Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 2, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby. Originally published by J Throsby, Nottingham, 1790.
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Robert Thoroton, 'Annesley', in Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 2, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby, ed. John Throsby (Nottingham, 1790), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
Robert Thoroton, 'Annesley', in Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 2, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby. Edited by John Throsby (Nottingham, 1790), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,
Robert Thoroton. "Annesley". Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 2, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby. Ed. John Throsby (Nottingham, 1790), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
In this section
In Aneslei, (fn. 1) Leuenot, in the time of the Saxon Government, had a Mannor which paid to the publick Geld or Tax for one carucat of Land. The Land of it being then found to be twelve bovats. There after the Normans came Raph Fitz-Hubert, whose Fee it was, had one car. and nineteen villains, and one bord. having seven car. and three acres of meadow, pasture wood, one leu. long, and one leu. broad. This kept the value it had in the Confessours time, viz. 40s. When the Conquerours survey was taken, one Richard held it, who probably was father or ancestor of Raph, called Brito, who, together with his son Reginald de Anesleia, gave the Church of Felley to the Priory of St. Cuthbert of Radeford near Wirksop, in the year, 1156, (fn. 2) 2 H. 2, which was shortly after confirmed by Pope Alexander the third, in the second year of his pontificate, in the year of our Lord 1161.
(fn. 3) I find in the Pipe Rolls, 22 H. 2, that Reginald de Anneslega, gave account of one hundred marks of the amercements of the Forest. The next that I have noted was Raph or Ranulph de Anesley, to whom the Sheriff of Nottss. was by the Kings precept, 1 H. 3, (fn. 4) to deliver seisim of all his Lands which he had in this County, when he departed from the faith and service of King John, father of that King, to whole faith and service he was then returned. The next year, viz. 2 H. 3, (fn. 5) Raph de Anesley was quit from the office of Coroner in this County because he had a great infirmity.
(fn. 6) Reginald Marc made an House in the Forest of Shirewood at Aneslegh so strong, and built after such a manner, that, 4 H. 3, it was thought it might chance to bring damage to the neighbouring part s
(fn. 7) Reginald de Anesley, son of this Raph, confirmed to the Priory of Felley, the gift which his father made to Walter the Prior, and the Canons of Robert, son of Richard del Broc his villain, with his his whole sequel; and likewise one bovat which Galsr. son of Richard del Broc, held in the fields of Annesley, which his said father Raph gave to God, and the Church of All-Saints at Annesley, to find a Lamp burning all the hours which were sung in that Church. Baldwin de Paunton the Sheriff gave account amongst other things, 25 H. 3, of one mark of Reginald de Annesleg, and Sibyll de Sancta Maria, for having four (fn. 8) Justices ('tis likely to see the acknowledgment of some Fine in those times, ordinarily performed in several Courts by four lawful Knights upon the Kings Writ, for the having or executing whereof, I suppose, the mark was paid,) an example of which it also noted in Carcolston.
(fn. 9) Reginald de Annesley paid 4l. for two Knights Fees in the time of Henry the third, in Annesleg, with the appurtenances, then held of Raph de Fressenville, who had part of the Barony of Hubert Fitz-Raph; the other part was then John de Stutevilles of Kirkeby, viz. fifteen Knights Fees.
(fn. 10) John de Annesle was High Sheriff of these Counties of Nott. and Derb. 14 E. 1, and so continued five or six years together, as appears by the Pipe Rolls of those times.
(fn. 11) By a Fine, 18 E. 2, the Mannor of Annesleye, with the appurtenances, and twentyfive mess. one mill, thirty-three bovats of Land, fifty-seven acres of meadow, three of pasture, twelve of wood, 34s. 8d. Rent, and the third part of a mill, and rent of one pound of Cummin in Gypesmere, Gouerton, Bleseby, Morton, Birton, Bulcote, Lowdham, Kneveton, and Crophill Botiller, were settled on John de Annesleye, and Anora his wife, and the heirs of their bodies; remainder to the right heirs of John. John de Annesley in the great Eyre before William de Herle, and his fellow Justices at Nott. (fn. 12) 3 E. 3, pleaded that King Edward the first by his Charter bearing date at Newstede in Shirewood, 4 Octob. in the eighth year of his reign, granted and confirmed to John de Annesley his father, whose heir he was, that he and his heirs should have Free Warren in all their demesne Lands in Annesley, whereupon it was allowed by the Court. (fn. 13) The King, 2 E. 3, granted to John de. Annesley the custody of the honour of Peverell in these Counties of Nott. and Derb.
John de Annesley, Chivaler, married Isabell the daughter and heir of Margaret, one of the three sisters and heirs Sir John Chaundos, and had livery 23 May, (fn. 14) 50 E. 3, of certain Lands in Oxfordshire, which Sir Richard Damory held for life in Fee Farm, for fourscore and one pound, per annum, viz. the Mannor of Hedyngton, and hundred of Bolynden and Nethyate; but it seems by Mr. Robert Glover's (fn. 15) scheme of the descent of this family, (which, for want of other light, I am forced to make use of in this place, almost against my judgement, by reason the time will scarce bear it) that he had no issue by her, but a son called also Sir John Annesley by another wife, who was father of Tho. father of Thomas, father of the last John de Annesley.
(fn. 16) William de Wakebrugge, and Robert de Annesley, Parson of Rodyngton, founded a Chantry in the Church of Annesley, for a Secular Priest (whereof John de Breton was the first) to make special mention of them two, and John de Annesley, in his Mass whilst they should live, and for their Souls when dead; as also for the Souls of John de Annesley, Knight, and Annora his wife, and of their father and mother. The presentation of a sit Chaplain was to remain to the said William and Robert, during their lives; then to devolve to the said John de Annesley, and the heirs males of his body; and for want of such, to Thomas his brother, and the heirs males of his; for want whereof to their brother Gregory, and the heirs of males of his; and in case of failure of all, to the Prior and Covent of Felley, and their successors. The Write of Ad quod damnum was 35 E. 3, (fn. 17) upon which the Jury found it not to the Kings loss if he granted them licence to give eight mess. and ten bovats of Land, whereof five mess. and six bovats were in Annesley, Annesley Woodhouse, and Kirkby Woodhouse, and three mess. and four bovats were in Bleseby, Gouerton, and Gippesmere; and that there then remained, (to the Feoffees of Sir John de Annesley) besides, twenty marks per annum, and Lands in Cruch held of Roger Beler; and in Rudington held of John Pavely, at which place a branch of this family of Annesley was shortly after resident, which continued there almost till my time. The Kings licence for this Chantry was dated 10 Feb. (fn. 18) 36 E. 3, and John Archbishop of York his Confirmation, 27 Jan. 1373.
(fn. 19) Thomas de Annesley, Lord of the Town, 1 H. 5, required of his Free-holders and Tenants within his dominion of Annesley, that he might inclose a certain place called Nicoll leys to his own profit for one year, because of (dolationis) the laying out a certain Hedge between the Fields of Wodhouse Field, for which he gave them beforehand 3s. 4d. for the fabrick of Annesley Church.
(fn. 20) John de Annesley, 14 H. 6, granted to John Makworth, Dean of Lincolne, John Curson, Thomas Makworth, Esquire, and others, his Mannors of Annesley, Bulcote, and Gippesmere, and all his Lands and Tenements in Crophill and Cossale in this County, and in Rawemersh and Bolton upon Derne in the County of Yorke, which descended to him after the death of Thomas de Annesley his grandfather. The Jury, 18 H. 6, (fn. 21) found Alice de Annesley to be daughter and heir of the said John. She was first married to George Chaworth the third son of Sir Thomas Caworth, as in Wiverton, where the descent is placed, may be seen, from whom the Rt. Hon. Patricius Viscount Chaworth of Armagh, as heir male lineally descended, inherits this Mannor, and now makes it his principal residence, where he hath also a most pleasant Park, which by removing away some houses, he hath lately made to come up so near the House, as to be contiguous to the Gardens.
(fn. 22) Fines levied 23 H. 6, and 32 H. 6, it appears one Isabell, then the wife of Robert Shrigley, Esquire, held the third part of this Mannor in Dower, and released it to John Viscount Beaumont, Reginald Leigh, (who was second husband of the before-named Alice, the heir of Annesley) and James Leigh, Esquire, and others.
(fn. 23) By a Fine, 6 E. 4, eight mess. three hundred acres of Land, one hundred of meadow, and two hundred of pasture, with the appurtenances in Annesley, Annesley Woodhouse, and Kirkeby Woodhouse, were settled on William Forde, and Margaret his wife, for life; remainder to Richard Willughby, Esquire, and his heirs. By another, (fn. 24) 9 E. 4, they were passed to Galsr. Staunton, and his heirs. Galfr. Staunton, Chaplain, and William Buckley, Clark, in a Recovery, 15 E. 4. (fn. 25) claimed against Thomas Parker, and Joan his wife (who in another (fn. 26) Recovery the same term claimed against Richard Illingworth, Knight,) the Mannor of Kirkeby Woodhouse, with the appurtenances, two mess. eleven tofts, ten bovats, and three hundred acres of Land, forty-eight of meadow, four hundred of pasture, one hundred and eight of wood, and 3s. Rent, with the appurtenances in Kirkeby Woodhouse, Annesley Woodhouse, and Annesley. In another, (fn. 27) 5 H. 7, John Bassingbourne, and others claimed the same, with some small additions against Richard Illingworth.
Annesley Woodhouse is a kind of a Grange, now belonging to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle.
(fn. 28) The Rectory of Annesley, with the Advowson, and right of Patronage of the Church, late belonging to the Priory of Felley, 15 July, 35 H. 8, together with a mess. in Tevershall, and other things were granted to Richard Andrewes, and Nicholas Temple, and the heirs of Richard. The next day, viz. 16 July, 35 H. 8, (fn. 29) they had licence to alienate the premises to William Bolles, and his heirs. This Rectory and Church parcel of the possessions of William Bolles, Esquire, exchanged, together with the Rectory of Grandby, late belonging to the Priory of Thurgarton, and the Rectory of Boney to the Priory of (fn. 30) Olvescroft in the County of Leicester, and a Tenement in Cossall, sometime in the tenure of Percivall Elton, and then in the tenure of Thomas Holcroft, late belonging to Newstead, and a mess. in Bradmere to Lenton, and Lands in Sloswick to Wirksop, 27 Apr. 18 Eliz. were granted to Roger Mauners and his heirs.
In Annesley Church South Ile East Window:—Gules, seven Mascles, Arg. 3, 3, 1.— Paly of six Arg. and Azure, a Bend Gules, Annesley: this is oft.
And upon one in Mail, and by his head:—Arg. a Lion Rampant, Sab. Gules, a Fesse Varry between three Libards heads jessant, three Flowers de Lis, Or, the tops of the heads downwards. Varry Or, and Sab. Arg. six Lioncels, Gules 3, 2, 1.
In a North Window:—Gules a Crosse engrailed Arg. impaling Annesley.
In old Carving upon Wood of the Pew:—Azure, two Chevrons Or, Chaworth.— Arg. a pale deeply indented (or Lozengy) Sable, with an Unicorns head erased for a Crest, Savage. Annesley, as before.
In the East Window of the Chancel:—Chaworth with quarterings, put there not very long befora the unhappy Wars, which destroyed such matters.
[Throsby] Annesley
Lordship is owned by Miss Chaworth, a minor heiress, of the Chaworth family. The estate is enclosed, except a portion of the forest that belongs to it.
The village is rather small. A hamlet, a mile hence, is called Annesley Woodhouse.
In the last severe winter, two sheep belonging to a Mr. Booth, of Annesley, were found thirteen feet under the snow, where, wonderful to relate, they had remained twenty-nine days! The diameter of space in which they existed did not exceed five feet, and that was not only eaten bare, but fairly turned up to get at the roots of the grass. The miserable animals were discovered by means of their breath, which ascended through pores of the snow, occasioned by the warmth of breathing. All possible care was taken to recover them, but notwithstanding, one of them expired a short time after it was housed; the other was perfectly recovered.
The Church is dedicated to All Saints, has a tower, two aisles and two bells.
Canter in Annesley val. in mans. cum trib. bov. ter. per ann. 1l. 2s. cum divers. messuag. &c. Pri Felley Propr. The Chaworths, Esq. present. Incumbent, Robert Stanley, perpetual Curacy. Certified value 20l. per ann.
[Throsby] Annesley Park and House.
The views subjoined of the ground plan of Annesley old Park and House, are taken from the bird's eye views in Thorton, given here, in preference of the present state of things, on account of their antiquity. The former even in its formality, gives us a pleasing idea of the rich woody scenery with which some parts of this county abounded, so lately as the last century. At the east end of the Park is seated Newsted Abbey, marked N, A. At the extremety of the view, on an eminence marked B, is the village of Blidworth.
The twelve pathways shewn in the plan of the Park, were called ridings, cut through the woods. In the centre marked B, was called the buckstead stand; leading thence right north, was the riding towards the Hall. Near the extremity of the next riding, marked C, was called the crabtree-stand. At M, in the next, was a mill. At the end of the east riding was a gateway leading into the forest. On the right of which marked P, was a pool of water. At the end of the next, southwardly, stood a lodge. The riding right south, had a gateway. That west, had what was called a yewtree-stand, topped with a streamer marked Y. Another marked I, P, was called Jockey or Piper stand.
In the view of the house, I have taken the liberty to leave out some of the garden walls, and some other ordinary buildings, confining myself, chiefly, to the house and adjoining church.