North Muscham, Holme and Battheley

Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 3, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby. Originally published by J Throsby, Nottingham, 1796.

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Robert Thoroton, 'North Muscham, Holme and Battheley', in Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 3, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby, ed. John Throsby (Nottingham, 1796), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

Robert Thoroton, 'North Muscham, Holme and Battheley', in Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 3, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby. Edited by John Throsby (Nottingham, 1796), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

Robert Thoroton. "North Muscham, Holme and Battheley". Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 3, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby. Ed. John Throsby (Nottingham, 1796), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

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That part of North Muscham which was of the soc of Suell paid the tax or geld for one car. ½. It was a very great township, but the hamlets Holme and Batheley, which were involved with it, are not named in doomsday book, which shows that St: Peter de Burgo had a share here, which paid for ten bovats. The land four car.— There was then in demesne one car. and two sochm. on two bov. and and half of land, five vill. and three bord. having one car. and an half, and two mills 20s. and one waste, [wastum] and half a piscary, and thirty acres of meadow: In the Confessours time the value was 60s. then 40s. but the principal and greatest share was of the fee of Goisfrid de Alselin, (fn. 1) whereof before the Normans came one Ulvric had for his manor three bov. to the geld. The land four car. There in demesne was one car. and four vill. seven bord. having one car. and an half; there was a mill 10s. and twelve acres of meadow: In the Consessours time 40s. then 30s. There was another part rated to the geld at two car. ½. The land four car. In demesne were three car. six sochm. five vill. two bord. with two car. There were two mills 20s. forty acres of meadow, forty acres of wood, in former time 100s. value, then 4l. Tochi held it for a manor.— There was soc four bov. ad Geldam. The land one car. It was then (viz. when the Conquerour took the survey) waste, there were twelve acres of meadow. There was soc in Carleton one bov. of land for the tax, there were two sochm. having nothing.— Here was another manor of the land of the Tayns which Sluvard had before the conquest, and paid to the geld for three bovats. The land being certified then to be sufficient for three plows, or three carucats. There Siuvard afterwards had two bordars, and one mill 10s and twelve acres of meadow: In the Confessours time this was but 4s. in the Conquerours 16s. value.

(fn. 2) Baldwin de Paunton held a knights fee in North Muscham of the abbat of Peterburgh, and Thomas de Muschamp held another of the see of Robert de Everingham, whose ancestor Raph de Alselin founded Shelford, to which monastery this church belonged, and was appropriate, and with it, 29 H. 8. granted to sir Michael Stanhope, knight, or at least within a year or two after, as in Shelford may be observed.

Philip de Panton, by a fine at Nott. the Tuesday next after the feast of St. Peter and Paul, 4 Joh. (fn. 3) granted to Adam de Merchamp one carucat of land in Muschamp, in Badeleg, and in Holme, and to his heirs for ever, paying 20s. per annum.

Baldwin de Paunton was sheriff five or six years, beginning about 24 H. 3. (fn. 4) — Philip de Paunton his son likewise, 21 and 22 E. 1.

(fn. 5) By a fine levyed at York, 27 E. 1. Philip de Paunton granted to John de Haryngton and his heirs, which he should beget on the body of Matildis, daughter of the said Philip, the manor of Paunton in the county of Lincolne, paying a rose yearly; and for want of such issue, to return to the said Philip and his heirs.

(fn. 6) In 3 H. 5. there was the execution of a fine levied, Trin. 34 E. 1. between Richard, son of John de Haryngton, and Amicia his wife, quer. and John de Harington, deforc. of the manor of Muskham, with the appurtenances, and of 20l. rent in Harington and Aswardeby in Lincolneshire. The jury, 18 E. 2. found that Richard de Harington held the manor of North Muskham of John de Haryngton by the service of 2s. per annum; and that John de Haryngton, son and heir of Richard, was then above seventeen years old, John de Haryngton chr. who held Grendon in Northamptonshire as the right of Elizabeth his first wife, by whom he had two daughters Anne, wife of John Carnell, and Isabell of Hugh Fairefax; had also a daughter Alice by his second wife, who it seems about 51 E. 3. (fn. 7) was a co heir of his estate at Paunton in Lincolneshire, and Wissenden in Rutland, and here at North Muskham.

Philip de Paunton, knight, had a son and heir called Thomas, who had three sons, Baldwin, and two Johns; Baldwin the eldest by Joane his wife, had a son named John de Paunton, who left Alice his wife a widow, and had no issue; she was after married to Thomas Tachewell of Wissenden, against whom William de Exton, and Margery his wife, cousin and heir of the said John de Paunton, late husband of the said Alice, were plaintiffs at the assizes at Okeham, 2 R. 2. (fn. 8) for lands in Wissenden, which Margery was daughter of John, son of the elder John, son of Thomas de Paunton.

William Fayrfax, and Elena his wife by a fine, 32 H. 6. (fn. 9) wherein William Marschall, Robert Doyle, esquire, Stephen Marschall, and Francis Furnivale, clerk, were complainants, conveyed the manor of North Muskham, called Haryngtons manor, with the appurtenances in North Muskham, Batheley, and Holme, to the said William Mareschall and his heirs.

William Skypwith, and Thomas Bingham, 37 H. 6. (fn. 10) claimed it in a recovery against William Fayrfax, esquire, Robert Doyle, esquire, and the rest. In another, 6 H. 7. (fn. 11) William Lamister, chaplain, and John Maxhey, chaplain, claimed against Richard Curteys, esquire, the manor of North Muskham, with the appurtenances, and six mess. two hundred acres of land, twelve of meadow, fourteen of pasture, and 16s. rent, with the appurtenances in North Muskham and Newerk.

(fn. 12) Robert, son of Thomas, son of Alexander de Muskham, gave to God and the church of Stanley Park, and the canons there (of the order of the Præmonstratenses) serving God, in pure alms, the moyety of the mill of Bathker, with the site and sequel, water, and the fishing of the whole water, and work of the men of the land of sir Thomas his father, and of their heirs, with three selions of land extending from the said mill to the kings street, saving the multure of the house of his father, which Thomas his brother, who was a knight, confirmed, as he did the gifts of William, son of Raph de Batheley, of all his lands in Muskham, Holme, and Batheley, and the services and homages of Henry de Batheley his brother, and of Huga de Holme, and Adam the clark of Muskham and their heirs, and the gifts which Roger de Batheley his brother had made likewise. This sir Thomas gave to those monks all his claim in a place called Gosewong, where their grange stood, and liberty to inclose it. He had a daughter named Emma, the wife of Godefr. Marescall (possibly the ancestor of the family of that name here seated) and a son called Thomas, who confirmed and added to the said monastery of Dale, as did his son Thomas de North Muskham. (fn. 13) (fn. 14)


Thomas, son of Thomas de Muskham of Shenlee, by a fine 17 E. 2. (fn. 15) settled two parts of the manor of North Muskham on Henry de Edenstow, clerk, and Robert his brother, during their lives, except two marks of rent in the said manor. By another fine at York, 10 E. 3. (fn. 16) Edmund de Coventre, and Margaret his wife, passed to them the manor of North Muskham, excepting five marks 3s. 4d. rent in the said manor. By another fine, 16 E. 3. (fn. 17) and afterwards 18 E. 3. (fn. 18) the said Henry de Edenestowe, clerk, and Robert his brother passed the manor of North Muskham, except 42s. 6d. rent, and the rent of half a pound of pepper in this manor to the prior of Newstede in Shirewood, together with the homages and services of the abbat of Rughford, and of Roger Deincourt, knight, and Maud his wife, and diverse others, to the intent that the said prior and his successours should for ever find two chaplains daliy to celebrate in the church of the blessed virgin Mary at Edenstowe, one in honour of the said Virgin, and the other for the wholsome estate of them the said Henry and Robert, whilest they should live, and afterwards for their souls, and for the souls of John their father, and Cecily their mother, their brothers, sisters, parents, friends, and benefactors.

(fn. 19) King Edward 6. March 20, 7 E. 6. granted to Leonard Browne, and Antho ny Trappes, gent. all that mess. and tenement, and all lands, meadows, pastures, and hereditaments in the tenure of William Holme, lying in North Muskam, late belonging to the priory of Newstede, and several rents issuing out of lands and tenements in Caunton, to the said priory belonging.

(fn. 20) Thomas de Crumbewell, presbyter, gave to the monks of Rufford, for their pitance, on the day of his anniversary, all the lands which he held in the territory of North Muscamp, Holme, and Bateele, viz. of the gift of Robert, son of Thomas de Muschamp, (which cost him thirty six marks) and ten selions, which he had of Adam, son of Joslan de Bathele, and three of William, son of Adam de Holme, and one of Adam, son of Robert de North Muscamp, &c.

(fn. 21) Robert de Lysurs, rector of the church of Crumwell, for twenty four marks of silver, bought of John, the abbat of Stanley Park, and that covent, their moyety of their mill of Batheker, which they bought of Rob. son of sir Thomas de Muskam, knight, with the appurtenances; (as before is mentioned) which the said Robert de Lysurs gave to God and the pitance of the canons of Thurgarton reserving to the abby of Dale a penny yearly, and the tythes of the said moyety, and fishing, and the multure of their house at Batheley.

(fn. 22) March 13, 7 E. 6. the grange of Batheley, and all mess. lands and tenements in that place, late belonging to Dale abby, were granted to Thomas Farneham, and Thomas Morrison, and their heirs.

(fn. 23) The vicars of the canons of the church of Southwell, confirmed the gift which sir Richard de Sutton (canon of that church) made to Hugh de Mortun, his chamberleyn, of 1 mess. with croft and palet in Batheley, and 22 acres of arable land, and an acre and an half of meadow in the fields of Muschamp, Batheley, and Holme, to be held of the said vicars for 10s. per ann. To their deed dated 1262, besides and before the chapters seal, was their own seal put, in the circumference whereof is, Commune sigillum Vicariorum Suuell.

(fn. 24) William, son of Galfr. de Batheley, gave to the church of Thurgarton, and the monks there 6s. yearly rent, out of the lands which Thomas his son held of him in Batheley, and what should happen to him or his heirs by reason of reliefs, fealties, or escheats, or otherwise by the means of Northcroft, all which Adam the prior of Thurgarton. in the year 1270, released to the said Thomas, excepting the said 6s. per annum rent.

In Batheley there yet remains a branch of the family of Scrimshire, which have been resident and owners of land in these hamlets and towns of Muskams, above four hundred years, (fn. 25) The first I have taken notice of was Hugh le Skirmessour, and Christian his wise, about king Johns time; most of them have been named William.

(fn. 26) There is a piece of a genealogy, which makes one Geffry Scrimsher marry an heir of Muscam, not above five descents above Maud, the heir female married to Henry Marshall (as in South Muskam is noted) but I have seen nothing of authority sufficient to confirm the truth of it.

(fn. 27) William Schrimshire of South Muskam had a son called Robert, who married Agnes the daughter of—Whyte, and of Joane his wife, of Batheley, about 4 H. 6. and there settled, to whom William Skrimschire of South Muskam, his brother released some small parcel, 3 E. 4. on whose seal is the image of a man in a long coat, and in his hand an half pike or javelin with a barbed head, in his left hanging down a shield, on which seems to be a Crosse Molin, or Florette. From this Robert Schrimshire of Batheley, is descended William Scrimshire, yet under age, on whose behalf his father in law Mr. John Wright in the year 1669, took a journey into Scotland, and endeavoured to procure for him by his Majesties favour, the estate of the earl of Dundee, the principal of this name, fallen to the crown for want of heirs, in which journey he met the sheriff of Staffordshire, Edwin Schrimshire of Aquilate, descended from these in this county, as his patent for his crest dated about 26 Eliz. which he showed me affirms, attempting the same for himself: but being grown acquainted with this young man, and having no children himself, he appeared willing to assist the said Mr. Wright, on this newly discovered kinsmans behalf, but after some expence of time and money, the business fell to nothing.

(fn. 28) At the assizes at Nottingham, 4 H. 4. John de Newton prebendary of the prebend of North Muskham in the church of St. Mary of Southwell, recovered his seisin of 25s. rent service in North Muskham; and Robert, son of Symon de Hulme, was amerced 12l. for damage.

(fn. 29) John de Beauver passed to Adam de Everingham, his heirs or assigns two oxgangs (or bovats) lying next the sun of his five bov. in Holme, and amongst the rest two acres extending towards the park of Robert Constable, &c. The witnesses were Gerard Salvayn, Robert Constable, Robert Torny, Raph Foliot, &c.

The hamlet of Holme seems to be on the other side of the Trent, but is not so, for that betwixt North Muskam and Holme, is but a new stream, and the old current was beyond the utmost part of Holme, and that ditch now dryed up, is still the limits between the wapentaks of Thurgarton a Lee, and Newarke. Holme did belong to sir Thomas Barton, a man of great possessions in Lancashire, whose ancestor, a merchant of the staple, built a fair stone house, and a fair chapel like a parish church at this place. In the windows of his house was this posie,
I thanke God, and ever shall. It is the Sheepe hath payed for all.

A thankful and humble acknowledgement of the means whereby he got his estate which now remains to the lord Bellasis, sometime governour of Newark, as I take it.— The lands belonging to Rufford (being a grange) were granted at the dissolution, 29 H. 8. to the earl of Shrowsbury.

John Gelston had lands here, which Edmund Claxton of Balderton got, and left to his three daughters mentioned in Thoroton, some whereof came to Scrimshire.

(fn. 30) The owners of North Muskam, Batheley and Holme in 1612, are thus set down: The bishop of Chichester, and church of Lincolne, sir John Stanhope, knight, Raph Barton, esquire, Fowlk Cartwright, esquire, Julian Cardinal, widow. The town of Newark, Francis Leak, knight, Anthony Brackenbury, John Lilly, Roger Skrimshawe, Adam Wheatcrost, William Levesye, Raph Johnson, Barnabas Lillye, William Merryweather, Stephen Howes, Raph Barton, William Johnson, senior, John Bradley, William Skrimshawe, Jessrey Fisher, Richard Wittengton, Edward Trevis, widow Mortone, William Wolhouse, Nicolas Johnson, Peter Johnson, and Richard Farneworth.

(fn. 31) The vacarage of North Muskham was ten marks, is now 5l. 6s. 8d. value in the kings books, whereof the prebendary continueth patron still. (fn. 32) But there is another vicarage which was 8l. when the prior of Shelford was patron, 'tis now 4l. 19s. 7d. value in the kings books, and his Majesties patron.

In the East Window of the North Isle of North Muskam Church,

Arg. two Bendletts engrayled Sable, Ratcliff, Quartering Gules a Crosse engrayled Arg. Lee. And Arg. a Mullet Sable, Ashton. The fourth as the first.

Azure on a Fesse between three bucks heads Cabossed Or a Mullet Sable, impailing the former Quarterings, with the second & third cotes repeated in the bottom, to make up six Azure three Bucks heads Cabossed, Or (without the Fesse) Quartering the six.

In a North Window of the same Isle,

Arg. a Mullet Sable, Ashton. And Gules a Crosse engrayled Arg. Lee.

Gules a Lion of Engl. in Chief, the rest broken.

Arg. three Bores Heads Couped, two and one Gules.

Az. on a Fesse between three Bucks Heads Cabossed Or a Mullet Sable, supposed to be Gernons.

In the East Window of the South Isle,
The same impailing Arg. on a Saltier engrailed Sable nine annulets Or, Leeke.

In a South Window,
Or on a Fesse Gules, three Waterbougets Ermine. Bingham impaling Gules, a Saltier Ermine. Nevill of Rolleston.

In a high South Window,
Azure six Eagles Heads Erased, three and three, Or, impaling Arg. three Bores passant Sab. two and one.

[Throsby] North Muskam

Lordship. Joseph Pocklington, esq; late of Carleton, and Pocklington's Island, on Keswick lake, in Cumberland, is Lessee, and posseses the principal estate in the parish. and is now building, at the extremity of it, one of the most spacious and commodious houses possessed by any private gentleman in the county, (fn. 33) the other proprietors are Mr. Richard Welby, (a descendant of one of that name mentioned by Thoroton in South Muskam,) his grace the duke of Newcastle, Mr. Topott of Nottingham, and the Corporation of Newark.

This village is upwards of a mile in length; but consists only of one street. In it is the house of William Dickinson Rastall, esq; called Muskam Grange. (fn. 34)

The church is dedicated to St. Wilfrid, and stands nearly in the centre. It is large, but not apparently older than the reign of Edward III. It has a square tower with three bells, a nave and side aisles. In the chancel are two monuments, one is a plain altar tomb with this epitaph:

Here lieth the corpse of Thomas Smith, Meat for worms to feed therewith, Whole soul is gone to God on hie, Through Christ's merits and God's mercie, Whole body I hope shall rise again, And ever with Christ for to remain, Deceased the second day of May, Being in years of age thirty and three. 1581.

This Thomas Smith left an estate to the poor of North Muskam, and another to those of Sutton in this county, and a small fee to the officiating ministers of these two parishes, for some occasional sermons which still continue to be preached.

The other is a small black tablet affixed to the wall, with the following:

In Memoriam Wilhelmi Woodhouse, qui cum Elizabetha fidelissimo illius Conjuge, & Henrico silio minore natu delectissimo, hic infra sepultus jacet. Obiit nonas Decembris anno a pastu. Virgineo MDCLXIIII.

The painted glass mentioned by Thoroton, is gone.

Patron, the collegiate church of Southwell. Incumbent, the Revd. I Burnell.— The prebendary is also the impropriator and lord of the manor. K. B. 5l. 6s. 8d. Clear yearly value, 10l. 0s. 0d. Syn. and Prox null. Val. per ann. in mans. cum claus. 11s. in oblat. in decim. lan. agn. &c. Prebendary thereof in Southwell college, Propr. and Patron.


Holme, was formerly a hamlet to North Muskam; but since the river Trent changed its course and separated these two places, about the year 1600, it is become a parish of itself. The chapel, however, is considered as an appendage on North Muskam viacrage.

Here is a considerable mansion house, built by Mr. Thomas Frost of Nottingham, on an estate which came to him as heir at law to Secker arch-bishop of Canterbury.


  • 1. Lib: Dooms:
  • 2. Test: de Nev:
  • 3. Fin. lev. 4 Joh.
  • 4. Rot. pip. 24 H. 3. &c.
  • 5. Fin. lev. apud Ebor. Mich. 27 E. 1.
  • 6. Pasc. 3 H. 5. rot. 114. Et. Mich. 3 H. 5. rot. 110. Et. Pasch. 8 H. 6. ro. 312.
  • 7. Orig. 51. E. 3. ro. 6. Linc.
  • 8. Assis. apud Okeham in com. Rutl. Pasc. 2 R. 2. ro. 16.
  • 9. Fin. lev. Hill. 32 H. 6.
  • 10. Trin. 37 H. 6. rot. 426.
  • 11. Pasc. 6 H. 7. rot. 455.
  • 12. Regist. de Dale, p. 100.
  • 13. Lib. Alb. de Southwell, p. 407.
  • 14. Lib. Alb. Southwell, p. 407, 408.
  • 15. Fin. lev. Trin. 17 E. 2.
  • 16. Fin. lev. apud Ebor. Pasch. 10 E: 3:
  • 17. Fin: lev: Pasch: 16 E. 3.
  • 18. Trin: 18 E. 3
  • 19. Pat. 7. E. 6. par. 8.
  • 20. Regist. de Ruff. p. 57.
  • 21. Regist. de Thur. p. 79.
  • 22. Par. 13, pat: 7: E: 6:
  • 23. Ex Autogr. penes Wil. Scrimshire.
  • 24. Regist de Thurg. p. 86. b.
  • 25. Ex Autogr. penes Wil. Scrimshire de Batheley.
  • 26. In Libr. Genealog. pen. Ch. Lacock, Gen.
  • 27. Autogr. Ib.
  • 28. rot: 74.
  • 29. Regist: de Rufford, p. xlviii.
  • 30. Lib. Libere ten. pen, meips. R: T.
  • 31. Mss. J. M.
  • 32. Ib.
  • 33. The family of Pocklington, we are told by Rastal, take their name from the town of Pockliugton in the East Riding of Yorkshire, whence they originally came. Of this family was Dr. Pocklington, whose writings were condemned by Parliament, in the reign of Charles the First. Another of this family was friendly to that Monarch, William Pocklington of Collingham, who was one of the Grand Jury at Nottingham, who sent instructions to the Knights of the Shire, during the violent debates in the year 1642. (See Vol. II. Page 52.)
  • 34. This house has lately claimed several owners. It consists of an old and new part. The former was built by a Mr. Phillips about the beginning of this century, from whom it came, with the estate belonging to it, into the possession of Mr. Gustavus Broughton. After his decease it was purchased by a Mr. Cooper, and of his Executors, by the late Bryan Cooke, esq: of Doncaster. He sold it to Joseph Pocklington, esq: who, after adding considerably to it, sold it to Mr. John Battle, of whom the present owner bought it in 1789. This gentleman has made an addition of two wings to it, with convenient offices. He has also planted a pretty extensive pleasure ground, and in other respects has much improved it. William Dickinson, the now proprietor, is the only son of the late William Rastall, D. D. of Crumwell, in this county; the last male heir of the two ancient families of Dickinson of Claybrook in the county of Lincoln, and Bacon of Burton Latimer in the county of Northampton, and the younger son of the late Samuel Rastall, one of the Aldermen of Newark, thrice Mayor of that Corporation.