A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.
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'State Papers, 1653: June (4 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol1/pp301-310 [accessed 14 March 2025].
'State Papers, 1653: June (4 of 5)', in A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol1/pp301-310.
"State Papers, 1653: June (4 of 5)". A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 1, 1638-1653. Ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1742), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/thurloe-papers/vol1/pp301-310.
In this section
June (4 of 5)
A letter of intelligence from Holland.
27 June, 1653. [N.S.]
Vol. iii. p. 291.
I Doubt not but my former is come to your hands, and that you have heard of the sending of Heer Beverning from hence, who went upon Satturday last at ten a clocke from
the Hague, and also another to France; and since upon Tuesday last are also gone to London the Heer Jongestall, the Heer Nieuport, and the Heer Vande Perre, of Zeeland, to feel
your pulse, and if it be possible to worke out somethinge for our good, which God grant,
if it be his will. But heere on the contrary many are in doubt thereof, because theese letters
bringe us news, that the act of the first December for increase of navigation is renewed againe, which shews noe goodwill to us here; which makes us to doubt of your inclynation to
peace. The mindes of all folkes heere beginns againe to be very unquiet. The common
people are generally to have the prince of Orange chosen Statholder, upon which account was on Sunday last at Enchuysen a very great tumult, yea the burghmaster's house was
plundered by the common sort; but at last all was quiet againe: heere were two companies of souldiers mousterde to sende thither, as they made the common people believe; but
they went with the burgemaster Witen, and two ingeniers to the Tessell to make a fort
there, out of feare, the English shoulde land there at one time or other.
We can here not wonder enough what the English meane to blocke up our havens; but it will not be longe endured, for Trompe's fleete will be quickly ready, which is in Zeelande, and to come into theese seas. Also all the men of warr heere in Texell, the Maese, Goeree, and from all parts, must be redye at the time, upon corporall punishment, that all being redy, they may upon a sudden convoye their fleete northwarde, and so goe meete and bring home the East India's shipps, if the English doc leave our coast; but if they doe not, the resolution is to fall upon the English and fight them againe; but rather not, if it were possible; but this fleete will quickly be redy, which we shall give out not to be redy, that so we may fall upon yours suddenlye. Heere must be also twenty four fireshipps redye, which shal be convoyed as merchant shipps, that so they may unawares be aboarde of the English shipps. There is arrived in Texell four shipps from France, and four from Lisbon, tho' all the English lay before our havens; which gives us a little courage. Yesterday was the report, that in Texell were arryved twenty men of warr from the Straites, but some that come from Texell since, say that they were but busses, that went out to catch herrings, which were driven in againe by the English shipps. Heere is a generall jelosie in this country, and in Amsterdam nightly must walk three companies of cytisens (besides souldiers) and the burgemasters with a colonell must walke the rounds every night. It seemes the fire, that hath layen smokeing so longe, begins now to flame; for they of Enchuysen have not only set up the prince's flagge, but that party is now also master of the towne. Also they of Tergoes in Zeelande have driven their counseil from the townehouse, so that here seemes to be a very sad time neere hande. 'Tis certainely repoorted, that Grave William of Friezlande is agreed with some cyties of Holland to make the prince of Orange stateholder, which if they cannot obttaine by choice, are resolved upon it by force. But if this faction cannot be prevented, these countryes wil be turned upside downe. To-day at the goeing to the exchange at Amsterdam stoode a horseman to desire of the burgemasters, that fifteen companies of horse might march thro' the city; but what the meaninge thereof is, is yet unknown to me.
Beverning the Dutch ambassador in England, to John de Witt, pensionary of Dort.
Vol. iii. p. 279.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
As soon as I came here, I presently addressed myself to our well known correspondent
here (whom for the time to come, because I will not use that word correspondent,
will describe with co.) and by him I was informed, that without any dispute they were well
informed here, not only of both the resolutions of the 5th of June, but likewise of all the
circumstances to the very least, which did happen about them; and all the particulars are
debated here, not without glosses and exasperations by The council of state. which I would not
communicate at this time to their high and mighty lordships, because I would consider,
whether occasion and time would any ways favour me to prevent them. That no treaty is
here with 190 I do believe to be true, in regard of 171, in whom I find here a great indifferency, or rather an inclination against it, and in regard of 128 a great animosity, which
do cause me to fear a great accroachment about our 24. H hh h 7. 34. 29. 38. 22. 19;
but I perceive if we earnestly promote the point of religion, and not hold very fast the business of 170, that we shall then yet come to right. Amongst other discourse I am likewise
informed, that it was strange and ill taken here, that the answer of the council upon the
17th of the thirty six articles was so coolly considered, yea sufficiently with contempt rejected,
whereas they were resolved to shew here a perfect endeavour and disposition, wherewith to
bind more closely the two nations with common privileges and benefits, which ought to be
thought upon in time, whether we can proceed further than our late resolutions do declare
unto us, and whether we had not better to yield something to the extension, than wholly to deviate. I desire most affectionately, that you would advise me weekly with your salutary council;
and if you do not dissuade me to the contrary, I am resolved diligently to prosecute the business, yea in the absence of my brethren commissioners, since they do expect here, and desire
to have open hearted candour and sudden expedition. I confess myself too weak for this great
work; but I likewise confess, that I desire that I might negotiate alone for one fortnight
first; not that I want no help, or that I desire none, especially that of mynheer Nieuport,
whose name is here in good repute; but that I fear, that contradictions and tricks in mens
heads, although it be but of one, will spoil our business. God prosper and bless our undertakings, for the advantage of our country, and the honour of his holy name.
London, 17/27 June, 1653.
Your most humble servant,
H. Beverning.
An intercepted letter of col. Doleman, to Mr. Holland at the Hague.
Translated out of the French.
Vol. iii. p. 195.
Monsieur Beverning arrived here yesterday at night, which doth extremely please me;
and I have been with my friend, and cannot perceive as yet any ill prognostication,
but on the contrary much to my good liking, which doth make me to hope, that the business will go well, and that we shall have speedily a good and happy issue of our business.
Nothing else is objected against me, that if you come sincerely and truly without doubting,
of which as soon as monsieur Beverning shall have given them satisfaction, in that particular
especially, I do hope that the worst and most difficult point will be past, and that which
remains will be then more easy and accomplished with facility.
This is all that I can inform you of at present. You may expect a full information by the next from
17 June, 1653.
Your humble servant.
In another letter the same party writes,
I no way despair of a speedy and happy success, which will be no small consolation to me, as being a means of my speedy return and enjoying your good company.
This was an extract of his letter to colonel Killigrew.
The same party still to another at the Hague.
One of our ambassadors is safely arrived here, and the humours here, that of late were a
little high, are now much appeased, so that I hope with God's blessing we shall have a speedy and happy issue. I am confident in three weeks we shall have an end of it.
Mr. Edward Maning to Mr. Tho. Jefferson.
Laus Deo. In Copenhagen the 18th June, 1653.
Vol. iii. p. 301.
I Verely expected a letter from you this post, but received none; but it matters not much
as the world goes. There is no handleing to any purpose not so much as will quitt the
charge of a letter. I am resolved wholly to desist, and gett in that little I have standing
out. I hope according to former advice, you do the like. I trust matters will not long continue at this stay, so as wee shal be able to see upon what ground wee tread, which att present to me (I must ingeniously confess) is invisible. I pray lett me not faile of your advise
by the next, touching all business. Yow may have a clearer sight with you of matters then
I can have here. Here are at present various reports with us of a great fight at sea, all men
concluding that the English hath gott somewhat the better, which is best knowne to you.
I wish all may be for the best, and that a free traffique might be had as formerly. I am
sure it pinches too too hard upon our particular, but wee must submitt in this, as in all things
wee ought. Pray remember me affectionatly to all our deare freinds, and especially I commend me to yourself, your second, and remaine
Yours, Edw. Manninge.
To my honored friend Mr. Thomas Jefferson, living in Covent-Garden, in Henrietta-street, in London.
Mr. Isaac Dorislaus to secretary Thurloe.
Vol. iii. p. 306.
I Have been up all night. The inclosed are my last night's worke. The merchants here doe
generally write, that the king of Spayne hath deceaved them, lest them to shift for themselves, and that hee and this state are agreed for the coyning and disposing of the silver by
this state. I will goe this morning to Whitehall, and tell Bishop, that I am now layd aside,
have nothing more to doe with the post letters. I will manage that businesse for you with that
secrecy and dexteritie to your owne heart's desire; and am resolved henceforward not to impart
one sillable of any thinge I know to any living soule but yourselfe, who am now wholy engaged to you; and you shall finde me reall, faythfull, and true in every particular trust or
word you shall impose upon me. I am very sleepy, and will tell you more of my minde at
18 June, 1653.
Your most faythful and humble servant,
A letter of intelligence from Paris.
Paris, Junii 28, 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. iii. p. 302.
Since my former to you, I received some letters unexpected by the way they came to
my hands, which indeed gave me great comfort, hearing both of your good health, and
the last victory gained by ours against their enemies; tho' yet its not believed so here by
many, by reason they wish the contrary. You are to understand hence, that his majesty
being à la chasse de Sangliers, or rather wild hogs in the woods of St. Germain's, the 24th
instant, one of the hogs being wounded, followed his majesty and many other great men,
which were after him. The hog wounded six of the gentlemen, among which Mr. de
Beaumont was sorely wounded, to whom his majesty has given the last week the government
of St. Germain en Laye; and by much ado they had the king to mount up in a tree; otherwise was like to be spoiled among the rest; but as it was God's will, he was saved, and the
hog escaped in the crowd. The same day monsieur de Bougy, a lieutenant general for his
majesty in Guienne, being at dinner among his friends assured them before four months they
would have peace in France; upon what conditions he would not tell them at that time.
The 25th of this month news came to the court from Catalonia, that all the nobility there have revolted against the king of Spain, and sent presently for Mr. du Plessis Belliere, and his troops, who was in his winter quarters in the province of Languedoc, and went suddenly to join his forces with the said nobility being in a number of 10,000 men, marched towards Barcelona, and by the meanes of the inhabitants of the place took possession of the city, which they have now, as the messenger reports; which (if true) the Spaniard may repent he does not pay his troops, as others endeavour to do, to their ability. They have a report in court, that the king has discovered how all his finances or his monies were to be transported to Havre de Grace by the cardinal's means, and that was done by one of the king's valet de pied, to whom they gave a command in the kings name to retire and quit his service. The valet de pied went to his majesty, and told him, seeing his majesty was not pleased to accept of his service, that he was taking his leave of him. The king asked what was the matter; he answered, he was commanded to retire in his majesty's name, which he obeyed. The king said, he did never think of it, and therefore desired him not to stir; upon that the man told his majesty, that they were transporting all his treasure to Havre de Grace; upon which the king commanded all his treasurers to give him an account of all they received, and how they spent what was disbursed already. So the matter stands as yet. I do not think but Mazarin might have a turn out again, and that by the king's orders.
The news of the campagne arrived the 26th of this present, signifying prince of Condé's being at Stenay the 19th, who being advertised, that mons. marquis d'Uxelles, lieutenant general in the army before Bellegarde, having marched with his forces to stop the passages upon prince Condé, the said prince met him, and fought cruelly, where the marquis had the worst; the confirmation of it we expect, as also the particulars. (fn. 1) Mr. marquis du Chambon, in time past governor for prince Condé in Xaintes, having obeyed the king, was very ill entertained by the inhabitants of Bourdeaux; and were it not for the guard of prince Conti he had been surely killed by the said inhabitants. The last week he arrived here, and presently turned an oratorian fryar, with a resolution never to meddle in the world again.
The letters from Bourdeaux of the 17th instant mark, that the letters from Agen to them in Bourdeaux signify a great revolt in Agen, by reason of the parliament of Bourdeaux being removed thither long ago by the king's orders, which hindered the seneschal of the place and the burghers to exercise their functions, who rose in arms against the said parliament; and, as they say, killed all the counsellors except two, who escaped by much ado; as also killed some commissioners, which duke de Candale left there to receive taxes or impositions for to pay his troop; which is a troublesome business, if it be true.
The late difference between the queen and cardinal Mazarin was nothing; only to try what the people would say, or what part they would take either for the queen or cardinal. The prince Condé, when he parted from Bruxells, passed thro' Cambray, where he took thirty pieces of artillery of the biggest and best he found in the city, and has six horses to draw the least of them.
His majesty being intended for Compiegne heard there was an ambuscade of Condé's forces near the place, waiting for his person; and for that reason they thought better to stay yet a while. On Monday I believe he will be here.
Marshal Turenne having heard, that cardinal Mazarin was named generalissimo of all his majesty's forces, writ to the king, signifying his service this long while, and desiring his majesty to be pleased to let him retire at present. What shall be his majesty's answer, I know not: but interim he is come to court yesterday. It's certain he was not paid since he came from the field, nor d'Hocquincourt, with many others.
It's written by a captain out of the army of marshal d'Aumont, that they have more captains than single soldiers, because they have not yet made their recruits for want of monies, which troubles the court, having not monies to be given. Marshal de Gransay, who was ordered for Italy, is now come to court to receive monies to command the troops of his highness in Piedmont.
Some of the troops in Campagne are ordered towards Laon, Soissons, Noyon, and other villages thereabouts, by reason his majesty heard, that some of the garrison of Rhetel were pillaging and ruining the people in those parts. King Charles is preparing, buying saddles, pistols, and all other things for his journey for Holland. I believe he will away very soon. Preston has not yet received his monies, but his son sir James and Tyrrel are still about it at St. Germain's in court. I would not assure yet they will prevail; the English court is much against them. King Charles will send somebody to Rome; what he shall be, I know not yet. This is what I can give you in substance of our news here at present, with,
Sir, my humble service.
Eight officers of Condé's forces came yesternight to the Bastille with an hundred archers conducting of them; an hundred and fifty more are to come; yet they are so bold as to hazard themselves so near Paris.
The king of Denmark to the States General.
Vol. iii. p.295.
We Frederick III. by the grace of God of Denmark and Norway, of the Goths and Vandals king, duke of Sleswick and Holstein, Stormaria and Dietmarsh, count of Oldenburgh and Delmenhorst, &c. &c. &c. to the high and mighty lords the States General of the United Netherlands, our very good friends, neighbours, and allies, send greeting, and a friendly assurance of our good will. High and mighty lords, the States General, very good friends, allies, and neighbours, that your high mightinesses, in your most acceptable letter of the 8th of this instant, have been pleased to acquaint us, that you are inclined and resolved to send your deputies to England, and to adjust there, by a durable peace, the differences, which are arisen betwixt you and the present government there; hereby we observe your high mightinesses particular affection towards us and our kingdoms and dominions; and this the more, since you offer yourselves, in the progress of those treaties, to take our interest at heart, and in that respect to take a particular care, of what may be conducive to a further union between us and your high mightinesses. This we acknowledge as a friendly and neighbourly proceeding, and firmly depend upon it, that your high mightinesses will be pleased to bring it about, not only that we and our kingdoms and dominions may be entirely included in the said peace, but also more especially, that nothing in the least may be contained therein and agreed upon, that is any ways prejudicial to us and our said kingdoms and dominions; and further to give directions, that we may be acquainted without delay with all such occurrent transactions in this treaty, which concern us and our said kingdoms and dominions. We remain always disposed to do your high mightinesses all acceptable services. Done in our residence at Copenhagen, June 28, in the year 1653. [N. S.]
My lords,
Your good friend, ally, and neighbour,
The Dutch deputy in Sweden to the States General.
Vol. iii. p. 297.
High and mighty lords,
My lords! My last to your high mightinesses was of the 21st instant. The queen sets out
this day to visit the queen her mother at Nicoping, intending to be here again the latter end of next week. Almost all the chiefest lords and senators are out of town, at their estates in the country, and my lord chancellor sets out likewise to his country seat for one or
two weeks, so that there will be an actual vacation in the public affairs. In the mean while
the lord ambassador of Denmark has got orders and is authorized to treat upon a joint alliance with Sweden and your high mightinesses, on the foot of the treaties, which your high
mightinesses have made separately with the one and the other crown. Yesterday in the afternoon his excellency gave notice thereof to the queen, and at the same time did deliver a
letter of the king his master, upon the said subject, as also containing an answer to the Swedish grievances concerning the Sound. Heretofore her majesty upon my first overture of such
an alliance declared herself very favourably on that head (as I have informed your high
mightinesses) assuring the lords ambassadors of Denmark, that she wish'd nothing more
heartily, than that the same might be concluded; but this affair being afterwards brought
nearer upon the carpet, her majesty answered to the said lords ambassadors nothing else, but
that this was an affair of the greatest moment, and that she would take it into further consideration, and that after her return from Nicoping, the same might be further treated upon.
I will wait therefore accordingly, till her majesty be here again, and faithfully obey the orders your high mightinesses have charged me with on that subject.
Last Sunday two letters were presented to the queen, which were brought hither by an express dispatch'd for that purpose, one of the emperor, and the other of the king of Hungary, wherein her majesty is thank'd, with great civility and affection for her good will and kind offices, which she has employed in the election of the king of Hungary to be made king of the Romans.
The quartermaster Rooden, who has contracted with this crown for the fortifications of the town of Riga, is to set out next week for that place, in order to go to work immediately. Wherewith,
high and mighty lords, &c.
Scockholm, June 28 1653. [N.S.]
C. Beuningen.
An intercepted letter of col. Ed. Wogan to Ja. Dounch esq.
Vol. iii. p. 310.
Deare frind,
I Know it is noe small comffort to youe, to heare whatt a sad destrucktion the reabelese
are in Ingland. Sartinley they have butt a verey shourt thime to rayne, and youe shall
find, that God will find meanes to rueine thim on among aneather; wich is mouch more to
his glorey, thin iff wee had beane the atteres of theare destroucktion. I have preasintted
your sirvis to his ex. whoe deasires to have his preasintted to youe. Wee have nouthing
heare of niues, that is wourth the writhing; nor have wee yeatt anney asuranch of our rea
movall. Sir, I shall deasire, that youe will asure your sealfe, that youe have nott a faythfuller sarvatt thin him, that is, deare frind,
Your most asured frind and sarvant,
Edward Wogan.
Valeroyall, the 19th of Jugne 1653.
For my hon. frind Ja. Dounch esq.
Col. Edw. Wogan to major gen. Massey.
Vol. iii. p. 211.
Deare Sir,
Oure condiesion heere att preasintt is souch, that for niues wee know nott whatt to
writt, nor seares whatt to thincke. Yeatt I doe not despayre, butt that God will
order the matter soe withoutt our assistanch, will find a way to reaintrone our king agayne;
and I belive the greattes reason of your sicknes is of your impasincey and freatting your sealfe
in matters, that cosearnes the king. It is true, youe doe noe more thin what is your dutey,
in indeavring to sarve your master: butt youe most give God leave to take his one time.
It is a most sartine tokinen that God will one us att last, if wee be in a condieson to be in
some maner worthey of his mercy. Youe may observe, how God deales with the kinge's
inameyes, and how he findes a way to pones thim on amoung aneather. I am sure youe
cannott butt take nouthies of it, and now in your afflicktion be a comffortt to youe to see
how God ones us. The last post butt wan I sentt a leater to youe from his ex. inclosed in
myne, wich I hope is come to your handes.
The last night theare had licke to beane a most sad acksidinch: the king, ducke, and princh Rupertt beaing a swiming, princh Rupertt had licke to beane drountt, had it nost bene for on Hameltton, thatt saved him whin he was quitte gon under watter, took him up bey the hayre of the head, and swome asore with him. Wee have not a sartinttey as yeatt of our reamoving. Fore or five dayes agone magor Bosell came heather, and whin the king and quine was att super, he preasinted your sirves to him. Thoe the king toke it kindley from youe, I most confes I was mouch consearned in the matter, that youe should whantt one to preasint your dutey to his masey, and not one that is soe heley sospecktted as Bosell is. The duke of Bouckingame is gone for Calles, and is thought he will goe for Ingland. Dear sir, I am,
Your most affectinatt humbell sarvatt,
Edward Wogan.
Valeroyal, the 19th of Jonge, 1653.
An intercepted letter.
Vol. iii. p. 215.
Most honoured,
Till now I have forborne to write, because the party from whom I should have had
the particulars desired, hath been and still is out of towne, but expected home dayly.
Thus much I thought good at present to acquaint you for present satisfaction in that particular. I am credibly informed, that the duke of Buckingham hath been sent for to come over, and is to marry sir Thomas Fairfax his daughter. I hope by next returne to performe
what I desire and you expect. Sir, the activity and diligence shall not be wanting of
20th of June, 1653.
Your humble, &c.
An intercepted letter to Mr. Stanley at Paris.
10/20 June, 1653.
Vol. iii. p. 312.
On Saturday last the soldiers, by the agitators of the army, exhibited a petition to the
council of state, wherein they except against the persons appointed and summoned to
be the new representatives. Each soldier conceives himself as capable to have a voice in election of those members, as any whosoever; but especially those, who have been actually
promoters of several remarkable things done in order to this reformation, who can expect
not to be denied that privilege. Harrison's commission is said to be either lay'd down or
taken from him. And there are agents employed into every county, to get hands of gentlemen and freeholders to acknowledge the dissolution of the late parliament to be a good
act, and for the benefit and advantage of this commonwealth; and there is another party,
that is labouring for hands on the contrary. These are dangerous signs, or rather beginnings
of new distractions, which will embroil this nation more than formerly.
Mr. Dorislaus to secretary Thurloe, inclosing the preceding letter.
This letter is directed to one Stanley, but it is to Mr. Charles Gerard, sir Charles Gerard's sonn, who doth employ Mr. Samuel Foxley to purchase for him certaine lands forfeited
to the commonwealth, which did belong to his father. The sayd Foxley is to receeve a good
reward for his pains.
Intelligence from the Hague.
Vol. iv. p. 75.
***Wherefore the deputies have taken order, to prepare the best ships and most in number they could find serviceable; also fourteen or fifteen men to be added in every ship to their former numbers compleat, and amongst the rest of the ships two East India ships at Middleburgh, and that they have written to all the colleges and directories to that effect.
Also they write earnestly, that since the English with all their power are a building as many ships for war as they can, that they thought it very necessary, their mighty highnesses should build out of hand sixty ships of war. The said deputies likewise have advised and resolved with Van Tromp on a conjunction of the ships, that are in Texel and Goree, with orders to take the first wind and opportunity, if they may not come otherwise, without danger of the English; or if that may not be, that the rest of the whole fleet, with the first fair wind sail towards them.
The said deputies press likewise for a month's pay for the officers and mariners, for the satisfaction of them all, &c.
They also desire, that those that have power to do justice upon those officers, that performed not their duties in the late fight, should be required to do it, and see it executed.
The 27th of June, by the answer, which the said lord deputies have given to the former memorials of Van Tromp and his chiefest officers (for repairing, reinforcing, paying, and other desires) all their demands in particular are granted and ordered to be put in due execution. Besides what you have here before, Beverning writes hither, that suddenly after his landing at London, he received visits from his secret friends, who assured him, than the English would not insist much upon the preliminaries. He also writes, that the English will not at all listen to a cessation of arms, and lose the opportunity of the advantage they now have, but are very ready to go on in the negotiation. All this he has been told, before he spoke to any of the ministers of state.
The people here are much unsatisfied and unruly, ready to return to the old government of the house of Nassau; as appears by their actions, first in Enchuysen, after in Medenblick and Horn, and at present in the city of Harlem; in all which the people shew an incredible favour to the house of Orange, saying, they were never well, since they were taken off their government, nor will till they be restored to it. And so much they declare by force, and 'tis feared more will do the like; and this fomented by the particular creatures of that family.
The English army is still upon the coast of north Holland, having shut up the ports of Texel and Vly, which are the entrances into this province and Amsterdam; so that no ship can go out or come in, whereby commerce is dead, and scarcity of victuals, which troubles much the people of these countries; besides their other fears, which caused them to muster and arm all the country men, and quartered in this same town soldiers, and in all other maritime places. After this the danger of their East India fleet being taken troubles them extremely; for if it be taken, there is an end of all these countries in this age not to be recovered.
It is written to the states, that the English have selected a squadron of their best ships, and ordered them as to meet the said East India fleet; which strikes no small terror into the hearts of all those that are concerned.
You are not to wonder, we have sent to you into England to make such a peace as you shall please in the end to give us; for the yearly revenue of this state is now fallen by the tenth part at least; and in Amsterdam, to my knowledge, there are four hundred houses wast. And if in one year's war with England we are reduced to this, what shall become of us in another year? Our harvest for corn lyes in the Sound, and cannot come further; and our fishing is also lost. And in a word, if God shall not relieve us in some way not visible to man, or we in peace with England, these countries are utterly undone in my opinion, &c. And yet the malice of the people here is inveterate against England, as if they were able to revenge themselves.
They suffer here a printed book to be publish'd, written by a Frenchman, called Mr. Blondel, living in Amsterdam, invective against England, and as bad against the Spaniard. It is written in French, and a large book, too big for any packet. But if you please, I shall find some other way by Flanders, to send it to you.
The Spaniard proposeth here a league against Portugal, and commissioners are named to hear him. What effect that shall have, time will let us see.
The States General's deputies are sent to Amsterdam, and authorized to unlade five East India ships of the greatest, and to set them forth for ships of war; but the directors of that company complain much, that the unloading will be a great loss to them.
The said deputies are also authorised, to take out of every ship of the fifty designed for the east, two or three men, and to offer to them eighteen guilders per month.
The memorial of the Swedish resident for free commerce with England, Ireland, and Scotland is again put to the former deputies to be further examined and reported.
Sir, This is all I have at this time to give you; but consider, if all this can he had in so short a time, as you would have it, I shall not fail to do what I can. You need not press me. But I must tell you, that if any there shall write hither (as once has been done) that you have extracts secret and such other secret intelligences, the States General will take such a course, that neither I nor any else shall be able to serve you. Therefore I do recommend to you the secrecy hereof, and you will serve yourselves, and enable me the more to continue,
Sir, yours.
Beverning, one of the Dutch ambassadors at London, to John de Witt.
Vol. iv. p. 159.
[Paragraph contains cyphered content — see page image]
My lord,
We have not been able to make any further enquiry into the desire of the deputies of
Bourdeaux concerning the employment of our prisoners; and we believe, that there will
be nothing further done in it. We do already begin to change prisoners, as we sent their
lords word by captain Cruyck, who is discharged. We did at that time desire their lordships to take into consideration, whether it were not necessary that two or three letters of
credence were sent to us, with copies thereof, without any superscriptions, that so we might
make use of them according as occasion shall serve to the 37. 26. new representative 48. 15.
45. 49. 16. 50. 17. 37. 52. 4. 53. 26. 20. to be addressed, which, without doubt, will
meet on Tuesday next.
In the visits and contravisits between Lagerfelt and us, there happened, amongst the rest, several discourses concerning the mediation offered by Sweden to both commonwealths; to which he could not yet receive any answer from this commonwealth. And because we perceived by him, that we were entertained beyond our meaning and intentions, we used the same words of civility to him upon that subject, which were given in compliment by their high and mighty lordships to the heer Appelboom; wherewith the said lord was satisfied, and proceeded no further.
The heer Stockar at our visits did complain likewise, that he after several instances had now continued three months together upon the same subject, and could get no answer: he did manifest and declare to have a firmer belief and opinion of the disposition and intention of their high and mighty lordships to a peace, than of those of the government of England; and declared also, that out of that consideration only the lords his masters did first send into England, and afterwards they would do the like good offices to their high and mighty lordships, being resolved to send a solemn embassy to both commonwealths, if he can find that there is any inclination in the government here towards a peace. He shewed us his credentials, and thought fit to leave a copy thereof in our hands, since we did excuse to accept of the original for divers reasons, which he did desire us very earnestly to accept of.
Doctor Petersen, agent of Hamburgh, upon the foresaid occasion, declared to be sent alone to reclaim and get discharged some ships, and to agree upon a form of certificate, whereby the ships of that state may trade with more security and less trouble of being hindered in their voyages.
In the mean time we are informed, that some of those ships were laden with contraband goods, and waylaid by the English men of war, and afterwards brought in with a convoy.
At our last conference we were in a withdrawing room with maj. gen. Harrison, Pickering, Strickland, and col. Desborough, who married the sister of the lord general, and received of them an answer in writing, relating to the three formerly mentioned articles of the 25th of June 1652, and a short declaration, that the lords of the council did expect our answer thereupon, that so we might proceed further; which we, after a short communication held, did desire to debate presently, alledging several reasons, which would serve to the destruction thereof, desiring that during that session we might speak personally to that, for we could thereby demonstrate several difficulties, yea impossibilities, which were lodged therein. But the said lords commissioners, after some short communication held amongst themselves, declared, they had no order to proceed any further than to our memorandum, which we had given in; and desired, that what reasons we had already alledged, or should alledge, to deliver them in writing, so that we were sain to break off at that time, and resolved to set down our reasons in writing, and to present them to his excellency, and the council of state; which was done this morning.
In the mean time we have not been idle, or stood still to advance by all means possible our business in hand, and to do all what we can to have access to those, with whom we are to negotiate about this business, and who will have the greatest weight upon them for the dispatch thereof. We hope to do some good with some about it, and we do not doubt, having prepared that business so well beforehand, but that we may expect to hear, that something hath been done in it to-day effectually. And we are informed by some besides, that it shall not so much altogether depend upon the said three preliminary articles, but that there shall be convenient expedients found out to have them waved and passed over; and it may be possible withal to advance the business chiefly very far, whereof their high and mighty lords shall be informed with all that passeth, so soon as possible as this shall happen to appear with more certainty, than yet it doth; humbly desiring you, that in the mean time during our abode here you would further and promote so good a work, so much advantageous to our country. All the world doth take notice of our treaty, and how we walk; and the more, because the government here is occupied with many domestick businesses of importance, and all those of foreigners chiefly laid aside; and that our businesses are thought to be taken to heart. France, Sweden, Spain, Portugal, the Hans Towns, and others possibly more, which are unknown to us, who have their ministers here of great dexterity and experience, who do constantly watch the interest of their masters, and who are highly concerned in the success of our negotiation between us; yet notwithstanding all this we are assured, that none have any knowledge of our negotiation 52. 60. 16. 34. 32. 19. 38. 18. 29. 37. 12. 49. 28. 50. 26. 51. 53. 47. 17. 52. 42. 36. 52. 18. 38. 15. 19. 37. 18. 38. 15. 19. 37. 18. 38. 42. 20. 53. 16. 37. 6. 38. 14. 17. 49. 18. 37. 29. 37. 11. 29. 49. 53. 17. 37. 57. 64. 53. 52. 19. 9. 16. 48. 50. 53. 15. 37; so that their high and mighty lordships may expect to receive ere long a full and perfect account, or it may be something nearer to our business, which God give a blessing unto.
June 30, 1653. [N. S.]
A letter of intelligence from Rome.
Rome, the last of Junii, 1653. [N. S.]
Vol. iii. p. 313.
Yours with this post I did not see. I am certain they are not come to Rome.
for occurrents, take as followeth. His holiness declared for his camerier secret one
mons. Micinelli Canonico in Sta. Maria Majore, and in place of that made his guardarob
one Vandergoose a Fleming. All is ostent and mirth, striving who more glorious in liveries,
lacques, &c. Among which the prince Avelinoa Neapolitan gave a most gallant shew, in
presenting the gennet, being the feud of Naples to his holiness: he came hither last Friday
from Naples with his lacquies and gentlemen, in all four or five hundred, most proudly. The
Romans murmur of it, being wont heretofore to make all preparations to that end in Rome;
but the Neapolitans do esteem little their opinion or censure. Indeed the cavalcade was most
proud. That prince of Avelino is son to Gallicano's lady. Our new cardinal Carolo Barberino, the cardinal of Florence, nor the Florentine ambassador made no motion of joy
for this new creation of cardinals; but all Rome was very glad of it, and made great
demonstrations of joy. We hear the French and Spanish armes are three miles near
one another; the first at Annone, the second at Rocca de Baldo, with hopes to fight shortly.
We had also great fires made here for the election of king of Romaines, who in person is to
come to Italy, and live there as long as his father the emperor lives in Germany. A felucca,
arrived at Genoa from Spain with new dispatches for Naples and Milan, and gives out the
archbishop of Valentia is to come to Rome for an ambassador. Another marriage was here
concluded between D. Mario, brother to cardinal Gabriel, and the second daughter of Falconieri. From Venice, for new general in Dalmatia goes the marques Gerolomo Sarvognono.
They relate from Corfu, Morosini in the seas of Santheodoro in Candia did fight with a Turkish squadron, and took four of their gallies and seven brigantins laden with sugars for Candia; and the Turkish army without any opposition came off the Dardanelli; and went toward Scio and Rhodes for to join with the squadrons of Negroponte and Barbary, the Venetian army being at Milo, observing the enemy's proceedings for to fight with them. (fn. 2) Mon
fieur de Plessis could not persuade the duke of Mantua in Casal to be for the French, having
answered, that he would not meddle any more with their embroils. This is all at present
From, Sir, your ever true servant.
I hear nothing from Silva.
The abovementioned prince of Avelino bestowed upon Trivulcio his best and first coach, to Pimentel four stout horses, to prince Pamfilio the bravest horses that he brought of saddle, and to all his lacquies and gentility what liveries and gists they had from him. He is in opinion to spend 1000 crowns every day only in table. This prince of Avelino was to be married with the new married to Maffeo, daughter to prince Justiniano, and therefore made such extravagance as to despise the marriage done with Barberini.
Boreel the Dutch ambassador at Paris to the States General.
Vol. iii. p. 320.
High And Mighty Lords,
My lords, my second conference with the king's commissaries was on the ninth of July
being Wednesday, wherein their honours told me first, That they had made their
report to the king and council of what was done yesterday in the first conference, and that
they were ordered to assure me, that the king was entirely well inclined to enter with their
high mightinesses into a firm and renewed treaty of alliance; and that I might for that purpose communicate all that their high mightinesses had thought fit to propose and desire; and
because it was agreed at our breaking up yesterday, according to their request and my promise, that I should deliver in writing the general and principal matters, whereon the treaty
of alliance should be grounded and subsist, therefore their honours desired, that I would deliver (as I did) for the better elucidation of the aforesaid matters and of what the opinion of their high mightinesses on that head, the 1. 2. 28. 29. 41. and 45. articles of the
proposals, presented on the 8th of June 1653, without the articles of the offensive alliance, at
the end of which articles (without making any excuse of not understanding or not remembring
of what was by word of mouth mentioned in the first conference) I added the last clause of
your high mightinesses secret resolution of the fifth of June, from the words, Therefore
shall the said lord ambassador: to the end thereof.
Touching these principal and chief matters and the articles abovementioned, during the reading thereof several strange discourses were heard, which (however without any prejudice to your high mightinesses dignity) I passed by coolly and with as little heat as with honour could possibly be done. The result of this whole conference was, that I took upon me (according to my instructions being authorised to communicate the same at the request of the lords commissaries) to translate the whole contents of the fifty two articles without the articles of the offensive alliance, so as I should think suitable, requisite, and necessary, to have but short conferences on the same.
The lords commissaries have been also declared to me, that the king had thought fit, to order monsieur de Bordeaux, that he may communicate with the lords ambassadors of your high mightinesses at London, with a full confidence and sincerity, that one might support the other's negotiations and assist him with good advice, (since such are the dreams of the lords commissaries) it would be best and safest for both jointly to act or not to act in the transactions with the English government, whatever should be thought either of service or prejudicial to the one and the other. According to what I perceived by their honours discourse, monsieur de Bordeaux had done but little or nothing with the government in England, and seems more intent to cause rather greater animosities than to apply himself to many transactions of substance. There is one thing upon the anvil, for which the lord Cromwell shews to be somewhat wel-assected to this crown, to witt, That France shall forbid my lord the prince Ruppert to sell any of the booty he has gained, but that the same shall be restored to the English from whom it is taken.
On the 10th early in the morning, I caused the contents of the fifty two articles, translated into French, to be delivered for the basis of the alliance, without the points of the offensive alliance, whereupon his majesty's commissaries have been assembled by themselves, and without me, in orderly privately to examine the whole tenor of the articles, that they might be ready in the afternoon to confer and to treat further with me, but since they have sent me word, that there would be no conference to day, fince the lords commissaries are still busy with examining the contents of the articles, and could this day not be ready. Wherewith, &c.
Paris, July 1, 1653. [N. S.]
High and mighty lords, &c.
W. Boreel.