Section IV: Religious Houses, Churches, and Hospital

Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 2, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby. Originally published by J Throsby, Nottingham, 1790.

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Robert Thoroton, 'Section IV: Religious Houses, Churches, and Hospital', in Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 2, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby, ed. John Throsby (Nottingham, 1790), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

Robert Thoroton, 'Section IV: Religious Houses, Churches, and Hospital', in Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 2, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby. Edited by John Throsby (Nottingham, 1790), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

Robert Thoroton. "Section IV: Religious Houses, Churches, and Hospital". Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 2, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby. Ed. John Throsby (Nottingham, 1790), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

In this section

SECTION IV. Religious Houses, Churches, and Hospitals.

We are now arrived at that portion of our History which from man claims particular attention. As beings of a superior order in the creation, and being highly interested in the revealed truths of our religion, it is our duty, as professors of christianity, to trace its progress, to view its effects, and console ourselves in its eternal promises.

The county of Nottingham affords a fine field for contemplation. In the Notitia Monastica are noticed 25 religious foundations of no inferior note, many of them of a superior order, among which we may enumerate Lenton, Newstead, Rufford, Shelford, Thurgarton, Southwell, Felly, Welbeck, and Wirkesoppe. Altho' in Nottingham town the foundations of this sort be of a class inferior to those mentioned above; yet they do honor to the memory of those who, from dispositions truly pious, erected and endowed them.

In such pious foundations, generally, an ample provision was made for the souls as well as the bodies of the poor and humble in spirit.

Let the proud revilers of the present day, who boast of their enlightened understandings, at the expence of their good and charitable fore-fathers, scoff at and deride such establishments as institutions unworthy modern philosophy, or modern reasoning. Let such self exalted characters rail against monks and monkish institutions; against religion, and even impiously against its great author; while the religious votary and the charitable, which, thank God, are to be found in these our days of defection from the Gospel and its most holy truths, behold the religious ruin, the solitary hermitage and the cell; the tombs of religious warriors, the holy sanctuaries, the uplifted hands of figures on monuments and on brasses therein, with solemnity and a pleasing gratification. They, amid the din of war, amid the clashing of discordant passions, will find consolation in retirement, in the solitary village church, where the pious in former times trod with reverential awe, and where they now rest, entombed in peace. Here we may learn lessons that may adorn human nature with the pleasing coverings of humility and resignation. Here we fee, as in a glass, not faintly, a true picture of our nature by contemplating on graves, vaults, and epitaphs. In fine, here man may be himself, and prepare for his awful exit.

"Oh! death how shocking must the summons be To him who is at case in his possessions, Who counting on long years of pleasure here, Is quite unfurnish'd for the world to come. In that dread moment how the frantic soul Raves round the walls of her clay tenement, Runs to each avenue and shricks for help, But shricks in vain! How wishfully she looks, On all she's leaving—now no longer her's! A little longer.—yet a little space! Oh! might the stay to wash away her stains, And sit her for her passage!'

Some rocky cavities about Nottingham, as has been noticed in the first section, have been considered as druidical, or abodes for some of the earliest followers of the christian religion; but of opinions merely conjectural we will say no more, but pass to those religious foundations, in this place, of which we have indisputable proofs. And as it has been my general practice, heretofore, to preface the different heads of this history with what Thoroton has written on each subject, I will also in this instance do the same.

"There was a Chapel dedicated to St. James, wherein the Court of the Honour of Peverell, as it seems, used to be kept, but King Edward the second, in the ninth year of his Reign, discharged it from that burden, by his charter to the Friers Carmelites. There is a Lane in Nottingham called St. James's Lane at this day, whereabouts that Chapel stood."

"This House of Friers Carmelites, called the White Friers (whose scite is betwixt St. James's Lane and Frier Lane, and denominates that Row of building towards the Market place to be the Frier Row) was, as I conceive, some Religious House of Monks before Henry the second's time, for in the first year of Henry the second, [rather 5 Steph.] there is mentioned Monachi de Nottingham, which must either be the Monks of Lenton, or some Religious persons here, who after became Friers Carmelites, whose Order was instituted Anno Dom. 1161, which fell to be about 7 H. 2. They are called Carmelites, á Monte Carmel, the place where Elias lived, and they pretend to imitate the strictness of Elias his life."

"The Scituation of this Town, with the Streets, Lanes, and remarkable places, is most aptly described by John Speed's Map, to whom I refer those that desire more exactly to know it."

"Besides the Friers Carmelites, before observed, there was in Nottingham, near the Leene, in a place called the Broad Marsh, an House of Friers Minors, otherwise called Gray Friers, that were professed to live after the Rule of St. Francis."

"There were three Rules of this St. Francis, two of the Minors, and the third of the Capuchins that pretend they imitated their St. Francis in his strictest way. The two Minors do not differ in Rule, nor otherwise, save that upon a Garboyle amongst them, some of them would needs have a Dispensation to take Lands and Possessions, as Abbies, and other Priories had, and the rest would not: whereupon those that took Dispensations were called Fratres Gaudentiæ; and those that would not, had the name of Fratres Observantiæ."

"There was besides an Hospital Founded by John Plumtre about Edward the third's time, consisting of two Priests and divers poor men, and the Scite of it is near the Bridge of Nottingham called Towne Bridge, or the Leene Bridge, which is to be repaired at the charge of the Town and the whole Country, for in the Eyre Rolls of 3 E. 3. called Ragman, there is this presentment, Pons de Nott. vocat. Tunebridge in defect. villæ & totius Comitatus."

"There was also an House called St. John's on the North side of the Town, parcel of the Possessions of St. John's of Hierusalem, who were Knights of a Religious Order vowing Chastity, and most of their younger time living in Wars against the Turks and Saracens, before the Turks grew great."

"There was also in the Church of St. Mary a Guild or Fraternity of six Priests, dedicated to the Holy Trinity, and their House in the high Pavement is called Trinity House at this day. There was in the same Church the Chantry of St. Mary, the Chantry of St. James, and Amyas Chantry, who was a man of value in this Town, about Edward the third's time, his House was on the long Row, and from him called Amyas Place, from whom it came to Allestree, a Merchant of the Staple, and is now the Inheritance of Henry Sherwin."

"There was in St. Peter's Church the Gild of St. George, and the Chantry of St. Mary in St. Peter's Church, and another Chantry there, and in the Church of St. Nicholas there was the Gild or Fraternity of the blessed Virgin Mary."

"Besides these Seated in the Town, These Religious Houses had Land and Houses in Nottingham. The Rectory of St. Mary's was appropriated to the Priory of Lenton, the Monasteries of Rufford, Newstede, Wirkesoppe, Thurgarton, Bevall, and Shelford, in the County of Nottingham: Swinshead, and Sempringham, in Lincolneshire: King's Mede, Dale, and Darley, in Darbyshire: and Garrowden Monastery in Leycestershire."

Deering notices most of the places, but with little additional information; but speaking of a monastic life he says:

"Dr Thoroton takes notice, that in the 5th of King Stephen, mention is made of the Monks of Nottingham, this was before any particular denomination of Regulars were in this town, else they would have been called by the peculiar Name of their profession, but what puts it out of all doubt is, that the Franciscans, of which the Minors are a branch, did not come into England till 1220, and the Carmelites not till 1240, whereas the 5th of King Stephen is so early as 1110, it will therefore I hope not be ungrateful to many of my readers if I here briefly touch upon the origin of a monastic life."

"In the first centuries of christianity during the severe persecutions the Christians endured, several of them to avoid a cruel death, and the better to give themselves up to fasting, prayer and contemplation, retired by themselves into desart places; such were called Hermits." Hence Deering shews, what is pretty generally known, that the words Hermit and Monk are derived from the greek language, and that the first solitary exiles from the community of their fellow creatures, who bare those names, lived in unfrequented places, destitute of many of the ordinary conveniences of life. He next enumerates some of the first pious christians who preferred solitude to an intercourse with the world.

"The first of these we read of, was Paul of Theban about the year of Christ 260, who having lost both his parents in the persecution of Decius, and fearing to be betrayed by his sister's husband, betook himself to a cave at the foot of a rocky hill at the age of 15, where he continued till his death, at 113 years old."

"The next I meet with is Antoninus, who set up this sort of life in Egypt."

"Then Hillarion in Palestina and in Syria Paul sir-named the Simple-Ammon."

"After the persecutions of the Christians were over and the church enjoyed peace, these Hermits by degrees returned to towns and cities, and associating together they lived in houses called monasteries, and confined themselves to certain rules agreed upon amongst themselves."

"The first Monks used to work when occasion served, to eat and drink soberly, to go decent in apparel, to fast and pray often, to possess all in common, to read, meditate, preach, and hear the word of God, to study temperance, continence, modesty, obedience, silence, and other virtues."

"In these primitive monasteries it does not appear that they were tied to set fasts to the three vows of Chastity, Poverty, and Obedience, or to the different cloaths and colours, or to stay in the monastery any longer than their own liking."

"There were also primitive Nuns, for we read of Marcella, Sophronia, Principia, Paula, Eustochium and others, who did prosess Chastity and contempt of the world, and had an earnest desire of heavenly things."

"The first Monks of all were called Thabenensii from Thabenna, an island in the province of Thebais, about the time of Constantius the son of Constantine."

"Afterwards the first we find mentioned who gave a certain rule to his disciples to regulate their conduct by his St. Basil. The Monks of this Saint were gathered by him and lived about Pontus; much about his time St. Hyerom collected a number of Hermits in Syria.

Of the Monks of St. Basil.

"The only absolute restraint their founder (whose rule consisted of 95 articles) laid them under, was not to return to their parents houses, except to instruct them, and by their superiour's leave."

"The most material parts of this rule are these."

"He earnestly recommends the love of God and one's neighbour, together with the exercise of all christian and moral virtues, and denial of the world."

"All contention of superiority at the table is forbidden, the Monks are to wear plain and homely apparel, and a girdle in imitation of St. John the Baptist, and that no man scorn to wear an old garment when it is given him."

"All things to be in common, and that tho' in respect to themselves they must not care what they eat or what they drink, yet that they may be helpful to others, they must labour with their hands."

"Obedience is enjoined to their superiors, but chiefly to God."

"He speaks of the behaviour of the governour, &c."

"He advises that men of estates bestow on their kindred what is their due, and the rest to the poor."

"He presses his disciples in imitation of God and Christ to love their enemies."

"That they who desame, or patiently hear their brother desamed, be excommunicated."

"That no brother alone visit a sister but in company, and that by permission, and for edification."

"That they labour not for faith, (as some do) without charity."

"That children may be admitted into this order, but not without the consent of their parents."

"That Satan is not the cause of sin in any man, but as he consents to it, therefore the more watchful should every man be over his own heart, &c."

"Thus we see that the first Monks were in Asia, and that no particular denomination of regulars were known in Europe, till the latter end of the fourth or beginning of the fifth century: when the Benedictins were the first, and continued long without any rival, the Carthusians were the next, then the Augustinians, after them the Franciscans, who were followed by the Carmelites."

Friars Carmelites, or White Friars:

Which Thoroton says was situate between St. James's lane and Friar lane, Deering informs us was in the parish of St. Nicholas, between Moot-hall gate and St. James's lane. In 1439, John Farewel was prior. It surrendered February the 5th, 1539, when there remained the prior Roger Cropp, and six Friars. (fn. 1) The convens of there Carmelites was founded, it is said, by J. Regnald, Lord Grey, of Wilton, and Sir John Shirley, Knight, A. D. 1276. The scite was granted to James Sturley, 33 Henry VIII.

Grey Friars,

Was situate in the west part of the town, in a place called Broad-marsh. The wall which encircled the garden reached as far south as the river Leen. (fn. 2) These were mendicants. It was founded by Henry III, A. D. 1250. (fn. 3) This house was granted 2 Edward VI, to Thomas Henage. At its surrender February 5, 1539, there remained seven or eight Friars.

The House of the Hospitallers,
Stood without the wall at the extremity of the north side of the town, near the north road; this and the lands belonging to it were, after the dissolution by Edward VI. granted to the mayor and burgesses, who converted the building into a house of correction. It is corruptly called St. Jones's. (fn. 4) It was dedicated to St. John Baptist, and was in being at the time of King John. It had a master or warden, two chaplains, and several sick poor people. It was found to be endowed with 5l. 6s. 8d. per ann in the time of Henry VIII.

"Walter Gray, archbishop of York, A. D. 1241, ordained that the master and warden of this hospital, should take care that there should be always in it two priests, to perform divine office, that all the brothers should rise early to sing Mattins, that they might be ended before the break of day, afterwards to sing the other Hours at the proper times."

"That they should be obedient to their master, and that none keep any thing he could call his own, and if any did so, during seven days, to be then excommunicated. The master to convert any thing he had of his own to the public use, and if any one died possessed of any thing particular, to be denied christian burial, and the brethren to cast on him what he had, saying: Thy money to be with thee to peraition. None to have a chest locked, unless it belonged to his office; all of them to eat, cloath and drink alike, and to eat flesh only three times a week: viz. on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, without leave of the master; all to eat together in the resectory in silence, unless necessity required them to whisper any thing. All to lye in one dormitory in drawers and shirts, or such garment as they used instead of shirts; all of them to be chaste, and sober, to be temperate in diet, and apply the revenues and alms to the poor. To wear a regular habit of russet and black cloth; not to admit more brothers and sisters than are requisite to serve the sick and look to the affairs of the house; any brother being a drunkard or lewd, if not mending, to be expelled. No brother to wander abroad without the master's leave. To pray for the dead."

St. Mary's Cell.

In the time of Henry III. here was a cell for two Monks in the chapel of St. Mary, on the rock, under the castle. (fn. 5) In stipendiis duorum monachorum ministrantium in capilla St. Mariæ, de rupe subtus cajlrum de Nottingham, 61. 1s. 8d. (fn. 6)

St. Sepulchre's

In the reign also of Henry III. this place was in being. "fratres S. sepulchri de Nottingham" in pat. 51, Henry III. m. 24. (fn. 7)


About the same time also it seems there was a college of secular priests in the castle.

St. Leonard's Hospital

Noticed by Thoroton above, was of the age of Henry III. Deering informs us that he found this place noticed in a forest book, written the 30th of Eliz. by Wm. Marshal, serjeant at mace, for the use of his master, Robert Alvie, then mayor, A. D. 1588.

"That William Chaundeler, of Nottingham, keeper of the house of St. Leonard of the same time, viz. the 31st of Edward III, made one prepresture of half an acre of ground in the king's demains within the court of the town of Nottingham in the ermitage that is called Owswell, and it belonged to the hospital of St Leonard of Nottingham."

"I have made all the enquiry I was able, to learn where this hospital might have stood, but could not get any intelligence concerning it; I therefore considering that this kind of hospitals were never placed within the walls of towns; after most diligent search about the out-parts of Nottingham I did not see any foot steps which seemed likely to have been such a house, except the ruins of a stone building at the south-west end of the Narrow-marsh, which is without the confines of the ancient wall of the town. My anonymous author not mentioning this hospital, makes me judge that in his time, viz. 1641, the foot-steps were full as obscure as at present."

Plumtree Hospital.

John Plumtree of Nottingham, 16 R. 2. obtained the king's leave to found an hospital in this place. His will bears date in December 1415, in which he remembers the poor of this house by a legacy of 20s. "Lego cuilibet vidue infra Hospitale ad finem pont. Nott. p. me fundatum manenti ibidem Deo servienti et pro me or anti 20s. exinde sua propria commoda saciend secundum ordinationem et sup visionem executor is mei."

Thoroton's account of this hospital and chapel which adjoined it; and of the sounder's respectable and ancient family is as follows. (fn. 8)

"In the time of King Richard the second here flourished Henry de Plumptre, and two Johns de Plumptre, brothers, as their several Wills do intimate; Henry's Testament bears date 1408, which year he died, in which he gave a Legacy to his sister Elisota, and another to John de Croweshawe his younger brother, besides very many other, as one to Thomas his brother's son, and another to Elizabeth his own wife's daughter; John his son and heir, and Margaret then wife of the said Henry, were his Executors, and Thomas de Plumptre, Chaplain, a Witness."

"John de Plumptre's Testament was dated 1415, not long before his death, he also gave a Legacy to his sister Elisota, and another to his brother John: His Executors were John de Plumptre, his Cousin, and Thomas de Plumptre, Chaplain, his Cousin also; John Plumptre, junior, was a Witness. This John the Testator had licence, 16 R. 2. to Found a certain Hospital or House of God, of (or for) two Chaplains, whereof one should be Master or Warden of the said Hospital, or House of God, and of (or for) thirteen Widows broken with old age, and depressed with poverty, in a certain Messuage of the said John, with the Appurtenances in Nottingham, and to give the said Messuage, and ten other Messuages, and two Tosts, with the Appurtenances in the said Town, to the said Master or Warden, and his successours, viz. the one Messuage for the habitation of the said Chaplains and Widows, and the rest, for their sustentation, to pray for the wholesome estate of the said John, and Emme his wife whilest they should live, and for their Souls afterwards. In the year 1400, July 12, seeing that God had vouchsased him to build a certain Hospital at the Bridge end of Nottingham in Honour of God, and the Annuntiation of his Mother the blessed Virgin, for the sustenance of thirteen poor women, &c. he proposed to ordain a Chantry, and willed that it should be at the Altar of the Annuntiation of the blessed Virgin Mary in the Chapel built beneath the said Hospital, and should be of two Chaplains perpetually to pray for the state of the King, of him the said John de Plumptre, and Emme his wife, and of the whole Community of Nottingham, &c. who with the prior of Lenton, after the death of the said John the Founder, were to present to it, and each of the said two Chaplains were for their stipends to have 100s. yearly paid in money out of the said ten Tenements, and two Tosts in Nottingham. After the dissolution of Monasteries, in 2 E. 6. Sir Gervase Clifton, Sir John Hersey, Sir Anthony Nevile, Knights, and William Bolles, Esquire, Commissioners for the Survey, of Colledges, Chapels, &c. certified that no poor were then to be found in this Hospital, and that the Lands were then wholly imployed to the benefit of one Sir Piers Bursdale, Priest, Master thereof. Afterwards both the Hospital and Chapel became ruinous and demolished, and the very materials imbezilled, till after diverse Patents of the said Mastership, Nicolas Plumptre, of Nottingham, 24 Eliz. obtained one, and with the Fines he received, made some reparations, and brought in some poor, but after his decease during the Masterships of Richard Parkins of Boney, and Sir George his son, who it seems were trusted successively, for Henry Plumptre, son and heir of the Nicolas, in his non-age, having then married Anne, the daughter of the said Richard, and sister of the said Sir George Parkins, both the Hospital and Tenements belonging to it grew into great decay, until after Sir George's death, that Nicolas Plumptre, son and heir of Henry, last named, became Master by a Patent 5 Car. I and made some repairs and amendments, which yet were not judged sufficient by his brother and heir Huntingdon Plumptre, Doctor of Physick, who all succeeded him in the Master ship, which he obtained 1645, (being then eminent in his prosession, and a person of great note, for wit and learning, as formerly he had been for Poetry when he Printed his book of Epigrams and Batrachomyomachia) for in the year 1650, he pulled the Hospital down, and Rebuilt it as now appears, and advanced the Rents, so that the monthly allowance to the poor is double to what it was anciently. His son and heir Henry Plumptre, Esquire, is now Master or Guardian, being so made by his present Majesty, 24 Car. 2. 1672, upon the resignation of the Patent by George Cart wright who had it in trust for him it seems, and was more kind than Sir George Parkins was to his Grandfather. In the Will of Henry de Plumptre dated 11 H. 4. 1408, before mentioned, it appears that his dwelling House was a Tenement called Vout Hall, which, with two other Tenements, a Garden and Teyntor within it in Vout Lane, all adjoyning to the said Mansion House, he left to his said wife Margaret for life; remainder to his said son John, and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten; for default whereof, these and all other the Tenements in divers places of Nottingham, settled on the said John in like manner, were to be sold by the Executors of the said Henry, and the money disposed by them for the good of his soul. His Body he ordered to be buried in the Chapel of All Saints beneath or in the Church of St Peter in Nottingham. Henry de Cotegrave, and William de Beston of Nottingham, Executors of the Testament of William Colyer of Nottingham, 12 R. 2. confirmed to Henry de Plumptre of Nottingham, and his heirs, seven Cottages in Hundegate. Henry Plomtre, son and heir apparent of Henry Plomtre, late of Arnall, and Cousin and heir of Thomas Plomtre, late of Nottingham, Chaplain, 3 H. 7. Anno 1488 demised to Ed. Hunte of Nottingham, Merchant of the Staple of the Town of Calis, five Cottages in Hundegate, which were late John Plomtre's, father of the said Henry the elder, and of the said Thomas."

Over the Gate of the Hospital at the Bridge-end.

Xenodochium hoc cum sacello adjuncto in honorem Annunciationis B. Virg. Mariæ pro 13. pauperiorum Viduarum & 2. Sacerdotum alimoniâ Johannes de Plumptre, fundavit A. D. 1390. Quod (temporis diuturnitate jam pene confectum) instauravit denuo, & hac qualicunq. structurâ se sibi restituit Huntingdonus Plumptre ex familia fundatoris, Armiger, & ejusdem Hospitii Magister, A. D. 1650.


"Thomas Poge was Major of Nottingham 9 and 10 H. 5."

"In 23 H. 7. Thomas Poge of Misterton, Gent, conveyed to Henry Plumptre of Nottingham, Gent. one Messuage, and thirteen Cottages, whereof the Messuage and nine Cottages lay together in the North side of the Church-yard of St. Mary in Nottingham, where now is scituate the chief Mansion House of Henry Plumptre, Esquire, the Front whereof was rebuilt by his father the said Doctor Plumptre, who was son of Henry, son of Nicolas, son of John, son of the said Henry Plumptre, who had it of Mr. Poge. To this House it seems belonged a certain Chapel or Oratory, with a Quire adjoyning to it, in the North side of St Maries Church called the Chapel of All Saints, which in the year 1632. Jan. 19. was confirmed to Henry Plumptre, Esquire, and Nicholas Plumptre, Gent. and Huntingdon Plumptre, Doctor of Physick, his sons, and the rest of the inhabitants of that House to hear Divine Service, Pray, and Bury in, by Richard then Arch-bishop of York, under the Hand and Seal of Francis Withington, Master of Arts, Surrogate of William Easdale, Dr. of Laws, Vicar General in Spirituals of the said Arch-bishop."

The mastership of this hospital having returned to the founders descendant, as mentioned by Thoroton above, it was held, during the minority of John Plumptre by friends, as it had been heretofore in one or two instances, till A. D. 1703—4, who added a ton of coals per annum, to each of the seven poor widows.

The present building is that erected chiefly by Huntingdon Plumptre, in 1650, it is mostly of brick, and now irregular. Some of the old building remains, which is of stone; on one of the entrances, which remains, are the Plumptre arms. The west front, Deering says, was 74 seet in length, and 63 in depth. By his observation he imagined that some little of the chapel was discernable, and that it was originally 58 feet long and 32 broad.

Its income the 26th of Henry VIII. was valued at 131. 9s. 4d. Over the entrance now is the following inscription.

"Plumptre Hospital, originally founded and endowed for the support of a master, a priest, and 13 poor widows, by John de Plumptre, in 1392. When almost decayed it was in part renewed by a descendant of the founder, Huntingdon Plumptre, Esq. 1650."

Besides other great improvements four new tenements were added by his grandson John Plumptre, Esq. deceased, in 1751.

His son, John Plumptre, Esq. repaired the old building and added two new tenements, thus completing the charitable design of the benevolent founders, A. D. 1753.

The alms houses and hospitals, whose foundations cannot be considered so much in the light of religious houses as the above, and whose dates are subsequent, the reader will find noticed after the account of the churches.


Thoroton prefaces his account of the epitaphs in the three churches, in his time, in the following briet manner.

"The Vicarage of St. Marie's was twenty Marks, and so was the Rectory of St. Peter's; and the Rectory of St. Nicholas ten Marks when the Prior of Lenton was Patron: St. Marie's is now 10l. 5s. value in the King's Books, and the Marquess of Dorchester Patron. St. Peter's 8l. 8s. 6d. and the King Patron, as he is also of St. Nicholas, which is but 2l. 16s. 8d. value. This Church is now almost rebuilt of Brick: it was demolished in the Rebellion for the safety of the Castle."

St. Mary's Church.

The principal and the largest church in this place is supposed, by Deering, to be of Saxon origin; but for my own part I cannot discover the least trace of Saxon architecture to warrant the opinion. (fn. 9)

This, as well as the other two churches, is mentioned in the foundation deeds of the priory of Lenton.

St. Mary's stands on a bold eminence, and looks majestically on the south westwardly aspect. Its form is that of a cross with a fine tower in the centre, which contains 10. musical bells, which sing sweetly, heard in the meadows below. Its model is collegiate, its age, if we may judge from the most ancient remains of its exterior form, about that of Henry the VIIth. But this opinion, it should be understood, is in no degree derogatory to that of a church standing on the same site ages before. An excellent organ with two fronts adorns it, built by that great master Snetzler, in 1777. The old organ which was taken down at this time was built in 1704.

Within this church is a chapel of note, dedicated to All Saints, now the burial place of the Plumptre family: It is lighted by one of the noblest windows in the church; but that light serves to shew, what the thoughtful poor, in particular, must lament, a contemptuous disrespect to a family one of the brightest ornaments of the town of Nottingham; as honourable to the interests of this place as it is venerable in years.

Whoever might have been led to this religious receptacle of the dead either from motives of curiosity, or kindred affection, about two years since, need no explanation of the very numerous improper things in this place. To others it may be only necessary to observe that those who hold annual offices in the church should be guardians of decency.

The monuments of the Plumptre family, or rather the battered remains of those once splendid efforts to preserve the name of a good family, are here. In better times they looked respectable. See plate page 87, from Thoroton. That slight sketch, fig. 1. facing this page, shews imperfectly the abuse of one of them.

Opposite to this chapel was another dedicated to the virgin Mary. Behind a seat or pew, in a recess of the wall, on this side the church, is a stone figure prostrate, (See fig. 2.) in a place very difficult to be seen; no inscription.

The painted glass that formerly adorned the windows is now chiefly gone. The figure of St. Andrew, however, still remains perfect, in a north window; the inscription round the head and part of the figure, in black letters, seems mutilated. Without the figure of St. Andrew I have given every letter that remains, in the state it now stands in the window, in the same plate.

Deering says something of an old painting on the wall, over the vestry door, which he took for a figure of St. Christopher, who was said to have an extraordinary power over tempests and earthquakes; this shadow has vanished with the opinion. I will not say altogether, for the last time I visited this church, being a bright day, I did see, on the left, near the arms, the head of a figure, faintly looking upwards; and just over the vestry door the figure of a duck and a fish, on the same wall. (fn. 10)

The following are the collections, made by Thoroton, of the inscriptions, arms, &c. in this church.

In St. Marie's Church, South Ile.

". . . . . . . Richardi Samon, quondam Majoris & Aldermanni istius villæ, qui obiit xviii. die mensis Decembris, Anno Dom. M. CCCC. LVII."

And in the Window of the same Ile, and on a Tomb, "Arg. a Bend Azure between a Mullet pierced, and an Annulett Gules, Samon." "Orate pro anima Johannis Salmon, & Agnetis uxoris ejus."

On the first Earl of Clare's Tomb.

H. S. E.

"Johannes Hollies de Houghton Equ. Aur."

"Denzilli F. Willielmi N. in Baronem Houghton, nec non in Comitem de Clare, per Regem Jacobum erectus, uxorem duxit Annam Thomæ Stanhope de Shelford Equ. Aur. Filiam, è quâ Filios Johannem postea Comitem de Clare Denzillium in Baronem Hollies de Ifeild in Comitatu Susserie, per. serenissimum Regem Carolum II. promotum, Franciscum qui cælebs obiit; Ac Carolum, Willielmum & Carolum in cunis demortuos: Filias etiam Eleonoram Olivero Vicecomiti Fitz-Williams, ac Comiti de Tyrconel; Arabellam, Thomæ Wentworth de Wentworth. Woodhouse in Com. Chor. Baronetto (postea vero in Vicecom. Wentworth, & Comitem de Strafford evecto,) Copulatas; ac Elizabetham ante nuptias defunctam Suscitavit."

"Diem obtit IIII. Octobris, Anno Dom. M.DC.XXXVII."

On the second Earl's Tomb,

H. S. E.

"Prænob, Johannes Comes de Clare (Johannis F. Denzillii N.) Uxorem duxit Elizabetham Horatii Vere Equ. Aur. Baronisq. de Tilbury (in re bellicâ clarissimi) filiam et cohæredem, Equâ Filios Johannem in cunis demortuum, ac Gilbertum postea Comitem de Clare:"

"Filias vero"

"Annam, Edwardo primogenito Theophili," Comitis Lincolnie; Elizabetham," "Wentworthio, Comiti de Kildare;" "Arabellam, Edwardo Rosseter de" "Somerby in Com. Linc. Equ. Aur."

"Matrimonio conjunctas;"

"Mariam in cunis, alteram Mariam ante nuptias defunctas; Eleonoram superst. Katherinam, & Margaretam in cælibatu direptas; Susannam, Johanni Lort de Stack poleCourt in Agro Pembr. Baronetto desponsatam;"

"Franciscam infantulam exanimem;"

"Dianam, Henrico Bridges, filio & hæredi Thomæ Bridges de Keynsham in Com. Somers. Equ. Aur. enuptam; Penelopen, Jacobo Langham de Cotesbroke in Com. Northampt. Baronetto, copulatam; Dorotheam & Franciscam in teneri ætate sublatas Procreavit."

"Diem obiit secundo Januarii, Anno Domini M. DC. LXV."

"In the Chancel on a Black Marble Grave-Stone, cut in two Brass Plates," "A Fesse between three Spread Eaglets, with a Crest, viz. a Dog tyed to a Tree: And Anno Dom. 1607. In memoriâ æternâ justus erit."

"Nicholas Kinnersley, Esq. and his mother Dear Amye, their Corpes this Stone doth here cover: They live now with Christ, in whom they did trust: Their bodies do wait the rising of the Just."

"On another Brass Plate,"

"Hic jacet Radulphus Hansby, Art. Mr. Quondam socius Johannensis Cantab. ibidemq. Taxator, Hujus Ecclesiæ vicarius & Bartonensis in Fabis Rector. Quiobiit Novemb. xx. Anno Dom. 1635."

"Hansbius hac cecidit terra, lapsum extulit aura, quo jacet hic casu surgit in Astra suo."

"On a Monument,"

"Johannes Alton in Artibus Mr. ob. solertiam, prudentiam, experientiam, medicorum (apud boreales saltem partes) facile princeps, uxorem habuit Elizab. Brightman, quæ apprimè modesta erat fæmina, venerabilis matrona, & pro morum suavitate apud omnes gratissima, ex eâ duos suscepit liberos, Georgium, & Eleonoram uxorem Thomæ Bray, Ar mig. matremq. Elizabethæ Bray, quæ nupta Fran. Pierreponto summæ pietatis observantiæ & gratitudinis ergô, hoc Monumentum in defunctorum memoriam quâ fieri potest sem piternam, propriis sumptibus erigi curavit. Obierunt uterq. circiter annum ætatis suœ oct ogessimum; Ille autem 22. die Febr. Anno Dom. 1629. Hœc decimo Novemb. Annoq. Dom. 1638."

"On a Grave-stone,"
"Johannes Alton, & Elizab. uxor ejus charissima hic consepulti jacent, egregium par amantium, quos una eademq. domus ut vivos ita mortuos tenet. Diem & Annum utriusq, obitus, supra positum dabit monumentum."

"On an Alabaster Grave-stone,"
"Here lyeth the body of John Cave, Gent. the fourth son of Roger Cave of Stamford, in Northamptonshire. He died the 3d. of May 1639, in Joyfull hope of Resurrection to Eternall Life."

"On another course Stone,"
"Here lyeth interred the body of George Hutchinson, Esq. who died the 30th. day of March, Anno Dom. 1635, being about the age of 59 yeares and 3 Monethes. He had to wife Katherin Russel, Gen. by whom he had issue John, Mary, Anne, and Katherine."

"Hic reposita sunt ossa Georgii Lacock, Gen. qui. decimo die Martii, Anno Dom. 1647, in manus Dom. Jesu Christi salvatoris ejus emisit spiritum, Annoq. atatis suœ 83, qui ante obitum, hoc sequens Epitaphium hic insculptum iri mandavit."

"Nascimur. Querimur, Morimur."

"Here lyeth the body of Anne Gregory, the wife of William Gregory, late Alderman of Nottingham. She died the 7th day of March 1664, in the 81st. year of her age."

"Here lyeth the body of Elizabeth, late wife of Robert Bingham, Esq. Steward to the Right Honourable Henry Lord Marquess of Dorchester. She dyed the 6. of March, Anno Dom. 1670, in the 54. year of her age, after she had been married 22. years. She was one of the daughters of Francis Blaney of Kinsham in the County of Hereford, Esq."

"In the body of the Church."

"Here lyeth the body of Francis Toplady, late Alderman of this Town. He dyed the 28. day of June 1665. the 84. year of his age."

"On a Pillar,"
"Near this place lyeth the body of William Flamstead, Gent. late Steward and TownClark of Nottingham, who for his exemplary piety, eminent parts and singular sidelity lived much desired, and died no lesse lamented the 38. year of his age, August 24. 1653."

"The Memory of the Just is blessed."

"On a Brass Plate in the North Ile,"
"Exuviæ Josephi Gardiner Med. D. Qui obiit Mar. 4. 1669."

"On another,"

"Hic jacet Hen. Farington servus fidelis D. H. Plumptre, qui obiit Jul. 16, 1645."

"On a Grave-stone in the North Ile,"

"Domus æterna Johannis Plumptre, Anno M.D.LII. defuncti."

"The Arms,"

"A Chevron between two Mulletts, and an Annulett."

"On an Alabaster Grave-stone in the South Ile,"
"To the memory of Margaret, late the vertuous wife of William Greaves, Gent. one of the Aldermen of Nottingham, who died the fifth day of March, Anno Dom. 1671."

"Here also lieth buried Margaret, late daughter of the said William and Margaret Greaves: she departed this life the xxiii. day of January, Anno Dom. 1668."

"In a Window of the South Ile,"
"Quarterly Gules a Lion Ramp. Or; and Cheque Or and Azure, all within a Bordure engrailed Arg. quarterly France and England; and that again, impaling quarterly Or, a Spread Eagle Sable, and Gules a Lion Ramp. Arg."

"Gules a Saltire Arg. Nevil."

"In a high Window of the middle, and on an old Tomb,"
"Azure a Crosse patè, with a Basis and supporting Laces between four Mulletts of six poynts within a Bordure engrayled Or.'

"By the West Door a large Table intended for the Arms of the Earls of Nott."

"1. Quarterly Gules a Lion Ramp. Arg. and Varry Or and Azure 3. as 2. 4. as 1. William Peverail created by Will. Conq."

"2. England with a Bendlet Azure, John Plantaginet, by R. 1."

"3. John Mowbray, by R. 2. Gules a Lion Ramp. Arg."

"4. Gules a Chevron and Crosletts patè Arg. William Lord Barkly, by R. 3."

"5. Quarterly France and England within a Bordure also quarterly Ermine and Countercompony Or and Azure, an inescutchion of Peverell. Henry Fitz-Roy, by H. 8."

"6. Gules a Bend between six Crossecroslets Fitchè Arg. charged with a Mullet, Charles Lord Howard, by Q. Eliz."

"And the Town's Arms."

"Gules three Crowns Or with a Crosse Raguled and Trunked Vert set in the lowest."

From Deering's Collection.

"In Plumptre chapel is an alabaster tomb, on which lies the figure of a man in a gown, with wide sleeves and a cap on his head, the hands in a praying posture, it has no inscription; in the side which faces the south are four figures in basso relievo, the 1st. and 3d. counting from the left to the right hand, are angels holding each an empty scutcheon before them, the second is a mitred figure, and the 4th. seems to be in a sitting posture, having a coronet on the head."

"Over this in the corner is a marble monument in memory of the eldest son of John Plumptre, Esq. on the top are the arms of the family."

"Here lies interred Henry eldest son of John Plumptre, Esq. born 22d. July 1708, deceased Jan. 3d. 1718–19:

In these few and tender years he had to a great degree made himself master of the Jewish, Roman, and English history, the Heathen mythology and the French tongue, and was not inconsiderably advanced in the Latin."

"In a small compartment under this: Animam nati his saltem accumulem donis et fungar inani munere.

"At the west end of this chapel is a very beautiful monument of marble, with the following elegant latin epitaph, made by a relation, his quondam tutor, at Pembroke in Cambridge, and the addition for Joyce his wife was made by another relation."

"Hic infra requiescit pars terrena Henrici Plumptre Armig. mortui 29. Decembris 1693. ætatis 49. Qualis Vir fuerit scire aves. Ab antiqua stirpe in oppido Nottinghamiæ ortus Omnigenam Eruditionem honestis moribus adjunxit Eruditionis finem duxit esse regimen Vitæ Hinc factâ sibi morum suprema lege Benevolentia universali Pietatis haud fucatæ evasit Exemplar singulare Amicus, Civis, Maritus, Pater, miserorum Patronus Qualem jam exoptare licet vix reperire. Viduam reliquit ejus amantissimam Jocosam Henrici Sacheverel Armigeri De Morley in agro Derbiensi filiam natu secundam quæ cum tres filios vivo peperisset Johannem, Henricum et Fitz-Williams, optimi Patris Monumenta Hunc etiam Lapidem in perpetuam memoriam Mortuo cum Lachrymis poni curavit. Hic quoq. demum letho Consortionem redintegravit interruptam Illa Jocosa Verbo omnes complectar Laudes Conjux illo digna Viro Functa fato 8 die Novembris 1708. Ætatis 69."

"The arms: Plumptre impales A. on a saltier B. 5 Waterbougets O. Sacheverel."— "The same are in a hatchment placed over the great tomb."

Additional Collections of Epitaphs In St. Mary's.

In the Plumptre burial place.

Hic jacet corpus Caroli Plumptre, S. T. P. Archidiaconi Eliensis. Filius erat, Johannis Nottinghamiensis Armigeri, viri plane integerrimi Immortali memoria dignissimi Qui Monumentum Sibi erigi voluit. Pater cum desiderio Mortem expectavit, Filius non metuit Tantum potuit vestra fides Natus ille anno MDCLXXX. Hic MDXII. Denatus ille anno MDCCLI. Hic MDCCLXXIX. Safe in the hands of one disposing power, Or in the natal or the mortal hour.

In the chancel, near the altar, a mural monument is placed to the memory of Mr. Samuel Heywood, attorney-at-law, of this town. He died in 1789, aged 34. "As a man," the inscription says, "eminently respectable in his day."

A mural monument, on the north wall, remembers Samuel Wright, late merchant of this town. He died in 1753, aged 56 years.

Another under it informs us that Ichabod Wright, Esq. died in 1777, aged 74. Elizabeth his wife died in 1782, aged 82. "Providence indulged them with 56 years of mutual happiness."

Near, one remembers Elizabeth and Philip Strelly, brother and sister, the former died in 1786, and the last survivor of that ancient family.

A tablet, near this place lies interred the body of Thomas Berdmore, Esq. who acquired a liberal and ample fortune by the prosession of a dentist. He died in 1785, aged 45.

On the chancel floor. William Hallow, Esq. died in 1741, aged 66. His widow in 1767, aged 78.

Mary the wife of Scroop Berdmore, D. D. vicar of this parish, died in 1745, aged 25. He died in 1770, aged 60. His second wife, Genevava, died the same year, aged 43.

On the south wall. Ann Hollins, wife of John Hollins, Esq. of the county of Salop, died in 1770, aged 30.

Rest gentle shade, and wait thy maker's will, Then rise, unchanged, and be an angel still.

The Rev. Joseph Malbon, died in 1777, aged 30. He was curate of this parish and a fellow of Jesus College Cambridge.

Another curate, the Rev. Laurence Whitaker, is noticed, who died in 1769, aged 45, of him there is an excellent character given.

On a brass plate, in the middle aisle: Here is interred the body of Matthew Immyns, Esq: who died 20th of December 1778, aged 82, and also that of his brother George Immyns, Esq. who died in November 1785, aged 85.

In the chancel we are informed that Margaret Middleton, died the 6th of July, 1778, aged 100 years.

In the nave, on a brass:—Rev. Richard Naish, A.M. late Rector of Bradcombe, Sommersetshire, died June 23. 1767, aged 61 years.

On a brass:—John White died in 1757, aged 42; Eliz. his wife in 1759, aged 28.

Amidst a multiplicity of floor. stones are the following persons noticed, who died at an advanced age, of respectable connections.

Elizabeth wife of Michael Brown, who died in 1786, aged 89 years. Sarah Taylor, in 1789, aged 88 years.

John Walsford, in 1762, aged 84 years.

William Jackson, in 1776, aged 81. His wife, Susanna, died in 1749, aged 84.

Joseph Lapton, gent. died in 1783, aged 72. His wife Sarah, in 1785, aged 88.

There have been many brass plates of figures upon the floor-stones of this church, and also in Plumtree chapel, which were all taken away during the (uncivil) civil wars of the last century, when the sacrilegious Cromwell let loose his myrmidons upon the churches, partly for plunder, and partly to answer the hidden purposes of a mind at once tyrannical deceptious and extremely cunning. To wean his followers from the established religion of his country by a false and mischievous insinuation, that the unoffending figures of Saints and other scriptural representations, then beautifully displayed in the church windows, which almost universally adorned the temples of the most High, were relics of superstition and idolatry, men were sent armed with poles and pikes to destroy them. Harmless as these pleasing images of sacred things were, even to the enemies of religion; and glorious as they were to her admirers, his armies, and armed bands, wherever they passed failed not to strip the covering of graves where any thing was found valuable. Ancient brasses are the most desirable things in church antiquity, because they shew us, with respect to dress, the fashion of remote times and give us, by their uplifted hands and bended knees in prayer, a pleasing idea of a primitive christian mind ejaculating, Cujus animae propitietur Deus. Methinks I see, his tutored ruffians forcing the doors of this church and rushing forward with the eagerness of wolves darting at their prey, tearing the brass figures from their rivets, and at length contending for the booty.

The church-yard of St. Mary, is 23 yards perpendicular above the level of the meadows below. In it are almost numberless grave stones, tombs, &c. one of the latter, I observed, remembers Mr. Richard Butler, who served the office of Mayor five times, and was Alderman about twenty years. He died in 1790, aged 66 years.

St. Mary's parish, which is one of the three which constitute the town of Nottingham, is much larger than the other two together. See its population page 112. This parish and the other two have each a workhouse for the poor; the maintenance of whom has, like those in most of the other parishes in the kingdom, increased, lately, to a very alarming degree. To do away the baneful evil, something salutary and efficacious must be applied; but of what nature must be left to the wisdom of the legislature.

The following is a List of Vicars, of St. Mary's Church in Nottingham.

1290 Johannes de Ely.

1304 Robertus de Dalby,

1313 Henricus de parva Haly.

1317 Johannes de Ludlam.

1322 Joh. ff. Witti. Coryn.

1347 Johannes de Launde.

1347 Robertus de Wakebridge.

1348 Richard de Radclyffe.

1349 Roger de Nyddingworth.

1349 Richard de Swanynton.

1351 Thomas de Pascayl.

1357 Johannes Lorirrer.

— Johannes de Hoveden.

1364 Joh. de Stapleford.

1371 Willimus de Sandyacre.

— Robertus de Retford

1401 Richardus Ceilwell.

1409 Willielmus Ode.

1447 Willielmus Wright.

1461 Johannes Hurt.

1476 Thomas Turner.

1498 Johannes Greve.

1499 Simon Yates.

1504 Richard Travenor.

1534 Richard Matthew.

1535 Richard Wyld.

1554 Oliverus Hawood.

1568 Johannes Lowthe.

1572 Willielmus Underue.

1578 Robertus Aldridge.

1616 Oliverius Wytherington.

1616 Johannes Tolson.

1617 Radulfus Hansby.

1635 Edmundus Laycock.

1662 Georgius Masterson.

1686 Samuel Crobrow, S. T. P.

1690 Benjamin Carnfield, A. M.

1694 Tymothy Carrol, A. M.

1698 Edwardus Clarke, A. M.

1708 Samuel Berdmore, A. M.

1723 Johannes Disney, A. M.

1730 Thomas Berdmore, A. M.

1743 Scroop Berdmore, S. T. P.

1770 Nathan Haines, D. D. the present Vicar.

Pri. Lenton Propr. Incumbent Rev. Nathan Haines, D. D. King's Book 10l. 5s. Yearly tenths 1l. 0s. 6d. Archiepisc pro Syn 6s. Archidiac. pro Prox. 6s. 8d.— Val. in mans. cum gleb. ib. per ann. 1l. 10s. in dec. pan, cervis. lan. agn. anc. porc. pull. fruct. &c. Marquis of Dorchester, presented in 1708. Duke of Kingston, 1722. The Archbishop, 1730. Representatives of the Duke of Kingston.

Bells 10. In Deering's time only six. (fn. 11) That gentleman has been particular in giving the inscriptions thereon, which takes up of his book, almost two quarto pages, for which information, I am apprehensive, but few are solicitous; however, as some readers may be bell inclined, I have copied his account in the next page.

A Table of the Inscriptions, Dates, &c. upon St. Mary's Bells, in Nottingham.

1st.—Suscito voce pios tu Christe dirige mentes venite exultemus. Edwardus Sweetapple, Church-Warden, 1699.

2.—Robert Aldrege, Ralph Shaw, Henry Alvie, Wardens, 1613.

3.—Hec Campana Sacra Fiat Trinitate Beata. W. Sturrup, T. Gray, Wardens, 1690.

4.—In noe xti ihu ome genu flectat celestm trestm et justorm. R. A. V. M. G. 1605.

5.—1695. Made by Henry Ouldfield. Tv Tvba sic sonatv Domini condvco cohotres, Richard hvrt Maior. Nicholas Sherwin, Richard Johnson, Wardens. John Gregory. Robert Alvie, Peter Clarke, Humphrey Bonner, Richard Morehaghe, Anker Jackson, Aldermen.

6.—R. Greaves. I. Combe.—

I will sound and resound unto thy People O Lord, With my sweet Voice to call them to thy Word.

A. Gregory, H. Greaves, Tho. Middleton, Wardens.

I Tole the Tune that dulsul is to such as liv'd amiss, But sweet my sound seem unto them who hope for joyful Bliss.

St. Peter's Church,

Is much inferior, in every respect to St. Mary's. It has an ordinary spire upon a tower propt at the angles with clumsey buttresses. The main building has had its vicissitudes, visible by its internal appearance. It was materially injured, in the last century, during the siege of Nottingham, by the forces of the Parliament. A bomb fell, at that time, upon the vestry part of the church, which destroyed it, and some portions of the adjacent building.

As to the age of this church, it is as little ascertained as that of St. Mary's, no part of either, in my opinion, is so old as the conquest; in neither is the Saxon column united with the acute pointed arch, which was introduced into this kingdom by the Knights Templars. St. Peter's, however, is a well lighted and roomy church, it has a nave and two side aisles. In the Catholic times it had two chapels within it, St. Mary's and All-Saints.

Within this church was the guild of St. George, and a Chantry of the blessed Virgin Mary. The spiritual court is held within this church.

Thoroton's Collection.

"In the east window of the north Ile:—

Arg. two Bars Azure three Torteauxes in Chief impaling Azure a Cinquefoyle Arg. Gules seven Mascles voyded Or 3, 3, 1.

Azure a Lion Ramp. Or.—

Quarterly Arg. a Chief Gules and Bendlet Azure, and Cheque Or and Azure a Chief Ermine, Crumwell and Tateshall.

In a high south window of the middle Ile:—

Sab. two Bars nebule Arg. on a Chief Gules a Lion of Engl.

Arg. a Saltier engrayled lab. between four Roses Gules.

In a north high window:—

Paly of six Arg. & Azure an Annulet Gules Strelley.

Arg. a Chevron between two Mullets pierced, and an Annulett Sab. Plumptre.

There are divers Marks and Letters in Shields, with Crosses, and the like.

In the Chancel east window:—

Barry of six Arg. and Azure, Gray.

Arg. a Fesse Varry between three Flowers de Lis.

On a Monument:—

Memoriæ Sacrum Pientissimæ conjugis Margaretæ Domini Mathæi Saunderii Shanctoniensis in agro Leicestrensi, Equitis Aurati filiæ: Quæ cum optimis naturæ dotibus ex instinctu prædita, tum virtutibus parentum cura diligentiaq. summum quasi ad vestigium aucta, quintum & vicesimum ætatis annum agens Johanni Lockeo Regiensi in sedibus Hertfordianis, Generoso, nupta est. Quo cum ut piissime conjunctissimeq. suum uxoris per tres annos conjugale munus obiit, sera sibi, cita suis, carnem hic depositura, se ad plureis penetravit, quarto Idus Septembris, Anno Verbi incarnati 1633. Cui officii & amoris ergo monumentum hoc maritus ille mœstissimus extruxit.

Ejaage, siste, locum tenet hunc matrona sacratum Clara, venusta, pudens, religiosa, gravis. Ergo jacent charitas pietasq. sed astra vicissim Hac poterant aiia non reperire via. Margarita jacet non Annis dempta, sed anni Vt spectes animum dant obiisse senem.

Above these Inscriptions are the Arms of Locko and Saunders impaled, viz. Arg. a Bend between two Waterbougets Sable, Locko.

Party per Chrevon sab. and Arg. three Elephants Heads erased Counterchanged, Saunders.

On another Tomb for a second wife are impaled the same Arms of Locko:— With Gules on a Fesse Arg. between three Crescents Or, as many Escallops Azure, Ellis of Grantham.

The Inscription:—

Ad memoriam sempiternam Janæ suæ Dom. Thomæ Elisio de Granthamia in finibus Lincolniensibus, Equiti aurato, unique a Conciliis Domino Regi in provincia Boreali, minoris natu filiæ, morum pariter & formæ spectabilis venustate, sibiq. post quadrennium interrupti fœlicissimi conjugii, paribus auspiciis in secundi tori matrimonium collocatæ cui (ut sere quæ sunt cordi maxime) vertente biennio, Nottinghamie accidit humanitus fato præmaturo cedere calendis sextilibus; Annosque jam haud uno viginti amplius habenti ad humanæ salutis M, DC, XXXIX, Johannes Lockeus Hertfordiensis de Rigia, Generosus, monumentum hoc desiderii & conjunctionis ergo consecravit, fanctissimæque conjugi superstes dissidium luctuosus deflet.

Elysia de Gente redux I Jana: sed eheu Cur hæc lux quæ dat gaudia, curta daret? Ne cœlum invidiæ: quanquam juvenisq. vigensq. Serior, optarim, viseret umbra polos. Image chara diem, melior neq; munus, obivit: Redditaq; Elysiis, ortaq; dignatuis.

On another Monument:—

P. M. S.—Viri apprime venerabilis Georgii Cotes, bonarum Artium fere omnium thesaurarii: principis artis & instar omnium Theologiæ cimeliarchi, gregis egregii custodis: denique ut ingenii ut vitæ cultum instituerint, omnibus merito exemplaris,
Qui ut annos quartuor & viginti, summa side summaque diligentia curam hujus ecclesiæ sustinuerat, exantlato labore ad patriam rediturus; mortale quod erat servandum heic deposuit, cætera perennior; luctum amicis, & sui ingens desiderium suis, adeoq. bonis omnibus relinquens; e corporis evolavit vinculis III. Cal. Decemb. Anno post natum Christum cioiocxl. Ætatis autem suæ LIII.

Cujus Pectus pietatis Sacrarium, suere.
Lingua spiritus tuba,
Manus Christi erogatrix,
Domus Religionis Schola,
Vita morum censura

Cui nepos ejus Samuel Cotes hoc in pii doloris & perpetuum juxta patrui meritorum, suisque superstitis amoris mœrenti mœrens monumentum P.

There are divers Latine Verses on the same subject, as there are also some in English, after the following inscription cut on brass:—

In hope of a joyfull Resurrection lyes interred the body of Mr. Edward Allott, Batchelor of Physick, and practitioner in Chirurgery, who dyed the 6th of June 1636, being aged 33 years.

On a Table:—

Arg. a Lion Ramp. queve furche sab. Cressy, impaling Barry of six Arg. and Azure nine Mulletts Gules 3, 3, 3, Jesop. And William Cressy, son of Hugh Cressy, one of his Majesties Judges of Kings Bench in Ireland, was married to Elizabeth, daughter of George Jessop of Brancliff in the county of Yorke, Esq. died the ninth of March 1645.

On a Gravestone:—

Lector, in hoc tumulo requiescunt ossa Ricardi Elkini medici, pluribus haud opus est.—Obiit Maii 19 Anno Dom. 1650, ætatis suæ 85.

On a Monument:—

Here lyeth Mary, the wife of John Wileman, gent. daughter to Henry and Elizabeth Sherwin, who died in childbed the 21st of August 1648, in the 27 year of her age, and had issue one only daughter.—Some verses follow.

Upon Another:—

D. O. M.—Johannes Volusenus Westmonasterii natus, Oxonie educatus, SS. Theologie professor, Decanus a Ripis, Beati Petri Westmonaster. & beatæ Mariæ Lincoln. Præbendarius, Parochialis Ecclesie de Burnston Vicarius, & Rector Ecclesiæ de Beedall hic in domino requiescit.—Obiit Febr. 19, 1634.

Here John Wilson sleepes, in trust

That Christ will raise him from his dust:

Serve God with feare, thou canst not tell Whether thy turn be next. Farewell.

Disce mori.

Here lyeth the body of Robert Moseley, Master of Arts, and a faithfull Minister of Jesus Christ, he died the 20th of Decemb. 1643.

Here lyeth the body of Jane, the wife of Thomas Reyner, who died the 18th of July 1656, in the 41 year of her age.

In the south Isle of the Church:—

Hic jacet corpus Johannis Coombe, Generosi, civitate Oxon. nati, olim Comitatus Notting. Registrarii, qui ab hac luce (expectans meliorem) migravit undecimo die mensis Octobris, Anno Dom. 1667, & Ætatis suæ sexagesimo septimo.—Resurgam J. C.

On the middle of the Almshouse in Stony-Street:—See page 107.

The arms above are:—

Arg a Fesse Gules between three Goates current Sab. bearded, ungued and armed Or, the Crest a Goate of the same.

On Mr. Barnaby Wartnabies Beadhouse:—See page 108.

There is in the Town-Hall at Nottingham the King's Arms fairly drawn over the seat which the Judge in Circuit sits in; and at other times the Mayor, &c. On each side of the King's Arms, are those of the Benefactors, with inscriptions under them.

Gules in the Sinister poynt, an Annulet Arg. a Bordure sable with Estoiles Or. Over all in a Canton Ermine, a Lion Rampant of the first.

Underneath is thus written:—

Sir Thomas White, Merchant Taylor, sometime Alderman of the City of London, gave to this Town of Nottingham 40l. to be paid every fifth yeare, and to be lent gratis to four young men Burgesses and Tradesmen for the terme of 9 years. He died Anno Dom. 1566.—See page 48.

Arg. on a Chevron between three Garbes sub. three Estoiles of five points of the first, impaling Gules and Arg. divided by a pale ingrailed Or between four Lions Rampant Counterchanged.—

These be the armes of John Wast, and Winefride his wife, late Brewer of London, which hath given to the maintenance of a Free Schoole in this Town of Nott. 3 Tenements in the City of London 5l. by the year: On whose soules Jesus have mercy.

Sixteen Coats quartered, whereof the first is:—

Or two Barres Azure on a Chief quarterly two Flower-de-Liz of France, and one Lion of England.

The second is:—

Gules three Waterbougetts Arg. &c. Earl of Rutlands.—

Rogerus Mannors vir illustris, serenissimæ Reginæ Elizabethæ Somatophylax dignissimus, Comitis Thomæ Rutlandie filius, in perpetuam eleemosynam huic villæ Nottinghamie quinq. minas dedit per annum. In cujus tam largi muneris Major Fratresqhic ejus affixerunt insignia, Anno Domini 160.

Sable a Chevron Or between three Crossecrosletts Fitche Arg. quartering six Coats more.—

The arms and atchievments of Sir George Peckham, late of Denham in the County of Bucks, knight, who out of his noble disposition to workes of Charity and Piety, by his last Will and Testament gave to the Town of Nottingham one hundred poundes of lawful English money, the use and benefit to be yearly distributed to the poor inhabitants there by the discretion of the Major and Aldermen of the said Town for the time being, and departed this life the 23d day of July, Anno Dom. 1635.

Or two Barres, and a Lion Passant in Chief Azure.—

William Gregory, gent. sometime Town-Clarke of this Town of Nottingham, did by his last Will and Testament in the year of our Lord God, 1613, give and----eleven small Tenements, with the Appurtenances called the White Rents, situate at Hundgate end, within the said Town of Nott. for poor aged people to dwell in Rent-free, and 40s. yearly for ever towards the reparation of the said Tenements, &c.

Party per pale Arg. & Azure two Lions Ramp. back to back Counterchanged, Gregory, quartering sable a Chevron between three Spear heads within a Bordure Arg. Urmeston, all which impales Or on a Chief Vert a Lion Passant of the first, Alton, quartering Gules a Chevron between ten Crossecroslets Or, Kyme.—

William Gregory, gent, late one of the Aldermen of this Towne, gave in Anno Dom. 1650, the summe of LIIs. yearly towards the relief of the poore of the Parish of St. Maries in Nott. and John Gregory, gent. his son did give the like summe of LIIs. more for the same use yearly for ever, to be paid out of the Rents of four Tenements lying in Barker Gate; and bestowed in Bread 2s. every Sunday.

Ermine a Gryphin Sergreant queve nowe Gules, Grantham, impaling Arg. on a Chevron sable three Bucks heads Cabossed Or, Boughton.—

The most pious and virtuous lady Lucy, wife of Sir Thomas Grantham, did of her charity give two hundred pounds at several times to this Towne, the use thereof to be imployed for the setting forth of poore Burgesses Children Apprentices for ever.

William Greaves, Mayor, 1671.

Arg. a Fesse Gule between three Goates in course sable, horned, beared, and hoosed Or.—

The armes of Henry Hanley, Esq. a founder of the Hospital in Stony Street within this Towne of Nottingham, who endowed the same with forty pounds per annnm out of his Lands in Bramcote in the County of Nottingham, for the maintenance of six men, and six women, Anno Domini 1650.

William Jackson, Mayor."

Deering's Collection.

"There are in this Church two Chappels, one towards the south, which I take to be St. Mary's, the other towards the north, which is the Chappel of All-Saints.—In the year 1739, in the month of July, Mr Abel Smith, Banker of this Town, caused a vault to be built for his family in this Chappel, the workman digging to come to the rock for a foundation, met with an arch in the north wall about four feet high, from the foundation of the Church, which in all is not above five feet deep, in this place, and near ten from the rock. At the bottom of this arch, they observed a stone trough, part of which advanced into the Chappel, the rest was under the arch, just broad enough to hold a Coffin, and long enough for the same purpose, in it they found the Bones of a Corpse which were all firm and found, whereof myself was an eye witness, and a red Tile glazed with Cross Keys upon it. Diverse were the conjectures concerning this tile, when John Plumptre, Esq. then one of the Members of the Honourable House of Commons for Nottingham, coming soon after from London, upon my relating to him the story, shew'd me a like tile, which he had found entire, amongst several broken pieces in the Burial place of his ancestors, in St. Mary's Church, at his making a vault there.

It is a red tile of a very hard composition, just four inches and a half square, and one inch thick, the upper surface of it glazed of a brownish colour, and on it the figure of bell in yellow, placed diagonally, and of as large a dimension as the tile will admit of, on one side of the bell the figure of a key, and on the other a broad sword, the symbols of St. Peter and St. Paul. Mr. Plumptre, with very great probability is of opinion, that these characters shew such tiles to have been destin'd at their making for the use of a Church; and that probably these were the original pavement round the Altar, which was on the east side of the said crose isle, and separated from the rest of the Chappel of AllSaints by the Cancelli, which remained standing till the year 1719 of the same form with those that still enclose the whole Chappel. That the original pavement was probably in process of time broken up for graves, and the pieces of it thrown negligently in with the earth, that had been taken out, and as this Chappel had been dedicated to All Saints, and on this tile here are the symbols of two Saints, it is not unlikely that if more of these tiles had been preserved, the symbols of other Saints might have appeared thereon.

The just mentioned gentleman informed me, that the bones found in the arch were the remains of John de Plumptre, founder of the Hospital at the Bridge-end, who desired to be buried in this Chappel, under the wall of this Church, and that near this place Henry Plumptre, and several others of the family were buried. And Dr. Thoroton, p. 497, mentions, "That Henry Plumptre, (brother of the founder) by his Will dated the 11th of Henry IV, 1408, ordered that his Body should be buried in the Chappel of All-Saints beneath, or in the Church of St. Peter in Nottingham.

On the north side of the Communion Table under the figure of Moses is the following inscription:—

Tertio die Octobris MDCCXX, Juxta hunc Locum Sepulta est Hannah, Uxor Alverii Dodsley Genorosi Qui Hujus Ecclesiæ Ornatui Consulens Ad Altare Cœnam Domini delineandam propriis sumptibus curavit.

On the wall of the south Isle, is a marble monument with this Inscription:—

Near this place lies the Body of Alderman Thomas Trigge, grocer, son of Matthew Trigge, Minister of Stretton, in the County of Leicester, who married Elizabeth the widdow of Benjamin Rickards, by whom he had six children, Elizabeth, Thomas, Matthew, William, Joseph, Nathaniel, all surviving except Nathaniel. He departed this Life March the 20th 1704–5, in the 53d Year of his Age.

Thomas Trigge gave by Will 50l. to buy Land for ever, the Rent to pay for Bread to be distributed to poor House-keepers of this parish, by the Minister and Church-wardens and Overseers in two equal parts, one part on Christmas-Day, the other on Good Friday.

Elizabeth Trigge, his wife who was daughter of William Parker, an apothecary, in Nottingham, departed this Life 28th of March, 1720.

On the wall of the south isle, is a marble monument set up for Alderman Rickard:—

Here lyeth, the Body of John Rickards, late Alderman of this Town, son of Benjamin Rickards, late of this Town, who married Anne the daughter of Joseph Clay, by whom he had issue three sons Parker, Benjamin, and John, and three daughters Anne, Elizabeth and Anne, whereof Benjamin, Elizabeth and Anne, survived him, he died the 20th of April, Anno Dom. 1703.

Over against the before-mentioned monument in the isle upon a flat gravestone:—

Here lye the bodies of William Ayscough, Printer and Bookseller of this town: and Anne his wife, she was daughter of the Rev. Mr. Young, Rector of Catwick in the county of York; he died March 2, 1719; she died December 16, 1732. The above Mr. Ayscough is remarkable, for having first introduced the art of Printing in this town, about the year 1710.

In the church-yard which abounds with grave and head-stones, I find nothing remarkable except the following Ioco-serious one, upon a man who was a great champion of the high party in this town, and who had a strong influence upon the mobile, and all this zeal of his did not proceed in him from any mercenary views, but his own choice. He was otherwise, tho' bred in low life, (for he was a stocking needlemaker) a person of good natural parts, and peculiarly remarkable for his filial duty to his mother. He died on the Election day of members of paliament for the town of Nottingham, soon after he had seen that gentleman chaired, in whose behalf he had exerted himself in an extraordinary manner.

Here lies VIN: EYRE Let fall a Tear For one true Man of Honour No courtly Lord That breaks his Word Will ever be a Mourner. In Freedom's Cause He stretcht his Jaws Exhausted all his Spirit

Then fell down dead It must be said He was a Man of Merit. Let Freemen be As brave as he And Vote without a Guinea Vin: Fyre is hurl'd To the other World And ne'er took Bribe a Penny.

Sept. 6, 1727.

True to his Friend to helpless Parent kind He died in Honour's Cause to Int'rest blind

Why should we grieve, Life's but an airy Toy We vainly weep for him who died with Joy."

Additional Collections from St. Peter's.

In Sepulchro sub area concamerato, Quod sibi suisque Dormitorium esse voluit.

Heu! jam conditur puerperii Doloribus exhausta, Elizabetha Samuelis Martin, fidissima conjux Johannis Smith, armig. Filia natu maxima. Mors tamen rapax haud inermem invasit, Sed Pietate ac Fede Christiana munitam, Quale erat Ingenium Quanta Probitas, mansuetudo, Benevolentia, Testantur Amicorum Desideria superstitum, Amplissimis potiora Elegiis, Calend Septemb. A. D. 1779.

A brass remembers Charles Drury, who died in 1753, aged 49, and others of his family.

A mural monument informs us that George Tempest, of Tong, in the County of York, died in 1752, aged 51. His wife Elizabeth died in 1784, at the age of 77. And his brother, the Rev. Robert Tempest, in 1755, aged 53.

Opposite another is placed to the memory of the Rev. Edward Chappell, rector, and prebendary of Southwell, and rector, also of Barnborough, in Yorkshire. He died, it seems, deserving a fair character, in 1767, aged 73. He had been a resident in the parish 42 years.

On a brass in the middle aisle:—

Hic situs est Timotheus Armitage, Chirurgus; Roberti Armitage, Liverpoole, Mercatoris Filius.

Qui parentibus amicis, Vicinis, Patriæ, Multa Bona pollicitus; Lethali Morbo correptus Spes omnium fefellit. 1752.

Opposite the south door on a small tablet:—

All is Vanity but the love and fear of God through Christ Jesus.

Here lies the body of John Gregory, late vicar of Norwell, in this County, who died in 1783, aged 73.

Opposite on a plain monument:—

John Sherbrooke, gent. of Nottingham, is noticed, who died in 1760, aged 84. We are informed that he long lived an ornament to religion.

On the same wall:—

Mary Burden, died in 1776, aged 70. We are told that she possessed every virtue that could adorn a christian. Her husband, Alexander Burden, gent. died in 1747, aged 36.

In the south aisle is a floor stone, very ancient, with a cross; in the centre of which is a label wich old characters not legible: perhaps you may read [Hic jacet Rog] —see a representation in the preceding miscellaneous plate, figure 4.

On a stone in the north aisle John Grieves, is remembered who died in 1718,—on which is
Here lies a Man who Nere did start Wos lame ons Leg Yet found at Heart.

St. Peter's church-yard is twelve yards above the level of the meadows below: St. Nicholas's eleven.

In looking into the parish register, I found these insertions:—

"Jeremy the 48 var. 13 was the last texte Mr. Cotes did ever preach upon the 5th of November 1640."

"Mr: Cotes that faithful minister of Christ began this texte upon the 5th of November and on the same continuéd untill the 15th of the same month and dyed before hee finished it, and like a dying swan did sing most sweetly before his death and having finished his course hee hath received a crown of immortal glory, which the lord of glory had prepared for him and for all those that wait for his appearing."

"He died the 28th of November 1640."

It is rather difficult to understand what is meant by this long preaching. Is it to be imagined that he preached every day, on the text above, from the 5th to the 15th of November, or that he continued it on the succeeding Sunday? perhaps it is not very material to know; but the following will shew that this preacher was a disciplinarian in the church.

"1628 March the 3,

"Whereas there was a license granted to Eliz. the wife of Mr. John Edmunds of St. Peter's parish in the time of her sickness giving leave to the said Elizabeth to eate such meate as by lawe in that case is allowed, as appeares further by the said licence, and for as much as the said Elizabeth still continueth sick and weake is not able without danger of her life and imparing of her health to eate fish meates, therefore upon the request of the said Elizabeth wee have caused this to be regestered according to the entent of the statute in that case provided to continue duering the time of this her sickness and weakness and noe longer at her perrill.

Geo: Cotes Rector eccle b t i petri Nott."

The churchwardens names follow.

This same gentleman in 1628, granted a similar license to Elizabeth wife of John Edmunds, to eat meat during Lent.

Also to Elizabeth wife of Adrian Perkins, gent. in 1632.—Also to Robert Wood, gent. in 1633. This was signed not only with the names of Mr. Cotes, and the churchwardens, but also by Richard Elkin, physician.

An ingenious man, at this time of scarcity of provisions, might amuse himself with writing, and his readers with reading (September 1795) something pertinent on this subject, of religious forbearance; and fasting through necessity in times like the present. It might be asked, would fasting stated days in the week, through necessity, not from religious motives, do away, in some measure, the exorbitant price of the necessaries of life? It is to be feared not; there is a stubborn evil deeply rooted somewhere that desies, at present, all application, and, I fear, may produce some serious consequences if something efficacious be not immediately done. Prayers have been offered up to heaven, by the poor for plenty, plenty hath been sent us; but alas! that plenty is placed, by the hand of avarice, almost beyond the reach of the necessitous.

Some have thought that the high price of provisions, of late years, does but keep pace with the increase of the wealth of the kingdom, it may be so; but let such be told that hence is the great cause of the sufferings of the lower orders of the people; for as riches increase, monopolizers, forestallers, and regraters, also become more powerful, and consequently more capable of endangering the common weal. A rich tenantry, perhaps, may be added to the list of evils. France, before her late shocking revolution, saw, within herself, but two classes of the people, the wealthy and the extreme poor. England may be happy if she never experience a similar division. The awful picture held up to the view of Europe in that country, will surely save us from a similar fate, by shunning the rock which has shook that mighty empire to its foundation. Those who are accustomed to mingle with the world, must find, it is to be lamented, that discontent, the origin of national evils, every where prevails, fostered by ambitious and designing men, ready to dash to pieces the fabric of our constitution, raised by the wisdom and experience of ages. It need not then be asked, Can any thing assist the pending mischiefs so much as the dearness of the ordinary necessaries of life, particularly after the most abundant harvest man ever beheld?

It is to be feared that some men now, and during the late seeming scarcity of bread corn took advantage of the arming the provincial corps, raised for purposes widely different from that of assisting avaricious men in oppression, the most cruel, the most base and degenerate to human nature.

It might be right to make some apology for this little digression, but feeling as a friend to order, and dreading the evils likely to arise out of a continuance of the present high price of provisions, I wave the ceremonious talk.

On leaving the vestry, after copying the above from the register, I cast my eyes upon a small tablet in the south aisle:—

Sacred to the memory of John Nodes, gent. of this town, who enjoyed 56 years of mutual love and domestic happiness, which was first interrupted by his decease on the 8th of January 1789, in the 80th year of his age, and was followed by that of his widow on the 7th of July 1792, aged 78.

What a portion of conjugal happiness! What enjoyment! And what a contrast to some modern unions, that are soon followed by the most disastrous separations.

The following is a List of the Rector's Names of St. Peter's, from the year 1241.

"1241 Joh. de Nottingham.

1280 Johannes Cathal.

1287 Richardus de Stapleton.

1292 Joh. de Brus de Pykering.

1300 Adam de Kyrkby.

1322 Lancelot de Corebto.

1323 Willielmus de Willoughby.

----Robertus Jolan.

1347 Willielmus de Whatton.

1349 Henricus de Keyworth.

1369 Robertus de Newbald.

1375 Willielmus de Rodington.

----Hugo Martel.

1426 Johannes Burton.

----Johannes Drayton.

1445 Willielmus Gull.

1483 Johannes Mayewe.

1486 Robertus Cotyngham.

1499 Willielmus Ilkeston.

1510 Joh. Plough. Kyngsbury.

1538 Johannes Plough, jun.

1550 Nicholaus Cooke.

1578 Johannes Nytter vel Wittie.

1583 Carolus Aynsworth.

1588 Radulphus Shutte.

1593 Johannes Pare.

1604 Franciscus Rodes.

1606 Roger Freeman.

1610 Johannes Kelle.

1610 Thomas Low.

1617 Goorgius Cotes.

1618 Hugo Parke. Sequestrator.

1619 Georgius Cotes.

1640 Johannes Goodall.

1642 Johannes Aystorpe.

1667 Samuel Leak.

1672 Edwardus Buxton.

1680 Willielmus Wilson, A. M.

1693 Nathan Drako, A. M.

1704 Timothy Fenton, A. M.

1721 James Wilson, A. M.

1725 Edward Chappell, A. M.

1767 Samuel Martin, A. M.

1782 Jeremiah Bigsby, A.B. the present Rector.

Patron, the King.—Incumbent, Jeremiah Bigsby, A.B.—King's book, 8l. 7s. 6d.— Yearly clear value in Bacon, 12l. 19s.—30l.—Syn, 4s.—Prox 6s. 8d. val. in mans. ibidem per ann. 6s. 8d. in decim. personal. oblat. &c.—Pens. sol. prior. de Lenton per ann. 16s.

Bells 8.—A fine peal; new about 14 years ago. Cast under the direction of Mr. Cross, of Nottingham, by Pack and Chapman, London.—The following are the inscriptions of the old peal:—

A Table of the Inscriptions, Dates, &c. upon St. Peter's Bells, Nottingham.

1st.—In Perpetuam Memoriam Societatis Ivvenvm Borelivm, 1672.

2.—In Perpetvam Memoriam Societatis Ivvevm Borealivm, 1672.

3.—God Save the King, 1666.

4.—God Save his Chvrch, 1635.

5.—God Save His Chvrch, T. Hvnt, I. Wilson, Wardens, 1685.

6.—Iesvs Be Ovr Speda.

7.—aue maria of you charitie for to pray for the sole of mayere dubbyseay.

8.—Robert Sherwin, Iohn Cawton, William Freeman, Richard Wellah, Aldermen.

ST. Nicholas's church, (fn. 12)

Thoroton gives us but little information respecting the old Church, which was demolished during the troubles in the last century, the present church he observes was building when he wrote his history. Deering, speaks of it thus:—

"The old Church sharing in the Civil War the same fate with that of St. Edmund of Dudley, both which where pulled down (by reason of their nearness) for the safety of the Castle, it was somewhat larger than the new one, of stone, the materials were mostly converted to private uses, the Boxes in the Kitchen of a certain Inn in this Town were made out of some of the Pews, and the Bells were by order of Col. Hutchinson, (who was Governor of the Castle of Nottingham,) removed to Outhorpe. There goes a Tradition among the people of this town, that St. Nicholas is the Mother Church, but for my part I'cannot find any foundation for it unless the difference was paid to it by way of compliment, it being in the kings demesne before and after the Conquest. Wherever I find the three Churches mentioned, St. Mary's is always named first, and St. Nicholas's last, nor is it reasonable to suppose that the least of these Churches should be the Mother, and take the rank before St. Mary's who had a Suffragan Bishop, besides all public Solemnities, as the Election of the Mayor, Sheriffs, &c. were, and are, performed at St. Mary's, where also the Assize Sermons are preached before the Judges, not on account of their Lodgings being near that Church, but time immemorial, when they used to lodge in the heart of the town. One might upon much better grounds conjecture that the Collegiate Church of Southwell, was once the Mother Church of our Parishes, because before the town was made a County of itself, the Corporation was obliged once a year to make a Procession thither in their Formalities, to hear Divine Service."

The following copy of a paper found in the parish book, is important, respecting the demolition of the old church, which, it should seem, neither Thoroton or Deering, had a knowledge of:—

"In or about Chandlemas 1714–15, one or more of the Pinnacles of the Tower of St. Nicholas's Church, Nottingham, were blown down, which occasioned a break of a Mainpiece of wood, between the steeple and the body of the said church. On the plaister of which beam were wrote these words:—

"This Church was burnt and pulled down 1647, begun again 1671."

"Br. Stephenson, Sexton.

This witness,
J. Abson, Rector." (fn. 13)

The present church is of brick, ornamented with stone and was finished in 1678, and stands on the site of the old church, which was of stone, and much larger. Its little tower contains two bells only. (fn. 14) St. Nicholas's, since the time of its being rebuilt, has been considerably enlarged, and beautisied. In 1756, the south side was extended considerably by voluntary contribution. And in 1783, a subscription was raised to the amount of nearly 500l. to enlarge it in a similar manner on the north side, when it was in a great measure new pewed, a hamdsome pulpit and reading desk erected, and a gallery built on the north. The church, now within, has a handsome appearance, and is well lighted. It has a spacious nave and two side aisles, and will contain a large congregation, suitable to the great population of the parish of late years. St. Nicholas's parish now is supposed to contain more inhabitants than that of St. Peter's.

In support of the tradition of the old church, (which it is said had a spire steeple) being destroyed or damaged in the civil wars, part of an old bell was found, sometime since, in digging near the foundation of the present tower, which it is probable, was broken to pieces at the demolition of the church.

From this church yard there is a fine prospect of the distant and adjacent country.— Belvoir-Castle, which must be at the distance of twenty miles, is an object of beauty, on the left, and near objects, such as have been noticed, page 26, from the castle, are delightful attractions. I have on my visits to Nottingham, frequently, on a summer's day, walked to this church-yard for the benefit of its refreshing and salutary air, as well as for its extensive prospect.

St. Mary's church-yard is certainly on a bolder eminence; but the views thence, in general, are confined by buildings in almost every direction; and the air, on that account, is less pure and salutary. As I have been led by observation to speak particularly of the site of St. Nicholas's Church, I may, I apprehend, with justness observe, in general, that the Town of Nottingham, both for air and prospects, particularly south-westwardly, has not many equals in the interior of the kingdom. But when it is said, that the site of Nottingham is delightful, the air falubrious and the Town one of the pleasantest in the kingdom, it must be lamented, which in some measure, is done in another page, that the New Buildings which extend much in that part of the Town marked in the old ground plan, page 60, are erected, many of them, without any design of forming regular streets. Well contrived streets and passages are highly conducive to health and cleanliness; but here, if one may be allowed the expression, is a resurrection of buildings, generally without order, seated like clusters of mushrooms in a field, cast up by chance. Here the gathered filth within doors is scattered, daily, in the dirty passages without, in front of the dwellings, delightful to the sight and odorous to a sensitive nose. Yards, in which such good things should be treasured for agriculture, are not, it may be supposed, always thought of, when buildings are erected here. What may be denominated streets or lanes before some of these new erections, are, many of them, without any sort of pavement, consequently without regulated water-courses, and consequently pregnant with mischievous effect.

Deering's Collections within this Church.

"On a monument against the wall on the right hand of the Communion Table:—

Sab. between a Chevron 3 Doves Or.

Near this place lies the body of Elizabeth Alsop, who died June 2, A. D. 1731.— Blessed are the Dead who die in the Lord, for they rest from their Labours and their Works follow them.

On the left side opposite to the foregoing are hung up three Hatchments, viz.

1st—Gules three Lion's paws Arg. Newdigate a Mullet for difference impaling. Arg. a Chevron between three Crescent Gules. On a wreath a Flower-de-Lis.

2d—Quarterly six Coats the first. Azure a Chevron Arg. between three Cinquesoils Or. The second, Arg. within a border imgrailed a Lion Sable. The third, Azure a Chevron Or. in Chief a Lion passant of the second. The fourth, Arg. between a Chevron ingrailed 3 crosses forme fiche. The fifth, Ermin. on a Bend Gules 3. The sixth, Per Pale azure and Gules, over all 3 Lions rampant. Arg.

A Scutcheon of Pretence quarterly. Or two Bars and a Canton Gules. 2 Vert a Griffin Sergreant, in chief 3 escallops Or. The 3d, as the 2d, the 4th as the 1st, on a Wreath of his Colours a Blackmore couped at the Knees, armed proper, about his head a Bandage Arg. in his dexter hand extended a Goblet cover'd Or, the dexter Arm a Kembo, Cooper.

At the South-west end of the cross Isle against the wall is a beautiful Monument:—

Vert. a Griffin Sergreant Or. On a Chief indented Arg. two Crosses forme z Gul. Collin. impaling: Paly of six Or, and Gules a Bendarg. on a wreath of the Colours a Talbots Head.

Near this place lies the Body of John Collin, esq. who departed this Life June 18, 1717, in the 45th Year of his Age.—He married Mary daughter of George Langford, esq. and Judith his wife, by whom he had issue six sons and four daughters, Langford, Abel, Thomas, John, Samuel, and George, Anne, Mary, Judith, and Anne; Anne, Samuel, and George, died in their infancy before him, Abel Collin, died August 8, 1730, Judith Collin, died February 7, 1730–1. (fn. 15)

His widow in Memory of him and his deceased children has placed this.

Near this Monument on the ground are three Gravestones laid close together: on the first is this Inscription:—

Here lieth the Body of Abel Collin, who departed this Life the 2d Day of April A.D. 1705.

This Abel Collin, is the founder of the new Hospital. Thomas is the father of John Collin, who (though his Monument does not mention it) was also an Alderman of this Town. Lawrence was the grandfather of John, and the first of the family who settled in this Town at the end of the Civil-war. He had been gunner of the Castle of Nottingham, as appears by a Muster-Roll of the 27th of January, 1648. He is noticed in page 68.

And also here lieth the Body of Thomas Collin, alderman, who departed this Life the 18th Day of January in the 61st Year of his Age A. D. 1706–7.

On the second:—

Here lieth the Body of Lawrence Collin, who departed this Life the 9th Day of Aug. in the 91st Year of his Age, A. D. 1704.

The third covers the last gentleman's wife."

Additional Collections.

In the chancel near the altar, a small tablet remembers the Rev. Mr. Beaumont, L L. B. rector, who died in 1773, aged 47. His widow died in 1792, aged 60.—Opposite to this is another placed to the memory of Mrs Elizabeth and Mrs Mary Alsop, the former died 1731, the latter 1751, and of Nathaniel Also, B.D. rector of Church Langton, in the County of Leicester.—A pretty designed one is to the memory of Lucy Gage, wife of John Gage, Esq. who died in 1739.—It also remembers the Rev. John Gage, rector of Colwick, and W. Bridgeford, who died in 1770; he was fourth son of John and Lucy Gage, above named. Their only daughter Lucy, who intermarried with William Herrick, of Beaumanor, in the county of Leicester, caused this monument to be erected.

This inscription below, is corrected by a relation in an instance or two:

Near this place is buried, Lucy Gage, who died March 15, 1739, daughter and heiress of John Mayo, Esq. of Hackney, in Middlesex, by Mary his wife, fourth daughter and coheiress of George Clark, Esq. of the same place. The said Lucy married John Gage, Esq. 4th son of Thomas Gage, Esq. of Bentley, in Sussex, by Juliana his wife, one of the daughters and coheiresses of Robert Cæsar, Esq. of Willian, in Hartfordshire, only son of William Gage, Esq. who was eldest son of Edward Gage, Esq. by Cleare his wife, daughter of William Bendloss, of Essex, Esq. and one of the great grand sons of Sir John Gage, of Firle, in the County of Sussex, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, &c. in the reign of Henry the 8th. The said Lucy had issue by John Gage, Esq. four sons and one daughter, viz. Thomas, Charles, Cæsar, (John died an Infant) and John; Lucy married William Herrick, Esq. of Beau Manor, in the County of Leicester, by whom she had issue, three sons and three daughters, two of which died in their Infancy, Lucy married Richard Gildart, Esq. of Norton-Hall, in the County of Stafford, William, John, and Thomas Bainbrigge.

On a mural monument:—

Near this place lieth the Body of Lemuel Lowe, who died 30th of June 1770, aged 80 years.—Also of Mary his widow the 13th day of January 1775, aged 77 years— Likewise of William Lowe, his son who died the 25th of July 1788, aged 64 years.— Also of Ann his wife who departed the 7th of December 1781, aged 47 years.

Many of the oldest stones in the side aisles, the inscriptions of which being wore away, are replaced with brass inscriptions.—Some families in this parish have vaults within the church: one before the enlargment of the church was without. It was made for Mr. R. Price, who died in 1778, aged 62.

On the floor-stones are inscriptions for the following aged people of the same name: John Radford, gent. died in 1774, aged 71.—Rev. Mr. Ogle Radford, died in 1757, aged 80.—William Radford, died in 1770, aged 78.

Two paintings, which are placed at the altar here represent the Good Samaritan and the Return of the Prodigal Son. The design and execution of each appear decent; but they are placed in a very bad light to judge of effect. However, I find they were given by a Mr. Elliot, a gentleman of Nottingham, who sometime since changed his name, from Stanford, to that of Elliot, for what, I am apprehensive, no man in his senses would scruple to do, when a good estate was to be the compensation.

In the Church-yard, on a tomb:—

In memory of Matthew Heath, who died the 15th of January 1793, aged 59 years.— On the other side,—Here lies in hopes of a joyful resurrection, the Body of Sarah, wife of Matthew Heath, who departed this life November 7, 1793, aged 57 years.

Here the wicked cease from troubling, And here the weary be at rest.

Mr. Matthew Heath, I am informed, from a very small beginning, as a cow-keeper, acquired an opulent fortune; perhaps the last line of the above couplet might be intended to allude to his unwearied industry. The lines above call to my recollection an extraordinary perversion of the sense of them, by ignorance. In Cuckney church-yard they stand thus:—

There the wicked cease from trouble, There the wary be at rest.

Could it be supposed that these lines, as they here stand, were intended to inform us that in this life the wicked have no trouble, and that the cunning have complete rest?

There is something pleasing in the following parental effusion on a stone in the churchyard:—In memory of Susanna, daughter of Hugh Atherstone, who died November 14, 1784, aged eleven months:—

Happy Babe so soon escaped From this World of Woe and Strife, Favour'd Pilgrim, early landed, At the port of Bliss and Life.

There to joys in song resouding From the whole redeeming train, Worthy is our GOD for ever, Worthy is the Lamb that's slain.

Another parental tribute:—In memory of Ten Children of the name of Stubbings, one of which died at the age of five, and the other at nine years,—8 died infants.

The Blooming Rose smiles with the morning sun, Just now looks gay, soon withers and is gone. As sweetest flowers goe swiftly to decay Our tender lives were quickly snatch'd away; For death's cold hand seized us unawares, And took us from a World of Toils and Cares.

Among the almost numberless gravestone inscriptions in the church-yard, one is shewn as a curiosity. It it placed to the memory of a Thomas Booth, a great deerstealer, who died in 1752, aged 75, and escaped the gallows. Old Tom was so pleased with the epitaph, written for him by a friendly humble poet, that he, it is said, had the gravestone by him some time before he died, with the following lines thereon:—

Here lies a Marksman, who with art and skill, When Young and Strong, fat Bucks and Does did kill.

Now conquer'd by grim Death (go Reader tell it) He's now took leave of Powder, Gun, and Pellet A fatal Dart, which in the dark did fly, Has dropt me down, among the dead to lie.

If any want to know the poor slave's Name 'Tis old TOM BOOTH, ne'r ask from whence he came.

He's hither sent, and surely such another, Near issu'd from the Belly of a Mother.

Many of his exploits were recorded in the memories of those who were his companions, in his hours of jollity. From them this hero's atchievments have passed current, in the public-house circles, in Nottingham, where they will, probably, long assist, with a little enlargement and amendations, to give eclat or renown to the memory of this dear lover of venison, as the pretty tales of Robin Hood, have done to that renowned hero.

One short story of our hero I will record. In Nottingham park at one time, was a favorite fine deer, a chief ranger, which Tom and his wiley companions had often cast their longing eyes on; but how to deceive the keeper, while they killed it was a task of difficulty. The night however, in which they accomplished their purpose, whether by any settled plan or not it is not known, they found the keeper at watch, as usual, in a certain place in the park. One of them therefore went to an opposite direction, in the park, and fired his gun to make the keeper believe he had shot a deer; upon which away goes the keeper, in haste, to the spot, which was at a very considerable distance from the place where the favourite deer was, and near which Tom Booth was sculking. Tom waiting a proper time, when he thought the keeper at a sufficient distance for accomplishing his purpose fired and killed the deer, and dragged it through the river Leen undiscovered.

Booth, it is said, was a stout man, and by trade a whitesmith.

A List of the Vicars of St. Nicholas's.

"— Will Bishop.
1267 Richard de Weremsworth.
1286 Johanes de Ludham.
1317 Herbertus Pouger.
1318 Willielmus de llkeston.
1321 Galfridus de Wilford.
1329 Gilbertus de Ottrington.
Thomas Tutil.
1351 Richardus Kaym de Gotham.
1366 Johannes Templer.
Johannes Deinby.
1367 Thomas Lorday de Stanley.
1371 Willielmus de Bilham.
Roger. Bampton vel Mempton.
1427 Willielmus Cokker.
1432 Willielmus Westthorpe.
1435 Johannes Sampson.
1436 Johannes Hopwell.
1464 Nicholas Fish.
1466 Richardus Elkesly.
1471 Robertus Echard.
1476 Thomas Tewe.
1477 Edmundus Holme.
1497 Johannes Dale.
1502 Thomas Reyner.
1503 Reynaldus Marshal.
1531 Alexander Penhill.
1533 Thomas Ward.
1585 Radulphus Shute.
1588 Johannes Lambe.
1611 Robertus Malham.
1622 Robertus Aynsworth, the last incumbent till after the restoration.
1663 Joh. Aysthorpe, rector of St. Peter's and sequestrator.
1664 Blank for sequestrator.
1665 to 1668 vacant.
1669 Samuel Leek to 1672.
1674 vacant to 1681.
1682 Joh. Simpson.
1715 Johannes Abson, A. M.
1749 George Wakefield, A. M."
1766 George Beaumont, L L. B. resigned.
1773 Charles Wylde, A. M. the present rector. (fn. 16)

Patron the King in 1773:—Incumbent Rev. C. Wylde:—King's book 2l. 16s. 8d. —Clear yearly value in Bacon 15l. 7s.—30l. Archiepisc. pro Syn 6s.—Archidiac. pro Prox 6s. 8d. val. in mans. cum gardin. ibidem per ann. 8s. in oblat. dec. pasc. &c. pens. annual sol. prior. de Lenton 10s. The King presented in 1749. Lord Middleton in 1766.

Dissenting places of worship are numerous in this place, partly owing, it is said, to the vast population of Nottingham, especially in the parish of St. Mary, since the American war. In that populous and extensive parish, there is no chapel of ease, a place much wanted, and repeatedly attempted to be obtained, but without effect. Terms have not been offered altogether suitable to the present incumbent's wishes, who in a business of this sort, cannot be supposed to be acting so much for himself as for his successors, of whose benefits and rights he is guardian.

High-Pavement Meeting.

The congregation here are called Presbyterians. This building forms a square of brick, and appears of no long standing. It is spacious and well galleried. The congregation consists of many of the most respectable inhabitants in Nottingham, either with respect to opulence or character. (fn. 17)

Castle-Gate Meeting.

This congregation are Calvinists. This building also forms a square of brick. It is a commodious place of worship, and is galleried. The congregation is numerous.

The Baptizing Calvinists

Have a Meeting-house near Collin's Hospital. This building also is spacious, well lighted, and appeared well attended.

The Quakers

House of worship is facing the north-east end of Collin's Hospital, and almost adjoining it. This building, like the people who assemble in it, is neat within and without.

Hockley-Street Meeting,

Was built lately for Westley's people, and appeared to me the largest of all the dissenting places of worship I visited in Nottingham. This building is lofty and croudedly attended. An escutcheon for the late lady Huntingdon is placed over the head of the preacher.

General Baptists,

Have an octagon small building of brick, erected originally for Mr. Westley's people; it was built about 30 years since.


Have a small place of worship in Storey-street, King's-place.

I visited the above places of worship, on Sunday, March 29, 1795, in some of which I consequently could make but a short stay. All the preachers, that I found teaching, seemed to have the same end in view; but all appeared in one way or other dissimilar in the means of obtaining it. The peculiarity of the Quakers formed the greatest contrast. I found them silent, plain, but costly dressed; many of the men supporting their reclined heads, like soldiers, with their missive weapons, inverted, at the grave of a comrade; the lovely fair fat pensive, but had less of seeming depression.

Some teachers, at these several places, were impressive if not eloquent. A young man in Castle-gate meeting, where I attended in the morning, had an amiable manner, correct in his language, ready, and often just in his conclusions.

I was at Hockley-street meeting in the evening, and heard a preacher, whose manner had to me, who am but little accustomed to use such places, peculiar attractions. The preacher was a middle aged man, and we must suppose, taught from the best motives: his text—a Time to Die.

He began by exhorting all to consider that they were to die. Although it was no novel information, yet this exordium to his discourse might not be unprofitable to some; but when he particularized, he was far from being charitable or happy. His portraits of human life possessed no melodious sweetness, no harmonious ray of light, all seemed pencised by a gloomy imagination, dark and disgustful. He displayed the character of a miser coarsely. "This man loves gold and silver,—houses and land,—is rapacious,— covets more than he has got.—He loves guineas and shillings, and wont part from a penny to save a poor creature from starving.—He has no God but his money, good folks.—He never thinks of dying, no not he.———What do you think will become of him when he does die? Ah!—Why he'll be tumbled into the bottomless pit, by the devil, or some of his agents, a place full of fire, smoke and brimstone; and there he must remain for everlasting.

There are others, good folks, no better than he is, and will fare no better; for what do you think will become of card-players, people that go to plays, masquerades, balls, dancings, routs, assemblies, and drunken clubs, my brethren?—Why they'll follow the miser, they'll all be jumbled—in the same place of misery and darkness."

After displaying much ingenuity in this way, the fine lady was a character he placed on the fore ground of the picture; of whose beauty, form, and dress, he spoke in his usual manner: in which attempt he rather, indelicately, exposed the female. He stripped her, piece-meal, naked, before his congregation (some of which, perhaps the youth, feeling, the impulse of nature, might not keep their thoughts over chaste, even in this holy tabernacle) and then wrapped her in a winding-sheet; then compared her body and all that die to a dead dog in a ditch, and there unfeelingly left her a prey to mag—ts and worms. Oh! indelicate idea. Could a manly admirer of the finest forms of the Creation, even at the cool age of fifty, but mark such indignity with a contemptuous abhorrence.— — Lovely sex! Thou on whom the CREATOR has bestowed so much care and so much beauty in thy formation: Thou! without whom man would be a comfortless sojourner, here, amidst all the other beauties of the Creation, with what indifference art thou treated by such sublime imitators of the great St. Paul.

This very learned and comforting preacher introduced the carcase of a dead stinking animal, I had almost said, to the very nose of his congregation, "I never see a dead dog in a ditch but I think of my own mortality. I often stop and look at such objects full of mag—ts, and there contemplate on my own mortality." Hence he inferred, that our bodies would perish, and be eaten by worms like that of a dead dog in a ditch.

Here I left the preacher and his hearers, with no great appetite for my supper.

Besides Plumptree Hospital, noticed as a religious house above, here are several almshouses for the poor,

Wolley's Bead-House,

Is situate in Beck-lane. Thomas Wolley, the founder, in 1647, gave two cottages, &c. for the use of three poor people. The minister, churchwardens, and overseers, of the parish of St. Mary, who are in trust, have since added apartments for two more.

Handley's Alms-Houses,

Stand in Stoney-street, over the middle of the building is this inscription, which will serve for information:—

"Henry Handley, Esq. whose body is interred in the church of Bramcote, in the County of Nottingham, caused this Alms-House to be erected for 12 poor people, and did give one hundred Pounds yearly, forth of his ancient Inheritance, Lands at and near Bramcote aforesaid, for pious and charitable Uses, to continue for ever. Namely, XLl. for the Maintenance of the said 12 poor people; XXl. for a weekly Lecture in this Town; XXl. for a preaching and residing Minister, at Bramcote; vl. for the poor of Bramcote; vl. for the poor at Wilford; XXs. to the poor of Beeston; XXs. to the poor of Chilwell; XXs. to the poor of Attenborow and Toton; XXs. to the poor of Stapleford; XXs. to the poor of Trowell; XXs. to the poor of Woollaton; and ivl. to the poor prisoners in the Gaols for the County of Nottingham yearly for ever, and one third Bell to the aforesaid church of Bramcote.—This pious, most charitable, and at this time most seasonable donation, as it deservedly perpetutates his Memory to be honoured by all posterity, so it gives a most worthy example for imitation. He died the 10th day of June 1650."

Wartnaby's Alms-House, (fn. 18)

In Pilchergate, was founded by Barnaby Wartnaby, in 1672. The mayor of Nottingham is of the trust. It was founded for three men and three women, and amply endowed. Upon the alms-house this inscription:—

"As God above out of his Love Has given to me store, So I out of my Charity, Gave this House to the Poor.

Let's pray for one another So long as we do live, That we may to God's Glory go, To him that this did give.

Barnaby Wartnaby, 1665."

Collin's Hospital,

Is a noble foundation. Deering's account of this place:—

"Mr. Abel Collin, by his will dated February 4, 1704, left the remainder of his personal estate, (after all legacies and bequests were satisfied) to his nephew Mr. Thomas Smith in trust for his building and endowing of Alms-Houses, all which the said gentleman like a good and trusty steward, has faithfully performed to the utmost, in building an ornamental, yet at the same time suitable fabrick, for the habitations of 24 poor men and women in Fryer-lane in the year 1709, commonly called the New-Hospital. These poor have besides two decent rooms and as many light closets, 2s. a week paid to them duly every Saturday morning, and annually a ton and a half of coals. On the north front of this light and airy building is this inscription:—

"This Hospital, by the appointment of Abel Collin, late of Nottingham, mercer, deceased; who in his Life was of an extensive Charity to the Poor of all Societies, and at his Death by his last Will and Testament, left a competent Estate for erecting and endowing the same; was by his Nephew and Executor Thomas Smith, begun and finished in the year 1709."

Bilby's Alms House,

In Coalpit-lane, was founded in 1709, for eight poor people, by William Bilby, a shoemaker, on the front of which is this inscription:—

"The starry Science I profess, And Surgery withall, The Chymical amongst the rest, And Physick rational; God gave and bless'd What I possess'd, And part of it I lent Unto the Poor For evermore So rais'd this Monument, Ye Men of Wealth Whilst now in Health, Hearken to the cryes, The Poor redress And God will bless Your Evening Sacrifice.

By William Bilby, in the 63d Year of his Age 1709."

Labourer's Buildings

Stand without Chapel-Bar, was built for six decayed stockingmakers, out of the fortune left by Jonathan Labourer, to Thomas Smith, Banker in Nottingham, for charitable uses.

Willoughby's Bead-Houses

On Malin Hill, are for five poor widows. Thomas Willoughby was the founder of this charity which he properly endowed in 1525.—Besides the above are some others of inferior note.

The County Hospital,

Is a noble institution, which takes, within its healing wings, the sick poor, and lame, from any county or district; it sheds its most comfortable influence far and near; it is a splendid ornament to the town, and deserves a more particular notice than the limits of our purpose can indulge us with; but as similar institutions, to the honour of this country, are common, perhaps, a minute detail of its history and its effects, is but little necessary.

February 12, 1781, was laid the first foundation stone of this Hospital or Infirmary. On this occasion a number of gentlemen who had assembled at the county-hall, went thence, accompanied by the mayor and corporation in their formalities to attend at the ceremony, where an amazing concourse of people had previously assembled: John Smellie, Esq. the then mayor, addressed the people in the words following:—

"I now come here, at the request of the Committee of the general Hospital, to lay the first foundation stone of that charitable Institution. I am well satisfied it will be of considerable advantage to many sick and lame poor, in the present age. When I consider the noble benefactions and generous subscriptions that have been presented, it affords a pleasing prospect of its utility being continued to posterity. Therefore, in my official character, I think it my duty to give countinance and protection to so laudable an undertaking. I shall be happy if my conduct meets with your approbation, and I can assure you that the most acceptable return you can make to me, will be to preserve peace and good order on this solemn occasion.

"God save the King."

This being ended, the first stone was laid by the Mayor in the south-east butment.— Silver coins of his present Majesty were placed under it, together with the following inscription engraved on a brass plate:—

"General Hospital, near Nottingham, open to the sick and Poor of any Country. On the 12th day of February 1781, John Smellie, Esq. Mayor of Nottingham laid the first stone of the building. The corporation gave the ground for the said Hospital.— John Simpson, Architect."

The chaplain then read a prayer suitable to the occasion, which being ended the multitude gave three cheers, then the procesion returned.

From the 13th annual report of the state of this Hospital A. D. 1795, I have here inserted the Benefactors and Legacies which the charitable have bestowed on this foundation. The annual Subscribers towards its support, are numerous and very respectable:


His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, and the Corporation of Nottingham, Two Acres of Land for building the Hospital upon, Garden, &c.

£. s.
Archbishop of York, his grace 100 0
Aldrich, Dr. Cockglode, near Ollerton 50 0
Acklom, Johathan esq. Wiseton 25 0
Bainbrigge, Mrs. Elizabeth Woodborough 1000 0
Bentinck, Lord Edward M. P. 100 0
Boothby, Sir Wm. Bar. Mansfield Woodhouse 50 0
Bury, Mrs — Nottingham 50 0
Bristowe, Samuel esq. Twyford, near Shardlow, Derbyshire 31 10
Barnard, Rev. Mr. Cortlingstock 21 0
Barnes, David esq. Chesterfield 21 0
Bournes, Rev. L. Dronfield, Derbyshire 21 0
Brother, Mr (an acknowledgment accepted by him on waving a prosecution) 21 0
Burnell, Mrs — Southwell 10 10
Buxton, Mr. John Nottingham 10 10
Bolton, Mr. Samuel— ditto 10 10
Cavendish, Lord Charles 100 0
Chaworth, W. esq. Annesley 100 0
Cryne, Dr. Kenelworth, near Coventry 100 0
Coke, D. P. esq. M. P. Derby 50 0
Coke, Rev. D. Brockhill-hall, near Mansfi. 50 0
Sir Gervas Clifton, bart. Clifton Grove 21 0
Cheslyns, Miss Nottingham 10 10
Devonshire, his grace the d. of Chatsworth 100 0
Dashwood, C. V. esq. Stanford-hall 50 0
Denison, Robert esq. Ossington 20 0
Emmerton, J. W. esq. Thrumpton 50 0
Elliott, William esq. Nottingham 50 0
Elliott, William esq. — ditto 50 0
Edge, Thomas esq. Bilborough 31 10
Evans, Rev. Mr. Nottingham 10 10
Evans, Mr. F. — ditto 10 10
Evans, Miss F. — ditto 10 10
Franks, Mrs. Elizabeth — 20 0
Gregory, G. D. L. esq. Hungerton-hall 100 0
Gregory, Mrs. Sus. Nottingham 50 0
Gisbourne, Rev. T. Yoxal Lodge, Staffordsh. 50 0
Gawthern, F. esq. Nottingham 21 0
Green, Rev. W. Hardingham, Norfolk 21 0
Gregory, Rev. Mr. — Langar 10 10
Hayford, Mrs. — Oxton 100 0
Hayne, Richard esq. Nottingham 50 0
Holden, Robert esq. Darley, near Derby 50 0
Hursh, Mark esq. Nottingham 30 0
Heathcote. Rev. Edward East Bridgford 21 0
Hall, Rev. Robert — Stubton 21 0
Infirmary, A Friend to — 400 0
Jerrom, Mrs. — Nottingham 50 0
Knight, John esq. M. P. Langold 50 0
Kaye, Rev. Sir Ric. bart. Dean of Lincoln 25 0
Kirkby, Rev. Richard Gedling 21 0
Lovet, Mrs. — Nottingham 100 0
Launder, Cornelius esq. ditto 50 0
Launder, Rev. A. C. — ditto 25 0
Lupton, Mr. — ditto 20 0
A Lady unknown. (by the hands of Mr. Hoskin) 10 0
Morris, John esq. Nottingham 300 0
Middleton, Lord Thomas 200 0
Middleton, Lord Henry 100 0
Montagu, Rt. hon. Frederick Popplewick 50 0
Musters, John esq. Colwick-hall 50 0
Mundy, E. M. esq. M. P. Shipley 50 0
Mellor, A. esq. — Nottingham 21 0
Mason, Mr. J. Ball — ditto 10 10
Menteagli, Rev. Mr. Closeburn-hall, Dums. 10 10
Newcastle, his grace the duke of Clumber 300 0
Nevill, Langford esq. Nottingham 21 0
Newton, R. esq. Norton, Derbyshire 10 10
Oxton, The Town of (by Mrs Sherbrooke) 100 0
Portland, his grace the duke of Welbeck 200 0
Plumptre, J. esq Fredville, Kent 100 0
Pierrepont, C. esq. M. P. Thoresby 100 0
Pinxton, The Parish of (by the Rev. Dewes Coke, of Brookhill-hall) 50 0
Penalties arising from conviction of different persons, for having brought goods made of embezzeled materials, (by two Magistrates) 50 0
Pocklington, R. esq. Winthorpe, near Newark 21 0
Pool, John esq. — Nottingham 21 0
Priaulx, Rev. P. E. Bridgford 21 0
Padley, Robert esq. — Burton 21 0
Parker, Mr. Heneage Nottingham 10 10
Rolleston, L. esq. — Watnal 30 0
Robinson, Joseph esq, Bulwell 21 0
Robinson, James esq Papplewick 12 0
Smellie, John esq. and John Buxton, and John Ball Mason, gent. the Mayor, and Sheriffs of Nottingham, instead of the entertainment on Michaelmas-day, 1780, 120 0
Savile, Sir George bart. 105 0
Sherbrooke, Mrs. — Oxton 100 0
Smith, A. esq. — Nottingham 100 0
Sedley, hon. Henry Nuttall Temple 50 0
Smith, Robert esq. M. P. London 50 0
Smith, Samuel esq. M. P. Nottingham 50 0
Sherbrooke, William esq. Arnold 50 0
Shewin, John esq. Nottingham 50 0
Shering, John esq. — ditto 42 0
Stokes, Miss Ann — ditto 21 0
Stokes, Miss Millicent — ditto 21 0
Story, J. L. esq. — ditto 21 0
Strelley, Mrs. — ditto 20 0
Spilsbury, Benj. esq. Willington, near Derby 20 0
Statham, Martin and Barnet, of Nottingham an acknowledgment accepted by them on waving a prosecution 20 0
Smellie, John esq. Nottingham 10 10
Shorney, Mrs. — ditto 10 10
Smith, Mr. Thomas (Hosier). Hockley 10 10
Titchfield, Most hon. the marquis of, M. P. 105 0
Thompson, Job esq. — 105 0
Thompson, Rev. W. Bridgford 10 10
Unwin, S. jun. esq. Sutton-in-Ashfield 50 0
Unknown Person, by D. P. Coke, esq. M. P. 20 0
Williams, Rev. Mr. — Nottingham 100 0
Ditto Second Benefaction 50 0
Wright, John esq. Nottingham 50 0
Wright, Thomas esq. ditto 50 0
Williams, Mrs. — ditto 50 0
Walter, Rev. J. — Bingham 21 0
7004 10
Benefactions under Ten Pounds. 200l. 11s. 9d
Total £7207 1 9


£ s
Key, Mrs. of Fulford, near York, her Executrix 500
Key, John esq. of ditto 500
Harris, Miss of Nottingham 100
Smell e, Alderman John of ditto 100
Copley, Mrs. of ditto 20
Tye, Mr. Thomas of ditto 6 6
Immyns, George esq. of ditto 21
Needkham, Mr. (Surgeon) of ditto 21
Thompson, Charles esq. of Mansfield, 100l. Stock, in the 3 per Cents,
Frost, Mr. William Nottingham 100
Courson, Mrs. ditto 20
Taylor; Mr. John ditto 50
Parnham, Mrs. Mary ditto 20
Williams, Rev. Edward Nottingham 100
Wolley, Mr. James Codnor, Derbysh. 60
Botham, Mr. Thomas Nottingham 20
Revill, Thomas esq. Arnold 100
Chadwick, James Mansfield esq. 500
Lockitt, Mr. Henry Nottingham 40
Leaver, Mrs. Mary ditto 50
Mellor, Abijah, esq. ditto 42
Strelley, Joseph Colwick 5
Welby, William esq. Denton 50
Carruthers, Mr. Alderman 100
Stacy, Mr. Wm. Farnsfield 200
Warren, Mrs. Eliz. Risley 100
£2825 6

General Account of the Patients admitted and discharged since the first Opening, September 19, 1782, to March 25, 1795.

In. Out. Total.
Remaining on the Books, March 25, 1794, 55 284 339
Admitted since, of which ninety-one were Accidents 325 826 1151
380 1110 1490
Cured 157 646 803
Relieved 17 41 58
At their own request and irregularity 7 9 16
Non-Attendance, most of whom were cured 0 53 53
Without Relief 4 3 7
Dead 25 0 25
Out-Patients made In-Patients 0 52 52
In-Patients made Out-Patients 112 0 112
Remain on the Books, March 25, 1795. 58 306 364
380 1110 1490
Patients admitted and discharged, since the first Opening, September 19, 1782, to March 25, 1794, 3737 6223 9960
Admitted from Lady-Day, 1794, to Lady-Day, 1795. 325 826 1151
4062 7049 11111
Cured 2262 4649 6911
Relieved 349 693 1042
At their own request and irregularity 173 122 295
Non-Attendance, most of whom were cured 0 899 899
Without Relief 57 56 113
Dead 245 0 245
Out-Patients made In-Patients 0 324 324
In-Patients made Out-Patients 918 0 918
Remain on the Books, March 25, 1795, 58 306 364
4062 7049 11111

Of this number, 820 persons were admitted on sudden accidents, without any recommendation; and there have been, from the first opening, 71 amputations, 13 breasts cut off, 7 trepanned, and 19 cut for the stone.—The average number for the last year has been 57 in, and 278 out patients.

To this foundation a Lunatic Asylum is about to be added towards the building of which, by benefactions, legacies, and collections, there was in the treasurers' hands, 25th of March 1795, 1764l. 6s. 2d. halfpenny.

Under this section we place the population of Nottingham:


There certainly appears a wonderful increase in the population of Nottingham since the time of the oldest parish Registers; but the number of souls in Nottingham, at this time, cannot, accurately from them, by calculation, be ascertained, partly, on account of the variety of religious fectaries now in this place, several of which baptize and bury a-part from the respective parishes they live within. I will therefore content myself with stating from each parish register, an average of one of 5 years from the earliest insertions therein, and also a statement of the average of one of 5 years of the latest insertions. Gentleman who are curious, may in consequence, draw therefrom their own conclusions. The opinions which prevail now in Nottingham respecting the number of souls in that place are a little various; but not materially so: they are stated from 25000 to 27000.

The registers, notwithstanding the great number of religious sectaries in this place who baptize and bury a-part from the established church, shew an astonishing increase of inhabitants in a little more than 200 years. Perhaps it may be attributed, in a great measure, to the manufactory of hose, which was established here soon after the date of the oldest registers.

St. Mary's Register,

A. D. 1567, and the four succeeding years baptized on an average 54
buried 50
A. D. 1790, and the four succeeding years baptized on an average 840
buried 530

St. Peter's,

A. D. 1572, and the four succeeding years baptized on an average 18
buried 14
A. D. 1790, and the four succeeding years baptized on an average 83
buried 160

St. Nicholas's,

A.D. 1562, and the four succeeding years baptized on an average
buried 12
A. D. 1790, and the four succeeding years baptized on an average 108
buried 142

The following will shew, although imperfectly, on account of some diffenters living within the parishes, and not burying at the parish churches, the wonderful increase in the population. It is taken from Dr. Price's calculation that one in 30 die every year.

About the year 1560, by the above tables of the burials, in Nottingham, died in a year not more than 80 which gives 2400 fouls then in Nottingham.

About the year 1792, also, by the above tables of the burials in Nottingham, died, in a year, about 832, which gives then 24960 souls. This calculation it must be understood, includes some diffenters who bury at the respective parish churches.

If we state, in addition, that there are 160 burials at the burial grounds of the diffenters, in a year, it will add to the above 4800 souls, which will give a total, together, of nearly 30000 souls now in Nottingham.

Sauncte Confessor Cristi Benedicte era pro nobis Deum.

O holy Benedict Confessor of Christ beseech God for us.

The history of this bell is this: That when Broughton Church, in Northamptonshire, was knocked down by Cromwell, the bell was taken to the church of Moulton, near Northampton, thence brought to Leicester, in 1795, to be recast with the rest of the church bells. Its weight 27 cwt. Mr. Smith, the gentleman noticed above, as a curioso in ancient bells, says, that there is only one more of the age, as he knows of in England.


  • 1. Willis's history of Abbies.
  • 2. Deering.
  • 3. Nottia Monastica, from J. Lackson's Chronology.
  • 4. Deering.
  • 5. Nottia Monastica.
  • 6. ibid.
  • 7. ibid.
  • 8. Deering notices an error in Thoroton, respecting this place, because he, or rather Thoroton's father-in-law, serjeant Boun says it was founded about Edward the third's time, "for divers prior men" when afterwards he says it was for widows. It is not uncommon for writers of local history to disagree about time, place, and sex; but it ill becomes one writer to build up his own same, by illnaturedby exposing the errors of his predecessor, on whom he is beholden for much of the information he publishes.
  • 9. This gentleman takes notice of a workman who told him that he being employed in repairing the timber at the west end of the church, found a date, cut in wood, which tho' he could not remember, yet he was sure it made the church 1100 years old. This assertion comes in a very questionable shape. If there were a date of that age it must have been in characters not easily made out by an ordinary carpenter. If the carpenter were a learned antiquary, or versed in Saxon characters, the discovery would have been a treat to himself and many others. A copy of the characters would doubtless have been preserved as a relic of no slight note.
  • 10. It was not uncommon to see these representations in Roman Catholic churches, as preventatives against the injury of those buildings during tempests, &c.
  • 11. Now we are upon the bell subject, I may just observe, that this year, 1795, a Gentleman of considerable fortune, came to Leicester, purposely to see an old bell brought to Mr. Arnole, bell-founder, to be recast. On it was the head of Henry the Third, King of England, in the time of Pope Benedict. Round the crown this:—
  • 12. It is a Rectory. The Rectors of this Church, copied from Deering, page 104, are by mistake called Vicars.
  • 13. The original Paper was pinned by Mr. Walter Merry, within the Parish Book kept in the Vestry.
  • 14. On one: Abson, Rector, God have his Church, Nevil and Scatterwood, Wardens, 1726.
  • 15. N
  • 16. This Gentleman is official of the Archdeaconry of Nottingham, and one of his Majesty's Justices of Peace for the County.
  • 17. The first Congregation of this People was formed in 1662.—Deeping.
  • 18. See page 69, Section 3. Among other gifts he gave to the poor of St. Mary's Lincoln, rol. and the like sum to the poor of Newark-upon-Trent.