Statutes of the Realm: Volume 7, 1695-1701. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1820.
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'William III, 1695-6: An Act for the Increase and Encouragement of Seamen. [Chapter XXI. Rot. Parl. 7&8]', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 7, 1695-1701, ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1820), British History Online [accessed 21 February 2025].
'William III, 1695-6: An Act for the Increase and Encouragement of Seamen. [Chapter XXI. Rot. Parl. 7&8]', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 7, 1695-1701. Edited by John Raithby (s.l, 1820), British History Online, accessed February 21, 2025,
"William III, 1695-6: An Act for the Increase and Encouragement of Seamen. [Chapter XXI. Rot. Parl. 7&8]". Statutes of the Realm: Volume 7, 1695-1701. Ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1820), British History Online. Web. 21 February 2025.
In this section
Reasons for passing this Act.
Reciting that the King and the late Queen, by Letters Patent 25th Oct. last, had granted Ground, Parcel of the Manor of Greenwich, and also the Palace of Greenwich, &c. for an Hospital for Seamen; and that His Majesty had, by Letters Patent, 10th Sept. 1695, appointed Commissioners, and an annual Sum for carrying on the said Hospital; Seamen, &c. herein described, above 18 Years of Age and under 50, may register themselves for Service of His Majesty; Officers for registering kept at the Navy Office in London, or other Places. How Registers kept; Order and Course of Entry.; No Fee for Entry, (Exception); False Entries;; Penalty £100.
Forasmuch as the Strength and Safety of this and other His Majesties Realmes and Dominions doe very much depend upon the furnishing and supplying of His Majesties Royall Navy with a competent number of áble Mariners and Seamen which may bee in a Readinesse att all tymes for that Service. And whereas the Seamen of this Kingdome have for a long tyme distinguished themselves throughout the World by their Industry and Skilfullnesse in theire Imployments and by their Courage and Constancy manifested in Engagements for the Defence and Honour of their Native Countrey And for an Encouragement to continue this theire antient Reputation and to invite greater Numbers of His Majesties Subjects to betake themselves to the Sea itt is fitt and reasonable that some competent Provision should bee made that Seamen who by Age Wounds or other Accidents shall become disabled for future Service att Sea and shall not bee in a Condition to maintayne themselves comfortably may not fall under Hardshipps and Miseries may be supported att the publick Charge and that the Children of such disabled Seamen and alsoe the Widdowes and Children of such Seamen as shall happen to bee slaine killed or drowned in Sea Service may in some reasonable manner be provided for and educated And whereas His Majesty and Her late Majesty the Queene of blessed Memory reflecting upon the Premisses determined with themselves that an Hospitall should bee erected established and endowed for the purposes aforesaid and in order thereunto by their Letters Patents under their Great Seale of England beareing Date the Five and twentieth Day of October last past did give and grant to certaine Persons named therein theire Heires and Assignes a certaine Peice or Parcell of Ground scituate and being within the Parish of East Greenwich in the County of Kent Parcell or reputed Parcell of their Mannor of East Greenwich aforesaid and in the said Leters Patents particularly described and the capitall Mesuage commonly called by the Name of the Palace of Greenwich standing upon the said Peice or Parcell of Ground and severall other Edifices Buildings and other Things in the said Letters Patents mentioned (except as herein is excepted) to the Intent that the Premisses should bee converted and employed unto and for the Use and Service of an Hospitall for the Reliefe of Seamen their Widdowes and Children and an Encouragement of Navigation as therein is mentioned. And whereas His Majesty in further Execution of His pious and princely Intention for the founding and endowing of an Hospitall at Greenwich for the Purposes aforesaid by His Letters Patents under the Great Seale of England bearing Date the Tenth day of September One thousand six hundred ninety and five hath constituted Commissioners and granted an annuall Summe payable out of the Treasury and given divers proper Directions Powers and Authorities for the carrying on and perfecting of the said Hospitall and the Endowment and Maintenance thereof and of the said Persons to bee placed therein And to the Intent that such Mariners Watermen Seamen Fishermen Lightermen Bargemen and Keelmen as shall voluntarily come in [and (fn. 1) ] register themselves in and for His Majesties Sea Service as hereafter is mentioned may have and receive the Priviledges Benefitts and Advantages following Bee itt enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That all and every able Mariners Seaman Waterman Fisherman Lighterman Bargeman Keelman or Seafaring man being a naturall borne Subject of this Realme or any of His Majesties Dominions or being naturalized or made a Denizen in England and above the age of Eighteene Yeares and under the Age of Fifty Yeares and being capable of Sea Service who shall bee willing to enter and register himselfe for the Service of His Majesty His Heires and Successors in His or Theire Royall Fleete or Navy shall and may by himselfe or by any other Person or Persons by him thereto (in Writeing) authorized or employed deliver or give in his Christian Name Sirname and proper Addition together with his Age and the Place of his Abode and Habitation unto such Officer or Officers as shall bee appointed for the Registring of Seamen as is herein after mentioned And that such and soe many Publick Officers for the registring of the said Persons for Sea Service shall beekept att the Charge of His Majesty His Heires or Successors att the Navy Office in London or other Places and such of the Principall Officers of the Navy or other Persons shall be appointed thereunto and the makeing and keeping such Registers shall bee performed in such forme and methods as His Majesty His Heires or Successors or the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admirall of England or any Three or more of them now being or the Lord High Admirall of England or any Three or more of the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admirall of England for the tyme being shall from tyme to tyme prescribe, direct and appoint soe as that in the said Register or Registers there shall bee truely and faithfully entred downe and registred in order and course of Tyme as well the Names Sirnames Additions Ages Places of Abode or Habitation of all and every such Mariner Seaman Waterman Fisherman Lighterman Bargeman Keelman or Seafaireingman as aforesaid and also the true Dayes and Tymes of such Entry or Registring for all or any of which Entries or Registrings noe Fee Reward or Gratuity whatsoever (other than from His Majesty His Heires and Successors) shall be demanded or received And if any Person or Persons whatsoever shall willingly and knowingly make or cause or procure to bee made in any of the said Offices any Entry or Registry of the Name of any Person or Persons whatsoever save of the very true Person or Persons and according to the truth of the matter contained in such Entry every Person soe offending and being thereof convicted shall forfeite the Summe of One hundred Pounds one Moiety whereof shall bee to His Majesty His Heires and Successors and the other Moiety to such Person or Persons as shall sue for the same by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or Informac[i]on in any of His Majesties Courts of Record wherein noe Essoigne Wager of, Law or Protection shall be allowed
II. Registers to take Oath for due Execution of their Office.
And for the due and faithfull Execution of the said Offices or Places of Registers the respective Registers soe to bee appointed as aforësaid shall before his and [their (fn. 1) ] Entrance thereunto or intermeddling therewith take an Oath before the Judge of the Admiralty for the tyme being or before Two or more of His Majesties Justices of the Peace in or for that County City Towne or Place wherein such Office shall bee for the true and faithfull Execution thereof and for his and theire good Demeanour therein Which Oath the said Judge of the Admiralty for the tyme being or any Two such Justices of the Peace as aforesaid have hereby Power to administer.
III. Head Office for Registry described.
Certificates of Entry to be given thereto by other Registers without Fee, (Exception) and filed; Order of Entry,; and an Account of Proceedings yearly, or oftener, given to Admiralty,; who are to give Orders for selecting Men for the Service.
And bee itt further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Navy Office or such other [Office (fn. 2) ] as shall be appointed by His Majesty His Heires and Successors shall bee and bee called the Head Office whereunto and to the Register or Registers therein to bee appointed as aforesaid all other the Registers of and in the other Sea Ports and Maritime Townes and Places shall from tyme to tyme and without any Fee or Reward for the same (other than from His Majesty His Heires or Successors) make and give Certificates under theire respective Hands and Seales of the Number Names Places of Abode and Additions of all Seamen Watermen Fishermen Lightermen Bargemen Keelmen and Seafareing men that shall bee entred or registred within theire respective Offices and of the true Dayes and Tymes when such Entryes or Registrings were first made Which said Certificates shall from tyme to tyme bee transmitted unto the said Register or Registers in the said Navy Office or other Office as aforesaid and by him or them fyled in course of tyme as they came in And the Names of the Seamen Watermen Fishermen Lightermen Bargemen Keelmen and Seafareing men therein mentioned shall bee in order of tyme as they come in and without any undue Preference entred and registred there alsoe soe that in that Office the Number Names and Places of Habitation of all the Seamen Watermen Fishermen Lightermen Bargemen Keelmen and Seafareing men registred throughout the Kingdome and their respective tymes of their comeing in to bee registred may from tyme to tyme appeare a true Account of all which shall once in every Yeare or oftner (if required) bee made and given in Writeing by the said Officer or Officers att the Navy Office or other Office as aforesaid unto the Commissioners for executeing the Office of Lord High Admirall of England and to the Lord High Admirall of England for the tyme being who are to take effectuall Care and give such tymely and necessary Orders and Directions that such and soe many of them as they shall find most proper for His Majesties Service may from tyme to tyme in each Yeare bee ordered and disposed for the Service of the Fleete.
IV. In every Year, computed as herein mentioned, in which the Number of registered Seamen shall not exceed 30,000 receiving Allowance; and in which the Number of such Seamen shall exceed 30,000, an Allowance as herein mentioned shall be made.
None but such Seamen capable of Commission or Warrant Office.; Such Seamen on Service may appoint Persons to receive Proportion of their Pay, &c.; Proviso in case of Death of such Seamen.; Proviso for greater Share of Prize Money than to other Seamen.; Registered Seamen exempt from Juries, Militia, &c. on Production of Certificate.; No Fee for Certificate.; Election to such Offices, &c. void.
And bee itt further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That in every or any Yeare computeing the Yeare to beginne from the First day of January dureing which the whole Number of registred Seamen there alive or in being shall not exceed Thirty thousand and every such Seaman entred registred as aforesaid shall have paid and allowed to him from His Majesty His Heires and Successors (whether hee bee in actuall Service or not) the yearely Summe or Bounty of Forty Shillings over and besides such other Pay and Allowances which hee shall bee intituled unto by being in His Majesties actuall Service And in every or any Yeare dureing which the whole Number of registred Seamen then alive or in being shall exceed Thirty thousand there shall bee in the like manner allowed and paid a Bounty of Forty Shillings a peice to Thirty thousand of the Number last mentioned for every such Yeare respectively (to witt) to such of them as by the Bookes of the said Registers shall appeare to be longest entred in or for His Majesties Sea Service And moreover none but such registred Mariners Watermen Fishermen Lightermen Bargemen Keelmen and Seafareing men shall bee capable of being preferred to any Commission or Warrant Offices in the Royall Navy of His Majesty His Heires and Successors And that every such registred Seaman being in Service upon any Shipp or Vessell of His Majesties His Heires or Successors in any Foreigne Voyage or designed for any Foreigne Voyage shall from tyme to tyme or att any tyme have Power and is hereby authorized to signe or appoint to his Wife or any other Person or Persons any part or proportion of the Pay due or to bee due to him for his Service not exceeding Two Months Pay in every Six Months Pay which shall bee due to him which Assignements shall bee duely satisfied and complyed with upon due Proofe to bee made of the Six Moneths Service by Returne of Musters according to the Practice of His Majesties Navy And that upon the like Proofe of such Seamans Death in the said Service the Moneys which shall bee due or remaineing due to him for his Wages shall bee paid to his Executors or Administrators without tarrying for the Shipps Returne or her generall Pay And alsoe every Seaman registred as aforesaid shall have and receive for and as his Share and Dividend out of and for all Prizes taken att Sea wherein hee shall bee concerned in the takeing or whereunto hee shall bee intituled to have any Part or Share a double Part or Share in every such Prize more than any other Seaman of like Quality in the Shipp with himselfe whoe shall not bee registred as aforesaid Any Law or Statute to the contrary notwithstanding And that every such registred Seaman upon produceing a Certificate under the Hand and Seale of the Register or Registers in the said Navy Office or other Office as aforesaid that hee stands there soe registred as aforesaid shall bee from tyme to tyme freed and exempted from serveing upon any Juryes or Inquests or in the Militia or in or about the assessing or collecting of any publick Taxes or Assessments or in the Offices of Constables Tithingmen Borsholder Churchwarden Overseer or Collector for the Poore or any other Parish. Officer whatsoever except such registred Seaman shall declare himselfe willing to serve in such Office for which Certificate noe Fee or Reward shall bee demanded or received And every Election and Appointments of any such registred [Seaman (fn. 2) ] or Seafareing man (soe long as hee continues soe registred) to any of the said Offices Places or Employments aforesaid shall bee and is hereby declared to bee voyd unlesse hee shall declare his Consent as aforesaid.
V. Registered Seamen, upon Production of Certificate from their Captain, &c. of Age, Wounds, or other Accidents, admitted into the Hospital, and to the Privileges thereof.
Proviso for the Widows and Children of such Seamen.; Children educated.
And for the Releife Benefitt or Advantage of such the said registered Mariners or Seamen Watermen Fishermen Lightermen Bargemen Keelmen or Seafareing men who by Age Wounds or other Accidents shall bee disabled for furture Service att Sea and shall not bee in a Condition to maintaine themselves comfortably and the Children of such disabled Seamen and the Widdowes and Children of such of them as shall happen to bee slaine killed or drowned in Sea-service soe farr forth as the Hospitall herein before mentioned shall bee capable to receive them and Revenue thereof will extend for or towards theire Releife or Support and according to the Rules Orders and Constitutions to bee settled and provided for the said Hospitall and the Government and Regulation thereof Bee itt further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every such Seaman Waterman Fisherman Lighterman Bargeman Keelman or Seafareing man registred and disabled as aforesaid shall upon Certificate thereof from the Captaine Master Surgeon and Purser or soe many of them as were in the said Shipp for the tyme being under his or theire Hand and Seale unto the Governour or Governours of the said Hospitall att Greenwich for the tyme being bee admitted and placed in the said Hospitall and shall have provided and allowed unto him dureing his Life att the Charges of the said Hospitall and out of the Revenues thereof according to the Rules, Orders and Constitutions to bee provided and settled for the said Hospitall and the Government and Regulation thereof fitting and convenient Lodging Meate Drinke Clothing and other Necessaries and Conveniencies And alsoe the Widdowes of such Seamen Watermen Fishermen Lightermen Bargemen Keelmen and Seafareing-men whoe shall bee slaine killed or drowned in the Sea-Service and the Children of such Seamen Watermen Fishermen Lightermen Bargemen Keelmen or Seafareing-men soe slaine killed or drowned and not of Ability to maintaine or provide comfortably for themselves shall bee received into the said Hospitall and there bee provided for And the said Children shall bee educated att the Charges of the said Hospitall till they are fitt to be putt out or of Ability to maintaine themselves All which shall bee done soe farr forth as the said Hospitall shall bee capable to receive such disabled Seamen and such Widdowes and Children as aforesaid and as the Revenues thereof will extend for the Purposes aforesaid and according to the Rules Orders and Constitutions to bee provided and settled for the said Hospitall and the Government and Regulation thereof.
VI. Registered Seamen absenting themselves from the Service, or not repairing thereto upon Summons as herein mentioned;
not being detained by Sickness, &c. attested on Oath,; or absenting or relinquishing the Service without Consent of the Admiralty,; to lose the Benefit of this Act and serve Six Months without Pay, but not to suffer as a Deserter.
Provided allwayes and be itt further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any such Mariner Seaman Waterman Fisherman Lighterman Bargeman Keelman or Seafareing-man registred as aforesaid shall dureing the tyme of actuall Warre withdraw or absent himselfe from the Service of His Majesty His Heires or Successors in His or Theire Shipps or Navy and shall not within Thirty Dayes next after due Summons or Warneing from the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admirall of England or any Three or more of them now being or the Lord High Admirall of England or the Commissioners for the executing the Office of Lord High Admirall for the tyme being or any Three of [them or the Commissioners of the Navy for the tyme being or any Three of them or such Persons as shall bee appointed by the King for keeping the said Register or any Three of them or by the Vice-Admiralls of the severall Counties or theire Deputies, (fn. 3) ] repaire on board such of His Majesties Shipps whereunto hee shall belong or by them to bee appointed to bee putt on board such of His Majesties Shipps whereunto hee shall bee directed not being detained by Sicknesse or other bodily Infirmity attested by the Oath of Twoe credible Witnesses to bee allowed by the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admirall of England or any Three or more of them now being or by the Lord High Admirall of England or any Three or more of the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admirall of England for the tyme being [or the Commissioners of the Navy for the tyme being or any Three of them or such Persons as shall bee appointed by the King for keeping the said Register or any Three of them or by the Vice Admiralls of the severall Counties or theire Deputies (fn. 3) ] or if any such registred Mariner Seaman Waterman Fisherman Lighterman Bargeman Keelman or Seafareing man shall absent him or themselves or relinquish the Sea Service of His said Majesty His Heires or Successors without the consent of the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admirall of England or any Three or more of them now being or the Lord High Admirall of England or Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral for the tyme being or any Three of them first had and obtained in Writeing for that purpose that then every such Mariner Seaman Waterman Fisherman Lighterman Bargeman Keelman or Seafareing-man soe neglecting or refuseing to appeare on board upon such Notice as aforesaid or who shall absent him or themselves or relinquish the said Service without such Consent as aforesaid shall for ever loose the Benefitt of this Act and serve in His Majesties [Navy (fn. 4) ] Six Moneths without [any (fn. 5) ] Pay but such Person for such Offence onely shall not suffer as a Deserter.
VII; Proviso for Punishment of Desertion under 13 Car. II. c. 9
[Provided neverthelesse That nothing in this Act contained shall extend to take away or alter the Punishment appointed by an Act made in the Thirteenth Yeare of the Reigne of King Charles( (fn. 6) ) for such Captaines Officers or Mariners as shall desert the Service of His Majesty His Heires or Successors in his Shipps or [shall run away from the s[ai]d Shipps or (fn. 7) ] entice any others soe to doe (fn. 3) ].
VIII. After 25 Years, from 25th March 1696, no Person to be a Brother of the Trinity House at Deptford, unless registered.
Proviso for Payment of 6d.; per Month out of Seamen's Wages for the better Support of the said Hospital, &c.; How levied.
And bee itt further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That when and after Five and twenty Yeares to bee reckoned from the Five and twentieth day of March One thousand six hundred ninety and six shall bee expired noe Person or Persons whatsoever shall bee capable of being a Brother of Trinity House of Deptford Strond but onely such as att the tyme of his or theire Election or before shall bee or shall have beene a Seaman or Seamen Watermen Fishermen Lightermen Bargemen Keelmen registred in pursuance of this Act And that every Seamen whatsoever that shall serve His Majesty His Heires or Successors or any other Person or Persons whatsoever in any of His Majesties Shipps or in any Shipp or Vessell whatsoever belonging or to belong to any the Subjects of England or any other His Majesties Dominions shall allow and there shall bee paid out of the Wages of every such Seaman to grow due for such his Service Six pence per Mensem for the better support of the said Hospitall and to augment the Revenues thereof for the purposes aforesaid which Monthly Allowance shall and may bee collected levyed and recovered by such Officers and according to such Rules and Methods as shall [in that behalfe (fn. 5) ] bee appointed by the said Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admirall of England or any Three or more of them or by the Lord High Admirall of England for the tyme being.
IX. Seaman, at Time of registering, &c., to bring Certificate of Place of Abode, &c.
Certificate of Change of Abode. Penalty.
Provided alwayes and itt is hereby enacted That every Seaman att the tyme of his being registred as aforesaid shall bring or cause to bee brought a Certificate of his Place of Abode under the Hands of Two Justices of the Peace of the County or Place where hee lives And when and as often as any such Seaman shall change his Place of Abode hee shall bring or cause to bee brought a new Certificate thereof to the said Register under the Penalty of looseing the Benefitt of his being registred as aforesaid.
X. Exemption for registered Seamen under 18 Years of Age, or above 55.
Provided also That every registred Seaman or Seafareing-man being under the Age of Eighteene Yeares or above the Age of Five and Fifty Yeares shall bee exempted from Service on Board His Majesties Shipps upon such Summons as aforesaid unlesse hee or they will voluntarily enter himselfe or themselves to serve on board the same.
XI. Registered Seamen preferred to Commission or Warrant Officers, not entitled to Bounty of 40s. a Year, not liable to Penalties.
Provided also That where any Registred Seaman shall bee preferred to bee a Commission or Warrant Officer in His Majesties Service or Master Mate Boatswaine Gunner Carpenter Purser or Surgeon hee shall not bee intituled to the said Bounty of Fourty Shillings a Yeare or other Benefitts hereby intended for Seamen in respect of theire being registred as aforesaid or be lyable to incurre the Penalties or Disabilities whereunto Seamen not registred or not serveing as this Act directs are hereby intended to bee subjected.
XII. Admiralty may discharge registered Seamen from Register.
Provided also and itt is hereby enacted. That itt shall and may bee lawfull to and for the said Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admirall of England or any Three or more of them or the Lord High Admirall of England for the tyme being to discharge any Seaman who shall have beene registred as aforesaid from the said Register upon any Cause for which itt shall bee desired or for any Offence to dismisse and expunge any Seaman from the said Register and thereby deprive him of the Benefitt thereof according to the best of theire Judgements and Discretions Any thing in this Act before mentioned to the contrary notwithstanding.
XIII. Protection from Impress may be given to Landmen desirous to apply themselves to the Sea Service, as herein mentioned.
Such Landmen to bring Two Persons to vouch for them. False vouching, Penalty £20.; Personating Seamen or counterfeiting License, Penalty £20, and Punishment.; Seamen so offending, Punishment.
Bee itt alsoe enacted That Licences shall att any tyme bee given by Order of His Majesty or the Lord High Admirall or Commissioners of the Admiralty for the tyme being to any Landmen desirous to apply themselves to the Sea Service to serve in Merchants Shipps or other tradeing Vessells which shall bee to them a Protection against being impressed for the space of Twoe yeares following the date of such License Provided that such Landmen bring to the Register Twoe credible Persons Inhabitants or knowne in the Place where they soe enter themselves who shall assert theire knowledge of such Landmen for Two yeares past and in what Profession or Businesse they have knowne them imployed And that if any Person shall vouch any one for a Landman whoe shall afterwards bee proved to bee a Seaman hee shall forfeite the Summe of Twenty Pounds to bee levyed in Manner and to the Uses aforementioned And that any Seaman personating or takeing anothers Name, or any Seaman or other Person whatever counterfeiting any License shall forfeite Twenty Pounds to the said Uses and bee lyable to such further Punishment as by Law may bee inflicted for such a Fraud or Misdemeanour And any Seaman soe offending as above shall bee incapable of the Benefit of this Act.
XIV. Proviso for registering of Seamen Inhabitants of Cinque Ports.
Registers appointed in such Case, to take the Oath for due Execution of this Act.; Such Registers to observe Directions of this Act, &c.; Such Seamen so registered to have all the Benefits of this Act.; and liable to the aforesaid Penalties and Punishments.
Provided moreover and itt is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all Seamen and Seafareing-men as aforesaid to bee registred by vertue of this Act who are or shall bee Inhabitants within any of the Cinque Ports or the Townes and Members thereof shall and may bee registred att such Places within the said Cinque Ports or the Townes and Members thereof or within some of them and in such manner according to the true Intention of this Act and by such Persons Registers as shall for that purpose bee appointed and nominated by the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports for the tyme being or in case there bee noe Lord Warden or in his Absence by the Lieutenant of Dover Castle for the tyme being Which Persons soe to bee nominated and appointed Registers shall (before they or any of them enter or register any Seaman or Seafareing-man as aforesaid by vertue of this Act) take such Oath for the due Execution of this Act as is herein before directed before the Lord Warden for the tyme being or the Lieutenant of Dover Castle or his Deputy or Deputies or one of them for the tyme being or before the Mayor of some one of the Cinque Port Townes or Members (which Oath they or any of them are impowered hereby to administer) and shall in the Execution of their respective Offices observe and performe all such Directions and Orders as are particularly given and made by this Act concerning the same under the respective Penalties hereby in that behalfe established and all such further Directions and Orders as the Kings Majesty His Heires and Successors and the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports for the tyme being shall in that behalfe give make or prescribe according to the Tenor of this Act And that all Seamen and Seafareing men as aforesaid soe registred as last menc[i]oned and their Wives and Children shall have receive and enjoy the like Bounties Advantages Proffitts Capacities Priviledges and Exemptions, to all Intents and Purposes as any other Seamen or Seafareing men as aforesaid being elsewhere registred by vertue of this Act or their Wives or Children shall or may have receive or enjoy by vertue hereof and bee liable to all such Penalties and Punishments in case of not repairing (on Summons from the Lord Warden for the tyme being or in his absence or in case there bee noe Lord Warden from the Lieutenant of Dover Castle his Deputy or Deputies in such manner as by this Act is before directed to bee made) to the respective Shipps whereto they shall respectively belong or bee appointed by the said Lord Admirall or by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty for the tyme being or in case of Desertion and in all other Respects as such other Seamen or Seafareing men as aforesaid soe elsewhere registred shall or may bee lyable to by vertue of this Act any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.
XV. Registered Seamen not obliged to serve, or to serve as Land. Soldiers, or otherwise than as Seamen.
And bee itt further enacted and declared to bee the true Intent and Meaneing of this present Act That noe Person or Persons registring themselves as aforesaid shall by virtue of any of the Powers or Authority herein contained bee obliged to serve or shall serve as Land Soldiers in any other Quality but as Seamen in His Majesties Fleet and Navy.
XVI. Proviso for Chaplains, Surgeons, &c. in the Navy.
[Provided alwayes and bee itt further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That nothing in this Act contained shall bee construed to extend to the debarring any Person from being a Chaplaine Surgeon or any other Officer in any Office in the Navy not of Necessity to bee executed by a Seafareing-man. (fn. 8) ]