Index: L - Z

Survey of London: Volume 41, Brompton. Originally published by London County Council, London, 1983.

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'Index: L - Z', in Survey of London: Volume 41, Brompton, ed. F H W Sheppard (London, 1983), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index: L - Z', in Survey of London: Volume 41, Brompton. Edited by F H W Sheppard (London, 1983), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index: L - Z". Survey of London: Volume 41, Brompton. Ed. F H W Sheppard (London, 1983), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

Labouchere, John 139

La Croix, Mrs. 182

Ladbroke estate 139

Laforest, Laurence 10

Lahee, Samuel 25

Lahore, Maharajah of (Duleep Singh) 186

a Lamb, Edward Buckton 132, 133, 135–7 passim

Lambert: Constant 252; John 200

Lambeth: Apollo Gardens 10n.; botanical garden 139

Lambom, W. H. 179

Lamley and Company Ltd. 81

Lancelot Place 3, 4, 7, 34, 35

Land prices (copyhold and freehold): 17 th cent. 177; 18th cent. 46, 193, 197; 19 th cent. 12, 34, 46, 50, 60, 103, 131n., 139, 167, 172, 197, 212, 214, 241, 242, 243, 246; 20 th cent. 17, 147, 183, 231, 232; see also prices under Houses

Landseer, Sir Edwin 103

Landumiey, Francis Darius 189–90

Lane, Sir Hugh 230

b Langdale, Hallett and Co. 114

Langford, Robert 146

Lanteri, E. 48

Laroche, Peter 33

Latchford, John 63,66

Lathbury, Robert 24

Latouche, James, Peter and family 177

Lavigne, Peter (and family) 177, 197, 200

Law, Andrew Bonar 110

Lawrence: Dowager Lady (?w. of 1st Baron) 124; D. H. 147

b Lawrence and Sons 7

Lawyers involved in speculative building 226; see also Archbutt, Samuel, junior, Ashton, Robert John; Batty, William; Biscoe, Elisha; Burrows, Sir Frederic Abemethy; Goodinge, John Henry, Lewin; Scarborough, Thomas Henry; Scott, William Pulteney; Serrell, D. H; Spicer, G. J.; Tomlin, J. L.; Torr, Janeways, Gribble and Oddy

Lazarus, Henry 253

b Leathers, Benjamin 89

Lecky, W. E. H. 110

Lecky Street ( formerly Elm Mews) 144, 145, 146, 147–8

a Lee, Arthur, and Brothers 116

a Lee, Messrs. Charles, and Sons 217

Lee, Sir Theophilus 67

Lee estate 168

Leeds, 2nd Duke of 174

Lefevre, John 181

Leicester Square (carpet warehouse) 188

Lemon, Robert 187

Lennox, Lord Arthur 30

b Leonard, Mr. (:T.) 61

Leroux, Jacob 9

b Leslie and Company 155

b Lester, Thomas 94n.

Lethaby, W. R. 123

Lewin: Henry 176, 214, 215; Robert 175, 176, 212, 215, 238, 239, 240; (Rev.) S. J. 239; Spencer Robert 175, 176, 212, 214, 215, 216, 237, 238, 239, 240; T. E. 176, 216, 228; family 175, 226; firm (Lewin and Co.) 175, 212, 214, 215, 216, 226

a Lewis, Owen 179

a Lewis and Company 114

Leyland, Frederick (monument to) 251–2, fig. 74 (p. 247), Pl. 106c, d

Liberal Party, builders' workmen and 216

a Liddell, John 146,212

Lillic Bridge, Fulham 216

b Lilly and Lilly 7

Lincoln: 2nd Earl of 163; Stroud 47, 48, 70, 94

a Lincoln and Miller 169

Lincoln Street, Chelsea 76

Lincoln's Inn Fields (Sir John Soane's house) 65

Lind, Jenny 229, 239, 253

Lion Brewery 60

Lion Brewhouse (Broad Street, Golden Square) 86

Lion Brewhouse (South Bank) 60

Lionel House, Brompton Road 8, 35–6

Lister: John 177; Sir William 200

Liston, John 253

Listowel, 1st Earl of (lands of) 41, 44

b Little: Henry 24; Jeremiah 24, 216, 237, 239

Little Boltons, The 199, 201, 206, 210, 211, 217, 221, 226, 239, Pl. 85a, b
-, East side (even numbers)
-, Nos. 2–36 210, 239, Pl. 85b (Nos. 26, 28); Nos. 38–48 231, 239; No. 50 (Rathmorc Lodge) 231, 239
-, West side (odd number:)
-, No. 1 220, 239, fig. 65 (p. 218); Nos. 3–27 220,239, Pl. 85a (Nos. 25, 27); Nos. 29–31 239, Pl. 85a (No. 29); No. 33 215, 239; No. 35 (W. Corbett's house) 215, 232, 239

Little Chelsea 1, 162–94 passim, 241, Pl. 72

Little Chelsea and West Brompton Benevolent Society 222

‘Little Chelsey streete’ 162

Little Coleherne see Coleherne: Little

Little Green (nr. Petersfield) 85

Little Green Lodge, Thurloe Place 85

Litton, Marie 77

Liverpool Institute 67

Liven, stables and riding schools 24, 28, 110, 180, 183, 189

Lloyd: Hugh 177; Martin 23, 24; Man ( nee Moser) 177; Richard 24

Lloyd's ( now Brompton) Place 13, 23, 24, Pl. 8c

Lochee: John (s and heir of Lewis, q.c) 182. 182n.; 190; John Louis 182n.; Lewis 1X1, 182, 182n., 184, 185, 188, 198; Mrs. (w. of Lewis) 182, 186; family 182, 185, 188, 198

Lochee's military academy 181–2, 183, 184, Pl. 75a, d

Lock Chapel, Paddington 113

Locomobile Company of America 128

Lodge, The (Michael's Grove Lodge, Grange Lodge), Egerton Terrace 97

Logan: Thomas, and Co. 226; W. G. 152, 153, 215, 224, 226, 228

London, Bishops of: C. J. Blomfield 248; A. C Tait 114; Paddington estate of 69

London, University of 134

London and Provincial Bank Old Brompton Road 226

London and South Western Bank, Fulham Road 223, 226

London and Westminster Bank, Brompton Road 45, Pl. 14b

London Assurance Corporation 105

London Assurance Loan Company 12

London Cemetery Company 246. 251

London County Council 20, 21–2, 30–1, 82, 84, 86, 148, 154, 230, 231

London ( formerly Metropolitan) Fire Brigade 22, 39, 215

London Orator see Oratory, London

London School Board 14, 20, 228

London Suburban Bank, Fulham Road 190

London Tourist Board 24

London Transport offices, Pelham Street 128

Long, Edwin 30

b Long. William 94n., 98n., 178–9

Long Close or Long Field, Brompton Road 9

Long ( or Glassington) Close, Old Brompton Road 198

b Longstaff, George and Thomas 8, 36n.

Loudon J. C. 248

Lovering, Ida 126

Lower (Brompton) Grove, Brompton Road 27, 28

Lower Seymour Street (No. 16, now 126 Wigmore Street) 126

a Lowndes, Mary 116

Lowndes Street 28

Lowther, James 65

Lumley, Benjamin 200, 253

Lunatic asylums 27, 91, 100, 141, 162, 181, 186, 188, Pl. 52d

Luttrell, Narcissus 198n.

Lutwidge, R. W. Skeffington 77, 77n., 111n.

Lutyens, Charles 103, 110, 111

b Lutyens, Sir Edwin 110, 120

Lyde, Capt. Samuel 202

Lyng, George 26n.

Lyons family 180

Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith 83, 84

Maastricht, Holland (Church of St. Servaas) 57

McAlpin, Mary

a Macartney, Sir Mervyn 123–5 passim

McCallum, Emily 126

Macchetta, Blanche Roosevelt (monument to) fig. 74 (p 247) Pl. 107d

b McClymont, Alexander 152, 175, 176, 212, 215, 215n., 216, 224, 228, 237–40 passim: see also Corbett (William) and McClymont (Alexander), firm of

McClymont, Mrs. (w. of Alexander) 152

McClymont, David and Robert 215n.

Macfisheries Ltd. 35

MacGregor, Sir Evan 123, 169

Mackinnon, Sir William 120

Mackmurdo, A. H. 15, 17

b Mackmurdo, Hornblower and Walters 15

McLellan, G. V. 183, 223

a Macleod, Ewan 237

Macpherson, Sir John 27

Macquoid, Percy 222

Macrae, Frank (memorial to) 117

‘Madeira of London’ 50

Madras system of education 67, 68

Magdalen College, Oxford (Founder's Tower) 132

a Maidment and Brady 114

a Mailer, Dallas A. 14

Main, Thomas 181, 189

b Mair, Robert 177

Maitland, Paul Fordyce 154

Malaysia, Government of 46

Malcolm, Lady ( fl. 1845–9) 202

Malcolm, William, and Co. 91, 130

Malet, Harold 123, 124, 125

Mallarme, Stephane 45

Mallet, Sir Louis 211

Malvern Court, Pelham Street 128

b Manley, Mark 8, 122

b Mann, Thomas 173n.

Manners estate 44

Manning, Cardinal 192

Manor House, Fulham Road 175

Manor House, Smith Street, Chelsea 130

Mansel, Mansel Dawkin and his sons Charles B., George B. and James T. 12, fig. 2 (p. 11)

Mansell, Sir Robert 165

Manton: Caroline and Frederick 26; Joseph 25–6; Mary Ann 25; family 25–6

Mara, Gertrud Elisabeth 253

Marble Arch (No. 7) 57n.

Margate Infirmary ( later Royal Sea-Bathing Hospital) 130

a Marinali, Orazio 57

Market gardens 5, 40, 46, 91, 139, 144, 157, 180, 199, 242, 246n.; see also Nurseries and horticulture

Marlborough, Duke of (statue) 182n.

Marlborough Road ( now Draycott Avenue), Chelsea 31

Marlborough Square, Chelsea 182n.

Marlborough Street School, Chelsea 18

Marler. Leslie S. 17; Sidney 13, 17; William Henry 63

Marler and Bennett 13, 18

Marochetti, Baron Carlo 103, 110

Marples, A. E. 230

Marreco, W. F. 226, 228

Marreco and Gilbert 226

b Marriott: Edward Evans 39; Thomas Weatherley 39, 44

Marsh, Henry 198

a Marshall, William C. (of Marshall and Vickers) 15

b Marston, W. J., and Son 231, 239

Martin, Lady (Helen(a) Faucit) 253

a Martin, G. D. 7, 8, 14

Martin, Henry 244

b Martin, Richard 36n.

Martin, Sir Theodore 110

b Martin, Wells and Company 7

Maryvale (nr. Birmingham) 50

b Masters, W. E. 112

Mathews, Charles James 97, 254; w. of 254

Matthews, (F. C.) 226

b Matthews, Henry Arthur 122; see also Matthews Brothers and Co.

b Matthews, James 176

b Matthews, John 229

b Matthews Brothers and Co. ( also Matthews and Rogers, later Matthews, Rogers and Co.) 8, 122, 229, 237, 239

Maude, W. E. 209–10, 238

a Mauduit, Anthony 169, 232, 237

Maull, Henry, and Company ( formerly Maull and Polyblank) 186

Maundy, Thomas 165, 166, 174, 184, 190

b May and Merritt 93

b Maydwell, Wright 63, 66, 77

Maye, J. W. 179

a Mayer and Company 193, 234

b Mayoss, Francis 177–8, 182

Mayoss's Buildings or Rents, Fulham Road 177

Mazzini, Giuseppe 91

b Mazzuoli, Giuseppe 56

Meadows, Drinkwater 254

Mears, John 197

b Mears and Stainbank 193

Medicinal spring 241

Melon Ground, Brompton Road 34, Pl. 4

Melton Court, Old Brompton Road 91, 102, 112, 128

a Mendham, J. B. 48

Mentone Mansions, Fulham Road 241

Mercer, Dr. N. S. 230–1

a Meredith, E. 186

Merrington Road, Fulham 216

b Mesher, Edmund 160, 172

Messel, Alfred 22

b Messor, J. and J. 14

Metropolis Estates 82, 83

Metropolis Turnpikes, Commissioners of 5

Metropolitan Board of Works 76, 81, 151–2, 157

Metropolitan Building Act of 1844, effect of 28

Metropolitan District Railway ( now District Line) 32, 79, 80, 92, 117, 128

Metropolitan ( later London) Fire Brigade 22, 39, 215

Metropolitan Interments Act 250

Metropolitan Police: Married Quarters, Redcliffe Road 240; Traffic Wardens' Centre, Yeoman's Row 129n.

b Metropolitan Police, Chief Architect and Surveyor 240

Metropolitan Railway ( now Metropolitan Line) 79, 80, 81, 117

Mews, stables and coach-houses 10, 34, 36, 39, 44, 45, 70, 90, 103, 110, 125, 145, 169, 188–9, 195, 213, 214, 232, 237, 239, Pl. 92a; conversions of 39, 44, 46, 84, 161, 232, 239; see also Livery stables

b Meymott, William 3, 9–10

Michael's Grove see Egerton Terrace

Michael's Grove Lodge 97

Michael's Place, Brompton Road 4, 6, 63, 65, 88–90, 92, 94n., 98n., 101, 120 No. 8 89n.; No. 11 90n.; No. 13 90; No. 16 89–90, 253; Nos. 17, 21 254; No. 22 253; No. 33 89–90, 253

Middle Queen's Buildings, Brompton Road 12; No. 8 17

Middle Street see Fairholt Street

Middleton: Arthur 174; Henry (s. of Sir Hugh) 165, 166, 174, 180, 181, 184, 188, 189, 190; Sir Hugh 166; James Go(o)dsell 30; Mary ( later Birkhead, d. of Henry) 189;

Thomas (s. of William) 174, 175; William (g.g.s. of Henry) 174; family 165, 166, 174, 175, 189, 198

Midleton, 8th Viscount 24

Milbank, Sir Frederick 229

Milborne Grove 169, 203, fig. 58 (p. 196), Pl. 84c
-, Nos. 1–8 204, 208, 239; Nos. 9–12 208, 239, Pl. 84c; Nos. 13 and 14 208, 220, 239

a Mileham, C. H. M. 38

Military academy (Lochée's). Fulham Road 181–2, 183, 184, Pl. 75a, d

Miller, Felix 158

b Miller, Joseph Hale 42n.

a Milner and Craze 234

Milton, Henry and. w 190; Sir John (their s.) 190, 191

b Milton, Thomas 42n.

Minshull, Richard 188

b Minter, F. G. 230

a Minton, Hollins and Company (tiles of) 234, 236

Mitchell, Capt. Sir. T. L. 167

b Mlitchell, W., and Son 126

Mitchell, William 169, 238

Mocatta, David 180

Molyneux, Rev. Capel 113

b Moneta, Girolamo 56

Monteagle, Dow. Lady (w. of 1st Baron) and 2nd Baron 112

Montpelier estate 44

Montpelier Galleries 38

Montpelier Row see Montpelier Walk

Montpelier Square 4, 39

Montpelier ( formerly Rawstorne) Street In., 25, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39–40, Pls. 8d, 10a
-, Brompton Chapel ( now Montpelier Galleries) 3, 12, 34, 38, Pl. 10a; Nos. 1–11 (odd) 40; Nos. 2–8 (even) 39, Pl. 8d; No. 14 40, Pl. 8d

Montpelier Walk ( formerly Row) In., 7, 39, 98n.

a Moody, F.W. 51–2

a Moore, A. L., and Company 139

b Moore, John 10

b Moore, Temple 52, 52n., 54

Moreau: Ann 33; Rev. Charles Frederick 33, 33n.; Esther, James Philip and Philip 33; estate 33–4, 36; family 1, 3, 33

Moreton Gardens ( now part of Old Brompton Road) 205, 229, 239, 253 (No. 1)

Moreton Terrace ( now Nos. 159–165 Old Brompton Road) 229, 239

Moreton Tower 202, 229, fig. 59

Morgan: Charles 165, 177, 197; John 177, 197; Thomas 177, 197, 200

b Morgan, William 141

Morley, Mrs. Patrick 86

Morphew or Morphey, Thomas 200

Morris, Percy and family 115, 116

Morris, William, and Company 186

a Morris and Company 229

Mortimer House, Egerton Gardens 6, 90, 121, 123, 126, fig. 36 (p. 127), Pl. 61

Mosaics (at No. 6 Roland Gardens) 152n.

b Moseley, Thomas 166

Moser, Mary 177

b Moss, W., and Sons Ltd. 8, 128

Mostyn, Hon. Mary Bridget 88

Muddiman, Henry 200

Mulberry House see Fulham Road, No. 262A

b Mumford, William 143

Munday, Eric 85, 85n.

a Munt, E.J. 20

Murdoch, Charles Townshend 117, 118

b Murfey, John R. 72

Murphy, Arthur 254

Murray: David 64. 74; John, the younger 64; Margaret 64

a Murray, William 236, 237

a Murrell, H. F. (Murrell and Pigott) 7, 30, 128

Music, Master of the King's (Nicholas Staggins) 190

Musicians see Actors and musicians

Muthesius, Hermann 120

a Myer. G. Val. 8, 38

b Myers, George 234

a Nash, W. H. 104

Nathan, Fanny S. G. 161

National Art Training School 52

National Bank, Grosvenor Gardens 226

National Savings Bank, St. George's Road, Pimlico 215

National Telephone Company 128

National Training School for Music (building, now Royal College of Organists) 101, 104

a Nattress, G. 54n.

Naunton, James 171, 172

b Neal, Harry, Ltd. 8. 128

Neale, W. J. N. 200

c Neatby, W.J. 22

a Nelson, C.O.

Nelson's Column, Trafalgar Square 103, 110

a Nerios Consultants Group 232, 237

Netherton Grove, Chelsea 190, 208

Neville Street 130, 140, 141, 142, 143

Neville Terrace 130, 141, 142, 143, 144, Pl. 64c; Onslow

Chapel 85, 141, 142, 143, Pl. 64a

‘New Brompton’ 4

New College, Oxford (arms of) 116

New Court 10

New Review 15

New Street ( now part of Hans Crescent, q.v.) 4, 10, 12, 13, 14, 20, 63

New Swan inn 9

Newman, Cardinal 50, 51, 175; memorial to 55, Pl. 41e

Newman, George 94, 98

b Newson, William Henry 179

Newton: Alfred lames 18; Giles 184

b Newton, H. I. 175, 238

Newton, Capt. Richard 181

a Newton-Smith, J. 38

Nicoll, Frederick 243

b Nightingale, B.E. 136, 172

Nightingale, Florence 133

Nisbett: Mrs. 30; Capt. (fl. 1825) and Capt. Edward Parry 184

a Niven, D. Barclay 230

Nixon, Martin Bladon Edward Hawke 201

Norfolk: 14th Duke of 50, 51; 15th Duke of 51, 52, 55, 56, 79; Duchess of (Flora, w. of 15th Duke) 56

Norland estate 157

Norland Square 69

Norman, Philip 119, 120

North Street (now Basil Street, q.v:) 10, 13, 17, 18, 61

North Street now Billing Place, q.v:

North Terrace (formerly Street) 61, 62, 63, 65–6, 67 68 Pl 43a, b
-, Nos. 1–7 (north side, dem) 63, 254 (No. 1), Pl. 43b; No. 7 (Alexander House) 84. Pl. 43a; No. 8 65, 66, 66n., 85; Nos. 9–10 65, 66; No. 11 65–6; see also Empire House; Rembrandt Hotel; Western Grammar School

a Norton, J. 169

a Norwood, Douglas, and .Associates 169, 237

Norwood (Hollywood House) 184

Norwood Cemetery 251, 251n.

Nosotti, Charles 51

Notting Hill Gate (station) 79

Nourse, Mr. 251

a Novosielski, Michael 4, 88–90; w. of 90

Novosielski Street (proposed name) 90

b Nowell, Messrs, (firm of Philip Nowell) 248, 250

Nunhead Cemetery 251

Nurse, Mr. 241

Nurseries and horticulture 1,3, 23, 25,27,33, 58,60,66,91,92, 130, 139, 144, 171, 173, 175, 199, 202; see also Market gardens

b Nutt, Thomas 178

a Nye, David E., and Partners 234

Oakfield Street 184, 239

O'Bryen, Dr. John 191

Observatory (in Thurloe Square) 74

O'Connor,— 234

Old Brompton 1, In., 4, 5, 40, 201

Old Brompton Road 1, 74, 102, 110, 112, 123, 128, 150, 155, 156, 157, 195, 201, 202, 210, 215, 226, 239, fig. 59 (p. 202), Pls. 52d, 67b, 68a, 79c, d, 89c, d
-, Brecknock Villa (later Walwyn House) 202, 231; Brompton Cottage 104, 149, 150, 152; Brompton Hall 27, 79, 87, 88; Brompton House 150; Coleherne Court 229–30, 239, Pl. 101b; Coleherne House 195, 197, 199–201, 212, Pl. 78b; Coleherne (formerly Coleherne Arms) p.h. 214,217,221,239, fig. 66e (p. 220), Pl. 89c; Cowper House 91, 102, Pl. 52d; Drayton Arms (formerly Drayton) p.h. 158, 161, Pl. 68a; Eagle Lodge 149, 253; Grove House 27n.; Hawk Cottage 201, 214, 229, fig. 59 (p. 202); Hereford House 200–1, 212, 253, fig. 59 (p. 202), Pl. 78a; London and Provincial Bank 226; Melton Court 91, 102, 112, 128; Moreton Tower 202, 229, fig. 59; Roland House 155; Roland Houses 149, 152, 155; Rosary, The 253; Royal Exotic Nursery 112; Sussex Mansions 91, 97, 126; Sussex Place 169; Sussex Terrace 97, 102, 126; Swan tavern 144; telephone exchange 128; see also Bolton Gardens; Brompton Cemetery; Princess Beatrice Hospital
-, North side (even numbers)
-, Nos. 198–224 (formerly Bolton Gardens West) 215, 217, 221, 228
-, South side (odd numbers)
-, Nos. 87–97 107; No. 97 (Freake Estate Office) 104; Nos. 99–107 103; No. 109 103, 110; Nos. 111–115 103; Nos. 135–151 (formerly Drayton Terrace) 157, 158, fig. 47 (p. 159), Pl. 67b (Nos. 141, 143); No. 153 (Drayton Arms, fomerly Drayton, p.h.) 158, 161, Pl. 68a; Nos. 155–157 161; Nos. 159–165 (formerly 1–4 Moreton Terrace) 229, 239; Nos. 167–185 (formerly 3–12 Moreton Gardens) 205, 229, 239, Pl. 79d (No. 185); No. 189 (formerly 1 and 2 Moreton Gardens) 205, 229, 239, 253; Nos. 239–259 (formerly Coleherne Terrace) 214, 215 (No. 259), 217, 221, 239; No. 261 see Coleherne p.h. above, Nos. 263–279 (formerly Claro Terrace) 214, 217, 221, 239, Pl. 89d

Old Burlington Street (No. 9) 211

Old George p.h. 103

Oldfield 40

Oliver, William and Emma Sophia 30

Onslow, Earls of: 2nd 91; 3rd 103

Onslow Chapel (later Onslow Baptist Chapel) 85, 141, 142, 143, Pl. 64a

Onslow Cottage, Onslow Terrace 92, 97

Onslow Court, Drayton Gardens 169

Onslow Crescent 102, 105, 107, 112, 128, Pl. 54a; No. 16 112

Onslow Gardens 103, 105, 107, 108, 110, 128, 130, 141. 144, figs. 27e, 28–9 (pp. 106, 109, 111), Pls. 53, 54c, 64b
-, occupants 108, 110, 111–12, 141, 142, 143
-, Nos. 1–8 108, 110 (No. 5), 112; Nos. 9–16 130, 141, 141n., 142, 143 (No. 16), Pl. 64b; No. 17 130, 142,–143; Nos. 17a–22 103, 108, 112 (No. 17A); No. 23 103, 108, fig. 28 (p. 109); No. 24 103, 108, 110; Nos. 25–34 103, 108 Nos. 35–48 103, 108, 110 (No. 38), 112 (No. 41), Pl. 53a; Nos. 49–77 (odd) 108, fig. 27e (p. 107), Pl. 53b; Nos. 79–91 (odd) 108; Nos. 50–78 (even) 108, 110 (No. 76), fig. 29 (p. 111), Pls. 53c, 54c (No. 68); Nos. 80–92 (even) 108

Onslow Houses, Onslow Square 112

Onslow Mews 103, 110

Onslow Mews Last 112

Onslow Place, Fulham Road 70, 92, 93, 94, 129

Onslow Square 91, 93, 101n., 102–8 passim, 110, 112, 128, fig. 27b, c (p. 106), Pls. 52a–c, 54b

garden 91; occupants 77n., 103, 104, 105, 110–11, 112, 253; Malvem Court 128; see also St. Paul's Church Nos. 1–7 (odd) 102, 106, 107, fig. 27b (p. 106), Pl. 52b; Nos. 9–31 (odd) 103 (No. 19), 105, 108, 110 (Nos. 17 and31), 111 (No. 9), 112 (Nos. 25–31), 253 (No. 31), Pl. 52a; Nos. 33–39 (odd) 112; Nos. 41–75 (odd) 103–4 (No. 41), 104 (No. 55), 105 (Nos. 55 and 75), 110 (Nos. 57, 65 and 67), 112 (No. 75); Nos. 77–109 (odd) 77n. (No. 101), 104 (No. 79), 108, 110 (Nos. 85–109), 112 Nos. 2–42 (even) (south side) 103 (Nos. 30 and 34), 104 (No. 8), 105 (Nos. 30, 36 and 42), 110 (Nos. 16, 24 and 36), 111 (No. 34), fig. 27c (p. 106), Pls. 52c, 54b (No. 4); Nos. 44–54 (even) 108, 111 (No. 50), 11 In. (No. 52)

Onslow Terrace, Fulham Road 4, 61, 62, 64, 91–2, 117, 128, 253

Oram, Barbara 23

Oratory, London (Brompton Oratory) 48, 50–7, figs. 10, 13, 14 (pp.' 41, 53, 56), Pls. 13c, 33–41, 42a; iron church 54, 54n.; Little Orator, 51, 55, Pl. 34a; Oratory House 50–1, 55, Pl. 33a, b; parish 190; side chapels (present) 56–7; site 40, 50, figs. 10, 13 (pp. 41, 53); see also St. Philip's Orphanage

Orchards 184, 193, 199, 201, 202; set also Nurseries and horticulture

Order of the Servants of Mary 190; see also Servite Fathers

Organ factory 102, 118

Orpen, Sir William 230, 240

Orphanage, St. Philip's 175–6

a Orr, Thomas 192

a Orr, W. Paton, and Partner 179, 232, 237, 238

Orrery, 4th Earl of (Charles Boyle) 198

Orton, Arthur 211, 239

Osborn, Sir John, 5th Bt. 201

Osbom House, No. 7 South Bolton Gardens 201, 230, 240, fig. 59 (p. 202)

Osgood, Richard 241

a Ostrehan, G. W. 48

Our Lady of Seven Dolours, Church of (Servite Church) 190–3, 238, fig. 57, Pls. 76–7; parochial hall 190

Oval, The (Hackney) 206

a Overton, R. C. 82n.

Ovington Court, Brompton Road 7, 30

Ovington Gardens 5. 7, 27. 28, 29, 30, fig. 7 (p. 29), Pls. 16b, 17c, d

Ovington House, Hampshire 28

Ovington Square 4, 26, 28–30, Pl. 17a, b

Ovington Terrace now part of Ovington Gardens, q.v.

Owles and Beaumont 6, 24

Oxford, Matilda, Countess of 241

a Pace, Jonathan or Ion 186, 192

Padbury, Mr. (fruiterer) 174

Paddington 113, 118; Bishop of London's estate in 69; District surveyor for 248

Page, Dion and Jessey 66

b Paine, Richard 10

Palace Gardens Terrace 79

Palace Gate 118

Palace Green (No. 2) 141

Palmer: Catherine (nee Emle) 185; Edward Howley 126; Elizabeth (later Elizabeth Verney) 185; John Horsley 126; Ralph (d. 1716) 184–5, 188, 198; Ralph (d. 1755) 185, 188; family 188

a Palmer, W. H. 192

Pamplin, William 173

Pankhurst, Mrs. Emmeline (monument to) 252, fig. 74 (p. 247), Pl. 107a

Pantheon (Oxford Street) 10n., 88

Paoli, General 181

Paris (Bon Marche) 22

Paris Pullman Cinema, Drayton Gardens 169

Parish boundaries 1, 241, fig. 1 (p. 2)

Park, The (Ealing) 207

Park, Thomas 93

Park Chapel, Chelsea 223; minister of 183

Park House (formerly Cottage), Pclham Street 93

Park Mansions, Brompton Road 8, 14

Park Mansions Arcade, Brompton Road 6, 14

Park Walk, Chelsea 190

b Parkinson, Sir Lindsay, and Company 8, 128

Parmiter's School, Bethnal Green 153

a Passmore, Herbert 115

a Paton Orr, W., and Partner 179, 232, 237, 238

b Paul, William 23, 42n., 63

Pavilion Road, Chelsea 22

a Pawley, C. J. C. 169, 184,237

Paxton, (Sir) Joseph 251

Payne: John (of Bank of England) 181, 185; John Willett (R.N.) 90

a Peach, C. Stanley 8, 128, 237; and Partners 128

Peacock, Sir Barnes 251

a Peacock, Joseph 172, 234, 238

a Peel , A. V. 232

Peel, Thomas 118

b Peirson, Stephen 160, 204, 210, 238, 240

Pelham, Henry Thomas, 3rd Earl of Chichester 92

Pelham Arms p.h. 93

Pelham Cottage, Pelham Street 93, 97

Pelham Crescent 91, 92–4 passim, 96, 98, 101, fig. 24, Pls 49c, 50
-, garden 93; interior decoration at No. 3 96, at No. 26 84,96
-, occupants: generally 96–7, 112; individuals, by house No. 2 94; No. 3 96; No. 7 97; No. 8 94,98; No. 10 97, 253; No. 11 63; No. 20 253; No. 2197,254; No. 25 97,254; No. 26 96

Pelham Place 91, 92–4 passim, 96, Pl. 49
-, occupants: generally 96–7, 112; individuals, by house No. 3 97; No. 4 253; No. 5 254; No. 18 253; No. 23 254

Pelham Place North 94, Pl. 49b

Pelham Road original name of Pelham Street, q.v.

Pelham Street (formerly Road) 80, 91, 92–4 passim, 96, 117, 128, 141, 142
-, Crompton Court 8, 128; Marvern Court 128; Pelham Arms p.h. 93; Station Buildings 117, Pl. 48b; South Kensington Station 79, 80, 117, Pls. 47a (site of), 48; see also Park House and Pelham Cottage
-, North side (odd numbers)
-, No. 49 117; Nos. 51–61 94, 96, 117; Nos. 63–81 128; Nos. 91–93 8
-, South side (even numbers)
-, No. 2 (dem.) 112; Nos. 6–10 92, 94, 96; Nos. 12–24/26 (Pelham Terrace) 92, 93, 96 (Nos. 20–24); Nos. 42–46 129; No. 48 129

Pelham Terrace original name of Nos. 12–24 Pelham Street, q.v.

Perm Street, Buckinghamshire (church) 233

Pennyman, Sir lames, 6th Bt. 163, 167, 171, 173, 180

b Perkins, Joseph 181

Perks, Sir Robert W. 82. 83

b Perry and Company 7, 83

Peter Rabbit 211

Petrie, Sir Charles 240

Pettiward: Daniel 193; John 241; R.J. 195, 212, 214, 217, 221, 237–9 passim; Sarah 241; Walter 198; estate 200, 212, 214, 232, 241; family 195, 198, 199, 241

a Pezzati, Pietro 57

b Phelps, Charles F. 104

Philadelphia (Wanamaker's store) 21

Phillimore estate 104

a Phillips, P. R. Rees 134

Phillips, Randal 86

b Phillips, Stephen 70, 72, 94, 98

Piccadilly 40, 88

Piccadilly Line 13, 80, 117

Pickles, Joseph 34

Pietet, M. A. 38, 39

a Pigott, R. M. (of Murrell and P.) 7, 30, 128

Pilkington and Company 22

Pise 91

Pius XI, Pope 56

Place, Francis 45; Mrs. 253

Planché, James Robinson 100, 254

b Plater, F.U (Aldin and P.) 153–5

Playfair, Sir Nigel 83, 84, 96

Plymouth 55, 166

Pneumatic Railway Association 246n.

Pocock: Sophia (née Archbutt) 28; Thomas 28, 243

b Pocock, William (plumber) 98n.

a Pocock: William Fuller 28, 67, 68, 84; William Willmer 26, 28–30 passim, 96n., 203

Police stations 44, 129n.

Pollard: Charles and Edward 85; Robert 50

a Pollen, Arthur 57

a Pollen, J. Hungerford 51, 55

a Pollock, Richard 176, 237, 240

Ponsonby, Lady Georgiana 200

Pope, Jane 254

a Pope, R. S. (Kendall and P.) 251

a Porter, F. W. 95

b Porter, George 192, 193

Portland Road 157

Post Office (Postmaster General) 186, 187, 189, 197, 206, 231

Post offices: at 256 Fulham Road 186, 187, 238; at 262A Fulham Road 190

Potkins family 166

Pott, Archdeacon 47

Potter: Beatrix 200, 211; Rupert 211

a Potter, Thomas, and Sons 114

Poupart: John 199; Samuel 242; family 180

a Powell, James, and Sons (Powells) 116, 234

Powell, Thomas and Elizabeth 33

a Pownall, George 133, 139, 140, 141, 152

Powney, Lt. Col. Cecil Du Pré Perton 85

Poynter, Sir Edward J. 103

Poynton, William Boulton 200, 201

a Pozzi, B. 57

b Pratt, C, and Sons 85n.

a Pratt, Samuel 135, 137

Preece, J. A. (and Sons) 183

Presbyterian congregation, Alexander Place 85

Preston (nr. Brighton) 98

Preston, Isaac and Thomas 23, 150

Price: Lady 226; E. L. 226

Prince Consort 131

Prince of Wales p.h. 244

Princes Court, Brompton Road 8, 37, Pl. 24b

Princes Gate 45n.

Princess Beatrice Hospital 231, 238

Prinsep, Val (monument to) 252, fig. 47 (p. 247), Pl. 106a

Priory Grove now Priory Walk, q.v.

Priory Mansions, Drayton Gardens 169, Pl. 68b

Priory Walk (formerly Priory Grove) 203, 205, 207, 211, 239, fig. 50 (p. 170), Pl. 84a; Warner House 169

Pritty, Henry 176

Prospect Place 9

Public houses, inns and taverns: general references 3, 6, 33, 162, 163, 166, 171, 214, 221, 228; architects specialising in 175, 177, 244; plans of fig. 66 (p. 220); proposed 221, 244

Individual public houses, inns and taverns are indexed under their own names

Pugin, A. W. N. 136

Pullan, Richard Popplewell 222

Purkis, Elizabeth 63

Putney 228, 241

Putney Bridge 1

Puttenham, Surrey (Julian Sturgis's house) 15

Pye, William and Thomas 149

Quail Field 26

b Quance, James 70, 94n.

Queen Street (now Hans Road, q.v.) 3, 4, 10, 15

Queen's Buildings, Brompton Road (sometime called Queen's Buildings, Brompton and Queen's Buildings, Knightsbridge) 3, 4, 5, 9, 12, 94, 98n., 254

Queen's Elm, Chelsea 145

Queen's Elm Nursery 139

Queen's Gardens 3, 10, 14, 17, 18, 20

Queen's Gardens School 14, 18, 20

Queen's Gate 108, 112

Queen's Gate Gardens 112, 149, 152, 155

Queen's Gate Terrace 91; Nos. 56, 58 100

Queen's Row 12

Queensberry Place 5n.

a Quennell, C. H. B. 179

Quentery, Charles Cartwright and William Cartwright 24

b Quick, John Brannan 26, 26n.

Quilter. J. S. 204

Racquet (‘racket’) court 149

Radium Picture Playhouse 169

Railton, William 110, 111; Mrs. 110

Railways 5, 12, 44, 79, 241, 246n.; see also Underground railways

Ramsay: David 139, 247; David Allen 139

c Ramsden, Omar 179

Ramsgate (Kursaal) 153

Randall, Thomas 26

Ranelagh, Katherine, Viscountess 33

Ranking, Dr. William Harcourt 130

Ransom, Morland and Hammersley 88, 90

Rathmore Lodge: former (No. 10 South Bolton Gardens previously called White Cottage) 201, 230, 231, fig. 59 (p. 202); present (No. 50 The Little Boltons) 231, 239

Ravenhill, John 244

Ravilious, Eric 176

Rawlinson, Sir Robert 237

b Rawstorne, Thomas 3, 8, 36, 38, 39

Rawstorne Street now Montpelier Street, q.v.

Rawstorne Street, Finsbury 36

Read, Elizabeth 185

Reade, Charles 37

Realtor Securities Company 230

b Reason, W. 7

Reckitt, Sir Harold J., 2nd Bt. 84, 85

Red Lion inn or p.h.: in Brompton Road 9, 23, 24, Pl. 18b; in Old Brompton Road 150

Redcliffe (name) 175

Redcliffe Arms p.h. (former) 212, 215, 221,238, fig. 66b (p. 220), Pl. 89b

Redcliffe Estate of Corbett and McClymont 211–28 passim, fig. 64 (p. 213); office 180, 215; see also, Corbett (William) and McClymont (Alexander), firm of

Redcliffe Gardens 193–4, 199, 212, 214, 216, 221, 222, 226, 239, Pls. 88b, 89b, 92b, 101b
-, East side (odd numbers)
-, Nos. 1–11 193–4, 222 (No. 11), 239; Nos. 13–79 219 (No. 51), 239, fig. 65c (No. 51)
-, West side (even numbers)
-, No. 2A 215, 216, 217, 224, 239, Pl. 89b; Nos. 2–102 220 (Nos. 92 and 94), 224 (No. 2), 239, Pl. 92b (No. 38)

Redcliffe Mews 239; Harcourt Arms (intended p.h. at Nos. 26 and 28) 214, 221, fig. 66a (p. 220), Pl. 92a; No. 26 216, 221, 228

Redcliffe Place 217 (No. 17), 222 (No.1). 239, Pl. 92c (No. 17)

Redcliffe Road 174–6, 209, 212, 216, 217, 221, 223, 239–40, fig. 48 (p. 164), Pl. 87a
-, Cathcart House 176, 212, 215, 240; Holbein Studios (No. 52) 176; Metropolitan Police Married Quarters (No. 55) 240
-, Nos. 1A, 2A 175, 240; Nos. 1–32 175, 176 (Nos. 1–14, 20, 22), 214 (Nos. 1–14), 240, Pl. 87a (Nos. 5–6); Nos. 33 and 34 175, 176, 240; Nos. 34–57 175, 176 (Nos. 37, 52), 240 (Nos. 35–53, 55, 57); Nos. 58–66 176, 240

Redcliffe Square 214, 217, 219, 221, 223, 228, 240, Pls. 1, 85d, 90–1, 96a, 108
-, Odd numbers Nos. 1–9 240; Nos. 11–27 219 (No. 19), 221 (Nos. 23, 27), 240, fig. 68 (p. 227); Nos. 29–53 240, Pl. 90 (Nos. 29–45)
-, Even numbers Nos. 2–80 240, Pls. 85d, 91 (Nos. 2–22); Nos. 82–84 231, 240
-, see also St. Luke's Church

Redcliffe Street 214, 240

Redgrave, Alexander 149

b Redpath, Brown and Company Ltd. 85n.

Reece Mews 104

Reed, William 112

a Rees, C. G. F. 229, 239

Reeve, John 254

b Reeve, Obadiah 34

Reeves, Messrs. 82

Regency Terrace, Fulham Road 144, 148

Reid, Sir Edward James 120

Relton Mews 39

Rembrandt Hotel, Thurloe Place 63, 82, 83

a Remnant, E. A. 186

a Rendle, Timothy 237

Renouf, Sir Peter Le Page, his w. and d. 153

Reynell: Sir Thomas 23; family 150

a Rhind, David

Rice: (John) 91; his s. John Morgan 90; his f. Morgan 88

b Rice, Thomas 97

Richardson: Charles 140; Charles James 90

Richmond Buildings, New Street 10

Richthofen, Frieda von 147

a Rickards, E. A. 55

Riley, John 188

a Riley and Glanfield 7

Rishforth, Ann 185, 190

Ritchard, Edgar 55

Ritchie, Anne Thackeray (d. of W. M. Thackeray) 141, 143

b Ritchie, Archibald 47

Ritchie, Charles Thomson (later 1st Baron Ritchie) 123

a Robbins, William H. 8

b Roberts, C. P., and Company Ltd. 83

b Roberts, George 26n.

Roberts, John W. 149–50

Robertson: Alexander 40; Charles 193

a Robertson, (Sir Howard) 85

Robertson, Mrs. Wybrow (Marie Litton) 77

a Robins, Edward C. 114

Robins: George fig. 2 (p. 11); his f. fig. 2; John 39; Joseph 39

Robinson, Alexander Ramsay 193

a Robinson, Arthur E. 133

Robinson, Sir J. C. 78–9

Robinson, Lucy Margaret and Robert Tetlow 194; their estate 221

Robinson, Robert 179

Robinsons Place, Thistle Grove 168

Robson, Diana 185, 188

a Robson, E. R. 14, 18

Rochefort, Belgium (church of St. Remy) 57

Rochefort, J. 137

Rock Tea Gardens, Harrods 20

Rodman, G. H. 168

Rodwell, George H. B. 254

b Rogers, Andrew 122, 229

a Rogers, John Mechelen 8, 117

Rogers: Margaret 165; Thomas 165

Rogers, W. H. 234

Rogers, William 185

Rogers and Chapman 224

Roland Gardens 149–55, 167, fig. 43 (p. 151), Pl. 69c, d
-, Roland House 155
-, East side (even numbers)
-, Nos. 2–24 (No. 2 dem.) 152,152n. (No. 6), 153 (Nos. 6, 22); Nos. 26–44 153; No. 46 153, Pl. 69d
-, West side (odd numbers)
-, Nos. 1–29 152,153 (Nos. 11, 25–29), Pl. 69c (Nos. 13, 15); Nos. 31–39 153; No. 41 153–4; Nos. 43–45 153, 154, fig. 44; Nos. 47–49 151, 153, 154

Roland House, Roland Gardens 155

Roland Houses, Old Brompton Road 149, 152, 155

Roland Way (formerly Roland Mews previously Alveston Mews) 149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155

Rolfe family 36

Rolles, Sir John 177

Rome: Chiesa Nuova 55; Pantheon 65

Romilly, 2nd Baron 123

Roof construction see under Houses

Rosary, The, Old Brompton Road 253

Rosary Gardens 156

Rose:Sir Philip, 1st Bt. 130, 137, 139, 140, 141; Sir Philip Frederick, 2nd Bt. 153

Rose, William 8, 36, 36n.

Rose (and Crown) inn, Knightsbridge 33, 34, 36

Rose Hawe 156

Rose p.h. 140, 142, 143

Rose Terrace see Fulham Road, Nos. 80–108

Rosehall 156, 157

Rosenkrantz, Arild 114

Ross, Charles 23

Rowles, Henry 10, 61

Rowley, H. G. 183

Royal Chest Hospital 130

Royal College of Organists 101, 104

Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation 104–5

Royal Exotic Nursery 112

Royal Hospital, Chelsea, pensioners of (monument to) 252, fig. 74 (p. 247)

Royal Institution 38, 38n.

Royal Insurance Company 219, 224

Royal Marsden Hospital, Chelsea 180

Royal Military Academy see Military academy (Lochée's)

Royal Oak p.h., Elizabeth Street, Belgravia 101

Royal Oak (now Boscobel) Place, Belgravia 101

Royal Sea-Bathing Hospital, Margate 130

Rubergall: John (or Jean, fl. 1750) 139; John (fl. 1843) 199

c Ruddock, Samuel

Rudkin, Thomas 143

Ruer, Thomas 57

Rumford, Count 38, 38n., 39

Ruskin john, 188–9

Russell, Mrs. (fl. 1843–5) 202

Russell, Lady Frankland 135, 139

Russell, J. 187,238

Russell, James 173, 199

Russell, Richard 42n.

Russell, Sir Robert Frankland 135

Rutland, (6th) Duke of 79

Rutland Gate, Knightsbridge 44

Rutland Mews South 45, 46

Rutland Street In., 7, 39, 44, Pl. 13a

Rutland Terrace 39, 70

Rutter, John G., and Company 161

Ryder, H. D. (later 4th Earl of Harrowby) 226

Rysbrack Street, Chelsea 22

Sage, Frederick, Limited 22, 23

St. Aloysius, Church of, Oxford 191

St. Augustine's Church, Queen's Gate (district of) 114, 234

St. Barnabas's Church, Addison Road 46

St. Dunstan's Studio, Seymour Walk 179

St. George's, Hanover Square, parish of 46

St. George's Chapel, Windsor 165

St. George's Court and Garage, Brompton Road 8, 91, 128

St. George's Guild 188

St. George's Hospital 40, 46, 47, 133

St. James's Theatre 90

St. John's Chapel see Brompton Chapel

St. John's Church, Walham Green, Fulham 47

St. Jude's Church, Courtfield Gardens 235; district 234; vicar of 82n.

St. Jude's Church, Turk's Row, Chelsea 102

St. Leger, C. D. 231, 237

St. Luke's Chapel, Brompton Hospital 135–9, figs. 39, 40 (pp. 136, 138), Pls. 62b, c, 63

St. Luke's Church, Cheltenham 235

St. Luke's Church, Redcliffe Square 199, 214, 223, 224, 2356, fig. 70 (p. 235), Pls. 96–8, 108; Church Hall, Adrian Mews 236, 237; temporary church (on site of Nos. 29–33 Redcliffe Sq.) 235; vicarage 236

St. Luke's Street, Chelsea 28

St. Margaret's parish, Westminster 1, 3, 9, 33, 34, 36, 39, 41; officers of 9

St. Mark's Church, North Audley Street 48–9

St. Mark's Grove 242, 243, 244; Nos. 51–54 244

St. Mark's Place or Road (now Billing Road, q.v.) 244

St. Mark's Terrace see Fulham Road, Nos. 330–348

St. Martin's Church, Gospel Oak 137

St. Mary Magdalene Church, Croydon 137

St. Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol 175, 233, 239

St. Marylebone (building speculations in) 88, 118

St. Marylebone and Paddington Joint Stock Building and Trading Company 244

St. Alan's (R.C.) Chapel, Chelsea 50

St. Man's Church, The Boltons (formerly St. Mary's, West Brompton) 179, 232–4, fig. 69 (p. 233), Pls. 93–4; church hall 234; district or parish of 117, 233, 234; parochial authorities of 189

St. Man's National Girls' Infant and Sunday School, Gilston Road 172, 238, Pl. 95

St. Man's Priory of the Servite Friars, Fulham Road 190–3, 238, fig. 57, PL. 76c, d

St. Michael's Church, Charleston, South Carolina 33

St. Oswald's Road, Fulham 216–17

St. Patrick's Church, Wapping 57n.

St. Paul's Church, Onslow Square 108, 112–14, fig. 30, Pls. 56a, 57

St. Peter's Church, Cranley Gardens (now St. Peter's Armenian Church) 114–17, fig. 31, Pls. 56b, c, 58; district of 114, 234; parsonage 117, Pl. 56b

St. Philip Neri, Church of, Arundel 52, 191

St. Philip Neri, London Oratory of see Oratory, London

St. Philip's Orphanage, Fulham Road 175–6

St. Remy's Monastic Church, Rochefort (Belgium) 57

St. Saviour's Church, Walton Place, Chelsea 101n.

St. Servaas's Church, Maastricht (Holland) 57

St. Stephen's Church, Gloucester Road (organist at) 153

St. Teresa's Home, Roland Gardens 153

St. Thomas's Hospital 133

Sala, George Augustus 66, 254

Salisbury, William 139, 144

Sallad (Selwood, Swan) Lane 139, 144

Salter, Stephen 40

Salutaris Water Company 179

Salviti, A. 48

Salvin: Anthony 110; Osbert 239

Sahwvay, Joseph, survey of Brompton and Fulham Roads by (1811) 4, Pls. 4–5, 72, 102a

Samfordesbrigge (now Stamford Bridge) 241

Sams, George 63

Sams, George Benjamin 7, 25n.

San Domenico, Brescia, Church of 57, 57n.

Sanders, John William 141

Sandwich Bay (N. Playfair's cottage at) 83

Sang, Frederick 247

Sargeant, E. T. 187, 238

Sargent, John Singer 103

Sargent, Raymond J. 148

Sassoon, Alfred 176

Saul, Edward 70

Saunders, Charles 179

Saunders, Frederick 216, 239

Saunders, T. W. 169

Sauter, George 154

Savage, James 172

Savile, Sir George 27

Saville Court, Brompton Road 46

Sawmills 149

Sayer, C.J. 186

Scarborough, Thomas Henry 150, 151

Scarlett, Frank 8, 35

Schaufelberg, E. 169

Schlesinger and Mayer store, Chicago 22

Sc(h) ofield , Robert 171

Schofield Place 160, 171

Schools and academies 18, 162, 185, 228; Board 18; church and parish (National) 8, 34–5, 38, 44, 49, 141, 143, 172, 186, 187, 189; ‘Industrial’ 176; military 181–2, 183, 184; primary 231; private 50, 78, 162, 174–5, 179, 183, 185, 186, 190, 193, 201; proprietary 67–8

Science and Art Department 51–2, 55, 146

Science Museum 155

Scoles, J.J. 50, 51, 56, 175

Scott, G. G., junior 52, 52n.

Scott, William Pulteney 104

Scottish Close 23

Seafield, Countess of 113–14

Seagrave Road, Fulham 216

Seal and Jackson 172

Seale, Gilbert 123

Sedding, J. D. 52

Sedley, Lady 189

Seed, Joseph 54

Segal, Walter and Eva 30

Segar, Samuel Moore 112

Segrais, J.J. de31

Selby, Francis Gordon 84

Selfridges, Oxford Street 23

Seligman, Leopold 201

Sel (1)wood, Richard 139, 144

Selwood (Sallad, Swan) Lane 139, 144

Selwood Lodge, Elm Place 146

Selwood Place 115, 144, 145, 147, Pls. 56c, 65a
-, The Studio 145; Nos. 1–12a 145, 146 (Nos. 9–12A), 147 (Nos. 9–12a), 148 (No. 4), Pl. 65a; Nos. 14–17 145, 146 (Nos. 14–15); No. 18 145

Selwood Terrace 142, 144–5, Pls. 65c, 66a; Anglesea p.h. 145, Pl. 66a; occupants 147

Semper, Gottfried 251

Serjeant, John 36n.

Serjeants at .Arms 166

Serrell, D. H. 151, 152

Servants: numbers of 24, 30, 45, 66, 70, 73, 74, 96, 97, 100, 110–11, 112, 142, 143, 147, 152, 158, 160–1, 211, 223; other ref. 211

Servite Church, Fulham Road see Our Lady of Seven Dolours, Church of

Servite Church and Monastery, Bognor 192

Servite Fathers (Friars) 186, 190–3 passim

Servite Priory, Fulham Road see St. Mary's Priory

Servite School, Fulham Road 186, 187, 189

Sewell, Charles 190

Sewell, Robert 87, 91

Sewers and drainage 42–3, 62, 68, 92, 93, 147, 152, 241

Seymour, Sir Michael 123

Seymour, Philip 177

Seymour: William 177; William Digby 73

Seymour Place 177

Seymour Row, Fulham Road 177

Seymour Terrace 177; No. 6 253

Seymour Walk 98n., 163, 176–9, fig. 48 (p. 164), Pl. 74
-, St. Dunstan's Studio 179
-, East side (even numbers)
-, No. 2 179, fig. 53 (p. 178); Nos. 4–8 177 (No. 4), 178 (No. 4), 179; Nos. 10–12 178; No. 14 178; Nos. 16–18A 178, 179; No. 20 178; Nos. 22–58 178, 179 (Nos. 24, 26, 36–40, 46, 56), 253 (No. 46), Pl. 74a, b
-, West side (odd numbers)
-, No. 1 177, 179; No. 3 177, fig. 53; No. 3a 179; Nos. 5–11 178 (Nos. 5, 7, 9), 179; Nos. 11–27 (No. II rebuilt) 178, 179 (Nos. 15, 21, 27), Pl. 74c (No. 13); Nos. 29–49 179, Pl. 74b (Nos. 33–47)

Seywell, Robert 87, 91

Shaftesbury, 7th Earl of 82n.

Shaftesbury House, Fulham Road, Chelsea 198n.

Shailer: Francis 144; Henry 175, 199; James 180; John 246n.

Shannon, Sir James Jebusa 85

Sharpin, R. G. 216

Shaw, George 54

Shaw, John, the younger 248

Shaw, Peter 55

Shaw, R. Norman 15, 126

Sheldon, — 181

Shepard, H. D. 48

Sheppard Robson and Partners 8

Sherard, Bennet, 3rd Earl of Harborough 185

Shergold: William 27; family 28

Sherries and Company 154

Sherrin, George 55, 80

Ship and Horns p.h. 60

Shirley, Alfred J. 114

Shop Investments Ltd. 147

Shops and shopping 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 17–23, 81, 93, 112, 121–2, 122, 143, 174, 221

Shortesbrooke Church, Berkshire 233

Shower, Sir Bartholomew 188

Siddons, W. R., and Associates 161

Sidley, Lady 189

Sidmouth, Devon 202; Fortfield Terrace 90

Sidmouth Lodge 201–2, 230–1, fig. 59 (p. 202), Pl. 78d

Siena Cathedral (statues from) 56

Silber, Albert 211

Silver, Jos. 188

Silver City House, Nos. 58A–64 Brompton Road 8, 35, Pl. 24c

Simmonds Brothers and Sons Ltd 84, 85

Simmons, Doctor Samuel Foart 177, 182

Simon, William 244

Simoni, Piriteo 192, 193

Simpson, John Palgrave 77, 254

‘Six acres’ (site of Hereford Square) 156

Skating rink, Roland Gardens 153

Skinner, John 63

Skittle ground, Fulham Road 171

Skins Close 23

Slade, Basil 14

Slaidburn Street, Chelsea 208

Sloane Place 10, 61; chapel 10

Sloane Street, Chelsea 1, 10, 13, 14, 23, Pl. 19a botanical garden 139; Swan (New Swan) inn 3, 9; Nos. 1, 2, 2A 7

Slough (brickfield in) 224

Slums and Clearance Areas 6, 13, 172, 189

Smart, William 89

Smiles, Samuel 252

Smith (‘the Organ maker’, d. by 1719) 188

Smith, A. B. 179, 238

Smith, Bernard 52

Smith, Cecilia 23

Smith, Charles Patrick 8, 122

Smith, George 216, 237

Smith: Lt.–Col. H. B. and Mrs. 74, Henry 87, 90, 91n.; Sir James 162, 165, 167

Smith, James, and Sons 7

Smith, John William 26n.

Smith, Kenneth R. 176, 240

Smith: Richard J. (‘O. Smith’) 254; Seth 28, 29, 67, 101, 102, 105; Thomas (musical instrument maker, fl. 1763) 3, 23; Thomas (gentleman, of Chelsea) 97

Smith, Thomas 94n.

Smith, Thomas Henry 123

Smith, William (nurseryman) 58

Smith Street, Chelsea (Manor House) 130

Smith's Charity estate 4, 29, 69, 87–129, 130–1, 135, fig. 23 (pp. 88–9); trustees (appointment of and named individuals) 87, 87n., 92, 97, 102. 118, 121

Smithson, A. and P. 238

Snagge, Ethel 39

Snape, Edward 34

Snell, Allfred Saxon, and Phillips 134

Snow, John 252

Soane, Sir John 65, 96

Social character of area and type of occupants:
-, evidence of the census returns (1841–81) 30, 45, 66, 73–4, 78–9, 96–7. 100, 110–12, 142–3, 147, 153, 158, 160–1, 189, 211.221–2,223, 244–5
-, other references 4, 24, 26, 30–1, 51 (Newman's view), 61, 66, 100, 114–15, 120, 163, 176, 179, 189, 205, 206, 210–11, 222, 223–4, 245

Somerset (Arms) p.h. 177, 238, Pl. 72

Somerset Place 177

Somner, Edward 165, 181

Souter: John (bricklayer) 178; John (stonemason) 42n.

South Australia 101

South Bolton Gardens 201–2, 230–1, 240, fig. 59 (p. 202), Pls. 79a, 99, 100, 101a

South Carolina 166, 174

South Eaton Place, Belgravia 102

South Kensington Museum 5, 74, 78, 80, 142

South Kensington Station 79, 80, 117, Pls. 47a (site of), 48

South Lodge, South Bolton Gardens 230

South Metropolitan Cemetery see Norwood Cemetery

South Street now Billing Street, q.v.

South Terrace (formerly Street) 61, 62, 63, 68, 69–70, 97
-, Nos. 1–11 (odd) 63, 66 (No. 3); Nos. 2–8 (even) 65; Nos. 10–22 (even) 69–70, 253 (No. 22); Nos. 13–33 (odd) 69–70

Southall, William 3, 27

Southall's Buildings 4, 5, 26–7, 38

Southwark 165, 166; No. 7 Barkham Terrace 157

Spagnoletti, Paul 254

Spanish consul 188

Spencer, Harry, and Associates 244

Spencer Terrace, Fulham Road 176

Speyer Brothers 82

Spicer, G. J. (s. of John S.) 211, 229, 237

Spicer john 206, 210–11, 214, 217, 219, 226, 229, 237, 239, 240

Spielman, Adam 201

Spiking and Company 6, 37

Spinnage, William 34

Spires, W. 239

Sproule, Robert 154

Squire, John 44

a Squire, Michael

Stables see Mews, stables and coach–houses and Livery stables

Stackhouse Street, Chelsea 22

Stag brewery, Pimlico 171, 172, 241

Staggins, Nicholas 190

Stamford Bridge 241, Pl. 102a; Stadium 241

Stamford Cottages 244, 245

Standerwicke, John 28

Stanley House, Chelsea 181

Star newspaper 231

Stark, Hugh 150

Starke, Edward, Eleanor and Elizabeth 27

Station Buildings, Pelham Street 117, Pl. 48b

Stedman, Charles 24

Steer, Philip Wilson 103

Steers, .Ann Amelia 190

Stephen, Leslie 143

Stephens, C. W. 6, 7, 13, 14, 18–23 passim

Stephenson, C. W. 81

Sterrett, John E. 237

Stewart, Sir Herbert 18

Stiles, Sir Francis Eyles 200

Sampson: Thomas 7, 24, 98n., 141, 142, 143; and Company 35

Stockwell, John 188

Stoddart, Sir John 96

Stokes, David 57

Stokes, John and Richard 36n.

Stokes, Leonard 55

Stone, Joseph 244

Stone, Toms and Partners 8, 35, 231, 239

Stone and stonework:
-, Bath 47, 192 (Corsham), 233, 236, 248; Caen 132, 136, 192, 233, 236; Cornish granite 192; decay of 133; Ham Hill 192; Hollington 236; Kentish rag 113, 115, 136, 233, 236; Mansfield 133; marbles 55, 55n., 56, 57, 85, 193; Portland 54, 55

Strafford, 5th Earl of (Rev. F. C. E. Byng) 114

Street: Mr. (nurseryman) 91; A. E. 6, 120, 125

Street, G. E. 234

Strickland, William 94n., 98n.

Strikes, builders‘ (1872) 152, 216

Strong, Thomas 103

Strong's Place, Fulham Road 103

Stroud, Dorothy 65, 96

Strudwick, J. H. 203, 219, 240

Stuart, William John 122

Studio, The, Selwood Place 145

Studios 30–1, 80, 81, 85, 93, 103, 119, 125–6, 154, 161, 176, 179, 186, 219, 230, figs. 35, 44 (pp. 125, 154), Pls. 55c, 84d, 100

Stufflesser family 193

Sturgis, Julian 15

Stutely, Joseph, the younger 167, 167n.

Stuttaford and Company 14

Stuttard, John 28

Subway (under Fulham Road) 133

Suffolk General Hospital 130

Sullivan: Sir Arthur 116; Louis 22

Sumner, George and William Holme 102

Sumner Place 102, 105, 107, 108, fig. 27 (p. 107), Pl. 55a, b
-, Nos. 1–2 112; No. 19 104; Nos. 25–34 102, 110 (No. 27), Pl. 55b

Sumner Terrace 102

Surbiton 226; Avenue Elmers 212

Surrey: Christopher 145, 146; Christopher Richard 141, 143, 146; John Henry 141

Sussex Mansions, Old Brompton Road 91, 97, 126

Sussex Place, Old Brompton Road 169

Sussex Terrace, Old Brompton Road 97, 102, 126

Sutton, Sir Richard 25, 26

Swale, Rev. Hogarth J. 202, 232, 233

Swales and Boulton 234

Swan inn, Brompton Road and Sloane Street 3, 9

Swan (Selwood, Sallad) Lane 139, 144

Swan Lane Nursery 139

Swan tavern, Old Brompton Road 144

Swayne, Rev. W. S. (vicar of St. Peter's, Cranley Gardens) 114–15 (quoted), 116

Swimming pools 126, 232, Pl. 61b

Swynnerton, J. W. 193

Sydenham: Hollywood House 184; Oratorians' villa at 50

Sydney, 3rd Viscount (latter 1st Earl) 102

Sydney Close 91

Sydney Mews 103, Pl. 55c

Sydney Place 101n., 102, 105, 108, fig. 27a (p. 106); No. 1 112; No. 10 103

Sydney Street, Chelsea 203, 204

Symons: George 94n., 172; Samuel 25n., 178

Szoldatits, Ferenc 56

Tadcaster (Boston Hall) 212

Tail, Dr. A. C. 114

Talgarth Road 1

Tasker, G. R., and Sons 7

Tasker, William 104, 114

Tasker and Bonella 52

Tate, J. Duncan 230, 240

Tatham: Henry 33, 40; Mary 40; family 33, 40

Tattersalls (horse auctioneers) 5, 7, 34, 35

Taverner. , Walter 210, 237

Tavistock House see Fulham Road, No. 252 (Jan.)

Tavistock Street, Covent Garden 156

Tayler. William 244

Taylor, George 141

Taylor, J. H.47

Taylor, Thomas 94n.

Taylor, Tom 149

Telephone exchanges 128, 206, 231

Temple, Frederick (statue of) 116

Temple, Joseph 216, 240

Temple and Foster 8, 32

Temple Club 224

Terrace, The, Brompton Road 12

Terracotta and faience, instances of use 13, 20, 22, 23, 35, 41), 85n., 117, 120, 120n., 133, 152, 161, 229

Territorial Army 46, 183

Terry, John 177

Thackeray, William Makepeace 105, 110, 141; his daughters Anne and Harriet Marian 141, 143

Thatcher: John and Thomas 156; family 197

Theatre (proposed) at Nos. 142–146 Brompton Road 37

Thirkleby (All Saints' Church) 135

Thistle Grove (farmer name of Drayton Gardens, q.v.) 150, 157, 161, 163, 253

Thistle Grove (Farmerly) Thistle Grove Lane) 154, 157, 162–3, 166, 167, fig. 48 (p. 164); Nos. 1–9 (consec.) 167–8, Pl. 66b (Nos. 4–9); Nos. 9A–F 167; Nos. 10–13 156, 160

Thistle Grove Lane 157, 159

Thomas, Brandon 237

Thomas, Charles Henry 104, 110

Thomas, Dylan 237

Thomas, James Havard 134n.

Thomas, John Evan 202

Thomas, William 158, 160

Thompson: Benjamin (Count Rumford) 38, 38n., 39; Derek Taylor 113; Elizabeth (Mrs., later Lady, Butler) 240; Rev. Seth 38

a Thompson, W.H.S.

Thomson, Stewart and Shirley 194

Thom, Alexander 8, 121, 122

Thome, John 26n., 70

Thorvaldsen 236

Thurloe, John 58

Thurloe Chapel, Alexander Place 68, 85

Thurloe Close 70, 84, Pl. 47b

Thurloe Cottages 75

Thurloe estate see Alexander estate

Thurloe Houses, Pelham Place North Pl. 49b

Thurloe Lodge 83–4

Thurloe Mews 70, 84

Thurloe Place 1, 5, 50, 60n., 63, 69, 70, 72, 74–6, 81, 82, 86, 172, Pls. 42b, c, 45b, 46b
-, Cabmen's shelter 82n., fig. 22 (p. 83); Dalmeny House (Nos. 8–10A) 63, 82, 83, Pl. 42c; Empire House (Nos. 1–7) 8, 63, 82–3, Pl.42b, c; Rembrandt Hotel (No. 11) 63, 82, 83; Thurloe Cottages 75; York Cottages (Nos. 2–11) 17, 62–3, fig. 15 (p. 59)
-, Nos. 12–16 69, 74–5; No.17 (Thurloe Lodge) 70, 75, 83–4; No. 17A, (Amberwood House) 70, 84–5; Nos. 18–27 (Nos. 22–27 dem.) 75–6 (Nos. 18–21), 76, 81 (Nos. 22–27), 254 (No. 18), Pl. 46b (Nos. 18–21); Nos. 25–28 81; Nos. 28–31 (No. 28dem.) 75, 76, 81 (No. 28), 86(Nos. 29, 31);
-, Nos. 32–33 75, 76
-, see also Bell and Horns and Hoop and Toy

Thurloe Place West (now part of Thurloe Place, q.v) 74, 76, 77, 254

Thurloe Square 4, 65n., 68, 69, 70–4, 76, 77, 79, 94, figs. 19–20 (pp. 71, 73), Pls. 45, 46a
-, Nos. 1–12 70, 72, 74 (Nos.4, 8), 79 (Nos 1–11), 80n. (Nos. 9–11), 81 (No. 5); Nos. 13–19 72, 73 (Nos. 13, 16, 19), 74 (Nos. 13, 18), 86 (No. 19), Pl. 46a (No. 19); Nos. 20–33 69 (No. 27), 70 (Nos.26–28) 72, 73 (Nos. 20, 26, 29,33), 74 (Nos. 21–22, 25, 27, 33), 80 (No. 24), 84 (Nos. 26–28), Pl 45b (No.33) c; Nos. 34–44 72, 73, 74 (Nos. 34, 35, 42) 253 (Nos. 35, 37), fig. 20 (No. 37), pl. 45b (Nos. 34–38); Nos. 45–56 72, 73, 74 (Nos. 49, 50, 56), 79, 79–80(No. 52), 81(No.52)

Thurloe Street (formerly Alfred Place West) 69, 76–9, 80, 81, Pls. 43d, 47a, c
-, North side (even numbers)
-, Nos. 2–18 76–7, Pl. 43d (Nos. 12–18); Nos. 20–36(dem.) 76 (Nos. 26–30), 77; Nos. 20–34 80–1
-, South side (odd numbers)
-, Nos. 1–21 (Nos. 15–21 dem.) 77, 81 (Nos.13), 254(No. 9); Nos. 23–43 (No.23 dem.) 77–8, 79 (Nos.25, 27,33), 81 (No. 25), Pl 47c (Nos.25–29)

Thwaites, Thomas 168

Thynne, Charles (d.1652) 165, 181

Thynne, Lord Charles 192

Tichborne, Sir Roger Charles D. (the ‘Claimant’)211, 239

Tidey, Daniel 98n., 203, 204, 205, 237, 238

Tilden, Philip 96, 101

Timber: Baltie 55; bonding 78; framing 84; weather boarding 171–2

Timothy, C. Frunk, Associates 179

Tinckam, 54

Tinker, A. Benvon 81

Tipping, W. 192

Titcomb, Colonel (r John) 181

Tite, Sir William 251

Toby William (broker) 171; William (bookseller) 243, 244

Todd: George 34; Robert 167n., 168

Toft, Alfred 55

Tomlin: Edward L. 123; J. L. 210, 211, 212, 214, 215, 216, 217, 226, 228, 238

Torr family 118

Torr, Jancways, Gribble and Oddie 118

Toten, W. 169

Tout, John 243

Tower Hill (station) 79

Townsend, John 244

Tozer, Thomas 141

Trades and industries: breweries (brewhouses) 183, 241; carriage warehouse and factory 183; cooperage 172; dairies and milk depots 81, 180, 183, dyeworks 171; flockmill 171; floorcloth manufactory 102; foundry (sculptor's) 103; furniture dealers 186, 199; horse dealers 5, 34; mineral-water company 179; motor-carriage company 183; organ-maker's factory 102; sawmills 149; soap boilers 172; stained-glass company 186; wax bleachers 50; wheelwrights (wheelers) 171, 172; see also Builders and speculative building’, Livery stables and riding schools; Market gardens; Nurseries; Shops

Trees 6, 91, 102, 199, 248; as parish landmark 9; planting in streets 75, 217

Tregunter Grove (now The Little Boltons, q.v.) 206, 239

Tregunter Road 203, 206, 210, 221, 222, 223, fig. 58 (p. 196), Pls. 83e, 86b, c, d North side (even numbers) Nos. 2–16 210, 240, fig. 63d (p. 209, Nos. 10–16), pl. 83e (Nos. 10–16); Nos. 18–42 216 (No. 180, 219 (Nos. 20, 22), 240, fig. 63c, d (Nos. 20, 36), Pl. 86b (Nos. 36, 38), d (Nos. 20, 22); Nos. 44–52 232, 238; No. 54 222 South side (odd numbers) Nos. 1–3 204, 240; Nos. 5–11 205 (No. 11), 210, 212 (Nos. 9–23), 232 (Nos. 9–23), 240; Nos. 13–23 204, 205 (No. 23), 212 (Nos. 9–23), 231 (No. 21), 232 (Nos. 9–23), 240; Nos. 25–27 214, 240; Nos. 29–35 240, fig. 65d (p. 218, No. 35), Pl. 86c (Nos. 29, 31); No. 35A 232, 240; Nos. 37–51 240; Nos. 53–61 232, 238

Trehearne and Norman, Preston and Company 128

Trelawny, Edward John 97

Trevor House, Brompton Road 8

Trevor Square, Westminster 4, 34, 40, 43, 61, 63, 98n.; Harrods’ premises in 22

Triad 232, 238

Trinity College: Cambridge 116 (arms of); Dublin 40

Trollope: George, and Sons 119; Henry 119

Trollope and Colls 114

Trotter, Rev. John 10

Trower, Robert 203, 207, 238, 239

Tudor Brothers 6, 14

Tullet, Richard 34

Tullet (t) Place 34

Tunbridge Wells 177

Turkish baths 66, 85

Turnbull, John 230

Turner, Mr. 241

Turner, James 89

Turner, W. I. 30

Turner Lansdown Holt and Partners 172, 179, 238

Turnip grounds, Litte Chelsea 181

Turnpikes 1; see also Kensington Turnpike Trust

Tweddale, J. R. 188

Tweed, John 103

Twickenham 104, 105, 165, 166; Town Hall 101

Tyrrell, Admiral Richard 174

Underground Electric Railways Company of London 82, 117

Underground railways 13, 46, 79, 80, 117, 206, Pl. 47a; demolitions for 72, 73, 77, 80, 92, 117

Underhill, E. 172

Unigate see United Dairies

Union Assurance Office 118

Union Bank 226, 228

United Dairies (now Unigate) 180, 183

University College, London 74

Upper Queen's Buildings, Brompton Road 12

Urquhart, H. J. F. 172

Vacher, Charles 206

Valabrégue, Paul de 27

Vale: John 178; William 10

Vale Place, Hammersmith 44

van Baars, Frans 37

Vatican Council, Second 193

Vaughan, Sarah 126

Verity, Frank and Thomas 222, 237
-, Verney: Earls 184; Elizabeth (nee Palmer) 185; John (1st Viscount Fermanagh) 162, 185; his w. 162; Ralph (2nd Viscount Fermanagh and 1st Earl Verney) 185; Ralph (2nd Earl Verney) 185; Sir Ralph 185

Verney Row 182, 183, 184

Vernon, Elizabeth fig. 2 (p. 11)

Vernon Bros. 85n.

Vestris, Lucia Elizabeth 254

Vicars and O'Neill 52, 54n.

Villars, Baron and Baroness de Graffenried 103

Vincent, Susanna (nee Dodemead) 156

Vincent Street, Chelsea (Nos. 36–42) 29

Vinery (Drayton Gardens) 169

Vining: Frederick 96, 254; James 254

Violette, Madam Violet 186

Virtue, William 180, 198

Vivian, Ralph 13

Von Zandt: Elizabeth, Baroness 28, 30; Frederick, Baron 28

Voysey, C. F. A. 15, 17, 119

Wade, George Edward 103

Wagner, Henry R. 8, 117

Wales, Prince of (later Edward VII) 104, 133

Walford, J. T. 54, 55

Walker, J. W., and Sons 57, 114, 116

Walker, Oliver ormerod 153

Walker, Robert 76

Wallace, William 113–14

Wallace and Flockhart 230

Waller, James 104, 117, 150

Wallis, Gilbert and Partners 155, 232, 237

Wallis, Thomas 26n.

Walnut Tree Walk 165, 193, 199, 214

Walters, James 7

Walton, George 13

Walton Place, Chelsea In., 101n.

Walton Street, Chelsea In., 29; police station 129n.

Walwood, Ann 200

Walwyn House, Old Brompton Road 202, 231

Wanamaker's store, Philadelphia 21

Wapping (St. Patrick's Church) 57n.

Ward, Sir Edward 174

Ward, Hoare and Wheeler 169

Ward, William see Dunning, Joseph, and Ward, William

Ward and Hughes 116, 236

Wardour Street 40

Ware, John 237

Ware, Samuel 144, 145, 146, 147

Ware estate 144–8, fig. 41

Ware Eastates (Kensington) Ltd. 147

Waring, Samuel J. (later Baron Waring) 230

Warneford, Lt. R., V.C. (monument to) fig. 74 (p. 247), Pl. 107c

Warner, William 180

Warner House, Prior, Walk 169

Warren, George 167, 168

Warren, Margaret Leicester 110, 112

Warrington, William 48

Warton: Sir Michael (fl. 1651) 163, 165; Sir Michael (d. 1725) 163, 166, 171, 180; family 198

Warwick, Richard 36n.

Warwick, William 10

Warwick House see Fulham Road, No. 258 (dem.)

Water closets 64, 189, 206, 219

Water supply 44, 206

Waterhouse, Alfred 52, 54

Waterman, Alfred 226

Watkins, James 186

Watkins, Richard 98n.

Watkins, William 12, 13, 18

Watney, Daniel, Eiloart, Inman and Nunn 232, 240

Watney and Company 221, 241

Watson-Han, F.J. 8, 38

Watts, Benjamin 97, 98, 100

Watts, Benjamin, Junior 98

Watts, James 167n.

Watwood, Ann 200

Wax-bleaching 50

Wayt, Mr. (fishmonger) 174

Webb, Mr. and Mrs. 174

Webb, (Sir) Aston, and Son 231, 238

Webb, Edward 161

Webb, Geoffrey 56

Webb, Henry 174

Webb, Maurice 231, 238

Webber, Maj.-Gen. Charles Edmund 122

Webb-People, Rev. Hanmer 113; monument to 114

Webster, Benjamin Nottingham 254

Webster, Thomas 38

Weiss, (F. F.) 226

Wellbeloved, William 25n.

Wellfield 33

Wellington Street, Covent Garden 156

Wells (medicinal) 241

Wells, J. S. 182, 184

Wells, R. Douglas 82n., 86

Wertheim store, Berlin 22

West Brompton (Station) 79

West Cromwell Road 1

West London and General Benefit Building and Investment Society 244

West London and Westminster Cemetery see Brompton Cemetery

West London and Westminster Cemetery company 242, 246–51 passiom

West London Cricket Ground 150

West London Extension Railway 241

West London Railway (before 1840 the Brimingham, Bristol and Thames Junction Railway) 5, 12, 44, 79

West Meads 33

West Terrace, Onslow Square 108

Western Grammar School 65, 67–8, 84, 85, fig. 18 (p. 68), Pl. 43a, b

Westgate, Kent (W. Corbert's estate at) 216, 217, 219, 224, 226, 228, 237, 240

Westgate Terrace 223, 240

Westminster, City of, boundary with kensington In., 39

Westminster Commissioners of Sewers 42–3, 62, 68, 248

Weston, Cecilia fig. 46 (p. 151)

Wetherby, Lt.-Col. William 123

Wetherby Gardens 40

Wetherby Grange, Yorkshire 173, 210

Wetherby Place 156

Wett Meads 33

Wetten, J.L. 210

Wharfedale Street 214, 217, 240, Pl.85c

Wheeler, Sir Charles 231, 240

b Wheeler, J.J. 46

Whistler, Rex 57

a Whitaker, Harold 116

Whitaker, Doctor John 165, 176–7, 198, 199

Whitbread and Company 60

White, Henry 241

b White, J.P., and Sons Ltd. 85n.

a White, William 135, 136, 137

White Cottage, South Bolton Gardens: on site of Bousfield School 201, 231; on site of Rathmore Lodge 201, 230

b Whitehead: James 64; John 34; William 34, 64

Whitehead's Grove, Chelsea 34

Whitelands Lane, Chelsea 31

Whiteleys store. Bayswater 18

Whitfield, George Pinckney 69–78 passim

b Whitford, Thomas 178

Whitmarsh, Francis 246

b Whittlesea, John 80, 81

Wigan, Alfred Sydney 97. 254

Wigmore Street, St. Marylebone (No.126) 126

Wilberforce: William 27; William, the younger 91

Wild, Captain 181

Wilkin, James and Sarah 32

b Wilkins, Frank 192

b Wilkins, John Thomas 94n.

a Wilkins, L.T.86

Wilkinson, John 205

a Willett, William 124; firm of 124, 125. 179

a Williams, Alfred 18, 117, 141, 142

Williams, Bessey 39

a Williams, David 177

Williams, Deacon and Company 139, 141

Williams, Edward (1 and 11) 197; family of 197

a Williams, F.E. 35. 169

Williams, Sir Robert 181

b Williams, W.E. 177, 238

a Williams and Cox 169

b Williams-Ellis, (Sir) Clough 30, 230

a Williamson, J. 169

a Willis (organ builder) 116

Willmer, George 31, 32

Wills, John 112

b Wills and Kaula 8

Wills and Segar 112

b Wilson, Arthur 10

b Wilson, Harry 48

a Wimperis, Simpson and Guthrie 155

b Winchester, John 26n.

Winchester Street, Pimlico 215

Windmill Hill 163

Windsor: Castle 247; St. George's Chapel 165

Windsor, James 185

a Winterbotham, Mr. 250

Wise, Henry 3

Wissett, Ann 94

Wollaston, Thomas Vernon 74

Wombwell, Lady (w. of Sir George, 3rd Bt.) 149

Wood, George Watson 34

b Wood, Lancelot Edward 42n., 63

b Woods, Issachar 26n.

Woollands store, Knightsbridge 6

Working Ladies' Guild, The 122

Works, Ministry of 187, 238

a Works, Office of 231

Works and Public Buildings, Commissioners of 251

World's End p.h.3, 33, 34

a Worley, R.J.8, 46, 122

a Worleys and Armstrong 46

b Wormsley, James 244

Worssam, Samuel, and Company 216

Wright, Edward Richard 254

b Wright, Robert 141

Wright, William 140

b Wright, William 167n.

Writers resident in Brompton (1790–1870) 253–4

a Wyatt, Edwin George 80

Wyatt, James 88

a Wyatt, Matthew 133

Wyatt, Thomas 141

a Wyatt, Thomas Henry 133

Wyatville, Sir Jeffry 247. 248

Wynter, Andrew 200

Yapp, H.A. 171

b Yates, Edward 92

Yates, Frederick 254

a Yawetz, Igal, and Associates 7

Yeoman's Row 26, 30–1, 43, 64, Pls. 9, 25b–d
-, East side (odd numbers) 3, 9, 28, 29, 31
-, Nos. 1A–7 7, 30; Nos. 9–25 28, 31, Pl. 9; Nos. 27–33 28, 30, Pl. 9d; Nos. 35–57 29, 31; see also Hermitage, The
-, West side (even numbers) 30, 89, 90, 92, 97, 98
-, Nos. 4–16 121, 125–6, Pl.25c; No.18 121, 125–6, fig. 35, Pl.25c; No.20 121, 125–6, Pl.25c; Nos.22–28 121, 125–6, Pl.25b, d; Nos.38–62 129; No.64 129n.; see also Brompton Grange

York Cottages, Thurloe Place 17, 62–3, fig. 15 (p.59)

York (now Alexander) Place 64

York Place, Fulham Road, Chelsea 98n., 147

Yorke, F.R.S. 240

Young Street 245

Zieltzke, Thomas 10