A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1653: July (5 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol1/pp377-391 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1653: July (5 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol1/pp377-391.
"State Papers, 1653: July (5 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol1/pp377-391.
In this section
July (5 of 5)
To secretary Thurloe from one of the persons who translated his letters of intelligence.
24 July, 1653.
Vol. iv. p. 245.
You have annex'd what this Dutch post broght to me. You see howe it is in Holland
discovered by letters from their deputies here, what intelligence the councel of state has
here (fn. 1). If this be not avoided, you will have noe more from thence, and whosoever tells the
deputies here thus much, tells it to keepe you from intelligence; and belike tells at least all
he knowes to the deputies to their advantadg and your disadvantadg. I'le say noe more of
it, thogh more is written to me of it; but I am however, sir,
Your real servant,
I. H.
I have from Ratisbon in cyfer, that the emperor and princes of Germanie promise much to R. C. his ambassador, whatever they performe; and that the emperor has latelie written to the pope concerning the matter as to joyne in it by colligation and fæderacie; which is all.
If you have not one in Ratisbon, there is some body, that counterfeits.
An intercepted letter from Paris.
Paris, this 3d of August, 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. iv. p. 306.
Yours I receaved, and most willingly excuse your not takinge leave; the same beinge
of noe consideration, whether taken or not, onely I am sorie you parted without some
conclusion of matters between you and mee, at least touchinge the billet of Janius, which
can bee noe waye usefull to mee as matters stand; but had it been myne, I would endeavour to compound, though I did receave but a fist or six part, and remitt the rest. Wherefore
heron I desire to know your resolution. I shall never bee wantinge in care and affection to
54, who did not a litle afflict himselfe more then ordinarie these daies past for 59 departure; but I hope 51 performans, of which I do not doubt, before these come to your hands,
will remedy all affliction, notwithstandinge 20 is in toune, for thinges are soe assuredly promised yesterday to the doctor and to mee by 51 and Deeval, that I maye not question performance. If my power weere answerable to my desire, nothinge should be wantinge to cherish and comfort 51; neither would or durst Patrick in any such waye exceede 51 owne directions, without a check. You know I was never at soe loe an ebb, as I was at 54, 59
being here. First I did not dare open or importune for any thinge belonginge to myselfe, fearinge it might give a retardment to 5 pretensions: neither did I dare borrow of any
freind, who would reply, 51 and 59 havinge receaved, should not see yow in want. And
indeede I would rather suffer then to prejudice or importune either; for I do not willingly
destroye what I begun, much lesse flatter for any private interest, which if I would do, I
might as well have a thousand crowns in my purse to make feasts as others have don, which
should not be ill spent by the partie, seeinge thereby hee may compass his ambitious ends,
tho' perhaps thereby hee will never purchase honor or profitt.
On Wenesday last the honest doctor receaved a letter to apier the next daye, which hee
did, and there in full councell receaved a suspence of his power in parchemente under hand
and seale, and the imployment is to bee conferred on the dissembler, as I was tould yeasterday, as beinge the more capable and most in credit with 20; by whose means 51. 59. receaved here what they did, with many other such lick, after shewinge of brevetts, king's letters, passes, and cheefely that of 20, by which a great estime is conceaved here of the man,
which was confirmed by the first of the 3 . . . . doe, and shall be signed and sealed and kept
for him here, against his retorne. I could insert much more of this, but I will forbeare untill the
retorne of which yow are not to take notice, but dissemble as much as hee, tho hee said here hee
was cause of your jorney to have yow out of the waye, as beinge an active understandinge
spirit; and 54 is ould easily perswaded which waye hee pleaseth. All this came to my
hearing from a secure hand, as uttered by the partie. Our newes are, for certaine Bourdeaux and all Geine is reduced; the conditions exspect by my next, for yeasterdaye I spooke
unto the expresse sent by Vandosme to that effect one of my acquaintance. The kinge and
cardinal retorned on Thursday, and lest their army in a most gallant condition, abow twenty eight thousand men as Langa tould mee, who remembers his respects to you. They
weere within a league to the prince, divided with a river, fifty five troopes Frenchemen of
the princes oune regiment came away to Turrenn with horses and armes the day before the
king's departure. The citadel of Amiens is rendered, and la Fere, but Manicampe must
have receaved fiftie thousand crownes in reddy monies, before hee would lett in king or cardinall, having kept the later six houres at the gate, untill hee counted and packed away his
monies. This alsoe tould mee. Salute Mardy Langagra; for the rest I believ they are as yett
attendinge at Calis to enspect that they may nevir gett. Le Clecq. sent to 54 to gett his
acquitance for the 3000 l. whiche hee will do on the conclusion of his oune affaires and
not ante; and on the score to gett the originall acquittance signed by the party, which wee
will keepe to confront part of some lyes divulged here. This is all, wishing yow a happie
jorney, expectinge an answere touchinge the disposition of the billet. I rest
votre tres humble serviteur,
G. L.
The superscription,
A monsieur monsieur le colonell de Bets a Londres.
The Dutch ambassadors in London to the lords of the council of state of the commonwealth of England.
Vol. iv. p. 310.
The subscribed deputies of the assembly of the lords States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries being informed, that the officers and mariners, which have been made prisoners of this side in the last encounter of our fleets, and by the occasion of taking of many of our merchant-ships not only remain arrested and kept here and there in the prisons of this commonwealth, but also from time to time are sent in quarters far from hence, and also transported upon other ships for to serve against their will; finding themselves obliged by express order of their lords and superiors to present to the lords of the council of state, that since the unhappy rupture between both the nations, the lords States General have proceeded with such a discretion in the behalf of the prisoners, which on their side were taken, that from time to time they have been released without any reason, and at the first occasion which was offered; and also since the last encounter on the mediterranean sea, according to the express instructions of the lords States General given to that end, a great considerable number hath been released at one time; upon which they hope and expect the same generosity of the lords of the council of state on the behalf of their prisoners here, beseeching most instantly, that it may please the said lords of the council of state, to give necessary orders for to set them at liberty, as they are ready and offer on the behalf of the said lords States General to cause to be released all those, which on their side yet in some parts might be arrested or detained, of what condition soever they be; and also that shall be taken hereafter of both sides.
Westminster, 25 July,/4 Aug. 1653.
A letter of intelligence.
Hamburgh, 26 July, 1653.
Vol. iv. p. 228.
Here is news by a letter from Cologne of the 29th instant stil. nov. as if the duke of Lorraine had presented to assist the state of England, and make war against the Hollander by land, 12000 foot and 4000 horse, whereof himself would be general; but as it is not certain, so it is not believed by any here.
A letter of intelligence from Paris.
6 Augusti, 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. iv. p. 314.
The post of this day arrived not yet. I long to hear from you. Here be some relations, that the English fleet returned from Holland, but yet not certain. Monsieur
marquis de Jersay, who adhered hitherto to the prince of Condé, being disgusted because
the said prince promised to make him one of his lieutenant generals, in which he failed,
quitted him, and came to Rocroy, having received from the prince 90,000 livres in ready
money for to maintain his party; but the king hearing of his coming to Rocroy, sent or
ders presently to arrest him prisoner, which was executed without delay. Monday last an
arrest was pronounced in the councel in favour of Mr. Croissy Fouquet and the rest of
the prisoners of state, that their domesticks and families must be forced to tell truth
of what they know concerning all things against the king and his state done or committed
by the said prisoners, which may soon help some of them to their liberty; tho' not the
whole. Last Saturday the queen visited both the little princesses, daughters to the duke of
Orleans, being at Charonnes, a little convent of religious women built by the dutchess of
Orleans. The queen being there desired earnestly the superior of that convent to sollicite
the dutchess of Orleans, that the might advise her husband to come to the court, where
he shall be as well received as ever he was before. The said woman promised, she would
do in that what laid in her power, tho' yet she did not think to prevail in any way. The
3d instant was inregistred in the chamber de Comptes an arrest from the councel, that within three years the cardinal shall be paid out of the king's money ten millions of livres, which
he disbursed in Germany, raising of forces when he was there; and the said sum to be paid
of the first money, that shall come into the king's treasurers.
The same day was ordered in the town house eighteen millions of livres to be paid also by all the tradesmen in Paris, without exception of any; which makes the people move a little, and say it were better keep Mazarin out of the city, &c.
There was of late a great plot discovered in the city of Arras, wherein many officers, soldiers, and some of the inhabitants had a hand; which all were committed to prison by the governor of the town.
His majesty now presents a bâton of marshal of France to his cosin the duke of Amville. Mr. Bezon advocate general in the high council is made intendant de justice in Languedoc; for which the masters of requests complained highly to the lord chancellor, that that office concerned their own body, and none else; to which the chancellor answered, that his majesty was free to employ whom he pleases in his dominions.
We have from Tours, that madamoifelle is there, and offers 14,000 livres to her father's troops for to pass their winter quarters in those parts, where she is preparing to remain this long while. She has her little brother Louison with her, on whom she bestowed some lands worth thirty thousand livres per annum. The Italian Comedy keeps at the Louvre since his majesty arrived here. It's very certain himself, and Mazarin were like to be taken by Condé, were it not they were advertised timely, and made a long turn about to miss the place, where the prince expected them with ten thousand horse. The man, that brought the news to the king, was well recompensed. The king's coach, wherein was himself, Mazarin, monsieur marquis de Villeroy, duke d'Amville, and little marquis de Mortier got a fall in the way, in a certain place, where the postillion passing the way, told his majesty he should come out of the coach, till he had passed, that step being dangerous; which the king was about to do, but the cardinal advised the contrary, tho' they were forced to do it afterwards. They came all safe, only little Mortier was hurt in the head, but no great matter.
General Roze is marching from Germany with 4000 horse; and we are not yet sure, whether he comes to the king or the prince. But the court thinks certainly, he comes to the king. Mons. Voisin, counsellor of the parliament of Bourdeaux, committed of late to the Bastille fell sick, and has obtained from his majesty to have his apothecary and surgeon to cure him.
Here arrived the 3d instant an extraordinary courier from Bourdeaux, signifying the dukes of Vendosme and Candale entred the city of Bourdeaux, with their forces (fn. 2); and that all the citizens have obeyed to the king, having generally accepted of the amnesty prince Conti being retired to Cadillac within five leagues of Bourdeaux, a house that belongs to the duke of Espernon. The dutchess de Longueville goes towards St. Ouge, a house called Plassac near Pons, which appertains likewise to the said duke d'Espernon, where she will expect the king's orders. The princess of Conde and duke de Enguien her son are to take shiping for Dunkirk, and from thence to Stenay. Count de Marsin will follow her to retire to his country in Paisbas in the king's army. There is the end of Bourdeaux, being the cause that great fires of joy were made last night at the houses of Vendosme and Espernon; but which we wonder more, the news, that arrived here yesternight, that Condé having separated a party of horse from the army, fell into his majesty's army, and is taken prisoner; yet we cannot believe it for certain, till we see the confirmation; and some are so yet with Bourdeaux, because they would wish it so. Your correspondent in Rome desires you to excuse him at this time, having nothing of consequence, only cardinal Anthony Barberini arrived there the 12th of the last month. The next will bring you more.
The treaty of peace between the English and Holland retards king Charles here, expecting the certainty of it. Prince Rupert is gone to Nantz, and I believe will be here soon again. I received nothing from Spain the last week. This day we have a great tragedy at the jesuits in rue St. Jaque, where the king, queen, cardinal, and all the great ones in Paris will be this afternoon. I forgot in my former to tell you, how Mrs. Racketts, in the suburbs of St. Germanie, an Englishwoman, was like to kill her husband in his bed, gave him eighteen thrusts of a knife. He is in danger of death, and she in prison like to be hanged.
Sir, your humble servant.
The cause of Mrs. Racketts was by reason her husband suspected other men to have had to do with her, as himself, &c.
A letter to mons. Barriere, the prince of Condé's agent in England.
6 August 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. vi. p. 319.
Bourdeaux is lost in the end to my great grief. Their commissioners are here, and
are to have an answer to morrow morning concerning the amnesty, which mons. de
Vendosme and mons. de Candale have given them. It is said here at court, that madame
le princess, mons. le duc d'Enguien, and mons. Martin are embarked to go for Flanders,
and from thence they will go to Stenay. Balthazar retires himself to Montpelier with his
wife, and he hath had forty five thousand franks given him. Madame de Longueville is at
Cadilac, and his highness is at another house, which belongs to mons. d'Espernon. This is
confidently related at court; but I have read a letter, which came from mons. de le Britton,
physician to the duke d'Enguien, to his brother in law, who is here, which says, that all
the said persons are yet in Bourdeaux; that the townsmen will keep the town, till they hear
from their commissioners; and that they desire from the king a particular pardon; and that
the parliament and the court of aids be established at Bourdeaux; that the king shall not
build any fort or citadel in the town; yea that the fort, which mons. de Vendosme caused to
be built, shall be demolished; it is called the fort of Cæfar; that the troops of mons. le
prince may join with the forces, that are in the town.
This proposition will not be granted; the king's council hath denied to grant it, finding it to be a boldness and presumption in them to ask. It is said, that mons. de Neufchaise is resolved to fight Vendosme's fleet, and to that end hath imbarqued 4000 men. To conclude in a word, here is nothing but rejoicing at court, where there is every day an Italian play acted. They regard no body, and they think they have no need of any body. They laugh at England, and all that they are able to do against them for this. It is true they have reason.
Mons. le prince is towards Noyon with his army; many think it is rashly done of him to advance so far. They accuse him of precipitation and indiscretion, but mons. the cardinal told me, he did very well and wisely; for he can never hope to do any good, if he doth not venture and run some hazard; but he hoped, that mons. de Turenne would prevent him. This is all I have to advise you at present. Here is nothing more for me to do.
An intercepted letter.
Paris, 6th of August, 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. iv. p. 313.
Dear Bedf,
Loving cozen,
Sir Marmaduke being gone from this place knows not what 120. 13. 150 tis you desire, nor the
I received yours dated July 31/21 and am glad the pictures came both safe to you, and in
safest way of sending it, that it may be satisfactory: therefore in your next, pray write particu-
so good time for to make the best advantage of them. I thank you verie kindly for
larly what 120. 36. 150 you would have, and in what manner sent to you; for if it should
the wax you sent; 'tis verie good, and I doubt not but to sell it at a very good price here.
be either in cypher or white inke, perhaps it will not satisfy such persons as you would shew it
For the other things that I wrote to you for, if they be returned a month or two hence, it
unto. You are desired to be active with all such as you are known to, and to use all diligence
will be no great matter, onely if you send me by the next a parcel of ribbands of the newest
in what els may concerne the advancement of his 246. 9. 158. 209. 31. 65. 166. 223. 157.
fashions, and several colours, they willgoe off well here. I am glad you write that you
your directions shall be carefully observed.
hope of a good agreement betweene the Dutch and us, for theyr falling out has been a
hinderance to us all. Recommending me kindly to you, I rest
Your loving kinsman,
Matthew Willson.
The superscription
For my loving kinsman Mr. Tho. Goodwin,
leave this at the post hous in London.
Extract out of the resolutions of the states of Holland and Friesland, taken in their lordships assembly the 6th of August 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. iv. p. 312.
It being made known, that their lordships commissioners in England had writ a secret letter, amongst the rest, containing, that they did not doubt, but that they should receive a further answer and compliance with their memorandum, which they had delivered in to the council, wherein were some points of importance and not unserviceable to this state, and which were beyond their instructions; that therefore they do desire, that some of them come over, to make report thereof by word of mouth; whereupon it being debated, it was thought sit, that some of them should come over, and make report accordingly; and therefore do expect some of them here.
Indors'd by secretary Thurloe,
Receiv'd the 4th of Aug. 1653.
A paper of the states of Holland and West-Friesland.
Vol. iv. p. 318.
Noble and honourable lord,
We have for good and weighty considerations thought sit, that upon the entring of great
persons within the territory of this state, and particularly within this province, there
should be a more exact order than formerly was established. And consequently we have
ordered and resolved, that from henceforth no persons of great quality shall undertake to
come within the province of Holland and West-Friesland without first giving notice thereof,
and gotten thereupon our permission; whereof we thought fit to give notice to your honour, earnestly desiring, that your honour in the best way you possibly can, will publish
and make known this our resolution so to the lords of the council there, as also to all such
eminent persons or ministers from all kings, commonwealths, princes, and potentates, as
have their residence, or might hereafter come to reside with us. Hague, the 6th of Auguest 1653 [N. S.] and was subscribed,
By order of the states of Holland and West-Friesland,
Herb. Van Beaumont.
Indors'd by secretary Thurloe,
Paper sent to sir Oliver Fleminge by Beverning concerninge the prohibition of all potentates into their cuntrye without leave.
The Dutch ambassadors at London to the States General.
Vol. iv. p. 327.
High and mighty lords,
My lords, Since our last we have had again two exchanges of memorandums, and one
conference with the commissioners of the council of state; and in them at last discovered, what the inward intention is of this government, which hitherto hath been covered
with divers circumstances and dark and obscure words. And as it hath happened quite contrary to our opinion, and in no wife doth answer our expectations and hopes, which were
given us in our last conference but one before, we thought fit thereupon immediately and
categorically to declare ourselves, and to demonstrate unto them the unheard of novelty,
and the unavoidable confusion, yea the absolute impossibilities themselves; and we thought
fit to declare so much in another memorandum to the council of state; withal desiring to
take our leave, in case they do insist upon that proposition. We expect every hour, that
they will presix us a time for our departure; and will then presently undertake our voyage to
give your high and mighty lordships a perfect and true account of our treaty. In the mean
time we pray almighty God, &c.
8 Aug. 1653. [N. S.]
High and mighty lords,
Your lordships most humble servants.
Beverning to De Witt.
Vol. iv. p. 324.
My lord,
Your lordship hath seen by my foregoing letters, that I always made but little account of our agreeing with this nation; although I know very well, that others have
still fed themselves with some hope: but I do gladly acknowledge, that I have been always
of that opinion, that men ought not to leave it unattempted to get out of such a troublesome business and condition, in cafe it could be done upon any reasonable and tolerable
conditions. That veil is now at length taken off by the last answer of the council, where
they durst propound, ut duæ reipubliæ coalescant atque adunentur, & tota sic unita uni supremo subsit imperio ex personis ab utraque gente oriundis conslato, prout mutuo conveniat, atque ut
utrumque iisdem privilegiis atque immunitatibus, quoad habitationem, domicilium, seu possessionem,
mercaturam, portus, piscaturam, cæteraque utriusque regni commoda, quæcunque demum illa sunt,
cum ipsis nativis & indigenis absque ullo discrimine utantur. Hereupon we delivered in a further memorandum, with a desire, by reason of the opportunity, to take our leaves of the
council; but after two days waiting we are not yet dispatch'd.
Some think, that the council will not dare to let us go, or dismiss us without making report to the parliament; so that we may chance to be put off for two or three days longer. When I consider, besides these inconveniencies, the constitution of our domestic affairs, you may easily judge, that I do participate of your insinite trouble and care; but notwithstanding since God is wonderful in all his works, and that he hath given so many proofs of his undeserved mercy to our state in those times, when our affairs were not desperate; so will I still rely upon his insinite goodness, that he will not forsake us in this our just business. I doubt not, but that the exorbitant proceedings and the extravagant propositions of these men will open the eyes of all the princes of Europe, and cause them to look to their ambitious and unsatiable designs.
I hope, that there are yet in our government good patriots, who with wisdom and vigour will resist the machinations of the wicked. I consess, without flattering your lordship, that I do build a great part of my hopes upon your lordship's great qualities and most courageous spirit, care, and diligence; and I thank God for the disposition of the government, as for that of your spirit, whereby the direction of so weighty a place of trust is so courageously and unanimously given and undertaken.
The wise God direct you, and give a blessing to our forces both by sea and land, and continue his holy peace amongst us.
The 8th of August 1653. [N. S.]
John de Witt to Beverning and Nieuport.
Vol. iv. p. 331.
My lords,
In my former I gave your lordships to understand, how unfortunate we have been by being troubled by those of Zealand with their resolution concerning a captain and lieutenant
generalship. But on the other side we had the good fortune, that the assembly of the states
of Holland did oppose them by a general consent; yea the lords themselves of Leyden did
join sufficiently in omnibus with the rest of the members.
Concerning the coming hither of the king of Scotland, we had no news since my last; and what resolutions have been by the states of Holland, you may see by their lordships letter unto you. The fleet of the state under admiral Tromp, strong eighty men of war, is now out at sea. We expect to hear of an engagement very suddenly. God almighty give a happy issue thereunto, which may promote the peace, and your lordships negotiation.
We have had yesterday and to day some tumults in the Hague by the boys and the rabble.
The high and mighty lords have appointed a day of fasting and prayer, to pray to God to bless and prosper the forces of this state both by sea and land.
The 8th of August 1653. [N. S.]
My lords,
Your humble servant,
John De Witt.
John de Witt to Beverning.
Vol. iv. p. 330.
My lord,
I Have received yours of the first of this month, and was glad to understand, that the business begun to look somewhat more favourably; but I do expect to hear by this post,
that the business is at a stand again by reason of the unreasonable resolution lately made by
those of Zealand concerning a captain general, which undoubtedly they will have heard of.
But I hope when they shall understand by this post, that the said business took no effect in
the world; that Holland, nemine contradicente, doth and did oppose them; and that none
of the provinces, who had not formerly declared themselves, do side with them; that then
your business will not grow worse, but that you may fairly proceed.
Hague, the 8th of Aug. 1653. [N. S.]
Your humble servant,
John De Witt.
A letter to Vande Perre, one of the Dutch ambassadors at London.
Hague, the 8th August 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. iv. p. 329.
My lord,
This day fortnight their high and mighty lordships have appointed to be kept a day
of fasting and humiliation; Oh ! that the governors and inhabitants would so humble
themselves, as those of Ninive and the righteous Jews! especially in these times; that the
divisions amongst the inhabitants, first in Zealand, and now in Holland, begin to increase;
and here in this town we have pretty doings with the boys, who after a tumultuous manner
have abused the houses and persons of the magistrates, and crying, God bless the prince of
Orange, and wearing of his colours in their hats purposely set on by their parents. But now
all is quiet again, and more soldiers brought into the town. O! that the governors would
honour God, according to the teaching of Samuel, then would they receive honour again,
if that they would punish vice, and shew good examples. The admiral Tromp is at sea,
and we hope is joined with those of the Texell. He hath express order to fight; the almighty God prevent the shedding of any blood through your embassy, and send it may
come to a good issue, which we ought to pray for night and day.
A letter of intelligence from J. Peterson in Holland.
Vol. iv. p. 332.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content – see page image]
I Crave excuse for the rudeness and brevitie of my last from 25; for I had beene treateing
with a merchant for some of that commoditie, which yow now desire, but cannot speede
as yet, though I have sett severall brokers on worke to procure it, supposing that commoditie could not doe amisse in England, and went to Hague on purpose, in hopes to have gotten it there. But I finde though tradeing be dead in these partes, yet they will not take
mony upon easie termes. Besides they will not parte with the commoditie. But that was
a greate mistake concerning a hundred and twenty with Tromp, and seven and forty with
De W itt, for an hundred and twenty is the most they can make out; that is to say,
eighty at Flushing, and forty at Amsterdam and Texell; but the seven East India ships are not un la
de n as yet, but their na me 309 and gu ns I cannot gett, though one quarter
of those at Flushing are not 79. fit to fi gh t those under De Wi tt are the
be s t, though for want of m e n they cannot be re a by in fourteen
da y s. For those other goods, which are somewhat necessary for the better carrying on of our trade, I shall see to procure as opertunitie offers, hopeing e're long wee shall
have a fleet out will be able to protect us at sea, which cannot bee soe long as the English
fleete is upon our coast; but wee hope the sicknes, which wee heare is amongst theire men,
will force them to goe home without beateing; for indeed wee had rather doe that by treaty,
which we cannot doe by force. Yett if your donns should be unreasonable, wee are resolved
to trie t'other touch, if wee be not prevented by our diffentions at home, which are such,
that admiral Tromp begins allready to bee suspected by those, that are against the prince,
who ere long will bee suspected themselves for jugleing with your new masters, if their
commissioners stay longer in England; soe that wee are between Scylla and Charybdis.
I feare the sixteen ships, which are comeing out of Denmarke to our assistance, will add but
little to our safety, though 'twill bee a month before they bee here: of this I f
aw a letter. However mynheer Keyser is gone thither againe with money to that king.
Those, that bought the English goods, are content they should lie there, till they can bee
brought hither with more safety. Be confident there can come noe ships from any other
place than 327 and 90 to spoyle our market. 'Twas talked this day the vergaedering (fn. 3) in
the Hague would send for the young prince, and make him their titular admirall, that soe
the drums might be beat in his name; but the grandees of Holland oppose it. If soe,
'twill cause our differences to increase. 'Tis much wondered, wee heare noe newes yet of
our East India ships, though wee heare of an English man of war taken in the Streights
with his prize, and two Malaga men brought into Ameland. France and Nor way are designed
for the E. India ships 'Tis said the king of England intends suddenly for Breda, if the message which was sent him by the duke of Lorraine hinder not; which was, that if hee met
with him, hee would take him prisoner, which wee should not much value, could wee but
make peace with England, which we hope to effect the better, when our fleete is out, our
seamen being encouraged with a promise of eighteen guilders a month, and to share all they
take. Besides, wee have above thirty new ships on the stocks in Zealand, Rotterdam, and
Amsterdam; but it will be six mo n th s be fore they be re a dy.
I shall still endeavour to procure that commoditie you desire. In the mean time, if your
market will vend any thing else, that this place affords, pray let me know, and I shall endeavour to approve myself
15 ¾ 1653.
Indors'd by secretary Thurloe,
Peterson, the 28 July, -53.
An intercepted letter from London.
London, 28 July, 1653.
Vol. iv. p. 333.
Was not the bull you mention indiscreetly let loose ? Will not the surrender of Bourdeaux give encouragement to the Hollanders ? Your cardinal hath shewed himself a
brave fellow. Methinks he should do gallant things, and relieve the oppressed, having all
France under his girdle. I do not think this thing called a new parliament will sit long.
I hear they do not please their founders. We shall come about to monarchy again.
An intercepted letter to sir Robert Stone from sir W. Vane.
Vol. iv. p. 237.
Dear father,
I Have received two of yours the last morning, just as I was going out of town. I answered your first in London, and should have done this sooner, but that in the country
you know, there is no news. I am sorry, that you are so molested at the Hague, and that
your old friends look squint upon you. There is little hope, that this treaty will mend it;
for every body fears it will come to nothing. As for my journey, I have a little deferred it
to see the event of that. I am sending to day to Beverning and Nieuport a buck from Fairlane, where I now am in expectation to see what may forward my journey.
Fairlane (fn. 4), 28 July, 1653.
An intercepted letter, 28 July 1653.
Vol. v. p. 209.
Honest John Lilburne comes to his second tryal the 4th of August. I shall be
scarce able to satisfy you in points of news at this time, for it will be no news to tell
you, that our fleet is still upon the Dutch coast; that we shall have no more but one admiral at sea this winter. The rendition of Bourdeaux doth much trouble our godly here, and
it is feared it will set a period to our Dutch treaty, with whom it is believed we shall not
agree, our parliament insisting vehemently on the sovereignty of the seas, and things subsequent to that; and the league offensive and defensive, and to unite that state to this. By
the next I shall tell you more concerning this particular. Many of our horse are marched
northward, there being great jealousies of an invasion by the Scots, who, they say, increase
very much in number in the Highlands. Our general is no ways satisfied with this parliament, nor the parliament with him; and the people with neither of them. At this time
men see the difference of the government of one, and the management of affairs by a multitude, who are still divided and fall into factions.
Letters of safe-conduct from the parliament to count Oldenburgh.
Parliamentum reipublicæ Angliæ
Vol. v. p. 192.
Universis & singulis reipublicæ Angliæ generalibus exercituum, belliducibus, archithalassis, ministris, & officiariis, tribunis militum, capitaneis, & cæteris stipendiariis & voluntariis mari & terra militantibus, præsentes litteras patentes inspecturis, Significamus, quod cum nobis serenissimus & celsissimus princeps, dominus Fridericus hæres Norwegiæ, dux Slesvici, Holsatiæ, Stormariæ, & Ditmarsiæ, comes in Oldenburg & Delmenhorst, tam per deputatum suum viva voce proposuerit, quam per litteras ad parliamentum amicé datas in scriptis exhibuerit, se integris istis triginta proximé elapsis annis, quibus Germaniam intestina & externa bella afflixerunt, pacis tamen consilia semper secutum, se, suos, suaque territoria, & jura magna ex parte in summa pace, Deo adjuvante, ab hostili infestatione militari asservasse & conservasse, seque suosque successores in eodem animo pacifico & proposito tranquillo, Deo Triuno adminiculante, perseveraturos, citra molestiam & injuriam aliorum intra terminos concordiæ & modestiæ securé victuros, solo & salo sua commercia & negotia exercitaturos & promoturos esse; eumque in sinem etiam nos rogaverit, ut ipsi nostram salvam guardiam & a cunctis belli incommodis plenissimam exemptionem & neutralitatem in solenni & amplissima forma concederemus, nos itaque commoti justitia & æquitate hujus desiderii hanc petitam salvam guardiam, exemptionem, & neutralitatem libenter concessimus.
Mandamus itaque expresse & volumus, ut omnes & singuli sub nostræ reipublicæ signis belligerantes, cujuscunque sint conditionis & dignitatis, prædictum principem dominum Fridericum hæredem Norwegiæ, ducem Slesvici, Holsatiæ, Stormariæ, & Ditmarsiæ, comitem in Oldenburg & Delmenhorst cum suis ducatibus, comitatibus, suisque dominiis aliisque inde dependentibus territoriis, insulis, Helligelandt & Femarn oppidis, fortalitiis, portubus, fluminibus, & vallis maritimis, aliisque bonis mobilibus & immobilibus, juribus & privilegiis absque infestatione vivere & agere, incolasque sua commercia terra marique libere exercere permittant, atque illos ut amicos ubique habeant, insuper hac nostra salva guardia citra noxiam & incommoda uti & perfrui omnimodo concedant, sub poena indignationis & alia reipublicæ hujus refractariis hæcce non observantibus irroganda.
Et cum ulterius ex nostra amicitia desideraverit, ut etiam hujus reipublicæ legatis, residentibus & publicis ministris maxime in Germaniam & utrumque Belgium, aliaque vicina loca, jam missis aut imposterum mittendis in mandatis daremus, ut eorum consilio & auxilio auctoritate & prudentia ad utiliter & cum pleno effectu, nostra salva guardia, ejusque contentis utendum, fruendum, gaudere, eorumque favorem & adsectum tanto facilius obtinere emergenti tali occasione posset, etiam hisce suis petitis animo amico & benevolo gratificari & annuere voluimus.
Mandamus itaque omnibus & singulis reipublicæ hujus Angliæ, legatis, agentibus, refidentibus, deputatis, aliisque publicis ministris, maximè in Germania, & utroque Belgio fæderato & Hispanico, aliisque vicinis locis, jam constitutis & imposterum constituendis, cujuscunque ordinis & conditionis sint, ut oblata omni occasione, justa & honesta, dicto principi, domino Friderico, hæredi Norwegiæ, duci Slesvici & Holsatiæ, Stormariæ & Ditmarsiæ, comiti in Oldenburg & Delmenhorst, rogati in manutenenda hac salva guardia, ejusque contentis, præsentibus maturis & aptis consiliis, pro viribus assistant, pro occasione temporis & loci adsint & occurrant, auctoritate & prudentia prosint, volentes & lubentes prompté & candidé cum omni alacritate & benevolentia, quod nostræ voluntatis esse denuo testamur hisce præsentibus, & subinde mandamus, ut hoc nostrum rescriptum in copiis idiomaticis exhibitum, pari cum autographo & originali authoritate & side gaudeat, adeoque ad majorem hujus nostri mandati finem & authoritatem, sigillum parliamenti reipublicæ Angliæ appendi jussimus, cui etiam subscripsit.
An intercepted letter designed for the Hague.
July the 29th, 1653.
Mr. Lipe hath received from the young lady the perspective glass you sent, and desired me to return his most hearty thanks: he wishes, he were able to discover by it
the approaches of peace between you and us; but really it is seriously believed by all knowing men, that it is too great a distance. I confess the particulars of the treaty are kept as
secret by both parties, as once were the mysteries of Ceres; yet thus much is certain, that
our state insists highly on those two points, satisfaction and security; so, as your envoys
themselves have told me, it is impossible they should agree. Yet seriously I do not believe,
that this opiniastreté in our state doth proceed from any advantage, that they conceive in
their own affairs; but that, as I am informed, they have lately had some intimation, that
this treaty shall have instructions from abroad; and therefore they will reserve to themselves
the honour of demanding high things. We shall have this summer no more admirals abroad than Monck; for Blake is not held recoverable this season. Seven regiments are ordered to march for Scotland, whence we have an allarm of some combinations.
I cannot give you any account of any thing remarkable done by the parliament, any more than in my last; but certainly they cannot be long in one house, that are so furiously divided. By the next I shall tell you, that your messengers are returned home re infecta.
To Mr. Stoneham at the Hague.
An intercepted letter designed for Paris.
Vol. iv. p. 335.
My beloved frend,
I Have received your last, by which I understand Will. Dyons is still a chip of the ould
block; soe hee gets, hee cares not how, which in the end will render him or any useth
it obnoxious to all. His honest poor younger brother, by virtue of your first letter, hath made
shest to return him 15 l. but if it prosper with him, I sayle in my principall.
I thanke you for my hatt and your intentions about my gerl's things. I must confesse I had promised the deane a part of the drugett with me, which I conceived both difficult for you to get or send. But I understand it is now gott at a good rate, if that it could bee noe inconveniencie for you to stay till the money could be returned, as you shall direckt, or payd by your order heare, if I had the whole peece, as you writt, I could both accomodate myselfe and frends, for we lyke not that come from Holland.
But I must bee soe cevell, as to leave all to your consideration, wheather sent by the next conveniency, or used by yourselfe, as you writt mee you intended.
You or I am very much mistaken in our apprehension of the Dutch; wee neather have, nor, I conceve, never shall conclude any reall league with them, that are heare; for I find many look uppon them rather as spies then otherwise. Yet our genarall made a long harangue to them, offering to joyne with them, as one man agaynst all the ungodly in the world; that lives, wives, goods, and good name should be as pretious to one as the other; in which our good genarall was so passonate, that in kindness and for prevention of further warr, hee sheed many teares. And truly minheer Nieuport understanding English . . . next him, yet at night, after they were treated, these drunken pickled stuff judged all the genarall could say nothing but a chepe silent quiet conquest over them. To which the genarall offered them the same terms Ireland and Scotland had of us, viz. that the Dutch should have men of their nation sit in counsell with us, as we would have with them; and that all ports, harbors, and trade should be alyke each to other. But they refussing this, I know not what they would be at, unless they would bee our masters; which we shall watch them, for no doubt, neather doe wee looke for other, but that when this tretye is broke, they will face with the Scotch king and all other agaynst us. I cannot omit to tell you, whom I ever tooke to be faythfull from the very first, that I owne our new parlement to be a chosen company of as godly paynfull men as are in the world; yet in all ther consultations in the house they differ as much, or rather more, than any hath done before, and in perticuler in the beusnisses of tythes and impropriated law, and arraynment of freeborn John. The house hath beene severall tymes devided in these three last; and though next to prayer to God, they have beene the cheese things handled, yet there is none of them were finished, which makes most wife men beleve wee must in the end be forced to intreate the genarall to teke all into his one care, which the caveleares will not be sorry for, in regard hee is soe eaven and just in distributing his favours and justice. And truly agaynst the Dutch hee doubts not but to finde them more reall, then his presbyterian subjects, and more fitt for governments. Wee expeckt by his favour a free and large ackt of grace, giveing lycence for all abrod to come, except thre or foure persons; which if they had leave, would not come. And that all sober trustye persons, of which such sooner shall bee admitted to place, and ... to ackt in the state for ther use and frens preservation. There hath beene severall motions in the house, that all mariges since 1647 should be null; and that the Jews might bee admitted to trade as well as in Holland; and that all cathedralls should be forthwith pul'd downe; but there is nothing yet done therein, nor in many other things had in consultation, that may be very commodious for the commonwelth. This Dutch trety fills us full of queries, but the mutynies in Holland make us beleve, if they would, they cannot conclude a peace with us; but our designe must be to assist the godly partye to bringe these runigadoes to obedyence.
The fatt man's spouse is come to towne. I have beene thrice since her coming most ernist with them both. Shee promised to writt, but hee, as shee sayd, forbid. In good fayth
they are both so lyke one another, that they are the worse agayne. I shewed spouse a bill
of particulers, that letters and bote here had cost you above 30 s. which your kindsnese and
her protestations had needlessly brought on you, by lending your mony in her desperat need,
when you wanted, and non but you would, I conceive, lend. Wee parted rough languaged.
I wish you would writt her a smart letter; if all can get you your mony, hee will bee as
well plesed, as if it was his one, that is, deere frend,
29 July, 1653.
The superscription,
For my good frend Mr. John Franklin, at the
post-house in Paris.
Yours in all faythfullnes
John Feeld.
A letter of intelligence from Paris.
Paris 9 Augusti, 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. iv. p. 340.
The post of this day is not arrived yet, but the letters I should receive by the last post
before this I received safe; by which I understand the proceedings of ours. God be
thanked, they have need, for they have many enemies, and I cannot believe the Spaniard is
or will be their friend only for his own ends; and much less the French. You may understand from hence, that all I have written in my former are very true both about Bourdeaux,
marquis de Gersay, the arrest in favour of Croisy Fouquet, madamoiselle, Mr Voisin, &c.
Now the 7th instant arrived here a courier from marshal Turenne to his majesty and court, signifying, he was not able to resist the prince of Condé, being stronger a great deal than himself; and therefore it was necessary to send him more forces. Upon which, his majesty ordered twelve companies of his regiment of guard to march towards him, which parted on Thursday morning. We have great hopes the Dutch will not agree with you, notwithstanding their treaty. Here arrived letters from Senlis the same day, being the 7th, that messrs. de Liencourt, and de Viencourt retired themselves, wife, children, goods, and all out of their houses in the countries in them parts, fearing the prince of Condé, after having pillaged the abbey of the Chartreux near Noyon, with may other places and churches, as also the suburbs of Noyon, where he has lost eighty of his men by Mr. Comte de Grandpré, who went into that place two days before with 2000 men; and from thence the said prince marched to a strong passage called Brest, which he gained, and left a garrison in it; and marched towards Cleremont, where he is now, though not within the town, yet he makes them pay contribution to him, as he has done with Soissons, Noyon, and all places, where he cannot get into the towns. In fine he burns and ruins every where he goes. He burned the castle of Liencourt, one day after Mr. de Liencourt left it, as I writ above. We doubt not but he will be within six or seven leagues of Paris, before it be eight days hence, if he pleases; for there is no resistance: he has there but eight thousand men or ten of horse; the rest being about seven teen or eighteen thousand are within three leagues to Turenne's army, so he divided his army in two parts, knowing if we had done the like, that we should not be able to resist him; and now if Turenne will leave the place, where he is, and oppose him here, the prince's forces there will follow him, and Turenne will be between them; but the said prince desires only peace, for which he has full authority from his majesty of Spain to agree, as he shall think fit. Since we had these last news the guard is doubled at the Louvre. And the very same day the high council sat, to advise whether they should quit a strong guard upon the gates of Paris, till the prince advanced nearer, and for fear of any motion in Paris for the prince, which they fear. The duke of Amville will go from the king to Blois within few days, to endeavour Orleans and his coming to the court; to which his wife, I mean the dutchess d'Orleans, contributed what she could possibly, by reason of the advice the queen gave her since she parted from this town; but yet could not prevail the least thought of him to come to the court; and which is more, the last time his wife pressed him hard for that, he took it in anger, and was four days after before he spoke a word to her; and by that we see he is possessed by others.
The duke of Epernon arrived here the last Wednesday from his government of Burgundy; and I believe he will be soon sent to his government of Bourdeaux and Guienne, the first government being given to another, as I writ formerly, though yet there be some articles, about four, upon which the king and those of Bourdeaux cannot agree, notwithstanding that duke Vandosme and the Candale have entred the town with their families, but no forces as yet; so the citizens are yet upon their agreement with the king. It's reported here, you sent them ten ships for their relief, and that the relief of Spain is not far from them; as it's said also, that the Spaniard sent to them more, five thousand Irish being already landed at St. Sebastian.
The design of king Charles is either deferred or broken. Prince Rupert is gone to Nantes; and some say, his cause of leaving the town was, that they were here to make a process against him for all the prizes he took at sea from all kind of merchants without exception, which he sold in several places in France, without any licence from his majesty of France. King Charles intended for Holland, and from thence to Denmark. What shall be the end of his designs, I do not yet know. We hear certainly, that the queen of Sweden sends four thousand men to the king here: though some say they be for Condé, yet it's more thought they be for the king.
What I writ to you formerly of the eight millions upon all the tradesmen in Paris is very true, without exception of any man whatever he be of any trade.
Last Wednesday the king, his brother, the queen, cardinal Mazarin and all the court were at a tragedy in rue St. Jaques at the Jesuits.
Some say, the king will go to Fontainebleau next week; but I cannot believe it, being not very sure in Paris itself. Marshall de Turenne with his forces is now near Chauni, and has orders from the court not to give battle to the prince, only stand still upon his defence, till more forces shall be sent to him.
The ruin is so great in Picardy, and especially about Noyon and Compiegne, by Condé's
army, that all the nobility there do run into both those towns with their wives, children,
and all their goods that they can carry with them in a manner, they being so many, that
the governors of both those places have given express orders, not to let any more come into
the said towns, having not room enough for them; and moreover for fear of any sickness.
General Preston expects his money daily promised to him by the court; but it's doubtful,
whether he can gett any now, seeing Bourdeaux is taken; for they care the less for men, having hopes all Catalonia shall be theirs within ten days; and then will bring what forces they
have in those parts and in Guienne, to augment Turenne's army, seeing they will have no
more to do either in Catalonia or Guienne. This is their resolution in court here for the
present. Truly they are so high minded now, having gotten so many places of late, as
Bourges, Bourdeaux, and other places, that they do not look upon any officers now, that
seeks for to raise men, saying, they do not care for any such, all being theirs already.
As for prince Condé, Spaniard, English, or Holland, they do not think of them. This is
an answer of a secretary of state to a gentleman, that was asking monies the last day to
raise men for the king's service; and Preston's answer by mons. de Servien surintendant last
day was, that they had a great business in hand of a greater consequence than his, for which
they were obliged to advance what mony they had, which hindred him not to be paid before that time, which displeased Preston very much. Here are commissaries in all quarters
of Paris this day and yesterday, with orders from the king, to get the names and surnames
of all those, that live in chambres garnies and elsewhere, for fear the prince should have
friends in Paris; but he may have yet as many as they have themselves, notwithstanding all
that. This is all I have of any consequence at this time. By the next you may expect
more with,
Sir, my humble service.
A letter of intelligence.
Brussells, 9 Augusti, 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. iv. p. 338.
Yours I received and conveyed them to Ratisbon as accustomed; and from thence
another to you annexed. The Dutch fleet is at sea, and we do hourly expect to hear
of an engagement. And if your fleet be as strong and numerous, as you specify, without
question the Hollanders will be again beaten. It is not believed by the wiser sort here,
that the Dutch and you will agree for all the treaties for many reasons.
Here we have not much yet of news. The prince of Concié's army and count Fuenseldagna are joined, and they are near 30,000 men. Marshal Turenne's army (they say
consisting of about 25000) not being willing or able to fight our armies, pitched his camp
betwixt the river Marne, and another river passing by Noyon; but the prince took a castle
upon a pass of one of the rivers, and so is marched towards Turenne, and resolved to fight
him, if he can. He has passed so far into France, that I believe you hear sooner of his actions there from Paris, than you can have from hence. The resolution of the Spaniard is, if
he can beat Turenne, to march to Paris with the prince, and to block it up, if the king of
France will not give way to such a peace, as shall be proposed. The better to accomplish
this design, we are now suddenly preparing a new army, that shall consist of 6000 horse
and 9000 foot, in all 15000; with which the archduke (who is now well recovered of his
sickness) shall immediately in person march into France. Divers regiments of horse and
foot raised in Germany are already here, and more a coming to complete the army; and
many are come of Lorraine's levies, as also some regiments of Irish landed since the
prince went away. It is believed within fourteen days this army shall be in a body; and
resolved by the grandees here this summer, to besiege no place, but fall all into France,
and keep the seat of the war there, and to block up Paris, if they can, or at least distress
it. In this town nothing is new remarkable nor in the country. The news of Germany you
have in the other, which is all at present from
Sir, Yours.
P. S. Some think the ambassador Pimentel is gone from Sweden to Spain about a marriage to be betwixt the king of the Romans and the queen of Sweden, and so settle a strict union betwixt that crown and the house of Austria; of which more in time.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Hague, 9 August, 1653. [N. S.]
The second of this month, the lord of Opdam, the Raedt pensionary de Witt, with some other members of the foremost towns, having made report in the assembly of the states of Holland of that, which ought to be done against the choosing of a captain and lieutenant general, the said states did resolve, according to their advice, that a letter should be writ to all the provinces, to dissuade them from their resolutions of appointing and constituting a captain general for the present; and in case the said provinces shall not remain satisfied with those reasons, that shall be alledged in their letter, the said states do offer to confer with the respective provinces, in any place, as they shall think fit to appoint.
The same day there was read in the assembly of the said states, an extract of a letter from Paris, wherein was advised, that the king of Great Britain designed not to come hither, before he should understand, that the treaty in England was broken off, and that the commissioners were upon their return home; that then he would come hither without invitation, whereupon the states of Holland ordered their commissioners in the generality to do their utmost to prevent any foreign kings or princes from coming into their countrey without leave; and in case the generality would not make any such order, that then they would make one themselves, which should keep the said king from coming into their country without their leave. The commissioners of the province of Holland in England have writ to the states of Holland in particular, that the Spanish ambassador in England did ill offices there against this state; and in case the parliament would make a nearer treaty with Spain, then doth offer to break with this state. Beverning perceiving there is no likelihood of any good to be done with the treaty, hath offered this service to the states of Holland to stay yet a while longer in England, in case the rest of the commissioners should be sent for home.
The same night their high and mighty lordships received from their agent the Heer de Clarges at Calais, giving their lordships to understand, that the greatest part of the English fleet had been the 23d of the last month at Yarmouth, where they had refreshed and provided themselves with all things necessary; and that there were twenty ships more at Hull, and fourteen in the river, making ready for the service. Upon the abovesaid second of this month the commissioners of the assembly of the next adjacent towns to this place resolving to go home, and to return hither again on the Monday following, before they went, they desired two or three of their commissioners, that were to remain here, that they would confer with their high and mighty lordships the next day, being Sunday, and give some order for settling of posts, according to the desire and proposition of lord admiral Tromp, in all the villages situated on the Holland coast, that so he may give notice from time to time how far he advanceth with the fleet, and what other information is fit for him to give; and so likewise what their high and mighty lordships shall think fit to inform him withal; and because that the ships in the Texell, which were to join with lord admiral Tromp upon his advice, were at the mouth of the Texell, where they had lain five days, that so they might the better get to join; therefore the said states were much troubled, that they might suffer some affront by the English, where they lay, and whether it were not better for them to come and lie behind the Downs. Whereupon the commissioners being met the next morning at seven of the clock, they sent the lord of Wemmenum to the lord de Veth, about half an hour past nine in the morning, who then presided, to communicate unto him the desire of the lords states, and to desire him, that he would cause a meeting of their high and mighty lordships to debate and consider of the lying of the said ships, that so he might dispatch the order of the said states, which he would no longer have left undone for many tuns of gold. The said lord Veth being very hasty and over active, and not considering, that it was sermon time, and that the ships were come there by Tromp's advice, and had lain there five days, and that their high and mighty lordships commissioners, the vice-admiral de Witt, with all their officers, had made no scruple of danger all that while; yet notwithstanding he immediately caused the said assembly to meet, without giving them leave to stay out the sermon, most of the lords being at their devotion, who were sent for out; which caused great commotion in the churches, and filled all the Hague with strange reports. The said assembly being met, they gave order for the settling of several posts; and debating about the said ships, their high and mighty lordships resolved, that since they lie there by Tromp's advice, they should continue to lie there without any alteration. After sermon the lords of the states of Holland, that were present with the pensionary de Witt, did endeavour to alter the resolution of their high and mighty lordships concerning the design of the said Tromp, and projecting, that after he was joined with the ships out of the Texell, he should not fight the English, but that he should convoy the merchantmen, that lay ready for the east land, Norway, Moscovy, and the East Indies, which all the other provinces (besides the lords Henckelom and Schoock of Guelderland) contradicted, and did understand, that no alteration could be made in the said design of Tromp, nor that the said ships could be convoyed by him; for if he went after a defensive posture, he should endanger all the merchantmen, and the men of war likewise; which the other provinces did second with such unanswerable reasons and arguments, that the other two of the lords of Guelderland were convinced, and did at last comply with the other provinces. The lords of Holland perceiving they were out-reasoned by the rest, they were fain to confirm, against their wills, what had been before agreed on; which did very much grieve the said de Witt, that his propositions should produce no better effect, to the content of his masters.
The 4th of this month the raedt pensionary De Witt, in pursuance of the resolutions of the states of Holland taken the second in the assembly of their high and mighty lordships, did strongly urge, that an order might be made, that no foreign kings or princes should come into any of their territories; upon which no order hath yet been made, by reason that most of the provinces would not declare themselves concerning it, it being a business, that requires a great deal of consideration, which they durst not do without order and consent of their lords superiors.
The 5th of this month in the morning came letters to their high and mighty lordships from their commissioners in the Helder, signifying, that the English fleet, above an hundred fail, lay near the mouth of the Texell, and that a ship of theirs came so near, that it run on ground, but they got it off again. Two of our captains offered to go to take it, but our commissioners would not give them leave, for fear they might have run their own ships on ground. The 5th of this month in the evening, there arrived some extraordinary commissioners from Enckhuysen, to obtain of the states of Holland the relaxation of John Johnson Timmerman, who is here imprisoned. He hath been twice examined before some commissioners of the states of Holland. The ambassador Boreel did write the first of this month to their high and mighty lordships, that since his last, by reason of the absence of the king, who was come back to Paris the same night that the letters came from thence, he had not proceeded any further in the treaty; and that they did begin there to look upon the issue of the fight at sea, that was expected; they being likewise not well contented, that their high and mighty lords commissioners in England did not communicate with confidence with the lord of Neusville. The 6th of this month the commissioners of the states of Holland did strongly insist in the assembly of the generality for a resolution, that no foreign kings or princes should come into this country, without their forcknowledge and consent; that in case their high and mighty lordships would not make any such resolution, that they were resolved in their assembly, on the behalf of their province, to write to such public ministers, as were Hollanders beyond the seas, that they should make known in the places of their residence, that all such potentates are forbidden to come into their province of Holland, without foreknowledge and consent of the states of Holland; whereupon the said high and mighty lords answered them, that it did not depend upon them to do as they would, but upon their high and mighty lordships. In the end they insisted notwithstanding; that they would do it, in case their high and mighty lordships did not take the said resolution.
The day before yesterday, in the evening, as my lord the prince and my lady his mother arrived here from Breda, the burgo-master of Dort going on board, presented him with some Rhenish wine; many boats came likewise on board of him with townsmen; and abundance of men, women, and children stood upon the walls, crying, Vive le prince d'Orange; there were also two companies of boys of eight, nine, ten, eleven, and twelve years old, whereof one company rid upon sticks, which past for a troop of horse; and when they marched, there was one boy, that went before them, sounding a trumpet; underneath the trumpet hung the prince of Orange's colours. The said boys had all of them orange scarfs; with the arms of the prince of Orange, and their feathers of white, blue, and orange colours, all made of paper; and being marched as far as Reswyck, they stayed there for the coming of the prince, who not coming, they marched home again. The said boys understanding afterwards, that my lord prince came to town that night late, marched yesterday morning about ten of the clock over the buyten hoff, with a trumpet sounding, going to salute his highness; and being come to the bridge, there met them the fiscal Boey, with the officer Geesdorp, and his men, the said fiscal taking their trumpet from them, and sending of them away; from whence they run to the house of the fiscal Boey, demanding their trumpet; and flinging stones at the glass windows, and in the mean time great youths mingling amongst the boys, with other rabble, who would have soon pulled down the house about his ears, had not the states of Holland sent immediately their guard to his assistance, who soon dispersed them, and the guard withdrew; who were no sooner gone; but the boys got together again, and fell most vehemently upon the house of the said fiscal; whereupon a troop of horse coming towards them, struck some terror amongst them; and they left off slinging of stones; and night approaching, and perceiving they could not effect any thing there, since all the passages were guarded, they came all of them about nine of the clock at night in a most violent manner to the house of the heer raedt pensionary De Witt, calling, where is that rogue, that prince-betrayer, and beating out all the glass windows, that there was not one whole one left; and if there had not come on the sudden some horse and foot they had levelled his house. From thence the boys and rabble went to the lodgings of the lords of Amsterdam, and broke there likewise all the glass windows, till they were frighted from thence by the soldiers. From thence they came to the houses of the two burgomasters, the officer, and the schout, and broke all their glass windows; and being always pursued by the soldiers, and seeing that all the passages and bridges were possest by them, they gave over breaking of windows; yet this morning there happened some little tumult before the town-house, which was occasioned by one of the messengers of the lords, but it was soon over. Since that time the townsmen have been constantly in arms, and none are suffered to go out or come in but those that are known, by reason that the magistrates of Leyden sent word to the states of Holland, that there were 3000 Walloons, that were gone out of their town towards this place, and as they thought to assist the rabble here, which likewise had caused them to keep their gates shut. Order is given to look to the design of these Walloons. This afternoon there are come into this town six companies more out of the next adjacent towns and villages. Yesternight there being a company of the townsmen to be tried, they had given them, whereby to please them, the colours of the prince of Orange. Yesterday it was moved in the assembly of the states of Holland, that they might sit hereafter at Delst, a fortified town, where they may act with safety. Last night the lord admiral Tromp was seen to sail by Schevelingen, with the fleet under his command. This morning at two of the clock, the lord of Renswoude then presiding caused the assembly of their high and mighty lordships to meet, to have some further consultation together, and to prevent as much as they can all future dangers about the conjunction of their fleet with those ships, that are to join with them out of the Texell; but not thing upon any better expedient than what they had resolved on before, viz. that the said Tromp shall do his best to fight the English, that lie before the Texell, and that at the same time those ships of the Texell do come out, and join with him; and this to be done with all the expedition that may be.