A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1653: July (3 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol1/pp348-362 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1653: July (3 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol1/pp348-362.
"State Papers, 1653: July (3 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol1/pp348-362.
In this section
July (3 of 5)
An intercepted letter from Paris, 13/23 July, 1653.
Vol. iv. p. 187.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
Dans le p a i s de j u l k e l a ou la aupres, il y a un a
l l e m a n 23 qui est m a l c o n t e n t Il envoya
u n n o m m é S a i n t P a u l o f f r i r à
mons. le cardinal, cela veut dire au roy m i l l e c he v a u x & m i l l e
f a n t a i s i n s & une v i l l e Je ne scay s'il en est
g o u v e r n e a r ou non. Je vous le scaura tout dire bien tost. Ce
S a i n t P a u l avec un l i e u t e n a n t du roy.
qui est avec luy ces sont a d r e s s é. a mons. l'homme de dee. Il s'en fallut peu, que le papier qu'ils ont presenté ne tomba entre mes mains. De descouvrir cette affaire merite bien
recompence; il en faut parler, s'il vous plaist à mons. de C a r d e n a s
J'espere de vous pouvoir mander l'affaire plus amplement.
Ce S a i n t est allé trouver le cardinal ayant eu des lettres de mons. homme de dee & de monsieur S e r v i e n qui embrassent l'affaire de bon cœur.
Des aussy tost que vous aurez receu cette lettre, il ne faut pas manquer d'envoyer un homme expres au court, qui fait vostre levée, de faire diligence, car il partira d'icy en un jour ou deux un e s v e q u e de son pays, qui a du pouvoir sur son esprit, & que le cardinal envoye en ce pays la pour quelques affaires. Il taschera sans doubte de le divertir de son dessein, & de le conseiller de venir servir le roy: il le faut prevenir au plustot. D'avoir le comt sera une grande affaire pour mons. le prince. Il le faudra bien traiter. J'apprends icy que vostre caution est bonne. Le roy d'Ecosse touscha 10,000 escus pour son voyage, qui n'est pas encore bien assuré.
A paper from the Spanish ambassador.
Vol. iv. p. 178.
Muy Honorable,
Haviendo el serenissimo Sor archiduque Leopoldo Guillermo, governor por el rey
mi Sor de los estados de Flandes, entendido del magistrado de la villa de Ostende, que
en el puerto della ha hechado la mar, algunos bancos, barrancos, y arenales, que en baja
marea impiden la entrada, y salida de los navios de alto bordo, y que les falta la facilidad
de poderse cobrar, y aseguràr de los temporales, ha dado los ordenes necesarios para que se
acuda al remedio de cosa tan importante y precisa, y resuelto que se haga un pilotage de arboles robles que se han cortado en los bosques de su mag. en la tierra delgmene sobre la
mosa, por donde es necesario que bajen hasta Dort para pasarlos de ahy a Ostende por mar,
y porque el disponer este reparo es en beneficio, assi de los navios de los subditos de su mag.
como de los de esta republica para que se necesita de barcas largas que tengan en la popa
unas puertecillas, o ventanas, por donde se puedan encajar los dhos arboles, y no hallandose
barcas de este genero en los puertos de Flandes, y haviendolas en Olanda, suplico al honorable consejo se sirva de conceder su pasaporte, y salvo conduto para el numero de barcas
que bastare para llevar desde Dort hasta Ostende seiscientos arboles robles, ya cordados y
acomodados para dha obra, con los quales puedan pasar libremente las dhas barcas sin armas algunas, y con pasaporte del embaxador de su mag. que reside en la Haya, y que libremente puedan bolver a Dort, que serà un acto conforme a la amistad, y buena correspondencia entre su mag. y esta republica. Fha en Londres a 23/13 de Julio, 1653.
Don Alonso De Cardenas.
A letter of intelligence from Paris.
Paris, 23 July, 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. iv. p. 190.
I Received yours of the 17th instant, by which I see the settlement of our new parliament. I pray God prosper the beginning and end of that work, as I hope it will. And
truly they have need of it, for they have many enemies, which profess at present to be
their friends; but if the occasion presents, you may be sure they will find them otherwise.
Therefore let it be prevented. From hence take what follows of news since my former.
Before his majesty parted, he had the governors and officers of Bois de Vincennes changed.
He went, the day after he arrived at Compiegn, to La Fere, where he was admitted without resistance, and has forgiven all to Mr. Manicamp, governor of that place, having killed (as I writ before) the mayor of the place. Yet his majesty has given him 500,000 crowns,
as also a bâton de marêchal de France, by which notwithstanding he lost his government.
Yet all is appeased, and the king slept one night in the town; and the last Monday he has
seen all his army in a rendezvous, being a gallant shew. His majesty since his departure
writ to the parliament, and especially to the presidents a mortier, desiring them not to
take it ill, that he arrested their brother president de Maisons; and assured them, were it
not for the honour and respect he bore to them and their company, he would sooner send
him to the Bastille, than banish him; he knowing he had doubly deserved it. The parliament answered nothing; only let it pass so at that time. The 16th instant the king hearing of a challenge between marshal Grancey and marquis de Roquelaure about some discourse concerning a gentlewoman, cosin to the first, sent guards to both to hinder their
fighting; and the marechals of France do endeavour to make their agreement. The 17th
of this present likewise marquis de Nonan called to a duel marquis de Richelieu, by reason
the first bought from marshal de Palluau the office of maistre de camp of all the cavallerie
legere de France for 100,000 livres, which marquis de Richelieu seeing, went to the said
Palluau, and offered him 50,000 livres more for the place; which caused the other to challenge him, and they fought both together without any seconds, till marquis Richelieu had
disarmed the other, and gave him his sword back again. Now we hear the queen has
made their agreement.
The 18th instant was committed to the Bastille the son of Mr. Prevost de Mans, governor of Pais de Maine, for raising particularly some troops on those places for the prince of Condé.
The 19th mons. marshal Grandmont received letters from Mr. count de Toulongeon his brother, who is lieutenant for his majesty in the city of Bayonne, by which he assures him, he had seen himself passing near the town the relief for the Bourdelois, composed of thirty great ships; and that they were not far from their own river, they thinking they were to besiege the place.
The 21st instant duke de Richelieu and his wife parted for Richelieu.
We hear Mr. chevalier de Chaune intends to deliver the citadel of Amiens to the king, notwithstanding his resistance hitherto, and that his majesty is to give him in recompence thereof the goverments of Dourlans and Rue, upon condition the fortifications in the last place shall be demolished; and that the governor that was in it, being Mr. de Bard, who guarded the prince of Condé during his imprisonment, shall have 200,000 livres in ready money for his recompence. We hear the king's army do daily increase, and that they are mighty powerful. Also some say, that a body of them have besieged La Chapelle, but yet we have it not for certain.
It is written from Flanders, that Wirtemberg went to join his forces with those of the archduke, the first being to command the whole in chief, and to march one side, as Condé in another, to make the king of France divide his army in two parts, that he may not be able to do much this year, being separated. It is reported likewise, that count de Hesse Hatfildt Darmstadt, son to the dead count de Hassellfeld, who was lieutenant general of the late count de Mansfeldt, is come to the prince of Condé with 2000 horse and 1000 foot; also that he has defeated on his way three regiments of La Ferte-Senneterre's forces, being posted before him to oppose his passage.
Here be letters from Catalonia of the 6th instant, which bring, that a place called Segures within four leagues to Roze, having refused a garrison from the Spaniard, being sent to them, the place charged them presently, and killed thirty or forty of them, and made them to take their retreat towards another place, called Gironne, a bishopric, where they were worse entertained, the inhabitants there having sent for a relief to Mr. Plessis Belliere, lieutenant general for the king in those parts, who sent them at the first time 3000 men, which have killed and beaten back all the garrison. We expect the certainty of this, as also the surrendering of Chastillon, being besieged by ours, where we hear were defeated 2000 Spaniards by Mr. Tilly, a lieutenant general for his majesty in that army.
The news from Bourdeaux of the 13th instant mark, that Mr. de Casenoué, whom prince Conti sent with marquis de Fiasque for the relief to Spain, arrived from the said marquis in Bourdeaux with news to Conti, that the marquis was with eight vessels, both great and small ships, furnished with all manner of provisions, come into the river of Roan, where he was to expect prince Conti's orders, what way he should take, or how strong his enemies were before him.
The same letters bring likewise, that duke de Candale came to Cap de Buch with 8000 foot and 1000 horse: what their design was they did not then know.
My friend at Bourdeaux dares not at these times write any thing of consequence from that place, being very dangerous, as he tells me, for any man to meddle in their business; yet he tells me in one word, if they be not soon relieved, that they must yield, all things being so scarce with them there.
King Charles has received 12000 golden Jouis for his journey to Holland: they say he
will soon depart. We do not yet hear certainly when our king returns. Preston has not
yet received his monies, which he expects daily; his son intends for Portugal with the ambassador going now from England. By the next I shall let you know something from Madrid. I hear they are not well pleased their plate is a coining in the tower of London,
as its reported from Spain. Having no more at this time I am, sir,
Yours most constantly, &c.
Last Monday the pope's bull was declared and received with great solemnity in all the parishes of this city. The inclosed printed papers will let you see the process of the Irish in this university.
Mons. de Bordeaux, the French resident in England, to mons. de Brienne, secretary of state in France.
24 Juillet, 1653. [N. S.]
From the Collection of monsr. de Bordeaux's letters in the library of the Abbey of St. Germain at Paris.
Le traité de Portugal est entierement conclu, mais non pas encore signé. Il a falu que l'ambassadeur ait convenu de tout hors la liberté du commerce dans les Indes, sans même pouvoir sauver la bienseance dans les termes de quelques conditions, que cet estat a desiré: [Que ceux de sa nation ne pourront louer d'autres vaisseaux pour leur navigation que des Anglois; que le roi son maitre ne pourra augmenter les droits, qui se levent sur les merchandises suivant ce, dont ils seront convenus; & que ceux de cette repub. auront libre exercice de leur religion dans les terres du roi de Portugal, pourront s'assembler, recevoir d'autres etrangers de leur même profession, & se servir de la bible & autres livres.]
John de Witt to Beverning and Nieuport, two of the Dutch ambassadors at London.
Vol. iv. p. 204.
My Lords,
I Have communicated your last letter to some of the lords, and I hope it will produce
some good amongst them; and businesses stand here in statu quo prius, that my last was
to your lordships. Great search is made after the authors of the late risings at Enchuysen.
We do not perceive any further commotions to happen in these parts.
If so be you could persuade the lord Perre, and likewise, if it be possible, the lord Jongestal to make the same admonition, as was inserted in your last to some of their best friends in Zeeland and Friesland, I doubt not but that it would work effectually to our great good. In the mean time we will not be wanting here through all means imaginable to bring it to that pass.
We expect every day to hear, that the fleet that lies in the Wielingen is out at sea.
Yesterday the lords states of Holland and West-Friesland chose me unworthy to supply the vacant charge of raedt (fn. 1) pensionary of the said countries; whereupon I have desired of their lordships a few days to consider of it, and likewise to consult about it with the lords burgomasters of Dort, to whom I owe obedience as well by nature as particular observation and duty.
My lords, Your humble servant, De Witt.
Hague, 24 July 1653. [N. S.]
John de Witt to Beverning the Dutch ambassador at London.
Vol. iv. p. 206.
My lord,
Since my last of the 18th of this month, I have received yours of the same date; to
which I will say no more, than that I am certainly informed, that the business you know
of, formerly resolved of at Haerlem, is left unexecuted through contrary resolutions. And herewith I will add one strange rencounter more, lately happened to me, being thus: I chanced
to be at dinner one day at my lord Brederode's with three or four lords more: after dinner,
and having drank hard and heartily together with the lords Barendrecht, and the earl of
Dona lately come into the Hague with the guard of their high and mighty lordships, falling
into discourse, the said earl declared several times that men of 45. 48. 28. 38. 11. 18. 50.
51. 15. 14. 40. 54. 4. 48. 26. 16. 49. 19. did censure unjustly, as if they to the business
of 22. 48. 8. 18. 20. 60. 29. 33. 34. 17. 35. did incline, that their 25. 39. 43. 12. 24.
did suppose the contrary, that the said 22. 48. 55. 15. was incapable to execute the charge,
to which he seemed to aspire: and in case he at any time happened to obtain his ends, that
they would the next day forsake and leave the country. That furthermore their 24. 43. 39.
12. 25. 52. were of opinion, that men at this time should choose 330. or 14. 15. 50. 26.
22. 37. 17. 49. 19. 38. to &c. for divers reasons, which are too long to repeat here; that
their 25. 40. 40. 12. 24. 53. did desire nothing more, than once to lay open their inward
thoughts to some of the lords of Holland; and in case the said lord of Barendrecht and I would do
him the honour to give him a visit, they should think themselves extreme happy. We did not
omit on the other side freely to declare our opinions to the contrary, adding withal, that their
25. 40. 41. 12. 25. 52. had better declare their opinions with deeds than words, disposing
of such governors of Zealand and of other provinces, with whom they have credit and were
familiar, to their 24. 40. 20. 21. to underprop their abovesaid opinion, and not the contrary, as they were now about to do. Whereupon several discourses having passed between
us, we took our leave; but the next morning very early the said lord of Dona came to my
lodging, declaring and confirming by order of 25. 5. 15. 48. 18. 24, 41. 40. 11. 25. 35.
that which is abovesaid, with more reasons than what he had done the day before, reiterating his desire, that I and the lord of Barendrecht would give him a visit, which we have
not yet done, civilly excusing it, being resolved to stick to it.
Hague the 24th of July, 1653. [N. S.]
My lord, Your most humble servant, De Witt.
A Letter of intelligence.
Ratisbon, 24 July, 1653. [N. S.]
Yours by the last I read; by which I see your power and quietness in England. You
shall not be long so, if some here can. I gave you in my last a full relation of the proceedings in this diet, and chiefly of the demands of the king of Scots and the king of Poland by their ambassadors; neither have yet got answers, but bona verba; the one hindereth
the other. He of Poland offereth, that if he be the first served, upon peace made with the
Cossacks and Tartars, he will join with the empire for the assistance of the king of Scots: what
shall be done I do not yet know. Great expectation we have to see, what success the Dutch
ministers shall have in England; and of a second fight, which we presume shall be partly a
gain betwixt your fleet and the Dutch. Whoever shall have the better of it there, shall
have it here.
The emperor is not well in his health, which has deferred the coronation of the emperess
for some days; but not me from being,
Sir, yours.
An intercepted letter.
London, July the 15/25, 1653.
Vol. iv. p. 212.
Honored Father,
In reference to my last of the 8/18 instant, I failed not to make neew appllications unto
229. 115. and the rest of the partyies specyfied in your memorandum, whoe were all of
them willing to heare the contents of the 32. 33. 45. 20. 44. you accompanyed mee with,
but would not 42. 23. 13. 17. 21. 10. 47. 22. any of them, nor undertake the business,
which they unanimously excused on the 33. 41. 18. 22. 42. from the 37. 12. 41. 8. 28.
11. 30. 22. 31. 46. to the contrary, desiring * to keepe the 37. 42. 35. 24. 25. 23. 43.
23. 17. 42. 20. 45. as they would doe, leasst it might proove very 38. 42. 21. 8. 50.
19. 46. 5. 13. 27. to the successe of the 46. 42. 23. 10. 45. 55. which was their general
opinion thereon, some of them asking mee whether I thought they were capable of being
14. 42. 55. 15. 22. 19. and whether I was acquainted with the penalty to be imposed on such,
whoe should goe about such a peece of worcke. Whereon I replyed, that it was not meante in
that sence, but in a 17. 4. 13. 4. 2. 6. 45. 12. 14. 27. 23. way to prevent the further 44. 3.
20. 18. 18. 19. 7. 32. 2. off 15. 27. 33. 50. 19. and much more to the purposse. When I
thus saw that bothe 124 and the rest were impracticable, I thought on another expedient
which I made way for against the Tuesday after the date of my lasst, till when the partyes
could nott bee ready. In the meane while to safe chardges, I went on the Satterday eevening
to my neighbour R. W. and there stayed till Munday in the afternoone, during which
time both of us tooke a walk to honest dukes, butt found nott the house capable or convenient to receave 29. 55. 28. 13. 19. 56. 29. 35. 46. 4. 20. 42. or 44. 8. 43. 46. 22. 42. 44.
so that I have taken a coursse to seeke out elsewhere in casse # should resolve to come over
and have found a conveniency att 14. 42. 33. 29. 27. 22. 56. besydes, that I am assured
that Mr. 44. 13. 16. 26. 50. 8. 28. 77. hath a considerable estate fallen unto him, of which
he is at present a taking pocession. I haive also seene the resst of the femall friends, whoe
prove to be as could as some of their husbands, the greatest complement being their joy to
heare of all the welfares, which is the non plus ultra of what I have as yett founde here, except off R. W. Thus I spent the idle time, viz. in visiting friends, and trying where I may
shelter, but cannot meete with a better harbour than my present ordinary, where I am att
three shillings a day boarde wages, and sixpence a nighte my chamber and bedd free to myselfe. Its in the heart of the citty that so I may plye on all sides at an equal distance, and
not be overtopt by madmen or Hectors, outt of whose companye I keepe. On Tuesday
morning betimes I repayed to the friend I had engaged in my business, viz. the sam + intrusted mee with, and togeather with him had a conference thereon with a person, whoe is
mosst concerned therein, and can do the greatest good, and who desyred time to consider of itt.
I neather say nor denye, but that hee may bee as considerable a person as 109 himselfe, yett
is it nott hee nor any + ordered * to addresse himselfe unto, but one whoe takes it to heart,
and will promote itt so hee can bee assured * speakes on sure groundes, which is the way
to bee made apparent cutt of hand. The said partye and itts promoter will by noe meanes
heare off + passing 46. 4. 20. 44. 22. 11. 43. which hee sayes hee knowes will nott bee allowed off for the reasons alledged in my lasst; besydes hee conceaves that + passing would,
make the bussinesse bee subject to for that the mayne partt to bee acted by + musst be
46. 4. 23. 4. 2. 21. and nott 3. 21. 23. 42. 20. not valluing att all the latter part of + his
memorandum, which hee sayes all the rest 44. 47. 43. 37. 23. 16. 46. as iff + grand dessigne were
only to 2. 23. 46. 45. 33. 50. 23. 41. + which was all could bee settled till the retreate of + lasst in date the 19. present from Middelbourgh which came well to hand. The
inclosed were delivered accordingly; butt 124. would not receave his, wisshing me to reade
itt, and returned itt unto mee againe as the former with the same resolution on his side. So
likewyse have I since learnt that 124. is not in 17. 42. 22. 18. 8. 46. with 109. having
moreover promisst not not to meddle in 44. 46. 13. 45. 22. 44. 11. 24. 24. 10. 6. 42. 21.
44. att all so likewyse desyres hee + to hould him excused for nott writting unto + uppon
which he dares not venter, and is as shye as a wall-eyed horse. Thus wee spent Tuesday
and part of Wedsenday, when as the letter arrived towards the evening, so that 124. had
not his till the next morning betimes, and whereon I receaved the above specifyed and sweare.
Hee is gone since into the country againe, so that you see hee hass not at all bin passt by.
I thincke it not worthe trouble to say much concerning that troublesome woman at Delss,
since, as I said alwayes, I am not engaged to her in conscience, and lett her doe her worsst,
it was your owne pleasure and resolution to take the bussinesse on yourself, and you were
pleased to command mee to say, that your occasions dreew mee from her. I have written to
her by the lasst posste according to what you are pleased to hintt att, and will give her leave
to come hether if shee hath a minde to itt, where shee shall finde butt a sober welcome.
Now as to my willingnesse to come over, that was grounded on my duty to yourselfe, and
my knowledge off the danger there was for + himselfe to venture over, which I finde to
bee farre greater than + perchance can imagine, 109. having againe reiterated noe longer than
this morning, that hee could not warrant the same, nor secure + his persson heere by reason
off the 14. 35. 36. 26. 23. 43. 52. 41. 6. 45. 46. 20. 32. as they pretend by +, and whereon all the declarations and satisfactions proffered, will nott bee admitted, for that they entertaine strange opinions thereon, and such as I am not able to remoove by reason that they
are prejudicated ones, nor will the creditors bee mooved by the Almighty (were hec on
earth) to any further grant of time. Now although you should not have bin pleased to
chardge mee with this 16. 33. 29. 30. 6. 43. 44. 5. 35. 30. but that I had passed the
seas only to have avoyded the disaster att Delff, whye surely I must have had wherewithall to
travell and to breathe on now I am heere, where buisnesse cannot bee done for nothing, noe
lesse than elsewhere; and whereas it may bee justly expected, that + is not engaged in a
buisnesse of this 32. 13. 46. 48. 42. 22. butt on verry good grounds, and on a better 11.
28. 27. 35. 50. 52. 10. 32. 17. 22. than bare words, which neather fill the pursse nor belly.
You will have seene by my lasst how the casse stands on that subject, and what is absolutely
requisite for mee to have to breathe heere, and to bee able to agitage on, for that I
cannot foote it from foure off the morning till midnight, nay sometimes later. I have foregone the passage to Bourdeaux, since I was so lucky to meete with a partye of quallitye
and honor, whoe last brought on the grand buisnesse, and unto whome I stand bound in
my life that the thinge is reall, which should itt proove otherwayes, there is not a strawe's
breadthe between mee and deathe. That which is therefore requisite and demanded at present;
is, that + withall speede send over originall coppyes off the contracts signed and sealed by
a publyck notarye, that soe the persons whoe are resolved to ingage therein may be assured
they goe uppon good and safe groundes: the names may bee lest in blancke, till when there
will bee nothing done in itt, only partyes shall be kept in a welle liking thereoff, and without which (I meane the sending of originall coppyes) + can never hope to 16. 34. 29. 22.
34. 49. 22. 42. nor * to 2. 23. 45. 46. 36. 24. 25. so farre the buisnesse is 21. 32. 1. 13.
2. 73. 18. att present; wherefore my humble request is, thatt + 50. 23. 31. 46. 22. 42. 44.
nott 35. 47. 20. 42. before itt bee 42. 8. 29. 22. nor 28. 20. 13. 47. 23. * in the 28. 50.
41. 17. 4. for want of the mentioned evidences, and 52. 3. 22. 41. 20. 51. 8. 46. 3. all to
14. 41. 23. 12. 46. 3. 20. and 10. 2. 6. 45. 13. 46. 20. for that there are noe more friends
left in the world especially on such an 12. 16. 17. 33. 48. 32. 45. 22. as this. T. H. whoe
hath hetherto bin the reallst and cordialist, tould mee yesterday, it was 18. 13. 31. 2. 22.
41. 35. 47. 43. for * to be seene in his office; itt hath bin bruted all about towne that
+ himselfe was heere. Joslin (for whome I have a pistoll reddy) and the blinde mayde have
alreddy way-layde mee, and the whole creew are like to ensue, though noe man knowes my
lodging save R. W. and T. H. I would change my quarters had I wherewithall. M. L. C's.
businesse is quitt off from the hinges againe; no hopes at all. C. Q. noe more creditt them
myselfe, and all one. The widow Jackett expects not to doe any good untill there be a neew
admirallity court settled, the merchants, whoe have payed the insurence have all this while
played soule, because they should not pay the insurance backe againe, and so the poore widow
hath bin all this while cheated, and is like to be so still; at worsit shee intends to prosecut
the merchants for her husband's wages, now its prooved hee betrayed not the shipp; but
that's a particular buisnesse to * R. W. is but a shittle cocke, though a man must
make use of him on a necessity. Nothinge to be done with widow D. whoe hath a knt. to
her sutor, a man worthe four or five hundred a yeare, and whoe passeth up punctually.
Here hath bin hard tugging to prepare a releese for Bourdeaux, which is undertaken by one Jacques governor of Ostend, butt I feare itt will come too late. Twelve or fourteen shipps are to be equipyed by him to that intent.
The ingagement is said to bee remooved, butt in its place an ouhe of abjuration is like to ensue.
Heere hath bin terrible pressing of seamen. General Blake is reported deade. Good hopes of a happy conclusion of a treaty betweene the two states; butt they must once more fighte for itt. The commissioners had a meeting on the 13th present, and are very jocund; so are the Dutche merchands heere, which is judged to bee a good signe in the almanack.
Stanyer hath made a woefull frontispiece to your ould housse at Bednoll; it now hath the aspect of a vittualing-housse. R. M. house is butt a birde-cage not habitable in winter. The good widow Jackett salutes you hartily; so doth your ould landlord, whoe faith hee could have wischt, hee might have given + an item in time. The pamphletts will tell you the rest. You may be pleased to see whatt is requisite forthwith, viz. 33. 42. 6. 2. 8. 31. 12. 27. 28. 17. 36. 37. 38. 56. 23. 43. off 14. 36. 32. 19. 43. which may doe the deede, and withoutt which there is noe 24. 13. 5. 45. 3. nor 17. 42. 23. 18. 5. 46. heere that may facillitate a 43. 11. 25. 22. 16. 33. 32. 19. 47. 16. 45. 23. you are able to judge whatt is besst. Thus you have bothe a speedy and faiyhtfull relation and accounte on the premises, which I alwayes endeavored to give unto yourselfe on the like cccasions. I could wissh, I mighte bee beleeved. My present lassitude is such, that I cannot possiblye write duplicates, but send only notes of advice to the above specifyed places, according to your orders. The Spannissh proprietors are here themselves, and can doe nothing in their buisnesse till a neew admirallity; so that Mr. Robinsson (to whose wife I spoke of Mr. Jacques buisnesse to colour my going over) may also sitt quiet till then. Its all I can say for the present, save thatt I am and ever shal bee,
My mosst submissivest respects to my
honored lady mother, I pray.
Honored father,
Your mosst humble and obeient sonne
Geo. Gerbier.
A paper of the council of state to the Dutch embassadors.
Vol. iv. p. 305.
Concilium status ad chartulam Dominorum a potestatibus fœderatarum provinciarum generalibus deputatorum, de captis utrinque bello, responsum hoc reddit: Remp. hanc, quamvis delatum ad nos sit tam ab ipsis bello captis quam ab aliis permultis (quorum pleraque scripta testimonia concilio ad manum sunt) captos in navibus five præsidiariis five mercatoriis a sœderatarum provinciarum navibus Anglos duram admodum & miseram captivitatem esse passos, nonnullos in vincula conjectos, & alioqui multa mala terrâ marique perpeti coactos, nondum tamen adductam esse, ut irritato animo paria redderet, verum e contrario fuis perpetuo præfectis mandasse, uti captivis prospicerent pro cujusque conditione, & prout cuique opus fuisset, utque ne in arctiorem custodiam darentur, quam necesse esset ne aufugerent; neque adeo tamen arcte custoditi sunt, quin corum complures sint elapsi præter classiarios & nautas bene multos, quibus & licentia domum abeundi & commeatus insuper sine ullâ permutatione est datus. Qui autem eorum in loca dissita traducti sunt, illi quidem, cum propter numerum eorum tum propter morbum quo tentari cœperant, in alium necessario locum erant traducendi, in eo itaque commodiori duntaxat ipsorum hospitio ac valetudini provisum est: nescitque concilium quenquam eorum invitum alias in naves esse deportatum; pro comperto etiam habet neminem prorsus eorum in naves bellicas imponi, multo minus ad ministeria in iis vel nautica vel militaria obeunda compelli. Quod autem ad captorum utrinque dimissionem & rationi convenientius & recepti passim moris in bello est, dimissionem pro cujusque loco & gradu permutatione potius fieri, quam co modo quem proponunt domini deputati. Quemamodum igitur concilium suis navarchis mandavit, uti eam rationem sequerentur, ita nunc placet eandem ab utraque parte sanciri, ratamque haberi; interea captos utrinque humaniter tractari, prout apud omnes nationes non barbaras jus belli est.
A letter of intelligence from Paris.
Paris the 26 July, 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. iv. p. 223.
I had not leisure to write to you by the last post. The French king is now in his army,
having composed Mr. Manicamp's business, which was the sole occasion of his journey.
The king gives him one hundred and fifty thousand livres; his government is given to another. 'Tis thought the king will be here next week. Turenne has now 220000 men; the
king's going thither having much strengthened the army.
The prince and count Fuensaldagna are joined together, and have by our computation 25000 men or above. The news goes here, that the prince offers a battle, which we defer to give till the taking of Bourdeaux, which we expect, or rather we are assured, will be very suddenly; then we are for him. The letters from Bourdeaux say, there are great divisions there, and are so enraged against the Spaniards, that some are of a mind not to accept of so untimely succour. You shall find true, what I have so often writ to you, that England will repent not to have given timely succour to Bourdeaux. After the reducing of Bourdeaux all the forces in Gascony will presently march into Catalonia, which is resolved to revolt again against Spain. Barcelona is thought to have revolted by this time. Marshal d'Hocquincourt, who commands there, is very strong; and monsieur de Bellieure, who was sent thither before him, has taken two or three places of late. I think God is turned a Frenchman this year. They say here, he continues always an Englishman. There are four deputies appointed here to treat with the Dutch ambassador: monsieur de Villeroy, count de Brienne, monsieur de Servien, and monsieur Fouquet are the four. The king of Scots will shortly for Holland; he has already received ten thousand crowns for his journey; they say he would have been now part in his way, but that the arch-duke refuses him a pass.
Digby's favour in the French court decreaseth. The cardinal gives you fair words about prince Rupert's merchandises. I am certainly told, they are already sold. If you remember, I writ to you often what would become of this business. I am of opinion now that France is so successful, that England, Spain, the prince of Condé, and the duke of Lorrain should jointly make an offensive and defensive league. I think it as necessary for England as the rest, and as profitable, if all things be seriously considered. The cardinal is confident you will fall at length into the snare he prepares for you. There is no way to establish the Scots king but by France; that is all his hopes, and that only England apprehendeth; consequently, and in all policy, then England ought to contribute to the weakening of France, and keep the wars there always on foot. Do not you begin as yet to see, how France doth but amuse you, and send thither one to spy, under pretext to treat? France is the only cause, that the prince of Orange's house is now set on foot again, and will have the king of Scots interests to be brought into the game. I tell you absolutely, and I have often written it to you, that France's treaties with you are but merely fourberies, that is to say, mere cheats. This is true, and I assure you it is most true, that I am cordially,
Honoured sir,
Your most humble,
really faithful servant.
A letter of intelligence from Paris to Mr. Angier.
Paris, the 26/16th of July, 1653.
Vol. iv. p. 217.
The letters from Bourdeaux of the 17/7th say, that the Spanish relief was come to the
isle of Macau, within eight leagues of the said place, and was only expecting a good
wind to come nearer. Since that time the wind hath been north, so that we believe the
said supply well arrived there, countenanced by the diversion, which the citizens, who are
unanimous, have resolved to make at the same time both by land and water. Mr. Balthazar was then arrived at Bourdeaux with 200 horse, to keep under the ill-affected, especially
the clergy, who in spight of the prince of Conti, were moving all stones to persuade the
people to accept of the amnesty sent thither by the king. The same letters say, that his
majesty's forces, who had besieged Libourn and the castle Vaires, have been forced to raise
the siege from before those places, though they have printed here the reddition of the said
Libourne (fn. 2), and of Chastillon (fn. 3), and the articles granted them by the duke of Vendosme and
Mr. Du Plessis Belliere.
Mr. de Manicamp refused to go out of La Fere until a full payment of (fn. 4) 150,000 livres to him promised. He went out at one gate, whilst the king was coming in at another. He went to Roye, which is another government his majesty gave him for a retreat. The officers of the garrison at La Fere having all declared for the king, have forced the said Mr. de Manicamp to condescend to his majesty's desire, who is gone to see his army at Marle, and is expected here the next week.
Not a word yet of the prince of Condé; only he is said to have offered a pitch'd battle. It is likely this side will hazard nothing, and that consequently this summer will afford no great action on either side about Champagne or Flanders. The duchess of Savoy doth intreat the king by letters, not to send marshal de Grancé into Piedmont, the duke her son being well satisfied with the count de Quince employed there.
They begin here to make war against the richest partisans, under pretence of the great profit they have made with the king. Soldiers have already been sent to garrison madame de Bretonvilliers her house, by order of his majesty, of whom he demands 800,000 livres: she offers 200,000 livres, but the king will bate nothing of his demand. All other men of affairs expect to be used alike.
A letter of intelligence from Paris.
Paris, 26 July, 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. iii. p. 219.
I have received your letter of the 21 instant, stylo novo, by which I understand our fleet
returned toward the coasts of Holland. Here is great hopes the Hollanders do not intend
to make peace with you, tho' they enquire after it: only they intend to prolong the time, 'till
they receive relief from other places, as France in monies, Portugal in monies and ships, &c.
You may be certain, if they see their advantage in the other ways, they will make no
peace with you; but if they cannot subsist, they must do it of necessity, and not for
your sakes.
The 22d of this month twenty men were sent in garrison to madame de Bretonvilliers's house, by the king's orders, for buying some rents of his majesty's in the town house, upon the rate of paying the fourth denier, and in satisfaction thereof his majesty will have her pay at present in ready monies 800,000 livres. She offered already to pay 200,000 livres, which was refused.
The same day news came to the duchess of Vendosme from her husband the duke, signifying how Libourne was surrendered to his majesty, and all the soldiers and officers, that were within it, being in number 800 men, foot and horse, took service in the king's army under Vendosme.
The 23d instant was committed to the Bastille a young man of the suburbs of St. Germain des Prez, called St. Germain, for saying in the garden of Luxembourg, among some company, that no man should believe any thing from the court, and especially that Bourdeaux was not relieved; which was most false, being certain it was relieved fifteen days ago, notwithstanding the court assures the contrary: but as soon as he got out of Luxembourg, he was arrested, and brought to the Bastille for his pains.
The same day letters came to Mr. Boreel, the ambassador of Holland, from Calais, assuring they have seen from the walls of the city passing fifteen frigates English, going to relieve Bourdeaux, but was afraid they would arrive too late, the inhabitants desiring to accept of the king's amnesty, and his majesty no less to grant it, and pardon them all, except forty persons, whom he intends to reserve for his own disposition.
His majesty is expected here Tuesday or Wednesday next at the furthest, if not before, being well satisfied with his last voyage to Compiegne, having reduced the government of La Fere, and, as they say, the citadel of Amiens, having pardoned both for their faults, and given monies to the murtherer, when he should be hanged for his crimes.
Yesterday arrived letters from Champagne, signifying the prince of Condé hath attempted upon a castle between Picardy and la Champagne with 6000 men; which Turenne hearing of, passed over the river of Aisne with all his army, thinking to surprize the prince; but the prince seeing he was not able to oppose his whole army, he took his retreat to the body of his army, being near Stenay. That course has worsted much Turenne's army, especially his horses, going in such hast in a manner, that the most part of them died, and the rest not able well to go back, having no meat or forage in those places, yet fit for horses. The prince knowing their horses to be so weak, sent a paper to his majesty, desiring to give a battle; which the king referred to the council, and the council refused it. We hear Mr. de Bard, who was governor of D'ourlans, as I writ formerly, being made a commander of a small body of an army, being but 3000 men, advanced with them against some part of the enemies, where he was beaten back with loss, and as some say, himself wounded. We have from Portugal, that the king has besieged Balaquier, being a frontier town of Andalousia and Portugal, which he hoped to reduce before it be long.
We have news, that the prince de Tarente with some German troops is joined with the prince of Condé; and that prince de Ligne has quitted the army of prince Condé, and went to join with that of the archduke. Likewise that the emperor gives all his troops to the king of Spain, having no business with them, by reason of all Germany being in peace at present. We have news, that the princess royal, the duchess of Savoy, hath signified by her ambassador to his majesty here, that her son the duke of Savoy supplicated his said majesty tres bumblement, not to send mons. marshal de Grancé to Savoy for to command their army in those parts, being well satisfied with count de Quince, who commands there at present. What shall be the king's answer to it, I know not as yet.
Its confirmed from Bourdeaux the 13th instant, that the relief they expected hitherto by sea is arrived a la playe de Royan, in number eight vessels, both great and small. Others write, that the inhabitants will have the peace, and that in regard of that they made the prince of Conti, the duke d'Enguien, la princesse de Condé, the duchess of Longueville, and some others, to retire to the castle of Ha, of which we must expect the certainty.
We have a report, that his majesty gave orders that cardinal de Retz should be transported either to the citadel of Amiens or Havre de Grace from Bois de Vincennes.
I do not see king Charles stirring yet, though he received his 12,000 pistoles. Sir James Preston will depart hence Monday next for England, to capitulate with the ambassador of Portugal, or rather to go with him along to Portugal to capitulate with his master for men out of Ireland; but I guess, if he had gotten the men, whether he could bring them to Portugal, notwithstanding his capitulation with him to get monies. I do believe he would rather bring them to France, where his father is engaged to get forces, according to his capitulation; and the monies he partly received, and the rest is to receive very soon, if found, or promises do not fail him. Chastillon is surrendered to his majesty of France, as well as Libourne, upon capitulations and articles. It seems prince of Condé will not much prevail in those parts this year. I have nothing else, but that I am, sir,
Yours most faithfully.
Letter of intelligence.
Paris, 26 July, 1653. [N.S.]
Vol. iv. p. 222.
Yours of the 21st instant were received, and convey'd as you desired. Now I can
assure you, that after some difficulties proposed in Brussells by the archduke for a pass
for R. Carolus, at the instance of Loraine, that now the pass is come, and with R. Carolus; but when he shall begin his journey, I do not yet know. You shall also understand,
that the said R. C. will for Scotland, if he can have that success in Holland he expects
hopefully by the Orange-party's means. This court is totally for him, and Mazarin will
deceive you, as he has done many others. I have read two of the lord general Cromwell's letters to Mazarin; they are very kind and civil; and no less shall be Mazarin's to
any man . . . . (fn. 5) However the merchants will fare never the better for it, but lose their
monies in bribing, &c. and interim Rupert selleth the goods.
The jealousy assuredly continues betwixt this queen mother and Mazarin; and the queen lately forbiden to come to some councels, quia non est secreta. Yet the queen goeth upon Munday next to Compeigne; where the king and Mazarin are to congratulate the king's late good success.
The pope lately did write a very kind letter to Mazarin, which I have seen, & facti sunt amici. In the letter is recommended to his eminency the general peace betwixt the two crowns with many benedictions.
Matters do thrive with R. Galliæ this season, but how long it shall be so, I know not, quia plurimi odio habent Mazarinum.
Bourdeaux assuredly begins to treat with Vandosme, and any relief from Spain or you shall come too late (if any you intend.) After you shall see what our Mr. Bourdeaux there shall say to you; and what shall become of your peace with Holland, of which I gave you several notions, needless, I hope, to be repeated. Some bruits now run, as if our army and the prince's met, and ours worsted; but I do not give any credit to it. If any be, you shall have it per next from,
Sir, your faithful, &c.
Letters of intelligence.
Regensburgh, July 26, 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. iv. p. 226.
The coronation of the Roman empress by reason of his majesty the emperor's indisposition, as also the death of their eldest princess, is deferr'd for a fortnight. The Lorrain ambassador speaks very high, instantly urging an immediate resolution upon his demands; but as yet not known, what the tenor thereof will be. Some are of opinion, that for the defense of the empire out of the common means an army shall be raised: others, and indeed the greater part, do not approve of this opinion, although the two counties of Rhine and Westphalia, as bearing the greatest interest in the business, present, that themselves will erect a sufficient army for the defense of their own countries. The prince elector of Cologne passed through the city of Mentz the 25th of this month, being the same day arrived at Bon.
Copenhagen, July 26, 1653. [N. S.]
THE court affords little of news, the business of Ulefield being that, which takes them wholly up; whose servant having by command of his said master delivered into the court some (as they term it) peremptory paper, is apprehended and clap'd up in prison, having first made away the chief of his other papers he had about him unto madam Pence, one of the late king's daughters, who conveyed them away safely. The muttering about this business increaseth much, his party being very great at court. Both their majesties our king and queen have been lately down to Elsinore to see their horse and foot, which are lodged there to encounter the English at their coming, having taken great care to get all things in order and readiness.
The earl of Bedford, &c. to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. iv. p. 232.
The company since their coming to Ely having been informed, that the commander in
chief had new orders sent him, contrary to those, which he formerly received, we sent
to him (whose name is major Tyson) to know the certainty thereof; who told us, that he
received a letter lately from colonel Humphreys, that he should take care only of the securing the passes of this isle, and not to quarter in any place out of the isle, nor in any houses
there, but in inns and alehouses. Now first the passes to the isle are not as formerly, there
being access thereto from all the places; and as to quartering in the isle only, the villages
and places, where the greatest opposition and disturbances have been, and where most of our
works lye, are out of the isle (but near to it,) and no inns and very few alehouses there; so
that if the former order be let loose upon this latter direction, we are so far from expecting any assistance to suppress disorders in those places, where they are, that it begins to be
taken notice of already by the country, and they receive encouragement to proceed in their
riotous proceedings. We therefore desire of you, that you would be pleased to gain a confirmation and quickening of the former order. The next is, the Dutch prisoners not only
refuse to work, but are encouraged by the country people of Swaffam, Waterbeach, Cottenham, and other places, who are opposite to the work of dreining, to run away, hiding
them in the corn; and many of them are run away; and the officers, who indeed are very
careful to ride after them, and find them out, and bring them back, when they take
them, have no power to punish them. And for some effectual course to be had therein,
they desire a power to be commended to them. Sir, you know the adventurers have been
very willing to receive their Dutch prisoners, to free the state from the charge; but indeed
they are of so great a burthen and trouble to them, they being resolved not to work, nor
will work, and say they are prisoners of war, and ought not to be enforced to labour. And
in this they have also encouragement from the country. There must therefore also in this
(we conceive) be a power given to the commander in chief, to punish them, by putting
them into the goal, or otherwise, and as shall be thought fit by the lord general or council,
otherwise the soldiers will do nothing, and so tell us. We rest, sir,
Ely, 18 July, 1653.
Your loving friends,
Bedford, Ant. Hammond, Jo. Arthur,
Rich. Gorges, John Latche, Jo. Hurst.
The same to the same.
Vol. iv. p. 235.
The letter (in which this is inclosed) we conceive will be offered by you to the general,
or council; and this for your private to make use of. The agent of sir Gilbert Gerard
being in the country to take care of his land at Over, and finding that the country did resolve in a forceable way to mow that ground, which belongs to him there, he applied to
major Tyson (the commander in chief there) who was very forward to assist, and did assist;
but major general Desborough being in the country, application was made to him by the
people of Over, who gave encouragement to them to mow the ground, and in the presence
of the agent, told the country people, that he did advise them to bring their actions against
any, that should in the behalf of sir Gilbert Gerard come upon the ground; and he thereupon applying again to major Tyson, found him very cold in doing any thing therein.
We desire you to make the best use of this you can for us; we being all concerned therein in the consequence thereof, although the particular thing relates only to one of the company, and will quickly be taken notice of in other places, if some course be not speedily
taken therein; which we desire you to consider of, and rest, sir,
Ely, 18 July, 1653.
Your loving friends,
Bedford, Ant. Hammond, Jo. Arthur,
Rich. Gorges, John Latche, Jo. Hurst.
The Dutch prisoners are so stubborn, they will not work, being possess'd by the country, that they being prisoners at war, they are to be maintained by them that keep them; so that barely to keep them alive, they spend more than they earn.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
28/18 July, 1653.
Vol. iv. p. 238.
Les dernieres lettres de l'admiral Tromp du 26 Jul. disoient, qu'alors ne manquoyent
à sa slotte que 8 navires de l'esquadre de Jan Everts; qui seroient prests dans 8 jours.
Aveq iceux en tout il seroit fort 81 navires, & 5 brulots. Au Tessel il a y effectivement
prests 25 navires; si qu'en tout il aura une slotte de 106 navires. Il a envoyé aux navires
au Tessel un sein ou signal, pour la conjunction, à savoir, quand ils verront ou orront, que
Tromp est engagé au combat aveq les Anglois, qu'alors le vice-admiral de Witte sortira
aveq ses 25 navires du Tessel: ainsy toutefois qu'il ne s'eloigné pas trop de l'emboucheure
du Tessel; ains qu'il y puisse rentrer, s'il voit que Tromp (qui avancera tousjours en combattant) ne passe pas. La flotte marchande de même tachera alors de sortir, & sous la faveur de ces flottes & combat, d'aller les uns vers le Sondt, les autres vers le West.
Mais le meme Tromp avise, que la flotte Angloise seroit encore en mer forte de 150 navires; comme aussi les avis, qu'on recoit de nos costes, portent, que les Anglois s'y monstrent tantost ca tantost la.
Quant au point d'un capitaine general, l'on peut dire, que l'estat est asses divisé en deux factions; l'une le veut, & l'autre point. Ceux de Zelande en sin ont prins nouvelle resolurion de pousser cest affaire; en suite de quoy le Sr. Veth president de la part d'icelle province, lundy passé & les jours suivants, a exhibé & fait lire le provincial advis de Zelande du 21 Septembre 1652, qu'alors aures veu, concernant l'assumtion d'un chef notable & qualifié pour manier & diriger les affaires d'estat & de la milice icy tant par mer que par terre, sous le titre de capitaine & admiral general, aveq ce qui en depend; requerant pour les raisons deduites plus au long dans ledit advis provincial, que les autres provinces veuillent se conformer aveq cela; consequemment importer leurs advis provinciaux au plustost, pour proceder à l'election d'un tel chef. La province de Geldre, d'Utrecht, & d' Overyssel ont demandé copie & promis d'en advertir leurs principaux. Ceux de Frise & de Groeningen ont prise & loué ceux de Zelande de cette digne resolution, soy declarants prests à proceder à telle election. Mais ceux de Hollande ont fort & beaucoup contredit; disants que telle chose vient à præsent fort à contretemps; que i'estat a besoin d'une paix; que pour tel effect on a envoyé des deputes en Angleterre; que l'affaire n'est pas sans apparence, que de cette proposition d'un chef (qui ne regarde que le jeune prince) renversera tout ce bon dessein, changera les inclinations des Anglois, & mettra cest estat en des perplexites grandes; requerants pour cela, que rien de tel pour le præsent ne vint en deliberation, moins en resolution.
En tel estat est maintenant cest affaire. On peut bien voire, que la plus part des regents en Zelande meme sont contraire à cecy; (car l'on prævoit asses une grande & formée faction touchant l'election d'un lieutenant, la plus part des provinces & toute la populace estant pour le conte Guiliaume, mais la Hollande, voire meme la princesse royale, estants contraires) mais le commun peuple constraint les regents en Zelande; & si la paix ne se fait point aveq l'Angleterre, la Hollande courra la meme fortune.
Le Sr. de Witt, apres avoir deliberé, accepté la charge de Raet pensionaire de Hollande. Il fust eleu concordibus votis; aussy n'eust aucun competiteur, à cause du perilleux temps præsent.
Le jeune prince aveq la princesse royale doit revenir cett semaine icy: desja les garcons à la Haye commencent à porter des escharpes de papier d'Orange a la venue du jeune prince. Cela se redoublera.
A letter of intelligence from the Hague.
Hague, 18/28 July, 1653.
Vol. iv. p. 244.
What I always fear'd, is now come to pass, that intimation should be given here of
the good intelligence you have there of the affairs here. Our deputies there have
written hither to these states, that they have assurance from their friends in England, that
all the secret actings here, and were it possible, the very thoughts of these states, are most
exactly and weekly presented in writing to the council of state there. This was hotly debated in the assembly, every one asking the other, who betrayed them; and some quarrels
were like to arise, but a sort of composure was made, and orders given for strict secrecy in
all their proceedings; so that much difficulty will be in furnishing you; however I shall
attempt always to serve you, as long as I can. But if you have not secrecy, you are not
worthy of the profit thereof. Our deputies there begin to give us very good intelligence
from London, however they get it. They have no great expectation of a peace, and we
have as little here by means of the power of the Orange party, which rather increaseth
than otherwise, but not with that violence. Matters are by it here in a confusion and very
incertain; however they prepare the fleet, of which you had a list formerly, and will be
out now very suddenly, if they can, to rescue their East India and other fleets, which they
fear much to come into your hands.
We have nothing of your fleet, since my last, but this to you.
The states here will not believe, but there is some secret intelligence betwixt the king of Spain and your state; and some of them told Mr. Le Brun, it was so; otherwise the king of Spain would never permit, that so much money should be taken from himself and his subjects. And if his majesty should not vindicate that in some publick manner, it is manifest he conniveth at the detention of the mony, and that to serve against these states. Such bickerings are, &c.
There is some secret treaty, and some say adjusted, betwixt these states and the king of Portugal. If there be any difference, it is only, that these estates will receive no satisfaction, but the restitution of Brasil and other places taken from them by the said king, who denieth the restitution of the places, being (as he says) not in his power, but offereth so much money in consideration of them, free trade, and such like. If this has been already decided, or shall be, I know not yet. Since my former to you here is but one extract worthy of your knowledge, which you have herewith.
A traduction of forming the militia by sea and other waters exhibited in the assembly the 8th of July 1653, how the ships of war from time to time shall be provided, and also the maritime towns and lands secured, tendered to their highnesses consideration, according to the resolution taken 22d and 30th of June last.
That as the companies of foot of these states have been reinforced in the year 1652, every of them, and thereby one province charged more than another, that the companies, to which they shall appertain, shall be augmented and diminished, according to the order taken therein already, to the end that equality may be observed in the provinces, to the proportion of every of them.
That captains, which shall be of the division of the four provinces of Holland, Zealand, Friesland, and Groningen shall command out of their respective companies twenty five musqueteers under one of the officers, at least a serjeant (or more according as they shall be reinforced above their ordinary number) to be employed at sea, with such voluntiers as please to go with them, and to be placed round about in all rivres or harbours, wherein the ships of war usually lye, as your mighty highnesses shall appoint. From these four provinces shall result the number of six thousand ninety seven soldiers, which shall be obliged to serve at sea, and divided according to the orders of the several committees of the colleges of admiralty and directors.
The provinces, upon which the division of these companies is made, are, to take special care, that the soldiers shall be well and duly paid, to the end that the service of the country may be done, and the captains may have ready payment for the soldiers.
And besides the captains shall be obliged to keep the said companies complete in their full numbers.
The musqueteers commanded for the ships shall be put aboard by order of the respective colleges of the admiralty, in such numbers, as the sea captains shall think fit. Being a shipboard, they shall be under the obedience of the commanders of the said ships, and being upon land shall obey the orders of their land officers as is accustomed.
This proposition being accepted, and introduced to all the rest of the soldiers above the said number, which have been drawn from the companies of one or other province, order shall be given to return to their garrisons; and no other drawing forth of men from their companies shall be in part or in the whole hereafter, without the orders of the generality, as always has been accustomed.
You have no more at present, but this printed of your lord general Cromwell and others, to let you see what spirits reign amongst us.
If yours do not keep their secrets better, all intelligence shall be occluded to you from
hence, I assure you; and very difficult it is already to see any of their secret books here.
Which is all at this time from,
Sir, yours.
Translation of some Dutch verses upon the dissolution of the parliament by Cromwell.
Upon the nulling of the English parliament by Oliver Cromwell their general.
Vol. iv. p. 57.
Upon the rule.
Herewith I force that and chastise that parliament, which hath bereaved the head of Charles of the light of the sun and firmament.
The parl. Thou traitor, how darest thou be so bold as to appear in this armed place?
Cromw. I come, you greedy cormorants, amongst you for that gold, which you have so barbarously squeezed from the kingdom by your taxes, whereof you have had so good a share, not regarding, though you drew it out of the very flesh and blood of widows and orphans. You encreased the hogshead so notably, with hooping up all in it, which makes the Low Countries to sigh, the Eastlanders smart, yea Spain and France to droop through your cursed lust and devilish pranks.
Parl. Unhappy scourge of London, and Holland's double-pest, what mean you, O fox, thus to hunt us out of our place, wherein we have voted the king's decollation at your instant desire? Ask you satisfaction for that, whereof yourself hath been the sole plotter and author ? O horrid!
Cromw. Hold your peace, contentious make-bates; your kingdom is at an end.
Parl. O lay to heart, what we shall say.
Cromw. I have heard you too long already; get you out and be gone, I tell you, least my sury and indignation break out upon you, and grind you to powder. I will revenge upon you, (you rogues) the people's losses. Where is the golden mace ? Speaker, come out here.
The Ghost of Dorislaus rising out of Styx, and with a wax torch, thus speaks in Cromwell's ear.
Ghost. Go on, brave blade, complete your purpose valiantly, break to pieces the rich hogshead, out with the bottom; but I am come up from Styx to light this torch to you.
Cromw. There lies parliament and council in the ashes, and all their stolen goods are the soldiers pillage.
Ghost. So, Cromwell, prosper in your gallant act; this witnesseth your honesty to me at last.
Cromw. Now like another Moses I will lead my people to a fatter pasture, the promised land. I shall set up that kingdom of Christ with power. I am your light, shining and sparkling like as a diamond.
Brussels, 29 July, 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. iv. p.245.
Yours by the last I received, and sent yours to Ratisbon; from whence I send also to
you. Your last had but little of news, and it is so here at present. Our armies are
slowly marching, having not money to bring them to the field; however they are moving
towards France both Conde's and Fuensaldagna's armies. The latter's army is about La
Croye, and the other near Doway. The duke of Lorain upon Monday last went towards his
troops betwixt Zambre and the river Moeus to Avennes to meet Condé and Fuenseldagna,
to consult further what course shall be taken to offend the enemy in this campagne. The
prince of Conde's chief gentleman is parted with his highness, and gone into France, in discontent that the employment he pretended to is given to baron Clinchamp.
The archduke is now well recovered, and begins to walk in the park, and I believe he will not stay long in this country; for the Spaniards and he do not well agree. The Spaniards say, that his favourite count Swartzenburgh and other Germans sold all places and offices, ecclesiastic, civil, martial in these countries (as truly I believe they did.) But if the Spaniard has the disposal, it may be little better. Some report, don John of Austria shall govern these countries, and the archduke return into Germany.
You have there (as is said here) 100000 pieces of eight of the money designed to pay the archduke in the allowance given to him here by his majesty.
It is written hither, that the French after taking Rhetel are marching towards la Capelle to besiege it; but no assurance of the intention of a siege.
The garrison of Rhetel, after surrendering the town in four days siege, (fn. 6) are gone to Stenay to join with the prince of Condé's forces.
There landed from Spain at Ostend the 15th instant count Isinghen, who writ hither last post to his imperial highness, that at his coming to sea from St. Sebastians, the Spanish navy designed to relieve Bourdeaux were under sail, twenty great ships besides gallies, pinnaces, and divers other small vessels, with marquis St. Crux admiral, and divers other noblemen and gentlemen.
It is likewise written hither, that the king of Spain has revoked his orders for the levies of any more Irish, because those he has already daily run away from him in all places, as lately from Fonterabia 300 in a body. Here are no other news at this time from
Sir, yours.
Jongestal one of the Dutch ambassadors at London, to William Frederick of Orange of Nassau, &c. stadtholder and captain general of Friezland.
Vol. iv. p. 246.
My lord,
Hitherto have I doubted, what the issue would be of our negotiation here; but
since the last answer, that was given to us in our conference last Monday, I have been
of another opinion, that we shall to-day or to-morrow receive our answer to be gone;
for they have propounded to us such strange and wonderful conditions. I will not at this
time particularize any, by reason, I hope shortly, to make report myself by word of mouth.
I believe, if it pleaseth God to give us a victory, that they would sing another song here,
for the government is not so fast rooted as men do imagine. I have not yet had any dispute with the lords of Holland, because there hath not happened any discourse concerning
the choosing of a captain general, neither have we had any discourse about your excellency;
for we have enough to discourse of in relation to our general treaty and particular discourses;
and then I always assured them of the good inclination, that Friesland had to the peace. It
may very well be, that here may happen in a very short time some great alteration or change,
for many reasons, which I dare not relate here; but time will make it manisest. The
lord Newport told the master of the ceremonies Sr. Oliver Fleming, as we were a going to
conference on Monday last; I think, says he, that the lords of the council did take
these points they propounded to us out of the Instructions of the lords commissioners, who
were the last year in Scotland; thereby giving to understand, that they would use us,
as they do the Scots.
29th July, 1653. [N. S]
The marquis of Barriere, to monsieur Brasset, agent for the French king at the Hague.
Vol. iv. p. 248.
Since I writ my letter, I do understand, that the Dutch commissioners here have
desired a pass to return with all speed, to give an account to the lords their masters:
this nation would have had them to have yielded to such very hard terms, which
they could not accept of, that they would have joined the Low Countries to England, and so made one of both commonwealths; and that there should sit in the parliament here some commissioners of the States General, and so likewise commissioners
of the parliament here to sit in the assembly. I do not know, whether this will be
any advantage to the Low Countries. I am certainly informed, that the councill hath
denied them to grant them a pass, and that they were told, that as they came upon
the publick faith of the parliament, so they might return when they pleased.
29 July, 1653 [N. S.]