Appendix A: Will of Sir John Morden

Survey of London Monograph 10, Morden College, Blackheath. Originally published by Guild & School of Handicraft, London, 1916.

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T Frank Green, 'Appendix A: Will of Sir John Morden', in Survey of London Monograph 10, Morden College, Blackheath( London, 1916), British History Online [accessed 4 July 2024].

T Frank Green, 'Appendix A: Will of Sir John Morden', in Survey of London Monograph 10, Morden College, Blackheath( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed July 4, 2024,

T Frank Green. "Appendix A: Will of Sir John Morden". Survey of London Monograph 10, Morden College, Blackheath. (London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 4 July 2024.

In this section


WILL of Sir JOHN MORDEN, Baronet.

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Sir John Morden of Ricklemarsh in the County of Kent Baronett being well in health of Body and of sound and perfect minde and memory (thanks be to God) but knowing the uncertainty of this life and being desirous to settle my Estate doe make and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (that is to say) ffirst I recomend my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator and Redeemer And I committ my Body to the Earth to be interred in the Chappell I have now built in my College hereinafter mentioned at the discretion of my dear Wife Dame Susan Morden and my Trustees hereinafter named without any pomp or singing Boys but decently and as concerning that Estate both reall and personall which it hath pleased God to bless me with in this world I give and dispose of the same as hereinafter is mentioned expressed and declared (that is to say) Imprimis My Will is and I doe hereby give and devise unto my dear and loveing wife Dame Susan Morden Six Hundred pounds per annum clear of all charges repairs Parliament taxes and all other taxes deductions and abatements whatsoever during her natural life to be retained by her or paid to her by my Trustees hereinafter named out of all my Reall Copyhold and personnall Estate whatsoever Quarterly at the ffour most usueall ffeasts or daies of payment in the year (that is to say) on the ffeast of the birth of our Lord God The Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary The Nativity of St. John Baptist and Saint Michaell the Archangell by even and equall portions The first payment thereof to begin and be retained or paid to her at such of the said ffeasts or daies of payment which shall first happen after my decease And for the true payment thereof I doe hereby charge All my Estate Reall Coppyhold and Personall during her natural life And my Will is that the same is and shall be taken by her in lieu and in full satisfaction and discharge of all Contracts of Marriage Dower Thirds Customary parts and all other claimes and demands whatsoever which she shall or may have or claime to my Estate Reall Coppyhold or Personall whatsoever except what is hereby further devised unto her Item I give and bequeath to my said loveing Wife for her Life (over and above what I have already given) All that the Mansion House or seate called Ricklemarsh in the County of Kent wherein I now dwell together with all and every the Gardens Orchards Vineyards ffishponds Yards Stables and Barns Outhouses and the Avenue or Close leading up to the same from the Road and the Close adjoining thereto wherein the Horsepond is and the Close and Walke called Mount Ecco Walke and all other the appurtenances thereto belonging together with soe many acres of land meadow and pasture next adjoyning to the said House as will amount unto the yearly value of one hundred pounds at the least to be set out and alloted to her by Sir Edmund Harrison Daniel Morse and Pelatia Barnardiston Merchants of the City of London Trustees herein-after mentioned or the survivors or survivor of them according to their discretions Item I give and bequeath unto my said loveing Wife Dame Susan Morden one hundred pounds to buy her Mourning Item I give and bequeath to my said Dear wife my best Coach and Chariott and ffour of my best Horses and the furniture thereof and all my cowes and Dairy and alsoe one moity or halfe part (the same in two equall parts to be divided) of all my household stuffe Furniture utensills Plate Jewells China ware Cabbinetts Linnen Woollen Hangings Bedding Pewter Copper and Brass and all other my Furniture and ornaments of household whatsoever as well in the Countrey as in London to dispose of at her will and pleasure and alsoe I give unto her dureing her life the use and wearing of all the other moiety of the said Household Stuffe Furniture Utensills Plate Jewells China Ware Cabinets Linnen Woollen Hangings Bedding and other Furniture and Ornaments of Household whatsoever And my Will is that an Inventary and Valuation of all the said Household goods plate and jewells the better to ascertaine the same be made and delivered to the said Trustees Sir Edmund Harrison Daniel Morse and Peletia Barnardiston some or one of them to preserve the same for the uses hereinafter mentioned Item I give and bequeath to the sister of my late deceased godson Morden Hodder Fifty pounds To cosin Peake's three children Forty pounds equally to be devided amongst them which last mentioned legacies my Will is that my Executrix hereinafter named doe putt out and place the same at interest according to her discretion for the said severall Infants best advantage untill they shall severally and respectively attaine their severall and respective ages of one and twenty years or daies of marriage which shall first happen But my Will and meaning nevertheless is that my Executrix upon any loss or miscarriage thereof shall not be answerable for the same out of her own Estate And my Will and meaning alsoe further is that if my said Executrix shall finde it most for the advantage of any of my said Legatees to dispose of any of their said Legacies or any part thereof during their Infancy for the preferrment or well doeing of any of the said Legatees to putt or place them in the world for their advancment or benefit or to make them a stock for the better carrying on of their Imployments or Trades then my Will is that my said Executrix may at her discretion pay and dispose thereof accordingly and that such of the said Legatees acquittances shall be sufficient discharges for the same (thô dureing their infancy).

Item I give and bequeath to my cousin George Austen the sume of fforty pounds which he owes me and I doe hereby release and discharge him thereof which with the Two hundred pounds I formerly gave to putt his two sons out is Two hundred and fforty pounds Item I give to my cousin John Morden of Bradly in Cambridgeshire the sume of ffive pounds and to Cosin Rathbone daughter of my cosin Rathbone Twenty pounds and to Cosin Adams Ten pounds and to my Cosin Dickenson all the money she or her husband oweth me and which I have at any time lent them or either of them and I doe hereby release and discharge them thereof being above Two Hundred pounds And my neece Mary Brand the daughter of my brother Thomas Brand one hundred pounds and to my Godson Thomas Brand son of my said Brother Thomas Brand ffifty pounds and to my Godson John Bennett one hundred pounds and to my Goddaughter Elizabeth Brand daughter of Brother John Brand ffifty pounds and to my Godson John Peers the son of Cosin Peers ffifty pounds and to my cosin John ffrancis the seventy pounds I have already lent him and which he now owes me and I do hereby release and discharge him thereof And to Samuel Soames Esquire only son of Sir Thomas Soames deceased One Hundred Pounds And my Will is that the Acquittance of such of the said Legatees as are under age or the Acquittances of their ffathers or Mothers respectively shall be sufficient Discharges to my said Executrix for the payment thereof Item I give and bequeath to each of my Servants living with me at the time of my decease ffive pounds apeece to buy them mourning And to the poor of Saint Martin's Outwich Three pounds And to the poor of the parish of Charlton in the County of Kent ffive Pounds And Whereas I have already Lent to Christchurch Hospitall Two Hundred pounds I doe hereby give the same to the said Hospitall and I doe hereby Release and Discharge them hereof And whereas I did subscribe and since paid one Hundred pounds to Saint Thomas' Hospitall in Southwarke I doe hereby give the same to the said Hospitall and hereby release and discharge the same.

And I doe hereby give and bequeath Two Hundred pounds to be laid out and disposed of by my Executrix in dischargeing of poor Prisoners out of the Kings Bench Prison Marshalsea prison the ffleet Ludgate and both the Counteiss within the City of London not paying above Three pounds for the dischargeing of any one And also One hundred pounds to be Distributed to Poor Blinde persons to such as were borne blinde fforty shillings apeece and to other blinde persons twenty shillings apeece And I doe hereby give to my loveing Brother John Bennett for severall personall services done me the sume of One Hundred pounds and Twenty guineas for mourning Item I give to my cosin John Morden Calendar the sume of One Hundred pounds And I doe hereby give unto Sir Edmund Harrison Daniel Morse and Pelatia Barnardiston Twenty guineas apeece to buy them Mourning And I make my said loveing Wife Dame Susan Morden sole Executrix of this my last Will.

And my further Will and Minde is and I doe hereby give and devise unto Sir Edmund Harrison Daniel Morse and Pelatia Barnardiston and the survivor of them his Heirs and Assigns for ever All other my Reall and Copyhold Estate of Inheritance of which I now am or may be seized during my Life and which is not hereinbefore otherwise devised or disposed of subject nevertheless to the payment of the said Annuity of Six Hundred pounds per Annum to my said dear wife Susan Morden dureing her life. To Have and to Hold the same unto the said Sir Edmund Harrison Daniel Morse and Pelatia Barnardiston their Heirs and Assigns In Trust and for the uses Intents and purposes following (that is to say) I will and order that there to be placed in the Colledge now ffinished by me and scituate in a certaine ffield called Greatstone in the parish of Charlton near Blackheath in Kent as many poor honest sober and discreet Merchants as the clear yearly Rent and Revenue of my said Reall or Coppyhold Estate of Inheritance will Maintaine according to the Allotments and provisions hereunder appointed which said poor Merchants I direct may be of the age of ffifty years apeece at the least and such as have lost their Estates by accidents dangers and perills of the seas or by any other accidents ways or means in their honest endeavours to gett their Liveing by way of Merchandizing And I doe hereby declare my Will to be that each of the said poor Merchants be allowed and accordingly I doe give and allow each of them a Pension of Twenty Pounds a year to be paid and laid out to and for them in such manner as is hereinafter directed and appointed And my Will is that there shall be with and out of their said Pensions of Twenty pounds apeece a constant Table and Commons kept in the Hall of the said Colledge for the provision and sustenance of the said poor Merchants to Dyne and supp together (such as are able to come out of their Chambers every Day in the year And for such as are not able to come out of their Chambers such provision shall be made and sent to them as is necessary and convenient for them in their conditions.

And my Will is that the said decayed Merchants shall allwaies in the said Colledge wear Gownes all alike And that out of the said Twenty pounds per Annum apeece shall yearly be allowed fforty shillings apeece to buy them new Gowns And alsoe twenty shillings apeece to buy each of them a chaldron of coales for ffireing in their chambers and the remaining seventeen pounds apeece shall be applyed to the maintenance of their said table and Commons and for the buying and dressing and prepareing of their provisions and for the buying of their Bread and Beer and alsoe Coales for their Kitchen and Hall and all other necessaries whatsoever for their maintenance and provision And if there shall be any overplus of the said Pensions of Twenty pound apeece left after all their Commons and provisions Gownes Coales and other necessaryes paid for that the same shall be equally amongst them as far as it will goe towards providing them with Cloathes and other necessaries And my Will is that each one of them shall have a Lodging appointed for him in the said Colledge and shall be constantly resident in the said Colledge And my Will is that there shall be a person appointed to be Treasurer to take collect and receive for the use of the said Colledge all the Rents revenues sume and sumes of money belonging to the said Colledge and shall pay and disburse all the said pensions and all other charges and Expences of the said Colledge for the provisions Repaires Wages and other Expenses whatsoever in such manner as is hereby ordered and directed and shall prepare and keep Books fairely written of all his Receipts and Disbursements to be perused and allowed of and signed by the Visitors hereinafter named once a year at least and oftener whenever the said visitors hereinafter named shall call for the same. And for his pains and trouble therein shall have an Allowance either out of the said reall or copyhold Estate or out of such other Estate as is hereby given or intended to be given to and for the Endowment of the said Colledge the yearly Pension or sum of fforty pounds per annum by the said Visitors upon their perusall of his Accounts And my Will is that the Chappell in the said Colledge be consecrated and that there be a sober devout and discreet person in Holy Orders appointed to be Chaplin to the said Colledge to read Divine Service there according to the present Liturgy of the Church of England as now by Law established every day mourning and evening and also to preach sermons twice a day every Sunday in the yeare and duely to administer the Holy Sacrament and to visit the sick and to bury the dead and doe all other matters and things according to the duty of his function and place and for his soe doeing shall have alsoe out of the said Reall or Copyhold Estate as is hereby given or intended to be given for the endowing of the said Colledge allowed to him Thirty Pounds a year And the said Chaplin and alsoe the said Treasurer shall have their dyet with the said Merchants in the Hall of the said Colledge and alsoe their lodginge in the said Colledge and the same shall be answered out of the Estate hereby alloted for the endowing the Colledge aforesaid and my Will is that the said Chaplin be allwaies resident to doe his duty in the said Colledge And that all the said Merchants doe constantly goe to Chappell and divine service twice every day without faile if they are able And my Will is that the Merchants themselves within the said Colledge for the time being by a majority of votes shall choose one or more at a time and as often as they please out of their own number to buy in all the provisions and other necessaries for the said College and to take care thereof and deliver out the same to the cocke and others of the said College as occasion shall require without any reward or advantage thereof to be made for his or their paines (believing since I give the money to buy in all Things they will not think it a burthen to buy in their owne provisions and necessaries) And my Will is that there be a cooke appointed to dress all the provisions of the said Colledge who shall have out of the Rents of the said Reall and Coppyhold Estate or such other Estate as is hereby given for the purpose aforesaid not only Ten Pounds a yeare Wages but alsoe his Lodgeing and Dyet in the said Colledge And that there be alsoe a person appointed to be a Butler to take care of all the Bread and Beer and Cheese to lay the cloath and look after the Table Linnen And that he be Clerke of the Chappell for the time being and keep the same cleane and alsoe the Hall and all the Publick Roomes and the Buttery and Cellars and doe all other duties of a Butler and for his paines shall have out of the Estate before or hereafter given not only Ten Pounds a year Wages but alsoe his Lodgeing and Dyet in the said Colledge.

And my Will is that the Butler doe allwaies wait upon the said merchants at their Table Dinners and Suppers And I doe give and appoint Ten Pounds per annum issuing or to issue out of the Estate hereinbefore or hereinafter devised to be expended or laid up for the Repaires of the said Colledge and premises and the utensills and household stuffe thereof in the Kitchin Hall and Publick Rooms of the said Colledge And my will is that my Executrix and Trustees shall out of the same Estate furnish the Chapel of the said Colledge with all things decent and necessary for the same and alsoe shall furnish the Hall Kitchen Pantrys Butterys Washouses and all the public rooms of the said Colledge with fitt and convenient furniture for the severall and respective uses and purposes there requisite and necessary And in aid or as an addition to my said Reall and Copyhold Estate and that the number of the said poor Merchants may be increased and inlarged my will and desire is and I doe hereby order and direct That my said Executrix with the assistance of the Trustees above mentioned doe with all convenient speed collect and gett in all my personal Estate whatsoever or wheresoever, and that she doe with as much haste as may consist with reason make sale thereof and invest and lay out the money ariseing from the sale of the said Personall Estate and which shall remaine after my Debts particular Legacies and Funerall expenses first satisfied and paid in a purchase of some Lands or Heraditaments of Inheritance in Fee Simple And I will and direct that the Rents Issues and Profitts thereof be added to the Rents and Revennues of the Reall Estate of which I shall or may dye seized and that the said Estate of Inheritance soe to be purchased by the produce of my Personall Estate as aforesaid be conveyed to and vested in the said Sir Edmund Harrison Daniel Morse and Pelatia Barnardiston their Heirs and Assignes and that the Rents and Profitts thereof be applyed to the same uses intents and purposes as the Rents and Profitts of the Real Estate of which I shall dye seized are above limited and appointed and shall be a supply to the same And I doe hereby direct that such further number of poor Merchants be received and admitted into the said Colledge as the Rents and proffitts of such Estate soe to be purchased can maintaine and provide for according to the pentions limited and appointed to and over above the allowances above made for the said Lodgeing and Dyett and the salaries above given to the severall officers above mentioned which said additionall or further numbers of Merchants shall have the same allowance and be on the same foundation and under the same Rules and Government as is and are above laid downe and appointed for the Merchants to be provided for out of my present Reall and Coppyhold Estate And I doe further direct that from and after the decease of my dear and loveing Wife the said Annuity of Six hundred pounds together with all other the Estate herein and hereby devised and bequeathed unto my said loveing [wife] shall alsoe be an addition to the Estate hereinbefore allotted for the Endowment of the said Colledge and shall be to the same uses as I have before limited and appointed, the Rents and Revenues of the Reall Estate of which I may or shall dye seized and of the other Estate above directed to be purchased and I doe hereby declare my meaning to be that the residue of all my Estate Reall or Personall after my Debts particular Legacies and Funerall charges paid shall be for Endowing the said Colledge and for answering the severall provisions and Pensions to such officers and poor Merchants as the amount of such my Estate when all invested in land or Hereditaments of Inheritance will provide for according to the allowances and pensions hereby given or intended to be given togeather alsoe with the sumes hereby directed to be spent in the entertaining the Visitors herein mentioned and repaireing the Colledge and other things above and hereafter specifyed And for further explanation of my meaning I doe will and direct that there be that prudent care taken by my Executrix dureing her life and by the Trustees herein appointed after her death that there be not any time admitted into the said Colledge a greater number of poor Merchants than what the Revenue appointed for the Endowment of the said Colledge is sufficient to maintaine and provide for according to the Pensions above mentioned And I hereby give power to my said Executrix and after her decease to my said Trustees to reduce or increase the number of the said poor Merchants as they shall think fitt haveing alwaies respect to the Incombe and Revenue of the Estates given and appointed for the Endowment of the Colledge aforesaid and for the better collecting in my Personall Estate abroade I doe hereby give my said Executrix full power and authority to imploy any ship or ships in which I am interrested and to fitt out and equipp the same and to make insurances thereon and generally to doe such other act or acts for the better getting in my Estate as is befitting a Merchant to doe and I doe hereby discharge my said Executrix from being lyable to any miscarriage in case what was done by her was well intended and I doe further will and direct my Executrix to make sale of any Ship or Ships part or share of ships I am interested if she thinks fitt and press and desire her to take the speediest course and methode for the sale or disposeall of my Personall Estate that can consist with prudence That the produce thereof may come in aid of my Reall Estate for the endowing of the said Colledge The Government of which said Colledge I will to be as followeth (That is to say) my Will is that the sole Government and Management of the said Colledge shall be in the Visitors hereinafter mentioned and their successors for ever And first I doe hereby appoint my said dear wife Dame Susan Morden Sir Edmund Harrison Daniel Morse and Pelatia Barnardiston to be the sole visitors thereof and they and the survivors of them or the major part of them or the survivors of them to have the sole Management and Government thereof to place and displace the said Merchants Chaplain Treasurer and all other the said officers and Persons within the said Colledge at their Wills and pleasures and to make such orders and rules for the well Governing thereof as they or the major part of them shall from time to time in their discretions think fitt, and my will is that they or the major part of them shall visit the said Colledge once a year at least and oftener if they think fitt and that they or the major part of them shall then take and state the said Treasurer's Accounts and peruse and signe the same if they shall approve thereof and if not to call the said Treasurer to an Account for all such moneys as shall come to his hands and not be disposed of according to this my Will and that then they shall examine into the well governing of the said Colledge and into the manners and behaviour of everyone within the said Colledge and if they finde that the said Treasurer Chaplin or any of the Officers of the said Colledge doe not behave themselves according to their duty then or at any other time to displace them and appoint others in their rooms by a writing under their severall and respective hands and seales or under the hands and seales of the major part of them And alsoe then to examine into the manners and good behaviour of all the said Merchants and whether they keep constantly to Chappell and are resident in the said Colledge and if they finde them guilty of any sort of ill behaviour or not keeping strictly to the rules and orders of the Colledge or guilty of Swearing Drunkness or any debauchery or not keeping constantly to Chappell or not being resident That then or at any time after by any writing under their hands and seales or under the hands and seales of the major part of them they shall and may displace and turne them out and may putt in such other Merchants as in their discretion they shall think fitt according to this my will And they shall then veiw all the repaires done or to be done in the said Colledge or utensils of household stuffe and give such orders therein as to them shall seem meet And my Will is and I doe hereby give Ten Pounds per annum for ever to be expended in a Dynner for the Visitors in the said Hall on the day of their visitation and for provideing of Hay and Corn for their horses. And after they have dyned all the provisions remaininge to be given to the Merchants within the said Colledge And my Will is that there be rooms prepared for their reception And my Will is that immediately after the decease of any two of them the said visitors above mentioned That Sir John Buckwith Sir Humphrey Edwin John Morrice Esq. William Fawkenner and Mr. Justice Otgher all of London Turkey Merchants shall be trustees and Visitors of the said Colledge dureing their lives with the then surviveing Visitor or Visitors of the said Colledge above named and that then all the said Trustees and visitors doe visit the said Colledge and execute all the said powers and authorityes above mentioned to be given to the said first named above Trustees and visitors and that then when any one of all the said Visitors shall happen to dye that then immediately all the surviving visitors or the major part of them shall meet and under their hands and seales Constitute and appoint some one of the Turkey Company to supply the place of such deceased Visitor and to be Visitor with them dureing his life or if more than one happen to be dead then to constitute and appoint soe many of the Turkey Company to be visitors for their lives in the place of those that are deceased as will still keep up their number of seven Visitors to have allwaie the sole Government and management of the said Colledge according to the true intention of this my Last Will and Testament And my will is that soe for ever as often as any of the said Visitors of the said Colledge shall dye the surviveing Visitors shall from time to time constitute and appoint discreet persons members of the said Turkey Company to supply their places and to fill up their number of seven Visitors And if it shall soe happen that all the Visitors of the said Colledge should dye without choosing others to succeed them Then my Will is that the Turkey Company shall choose seven persons members of their Company to be Visitors of the said Colledge for their lives and they to choose their successors accordingly in manner and forme aforesaid for ever And my Will is that if the said Turkey Company shall faile and there be noe such Company as now trades to Turkey soe that there cannot be Visitors chosen out of the members of the said Turkey Company that then the surviving Visitors or the major part of them shall constitute and appoint soe many out of the East India Company as will fill up and compleate the number seaven and if that Company faile and that there be noe such Company as now trades to the East Indies Then out of the Court of Aldermen of the City of London to be Visitors for their lives with them as will make up their number Seven Visitors for ever and so thenceforward from time to time surviving Visitors as often as any shall dye shall choose fit and discreet persons out of the said Court of Aldermen to be Visitors of the said Colledge And if the said Court of Aldermen shall happen to faile and there be noe such Court of Aldermen nor Turkey Company to choose out of Then my Will is that the surviveing Visitors shall from time to time and at all times when one or more of the said Visitors shall dye to constitute and appoint one or more to make up their number seven of such discreet and grave persons—gentlemen of the County of Kent—as the then Surviveing Visitors or the major part of them in their discretion from time to time shall think fitt to be Visitors of the said Colledge for their Lives and soe to choose Visitors successively out of the Gentlemen of the County of Kent to make up their number Seven for ever But so long as there shall be a Turkey Company and whensoever they shall be restored my Will is that the Visitors shall from time to time upon the Death of any of the said Visitors be chosen out of the said Turkey Company and I Will and direct that the said Trustees and Visitors from time to time and at all times hereafter when and soe often as or before they shall happen to be reduced to two in number in whom the Inheritance of the Estate hereby devised or to be purchased as aforesaid shall then be vested shall convey and assure the Inheritance and ffee Simple of the said Estates To the use of themselves and all other the then present Visitors for the time being and of their Heirs and Assignes for the purposes aforesaid And my Will and Meaning is that as well as the Charges of soe Conveying and Transferring the said Estates as all other Charges and expences in or about makeing purchases and ordering and manageing the Estate or Revenues wherewith the said Colledge is hereby endowed or intended to be endowed as aforesaid other than the expenses of the said Visitations which are hereby already provided for shall be borne and sustained and in the first placed allowed and deducted out of the Estates or Revenue aforesaid And my Will is that soe often as any of my Name or my own or my Wives Relations shall be qualified to be Chaplain or otherwise qualified to performe any of the offices in the said Colledge or be within the intention of this my Will to be put into receive the Charity of the said Colledge that they shall be upon an Election preferred before others and be putt into the said Offices of the said Colledge for which they are qualified and putt in to receive the Charity thereof before any other persons whatsoever.

And Lastly I do revoke annull and make void all former and other Wills at any time heretofore by me made and I doe declare this to be My Last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the fifteenth day of October Anno Domini One Thousand seven hundred and two and in the first year of the Raigne of Our Soveraigne Lady Anne Queen of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith &c.


Signed sealed published prounounced and declared by the said Sir John Morden as his Last Will and Testament in the presence of Henry Radman Jno Curryer Thos. Woodford Jo Studley.


WHEREAS on the fifteenth day of October last past I made my Last Will and Testament wherein mention is made that a Colledge was erected by me at or near Blackheath in the County of Kent for the maintenance of such poor Merchants as are therein described and Whereas in and by the said Will amongst diverse other bequests I gave or allotted an yearly Pension of Twenty Pounds to every poor Merchant that should be admitted into the said Colledge as by the said Will to which I now referr may appear and Whereas I have attended the Honourable The House of Commons in expectation of obtaining an exemption for the said Colledge from paying of Taxes but could not prevaile I doe therefore think fitt to make these presents a Codicil to my said Will and doe herein and hereby declare my minde to be that the said Pension allowance or Salary of Twenty Pounds yearly to each of the said Merchants shall be reduced and the same is hereby reduced to the yearly Payment or Pension of Fifteen Pounds and I will that the same sumes doe issue and be paid out of the said yearly Pension of Fifteen Pounds for buying of Gownes and Coals as are directed to issue and be made payable out of the yearly allowance of Twenty Pounds by the said Will allowed which said yearly allowance of Twenty Pounds I think fitt to reduce as aforesaid to the yearly sume of Fifteen Pounds In all other things whatsoever I confirme my said Will In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this nineth day of March Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and two (fn. 1) and in the second yeare of the Raigne of our Sovereigne Lady Queen Anne of England.


Sealed and delivered in the presence of Henry Radman Jno Curryer Jo Studley Jno Potten.

Somerset House Register 64 (Barrett 213). Probate granted to Susannah Lady Morden 6 October 1708.


  • 1. New style, 1703.