Appendix: Inventories

Survey of London: Volume 28, Brooke House, Hackney. Originally published by London County Council, London, 1960.

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W A Eden, Marie P G Draper, W F Grimes, Audrey Williams, 'Appendix: Inventories', in Survey of London: Volume 28, Brooke House, Hackney(London, 1960), British History Online [accessed 13 February 2025].

W A Eden, Marie P G Draper, W F Grimes, Audrey Williams, 'Appendix: Inventories', in Survey of London: Volume 28, Brooke House, Hackney(London, 1960), British History Online, accessed February 13, 2025,

W A Eden, Marie P G Draper, W F Grimes, Audrey Williams. "Appendix: Inventories". Survey of London: Volume 28, Brooke House, Hackney. (London, 1960), British History Online. Web. 13 February 2025.

In this section


I. Transcripts of the two inventories of furnishings at Brooke House

Many of the items in each inventory seem to correspond, particularly the bed hangings and coverings. The predominance of the colours blue and gold is probably due to the fact that Percy's coat of arms was azure and or.

I. 1534

The booke of the stuf at hakney remayninge at the accompte takyn the xxvith day of January Anno Regni Regis Henrici octavi xxvth and in the custody of Stevyn Stamforth and edwarde Carnerby

Sparvers with the beddes perteyning the same

Itm a Sparver of cloth of golde ande blewe velvet with curteynes of yalow and blew sarcynet and frynges with yalow and blewe sylke

Itm a counterpointe of cloth of golde and blewe velvet to the same

Itm a great bed of downe covert with fustyan with a bolster

Itm vij fyne quyltes covert with fyne lynnon cloth for the same bedde

Itm ij great pillowes of downe

Itm ij pyllowes of assaye

Itm a large pare of fustyans

Itm a counterpoint of skarlet lynede with fustyan

Trussing beddys

Itm a trussing bedde of cloth of tyssew and tawny velvet imbrowdert withe myn Armys and conysans of goldsmyth werke and iij curteynes of yalowe sarcynet to the same

Itm iij trussing beddys of Tynsell and Russet and tawny velvet pyrled with ix curteynes of whit and red sarcynet to theyme

Itm a trussing bedde of blak velvet Russet and tawny velvet pyrled with iij curteynes of blak sarcynet

Itm a trussing bedde of playne clothe of golde of damaske and blewe satyn with iij curteynes of yalowe sarcynet

Itm ij trussing beddes of blew clothe of golde of bawdekyn without curteynes

Itm a trussinge bedde of blak damaske without curteynes

Clothes of estate

Itm a cloth of Estate of blewe clothe of golde of bawdekyn


Itm a chayre covert with playne cloth of golde of damaske

Itm a Cheyre coverte with blew clothe of golde of bawdekyn

Itm a cheyre coverte with blewe satyn

Fyne Arres

Itm iij small peces of fyne Arres

Fyne counterfet Arres

Itm vij peces of fyne counterfet Arres of the story of Athalanta conteyninge ccc stykes

Itm vj peces of counterfet Arres of the story of venus

Itm vj peces of counterfet Arres of the story of Eneas

Fine verders

Itm xviij peces of fyne verders of parke werke

Itm viij peces of fyne verders withe Roses

Cours verders

Itm xj peces of cours verders withe bestes and fooles

Fyn Cowcher carpettes

Itm ix great Cowcher Carpettes

Itm a small cowcher carpet

Fyn Cupborde Carpettes

Itm xvij fyne Cupborde Carpettes

Fyne cades carpettes

Itm iij Carpettes of fyne Cadys Rowede with yalowe and blewe

Quysshyns of sylke

Itm a large quysshyn of Tawny velvet pyrled

Itm ij quysshyns of blew clothe of bawdekyn

Itm iiij quysshyns of blak velvet pyrled

Itm iiij quysshyns of Russet velvet pyrled

Itm ij quysshyns of grene satyn fuguy

Itm a quysshyn of Redde Tynsell

Itm a large quysshyn of blak velvet

Quysshyns of verders

Itm v quysshyns of verders

Carpettes for wyndowes of Satyn of bridges

Itm x Carpettes for wyndowes of yalow Russet and tawny satyn of brydges lyned wt bukkeram

Curteynes for wyndowes of Satyn of bridges

Itm v curteynes of Russet ande tawny satyn of bridges

Beddys of downe

Itm ij beddys of downe with ij bolsters viz, j large and j small


Itm fetherbeddes xviij with xviij bolsters belonginge theyme

Quyltes of sylke for counterpointes

Itm iiij quyltes of Sylke viz. ij Redde and ij yalowe

Small quyltes to lye uppon trussing beddys

Itm xvj small quyltes


Itm xv pare of fustyans

Pillowes of downe

Itm xv pillowes of downe

Fyne pillow beres

Itm xv pillowe beres

Fyne shetys for trussinge beddes

Itm xx pare shetes

Cours shetes

Itm xi pare paliet shetes


Itm iiij Counterpointes of fyne verders

Itm viij counterpointes of cours verders with floures

Itm vj counterpointes of cours tapstre

[P.R.O., SP1/82 No. 106]

II. 1535

Thys byll Indentyd made the vth daye of marche, in the xxvi yere of kyng henry the viiith Betwene John Gate Esquyre on the one partye and John Sandon on the other partye wytnessethe that thes parcelles of Stuffe herafter insuying were delyvered by the seyd John gate to the seyd John Sandon to the use of the kynges hyghnesse Att the takying of the possessyon of the house Att hackeney

The lytell Chambre next the galerye

Itm ther a rownde table Itm a Carpett of turkeye Itm vj pecys of paynted hangyng Itm iij pecys of turkeye for ij wyndowse And a cobborde Item ij Joyned stoles Itm A Cobborde

In the galerye

Itm the seyd galerye hanged wt xiiij pecys of Counterfett arras

Itm vij pecys of brygys Satten of Russett tawney and blewe for the wyndows Itm a table wt ij trestelles

Itm a large turkey Carpett

In the Cheffe bedchambre

Itm vij quyltes Itm a Bedde of down wt a bowlster and ij pyllows of downe

Itm a Coverlett of scarlett lyned wt whyte fustyan Itm a Counterpayne of damask gowlde and blew vellvett panyd

Itm under the bedde iij Carpettes one gt and ij small Itm the tester and the selere of Clothe of gowlde and blewe velvett panyd the Armes taken awaye

Itm the curtayns of Sarsnett yelow and blewe Itm a Cobbord Itm a Carpett for the same Cobbord Itm a payer of Fustyan blankettes

Itm a Chayar of purple Satten Itm a Cosshen of blacke velvett for the same Cheyar Itm ij long Cusshyns of Russett pyrled and lyned wt brydges Satten Itm iiij pecys of tapestrye Itm a wyndow Carpett of yelow russett and tawneye

In the Clossett

Itm there Certayn benches Itm a Cobbord and other Settelles

In the dynyng Chambre

Itm ij pecys of tapestrye Itm iij Carpettes ij for the Wyndow and one for the Cobbord Itm a Carpett under the Cheyar Itm a lytell Cheyer of Clothe of damascke gowlde Itm iij Cusshyns one Russett one blacke and one tawneye pyrlede Itm a Cobbord Itm a Forme Itm ij Joyned stoles

In the Chambre of Estate

Itm a Clothe of estate of blewe velvet wt flowers of gowlde

Itm a Cheyar and ij Cusshyns of the same

Itm vij pecys of Counterfett Arras

Itm iij Carpettes wherof one for the wyndows one for the Cobbord the thyrde a fote Carpett

Itm ij Joyned stoles Itm ij Joyned Formes Itm a Table wt a payer of trestelles Itm a Cusshyn of russett velvett pyrled lyned wt blak damask

[P.R.O., E 101/421/19]