Survey of London: Volume 11, Chelsea, Part IV: the Royal Hospital. Originally published by London County Council, London, 1927.
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'Index to names', in Survey of London: Volume 11, Chelsea, Part IV: the Royal Hospital, ed. Walter H Godfrey (London, 1927), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
'Index to names', in Survey of London: Volume 11, Chelsea, Part IV: the Royal Hospital. Edited by Walter H Godfrey (London, 1927), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,
"Index to names". Survey of London: Volume 11, Chelsea, Part IV: the Royal Hospital. Ed. Walter H Godfrey (London, 1927), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
Abbot, Robert, Bishop of Salisbury 2
Abercrombie, Sir Ralph 34, 45
Abraham, Heights of 41
Abyssinian Expedition 43
Ackermann, R. 64
Acklom, Capt. George 58
Adair, Robert 50
Adam, Robert 22, 59
Adam, W. P. 40
Addington, John H. 38
Adelphi, The 59
Aden, Capture of 32
Adjutants 57
Adjutants, Assistant 58
Adlard, H. 65
Afghan War, The 43
Agricultural Society, The 18
Aked, Jonathan 93
Albemarle Street, No. 13 59
Albuera, Battle of 42
Alderson, Lt.-Col. R. C. 47
Alexander, James 102
Alexander, William 102
Alexandria, Battle of 32
Alma, Battle of 43
America 42, 44, 46, 56
Andaman Islands 43
Andrews, John 81
Angel, Peter 93
Anglesey, 1st Marquess of 42
Anguilari, Battle of 35
Anne, Queen 49, 64, 83
Anson, Gen. Sir George 42, 45
Arbuthnot, John 49
Architectural Association, The 69
Arcolo, Battle of 35
Armstrong, Maj.-Gen. J. W. 27
Ashburner, Mary 94
Ashburnham, Rev. William 55
Ashburton, William Bingham Baring, Lord 39
Ashby St. Legers, Ivor Churchill Guest, Lord 40
Ashley, Ultricia 78
Ashton, Rev. Charles 54
Aust, George 47
Australia 43
Bache, William 29
Badajoz 33, 36, 44, 45
Bad Kissingen 48
Baillie, Maj. 32
Baker, Catharine 108, 109
Baker, James 103
Baker, William 109
Banckes, Matthew 27, 28
Bank of England, The 59
Baring, William Bingham, Lord Ashburton 39
Barlow, 64, 66
Barnard, Lt.-Gen. Sir A. F. 45
Barnard, Rev. William 55
Barnes, Elizabeth 75
Barnes, Richard 75
Barnes, William 75
Barnstaple, William Hellier, Archdeacon of 3
Barré, Isaac 38
Barrosa, Battle of 35
Barrow, 50
Basire, Js. 67
Basset, 63
Bath 49
Battersea Park 65
Beauchamp, Frederic, Earl 40
Beaver, Alfred 62
Beeralston 41
Belgium 43
Bell, Maj. L. R. G. 58
Bennett, James 114
Bentley, Richard 61
Besant, Sir Walter 62
Bettesworth, Maj. Richard 46, 88
Bettesworth, Mary 88
Betts, Elizabeth 110
Betts, Joanna 115
Betts, Louiesa 115
Betts, Mary 115
Betts, Nathaniel 115
Bevon, Elizabeth 95
Bhurtpore, Storming of 34, 35, 36
Biehm, Gottlieb 92
Bird, Maj.-Gen. Sir W. D. 48
Birkenhead, Loss of the 27
Bladensburg, Battle of 35
Blaithwait, William 9
Blakeney, F. M. Sir Edward 43, 45
Bland, Rev. Henry 55
Blayney, Rev. Robert 55
Bluck, J. 64
Blunt, Reginald 62, 68, 69
Bodleian Library, The 4, 69
Boehler, Petrus 96
Bombay 43
Bouverie, Edward Pleydell 39
Bowers, Thomas 57
Bowles, Carrington 64, 67
Bowles, John 66, 67
Bowles, Thos. 68
Box, Simon 89
Boyd-Carpenter, A. B. 41
Boys, John 3
Bradshiel, Samuel 119
Brandenburg Anspach, Caroline of 30
Bray, Lt.-Col. G. A. T. 51, 54
Brett, James 60
Brett, Richard 3
Brewer, J. N. 62
British Institution, The 31
Brooke-Pechell, Lt.-Col. Sir A. A. 51, 54
Browne, Christopher 63
Brownlow, A. W. B. C., Earl 40
Buckingham 7
Buckinghamshire 3, 7
Bulkeley, Capt. William 46
Bunting, Capt. John 86
Burgess, W. W. 63
Burgos, Retreat from 42
Burial Ground, The 6, 10, 26, 71
Burke, Edmund 38
Burley, Francis 3
Burley, John 3
Burmah 43
Burmese Campaigns, The 42
Burne, Thomas 49
Burney, Charles 82
Burney, Elizabeth 82
Burton Court 5, 6, 26
Bushell, William 28, 29
Calcraft, John 38
Calvert, Gen. Sir Harry 44
Cambridge 3, 20, 54, 55
Camden, William 3
Cameron, Capt. G. E. E. G. 58
Campbell, Col. John 44, 75
Campbell, Mary 96
Canada 36, 45, 50
Canal, Antonio 69
Cann, Felix 73
Cannell, Edward 27
Canning, George 38
Cannon, Rev. Robert 55
Canterbury, Archbishop of 2, 9
Capetown 50
Carisbrook, Isle of Wight 114
Carleton 105
Carleton Hall, Suffolk 48
Carlisle 41
Caroline, Queen 22, 30
Cassel's 65
Castiglione, Battle of 35
Castle Rising 41
Catherine of Braganza, Queen 30
Causton, Richard Knight, Lord Southwark 40
Cave, Stephen 40
Ceira River 36
Cennick, John 96
Cesill, Theophilus 77
Ceylon 32, 33
Chadwick, Anna Maria 94
Chainey, John 104
Chainey, Mary 104
Chamberlain, Neville 41
Chapel, The 10, 12, 15, 32, 35, 69
Chaplains 54
Chapman, William 97
Charles I, King 22, 30, 89
Charles II, King 4, 5, 8, 10, 17, 18, 26, 30, 66, 89
Charles, John Renatus 97
Charlotte, Queen 22, 30
Charlton House (Kent) 20
Charrier, Benjamin 2
Chatelain 63
Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of 37
Cheere, William 29
Chelsea Bridge Road 6
Chelsea Embankment 6
Chelsea, Manor of 1, 5
Chelsea Mead 5
Chelsea Old Church 45
Chelsea Public Library 36, 61
Cherbourg, Capture of 42
Cheselden, Deborah 71
Cheselden, William 50, 71
Cheyne, Charles, Lord 5
Cheyne House 121, 122
Chichester, Francis Hare, Bishop of 55
Childers, H. C. E. 40
Chillianwallah, Action at 27
Chinhai, Battle of 32, 33, 34
Christ Church, Oxford 9
Christie, Jane 114
Chudleigh, Col. Thomas 44, 79
Chudleigh, Sir George 79
Church, George 81
Church, Thomas 52
Churchill, Col. Charles 31, 41
Ciudad Rodrigo 45
Clare College, Cambridge 20
Clark, Capt. Kennedy 36
Clark, Rev. Sydney 56
Clarke, W. 64
Clinton, Gen, Sir W. H. 44
Clive 56
Clodd, Wales 103
Cochin China 50
Cock, Lamborn 52, 59
Colchester, Charles, Lord 39
Cole, Andrew 4
Cole, B. 66
Colladon, Sir Theodore 49
Collet, John 116
Collington, George 3
Collins, I. 68
Collins, J. C. 53
Commons, The House of 8, 61, 67
Commonwealth, The 3, 8
Compton, Henry, Bishop of London 10
Compton, Spencer, Earl of Wilmington 37
Compton, Walter 83
Compton-Rickett, Sir Joseph 41
Comptrollers 60
Comyn, Rev. Thomas 55
Congdon, Maj. A. E. 58
Congleton, Henry Parnell, Lord 39
Coningsby, Sir Thomas 7
"Controversy College" 3
Cook, Ralph 57
Cooke, George 37, 38
Cooke, Henry 17
Cooke, W. 66
Cooke, W. B. 64
Cooper, Charles 60
Cooper, Gerald M. 121, 122
Copenhagen, Battle of 43
Cornwallis, Charles, Lord 37
Corpus Christi College, Oxford 2
Coruña, Battle of 42
Cossley, Col. John 44
Cotes, Wilma 71
Cottell, Lt.-Col. R. J. C. 51, 53
Cotton, Lt.-Gen. Sir Sydney J. 43
Coulthard, Capt. H. G. 54
Courtan—, Augustin 107
Covell, William 3
Covitt, William 3
Cowper, William F. 39
Cox, Henry 99
Crace Collection, The 69
Crauford, Catharine 77
Crauford, David 44, 77
Craven, William, Earl 9
Crimea, The 45
Crisp, Sir John 90
Crispe, James Duke 47
Crossley, Savile Brinton 40
Crutchley, Maj.-Gen. Sir Charles 48
Culloden, Battle of 41
Cundee, J. and J 64
Cunningham, Peter 8
Dalrymple, Gen. William 44
Dangerfield, John 53
Daniel, Mary 83
Daniel, W. A. 53
Daniel William 83
Darley, Dr. John 1, 69
Darlington, Henry, Earl of 37
Davis, Christiana 71
Davis, Roger 28
Dawe, E. 65
Dawgs, Ann 80
Dawgs, Capt. Thomas 80
Dawson, Catherine 82, 83
Dawson, Col. Thomas 58, 82, 83
Day, Rev. William 55
Dayes, E. 64
Delacroze, Hester 120
Delhi campaign 46
Descluseaux, Capt. Alexander 121, 122
Detroit, Fort 35
Dettingen, Battle of 41
Dispensers 53
Dobbins, Thomas 29
Dominis, Marcus Antonio de, Archbishop of Spalato 3
Donoughmore, Richard, Earl of 39
Dowling, John 49
Drury, Rev. William 56
Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester 7
Dufferin and Clandebye, Frederick Temple, Lord 40
Duffield, Catharine 108, 109, 110
Duffield, Charles 109
Duffield, Henry 109, 110
Duffield, Mary 108, 109
Duffield, Michael 108, 109
Duffield, Michael, jr. 109
Duke, Charles 58
Dumfries 44
Dundas, Gen. Sir David 42, 64, 66, 67
Dunwich 41
Dupplin, Viscount, see Hay and Kinnoul.
Durham, John Howson, Bishop of 2
Durrant, Mary 94
Earlscourt Lands, The 5
Eastfield 2, 5
East India Company, The 32
Eckmühl, Battle of 36
Edge, Grace 85
Edge, Richard 85
Eddisbury, Edward John Stanley, Lord 39
Edmonds, Elizabeth 91
Egypt 32, 35, 36
Elizabeth, Queen 7
Ellesmere, Lord Chancellor 5
Elliott, General 42
Ellis, Benjamin Stephen 92
Elsmere, Alice 113
Ely 54, 55
Emmett, Morris 27, 28
Emmett, William 22, 29
English, Robert 60
Esher 55
Essex 54
Essling, Battle of 36
Estwick, Samuel 47
Europa, Loss of the 27
Evans, Ann 99
Evans, Gen. William 30, 31, 41
Evans, Maria 99
Evans, Richard 47
Evans, Samuel 99
Evelyn, John 3, 4, 8, 9, 12
Ewart, Sergt. 33
Exeter, Matthew Sutcliffe, Dean of 1, 2, 3
Eylau, Battle of 36
Eyre, Canon Richard 8
Eyre, Edward 60
Eyre, George E. 61
Eyre, Kingsmill 47, 71
Falkirk, Battle of 41
Farnborough, Charles, Lord 38
Faulkner, Thomas 3, 10, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69
Fawcett, Gen. Sir William 42
Featley, Daniel 3
Fender, Jacob 104
fforest, Samuel 28, 29
Field, Richard, Dean of Gloucester 2
Fitzgerald and Vesci, William Vesey, Lord 38
Flanders 42, 44, 55
Fleming, Rev. H. J. 56
Flood, John 53
Fontenoy, Battle of 41
Foote, Thomas 91
Ford, Capt. J. 36, 68
Ford, James 73, 74
Ford, Lt.-Col. R. W. 53
Fortescue, Ann 117
Fotherby, Martin, Bishop of Salisbury 2
Foundling Hospital, The 69
Fox, Charles 10, 37
Fox, Charles James 55
Fox, Henry, Lord Holland 37
Fox, Lady Caroline 55
Fox, Sir Stephen 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 18, 37, 66
Francis, Rev. Phillip 55
Frazer, Rev. Augustine 54
Frazier, Charles 49
Frazier, James 47
Fuller, Thomas 69
Fury, Peregrine 47
Fyffe, Capt. E. L. 54
Gale, Robert 121
Gall, Col. R. H. 46
Gammon, Leonard 28, 29
Gardener's Lodge, The 65
Gardiner, William 106
Garnier, Daniel 72
Garnier, Isaac 72
Garnier, Marie 73
Gaulter, T. C. 53
George I, King 30, 41, 87
George II, King 30, 41, 42, 50, 83
George III, King 30, 59
George IV, King 42
German Legion, The 42
Germany 42
Gibbon, Edward 55
Gibbons, Grinling 22, 26
Gibbs, Ann 94
Gibraltar 43
Gibson, James 73, 74
Gibson, John 27, 28
Gillespie, J. 69
Gillray, James 98
Gillray, Jane 95
Glebe Place 121
Gleig, Rev. G. R. 56, 61
Glenbervie, Sylvester, Lord 38
Glentworth, Elborow 121
Gloucester, County of 7
Gloucester, Richard Field, Dean of 2
Gloucester, Miles Smith, Bishop of 2
Goderich, Fred. John Robinson, Viscount 38
Godfrey, Walter 20
Godolphin, Lord 49
Goodman, Dr. Godfrey 3
Gordon Highlanders 43
Gore, Gen. Sir Charles 45
Goschen, George J. 39
Gosling, Harry 41
Gough, Gen. 32, 33, 34
Governor's House, The 13, 19, 21, 31
Governors, List of 41
Governour's Kitchen, etc. 65
Grace, Elizabeth 94
Graham, James, Marquis of 38
Grant, Alexander 110
Grant, Archibald 111
Grant, F. M. Sir Patrick 43
Grant, Jane 111
Grant, Lewis 58, 78
Grant, Mary 78
Granville, George, Earl 39
Gratland, Elizabeth 114
Gratland, Mary 114
Gravesend 42
Gray, Maj. H. C. B. 58
Gray's Inn 104
Green, J. 66
Green, Rev. Richard 55
Green, William 5
Greenwich Hospital 13
Greig, J. 64
Grenfell, George, Baron Wolverton 40
Grenville, William Wyndham, Lord 38
Grose, Francis 1, 69
Grosvenor Estate, The 5
Guadaloupe 36
Guard House, The 65
Guest, Ivor Churchill, Lord Ashby St. Legers 40
Gulston, Miss E. 63
Gwalior Campaign, The 43
Gwyn, Nell 8
Hackney Marsh 2
Haggitt, Rev. William 55, 62
Hague, J. J. 53
Hale, Gen. Bernard 44
Hales, Col. John 41
Halford, Rev. William 55
Halkett, Gen. Sir Colin 42, 45
Hall, The 12, 17, 31, 32
Hamilton, Duchess of 122
Hamilton, James 116
Hamilton, John 116, 121
Hamilton, Lt.-Col. William Osborne 46
Hamilton, Tabitha 116
Hampton Court 22
Hansard and Sons, Luke 67
Harborough, Abraham 28
Harbro', James 52
Hare, Rev. Francis 55
Harris, Augustine 26
Harris, John 64
Harrison and Co. 64
Harrowby, Dudley Ryder, Earl of 38
Harrowby, Thomas Potter, Earl of 37
Hartshorn, John 52, 53
Harwood, Ann 120
Harwood, Charles 120
Hastings, Warren 56
Hawksmoor, Nicholas 10
Hawtin, Frances 120
Hayne, C. Seale 40
Hay, Thomas, Viscount Dupplin, Earl of Kinnoul 37
Haytley, E. 69
Hayward, Sir John 3
Head, Mary Liddington 90
Heisenbutle, John 27
Helder Expedition, The 42, 45
Hellier, William, Archdeacon of Barnstaple 3
Henderson, Arthur 40
Hepburn, William 52
Hereford 7
Heriot, John 60
Hesse Darmstadt 33
Hewitt, Roger 59
Hill, George 83
Hill, John 99
Hill, Mary 83
Hill, Thomas (mason) 27, 28
Hill, Thomas 101
Hill, Thomas 121
Hingeston, Rev. Peter 55
Hiseland, William 84
Hobson, Charles 59
Holland 4, 44
Holland, Henry Fox, Lord 37
Holloway, William 121
Holmes, Rev. R. H. 56
Holton, Francis 52
Home, Sir Everard 44
Hooper, S. 62
Hope, Gen. Sir Alexander 50
Hopetoun, John Adrian Louis, Earl of 40
Hopson, Charles 27, 28
Horse Guards, The 59
Howard, Charles, Earl of Nottingham 1, 5
Howard, Elizabeth 116
Howard, F.M. Sir George 41
Howe, John 10, 37
Howison, H. Y. 52
Howson, John, Bishop of Oxford and Durham 2
Hughes, Edward 105
Hughes, Mrs. S. 105
Hughes, W. T. 49
Hughson, David 64
Hulse, F.M. Sir Samuel 42, 44
Hulse, Sir Edward 42
Humphrey, Mrs. E. 117
Humphries, Thomas 28, 29
Hunt, William 98
Hurlock, Elizabeth 91
Hurlock, Margaret 94
Hurst, Nathaniel 97
Hutt, Maj.-Gen. George 47, 48
Hutt, Sir William 39, 48
Hutton, James 98
Hyder Ali 34, 35
Independance, The War of 33
India 42, 43
India Office, The 32
Indian Mutiny, The 43
Infirmary Buildings, The 25, 61
Infirmary Garden, The 26
Inglis, Alexander 50, 76
Ingram, Maj. Matthew 16, 45
Ingram, Rev. R. H. 56
Inkerman, Battle of 43
Innys, John 115
Invalides, Les 13
Irby, Capt. J. J. C. 58
Ireland 42, 43
Ireton 30
Ithell, Benedict 57
Jago, Rev. John 55
James I, King 1, 2, 3, 5
James II, King 6, 14, 17, 21, 22, 30, 89
Jemmett, Ezekiel 116, 117
Jemmett, Sarah 116, 117
Jena, Battle of 36
Jenkins, Sir Leoline 9
Jennings, Rev. William 55
Jephson, William 6
Jersey, V. A. G. C. Villiers, Earl of 40
Jesus College, Cambridge 54
Johnson, Nicholas 37
Johnson, Richard 87
Johnston, Margaret 111
Jones, 65
Jones, Daniel 84
Jones, Eleanor 84
Jones, G. 31
Jones, Henry, Edward, Margaret and Elizabeth 85
Jones, Thomas 107
Joynson-Hicks, Sir William 41
Julian, Maj.-Gen. Sir Oliver 51
Jumpsen, Eleanor 120
Jumpsen, John 120
Kabul, The March to 43
Kandy, King of 32, 33
Keate, Rev. William 80
Keate, Thomas 50, 80
Kempt, Sir. J. 45
Kensington 5
Kensington Palace 59
Kiddle, Maj. F. 54
Kilmainham Hospital 15, 61
Kinburn, Battle of 33
King, James 96
King James's College 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 24, 61, 62, 63, 69
Kingdon, Lemuel 37
King's College, Cambridge 55
King's Road, The 5, 52
Kinnoul, Thomas Hay, Earl of 37
Kinross 59
Kip, J. 63, 68
Kitchen, The 18
Knatchbull, Sir Edward 39
Kneller, Godfrey 18, 21, 30
Kyffin, Capt. Edward 113
Kyffin, Frances 114
Kyneston, Sir Francis 3
Lacey, S. 65
Lahore 43
Laing, C. D. 67
Lambeth 9
Lane, John 59
Lane, Maj.-Gen. Sir R. B. 48
Langford, Rev. Emanuel 54, 82
Larish, C. H. C. de 97
Latrobe, Benjamin 98
Laud, Archbishop 3
Laverton 80
Lawson, Robert 57
Layfield, John 2
Leach, George 59
LeBlanc, Lt.-Col. Henry 46
Leeds, J. E. 52, 53
Leete, Ralph 30
Lefort, D. 73
Lefort, P. 73
Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of 7
Leige, Stephen 88
Leist, C. J. 93
Lely, Peter 30
L'Estrange, Rev. A. G. 49, 62
Lewis, William 80
Leyden 50
Lieutenant-Governors 44
Lieutenant-Governors and Secretaries 48
Lieutenant-Governor's House, The 19, 22
Ligertwood, Surg. Thomas 51, 53
Lilly, Peter, Archdeacon of Taunton 3
Lincoln, Henry, Earl of 37
Lincoln, Robert Cannon, Dean of 55
Linlithgowshire 44
Livonia 98
Lodges, The 26
Lodi, Pont de 35
London, City of 2
London, Henry Compton, Bishop of 10
Lostwithiel 41
Lovaine, Algernon Lord, Duke of Northumberland 39
Lowe, Rev. Thomas 55
Lowe, Robert 39
Lucas, William 51
Lutz, Antonie 32
Lynn, George 65
Lysons, Rev. Daniel 62, 65, 69
Lyttelton, Gen. Sir Neville 43
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Lord Macaulay 39
McConkey, Maj. G. S. 54
Macdonald, Alexander 89
Macdonald, Charles 89
Macdonald, Mary 89
McIntoch, Mary 79
Mackay, John (see Dawson) 82
Mackintosh, Katharine 86
Mackintosh, Laughland 86
Mackintosh, Mary 86
Mackwampore, Battle of 36
MacLachlan, Daniel 51
McMollon, William 73, 74
McMunn, J. A. 51, 53
Macnamara, Surg.-Maj. W. J. 53
Maas, D. 30
Madeira 44
Madras 43, 44
Madrid 35, 36
Mahratta Infantry 32
Maile, Ann 95
Maitland, Col. C. L. B. 46
Majors 45
Majors and Lieutenant-Governors 46
Malta 32, 34, 43
Malton, Thos. 63, 68
Mann, Robert 57
Margetts, Henry 27, 29
Marlborough, Charles Richard John, Duke of 40
Marlborough, the Duke of 41, 55, 83
Marriott, Henry James 113, 114
Marriott, Mary 113, 114
Marriott, Robert 113
Martin, Benjamin E. 62
Martinique 33, 35, 36
Martyr, John 28
Mary, Queen 22, 83, 89
Mason, Mary 95
Mason, Richard 118
Mathias, Rev. George 56
Matthews, Lt.-Col. Robert 46
Maurer, J. 68
Maxfield, Arthur 63
Mazell, P. 63
Meeanee, Battle of 48
Merry, Rev. Thomas 55
Metcalf, Dorothy 90
Michell, Catharine 103
Middlesex 62, 64
Millar, Andrew 110, 111, 112
Millar, Elizabeth 112
Millar, Jane 112
Millar, Robert 112
Miller, Capt. John 76
Millesimo, Battle of 35
Milward, Anne 108
Milward, Elizabeth 108
Milward, Thomas 108
Milward, William 108
Minorca 41
Mitchel, Anne 116
Mitton G. E. (Lady Scott) 62
Molteno, A. 64
Mondoir, Battle of 35
Monsell, William 39
Monsey, Dr. Messenger 49
Montenotte, Battle of 35
Moore, Thomas 60
Moorhead, Alexander James 48
Morgan, Anne 91
Morgan, William 29
Morris, Grace and another 113
Mortimer, William 9
Morton, Thomas, Dean of Winchester 2
Moseley, Benjamin 50
Moseley, Rev. Reginald 56
Moss, G. 64
Moss, Lydia 94
Moxly, Rev. J. H. S. 56
Mulgrave, Constantine, Lord 38
Murray, John 73
Museum, Minervæ 3
Myddleton, Sir Hugh 2
Nash, Thomas 96
Neale, J. P. 64
Neave, Richard 47
New Bond Street 64
Newcourt 10, 69
Newnham-Davis, Lt.-Col. N. 61
New River, The 2
Newton, John 72
Newton, Thomas Wodehouse, Baron 40
Newton, William 27, 29
Nicholl, John Luke 47
Nicholls, Sutton 66
Nicholson, I. 92
Nicholson, James 121, 122
Nicoll, John 47
Ningpo, Battle of 32, 33, 34
Nistett, David 87
Nisbett, Margaret 87
Nive, Battle of 56
Nivelle, Battle of 56
Noades, Butler 52
Noades, John 50
Norfolk 42
Norman, F.M. Sir Henry Wylie 43
North, Ann 118
North, Frederick Lord 37
North, Imor 118
North, Richard 119
North, William 52
Northumberland, Algernon Lord Lovaine, Duke of 39
Northumberland, John, Duke of 5
Norton, Col. Thomas 44
Notchrist, Ann 102
Notchrist, Rev. 102
Nottingham, Charles Howard, Earl of 1, 5
Nottingham, Margaret, Countess of 1, 4, 6
Nunn, Capt. Loftus 60
Odell, Jacob 18
Ogle, Col. Sir Thomas 29, 41, 74, 78
Ogle, Harriet 78
Oporto, Advance on 42
Orfa 42
Orford, Robert Walpole, Earl of 37
Orthez, Battle of 44
Overall, John, Dean of St. Paul's 2
Owen, Col. Arthur 75
Owen, S. 64, 66
Owne, John 29
Oxford 3, 9, 41, 44
Oxford, John Howson, Bishop of 2
Paget, Gen. Sir Edward 42
Paget, Sir H. W. 42
Paradise Row 61, 62
Paris 13, 43, 50
Parnell, Sir Henry, Lord Congleton 39
Parr 65
Patterson, John 60
Pavilions, The 23
Paymasters-General 37
Pearce, Lt.-Col. William 35
Pecurinha, Fort 36
Pelham, Henry 37
Pendennis Castle 75
Peninsular Campaign, The 42, 43, 45, 46, 56
Pennefather, Gen. Sir John L. 43
Pensioner's Library, The 25
Pentland, Maj. R. C. 58
Percy, Earl 39
Persian War, The 48
Physicians 49
Physicians and Surgeons 51
Pickring, Ellinor 101
Pickring, Richard 101
Pierpont, Richard 8
Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham 37, 55
Pittonne, Ann 76
Pittonne, Francis David 76
Pittonne, Sophia 76
Plunkett, David Robert 40
Pond, Thomas 81
Pope, Alexander 49
Porter, 99
Portugal 36, 44
Potter, Thomas, Earl of Harrowby 37
Potts, Maj. E. T. 51
Poulton, John 79
Poulton, William 79
Powell, John 47
Poyntz, Maj. R. H. 58
Pratt, Maj. John 36
Preston, Martha 115
Preston, William 115
Price, 121
Prout, A. A. 52
Prout, S. 64
Pugin, A. W. 12, 17, 64
Pym, Capt. Percival 58
Quainton, Bucks 3
Quatre Bras, Battle of 43, 45
Quebec, 41
Queen's Germans, The 32
Queen's Road East 63
Quetta 43
Ramsay, Allen 30
Ramsay, Capt. John 82
Ranby, John 50, 77
Ranelagh Gardens 6, 63–5, 67–9
Ranelagh House 65, 69
Ranelagh, Richard, Earl of 6, 10, 17, 18, 37
Rankin, Robert 86
Rattenden, Essex 54
Rayleigh, Essex 106
Read, 65
Redland Court, Gloucestershire 115
Reformation, The 7
Reid, Alexander 52, 82
Renatus, Christian, Count of Zinzendorf 90
Renton, Lady Margaret 87
Renton, Sir Thomas 50, 87
Restoration, The 3, 8
Retiro el Madrid 35, 36
Reuss Kostritz Henry, LV Count 90
Ricardo, Maj. H. W. R. 58
Ricci, Sebastien 15, 67
Rich, F.M. Sir Robert 41
Richard, Elizabeth 106
Richard, Frances 106
Richard, Samuel 106
Rigby, Richard 38
Ripon, Earl of 38
Rivoli, Battle of 35
Roberts, Maj. F. E. 51
Roberts, I. 63
Roberts, Capt. T. H. F. 54
Robinson, Maj.-Gen. Sir C. W. 48
Robinson, Fred. John, Viscount Goderich 38
Rochefort Expedition 41
Rock & Co. 65
Rogers, Jacob 96
Rose, George 38
Ross, Gen. Sir H. D. 45
Rotunda, The 6, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68
Rowlandson and Pugin 12, 64
Royal Academy, The 59
Royal Avenue, The 5
Royal Hospital Avenue 26
Royal Hospital Infirmary 62
Royal Hospital Road 5, 13, 26
Royal Military Asylum 52, 61
Royal Society, The 4, 8
Roycraft, Capt. W. 12, 58
Russell, Lord John 39
Rustat, Tobias 9, 26
Rycroft, Capt. J. N. O. 58
Ryde, Isle of Wight 49
Ryder, Dudley, Earl of Harrowby 38
Rylery, Richard 28
St. Albans 18
St. Asaph, Francis Hare, Bishop of 55
St. Cas, Capture of 42
St. Clement Danes 2, 112
St. Domingo 45
St. George, Battle of 35
St. Ives 41
St. James' 59
St. John's, Isle of Wight 49
St. Malo, Attack on 42
St. Martin's in the Fields 117, 118
St. Martin's Meadows 5
St. Olave, Southwark 119
St. Paul's 3, 32, 55
St. Paul's, Francis Hare, Dean of 55
St. Paul's, John Overall, Dean of 2
Salamanca, Battle of 35, 36, 45
Salisbury, Martin Fotherby, Bishop of 2, 48
Salisbury, Robert Abbot, Bishop of 2
Salis-Schwabe, Maj.-Gen. George 48
Sandhurst, R.M. College 44
Satchell, Maj. Francis 45
Saunders, Christian 93
Saunders, John 93
Savoy Hospital, The 3
Saxe, Marshal 42
Saxmundham 48
Sayer, Robert 67
Scarborough 111
Scarborow, John 28
Schnebbelie, A. B. 64, 68
Scots Greys, The 33
Scott, James 107
Scott, Mrs. 107
Seamann, E. 30
Secretaries 47
Secretaries, Assistant 49
Seringapatam, Storming of 34, 35
Seven Years' War, The 41
Seymour, Col. Charles 51
Shailer, Thomas 119
Shury, J. 66
Sicily 44
Sikh Wars, The 43
Simpson, P. J. 53
Simpson, T. 66
Skeen, Sarah Slinn 91
Skinner, John 92
Skipwith, Maj. Henry 45
Skynne, Francis 58
Slater, William 3
Sloane Street 116
Smallwell, John 29
Smart, John 49
Smith, Capt. 32
Smith, J. 68
Smith, John 29
Smith, Miles, Bishop of Gloucester 2
Smith, Nathaniel 44, 46, 60, 75
Snell, Hannah 71
Soane Museum, The 59
Soane, Sir John 59, 67
Somerset, Lord Charles Henry 38
Somerville, May 50
Somerville, William 50
Sopps, Charles 81
Sopps, Edward 81
Sopps, Margaret 81
Sopps, Mary 81
South Terrace, The 26
Southend 50
Southwark, Richard Knight Causton, Lord 40
Spain 35, 36, 44
Spalato, Marcus Antonio de Dominis, Archbishop of 3
Sparke, Maj. William 46, 77
Spencer House 59
Spencer, John, President of Corpus, Oxford 2
Spicer, Col. W. H. 57
Spiers, David 118
Spiers, Esther 118
Spiers, James 117, 118
Spottiswoode, William 61
Stamford 41
Stanley of Alderney, Lord 39
Stanley, Edward John, Lord Eddisbury 39
Stanwix, Brig. Thomas 41
Stationery Office, H.M. 61
Stayner, T. 66
Stebbing, Rev. Henry 104
Stebbing, Jane 104
Steele, Thomas 38
Stewart, F.M. Sir Donald Martin 43
Stiles, Corporal 36
Stockdale, I. 64
Stokes, Edward 113
Stone Bridge 5
Stonehouse, George 90
Stonehouse, Mary Theresa 90
Stoneybridge Close 5
Storer, J. 64
Story, Maj. Launcelot 46
Stow, John 61, 63
Strachie, Edward, Lord 46
Strand, The 112
Stratford, I. 64
Streeter, Robert 28, 29
Strype 3
Stuart, Ann 74
Stuart, Col. E. A. 47, 48
Stuart (Stewart), Capt. Thomas 57, 74
Suffolk 48
Surgeons 50
Surgeons, Assistant 52
Surgeons, Deputy 53
Surgeon's mates 52
Surgeons, Royal College of 50
Sutcliffe, John 4
Sutcliffe, Matthew, Dean of Exeter 1, 2, 3
Sutherland, George Granville, Duke of 41
Sutton, Joseph 103
Sutton, Maj.-Gen. Sir H. C. 48
Swede Court 5
Swift, Jonathan 49, 55
Sydney, Thomas Townshend, Viscount 38
Symons, Elizabeth 80
Tagg, T. 64
Tanner, Thos. 4, 69
Taunton 3
Taylor, A. H. F. 52
Tedworth Gardens, Chelsea 51
Temple, Frederick, Lord Dufferin and Clandeboye 40
Temple, Richard, Earl 38
Tessier, G. L. 49
Thameshot 1, 2, 5
Thames, The 5, 6, 64, 65, 66
Thanet, Thomas Tufton, Earl of 9
Theological College, see King James' College
Thomas, John 52
Thompson, Anna 95
Thompson, Capt. R. R. 54
Thompson, Claudius 93
Thompson, Fredk. 92
Thompson, J. 93
Thompson, John 97
Thompson, Maj. R. J. C. 51
Thompson, Samuel 92
Thurlow, Thomas John, Baron 40
Tillemans, P. 31
Tiphaine, Daniel 88
Tippoo Saib 34, 35
Todd, Maj. R. E. 54
Tombleson and Co. 65
Tomkins, Henry 60
Tomkins, Silvanus 57
Tompkins, Isaac 29
Torrens, Maj.-Gen. A. W. 27
Townshend, Charles 37
Townshend, F.M. Marquess 41
Townshend, Lord John 38
Townshend, Thomas, Viscount Sydney 38
Trapp, Martha Elizabeth 91
Treasurers, Deputy 57
Treby, George 47
Trigge, Gen. Sir Thomas 44
Trye, Thomas 57
Tuck, Raphael, and Sons 61
Tufton, Thomas, Earl of Thanet 9
Turberville, Elizabeth 92, 95
Turberville, James 92, 97
Turberville, J. W. 92
Turner, Daniel 62, 64, 66
Turner, Lydia 91
Tuyl, Battle of 42
United Services Institution 68
Upper Cheyne Row, No. 18 121
Urquhart, Ann 114
Vancitters, J. K. 92
Vanderesch, Ann 118
Vanderesch, Henry 118
Van Dyck, Anthony 22, 30
Vane, Hon. F. 57
Vane, Hon. G. 57
Vane, Morgan 57
Vardy, John 13, 59
Vepret, Brittany 73
Vernor and Hood 64
Verrio, Antonio 17
Vesey, William, Lord Fitzgerald and Vesci 38
Vestibule, The 14, 32
Victoria, Queen 18, 33, 36, 43
Vile, John 28, 29
Villiers, Col. George 74
Villiers, V. A. G. C., Earl of Jersey 40
Vimiera, Battle of 44
Vittoria, Battle of 42, 45
Vivary, — 68
Volage, H.M.S. 32
Wadeson, Col. Richard 27, 46
Wagram, Battle of 36
Walcheren Expedition, The 32, 35, 42, 46
Wale, S. 66
Walford, Edward 62
Walker, Benjamin 53
Walker, Gen. Sir George T. 44
Wallis, W. 64
Walpole, Horatio 47
Walpole House 25, 62
Walpole, Robert, Earl of Orford 37, 47, 49, 55
Walpole Society, The 69
Walter, Elizabeth 102
Walter, John 102
Walters, Sir J. Tudor 41
Warburg, Victory of 42
Warburton, Capt. Peter 85
Warburton, Martha 85
Ward, John 58
Ward, J. T. 69
Ward, 31
Wards, The 18, 65
Warren, A. 64
Warren, Hugh 59
Warwick 7
Waterloo, Battle of 31, 33, 36, 42, 43, 45
Watkins, Elizabeth 91
Watkins, Richard 96
Watson, Anne 107
Watson, William 120
Wellesley 42
Wellington, Duke of 18, 56
Wells, Somerset 80
West, Col. Gilbert 57
West, Edward Augustus 106
Westbourne, The 5, 6
West Indies, The 45, 50
West Meath 119
Westminster 5, 6, 12
Westminster Abbey 1, 59
Wheeler, John 97
White, F. M. Sir George 43
White, John 3
White, T. 67
Whitehall 32, 64
Whyte, Ann 113
Whyte, Daniel 113
Willcox, W. H. 49
Wilkinson, Samuel 3
William III, King 14, 22, 30, 83, 89
Williams, Matthew 27, 28
Wilmington, Spencer Compton, Earl of 37, 68
Wilson, Col. John 57
Wilson, James 39
Wilson, Lt.-Col. Sir John M. 32, 46, 58
Wilton, John 57
Winchester, Bishop of 9
Winchester, Thomas Morton, Dean of 2
Winckles, Paul 29
Windsor 22
Windsor Forest 1
Windsor, Robert, Lord 40
Winnington, Sir Thomas 37
Winter, Lt.-Col. H. E. 54
Wise, Thomas 27
Wodehouse, Thomas, Baron Newton 40
Wolfe, General 41, 42
Wollin, John Gotthold 98
Wollin, Rosina 93
Wollin, Sarah 94
Wolverton, George Grenfell, Baron 40
Wood, 65
Wood, Henry 60
Woodford, F.M. Sir Alexander 43–45
Woolnoth, 64
Worcester, Francis Hare, Dean of 55
Works, Clerks of 59
Works, H.M. Office of 6
Wren, Sir Christopher 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 21, 23, 67
Wright, Col. E. W. C. 27
Wrightson, Lt.-Col. John 46
Wyatt, Samuel 59
Wyeth, John 101
Wyn—, Eliz: 96
Wyndham, Col. William 44
Wyndham, William, Lord Grenville 38
Wynn, Sir John 57
Yapp, Martha 105
Yapp, Sam 105
Yapp, Susannah 106
Yarboro', Lord 67
Yates, Rev. Richard 56
York, Duke of 42, 44
York, James, Duke of 30
York Place, Pentonville 64
Zinzendorf and Pottendorf, Christian Renatus, Count of 90