Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 1, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby. Originally published by J Throsby, Nottingham, 1790.
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Robert Thoroton, 'Parishes: Holme-Pierrepont', in Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 1, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby, ed. John Throsby (Nottingham, 1790), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
Robert Thoroton, 'Parishes: Holme-Pierrepont', in Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 1, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby. Edited by John Throsby (Nottingham, 1790), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,
Robert Thoroton. "Parishes: Holme-Pierrepont". Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 1, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby. Ed. John Throsby (Nottingham, 1790), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
In this section
In Holme, Toret before the Invasion of King William was rated to the Dane-Geld at twelve Bov. for his Manor. (fn. 1) The Land whereof was sufficient for three Ploughs, or three Carucats. There afterwards Roger de Busli had two Car. fourteen Vill. two Bord. having five Car. and one Mill 5s. and eighty Acres of Meadow. This was valued both before and after the Conquest at 61. having Soc in Basinfelt.
The Heir of Leonius de Malnuers is certified to hold a Knight's Fee here of the old Feoffment, that is, whose Ancestors were infeoffed in the Time of King Henry the First. (fn. 2)
Raph Plucket levied a Fine 3 Joh. of the Town of Aneston (in Yorkshire) and this Holme to Michael de Maunuers, and his Heirs, to be held of the said Raph and his Heirs, by the Service of two Knight's Fees, excepting only to himself and his Heirs, one Presentation of a Clerk to the Church of Holme, after the Death of Waleran, the Parson. (fn. 3) Pip. 6 Joh. Michael de Malnuiers ought C. m. for having that Presentation which the King had, by Reason that Raph Plucket, who reserved it, was departed from his Faith with that King.
John de Rye, 52 H. 3. had a Charter of free Warren granted in Holme, Basingfeld, Lambcote, Adbolton, and Anstan. (fn. 4) This Man called himself Lord of Holme, and was so stiled, 1 E. 1. (fn. 5) On his Seal were Barres Gemelles, and on a Chief three Escallops.
Raph Fitz-Nicholas, 11 H. 3. the King's Steward, had the Custody of the Lands and Heirs of Robert, Son of (or Fitz-) William, and of the Heirs of Leonius de Malnoers, July 16. (fn. 6) This Raph, the Year before, viz. 10 H. 3. was Warden, or Keeper, of Nottingham-Castle, and James de Keworth was his Nephew; from whom Annora, at length the sole Heir of this Family of Maunvers, and married to Henry Pierpont, claimed Rents in Basingfeild, as his Cousin and Heir, 12 E. 1. as likewise in Keyworth; as in those Places may be observed. (fn. 7) This Henry de Pierpont is said to be Son of Henry. (fn. 8) John le Pierpont, of Kirkby in Ashfeild, whose Lands there still remain with this honorable Family, had a Brother named Henry, and another Roger, &c. (fn. 9) I suppose them Sons, or Grandsons, of Robert de Pierpont, who held a Knight's Fee of the Bishop of Lincolne, 12 H. 2. (fn. 10)
Shortly after this, it appears, (fn. 11) that Simon de Pierpont had Summons to that Parliament which was called in June 22 E. 1. in Order to that King's Expedition into Gascoine; and that in September following he had Command to attend him in Person thither, well fitted with Horse and Arms for that Service.
Certain it is, that the Posterity of Sir Henry Pierpont and Annora being for the most Part principally resident at this Place, gave Occasion for the calling it Holme-Pierpont; where at this Time is the principal Mansion of the Right Honorable Henry Marquis of Dorchester, Son and Heir of Robert Earl of Kingston, the great Advancer of this Family, who added the high Buildings to the House; which else, for the most Part, is as Sir Henry Pierpont, the said Earl's Father left it; but the Stables, Garden, BowlingGreen, and divers other Ornaments and Offices were done by the Marquis.
The Jury found, 4 E. 1. that Margery, who had been Wife of Leoninus de Maunoers, permitted herself to be married to John, Son of Henry de Nottingham, without the King's Licence, as was believed, being in the Gift (or Disposal) of the King. (fn. 12)
The Jury, 8 E. 1. found that the Towns of Basingfeild and Holme were bound to repair Polleford-Bridge; and the Township of Boughton, a Bridge and Causeway there; and Holme, the Bridge and Causeway of Holme. (fn. 13)
Roger de Wilford, and Joane, his Wife, who held the Manor of Bughton for her Life, passed it by Fine, 29 E. 3. to Sir Edmund Perpount, Chr. and his Heirs, paying 100s. of Silver yearly while she lived. (fn. 14) It is now utterly decayed, but went commonly with Holme.
Galfr. de Neyvill and Henry de Perepunt were Justices of Assize, 8 E. 1. and sat at Blithworth, in this County, concerning Forest Matters. (fn. 15)
King Edward the Second, by his Charter dated at Nottingham October 27, in the ninth Year of his Reign, granted to Robert Perrepount Free Warren in his Demesne Lands of Holme juxta Nott. Holebek Woodhouses, Landford, and Weston, in this County; and North-Anestan and Treton, in Yorkshire; which Sir William Pierpount had confirmed, amongst many others, 6 H. 8. (fn. 16) The same King Edward the Second, by his Letter dated at Woodstock the 27th of June, in the tenth Year of his Reign, wrote to Robert de Perpount, John Deincourt, and Hugh de Hercy, for two Thousand Footmen, whereof two Hundred [Funditores] Pioneers, Spademen, Miners, or the like, to be chosen in the Counties of Nott. and Derby; and the said Robert and Hugh to lead (or conduct) them. (fn. 17) The same Year, Aug. 20, the King wrote to Robert de Perpont, from York, to come to him with Horse and Arms, for the War of Scotland. (fn. 18)
In the Octaves of St. John the Baptist, 3 E. 3. a Fine was levied between Robert, Son of Robert de Perpunt, Quer. and Robert de Perepont, Knight, Deforc. of the Manor of Holme juxta Nottingham, and the Advowson of the Church, whereby the said Sir Robert settled them on the said Robert, Son of Robert, and the Heirs Males of his Body, paying him 200l. Sterling per Annum, during his Life; and for want of such Issue, to George, Brother to the said Robert, Son of Robert, and his Heirs Males; then to Raph, Brother of George, and his; then to Edmund, Brother of Raph; then to Roger, Brother of Edmund; then to John, Brother of Roger, and his Heirs Males; for want whereof to Elizabeth the younger, Sister of John, and the Heirs Males of her Body; Remainder to Margared, Sister of Elizabeth, and her Heirs Males; the Remainder to Cicely, her Sister, in like Manner; Remainder to Alice, her Sister, &c. Remainder to Agatha, &c. to Agnes, &c. to Annora, &c. Remainder to Elizabeth, the elder Sister of Annora, and the Heirs Males of her Body; for want of which, to return to the said Robert Perpount, and his Heirs, quit of all other Heirs of the said Robert, Son of Robert, George, Raph, Edmund, Roger, John, Elizabeth, Margaret, Cicely, Alice, Agatha, Agnes, Annora, and Elizabeth the elder. (fn. 19) To this Fine Henry, Son of Henry de Perpount, put to his Claim.
The same Term Robert de Perepount, and Cecily, his Wife, and George, his Son, by another Fine settled twenty Mess. one Mill, &c. in Landford, on Robert and Cicely for Life; then to George and his Heirs Males; Remainder to Raph, his Brother, and and his; Remainder to Edmund; so to Roger; then to John and his Heirs Males; the last Remainder to Robert, Brother of John, and his Heirs for ever. (fn. 20)
Robert Perepont married Sara, the Sister of Sir John Heriz; (fn. 21) by which Match this Family, a long Time after, increased their Patrimony, by the Addition of the Lordships of Gonaldeston and Widmerpole, in this County; which Sir Henry Pierpont, 19 H. 6. claimed as Son of Edmund, Son of Edmund, Son of Henry, Son of the said Sara, Sister of the said Sir John Heriz.
King Edward the Third, in the thirty-third Year of his Reign, took Sir Edmund de Pirpond into his Protection, and all his Men, Lands, Goods, Rents, and Possessions, because he was then about to go beyond the Seas with Henry Duke of Lancaster, at the Request of the King. (fn. 22) Sir Edmund Perpoynt, 43 E. 3. had a Seal of Arms circumscribed with his Name, whereon were three Roundels, on each of which was a Lioncell Rampant, within a Border engrailed. (fn. 23)
King Edward the Fourth, for the good and laudable Service which Henry Pierpoynt, Esq. at his great Cost and Charges, and with manifold bodily Dangers against the King's Rebels, levying War against him, before that Time done, and still continued, viz. 5 E. 4. gave the said Henry and his Heirs Males the third Part of the Manor of Staley, with the same Proportion of the Advowson of the Church; and the like of the Chantry there, in the County of Derby; (fn. 24) which came to the King's Hands by the Attainder of John Lord Clifford.
The Rectory of Holme was 12l. Value. It is now 15l. 17s. 6d. in the King's-Books, and the Marquis of Dorchester Patron, as his Ancestors, the Pierponts, have long been.
In the Church, on a Brass fixed in Stone:
Amoris et Gratitudinis ergo Erga Optimum virum Gervasium Pierrepont, Armigerum, Filium secundo genitum Georgii Pierrepont, militis, Fratrem Henrici Pierrepont, militis, Patruum Roberti Comitis de Kingston, Vicecom. Newarke, Baronis Pierrepont de Holme-Pierrepont.
There are very many Arms on the Tombs. and in the Windows; viz.—Pierrepont with Quarterings of Maunvers, Heriz, Monboucher, Thwaits, &c. Stanley Earl of Darby, with Quarterings. Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury, with Quarterings of Monte- gomery Earl of Shr. Talbot, Strange, Nevill, Furnival, Verdun, Lovetot; and many Impalements, as with Cavendish, Banning, Bray, and others.
In the East Window of the Chancel,—Arg. 6. Annulets Sable, 2. 2. 2. Maunvers, and Barry nebulè Arg. et Sab. Blount.
On the North-Side of the Choir, over the Vault, is a Monument, upon which is inscribed,
Here lyeth the Illustrious Princess Gertrude Countess of Kingston, Daughter to Henry Talbot, Esq. Son to George late Earl of Shrowsbury. She was married to the most Noble and Excellent Lord Robert, Earl of Kingston, one of the Generals to King Charles the First, in the late unhappy Differences, and in that Service lost his Life. She had by him many Children, most dead: there are living, Henry Marquis of Dorchester, Willam and Gervas Pierrepont, Esquires; and one Daughter, the Lady Elizabeth Pierrepont. She was a Lady replete with all Qualities that adorn her Sex; and more eminent in them than in the Greatness of her Birth: she was most devout in her Duties to God; most observant of those to her Neighbour; an incomparable Wife; a most indulgent Mother; and most charitable to those in Want. In a Word, her Life was one continued Act of Virtue: she has left a Memory which will never die; and an Ex- ample that may be imitated, but not easily equalled. She died in the 61st Year of her Age, A. D. 1649. And this Monument was erected to her by her Son Gervas Pierrepont.
On the South-Side of the Church is another Monument, with the following Inscription:
Here lyeth the Body of Sir Henry Pierrepont, Knight; who, in his Life-time, abounded with Charity, and many other Virtues: for whom the Lady Frances Pierre- pont, eldest Daughter of Sir William Cavendish, of Chatsworth, Knight, and the most noble and renowned Lady Elizabeth, his Wife, late Countess of Shrewsbury, caused this Monument to be made, being the least of many Testimonics she hath given of her great and dear Affections towards him. He died the nineteenth day of March, in the Year of our Lord God 1615, aged 69 and a Half.
[Throsby] Holme-Pierrepont
LORDSHIP has been long in the possession of the Peirepoints; and is now in the hands of Charles Medows Pierrepont, Esq.
The place itself is inconsiderable; but the ancient seat of the late Duke of Kingston gives it consequence. The subjoined view of this place is taken exactly from that given by Dr. Thoroton. This seat is large but not magnificent; inhabited, I believe, now only by servants. Part of this ancient dwelling was taken down in the late Duke of Kingston's time. (fn. 25)
The church, which is seen in the view, has a nave and side-aisles, with three bells; and is dedicated to St. Edmund. It is rather a religious sanctuary of gloom than of delight. In the cemetery, to which you approach with a flight of steps, are trophies of war, once employed in the service of kingly government. Here are divers monuments of the illustrious family of Pierrepont; of which the two mentioned by Thoroton are attracting, but not beautiful. Here is an old brass figure near the vault, but no in- scription. Here are painted the Virgin Mary and Child, and other representations.
In this church was buried young Oldham, a poet of merit. The following was written by William Earl of Pierrepont, who was Oldham's patron and admirer:
"M. S.
"Oldhami poetæ quo nemo facro furore plenior, nemo rebus sublimior aut verbis felicius audax! Cujus famam omni ævo propria satis consecrabunt carmina quem inter primos honoratissimi Gulielmi Comitis de Kingston amplexus. Variolis correptum heu! nimis immatura mors rapuit et in cœlestem transtulit chorum. Natus apud Shipton, in argo Gloucestrensi. In aula Sancti Edmundi Oxoniæ Graduatus. Obiit 19 Decembris, A. D. 1682, ætatis 30."
Patron Charles Medows Pierrepont, Esq. Incumbent Rev. Mr. Browne, of Not- tingham. Cum Adbolton king's-book 15l. 7s. 6d. Yearly tenths 1l. 10s. 9d. Archiepisc. pro Syn. 5s. Archidiac. pro Prox. 7s. 6d. Val. in. mans. ib. cum claus. gleb. per ann. 11l. in dec. garb. in Gamston, Adbolton, &c. The Duke of Kingston presented in 1719 and 1740, and Abraham Tilghman in 1770.