State Papers, 1644: April-June

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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'State Papers, 1644: April-June', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'State Papers, 1644: April-June', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"State Papers, 1644: April-June". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

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Ordinance concerning the Scotch and British forces in Ireland.

Die Jovis 11 April 1644.

Vol. i. p. 49.

Resolved upon the question, by the lords and commons in parliament assembled,

That effectual course be taken for the due and speedy collection of the sequestrations appointed by both houses for the payment of the sixty thousand pounds to the Scots army in Ireland; and that this be recommended in an especial manner to the committee for taking the accompts of all the kingdom.

Resolved, &c.
That to enable the speedy raising of a considerable sum of monies for the supply of the Scots army in England and Ireland, an ordinance be passed by both houses, to the same effect as formerly, to levy by way of assessment sixty six thousand six hundred sixty six pounds, six shillings, eight pence, being another third part of the two hundred thousand pounds appointed by both houses for the purposes aforesaid to our brethren of Scotland; for which the public faith of both kingdoms is engaged.

Resolved, &c.
That as another means for the raising of monies for the affairs of Ireland, the Bill presented by both houses to his majesty (for compelling the adventurers to pay the monies due by their subscriptions upon the act of parliament for that purpose) be turned into an ordinance of parliament.

That out of the ways and means abovementioned, or otherwise, or by the credit thereof, the sum of thirty thousand pounds by the fifteenth of May next coming, be shipped from hence to Carrick–Fergus, upon which the said army may depend, and the remainder of the said sixty thousand pounds be shipped away by the last of June next. And it is referred to the committee of Goldsmiths–Hall to consider of the means of raising of these monies, and to offer to the house the probablest way of bringing them in, and to take care with the treasures of the sequestrations, that the sequestration monies may not be diverted to any other use upon any pretence whatsoever.

Resolved, &c.
For the future maintenance of the Scots and British forces in Ireland, that a settled course be establish'd by ordinance of parliament or otherwise, towards the monthly pay of the Scots forces, the sum of four thousand pounds to be paid to the Scots forces, and of four thousands pounds monthly to be paid to the Brittish forces; which sums of money to be paid to the British and Scotish forces shall be paid to the hands of treasurers nominated for that purpose, by the joint advise of both kingdoms or their committies authorized in that behalf, and to be issued forth according to that advice; and the surplusage due for the Scottish forces, according to the treaty, over and above the said four thousand pounds monthly provided, shall be secured to them upon the public faith: That whatever provision of victuals or monies shall be raised or collected, within the states of the United Provinces, by way of benevolence, or otherwise, for the relief or maintenance of the said British and Scottish forces, may be consigned to persons nominated for that purpose, by the joint advice of both kingdoms, or their committees authorized in that behalf; and to be issued forth according to instructions that shall be given by the said advice.

Resolved, &c.
That the earl of Leven lord general of the Scots forces in Ireland (being now by the votes of both houses agreed to be commander in chief over all the forces as well British as Scots, according to the fourth article of the result of the committees of both kingdoms passed both houses,) be desired with all convenient speed by the advice of the said committees, to appoint and nominate a commander in chief under his excellency over the said forces, to reside with them upon the place.

Resolved, &c.
That committees be nominated and appointed by the joint advice of both kingdoms, of such numbers and qualities, as shall be by them agreed on, to be sent with all convenient speed to reside with the said forces, and enabled with all ample instructions by the joint advice of both kingdoms for the regulating of the said forces and the better carrying on of that war.

Ordered by the lords and commons in parliament assembled, that when the houses shall understand from the committees, that shall be sent into Ireland, by advice of both kingdoms, the state of the forces there, they will then take into consideration the augmention of the sums for the monthly pay, as occasion shall be, and as the necessities of this kingdom will permitt.


Jo. Browne, cleric. parliamentor.

Scroll of a letter to the English lords at Oxfoord.

From the public records of Scotland in the laigh parliament house at Edinburgh.

Right honourable,
Wee have yesterday ressaved and considdered your lordships lettir concerning our expedition into England, and doe know, that your lordships ar not so great strangers to our proceedings, as not to know, that this wes not intendid, till all other meanes were first assayed and dissapoynted. Wee will not deny, that the invitations of the honourable houses of parliament in the behalff of our breithrein of England, who ar sheding thair blood in defence of that power, without whiche religion cannot be defended nor reformid, nor unitie of religion with us and other reformed churches be atteined, is a speciall motive. Bot our christian dewtie to religion, our loyaltie and tender regaird of his majesties honour and saiftie, and preservation of ourselffis from ruine and destructione, ar the principall causes of this undertaking. That this invitatione and act of the honourable houses of parliament is null and not to be respected, becaus it wants your lordships consent, and of thes lords, who ar beyond seas, or under restraint, is that which wee think not proper for ws to disputt. Bot how this parliament so earnistlie sought for reformatione of religion, for redres of greivances, and settlement of the greit affairs of that kingdome, and which wes indicted by his majestie for thes endis, and is ratified by a speciall act of parliament, not to be raisid without advyce and consent of both houses, is null and voyd by the absence of thes lords beyond sea, or be your lordships withdrawing yourselffis, or that thes who stay in parliament ar not a sufficient number without your lordships, is mor then wee doe apprehend. And as wee ar mor deeplie affected with the unfained greiff for thes unhappie differences betwix his majestie and his subjects, and mor sensiblie tuiched with the sufferings of our brethrein, then desyrous to judge of the lawes and practises of an other kingdome; soe doe we hold ourselffis in dewtie obliged to our countrey, to clear this kingdome of that unjust aspersione of invasione. Our remonstrances to his majestie, to the honourable houses of parliament, and to all the world, and our wholl former deportment, ar mor plaine and sure evidences of the zeall of this kingdome to religion, of our loyaltie to our native king, and of our trew affection to our breithrein of England, then all that malice can devyse, or calumnie expres against ws. And if the difficulties of the passage had not stopid our declarations concerning our present expedition into England, or the industrie of our adversaries supprest the same from comeing to your lordships hands, yow would nevir haif so farr misinterpreted our entrie into England, as to haif named it to be a invasioune, nor a designe of conqueis of that kingdome, when wee desire the throne of our native king to be established to all agis. Bot the question rightlie staitted is, whether against the popishe, prelaticall, and malignant pairtie, and thair adherents prevailing in England and Irland, wee be not bound to provyd for our owin preservation; or whither wee ought not to endeavor so farr as owr power can reache to rescue our native king, his crowne, and posteritie, out of the midst of so many dangers; and to preserve his people and kingdomes from utter ruine and destruction. And that this is the true staite of the questione, and the sinceritie of our intentiones towards so pious and necessar a dewtie, wee remitt your lordships more full informatione to the declaration of the estaits of this kingdome concerning the present expedition into England from thair meeting at Edinburgh, August 1643, and the covenant betwix the two kingdomes, which wee doe heirwith send. And if your lordships sall joyne in this pious and solemne oathe for reformatione and defence of religione, his majesties true honor and happines, and the peace of his dominions, which this kingdome, with the haizard of thair lyssis and fortunes, hais (with God's assistance) resolved to mantein; then may wee certainlie expect, that God's judgements (which the sins and provocations of bothe nations do justlie deserve) shall be averted; the effusion of more christian blood shall be eschewid; and the confusion and desolations, which further threattin the ruine of thir kingdomes, shall be turned into a hapie pacification for establishing of truthe and peace in all his majesties dominions; for which ends wee shall in everie noble and just way be readdie, according to our covenant, to contribute our utmost endeavors, as a reall testimonie of our desires to continew.

Edinburgh 18 May 1644.

Your lordships.


This part an original.

The councell and conservers of peace haveing this day mett and seene the copie of a letter direct from English noblemen, and considering that it may fall out, that when the principall letter sall come heir, there be not a quorum of councel in toun, have thairfore presenlie agreed, that if the principal letter sall come, the lord chancellor in thair names returne ansswer in manner heir sett doune.

Loudoun cancellarius.

Letter from lord Lindsay, —directed thus:

For the right bon the lord chancellor and committie of estates at Edinburgh. Orig.

From the public records of Scotland in the laigh parliament house at Edinburgh.

Right honorable,
Wee wrote to your lordships formerly our opinion anent the disposeing of the forces yow have on foote there; which wee are now constrained to renew againe; for besids the surrender of the castle of Morpeth, the fort at South–Sheills, which was not gained without blood, hes beene delivered up to the enemey without shot of musket. Yf wee had not expected the entrance of these forces into England befor thes (which, if for no other reasone, yett for the releiveing of that kingdome of the burden, which by thair continuance thair will ly upon them, wee conceived yow would have beene careful to direct) wee would have taken another course for the security of these countyes and our garisons in them; which wee cannot now so conveniently do, a great part of our horsemen being sent to joyne with the erle of Manchester for attending upon prince Rupert's motions. Wee intreat your lordships to delay no tyme in sending of these forces into England; for yf it had beene done in tyme, a few horsemen, with our foote forces there, and collonel Welden's regiment, might have beene more than sufficient for the securing of both these countyes opposeing the commission of array, and bringing the town of Newcastle to great straits, which we feare shall now become a work of greater difficulty to a stronger power.

Yow shall heirwith ressave a letter from the synod of divines to the generall assemblie; and the parliament of England are lykwayes to write to the parliament there.

The bearer, on of our awne number, has attended heer very punctuall, and at his awne charges, upon the committie; whilk wee conceave deserves your consideration. Wee do therefor in his behalfe intreate yow, to think upon some way for his satisfaction; and so we rest

Midlethorp 24 May [1644.]

Your assured freinds and servants,
Lindesay i. p. d.

Letter from lord Lindsay:—directed thus:

For the right honorable the estates of the kingdome of Scotland conveened in parliament at Edinburgh. Orig.

From the public records of Scotland in the laigh parliament house at Edinburgh.

May it please your lordships,
Your meitting together at this tyme in parliament, and the opportunity therby offered us to give yow an accompt of the present condition, resolutions, and just desires of this army, hath moved us for that purpose to make this addresse unto yow, being therunto obliged by the dewty, which we ow both unto your lordships, and unto them; and so much the rather, that the consideration of our condition, and the power of granting our desires, doeth properly and originally belong unto your lordships.

Wee are now (as wee have been this moneth past) lying befor and about the city of York. Prince Rupert is come into Lancashire, and hes already raised the siege at Lathamhouse there; and by vertew of the commission of array is labouring to compell all the inhabitants of that county (and it is supposed he intends to do the lyke in Westmorland) that are able to bear armes, to rise to joyne with him; for the preventing wherof, and for the encourageing of the inhabitants of these countyes to joyne together in opposition to him, as wee have already sent sir John Meldrum with two regiments of foote, on from this, and another from the lord Fairfax his army, into that countrey, who are now in the town of Manchester; so ther are also sent from other armies two thousand hors and dragouners to joyne with the erle of Manchester's wholl cavalry, who ar to ly upon the borders of York and Lankashires; and, in the meane tyme the earle of Manchester's foote are to joyne with us in the seige of York, wherof wee shall not faill to give yow a trew account, according as wee shall have occasion. This being our present condition, wee find, that by our keeping of the feilds these full five moneths, our regiments are become somewhat weaker than they wer ar the beginning; wherunto wee are not to expect any recrues from this. Wee do therfor intreat your lordships to think upon some course for recruting of the severall regiments, which are already in this army, and to give speedy and effectuall order to the rest formerly designed, which are not as yitt come out to march into this kingdome, and joyne with us. Whill wee mention this, wee might renew againe unto your lordships, what wee formerly desired from the committie in the behalfe of the lieutenant generall, that a regiment may be reserved for him to be collonell thereof. This is a favor almost never denyed to any of his place; and howbeit it had not beene promised him, yett his awne cariage and deservings heir may justly challenge it.

Wee are very confident, that it is no wayes neidfull for us to use any argument with yow for the renewing in favours of this army, and the persons employed in it, all acts formerly made in the late parliament in favours of that army, then employed in this same cause; as namelie, anent the wards of such, as shall die in this service, the dischargeing of all processes in any inferior courts against any employed heir dureing thair employment, or any other acts of that kind; seing therby without doubts or feares to suffer prejudices in thair privat estats, the officers of this army will be encouraged constantly to attend thair severall charges,

Haveing said this in the behalfe of the army in generall, wee must particularly recommend unto you the condition of our generall of artillery, a prime officer therof, in whose favors the late parliament upon deserving and honourable considerations, well knowne to them and us, did recomend to his majestie the renewing of a pensione 800 lib. ster. formerly payed to him yeirly out of the exchequer of England (wherwith his affection to this cause made him willing to part, howbeit it wes his wholl fortune) to be in time comeing with the (fn. 1) carearages therof during his lyff tyme payed by the exchequer of Scotland, and that (for his further surety) out of the custome and impost upon the wines. Heirunto his majestie, at thair earnest desire, without the knowledge or privity of the partie himselfe, wes moved to condiscend. This being so wholly and properly a deid of the parliaments, he had good reasone to expect punctuall payment according to the tenor of his gift. Bot all this notwithstanding, immediately after his majesties parting, the lords of the exchequer finding that his majestie, by granting promiscuously to multituds of persones, howsoever affected, gifts of pension, and by assigneing of localities in them, was lyke to dilapidate his whole revenew in that kingdome, did absolutely, without exception, discharge all localities in any pension, wherby he is lyke to be defrauded of the benesite, which the parliament itself did intend for him. Heirof wee cannot bot acquaint your lordships, assureing ourselves, that upon the same grounds, wherupon that gift wes with the expresse locality graunted, yow will in the same maner renew and take such course, as no decreit of any inferior judicatorie may alter or infringe it in the least measure. Heirwith wee take our leave, and rest

From the leagre befor York,
first day of June 1644.

Your humble servants,
Lindesay I. P.D.

Wee have so often written to the committee for providing of armes both for serving the kingdome at home and furnishing this army with ammunition, pistolls, muskets, meale, and cloaths, and shoes, that wee concive it not needfull for us to putt yow in minde therof. Yow shall heirwith ressave a letter from the parliament of England.

22 Julii 1644.

Produced be my lord chancellor, and red in audience of the parliament, and remittit to be considderit upon be the severall bodeis.

Letter from the earle of Leven, —directed thus:

For my most noble lord, the earle of Louderdale, &c. lord president of the high court of parliament of Scotland. Orig.

From the public records of Scotland in the laigh parliament house at Edinburgh.

May it please your lordship,
In obedience to a letter from your lordships of the 14th instant, I have given order, that after a counsell of warr hath tryed captaine Thomas Rutherford, who gave over the fort at South–Sheels, and hath cleered the proces, the same, with the said captaine, shall be sent to bee disposed off, as your lordships shall thing good. I doe forbeare at this time the writing of our proceedings heere, till wee may know, what becomes of prince Rupert and his forces, whom wee are now looking for to come visite us, and are makeing ready for his wellcome. After which your lordships may expect a particular accompt of all our affaires from,

Leaguer before York the
21st of June 1644.

My lord,

Your lordship's most humble servant,

Letter from lord Wharton,—directed thus:

To the right honourable the parliament of Scotland, or their committee. Orig.

From the public records of Scotland in the laigh parliament house at Edinburgh.

My lords,
The Scottish armie allready in this kingdome beeing ingaged before Yorke, and the counties of Northumberland, Westmerland, Cumberland, countie and toune of Newcastle, and bishpric of Durham, being for the greatest part under the power of the enemie, that the seige may not bee hindered by the falling back of anie of your forces for the protection of those counties, and that the warre, which lyeth heavy upon us, may sooner come to an end; the parliament (who must allways acknowledge your good affections to this na tion) desire your further assistance; as appears by their vote herewith sent unto your lordships. This is commanded to be signified unto your lordships, and signed in the name and by the warrant of the committee of both kingdomes, by

Darby–house in Westminster
the 27th of June 1644.

Your lordships very humble servant,
P. Wharton.


  • 1. Probably arrearages.