Index: A-J

Survey of London: Volumes 43 and 44, Poplar, Blackwall and Isle of Dogs. Originally published by London County Council, London, 1994.

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'Index: A-J', in Survey of London: Volumes 43 and 44, Poplar, Blackwall and Isle of Dogs, ed. Hermione Hobhouse (London, 1994), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Index: A-J', in Survey of London: Volumes 43 and 44, Poplar, Blackwall and Isle of Dogs. Edited by Hermione Hobhouse (London, 1994), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Index: A-J". Survey of London: Volumes 43 and 44, Poplar, Blackwall and Isle of Dogs. Ed. Hermione Hobhouse (London, 1994), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

Note. The symbols in the left-hand margin classify individuals and firms who have worked, or are thought to have worked, on the fabric of the area, including the authors of unexecuted designs:
aarchitects, surveyors and designers
b builders, contractors and allied tradesmen
ccraftsmen, artists and decorators
eengineers (civil, mechanical, etc)
fsuppliers of building materials, plant and fittings

Abbey National Building Society 490, 701

Abbey National Homes 699

s Abbott & Co., engineers 369–70

Abbott estate 125

Abbott House 176

Abbott, John, mfg chemist 123, 149, 151, 152

Abdy: Anthony 108; Katharine 100; Robert 99

Abercrombie, Prof. Patrick 212

Aberdeen Line 585

Aberdeen Steam Navigation Co. 392

Aberdeen Steam Wharf, Limehouse Hole 392, fig 143, Pl 42b

Aberdeen Wharf, Limehouse Hole 391, 392, Pl 42a

Aberfeldy Street 149, 173; St Nicholas & All Hallows Church 153

Aberfeldy Tavern, East India Dock Road 149, fig 45b

Ablard, G., hairdresser 61

b Abraham, Robert (& Co.) 317, 410, 681

Abraham (Robert) Ltd 538

Abrahams, Frederick, impresario 75

ABV International 721

Acatos & Hutcheson 666; refinery, Pl 112a

Act for Rendering more Commodious and for Better Regulating the Port of London (1799) 252

Adam, A. Chivas, shipowner 275, 683

Adam, Benjamin, merchant 191

Adam brothers 435

Adam, Admiral Sir Charles 518

b Adam, William 254, 268, 271–2, 273, 274, 285, 285n, 300, 310, 331

Adams, A. R., undertaker 160

a Adams, Holden & Pearson 49, 443, 541

e Adams, John S. 21, 78, 259, 280, 305, 309, 336, 584, 598

c Adams, Will 443

a Adamson Associates, of New York 713

Addison Act (Housing & Town Planning Act, 1919) 23, 24, 36

Administrative County of London Development Plan (1951) 40, 241

Admiralty 275, 293, 518, 520, 524, 527

Admiralty Merchant Navy Signalling School 139

Advance House, Millharbour 707, Pl 157b

Advanced Textile Products 707

Aegon House 716

African Queen p.h. (formerly African Tavern), Grundy Street 210, Pl 38c

Agar, Moses 575n

Agincourt (East Indiaman) 567

a Ahrends, Burton & Koralek 690

Ainsworth, Robert (monument) 106

Air Ministry 599

air-raid shelters 170, 178, 180, 320n, 425

Aird, Sir John 345–50

b Aird (John) & Son 345–50, 353

b Aird (John) & Sons 269

a Aitchison, George 82

Ajax Works 114

Akbar House 490

Alastor House 541

Albert Place, Millwall 431

Alberta House, Gaselee Street 25

c Alberti & Lupton 204

Albion House, East India Dock Road 170, fig 58

Albion Theatre see New Albion Theatre

Albion Wharf, Millwall 435

Alchin, Richard 498

Aldington, Lord 267

a Alexander, Daniel 249

Alexander, Dr Frederick William 91, 448, 512

a Alexander, George 128

Alexandra, Princess of Denmark (as Princess of Wales) 642

Alexandra Palace 675

Alfred Street see Manilla Street

Alice Shepherd House 541

Aliens Restrictions Act (1919) 404

All Hallows, Bread Street 152–3

All Hallows Church, East India Dock Road 152–3, fig 46, Pl 22b,c

All Saints' Church 9–10, 176–80, fig 62, Pls 30b, 31–3, 34a churchyard, gaslighting of 114

All Saints' Institute, New by Place 184

All Saints' Mission Hall, Preston's Road 631

All Saints' parish see Poplar, parish of All Saints

All Saints' Rectory, Newby Place 180, fig 63, Pl 34b, d

All Saints' School, Cotton Street 194

All Saints' School, Newby Place 184

All Saints station (DLR) 167

b Allen, Josiah 285n

a Allen, Snooke & Stock 173, 603

Allen, Thomas James, earthenware mfr 487

allotment gardens 78, 400, 512, Pl 160

Allsopp & Co., brewers 341

a Allsopp (Kit) Architects 715

almshouses 107–9, 187–8, 206–7, 552, 625n, 638–9, fig 75, Pls 13a, 34c, 37b

Alpha Grove (formerly Alpha Road) 422, 446
-, Alpha Hall 422–3; Nos 85–131 446, Pl 128d; public housing 446, 449–50

Alpha Grove Community Trust 446

Alpha Wharf, Cubitt Town 528

s Alphamin Ltd 307

Alphonso, King of Spain 118

Alsing (J. R.) Pulverizer & Mill Co. Ltd 487

Alton Street 231; schools 241, 242, 244; Alton Street Scheme (public housing) 242–3, Pl 134b

aluminium: cladding 307, 310, 324, 359, 360, 366, 716, 717, 723, 724; cupola 227; doors 300, 307, 310, 359; glazing bars 442; roofing 300, 360, 371, 413, 547, 718; window frames 238, 722

Amateur Athletics Association 360

Ambassador Square 697, fig 263

ambulance stations 193, 627

AMEC 717

Amery, Colin 708

b Amery, James R. 640

b Amor, Thomas 191

Amoy Place, East India Dock Road 127

Amsterdam Road 701

Anchor Wharf, Blackwall 593

Anchor Wharf, Millwall 457

Anchorage, The 693, 696, 697

b Anderson (D.) & Son, of Belfast and Bow 306, 307, 511

b Anderson, G. J., contractor etc 77, 155

Anderson House, Woolmore Street 196

Anderson, Sir John (Viscount Waverley of Westdean) 266

Andleby family 71

c Andrews, A. T. 281

Andrews, Frederick, of Store Street 498

Andrews, J. T., civil engineer 470

a Andrews & Peascod 113, 397

a Andrews, R. A. 683

Andrews -Hawksley Patent Tread Co. Ltd 470

Angel inn, Poplar High Street 75

Angel Alley, Poplar High Street 74

Angel Court, Poplar High Street 74, 75

Anglesey House 245

Ann Street 23

Ann's Place, Orchard Place 654

Annabel Close 221

Annabel Street 221

Annis, Henry, licensed victualler 536

Anstey, F. G. 205

b Antcliffe, William 127

Anthony, Capt. William (monument) 107

Anti Dry-Rot Co. 309

Antigallican p.h., Limehouse Hole 391

Apex Rubber Co. Ltd 523, 530

s Appleby Brothers 305, 330, 485

Arbey, Louis, engineer 523

'Arbey' Wood Wool Packing Co. Ltd 523

Arborfield House 92, 94

Arbuthnot, Mrs 439

Arcadia Street 245

Arcadian Self-Build Housing 245–6, Pl 135c

Archer Terrace, East India Dock Road 127–8, Pl 29c

a Architects Workshop 707

architectural styles:
-, Art Nouveau 643; Arts and Crafts 67, 144; Baroque 64, 118; Brutalism 199; Classical 135, 193; Decorated 133, 160, 203, 204; Dockland style 308; Early English 152, 401, 422, 503–4, 507; Egyptian 238, 539, 658; Festival of Britain style 220, 224; free Classical 504; French Renaissance 131; Georgian 170; Grecian 136, 178, 313; Italianate 95, 106, 162–3, 164, 209, 539, 551, 597, 598, 644; Jacobean 159; 'Jazz-Modern Byzantine' 238; Mannerism 84; Modern 8, 165, 220, 719; Modernistic 34–5, 407, 448–9, 540; Moorish 75, 238; neo-Georgian 30, 85, 91, 93, 94, 95, 149, 211, 220, 225, 318, 320, 406, 407–8, 417, 447, 448, 490, 493, 514, 590, 631, 637, 698; Palladian 98; Perpendicular 211; Post-Modern 297, 478, 539, 714, 720, 722, 723; Queen Anne 439, 489; Romanesque 459–61; Tudor 106, 133, 482
-, in church-building 11; in modern Docklands housing 693–4; in public buildings 8

Arcon bungalows 39

Arden Crescent 702

Arethusa House 490

Argyle House 541

Armani, Anthony Nicholas 515–16

Armitage & Crosland Ltd 470

s Armstrong & Co. (later Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth, & Co. Ltd) 288, 328, 329–30, 333, 342, 343–4, 355, 369, 370, 371, 584, 590, 627, 637

Armstrong (George) & Co. Ltd, oil millers 527

Armstrong, Edward, architect 215

Armstrong, Sir William 284, 327–8; see also Armstrong & Co.

Arnhem Timber Co. Ltd 438

Arnhem Wharf, Millwall 438, 696

Arnold, Thomas, citizen & carpenter 71

Arnold's Buildings 398

Arnott Brothers & Co. 417

b Arrol (Sir William) & Co. 275, 333, 335, 344, 535, 583

Arrowhead Quay 724

Arrowsmith, William, shipowner 604

Arthur (later Lawless) Street 175

Arthur Terrace, Nos 237–251 Westferry Road 458–9, fig 171, Pl 83b,c

Artichoke p.h., Blackwall 550, 551

artificial-stone works 441, 444, 667

Artizan Villas, Millwall 432

artizans' dwellings see model and artizans' dwellings

Artizans Dwellings Society 137

Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875 (Cross Act) 192

Arup Associates 689, 710

e Arup (Ove) & Partners 85, 89, 197, 547

asbestos cladding, sheeting etc 38, 48, 225, 228, 289, 307, 308, 438; see also roof coverings

ASDA superstore 513, 707

a A.S.F.A. Ltd 714

Ash House 541

Ash, James, shipbuilder 533, 673

Ashburton, Lady Louisa 439

b Ashby Brothers 141, 153

Ashdown Walk, Timber Wharves Village 702, Pl 143a

Ashridge estate, Hertfordshire 271

Ashton (J.) & Sons 552

Ashton, Joseph Capp, ship-chandler 552

Ashton Street 169, 190, 191, 192–3

Ashton, Thomas, of Blackwall 58, 145, 146, 190

Ashton's Wharf, Blackwall see Lower Wharf

b Aslat, Collins, Gill & Steward 271, 274

Aspen Way 688

asphalt and bitumen works 429, 435, 516, 531–2, 676–7

asphalt: flooring and paving 35–6, 269, 481, 485, 642, 645, 677; roofing 586, 623

Asphalte de Seyssel Co. 531

Asphalte Paving Co. Ltd 676

Asphaltum Co. Ltd 437

Associated Dairies 513, 707

Associated Lead Manufacturers 486, 487

Association for the Preservation of the Virginia Antiquities 598

Association of International Bond Dealers 704

Association of Island Communities 512

Aste Street 499

Aston Grant & Co. 430

Aston (Thomas), James Griffiths & Co. 399

b Atherton, John 631

b Atherton & Latta 116, 143, 314

b Atherton Thomas 194

Atherton, William, licensed victualler 191

Athol Street 149

Atholl, Duchess of 95

Atkins, John 575n

b Atkinson (Octavius) & Sons 360

Atkinson, William, architect 435

Atlas Chemical Works, Millwall 436, 437

Atlas Wharf, Millwall 435–6

Atterbury, William, butcher 394

b Attwood, John Boorman 431

Atworth Street 500

Auckland, Earl of 518

Augusta (formerly Randall) Street 208–9, 221, 242; No. 77 (mission hall) 208–9

Aurora House 243

Australian Meat Co. 622

a Avanti Architects 510

Avery, James, shipbuilder 552

c Avery, Ronald 218

s Aydon & Elwell 329, 330, 331

Ayerst, Capt. Charles 279

Ayre, Thomas, distiller 390

Ayres, George, publican 654

Ayres Quay Bottle Co. 622

Ayrton, Acton Smee, MP 349, 350

Back Lane see Ming Street

back-to-back houses 21–2, 76–7, 112, 123, 191, 446

Bacon, Alfred, of Liverpool Street 175

a Bacon, F. 153

Badcock (D.) (Wharves) Ltd 535

Badger (W.) & Co. 366

Baelz, Robert, merchant 524

Baffin Buildings 22, 633–4, fig 238

e Baggallay, Henry Charles 263, 280, 329, 334

Bahama House 407–8

s Bailey & Co. 592

a Bailey, Thomas J. 146, 442, 668

Baillie, (Dr) George 185

Baillie, Robert, shipbuilder 384n, 533, 673

Bain, William, surgeon 428

a Baines, Sir Frank 492–3

b Baker & Constable 63

Baker, E. C. Stuart 313

b Baker (George) & Son, of Lambeth 572

Baker (George) & Sons (Millwall), premises 398, pl 43a

Baker & May, patent felt mfrs 399

Baker, Nicholas, miller 382

Baker, Solomon, distiller (monument) 107

c Baker, William 340, 341

b Bakers of Danbury 106

b Baldwins Ltd 513, 666, 667, 669

Balfour of Burleigh, Lord 37

b Balfour Beatty 644–5, 689, 690, 716

Balfour Beatty Developments 716

b Ball, Donald 699

Ballast Wharf, Blackwall 684

Balmoral House 716

Balnagaith House, East India Dock Road 132

a Baly, Price Pritchard 164

Bamberg, Godfrey, chemist 524

b Banbury, John 208

bandstands 160, 522

b Bangs, William 205

b Bangs (William) & Co. 341, 672; see also Wicks, Bangs & Co.

banks 153, 511, fig 47, Pl 25b

Barber (Alfred) & Co. 399

Barber, Fr Benjamin 234

Barchester Street 239, 242

Barfoot, Capt, John (monument) 106

barges, concrete, for Normandy landings 296

Barget Cabinet Works 400

Barget (I.) Ltd 400

Barham, Francis, shipwright 107 (monument), 558

c Baring, Daphne 153

Baring, Sir Francis (quoted) 518

Baring House, Lansbury Estate 224, Pl 132d

Barkantine Estate 435, 446, 449, Pl 136a

b Barker, William 114, 292, 295, 625, 626n; see also Howkins & Co.

Barlow (John & George), iron merchants 114

Barn Cottages, Millwall 425, 430

Barnard (H. B.) & Sons Ltd 487

a Barnard Urquart Jarvis 702

Barnard's Metal Wharf, Millwall 487

Barneby, Thomas, rector of All Saints 176

Barnes, George, wheelwright 440

Barnfield Estate (Ironmongers' Co.) 348, 375, 384, 462–6, figs 140, 175

Barnfield place 702

Barnfield Works, Millwall 466, 474

Barnsdale Avenue 702

Baron Bernard 149

Barque Street 499, 520

Barr, Cleeve (quoted) 223

Barr, Walter, engineer 459

Barraclough, Mrs Jennifer 518

Barraclough, Dr Michael 518, 701

b Barratt (East London) 700, 701

Barrel Wharf, Cubitt Town 523–4

a Barrett, W. 145

Barrowforth, John 181

Barry, Charles jr, architect 435

a Barry (Charles) & Sons 461

Barry, Francis Tress 528

Barry, Gerald 214, 231

Barry, Hilda 461

Bartlett Close 245, Pl 135c

Bartlett Park 245

Bartlett, Prebendary Philip M. 245

Barton, William, pilot 409

Barton -Wright Ltd 487

Bass, brewers 341, 717

Bass Taverns 713

Bastenne Gaujac Bitumen Co. 487

s Bate (William) & Co. 402

b Bates (Thomas) & Son 546, 686, 697, 699

Bath Place 175

Bath Street 175

baths and wash-houses 164–7, 172–3, 442, figs 55, 56, 164, Pl 26

Batson, Alfred 413, 414

Batson estate 380–2, 412–18, fig 155

Batson, John 391

Batson, Robert jr 383, 413, 415

Batson, Robert sr 391, 412

Batson's Wharf, Millwall 415, 417

Batson's Yard 391, fig 142, Pl 146b

Bawn (William Byron) & Co. 117, 171

s Bay Wharf Construction Co. 411

c Bayes, Gilbert 447

Bayley, Walter 423

e Baynes, Donald S. 274

e Bazalgette, Sir Joseph 641

Bazeley, Canon Thomas 180 (tomb), 184

Bazely Street (formerly Bow Lane) 97, 114 (gaslighting), 186–92 passim
-, Esther Hawes almshouses 187–8, Pl 34c; Greenwich Pensioner p.h. 186–7, P1 40a; Nos 45–51 188, P1 36b; public housing 196

Bazely Street Area Housing Scheme 196

BDP Syndicate Ltd 474

b Beach, Edward 415

Beach, James, oil distiller 415

b Beadle Brothers 620

Beale, Thomas, music publisher 437

Beall, F. H., surgeon 74, 168

Bean, Edward Joseph 354

b Beasley, Edwin 423

a Beaton Thomas Partnership 707, 715

Beatrice, Princess 184

Beatty House 723

Beaufort Court, Waterside 723–4, fig 271

Beaumont Court, Poplar High Street 76–7

a Beavan Sutters Partnership 246

a Beaver (Christopher) Associates 402

a Beazley, Samuel 632

e Bechtel 689

Becontree Estate 28

Bedford, suffragan Bishop of 152

Bedford (now Ditchburn) Street, 625, 630–1, P1 106a

Bedford Street Buildings 631

Bedford Terrace 630

Beech, William 498

Beecham Group 411

Beecroft, Butler & Co. 342

Beehive p.h., Robin Hood Lane 193

a Beigel, Florian 719

Belgian Institute of Housing 243

Belgian Iron Wharf, Cubitt Town 523

c Bell & Almond 503

a Bell, Charles 143

Bell estate 211, fig 71

Bell, James 211

c Bell Jeff 710

b Bell, Job 72

Bell, John, sculptor 436

Bell, Robert 108

Bell Yard, Blackwall 684

Bellamy, Edward, iron-tank mfr 423, 438

Bellamy, John, iron-tank mfr 423

Bellamy (John) Ltd, iron-tank mfrs 413, 423

Belle Vue House, East India Dock Road 160

Belliqueux (warship) 562

Belliss engines 329

c Belsky, Franta 700

Bengal Place, Blackwall 551n

Bengal Place, East India Dock Road 145

Bengal Wharf, Limehouse Hole 393

Bennett, John, ropemaker 552

c Bennett, Kim 715

b Bennett, William, of Howland Dock 561

Benson, Christopher 693, 709

Benton, Thomas, contractor 481

Beresford, Francis 272n

c Berkeley, George 373

Berkeley House Properties 717

c Bernasconi, Francis 312

e Berwick, R. L. 261

Bessemer, Sir Henry 666

Bethel Baptist Chapel, Poplar High Street 71

Bethnal Green and East London Housing Association 53n, 68, 70, 72, 96, 613, 614–15

Bethnal Green and East London Housing Society 36, 447

Bethnal Green Housing Association 36

Betjeman, Sir John (quoted) 540

Betton, Thomas, merchant 462–3

Betton, Timothy 462

Betton's Terrace, Millwall 464

Betts, Edward 473

Betty May Gray House, Manchester Road 544

Beulah Gospel Hall, Pekin Street 200

Bevan, Aneurin 42, 43

Beveridge Report 48

Bickmore (formerly Queen) Street 57, 58, 83, 93

e Bidder, George Parker 594

Biddle, John 378

Biemans, Father 461–2

Biggs, Nathan 459

Billingsgate Market, West India Docks 301n, 302, 702, fig 108

b Billson, Jonathan 498

Billson Street 499, 500; public housing 449–51, 545

Bilton (Frank) (London) Ltd 245

b Bilton, Percy 196

bingo hall 168

Binks Brothers 420, 421, 423

Binks, George Wright, ropemaker 423

Binks & Stephenson 425

c Binnie, Sir Alexander R. 126, 331, 525, 641–2

c Binns, Asa 266, 295, 327, 330, 353, 354, 359

Birchfield Estate 90–2, Pls 135a, 137d

Birchfield House 30–1, 52, 91, fig 7

Birchfield Street (formerly Sandpit Road) 171

b Bird, J. & E. 203

b Bird, John 204

Birkbeck, Robert, banker 473

b Birse Construction 715

Birse Homes (London) Ltd 630

b Birse, Peter 539, 721

Birt, George Raymond 349–51, 357, 358, 361, 371

s Birtley Iron Co. 593

Bishop of London's Fund 401, 420, 502, 504, 631

Bisterne Place, Preston's Road 631–2

Black Boy Field 71, 143, 164, 175, 176

Black Boy Lane (later England Row) 71

Black Ditch 56, 63, 135, 207

Black Horse tavern, Poplar High Street 77

Black Prince 377

Black, William, of East India Dock Road 155

b Blackburn, George 90

b Blackburn, Joseph, bricklayer 156

b Blackburn & Son 139n

b Blackburn, William, carpenter 168, 191

a Blackburne, E. L. 422

Blackett, John: sr 383n, 434; jr 383n

Blackett's Millwall Dry Dock 434, Pl 68a

Blackfriars railway bridge 675

Blacksmith's Arms p.h., Westferry Road 413, Pl 80b

Blackwall: early history 548–52, 602, 607–9, figs 1, 206, 247, Pls 93, 94a, 100; see also Blackwall Yard

Blackwall Causeway 548

Blackwall Engineering 574

Blackwall Galvanized Iron Co. Ltd 666, 667, 669

Blackwall Goods Yard (former Pepper Warehouses) 655–61, figs 251–5, Pls 111a, 114, 115b

Blackwall Iron Works 537–8, fig 202

Blackwall Rock 548, 548n

Blackwall Stairs 548, 550

Blackwall Tunnel 632, 640–5, figs 243–6, Pls 109–10

Blackwall Way (formerly Brunswick Street) 554n, 624–6, 627 (Midland Railway Co. goods office), 638–40, fig 242, Pl 93c

Blackwall Wharf 663

Blackwall Yard 103n, 167, 553–74, figs 208–15, Pls 94–6, 146a, 157a

a Blackwell, David 404

Blaenavon Co. 269

Blake, Obediah 666

b Blake, William, carpenter 561

Blakeney's head p.h., Poplar High Street 68

Blantyre, Lord 403

Blashfield, John Marriott 435–6

a Blashill, Thomas 632–3, 643

Blasker Walk, Maconochie's Wharf 701–2, Pl 143c

Blenheim House, Scouler Street 640

Blessed John Roche Catholic School 234, fig 93, Pl 133a

Blewitt, William 670

c Blik, Maurice 715

Block Fuel Syndicate Ltd 528

a Blomfield, Sir Arthur 503; & Son 159

Blomfield, Rt. Rev. C. J., Bishop of London 507

b Bloomfield & Co. 313

Blue Bridge, Manchester Road 333, fig 121e, Pl 99c

Blue Posts p.h., West India Dock Road 117

Blue Posts Tavern, Limehouse Causeway 117

Bluett, Benjamin Granger, mast- and block-maker 602n, 616–17

Bluett, James, block—maker 617

Blyth, Alfred jr, engineer 430

Blyth Close 698

Blyth, Henry David, engineer 430

Blyth (J. & A.) Ltd 430

Blythe Burrell Colours Ltd 474

Board of Education 142, 433

Board of Trade 263, 680; Mercantile Marine office, East India Dock Road 139

Boat Street (formerly West Street) 653

c Boekbinder, Messrs 168

Boleyn and Forest Housing Society 700

s Bolinders, J. & C. G. 373

bollards 122, 223, 269, 271, 272, 274, 278, 311, 320, 354, 528

a Bolt, Robert 97

b Bolton & Pixton 268

s Bombert, Toves & Blankley 366

Bond, J. H. K., mast- and block-maker 153

Bond (John) & Son, contractors 672

Bond's Wharf, Blackwall 672

c Bone, Stephen 218

Bonham, Henry, shipowner 575n, 576

s Boote (T. & R.), of Burslem 642

a Booth & Ledeboer 234

Booth, W. Bramwell 428

Bor, Walter 219, 241; (quoted) 239, 245

s Boreham, Edward, smith 288, 321

Bork (P.) & Co. Ltd (P. Bork Shipping Ltd) 393

Borovitch Ltd 530

Borrodale, William 575n

Boscawen (East Indiaman) 561

b Bostock, G. 510

b Bostock, J. 454

Bostrom, Prime Minister of Sweden 404

b Bough, William 268, 269, 272, 273, 584, 653, 671, 678

Bould, Jonathan, shipwright 182

Boulton, Henry 560

Boulton, Henry Crabb 552, 560

b Boulton & Paul 513

Boulton, Richard, merchant 560

Boulton & Watt 326, 336, 589, 602

Bourne, Cardinal 209

Bourne, Capt. Richard, RN 618

b Bovis 360, 366, 710, 712, 714, 716

Bow Creek Council School 668, Pl 112b

Bow Creek Oil Mills 667

Bow Lane (now Bazely Street, qv)

Bow Lane School 194

b Bowden, Cornelius 509

a Bower, H. A. 513

Bowes estate 510

Bowey, William 267

Bowkett, T. E., surgeon 144

Bowley, Ann 501

Bowley, James, eating-house keeper 501

Bowley, James, ship-joiner 399

Bowley, Marian (quoted) 449

Bowley, Richard 501

Bowley Street 398–9

Bowman, John, brandy merchant 380, 382

Bowman, R. M., coal merchant 662

b Bowman (R. W.) Ltd 110, 179

Bowman, Thomas, oil and seed merchant 390

Bowsprit Point, Barkantine Estate 446, Pl 136a

b Bowyer, J. & C. 77

Boyd, William, surveyor 71

a Boyer (E. S.) & Partners 525

Brabazon Street 242, 244

a Bracebridge, E. L. 85, 86, 87, 135, 155, 171

b Braddock, Thomas 76

a Bradford, William 415

Bradley Forge & Engineering Co. 515

Bradley Laminates 515

a Bradshaw, Brown & Co. 494

Bradshaw, Edward, grazier 431

Bradshaw, Emily 421

Bradshaw, Henry, grazier 425, 431, 463, 479, 480

Bradshaw, Horace 470

Bradshaw, James, grazier 425

Bradshaw, Margaret (Mrs William Mellish) 418

Bradshaw, Richard, publican 384n

Bradshaw, W. H., market gardener 379

Bradshaw, William, grazier & market gardener 384n, 421

Bradshaw-Brown, Henry 421

b Braithwaite & Co. 574

Bramah, Joseph 390

b Bramston, James 127

b Brand (Charles) & Son 279, 281, 306, 307, 327, 334

b Brand, Pettit & Co. 195

Brandy, Joseph, gardener 132

Brasenose College, Oxford 16, 18, 176, 183, 206n

b Brass, William 401, 586

Brassey House 490

Brassey, Lady 439

Brassey, Lord 159

b Brassey & McCormick 328

b Brassey, Thomas 281, 473

Brassey, Thomas jr 473

c Bratby, David 167

Bratt's Stave & Cask Syndicate Ltd 427

Bray, Richard, butcher 379

Breach, The 375, 394, Pl 41a

Breach Dockyard 394–5, fig 145, Pl 41a

Brecon House, Meridian Gate 720

a Breeze, Derek 434

s Brenton, W., of Doncaster 329

breweries 68, 70–1, Pl 5a

Brewster, Francis Wentworth 523

Briant, William Henry 388

Bricklayers ' Arms p.h., Ashton Street 190, 195

Bricklayers ' Arms p.h., Millwall 425

brick supply 254–5

brickmakers, temporary cottages for 188

bricks, examples of types used:
-, blue 273; blue (Staffordshire) 340, 355, 571–2; Chailey yellow multi-stocks 243; Flettons 363, 372, 445, 446, 544 (Dapple Lights), 600; Fletton Rustics 196, 448; flint 196, 220, 223, 224, 446, 540, 541; gaults 273; Kentish 461, 634; London stocks 220, 224, 227 (as aggregate), 493; malms 64, 183, 420, 589, 613; Nori acid-resisting 600; red 238, 313 (engineering), 327 (Leicester), 370, 446; Southwater 600; Tondu 449; two-inch 238 (from Leicestershire), 614; white bricks 80 (Suffolks), 163 (from Darlington), 420 (perforated), 507; white-glazed 525, 642

-, brick and concrete 'pocket' walling 278; hoop-ironreinforced 268–9, 582; load-bearing 220; polychromatic 134, 204, 317, 341, 460, 539; rubble-brick 491, 543, 547; stained with copperas 291

Bridge House, Preston's Road 628–30, fig 235, Pl 106b,c

Bridge House Quay 700

Bridge Road (later part of Westferry Road) 383, 394, 397

Bridge Road Works, Bowley Street 399

b Bridge Walker Ltd 77

Bridge Wharf, Blackwall 663

Bridge Wharf, Limehouse Hole 394

Bridge Wharf, Millwall 274

bridges 126, 330–5, 344, 371–3, 584, 690, 716, figs 121, 138, Pls 64b, 99c, 119, 141a, 158a

a Bridgman, H. H. 506

a Bridgwater & Shepheard 215, 223

Brig Street 520

b Brimble & Co. 331

s Bristow & Sons 182

Bristowe, John, shipwright 557

Britannia Dock development 696

Britannia Dry Dock, Millwall 466, 470

Britannia Hotels 724

Britannia Road 491

Britannia Tavern, Blackwall 550

Britannia Wharf, Millwall 470

Britannia Works, Blackwall 606

Britannia Yard, Millwall 470, 485

British Arc Welding Co. Ltd 442

British Bioscope Co. 145

British Bluefries Wharfage & Transport Ltd 622

British Coconut Oil Producers Ltd 445

British & Colonial Smelting & Reduction Co. 436

British Electricity Authority 600

British Empire temperance p.h. 181

British & Foreign Fibre Co. Ltd 445

British & Foreign Sailors' Society 439

British & Foreign Ships Sheathing Protection Society Ltd 428

s British Hydraulic Foundry Co. 642

British Iron Co. 417

British Land Co. Ltd 499–500, 504, 510, 714

British Oak p.h., Robin Hood Lane 193

British Oil & Cake Mills Ltd 523, 667

British Oil & Turpentine Corporation Ltd 469

British Rail 341, 344, 661

British Ropes Ltd 423, 425, 426

British Sailors' Society (at home and abroad) 439

British Scaling & Painting Co. 117

British Shipbuilders 275, 574

British Smokeless & Oil Fuels Ltd 470

British Street (now Harbinger Road, qv)

British Telecom 723

s British Westinghouse Co. 362n

Broackes, Sir Nigel 693

Broad, Prows 415, 431

Broadway Chapel, Westminster 99, 101, Pl 13c

Broadway Works, Millwall Docks 368–9, fig 136, Pl 58b,d

s Brockbank, John 592

s Brockelbank & Rolt 139n

Brockley & Co. 510

Brockley, George 510

Broder, –, of Clerkenwell 464

a Bromage, Roy 700

Bromley Marsh (Bromley Hall) estate 149

Bromley Place, East India Dock Road 145

c Bromsgrove Guild 422

Bronsdens, shipbuilders 559, 561

Broodbank, Sir J. G. 263

b Brooker, Orton 394

b Broomfield, Elizabeth 312, 320

b Broomfield: James & Co. 295, 402, 628; James & William 294, 295, 305, 310, 311

Broomfield Street 242

brothels 112, 123

a Brown, Bradshaw 605, 605n

a Brown, Cecil 110, 179, 402

Brown, Charles (Charlie Brown) 118

c Brown, Charles, of Hampstead 203

Brown, Charles W., publican 117, 118

a Brown, Edward 636

Brown, George, shipowner 618

c Brown, Harold 598

b Brown, James, of College Hill 588

Brown, John, brewer 83

lBrown (John) & Co. (Clydebank) 600

Brown, John & Robert Barclay 529

Brown, Lenox & Co. (formerly Brown & Lenox) 386, 457, 458, 469; works 457, Pl 74b

Brown & Polson Ltd 369

c Brown, R., of Bloomsbury 107

Brown, Sir Samuel 457

a Brown, V. A. 49, 492

b Brown, William, of Smithfield, mason 279

Brown, William, victualler 485

Brown's Wharf, Blackwall 618–20

Browne, Philip Augustus 437

Browne, Robert, shipwright 602

a Browne, Robert Palmer 619

Brownfield, Matthew, surgeon 142

c Bruce, John 598–9

Brunel Centre 714

Brunel, Isambard Kingdom 429, 472, 473

Brunel, Marc 429

Brunswick Arms p.h., Brunswick Street 626

Brunswick Buildings 598

Brunswick Chapel, Limehouse 429

Brunswick Dock 562–3, 577, 652, fig 209, frontis. (XLIII)

Brunswick Hotel and Tavern 574, 596–7, Pls 120a, 121b

Brunswick Pier (Brunswick Wharf) 411, 593n, 595

Brunswick Place 193

Brunswick Road (formerly Quag Lane) 145, 149

Brunswick Road Board School, East India Dock Road 146–7, Pl 25a

Brunswick Stables 637

Brunswick Stairs 594

Brunswick Street (now Blackwall Way, qv)

Brunswick Tap 596

Brunswick Wharf, Blackwall 13, 15, 593–600, 673, figs 221–2, Pls 120–1, 148c

Brunswick Wharf Power Station 598–600, Pls 61b, 122

a Brunton (John) & Partners 227, 720

Bryant, John 409

c Brydon, W. M. 640

Buccaneer p.h., West India Dock Road 117

a Buchanan (Colin) & Partners 229

Buchanan (P. R.) & Co. 390

Buchanan's Wharf, Limehouse Hole 390–1, Pl 42a

b Buckland, William 500, 521

Budge, A. F. 717

Builder Group 705, 717

building defects & failures:
-, Alice Shepherd House, defects in SECTRA-system building (1980) 45; All Saints' Church, defective roof construction (1820s) 178; Blackwall Entrance Lock, partial collapse (1807) 272; Blackwall Entrance Lock, collapse of wing wall (1851) 272; Board of Works offices, bad acoustics 64; Brunswick Wharf, collapse of river wall (1903–4) 594, Pl 121c; Chapel House Street Estate, collapse of ceilings (1922) 492; Cubitt Town, defective construction of basements 502; Cumberland Oil Mills, collapse of floor (1861) 523; East India Dock Tavern, defective construction (1806–7) 147, 147n; East India Import Dock, collapse of walling (1805) 583; East India Import Dock, collapse of south quay (1879) 583; East India Import Dock warehouses, settlement of foundations (c1950s) 587; Glengall Road, poor design of hydraulic traversing drawbridge 371; Greenwich Hospital estate, collapse of new river wall (1852) 520; Hanbury Buildings, bad design of concrete roof 116; Limehouse Basin, collapse of walling (1802) 273; Limehouse Entrance Lock, defective construction (1802–3) 273; Orlit houses, high-chloride concrete 451; Poplar Borough Council flats, steel joists corroded by magnesite flooring (1933–4) 35; Poplar New Town, jerry-building (1850s) 208; Regent Wharf, flimsy construction of shed (1855) 417; St Edmund's R.C. Church, subsidence 461; St Paul's Presbyterian Church, subsidence 459; South West India Dock, collapse of new quay wall, (1868–9) 278; West India Docks, dockmaster's house, structural failure (1823) 611; West India Docks Rum Field Sheds, failure of wroughtiron roofs (1813–15) 294; West India Docks warehouses, frost damage to new brickwork (1801–2) 285; West India Docks warehouses, failure of timber floor-posts (early 19th cent.) 288; West India Import Dock north quay shed, decay of timber posts (early 19th cent.) 300

a Building Design Partnership 686–7, 698, 701, 714

a Building Design Systems 308

building leases 71, 127, 149, 171, 172, 173, 175, 380, 420, 464, 498, 521

building materials see artificial-stone works; asphalt; bricks; concrete; faience; glass; iron and ironwork; magnesite; roof coverings; steel and steelwork; stone and stonework; stucco and renderings; terra-cotta; tiles; timber and woodwork; weatherboarding

Building Research Station 451

Bullivant & Co. 420, 426

Bullivant Street (formerly Union Street, qv)

Bullivant, William Munton 425, 430

Bullivant's Wharf, Millwall 425

Bulmer, George, ship carpenter 421

b Bunn, John 271

b Bunney, G. H. 179

s Bunting, organ-builder 179

Buoyancy Supply Syndicate Ltd 523

Buoyant Dress Co. 359

Burch, Mary, of St George-in-the-East 132, 153, 171, 406

Burdell Engineering Co. 518

Burdick, George 511

Burdick, John 511

Burford, John 388

Burford, Thomas, stationer 168, 192

Burford's Court 123, 192, 193

c Burges, Alfred 126

a Burgess, Alfred 182

Burgoine (H.) & Sons 419, 481

Burke, Thomas, author 118

a Burley & Associates 447

c Burnell (Thomas) & Sons 106

a Burnet (Sir John), Tait & Partners 543

Burnett, Sir William 485–6; & Co. 485–6

Burney & Bellamy 423, 438

Burney & Co. (Ltd) 438

Burney, George, iron-tank mfr 438, 441

Burrell (A. E.) & Son 390

Burrell, Andrew 607

Burrell & Co. (Ltd) 466, 474

Burrell, William, shipwright 108, 549, 553–4, 607, 611

Burrell's Wharf, Millwall 474–9, 696, figs 179–82, Pls 72–3

bus and coach services 12, 13, 121, 384, 551, 595

Busbridge House 242

Business Centre, Dollar Bay 707

s Buss, Arthur E. 139

b Bussey, J. 113

s Butchard, G. 333

a Butler, John 622

a Butler, John Dixon 144

Butler, Lady Margaret 418

Butt, George & Herbert, picture moulding mfrs 359

s Butt, James, brickmaker 279

Butt Place (formerly Garden Street) 191

a Butterfield, William 152

s Butterley Iron Co. 272, 274, 295, 300, 303, 321, 329, 331, 333

Butterly, Steam (Packet) Co. 682

Butts, the 56

Buxton, Michael 472n

Buxton, Sydney, MP 415

Bygrove (formerly Grove) Street 208, 225, 232, 242, fig 88, Pl 38d

Byng, Elizabeth 418

Byng estate (see also Strafford estate) 382, 418–23, 439, 452– 62, fig 140

Byng, George 276, 383, 383n, 418, 420

Byng, Admiral George 418

Byng, John (Earl of Strafford) 418

Byng, Hon. Robert 418

Byng Street 420

Byron Tank Works 117

Cabinet Defence Committee 599

Cabot Hall 714

Cabot Place 714

Cabot, Sebastian 550

Cabot Square 705 (South Colonnade), 710, 712–13, Pl 153a

c Cagney, M. J. 355

Cahir Street 464, 481

Cairngorm House, Meridian Gate 720

Cakebread, Robey & Co. 106

Calcutta Place, East India Dock Road 145

Calder (J.) & Co. 524, 525

Calder, James, wharfinger etc 445, 474, 527

Calder's Wharf, Cubitt Town 524–5

Caledonian Steam Towing Co. 671

Caledonian Wharf, Cubitt Town 529–30

Caledonian Wharf development 686, 692, 697

Caledonian Wharf Road 697

Caledonian Works (Caledonian Wharf), Cubitt Town 529

Caledonian Works (Falcon Whari), Cubitt Town 530

b Caley, Philip 167

Callaghans p.h., Chrisp Street 229

campshedding 272, 277

Callender & Sons 516

Calvert, Edmund 315

Cameron, Charles, merchant 611, 611n

a Cameron, Mrs E. M. 49

Campbell, James 533, 535

s Campbell, Johnstone & Co. 680

a Campbell, Kenneth 49

Campbell, Zogolovitch, Wilkinson & Gough 698

Canada Square, No.1 (Canary Wharf Tower) 713, frontis. (XLIV), Pls 152b, 153b,c, 160

Canadian Cooperage, Westferry Road 470

Canadian Estate, Preston's Road 22, 633–4, figs 238, 243, Pl 123b

Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 358

Canal Boiler Works, Millwall 425

Canal Dockyard, Blackwall 602–3, fig 223, Pl 99c

Canal Iron Works, Millwall 386, 396, 410

Canal Office, Coldharbour 623

Canal Row 603–4

Canal Villa, Manchester Road 603, Pls 98a, 99b

Canary Wharf 269, 295–6, fig 104, Pl 55a; development 269, 707–14, fig 269, frontis. (XLIV), Pls 152–3, 160

b Canary Wharf Contractors 712, 721

Canary Wharf Development Co. 721

Canary Wharf Pier 411

Canary Wharf station (DLR) 690, 714, Pl 154b

Canning Town Glass Co. Ltd 455

Cannon Workshops, West India Docks 320–4, 702, figs 115– 17

Canterbury Place, Millwall 431

Canton (East Indiaman) 396

Canton Cottage, East India Dock Road 153

Canton House, East India Dock Road 127

Canton Place, East India Dock Road 129–31, fig 33

Canton Street 200, 202, 223, 243; SS Mary & Joseph R.C. Church 202–4, fig 72, Pl 39c

Caparn, Rev. William John 509

Capel, James, engineer 410

a Capell, Bruce J. 168, 413, 431

Capewell, George Joseph 445

Capewell Horse Nail Co. Ltd 445

Capewell Horse Nail Works, Millwall 445

Capstan House 544–5

Capstan Square 385

Captain Man of War p.h., Poplar High Street 90

Cardale Street 540

Carden, Brigetta 157

b Carden & Hack 78, 113, 315, 336, 588, 598

Carden, William, gent. 157

Cardinal Griffin School 234, fig 83, Pl 133a

b Cardus, John 340, 341, 342, 343, 344

Carey, Robert, paving mfr 487

Cargo Fleet Iron Co. 397, 532

Cargo Fleet Wharf, Limehouse Hole 397

Carlton Engineering Co. Ltd 441

Carlton Works, Millwall 441

Carmen Street 242, 243

Carmichael House, Poplar High Street 196

Carnegie, Andrew 504

Carnegie, David 403

Carnegie, James 404

a Caröe & Partners 117

Caroline Place, Garden Place 191

Carpenter, Thomas, gent. 646, 648

Carr, George 427

e Carr, Robert 261, 272, 326, 331

Carrick & Ritchie 307

c Carrick & Wardale 280, 288, 356

Carroll, D. J. 317

Carroll Group 719

Carron Close 243

Carron Gardens 242

Carron Street 242

Carter, Charles, plasterer 435

a Carter, Edward (d.1663) 99, 108

s Carter, Edward 118

Carter, John, auctioneer and estate agent 87, 139, 144

Carter, Robert 391

Carter, Thomas, shipbuilder 153

Carty's Free House, Poplar High Street 77

Carvel House 544

Carvill, Benjamin, miller 380

Cascades 9, 693, 695, 697–8, fig 265, frontis. (XLIV), Pls 154a, 155b

Cassell, Edwin Edward 429

Cassell (Edwin E.) & Co. 429

Cassell, John Henry 429

Cassell (J. H.) & Co. 429

Cassell's Patent Lava Stone Works 429

a Casson, Hugh 214, 215, 216

Castalia Square 504, 540–1

Castalia Street 500, 504 (St John's Vicarage)

Castle Wharf, Blackwall 671

Castleton House 546

Castor Street 117, 171

Cat and Canary p.h., Canary Wharf 713

Catherine Street 210

Catterton, Doyla 390

cattle trade 619

Cattle Wharf, Blackwall 618–20, Pl 100

b Cave, William 464

Cayman House 407–8

Cedar House 541

cement and plaster works 435, 455, 531, 676, Pl 74a

b Cementation Co. 644

Central Electricity Board 598, 599

Central Electricity Generating Board 582, 600

central-heating system 313

b Chafen (Samuel) & Co. 313, 530

Chaix, Bruce 710

Chalk Stone Stairs 457

Chamberlain Act 24, 31–2

Chambers, Abraham, goldsmith 71, 87, 111

Chambers, Frank 500

Champion, William, staymaker 127

s Chance Brothers 680

Chandler, Rev. Arthur 179, 184, 194, 634

Chandler, Mrs Ethel 118

Chandler, William, farmer 382

Chandler, William, gent. 382

Chapel House 377

Chapel House Place 494

Chapel House Street 488, 494 (Nos 1–11, 14–52), fig 6

Chapel House Street Estate 492–4, figs 5–6, Pl 124d

Chapel Lane 88

Chapman, Abel 575n

Chapman, Arthur, banker 473

Chapman, David, banker 473

Chappell, Samuel Arthur, music publisher 437

Charity Commissioners 141, 464, 466

Charity Organisation Society 181

Charles (now Malabar) Street 432

Charles II 558

Charles, Prince of Wales (b. 1948) 698, 701

Charlie Brown's p.h. 118–19

Charnwood Gardens 702

Charrington & Co., brewers 118, 170, 551

Charrington, Gardner, Locket & Co. 394

Charringtons, fuel merchants 572

Charter Developments 720

Charter Group developments 717–18, 719

Charteris estate (see also Mellish estate) 418, 448, 492, 506, 527, 532, 545, 547

Charteris, Lady Margaret 422, 482, 488, 504, 514

Charteris, Hon. Richard 418

Charteris Terrace, Nos 202–224 East Ferry Road 488, fig 187

a Chassay, Tchaik, of Chassay Architects 719

c Chate, Joseph & Sons 204

s Chatteris Engineering Works Co. 301, 586

Chelsea Building Society 653

chemical works 436, 479, 485–6

Chequers p.h., Limehouse Hole 390

Chetwin & Newark 469

Cheval Street 446

Chevall estate 382

Chevall, Richard, citizen & draper 423

Chichester (hulk) 619n, Pl 147a

Chichester Way, Compass Point 698–9, Pls 142c, 155a

Chilcot (formerly New) Street 210, 221

Chilcot Close 221, 225, fig 88

a Childs, David 714

Chimes p.h. 225

chimneypieces 68, 70, 110, 183, 613, Pl 5c

chimneys 366, 385, 400, 445, 471, 487, 516, 644, 670, 685, fig 119, Pls 42b, 53b,d, 69a, 77a, 85a,c, 87a,b, 110a, 115c, 122a, 149c

Chinese community 6, 26, 111, 112–13, 404

Chinnall, Luke, miller 382

Chinnall's mill 454

Chipka Street 499, 500, 541 (public housing)

Chittenden (N. W.) & Co. 417

Cholmondeley Society 420

Chrisp Street 61 (market), 143 (George Green's School), 209, 210, 227, 229 (No.55, Festive Briton p.h.), 242, 243

Christ Church see Christ and St John, Church of

Christ Church Mission 185

Christ Church National Schools 508, 509

Christ Church Works 528

Christ and St John, Church of (formerly Christ Church), Manchester Road 10, 507–9, fig 194, Pls 85a, 91a,c

a Christian, Ewan 110, 133, 152, 400–2, 504

b Christiani & Nielsen 490

Christmas, William, shipwright 552, 558

Church Building Society 10

Church Commissioners (Church Building Act, 1818) 177, 181–2, 184

Church Path 171

Church Street (now Glengarnock Avenue) 498–9

churches and chapels 9–11; war damage 10
-, Anglican 98–107, 133–4, 152–3, 176–80, 204–5, 211, 400–2, 420, 421–2, 482, 502–3, 507–9, 634, figs 26–8, 36, 46, 62, 73, 148, 158, 191, 194, Pls 13b, 14–15, 22, 30b, 31–3, 39a,b, 44b,c, 79b,c, 82c, 91, 150a,b
-, Nonconformist 71, 116–17, 135–7, 160–1, 162–4, 173, 193–4, 200, 211, 225–7, 422–3, 431, 432, 459–61, 504, 506, 509, figs 37, 52, 53, 80, 172–3, 193, Pls 18c, 19, 21, 82a, 130c, 131a, 150c
-, Roman Catholic 202–4, 236–9, 428, 461–2, figs 72, 84–5, 160, 174, Pls 39c,d, 82b, 131b,c
-, institutional 80, 88, 137–9, 159, 514
-, private 502

Churchill, Sir Winston 263

Ciba-Geigy 475

Cibber, Caius Gabriel 117

cinemas 71, 76, 113, 131, 132, 145, 164, 165, 168, 192–3, 439, fig 35

Circle 33 Housing Trust 53, 54, 140, 546–7

Citrine, Lord 600

City Arms & Canal Tavern (later City Arms p.h., now City Pride p.h.) 394, 409–10, Pl 154a

City Canal 249–53, 257, 259, 275–7, 410, 603, 608–9, 618, 623 (Canal Office), figs 90–1, Pls 147a, 148a

City & Continental Trading Co. 367

City and East London Area Health Authority 89

City Harbour 686, 714–15; City Harbour House 715

City of Edinburgh (steamship) 565

City of London Corporation see Corporation of London

City Pride p.h. see City Arms & Canal Tavern

City Reach, Greenwich View 717, Pl 141c

Claire Place 700

Clapham Congregational Church 179

Clara Grant House 447

Clare, S. T. 205

Clarence Place, East India Dock Road 156

Clarence Yard, Millwall 441

Claridge, Holt & Co. 536

Claridge, Richard Tappin 429

Claridge's Patent Asphalte Co. 429

Clarissa House 243

s Clark, Dudley, engineer 292, 295, 423

Clark (George) & Son 368–9

Clark (Henry) & Sons 516, 518

b Clark, John, of Wiltshire 268, 276

Clark, John Badger 368

b Clark, Thomas, of Woolwich 271–2, 273, 274

Clark, William, publican 501, 512

Clarke, Basil 400

s Clarke, Chapman & Co. 600

s Clarke Ellard Engineering Co. 297

Clarke, H. F. 221

b Clarke, Henry, of East India Dock Road 72, 208

Clarke, Nathaniel, shipwright 565

a Clarkson, J. & S. F. 86, 164, 414, 634

a Clarkson, J. & W. 184, 574, 677

a Clarkson, John 86, 667

a Clarkson, William 77–8, 142, 155, 183, 184, 442

Claude Street 456

a Claxton, Bevis, of Claxton d'Auvergne Collings 460

b Clayden, Thomas 153

Clearance Areas 26–8

Cleff, John 515

Clemm, Michael Van 707

s Cleveland Bridge & Engineering Co. 280, 335

Cleveland House, East India Dock Road 144, Pl 29a

Clever, Joseph, architect and surveyor 115

c Cleverly, C. F. M. 153

Clifford, Nathaniel 499

Clifton, George, yeoman 379

Clifton Lane 379n, 630

Clippers Quay 692, 695, 696, 698, Pl 158b

Clippingdale: family 610; G. H. 175; John 65, 174; John jr 617; Thomas 617; estate 174–5, fig 61

Clock Tower, Lansbury Market 229–30, Pl 130b

clocks 84n, 104, 142, 177, 183, 209, 229–30, 290, 404, 411, 569, 592, Pls 14a, 24a, 30b, 31b, 44a, 62a,b, 130b

b Clogg, H. V. 61

Clove Crescent 715

club-houses see institutes, clubs, etc

Clyde House, Westferry Road 459

Clyde Wharf, Millwall 486, 696

Coach and Horses p.h., Blackwall 550

Coachman's Field 145, 168

Coalthurst, Thomas, merchant 64

Coast Lines Ltd 586

a Cobb, Henry 707

Cochrane House 723

b Cochrane (J.) & Son 525

Cockerell, F. P. 603

Cockerell, J. R. 603

a Cockerell, S. P. 656–60 passim

Coconut Exploitation Agency 445

a Codling, Peter 106

coffee palace 501

a Cogswell, W. G. St J. 422

Colborne House 224

Coldharbour 607–24, fig 226, Pls 100–4, 105a,c, 147a
-, Brown's Wharf 618–20; Canal Office 326, 623; Cattle Wharf 618–20, Pl 100; Concordia Works 610; Crown Wharf 616; Fisherman's Arms p.h. (Fishing Smack) 616; Gun p.h. 623, 626n; Montague House 623; North Wharf 620, Pl 104b; Smithfield Engineering Works 610, fig 227; South Dock Terrace 624; Stewart's Wharf 618, 622; West India Dock Tavern p.h. 623, Pl 105a
-, River side
-, No. 1 (Isle House) 611–13, fig 228, Pls 101, 102b, 103a; No. 3 (Nelson House) 613–15, figs 229–30, Pls 101, 102b, 103b–d; Nos 5 & 7 615–16, fig 231, Pls 101, 102c; Nos 9–13 616, Pl 101;No. 15616–17; No. 19(river-police station) 620–2, fig 232, Pl 104b; No. 19A 622, Pl 104b; Nos 21 & 23 (Concordia Wharf) 622, Pl 104b; No. 23 618; No. 25 (Hawthorn's Wharf) 622–3, Pl 104b; No. 27 (Gun p.h.) 623–4, 626n, Pl 105c; Nos 29–51 (South Dock Terrace) 624
-, Land side
-, No. 10 609; No. 28 609, 617; Nos 30 & 32 609

Coldharbour Dock 552

cold stores 283, 291, 299

Cole, Alfred Alexander 410

Colebrook House 242

Colegrave Johnson Fry 705

b Coleman, J. Kemp 105–6, 133, 134

b Coleman, James & Jonathan 162, 481

s Coles of Mortimer Street 508

College Hill Securities 720

College Row 521

College View 523

Collet (later Collet Sanderson) family 77

Collet estate 59

Collet, George, glass-seller 77

Collett, Capt. Jonathan 560

collier-dock schemes 259, 276–7, 387, 495n

Collin, George 328

a Collings, Janet 460

Collins House 72, 97

Collins Place, Poplar High Street 71–2, 97, fig 16, Pl 10d

Collins, Richard, joiner 72, 90

c Collins, William 178

Collins, William, shipwright 558

Collins, William, victualler 72, 90

Colonial Produce Co. 398

colour works 466, 474–5, 484, Pl 72c

Colquhoun, Patrick 312, 403

Colquhoun Place 403

Colthurst & Harding 528

Coltman, Jonas 173

Columbia fire—proof flooring 392

Columbus Courtyard 714 (Nos 17 & 20)

Comben Homes Ltd 699

Commerce Place, Millwall 458

Commercial Bank 673

Commercial Gas Co. 114, 151, 158, 160, 429

commercial property development (since c1980) 702–24

Commercial Road 120

Commercial Tavern, Pennyfields 112

Commissioners for Building Fifty New Churches 16, 103

Commodore Court 73–4, 97, Pl 10a–c

Commodore House 97

Commons Street 421

Compass Point 686, 692, 698–9, fig 266, Pls 142a–c, 155a

competitions, architectural 63, 66–7, 177, 284, 699, 715, 719

Conant Estate 120n, 123, 124, 127–8, 200, 202

Conant, Nathaniel 127

Conant, Paynton Pigott Stainsby 127

Conant, William 127

Concordia Wharf, Blackwall 622, Pl 104b

Concordia Works, Coldharbour 610

-, blockwork 527; concrete and brick 'pocket' walling 278; panel fencing 311; high—chloride 451; in house construction 171, 422; lias—lime 572–3
-, see also granite-concrete; granolithic; mass concrete; precast concrete; pre-stressed concrete; reinforced-concrete; roof types & trusses; Stuart's Granolithic

b Concrete Ltd, of Leeds 86

Congregational Union of England and Wales 226

Conner & Co. 454

Conrad, Joseph 261 (quoted), 441

conservation issues 65, 68, 187–8

Constable, Hope, builder 139n

b Constable, William, of Blackwall 139, 143, 631

b Constable, William, of Pennyfields 114, 625–6; see also
-, Howkins (John) & Co.

Constant House, Harrow Lane 96–7, Pl 126d

a Construction Management 308

containerization 330

convents 133

Conway House 490

Cook, George Griffin, chemist 384n, 487

Cook (J. W.) & Sons, oil merchants 533, 622

Cook, James, wharfinger etc 533

Cook, Joseph, shipsmith 511

Cook, William 631

Cooke (J. W.) & Co. (Ltd), wharfingers 533, 685

b Coombes, H. & W. 139n

a Cooper, Anthony 234

Cooper (Edwin) & Co., oil & grease mfrs 327

a Cooper, H. F. T. 509

Cooper, H. I., clerk to Bolton Guardians 83

Cooper, John (the elder), millwright 382

a Cooper, Sir Thomas Edwin 266, 318, 321, 590

Cooperage Wharf, Blackwall 667–8

cooperages 320–4, 445, 465, 470, 524, 618, 649, 652, 671–2, figs 115–16

a Co-Operative Planning Ltd 95, 196, 541

Co-ordinated Traffic Services 516

Co-ordinated Wharfage Ltd 516

Copartnership Institute, East India Dock Road 160

Copeland Drive 702

Coppendale, Daniel & Samuel (monument) 107

copper cladding 226; see also roof coverings

copperas: as stain for brickwork 291; copperas works 661–2

c Copperthwaite, W. C. 525

Corcoran (Bryan), Witt & Co. 523

Cord Way 448, 450, Pl 128c

Cordelia Street 242, 243; Susan Lawrence Primary School & Elizabeth Lansbury Nursery School & 230–3, fig 81, Pl 133d

Corderoy (George) & Son (later & Co.), quantity surveyors 266, 269, 281

Corderoy, E. & G. 409

COR-DOR Group 720

Coriander Avenue 723

Corner, Dr Francis Mead 65, 157

Corner, Dr Frank 157

coroner's court and mortuary, Poplar High Street 8, 65–8, fig 14, Pl 9a,b

b Corpe, Thomas 129–30, 131, 156, 182, 588

b Corpe, Thomas jr 130, 590

Corporation of London 16
-, and All Saints' Church 176; and Billingsgate Market 302; canal scheme (1570s) 387; estate 379, 409, 602, 604, 623; Port of London Wharf 514–15; and Trustees of parish of All Saints 18; and West India Docks 248–9, 252–3, 269
-, see alsoCity Canal

-, examples of its use 116, 209, 306, 307, 308, 311, 341, 363, 454, 455, 469, 574, 619, 667, 672; corrugated-iron works 441, 669

Corry House 92–3

Corson, James, linen draper 648

Cory Associated Wharves Ltd 533

b Coseley Buildings Ltd 682

b Costain 687, 707, 712, 721

b Costain Homes 698

b Costain Management Design Ltd 697

Cotall Street 245

Cottage Field Estate 174–5

Cottage Place 174

Cottage Row 174–5

Cottage Street 174–5, 176, Pl 36e

Cottam, George 438

Cottam & Swayne, engineers 438

Cotton, Joseph 121, 576, 587, 593

Cotton Seed Co. Ltd 530

Cotton Street 23, 188–95, 197, Pl 30a; Baptist chapel 193–4, Pl 30a; Toronto and Montreal Buildings 22, 633

Cotton's Landing, Jamestown Harbour 700, Pl 144c

Coubro & Scrutton 441

Coulson & Co. 410

Coulson, Jukes 410

Coulson, Robert, estate agent 115

Coulson, Thomas, shipwright 557

Council Buildings, Yabsley Street (Raleana Road) 22, 633, fig 237, Pl 123a

Countryside Developments 490

b Countryside Homes 491

County of London Plan (1943) 40, 43, 44, 212, 219n, 222, 227, 241, 408

Couper McCarnie & Co. 486

Courteen Association 556

b Courtney & Fairbairn 68

Cousens & Co. 358

Cousens, John 358

s Cowdy (J.) & Co. 362n

b Cox, Charles, of Commercial Road 146, 206

Cox & Curling 398

Cox Curling & Co. (Cox & Curling) see Curling, Young & Co.

Cox, Kelly & Young 398

Cox, William H., barge-builder 663

Cox (William H.) & Co. 672

Coxhead, Benjamin Seager 424–5, 428

b Crabb & Vaughan 63, 105

b Crampton, C. & W. 501

cranes 288, 305, 307, 329–30, 343–4, 370, 557, 563, 583, 589, 600, 682, 718; in illustrations figs 104, 110, Pls 42b, 47a, 49b, 50c, 51b, 57c, 58a, 60, 64a, 65a, 69b, 71d, 74b, 76a, 86, 104b, 116b, 118c, 158a

crash, financial (1866) 2, 278, 340, 349, 373, 384, 467, 532, 536, 628

Craven, John, of Shadwell 187

b Crawford, Thomas, of Blackwall 271, 274, 582–4, 585; & William 271, 274

Crawford's Yard 82

Credit Foncier & Mobilier of England 348–50

Credit Suisse First Boston 707–8, 712

Creekside, Orchard Place 653, 655, fig 242, Pl 112b

Creighton (T. R.) Ltd 354

Cressall, George J. 448

Cressall House 448

a Cresy, Edward 117

a Crewe, Bertie 76

Crews Street 456

Crighton, John 354

Crispe: Sir Nicholas, 1st bt 662; 2nd bt 662

Crober, John, victualler 630

Crober's Cottages, Bedford Street 630–1, Pl 106a

c Crocker (Trevor) & Partners 279

a Crockett, Edwin Arthur Brassey 260, 291, 298, 533

a Crockett, Geoffrey A. 545

Crocodile (ship) 571

b Croggan & Co. 513

a Crombie, Robert 192

Crome & Mitchell 118

Crompton, Col. 430

s Crompton & Co. 329

a Cronk, Edwyn Evans 105–6

Crooks, Will 6, 82, 84, 522

a Crosland, Robert E. 367

Cross Act (1875) 192

Cross, Edward, fisherman 616

Cross, Richard (Home Secretary) 9

Crosse & Blackwell 457

s Crossley Brothers Ltd 397

Crown p.h., Orchard Place 653, 654

Crown Sawmills Co. 671

Crown Wharf, Coldharbour 616

Crown Wharf, Orchard Place 663

Cruse, Edward 94

Cruse House, Poplar High Street 94

Crystal Palace 436

Cuba (formerly Robert) Street 413–15, figs 155–7, Pl 80a,c,d

Cubitt Arms p.h., Manchester Road 500

b Cubitt Concrete Construction Co. 462

Cubitt House 540

Cubitt, Jonathan 495

Cubitt, Lewis 495

Cubitt, Thomas 495

Cubitt Town 495–547, fig 190, Pl 85a,c; bomb damage in Second World War 502; public housing 539–47; riverside wharves etc 514–39, figs 190, 196, Pls 85–6

Cubitt Town Dry Dock 530, Pl 86a

Cubitt Town Estate Co. 499, 532, 538

Cubitt Town Leases Ltd 527

Cubitt Town Pier 532

Cubitt Town School, Saunders Ness Road 420

Cubitt Town Steel Works 531

Cubitt Town Wesleyan Chapel, Pier Street 509

Cubitt Town Wharf 385, 530, fig 199, Pl 86; development 696

Cubitt Town Yard 532

b Cubitt, William 9, 384, 384n, 469, 488, 495, 498, 507, 508, 514, 518, 519, 532

b Cubitt (William) & Co. 384, 384n, 477, 499, 500, 507, 516, 519, 520, 522, 523, 529 (Cubitt Town works), 678

b Cubitt, William & Lewis 596, 597

Cuckney, J. G. 267

Cullen, Abraham, house agent 432

Cullen, Murty, biscuit baker 383

Culloden Street 149; Nos 51–53 fig 45a

Cumberland Mills development 694, 695, 696, 699, fig 267, Pl 143b

Cumberland Oil Mills 523, Pls 85a, 87b

Cumberlege, John A., merchant 682

Cumbrian House, Meridian Gate 720

Cunard Steamship Co. 430

Cunard Wharf, Millwall 430

Curling, Edward Spencer 412

Curling, Jesse 391

Curling, Robert 391

Curling, William 391

Curling, Young & Co. (formerly Cox, Curling & Co.) 391–2, 393, 398; shipyard fig 152, Pl 41c

Currie, Sir Donald 403, 404n, 671

Currie (Donald) & Co. 272, 309, 580, 585, 588, 589

Currie, Sir E. H. 152

Currie, William, esq. 87

curtain-walling 717, 718

a Curtis (D. J.) & Associates, of Leeds 717

b Curtis, Robert L. 462

b Curtis, Robert & Edward 160, 164, 202

Curtis, Sir William 575n

Custom Annuity and Benevolent Fund Incorporated 116

Customs & Excise 147, 251, 252, 283–4, 300, 312n, 588, 597; offices 147, 292, 315–17, 363, 658, fig 112, Pl 52b

c Cusworth, John 179

Cutler, Samuel, engineer 386, 423, 429

s Cutler (Samuel) & Sons 362n, 458, 466, 469

Cutlers Square 491

Cutler's Wharf, Millwall 458

Cutting, James, miller 382

a Cutts, J. E. K. & J. P. 482, 504, 508

Cyclops Place 457

Cyclops (Victoria) Wharf, Millwall 457

Cyclops Wharf, Millwall 456–7, fig 170, Pls 74a, 75a; development 693, 696, 699

Daily Telegraph Newspaper Group 710, 722

Daily Telegraph Printing and Publishing Works 724

Dalby Williams & Co. 75

Dalgety, Du Croz & Co. 299

Dalgleish, William, timber merchant 123, 145, 146

Dalton, Edward, of Ratcliffe 108

s Dalton, Thomas 669

Dalton, Winnall, ship-chandler 415, 417

a Dance, George, the younger 84, 184, 248, 249, 251, 252, 253, 276, 282, 284

Dance, Nathaniel 84

b Daniell, A. 175

Danish Church, Ming Street 116–17, Pl 18c

Danish Church, St Katharine's, Regent's Park 117

Danish Church, Wellclose Square 117

a Dannatt, Trevor 96

Darby, George 207

a Dark, R. A. 528

Dartmoor Walk, Timber Wharves Village 702, Pl 144b

b Dartnell, H. 175

Daubeney, Major W. A. 200

Davers, Thomas 378, 536

c David, Zadock Ben 689

David Place 188

Davie, John, sack & bag mfr 668

Davie, Robert jr, sack & bag mfr 668

b Davies, W., of Limehouse 68

Davies Wharf, Blackwall 668, fig 257

c Davis, Bernard and Ann 234

b Davis, Charles 498, 500

Davis Calyx Patent Drill Manufacturing & Contract Co. 511

b Davis, Francis Viney 127

c Davis, Frederick William Daniel 266, 275, 280, 281, 683

Davis (George) & Son, coconut desiccators 465, 469

Davis (George Daniel) & Co. 400

c Davis, H. Jameson 367

a Davis (Henry) & Co. 707

s Davis & Jeavons 331

Davis, Joseph, caulker 439

Davis Street 498, 499, 502

Davis, William Jabez, coffee-house keeper 605, 605n

a Davison, Trevor 717

c Dawnays Ltd 309, 669

Dawson, John, lighterman 417

Dawson's Court 417

s Day (Charles Arthur) & Co. 370

Day Industrial School, East India Dock Road 146–7, Pl 25a

De Bruin Court, Nos 17–31 Ferry Street 699, Pl 144a

c De Jong (F.) & Co. 131

a de Soissons (Louis), Peacock, Hodges & Robinson 544

de Sussex, Stanislas 438

Deacon, Frederick 511

b Dean (J. & J.) Ltd 164, 435

Dean's Buildings 117

c Deane, H. J. 263, 266, 358

Deane, John, grazier (monument) 107

Deane, Ransome & Co. 531

Defence of the Realm Act 434, 455

DeGreaves, John 395

Denbigh, Earl of 524

Denison House 245

Dennis (William Frederick) & Co. 367

Denny, Thomas and Edward 403

Denoon, Alexander, merchant 486

Dent, Joseph, shipwright 388

Department of the Environment 302

Department of Transport 704

Deptford Ferry 485

Deptford Ferry Road 470

Derby, George 409

Derby, J. T., plumber 88

Derby Terrace, Harrow Lane 88, Pl 10e

Design House 689

Dessen (Fred) & Co. 295

Dethick family 57, 58, 83, 87; Gilbert 98, 100; Sir Gilbert 157; William 100; Sir William 157

Devitt House 92–3

s Devizes Joinery 718

Devonport, Viscount 263, 266

Devonshire House, East India Dock Road 153

Devonshire Properties 622

Devonshire Terrace 465

Dewberry Street 149

c Dewer, Ebenezer Robert, founder 588

a Dex Harrison & Pollard 161

Diamond Point, East India Dock Road 145

a Dick, D. L. K. 34

Dickens, Charles (quoted) 386, 472

Dickens, Charles jr 597n

Dickenson, Edwin, cooper 652, 671

Dickerson's Place, Woolmore Street 190

b Dickinson, John & George, of Limehouse 190

Dickinson, William, coffee-shop keeper 606

c Diespeker & Co. 131

Dingle Court, Dingle Lane 77

Dingle Gardens 93

Dingle Lane 77, 93; Dingle Lane School 77; ragged school 146

Discovery House, Newby Place 196

disinfecting station 83

Ditchburn House, Ditchburn Street 631

s Ditchburn & Mare, shipbuilders 533, 597, 652, 671, 672, 683

Ditchburn (formerly Bedford) Street 625, 630–1, Pl 106a

Ditchburn, Thomas Joseph, shipbuilder 140, 168, 170, 396, 672

Dix, Mrs Anne 500

Dixon & Corbitt & R. S. Newall & Co. 399–400

a Dixon, Jeremy 197, 686–7, 698

Dixon, John, gent. 170

Dock Cottages, Dolphin Lane 21–2, 78

Dock House beerhouse, Cuba Street 414–15

Dock House Tavern, East India Dock Road 125, 145, 147, fig 42

Dock Street 188, 190, 191

dock strike (1889) 261, 325, 366

Dockers Tanner Road (formerly Kintal Drive) 702

Dockland Settlement, East Ferry Road 514

Dockland Settlement, Poplar High Street 88

Docklands Consultative Committee 709

Docklands Joint Committee 19, 302, 687, 689

Docklands Light Railway 16, 167, 374, 689, 690, 714, Pls 141a, 154b

Docklands River Bus 411, 691

Docklands Sailing Centre, Westferry Road 715

Docks Foundry (Leamouth Wharf) 676, fig 262

Dockside Preserving Factory, Cuba Street 411, 414, Pl 80a

Dod, Rev. Pierce 127

Dodd, George, account of Blackwall Yard 567, 569

c Dodgson, Miss E. 153

Dodson, Thomas, carpenter 71

b Doe (E.) & Sons (Contracts) Ltd 435

Dollar Bay Business Centre 707

Dolling, Father Robert 205

Dolphin House 93

Dolphin Lane 56, 78, 326, 415, 422

Dolphin Works, Dolphin Lane 78

Domino Players (sculpture) 715

c Donaldson, Sir Hay Frederick 263, 269, 274, 279, 291, 300, 307, 326–7, 590, 630

b Dongworth, James 191

Donkin (Bryan) & Co. 305

s Dorman, Long & Co. 404

Dorset Arms p.h., Manchester Road 501

Dorset Terrace, Manchester Road 501

Douglas Place (formerly Street) 499

b Douglas (R. M.) (Construction) 308

c Douglass, Sir James N. 679, 681

b Doull, Alexander 285n

Doulton's Polychrome Stoneware 447

b Dove Brothers 179, 291, 368, 503, 504, 592, 643

Dover House, Westferry Road 487

Dowdeswell, Benjamin Frederick 511

Downton (J.) & Co., brass-founders 117

Downton (John) Foundry & Engineering Co. 510

Drake House 723

Drapers' Co. 148

drawdocks 394, 528

Drayner, Capt. William 623

Dresden House (or Hall) 522

drinking-fountain 209

Drunken Dock, Millwall 377, 377n, 383, 385, 466, 467, fig 177

dry docks 274–5, 346, 355–6, 391–2, 395, 396, 418, 434, 529, 530, 554, 561, 572–3, 603, 682–3, 685, 697, figs 96f, 97, 129c, 141–2, 145–6, 155, 163, 177, 206, 208–12, 223, 248, 259, Pls 86a, 95, 96a, 99c, 107, 113c, 147b, 157a, 158b

Dry Docks Corporation of London Ltd 275, 355, 529, 530, 603, 682, 682n

drying-post 447, Pl 125c

Du Croz, Frederick Augustus 299

b Dubois & Wheeler 290

Duckham, Alexander 455n; & Co. 455

c Duckham, Frederic Eliot 349, 350–1, 357, 358, 361–3, 370–1, 373, 454, 455n, 510, 512

Duckham's Weighing Machine Co. 510

Dudgeon, Alexander, engineer 479–80

Dudgeon, John, engineer 429, 532

Dudgeon, William, engineer 429, 479, 532

Dudgeon & Co. Ltd 479

Dudgeon's Wharf, Cubitt Town 532

Dudley, John, Earl of Warwick 157

Dudley Report (1944) 43

Duff, James, tavern-keeper 135, 137, 139, 156, 157, 210

Duff, Sophia 135, 137, 139, 157, 210

Duff Street 53 (Nos 15–25), 139, 225, 245, Pl 137c

Duggan, Neel & McColm Ltd 486

Duke of Clarence p.h., Grundy Street 210

Duke (later Fryatt) Street 653

Dukerswim Ltd 515

Dunbar, Alexander, barrister 445

Dunbar, Duncan, brandy merchant 132, 133

Dunbar, Duncan, shipowner 132, 449

Dunbar House, Tiller Road 449, fig 166, Pl 126a

Dunbar's Cooperage Ltd 445

Dunbar's Patent Cask Machinery Co. Ltd 445

Dunbar's Process Ltd 445

Duncan's Court 93

a Dunch (Charles) & Son 151, 390

Dundee, Perth & London Shipping Co. 390

Dundee Wharf, Limehouse Hole 388, 390, Pl 42a

Dundonald House 724

b Dunk, Charles 127–8

s Dunn (Thomas) & Co., of Manchester 628

Dupin, Baron Charles (quoted) 303

Durham Wharf, Cubitt Town 523, 527

a Durnford, W. J. 228

Durran, David, gent. 184–5

Dusthill, Limehouse 406

Duthie (formerly Leicester) Street 625; hydraulic pumping station 626–7, fig 234, Pl 108a, b

Dysart Developments 707

b Dyson, John 269, 273, 276, 279

Dyson, Philip, shipwright 393

Eagle Brewery, Poplar High Street 68, 70–1, Pl 5a

Eagle House, Poplar High Street 70

Eagle Life Insurance Society 127

Eagle Place, Ming Street 113

Eagle Tavern, East India Dock Road 168

Ealing Studios 216

Eamonson, Joshua James, ironmonger 676; foundry fig 262

b Earle, Thomas 678

East Church Row, East India Dock Road 127

East End Dwellings Co. 22, 23

East Ferry Crane & Engineering Co. Ltd 511

East Ferry Road 383, 500, 510–14
-, East side
-, Globe Rope Works 513; No. 197 (Dockland Settlement) 514; Nos 201–7 (public housing) 547
-, West side
-, Nos 2–6 499; Nos 12–24 540; Nos 98–110 540; Nos 110–200 494; Nos 140–168 492; Nos 202–224 (Charteris Terrace) 488, fig 187

s East Ferry Road Engineering Works Co. 280, 288, 343, 363, 368n, 370, 510–11

East India Arms p.h., Naval Row 636

East India Co. 98–110 passim, 396, 549, 561, 575–6
-, almshouses 107–9, fig 25, Pl 13a; Bengal Wharf, Limehouse Hole 393; Cutler Street warehouses 285; Pepper Warehouses 655–61, figs 251–5, Pls 11a, 114, 115b; estate 188–90; and All Saints' Church 176; and Blackwall Causeway 548; and Blackwall Yard 553–8, 559, 559n, 560; and East India Docks 575–6, 580, 585, 588, 590; and Poplar & Blackwall Free (British) School 195; and Poplar Chapel (St Matthias's Church) 16, 98–107 passim; and Trustees of parish of All Saints 18; and West India Dock Co. 259

East India Dock Co.:
-, formation and structure 575; monopoly 580; estate 144, 146, 147, 149, 167–8, 188–90, 194, 195, 576n, 648, 655–6, 659, 661, 662, 675, 684, 684n; and All Saints' Church 176; and Blackwall Yard 567; and Brunswick Wharf 593–8; and East India Dock Road 120–1; and Poplar & Blackwall Free (British) School 195; and Trustees of parish of All Saints 18

East India Dock Road 120–70, 221, fig 32, Pls 19–29, 150c, d; gaslighting 114, 122; industry 144–5; widening 122, 126, 141, 149, 151, 224
-, Aberfeldy Tavern 149, fig 45b; All Hallows Church 152– 3, fig 46, Pl 22b,c; All Saints station (DLR) 167; Arborfield House 92; Dock House Tavern 125, 145, 147, fig 42; East India Dock Tavern 147; Eastern Hotel 127; George Green's School 141–2, fig 40, Pl 24a,c; Inner London Hotel 151; Iron Bridge 122, 126, Pl 119; Iron Bridge Tavern 149, 151; Manor Cottage 142; Monastery House 140, 156; Poplar Baths 164–7, figs 55–6, Pl 26; Poplar Fire Station 164, fig 54, Pl 24d; Poplar Hospital 147–9, figs 43–4, Pl 23b; Poplar Station (North London Railway) 61, 167, Pl 19a; Poplar Recreation Ground 160, 206, 311, Pl 20b; Sailors' Home 125, 139, Pls 23a, 150c,d; Sixth Form Centre, formerly George Green's School 141–2, fig 40, Pl 24a,c; St Stephen's Church 133–4, 205, fig 36, Pl 22a; St Stephen's Home for Orphans and Fatherless Boys 133; Trinity Congregational Chapel 11, 135–7, 139, fig 37, Pls 21a, 150c; Trinity Congregational Church (parsonage) 159; Trinity Methodist Mission (formerly Trinity Congregational Church) 225–7, fig 80, Pls 130c, 131a; United Methodist Free Church (later King George's Hall) 162–4, fig 53, Pl 19; Wesleyan Chapel (later Poplar Methodist Mission) 160–1, fig 52, Pls 19b, 21b,c
-, North side (odd numbers)
-, Nos 1–49 (Paynton Terrace) 127–8, Pl 28d; Nos 47–49 (Canton House) 127; Nos 47–49 (Stainsby Tavern) 127; Nos 51–55 (Hippodrome, formerly New Princes, Theatre) 131, fig 34, Pl 20a; Nos 51–67 (Canton Place) 129–31, fig 33; Nos 51–77 128–31; Nos 57–59 128–9, 13In, Pl 20c; Nos 69–77 131; No. 71 131, Pl 28a; No. 73 (Gaiety Cinema) 132, fig 35; Nos 77w, 79, 79A–E 132; No. 79 (Balnagaith House) 132; No. 81 (Forres House) 133; No. 83 (Howrah House) 133; Nos 85 & 87 (Harlow Villas) 133, Pl 29b; Nos 85–91 125; Nos 89 & 91 133; Nos 93–103 135; No. 101 228; Nos 105–115 (Trinity Terrace) 135, 206–7, Pl 150c; Nos 117 & 119 137, Pl 150c; Nos 121– 131 (Queen Victoria Seamen's Rest) 137–9, fig 38; Nos 121–131 (Wade's Terrace) 137, Pl 150c; No. 133 (Sailors' Home, later Board of Trade offices) 125, 139, Pls 23a, 150c,d; Nos 135–151 125, 139–40; Nos 147 & 149 (public housing) 245; No. 153 (Palm Cottage) 140, 161, fig 39, Pl 27c; No. 155 (Recreation Tavern p.h.) 142; Nos 155–159 142; Nos 157–159A 142; Nos 161–165 (Suffolk Place) 142; Nos 167–171 (Eastcot Place) 142; Nos 173–177 (William Terrace) 142; Nos 179–185 (Randall Terrace) 142, 208; Nos 187–187A–B 143; Nos 189–223 143, Pl 23c; Nos 193– 195 (Police Station) 143–4, fig 41, Pl 23c; No. 197 144, Pl 23c; Nos 199–201 (Largo Villas) 144; Nos 203–209 144; No. 211 (Cleveland House) 144, Pl 29a; Nos 213–215 (Emma Place) 144, Pl 29a; Nos 217–221 125; Nos 217– 223 (Trafalgar Terrace) 144; Nos 225–229 (Hole's Terrace) 144; No. 231 144; Nos 233–239 (John's Terrace) 144, Pl 28c; Nos 235–241 125, 144, Pl 28c; Nos 241 & 243 (Folkestone Terrace) 144, Pl 28c; Nos 245–253A 144–5; Nos 251c–253A 145; Nos 253–263 (Bengal Place) 145; No. 261 122; Nos 265–277 (Calcutta Place) 145; No. 279 (Sir John Franklin p.h.) 145; Nos 281–291 (Diamond Point) 145; No. 291 63; Nos 293–295 (Dock House Tavern) 125, 145, 147; Nos 299–301 (Day Industrial School, formerly Brunswick Road Board School, previously Ragged School) 146–7, Pl 25a; Nos 305–479 149–51, fig 45c–e, Pl 29d
-, South side (even numbers)
-, Nos 2–50 (Archer Terrace) 127–8, Pl 29c; No. 52 (National Westminster, formerly London & County, Bank) 153, fig 47, Pl 25b; No. 54 (Langley House) 82, 153, 155; Nos 54–84 (Langley Place) 153, 155; No. 68A 155, fig 48; Nos 70–72 125; Nos 86–102 155; No. 104 (Phoenix p.h.) 156; Nos 104–114 (India Row) 155–6; Nos 116–126 (Prospect Terrace) 155–6, 156n; Nos 128–134 (Clarence Place) 156; Nos 136–150 (Grove Terrace) 156; No. 150 (Manor Arms p.h.) 156, Pl 40b; No. 152 (The Manor House) 156, fig 49, Pl 27a,b; No. 154 (Pope John House) 159–60, fig 51, Pl 25c,d; No. 156 (Belle Vue House) 160; Nos 156A–H (William Lax House) 161; Nos 158–162 (Wesleyan Terrace) 162; Nos 164–166 162, Pl 19a; Nos 168–170 (Kedgeree Place) 162; No. 172 165; Nos 174–178 (Pekin Place) 167, Pl 28b; No. 180 168; No. 182 (Eagle Tavern) 168; Nos 184–194 (Strong's Buildings) 168, 191; Nos 192–200 (Ladbroke Social Club, formerly Essoldo Cinema, previously Poplar Pavilion) 168; No. 196 168; No. 202A (Falcon p.h.) 168; Nos 210–212 (electricity showrooms) 169–70, fig 57, Pl 24b; No. 214 (Albion House) 125, 170, fig 58; Nos 216–236 170; No. 238 (Volunteer p.h.) 170; No. 240 (Financial Times Printing Works) 703, 716, Pl 156a

East India Dock Tavern, East India Dock Road 147

East India Dock Wall Road 594, 600; hydraulic pumping station 637–8, fig 241, Pl 108c

East India Docks 575–92, figs 216–19, Pls 61–66, 107a, 148b, 149a,b
-, basins, locks, etc 582–5, Pls 61b, 65a,b, 66a; boundary walls 591, Pls 66b,c, 107b, 111; dockmasters' houses 147, 590–1, 662, Pl 111b; engine houses 589, 637–8, Pls 64b, 108c; housing and shelters 590–1, 662, Pls 64c, 111b; main gateway 592, Pls 61a, 62a,b; offices 590; warehouses and sheds 585–9, fig 220, Pls 62b, 63, 65c, 149a; redevelopment 715, Pl 139b

East India Dry Dock 683

East India House 659

East London History Society 70

East London Housing Association 53, 490–1, 542, 547

East London Paint Works, Garford Street 400

East London Railway Co. 121

East London Works, Garford Street 400

East & West India Dock Co.:
-, formation 259; estate 79, 117, 118, 146, 148, 400, 401, 403, 404, 604, 614, 624, 631, 648, 654, 671–2, 676, 683–4; Dock Cottages 21–2, 78; Library & Reading Room (later Club & Institute) 78; and East India Dock 584; and Managers Street 620; and Millwall Docks 346, 348–50; and Millwall Extension Railway 373–4; and Poplar Dock (North London Railway) 13, 336–8; and Sailors' Home Institution 604

East & West India Docks and Birmingham Junction Railway 13, 71, 143, 334, 336

Eastcot Place, East India Dock Road 142

Eastern Counties Railway Co. 13, 15, 661

Eastern Hotel, East India Dock Road 127

Eastern Star p.h., Brunswick Street 626

Eastern Steam Navigation Co. 472

Eastern Wharf, Millwall 474

s Easton & Anderson 642

s Easton, Anderson & Goolden 327

s Easton & Co. 525

b Easton, J. 132

b Eastons, Amos & Anderson 279

Ebenezer Terrace, Millwall 421, 479

Ebner, Joseph F., Messrs, flooring mfrs 537

Eccles, Lady 95

Ecclesiastical Commissioners 10, 107, 110, 133, 152, 204, 401–2, 507

a ED 701

Eden, Frederick Morton, cement maker 676

s Edge, Thomas 595

Edible Oil Products Ltd 666

Edinburgh, Duke of 219

Edinburgh Steam Packet Co. 272, 319, 595

Edinburgh Trust 716

Edmunds, James 510

Education Department 442

Edward VI 484

Edward VII (as Prince of Wales) 159, 430, 642

Edwards, Brian (quoted) 703

Edwards & Co., shipbuilders 470, 473

a Edwards, Francis 479

Edwards & Symes, shipbuilders 470, 515

Eel Pye House, Robin Hood Lane 662n

Egan, Alfred, engineer (quoted) 241

Eighth Property Enterprise Trust 717

Elderfield House 91

electric lighting, early instances of its use 299, 679

electric power and machinery 307, 329, 344

Electrical Power Storage Co. Ltd 299, 430

Electricity Commission 599

electricity sub-stations 90, 370, 443, 477, fig 165

electricity-generating stations 329, 598–600, 644, Pls 110a, 122

Electro-Metal Extracting, Refining & Plating Co. Ltd 426

Elgin House 242

Elim chapel, Pekin Street 200

Elizabeth, Queen 217, 231; as Duchess of York 447

Elizabeth (warship) 565

Elizabeth Close 221, 225

Elizabeth Cottages 465, 466

Elizabeth Lansbury Nursery School 230–3, fig 81

Elizabeth Place, Poplar New Town 221

Elizabeth Street (later part of Rigden Street) 139

Ellerthorp Street 210, 221

Ellerthorpe, Jonathan, solicitor 135

Ellerthorpe, Joseph 139

Ellingford, William and Arthur 107

Elliot, George, chemist 479

b Elliott (J. A.) Ltd 478, 698, 719, 720

Elliott, Rev. R.J. 133, 134

Elliott's Metal Co. 399

b Ellis Don, of Toronto 712, 713

Ellis, James (quoted) 23

Elm House 541

Elmes, James, architect 454

a Elphicke, Brett A. 211

s Embleton, Luke 515

Emery, William 626

Emma Place, East India Dock Road 144, Pl 29a

Emmett, Edward 388

Emmett family 397

Emmett Place 398

Emmett Street 388, 390, 393–4, 397–9, 406–7; Providence Cottages 398, Pl 43c; Providence House 34–5, Pl 126b

Emmett Street Foundry and Wharf 394

Emmett Street Wharf 393–4

Empire, Alpha and Grosvenor Wharves 546, fig 205, Pl 138a

Empire Wharf, Cubitt Town 528–9

Empire Wharf Road 546

Empire Works, Millwall 427–8

Engert & Rolfe 452

engineering works 414, 456–7, 457, 458, 510–11, 531, 533–5, 610, figs 170, 227, Pls 74, 75a, 76, 87c, 88b, 118b,c; see also iron works, shipyards

England Place, Bath Street 175

England Row (formerly Black Boy Lane) 71, 175

English Heritage 106

Ennis House 243

b Ennor, Thomas 145, 315, 504, 506

Ensign House 723

Enterprise p.h., Three Colt Street 406

Enterprise Business Park 715–16, Pls 139a, 159a

Enterprise Zone 297, 308, 436, 703, 704, Plan C (end pocket), Pl 160

Epping Close 702

a EPR Partnership 713

a Epstein, Gabriel 243

Ernst & Young 711

Escott Cottages, Cuba Street 413, Pl 80d

Escott, William, publican 413

Esher, Lionel (quoted) 239

Essery, John, ship-chandler 135

b Essex Construction Co. 509

Essex House 242

Essex Place, Wells Street 191

Essex Self-Build Advisory Service 700

Essex Street 625

Essoldo Cinema, East India Dock Road 168

Etheridge (A. L.) Ltd 233

Eureka Mills 415

European Investment Bank 712

Euro Trade Centre (South Quay Waterside) 724

c Evans, B. 509

Evans, Blois, mastmaker 618

Evans: George Evan 200; Oliver 135, 200; estate fig 71

Evans Street 200

a Eve, William 411

Excavator Co. Ltd 441

Excelsior Wharf, Blackwall 675–6

Excelsior Works, Pekin Street 200

Exchange Square, Harbour Exchange 717–18

Exchange Tower, Harbour Exchange 717, Pl 140b

Exchequer Tavern, Poplar High Street 74

Exmouth House 490

Export Credit Guarantee Department 704

Export Slate Wharf, Cubitt Town 523

Express Wharf (London Steel Terminal), Millwall 425–6, Pls 69c, 78a

Fabege Property 721

Factory Place 487

faience tiles 228, 229, 600

Fail, Adam 194

s Fairbairn, Sir William 330, 385, 467, 471, 476, 479; works 471, fig 178

Fairbairn (William), Sons, & Co. 471

b Fairchilds, J., painter 656n

b Fairclough 85, 302, 689, 699, 718

Fairclough Homes 696, 699

b Fairclough Howard Marine 717

b Fairhead (Allen) & Sons 321

e Fairhursts 360

e Fairlie, Robert 345–6

Fairmile-Lilleshall Ltd 308

b Fairweather, George 87

b Fairweather (H.) & Co. 541

c Faith Craft Works 106

Faithful Companions of Jesus 133

Falcon p.h., East India Dock Road 168

Falcon Way 698

Falcon Wharf, Cubitt Town 530, Pl 86a

fanlights 384, 613, 614, 616, figs 228, 230, 242, Pls 27a, 53c, 102b,c, 103c

Faraday, Michael 679

a Farmer (F. Q.) & Dark (F.) 599

Farnall, H. B. 80

Farnworth House 546

Farr, Thomas 419

Farrance Estate 245

Farrance Street 244

a Farrell (Terry) Partnership 297

b Farrow Construction 547

Farson, Dan 501

b Fassnidge, Son & Norris 229

b Faulkner (J. W.) & Sons 634

a Faunch, Frederick G. 397

Faure, Camille Alphonse 430

b Fawkes, Oliver 627

Fearnall, William 395

b Fee, J. & J., Halifax 717

a Feilden & Mawson 289, 313, 473, 719

Fels, Joseph 82

Felstead Gardens 699

Felsted Wharf, Cubitt Town 515

Felton, Nicholas, miller 380

Fenchurch Street station 673

Fenner, Henry James 452

Fenner, N. J. & H. 465, 469

Fenner, Nathaniel John 345–6, 349, 452

Fenner's Wharf, Millwall 452

b Fentiman, John 255, 279, 290, 310; & Co. 271, 313

b Fentiman, Loat & Co. 310

b Fentiman 290

Ferguson, A. & F., mast- and block-makers 683

Ferguson, Charles Augustin 383n, 467, 468

Ferguson, Charles Augustus 467, 469, 479

Ferguson (Charles) & Co. 469

Ferguson, Elizabeth 467

a Ferguson, John 718

Ferguson & Todd 458, 467

Ferguson's Wharf, Blackwall 684

Ferguson's Wharf, Millwall 467, 469, 696

Ferne, John, almsman 108, 108n

ferries 11, 484–5, 524, 532, 673, 684, fig 186, Pl 85b

Ferry House p.h. 484, 485

Ferry Iron Works, Cubitt Town 523

Ferry Passage, Orchard Place 684

Ferry Piece 482–4, 485

Ferry Street 498; Felstead Gardens 699; wharves 514–18
-, Nos 17–31 (De Bruin Court) 699, Pl 144a; No. 35 515, 547; Nos 40–46 (Port of London Wharf) 514; No. 48 (Victoria Stone Wharf) 515; No. 50 (Livingstone's Wharf) 515; Nos 52–60 (former Midland Oil Wharf) 516–18; Nos 52–60 (present buildings), 516, 518, fig 195, Pl 92c

fertilizer factory 367

Festival Inn, Grundy Street 229, Pl 130b

Festival of Britain (1951), Live Architecture Exhibition 9, 95, 214–39, 411, fig 77, Pl 129

Festive Briton p.h., Chrisp Street 229

Field, John 427

a Figgis, T. Phillips 65, 94–5, 459


Financial Times Printing Works, East India Dock Road 716, Pl 156a

b Finch (B.) & Co. 164

Finch Court, Poplar High Street 65

a Finch, George 707

Finch, John 65

Finch's Court 176

a Findlay, S. A. 34, 38, 49, 450

b Fink, W. D. 488

Finney, John, engineer 114

Finwhale (submarine) 541

Finwhale House 541

fire stations 117–18, 164, 488–9, figs 54, 188, Pls 18d, 81

fire-engine houses 182, 312, 313, Pl 35a

fire-engine works 458

fireproof construction 249, 282, 283, 287, 297, 363, 392, 572, 677

-, Batson's and Regent Wharves (1900) 417; Blackwall (1844) 550; Concordia Wharf (1924) 622; Cotton Street Baptist Chapel (1914) 194; Cubitt Town Wharf (1927) 530; Cumberland Oil Mills (1972) 523; Davies Wharf (1912 & 1935) 668; East India Docks: Import Dock warehouses (1865–1905) 586, Export Dock shed (1875) 589; Excelsior Wharf (1917) 676; Ferguson's Wharf (1935) 469; fire-engine house (1866) 182; Garford Street, Nos 73–73A (1986) 400; Jamaica Tavern (1926) 316; Lansbury Lodge (1988) 234; McDougalls' mill (1898) 367; Millwall Docks: shed (1897) 359, sheds (1898 & 1914) 358, Western Granary (1946 & 1974) 362; Millwall Dry Dock (c1875) 434; Napier Yard (1853 & 1900) 470; St John's Church and hall, Roserton Street (1970) 503; South Dock Station (1917) 374; Timothy's Wharf (1877 & 1907) 437; Victoria Wharf (1923) 457; West India Docks: No. 11 Warehouse (1873) 292, South Dock south quay warehouse (1895) 299, South Dock south quay shed (1895) 309, No. 1 Warehouse (1901) 291, Pl 54a, cut-wood sheds (1903) 306, mahogany sheds (1916) 306, Rum Warehouse and Shed (1933) 295, No. 2 Warehouse (1953) 289; Winkley's Wharf site (1884) 455

Firmin, Alfred 500

b Fisher (John H.) & Son 428

Fisher, Thomas, shipwright 425, 431

Fisher's Wharf, Millwall 428, 431

Fisherman's Arms (Fishing Smack) p.h., Coldharbour 616, Pl 100

Fitch & Son 398

Fitzgerald House 243

c Fitzmaurice, Maurice 525, 642–3

b Fitzpatrick & Son 406, 644

a Fitzroy Robinson 721

FitzWigram estate 648–9, 653

Fixed Price Light Co. 30

c Flaxman, John 106

Fleet House, Marsh Wall 720

Fleming (A. B.) & Co. Ltd 455

Fleming, Rev. John 406

Fleming's Oil & Chemical Co. Ltd 455

Fleming's Wharves, Millwall 455, Pl 74a

a Fletcher, Banister 115

Fletcher, Henry 395

Fletcher, Henry Marshall 396

Fletcher, J. S. 522

Fletcher, John Thompson 396

Fletcher, Joseph 395–6

Fletcher, Reginald George 396

Fletcher, Son & Fearnall 395–7; shipyard Pl 147b

Fletcher, Speck & Co. 442

Fletcher, Thomas Keddey 396

a Fletcher, Thomas Wayland 63, 63n, 86, 87, 210

Fletcher's Villas, Westferry Road 397

Flight, Thomas, esq. 168

Flinn, Stephen 487

Flint, Arthur, clerk 440

c Flodstrom, Johan Edward 373

floods 375, 379, 394, 490, 502, 520, 681

Flora Close 242, 243

Florencia Works, Millwall 474

flour mills 367–8, 419, fig 135, Pl 59b,d; see also windmills

Flowers, Edward 87

Flowers family (monument) 107

Flowers, James 202

Fluor Daniel 723

Folkestone Terrace, East India Dock Road 144, Pl 28c

Folly House Tavern 536, 537, Pls 88c, 89c

Folly Shipyard 537

Folly Wall, Prince of Wales p.h. 501, Pl 85c

Folly Wall Yard (Yarrow & Co.) 536–7, fig 201, Pl 88c

Forbes & Abbott 149

Forbes (D. W.) & Co. 610; works fig 227

Forbes, George 109n

Ford, Capt. John 673

Ford, Sir Leslie 266

b Fordham Brothers 494

Foreign Bottle Manufacturing Co. 420

Forest Terrace 191

Forres House, East India Dock Road 133

a Forrest, J. B. 227

Forrestt & Son, boat-builders 470, 672

Forshaw, J. H. 212

s Forster & Andrews, organ-builders 205

c Forsyth, J. Dudley 204

Fortune & Everth 484

Forward, Jonathan 418

Fossey, Thomas, lighterman etc 409, 413, 415

b Foster (C. S.) & Sons 182

b Foster, Charles & George 498

a Foster (Norman) Associates 360, 366

a Foster (Sir Norman) & Partners 691

Foster, H. P., quantity surveyor 115

Fotherby, Robert, clerk 108

e Foulds, John 248, 251, 276

Foulis, Capt. Charles 608, 617

a Foulsham, E. 84

foundations 82, 84, 152, 271, 285, 290, 401, 448, 449, 461, 462, 491, 507, 546, 583, 600, 633, figs 99, 103, 107, 110, 154, 222, 232

foundries 398, 399, 410, 423, 510, 676, fig 262

fountains, ornamental 710, 715, Pl 153a

Fowler Brothers, sugar refiners 667, 668

Fowler, George 391

Fowler, Sir John 345–50, 353

Fox (Edwin) & Co. Ltd 427

b Fox. J., of Peckham 175

b Fox, R. 64

Fox, Stockell & Co. 530

a Fraenkel (Peter) & Partners 308

Frampton, John, baker 382

Francis Close 698

a Francis, F. & H. 133–4, 204–6

a Franck, J. Ernest 369

Franks, Moses, merchant 648

s Fraser & Chalmers 600

s Fraser & Fraser 644

Fraser (John) & Son 515

Fraser's Patent Disinfecting Apparatus 83

Frazer, Capt. 139

Fred Olsen & Co. 295

Fred Olsen Ltd 360

Fred Olsen Lines 363, 582; Millwall Docks terminal 360–1, 366, fig 131

Frederick's Cottages, Simpson's Road 87

Free, Rev. Richard 384 (quoted), 465, 482

a Freeman, Charles 260

Freeman, John 684

s Freemans of Millbank 121n

Freight Express Ltd 425

Freight Express-Seacon Ltd 425

Fremantle, Mrs Reginald 461

a French, George Russell 464

b French, W. & C. 91, 242

b French, William 143

a Freyberg, Percy 402

Friars Mead 686, 692, 699–700

Frigate House 544–5

Frost, George, victualler 380

Fruit Lines Ltd 269, 295

Fry, William Robert, timber merchant 409

Fryatt Street (formerly Duke Street) 653

FT Analysis 705

Fugman, John 484

Fuller, George, shipowner 132

Fuller, John, barge-builder 428–9, 431

Fuller & Smith's tank works 425, 427, Pl 78a

Fuller's Cottages 190

Fullers, brewers 713, 722

Fyffe, Hudson & Co., fruit imptrs 588

Gagen, John, saddler 61, 63

Gaiety Cinema, East India Dock Road 132, fig 35

Galbraith Street 500

Galleon House 544–5

Galloway Estate 96

galvanized-iron works 423, 426–7, 441, 454, 666, 669, Pl 112b

Gant, Edward, cowkeeper 413, 420

Garden Place, White Hart Place 191

Garden Street (later Butt Place) 191

s Gardener, David, brickmaker 279

Gardener, William, gardener 65, 174

gardens (private) 85, 89, 208, 218, 395, 494, 632, 678; see also parks, gardens and open spaces

s Gardiner, George 139n

Gardiner, Patrick 366

Gardner, John, gent. 146

Garford family 153

Garford Furniture Works 400

Garford House 407–8

Garford, John, oil & seed crusher 121, 155, 187, 380, 390, 398, 399; monument 179

Garford, John, the younger 133

Garford Street 397, 398, 399–406, Pls 43b,d, 44
-, Grieg House 403–6, fig 151, Pl 44a; Riverside House 403–6, fig 150; St Peter's Church 400–1, fig 148, Pl 44b,c; No. 8 (Mary Jones House) 402; Nos 10–18 402–3, fig 149, Pl 43b; No. 20 (Salvation Army Hostels) see Grieg and Riverside Houses; No. 73 399–400, fig 147

Garford Wharf, Limehouse Hole 390

Garford, William, oil & seed crusher 380

Garford Works, Garford Street 400

b Garlick, James 572

Garner (William) & Sons, millstone mfrs 442

Garrard, Frederick, potter 487

Garrard, James, jeweller 437

Garrett,–, of Blackwall Yard 561

s Garrett & Sons, ironfounders 603

Garrett, Thomas, shipwright 187

Gas Light & Coke Co. 669

Gaselee (formerly Regent) Street 25 (Alberta House), 625–6

gaslighting 114, 122, 158, 179, 209, 594–5

Gaster, Thomas, shipwright 565

gasworks 114, 151, 429, 681

Gater, G. H. 668

b Gates, James 114, 155, 194, 200; estate fig 71

Gates, John 184

Gates Street 200

b Gathercole Brothers 67

Gaverick Street 456

Gayer, Sir John 99–100

Gayer, Katharine 100

b Gaze (W.H.) & Sons 93, 407, 509

GEC 360; GEC-Mowlem 689–90

a Gee (Tony) & Partners 721

b Gee, Walker & Slater 490

c Geen, Burnard 237

b Geere, Charles 173

General Blakeney p.h., Poplar High Street 68

b General Builders Ltd 461

General Constructional & Engineering Co. Ltd 427

General Constructional & Engineering Co. (Bedford & Son) Ltd 426

General Electric Power & Traction Co. Ltd 487

General Iron Foundry Co. 427

General Lighterage (Holdings) Group 397

General Steam Navigation Co. 344, 610, 618–20

General Strike (1926) 374

General Timber Preserving Co. (Blythe's Patents) Ltd 454

George V 574; as Duke of York 159

George VI 216, 231; as Duke of York 164

George p.h., Blackwall 550

George Green Association 142

George Green Memorial Hall 227

George Green's Sailors' Home, East India Dock Road 125, 139, Pls 23a, 150c,d

George Green's School, East India Dock Road 141–2, fig 40, Pl 24a,c

George Green's School and Centre, Manchester Road 443, 527–8, Pl 90c

George Hotel, Glengall Grove 501, Pl 89a

George (John) & Sons 426; warehouse Pl 77b,c

a George (Stephen) & Partners, of Leicester 88–9

George Terrace, East Ferry Road 512

b Georgemors of Walthamstow 403

a Gibberd, Frederick 212, 214, 215, 218, 222, 227, 229; (quoted) 220, 228; Frederick Gibberd Coombes & Partners 713, 717, 718

c Gibbon, A. 153

a Gibbons, J. Harold 153

c Gibbs, Alexander 179

Gibbs, John 521

c Gibbs, Richard 558

Gibbs, Richard, shipwright 613, 615–16

Gibbs, Robert 521

a Gifford, E. 284

Gilbert, Sir William Schwenck 430

Gilbertson House 447

Gilbertson, John F. 447

Gilby, Zachary, innkeeper 550

a Giles, Bob 707

Gill (formerlyRegent) Street 406

Gillett, Gabriel 575n

a Ginham, Percy 84–5, 84n

Giraud Street 221, 242, 243; St Alban's Church 211

Gladstone House 217, 224, Pl 132c

Gladstone, Mrs John 503

Gladstone, Snook & Co. 682, 683

Gladstone, Thomas, ship-breaker 638

Gladstone, Thomas M., engineer 628

a Gladwell, J.M.H. 168

-, coloured, painted or stained 105, 106, 134, 178, 179, 204, 205, 238, 503, 508; etched 227; mirror-glass cladding 366, 714, 722; sculpted 710

glass works 663–6, fig 256, Pl 115c

Glasshouse Wharf, Blackwall 668–9

GLC see Greater London Council

Glen Line 280, 309, 605, 605n

Glen Terrace, Manchester Road 604–6, fig 225, Pls 98, 99a

Glenaffric Avenue, No. 1 (Waterman's Arms p.h.) 501, Pl 89d

s Glenfield & Kennedy 280, 370

Glengall Arms p.h., Westferry Road 480, 481

Glengall Bridge development 696, 704, 716, Pl 158a

Glengall Bridge Ltd 716

Glengall Causeway 434

Glengall Coffee Palace Co. 501

Glengall, Countess of (Margaret Lauretta Mellish) 206n, 418, 481, 495, 507

Glengall, Dry Dock, Millwall 434

Glengall, 2nd Earl of 418

Glengall estate 348, 350, 361, 368, 371, 418, 495–7; see also Mellish estate

Glengall Grove (formerly Road) 440–1, 499, 500
-, bridges 371–3; Glengall School 504, 506; mission hall 506; public housing 540–1; St John's Community Centre 541; No. 41 502; No. 45 (The Priory) 502; No. 114 (George Hotel) 501, Pl 89a
-, for the former Glengall Grove west of Millwall Docks see Tiller Road

Glengall Grove Housing Scheme 448

Glengall Iron Works, Millwall 442

Glengall Iron Works Ltd 419, 442

Glengall Place, Millwall 442, 692, 700

Glengall Self-Build Housing Association 700

Glengall Wharf (formerly Glengall Dry Dock), Millwall 434

Glengall Wharf (later Burney & Co.'s works), Millwall 438

Glengarnock Avenue 498–9; public housing 544–5

Glenstreet Property Development 712

Globe Rope Works, East Ferry Road 513

Globe Tavern, Blackwall 208, 550–1

Glover's Wharf, Millwall 455

c Godbold of Harlestone (Northants) 153

c Goddard & Gibbs 137

Godfrey, Cardinal 237

b Godfrey, J. & Son 501

Godfrey-Gilbert, Jack (quoted) 216

Godman, Ernest 84

Godsell, William & John 394

c Godwin, tile mfr 503

Goldberg, Abraham, tailor 132

b Golding, Thomas 127

a Goldring, George 147, 413

a Goldsmith, G. Hartley 391

Goldsmith, Harvey 360

Gomm, John, merchant 467–8

Gooch, Sir Daniel 275

Gooch, Frank 275

Good Design Housing Awards 243

a Good, J. H. 75

Good, John, cordage mfrs 457

b Goodall, James, plasterer 108

Goodchild, William Joseph, victualler 190

Goodfaith House 95

Goodhart-Rendel, H.S. (quoted) 203

Goodhope House 95

Goodlad: Richard 200; Richard Redfearn 200, 204, 208; estate fig 71

Goodluck Hope 648, 665, fig 247

Goodman Price Ltd 397

Goodspeed House, Simpson's Road 94–5, 96

Goodwill House, Simpson's Road 95, 96, Pl 124a

Goodwill Outfitting Society 180

b Goodyer (J. W.) (Builders) Ltd 544

a Gordon, Alexander 404

s Gordon & Co., iron-workers 593, 597

Gordon, G.W. 193

a Gordon & Gunton 137

Gordon, James 185

Gordon, Robert, cooper 652, 671

Gordon (Robert) & Sons 671

Gorsefield House 91

Gosfreight, Richard 560–1

a Gosling, David 718

Gough Grove see Gough Walk

Gough, Piers (quoted) 167

Gough Street 200, 202

Gough Walk (formerly Gough Grove) 221, 243–4, fig 87, Pl 143a

Govey, Richard, cooper 552, 617, 649, 652

Goymour, Robert, beerseller 72

Grace (Henry) & Co. Ltd 486

Graces, Abbey of 56, 156

a Gradidge, Roderick 501

a Graham, Bruce 707

Grampian House, Meridian Gate 720

granaries 361–3, 426, figs 132–4, Pl 59a,c

Grand Palace cinema 192–3

Grange Park, St Peter's Church 134

Granger, Benjamin, coal merchant 536, 613, 617; monument 107

Granger, Samuel, coal merchant 613–14

Grant (formerly Gottheimer), Baron Albert 348

Grant, Clara 447

Granulin, Co. Ltd 622

Granville House 224

b Grassphalte Ltd 225

Gravel Pit Field, Limehouse 127

Graveley & Co., engineers 162

Graves, John, shipbuilder 388

Gray, Dr A. Herbert 36

Gray, Alexander, baker 380, 382

b Gray, Conoley & Co. 243, 490

Gray, Edward, mastmaker 391; mansion Pl 146b

Gray family 391

Gray, Thomas, bookseller 156

Gray, Thomas, surgeon 87, 624

Gray, Dr Thomas 181

Great Dock Strike (1889) 261, 325, 366

Great Eastern 384, 472–3, Pl 75b

Great Eastern p.h., Westferry Road 481

Great Eastern Enterprise 716–17

Great Eastern House 717

Great Eastern Railway Co. 15, 118, 354, 373–4, 661

Great Eastern Railway Wharf, Millwall Docks 374

Great Eastern Self-Build Housing Association 480, 701

Great Exhibition (1851) 665; Commissioners for 224

Great Northern Railway Co. 13, 15, 338, 341–2, 344, 640; goods depots 341, 640, Pl 107a

Great Ship Co. 472

Great Storm (1703) 103

Great Western Railway Co. 15, 338, 341–2; goods depot 341, Pl 60d

Greater London Council (GLC):
-, Architect's Department 94, 164, 233, 243, 244, 245, 446, 645; Construction Branch 243, 446, 449; fire station 164; Historic Buildings Division 70, 70n; New Blackwall Tunnel 645; parks and gardens 434; public housing 40–1, 43, 49, 50–1, 52 (for references to individual estates & buildings see under public housing below); pumping station (proposed) 539

Greater London Development Plan (1969) 19

Greater London Plan (1944) 40

Grebe Court 542

Green Dragon p.h. (Green Dragon Railway Tavern), Poplar High Street 71

a Green, F. E. 402

Green, George, shipbuilder 135–7, 136n, 139, 141, 143, 160, 177, 194, 195, 206, 410, 563, 565, 575n, 631, 638, 648; almshouses, Upper North Street 206–7, fig 75, Pl 37b; family tomb 225; monument 106; see also George Green Association et seq

Green, Henry, shipbuilder 133, 163, 565, 569, 680

Green, Henry jr, shipbuilder 574

b Green, James & William 582, 589

Green, James, boiler-maker 414

Green, Joseph Fletcher 574

Green Man tavern, Poplar High Street 77, Pl 4a

s Green R. & H. 572, 574, 594, 682, 683

Green (R. & H.) & Silley Weir (Ltd) 366, 397, 442, 511, 543, 574, 597; premises Pl 96a

Green, Richard, shipbuilder 194, 565, 569, 572, 653; statue 167

Green, Wigram & Green 139, 565

Green's Lower Yard (or Dock) 680, 682

Greene King, brewers 718

Greenfield Street, Grundy Street 210

Greenfield Street, Stepney 71

Greenwich Commissioners of Sewers 429

Greenwich Ferry Co. 485

Greenwich Foot Tunnel 525–7, fig 198, Pl 92b,d

Greenwich Hospital Commissioners 518–20

Greenwich Hospital Estate 518–27, fig 196

Greenwich Pensioner p.h., Bazely Street 186–7, Pl 40a

Greenwich Vehicular Steam Ferry 484–5, fig 186

Greenwich View 704, 716–17, Pl 141c

Greenwood Act (Housing Act, 1930) 26–7

b Greenwood (John) Ltd 89, 514

Greete, Hugh, jeweller 108

a Gregory-Jones, David 543

Gregson & Co. 515

Greive, Grellier & Morgan 435

Grellier (James) & Co., cement mfrs 435

Gremlin Grange 217, Pl 129c,d

Grenada House 407–8

s Grey & Gregg 577

Gridiron Wharf, Millwall 426

a Grieb, K. W. 230

Grieg House, Garford Street 403–6, fig 151, Pl 44a

Griffin (East Indiaman) 561

Griffin, Cardinal Bernard 234, 237

Griffiths: Charles 175, 177; George 175, 177; James 143, 144, 162, 164, 175, 177

Griffiths estate 143, 144, 175, 177, fig 61

Grigges, Charles, Thomas and William 191

b Griggs & Son (Frank & Alfred Griggs) 170, 196, 488, 492, 494, 503, 508, 513, 530

Grimble, Jabez 120n

a Grimshaw (Nicholas) & Partners 716, 719

Grissell Brothers & Co. 515

b Grissell & Peto 597

Grissell, Thomas 666

c Grosse, Louis 204n

Grosvenor Buildings 192, Pl 35c

Grosvenor Utilities Ltd 114

Grosvenor Wharf, Cubitt Town 528

Grosvenor Wharf Road 546

grottoes 632

ground rents 124, 521

Grove, the (field) 207

Grove Cottages 175

Grove Street (later Bygrove Street, qv)

Grove Terrace, East India Dock Road 156

Grove Villas 175, Pl 36c

Grover, Thomas, licensed victualler 147

Groves, H. 537

b Groveside Homes 701, 702

Grundy, James 142, 156, 210

Grundy (formerly John) Street 208, 209–10, 221, 225, 245
-, African Queen p.h. (African Tavern) 210, Pl 38c; Heckford House 211, fig 76; Lansbury Lodge 233–4, fig 82, Pl 133b,c; No. 14 (Live Architecture Exhibition show house) 218, 225, Pl 129b,e; Nos 48–66 139; No. 71 (Festival Inn) 229, Pl 130b; Nos 121–133 210, Pl 37a

Grundy, Susannah 135, 142, 210

b Grundy, Thomas 422, 439

Grundy, William (monument) 107

Guardian newspaper printing works 716, Pl 139a

Guelph Cask, Veneer & Plywood Co. Ltd 470

Guelph Patent Cask Co. Ltd 470

Guerrier, George, grazier 415, 431, 479

Guinness Trust 175

Gülcher (New) Electric Light & Power Co. 329

Gun p.h., Coldharbour 623–4, 626n, Pl 105c

Gun Wharf, Blackwall 593

a Gunton & Gunton (formerly Gordon & Gunton) 137–9, 161

a Gunton, Josiah 161, 164

Gurney, Samuel, MP 147

Gurney stoves 402

Gut House 394, 409, Pl 41b

Gut, Poplar or Great 375, 394

guttering 84, 140, 360

a Gwilt, George sr 254, 255, 285, 290, 291, 292, 300, 310, 312, 313, 326

a Gwilt, George jr 254, 255, 285, 290, 291, 292, 300, 310, 312, 313

s Gwilt, Joseph 259, 630, 631

s Gwynne, John & Henry (later Gwynne & Co., then Gwynne's Ltd) 275, 355, 356, 397, 529

b Hack, Charles 127–8

b Hack & Son (William and Charles Hack) 78, 131, 148, 206, 260, 279, 306, 309

b Hadding, W. 193

Hager, Benjamin, carpenter & undertaker 71; monument 107

Hahn, Jonas Charlesson 132

Haigh, Benjamin, metalworker 511

Halcomb & Co., sack contractors 439

c Halcrow (Sir William) & Partners 539

Hale & Cooper, cement mfrs 455

Hale, estate 57–8

Hale, Henry, gent. 58, 83

Hale, John, carpenter 58

Hale, John, carpenter, of Cannon Street 58

Hale, Owen, carpenter 58, 83

Hale Street 57, 58, 93, 173; Pope John House 159–60, fig 51, Pl 25c, d

b Hale, Thomas 58, 63, 77, 83, 137, 145, 146, 173, 190

Halker Place 407

Halifax Building Society 245, 478

Halifax New Homes Services 478

a Hall, Edwin T. 617

Hall family 607

Hall, Henry (c 1659–99), monument 107

Hall, Henry, anchor-smith 187, 607

c Hall, Nigel 689

Hall, Peter 703

Hall, Thomas, of Spitalfields 410

Hall, Admiral W. H. 604

Hall-Preston estate 601

e Halstead (Donald) Associates 179

b Ham, William 394

Hamblin (Nathaniel) & Co. 663

Hamerton, Rev. Chisnall 115

a Hamilton, Ian B. M. 447

Hamilton, Capt. James 131

b Hammack, James 186–7

Hammersmith suspension bridge 675

Hammond, George, of Gravesend 420, 421

Hammond House, Tiller Road 448–9, Pl 126c

Hammond, John 646

b Hammond & Miles 397

a Hampson, lan 543

Hanbury (or Handelbury) Hall 649

Hanbury Buildings 115–16, Pl 18b

Hanbury, Charles 114

Hanbury Court 114

s Hanbury, John Capel, brickmaker 279

Hanbury Place 114–15, Pl 18b

Hanbury, R. J. 390

Hancock, Job 458

s Handel Works, Islington 507

a Handisyde, Cecil C. 225

Hank's Court, Coldharbour 609

Hank's Court, Robin Hood Lane 193

b Hanks, Joseph 609

Hanks, Richard 393

a Hanna-Olin 710

Hannibal (warship) 562

Harbinger Road (formerly British Street) 464, 480, 481, 491–2, fig 189, Pl 84b; Harbinger School 481–2, fig 184

Harbottle, James 72

Harbour Exchange 704, 717–18, Pl 140b

Harbour Island 717

Harbour Quay 718

s Hardie, – 329

b Harding, Thomas 653

c Hardman, John 204

a Hardwick, Philip 518, 519–20, 523, 524

Hardy, David 688, 693

b Hardy, James 431

c Harland & Wolff 266, 321, 323, 366, 515

Harman, Richard 418n

a Harper, Henry, of Nottingham 506

c Harpley, Sydney 225

Harrap Street 639–40

Harriet Street 420

Harris, –, mastmaker 467–8

a Harris, Frank E. 168, 439

Harris, Fred D. 75

a Harris (John R.) Partnership 85

a Harris, Joseph 77, 127, 155, 400

b Harris, Joseph 127, 399

Harris, Nicholas 602

Harris, Richard, merchant 602

e Harris & Sutherland 299–300

Harris & Todd, mastmakers 468

b Harris & Wardrop 144, 148, 161, 403, 404, 411, 459, 509, 537

b Harris, William, of Limehouse 626

Harrison, Charles Weightman 516

Harrison, George, ironworks manager 473

a Harrison, James 145, 315

b Harrison, John 228

Harrison, John 383n

Harrison (Saul D.) & Sons 425

Harrison, T. & J. 280

Harrison, Capt. Thomas 613

a Harriss, David 719

Harrow House 88

Harrow Lane 88, 96–7, Pls Ioe, 126d

a Harston, Arthur & Christopher 63, 83, 88, 128, 183, 620

Hart, John (Chester Herald) 157

Hart, John, miller & oilman 382, 382n, 454

b Hart, Percival 639

Hart, Samuel 483

Hart, W. 484

Hartnoll, James 23, 192

Harton, W. H., solicitor 140, 142

Harvey, George, grocer 432

Harwood, Thomas 315

Haskin Wood Vulcanizing Co. 536

Haslam, Sir Alfred Seale 291n

s Haslam Foundry & Engineering Co. 291, 299

b Hastingwood Properties 723

Hathern Station Terra Cotta Co. 131

Havannah (formerlyThomas) Street 431–2, 446

a Haverstock Associates 717

Hawes, Esther 64, 187, 637; almshouses 187–8, Pl 34c

a Hawes & Jackman 215

Hawes, Nathaniel 662

Hawes, Thomas, of Hertfordshire 187

Hawke (East Indiaman) 561

s Hawkes, – 329

b Hawkes, George 285n

Hawkins, Alfred Tolhurst, ropemaker 513

Hawkins, George, of Clapham Common 513

Hawkins & Tipson, ropemakers 513, 675–6

e Hawkshaw, Sir John 260, 277–8, 279, 297, 309, 333, 334, 373–4

Hawksley's Patent Treads 470

Hawthorn, Edwin, lighterman 616, 623

Hawthorn Wharf Ltd 623

Hawthorn's Wharf, Blackwall 622–3, Pl 104b

e Hay, David 642

s Hayden & Co. 105

Hayley, William, poet 106

b Haynes, Joseph 190

e Hayter, Harrison 260, 374

b Head Wrightson 371

Hearsnep, Father 202

c Heaton, Butler & Bayne 205

a Heazell & Sons 153

a Heckford, Harley 29, 34, 35, 67, 94, 165, 172, 211, 406, 443, 448, 449, 491, 492, 509, 540, 545, 547, 637

a Heckford House, Grundy Street 211, fig 76

Hedenstrom, Agnes 403–4

s Hedgeland, W. M., organ-builder 422

b Hedges, Francis 341

Hedley, Robert 536

a Heenan & Froude, of Worcester 366

b Heigham, Thomas 498

a Hemingway, Richard 723

Henderson Busby 689

Henderson Hewitt 487

Hendry, James, of Armstrong & Co. 355

a Hening & Chitty 218

Henn, George, ship-chandler 415

Henry Addington p.h. 713

Henry, William, surgeon 111

Hepworth, John, shipbuilder 532

Hepworth's Yard, Cubitt Town 532

Hercules Rope Works 676

Hercules Wharf, Blackwall 675–6, Pl 113a

Hermione (steam yacht) 515

Heron Court 542

a Heron, Kate 513

Heron Quays 686, 704, 709, 718, Pl 153b,c

b Herring, George 502

Hertsmere Group 718

Hertsmere House 292, 704, 718

Hesperus (clipper) 491

Hesperus, Crescent Estate 491–2, figs 5, 189, Pl 124b

Hewison, William, wharfinger 682

Heydon, John, shipwright 391

Heyns, Patrick 479

Heyton quarry, Devon 178

Hibbert (model of) 311, Pl 52c

Hibbert Gate, West India Docks 311–12, Pl 52c

Hibbert, George sr 249, 251, 253, 290, 448

Hibbert, George jr 259

Hibbert House, Tiller Road 448, Pl 124c

Hickin Street 540

Hickson, William 277

Higgins, General (Salvation Army) 404

Higginson, Henry (monument) 106

b Higgs, F. & H. F. 184, 511, 677

b Higgs & Hill 302; Higgs & Hill Developments 718

High Church influence 11, 134, 153, 205, 503

Hill, Almon sr & jr 395

b Hill, George 420, 421

b Hill (J. M.) & Sons 245, 408

Hill, James 395

b Hill, Keddell & Waldram 80

b Hill & Keddell 586, 587

e Hill (Peter H.) & Partners 302

a Hill, Richard Harris 403

s Hill & Son, organ-builders 105

s Hill, William, organ-builder 161

Hillier & Sons 221

Hillman, Thomas, mast- and block-maker 425, 426

b Hills (J. M.) & Sons 446

a Hills, Walter Augustus 63, 63n, 82; & Son 202

Hilman, –, of Blackwall Yard 561

Hilstone Developments 718

Hilton (James) & Co., colour mfrs 484

b Hinchliffe Facades 715

Hincks, George, beerseller 75

Hind, Andrew, grocer 200; estate fig 71

Hind Grove 243

Hind Street 200, 202

s Hinton of Shoreditch 139n

b Hipperson (F. R.) & Son 96

Hippodrome Theatre (later Hippodrome Super Cinema), East India Dock Road 131, fig 34, Pl 20a

Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission 106

Historic Steam 371

Hitch, William 111

Hoare, Marr & Co. 398

Hoare, William 395

Hobday Street 244

Hodge (Samuel) & Sons 330, 422, 434

b Hodge & Robinson 83

a Hodges, David 544

b Hole, Joseph 139n

b Hole, Josiah 144

Hole's Terrace, East India Dock Road 144

a Holford Associates 714

Holford, William 222

Hollamby, Edward (quoted) 686

b Holland & Hannen 533

b Holland, Hannen & Cubitts 542, 644

a Holland, Henry 104, 109, 285

b Holland, J. 439

b Holland, Joseph 148

b Holland (Richard) & Rowles, carpenters 656, 659

Holland, Sydney (2nd Viscount Knutsford) 148

b Holland, W. H. 115

Holland, William 390

b Holliday & Greenwood 362, 367, 410

a Hollis, Charles 10, 74, 177–8, 180

Hollis, Thomas, citizen & draper 380

hollow-tile flooring 35, 97, 449

Holloway (G. T.) & Co. 398

Holloway & Green 192

b Holloway Brothers 137, 153, 273, 299, 441, 474, 622

b Holloway, J. 195

Hollway, John, wharfinger 466

Holman, Thomas, baker 422, 432

s Holmer, Bunnett, Pix & Co. 285n

Holmes, Rev. C. R. 185

b Holmes & Bough 268, 271, 273, 310

b Holmes, John 268

Holmsdale House 96–7

a Holsworth, F. Frederick 127, 624

Holt & Co. Ltd 668

Holy Child R.C. School, Grundy Street 209–10

Holy Child Settlement, Poplar High Street 86, Pl 11d

Holy Family R.C. School 210

Homan & Rodgers 486

Home Office 146, 427; Civil Defence Department 599

e Homer, Edward Charles 396

Homes for Today and Tomorrow (Parker Morris Report) 46–7, 48

Honduras Wharf, Cubitt Town 523

Honeyman, P. H. 515

b Hoof, William 336, 336n, 630

Hooker, Rebecca (monument) 107

a Hoole, Elijah 509

Hoole, Samuel 176, 180, 576; monument 179

Hoole, Susanna (monument) 106

Hooper (cable-layer) 367

Hooper, Harry, estate agent 384n, 420, 470, 606

Hooper, John 432, 495

Hooper, John Pitman 367

a Hooper, & Lewis 420, 422, 509

Hooper, William 366–7

Hooper's Telegraph Works, Millwall Docks 366–7

Hope & Anchor p.h., Newby Place 182, Pl 40d

Hope, George Fountaine Weare 441, 441n

Hope (H. E.) & Co., chemical mfrs 455

s Hope (Henry) & Sons Ltd 600

Hope and Phoenix Wharf, Millwall 455

Hope Wharf, Millwall 455

Hope Yard, Cubitt Town 537

Hope's Patent Ltd 441

Hopkins House 224

a Hopkins (Michael) & Partners 722

Horn of Plenty p.h., Market Street 232

b Horne & Gates 79, 596, 597, 679

b Horne, Thomas 77, 200, 202

b Horne, William 77, 114, 155, 185

Hornley Coal Co. 338

Horns and Chequers p.h., Limehouse Hole 390

Hornsey Place, Millwall 431

horse-nail works 445

Horse Shoe Manufacturing Co. 516

Horseley Bridge & Engineering Co. 333

s Horseley Bridge & Thomas Pigott 333

s Horseley Iron Co. 288, 290, 293, 305, 312, 321, 584, 593

Horseshoe Court 700

Horseshoe Yard, Cubitt Town 518

Horsey Estates Ltd 667

Horsey, Thomas, auctioneer 666, 669

b Horswill (H. C.) Ltd 407, 501

a Hosking, William 135, 137, 410

Hoskins, William 391

hospital 147–9, figs 43–4, Pl 23b

Hôtel de Ville Villa 208

Houchin Ltd 400

House Property & Investment Co. 151

house-building, private 4

houses, design and planning of 8, 125, 137, 144, 151, 153, 155, 158, 167, 170, 208, 384–5, 413–14, 432, 458–9, 464, 481, 488, 516, 606, 609, 611–17, 618, 624, 626, 628, 630–1, 638, 659, 662, 677–8, 681, figs 15, 17, 20, 29, 33, 39, 45, 48–9, 63, 67, 75, 156, 171, 187, 195, 225, 228–9, 231, 235, 254, 263–8; see also public housing

Housing (Emergency Powers) Act (1939) 38

Housing (Finance) Act (1972) 50

Housing Acts:
-, 1890 22, 23; 1919 (Addison Act) 23, 24, 36; 1923 (Chamberlain Act) 24, 31–2; 1924 24–5, 36 (Wheatley Act); 1930 (Greenwood Act) 26–7; 1935 28, 33; 1936 50, 116; 1939 38; 1944 38, 39; 1949 43; 1954 52; 1972 50; 1980 51; 1988 54; 1989 54

housing associations 36–7, 53–4

Housing Board 24

Housing Corporation 97, 245, 491, 700

housing developments (since 1982) 691–702

Housing Manuals: 1919 31; 1944 43, 212, 219–20, 221; 1949 43, 219–20, 221

Housing Repairs and Rents Act (1954) 52

a Howard, Sidney 224

b Howard, W., of Canning Town 200

Howard (W. W.) Brothers & Co. 670

b Howard, William, of Covent Garden 118, 133, 206, 422

e Howden, R. 313

a Howell Killick Partridge & Amis 717

c Howgate, Ian 508

b Howkins, John 114, 292, 295, 625

b Howkins (John) & Co. 65, 88, 114, 257, 293, 303, 308, 312, 315, 317, 325, 611

Howley, William, Bishop of London 176

Howrah House, East India Dock Road 133

a Hubbard, George 466

Huddart, Joseph 575n

Hudson Buildings 22, 633–4

b Hudson (G.) & Co. 447

a Hudson, John 72

Hudson, Nathaniel John 537

b Hudson (W.) & Baker (D. T.) 151

Hudson's Bay Co. 388

Hudsons Ltd 354

b Hughes, John 269

e Hughes, M. H. Ionys 644

Hughson, Tristram, almsman 108, 108n

a Hume, John D. 49

a Humphreys, Derek 369

Humphreys, G. W. 84

Hunt (John H.) & Co. 500

Hunt, John Harman 500

b Hunt, John Rider 299, 506

e Hunt, Tony 366

s Hunter & English 338, 344, 584, 587

b Hunter & Hodge 139n

s Hunters of Clapham, organ-builders 179

Husler, John 515

Hutching (A. J.) & Co. 426

Hutching Wharf, Millwall 426

Hutching's Street 426, Pl 77b,c

Hutching's Wharf development 696

Hutching's Wharf, Millwall 423, 425, 426, 427

b Hutchins, James 464

a Hutchinson Partners, Libby & Co. 722

Hutton, H. R., coal merchant 662

Hyatt, Devitt & Parker 685

Hyde, Samuel, shipbuilder 552

Hydraulic Appliances Shipbuilding Patents Co. Ltd 675

s Hydraulic Engineering Co. (Ltd), of Chester 343, 637

hydraulic power & machinery 272, 288, 295, 327–30, 331, 333, 334–5, 338, 342–4, 355, 589

hydraulic pumping stations and accumulator towers 327–9, 342–3, 369–70, 589, 626–7, 637–8, figs 119–20, 124, 137, 234, 241, Pl 108

b IBS Construction 719

IDC Property Investments Ltd 677

b Ideal Homes 696, 702

Ideal Picture Palace, Ming Street 113

ILEA 406

b Iles, Edward 134

e Illingworth, Robert 598–9

Imperial Gas Light & Coke Co. 467, 479, 483

Imperial Plate Glass Co. 483, 665n

Impervious Stone Co. 663

impounding stations 326–7, 369, 589–90, fig 118, Pl 53d

Imry Merchant Developers 723

Incorporated Church Building Society 10, (quoted) 106

Indescon Court 718–19

Indescon Developments Ltd 716–17

Indescon Group 718–19

India House Tavern, Blackwall 550

India Row, East India Dock Road 155–6

India Row, Wells Street 190, 191

Indus (paddle-steamer) 571

Industrial Permanent Benefit Building Society 415, 458

Industrial and Provident Societies Act (1893) 36n

industry 2, 7, fig 2; on the Isle of Dogs 385–7

Ingall, Phillips & Co. 532

Ingelheim Cottages 465, 466

Ingelheim Place 465, 466

Ingelheim Terrace, Millwall 464, Pl 84a

Inglewood Close 702

Ingram Perkins & Co. Ltd 676

Inner London Education Authority 406

Inner London Hotel, East India Dock Road 151

Innocent, Lewis 501

Innovation Centre, Marsh Wall 719

institutes, clubs, etc 78, 88, 137–9, 159–60, 184, 403–6, 415, 439, 461, 465, 510, 514, 525, 604, figs 38, 51, 66, 150–1, 157, 224, Pls 23a, 25c,d, 44a, 150c, d

Interdec Design Group 717

International Exhibition (1862) 675

International Federation of Housing and Town Planning 219

International Hotel, Arrowhead Quay 724

International Shipping & Transport Ltd 469

Intourist House, Meridian Gate 720

Invicta Wharf, Cubitt Town 523, 527

Irish community 72, 77, 112, 115, 172, 202, 385

Irish Protestant School 143

iron and ironwork:
-, in warehouse and shed construction generally 282 altar 178, Pl 34a; bridges 126, 330, 331, 333, 344, 371, 373, 584, figs 121, 138, Pls 64b, 119; cast-iron ribs 592; cast-iron sheet-piling 593–4, fig 222; church 420; columns and stanchions 126, 288, 292, 293, 295, 303, 305, 341, 403, 410, 454, 572, 585, 587, 597, 658, 660, 679, fig 101, Pls 48c, 49a, 63b, 70b,c, 71a, 72c, 76b, 77c, 97c, 117b—d; cornmill 471; doors 288, Pl 47b; floor joists 312; galvanized bolts 161; landing-stage 594; river walls 593–4, 619–20, fig 222, Pls 104a, 121c; roofs 294, 303, 312, 317, 658, fig 109, Pl 48d; windows & grilles 285, 460, 587, 627, 658, fig 100, Pls 47a, 62a
-, see also corrugated-iron; galvanized-iron works; iron works; iron-tank works

Iron Bridge, East India Dock Road 122, 126, Pl 119

Iron Ship Coating Co. Ltd 523

iron works 414, 442, 454, 471, 516

Ironmongers Arms p.h., Westferry Road 464, 466

Ironmongers Place 702

Ironmongers' Co.'s Barnfield Estate 348, 375, 384, 462–6, figs 140, 175

iron-tank works 117, 423, 427, 438

Isambard Close 700

Isis Building, Thames Quay 706, 723

Island Baths, Tiller Road 442–3, fig 164

Island Boatyard 515

Island Child Welfare Centre 541

Island Gardens 522–3

Island Gardens station (DLR) 690

Island House, Roserton Street 504

Island Row, Millwall 479

Isle of Dogs (play) 378

Isle of Dogs: general account of 375–87, figs 2, 139–40, Pls 68b, 145b; origins of the name 377–8; unexecuted schemes for 387, Pl 67

Isle of Dogs Housing Society 36–7, 49, 53, 53n, 446, 544

Isle of Dogs Neighbourhood Centre, Marsh Wall 719, Pl 141b

Isle of Dogs Self-Build Housing Associations 701–2

Isle House, Coldharbour 611–13, fig 228, Pls 101, 102b, 103a

Italian International Bank 704

Ive, Simon, shipwright 142

Ivy Cottages 176

Ivy House p.h., Blackwall Way (Brunswick Street) 499, 640

b J. W. Construction Co. 402

Jack Dash House, Marsh Wall 719, Pl 141b

b Jackaman (A.) & Son 269, 271, 278, 300, 306, 308, 309, 586

c Jackson, F. A. 508

Jackson, George, joiner 149

b Jackson, Isaac 109

Jackson (J.M.) & Sons, shipwrights etc 609

b Jackson, John, carpenter 108

Jackson, Joseph 74

Jackson, Joseph M., shipwright 617, 623

b Jackson & Todd 636

Jackson, William, engineer 410

Jackson's Court, Poplar High Street 74

c Jacobson, David 715

a Jacques, William 439

e Jaffrey, William 396

Jago, James Thomas 393; scrap-iron wharf 393, Pl 42b

Jamaica House 407–8

Jamaica Tavern (later Hotel), West India Dock Road 315–16, fig 112

b James, H. B. & F. A. 584

James, John, architect 103

James, John Lewis, tile mfr 487, 518

James Place, East India Dock Road 156

James, W. F., rent collector 151

James, William, tile mfr 487

Jamestown Harbour 331, 700, fig 264, Pl 144c

Jametel (Ernest) & Co. 485

Janes, Samuel 512

Janet (formerly Jane) Street 432, 446; Mentally Defective Council School 433, 442; Millwall Central Council School 432–3, Pl 79a; St Hubert's House 446–7, Pl 125

Jardine, Sir Ernest 524

Jardine, John 524

Jarrahdale Jarrah Forests and Railways Ltd 523

Jarrahdale Wharf, Cubitt Town 523

b Jarvis 707

b Jarvis, J., of Tunbridge Wells 211

b Jarvis (J.) & Sons 326

b Jeffrey, Henry 274, 287, 293

b Jeffrey, John 143, 153

Jegon, William, naphtha distiller 483, 486

Jellicoe, Rev. Basil 36, 447

a Jellicoe, Geoffrey 212, 215, 218, 220, 225

c Jennings, Mark 368

Jeremiah Street 139, 221; Queen Victoria Seamen's Rest 137–9, fig 38

Jerome, Jerome K. 202n

b Jerram, J. W. 153, 168

b Jerram (William J.) Ltd 94, 645

e Jessop, Josias 253

e Jessop, William sr 249, 251, 253–5, 268, 269, 272–3, 272n, 274, 276, 278–9, 294, 300, 330, 331, 548n, 584

Jessop, William jr 272n, 303

a Jestico & Whiles 478

b Jeves, William, and family 140

b Jewhurst, William 285n

Joad & Curling's ropeworks 412, 413–14, 423, 425

Joad, George 412

Jobling, Joseph 522

John Bull p.h., Bath Street 175

John MacDonald House 541

John Street (later Grundy Street, qv)

John Street (later Rigden Street, qv)

John Tucker House, Mellish Street 448, Pl 137b

John's Place, Robin Hood Lane 193

John's Terrace, East India Dock Road 144, Pl 28c

Johnson, Augustus William 516

Johnson (Donald) & Co. 274–5, 355

Johnson, Henry, wine merchant 499, 501, 516

Johnson family, shipbuilders: Sir Henry sr 100, 103, 552, 555, 556–60; Sir Henry jr 552, 558–60; almshouses, Blackwall 552; Upper Dock, Blackwall 552

b Johnson, J. H. 88, 184, 482, 510, 624

Johnson & Jorgensen 586

c Johnson, Matthew Warton 106, 106n, 179

Johnson & Matthey 436

Johnson Matthey plc 474

Johnson, Percival Norton 436

Johnson & Sons 611

Johnson Street 499

b Johnson, T. & J. 290, 342

b Johnson, Thomas 313, 331

b Johnson (Thomas) & Son 293, 294, 300, 305, 308, 311, 320, 394, 402, 628

b Johnson, W., painter 139n

Johnson, William 391, 558

Johnson's drawdock 518, 519

Johnson's iron works, Cubitt Town 516, Pl 87a (chimney)

Johnson-Marshall, Percy 212, 219, 221; (quoted) 222, 229

a Johnstone, Frederick 507

b Johnstone, J. R. 77

b Jolliffe & Banks 273, 273n, 295, 297, 342, 656n; stoneyard 454

Jolly, W. H., barge-builder 675

a Jones, A. H. 168

b Jones, Colin 543

Jones, Inigo 101

Jones, Moore & Co. 528

Jones, Owen 435

Jones, Roger, gent. 554

b Jones, Samuel 268

Jones, Capt. Samuel (monument) 107

a Jones, W. Campbell 205

b Jones, W. H. 506

b Jones, Walter, of Bow Bridge 620

c Jones & Willis, of Great Russell Street 106

Jonson, Ben 378

Jorgens, Frederick 419

Jowett, Jeremiah 191

Jubilee Chapel, Manchester Road 506

Jubilee Crescent, Manchester Road 543–4, fig 204, Pl 127a

Jubilee Line Extension 691, 712

Jubilee Wharf, Blackwall 670–1, fig 258, pl 113b

a Judge, George 392

Judkin Street 499, 500, 540

b Jukes, Coulson, Stokes & Co. 620

Julian Place 494

Jupiter Iron Works, Millwall 458

a Jupp Richard 104, 109, 285

a Jupp, William 463

jute works 441