Addenda and corrigenda to volume 1

The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent: Volume 2. Originally published by W Bristow, Canterbury, 1797.

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Edward Hasted, 'Addenda and corrigenda to volume 1', The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent: Volume 2, (Canterbury, 1797), pp. 553-567. British History Online [accessed 29 June 2024].

Edward Hasted. "Addenda and corrigenda to volume 1", in The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent: Volume 2, (Canterbury, 1797) 553-567. British History Online, accessed June 29, 2024,

Hasted, Edward. "Addenda and corrigenda to volume 1", The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent: Volume 2, (Canterbury, 1797). 553-567. British History Online. Web. 29 June 2024,

In this section




Page 39, 1. 6. for Saxonica read Saxonici.
64, 1.16. for were read was.
76, 1.21. for Wired read Widred.
137, 1.3. for Poictu read Poictou.
154, 1.7. Read the line thus—EDMUND (his brother, the last mentioned earl, dying without issue) succeeded him, &c.
213. Add to the list of Sheriffs—
1797. GEORGE GROTE, esq. of Beckenham.


PAGE 340. THE parish of St. Nicholas is but of small extent; the land not built upon does not exceed at most three acres, but the houses are about eleven hundred. The parish of St. Paul contains about two thousand four hundred houses, and eighteen hundred acres of land, of which about five hundred are arable, about the same quantity is occupied by market gardeners, the remainder marsh and pasture. The soil on the hills, towards Brockley, is clay, in other parts sand and gravel. At Lomepit-hole there is a large chalk pit, in which are found various kinds of extraneous fossils.

PAGE 341. It appears that the population of this town and parish has increased within the space of two centuries in the proporation of twenty to one. In 1665, three hundred and seventy four persons died of the plague here, and the next year five hundred and twenty-two.

PAGE 341. There are several meeting houses in St. Paul's parish—of the Quakers one, the Independents two, of the Anabaptists one, which has an endownment, and two belonging to the Methodists.

PAGE 342. Near the victualling-office is Deadman's dockyard, the property of Sir Frederick Evelyn. Men of war of seventy four guns are sometimes built here.

The dock yard, mentioned by Stow, to have been projected by Stanton and others, afterwards was carried forward by Sir Nicholas Crispe, but being referred by king Charles II. to the crown surveyor, his report was by no means favourable to it, and the design seems to have been laid aside.

PAGE 346. For Sinum read Sium, and Garyophillis read Caryophillis.

PAGE 357. Upper Brockley farm was about the time of the Restoration vested in Sir John Cutler, bart. who, in 1692, settled it on Edmund Boulter, esq. who, in 1707, left it to his brother, William, from whom it passed to his grand son, Richard Wilkinson, and afterwards to William Wickham, esq. and Mary his wife, the said Richard's sister, by which means it came into the family of Wickham.

PAGE 360. The ancient place at Deptford, where the meetings of the corporation of the Trinity house were formerly held, was pulled down in the year 1787, and an elegant building was erected in the room of it for that purpose in London, near the Tower. The arms of the corporation are, Argent a cross gules between four ships of three masts, in full sail proper.

The old hospital, which adjoins to the church yard, was built in King Henry, VIII.'s reign; it consisted originally of twentyone apartments, but being pulled down and rebuilt, in 1788, the number was increased to twenty-five. The other, which is in Church-street, was built at the latter end of the last century; it consists of fifty-six apartments, forming a spacious quadrangle, in the centre of which is placed a statue of Capt. Maples. On the east side, opposite the entrance, is a plain building, which serves both for a chapel and a hall, where the brethern meet annually on Trinity Monday. The pensioners in both hospitals consist of decayed pilots or masters of ships, or their widows; the single men and widows receive about 18l. per annum, the married men about 28l.

An extensive manufacture of earthen ware, known by the name of Deptford ware, is carried on at this place.

PAGE 364. Edmund Boulter, esq. by will, in 1707, gave to the parish of Deptford, as right of presenting one pensioner to a certain alms-house, which he directed to be built near Oxford. It was not built till 1780. This belongs exclusively to St. Paul's Parish.

PAGE 367. The CHURCH of St. Nicholas now consists of a chancel, nave, and two isles; when the church was rebuilt, in 1697, upon a larger scale, the work was so badly performed, that in 1716, a thorough repair was necessary to it, at the expence of four hundred pounds.

The rectory of St. Nicholas' parish comprehends the great tithes of that parish and of St. Paul's, except the manor of Hatcham, which belongs to the Camberwell impropriation.


PAGE 373. GREENWICH PARISH contains about eleven hundred and seventy acres of cultivated land, of which about one hundred and forty are arable, one hundred and sixty occupied by market gardeners, about five hundred and fifty marsh and lowland meadow, and about three hundred and twenty upland meadow and pasture, including Greenwichpark, which contains one hundred and eighty-eight acres. It was walled round in James I.'s reign, and laid out in that of Charles II. under the direction of Le Norte, being planted with elms and Spanish chesnuts, some of which are of a very large size. The profits of the market were given to the hospital by Henry earl of Romeny, in 1700.

PAGE 408. Greenwich hospital, in its present state, consists of four distinct piles of building, between is a grand square, and in front, by the river side, a terrace of considerable length. The view from the north gate, which opens to the terrace, in the midway between the two buildings, presents and assemblage of objects uncommonly grand and striking; beyond the square, are seen the hall and chapel, with the their beautiful domes and the two colonades, which from a kind of avenue, terminated by the ranger's lodge, in the park, on an eminence of which appears the royal observatory, admist a grove of trees. In the centre of the great square is a statue of king George II.

King Charles II.'s building stands on the west side of the great square, the eastern part of it, which is of Portland stone, was erected, in 1664, by Web, after a design of his fatherin-law, Inigo Jones. In this range of buildings is the council-room, and in which, and the anti-chamber to it, are se veral portraits and sea pieces. The north part of king Charles's building, towards the river, contains the apartments of the governor and lieutenant governor. This and the south front have each two pavilions, similar to those in the east front. The west side of this buildings comprehending the north west and south west pavilions, was originally all of brick. It was the first addition to king Charles's palace, being called, The bass building. The foundation was laid in 1696, and was nearly completed in two years. The whole of what is now called king Charles's building contains fourteen wards, in which are three hundred and one beds. Queen Anne's building, on the east side of the great square, nearly corresponds with king Charles's on the opposite side. The foundation of it was laid in 1698, and the greater part of it was raised and covered in before 1728. In this building are several of the officers apartments, and twenty-four wards, in which are four hundred and thirty-seven beds.

King William's building is to the south-west of the great square. It contains the great hall, vestibule, and dome, designed and erected by Sir Christopher Wren between 1698 and 1703, to the east of which joins the colonade. The painting of this hall was undertaken by Sir James Thornhill, and cost 6685l. The west front of king William's building, which is of brick, was finished by Sir John Vanbrugh, about 1726. It contains eleven wards, in which are five hundred and fiftyone beds.

The foundation of the eastern colonade (which is similar to that on the west side) was laid in 1699, but the chapel and other parts of queen Mary's building, which adjoin to it, were not finished till 1752. This building, which corresponds to that called king William's, contains thirteen wards and one thousand and ninety-two beds.

On January 2, 1779, a dreadful fire happened in this building, which destroyed the chapel with its dome, part of the colonade, and as many of the adjoining wards as contained five hundred beds. The whole has been since rebuilt. The present chapel was designed by the late Mr. Stuart, well known for his Antiquities of Athens. The two pavilions at the extremities of the terrace were erected in 1778.

In 1763, an infirmary was erected without the walls of the hospital for the sick pensioners, after the design of Mr. Stuart. It contains sixty-four rooms, each formed so as to accommodate four patients; here is also a chapel, hall, and kitchen, and apartments for a physician, apothecary, surgeon, &c. and within the walls are hot and cold baths. In 1783, a schoolhouse, with a dormitory for the boys, was built from a design of Mr. Stuart, without the walls of the hospital; the wards, which the boys occupied, being appropriated to an additional number of pensioners. The school-room, being one hundred feet in length, is capable of containing two hundred boys; in the upper stories are two dormitories of the same length, furnished with hammocks. About fifteen thousand four hundred pensioners, and six hundred and forty nurses, the widows of seament, have been admitted into this hospital since its first establishedment. The present number of out pensioners is about twelve hundred.

The boys educated in this hospital, who must be seamen's sons, between eleven and thirteen years of age, objects of charity, are cloathed, lodged, and maintained for three years, during which time they are instructed in the principles of religion, in writing, arithmetic, navigation, and drawing, and are afterwards bound out for seven years to the sea service. An excellent branch of the charity, which answers the double purpose of providing for the sons of poor seamen, and of making them in the end useful to their country. About two thousand seven hundred boys have been educated since the first establishment of this institution to the present time.

PAGE 373. Near the water side, adjoining to Norfolk college, is the spacious iron wharf of Millington and Coformerly belonging to the Crawleys, being used for a supply of such goods as are wanted in greater haste than could be forwarded from their great manufactory in the north.

The antient mansion, now belonging to the earl of Ashburnham, in the occupation of Mr. Millington, was for some time the residence of the family of Crawley.

PAGE 373. The Roman Catholics have a chapel in Greenwich; there is one meeting house belonging to the Anabaptists, and two belonging to the Methodists.

PAGE 386. After the Restoriation, a lease for ninety-nine years was granted of it by the crown in 1676, to Sir William Boreman, of whose heirs Sir John Morden purchased the remainder of the term, and afterwards obtained a grant of the perpetuity of it.

PAGE 389. East Combe. At the Restoration the fee of this estate, which had been before, from time to time, held by, lease, reverted to the crown, James, son of Peter Fortree, had a new lease in 1663, which in 1665, he assigned to James Hayes, esq. whose heirs made an assignment of it to Ralph Sanderson, esq. in whose family the lease of it was several times afterwards renewed. Lady Sanderson had a renewal of it in 1772, for nine years, to commence in 1793; and she left by will her interest in it to Mr. Montague, who assigned it to the late John Campbell Lord lion king of arms in Scotland, in whose representatives it is now vested.

PAGE 392. Westcombe-park was granted by Sir Gregory Page, on a long lease, to Capt. Galsridus Walpole, (younger brother of Sir Robert) who built the present house. This lease afterwards came into the possession of Charles duke of Bolton, who resided here; he died in 1754, as did his duchess in 1760, when her interest in it came to her son, the Rev. Mr. Powlett, in whom the remainder of the lease, which expires in 1824, is now vested.

Woodlands is a modern seat, situated between East and Westcombe; the grounds here were laid out and the house was built about 1772, by the present proprietor, John Julius Angerstein, esq. and occupies a situation uncommonly beautiful.

PAGE 410. Since the foundation of Mr. Lambarde's hospital there have been several benefactions, which have greatly increased the income of it, for the pensioners are now allowed fifteen shillings per month, and a chaldron and an half of coals yearly. This hospital is situated to the south west of the town, where the roads branch off to London and Lewisham.

The pensioners in Norfolk college have eight shillings a week for commons, the warden sixteen shillings, besides cloaths, lodging, and salaries, variable at the discrection of the company; the present annual revenue of the college, which is in a very flourishing condition, is eleven hundred pounds. This college stands by the river side, at the east end of the town. It is a brick structure, forming a quadrangle.

PAGE 419. To the list of vicars add—

Ralph Skerrett, S. T. P. ind. 1720, obt. 1751.

Samuel Squire, in 1751, S. T. P. who was in 1760, made dean of Bristol, and next year bishop of St. David's; he held this vicarage in commendam till his death, in 1766, and was succeeded by Dr. Hinchcliffe.


PAGE 420. THIS PARISH is of no great extent; it has about ninety acres of woodland, and a considerable quantity of waste ground, including a part of Blackheath, and one hundred and forty-five acres of marsh. The soil is various, gravel, loam, sand, and chalk. The number of houses in it is ninety-five.

The house, mentioned as near the church-yard, was built by Sir Richard Raynes, who died in 1710, possessed of a considerable estate in this parish; his son, Dr. Raynes, be queathed this house and estate to Joseph Kirke, esq. who devised them to the Rev. Mr. Harris, of Cheveley, in Cambridgeshire, with remainder to Mr. Browne, of the kingdom of Ireland, as there mentioned.

Line 11. After lately, add two; and for were read was.

PAGE 421. Hanging-wood belongs to the lord of the manor, through which there is a very pleasant walk to Woolwich. The wood, the variety of uneven ground, and the occasional views of the river, contribute to make this parish remarkably picturesque.

At the farther end of the above wood is a very large and deep sand-pit, in which there is a stratum of marle, six or eight feet thick, in which are found great numbers of extraneous fossils, which lie so numerous and close, that, as Dr. Woodward observes, the mass is wholly composed of them, there being but very little marle interspersed. These shells consist of a great variety of univalves and bivalves (conchæ, ostreæ, buccinæ, &c.) They are very brittle, and for the most part resemble those found at Tours, in France, and at Hordwell-cliff, in Hampshire; some of them are impregnated with mundic. Below the church there is a chalk-pit, in which echini and other extraneous fossils are found.

The other house, late the residence of Mr. Lambton, and before of Mrs. Fitzherbert, is about to be taken for the summer residence of her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales; it was formerly the rectory, and was exchanged by Dr. Warren for the present one, now occupied by Mrs. Chamberlain, widow of the late rector; whose daughter, in 1796, married the Rev. Mr. Roper, the present rector.

PAGE 422. Line 14, for Pumaria read Fumaria; and line 17, for corciata read cruciata.

PAGE 425. Lady Wilson is now the proprietor of this seat, of which an engraving is given in Lyson's Environs, vol. iv. p. 327; where there is a particular description of this mansion. In 1742, it was in the occupation of the earl of Egmont, in whose family it continued many years; after which it was rented by the earl of Ancram, afterwards marquis of Lothian; and was afterwards the residence of Sir Thomas S. Wilson, the proprietor of it.

PAGE 429. John Cator, esq. in 1787, sold the materials of the house by auction, in lots, to be taken away; a great part of it has not been yet removed, and it now stands in ruins, a melancholy monument of its former grandeur. That part of the premises, which lies between the scite of the mansion and Blackheath, has been let on building leases. A farm, called the Cherry-garden farm, in this parish, is said to have been built by Inigo Jones, for his own use.

PAGE 433. The church is built of brick, consisting of two chancels, a nave, and north isle; the tower stands at the west end, and is embattled.

In the north isle or chancel, is a monument for Robert Dingley, esq. F.R.S. of Lamaby, in Bexley, one of the principal promoters of the Magdalen charity, obt. 1781; and for his two wives.

The monuments and gravestones in this church, for persons of distinguished rank, are numberous, much more so than this work will admit the mention of. Sir William Langhorn left one thousand pounds, to purchase lands for the augmentation of this rectory.


PAGE 441. This Parish lies about nine miles from London; it contains about seven hundred acres of land, of which three hundred and eighty are marsh, on the Essex side of the Thames, bounded by Barking and Barking-creek, which separates it from East Ham. Fifty acres are marsh on the Kentish side of the river, about forty arable, ten occupied by market gardeners, fifty waste, about fifty upland pasture, and fifty acres were leased, a few years ago, to government. The soil, except in the marshes, is principally gravel; at the east end of the town is a chalk-pit, which has a stratum, abounding with the same extraneous fossils as that at Charlton. The market-place here was changed within the present century. The Gun wharf formerly occupied the spot where the present market is now held.

PAGE 442. The present number of houses in this parish is about twelve hundred. The great increase of population, which has been in proporation of near five to one, within the last century, is to be attributed to the proportionate increase of the dock-yard and Warren, and the augmentation of the artillery, who have their head quarters at this place.

PAGE 444. The land, mentioned p. 450, to have been purchased by king Henry VIII. in his 37th year, of Sir Edward Boughton, then proprietor of Southall manor, called Bowton's docks, &c. is supposed to be for the use of the royal dock, which has been considerably increased from time to time by the addition of several pieces of marsh land, held by government, under lease from the Bowater family, being parcel of the manor of Southall, for which an annual rent of four hundred pounds is paid by government. The present dock-yard consists of a narrow slip of land by the river side of five furlongs and eighteen yards in length, contains two dry docks, two mast-pounds (another of large dimensions is now making upon twelve acres of additional ground, taken into the dock-yard about the year 1786) besides forges, storehouses, workshops, &c. for the different working artificers, and houses for the officers of the yard.

PAGE 445. The academy above mentioned is in the Warren, which is the head quarters of the regiment of artillery, but since the great increase of that regiment, the Warren, which contains between fifty and sixty acres, has been found very insufficient for that purpose; on which account a piece of ground, containing about fifty acres, was taken on lease by government of Mr. Bowater, about twenty years ago, and spacious barracks were built for the accommodation of the officers and privates of that corps, for whom there was not room in the Warren.

Two bulks are stationed in the river at Woolwich, for the reception of convicts, who are employed in the most laborious offices at the dock-yard and Warren, having proper persons to superintend them, and take an account of their labour.

PAGE 449. The manor of Southall, alias Woolwich, was purchased of the Boughtons by the Heywoods or Haywoods, as their name was afterwards spelt (not Heydons). Sir Edward Boughton sold it in 1555, to Richard Haywoode, whose descendant, Christopher Haywoode, in 1580, alienated it to Richard Patrick; soon after which it was sold to Sir Nicholas Gilbourne; his descendant, Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Thomas Gilbourne, married St. Leger Scroope, esq. who sold this manor, in 1692, to Richard Bowater the elder, and Richard Bowater the younger. It is now the property of John Bowater, esq. and the manor house is in the occupation of his brother, Capt. Edward Bowater.

PAGE 453. The glebe land consists of about twenty acres of pasture, lying within a ring sence.

PAGE 454. The church consists of a nave, two isles, and a chancel; there are galleries in it on the north, south, and west sides.

There are a great number of tombs and memorials in the church-yard, principally for the officers of the dock-yard, royal artillery, and their families.


PAGE 455. This PARISH contains about two thousand eight hundred and eighty acres of land, of which about three hundred and sixty are wood land, and about sixty waste. The soil near the town is principally gravel; in the more distant parts, towards Shooter's-hill, and towards Chesilhurst, it is clay. The present number of houses is about two hundred and forty.

PAGE 457. On Shooter's-hill, the earl of Shrewsbury has lately built a small, but elegant house, for his residence.

PAGE 459. Dr. Sherard died at Eltham, in 1739. His house is now in the tenure of John Dorrington, esq. some of Dr. Sherard's exotics still remain, among which is a fine cedar of Libanus, close to the house, the girth of which, at three feet from the ground, is nine feet.

PAGE 463. The lease of the manor of Eltham was again renewed to Sir John Gregory Shaw for eight years, from April 1796; and again for seven years, from 1804.

PAGE 466. King James was at Eltham, in 1612; after which it does not seem to have been visited by any of the royal family.

The great hall, now used as a barn, and some of the offices, are all that are remaining of it. The hall is one hundred feet in length, thirty-six in breadth, and fifty-five in height; it has a wooden roof, wrought with Gothic ornaments.

PAGE 477. Sir William James, bart. died in December 1783, as did his only son, Sir Edward William James, bart. in 1792, æt. 18; they were both buried here.

PAGE 478. Robert Nassau was second son of the Hon. Richard Savage Nassau, brother to the earl of Rochford; I am since informed that this seat of the Wythens was sold by George Nassau, esq. to Joseph Warner, esq. the present proprietor, who resides here.

PAGE 481. Since earl Bathurst's death, Fairy-hill has been in the successive occupations of Henry Hoare, esq. Gen. Morrison, and John Randall, esq. after which it was sold to Mr. Naylor, who died in 1796.

PAGE 485. The church consists of a chancel, nave, and two isles, having a tall spire steeple at the west end. The north isle was built in 1667, by Sir John Shaw, bart. who had a faculty for the purpose. Whilst the vault was digging under this isle, the roof of the isle fell in; after which it was rebuilt, new pewed, and a new pulpit was given, all at Sir John Shaw's expence.

PAGE 487. The lease of the rectory was purchased of the Nassaus by Mr. John Green, who is the present lessee of it.


PAGE 492. This PARISH contains about one thousand and sixty acres of land, of which about five hundred and twenty are arable, about four hundred and sixty meadow and pasture, and about eighty woodland; there is no waste land. The soil in the upper part, towards Bromley, is a stiff clay; in other parts gravel. The present number of houses is about fifty.

Lady Dacre's seat was inherited by her from her father, Sir Thomas Fluyder. There is a handsome seat in the village, which was built by Thomas Lucas, esq. who resided in it till his death, in 1784; his widow marrying John Julius Angerstein, esq. entitled him to it, and he now owns it, but it is in the occupation of Sir John Call, bart.

PAGE 497. There were two estates, called Little Banker's and Great Hatchfield, partly in this parish, and partly in Lewisham, which have for many years passed with the manor of Catford, in Lewisham.

PAGE 499. The church consists of a nave and chancel; at the west end is a low tower, the upper part of which has been rebuilt with brick, and is roofed with common red tiles. At the later end of the last century it was in agitation to rebuild this church, which was then represented to be in a state too ruinous to admit of repair; this measure has been again purposed during the incumbency of the present rector, but no steps have been yet taken towards it.

In the church is a monument for Trevor Charles Roper, lord Dacre, who married Mary Jane, daughter of Sir Thomas Fluyder knt. (who died in 1769, and lies buried here) by Mary his wife, daughter of Sir George Champion; he died in 1794, æt. 49.

William Parsons, the late celebrated comedian, was buried here in 1795; over whom is this epitaph—Here Parsons LIES, OFT ON Life's BUSY STAGE, With Nature, Reader, Hast Thou Seen Him Vie; He Science Knew, Knew Manners, Knew The Age, Respected Knew to Live—Respected Die.

PAGE 502. The present rector, Dr. Courtenay, bishop of Bristol, was in Feb. 1797. translated to the see of Exeter.


PAGE 503. The CHURCH, which is about the centre of the village, is not far from the sixth mile stone from London. The parish is bounded towards Surry by Lambeth, Camberwell, and the hamlet of Penge: two-thirds of the cultivated lands are arable, two hundred acres are wood, and the waste lands on Sydenham common, Blackheath, &c. nearly one thousand acres. Mr. Russell, who has one of the most extensive concerns of the kind in the kingdom, occupies about fifty acres of nursery ground, and there are about forty cultivated by market gardeners. The whole number of houses in this parish is five hundred and thirty; of which, in the hamlet of Sydenham, there are about eighty.

PAGE 504. The manor of Sydenham, the antient scite of which lies within the bounds of this parish, was given by John Besville to the prior and convent of St. Andrew, Rochester; and at the dissolution of it, in king Henry VIII.'s reign, passed with the other possessions of it into the hands of the crown. The mansion of it, called the Place-house, and sometimes from its size, the Great House, stood about a mile northward from the village of Sydenham, near the western side of the river. It became, with a small parcel of the demesne lands round it, some years ago separated in moieties, one of which was purchased by Mr. Jonathan Sabine, the present proprietor, who has pulled down his moiety of the house. The eastern moiety, which is now standing, was inherited, with the lands belonging to it, by the niece of Rich. Brooke, esq. widow of John Secker, esq. who is the present owner of it.

The mill, at Southend, formerly used by Mr. Ephraim How, is now a mustard mill. At the village or town of Lewisham is a mill for making cloth without weaving.

The large mansion, near the church, late Mr. Sclater's, was built by Sir John Lethieullier, in 1680; it is now the property of Mr. Richard Wright, and is occupied as a school.

PAGE 505. Between Lewisham and Brockley is a well, of the same quality as those of Tunbridge. The spring is the property of lord Dartmouth; a woman attends to serve the water, which is delivered gratis to the inhabitants of this parish. At the Well-house are held the meetings of the St. George's Bowmen, a society of archers, established in 1789.

PAGE 512. The old manor house, which was probably the scite of the priory, stood to the south of the church, where is now the manor farm.

PAGE 515. The manor of Billingham, after the Dissolution, came into the hands of the crown, and was granted by queen Mary, in 1554, to Richard Whately, whose daughter and heir, Phillippa, married John Rochester, and he levied a fine of it in 1575; his son and heir, Emery, sold it in 1584, to John Leigh, who in 1598, alienated it to James Altham, by a female heir of which name it passed in marriage to Stidolse. Sir Richard Stidolse, by his will, in 1676, gave his estates between his two daughters, Margaret, wife of James Tryon, esq. and Frances, married to Jacob lord Astley. Fran ces lady Astley left her estates to her nephew, Charles Tryon, esq. in whom the entire see of this manor being vested, he sold it in 1724, to Thomas Inwen, esq. whose daughter, Sarah viscountess Falkland, afterwards inherited it.

PAGE 524. The present structure of the church, which is of stone, consists of an oblong square, with a small circular recess, at the east end, for the altar; on the south side is a portico. At the west end stands an antient square tower, the upper part of which has been rebuilt. The inside is neatly fitted up; at the west end is an organ, given by Mr. Spencer, whose arms are on the front; on each side are monuments for the Petrie family, the one executed in Italy, the other by Mr. Banks.

In the vault, under the new church, are placed the several monuments which had been in the old church.

The church-yard has a great number of tomb-stones in it; among them is one for the Rev. William Lowth, the late vicar, who died in 1795.

Mrs. Susan Graham, widow, who died in 1698, built a chapel on Blackheath, and endowed it with twenty pounds per annum for a reader; two pounds for ringing the bell, and three pounds for repairs, charged on the great tithes. There is another chapel also on Blackheath, within this parish, built in 1791, and licensed as a chapel of ease. At Sydenham is another chapel, which was formerly a meetinghouse for Presbyterian dissenters. It is now licensed as a chapel of ease for the parish of Lewisham. The number of houses, in and near Blackheath, within this parish, are about one hundred.

PAGE 525. Line penult: read John Glynn, ob. 1568.


PAGE 528. This parish reaches to the confines of Surry, where it is bounded by that of Croydon, a small portion of Camberwell, and Penge, a detached hamlet of Battersea. It contains three thousand one hundred and seventy acres of land, of which, in 1793, about eighteen hundred and fifty were arable, ten hundred and eighty meadow and pasture, and about two hundred and forty woods and orchards, but a considerable quantity has since been laid down in grass, the waste lands do not exceed thirty or forty acres; the number of houses are one hundred and forty.

Beckenham-place is an elegant mansion, standing on an eminence, and commands a beautiful, though not an extensive prospect. Kent-house is now occupied as a farm house.

Among other houses in this parish, the residence of gentlemen, is that of lord Auckland, near Elmer's-end, purchased of J. A. Rucker, esq. of Joseph Cator, esq. formerly Sir Piercy Brett's; of R.H.A. Bennet, esq. about half a mile south east of Beckenham-street; and of Mrs. Hoare, widow of Henry Hoare, esq. opposite the church; which two last are the property of lord Gwydir and of Edward King, esq. F.R.S. and F. S. A. Author of the Disseriation on antient Castles, Morsels of Criticism, and other learned works.

PAGE 538. Sir Merrick Burrell died in 1787.

Line 5. For James read Jones Raymond.

PAGE 545. Correct the time of Mrs. Amy Burrell's death: she died in 1789, æt. 89. It was the widow of her son, Peter Burrell, Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Lewis, of Hackney, who died in 1794.

PAGE 549. The following is an extract from a more correct list of rectors, communicated by the Rev. Mr. Denne, of Wilmington.

Robert Leigh Robert Cosyn, A. M. inst. 1548.
John Calverley, LL.D. ins. 1561, obt. July 31, 1576.
Thomas Lloyd, 1576.
Thomas Anyam, S. T. B. induct. 1613.
Dalton, esq. William Skinner, L. B. 1616, ob. 1647.
Robert Clissold, A. M. 1661, ob. 1676.
William Asheton, S. T. P. inst. 1676. obt. 1711.
Honourable St. John, bart. Thomas Clarke, A. B. inst. 1711.
William Furingneau, A.M. 1765, obt. 1778.
Mr. Rose. William Rose, A.M. 1778. The present rector.

Dr. Epiphanius Holland was never rector; he served the curacy, and was buried in this church in 1730.


PAGE 550. BROMLEY PARISH is bounded by no less than eight others. It contains about three thousand acres of land, of which three hundred and fifty are coppice wood, and two hundred and fifty waste; formerly there was much more woodland, which has been grubbed up, and converted into tillage, near a third of the parish having been so about the middle of the last century. There are two meetinghouses in this parish belonging to the Methodists.

Southborough is a hamlet in Bromley, in which there are several farm houses, and two larger ones; Mr. Newnham, brother of alderman Newnham, occupies one, and Mr. Reynolds the other.

PAGE 562. Simpson's is now occupied as a farm house. Freeland's is a seat in this parish, the freehold of which belongs to Mrs. Asheton; but the residue of a term, granted many years since, is now vested in Thomas Raikes, esq. deputy-governor of the Bank, who resides in it.

Bromley-college is under the management of fourteen trustees, seven of whom are—the archbishop of Canterbury, the bishops of London and Rochester, the archdeacon and chancellor of the diocese, the dean of St. Paul's, and dean of the arches for the time being; the others are elective. In Lyson's Environs, p. 320, is a beautiful engraving of the founder, bishop Warner.

PAGE 566. The church is a spacious structure, consisting of a nave and two isles, and a chancel; at the west end is a square embattled tower, with a cupola at the top. The north isle was rebuilt in 1792, to which bishop Thomas contributed the sum of five hundred pounds.

PAGE 568. George Norman, esq. of Bromley common, is the present lessee of the parsonage of Bromley, whose father married the daughter of Mr. John Innocent, the former lessee of it. The curate, who is appointed by the bishop, receiving twenty pounds per annum out of the great tithes. John Hawksworth, LL.D. well known from his various elegant publications, resided in this parish, and was buried here on November 22, 1773.

There is a charity school established at Bromley, in which thirteen boys, and the same number of girls, are cloathed and educated. It was established before the year 1718, and is supported by the interest of 1000l. 3 per cents. given by different persons, an annual subscription, and the collections made at a charity sermon. In addition to the charities, Mrs. Eleanor Emmett, in 1739, gave a rent charge of 40s. per ann.