Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 2, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby. Originally published by J Throsby, Nottingham, 1790.
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Robert Thoroton, 'Lenton, Morton, and Kighton', in Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 2, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby, ed. John Throsby (Nottingham, 1790), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
Robert Thoroton, 'Lenton, Morton, and Kighton', in Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 2, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby. Edited by John Throsby (Nottingham, 1790), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,
Robert Thoroton. "Lenton, Morton, and Kighton". Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 2, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby. Ed. John Throsby (Nottingham, 1790), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
In this section
Lenton, Morton, and Kighton.
Part of Lentune was Soc to Arnall of the Kings own land, which paid to the Danegeld for four bovats, and was wast in the Conquerours time, the rest was William Pevrels, his natural son, part whereof was Soc to Newbold mentioned in Kinalton, (if there be not a Newbolt lost here also) and paid the Dane-tax for two caruc. The land was certified before the Conquest to be two car. (fn. 1) There afterwards were 4 Sochm. 4 Bord having two Car. and one Mill. Here was also a Mannor which Vulof had before the Conquest, and paid for it to the Geld as four bovats: The land was then returned to be half a Car. In the Conquerors time it was likewise in the custody of William Pevrell, and there the same Vlvod had one Car. one Vill. one Bord. having one Car: one Mill 10s. ten acres of Meadow, ten acres of small wood: This in the Confessours time was ten shillings, in the Conquerours 15s. value. In Mortume before the Normans changed the Landlords, Boi had a Mannor which answered to the tax or geld for one Car. and an half: The land of it being then twelve bovats. There afterwards William Pevrel had one car. and an half, five sochm. on three bovats of this land, twelve vill. one bord. having nine car. and an half. This kept the old value 20s. This Town is now lost in Lenton, and so is Kighton, saving one place which is still called Kigh. Closes.
At this Lenton, so named probably from the river Len or Line, upon which it stands, did William Peverel (fn. 2) found a Monastery in honour of the holy Trinity for love of the worship of God, and the common remedy of the souls of King William, and Queen Maud, and their children, and of their and his own parents; and for the health of King Henry, and Queen Maud his wife, of William their son, and Maud their daughter, for the state of his Kingdom, and for the health of his own foul, and of Adelina his wife, and his son William, and all his own children, and gave it to God and the Church of Clugny, and to Pontius the Abbot, and his Successours, yet so that it should be free, paying a mark of silver yearly as an acknowledgment. To this Monastery did he give the town of Lenton, with the appurtenances, except four Mills, whereof he held two in his own demesne, and his wife Adelina the third, and Herbert his Knight the fourth, the rest of the Mills were the Monks, and properly 7; likewise Radeford, Morton, Kichton, with their appurt. and whatsoever he had in Newtorpe, and Papelwich, in wood, and plain, and inother things: Likewise Blacowell in the Peak, with the appurtenances: Likewise Corthahal, in (North) Hantesyre, with the wood, and all appurtenances, except the fee of one Knight, and the land of Thurstin Mantell, likewise two parts of the Tythes of his demesnes, of all things which could be tythed, viz. in Blideesward [Northanteseir] with a Country fellow holding a Virgat (or Yard-land) to gather up the tythes. In Doston likewise (Northant.) in Neubot likewise in Tideswell, (Derb.) likewise in Bradewell, Badecowell, Hoccalaw, Esseford, Wrmmil, Moniax, and Hulme. Two parts of the tythes of his demesne pastures in the Peake, namely, Sachalcros, Ferneley, Darnebal, Quatford, Buchestanes, Sirebroch, Stafdon, Cudal, Crehil, Chaldelaw, Dunningestede, Chelmardon, Stauredal.— The whole tythe of Colts and Fillyes, wherever he should have Harace in the Peake, or any other on his demesne pastures. The whole tythe of his Lead and of his Venison. (or hunting) as well in skins, as flesh, and the whole tythe of the Fish, of his Fishing at Nottingham. He likewise gave by the concession of his Lord King Henry the first, the Church of St. Mary, of the English Borough of Nottingham, with the Land, and Tythes, and appurtenaces; the church of St. Peter, and the church of St. Nicolas likewise in Nottingham; the churches of Radeford, Lindebey, and Langar, in this couniy, with Land and Tythes, and other appurtenances, and a Villain holding a Virgat of Land. The church of Foteston (in Leicestershire) with a Virgat of Land. The churches of Herleston, Corthohal, Irencester, and Riffenden(in Northantescire) with a Virgat of Land, and a Villain holding it. He likewise granted-to this Monastery whatsoever his men should bestow on it, for the remedy of their souls, viz. two parts of all the Tythes of Demesnes whatsoever could be tythed. The first of these was Avenellus (Ancestor of the present Earl of Rutland) who granted it out of his demesnes in Haddon, and is Methedweploth, and Maniax; Safred in Empingham, and in Baseford, and Robert, son of Pagan, in the same town likewise. Robert de Heriz, in Hesburne, and in Dssecropht; Godefrid and William in Ernesby; Norman de Montfaltrel, in Asehech, and in Chillwelle, and in Horpol; Rogerius Brito, in Walenthon, and in Kalahal; Gocelinus in Wathenoch; and Raph Maleherbe, in Aspeley; and Serlo Blund, in Torp; and Erbert in Gonolveston; likewise Helgot in Baresword; and in Cotis Robert de Paviliaco in Hocton; Walter Flammength in Hauresham; Hugh, son of Richard, in Claindon; Norman de S. Patric in Deresburch, and in Blacolwesley, and in Raalund; Gaufr. de Heriz in Stapelford; Aldelelmus in Langueley; and Robert, son of Warner, in Touethon; likewise Robert de Moretuein, and his heirs, ten shillings (or ten shillings yearly Rent) for ever. Of his gift and writings were witnesses Gerard, arch-bishop of York, Robert, Bishop of Lincolne, Robert Earl of Medlent, Simon Earl of Nordhamton, Hugh Sheriff of Leicestershire [Grentmesnill] Robert de Chauz, Hugo de Burum, Oddo de Boneia, Avenellus de Haddona, and all the rest of his forenamed men.
King Henry the first confirmed all, and granted to the Monastery a Fair of eight daies at the Feast (fn. 3) of St. Martin: and commanded that no man should buy or fell in Notingham, during that time; and that all coming to the Fair, and returning, should be free from (Law process) or Plaints. He likewise granted them daily two cart loads of dead Wood and Heath in Bescowod, and also Royal Liberties and Customs, viz. Sach, Soch, Tol, Them, and Infangenthef, and quittance from Scyre and Hundreth, from Wapentach and Treding (or Frankpledge) from Army and every Custom, and fecular exaction, except Murder and Dane-geld.
(fn. 4) King Stephen being at Notingham, at the very earnest intreaty of William Peverell, the younger, together with Oddona his wife, and Henry his son, confirmed what Wm. Peverell his father, or William himself, or any other Benefactors had done to this Priory, of which, besides those already named, Robert Earl of Medlent who gave the churches of Wiggeston and Withingston in Leicestershire; Hugo de Burun, who by the consent of his sons, Hugh and Roger, gave the Church of Horseley in Darbishire, and Cotegrave in this County, with a Virgat, or more Land there, with some in Almton, gave in exchange for the Church of Ossington, formerly given to this Priory by the said Hugh de Burun, and after to the Knights Templars; and Odo de Boney, who gave two patts of the Tythe of his Demesne, and the Churches of Barton and Adinborow, were the chief.
The succeeding Kings were not wanting in their respective confirmations, but added more, and augmented the privileges of this place, so that at the dissolution it was valued at 329l. 15s. 10d. 0b.
(fn. 5) King Henry the eighth, Mar. 23, 36 H. 8. in consideration of the good, true, faithful, and acceptable service of his beloved and faithful servant Francis Leek, Knight, to him before those times many waies performed, granted him many Lands and Tythes in Darbyshire, belonging to several Monasteries, and, amongst the rest, some Lands and Tythes in Home, Duston, Whitwell, and Ledwort in the Peak, late belonging to the Monastery of Lenton, and then in the Kings hands, by reason of the Attainder of Nicholas Heathe, last Prior of the Monastery, lately Attaint, and Convict of High Treason.
(fn. 6) The Mannor of Lenton, amongst other things, was by Letters Patents, bearing date 9 Sept. 4 C. 1. granted in Fee Farm to Edward Dichfeild, Salter, John Highlord, Skinner, Humfrey Clarke, Dyer, and Francis Mosse, Scrivener, Citizens of London; who by the appointment of divers Aldermen and Commoners of the City of London, constituted Commissioners, and authorized by divers Acts of the Common Council, of Major, Aldermen, and Commoners of the said City, to sell and dispose of the Mannors, Lordships, Lands, and Tenements, to them by the said King granted, did, by their Indenture, bearing date the sixth day of Nov. in the sixth year of the said King Charles the first, for the sum of 2500l. paid to Robert Bateman, then Chamberlain of London, sell to William Gregory of Nott. gent. and his heirs, the said Mannor of Lenton, with the Fair, and all Royalties, and Privileges, Rents and Services thereto belonging, reserving the Fee Farm Rent of 94l. 5s. to the said King, his heirs and successours, who by his Letters Patents, dated Decemb. 16, in the thirteenth year of his Reign, amongst other things, did grant the said Fee Farm Rent of 94l. 5s. per annum, to the Right Noble James Stuart, Duke of Richmond and Lenox, who by his Indenture, bearing date Feb. 20, Anno Dom. 1650, for the sum of 1460l. sold the same to John Gregory, son and heir of the said William, and to George Gregory his son and heir, the present owner, who obtained the present King Charles the second his Letters Patents, bearing date 9 Novemb. in the fifteenth year of his Reign, for another Fair to be kept at Lenton, every year, on the Wednesday next after Pentecost, and fix several daies following: but the Demesne of the Abby of Lenton was granted to William Hicks, Esquire, (now Sir William Hicks) 20 Jun. 2 Jac. And Mr. William Nix, Aldermen of Nott. had Lands there, which are now Mr. Thomas Charleton's who married his daughter Tabitha. There was only one square Steeple left of the Monastery, which, not long since, fell down, and the stones of it were imployed to make a Causey through the Town.
(fn. 7) The Vicarage of Lenton v as 12l. when the Prior was Patron. 'Tis now 9l. 2s. 6d. in the Kings Books, and the King Patron.
[Throsby] Lenton
Is an old enclosed lordship, owned chiefly by — Gregory esq. except the priory land.
The village consists of a long street. The Church is dedicated to the Holy Trinity, small, and has a wretched floor. Near the reading desk is an old stone with a cross and chalice, another old stone has date 1333. The font is remarkable, it forms a long square and is very large, the height two feet fix inches. In the bad condition it is now in, you may discover some curious labour. On one side is a representation of the crucifixion. In other parts are rows of angelic forms under arches, or rather in recesses of the font.— One side is out-lined facing Broxtow, the 4th plate from this page, figure 11. Within it is formed for the priest's arms, to let the child into the water.
Here is nothing remaining of the Monastery or Priory worthy notice. Thoroton has given us a pretty full account of its endowments and history. Tanner says, it was a Cluniac Priory subject to the great foreign abbey of Cluny, founded, as Thoroton observes, by William Peverell, before A. D. 1108, when Giraid, archbishop of York (who is one of the witness to Peverell's foundation charter) died. It was accounted among the alien priories, and had their fate, till the Cluniac (fn. 8) monks here got it to be a denison the 16th of Richard II. and continued so till the dissolution. In support of which he refers his readers to Mon. Angl. tom. 1, p. 645, &c. Also, in Guichenoni bibl. Segusiana, Lugd. 1660, 4to p. 442, ex cartulario antiquarum ecclesiarum Cluniacensium: Confirm. R. Henrici ecclesiæ S. Trinitatis quæ est in Lentona monachis Cluniacensibus.
In addition to its possessions given by Thoroton, Burton in Leicestershire says, it had lands in Broughton and the advowson of the rectory; and tythes in Knaptopt, in that county.—Bridges, the Northamptonshire historian, gives it a pension of 16s. out of the Rectory of Bilsworth; the manor and advowson of the rectory of Courtenhall; the advowson of the rectory of Harleston; the advowson of the rectory of Inchester sometime, and the advowson of the rectory of Rushdon.
At the dissolution the yearly revenue of the house was 329l. 15s. 10d. Dugdale.— 332l. Leland. 417l. 19s. 3d. Speed. It was granted the 5th of Elizabeth, to John Harrington. (fn. 9)
Thoroton has noticed the annual fairs held at this place. One a grant from Henry the first, and the other by Charles the second.
Patron, the King. Pri Lenton Propr. Incumbent, the Rev. William Pickering, Cur. K. B. 9l. 2s. 5d. halfpenny. Clear yearly value 12l. 16s. 1d. 30l. Pens. sol. Prior. de Lenton, 1l. 8s. 8d. Val. in mans. cum un. acr. terr. 6s. 8d. dec. lan. agn. proc. anc. pul. lin. canab. fruct. &c.