he will accept of it, and the province of Holland doth desire it since the strength of the state doth lye in the fleet, which they will not trust to one of the prince's faction.

In the mean time the prince's party or faction doth begin to speak it of him, saying, that he never did any thing, that he hath no courage, and it is true he was never any seaman.

The commissioners of this state sent to the king of Portugal are arrived at Lisbon, and were carried to audience attended by three coaches, and were well received by the king; yet there cannot be a very good opinion had of it, because they do incline here now to a strict league with Spain against Portugal.

Those of Zealand have chosen John Everts for their lieutenant admiral, and have given him a pension of six hundred guilders. There is likelihood, that the Zealanders will cause their ships to go apart under their John Everts.

Just now comes news from the Helder, that the vice-admiral de Witte was set sail with forty nine ships of war, conducting a fleet out of the Vlie of at least 500 merchant ships for the Sound; at least this is published to be so. Sir,

Your humble servant.

A letter of intelligence from Holland.

[September 12, N. S. 1653.]

Vol. vi. p. 52.

This week Mr. German wrote to Mr. John Webster of Amsterdam, that the Scotch king was well recovered, and got strength again apace, so that he would be able to remove towards Holland so soon as he understood the treaty betwixt you and these were broke off. That he thought Webster would be of opinion, that he should do so. Whereto Webster answered, he should; but he did not think it convenient. If any alteration in affairs were, he would advise him of it. The news of the Highlanders being in a body, as is said 4000, doth give fresh courage to the royal party, who make it all their discourse to the Dutch, and perswade them by no means to make a peace; for they will very shortly give you enough to do; to which I observe many of the Dutch do listen, though the wiser and better fort of men do regard it as an old cavalier phantastick story, and will not be perswaded to engage themselves with that party, yet would willingly do you mischief. A peace is much desired by the states of Holland, and many wise ones think they will agree with you, the which those of the Orange faction endeavour all what they can to prevent.

Holland perceiving it, doth the more incline to a peace, least by degrees that party might be master, for most of the commonwealth are for the Orange party; yea I cannot see, how they will prevail. Tromp is much lamented; some dare say, that if he had lived to come home victor, he would have set up the Orange faction. They have now made choice of of Opdam, who will be as ready to pull down. Major general Middleton is here, though Politicus write him in Scotland; who hath prevailed with the states to send some arms and ammunition to the Highlanders. As near as possible I can learn (for it is kept secret) he shall have a thousand pair of pistols and a thousand carbines, two thousand muskets, and two thousand swords. I believe they are already ship'd, but not gone to sea. It is to be surmised, they go to some harbour most convenient for the Highlanders. He hath also a quantity of powder; some time since he did ship some privately at Rotterdam, whereof the admiralty having notice, they seized on it, and sold it; whereat he was much displeased, and gave them high language, but they regarded not what he said. I hear he is busy there again. I intend to go thither to find out his design. I heard some Dutch grumble at the magistracy, that they suffered others to carry ammunition out of their country, when their own fleet was not provided. The Holland faction say they must suddenly conclude a peace with you; but the Orange are for a war. They say it is impossible to make a good and lasting league with you; but that it is better for them to join with France to help the king. It is generally reported by them, that there is an offensive league made already with France against you, and that there is a French ambassador coming over to confirm it. I believe it not, that he comes with that intention, or that Holland will join in it. The other provinces incline to it; as I hear, one of the states said, the king of Scots and Orange have brought this to effect; too true, if that from his fair promises to Holland they can persuade them to break the treaty. They promise themselves, if they make such an alliance with France, that Swedeland, Portugal, and Germany will join to their assistance.

I hope you are near a conclusion with the Swede, which would be a deadly blow to their designs.

There are several ships come in from the Sound and Bergen in Norway; your ships met with some of them. De Witt and de Ruyter are gone to sea with thirty eight men of war together with the Eastland fleet.

Pensionary de Witt to Beverning, the Dutch deputy in England.

Vol. vi. p. 14.

My Lord,
According to your lordship's desire, I communicated both your letters to the lords Opdam and Nieuport. Also that, which made mention of the prisoners, is also communicated to their lordships. As to the report made by the lords Nieuport and Jongestall concerning your negotiation in England, I do not perceive, that any good can be expected from thence, unless providence shall please to dispose otherwise of the hearts of those, with whom you have to do. Therefore I am no ways forward to be very urgent in furthering of it.

Their lordships have resolved to send to the Hans-Towns.

Lieutenant general Middleton, and sir Marmaduke Langdale, do sollicite very hard here, as you may perceive by their resolution; but I hope they will not obtain their ends.

I have advised your lordship formerly, that the desired conjunction of the king of Denmark's ships was not likely to be; therefore the lord Keyser hath left off negociating any farther about it, and hath since done nothing but used his endeavour to make an end of the decision of the treaty of redemption, and especially to adjust the conditions of the restitution of the advanced monies; but we do perceive by the last letters from the said Keyser, that this state will not be satisfied herein according to their desire.

[September 2/12, 1653.]

The Dutch ambassadors at London to the States General.

Vol. vi. p. 20.

High and mighty Lords,
My lords, our last letters, that came from the Hague, we do suppose some of them to have been opened, and the mail of the week before was stopped from being sent from hence, till the week following. We do not yet comprehend the reason or necessity of this narrow search, which other public ministers are not subject unto, unless it be, that we do presume that the government here hath had some notice of some secret correspondence and designs for king Charles; for which several persons of quality are put into the tower. Lieutenant col. Lilburne was likewise put there; but since he is sent to the islands of Man, Guernsey, or Sorlings, there to evaporate his turbulent humours; whereof he is full, as they say here.

'Tis believed, that the twelve sworn jury-men, who did clear and discharge him, will not escape unpunished either in bodies or estates.

The fleet of this state, which is said to be an hundred sail strong, or thereabouts, are most of them at sea although others do assure us of the contrary.

We were glad to receive your lordships resolutions concerning the poor prisoners here, and we shall govern ourselves therein for the best advantage of the state.

My lords,
Westminster, 12/2 Sept. 1653.

your lordships humble servant.

Nieuport to Beverning.

Vol. vi. p. 33.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content – see page image]

My lord,
I Have received your two packets at one and the same time. I have likewise communicated them to penf. de Witt and Opdam. The states of Holland are well pleased with what you have done about the prisoners, which may be seen by their resolutions. They are likewise busy how to advise you about offering of a ransom for the releasing of the prisoners. As to my conference with the commissioners appointed to examine and consider of my report, nothing hath been done further in it. The States General have been very high of late, saying; that they thought that your lordship ought to come away without delay; and I do perceive they do all, what they can, to hinder Opdam from being admiral; but I believe he will be made admiral notwithstanding. Pray excuse me at this time for breaking off so short, being to go out of town this day to see some friends, whom I have promised to be withal.

Hague, 12/2 September, 1653.

Beverning to de Groot, resident of the prince elector at the Hague.

Vol. vi. p. 24.

I Thank you for the communication of your news, and I doubt not but the gentlemen here will thank you likewise, having taken the opportunity to consider them at their ease, and spared me the trouble from communicating mine to them. I would to God, they were of your opinion, and that comprehending the true interest of our two commonwealths, they would consider, according to the merits, the business of the orthodox and reformed religion, and the intentions of those, who on all sides underhand do persecute them. The packet or mail, that should have gone away the 29th and 5th, were stopt till the 9th of the last month, whereof I cannot comprehend the necessity or reason.

Sir, your humble servant.
Westminster, 12/2 September, 1653

Beverning to Cornelis Van Beveren knight, lord of Streveshout, and old burgo-master of the town of Dort.

Vol. vi. p. 22.

My lord,
The great experience, which your lordship hath of the affairs of the world, and the great care in your faithful service shewn to the state, will dispense with my imperfect pen in the setting down of innumerable reasons and examples, which the holy wisdom and learned ages have left unto us, which might serve, one for introduction to another, for setting forth of the glorious death of a wel-beloved son. Your lordship would answer me presently with that great Grecian captain; I knew well enough, that he was born mortal, and with the rest, I had offered him up to the service of his country; he hath fulfiled both his duties and with a christian resolution; the holy will of the Lord is done, and his holy Name be blessed to all eternity. Since it hath pleased God to dispose of him, I do believe, that it is some kind of consolation, at least the last piece of service I can do to his memory, to give your lordship a particular relation of his death. The ship of admiral Tromp, of blessed memory, being gotten full of young gentlemen and other voluntiers, that they could net all of them be accommodated, as they ought to have been, your son Charles, and some others, resolved to go on board of capt. Banckert, and desired to have the direction of some small iron guns which stood upon the deck, and at the approaching of the admiral of the white flag, he was busy to fasten them, that so they might play with the more security, and standing there, was shot into the left breast with a musket bullet, which could not be gotten out, and he being carried underneath, and the ship an hour and a half afterwards much torn, and shot by the said admiral, and ready to sink, the capt. and some of his readiest men, saved themselves in the next English frigat, leaving him half dead, and no hope of life in the sinking ship; but he was notwithstanding, afterwards taken out by the Portsmouth frigat, on board of which ship he died within twenty four hours after, making himself first known to the captain before he died; his body I hear was flung overboard. I could wish from the bottom of my heart, that I had once an opportunity to shew in effect, how much I am,

My lord,
Westminster, 12/2 Sept. 1653.

your lordship's, &c.

Beverning to pensionary De Witt.

Vol. vi. p. 21.

My lord,
By reason that mine of the 29th passato, and the 5th of this month were stopt, and without doubt were visited, I have sent the 9th of this month another by another way, with a new character in it, which I shall very much long to know whether it be come safe to hand, that so we may regulate ourselves accordingly. If so be their lordships have any thing of consequence to send unto us, it must be by way of an express or by the new character, or else we may run the hazard of being discovered. We long to know, what their lordships will be pleased to order about our prisoners here, whether we shall propound to ransom them. It is certain that the poor common men lying upon the boards in the open air will be frozen to death this winter.

There are several gentlemen apprehended, and put into the tower for carying on of a design for the king. It is thought they had some notable design in hand, and that this made the Highlanders in Scotland to rise.

Westminster, 12/2 Sept. 1653.

Vande Perre to Adriaen Vander Hooghe counsellor at Middleburgh.

Vol. xviii. p. 9.

My lord,
That which your lordship writes to me concerning the commander Evertsen, and capt. Banc Quiert, that they were put into the tower, is not so; but they with six more are put into the Meuse, where they are well enough accommodated. Those captives have signed for one another, and bound themselves upon oath, as also all their estates, that they shall not endeavour to escape directly nor indirectly; otherwise they would have been very ill used here; the more because the government here is extreme angry at the escape of capt. Schellinger, who going off the exchange with some merchants, went to dinner with them; and when they were at dinner, he took his opportunity and went away unknown to any, without knowing in the least, whither to go, or what to do with himself; and as fortune would have it, he met with a very honest man, who did assist him in his design; and I do hope, that by this time he is safely arrived at home. The soldier, who was appointed to attend him being very much troubled, did presently seize upon a gent. of the company, a Hollander, mons. Betts, a Kyflander, a Hamburgher, and a Swede, who are kept here prisoners in the said Schellinger's place. Lieut. col. Lilburne is sent to the tower, notwithstanding his being cleared by the jury, and the judges likewise. There are ten or twelve colonels put into the tower, who were sent here by king Charles to raise men in several places, if it were possible, for his service; and this design was discovered by one of the said colonels. It is believed, they will be proceeded against criminally, together with col. Lilburne, who is supposed to be one of the conspiracy; so that those brave heroic persons do run great danger of losing their lives.

Last Saturday the rest of the fleet set sail from Solebay, so that we do believe them to be now above an hundred set sail. This is credible, by reason there are no ships left, that are fit to go to sea, except the forty five merchant men, which have been in the state's service, and are now discharged for want of men, and turned upon the merchants hands without any satisfaction, notwithstanding their unfitness for any service till such time they be repaired.

The English do now think themselves sufficient, and able, and strong enough to bring their designs about, and effect what they have in their intentions. The musk, nutmegs, and cinnamon, and cloves the English have already in the nose, and do go so much upon the scent, that I do hope they will get pepper in lieu thereof.

Our prisoners are brought from all places together; and those that were formerly here are carried up and down the town, to be shewed to the people, thereby to magnify their victory.

They force people here aboard their ships against their will.

Yesterday the lord Lagerfelt had audience.

Concerning our treaty, neither we nor any that are affected to our state do hope any good to be done in it; and therefore it were better to come to an open war, for it will and must come to that at last.

I would be glad to know what our lords states intend to do about these prisoners that are here.

Westminster, 12/2 Sept. 1653.

Vande Perre to mynheer Vander Hooghe.

Vol. vi. p. 12.

My lord,
It is my opinion, that it is very requisite, necessary, and serviceable, that the report of the lords Nieuport and Jongestall be kept secret; especially that that, which cannot be kept secret, be managed to the best advantage. I do hope, that the lord of Opdam will let himself be persuaded to accept of the charge of admiral, and that God will bless and crown him with wisdom, prudence, manly valour, and courage to execute his place in this conjuncture of affairs, to the content of all in general.

Westminster, 12/2 Sept. 1653.

Vande Perre to the burgo-masters of Middleburgh.

Vol. vi. p. 25.

My lords,
I Have understood of the debate concerning my stay here in the assembly of the lords states of Zealand, where it was resolved, that they were well pleased therewith. Therefore I humbly desire to know, whether the said resolution was agreeable to all the members of the assembly, and whether your honours are likewise pleased therewith; for in case it was done to the contrary, that so I might know how to regulate myself accordingly in writing of my excuse to the assembly of their high and mighty lordships, as well as to those of the lords states of Zealand; and whatsoever your lordships shall please to command me, I shall willingly observe, either to stay here any longer, or that you would be pleased to appoint some body else in my place, shall be observed by me; but to come away without leave, I think not to be in my power, for I am put here by public authority; therefore I shall expect your lordships answer herein, being I find myself engaged in your service.

Westminster, 12/2 Sept. 1653.

Beverning to the lord Fabricius at Harlem.

Vol. vi. p. 19.

My lord,
I Have received yours of the 29th of Aug. and the person mentioned therein is in good health here in town, and lodg'd in the Muse with Cornelis Evertsen, Banckeart, and others. Yesterday he dined with us: he neither wants heart nor courage. I pray God we may help him into action again, and in posture to take his revenge, which he doth seem to long very much for. All that I can contribute thereunto shall be done by me, and always shew myself,

My lord,
Westminster, 12/2 Sept. 1653.

Your humble servant.

Boreel, the Dutch ambassador at Paris, to the Dutch ambassadors at London.

Vol. vi. p. 58.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content – see page image]

My lords,
I Have hitherto received of your lordships three packets. I shall say something to them all; that when we were last in England, we could hardly trust, in regard of the English relations, our own eyes and ears, so much were all things then disfigured unto us, through the conduct of the parliament; so much daubing and colouring over they use at that time. They had spies amongst our domestics, and false informers, who did inform us of what they thought fitting for us to know; so that unless we had not had other secret and confiding correspondents on the other side, we should not have known the condition of their affairs in their true colours.

Your lordships letter of the success of the late fight was a true relation given to the States General by one, who was present in the fight, and an eye witness; so that there is no doubt to be made of it, but that it is as he relates it.

It is so, that ever since your lordships being in England, the lords of this council have complained to me twice, that contrary to my promise your lordships held yourselves too close to mons. de Bordeaux; and this did very much discontent them here, and that you did not correspond oftener with him in order to your treaty.

Here is a great deal of talk of a conference or discourse, which the lord Beverning should have lately all alone with 168. 116. 11.general Cromwell; 15. 52. 19. 28; that Cromwell should have spoken and used many unhandsome expressions, to the prejudice and dishonour of our state.

I hope your lordships will be pleased to let me know, what it was that passed between you in your discourse, that so I may give an answer to some things, that they do object here.

I can advance nothing in my treaty here at present.

My lords,
13 Sept. 1653. [N. S.]

Your lordships humble servant,

A letter of intelligence from Paris.

De Paris le 13/3 Septemb. 1653.

Vol. vi. p. 62.

Il n'est rien passé icy de considerable, depuis ma derniere depesche du 10/31 du courant/passé, & je n'apprends rien de nouveau que l'election faicte par les protestans de Languedoc du Sr de la Cassagne pour leur general. C'est un vieux soldat de Nismes, qui a faict la guerre en Italic, & sous le feu duc de Rohan, lequel l'a recognu presque le seul gentilhomme, qu'il ait trouvé incorruptible durant les guerres de la religion. J'espere avoir l'honneur de vous envoyer mecredy prochain un manifeste, qu'ils ont faict, par lequel ils protestent tout fidelité au roy, & comme ils sont contraints par la haine inveterée & implacable de leurs ennemies de prendre les armes pour se deliverer de leur tirannie, maintenir leur condition libre, & faire executer les edicts de sa majesté, à quoy l'on espere qu'ils auront advancé quelque chose par les lettres de Nismes, qui doivent arriver jeudy prochain en cette ville. On les taxe desja de mutins icy, & d'avoir cabalé, & envoyé sonder il y a plusieurs mois la noblesse de parmy eux, pour voir s'ils auroient des forces capables de faire reussir leurs desseins premeditez. Mais cela ne fera que les jetter des soupçons, qui engendreront force meffiance, & les obligera à d'autant mieux pourveoir à leur seurete, que vraysemblablement le duc d'Orleans leur en facilitera les moyens.

Les desseins de la cour estoient effectivement de s'approcher de ce costé la pour les intimider, & en chemin faisant debusquer les governeurs de Mezieres & du Mont Olimpe, sous pretexte du facré du roy, mais la marche de mons. le prince a rompu ses mesures, depuis laquelle les dits governeurs ont envoyé demander à sa majesté permission de de demeurer neutres, à fin d'eviter le desgast des troupes Espagnoles autour de leurs places.

Leurs majesties sont toujours vers Amyens, d'où elles doivent aller par Abbeville à Calais, deposseder, dit on, le comte de Charost. Elles ont faict detascher quelque peu des troupes du mareschal de Turenne, qui avec la plus grande partie du regiment des gardes vont joindre quelques forces qu'a le due d'Elbeuf avec lesquelles il pretend faire diversion vers Ardres, & conserver cette place menacée par l'archiduc; cependant que mons. le prince tente la prise de Rocroy avec tant de vigeur, qu'on la croyoit prise, ou aux abois par les derniers advis, qu'on receut hyer au soir de Charleville, qui n'en est pas loin; le secours de 2000 hommes, qu'y pensoit conduire le Sr de Senlis, ayant esté empesché, & mesme defaict, à ce qu'on veut dire, mais que l'on ne croit pas encore. On dit que le mareschal de Turenne a eu ordre d'assieger Mouson en mesme temps, que Rocroy l'est. Ce qu'on ne pense pas, qu'il puisse entreprendre honorablememt.

La resolution de mons. le prince aussy bien que son interest est de s'en venir en deca, & c'est dont il a faict braver le dit mareschal, en luy reprochant les refus, qu'il a faict de combattre jusques icy, & le deffiant de se trouver bien tost à la plaine de St. Denis, &c.

Quelques uns publient, que les François ont levé le siege de devant Gironne, apres avoir este respossues à des nouveaux assaults marveilleusement obstines; & que le Sr de St. Aulnes voiant de si mauvais succez avoit saisi & faict entrer dans Leucate des munitions de guerre, destinées pour l'armée du roy, qui en manquoit, à fin de se rembourser des sommes, dont il ne pourroit autrement estre satisfait.

La pape indigné du refus, que vous aves sceu avoir esté faict, il y a quelque mois, à un sien nonce, qu'il envoyoit en France, & que le roy ne voulant recevoir contraignoit de se retirer dans Avignon, & aussy outre des affronts, qu'il souffre toujours en la personne du cardinal de Retz, a rappellé le dit nonce à Rome; & parce qu'il se doutoit, qu'il avoit esté gagné par les emmiffaires du cardinal Mazarin, & que publiant ce retour, on leur pu encore arrester par le consentemente qu'il y eut luy mesme donné, il a voulu qu'il foit sorti incognito d'Avignon, comme il a esté oligé de faure luy 7 ou 8 s. fous un semblant d'aller à la chasse, ayant depuis esté suivi du reste de son trainé, qui s'est allé embarquer à Marseilles, tandis que luy a passé en Savoye, pour y demeurer jusqu'à nouvel ordre.

Extract of the resolutions of the States General.

Sabbati, 13 Sept. 1653. [N. S.]

Vol. vi. p. 61.

It being put to the debate, it was resolved and thought fit, that the sending designed to the Hans Towns, Lubeck, Bremen, and Hamburgh, shall be done out of hand, without any delay; and the same instructions to be made use of, that formerly were given to that end by their high and mighty lordships.

Intelligence from Stockholm.

Stockholm, 4 Sept. S. V. [1653.]

Vol. vi. p. 206.

The Hollanders here do still maintain their victory against the English, although the contrary be sufficiently known both at court and amongst the people. They long to hear of the choice of a new admiral in Tromp's place, having understood, that the lord Opdam hath refused to accept of the place, without being absolute and sole admiral, which the States General have denied to do. Their East India ships and Streights men of war, with some others coming out of the Baltic sea upon good hopes of their supposed victory, are said to be passed through the Sound homeward, with no more than two or three little frigates or capers for their convoy, hoping that by this time they are at their predestinate places, either in the river of Amsterdam or the Thames. From hence no news at all for the present, her majesty being yet absent, and not expected till next week.